1 TRV Eng Årsredovisning 20

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1 TRV Eng Årsredovisning 20 The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2015 CONTENTS The Director-General’s Report 4 The Swedish Transport6 Administration in brief Development in 8 Transport Goods transports 9 Passenger transports 9 Results 12 The state the transport system 14 Transport policy goals 14 Delivery qualities and indicators 14 Summary of theear’s y developments 14 Punctuality 16 Capacity 18 Robustness 19 Usability 20 Safety 23 Environment and health 25 Results of the operations 28 Summary 28 Planning measures 29 Planning traffic 39 Maintenance 41 Traffic management, traffic information, and other operations 48 Rebuilding and new construction 50 Disbursement of grants, support, and co-financing 64 Contract work 68 Cross-business area work 71 Productivity, innovation, and efficiency 76 Productivity development 77 Development/innovation 78 Internal efficiency 79 Competence provision 80 A new working method 80 Attract 80 Recruit 81 Develop and retain 81 Phase out 82 Staff structure 82 Internal governance and supervision 83 Overall approaches 83 High risks 83 Financial report 85 Income and expenditure account 86 Balance sheet 87 Appropriation account, including presentation of authorisation 88 Analysis of financing 90 Summary of key figures 91 Notes 92 Signing of the annual report 100 Auditor’s report for the Swedish Transport Administration 2015 101 Board of Directors 104 Management group 105 About the annual report: Certain figures are followed by a further figure within brackets. Unless otherwise is stated, this refers to the previous year’s figure. As the annual report includes many monetary amounts, the abbreviations SEK thousand (thousand kronor), MSEK (million kronor) and BSEK (billion kronor) are used. A word from the Director-General The Director-General’s Report Increased demand on the infrastructure At the request of the Government, the Swedish Transport Administration has produced a proposal for the direction of infrastructure planning over the period from 2018 to 2029. Our proposal is a basis for the Government in its work on the future infrastructure bill, which in turn will provide the framework for the Ad- ministration’s work on the next national plan for transport infrastructure. In our proposal, we state that the current transport system is very extensive and requires major resources to function. Future development – with things such as increased demand for climate adaptation, increasing traffic, urbanisation and inter- nationalisation in society – changes the conditions and means that the demands on the transport system will increase. The Administration is of the opinion that this requires increased appropria- tions for road and railway maintenance, even if the Government chooses to main- tain the functionality of the transport system at today’s levels. We are of the I was Director-General of the Swedish Transport Administration for four opinion that the needs for both the road months of 2015. During my initial term, I have devoted a lot of time to fa- and the railway systems are substantially higher than the framework in the cur- miliarising myself with all the Administration’s issues, as well as to meet- rently valid plan. This is due in part to the ing employees and many of the parties the Administration collaborates expected increase of travel and transport, and cooperates with. and in part to new assets that will come about during the period – but the greatest One of the Administration’s most impor- At the same time, I wish to be clear need consists of the lagging maintenance tant tasks is to plan, prioritise and imple- that I am aware that we have challenges of existing infrastructure. ment the measures that best contribute in the transport system. This applies If, during the new planning period, we to developing the transport system. especially to the railways, which all too should be given the opportunity to elim- Much has happened in the years that the often do not meet passengers’ and car- inate the lagging need for maintenance, Swedish Transport Administration has riers’ expectations. We are clear about it would yield improved functionality in existed. We now have a common nation- where the problems lie, and we have a the transport system, as well as a lower al action plan for all modes of trans- great and difficult task in overcoming life-cycle cost. This would require major portation. The Administration’s role as them with long-term, systematic work. It resources but produce positive effects client, and its work with our suppliers, requires our close collaboration with the both in the form of reduced disruptions has continued to develop. Governance of entire railway and transport industry, and of lower maintenance costs over the the Administration’s investment projects and we also need to build confidence long term. The railways are responsible has become significantly better, and I that our measures will lead to a robust, for the main part of the higher demand. am pleased that important infrastruc- sustainable transport system. It is clear I therefore think that there are good ture projects have even been completed to me that we have taken steps in the reasons for increasing the investments in before the appointed time – more often right direction, but we need still more maintenance. If the Government cannot than not, at or even under budget. I can to collaborate in the industry in order to grant appropriations to catch up on the state that the Administration is func- meet our challenges. lagging maintenance, or to maintain tioning very well in many areas. current functionality, the Administration 4 The Swedish Transport Administration 2015 Annual Report A word from the Director-General is of the opinion that the Government of deaths between 2007 and 2020. I am together with Vinnova and the Swedish should consider prioritisation that pleased that it appears we will be able Energy Agency, was the largest inno- involves, above all, maintaining and im- to manage this goal, as the development vation procurement in Europe in 2015. proving routes with a great deal of traffic now stands. The development for road The purpose of the project is to obtain and also lowering the standards for roads traffic during 2015 has also gone in this knowledge of how electric roads work and railways with a low degree of utili- direction. and how the technology can be used. sation and societal benefit. It is, however, The same goal – halving the number Sweden is one of the countries that has important that road maintenance is kept of deaths and injuries – is found in rail come the farthest with this technology. at a safe, proper level where the road is traffic. The development there, unfortu- The project is an exciting way to develop the only transport alternative. nately, is not as positive. Suicide is still environmentally sound transports in I have noted that there is a great involved in far too many deaths in rail the existing road network. I believe that desire for comprehensive infrastructure traffic; the Administration’s efforts to electric roads can, in future, be a good investments, especially compared with counteract this development have so far complement to today’s road and rail traf- the funds that will be available in future. yielded no results in this trend of acci- fic. We need to reduce the environmental The ‘four step’ principle is an important dents. Vigorous efforts are required here impact of heavy goods transports at the instrument for cost-effective choices of to break this trend. same time as Sweden’s competitiveness infrastructure measures. The principle Over the year, several major infra- needs to be strengthened. is built on four simple steps: rethink, structure projects have been completed 2015 was my first year as Direc- optimise, rebuild, build new. This re- and opened to traffic. In July, the -Ad tor-General of the Swedish Transport quires first taking the simple measures to ministration was able to inaugurate the Administration, and I have focused on ensure that what already exists is func- final part of the motorway construction forming an understanding of the entire tional before we rebuild or build new. As through Bohuslän. The entire route be- operation and our relations with the sur- a last resort, we should consider greater tween Copenhagen and Oslo is now up to rounding community. I can state that the investments. This is how we will get the motorway standard. Motorway construc- Administration still has great challenges most use from the tax money invested. tion through the Tanumshede World such as making the transport system All modes of transportation are Heritage Site, and through the dramatic more climate-adapted and energy-effi- needed in order to achieve the most Bohuslän landscape, has involved major cient, as well as providing an infrastruc- cost-effective solutions possible. Flights, challenges for the Administration. It is ture system that is reliable. But I can also for example, can offer cost-effective solu- with pleasure that I can state the road is state that the Administration has many tions for long-distance travel on routes now open to traffic. competent, loyal employees who make where the flows are small. Shipping has The railway tunnels through Hal- me feel confident in the strength and the potential to play an even greater landsås are another large, complicated skills we have when we take on these role for goods transports, and could be project that was opened to traffic in challenges in the future. We have our an alternative to long, extensive goods December. Major technical and environ- vision – everyone arrives smoothly, the transports on land. mentally related problems have lined the ‘green’ and safe way – that is our guiding project’s history, but the tunnel is now light when taking on the major, impor- 2015 Operations complete and has been inaugurated.
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    VÄLKOMMEN SOM PTP-PSYKOLOG I REGION KRONOBERG 2021-2022 VI GER DIG EN MENINGSFULL PTP DÄR KVALITET, KOMPETENSUTVECKLING OCH LÅNGSIKTIGHET ÄR LEDORDEN HEJ! I Region Kronoberg finns det stora möjligheter att utvecklas vidare i professionen som psykolog. Efter avslutad PTP-tjänst kommer du att ha fördjupad och bred kompetens som är meriterande för andra tjänster. Önskar du fortsätta utvecklas hos oss efter årets slut finns det goda chanser att få fortsätta inom verksamheten som legitimerad psykolog. Region Kronoberg värnar om att ge goda förutsättningar för psykologens och verksamhetens utveckling och är generös med handledning och vidareutbildning. Vi ser fram emot att jobba till- sammans med dig. PTP-PROGRAM Inom Region Kronoberg erbjuder vi ett gediget PTP-program med stöd från erfarna handledare och studierektorer men också andra professio- ner såsom läkare, sjuksköterskor, sjukgymnaster m.fl. Vi tar emot PTP- psykologer på ett flertal platser inom olika verksamheter i Region Kron- berg vilka du kan läsa om längre fram i broschyren. Syftet med PTP-programmet är bland annat att: • tillhandahålla ett strukturerat, gemensamt och sammanhållet program för PTP-psykologer inom Region Kronoberg. Även PTP-psykologer inom närliggande verksamheter exempelvis kom- mun, skola och arbetsförmedling erbjuds att delta i programmet. • bidra till skapa goda förutsättningar för ett gott yrkesmässigt och socialt omhändertagande för alla PTP-psykologer. • ge PTP-psykologerna en möjlighet att träffas och utbyta erfarenheter, kunskap och reflektioner. • via bland annat gemensamma studiebesök i olika verksamheter får PTP-psykologerna möjlighet att få information om andra arbets- platser och hur psykologerna arbetar där. • att studierektorn vid behov kan stötta och ge råd till handledare och PTP-psykologer vid eventuella problem.
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