60 bus time schedule & line map

60 Southend On Sea - Southchurch - - View In Website Mode Canewdon - Ballards Gore

The 60 bus line Southend On Sea - Southchurch - Rochford - Canewdon - Ballards Gore has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Southend-On-Sea: 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 60 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 60 bus arriving.

Direction: Southend-On-Sea 60 bus Time Schedule 76 stops Southend-On-Sea Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM Heygate Avenue, Southend-On-Sea Tuesday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM Whitegate Road, Southend-On-Sea 45 Chichester Road, Southend-on-Sea Wednesday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM

Southchurch Road, Southend-On-Sea Thursday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM Southchurch Road, Southend-on-Sea Friday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM

Coleman Street, Southchurch Saturday 7:50 AM - 4:50 PM

Guildford Road, Southchurch

Stadium Greyhound Way, Southchurch 60 bus Info Vale Avenue, Southchurch Direction: Southend-On-Sea Stops: 76 Wentworth Road, Southchurch Trip Duration: 43 min Line Summary: Heygate Avenue, Southend-On-Sea, Bentalls Close, Temple Farm Ind Estate Whitegate Road, Southend-On-Sea, Southchurch Road, Southend-On-Sea, Coleman Street, Southchurch, Guildford Road, Southchurch, Stadium Stock Road, Temple Farm Ind Estate Greyhound Way, Southchurch, Vale Avenue, Southchurch, Wentworth Road, Southchurch, Stock Close, Temple Farm Ind Estate Bentalls Close, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Stock Road, Stock Road, Southend-on-Sea Temple Farm Ind Estate, Stock Close, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Keymed, Temple Farm Ind Estate, The Keymed, Temple Farm Ind Estate Candlemakers, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Coopers Way, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Temple Gate Cottages, The Candlemakers, Temple Farm Ind Estate Temple Farm Ind Estate, Purdeys Way, Rochford, Sutton Court Drive, Rochford, South Street, Coopers Way, Temple Farm Ind Estate Rochford, North Street, Rochford, Doggetts Close, Rochford, Russell Grove, Rochford, Stambridge Mills, Temple Gate Cottages, Temple Farm Ind Estate , Stambridge School, Great Stambridge, Stambridge Memorial, Great Purdeys Way, Rochford Stambridge, The Royal Oak, Great Stambridge, Police House, Great Stambridge, Gore Road, Ballards Gore, Sutton Court Drive, Rochford The Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore, The Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore, Chapel, , East Hall South Street, Rochford Road, Paglesham, The Plough And Sail, Paglesham, East Hall Road, Paglesham, Chapel, Paglesham, The North Street, Rochford Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore, Riverside Village, 14 North Street, Rochford Canewdon, Marina Oce, Canewdon, Loftmans Corner, Canewdon, Orchard Cottages, Doggetts Close, Rochford Canewdon, Village Hall, Canewdon, The Anchor, Canewdon, Rowan Way, Canewdon, Gardeners Lane, Russell Grove, Rochford Canewdon, Canewdon Hall Farm, Canewdon, Scotts Hall Cottages, Canewdon, Apton Hall Road, Stambridge Mills, Great Stambridge Canewdon, Gore Road, Ballards Gore, Police House, Great Stambridge, The Royal Oak, Great Stambridge, Stambridge Memorial, Great Stambridge, Stambridge Stambridge School, Great Stambridge School, Great Stambridge, Stambridge Mills, Great Stambridge, Russell Grove, Rochford, Doggetts Stambridge Memorial, Great Stambridge Close, Rochford, East Street, Rochford, South Street, Rochford, Sutton Court Drive, Rochford, Purdeys The Royal Oak, Great Stambridge Way, Rochford, Temple Gate Cottages, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Sutton Cemetery North Gate, Temple Police House, Great Stambridge Farm Ind Estate, Cemetery, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Stock Road, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Stock Close, Gore Road, Ballards Gore Temple Farm Ind Estate, Keymed, Temple Farm Ind Estate, The Candlemakers, Temple Farm Ind Estate, The Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore Coopers Way, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Sutton Cemetery North Gate, Temple Farm Ind Estate, The Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore Cemetery, Temple Farm Ind Estate, Victory Sports Ground, Southchurch, East Street, Southchurch, Vale Chapel, Paglesham Avenue, Southchurch, Stadium Greyhound Way, Paglesham Road, Paglesham Civil Parish Southchurch, Welfares, Southchurch, Boscombe Road, Southchurch, Whitegate Road, Southend-On- East Hall Road, Paglesham Sea, Heygate Avenue, Southend-On-Sea

The Plough And Sail, Paglesham

East Hall Road, Paglesham

Chapel, Paglesham Paglesham Road, Paglesham Civil Parish

The Shepherd & Dog, Ballards Gore

Riverside Village, Canewdon

Essex Marina Oce, Canewdon

Loftmans Corner, Canewdon Lambourne Hall Road, Canewdon Civil Parish

Orchard Cottages, Canewdon

Village Hall, Canewdon

The Anchor, Canewdon

Rowan Way, Canewdon

Gardeners Lane, Canewdon

Canewdon Hall Farm, Canewdon

Scotts Hall Cottages, Canewdon Apton Hall Road, Canewdon

Gore Road, Ballards Gore

Police House, Great Stambridge

The Royal Oak, Great Stambridge 48 Cageeld Road, Stambridge Civil Parish

Stambridge Memorial, Great Stambridge

Stambridge School, Great Stambridge

Stambridge Mills, Great Stambridge

Russell Grove, Rochford

Doggetts Close, Rochford

East Street, Rochford 7-9 East Street, Rochford

South Street, Rochford

Sutton Court Drive, Rochford

Purdeys Way, Rochford

Temple Gate Cottages, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Sutton Cemetery North Gate, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Cemetery, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Stock Road, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Stock Close, Temple Farm Ind Estate Stock Road, Southend-on-Sea

Keymed, Temple Farm Ind Estate

The Candlemakers, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Coopers Way, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Sutton Cemetery North Gate, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Cemetery, Temple Farm Ind Estate

Victory Sports Ground, Southchurch

East Street, Southchurch

Vale Avenue, Southchurch

Stadium Greyhound Way, Southchurch Welfares, Southchurch

Boscombe Road, Southchurch

Whitegate Road, Southend-On-Sea

Heygate Avenue, Southend-On-Sea 60 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved