Sunday,April 5, 2020 Total Attendance at Masses:NO MASS Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Saturday, March 14, 2020: NO MASS Saturday, March 15, 2020: Children: NO MASS Notices for the Bulletin and announcements for Mass are due by 10:00AM on the Tuesday prior to each Your contributions to the Poor Box go week in writing. They may be faxed to (202)-398- 3415 or e-mailed [email protected]. directlyto support the work of the St.Vincent Website: de Paul Society, SOME, and The Food Bank. Thank you. MASS & CONFESSIONS SCHEDULE Please rememberall the sick and shut-in of the Sunday, April 5th:Mass Intentions in your thoughts and prayers,  9:30AMConfessions especially…  10AM Mass: Intention: People of the Parish  Readings:IS 50:4-7; PHIL 2:6-11  MT 26:14-27:66 Richard Austin, James Bell, Mazine Bell, Monday, April 6th Patricia Bailey, Conchita Brown, Vernelle Rectory Office Closed Brown, Lucy Cabell, Jacqueline Faulkner, Joyce Readings:IS 42:1-7; JN 12:1-11 Fisher,Tekle Habtegiorgis, Delores Hill, Tuesday,April 7th Margaret P. Lewis,Rev. William L. Norvel,SSJ, Rectory Office Hrs. 9:30am-11:30am Donna Page,Evelyn Rattley, Dorothy Ridley, Readings:IS 49:1-6; JN 13:21-33,36-38 Lois Taylor, Reginald Taylor, Nellie Williams Wednesday,April 8th Rectory Office Hrs. 9:30am-3pm Sick and Shut-in? Please notify the parish at Readings:IS 50:4-9A; MT 26:14-25 th 202-397-3895 or 202-488-1354, when a Thursday,April 9 /Holy Thursday parishioner has been hospitalized or confined at Rectory Office: 9:30am-3pm home due to sickness, age or infirmity and need Readings:IS 61:1-3A, 6A, 8B-9 RV 1:5-8; LK 4:16-21 the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick and Friday, April 10th/Good Friday Holy Communion. Rectory Office Hrs. 9:30am-3pm Readings:IS 52:13-53:12; HEB 4:14-16 New to the Parish or changing your address? HEB 5:7-9; JN 18:1-19:42 Please notify the rectory at 202-397-3895, th Saturday,April 11 /Holy Saturday Wednesday thru Friday so we can keep our  3:30 PM Confessions records updated.  4:00PM Mass  Readings:GN 1:1-2:2; GN 22:1-18  EX 14:15-15:1; IS 54:5-14; MT 28:1-10 Congratulations and best wishes Sunday, April 12th/Easter Sunday to all parishioners who are  9:30AM Confessions celebrating birthdays,  10:00AM Mass anniversaries and other  Reading:ACTS 10:34A, 37-43; COL 3:1-4 specialeventsthis week.  JN 20:1-9 Happy Birthday!!!! Confession Schedule: 30 minutes prior to Mass and by appointment. Donna Williams April 8 Cheryl Hamlin-Williams April 11 Please remember the deceased in yourprayers. Mass intentions may be reserved for Wedding Anniversary!!!! a specific date. The Mass offering is $10. Barbara & Lennie Rogers April 9

Flowers for the churchaltarmay be donated in honor of a loved one living or deceased, cost. A We would like to welcome all visitors to St. Benedict the Moor , please Mass intention will also be said for the occasion. feel free to come again and make this your home church.

Sunday,April 5, 2020 Message from Fr. Andy Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Dear St. Benedict the Moor Family

Commit to the I pray that you are all doing well. This has Lord! certainly been an unprecedented week in our When the crowds nation and around the world. It seems that see Jesus, he is almost every few hours we are receiving updated on a small information and guidance from the Archdiocese donkey being led as well as local, national and world leaders and by one of the global health experts. I know how easy it is for us to feel overwhelmed by it all but let us not apostles. The lose hope. The news we hear seems dire and no word spreads reprieve seems on the immediate horizon. But that this is he, Jesus of Nazareth, the this is precisely why it is so important that we Messiah. Stories begin to circulate in the get and remain grounded in our faith. crowd about the wonderful things he has done, given sight to the blind, cured the sick, With the cancellations of public masses, I even raised someone from the dead. Most continue to urge you to have your masses on TV are eager to see him with their own eyes. and unite each other in our prayers. I will be The mood is festive and filled with offering my mass for your intentions. We excitement. continue to pray for those who are ill with this People waving palms grow in number virus and for those who care for them, especially in countries that have been most affected. We surrounding Jesus. also pray for health and frontline workers as they Yet Jesus is remarkably calm He does not face their daily tasks. And we remember those take advantage of the situation. He could communities, employees and businesses that have rallied the crowd behind him to protect have been affected as a result of the virus. himself from what was to come. He doesn’t, because at this moment of seeming triumph, While lots of things have been canceled by the he knows full well what awaits him. St Paul coronavirus, but love is not one of them. Most of tells us in his Letter to the Philippians what all, let us remember this- God is in control and he did do: Jesus “humbled himself, we are in His hands. becoming obedient to the point of death, May I also ask you to continue supporting our even death on a cross.” parish by sending your envelopes by mail.

As Psalm 22 says, we must commit our If you cannot attend Mass or join the mass cause to the Lord; we are in God’s hands, online, I encourage you to read the Gospels, and we must let the Lord deliver. Isaiah tells pray with your families, and join yourself to the us how we must be when we face terrible Eucharist by making an act of spiritual situations. We must be open to hearing what communion. Refer to the prayer I posted on the the Lord asks of us and then follow the path website, home page on this regard. that God calls us to take. Living with Christ,Jack Panozzo I encourage you to join online mass through: Tithes and Offering to St. Benedict the Moor: If you still want to support the church, you can send your check in your church envelope and mass/. mail it to St. Benedict the Moor church. Address: God bless all. st 320 21 Street NE, Washington DC 20002. God Fr. Andy Bless and thank you for your support. You can NOW go online to give to St. Benedict TV Masses at National : the Moor church. Go to website: stbenedictthe Saturday: 7pm and 11:30pm ET time, click on offertory/donation. Sunday: 10:30-WDCW Ch 50 no cable Comcast: CH 23, Montgomery County, CH 3 Holy Week/Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday Prince George’s County & Sothern MD, RCN CH 15, Verizon, CH 3. EWTN-CH 291 Comcast: Rosary 12:00