Package ‘LDheatmap’ February 15, 2013 Version 0.99 Date 2011-12-05 Title Graphical display of pairwise linkage disequilibria between SNPs Author Ji-Hyung Shin <
[email protected]>, Sigal Blay <
[email protected]>,Nicholas Lewin- Koh <
[email protected]>, Brad McNeney <
[email protected]>, Jinko Graham <
[email protected]> Maintainer Brad McNeney <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.0.0), grid Imports genetics Suggests rtracklayer, GenomicRanges, chopsticks (>= 1.18.0), lattice,ggplot2 Description Produces a graphical display, as a heat map, of measures of pairwise linkage disequilibria between SNPs. Users may optionally include the physical locations or genetic map distances of each SNP on the plot. License GPL-3 URL Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2012-12-05 19:26:27 NeedsCompilation no R topics documented: CEUData . .2 CHBJPTData . .3 GIMAP5 . .4 GIMAP5.CEU . .5 LDheatmap . .6 LDheatmap.addGenes . 12 1 2 CEUData LDheatmap.addGrob . 13 LDheatmap.addRecombRate . 14 LDheatmap.addScatterplot . 15 LDheatmap.highlight . 16 LDheatmap.marks . 17 plotGenes . 18 recombRate . 20 Index 21 CEUData Example data set for LDheatmap Description CEUSNP: Genotypes on 15 SNPs for 60 people CEUDist: Physical map positions of the 15 SNPs in CEUSNP Usage data(CEUData) Format CEUSNP: A dataframe of SNP genotypes. Each row represents an individual. Each column repre- sents a SNP. CEUDist: A vector of integers, representing SNP physical map locations on the chromosome. Details Data on SNPs with minor allele frequency greater than 5% from a 9kb region of chromosome 7 (base positions 126273659 through 126282556 from release 7 of the International HapMap Project).