Where Is Hull?

Hull is in the , and its official title is ‘’ (originally ‘Kings-Town in 1299). Where Is Hull?

It is situated on the banks of the (which splits the city into East Hull and West Hull) and flows into the Estuary, which also gives its name to the wider region, . Sport

Rugby League continues to be one of the major sports in Hull. There is a fierce rivalry between two teams: Hull FC (west side, formed in 1865, play in black and white) and (east side, started in 1882 and play red and white). Both are currently in the Super League. The football team, Hull City, was founded in 1904 and are nicknamed the ‘tigers’ due to there black and orange striped kits. Ice Hockey is also a thriving sport in Hull, its current team being the Hull Pirates.

The Humber Bridge

When driving to Hull along the , you can’t fail to be impressed by the magnificent Humber Bridge coming into view. After over 100 years of campaigning for a crossing, work began on the bridge in 1973.It took eight years to build and it was officially opened by the Queen in July 1981. At the time, it was the world’s longest single span . Single span means that it has a tower on each side of the Humber estuary with no Try This: Look at a map extra supports in between. and think why people wanted a bridge so much. A suspension bridge is a bridge that hangs from cables attached to the uprights.