CONVENIENT HOURS See ad on pg. 16 Knight clinches 2nd Page 15 Fall Ball success Page 11 ThE BakER COUNty PREss $1.00 90TH YEAR | VOLUME 31 NOVEMBER 14, 2019

AT A Alleged GLANCE Final respects drive-by

THINGS TO DO shooter November 14 arrested BCCMC meeting 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. A 17-year-old Sander- The Baker County Correc- son youth was taken into custody on November 9, tions Management Cor- charged with shooting into poration (BCCMC) board an occupied parked car in of directors will meet on west Macclenny the eve- November 14 at 2 p.m. Slat- ning of November 4. ed for the agenda are the management agreement between BCCMC and the sheriff’s office for operating the county jail and sheriff’s administration complex in Thousands attended the ser- North Macclenny. vice on November 7 at Jack- November 18 sonville National Cemetery. Healthy Baker meeting For local Kai’Wuan Givens 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Kai’Wuan Givens was The health department-led booked on multiple felony Healthy Baker meeting will indigent and misdemeanor counts be November 18, 2019 at 11 a.m. at the department following an interview at on West Lowder Street. Army vet county jail during which Public and private health he denied involvement and professionals will be JOEL ADDINGTON insisted he was at home on discussing infant mortal- MANAGING EDITOR Gaskins Circle that eve- ity data and other public [email protected] ning. health issues. His version contradict- hen Vietnam War ed statements given earli- veteran Michael S. er by Glende Kersey, 18, of MORE NEWS WAllevato died a lit- Macclenny, who told dep- tle more than two years ago uties she drove the Chev- at 64, no next of kin could be rolet Spark from which located. His friend Frank Co- the shots were fired, and hen, who served in the Navy County commission chair Cathy Rhoden (seated at left) during the funeral service for Army vet Michael that the accused was in the Allevato, whose remains stood next to a folded American flag during the ceremony. during the war, said his last back seat when he did so. immediate relative, a sister, and women who crowded Rhoden, flanked by local 1970. It was a time when The bullets struck a died about a year before Mr. in and around one of three veterans Richard Kmieciak, the country was divided Dodge Challenger occu- Allevato, who moved from committal shelters at the John Joseph and Henry over the Vietnam War with pied by Micheala Phillips, New Jersey to south Mac- more than 500-acre ceme- Choncha. widespread protests by an- 21, of Sanderson and Kyle clenny in 2017. tery with family and friends They along with county ti-war demonstrators. The Raulerson, 22, of Gaines- Nonetheless, thousands was remarkable. veteran affairs officer Tony following month would be ville. No one was injured of people who heard his sto- At the center of attention Esterling were just a few the tragic shooting at Kent and Deputy Jared Mal- ry turned out for a 10:30 of was a shiny urn holding among the contingent from State University by National lard’s initial report indi- a.m. funeral service at Jack- Mr. Allevato’s cremated re- Baker County to witness the Guardsman, which left four cates rounds struck a pas- sonville National Cemetery mains. service that focused on Mr. students dead and others in- senger side rear panel and on November 7. The sheer Seated facing the urn’s ta- Allevato’s military career. jured. tire rim. Ms. Phillips told Pietrangelo resigns number of current and for- ble were Baker County Com- He joined the U.S. Army “We know he volunteered police after the incident Page 4 mer military service men mission chairwoman Cathy at 17 years old in April, she believed the Givens See page 3 suspect was involved. She also told Sgt. Jef- Go vote ... frey Davis she traced the New senior center ranked top priority Chevrolet via social media to owner Megan Laura- How important more, who said she let Ms. MIKE ANDERSON FUNDING REQUEST: lion in state funds to build a new social Kersey and a 15-year-old is the U.S. PRESS STAFF services senior center adjacent to the female borrow it the eve- COA’s transportation facility behind ning in question while she $2,921,625 Baker County Council on Aging Census to you? the Winn Dixie shopping center in was at work. (COA) board members were all smiles Macclenny. Ms. Kersey in a later $1,980,000 Senior center last week after county commissioners Coming in at No. 2 was a proposed interview said she knew Very 54% building agreed to rank plans to build a new grant application seeking $850,000 the accused carried a pis- senior services center No. 1 — ahead to build a new fire and rescue station tol and rifle with him that $448,750 Covered walkway, of an application for state funding for Not at all 38% on county-owned property in Sander- night, but was unaware he site prep and paving a new fire station in Sanderson — on son to replace an existing station on planned to open fire on the next year’s legislative appropriation A little 8% U.S. 90 deemed by county officials as parked car. She thought $242,875 Engineering and requests. unsafe, too small, and in great need of Mr. Givens intended to architectural fees The outcome of the November 5 extensive renovations. fight Mr. Raulerson due to meeting was in stark contrast to a COA Interim county manager Sara Little a long-standing feud root- $250,000 Furnishings and plea last year when the commission, in- had placed the issue on the board agen- ed in the April, 2018 Glen equipment for stead, placed top priority on a success- da with a request for direction on the St. Mary shoot-out that ful request for an $850,000 state grant offices, kitchen, ranking order for the two projects. killed Corey Lauramore, to build a new fire station in Glen St. respite, library and “We’re going to be submitting two said to be a friend. Mary. appropriation requests this year,” Mrs. The juvenile also in the game room needs This time, commissioners voted Probation Little said. “We’re going to resubmit car from which shots were Source: Bob Lambright, COA building committee unanimously to give the highest pri- violation: chair ority to an application for $2.9 mil- See page 2 See page 2 five years Page 4 Page 2 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019 Senior center: County puts it first on priorities From page 1 90 owned by the City of Mac- The first commissioner of them.” clenny next door to the city to respond was James Ben- Commissioner James the Sanderson communi- fire station. “The building is “We just have the one big nett, who said he supported Croft said “for the sake of ty fire station project … and just too small for our needs.” moving the COA proposal unity” he would support the second request we would For example, COA offices dining hall and we have a “to No. 1” because the county the majority’s preference to like to submit is for the social are upstairs and the build- already received state fund- make the COA center the No. service senior center, which ing has no elevator, there- kitchen that is so outdated ing last year to build a fire 1 project and the Sanderson would be a new building for fore many elderly clients when you’re preparing 150 station in Glen St. Mary to fire station No. 2, although the council on aging so they must meet with case workers serve the central county re- he personally would rather can vacate the two-story downstairs for counseling or to 200 meals a day it gets gion and because the county have the fire station keep the building downtown which to discuss applications for has a plan in place to build top position because “it’s a we all know is in much need services “and then we run pretty bad and challenging. additional stations with a public safety issue.” of repair.” into the fact that we have no funding mechanism created Further, he said, the State Sen. Rob Bradley privacy.” I don’t have to tell y’all this. You know by much higher fire assess- project ranked No. 1 is like- (R-Fleming Island), who “We just have the one big ments levied last year. ly to attract the most atten- represents Baker County, dining hall and we have a what our needs are. I just hope you will “We have a funding tion and strongest support and Florida House Repre- kitchen that is so outdated source now from our special among lawmakers while No. sentative Chuck Brannan when you’re preparing 150 see fit to make us your first priority.” assessments to help us con- 2 “is not going to be men- (R-Lake City/Macclenny) to 200 meals a day it gets –Barbara Yarbrough, COA president tinue down that road,” he tioned.” have offered to sponsor the pretty bad and challenging,” said. “What we don’t have In the end, the board vot- funding requests next year. said Mrs. Yarbrough. “I don’t is a mechanism to get us a ed 5-0 to give the COA top “It has been requested by tee, to give commissioners furnishings and the needs have to tell y’all this. You more details about the finan- of the offices, the kitch- facility that is necessary for ranking on the list. Sen. Bradley that the board know what our needs are. I this community for the COA. rank these projects,” said cial needs to finally make the en, the respite center, the just hope you will see fit to project a reality. game room and the li- “And I am very much con- Mrs. Little. “Since we are make us your first priority.” cerned that if we try again submitting two, he would “We’re really going to brary, it would take another Shooter The COA wants to put a need about $2.9 million,” $250,000,” he said. “You put this year for another fire sta- like to know which is the first new building on the same 10 tion [grant], after just getting priority project for Baker Mr. Lambright said. “That all those together and you acres where its transporta- seems like a gigantic price end up with $2,921,625.” one last year, I don’t have a is arrested County. We do need to make tion center is located behind lot of confidence that we a priority approval tonight but that will cover every- Mr. Lambright said Sen. From page 1 Winn Dixie on South Sixth thing. We can’t possibly Bradley, who holds one of would be successful in that for one of those projects.” Street. The land was origi- effort. This [a new COA cen- fired denied hearing gun- But before commission- want to go into a program the Legislature’s most pow- nally owned by COA but was like we did before and come erful positions as chairman ter] is something that’s been shots or seeing firearms. ers began sharing their own deeded to the county so a needed for a long time and Mr. Givens faces felony thoughts on the matter, two up short with money like we of the Senate Appropriations state grant could be obtained did then.” Committee, “seemed to be we have a tremendous num- counts for shooting into a members of the COA’s board several years ago to fund the ber of citizens who depend vehicle and aggravated as- of directors were given an COA officials original- really interested in helping project. The county in turn ly had hoped to get enough us but he wants to know that on that service.” sault with a firearm, and opportunity to speak, start- gave the property back to One point he said he want- misdemeanors for assault ing with board president state funding to build a the county is behind us.” COA under a 99-year lease. transportation center and a “I know you’re behind the ed to make unequivocal- and criminal mischief. Barbara Yarbrough. “We’re prepared and ly clear was that if the state “I’m sure you all know social services facility, but fire station, and it’s a very ready to put the [new] the state only funded enough needed thing,” he added. approves funding for the why we need a new build- building up,” said Mrs. Yar- COA venture in an amount Al-Anon meets ing,” she told commission- for the bus depot, which ran “But I want to tell you some- brough, who then introduced over budget by several hun- thing, this center is very less than the $2.9 million ers, referring to the two-sto- Bob Lambright, chairman of request, the project “will be each Thursday ry historical building on U.S. dred thousands dollars, costs needed to a lot of people. the COA’s building commit- the county had to cover after The use of the old building, built within that cost,” even Al-Anon, a support the $2.1 million grant fund- which is 118 years old, has if it has to be scaled down in group for families and ing from the Florida Depart- been used up. It is not ade- size or some desirable fea- friends of alcoholics, ment of Transportation was quate for what needs to be tures eliminated. meets every Thursday at spent on the project. done and, therefore, many Commissioner Jimmy the library building of the The new building plans, of the elderly people in this Anderson endorsed the sug- First United Methodist Mr. Lambright said, include county don’t come to our gestion to move the COA Church on north 5th St. in a 9900-square-foot steel center.” center to the No. 1 position Macclenny. structure with an estimat- He said the proposed on the legislative appropri- Join us anytime be- ed cost of $1,980,000, plus structure also could be used ation request, but said the tween 6 and 8 p.m. For $448,750 for a covered walk- for many other social gath- Sanderson fire station proj- more information, please way and site preparation and erings and functions, in ad- ect should remain a strong call 904-350-0600 or paving, then an additional dition to its primary role as second priority. Ms. Donnie at (904) 305- $242,875 for engineering a provider of services to the “I want to make sure we 6874. and architectural fees. elderly and disabled of Baker leave both options on the “By the time we put the County. table,” he said, holding out CHECK IT OUT... hope “that we might get both





Laid to rest: crowd at vet’s rite Case dispositions The following case dis- sign in front of Walmart, From page 1 positions were ordered petty theft class, no contact to serve his country. He was by Judge Joey Williams with Walmart. not drafted. He signed a during regular county court • Robert Griffis, DUI, blank check to his country session on November 6: DWLS; 10 days in jail, that would almost certainly • Otessa Alston, driv- 12-month probation, send him to Vietnam. Mi- ing on a suspended license $1000 fine, attend MADD chael is an American hero (DWLS); six-month proba- events, GBB. who loved his nation more tion, license class, obtain • Jesse Guy, assault, dis- than he loved popularity. license. orderly conduct; 60 days in He was willing to give ev- • Kaitlyn Barron, petty jail. erything, including his life, theft; two days in jail, six- • Jerry Logan, battery; to protect and defend the month probation, petty deferred prosecution. American way of life,” said theft class. • Cody Martin, marijua- Navy chaplain Scott Shu- • David Carpenter, reck- na possession; failed to ap- bert, who officiated at the less driving, DUI, DWLS; pear, warrant issued. service. two days in jail, six-month • William Padgett, tres- The ceremony was ar- probation, 50 hours com- pass, loitering/prowling; ranged by interim county munity service, six-month failed to appear, warrant manager Sara Little and Mr. license suspension, attend issued. Esterling but they wanted group addiction meetings • Jessica Powless, no Mrs. Rhoden to accept the Photos by Joel Addington and MADD events. valid driver’s license; failed American flag folded during Veterans council members Richard Kmieciak, John Joseph and Henry Choncha with Mrs. Rhoden. • Richard Ellis, resisting to appear, warrant issued. the ceremony on behalf of arrest; two days in jail. • Steven Self, petty theft, the county, which arranged He described Mr. Alleva- the beginning getting infor- coverage of the funeral late • Danyell Glover, pet- contributing to delinquen- for Mr. Allevato’s cremation to as friendly, outgoing and mation,” recalled Mrs. Little. last week. ty theft (two counts); six- cy of a minor; six-month after no family could be lo- talkative about his time in Mr. Esterling searched “They were so happy to month probation, petty probation, 50 hours com- cated to take his remains. the Army. for an emergency contract know he didn’t die alone on theft class, hold sign in munity service; $657 resti- “I was overwhelmed,” The Jacksonville Nation- or next of kin from his ser- the streets. It was amazing front of Walmart. tution, parenting class. said Mrs. Rhoden the fol- al Cemetery is open to all vice record but also came to talk to her,” said Mrs. Lit- • Joseph Green, mari- • Jennifer Slominski, lowing day by email. “I members of the armed forc- up empty. His remains were tle. juana possession, no valid reckless driving; two days thought on several occa- es who meet a minimum stored in the county office She explained previously driver’s license; six-month in jail, six-month proba- sions how sad that he had no active duty service require- for nearly two years as ar- that the state statutes out- probation, 50 hours com- tion, attend group addic- family and to see the turnout ment with discharges other rangements were set up. line a process for disposing munity service, license tion meetings and MADD was emotional and joyful at than dishonorable, as well as “It was definitely worth of remains for indigent res- class, obtain license, GBB events, 50 hours communi- the same time. I said he had their spouses and children. it,” said Mrs. Little. idents without any next of (Give Back to Baker) com- ty service. no blood family but his real “The biggest thing was County staff worked with kin. munity service, attend • Michael Varnum, family of over 2000 came to getting the death certificate authorities in Tallahassee “It’s very emotional to ad- group addiction meetings, DWLS; six-month proba- honor him at his final rest- and through the red tape to to obtain a death certificate, minister that program,” said no alcohol. tion, obtain license and at- ing place. This was truly a get him to the VA’s national which was needed for entry Mrs. Little, adding there are • Lisa Griffis, petty theft; tend license school, GBB. highlight and honor for me cemetery,” said Mr. Ester- into the national cemetery in the remains of 18 deceased six-month probation, hold as a commissioner ...” ling. Jacksonville. people who died in Baker Mr. Cohen’s wife Linda He said the county had “It was a very lengthy pro- County held at the county sold Mr. Allevato his res- to secure power of attorney cess but it all worked out,” office on North 3rd Street. BONAFIDE POOL BUILDERS idence on Lowder Street over Mr. Allevato’s remains, said Mrs. Little, who was Some died in nursing INC. about six months before his which the county had nev- contacted by Mr. Allevato’s homes while others were death. Mr. Cohen would of- er done before. Usually the niece after seeing coverage visitors who died in vehicle ten help his fellow veteran county relies on information of the funeral online follow- accidents on the interstate, FREE from next of kin. ing a message from ancestry. she said. with house repairs, mov- ESTIMATES Mr. Esterling called com, which the niece was us- “If a body goes unclaimed ing furniture and the like as BONAFIDEPOOLS.COM Mr. Allevato’s heart health making the arrangements ing to research her family. at the medical examiner’s wasn’t good. a “great honor” early last “Right off the bat she office, it goes to the county,” Senior Citizen & Military Discounts The Army veteran had week and looked forward to saw her mother’s eyes in his she said. “You don’t know a 904-349-4720 LIC#RP0032053 pride for his military service a somber and respectful ser- eyes,” recalled Mrs. Little lot of their stories.” and amassed an extensive vice. after an hour-long conver- But, she believes, they collection of memorabilia, Mrs. Little explained that sation with the relative. She still deserve a final resting according to his friend. Mr. Allevato owned proper- said her family vacations place. MACCLENNY MOOSE LODGE “... Flags and pictures ty here and the sheriff’s of- at The Villages each spring “There’s no end for will be hosting a benefi t for and so forth. Not just of fice conducted an in-depth and looks forward to visiting them,” Mrs. Little said, add- the Army, but the Navy, Air search for relatives to no his remains at the National ing that county staff has dis- Force and Marine Corps. avail. Cemetery. cussed perhaps starting a Triston Yale He enjoyed his service time Mr. Cohen, however, was The niece hadn’t had con- community memorial gar- even though he was not in located and informed au- tact with her uncle in years, den where remains could be November 16 @ 11 am good health,” said Mr. Co- thorities he was a veteran. she said, so the family was spread and a plaque erected. Triston underwent brain surgery in October to hen. “He helped out a lot in “astounded” to see media To see video and a tran- remove a tumor with more surgeries possible. script of the Mr. Allevato’s service, visit https://www. RAFFLES • CHICKEN DINNERS Corrected MES honor roll MACCLENNY ELEMENTARY Miyah Wright Henderson- Jacques Cooper Lamoreux- CAKE AUCTIONS & SILENT AUCTION Lillyanna Dotson, Genevieve Gravelle, Braelynn Monds SCHOOL Sabaka- Jace Crews, Rylee Davis, Myles Harris, Brantley ALCOHOLICS Principal’s List - 1st Nine Weeks Fowler, Araelea Pearce, Jake Reeder, Parker Rhoden, & MUCH MORE Andrew Schlueter, Tauvi White Sullivan- Fischer Cain, ANONYMOUS SECOND GRADE: Allen- Allie Hodges, Bently Ladley, Chicken Dinners - $10.00 donation Rylan Coffman, Rylan Combs, Sofia Cruz, Mason Hamilton, Meetings Mon. - Sat. @ 8 pm Harris Patterson, Braylon Raulerson, Kyrie Thompson, Parklyn Hebb, Andrew Nickles, Maybree Roberts, Hunter Isaiah White, Ryan Arnold Anderson- Jasmine Lofton, Rogers, Jaynee Sharman, Lamont Williams A.Taylor- 8981 S. SR 228, Macclenny Raffl e for a 60" TV, RTIC 45 cooler or Liquor Wagon Jonathan Pruitt Davis- Braxton Bookout Dorman- Kendal Tucker Ardry, Aiden Brady, Torin Brady, Jaidynce Brogdon, Meeting Monday @ 6:30 pm Vickery Eiserman- Tinsleigh Mixon Fitzwater- Grace Jacob Brueggemann, Gus Crews, Blake Davis, Tanner Archer, Max Aurelien, Colton Hanson, Karrigan Kilpatrick, Gordon, Talon Harris, Gabriel Hess, Ivy Johnson, Manuel 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 150 South Lowder St. • Macclenny Jensen Little, Madison Smatt, Trenton Swindell, Aedan Repollet, Clyde Rhoden, Tatum Shields, Charlotte Smith, Valenta-King Harris- Skylar Holley, Bradley Keister, Nathan Ryan Vien, Nick Welch, Westin Whitaker L.Taylor- Christian McCorkel, Brayden Southwell Harvey- Lucian Miracle- Groves Bridges, Kennady Castleberry, Wil Sapp, Emma Steele, SUBSCRIBE Place your order for your Holiday AND SAVE!!! HAMS or TURKEYS Did you know you can • Full meal with sides available • Order up to read the paper online- Only $25 a year! NOVEMBER 22 for Call today for info 259-2400 C’UNTRY BOYZ The Baker County CATERING Press Call Brad at 704-9568 Page 4 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019

WANT TO LEARN CPR AND FIRST AID? The Baker County Health Department holds classes monthly. Call 259-6291 Health department head out JOEL ADDINGTON place Mr. tial for cials in Tallahassee request- MANAGING EDITOR Pietran- achieving ing an investigation into the [email protected] gelo, said a health- administrator’s fiscal deci- interim ier Baker sions and his treatment of The county health depart- county commu- employees. When months SEPTIC TANKS ment has new leadership manager nity. I am passed with no response to and following another round of Sara Little grateful the letter, they once again complaints by county com- this week. for the called for Mr. Pietrangelo’s missioners about former de- Ms. two years ouster in October. partment administrator Joe Johns has I spent “I’m all about giving peo- Amie Johns Joe Pietrangelo DRAINFIELDS Pietrangelo’s management, worked there.” ple second chances but we • New Systems FREE which may have led to his for FDOH Mr. Pi- need to make a move ...” & Repairs resignation last week. in Bradford and Union etrangelo did not respond to urged commissioner Cathy The Florida Department counties since 2000, the follow-up questions regard- Rhoden, board chair. “It got • Sump Pump ESTIMATES of Health (FDOH) named agency’s website shows. ing the circumstances of his better. Now, it’s worse than Replacement CALL JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMBING Bradford County Health She was the school health department as the adminis- ever.” Department administrator coordinator, then the di- trator here. Those complaints led • Inspection Letter Amie Johns as the interim rector of nursing and later He was the subject of to face-to-face meetings 904- administrator here to re- CFC056961 259-4580 an assistant administrator. complaints from coun- with three of the five com- She also served as chief ex- ty commissioners that be- missioners (Mrs. Rhoden, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ecutive officer of New River gan early last Spring. Their James Croft and James Ben- EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA Health. concerns were prompted nett), Mrs. Little explained. CASE NO: 2019-CA-000097 Ms. Johns graduated by complaints from current Asked this week about LEGAL SELENE FINANCE, LP, from UF with bachelor’s de- and former DOH-Baker em- Mr. Pietrangelo’s exit, Mrs. Plaintiff, gree in nursing in 1998 and ployees. Rhoden said the county sent vs. received her master’s de- Mr. Pietrangelo initially another letter asking for his NOTICES AMANDA HOOKER AKA AMANDA GAIL gree in public health in 2018 came under fire for cutting removal. COMBS AKA AMANDA STARLING; ET AL, Defendant(s) from the University of South positions and reorganiz- “I guess he decided it was ______/ Florida. ing the department, steps best to resign,” she said. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FLORIDA GATEWAY COLLEGE NOTICE OF ACTION Mr. Pietrangelo, who Mr. Pietrangelo defended Last week The Press re- The Baker County School Board will hold WILL RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: the following public hearing on Monday, has a family farm in Union as necessary to keep the de- quested Mr. Pietrangelo’s TO: Amanda Hooker AKA Amanda Gail Combs November 18, 2019, at the District School OLUSTEE GUN RANGE – PHASE 1 AKA Amanda Starling County, said late last week partment sustainable finan- personnel file and copies of Board Meeting Room located at 270 South FLORIDA GATEWAY COLLEGE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 90 Limann Rd, Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida, beginning he opted against seeking cially. correspondence between OLUSTEE, FLORIDA Jacksonville, FL 32234 at 6:15 p.m. The following School Board further employment with But commissioners were FDOH and elected officials Policies will be considered for approval at the FGC BID NUMBER: ITB #20-1-01 TO: Unknown Spouse of Amanda Hooker AKA public hearing: FDOH and “will work the concerned about losing representing Baker County ENGINEER PROJECT NO. L180401FGC Amanda Gail Combs AKA Amanda Starling LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 90 Limann Rd, farm full time.” valuable public health ser- regarding the administrator 2.09 School Improvement and Date & Time for Receiving Bids: Jacksonville, FL 32234 Education Accountability DECEMBER 9, 2019 AT 2:00 P.M. “My time at the Baker vices as they were fielding since the start of the year. 3.101 Religious Expression in YOU ARE NOTIFIED of an action to fore- Public Schools CHD (county health depart- complaints that Mr. Pietran- FDOH had not provided Date, Time and Place for Pre-Bid Conference: All close a mortgage on the following property in 3.16 Charter Schools interested bidders are strongly advised to attend Baker County: ment) was rewarding,” he gelo treated employees dis- that information as of press 4.02 The Curriculum the Pre-Bid Conference to be held at 10:00 A.M. 5.025 Educational Stability for said by text message. “The respectfully. time. local time on November 18, 2019. The confer- A PORTION OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF Children in Foster Care ence will be held at the College’s Olustee Cam- THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION hard work there will put Commissioners decided 5.152 Medical Marijuana pus, 25030 US Highway 90, Olustee, FL 32072, 20, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6.16 Substitute Teachers in motion the great poten- to send a letter to FDOH offi- in Building 003, Room 3109. 21 EAST, BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA 6.37 Professional Ethics AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY 6.40 Violation of Local, State, Place for Receiving Bids: DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:COM- and/or Federal Laws CIRCUIT COURT Bids may be mailed as follows: MENCE AT THE NORTHWEST COR- 6.450 Option 3 Alcohol and Florida Gateway College NER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP Drug-Free Workplace Procurement and Contracts Department 1 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, BAK- 7.021 Facsimile Signatures 149 S.E. College Place ER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND RUN 7.121 Antifraud Lake City, Florida 32025-2007 THENCE N 89º29’45” E ALONG THE 8.120 Purpose and Functions NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, of the Transportation Hand delivered bids are to be presented to: 1,346.67 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT Five-year term for VOP Program Florida Gateway College OF WAY LINE OF A 50.00 FOOT Procurement and Contracts Department ROAD; THENCE N 00º47’11” E, A Glen St. Mary man with pickup that Mr. Woods was failing to report to his pro- The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Building 001, Room 130 ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY The documents will be available for review a history of drug offenses wanted for violating proba- bation officer. 149 S.E. Staff Way LINE 489.71 FEET TO THE POINT Monday through Friday (8:30 a.m. – 3:00 Lake City, Florida 32025-2007 OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTIN- will spend five years in pris- tion for possession of con- Mr. Davis was on proba- p.m.) at the Superintendent’s Office located at UE N 00º47’11” E, 171.23 FEET; 270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida on after he admitted to vio- trolled drugs. tion for a pair of burglaries All bids must arrive and be date/time stamped THENCE S 89º27’28” E, 254.46 beginning Monday, October 21, 2019. You may by a Procurement representative prior to the FEET; THENCE S 00º47’11” W, lating an earlier probation Police also found two ille- and grand thefts in 2016. also access the documents on our district specified bid opening date/time. The College 171.23 FEET, THENCE S 89º27’28” website at with his re-arrest during a gal pills and a weighing scale In other criminal cases will not be responsible for postal or other de- W 254.46 FEET TO THE POINT OF livery service delays that cause a bid to arrive BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT traffic stop in September. in the pickup. dispositions on November Sherrie Raulerson at Florida Gateway College after the designat- CERTAIN 2005 FLEETWOOD MO- Superintendent of Schools Several other defendants 5: ed bid opening date/time. Bids that are mailed BILE HOME SER. NO. GAFL575A/ 10/24-11/14c must be clearly marked on the outside of the B76812AV21 were ordered to prison that • Cale Bennett, burglary envelope “ITB #20-1-01, OLUSTEE GUN RANGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPERTY ADDRESS: 17843 day after admitting to pro- (two counts), grand theft; – PHASE 1, BID OPENING, DECEMBER 9, 2019 NORTH TOMMY ROAD, GLEN ST AT 2:00 P.M.”. The Baker County School Board will hold the MARY, FL 32040 bation violations, including 90 days in jail, three-year following public hearing on Monday, Decem- Bids will be opened in a public bid opening in Jacob O’Neill, 25, who got drug offender probation, ber 2, 2019, at the Pine Level Church, located The action was instituted in the Circuit Room 103, Building 001, which is located at Court, Eighth Judicial Circuit in and for Baker five years for failing a drug community service, remain at 10815 Pine Level Church Road, Sanderson, 149 S.E. Staff Way, Lake City, Florida 32025. Florida, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The following County, Florida; Case No. 2019-CA-000097; Each Bidder shall submit one original and one and is styled SELENE FINANCE, LP vs. AMAN- test and failure to complete in custody until in-patient School Board Policies will be considered for ap- copy of their bid paperwork in the sealed en- proval at the public hearing: DA HOOKER AKA AMANDA GAIL COMBS AKA drug abuse treatment. drug treatment available. velope. AMANDA STARLING; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF AMANDA HOOKER AKA AMANDA GAIL COMBS He was on probation • Eric Chandler Crews, 3.060 Safe and Secure Schools Contractor’s Prequalification: 5.03+ Student Assignment AKA AMANDA STARLING; JASON LEE HOOKER for multiple burglaries and forgery, petty theft, resist- All prime Contractors who wish to bid this proj- AKA JASON HOOKER AKA JASON L. HOOKER; 5.031*+ Student out of Zone ect must be prequalified. grand theft in 2017. ing an officer with violence, Transfers/Choice UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JASON LEE HOOKER Roger Woods 5.101* Bullying, Threats and AKA JASON HOOKER AKA JASON L. HOOKER; Benjamin Diamond, 40, possession of drugs without Contractors who wish to submit a bid on this OF AMERICA ON BEHALF OF Harassment project must prequalify with Florida Gateway admitted he failed to re- a prescription; 15 days in 6.600 OPT 2 Staff Training THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN College. To be considered for prequalification, DEVELOPMENT; JANICE GAINEY; ROY WAL- Roger Woods, 47, made port to his probation officer jail, three-year drug offend- Contractors must request, complete and sub- TON; UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 1; The public is invited and encouraged to attend. mit a prequalification package to the College. the admission during a and follow other rules of his er probation, community The documents will be available for review UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION 2. You Prequalification packages may be obtained are required to serve a copy of your written Monday through Friday (8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) from the College’s Director of Procurement and regular session of circuit probation and will serve 42 service, remain in custody at the Superintendent’s Office located at 270 defenses, if any, to the action on Kelley L. Contracts, Misty Taylor at 386-754-4381 or by Church, Esq., Plaintiff’s attorney, whose ad- court on November 5 before months. He was on proba- for in-patient treatment. South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida begin- email at [email protected]. Completed pre- ning Monday, November 04, 2019. You may also dress is 255 S. Orange Ave., Ste. 900, Orlando, Judge James Colaw. tion for fleeing police and • Makayla Defelice, in- qualification packages must be returned to the FL 32801, on or before 30 days from the first access the documents on our district website at Procurement and Contracts Department which date of publication and file the original with He was found to be in driving on a license revoked troduction of contraband is located in Building 001, Room 130 not later the clerk of this court either before service than 2:00 PM local time on November 22, 2019. on Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately after possession of two baggies as an habitual offender in into county jail, possession Sherrie Raulerson The College will not be responsible for postal Superintendent of Schools service; otherwise, a default will be entered of meth stashed away in an 2017. of drugs without a prescrip- or other delivery service delays that cause a against you for the relief demanded in the 11/7-11/28c prequalification package to arrive in the Pro- complaint or petition. empty WD-40 spray can Judge Colaw ordered tion, giving false name to curement and Contracts Department after the found in the vehicle during Franklin Davis, 32, to serve law enforcement; 50 days in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE designated date/time. EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT The Court has authority in this suit to the traffic stop on L.E. Har- three years after he admit- jail, three-year drug offend- IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA enter a judgment or decree in the Plaintiff’s Bid Documents Available From: interest which will be binding upon you. vey Rd. A county deputy was ted he violated probation er probation, community CASE NO.: 2019 CP 0069 Procurement and Contracts Department Florida Gateway College DATED: October 31, 2019. aware when he stopped the by changing residences and service. IN RE: The Estate of: 149 SE College Place BRENDA SUE ACOSTA, • Caleb Koessler, battery Lake City, FL 32025 STACIE D. HARVEY Decedent. (386) 754-4381 on person 65 and over, re- ______/ As Clerk of the Court [email protected] sisting arrest; one year, sev- NOTICE TO CREDITORS By: Tina Carrington Project Description: As Deputy Clerk en days in prison. This project calls for the construction of a gun The administration of the estate of BRENDA • Daryl Manning, sale range that will be the first phase of a larger Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. SUE ACOSTA, deceased, whose date of death training complex. Construction tasks for this was April 2, 2019, is pending in the Circuit 255 S. Orange Ave., Ste. 900 and possession of controlled project consist of, but are not limited to, per- Orlando, FL 32801-3454 Court for Baker County, Florida, the address of forming berm earthwork, minor drainage, car- drugs with intent to sell; one which is 39 East Macclenny Ave, Macclenny, FL Phone: (855) 287-0240 pentry, and concrete work. Berm will utilize Fax: (855) 287-0211 year, seven days in prison. 32063. The names and addresses of the per- geotextile fabrics for density and will be built sonal representative and the personal represen- per Geotechnical Engineer’s recommendation. 11/14-11/21c • Aaron Piazza, posses- tative’s attorney are Nathaniel M. Acosta, 7544 Geotechnical report will be supplied with plans IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE sion of cellular phone in Odis Yarborough Rd., Glen St Mary, FL 32063; for construction. Joseph L. Mannikko, Esq., PO Box 1667, Mac- EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT state prison; 25 months clenny, FL 32063. IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Right to Waive Irregularities and Technicalities: CASE NO.: 02-2019-DR-361 added to prison term. All creditors of the decedent and other per- Florida Gateway College reserves the right to • Michael Stokes, grand sons having claims or demands against dece- Janet Watts, waive minor irregularities and/or technicalities Petitioner, theft, trespass, criminal dent’s estate must file their claims with this associated with this solicitation. The Director of court on or before the later of the date that is Procurement and Contracts of Florida Gateway and mischief, petty theft, grand 3 months after the time of the first publication College shall be the final authority regarding theft auto, driving on a re- of the notice to creditors or, as to any creditor waivers of irregularities and technicalities. Willie Jackson, Jr., required to be served with a copy of the notice Respondent, voked license, possession to creditors, 30 days after the date of service on FOR THE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES ______/ the creditor of a copy of this notice. OF FLORIDA GATEWAY COLLEGE drug paraphernalia (two Lawrence Barrett, President NOTICE OF ACTION FOR counts); 18 months in pris- All other creditors of the decedent and oth- PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE er persons having claims or demands against 11/7-11/14c WITH DEPENDENT OR MINOR CHILD(REN) on, three-year drug offender decedent’s estate must file their claims with this PUBLIC NOTICE court within three months after the date of the TO:Willie Jackson, Jr. probation, community ser- first publication of this notice. Please take notice that the Baker County MORE CHOICES vice. Board of County Commissioners held a public YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for • Mark Young, sale of All claims not filed within the time period hearing and adopted the following Resolution dissolution of marriage has been filed against Finding the right insurance for all the things you set forth in Florida statutes section 733.702 will on Tuesday, October 15, 2019: you and that you are required to serve a copy controlled substance; 42 be forever barred. of your written defenses, if any, to it on JANET love for over 75 years! days in jail, 30-month drug RESOLUTION 2019- 44 WATTS whose address is 530 WEST MINNE- Notwithstanding the time period set forth SOTA AVENUE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063 on or offender probation, commu- above, any claim filed two years or more after A RESOLUTION BY THE BAKER before December 13, 2019 and file the origi- nity service. the decedent’s date of death is barred. COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM- nal with the clerk of this court at 339 E. Mac- MISSIONERS, BAKER COUNTY, clenny Avenue, Macclenny FL 32063 before • Larry Lee Brooks, VOP The date of first publication of this notice is FLORIDA, TO CLOSE AND ABAN- service on Petitioner or immediately thereaf- (probation violation) deal- Thursday, November 7th, 2019. DON A SECTION OF COUNTY ROAD ter. If you fail to do so, a default may be en- 228 (CR228) AND TO RELOCATE tered against you for the relief demanded ing in stolen property, grand Attorney for Petitioner: CR228 TO A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED in the petition. Mannikko & Baris SECTION. Copies of all court documents in this theft; 18 months in prison. Joseph L. Mannikko case, including orders, are available at the • Anthony Fisher, VOP Florida Bar No.: 383120 If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may re- P.O. Box 1667 Baker County Administration Office at (904) view these documents upon request. possession of drugs without Macclenny, Florida 32063 259-3613 or [email protected] You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Courts a prescription; 18-months in 904.259.4134 phone office notified of your current address. (You 800.986.6018 fax 11/14c may file Notice of Current Address, Florida prison. [email protected] Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form [email protected] 12.915.). Future papers in this lawsuit will be • Alexander Yazbec, VOP 11/7-11/14c mailed to the address on record at the clerks interference with custody, office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family battery; two years in prison. Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and informa- tion. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, Community Calendar including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Women’s Center of Jax Let people know what’s going on- Dated: November 7, 2019. 1161A S. 6TH STREET ~ MACCLENNY ~ 259-6296 24-hour Clerk of the Circuit Court post your special event online By: Melissa Haines RAPE CRISIS HOTLINE: Deputy Clerk 11/14-12/5p “ALL WELLS AND GOOD!” 904.721.7273 Thursday, November 14, 2019 The Baker County Press Page 5

BAKER COUNTY COMMISSION sity in 2016, also serves on the Baker County YMCA Advisory Board and the Baker Prevention Coalition board of directors. Clerk denies report of late payments On her NEFCAA appli- cation Ms. Givens stated MIKE ANDERSON county staff had resisted the information consultant and her reason for wanting to PRESS STAFF change from processing pa- adjunct instructor in health serve the agency was “to per checks. “...That lies on the comptroller, which information technology at learn more about the needs Baker County Clerk of the “There are times I’m wait- Florida Gateway College, of my community and sur- Court Stacie Harvey assured ing a week, or in the most is myself, and I want to make some to represent Baker Coun- rounding areas and lend the county commission last recent month, two weeks, ty on the Northeast Florida my knowledge and skills.” week that contrary to a re- on the check and we need untruths come to light as that’s also Community Action Agency cent story in The Baker the money coming in,” Mrs. board. County Press, her office has Lamb said while snapping concerned.” Ms. Givens, who earned a not been late making month- her fingers, “so we can fund –Clerk of Court Stacie Harvey bachelor’s degree in health Late & worried, ly inmate housing payments everything on schedule with- information management to the Baker County Correc- FREE pregnancy out having to pull from re- She said the same delay worked in that system and I at Florida A&M University tions Management Corpora- serves. The county finance would occur each year af- couldn’t see a reason why it in Tallahassee in 2002 and a test tion (BCCMC). department wasn’t willing to ter the close of a fiscal year couldn’t be done,” said Mrs. doctor of health science from As an elected constitu- 904-259-2585 do that …” whether payment is made Lamb. “I may be wrong in Nova Southeastern Univer- tional officer in charge of During the same BCCMC by check or electronic funds that, but …” paying the county’s bills, meeting Mr. Baker, who transfer, which she said she Mrs. Harvey then inter- Mrs. Harvey, who also serves would later resign from the had “looked into the idea” of jected that her office could as county comptroller, fur- Quali-Built Homes, Inc. panel, said in his discus- converting over to but that possibly begin paying bills ther made it clear that she, General Contractors & Roofing Locally owned and operated sions on the matter that it “our current finance system automatically through an not the county manager, de- appeared then-county man- will not allow us to do that.” Automated Clearing House cides what payment method Don Burnsed ager Kennie Downing, who Later in the county com- (ACH) network, but “not un- Metal, to use: old fashioned checks two days later moved to Wis- mission meeting when the til we get a better [finance] 904-408-1392 or electronic transfer of Shingle & consin to take another job, new inmate housing agree- system.” Joe Muncy funds. Flat Roofs was unwilling to accept an ment came up for a vote, The board then approved Her statement, made at 904-631-0720 electronic transfer of funds. Mrs. Lamb stated that the the new inmate housing the beginning of the county “First and foremost,” BCCMC would like for the agreement with the under- commission meeting on No- Mrs. Harvey told commis- county to pay the month- standing that the county Custom Homes - Remodels - Roofs vember 5, was in response CBC 1254669 CCC 1328486 (Licensed & Insured) sioners last week, “Mrs. ly bill by electronic funds pursue paying all bills in the to “an article in the paper Downing does not have that transfer on the first of every future through electronic this past week that had some decision-making authority. month. transfers. concerns over payment from A’Donna Jackson’s That lies on the comptroller, “That way we’re not wait- In other business last the county to the jail.” which is myself, and I want ing, we have the money ready week, commissioners: Income Tax Service Without naming any in- to make some untruths come to go when we make our BSO •Approved hourly wage dividuals mentioned in The to light as that’s also con- [Baker Sheriff’s Office] draw increases and longevity pay (904) 759-0884 Baker County Press story of Located in Glen St. Mary cerned. payment on the sixth of ev- in an amendment to a union October 31, Mrs. Harvey al- u u “For the past five years ery month,” she said. “I pre- contract with road and 1040 Ministers luded to comments attribut- I’ve done this job as the sented that to Kennie Down- bridge department employ- u State Tax u S Corp ed to BCCMC finance direc- comptroller of this county ing and she said she talked ees represented by the Unit- u Farmers u LLC • Reasonable Rates tor Tracy Lamb, who until and we have made it a prior- to finance about it and they ed Brotherhood of Carpen- u Small Businesses • Reliable & Accurate recently had worked in the • 20+ years experience ity to pay bills on time. There weren’t willing to do an elec- ters and Joiners of America, Call to schedule a drop-off! county finance department, • Fast turnaround is one part of the year which tronic funds transfer.” Florida Carpenters Regional Most returns done within an hour and to the non-profit own- is what we consider to be pe- The BCCMC board origi- Council and its affiliate Local er of the county jail’s former riod 13 that the bill will not nally had added such a pro- Union 2502. board treasurer Jack Baker get paid on the first working vision to the housing agree- The three-year contract, Jr. during a BCCMC board day of the month. That is the ment but later deleted it which expires at the end of meeting on October 22. day that we actually close out before approving the docu- September 2020, bumped Woodlawn Kennels During that meeting, Mrs. that past fiscal year and then ment and sending it on to the up wages for each union Quality Professional Care Lamb presented a healthy fi- the check soon follows after county commission. worker $2 per hour retro- nancial forecast, based on GROOMING BOARDING the year is cleaned up and so “I still would like to make active to October 1, and pro- rising numbers of federal on and so forth.” that formal request that you vides a $500 increase after 259-4757 detainees and the ability to Any suggestion or im- would consider doing this in the first six months on the Private • Spacious • Indoor/Outdoor Runs make a $1.3 million pay- plication that her office has an electronic transfer rath- job, followed by $500 in- ment to the U.S. Depart- failed to pay bills in a time- er than a paper check,” Mrs. creases after the first year, Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ...... $22-$27 ment of Agriculture on top of ly manner is not true, Mrs. Lamb told commissioners. after five years and again af- the nearly $170,000 month- Harvey insisted. “I don’t think that would ter 10 years of service. Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip ...... $12-$17 ly payment on a roughly $35 “I wanted to let the coun- be a problem if we could do • Appointed Kaila A. Giv- million low-interest federal Boarding (per actual day) ...... $5-$10 ty [commission] and the that,” said Commission- ens of Sanderson, a health loan. taxpayers know that bills in er Jimmy Anderson. “But Her comments arose this county are being paid we were told earlier by our during a discussion that as promptly as possible, but comptroller that that’s not led to the approval of a new there is that one month out possible with the system we housing agreement in which of the year that we do not have right now. Maybe that’s Join Dr. Angelito Tecson in Welcoming the county will pay BCCMC pay the first of the month,” something we could look at $2.8 million annually in 12 she said. in the future.” Our New Nurse Practitioner, equal monthly payments to “Even with our past fi- Commission chair Cathy house local prisoners. nance director, who was the Rhoden agreed that paying Mrs. Lamb told the BC- Whitney R. Nimmo-Olsen, DNP, NPC one actually stating this in county bills via electronic CMC board that she had the article [Mrs. Lamb], last transfer of funds “would be sought to have a provision October [2018] it was paid a good thing if we can get added to the agreement on the 12th and we paid it the some way to do it.” Accepting to make the monthly pay- same time this year.” “With all due respect, I New Patients ment electronically, but that for Primary Care

Photos by Jud Johson

‘Super Kid’ pupils rewarded at Same Day Appointments Keller by Better Baker group & Walk-ins Better Baker, a local nonprofit group that regularly donates gift bags and school supplies to specially-se- lected students who display characteristics of selflessness, understanding, patience, enthusiasm, respect, Welcome (SUPER) kindness, innovation and discipline (KID), did so at Keller Intermediate School recently. Recog- nized from fourth grade classes (below) were Aiden Andrews, Kallie Barefoot, Jesse Barton, Charis Calix- to-Simon, Leightyn Dawson, Savannah Gipson, Bailey Godbold, Kenzie Hodges, Owen Keves, Hugh Long, Ella Rosas, Kara Rourke, Vivian Shurum, Scarlett Stafford, Kinley Starling and Shiloh Yaccarino. Named Whitney R. Nimmo-Olsen, DNP, NPC Angelito B. Tecson, M.D., FAAFP from fifth grade classes (above) were Karalee Dugger, Zoey Hulett, Devin Hunter, Socariya Jones, Brook- Nurse Practitioner Family Medicine lyn Jordan, Serenity McLane, Abigail Mercer, Mobley, Emma Moody, Scarlett Oventrop, Addyson Raulerson, Maddox Reynolds, Ania Rivera, Peyton Shields, Memphis Walker and Aubrey Worthington. Why Choose Millennium? u u Experience the Benefits of Team Accepting, Medicare, Wellmed, Based Care by Scheduling an CarePlus, Blue Select & Most Appointment with Us Today Other Major Insurances u Walk-ins, Women’s Health & Adolescent Care Call (904) 259-3150 to book your appointment today.


Your Connection to a Healthier Life 725 South 6th Street, Macclenny, FL 32063 | (904) 259-3150 Page 6 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019 BAKER COUNTY COMMISSION Neglect charge Team hired to find replacement after youth found responsibilities will include three-member team had Mr. Brown. the following tasks: already tentatively been “That can be tailored Downing • Assistance on recruit- selected to work with the based on what the county’s ment techniques by offer- county on the search effort. desires are. Some may want at drug residence ing suggestions on where to “What we have prelim- to have each of the commis- County deputies keeping watch on a residence for sus- place advertisements to so- inarily for you,” he said, “is sioners have sit-down meet- departure pected drug sales in north Macclenny on November 8 ar- licit qualified applicants and we have agreements from ings with us,” he said, add- rested its adult occupant for felony child neglect in allowing on the wording of the coun- the Madison County coordi- ing that in Hardee County, a 15-year-old boy to reside there. ty’s recruitment profile. nator, Alachua County man- where he had served on a left void Dalarrian Jackson Jr., 23, was arrested early that after- • Assist commissioners ager and a former Columbia county manager search, the noon when he was spotted attempting to crawl out of a rear MIKE ANDERSON and county staff in develop- County manager that I think board chairman met indi- bedroom window at the North College Street address. Dep- PRESS STAFF ing a list of identified char- is quite familiar with Baker vidually with consultants uties converged on the property shortly after learning that acteristics and attributes of County.” “and they laid out the whole occupants of a vehicle that had been at the house admitted The Baker County Com- a successful candidate, the His reference was to Dale profile of what we were look- to purchasing marijuana there. mission last week hired a appropriate selection crite- Williams, former Colum- ing for.” The juvenile was located inside and officials learned a team of experts uniquely ria and a suggested selection bia County manager who “We can tailor that to warrant was outstanding for his arrest for failure to attend qualified to lead the search process and time line. served as Baker County’s in- your needs,” he said. “If you school. Mr. Jackson said he had been there two days. for a new chief county ad- • Facilitate a volunteer terim manager during a sev- want to have meetings with Police were also investigating the suspect’s possible in- ministrator to fill the va- group of Florida county ad- en-month-long search for a all the commissioners we volvement in a shooting on MLK Drive the same morning of cancy left by former county ministrators and/or former new administrator that led can do that.” October 31 when Mr. Jackson’s residence was hit with sev- manager Kennie Downing, county managers to review to the hiring of Ms. Downing Mr. Croft suggested all eral bullets. A source had also identified him as riding in the who resigned last month. the qualifications of a list of in May 2016. five commissioners be in- vehicle from which the shots were fired on MLK. A $5000 consulting candidates identified for re- “Those folks have agreed volved in the process. The report does not mention if drugs were found at the agreement with the Flor- view and report the findings to serve on that (consulting “I’m not sure that one residence the afternoon of the arrests during a partial search, ida Association of Coun- of that review to the coun- team),” Mr. Brown said. “We representing all of us is what but that Mr. Jackson during questioning admitted to snort- ty Managers (FACM) was ty commission and county like to have folks pretty close we need right now,” he said. ing heroin in the teen’s presence. unanimously approved by staff. to the neighborhood so they “There may be some differ- County deputies recently investigated two other cases of the board November 5, two • Recommend a short list kind of know you a little bit ences that we have that need alleged felony child abuse and neglect, resulting in the arrest weeks after Mrs. Downing of candidates for consider- more than if it was someone to be worked out. I think of one father and complaints against the parents of a second took a new job in Wiscon- ation. from South Florida or some- you’re going to need to work child. sin and her former assistant, In a presentation to place like that.” with all of us somehow or • Deputy Russell Clark arrested Donald Shrowder, 32, Sara Little, was appointed the board last week Jason After his opening re- someway.” at his residence off Woodlawn Cemetery Road the evening interim manager. Brown, Indian River county marks Mr. Brown welcomed Commission chair Cathy of November 6 for allegedly slapping his 6-year-old son “to The agreement stipu- manager and current pres- questions from the board, Rhoden said based on her teach him to defend himself.” lates that the association’s ident of the FACM, said a the first of which came from reading of the agreement The deputy responded to the residence just before 10 Commissioner Jimmy An- she was satisfied that the p.m. and found the accused seated in his pickup truck with derson, who was board consulting team would serve a lacerated hand he said he injured when striking a televi- chairman when Mr. Wil- at the pleasure of the com- sion during an argument with the other parent of the child, liams was hired as interim mission and “work with us Kirsten Patterson, 27. manager in October 2015. on how we want to do the Ms. Patterson said she returned home to her son’s claim “What’s the process? search, who we’re looking that he had been struck, and Mr. Shrowder then became an- How many (applicants) for, or whatever.” gry yelling and cursing at her before shoving her and pulling Terrenia Staier, Realtor® would y’all pick and present Commissioner James Serving Baker County and Northeast Florida her hair. to the board as recruits?” Bennett asked if the con- The child had a red mark on the right side of his face. Mr. Mr. Anderson asked. sulting team would provide Cell 904-945-2488 xw Offi ce 904-964-5424 Shrowder was also charged with domestic battery. “One of the first things we guidance and recommen- • Wesley Wilson, 56, and Crystal Cole, 33, were named 603 E. Call Street • Starke do,” said Mr. Brown, “is talk dations on applicant qual- in a felony complaint for child neglect the early evening of to you and figure out what ifications and county man- October 25 when their daughter, 2, was found wandering on you’re looking for, what the agement experience in the Pine Avenue in the Macclenny II subdivision. challenges of Baker County development of job descrip- The girl was traced back to her home on Hickory Street are, what departments you tion and advertisements. where Deputy Tyler Curry said Ms. Cole responded that the have…And we look for man- “Yes, we can provide child must have wandered out a rear door. Mr. Wilson said agement styles. What does guidance on that as we work he was on a front porch and unaware of her absence. the county commission see with your (human resourc- Deputy Curry noted the residence interior was “in a dis- as the right fit, the right type es) department to finalize array” with holes in the walls, missing carpet and fly infes- of person they’re (seeking). the job description,” replied tation. “We work with your HR Mr. Brown. (human resources) depart- Commissioner Anderson With our thanks... ment who does the adver- then offered a motion to ex- The Baker County Veterans Council would like tising. We work with you ecute the agreement, which Couple arrested to thank the residents of Baker County for their to find the right type of ad- stipulates that the $5000 fee continued support. Your generous support made vertising venues - Florida will not be payable “until the our Veterans Day weekend Fill the Helmet fund- League of Cities, Florida As- delivery of the candidate re- sociation of Counties, things view report and short list.” at a drug house raiser a huge success. This allows us to continue like that.” The motion was approved to provide some much needed assistance to our At some point after the 5-0. A local SWAT team as- described by Mr. Stafford local veterans. application process begins, The agreement also stat- sisted other deputies the as “a friend.” She was not evening of November 4 charged. Also, if you accidentally dropped a set of keys or he said the consulting team ed that the fee would be used will select seven to 10 “short “to cover direct and indirect raiding a double-wide off While the search was on- a ring into one of the helmets, please call with a list candidates” to recom- costs associated with the Tom Wilkerson going, another oc- description of the item so we may return them to mend to the board, from services (including confer- Road, resulting in cupant identified you. which finalists would be ence calls, mileage, travel, the arrest of two as Kelly Prowant, persons on both 36, walked onto Larry Porterfi eld 904-769-2445 chosen for interviews. copying documents and oth- “If we find there is not er administrative tasks) and felony and mis- the property and seven to 10 relatively strong any remaining funds will demeanor drug said she had been candidates we’ll recommend be retained for the Associa- counts. staying in a guest that more advertising be tion’s mission in support of The residence, bedroom where Attention done and we’ll follow up to educating County Managers according to De- 1.2 grams of meth make sure we have a good throughout Florida.” tective Thomas were found, along broad-based pool of candi- The county will be solely Dyal, had been un- Jerry Stafford with drug-related HUNTERS: dates for you guys to consid- responsible for the costs of der surveillance items in her purse. er.” advertising the position, any for trafficking and Det. Dyal said Ready for bow season? Commissioner James reimbursements of travel multiple people other items seized Croft asked Mr. Brown to and per diem for candidates were thought to be included six glass elaborate on how the team and conducting background living there though smoking pipes and We have what you need: will go about “trying to gauge checks on applicants. only three were on two digital scales Compound Bows • Crossbows what the board wants.” The entire process is ex- the premises. believed to weigh “Do you do that through pected to last up to four Armed with a the individual bag- Stands • Scents • Accessories one-on-one consultations months or longer. search warrant, gies containing the (with individual commis- Meanwhile, Ms. Little, officers swarmed meth. over the proper- Mr. Stafford fac- sioners) or do you like to who has worked for many Kelly Prowant have a workshop setting years as assistant to the ty and arrested es possibly a more 259.7800 where you can discuss what county manager and secre- homeowner Jerry serious charge for th we’re looking for, or pose tary to the board of county Stafford, 64, seizing 10.7 selling meth within 1000 1159 S. 6 St. the questions to us to make commissioners, said she had grams of meth from vari- feet of Macclenny Elemen- Macclenny us think about what we need not yet decided whether she ous locations inside. Also tary. to be looking for?” will be a candidate for the there when police entered That depends on what position herself. was Jessica Phillips, 19, SPECIAL EXCEPTION board members want, said Tobacco SUBMIT YOUR ... Sterling Warner is requesting a spe- News Tips quit class cial exception for the property locat- Anderson Quality ROOFING Birth Announcements You can double your ed at 590 Railroad Ave, in Macclenny, LLC chances of quitting tobac- Metal Reroofs & Roof Repairs Weddings FL. The special exception is to allow co, according to Vanessa Shingle Reroofs & Repairs Engagements Salmo of North Florida for mini warehouse use. This proper- Your hometown contractor! AHEC, by using nicotine & More ty is zoned (CG) commercial general. replacement therapies — LICENSED & gum, lozenges or patches FREE ESTMATES 259-3300 at In (CG) zoning a mini warehouse is INSURED — to wean yourself off the LIC.#CCC1330274 IN GOD drug over time. LIC.#CBC1259558 allowed by special exception under WE TRUST. The therapies are free section 4-76(3) (g). There will be a of charge from AHEC, which is now holding quit Zoning Adjustment Board meeting SPECIALS tobacco training at 85. W. held on Monday December 2, 2019 Sunday Railroad Ave. in Macclen- ny. at 5:00pm at City Hall. Any support or AHEC will do a one-day BBQ Wings • Fried Chicken “Quit Your Way” class on objections may be heard at this time. December 14, 2019 from Smothered Pork Chops 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call Northeast Florida AHEC 259-2525 | Glen St Mary at (904) 482-0189 to reg- Beef Stew ister and learn about more 7163 E. Mt. Vernon St. • • Open Sun-Sat 5:30 am-2:30 pm classes near you. Thursday, November 14, 2019 The Baker County Press Page 7

BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Policy on medical pot at schools Threatens wife JOEL ADDINGTON and others to report improper driving “The state calls it a soft panic app and his young son MANAGING EDITOR or operation by bus drivers. for employees. In the event of an ac- A Glen St. Mary man with a history of domestic offenses [email protected] “Reports of observed driving viola- tive threat, they can push a button and was arrested again the afternoon of November 6 for threat- tions shall be investigated,” reads the it brings the calvary,” he told school ening his wife and their 1-year-old son. For the first time, the Baker Coun- draft provision. board members, adding that it’s been Deputy Evan Barrett said officers were already on the ty School Board will be considering To be added to the curriculum poli- reliable in previous safety drills at all scene at the couple’s residence on Cecil Hagan Rd. when they a medical marijuana policy aimed at cy is a character education component schools. heard Dustin Flick, 30, yelling at his wife Jessica, 36, that keeping the drug off campus as much on “the development of leadership, in- He also explained to board members he would kill her and the baby he was holding if she called as possible. terpersonal, organization and research concerned about the lack of cellular ser- police. The board will hold a public hear- skills; workplace ethics and law; con- vice inside some schools that the app Officers then approached him with weapons drawn and ing on the new policy November 18 at flict resolution; skills that enable stu- will work through the wi-fi connection Mrs. Flick managed to snatch the child away. Due to his er- 6:15 p.m. as well as a dozen other policy dents to become resilient and self-mo- on all campuses rather than via cellular ratic behavior and refusal to calm himself, the suspect was changes on matters including charter tivated; and skills which assist students networks. downed with a taser charge. schools, religious expression, stability to become employed,” reads the new “Local law enforcement officers have Mrs. Flick said her husband had been awake three days for children in foster care, employee language. commented on the speed and clarity of using drugs. drug screening and more. Another policy strengthens protec- the notifications they receive when the Court records indicate he has a pending domestic battery The proposed medical marijuana tions for prayer in school, extending app is activated,” reads Mr. Crawford’s count from July and a conviction for the same offense in policy prohibits smoking and vaping the freedom for religious expression to memo to the superintendent. “The 2015, along with a battery conviction in 2009. medical marijuana on campus and any before, during and after school, as well RAVE app has become a cornerstone He was convicted in 2012 on two counts of selling con- form of marijuana use on school buses as to events where students speak pub- in our early alter protocol for active trolled drugs. or at school events. It also states med- licly, like graduation. threats on our campuses ...” In another recent case, Nathaniel Porter, 56, was arrested ical marijuana use should take place Per the draft policy, any limits placed In other business last week, the for battery on his fiancé Debra Singletary, 56, during a dis- off-campus whenever possible. on such expression cannot be different board: turbance at their home on Islamorada Drive in east Macclen- The policy would prohibit the ad- for religious and non-religious speech • Voted to approve the travel of four ny the late afternoon of November 8. ministration, storage or handling of or expression. board members to a yearly joint confer- Ms. Singletary told Deputy Frank Cernik the accused be- marijuana products by district employ- Proposed changes to charter school ence of the Florida School Boards Asso- came angry when he confronted her packing her belongings ees and all students, unless they’re tak- policies would give the district less time ciation and Florida Association of Dis- to leave him just before 6 p.m. She went to Fraser Hospital ing the drug and have the proper autho- to propose a charter contract after ap- trict School Superintendents to be held for treatment of a scratch on her neck, and accused Mr. Por- rizations and documents on file with proval of a charter application. That in Tampa December 3-6. ter of pushing her onto a bed and holding her down. the district. Only parents or guardians clock would shrink from 60 to 30 days. Board member Paula Barton, who is The following day police arrested Dustin W. Barnhill, 24, may administer the drug to students at The period to negotiate the contract set to make the trip with fellow board of Jacksonville at the Sanderson Dollar General following an a district-approved location selected so and give notice of approval for a final members Tiffany McInarnay, Dean alleged altercation with Taryn Fenwick, 20, of Jacksonville as not to disrupt other students or ex- contract would narrow from 75 to 40 Griffis and Charlie Burnett, inferred the on their way back from a hunt club where they were drink- pose them to the drug. days. now mandatory vote for official travel, ing. The draft medical marijuana poli- Also, the school board would be re- the result of legislation passed in 2018 Ms. Fenwick reported Mr. Barnhill refused her attempts cy and other new or amended policies quired to vote on new charters within and now in effect, was a needless exer- to drive as she believed he was too intoxicated to pilot the crafted by the Northeast Florida Edu- 90 days of an application, or 30 more cise. vehicle, especially with her newborn baby in the back seat. cation Consortium, of which the Baker days than currently allowed. There are “It’s one more instance where those While in transit, she opened the door to act like she was ex- County school district is a member, will currently no charter schools approved folks in Tallahassee don’t have anything iting when Mr. Barnhill reportedly slammed on the breaks be considered next Monday. in Baker County. better to do than putting something and then accelerated, causing the victim to strike the wind- The consortium issues annual poli- These and other changes will be vot- like this in place,” she said, prompt- shield and then fall back. cy updates as state statutes governing ed on next week in the school board ing board chair Dean Griffis to agree Ms. Fenwick alleged that’s when the suspect became ag- public education are amended by law- meeting room, 270 South Blvd. East. “wholeheartedly.” gressive, brandished a knife and made threats as he contin- makers. Another hearing on a different set The “this” was a bill sponsored by ued driving to the store where he left her with the vehicle. There are currently no students of policy updates is scheduled for De- Florida House Representative Jenni- Reached by phone and interviewed at the sheriff’s office, in the district authorized for medical cember 2 at Pine Level Baptist Church fer M. Sullivan (R-Mount Dora), the Mr. Barnhill denied any wrongdoing. He was soon booked marijuana use on campus, said district in Sanderson. Those proposed amend- youngest woman to ever be elected to for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. health services specialist Tina Bradley. ments pertain to school choice, safety the chamber in 2014. She chairs the ed- and security, bullying and staff training ucation committee. The other draft policy changes policies. The lengthy bill was designed to in- Another new section requires the crease fiscal accountability and expand Faculty panic button app approved Christmas parade district to accommodate students in fiscal transparency requirements for foster care in ways that keep them in During its November 4 meeting, the school boards, reads its legislative anal- The annual Christmas the float contest are avail- their home school unless it’s deter- school board approved renewing a con- ysis. It also extended ethics standards parade and festival will be able at mined to not be in their best interest. tract for three years for a mobile pan- for teachers and school administrators December 7 in downtown In those cases, the district would have ic button app called RAVE for use by to administrative personnel and school Macclenny, publications.html. A $25 to make accommodations for another school faculty. officers. Now is the time to ap- donation is requested for school, including transportation to and “This contract will secure our pres- School board members commented ply for vendor booths and all booth applicants. from that school. ent level of pricing over the next three they will undergo training on proper to compete in the lighted The float contest appli- “The District shall collaborate with years. I give this product my strongest ethics during the December conference. float contest, the winner of cation asks that all floats child welfare agencies to ensure edu- recommendation as district safety spe- The new fiscal and ethical require- which will be selected by be lighted with music. The cational stability for children in foster cialist. It is the industry leader,” wrote ments took effect on July 1, 2019. popular vote at www.bak- parade theme: “the True care,” reads the opening provision of David Crawford to Superintendent • Associate superintendent Rob- during Spirit of Christmas.” Float the section. Sherrie Raulerson. in Mobley announced Mrs. Raulerson the three days following drivers must be at least 18 Under transportation policies, a Mr. Crawford said the RAVE app is was not available for the meeting due to the parade. years old. See the applica- new provision is proposed to give the used across the nation and has been ad- her mother-in-law being involved in a Applications for 10-foot- tion for a full set of rules. district the option to implement a bus opted by some states as their exclusive “very serious” traffic accident the pre- by-10-foot booth space and driver complaint hotl ine for motorists provider for mobile panic apps. vious week.

Check it out... Arrest for theft at construction site A construction work- 31, of Macclenny was also it from the site. He also said Earlier, she had been al- er from Boca Raton, FL initially implicated but was he did not keep any of the lowed to enter the store to has been implicated in the later cleared, according to wood. use the phone after being theft of an estimated $1000 Deputy Evan Barrett. In other recent theft cas- found in an unconscious worth of plywood from the When interviewed, Mr. es, a sworn complaint was state in the parking lot, ac- TURKEY SHOOT site of the new Hampton Inn Durkin admitted to job su- filed on October 26 charging cording to Deputy Tyler u BENEFIT FOR CHARLIE BURNETT v at South 6th and the inter- perintendent Wiley Bagley Randall Brown, 36, of Jack- Baldwyn. state in south Macclenny. that the two took the ply- sonville with a felony for at- • Deputy Heidi Haynes Michael Durkin, 51, was wood to Lake City, and when tempting to leave Walmart arrested Charles Knight, November 16 arrested on November 6 he went to retrieve them he with 24 items valued at 29, of Glen St. Mary at the when the thefts were report- returned only 15 sheets, less $368 back in mid-June. Tri-County Probation office 11:00 am ed to the sheriff’s depart- that what was depicted as A store security employee in Macclenny on November at Baxter Community Baptist Church ment after other workers on being loaded into the pickup told Deputy Garrett Griff- 6. He was wanted in Colum- 25736 CR 127 • Baxter the property took photos of in the photos. is he recognized Mr. Brown bia County for a probation the suspect loading sheets Mr. Bagley said materi- from past shoplifting inci- violation. $5.00 per shot onto a vehicle. Another la- als have gone missing from dents, and that he had been • A 16-year-old female borer, Melvin Norman Jr., the site of the new hotel for banned from the property was taken into custody the Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & Nachos for sale several weeks, as much as as a result. The suspect fled early morning of November $5000 worth. The recent when confronted outside the 5 for violating terms of her theft involved 60 pieces of store after being observed house arrest for an unspec- plywood. loading merchandise into a ified offense. Turkey Mr. Durkin claimed he cart and trash can. Deputy Collyn Green believed the wood was being • Another person banned confronted the girl and two Trot set scrapped. He was charged from Walmart, Andrea others on Odis Yarborough The 7th annual Turkey with felony grand theft. Doss, 35, of St. Augustine Rd. about 3 a.m. and also Hugh D. Fish, Jr. J.D. Trot 5K, walk and fun run Deputy Barnett said Mr. was arrested the evening of charged the teen with resist- will be held Thanksgiving Norman, during subsequent November 9 when she tried ing arrest for refusing to give Day, November 28 with questioning, assumed noth- to leave the store with a her name. She was identified Serving check-in at 7 a.m. and the ing was amiss in helping sandwich, cupcake and soft by another deputy who knew Baker County race at 7:30 a.m. start- his boss, Mr. Durkin, take drink. her mother. ing at the YMCA, 136 W. for over 41 years Lowder St., Macclenny. The race is free with a THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT donation of a canned or specializing in... nonperishable food for The Baker Prevention Coalition would like to thank our community partners the local food bank. Pick who helped make the 2nd annual Fall Ball event a success! 600+ Baker up registration forms at County teenagers enjoyed a fun and safe night. The event raised $4,766 and Real Estate Country Financial Credit that will be donated to the BCHS Junior Class, Competitive Cheer team and Union, Klear Pools, Sis- Family Law ter Susie’s, The Press of- Majorettes! fice, Calendar’s Pizzeria or Thank you to the following for donating supplies, food and money: Hibbits Sports. Personal Injury Shirts are available for Baker County School District Hodges Produce purchase at Sister Susie’s, Baker County Sheriff ’s Offi ce Max Graphix 114 S. 5th St., Tuesday-Fri- Bennett’s Feed, Farm & Pet Center Meridian day, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last Country Financial Credit Union Moonlight Blessings Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm day to order shirts is No- Closed 12-1 for lunch vember 22. Short sleeves elevateuniversal The Baker County Press are $10, long sleeves $12 Guerry Funeral Homes Wendell and Ruthia Crews 34 S. Fifth Street | Macclenny | hughfi [email protected] and 2XL or larger add $3. Harvest Ministries Baker Women’s Center of Jacksonville For more information, 259-6606 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. call the YMCA at (904) We appreciate your support and the dedication to the youth of Baker County! Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. 748-1003. Page 8 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019 OPINION Thanksgiving’s best of holidays

Thanksgiving is just to the observance. It was around the corner. Ah, first held on November 28, Thanksgiving. The holiday 1782. with an inferiority com- Turkey may or may not plex. Lodged between the have been on the menu for two biggest commercial the first Thanksgiving. Po- holidays of the year, poor tatoes and pies were not Thanksgiving can’t get any because they weren’t grown respect. there and there weren’t In August, Halloween many fruits available for costumes and candy dis- pies. Pumpkins were eat- plays go up. The day after en, but more as a squash Halloween and the seeds – or before – roasted. Christmas is My Side of Cranberries everywhere. came later. But what the Matter Turkey is about Thanks- ROBERT GERARD mentioned by giving? Pilgrim writ- If there is a er William turkey or cen- Bradford as being hunted terpiece or some colored in the area, so that’s prob- leaves they are relegated ably how it stuck in our col- to a dim corner of the store lective consciousness. between birthday cards Ben Franklin was a and more Christmas stuff. big fan of turkey as well. Tom turkey is feeling for- There’s a myth that he gotten. wanted it as our national Thanksgiving is actu- symbol. Not really, but he ally a great old holiday. was dead set against the Will cannabis change our image? It’s about being thankful; bald eagle which he consid- thankful for the bounty we ered only a step above the The negative perception self as a prescriber of med- weight or improving your years. receive. Thankful for the vulture. He said the turkey of the cannabis industry ap- ical marijuana, according skin. While I’m not equating country we live in. Thank- had much better qualities. pears to be fading despite to the Medical Physicians Cannabis and associated the two drugs — the fact that ful for family and family Another holiday staple, some negative impacts Group website. Anoth- products are often market- one drug has been called an traditions and thankful for the , is documented in Colorado er cultivation facility is ed as miracle drugs, but I epidemic and the other a all the food that makes its a much later addition. The following the legalization planned in southwest Mac- think that’s only because miracle drug demonstrates way into our holiday tradi- venerable casserole was of recreational marijuana clenny but has yet to secure they’ve been found to aid in that as a society we have tions. an invention of the Camp- there in 2013, and for a few a state license. so many circumstances, in- drawn a line between mar- Thanksgiving has been bell Soup Company during good reasons. But what does all this cluding relief from seizures, ijuana and harder street around for a while, since the 1950s. Campbell was State drug enforcement mean for “the face” of Baker pain, post-traumatic-stress drugs like fentanyl, heroin, 1621 to be exact. Presi- always adding recipes to officials there report sub- County in the years ahead? and the side effects of can- cocaine and methamphet- dent Lincoln made it a its soup labels to give in- stantial increases in mar- Will Baker County remain cer treatment. amine. national holiday in 1863. teresting new ways to use ijuana-re- the quiet, That’s only the medical Cannabis is generally He said that it was a way its soups. It included the lated traffic quaint, rural side. believed to be harmless, at to give “Thanksgiving and green bean casserole and accidents and On Point paradise that Should the state’s voters least when users stay off the Praise to our beneficent featured it in Life, Look, hospitaliza- continues to legalize the drug for recre- road, while fentanyl has an Father who dwelleth in Good Housekeeping and tions, but the attract new ational use, the cannabis astounding body count. the Heavens.” He desig- other magazines of the era industry has In Print residents industry in Florida and here State prosecutors also nated it would be on the as a way to sell Cream of continued to Joel Addington here? Could could expand even more. recently announced they third Thursday in Novem- Mushroom soup. It took off grow nation- it lose its That’s looking a bit iffy would not pursue criminal ber. Franklin Roosevelt and became a holiday sta- ally and now image as a for the 2020 ballot. cases for low-level mari- changed the date to the ple. has a home in Baker County stronghold for conservative, A split among the pro-le- juana possession offenses fourth Thursday and there Lots of cities have pa- in Sanderson. traditional values? Could galization community has unless there is additional it remains. rades on Thanksgiving. That’s where the Man- the cannabis industry’s en- resulted in two competing criminal activity suspected. Like many holidays, its The biggest, of course, is hattan-based company try into Baker County be proposed constitutional I’m interested to see how origins are steeped in his- the Macy’s Thanksgiving Acreage Holdings celebrat- viewed as a doubling-down amendments, which could the community changes as tory and mystery. Not all Day parade, which got its ed the groundbreaking of on the county’s agricultural hurt the chances that either a result of the marijuana of the relevant facts can be start in 1924 as a way to its cultivation and process- heritage? measure gets enough peti- industry’s presence here in verified, but here’s what we usher in the Christmas hol- ing facility in late October. It could be said that tions signed by the deadline the decades to come. know. iday season and boost sales A physician group that many outsiders and insid- to qualify for the ballot. Will smoking a joint or The Pilgrims in the Mas- at the store. recently expanded into ers see the Acreage proj- One amendment legal- eating a pot brownie in sachusetts Bay Colony were There had long been a Macclenny is also billing it- ect as progress, providing izes home cultivation while downtown Macclenny be as dropping like flies from parade in New York City needed local private-sector the other legalizes recre- unremarkable in 20 years starvation and disease. The before the Thanksgiving jobs in a county with most- ational use but keeps state as drinking a beer or eating Indians led by parade. It was called the LETTER TO ly government jobs. I asked growing licenses in place. a cupcake is now? Chief offered to Ragamuffin parade where Chamber of Commerce di- And all this is happen- Not sure, but I hope help the Pilgrims in a quid children marched down the THE EDITOR rector Darryl Register how ing as the country grapples the small-town charm and pro quo. They would share street in holiday costumes. he thought Acreage’s proj- with sharp increases in character stays intact, re- their knowledge of the land But the Macy’s parade ect could change the face drug deaths related to illic- gardless. Bring on the and farming if the colonists pushed that into obscurity Enforce the of Baker County, and his it fentanyl, which has been growth and progress, but agreed to help them if larg- when 250,000 people lined response was all about ex- the deadliest drug here and don’t lose what makes this er surrounding tribes be- the parade route for the statute on panding the county’s tax across the state in recent county special. came hostile. first parade and the store base and job opportunities. The Pilgrims didn’t vowed to hold it every year. brake lights Locals with knowledge have much choice since The only time the parade Dear Editor: of Baker County history LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: their numbers had been has not been held was from It is time for the sheriff’s might joke about how high- cut in half by disease and 1942-44 because of World department to start crack- ly-experienced the local la- starvation. , a War 2. Felix the Cat was ing down on people pulling bor pool likely is, as illicit Indian living with the first balloon in 1931, trailers with no running pot growers have used the the , taught followed by Mickey Mouse or brake lights. I was fol- county’s vast wooded acre- them to plant corn and use and Donald Duck in ’34 lowing a pick-up pulling age to hide crops from au- fish skeletons as fertilizer. and ’35. Goku from Dragon a trailer loaded with fur- thorities for decades. Within a year they were Ball Z is the latest balloon niture on 121 going into But I’ve also heard sev- thriving. in 2018 although three new town. eral influential public offi- They decided to hold balloons will be added this All of a sudden the driv- cials endorse marijuana for a big harvest festival and year. er slowed down for a car medical use, including state the Indians brought vege- Football has become turning in front of him. Senator Rob Bradley, who tables, fish, other seafood synonymous with Thanks- Because the furniture was has advocated for improve- and venison. The party giving with Detroit and blocking his truck lights I ments to the state’s medical lasted three days and be- Dallas always scheduling a came to within six inches marijuana licensing pro- came something of a tradi- game on Thanksgiving. of rear ending him because gram, including more fund- tion in the colony. I love Thanksgiving. It’s I did not realize he was ing for research. After the Revolution- a fun, family-centered hol- slowing until the last min- It’s said the drug is used ary War, the Continental iday and shouldn’t be the ute. There was no lights on to treat a myriad of con- Congress declared a day of forgotten little brother of the trailer at all. ditions like seizures and Thanksgiving that tied cel- Halloween and Christmas. cancer but also for more ebration of the new country Happy Thanksgiving. Donald Estes mundane things like losing Glen St. Mary The Baker County Press USPS 040-280 Post Office Box 598 | Macclenny, FL 32063 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Publisher James C. McGauley (904) 259-2400 Letters are welcome, but must contain the signature of the writer, a [email protected] phone number and city of residence. Letters must be concise and re- The Baker County Press is published each Thursday by Baker County flect opinions and statements on current issues to the general public. MANAGING EDITOR Joel Addington Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid under permit issued April 26, 1929 The newspaper reserves the right to reject any material which in the [email protected] at the post office in Macclenny, Florida. newspaper’s judgment does not meet standards of publication. ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION RATES CONTACT US $25.00 a year inside Baker County; $45.00 a year outside Baker Coun- SPORTS EDITOR Kevin Upright ty; deduct, $5.00 for persons outside Baker County who are 65 years By phone at 904.259.2400 or by fax at 904.259.6502. [email protected] of age or older, military personnel on active duty, and college stu- You can stop by our office located at 104 S. Fifth Street, Macclenny, FL BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas dents. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Baker County or mail your submission to PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063 [email protected] Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. CLASSIFIEDS/LEGALS Camille FitzPatrick This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. email [email protected] [email protected] Thursday, November 14, 2019 The Baker County Press Page 9

bench during a district title ACROSS game (that BCHS lost 30-6), 1. Slick grp.? THEME: THANKSGIVING while school Superintendent 5. Mountain basin Flashbacks Tim Starling urged courtesy 8. Bygone bird of New Zealand as the estimated 2500 local 11. Relating to armpit BY: PRESS PUBLISHER fans attended the game. BCHS 12. Pestilence pest beat Zephyrhills to get a shot 13. End a mission JIM MCGAULEY at the Bulldogs. 15. Ancient Greece assembly — Glen Crosby, 48, who site, pl. traveled from New Mexico to 16. What little kittens did with Baker County to attend the fu- their mittens neral of his mother Willie Mur- Headlines from 17. *Thanksgiving Cranberry phy, collapsed and died at her concoction residence in Glen St. Mary. He 18. *Site of the “First Thanksgiv- November, 1989 was buried two days later near ing” Many of our older readers $3.98/lb. at Food Lion, sirloin his mother at Riverside Park in 20. “Guilty,” e.g. won’t believe this is from 30 tips for $1.68/lb., Betty Crock- Jacksonville. 21. Kiln, pl. — The county commission years ago — what The Press er cake mix 79 cts./box. Glen 22. ____ Aviv was working its way through was covering in November, St. Mary Supermarket had 23. *Give what? an avalanche of responses to 1989, when phones hung on pork spare ribs at $1.49/lb. 26. Strangling tool the wall and “social media” and ten lbs. of chicken quar- its call for applicants for the 30. Jul. follower meant talking face-to-face ters for $4.90. position of county manager 31. Pupil protector with your friends and neigh- — City Manager Gerald to replace county clerks as the bors: Dopson termed it a “night- traditional administrators to 34. Loads from lodes ­— Construction was well mare” costing the city at least the board. 35. Shows off underway on the $2.5 million $50,000 more to drill around Commissioners com- 37. Part of human cage first private nursing home in soil contamination from gas- plained about the quali- 38. Source of indigo dye, pl. Baker County, then labeled oline as “jack and bore” drill- ty of applicants, including 39. Laughing on the inside Heritage Health Care (now ing under I-10 continued to those submitting illegible 40. Truly hand-written responses on Macclenny Nursing and Re- extend utilities. Three gas sta- 42. Highest or lowest card the application form with fre- hab). The first phase 68-bed tions in the area were denying 43. Nemo’s home plant facility was located here to responsibility. quent misspellings. The board whittled the pack down to 45. *U.S. President’s magnani- catch the overflow of nursing — Oakland A’s pitching ace mous gesture 10 names and eventually se- home patients unable to live and World Series hero Storm 47. Say “no” at Wells Nursing Home, the lected Wayne Hurst, but not Daniels (not to be confused 48. Plural of carpus public facility that stayed at with President Trump’s Stormy before commission members 50. Tom Jones’s “____ a Lady” capacity, forcing patients to Daniels) made appearances at vocally moaned their dismay, 7. The Count’s favorite subject 33. Jack-in-the-box part go outside Baker County. both Baker High School and including one who lamented 52. *First settlers 8. Wry face 36. *First Thanksgiving parade — Reverse sticker shock: Baker Middle School with his he wished they “stated their 55. ____ con Carne or ____ Verde 9. Black and white mammal (Philadelphia) sponsor qualifications instead of a Macclenny Ford advertised anti-drug message. He min- 56. Fe 10. *What Thanksgiving cele- 38. What Darwin says we do new 1990 Ford Ranger pick- gled with star-struck students bunch of words that don’t tell 57. Off-color brant did? 40. “No room in the ____ for the me anything.” up trucks at $6995 (that’s not signing autographs and urg- 59. Popular jeans brand 12. Excessively showy, slang travelers weary...” the rebate; that’s the price!). ing them to take responsibil- 60. Attention-getting sound 13. Turkish monetary unit 41. Print from a smartphone On the food front, you could ity for their behavior. 61. Peter, Paul and Mary, e.g. 14. *Macy’s parade flyer 44. Desert mirage get New York strip steaks for — CSX announced it will SUBSCRIBE 46. ____ Bridge in Venice install a signaled crossing at 62. Elvis’ “____ Now or Never” 19. “Haste ____ waste” 48. The ____ of the Bambino CR 125 in Glen St. Mary, the & SAVE! 63. ____ someone off 22. Little bit scene of multiple train-vehicle 64. Do like goo 23. ____ PeriÛdica 49. What phoenix did Want to use KidScoop in fatalities over the years. The 52 weeks of news DOWN 24. Connected to Lake Michigan 50. Bolted your classroom for FREE? county agreed to a cost-split only $25 a year 1. Lout 25. September stone 51. Hurries on installation of the crossing 52. Hearts and diamonds Delivered to your 2. Alka-Seltzer sound 26. Hurtful remark arms. Call Jessica Prevatt 3. James ____ Jones 27. Synonym to #61 Across 53. Claudius’ heir and successor — Wildcat fans loudly pro- mailbox in Baker County 4. Colored wax stick 54. British slang for swindle 259-2400 tested a decision by Suwan- Call today! 259-2400 28. Telephone company 55. Computer-generated imag- nee County to pack its own 5. VIP’s influence 29. City in Germany and join the fun! The Baker County Press ery, acr. supporters behind the visitors 6. Compass point, pl. 32. Marine eagle 58. Anonymous John

Brought to you by: Speeds up to 100mbps Coalition Meeting November 21 11:30 am Lunch • 12:00 pm Meeting BAKER COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE •• 904-259-2261 259-3922 1 Sheriff’s Offi ce Drive •Macclenny

Follow these four easy steps to Jellyfish is a compound word – a word made by combining two learn how to draw a jelly sh. © 2019 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 35, No. 49 smaller words (jelly + fish). Draw a line between the words below to create compound words. True or False? When we at Kid Scoop come across stories such as this one about a Some of the words in this article are tangled in the jelly sh as large as a jelly sh tentacles. Can you replace the missing words? person, we wonder if it’s true or not. Today, even ENGLAND – Lizzie Daly is a scuba photographs can be ______, wildlife biologist and a reporter. changed.

Last summer, she and photographer, Dan We checked this story Abbott, went on a diving trip to ______out to make sure it was waters around the United Kingdom. Little did true. To do that, we they know the excitement that lay ahead. checked three separate sources. When they dove off the ______of Cornwall, England, something very large Sources for this report suddenly appeared. are (a fact-checking website), It was a barrel jellyfish. It was as ______as JELLYFISH Find the words in the puzzle. and How many of them can you Lizzie is tall. TENTACLES find on this page? All are respected sites LARGEST Dan Abbott got a ______and that con rmed the story V S S L J L T I S N a video of Lizzie swimming with the huge is true. BARREL jellyfish. Once it was posted online, it went SUMMER I E L A E D G I M Y viral—shared thousands of times on ______Anytime you read DIVER D L A R L E I N R E media. something that seems too wild to be true, SCUBA E C R I L A G V A R Lizzy and Dan spent an hour ______check at least three COAST O A G V Y D G B E P with the jellyfish. Neither had ever seen a respected sources to BEACH jellyfish this large before. see if they are reporting B T E J F N U E L R the same information. STING VIRAL L N S Y I C O A S T VIDEO F E T T S U M M E R Largest Jelly sh Does the barrel jelly DEAD The barrel jellyfish Lizzie and I T S S H C A E B H Dan saw is larger than usual. really eat with its arms? ARMS Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical Most barrel jellyfish are about 3 The barrel jellyfish has many tiny mouths PREY words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. feet (1 meter) long. But it is not on the poofy cauliflower-like parts of its the largest jellyfish in the world. arms. Circle every other letter below to learn the name of the world’s They don’t eat fish. They eat largest jellyfish. Why do you very small zooplankton (tiny Our new Kid Scoop think it’s called this? animal plankton) that they catch on these Fact and Opinion drawing book is here! arms. Like all jellies, the pulsing of ALBITOMNJSTMVAWNK their bells helps to Facts can be measured, “The barrel jellyfish Learn to draw a wide EBJZEPLQLGYOFNIESIH swirl plankton into was 5 feet long.” Opinions can differ from variety of animals in our their arms where one person to another, for example, “The brand new how-to-draw they will sting book published by Happy their prey and eat barrel jellyfish is beautiful.” Can you find Fox Books. Order from it through the tiny three of each in the newspaper? your local bookstore or at mouths. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information., The barrel jellyfish and How big is it? and lion’s mane Do barrel jelly sh sting? jellyfish on today’s From the tips of its page got their names bell to the end of its They do sting their tiny prey. But, because their prey is so tiny, their sting is not very strong. A person who because of the way tentacles, it can be over they look. Explore ______feet long. touches their arms would get a mild sting. The sting 25 + 25 + 50 of the barrel jellyfish is not normally harmful to the newspaper for humans. If you find any jellyfish on a beach, it’s best adjectives that can Jelly sh Facts not to handle it as they can still sting when dead. be used to describe The largest one found to jellyfish. Can you Research a kind of jellyfish and write date was ______feet long. 50 + 50 + 20 come up with some three or more facts about it. Don’t forget A special thank you to the new jellyfish names? Monterey Bay Aquarium for How many jelly sh can you Standards Link: Reading to include the name of your jellyfish. their help with this page! Comprehension: Identify nd on this page? adjectives. Page 10 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019 OBITUARIES ‘Jim’ Bennett, 83, of Starke Lewis Conner, 93, of Bryceville Service for Edward Hardenbrook James “Jim” Ellis Bennett, 83, of Lewis Hubert Conner, 93, of Bry- Edward Lee Hardenbrook, 83, of Starke passed away on Tuesday, No- ceville passed away Thursday, Novem- Starke passed away Sunday, November vember 5 at Shands UF in Gaines- ber 7. Mr. Conner was born in Hilliard 10 at St. Vincent’s Southside in Jack- ville after a brief illness. He was born to John Upchurch and Dola McIn- sonville. He was born July 31, 1936 in Baker County to Aaron and Crissy tosh Conner. He was a farmer and a in Starke to Jessie James and Annie Bennett. Mr. Bennett was a resident retired supervisor at Southern Wood Mary Magyari Hardenbrook. Edward of Baker County until he and his wife Piedmont Company, where he was honorably served his country in the moved to Starke in 1988. Jim was a employed for over 30 years. Mr. Con- United States Army. He later became carpenter by trade and a veteran of ner was a member of Bryce­ville First a steamfitter by trade and worked for the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed fishing, NA- Baptist Church and served as a dea- the Duval County School Board for SCAR and was a big Dale Jr. fan. Most con for many years. He loved singing 31 years. Edward was an avid Florida of all, he loved his dogs and being with bluegrass gospel music and fishing on Gator Football fan. He was preceded his family. the St. Mary’s River. A kind and loving in death by his parents; son Timothy Mr. Bennett was preceded in death James Bennett man, he cherished time spent with his Lewis Conner Hardenbrook; brothers Charles, Billy Edward Hardenbrook by his parents; brothers Lemmy Ben- family. He was preceded in death by and Tommy Hardenbrook; sisters Hel- nett, Allen Bennett, Johnny Bennett and Lawrence Ben- his parents; brothers Ellis, Aubrey, Melvin and Clyde; sis- en Hardenbrook and Wilma O’Brien and granddaughter nett; sisters Lavina Bennett and Bernice Bennett. He is sur- ter Beulah Bell. Shelby Hardenbrook. vived by his beloved wife of 38 years, Virginia L. Bennett of Mr. Conner is survived by his sons Rex (Patricia) Conner Mr. Hardenbrook is survived by his loving wife, Cynthia Starke; stepsons Robert Phillips of Macclenny and James of Bryceville and Ray (Hope) Conner of Callahan; grand- Hardenbrook of Starke; children Tammy (Dale) Hand of (Dana) Phillips of Lake City; stepdaughter Donna Davis of children Chad Conner, Michael Conner, Kristin (Rich- Jacksonville, Danny (Vicky) Hardenbrook of Macclenny Macclenny; six grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren and ard) Geiger, Erica Johns, Kelly Kennedy, Ashley (Darrell) and Joy (Tim) Davis of Jacksonville; 12 grandchildren and other family members and friends. Padgett, Traci Bailey, Brent Johnson, and Melody (Eric) two great-grandchildren. A celebration of Mr. Bennett’s life will be held at a lat- Beursken and 19 great grandchildren. A celebration of Edward’s life will be held on Friday, No- er date. Arrangements entrusted to the care of Black- The funeral service for Mr. Conner was held at noon on vember 15 at 11 a.m. with visitation one hour prior to the burn-Curry Funeral and Cremation, Macclenny. November 11 at Bryceville First Baptist Church with Pas- service at V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services in Macclenny tor Paul Abernathy and Rev. Richard Fish officiating. -In with Pastor Ray Mayfield and Tommy Webb officiating.- In terment followed in Conner-Green Cemetery, Hilliard. Ar- terment will follow at Macedonia Cemetery. Sanderson rangements were entrusted to Warren Funeral Services of St. Mary’s Congregational Baldwin. Gayle Hinesley-Pringle, 51, of GA Catholic Church Holiness Church Gayle Hinesley-Pringle, 51, of Lilburn, Georgia passed CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL away on Thursday, November 7. Gayle worked for CIBA Memorial for Deborah Doss, 62 Vision for over 23 years. She was preceded in death by her MASS Sunday School 10:00 am Deborah Lynn Doss, 62, went to be father John Wesley Hinesley Sr. and sisters Sandra Jenkins Saturday • 5 PM Morning Worship 11:00 am with our Lord on Friday, October 25, and Wanda London. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm 2019. She was born October 1,1957 in Gayle is survived by her husband Larry Pringle, who has Sunday • 10 AM Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Montgomery, West Virginia to Ernest family members in Baker County; daughter Megan Hines- Pastor: Oral E. Lyons Hess and Deloris June Wallace. She ley-Pringle of Lilburn; mother Jeannette Hinesley of Lil- 1143 W. Macclenny Ave. moved to Baker County in 1982 where burn; brother John Wesley Hinesley Jr. of Loganville, GA; she began a successful cosmetology ca- sister Tracy Swain of Loganville; numerous nieces, neph- reer. She was a devoted mother, grand- ews and other family members. mother, sister and aunt. She was pre- The funeral service was held on November 11 at the deceased by her parents; older brother Snellville Chapel of Tim Stewart Funeral Home, Snellville, Richard Hess and step-father Howard GA. Interment followed at Melwood Cemetery in Stone Cook. Mountain, GA. Mrs. Doss is survived by her daugh- ters Tatum (Chris) Rogers and Andrea Deborah Doss Doss; grandchildren Gwyn Rogers, Carolyn Swindell, 66, of Macclenny Mylee Rogers and Channing Doss; sister Jennifer (Scott) Carolyn Swindell, 66, of Macclenny Santarone; three nieces and her life-partner of 23 years passed away Tuesday, November 12, Charles Beatte. 2019 at Ed Fraser Memorial Hospital, A celebration of life memorial service is being planned Macclenny following a brief illness. for Saturday, November 16 at Memorial Park in Glen St. Mrs. Swindell was born in Lake Butler Mary. All friends and loved ones are asked to attend. Dona- and lived in Raiford for many years be- tions in her memory can be made to the Shriners. fore moving to Baker County in 1972. CALVARY She was a homemaker and a member BAPTIST CHURCH of the Road to Calvary Church, Glen St. Mary. She was a loving mother and a devoted grandmother who loved spending time with her family. Mrs. Swindell was preceded in death by her parents Albert and Geneva Dees Fin- Carolyn Swindell ley; husband Raymond Swindell; sis- ters Geneva, Wanda and Willa Mae Finley; brother William “Buck” Finley. Carolyn is survived by sons Michael (Kelly) Swindell 523 North Blvd. W. • Macclenny • 259-4529 and James (Tommie Sue) Swindell of Glen St. Mary, Josh (Cheryl) Swindell of Baxter and Marcus (Sidnie) Swindell of Macclenny; daughter Rebecca Swindell of Macclenny; brothers Anthony (Betty) Finley and Eugene (Lannie) Fin- DON’T TOSS IT, SELL IT. ley, both of Lake Butler; sisters DeLoris Griffis of Yulee, FL, Charlotte (Scott) Henderson and Doris Ellixson, both Why send that lamp to the curb? of Lake Butler; 17 grandchildren and five great-grandchil- Find a new home for it through the classifieds. dren. Besides, someone out there needs to see the light. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, November 14 at Guerry Funeral Home. A funeral service to honor the life The Baker County Press 259-2400 • [email protected] of Mrs. Swindell will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, November 15 at her church with Pastor Tommy Anderson officiating. Justin Goodson, L.F.D., Garrett Milton, Licensed Intern, Brittnee Milton, Interment will immediately follow at Taylor Cemetery. F.D.I.C., Eva & Emee Milton, William “Bill” Guerry, Owner, L.F.D., Cameron Wilson, Funeral Assistant, Dylan Hall, Funeral Assistant WANT TO LEARN For 70 years Guerry Funeral Home has served the CPR AND FIRST AID? The Baker County Health Department holds people of Baker County from the same location and classes monthly. Call 259-6291 with the compassion and dignity they deserve. To- day, that same care and value remain. Let our family serve yours in your greatest time of need. DINKINS NEW CONGREGATIONAL Always COMPASSIONATE Community Full Gospel Owners METHODIST CHURCH Shannon Curry, L.F.D. & James Curry, F.D.I.C. Always PROFESSIONAL CR 127 N. of Sanderson Church Proving not all funeral Always AFFORDABLE Sunday School 10:00 am 12664 Mud Lake Rd. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am homes are the same... 259-2211 Sunday Night Service 6:00 pm Sunday Morning 11:00 am 420 East Macclenny Ave. | Macclenny Wed. Night Service 7:00 pm Sunday Evening 6:00 pm one family at a time. Pastor Bro. Timothy Alford Tuesday Evening 7:00 pm And we know that all things work together for good Romans 8:28 to them that love God, to them who are the called Pastor Tommy Richardson || 904-275-2949 according to his purpose. Independent Pentecostal Church We care about your family. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE The Road When your family experiences a time of need, let our family provide quality service Connect | Grow | Serve to Calvary at a reasonable price. Corner of Madison & Stoddard 10 am - Sunday School Glen St. Mary Sunday 11 am - Morning Service Rev. Tommy & Doris Anderson 6 pm - Evening Service Youth Director Kayse Fiano 6 pm - Family Meal Phone: 904-259-2213 Wednesday 7 pm - Adult & Youth Services Sunday School: ...... 10:00 am 380 N. Lowder St., Macclenny M 259-2806 Sunday Morning Service . . . .11:00 am Sunday Evening Service . . . . . 6:00 pm 251 W. Ohio Ave. • Macclenny Wednesday Night ...... 7:00 pm

CHURCH AND OBITUARY NOTICE INFORMATION CONTACT US Obituaries must be submitted in a timely fashion and have a local connection. Pictures are printed with By phone at 904.259.2400 or by fax at 904.259.6502. You can stop by our office located at obituaries free of charge. The newspaper reserves the right to publish photos based on quality. It is 104 S. Fifth Street, Macclenny, FL or mail your submission to PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063 requested that all news items be typed or emailed to insure accuracy in print. Online at or email [email protected] Thursday, November 14, 2019 The Baker County Press Page 11 ‘Ronnie’ Taylor, 61, of Taylor Ronald “Ronnie” David Taylor, 61, of Taylor passed away Wednesday, No- What’s coming to 228 south? vember 6 at Shands Hospital Gaines- JOEL ADDINGTON they’ve been told the plan is for ville. Mr. Taylor was born in Jackson- MANAGING EDITOR apartments and other commer- ville on December 29, 1957 to Milton [email protected] cial like those above, though and Lucille (Crews) Taylor. He gradu- such a project would require a ated from Baker County High School While Chris Gazes of GF Flor- rezoning of the land, triggering in 1975. After high school, he married ida Lands, LLC declined to re- public hearing and notice re- Velma Bryan, and soon after he joined veal details on his development quirements. the United States Army and served as of roughly 13 acres of prime According to City of Mac- a vehicle mechanic. Following his stint commercial real estate north clenny ordinances online, En- in the Army, he went into iron work- of the Walmart Superstore on terprise Corridor zoning is “in- ing, in which he spent the rest of his SR 228 South, permit docu- tended to discourage strip and Ronald Taylor life. Mr. Taylor spent his entire life as ments from the St. Johns Water other disorganized commercial a resident of Taylor. In his spare time, Management District for a new development patterns along he enjoyed farming and spending time with his children drainage system to accommo- State Road 228 through the City and grandchildren. His favorite saying, “If I knew grand- date future construction shed of Macclenny...” children was this much fun, I would have had them first.” some light on the site’s future. Photo by Joel Addington But the zoning designation He was preceded in death by his parents and brother Ran- GF Florida applied for a The cleared property on the west side of SR 228 South near also focuses on access and dy Taylor. storm water management sys- Walmart. transportation. He is survived by his children Jason Taylor, Milton (Jes- tem permit extension that was tion as soon as possible,” he continued. “... Mixed-use mas- salyn) Taylor and Jaime (John Farrell) Taylor, all of Tay- granted last July for five more years “The plan is to fully build out the storm- ter-planned developments that employ lor; grandchildren Randall Taylor, Wyatt Taylor and Jacob through 2024. water system, including all permitted innovative site planning and coordinat- Farrell; brothers Rodney Taylor, Ricky (Teresa) Taylor, Associated documents describe a wetland impacts, with the initial build- ed access management techniques are and Robbie (Kim) Taylor, all of Taylor; numerous other “commercial subdivision” of 12.82 ing/structure construction, followed encouraged in the EC (enterprise cor- family members and friends. acres with 3.7 acres of impervious sur- by subsequent structure buildout as ridor) zoning district,” reads the ordi- Visitation will be on Thursday, November 14 at 1 p.m. in face, like pavement or buildings, and additional buyers are secured. For that nance. “Such development will create the Forbes Funeral Home chapel with the service following lots with 70 percent impervious cover- reason, we are requesting an additional an attractive and inviting ‘gateway’ into at 2 p.m. Following conclusion of service, a small gathering age. five years, as opposed to only two, to al- Macclenny that is compatible with in- will be held at the Terry Crews Sr. Farms, 6852 Cattle Gap The permit extension was sought be- low our client time to secure additional terstate development nodes. The enter- Lane, Glen St. Mary. cause the developer was able to secure a buyers for the remaining portions of the prise corridor plan proposes a safe and buyer for a portion of the property with project.” efficient transportation system contain- ‘Sue’ Wignall, 88, of Glen St. Mary plans to begin construction immediate- A notice of commencement for work ing limited joint use access driveways to ly. on the drainage system was sent to the a 120-foot right-of-way buffered by par- Florence Brown Wignall, 88, of “This project is in need of a permit district too and dated September 30. allel service roads.” Glen St. Mary passed away peacefully extension due to unforeseen project City officials say they haven’t re- In other recent pending commercial on Friday, November 8 surrounded by planning complications,” wrote project ceived any building plans for the prop- development within the city, a Popeye’s family at Community Hospice in Jack- field biologist Derek Lee of Bio-Tech erty, however, the land is zoned En- restaurant is planned for an out-parcel sonville. Florence, better known as Consulting, Inc. to the water manage- terprise Corridor with a commercial of the Sav-A-Lot shopping center on the Sue, was born July 7, 1931, in Tampa to ment district in his permit extension medium-intensity future land use. west side of South 6th Street south of William Frederick and Lilieth Bishop request. Such zoning does not permit res- Lowder Street. Brown Sr. During childhood, Sue lived “Due to the nature of the commercial idential development like condos, It’s being built by Verdad Real Es- in Tampa and Jacksonville, as well as real estate market, the applicant has re- apartments, duplexes or conventional tate of , which has built numerous Barcelona, Maracaibo and Quiriquire, quired more time than expected to find homes. Rather it’s designated for things fast-food chain restaurants, accord- Venezuela. She returned stateside to suitable users for the proposed facili- like restaurants, retail, hotels and the ing to its website. The firm submitted complete her secondary education at ties; however, he has recently secured like. building plans for the city engineer and Napsonian School in Atlanta, gradu- a buyer for a portion of the project and According to neighboring residents, building official to review. ating in May 1949. Not long after, Sue Florence Wignall would like to commence with construc- moved to Jacksonville where she met David W. Wignall Sr. They married on January 20, 1951 at Naval Air Station Jacksonville and enjoyed 50 years of marriage before David’s death in October 2001. Through- out her life, Sue enjoyed family gatherings, gardening and yard work, puzzles and word games, sewing, crochet and needlework, genealogy research and travel with the Nut- ty Buddys’ RV Club. Sue was predeceased by her husband; parents and her brothers Thomas Warren Brown and Wil- liam Frederick Brown, Jr. Sue is survived by her sister Dorothy Brown Neill of Winter Garden, FL; sister-in-law Elaine Brown of Balti- more, MD; brothers-in-law William (Margaret) Wignall of Ottumwa, IA and James Wignall of Denton, TX; chil- dren David Wignall Jr. of Old Town, FL, Bruce (RoseMa- rie) Wignall of Wadena, MN, Brian (MaryLee) Wignall of McKinney, TX, Susan (Rick) Voorhees of Glen St. Mary and Purchase this photo at Photos by Jessica Prevatt Clifton (Renee) Wignall of Taylor; nine grandchildren; fif- Students began trickling in a little before eight o’clock Saturday evening. teen great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Arrangements are forthcoming for a celebration of life to be held in Baker County with private interment at Jack- sonville National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please make 600+ flood 2nd annual Fall Ball donations “In Memory of Florence ‘Sue’ Wignall” to Com- munity Hospice at JOEL ADDINGTON MANAGING EDITOR Keith Young, 58, of Sanderson [email protected] Keith Allen Young, 58, of Sanderson The second-annual Baker passed away Monday, November 4 at Prevention Coalition-spon- UF Health in Jacksonville. He was born sored Fall Ball at the fair- May 5, 1961 in Jacksonville to James grounds for BCHS students Everett and Nancy Faye McCune to benefit the junior class, Young Sr. Keith was raised in Jackson- competitive cheer team and ville but moved to Baker County nine majorettes proved so pop- years ago. He worked in the construc- ular, coalition executive di- tion industry doing stucco work for rector Lea Rhoden said she many years, and Keith also enjoyed his had to check the capacity time working at a donut shop. He was limit on the exhibition hall great at his job and made awesome do- for last Saturday’s affair. nuts. When not working Keith enjoyed “You know when you start talking about building drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and Keith Young listening to music. He was preceded in occupancy for your event, One of two lines of students waiting to get in to the Fall Ball. death by his parents and brother Mark Young. you must be doing some- Keith is survived by his wife Terry Young of Jackson- thing right?!” she wrote in fun and were safe for a few unteers; and school resource “We never worried about ville; brother James Everett Young Jr. (Sandra Sheffield) a post-event Facebook post hours.” officers Deputies Chad Mon- the safety and security of our of Sanderson; sister Brenda Young of Jacksonville; sister- thanking partners. “To the She also thanked dozens tean, Keith Parker, Kelby students with you there,” in-law Shirley Brown Young of Macclenny and other family say the 2nd Fall Ball was a of business and individual Crawford, John Byrd and she said. members. success would be an under- sponsors, vendors and vol- Tim Griffin. A celebration of Keith’s life was held on November 7 at statement! We nearly dou- Ferreira Funeral Services chapel in Macclenny. bled the students who at- tended and the [money] we raised.” The dance raised more than $4700 with more than A drunk driver ruined 600 students participating. something precious. “It was an amazing Amber Apodaca. night,” Mrs. Rhoden said af- ter the event. FRIENDS DON’T LET She said the teens had FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK. “good, clean (well except for a little dirty dancing)

“With Your Family In Mind” CREATING HEALING EXPERIENCES Funerals, Cremation, Monuments Affordable, dignifi ed service by people you can trust H.M. “Hank” Forbes Jr. Owner/LFDIC Hawke M.T. Forbes Manager/LFD Intern 409 West Macclenny Ave. 904.259.4600 Macclenny Page 12 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Baker County Press DEADLINES Placement, correction or cancellation of classified ads may be done by phone, e-mail or in person anytime before lassifieds Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on CCALL 904.259.2400 TO PLACE AN AD or... the following Thursday. Online: Email: [email protected]

Classi­­fied ads and notic­ ­es must be paid in advance, and be in our office no lat­er than 5:00 pm the Monday preceding pub­­li­ca­tion, unless otherwise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accompanied by payment Thursday, Friday & Saturday, and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classi­­fied Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Mac­clenny,­ FL 32063. 8:00 am - 2:00 pm, 210 South 7th We can­not assume responsibility for ac­curacy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Lia­ ­­bil­i­ty for errors in all adver- Street, Macclenny. Estate sale with tising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error multi-families, rain or shine, inside by the person or agen­cy for whom it was pub­lish­ed, then that party as­sumes full payment re­spon­sibility. The Baker and in carport. Household items, County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other­ materi­ ­al which in the opinion of the publisher does clothes, homemade fruitcakes. not meet standards of publication. Friday, 8:00 am - ?, 1169 Copper Gate Place, Macclenny. Metal wall 44. To register: $100 refundable adults. Animal Control, $65 adop- Foreman, Pipelayers, Excavator art, interior decor, miscellaneous goods, walkers, cash deposit to bid. 15%-18% BP. tion fees will apply. Call 259-6786. and Dozer Operators, and Hillman. books and plenty more. FOR SALE (800) 840-BIDS. AB-1098 AU- 11/20tfc Please apply online at www.petti- 3219, Eric Rubin, 11/14p PSCC is an Equal Friday & Saturday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, 5880 Shelly Fried and smoked turkeys, call to Opportunity Employer. 7/25tfc order: George’s Country Kitchen, HELP WANTED Lane, off of Mud Lake Road (CR130), Macclenny, 904-259-1300 or Smokehouse MISCELLANEOUS Experienced painters needed. 904-259-3687. Carport sale: household items, fur- Meat Marker, 904-259-6328. Notice to readers: Peacock Painting. Call 904-259- 5877. 2/21tfc niture, womens jeans and tops. 11/7-11/21c We install 6” seamless gutters, The newspaper often publishes Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Like new Nintendo 3DS for sale pressure washing. 259-7335. classified advertising on subjects Friday & Saturday, 7:30 am - 1:00 pm, 5723 with 5 games, all accessories, still 8/11tfc “NEW INCREASED WAGE SCALE like work-at-home, weight loss WITH SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS”. Gramps Trail, Macclenny. Barn sale: a lot of items, in box, $225. 904-259-2298. Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure products, health products. While 11/14-11/21p Seeking Unit manager, RN pre- new and used. may be the cause. $30 billion set the newspaper uses reasonable ferred, M-F day shift; RNs, LPNs & GE 4 burner electric stove, reg- aside for asbestos victims. Call discretion in deciding on publi- CNAs. Apply at www.macclennyre- Saturday, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon, 6291 South Coun- ular size, oven with see through 1-619-485-4372 or email can- cation of such ads, it takes no re- 6/13tfc glass works well, $125, OBO; [email protected]. sponsibility as to the truthfulness ty Road 125, Macclenny. Home decor, toys and more. 1920s Novo antique hit and miss 11/14p of claims. Respondents should use HELP WANTED-Accepting appli- cations for electrician and AC duct , 7073 Oak Ridge engine, runs well, $1900, OBO. caution and common sense before Saturday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous meet- installer and AC Service Tech. Must 904-259-2393. 11/14c sending any money or making oth- Drive, Glen St. Mary, off of Bob Burnsed Road. Nice ings, 8:00 pm Monday - Saturday, er commitments based on state- have experience and valid driver’s Church Furniture: Does your 8981 South State Road 228, Mac- ments and/or promises; demand license. Apply in person at Depend- clothes, Christmas items, etc. church need pews, pulpit set, bap- clenny @ mobile home dealership. specifics in writing. You can also able located at 203 E. Macclenny Saturday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm, 7556 Aunt Mary Har- tistery, steeple, windows? Big Sale Call Jared, 386-288-2374. 11/14tfc call the Federal Trade Commis- Avenue. 904-259-6546 or submit on new cushioned pews and pew sion at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find application on our website at de- vey Road, Glen St. Mary at Glen Church. Huge yard chairs. 1-800-231-8360 www. out how to spot fraudulent solic- 1/21tfc sale! 11/14p AUTOMOBILES itations. Remember: if it sounds Live & Online Public Auction: Two too good to be true, it probably is. Saturday, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm, 8188 County Road Toyota Avalon, 4 cylinder, auto- BUSINESS OPP. Day Auction Event, Thurs, Novem- - The Baker County Press matic, new tires, $350. 904-259- 139B, Glen St. Mary. All must go. Clothing, books, ber 21st & Fri, November 22nd . 2393. 11/14c Wayne Frier Macclenny: look- Concession trailer, approved li- appliances, furniture, tools, bakery items, Christmas Panelfold, Inc., 0700 NW 36th Av- ing for experienced Mobile Home cense, meets all regulations, ready enue, Miami, FL 33167. 140,000 Salesman or the right person, #1 for work with available spot, and Halloween items and much more. sqft. facility comprised of a vast dealer in Southeast US. 100k/year+ $20,000, OBO. 904-259-2393. amount of Manufacturing Machin- ANIMALS opportunity, email: jm_martin23@ 11/14c Saturday, 8:00 am - ?, 241 Lloyd Street, Macclenny. ery and Equipment including but, 904-259-4663. Huge kids yard sale: all things baby, nursery items, not limited to: assorted hydraulic 11/7-11/28c breast pump and tons of milk storage items, chang- punch presses, die presses and Happy Jack® LiquiVict 2x®: BUSINESS OPP. dies, hydraulic press breaks, hy- handy dispenser insures accurate Full-time oil change and tire REAL ESTATE ing station, bottles, bath tub, bath items, etc. Baby draulic sheers, welding machinery, dosage to treat hook and round technician, experience helpful. Ap- lamination machinery line, glue ap- worms. GLEN CASH STORE. 259- ply in person at Jimmy’s Auto Re- Notice to Readers boy clothes (NB-2T), girls (NB-12 months), tons of pair, 959 West Macclenny Avenue, plication machinery, plywood and 2381. ( All real estate advertising in this toys, womens clothing, shoes, accessories, some Monday - Firday, 8:00 am - 6:00 MDF boards, heat press machin- 11/7-11/21p newspaper is subject to the Fair household items, Krispy Kreme donuts on site for ery, assorted milling machines and pm, Drug Free Workplace. Wanted: unwanted livestock, Housing Act which makes it illegal drill presses, band saws, invento- 10/31-11/21c fundraiser. horses, goats and cows, free pick- to advertise “any preference, limita- ry, Clark forklifts, Toyota forklifts, up. Call Danny, 904-222-5054. Now hiring: Field/Shop Mechanic tion or discrimination based on race, pacemaker plastic extrusion lines, Saturday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, 16655 Turner Cem- 11/14-12/5p (John Deere experience preferred, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial bench lathes, warehouse handling but not required), Heavy Equip- status or national origin, or an inten- etery Road, Glen St. Mary. Little girls stuff, coats, equipment, scissor lift, racking, Dogs: all types from puppies to ment Operators, and Laborers, Pipe tion to make any such preference, shoes and miscellaneous. shelving, raw materials, supplies, limitation or discrimination.” Familial office furniture, computers/office status includes children under the equipment, 2012 Chevrolet Express age of 18 living with parents or le- van, intellectual property (trade- Giddens Security Corporation gal custodians, pregnant women and under 18. accept any advertising for real es- marks, copyrights, patents, design people securing custody of children This newspaper will not knowingly tate which is in violation of the law. rights, logos, licensing agreements, Our readers are hereby informed domain name, websites, testing re- NOW HIRING that all dwellings advertised in this ports, promotional aids) and much Full & Part Time Unarmed for a long term contract newspaper are available on an equal more. Catalog and photos available opportunity basis. To complain of at In- discrimination, call HUD toll free at spections: By appointment only (5) $12/hr in Macclenny 1-800-669-9777. The toll free tele- days prior to the scheduled auction phone number for the impaired is date. Assignment for the Benefit of ALL SHIFTS OPEN 1-800-927-9275. Creditors Case #2019-024506-CA- FSBO: 650 Drew Street, Bald- Apply in person at win, 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated, 528 S Edgewood Ave $99,000. Call for appointment, I BUY USED MOBILE HOMES Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-254-7661. 11/14-11/28p $$ CASH PAID $$ or online at Lot for sale: 11366 Deerwood Circle, Macclenny. $2500/down, IMMEDIATELY $410/month. 904-609-6184. 904-384-8071 10/18tfc 904.259.4663 We also offer training for the Armed and Unarmed license Wayne Frier Macclenny, I buy land. Cash paid immediately. Call 904-259-4663. 3/9tfc


Large DW MH with porches, 4 BR, 2 BA, CH/A, $1000/month, $1000/ security deposit. Call Guy Purvis, 904-252-4242. 11/7-11/14p 4 BR, 3 Full BA, 2006 DW, 2400 sq. ft., on 2½ acres fenced, $1100/ month, $1000/deposit. 904-891- 2580. 11/14-12/5p House for rent: 172 East Blvd North, Macclenny, 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car garage, large fenced back yard, quiet neighborhood, $975/month, deposit required. 904-237-1288. 11/14p Gorgeous huge DW MH, 3 BR, 2 BA, fresh paint, new flooring throughout, new blinds and ceiling fans, shed, water softener, on 1 acre in Macedonia area, service animals only, $1200/month, first/last/$500 deposit, available December 1st. 904-259-5877. 11/14tfc Room for rent, weekly, deposit re- quired. 904-408-8085. 11/14p 1 BR, 1 BA apartment located in Macclenny, 491 East Michigan Ave- nue #3, $600/month, $400/deposit, water/sewer and garbage included, first/last month’s rent plus security deposit required to move in, service animals only. Call 904-259-8444 or email vtfpropertymanagement@ for more information or to get an application. 11/14tfc Nice house in Macclenny, room for rent, $325/month plus ½ utili- ties. Gary, 904-327-1488. 11/14-11/21p Page 13 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019

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Marcel Thomas wants his team to emulate his style of play. At 5-foot-7 and 150 pounds, Thomas is no stranger to an up-tempo game and sees his Baker County High School varsi- ty boys basketball team in a similar situation. “I was a smaller guard so Photos by Kevin Upright ideally I like playing fast,” he said. So when he held tryouts for the varsity team, an Bobcats gathering A basketball hopeful partici- up-tempo style was what he Friends and family gathered in the school’s cafeteria for the Baker pates in a drill during tryouts. County Middle School football banquet on Tuesday night. The night stressed. He told hopefuls started with a few words from coach Kenneth Roberts about the team that from the time the op- He pointed out players and the season. He then introduced his assistant coaches and varsity ponent makes a basket and like Scooby Graham and coach Kevin Mays talked briefly about what is expected of players on the ball goes through the net Ronnie Ellis. a his team. Shortly after everyone ate, every player on the team was that his players had three “A lot of these guys I have given a red hooded sweatshirt with the word Bobcats on it. seconds to inbound the ball seen and know what they and start moving up court. can do already so it’s a good It’s a frenetic pace that chance for them,” Thomas Thomas needs, considering said. the players on his roster. It all results in them be- “We have a lot of what we ing good additions to a pret- Departures leave test for Finley ty experienced group, and call tweeners [6-foot-2 or KEVIN UPRIGHT “We lost all of our bigs,” the football team and has “This year we just have kids 6-foot-3],” he said. “So we Thomas is hopeful about the possibilities. SPORTS EDITOR Finley said. “But they are tall some skills that pique the in- that never played before but are going to have to shoot “We are pretty se- [email protected] and athletic so we will see. A terest of Finley. we are still looking for the the ball well and dictate the lot of these kids have never “I’m really excited about same thing. We play Oakleaf tempo. We have a couple nior-heavy,” he said. “There Baker County middle played any organized bas- him,” Finley said. “He can and to win it you have to be guys that can bang down are about eight possible se- school basketball coach ketball before so that makes handle the ball and he seems able to break the press, so low but a lot of schools we niors so we are pretty ex- Blane Finley was encour- it hard.” to have pretty good funda- having guards back is help- play are going to have tradi- cited. Most of these guys aged by the turnout, but re- But what the newcom- mentals with it. He’s one of ful.” tional bigs [about 6-foot-8] have played since the end of gretted the process of whit- ers lack in experience, they the few sixth graders.” The season kicks off on so the guards will have to last season [in travel ball or tling down the hopefuls make up for in willingness, Daylon Adams, Connor Monday, November 18 dictate.” summer leagues]. The actu- trying out. an encouraging sign to Fin- Bearden, Jacoby Blake, Aar- with a home game against The return of seniors Ca- al playing is going to be OK. Nearly 50 boys showed up ley. on Cline, Timothy Gore, Ty Wilkinson Junior High. leb Hayden, Kyle Ambrose I think building a relation- with the goal of making the “They have been working Jacobs, Bryce Kazmierczak, and Myles McClain will help ship with me is what comes final roster, but only 15 were really hard,” he said. “We Niko Mattei, Nio Smith, Thomas reach that goal. next for these guys. I can selected. will tell them something and Hunter Trip, Anthony Wash- Bassmaster As of now there are 13 be tough at times but they “Yeah, it’s always the they are right on the ball to ington and Ke’nais Williams players on the roster, but are there to learn. Now it’s worst day,” Finley said. make it right. Once they get are the other newcomers to meeting Thomas figures there are about teaching technique “These kids show up and it’s their feet wet in some of the Finley’s team this season. The Baker County about seven football play- and about the game.” tough to cut it down.” games they are going to be Despite the number of Bassmaster meeting will ers that he wants to let try- Last year’s 5-19 season But 15 is the number and fine.” newcomers, Finley’s prefer- be held at 7 p.m. on Tues- out. The football season just provided many teaching op- only two players — guards One of the newcomers ence is to maintain his style day, November 19 at Cel- ended last week so as he portunities. Davion Dean and Dawson that Finley is excited about of basketball. ebration Park in Glen St. says he wanted to give then Thomas hopes the num- Norman — return from last having is Hudson Register. “We like to press when we Mary. New teams are wel- a few days to “heal up” be- ber of close games last season so Finley knows has He was the quarterback on have the personnel,” he said. come. For questions call fore moving into basketball season will help the play- his work cut out for him. 904-371-0209. mode. ers know how to close out games and deal with pres- sure situations this season. In those 19 losses, eight were by 10 points or less Game unravels in fourth-quarter onslaught and three came in overtime, including a two-point loss to trict 3-5A championship 38- penalty gave the ball back to again. Young broke off a 16-yard KEVIN UPRIGHT Bradford in triple overtime. 14. Raines beat Westside 52- Pine Forest. On a drive that started in- run on first down. Clardy SPORTS EDITOR The Wildcats play in Dis- 20 in a No. 4-No. 5 matchup The drive ended in anoth- nocently enough at their 17- then found Jaden Milliner [email protected] trict 2-4A with Gadsden so no District 3-5A teams re- er punt as the Wildcats de- yard line, Bowen connected on a slant pass. He split two County, Tallahassee Godby, Twelve minutes. main after the first round. fense again delivered. with Crawford on consec- defenders and he was gone. Marianna and Suwannee, That is all that stood in The Wildcats couldn’t Baker County got the ball utive big pass plays — one Thirty-five yards later he was and will be tested early and between the Baker County have gotten off to a better back but failed to produce for 26 yards and one for 44 in the end zone. The PAT often. football team and a date with start, however. much offense and had to yards — to setup a first- was good and Baker Coun- It all starts with the Pre- Tallahassee Godby, which The game looked like a punt. That was followed by and-10 at the Pine Forest 16. ty’s lead had disappeared season Tip-off Classic at Ri- beat Parker 38-14 in a quar- boxing match at the begin- a Clardy to Vontarious Hill Bowen then ran through a with 7:12 remaining. bault. Baker County begins terfinal game, in the Region ning. Both fighters spent 21-yard pass. Two plays later crowded middle of the field The Wildcats got the ball with a game against Class 1-5A semifinals. much of the first quarter the same two players hooked for the touchdown. Graham back but could only man- 6A state semifinalist Paxon The stage was set. kind of feeling each other up again. This time the pass added a two-point run and age a three-and-out. Pine on November 19. Then it The Wildcats (6-5) had out, looking for an opening just got over the outstretched with 2:39 remaining in the Forest took over at their 45 plays Raines the following played their usual stifling while not mustering much arm of a Baker County de- third quarter Baker Coun- and needed two plays again day. Paxon features Isaiah defense and shutdown the on offense. fender and resulted in a 32- ty was building momentum to take the lead. Clardy con- Adams. The 6-foot-4 junior vaunted offensive attack After a fumbled punt by yard touchdown pass. Von- with a 20-7 lead. nected with Hill on a 51-yard was the Times-Union Player of Pensacola Pine Forest. the Eagles and a recovery by quarius Brown kicked the Eric Young returned the pass play for the score and of the Year last season after BCHS had overcome the the Wildcats, BCHS landed extra point and Pine Forest ensuing kickoff for a touch- with 4:37 remaining in the averaging 19.6 points and weather. The temperature the first big blow when Gra- led 7-6 with 8:12 remaining down for the Eagles to cut game the Eagles had their 10.8 rebounds. had dropped to 55 degrees ham capped an 8-play drive in the second quarter. the lead to 20-14, but Gra- first lead since it was 7-6. “It’s a good early test for by game time and a light rain with a touchdown run from After a drive by each team ham capped a 6-play drive Baker County got the ball us,” Thomas said. “It should was falling. Scooby Graham a yard out. The two-point resulted in not much of- with another touchdown back and drove to the Pine be good for us. I just want to was ... well, Scooby Graham. run was unsuccessful and fense, Carson Crawford took run. He ran for 12 of his 131 Forest 31. But Bowen threw get these seniors some ex- Two of his 31 carries resulted Baker County led 6-0 with a direct snap and ran seven yards to give the Wildcats another interception to end posure.” in touchdowns and the Wild- 3:16 remaining. There was yards to the right side for a the two-score cushion they the threat with a minute re- The basketball team is cats lead 28-14 with only the actually some confusion on TD. The two-point run was had at 28-14. maining in the game. The under the same playoff sys- final quarter remaining. the play because players and again unsuccessful, but the Then came those final 12 Eagles took over and ran out tem that football was under Then something hap- fans alike thought that Alex Wildcats went back on top minutes. the clock to end the game 35- with the RPI points sys- pened. Bowen had scored on the 12-7 with just 38.2 seconds Clardy scored from a 28. tem that is based, in part, The Eagles (8-2) start- previous run. But officials remaining in the half. Be- yard away to make it 28-21 “The kids were disap- on strength of schedule. It ed completing passes and ruled him down at the 1 and fore the run, Bowen convert- after the PAT with 9:20 re- pointed,” Mays said. “But means the district champi- breaking off runs for first Graham quickly took care of ed a key third-and-8 with a maining in the game. BCHS one thing you can say about ons are given the first four downs. Special teams came the rest. 26-yard pass to Crawford to took over, but on the fourth them all season is that they playoff spots and the next to life. The Wildcats tried an keep the drive alive. play of the drive, Bowen was never quit. And the good four are determined by the It all added up to Pine onside kick that bounced “Alex was actually bleed- picked off near midfield. The thing is is that most of these points system. Forest scoring 21 points in off the leg of a Pine Forest ing,” Mays said. “He was Eagles took over and need- kids return next season so The regular season tips the last 12 minutes and end- player and Baker County re- told to leave. But Carson was ed just two plays to even the I’m excited.” off on November 30 with a ing an exciting season for covered and was in business playing real well.” score. home game against Hope Baker County with a 35-28 again. Crawford provided a bit of Christian Academy. victory over the Wildcats on But two plays later Alex a spark for the Wildcats. He Of course it all gets un- Friday. Bowen was intercepted. The caught the ball four times for derway on November 16 “They just came out and return was called back by 170 yards and ran another with a fund raiser. made some plays,” coach penalty but it came after the five times for 21 yards. The event, called “Cat Kevin Mays said. “They had pickoff so the Eagles took The Eagles got the ball Night Out,” will feature a bunch of tall receivers and over. The Baker County de- first in the third quarter and junior varsity and varsi- were just throwing jump fense stepped up and forced drove to the Baker County ty scrimmages, a seniors balls.” a three-and-out after Camilo 43 before Tracy White ended against the staff scrimmage, Instead Pine Forest, the Rollins first stuffed Joseph the threat with an intercep- a 3-point contest, dunk con- No. 2 seed, moves on to play Garrett for a 2-yard loss, tion of Clardy. test, an introduction of the Godby. The No. 6 seed trav- then sacked Ladarius Clardy Each team had drives end winter sports teams, prizes eled to Parker and knocked for a loss of six more yards. in punts after that before the and food. off the No. 3 seed and Dis- But a roughing the kicker Wildcats got things going Thursday, November 14, 2019 The Baker County Press Page 15 Knight medals at state meet Boys swimmers 17th KEVIN UPRIGHT SPORTS EDITOR [email protected]

Sending the most swimmers to a state meet was a great accomplishment in itself, but coming back from the weekend with a medal was on another level. Not only did the Baker County High School swim team have six people, including the first girl in school history, qual- ify for the Class 2A meet in Stuart, but Braeden Knight took home a medal and just missed a second one. “It felt really good,” Knight said. “For the past three months I’ve been working extra hard to get ready for this point.” He finished third in the pre- liminaries in the 100 butterfly in 50.03, a time that earned him All-American consideration. He Purchase this photo at Photos by Jessica Prevatt was then second in the “A” fi- Domenick Endel, Ryne Jacobs, Seth Crawford, Maddie-Belle Ash, Landon Prevatt and state medalist Braeden Knight. nal with a 49.71 to bring home a medal. Victor Rosado of Northeast High School beat Knight in the preliminaries by three hun- dredths of a second but then lost to him in the final. Williams Jones of Stanton College Prep won both swims, including the final in 48.49. If not for a minor error in the Knight receives his 2nd place 50 freestyle, Knight would have medal for the 100 fly. taken home another medal. He considers it an error because of his competitiveness and fo- cus on winning, but he faced top swimmers from around the REASONS TO BUY FROM state so it’s an accomplishment no matter what. BUILDINGS AND MORE In the preliminary race he finished ninth, barely out of the 6 eighth spot needed to make the “A” final. A 21.78 was good 1. Honest, friendly & for the final spot and he swam in 21.90. He wound up win- RENT TO OWN knowledgeable staff! ning the “B” final in 21.17, a time that would have finished second in the “A” final. But once relegated to the “B” final a 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH FINANCING 2. BEST PRICES! swimmer can not move up no matter his or her time. “The actual swim itself was good,” Knight, a junior, said. 3. Steel buildings are “But it was all in the start. At the start my hands broke 12X20 PORCH MODEL manufactured in Lake City! streamline, which essentially means they broke apart, so I hit the water [off the starting blocks] and pretty much came 4. 40 year warranty on all steel to a dead stop. You just have to not let it affect your mindset. buildings. You really don’t have time to think [in a race so short.] I mean I was mad at myself after the race. I couldn’t believe I messed 5. NO HIDDEN FEES, all prices up that bad. But you take time to think about it after it’s all include delivery and setup! over and it’s really not that bad.” What’s also not bad is the performance of Mady-Belle Ash, 6. Free lifetime leveling on all the first female swimmer from Baker County High School to portable sheds! qualify for the state meet. She finished 19th in the 500 free- style in 5:23.76, just out of a spot as an alternate for the final. The girl in 18th swam in 5:23.11. RENT TO OWN The team of Knight, Landon Prevatt, Seth Crawford and $ /MO. Domenick Endel was 15th in the preliminaries of the 200 medley relay in 1:43.38 and seventh in the “B” final in 1:43.25. 154 Crawford was an alternate for the 500 freestyle after a 4:58.61. The 200 freestyle relay was another victory for the Wild- cats. Knight, Endel, Ryan Jacobs and Crawford won the “B” 12x18 final in 1:31.19 after qualifying 11th in the preliminaries in 1:31.94. They shaved off enough time in the “B” final that their time would have been seventh in the “A” final. “Every race is pretty different so the smallest thing can 12x20 make the difference in the end,” Knight said. “I’m just very RENT TO $ /MO. proud of the whole team and their hard work. This year we had the most swimmers that ever went to state. We had the OWN 161 first girl ever go.” /MO. RENT TO $ 12x14 OWN 171 6x8

RENT TO OWN RENT TO $ /MO. /MO. RENT TO $ $ /MO. OWN 108 OWN 42 130 10x20

Landon Prevatt swims breaststroke in the 200 medley relay in the B finals Friday evening. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL THE WEEK AHEAD PORTABLE BUILDINGS $ Thursday, Nov. 14 Boys varsity soccer: at Bald- 42x21 BARN Only 79 win, 7:30 p.m. BUILDINGS per mo. Girls varsity basketball: at 18x21 CARPORT Bishop Snyder, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 12X26 UTILITY CARPORT Friday, Nov. 15 Girls weightlifting: at Suwan- GARAGES Girls varsity soccer: at Saint nee, 4 p.m. Francis Catholic (Gainesville) Boys varsity basketball: vs. SCREEN ROOMS 4:30 p.m. Raines, Preseason Tip-Off Classic, Ribault, 7 p.m. GAZEBOS Boys varsity soccer: at Saint $ Francis Catholic (Gainesville) Thursday, Nov. 21 Only 21 6 p.m. GREENHOUSES Boys varsity soccer: at Duval per mo. $57 Monday, Nov. 18 Charter, 5:30 p.m. STEEL BUILDINGS WITH APPROVED CREDIT Only per mo. Middle School boys basket- Middle School boys basket- & MORE ball: vs. Wilkinson Junior High, ball: at Lakeside Junior High, 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19 Girls varsity basketball: at Girls varsity soccer: at Bald- West Nassau, 7 p.m. win, 5:30 .m. Boys varsity basketball: vs. 904-259-4054 Paxon, Preseason Tip-Off Clas- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS sic, Ribault, 7 p.m. Meetings Mon. - Sat. at 8 pm Girls varsity basketball: at 8981 S. SR 228, Macclenny PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Union County, 7 p.m. 1168 W. MACCLENNY AVE. | MACCLENNY Page 16 The Baker County Press Thursday, November 14, 2019 Pact to combat veteran suicide JOEL ADDINGTON SPORTS ROUNDUP MANAGING EDITOR U8 Youth Wildcats moving on [email protected] Mark Broughton, the head of the American Youth Foot- Several counties in ball, was informed by the regional director of the AYF that Northeast Florida made the U8 Baker County Youth Wildcats, who beat the Duval Ti- their partnership in re- gers 26-6 to win the First Coast Youth Athletic Conference gional effort to combat American Youth Football championship last weekend, are veteran suicides official advancing straight into the national tournament to be held during a signing ceremony Dec. 7-12 at Austin Tyndall Park in Kissimmee. at Jacksonville City Hall on Broughton was told it’s because they have too many teams November 6. and the season records and score differential put the Youth Representing Bak- Wildcats at the top of the list to advance. er County were commis- sioners Cathy Rhoden Appalachian State rebounds and Jimmy Anderson, the Appalachian State bounced back in a big way from its first county’s representative loss of the season. in the partnership, assis- Former Baker County High School standout Cooper tant Macclenny manager Hodges and the Mountaineers beat South Carolina of the Mike Griffis and Lorelie Southeastern Conference to become the first Sun Belt team Brannan, who stood in to beat two Power 5 conference teams in one season. for her husband and Flor- The beat the Atlantic Coast Conference’s North Carolina ida House Representative earlier in the season. Chuck Brannan. She said the signing of TV alert a five-county inter-local College football and Baker County fans will have a chance agreement was intention- to see a pair of former Wildcats when Appalachian State trav- ally scheduled before Vet- els to Atlanta on Saturday to play Georgia State. erans Day, which was the The 7:30 p.m. will be televised on ESPNU. group’s self-imposed dead- Appalachian State features offensive lineman Cooper line to have the initiative, Hodges and Georgia State has Seth Paige in the backfield. dubbed The Fire Watch, up and running before then. It’s led by Jacksonville WANT TO LEARN Councilman Rory Dia- CPR AND FIRST AID? mond, founder of K9s for The Baker County Health Department Warriors, who described County commissioner Jimmy Anderson at the ceremony in Jacksonville. Behind him (right) is Mike Griff- holds classes monthly. the signing ceremony as is, the county’s representative for The Fire Watch group. Photo by Lorelie Brannan Call 259-6291 ext 5269 evidence of a community rallying together with rep- resentatives from Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns counties. Addressing the large crowd of supporters and stakeholders gathered in the atrium of city hall, Commissioner Anderson said Baker County is hon- ored to be a part of The Fire Watch and thanked everyone in attendance for their support. “I’ve heard so many sto- ries of how close some of our veterans have come to doing this tragedy, com- mitting suicide. So this is a real problem for all of us and I am so proud that someone has stepped up, Mr. [Rory] Diamond, and took this on,” he said. Commissioner Ander- son closed by acknowledg- ing it would not be an easy task, but, “they’ve watched our back forever, it’s time we watched theirs.” The First Watch aims to create a network that vet- erans can to turn to when they’re experiencing a cri- sis that could end with suicide, as 22 veterans die by suicide per day in the U.S. and two-thirds do so without having any con- tact with the VA healthcare system. “The goal is to create a network with a more per- sonal connection, that can respond immediately when a veteran is in cri- sis and contemplating the worst,” said Mrs. Brannan. In a poignant remind- er of how fragile life can be for a warrior, Mr. Di- amond summed it up by saying, “the difference be- tween life and death is of- ten just having one person who cares about you, the trust between two people.”