NEWSLETTER 2020 Winter

This issue: Message from Much Ado About Nothing during Performing Arts rehearsals Tribute to Mr Dallas Mrs Bridger

Attendance Matters Dear Parents / Carers, British Science Week After another very productive term, I am pleased to give you some highlights. We have braved the cold weather and despite a very rainy January, our canteen Anti-bullying Day extension is almost complete and looking fabulous. Events during this short term included a visit to the Apprenticeship Roadshow, Year 10 work Film Making Club experience, many Skills for Life assemblies and mentoring of our students by Supporting the Community business experts, many trips and visitors in school and Year 11, Sixth Form and Year 8 parents’ evenings. PGW Events This term has seen yet more success in preparing our students for the world of work and, using our Skills for Life motto, we are continuing to engage and expose our students, from Year 7 all the way up to Year 13, to the world of work. Year 11 have been completing their Sixth Form interviews, and once again the numbers of year 11 students who have opted to come to the Sixth Form in September are amongst the highest we have seen. I would like to congratulate all students for the mature and professional way they have approached the application and interview process; this really is skills for life at its finest!

Continued on Page 2... NEWSLETTER Winter 2020

...Continued from previous page Message from Mrs Bridger

This term has been a short but significant term for Greenacre Do please follow our Facebook page and Twitter account Academy. It is a critical time for Year 11, 12 and 13 students, (@GreenacreAcad) which shows a daily flavour of life in the and for all of them, the examinations will begin practically as Academy and also contains up to date and important soon as the summer term begins in term 5. The next few weeks, information. Without tempting fate, if there were to be adverse alongside term 4, are significant in determining the success of weather conditions, which affected the opening of the the students this summer. Academy, it would go on to social media and our website first.

Students have revision materials from their subject teachers, We also have the parent app now, this will show your son/ and time invested now in revision will be invaluable when it wards attendance, reports, timetable and much more useful comes to performing well in the examinations. I would like to information. Please ensure you have downloaded the app and take this opportunity to remind parents that there is an have signed up. Any problems, please call or email the main extensive February half-term revision timetable and all Year 11 office. and sixth form students are strongly encouraged to attend. Of course, I couldn’t write this piece without mentioning the Parents and carers can help too: create some time and space for funeral of our own Mr Dallas. Friday 24th January was an your son/ward to revise at home, somewhere quiet and with all incredibly difficult day, for both the staff and the students, but I the usual distractions (TV, computer, phone, etc.) removed for was overwhelmed at the feeling of togetherness amongst us all, the duration. Do please take the time to question and test your united in our sadness and grief. I know that Mr Dallas would son/ward and ask him to explain key points to you. This will have been so incredibly touched by the huge turnout of past help cement his knowledge in preparation for the examinations. students, who came to pay their respects. Despite the incredible sadness, it was also a beautiful day when we said our Throughout the term, I have been reminded time and time goodbyes to our beloved Mark Dallas. Rest in peace, our friend. again of the outstanding character our students regularly display. Whether it’s having the confidence to be a classroom Finally, I would like to thank all parents and carers for your ambassador and speak to external visitors, competing (and continued support and all students and staff for their on-going largely winning!) in sporting events or displaying exemplary hard work and commitment to the Academy. Without such behaviour when we have welcomed speakers into our Academy positive contributions from everyone, we would not be able to to talk to students as part of our ‘Skills for Life’ strapline. Our continue to move forward and progress at the rate we are. students show us there is no limit to where hard work, Have a restful break and I look forward to welcoming our determination and ambition can get you and I look forward to students back, fully prepared, with equipment and full uniform, helping even more of our students realise their full potential. and ready to drive their learning forward, on Monday 24th Year 10 began their work experience on 3rd February for 2 February 2020 (Week A). weeks. This is always a wonderful way for students to be

immersed and exposed to the world of work. I hope that all Year 10 students have enjoyed their exposure to the world of Mrs Bridger work and a reminder that many Year 10 work experiences have led on to part-time work and apprenticeships in the past.

Key dates next term: Year 9 Parents and options evening: Thursday 27th February

Year 11 mocks commence from Monday 2nd March over 2 weeks

Page 2 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 Tribute to Mr Dallas As I’m sure you’re all aware, on Friday 24th January we It was touching to see the school community united in said our final goodbyes to Mr Dallas. Staff and students, our grief. It must be said that the tribute could not have past and present alike, gathered to pay their respects to been better suited to Mr Dallas, as those in attendance a much loved member of staff, who made an everlasting released red and white balloons in homage to his impact on Greenacre Academy. beloved Liverpool Football Club, following the conclusion of their long time anthem, “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Mr Dallas was an integral part of the academy and worked tirelessly to help build the foundations of the As a supporter of their rivals, Everton, I have never sung school we now know today; he implemented several key along to that song, until last Friday; I found myself elements of our school, allowing us to benefit and mouthing along to the words which so wonderfully prosper from the great work that he did during his 20 encapsulated the sombre feeling of the afternoon and plus years associated with the school. There are many provided hope for all. I have never been prouder to be a positive adjectives that could be used to describe his Greenacre student than on that day, as a result of the character: hardworking; determined; considerate; incredible strength and solidarity exhibited by all in amiable; generous. I could go on, but there are no attendance. amount of words that could ever truly do justice to the I was pleased to hear that this was followed up so person that Mr Dallas was. beautifully later that afternoon at the funeral at Bluebell Standing in the school carpark on that day, like many, I Hill Crematorium. found myself overcome with sadness and emotion as we Finally, we would like to send our heartfelt condolences gathered under tragic circumstances. However, I also felt to Mr Dallas’s family. It was truly heart wrenching to see a strange sense of pride in our school community. Mr your sadness up close and personal and we are, Dallas viewed everyone associated with the academy, sincerely, so sorry for your loss. We hope that you were both staff and students, as family. Therefore, this has moved by the tribute paid at Greenacre Academy and been an extremely difficult loss to process as we attempt we send our very best wishes your way. to cope with the passing of a member of our Greenacre family. Rest In Peace Mr Dallas… gone but never forgotten.

You’ll Never Walk Alone.

Jonnie Carroll Year 12


Assemblies in Term 3

Tracey Cooper – Nexus Studios on the streets, or do not have enough money to buy On 9th January, Tracey came and spoke to our year 9 food after paying all household bills, they also drop in to students about working in animation. Her role as an those in need in the community with care packages, executive producer takes her all over the world and has these may contain food or items of clothing, bedding enabled her to work alongside many famous people. The and toiletries. biggest myth about her job is that animation is all about Steve Callahan – Callahan Plumbing and Heating Services cartoons…….. Wrong, it is not! Tracy has been fortunate On 29th January, Steve Callahan introduced year 7 to the enough to work on some big advertising campaigns, world of plumbing and heating and how the heating which have involved animation. She explained to the systems in their homes worked, along with the wide and students that no matter where you want to go in this varied opportunities within this field. Year 7 were shown field, everyone starts as a runner, usually for around a how heating systems work and that being a plumber and year to 18 months, during which time you experience all a heating engineer are two very different career paths, areas of production and can then look to specialise in often working together so many plumbers qualify as one area and make your way up the ladder. After the heating engineers also. assembly, Tracey kindly stayed behind to speak with our year 12 and 13 media students, sharing with them the For many of the pupils it gave them an opportunity to opportunity of work placement internships this summer, think about what they may wish to do in the future. Staff which the students seemed very keen on. I hope that also learnt a thing or two about their heating systems! following successful emails, they will be offered this Thank you to Mrs Callahan arranging for Mr Callahan to amazing opportunity. Tracey gave the students advice on come in. how to be successful when starting out and what will set them apart from other students applying for positions. Skills for Life Focus: YOU

Skills for Life Focus: EMPLOYABILITY

If any of you wish to come in and talk to the students about your job and the career opportunities within the Time for the Homeless specific sector you work in, then please get in touch with On 21st January, Time for the Homeless came and spoke Mrs Presneill, Skills for Life Manager to our students about the work they do within the local community. Having donated to this organisation before [email protected] Christmas - thank you all for your support - we felt that it was a great opportunity for our students to have an appreciation of the work they do within their local community. Something that is also a key part to our Skills for Life values and principles.

The Charity not only operates soup kitchens in Rochester, Chatham and Maidstone for those who are

Page 4 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 Year 7 Year 8

Happy New Year! We’re into February already and have In my opinion, we have just completed one of the most so much to celebrate in 2020. difficult terms in the school year. All the excitement of Christmas has left us once again, and the long nights and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic short days are upon us. New Year; it seems so far away now. Thankfully, we are past that point now – The weather is

getting better and the days are getting longer. With this The year 7 students have had a great start to term 3. in mind, I would be really keen to see a massive drive on Even though the weather has been gloomy and cold, attendance during the next commencing term. Let’s attendance has been excellent, best in the school I would really work together to improve and push a positive like to add. Huge well done year 7, I am extremely proud attendance record for our boys. Remember, you can’t of you! learn anything if you aren’t here.

The year has started off with lots of postcards, year As most of you will be aware, during the second half of points and awards handed out. this term, we trialled a new behavioural system with We have had lots going on over the past few weeks, year 8 – The Defiance Policy. I would like to think that celebrating Chinese New Year, learning lots about this has had a positive impact on the year as a whole and internet safety and finding out more in regards to anti- would like to continue this initiative into the new term. bullying campaigns. If you have any questions or would like any updates

regarding this, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Year 7 had their first KS3 exam week, in which all boys worked extremely hard. Once again, term 3 has been a pleasure to work through; Have a restful half term. I have some of the most amazing young men in the school. Mr McGregor I would like to thank my awesome form tutors for their Head of Year 8 continued hard work - I couldn’t do this without you.

I hope you have a wonderful half term and come back ready for term 4, we are already half way through the year!

Miss Murphy Head of Year 7


Year 9 Year 10

With the end of term 3, we are now halfway through the I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Year 10 school year and fast approaching a time where year 9 students on an excellent third term! It has been a students are going to be making some very important pleasure to see each and every one of you continue to decisions. As discussed in our assembly, these decisions display our Skills for Life principles both in lessons and should be carefully thought about and informed. Some around the Academy. things to consider when choosing options are: Inter-Form football took place this term with the boys  What subjects do you enjoy? demonstrating their skills and determination on the  What subjects will help you in a future career? pitch. Form LG were victorious after displaying a  What skill set do you already have that will help you collective positive attitude and a desire to win, within that option? congratulations! Special mention has to go to Mr Larkin We look forward to seeing you on Thursday who showed up to try and manage his form to glory….he 27th February for year 9 parents and options evening, was unsuccessful. where more information will be given. Attendance has continued to be the main focus this term As a year group, we have a lot of work to do with and the majority of Year 10 students haven’t improving our attendance which currently stands at disappointed. However, as a Year group we are still 93.8%. This is a concern, as it means that too many of below our target and this must improve as we head into our students are missing time in school which will the business end of Year 10. Congratulations to Form AG undoubtedly affect their progress. I am also concerned who won the last round of chocolates before Work by the number of students who still think it is acceptable Experience started. to arrive late; students MUST be in line up on time Good luck to all Year 10 students who went on their before 8.35am. Organised is one of our Skills for Life Work Experience during Term 3. I am sure that you will values, it is important that our students are organised find this experience challenging but beneficial and one and arrive promptly in the mornings. that will ultimately develop those essential Skills for Life We were very lucky this term to have some guests from principles. I will look forward to hearing all about it when the charity Time for Homeless in to speak to us. you are back in Term 4. Following the assembly, I was overwhelmed by the I’m sure you will all join me in thanking the PSA’s and all number of students who came to speak to me wanting Year 10 Form Tutors for their hard work and to organise some activities to support the charity. In commitment during Term 3. Have a great break! term 4, we will be running several activities to support this cause. In the meantime, we would be very grateful Mr Franklin for any donations of non-perishable foods such as Head of Year 10 canned goods, wash items such as tooth paste and shower gel and warm clothing such as jumpers, scarves, hats and gloves.

Finally, I would like to thank the year form tutors and the pastoral team for the continued support and hard work.

Ms Ware Head of Year 9 Page 6 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 Year 11

Another term bites the dust…and what a term it has exam papers and questions to see if the technique is been! Year 11 pupils began term 3 with interventions working for them. This PowerPoint is available on the beginning across many of their subjects and we have school website, under academic information then KS4 been incredibly impressed with the attendance thus far. revision and support, should you wish to look together Students have been working hard in these sessions, with your son/ward at home if he is still struggling with plugging gaps in their knowledge as we build towards ideas. their GCSE exams. On the 15th January, we welcomed back Action Jackson for an hour-long assembly to remind students about the importance of revision and prioritising their time, remembering the motto: WORK, WORK, WORK, PLAY, REST! We are still hearing this chant from students in lessons. Our inspirational speaker discussed with the boys key steps towards successful revision and focus and the importance of perseverance when the going gets tough.

Students have been working hard within lessons and we are seeing progress from them all the time as they are working towards their predicted grades. It is essential that, if you have received a letter about half term intervention this February, your son/ward attends all interventions that they have been identified as needing to come to. These sessions will be tailored to the needs The session with Action Jackson was quickly followed by of the group and plugging gaps in their understanding. our Year 11 Parents’ Evening on the 16th, thank you to all those who were able to attend. Attendance to the evening was high and teachers were able to share suggestions and next steps in order to support the students’ development based upon classwork and mocks. If you were unable to attend this evening please do not hesitate to contact your son/ward’s teachers for feedback and advice. The following week students had an assembly based upon suggested revision methods by a number of the form focus tutors, the aim of the session being to educate your son/wards on various techniques, as one method does not necessarily work for all. It is important that they are trialling methods and applying skills to


Attendance Matters

We have had a busy few months with our attendance since returning from our summer holidays in September. We have had a real presence on our social media sites with our 96%+ attendance assemblies in October and January; we have celebrated so many students’ fantastic attendance since the start of the year. We have recently introduced our 3 week 100% cycle, where we measure 100% attendance every 3 weeks and reward students from a lucky dip in each year group with a small prize and front of the queue lunch pass for the week. So far the students have loved this mid-term prize. Our current whole school attendance sits at 94%. With a number of students and staff becoming very ill in the lead up to Christmas we are pleased that we have kept our attendance at just around the national average for schools. It is important to note that a number of parents have requested holidays during term time. We strongly believe that the 190 days that students are required to attend is observed. Students are entitled to 13 weeks holiday and this should be the only time that students are to go on holiday. We are aware that holidays during term time are far cheaper, however there are many pieces of research that have been carried out which link good attendance and good attainment. To this end we will continue to refuse any holiday during term time and we would appreciate your support in continuing to observe this rule. Mrs Campbell


KS3 English: Accelerated Reader: This term in KS3 English lessons, our focus has been on With over 500 students in KS3 enrolled in the reading and the analysis of language choices made by a programme, Accelerated Reader is continuing to be an writer. We have been asking students to skim, scan and integral part of daily life at the Academy. The students infer information from a text, and have been have shown increasing dedication and motivation encouraging them to explain their own opinions and link towards both their reading ages and quizzing on the their learning to a modern day society. Students have books that they are reading. So far this year, KS3 have also written a narrative during their KS3 mock exams – read an incredible total of 33,373,263 words! we were very impressed with the wide range of exciting This term two students have reached 1 million words! (and scary!) stories produced by students. We would like to offer a special mention to these During Term 4, the boys will be continuing with their students: study of texts from last term. Year 7 will be studying  Ben Dewey – 1,167,589 words Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Year 8 will be looking at  Charlie Edwards – 1,121,364 words progress and celebration, specifically in non-fiction texts Reading is an important part of the Academy’s ‘Skills for about the Titanic and the Olympics, and Year 9 will be Life’ motto as it allows students to preserve when faced continuing to learn about Dickens’ Oliver Twist. We with challenging texts! We would like to encourage would also like to remind students of the range of clubs students to read at home in addition to the 20 minutes on offer in the English department: Journalism club, of DEAR time every day in school. Students are welcome Creative writing club, Debate club and Essay writing club. to visit the library and complete their quizzes during ‘Skills for Life’ is also an important part of learning within DEAR time, lunchtime and after school during homework English, particularly as we are asking students to study club. more challenging texts and vocabulary! We encourage Top Rated Books by Greenacre Students: students to use perseverance and have motivation  Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl within every lesson to ensure that their essay writing  Sports Heroes Series (Wayne Rooney, Cristiano and their narrative writing is the best it can be. We are Ronaldo and Harry Kane) by Roy Apps also working with students to improve their spelling,  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins punctuation and grammar to help them with their  The Maze Runner by James Dashner employability in the future.  Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo  Bodyguard Series by Chris Bradford  Alex Rider Graphic Novels by Antony Johnston  Murder Most Unladylike Series by Robin Stevens

Page 9 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 English Film Making Club

KS4 English I enjoy film club because it includes everyone and gives As we approach the last few terms before the English people a glimpse into Media Studies and the film-making exams there is a lot extra work going on with the Year industry specifically. We are thinking about how 11s. Intervention has been going on on a Wednesday different bits function and have considered the work after school and this has been very well attended. that goes into making a film. Thanks must go out to the English Year 11 teachers for I have always enjoyed making films but since starting I making this work so well. better understand how to control a camera and edit There is to be intervention over half-term on Monday. using Adobe Premiere Pro. The department will be working on both Literature and Being part of a group has also helped to build both my Language papers. leadership and team-working skills – we all have very Early next term there are going to be two English mock diverse ideas about what to put into our film and how to exams. The first will be Literature Paper 2 including shoot the different scenes and so we have had to learn poetry. The second will be Language Paper 2 which to listen to each other and compromise. examines non-fiction writing. Mostly, it’s just fun! Year 11s are encouraged to revise over the holiday at Alexander Loshkarjov least part of the time. Some material will go out before Year 8 the holiday. In the meantime, here are some tasks that Year 11s can attempt at home.

An Inspector Calls: How does JB Priestley use the character of Inspector Goole to try to bring about social change?

Poetry: Read Bayonet Charge: Compare how poets present the effects of war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’.


Year 7, 8 & 9 – Displaying & Analysing Bullying Data Year 11 Revision Resources Year 7, 8 and 9 lessons on Friday the 7th February were dedicated to anti-bullying. In Maths lessons, students displayed and analysed data from the recent Greenacre Academy bullying survey. Bar charts were created from the data, key findings and conclusions were made, then discussions took place about the behaviours, their impact, consequences and positive steps that could be

taken in future. Year 7 & 8 Maths-Whizz Support from the Maths Department for your Son Best Students For Use and progress Term 3 Year 7, 8 and selected KS4 - Maths-Whizz Congratulations to the following pupils who are working Year 7 & 8 - Maths-Whizz Club Wed Lunch well in Maths-Whizz. Year 7, 8 & 9 - Thu lunch intervention – limited space

ask Miss Pattinson Year 7 Time In Tutor Mode Year 9, 10 & 11 - PiXL Maths App George Hawden All years - PiXL Times Tables App Thomas Hales Suleyman Karwhoo All years - After-school Homework Club Tue, Wed & Thu

Year 11 - After-school interventions Year 7 Progress Year 11 & Sixth Form – Weekly revision email to parents Henry Clayton contact Mr Goee Billy Chester George Hawden

KS4/KS5 Facebook intervention lessons Maths are once again opening up private maths groups Year 8 Time In Tutor Mode for our sixth form retake and Year 11 students. Once Callum Fitzgibbon students have requested to join using the links below Max Owen they will have access to videos posted of common topics James Doye that students find difficult. They can also request information on topics they are struggling with. As we get closer to exams there will also be Facebook live maths Year 8 Progress sessions held during an evening so students can log in Callum Fitzgibbon and complete some maths revision in real time. Jake Goddard Higher maths - Harry Cross

Foundation maths -


Science Club This term, a Science Club was introduced for budding Scientists who love to think outside of the box! Students have already conducted three fabulous experiments and challenges including: The Wind Power Challenge, making Copper Sulfate and creating Crystal Gardens. Each week the students vote on which challenge or experiment they want to attempt the following week; at the end of this week’s session, students voted to design and create their own lava lamps.

Bradley (Year 9) said that “Growing crystals has been my favourite experiment so far, it was a lot of fun- I loved seeing the different colours and I’m excited to see what they’ll look like next week. I like going to Science Club because I like Science as a subject, and get to socialise with people who have the same interests”.

Tyler (Year 9) also said, “My favourite activity has been completing the Wind Power Challenge, this was something different and I had never thought about it before- it was difficult to start with, but we worked as a team and solved the challenge”.

Over the last 3 weeks, our students have showed excellence and organisation in bucket-loads; working brilliantly in teams and achieving success with their scientific curiosity. The Science Club is aimed at KS3 students and runs every Tuesday 3-4pm with Miss Mundy and Mrs Le Good in G002. Anyone else interested, feel free to pop along and see what’s involved! Picture: Making Copper Sulfate crystals.


Science week 6th -15th March During science week we will be putting on lots of exciting events to help students enthuse about science. The theme this year is “Our diverse planet”, so we will start off with a talk from the Wildlife trust on the importance of biodiversity. This will be followed up by special lessons in science and some amazing facts about modern scientists and what they do during form time. At Lunchtime there will be a chance for students to visit the “Gadget Shop” and buy science-related gadgets. Prices will range from 50p - £2.

Some lucky students will also be able to talk to real scientists about their work in an activity called “I’m a You will be glad to hear that this is only the beginning of scientist get me out of here”. Science club will still be more exciting things to happen this year. For example, running this week and anyone is welcome to come there will also be a forensics workshop later in the along. There will also be two competitions for students month. to enter. The first is to design a poster entitled “our For information on all these events and others please diverse planet” and the second is to design a lab coat look at the STEM notice board outside science room 002. competition supported by Bayer.


The Aim of this activity is to help reduce plastic consumption and therefore help our planet!

You will need: 100g Baking soda 50g Citric acid 25g Cornflour 2 tbsp. Sunflower or Olive oil 2 tbsp. water 1 tbsp. food colouring (optional) 12-15 drops of essential oils of your choice

You will also need: 2 mixing bowls, a whisk and some flexible moulds (these can be empty, clean yoghurt pots, ice cube trays or cupcake moulds)

Page 14 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 Media Studies

PGW student, came in to talk to Year 12 and 13 students about his experience to date on his degree course. George was an excellent Media Studies student, achieving an A grade at GCSE and a Distinction on his Level 3 course; he is currently studying an undergraduate degree at UCA/Maidstone Studios in Television Production, which was his motivation at school for staying focused.

George was asked whether he thought the course lived up to his expectations and he enthusiastically told us how it had exceeded them! George was eager to share his experiences to date at university, talking about everything from making new friends and settling in, to the structure of the course and the specific units, Media Studies students, in Years 11-13, have been lucky including work experience with the production company: enough to have listened to two great presentations, Spun Gold who produce ITV’s Love your Garden. He from outside speakers this term that have focused on ended with sharing some of his own film work. George their particular areas of interest. also offered the students some invaluable advice about how they might prepare, during 6th form, for their On 9th January Tracey Cooper, an Executive Producer chosen courses reminding them that perseverance is from Nexus Studios, who work in animation, came into key. school. She gave a presentation, in the format of a Skills for Life assembly, before speaking specifically to media George brought in one of the film cameras he uses at students about her role, and career opportunities in her university and happily demonstrated it to some of the sector. Tracey talked about the different job roles students who are particularly interested in film-making. available and what some of these entailed; she also provided our students with ideas for different career paths they might take depending on their specific skills.

Tracey opened the floor to questions and answered these keenly.

Nexus Studios offer weekly internships for students, aged 17 years and over, who hope to work in media in the future, providing them with some invaluable experience; this was a great opportunity for our students to find out more about how they might get involved and boost their own employability. A number of students in both Year 12 and 13 are now busy writing personal statements in order to apply!

On 28th January, George Larman, an ex-Greenacre and

Page 15 GREENACRE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Winter 2020 Anti-Bullying focus day

On Friday 7th February, Years 7-9 carried out an anti- bullying focus day. Greenacre Academy and the whole Skills for Life Trust feel very strongly about how bullying is dealt with in each of its Academies. Students in every lesson carried out in-depth lessons on tackling each area of bullying. Students have discussed what is meant by physical, verbal and emotional bullying. They have learnt about racial and homophobic bullying, we have discussed the law around LGBTQ rights in the UK and we have also discussed how bullying can take place online and the steps our young people should take to prevent it. We have launched this year our red button to report bullying at home, this appears on our website and we have delivered assemblies to promote this form of reporting to all our students. We have introduced our programme of ‘STOP!' This is the definition of bullying. Students have understood bullying to be ‘Several Times On Purpose’ and we propose to STOP bullying in all its formats. This is a difficult task, in any place where groups of young people can meet together and discuss and point out the various differences between us, there is always unkindness. We hope to educate our young people to think and act in a kinder fashion and not to make people feel bad about themselves. If you would like to report a bullying issue, please do contact the school or go onto our website and use the red button.


Greenacre Sports Partnership

On Thursday 9th January, the Greenacre Sports On Thursday 6th February, the Greenacre Sports Partnership hosted the Games Futsal Partnership hosted the Games Key Steps Competition held at Medway Park. In total, there were Gymnastics Competition at Greenacre Academy. 15 44 teams, 420 participants and a huge 110 games were schools attended with a total of 39 teams and 156 played throughout the day. participants!! One of the largest gymnastics competitions held to date. A huge thank you to all volunteer referee's from Kent FA

and the Skills for Life Trust PWG 6th form. The winning teams were as follows:

Year 1&2 The results were as follows: 1st: Warren Wood 7/8 Girls 2nd: St Thomas More Team A 1st - Rainham Mark 3rd: Swingate Team A 2nd - 3rd - Year 3&4 1st: Warren Wood Team A 9/10 Girls 2nd: Hempstead 1st - Chatham Grammar 3rd: Warren Wood Team B 2nd - Rochester Grammar 3rd - Rainham School for Girls Year 5&6 1st: Hempsted Team A 7/8 Boys 2nd: Horsted 1st – Howard School 3rd: Hempsted Team B 2nd - Greenacre Academy 3rd - Rainham Mark Grammar School A huge well done to our Skills for Life Trust Primary School Warren Wood for scooping up the medals! A 9/10 Boys fantastic effort by all! 1st – Howard School 2nd - Rainham Mark Grammar School In addition, thank you to the GA PE department for all 3rd - Holcombe Grammar the support with using the sports hall for this event, and the wonderful WGS Leadership Academy students for their assistance throughout the competition.

Thank you.


Greenacre Supporting the Local Community

During the month of December we ran an appeal for our Christmas hampers. In an economic climate that is seeing more and more families slipping below the poverty line each week, we were worried that we would struggle with being able to provide our neediest families with food to support them over the festive period. We were totally overwhelmed by the local response, not only from our students who donated food instead of money on our Christmas jumper day, but also by individuals who spent in excess of £100 of their own money to ensure families received not only dried goods, but also fresh fruit, vegetables, fresh meat and toiletries. We would like to thank each and every person that contributed to the hamper appeal. Particular thanks go to Mrs Bradley who saves every month throughout the year to donate to this cause.

We would also like to thank Miss Lyng, who without the help from her family we wouldn’t have been able to provide all the fresh produce, and also Tesco Stores at Aylesford who donated toiletries, eggs, butter, fresh meat all for free during this period. In total we were able to provide a hamper for over 20 needy families at Christmas, that really made a difference.

Mrs Campbell


LGBTQ+ Myth Busters visit PGW Sixth Form they saw advocates for both defence and prosecution in On 29th January, The University of Kent’s LGBTQ+ Myth a case involving a Grievous Bodily Harm case between Busters visited to talk about their own personal two individuals. experiences of being LGBTQ+ and university life in All the trials were with actors involved in the cases and general. giving statements and being questioned in the Students submitted anonymous questions to the Myth courtroom environment. The judges were played by Busters on post-it notes. Questions ranged from how active barristers, one of the lead lecturers of the their parents reacted when they "came out", to how University of Kent and also an actual judge from being part of the LGBTQ community affects their lives at Canterbury Magistrates. Overall, this was a great university. The workshop ended with the students being experience for our students to have a small insight into given the opportunity to talk to the Myth Busters how actual courtrooms are and the work involved to individually. provide suitable representation for clients.

We are very proud of our Sixth Form for displaying fantastic Skills for Life. They approached the subject with Apprenticeship fair a respectful attitude, and the Myth Busters gave positive On Friday 7th February, PGW Sixth Form were invited to feedback about our students’ great manners and Tracy Crouch’s (MP) third apprenticeship fair at maturity throughout the workshop. Maidstone Leisure Centre, the biggest and best to date!

The fair had over 60 businesses in attendance, spanning My Future Personal Finances Workshops a vast range of career avenues, including The Army, TUI, Throughout January, Sixth Form students were given the P&O Ferries, Lloyds Banking Group, EDF Energy, Go opportunity to attend workshops on their future Construct, NHS and many more. Our students chatted personal finances, a Skill for Life that we all need! confidently to the stallholders, and many came away The workshops helped our students understand the with new ideas and information about possible future value of everyday expenses. Students considered their career routes. personal long-term goals and evaluated those goals The visit was a tremendous success, with a positive buzz according to a range of career choices and their incomes. from the students on the journey home. Students The sessions helped to equip our students with life skills displayed the excellent employability skills that they that they will need to eventually become independent. possess, great communication skills, and as always, They were taught that perseverance would be required impeccable manners. to achieve their long-term goals in life.

University of Kent Law Department Sixth form Law students were invited to the University of Kent’s Law department to see many of their advocates

battle it out in their court room chambers in various mock trials. Year 13 Law students were involved in a civil dispute case between a hotel company and a customer. Year 12 Law students were in the viewing docks where


PGW Sixth Form Career and Progression Support Sixth Form February Intervention Sessions  Monthly drop-in sessions from Chatham Jobcentre In order to ensure that your son/ward is making the offering support in job and apprenticeship searches, expected progress for his Sixth Form studies, the CV writing, help with applications, interview technique following intervention sessions have been scheduled to advice, plus anything else our students feel they need run for over the February half term. The benefit of support with to help them in their career progression. attending these sessions will be: to ensure that your son/ ward has the support needed to complete any  Career interviews with Medway Youth Trust. outstanding coursework/amend coursework that  Regular emails detailing hundreds of apprenticeship requires improvements, or to revise key topic material(s) and job vacancies. with his class teacher that may be of benefit to any upcoming examinations. In addition, these sessions will  Support from local universities who deliver workshops also allow your son to develop his ‘Skills for Life,’ such as in school, including personal statement writing, the perseverance and excellence. UCAS application process and student finance, as well as subject based workshops delivered in school and on All intervention sessions will take place on the Greenacre campus. Academy site and will run on the dates and times detailed below. Please don’t hesitate to contact your  Apprenticeship fairs. son/ward’s teacher should you have any questions about  University taster days. the intervention sessions detailed below:

 Unifrog login provided to all Year 13 students – an  English GCSE retake students (by invite only) – Monday apprenticeship, university and careers support 17th February, 9am – students will be sent home when platform that helps students make the best choices staff start revising Literature with Year 11 attendees as about their futures. this isn’t applicable to the Language retake exams

 Progressions mentor in Sixth Form to act as point of  Construction – Wednesday 19th February, contact for students and to coordinate support. 12 noon to 2pm

 Engineering – Wednesday 19th February, UCAS Applications 10:30am to 12 noon Our Year 13 cohort have, for those applicable, now sent  Graphics – Wednesday 19th February, off their UCAS application forms! The tasks of completing 10am until 12 noon the UCAS forms and writing personal statements are tasks which certainly encompass many of our Skills for Life principles. The students actively listened to advice

from staff on how to further improve their personal statements, and then acted upon said advice, they certainly showed motivation in completing all required documents before the deadline, their applications were well organised, and they showcased excellence in the construction of their fine personal statements. We wish all our students who submitted UCAS applications every success in their next steps!


Make sure that you are wearing your full Academy Uniform uniform, with ties done up correctly! & Basic Equipment Bring all of your basic Equipment to school every day!

Be Ready, Respectful and Responsible

Represent Greenacre Academy with pride! You are the Academy!

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