Analyzing Tor Abuse Complaints
Analyzing Tor abuse complaints Rachee Singh Sadia Afroz University of Massachusetts Amherst UC Berkeley, ICSI 1. INTRODUCTION. Cluster Topic Top words We want to understand the characteristics of the network abuse 0 Mixed graphicsoneinc, junkemailfilter, asthma, pascal, originating from Tor. Understanding the abuse of Tor is impor- bob, die, suffers, helo, population, sun tant because website operators and content providers discriminate 1 Mixed password, failed, sshd, whois, timezone, den- against Tor users [3], in many cases, because of the abuse origi- mark, investigate, extracted, invalid, apologies nating from Tor. Akamai observed that an HTTP request from a 2 Googlegroups groups, rubin, googlegroups, broadcast, jimenez, Tor IP is 30 times more likely to be a malicious attack than one jew, steve, posting, satanic, conspiracy that comes from a non-Tor IP [1]. Cloudflare found that 94% of 3 Copyright paramount, copyright, irdeto, cert, infringement, requests from the Tor network are malicious [2]. Abuse control is notice, pgp, compliance, voxility, material crucial for the Tor network itself to maximize the benefit of anony- 4 Sent by nforce mnt, logs, furanet, htdocs, login, wp, sites, query, mous communication networks. To understand the nature of abuse zwiebelfreunde, nforce websites receive through Tor, we look at the complaints exit opera- 5 Sent by Spamcop ip, received, content, spamcop, abuse, mail, tors received while running a Tor exit. We assume that every time a thank, message, manager, mso website receives abuse through Tor the administrator of the website 6 Sent by ValueHost valuehost, administrator, index, attempts, mail, complains to the exit operator. So these complaints can be a proxy noc, abuse, yor, disturb, shared for understanding the type and frequency of abuse happen through 7 Sent by Webiron abuse, issues, webiron, mail, clients, service, ip, a Tor exit.
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