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Index Abborrtjarn Tuff Member 83-7, 89-90 Kalahari craton volcanics, and stratabound copper- Abel Erasmus volcanics 323 silver-gold mineralization 347-54 Abitibigreenstone belt 293 Kuroko-style patterns 91 absarokite 246 metamorphic 83,244-5, 454, 528 accreted collage terrain 147, 148, 162, 163 metasomatic 62, 284 accretion 9, 147, 149, 162, 216, 381,541 ocean floor 75 of Glennie Domain 151 permeability channel controlled 349, 352, 354 subduction-related 550 phyllic 330 to crust base 388 post-eruption 519 to N. American continent 468 post-magmatic 356, 357 accretionary wedge 447 Skellefte ore-bearing rocks 71 Achill Island 491 postmetamorphic 330 acid extrusive unit, Kalahari craton 347, 348 potassic 330 acmite 222 premetamorphic 330 actinolite 118, 234, 356, 426, 427, 428,490, 515 propylitic 234, 330 actinolite-hornblende 330 seafloor 290 Adlavik Intrusive Suite 204 seawater 105, 356, 380 adularia 25 secondary 62, 66, 339 African Shield 313 spilitic 528 Africa, southern syndepositional 244 major tectonic provinces and subprovinces 328 synmetamorphic 330 tectonic framework 347 synvolcanic 87, 91,244-5 agglomerate 95, 187, 204, 213,215,221,242, 329, alteration pipes 71,105 438 alumina content 277 Aillik Group 201-9, 241 Amadeus Basin 386 Aillik Group, upper, felsic volcanism 201-9 Amazonian craton 275 petrochemistry 204--8 Amer Lake Zone 167 plutonic rocks 204 Amisk Group 151,168, 185, 186 regional setting 201 volcanics 187 supracrustal rocks 201-4 Am]tsoq gneisses 18 air fall deposits 169, 244 amphibole 97,221,329, 330, 356, 398, 466,
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