


Bernoulli's Theorem

In a stream ofliquid, the sum of the elevation head, the pressure head, and the velocity head (1) remains constant along any line of flow provided that no work is done by or upon the liquid in the course of its flow and (2) decreases in proportion to the energy lost in viscous flow.

Hooke's Law

The stress within an elastic solid up to the elastic limit is prop0l1ional to the strain responsible for it.

Level of Neutral Buoyancy

In the lithosphere, this is the level at which a rising column of magma no longer can rise because below that level the country rock is denser than the magma, and above that level the country rock is less dense than the magma (see Walker, 1989). This level also has been called the level of gravitational stability.

Navier-Coulomb Maximum Shear-Stress Theory

We do not treat this concept in detail or with mathematics. Those interested in details are referred to Jaeger (1962, p. 75-80). The Navier-Coulomb maximum shear-stress theory states that failure (by shear) of a material occurs when the maximum shear stress equals the shear strength of the material. Compressive shear strength is always greater than tensile shear strength. Because of this, shear caused by compressive stress must be at an angle of less than 45° to the direction of that stress.

In any three-dimensional system, there are three principal stresses. If this three-dimensional system is the Eatih's lithosphere, one of the three principal stresses is essentially vertical. Thus three cases----three types offaulting----arise according to whether the vertical stress direction is the greatest, intermediate, or the least (Jaeger, 1962)

Case 1, Thrust faults----As shown on Figure Al a (from Meyerhoff et aI., I 992b) the vertical principal stress is the least in magnitude and the other two principal stresses are compressive. The planes of fracture pass through the direction of the intermediate principal stress and make angles of less than 45° with the direction of the greatest compressive (horizontal) stress. This case is illustrated in nature by Figures 2.36,3.1 and 3.18, which show the lithosphere Benioff zones dip at an angle less than 45° to the Em1h's sUIface (see Scheidegger and Wilson, 1950). APPENDIX 259

"okCl2 S OJ --7 f-- OJ ~ OJ


C B ~2ll t~1 (- a-~ 0 v3 3 ~3 A +"1 D (e) (d) STRIKE-SLIP FAULT

~3t& t V3


(e) (f)-r- NORMAL FAULT

From Jaeger (1962)

Fig. A.I. lbree examples of Navier-Coulomb maximum shear-stress theory: in each case, fracture takes place at an angle >45 0 with the direction of maximum principal stress. s[ in each diagram is the direction of least principal stress. S, is the direction of intennediate principal stress. '" is the direction of maximum principal stress. (a) and (b) describe thrustfauhing; (c) and (d) describe strike-slip faulting; (e) and (I) describe nonnal faulting. From Jaeger (1962, p. 75- 80).

Case 2, Streamline-strike-slip faults----As shown on Figure A.l c (from Meyerhoff et al.,1992b), the vertical principal stress is the intermediate stress. Of the other two principal stresses, one will be a compression and the other will be small and may even be a tension. In this case, failure can take place on either oftwo vertical planes (AOB, COD) that are equally inclined at angles less then 45° to it.

Case 3, Normal faults----As shown on Figure A.le (from Meyerhoff et aI., 1992b), the vertical principal stress is the greatest in magnitude. This state can be expected mainly at considerable depths (Jaeger, 1962, p. 80). Failure will take place at an angle of less then 45° to the vertical, that is, at an angle greater than 45° to the Earth's surface. Figures 2.36, 3.1 and 3.18 illustrate natural examples in which the strictosphere Benioff zone dips at an angle greater than 45° to the Earth's surface. 260 APPENDIX

Newton's Laws

All laws, theorems, and principles that involve motion are derived from Newton's three laws of motion and the law of gravity.

First Law of Motion----A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion remains in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Second Law of Motion----The rate of change of the velocity of a body, that is, its acceleration, is equal to the resultant of all external forces acting on the body divided by the mass of the body, and is in the direction ofthe straight line in which the force acts (that is, in the same direction as the resultant force).

Third Law of Motion----To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; that is, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and in the opposite direction; or, for every force, there is an equal and opposite force or reaction.

Law of Gravitation----Every pilliic1e of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly propOliional to the produce of the masses of the particles and inversely propOliional to the square of the distance between them.

Pascal's Law, Theorem, or Principle

Pressm-e applied to a confined liquid at any point is transmitted undiminished through the fluid in all directions and acts upon every pati of the coni ning vessel at right angles to its interior surfaces and equally upon equal areas.

Peach-Kohler Climb Force

Although the following works best in mafic lavas because of their low viscosities, the statements apply to more silicic lavas as well. However, the relatively lower viscosity of mafic lavas makes it easier for them to move through the lithosphere and seek a position of gravitational stability (Walker, 1989). In the case of a veliical crack filled with magma, the upward force exerted by the crack is a result of the lower density of the magma filling the crack (Corry, 1988), Weeliman (1971, p. 1177) explained the process. "The force of (p - p') gV [where p is the density of the country rock at a given depth; p' is the magma density; g is the acceleration due to gravity; and V is the magma volume per unit of crack width] experienced by the crack is identical to the Archimedian buoyancy that would act on the crack if it were a solid of density p' embedded in a liquid of density p. There is a fundamental difference, however, between these two forces. For the tme Archimedian force the body force p'gY differs fi-om the net force pgY exerted on the embedded solid by the hydrostatic pressm-e. In the case of the liquid-filled crack, the body force p'g Yexelied on the liquid within the crack must be, and is, exactly balanced by hydrostatic forces exerted against the crack walls. "There is no net force exerted on the liquid within the crack." The Peach-Kohler climb force is produced by a gradient in elastic strain energy within the solid (rock body). The origin of the APPENDIX 261

true and the pseudo-Archimedian forces is the same, namely, the gravity field. "The crack will stop propagating, and thus the magma rise will stop, when the magma reaches its level of neutral buoyance, which is the level below which the country rock is denser than the magma, and above which the country rock is less dense than the magma" (Walker, 1989).

Poiseuille's Law

The velocity of flow of a liquid through a capillary tube varies directly as the pressure and the fomih power of the diameter of the tube, and inversely as the length of the tube and the coefficient of viscosity.

Stokes's Law and Linear Geologic Structures

Stokes's Law, one of many expressions of Newton's Second Law of Motion, is little used by geologists, despite its fundamental impOliance. Because the law usually is thought of as a description of the flow of solids through air and water, it almost never is regarded as describing the interactions between any flowing medium and a solid substance (e.g., the flow of lava through lava tubes). One critic of an earlier version of this manuscript wrote that our use of Stokes's Law" ... only confuses a discussion of the well-known streamline pattems of viscous flow." This critic apparently did not know that streamline pattems of viscous flow (in glaciers, for example) are commonly cited in physics texts as examples of Stokes's Law (e.g., Blatt, 1983)! Nor did he realize that such pattems of streamline flow are what led in the first place to the 1845 formulation ofthis law by Sir George G. Stokes (e.g., Sears et a!., 1974). Stokes's Law may be stated most simply as follows: "The force required to move a sphere through a given viscous fluid at a low unifom1 velocity is directly proportional to the velocity and radius of the sphere" (Webster's Third New international Dictionary, 1971, p. 2248). Under the heading of Stokes's Law, Sears et a!. (1974, p. 225-226) wrote that "When an ideal fluid of zero viscosity flows past a sphere, or when a sphere moves through a stationary fluid, the streamlines form a peIfectly symmetrical pattem around the sphere .... " If the fluid is viscous, however, there will be a viscous drag on the sphere. Moreover, ifthe smface ofthe sphere consists of altemate parallel bands of rough and smooth texture, differential (viscous) drag will take place tween the fluid that flows over the rough-textured suIfaces and that which flows over the smooth-textured suIfaces. Then the streamlines are accentuated close to the sphere's smface by the difference in fluid velocities close to that suIface, and are more appropliately termed sliplines. Flow close to a solid surface is called laminar flow, which has been defmed as "... streamline flow in a viscous fluid near a solid boundary" (Webster's Third New international Dictionary, 1971, p. 1267). The impOliant point is that streamlines, or slip lines are parallel with the direction of the laminar How. Many featmes related closely to laminar How have been described by petrographers, such as Balk (1937), Knopf and Ingerson (1938), and many others. Many ofthe structures that we discuss in this paper are analogous to the flow and flow-line structures of Balk (1937). Thus, in geological terms, there are whole families of linear and curvilinear structures, at all scales (e.g., stretching lineations; schlieren; strike-slip faults; linear faults, fracture systems ofthe midocean ridges; several types of linear ridges), which are the products, directly or indirectly, of flow close to and parallel with them. This statement is simply another way of expressing Stokes's Law, or Newton's Second Law of Motion. 262 APPENDIX

For example, the long linear faults, fractures, and fissures of Figure 3.28 that parallel the axes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise respectively demonstrate that the motion--• -in any case, the last motion----beneath these ridges was parallel with, not orthogonal to them. Likewise, the jagged tension crack of Figure 3.29 clearly fonned as a consequence of motions orthogonal to the overall trend of the crack. The type of fracture that fonns in a solid substance is a clear reflection of the direction of the principal stress that defonned it. Another reviewer of this manuscript wrote, "To me the linear features along a midocean ridge are more plausibly explained by the breaks and cracks of up-and-down shiftings that would result from moving apart the two sides, aided by the forcing apart by magma moving in both directions from a point of injection." This explanation, also favored by Macdonald et aI. (1987), requires that a whole series of "points of injection" and "collision zones" between adjacent but opposite magma flows be present along each midocean ridge. Points of injection should be characterized by annular and/or radial structures many kilometers in diameter that alternate along strike with zones of transverse structures, including pressure ridges and like features. We have complete sonograph coverage of several lengthy segments of midocean ridges, including some 600 km of continuous coverage by the U.S. Geological Survey along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. There are no such structures; the only intenllptions along strike are the ridge-transverse (transfonn fault) fault zones (see Figs. 9, 13, 18, 22 of Meyerhoff et aI., 1992a). The only other types of intell1lptions along strike are "overlapping spreading centers", which appear to be nothing more than giant eddies (see Figs. 16-18 of Meyerhoff et aI., 1992a) that also are produced by ridge-parallel flow. The same critic also wrote that "... it seems to me that en enchelon bundles of fissures and faults could forrnjust as well by pulling apart as the two sides move orthogonally away from the ridge." Figure 8 in Meyerhoff et al. (1992a) shows such en echelon structures on a small scale; Figure 3.76---an overlapping spreading center---is an en echelon structure on a large scale. As Olson and Pollard (1989) showed, such structures cannot fOlm unless they parallel the direction of flow, as illustrated by Figures 13 and 15 of MeyerhofI et al. (1992a). The en echelon structures are incipient vOliices, in the telminology of fluid dynamics (Sears et aI., 1974, p. 226; Tritton, 1988); they are the vortex structures of Meyerhoff et aI. (1992a, b) and of this pUblication. As explained by Sears et aI. (p. 226), "When the velocity of a fluid flowing in a tube exceeds a certain critical value (which depends on the properties of the fluid and the diameter of the tube) the nature of the flow becomes extremely complicated. Within a very thin layer adjacent to the tube walls, called the boundmy layer, the flow is still laminar. The flow velocity in the boundary layer is zero at the tube walls and increases unifOlm1y through the layer. . .. Beyond the boundary layer, the motion is highly irregular. Random circular local currents called vortices develop within the fluid, with a large increase in the resistance to flow. Flow of this sort is called turbulent." The properties of boundary layers and vOliical, eddy, and related structures of incipient and full turbulence are discussed in detail by Tritton (1988). Most of the structural features of the midocean ridges are a consequence of ridge-parallel flow, a conclusion that seems to be well documented, not just because of the linear structures, en echelon phenomena, and related structures we have mentioned, but also because of their near• identity with structures produced both in lava tubes (Yamagishi, 1985) and atiificial tubes (Tritton, 1988), in which the flow, by defmition, parallels the strike of the tubes. Tritton (1988), in fact, presented at least 39 photographs and line drawings of laboratory experiments in which some of the major structural features of midocean ridges, rift zones, and foldbelts are duplicated (e.g., his figs. 4.4, 17.20, 18.3, and 22.12). APPENDIX 263

Vortex street

A body towed tlrrough a fluid creates a band of oppositely flowing eddies behind it (Tritton, 1988). This band is a vortex street. (In nontechnical language, this band is a wake.) A series of immobile bodies that project into the fluid stream produce the same effect. In the case of the Earth, its rotation theoretically can cause eastward migration of the mushy part of the asthenosphere. Where mushy asthenosphere passes between two cratons rooted to the strictosphere, a vortex street might be created. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Aegean Sea, vortex 112, 155-156 - Tuamotus 130 age of oceanic crust 57 Brito-Arctic Basalt Province 216-217 - see also oceanic basement Caledonides 71, 142,144 Alpine Fault 21,42,158 California Coast Ranges alpinotype foldbelt 10, 18,23,25,29,32-33,34 16,18,20,22,38, 154, 156 82,89-92,108,123,146-147,154 Canary Islands 129 Bronson Hill anticlinorium 80,94,145-146 Cape Fold Belt 200 Colombian Andes 143 Cape Verde Rise 129 Cuban 30 Caribbean Sea 112,229 Himalayas 189-191 Caroline Ridge 130, 131 Alps 10,16,22,30,40,78 Central America 221-223 83133,150-151,157 Christmas Island Ridge 130, 131 anomalous lower crust/upper mantle 24 Christmas tree structure 23, 102 - see also crustal characteristics - see also mantle diapirism anomalous upper mantle 24 Columbia River flood basalt province 223-224 Antrim Plateau volcanics 200-201 Columbia River Plateau 112 Appalachians 29,69,93, 136, 144-145,204 continental surge chatmels 146 - Bronson Hill antic!. 29,80,94,145-146 - Alps 150-151 Argentinian Foreland 215-216 - Baykal Rift System 152-153 aseismic ridges 32,129-130 - Dinarides-Balkanides 149 Baltic Shield 69,72,74, 116, 142, 144, 157 - East African Rift System 153 Banda Sea, arc, trench 112, 133, 136, 186, 188 - Middle and High Atlas of Morocco 151 basement 57 - Mississippi Embayment 153 - see also oceanic basement - Rhine Graben 154 bathymetry 5,13-14,54-56 - Yunnan Himalaya (Hengduan Shan) 148 - Bergantino charts 56 (see also individual listings of above - data collection 54-56 localities for additional citations) - DEWLINE surveys 54 continental-margin phenomena 42-43 - GEBCO (1975-1982) charts 54-56 - see also surge channels of continental margins - GEOSAT 17, 54-56 contraction, Earth 3-4, 76-86 - NAVOCEANO 54-56 - elastic instability 3 - satellite radar altimetry 16 - fracture-contraction 3 - Seabeam 13 - history 76 - SeaMARC 13 - skepticism 76 - vortices, relationship to 43, 111-114 - shortening, crustal 83 Baykal Rift (& Lake Baykal) 21,72-73,93, - trigger for tectogenesis 85 152-153,157,202,253-254 convection Benioff zones 5-6,35,37,49,64,65-66,70 - see mantle convection 77, 79-85, 88-90, 115-117, Cook-Austral chain 130 130-133,164-166,258-259 Coppennine River 200 Bemoulli's Theorem 102,106-107, 113, 178,258 crustal characteristics 37,65-66,69-73,98-101 breakout channels 45,53, 109, 116-120 cusps 48,130 129-132, 187 data sets - Caroline Ridge 130-131 - antipodal positions of continents - Christmas Island Ridge 130-131 and ocean basins 47 - Cook-Austral chain 130 - 7.0-7.8-k111/s lens 27 - cusps 48, 130 - age of oceanic crust 57-58 - Gilberts 130 - anomalous lower crust 24 - Line Islands 131 - anomalous upper mantle 24 - Louisville Ridge 45,48, 130, 193 - bathymetry 13-14,54-56 - Marshalls 130 - Benioff zones 65 - Mid-Pacific Mountains 130-131 (see also Benioff zones) - New England-Comer seamounts 130 - continental margins 42-43 - Newfoundland-Milne sea:nounts 130 - crustal thickness 53-54,73 - Obruchev Rise-Hawaiian-Emperor 130 - Deep Sea Drilling Project 12-13,57,63 - Rio Grande Rise 130 - diffuse plate boundaries 39-40 - Samoa chain 130 - eastward asthenosphere surge 47-51 - Society Islands 130 - high heat-flow bands 37 320 SUBJECT INDEX

- hydrothennal manifestations 36 flood basalts 46 - linear anorogenic belts 41-42 - basalt magmas 226, 228 - linear magnetic anomalies 61-64 - classification 193 - linear structures 18-20 - concept 192 - lithosphere diapirs 20-29 - duration 239 - magma floods 46,192,253 - geochemistry 225,239 - microearthquakes 38-59 - magma floods 192, 253 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge geology 58-61 - minor and rare earth elements 228-230 - oceanic basement 13,57 - non-basalt flood volcanism 243-247 - paleomagnetism 64-65 - origin oftenninology 192 - radar mapping of Venus 17 - surge-tectonics origin 253-254 - satellite photography 16 - and vortex structures 114 - satellite radar altimetry 16 flood-basalt provinces 193,206 - Seabeam 13 - Antrim Plateau volcanics 200-201 -SeaMARC 13 - Argentinian Foreland 215 -216 - segnlentation 32-33 - Brito-Arctic Basalt Province 216-217 - seismotomography 14,46-47 - Cape Fold Belt 200 - sonography 13 - Central America 221-223 - space geodesy 14-16 - classification 193 - stretching lineations 32 - Columbia River flood basalt province 223 - submersibles 13 - Coppennine River 200 - tectonostratigraphic telTanes 29-32 - Deccan flood basalts 213-214 - tensile stress 56-57 - Emeishan flood basalts 203-204 - vortex structures 43, 111-114 - Karroo flood basalts 208-209 - world evaporite distribution 47 - Keweenawan flood basalts 194, 198-200 Dead Sea Fault, Rift 16,21, 193 - Kirkpatrick Basalt-Ferrar Dolerite 206-207 Deccan Traps 213-214 -linear 193 Deep Sea Drilling Project 12-13,57,63, 190 - Malaita Island 209 diapirism - Mid-Ocean Ridge flood basalts 224-225 - see mantle diapirism - N0I1hem Siberia 201-203 diffuse plate boundmy 39-40 - Ontong Java Plateau 209-211 Dinarides-Balkanides 1,22,149 - ovate 193 East Africa, East African Rift - Parana Flood Basalts 211-213 16,20-21,33, 112-113, 147 - petrographic character 194 153,193,232,253 - Syrian-Arabian-Greater East Pacific Rise 18,36,61,69,87,92, 102, Ethiopian Magmatic Province 217-220 107-108,112,114,120,124-126,136,157 - Wrangellian flood-basalt province 204-206 Easter Island 112, 114 flow in surge chmUlels 102-114 Eastward Flow of the A5thenosphere 47-51,115 Galapagos Rift 36, 87, 102,112 - Carolina Seamount chain 48 Galicia Bank 112 - Eastem Asia 48 geotectonic cycle 68, 88-90, 255 - eastward-facing island arcs 48 gennanotype foldbelts 18,23,32,34, 82, 89-91 - Emeishan Basalt 50 108,123,141,143,146-147 - Hawaiian-Emperor chain 48 151,174,182,189-191 - Japan arc 48 - Central Rocky Mountains 144 - Kamchatka volcanic belt 48 - Colombian Andes 143, 146 - Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt 48 - Himalayas 189-190 - Ordos basin 50 - Middle and High Atlas lSI - Primor'ye volcanic belt 48 - Southeast Asia 174 - 48 Gilberts 130 - Southeastem China 48 gravity tectonics 7 Emeishan flood basalts 203-204 Great Basin 36,72,129,133-137,139,141 Ethiopian flood basalts 217-220 148, 157, 193 expansion 7 Gulf of BotlUlia 72,142,144-145 Feeder channels 116-120,129,146 Gulf of Califomia 79, 129, 136, 139, 193 Canary Islands 129 heat-flow bands 37-39,44,73,85,110,131 Cape Verde Rise 129 Himalaya 22,32, SO, 134, 148-150, 157 Walvis Ridge 126,129 168,178,185,188-191 SUBJECT INDEX 321 hole-in-the plate-problem 1,68 lithosphere diapirism hypotheses 3 - Alpine Fault 21,42,158 - blister 7 - Alps' 22 - continental drift 7-8 - Baykal Rift· 21 - contraction 3-4 - Califomia Coast Ranges' 22 - expansion 7 - Dead Sea Fault zone' 21 - gravity tectonics 7 - Dinaric Alps' 22 - mantle convection 4 - East African Rift' 21 - oceanization 7 - Fen Wei (Wei He) Graben 21,53, 118, 149 - plate tectonics with fixed continents 10 - Hetao-Yinchuan Graben - plate-tectonics, seafloor spreading 8-9 21,53,118,148-149,161 - polar wandering 8 - Himalaya' 22 - tectonostratigraphic terranes 10 - Iceland' 21 - undation 7 - Japan Arc' 22 - vertical tectonics 7 - Pyrenees' 22 - viscous flow model 11 - Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau - wedge tectonics 10 22,53,97,118,159,180-185 - zipper tectonics 11 - Queen Charlotte Fault 22,205-206 - zonal rotation 7 - Red Sea Graben' 21 Iceland 21,36, 86-87, 102, - Rhine Graben' 21 193,129,216,229,232 - San Andreas Fault* 21 Insubric Line 30,33,150,158 - Yunnan Himalaya' 22 Japan Arc 22,48,254 Lomnitz Law 5 K structures 118 Longitudinal Valley 158 - Galapagos 118, 120 Louisville Ridge, chain 45,48, 10~ 130-131, 193 - Lashio (Myanmar) 120 Luzon kobergen 35, 132, 135, 191 - Halmahera 120 magma floods 46,192,253 Kamchatka-Olyutor trough, volcanic belt 33,48 Malaita Island 209 Karroo Flood Basalts 208-209 mantle convection 4-6,46-47 Keweenawan flood basalts 194, 198-200 - leffreys-Lomnitz Law 5 Kirkpatrick Basalt-Fen"ar Dolerite 206-207 - Lomnitz Law 5 Klamath Mountains 139 mantle diapirism 20-29,98-101 kobergens (bivergent foldbelts) 29,68,90,92,122 Marquesas 131 Kuril-Kamchatka Trench 66,108,165 Mars 16,110,255 Lake Baykal Marshalls 130 - see Baykal Rift (Lake Baykal) mechanisms Lake Victoria 112-113 - contraction 3-4,76-86 Laws, Physical - convection 67 - see individucallisting & Appendix 258-263 - eastward surge 115 Line Islands 131 median tectonic lines 33 linear island and seamount chains - Balantonline 33 18,28,32,45,49,108,118, - Insubric line' 33 123,130,193,229,253 - Japan 33 Linear Magnetic Anomalies 61-64 - Alpine Fault of New Zealand' 33 Linear Structures 18-20 - Periadriatic line 33 Califomia Coast Ranges- microeat1hquakes 38-39,92-93, 103, 124, 129 San Andreas fault zone 18 Mid-Ocean Ridge flood basalts 224-225 - see also San Andreas Fault Mid-Pacific Mountains 130-131 East African Rift 16,18,20-21 Middle and High Atlas of Morocco 151-152 - see also East African Rift Mississippi Embayment 153-154 evaporite trends 19 - Reelfoot rift 154 Front Range 19 Mohorovicic Discontinuity 98-101 Reelfoot Graben/Rift 19,154 Mojave block 112,247 Rhine Graben 19,22-23,93,252-253 Molucca Sea 132, 135 river courses 20 New England-Comer seamounts 130 transverse structures 20 N ewfoundland-Milne seamounts 130 Westem Cordillera 18 Newton's Law of Gravity 68,97,228,260 - see also Westem Cordillera ('see also individual listing) 322 SUBJECT INDEX

Newton's Law sofMotion sonography 13 1,68, 90, 102-104, 115, 260 Southeast Asia 159 North Anatolia fault 33,36,158 - "choke points" 168 North Fiji Basin 112 - Benioff zones 164, 166 North-South Zone 159 - Carboniferous-Late Permian 174 ocean-basin surge channels 116,117,124,129 - Indonesian prong 167 - East Pacific Rise 124-126 - Indosinian massif 167 - Feeder chmmels 129 - Late Jurassic-Present 183 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge 124 - N eocathaysian strikes 163 oceanic basement 13,57 - North-South Zone 159 Ontong Java Plateau - platforms and massifs 167 128-129, 188, 193,209-211 - pre-Sinian 170 overlapping spreading centers - Silurian-Devonian 173 21,33,43,87,111-113,155,157,262 - Sinian-Ordovician 171 paleomagnetism 64-65 - surge-chatmel patterns 167 Pannonian Basin 5, 112, 150 - Triassic-Middle Jurassic 179 Parana Flood Basalts 211-213 - Turanian prong 167 Pascal's Law 90-92,95,99,256,260 - Yangzi massif 167 Patagonia 215 - Yunkai deflection 169 Peach-Kohler climb force Southern California Borderland 112 97-98, 102, 148,228,255,260-261 space geodesy 14 Philippine fault 33,35,40, 158 -DORIS 14 Philippine island arc, Sea -GPS 14 3~ 12~ 132, 171, 174-176, 180, 187-188 -LAGEOS 15 polar wandering 8 -LRM 14 - apparent polar wandering 8 -NAVSTAR 15 - true polar wandering 8 - SLR(LRM) 15 Pyrenees 22,31,158 - VLBI 14 Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau 22, 161 Stoke's Law Queen Charlotte Islands 22,205-206 19,20,23,32,136,156,256,261-262 Red Sea Graben 21,43,217-219 streamline ( strike-slip) fault zones 33 Rhine Graben 19,21-22,93,154,252-253 - Alpine 21,42, 158 ridge-transverse faults ("transform faults") - Annorican shear zone 33 21,33, 107,112-113,262 - Brevard shear zone 33 Rio Grande Rift 21 - Indus-Yarlung suture 33 Rio Grande Rise 130 - Insubric Line 30,33, 150, 158 Rocky Mountains - Longitudinal Valley' 158 20,22,118,138,140-141143-144,145 - North Anatolia fault· 33,36, 158 roots, continents 73 - North Pyrenean fault 33, 158 Samoa chain 130 - Philippine fault zone 33, 158 San Andreas Fault 2, 18,21,33,36,38,40 - San Andreas fault· 33 136, 154-158, 256 (see also San Andreas) San Francisco Bay 38,112,155-156 - Taurus-Zagros suture 33 Segmentation 32-33, 110 stretching lineations 32,122,256 - accommodation zones 33 strictosphere 47-48,68-71,78-86,88-90 - high heat flow 37-39,73,85, 110, 131 115,255-256 - linear epicenter arrays 110 Sulawesi 132 - linear low-velocity channels 110 surge channels 68,86-87 - Mars 16,110,255 - active surge channels 68, 122-123 - overlapping spreading centers 33 - breakout channels 45,53, 109, 116- (see overlapping spreading centers, vortices) 120, 129-132 - ridge-transverse fault zones - classification 115-118 21,33,107,112-113,262 - continental breakout chalmels 118 - transfer zones 33 - continental margin channels 117-118 - Venus 17,110,255 - continental trunk chamJels 118 seismotomography 14,46-47 - control on locations 116 Siberian Traps 201-213 - criteria for identification 122-123 Siberian Tunguska syneclise 201-203 - cross channels 118 Society Islands 130 - cross sections 97 SUBJECT INDEX 323

- differentiation 102 - Colombia Basin 112 - evidence for 92-95 - Columbia River Plateau 112 - feeder channels 116-120, 129, 146 - Dasht-i-Lut 111 - flow in surge channels 102-114 - East Pacific Rise 112 - geometry of 97-102 - Easter Island 112, 114 - inactive surge channels 68, 122-123 - in flood-basalt provinces 114 - K structures 118, 120 - fully developed vortices 113 - linear tangential flow 87, 90-92, 102-111 - Galapagos Rift 112 - lithosphere thickness 116,147 - Galicia Bank 112 - midocean ridges 87 -Hawaii 112 - Multitiered 102 - incipient vortices 113 - ocean basin surge channels 116-118 - Juan Fernandez "microplates" 112 - oceanic trunk chatmels 116-117 - Lake Victoria (East Mrica) 112 - surface expression 97 - Mojave block 112 - vortical tangential flow 111-114 - North Fiji Basin 112 surge channels in zones of - Patmonian Basin 112 transtension-transpression 154-158 - San Francisco Bay 112 - North Anatolia Fault 158 - Southern California Borderland 112 - other major strike-slip zones 158 - southwestern China 112 - San Andreas Fault 154 - Tyrrhenian Sea 112 surge channels of continental margins Walvis Ridge 126, 129 117-118,129-146 wedge tectonics 10 - Appalachians 144 Western Cordillera 133 - North American Western Cordillera 133 Wrangellian flood-basalt province 204-206 - Western Pacific Basin 132 YUlman Himalaya (Hengduan Shan) - Breakout Channels 130 22,134,148-150157 - Caledonides 144 zipper tectonics 11 surge tectonics zonal rotation 7 - concept 68,88 - geotectonic cycle 68,88-90 - mechanism for eastward surge 115 - MohoroviCic discontinuity 98 - surge chatme1s (see surge channels) Syrian-Arabi an-Greater Ethiopian Magmatic Province 217 Taiwan l32 Taiwan longitudinal valley 33 tectogenesis 3,90-92 tectonostratigraphic terranes 10,29-32 - facies-belt concept 10 - lithofacies-belt concept 30 - lithotectonic terrane 30 Tuamotus 130 Tyrrhenian Sea 87,112 undation 7 Venus 17,110,255 Verschluckungszonen 30,31,41,42,77-78 81-84,256 - Alps 77 - California Transverse Ranges 78 - Kyushy-Shikoku foldbelt 77 - New Zealand Alps 78 vertical tectonics 7 viscous flow model 11 vortex structures 43, 111-114 - Aegean Sea 112 - Banda Sea 112 - collision 114 Solid Earth Sciences Library


1. E.l. Galperin: The Polarization Method of Seismic Exploration. 1983 ISBN 90-277-1555-6

2. S. Hastenrath: The Glaciers of Equatorial East Africa. 1984 ISBN 90-277-1572-6

3. R.K. Verma: Gravity Field, Seismicity and Tectonics of the Indian Peninsula and the Himalayas. 1985 ISBN 90-277-1864-4

4. R. Haenel, L. Rybach and L. Stegena (eds.): Handbook of Terrestrial Heat• Flow Density Determination. With Guidelines and Recommendations of the International Heat-Flow Commission. 1988 ISBN 90-277-2589-6

5. E. Roth and B. Poty (eds.): Nuclear Methods of Dating. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0188-9

6. G. Wagner and P. Van den haute: Fission-Track Dating, 1992 ISBN 0-7923-1624-X

7. J. Lima-de-Faria: Structural Mineralogy. An Introduction. 1994 ISBN 0-7923-2821-3

8. l.M. Varentsov: Manganese Ores of Supergene Zone: Geochemistry of Form- ation. 1996 ISBN 0-7923-3906-1

9. A.A. Meyerhoff, 1. Taner, A.E.L. Morris, W.E. Agocs, M. Kamen-Kaye, M.l. Bhat, N.C. Smoot and Dong R. Choi; D. Meyerhoff Hull (ed.): Surge Tec• tonics: A New Hypothesis of Global Geodynamics. 1996 ISBN 0-7923-4156-2

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