Moon Rocket Falls Short, First Stage Burns Early

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Moon Rocket Falls Short, First Stage Burns Early FRroAY, DECEMBER fS, 1988 PAGE TWENTY-FOUB jlanrliFStpr lEtt^tting Arerage Daily Preas Run Tha Wefether \ F or <h* W eek Boding Fareenat ot O. 8. Weatlier BnreM Nov. 2«, 1958 Clear and polder tonight with About Town 12,840 .diminishing winds. Low 10 to 20. Member o f Die Audit Moetly sunny, nindy and rontimied Younjif people of the W>&lther Biirenn o f CIrculaUon cold Himday. High In 20s. l«e&g;ue, Zion Lutheran Church, Manchester—-A City of Village Charm 7_____ ' will go ChrUtmas caroling Sun* G ih Ideas From “T day. leaving? the church at 5 p.m. They will make stops at Manches­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 57 (TWELVE PAGES) ^ (Liaaatfled Advertlitng on Page 10) ter Memorial Hospital, the cnn- HALE’S DOMESTIC and LINEN DEPT. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1958 P R IC E FIVE C E N T S valesccnt homes, and return to the church for their Tueetinp Mon-, | WHAT A VALUE: ANOTHER SHIPMENT! day evening they will.gather at Those Two Steaks the church at 6 o'clock and simk carols at homes of the aged, .shut- OPEN ! HALE'S "LURON" U. S. Airman Pawn Were for the Bird Ins or sick people | NYLON RAYON BLENO Frank J. Drake. 12A Hreen FM , Campbell, Calif., Dec. 6 (Ah— BLANKETS Getting two large steaks from underwent a major operation for the Moon Rocket Falls Short, / In Berlin Situation the refrlgerStor,' Mrs. Robert yesterday at Manchester NTenm- TONITE rlal Hospital and \cil! prohah!-. he D. Norton laid them on the confined to the m.stitulion foj the. A $.3.0U Value! REG. $6.98 72"x90" kitchen counter as she pre­ fiome Berlin, Dec. 6 (IP)— Anf rally of 16.000 West Berliners last pared dinner last evening at next 10 days. ‘4.99 American flier who para­ night. her home. till The East Germans promptly As she turned away from The W CTT ^'ill meet Tuesday, MtOM HAI.E. K I ABLI.OI R a This Is a tremendous value! Solid colors In warm nylon, rayon blend. Buy for chuted into East Germany charged that Adenauer was tr^ng at 2 pm, in the ( liaprl nf 11''’ H((l Si;\VAKKS I>KrAKTME;.\T — your own use, too. the table the two-by-four win­ was held today as a pawn in to prevent reunification. dow behind her was shattered. .®o\ith Methodrsi I'huiih A spe< :nl i.ossDK s t o k e ;;i. the Berlin .situation. An East "The Bonn Chancellor has de­ riiriatma.s program be pre^ S OTHER BEAUTIFUL BLANKETS ................... $^ 99 to $22.50 A full-grown falcon stood First Stage Burns Early Boxed Gilt Hosiery cisively spoken against any nego­ German official indicated 1st with one claw embedded in a ented h\ .^Trs t^’ll)l^rn Husii ai d tiations on a (W orld War III peace THERMO-TRAY ELECTRIC steak, tearing at It with his Mrs, Ixiul.** I'lair Burr nf VV'iurl tn sheer dark eeani full fashioned ny­ Lt. Richard Mackin would be treaty." East German Premier Beautiful "Violet Pattern" beak. sor Mrs r>avul Kurngictirl FOOD WARMER— $14.95 lons In new fall colors. Attractive BROMLEY and returned to the U.S. Army on­ Otto Grolewohl said in a statement (flft box of 3 pairs. Sizes 8 '2 to II. Mrs. Norton screamed. Her tell atones and Marmn t^-*i Keeprt food hut while ,S'«>u WHlt, QUAKER LACE PURE LINEN PRINTED ly through direct negotiations issued early today, rett and Mrs (.corp' I'l,*;!! ;li ,>e Adenauer was in West Berlin son, Don. 14. ansxvered, the call wherever yuii flinor Hrautifully Box Of .3 Fair with the East German satel­ and tossed a blanket over the in chnige of refre.-sh u'^ ut «. staled in white onvx ur red innanlc. TABLE CLOTHS campaigning for his Christian lite regime. Mackin became falcon (and the steak.) 1,000 Miles Slow Democratic Party in municipal Can l»e u.sed fur hufT»'fR haibecijea. *1.98 They took the bird to an The YWCA .‘ipon'-nird »;reen i TABLE CLOTHS lost and liailed out behind the elections tomorrow. Grotewohl de­ Hecund helpmgH. luuj; d'uruvrra. 52"x52"...................... $3.98 animal shelter where an at­ Thumb (fPoiip niee’ M-'inflav Iron Curtain Wednesday. scribed the Chancellor's campaign I*\' HiUK k.-, Ihinilde ailver fiHnie tendant discovered a metal r'rht for a <'‘o-i'.fMin ^ \vnrk*liofi at Willi iirilji eakaide hentuig aervlre. 52"x70" ...................... $5.98 * Meanwhile, the Communists ac­ speeches as being worthy of H il­ hand on Its teg. indicating it the rommuiiit'- V ,Mr'-ihcrs nre .^ame a.s afiuve finlv Inrger- 23' x lfi” cused West Germany of trying to ler or Nazi Propaganda Minister To Escape Gravity requested to hriug u gr-Tiin au' li $?fio:». ! *4.98 T, *16.98 You will love thia pattern. Fresh vio­ prevent German unification. Josef Goebbel.s. (Vas someone's hunting bird. a* pines, spmre Mnu • ew hut nn lets on pink, yellow, aqua and pecan West German Chancellor Kon­ Grotewohl (oncluded by urging hemlork, also p;rie cone;- laurel, grounds. rad Adenauer said yesterday the all West Berliners to vote for the B> \ ERN HAt GHLAVn « Beautiful lace cloths for gifts and Comnuinist Party. The Coimnun- rhodnderidnin and fuu’iilu: slicnrs KRISPY KAN— $2.49 Other Printed Tablfrlnths West should settle the B e r l i n H for your own Christmas table All i.sts never have been- able to win rapp ( Riiavpial. Fla.. Hoc, fi (^ i—The Army launched a tn make deeoral iors f..t the jjreers i IM.9K tn 84.98 problem before getting bogged Hough Admits hn<i*h for 111'' ( lir.tfu.Ms salf> on ■ a For I'lai kling crackeiH anrl rnapy 2 alzea. down in other long-stalemated a seat in the West Berlin Parlia­ 13-poimd Kold plated conp IhousapdR of mile.8 into the sky per 11 V.r\r)\ nro \m al«0 to bring S ^ chipa, keep tliom froHh in Blue German problems such as unifica­ ment but ,iie making an all-out toda\. Hut its fato «as iincerlaiii. f^O-rent grab hag g.ft Magic Kri.Hfiv Kana Popcfirn and tion. The East German Commu­ effort thi.s lime. Pro-Weslcin j H artfortl Theft Sciontisis said it wasn't ti'a\o!infr fast ennuRh or in a pret/.ela never get a'iggv'. no m ai­ nists promptly charged him with Parties say votes for them arc ler how long vuu keep them. 7 'a ” I — hi)(li ('Moujfli (I'ajoctorx' to i ai i'\ ii to the far I'earhes of space. A rortimiMee from the T'alian opposing any move to bring to­ votes against Khrushchev's free ‘ Harlfnid Drc. 6 Federal of- American Pocle!^• will tmld its tall. GIFT JEWELRY BOXES ilowevrr, as of .5:1.5 a.m. ( KST) the space aRency jn Wash- gether the Western and Eastern city proposal. ' flcialfj 5*ay Davifi B. HdiiRh Jr, has flr^t meeting t'*n:gtit a' 7 .1't at tlie Mackin was fl.ving a small Army German Stales. chanjr^*fi hi.*i sloi'v and admllled iiiKtoii estimaled it liad reached 40.000 miles from eartli. r'uhhoi:*^e to in.ike pian.^ f'-r a liaison plane when he became lost, taldnp $14,000 from n Hartford Dr r. Keith Gleiinan, head nf the .National Aeronautic.$ \ew ^'ear’s F^ve part \ . NO KITCHEN Simulated leather covered with velvet lin­ The Western Big Tliree who oc­ crossed the German border, S«vinp.'^ and Loan Asaoriation. cupy West Berlin refuse to rec­ ran out of ga.soline and had Io and Space .-\dministlation, told a news cmifeience here three KATASTROPHIES! ing. Plenty of room for all of your jewelry. ognize the East German regime or Hoiiph, 2'1. of Santft Ke. N. M.. Tile .Mamlieslrr 1: d a: d CJun Jump feet first into the Berlin sit­ hoiii's afler the liring lliat the ho-tnn I'lK'ket carrier failed hy have any negotiations witli it. i.«i beinp held in Chicago after Fed- r'luh !«. ill hold its fir, » < Ir uvip dnv With tln« lin\- timer vuu know uation. 1,000 miles an liour to acliieve the neaily 125.000 miles an This affects both the Mackin eial Bureau of Invest iRallon Stundav at the rhihho .fw 'n r'o\- wfien the rritUnl iimnienta arrive Each Held Two I>ays hoiii' spei'd needed to pull deal' nf the eai'th's main Ri'avila- en’ rv lyiinrh \^11I he served m culinary operalioM.a and Ifa and Russian efforts to make the agents I'haiped him with tlie at­ )iiat HP hnndv fur aim iiatlmig or *1.98 To *2.98 United States. Britain and France The young pilot from Wa.shing- tempted robbery of a savings and tiniial Klip. ' ------ - ton, D.C.. was held for two days loan association there Thursday, Glenran h \so saul the four-stage Chur' ti -Men of thr h,u Iiiurl I ,u . even pliutugraphv. .lual aet the dial deal with East Germany for ac­ therau r'ujrrh u ill hod ,i ciuist t and ll»e fihiiiu iinuK v^'he^ the time cess to Berlin before the East Germans admitted U.S. Atty. Harry W. Hultgren rot Uel traveled 3*2 degrees beUns ma^ suf^r-ej loinght a' ti •' ' io. u in I la up Lu\ Minute MindiU' *3.9.^.
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