- Federation:of2 ds — Official Gazette Log “y

soley momen: gtras a eh Tur No. 40 LAGOS« 29th May, 1958 Vol. 45

CONTENTS ‘ Page . . Page Acsing Governor-CGencral'sMovement | 636 WesternRegion|Marketing Board—1958 ischarge of Functiona of Governor-Genera ee v7 ee ducing abrence of Acting Governor- 636 Sete Purchases in the Federation of 65s Lagos ©. «s . te wy ot vet Powerseneralof Goverot-Ceniralfrom * = afl+ So ie Purchases in the Federation of 656 Tovementa 0 cers ee cae 6375 aes te tt nt Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) pee Purchases in the Federition of 656 Ordinance, 1945——A€ dendam te , Cocoa Purchases in the Federation of Nigeria 656 . Powers of High Commissioner for the 445 Gustoms and Excise Revenue. nD 687 AppointmentSouthern eeenerO0NSof Feere Juntiei, tt +8" 688848 LocalhetPurchaseDgpartmenteof StoresApprovedby FederalManicGovern- Public Lands Acquisition Ordinance--Notice 648 pacts Schemes +s te aes 658-60 Jhildren and Young'Persons Ordinance-~ 64g Staff Vacnhcies— eR Otices tt atarccement Ordicance University College Ibadan, ., ss 664-2 LagosRacecourse Management Ordinance .. 649 University College Hospital, Ibadan 3°. 662 Marriage Ordinance~ Notice 1; te 649 —-NigerianGollege of Arts, Science and = Notice of Publicationof Bill vs se 649 dicial DeeSlament” 63 Minerale Regulations~-Notices «ss» 649 Customs and Exciss Department © =... -663 Constitution of Office of Secretary tothe High Posteand Telesraphs Department 664 Commissioner forthe Southern Cameroons 649 Nivebolita Force 664 Medical Practitioners registered in Nigeria,. 650 SCE areSital enactment 2... 6645. . * Houge of, Repreaentatives-~Date of Sitting... 650 Federal Training Cetre enbos rest eee Belgian Consular Representation .. +.= . . . 650 MinistryFederal Surveyof Education,DepartmentEastern Region |. 666667 Teelandic Consular Representation OF Netherlands Consular Representation e»- 650 Federal Fishevtes Service Swiss Consular Repretentation soos + 650 | Man OF War.Bay Tmining ‘CentreVictoria 668 LANonal PreIndeos of s+ 650 Ministry of Justice, Western Region »+ 668-9 | Cettifieate ss sree ee ve 65Q Customs and Excise Notices s+ +9 669-74 Loss of Payabla Order = 6. se 650 ot ‘Teacher's Certificate Examination, Grade II, 6st - . Teacher'sCertificate Hxamination, Grade il, 6si-2 © lt to Lagat Noricns1s SUPToe ; 0 Souther “Cameroons ‘Government ‘Scholar- -— Ordinance No.24 of1958—Centfal oe ships and Bursaries 1958-59arid 1959-60... 652-3 Bank of Nigeria. ee ee A109 _ Widows, and Orphans, Pensions ~ .. s «©6653 — Ordinance No, 25 of 1958—Revised .” Installation of Telephones 6. cs | es 653 Edition (Laws of the Federation “” * cas Ministry of Communications and Aviation— 669-4 and Lagos) 42 ve4 oF otices ns re ore “ . a Weat Affican Currency Board a. ee 65 — Ontemnee Nos26of1958Nigerian ao Import Licensing Authority--Cancellation of éss African Frontier Force(Amendment) At3i prointment te tae ns one ¢ Export Licensing ‘Authority--Cancellation of 6s 103 LReden1558. of - 079 ppointment _ ‘ te te ve ¢ ‘r ae Ap itment of Person ta. act on behalf of the 104 Factories Ordinance, 1955 (No. 33 of Import Licensing Authority ro ++ 655 1955), Docks (Safety ef Labour) - Appointment of Person to act on behalf of the . Regulations, 1958 (No. 42 of 1958— Export Licensing Autharity sa 2» «655 Appainted Day Notice ve ae ~B279 636 | _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE No 40,Vol. 45

Govérnment Notice No, 901 < t . Acrinc Governox-GENERAL’s Movemxnts © . His Excellency the Acting Governor-General will leave Lagos on the 29th of May 1958, for a visit ta the Southern Cameroons andwill return to Lagos on the 3lst May, 1958. en : a" . Hewill leave Lagos on the 6th of June, 1958 fora visit tothe Western Region and will return to Lagos on the 12th June, 1938" my June, ® Lagos, 24th May, 1958. . ‘

Government Notice No. 902 Discyarce or Funcrions or Governox-General, OUING AnsENCE OF | , ACTING GovERNoR-GENSRAL FROM LAGOS. ‘___ itis notified for general information that by virtue of an Instrument made under the Public Seal of the Federation of Nigeria dated the 24th day of May, 1958, AnrHony Georrrey Horwoou Gaxongn-Baows, Esquint, Acting Deputy Governor-General will discharge for and on behalfof the Officer Adn the . Government of the Fi tion those functions ofthe Governor-General that arespecified in that Instrument, from the 29th day of May, 1958 during the absence of the Officer Administering the Government from Lagos. By His Exceliency’s Command,

{ of . ‘ As K F, P.+ Newns, . : Secretary to the Governor-General Lagos, 24th May, 1958..

Government Notice No. 903 — POWERS OF GOVERNOR-GENERAL

ByHis Excellency, Sin Rave Francis AtNwick Gray, ‘Knight Co tof the ‘oyal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Distinguished ° of Saint Michael and Saint George, Officer of the Most Excellent Order ofthe British Empire, Officer Administering the Government ofthe Federation of Nigeria.

R. F. A. GREY, : Administering the Government of the Federation ofNigeria _ "TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME GRERTING 7 ‘Waereas by the Nigeria (Offices of Governor-General and Governors) Orders in Council, 1954 to 1958 constituting the office of the Governor-General and Commander in Chief of the Federation of Nigeriz., the Governor-General may, by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Federation, guthorise the Deputy Governor-General to discharge for and.on behalf of the Governor-General on alichGocasiune and sul to. such exceptions and conditions as may be specified in that Instrument such ofthe Functions of the of Governor-General as may be specified in that Instrument: _ANnp ‘wueress I, as Deputy Governor-General, am discharging the functions of the Governor-General and ‘administering the Government ef the Federation : my . AND WHEREAS I considerit desirable to. suthorise the officer now lawfully discharging the functionsof the Deputy Governor-General to exercise all the functions of the office of Governor-General on any occasion when T'am absent from Lagos : . Know veTHErREForg that I, RavpH Francis ALNwick Gury, Knight Commanderof the Royal Victorian Order, Companion ofthe Most Distinguished, Orderof Saint Michael and Saint George, Officer of most excellent Order of the British Empire, Officer Administering the Government ofthe Federation of Nigeriado hereby authorise ANTHony Grorrrey Hopwoop Garpnar-Brown, Esquire, Companion of the Most Dis- tinguished Order ofSaint Michxel and Saint George, whilst he continues to discharge the ona ofDaputy Governor-General, and on the occasions of and during any period that I shall cause my absence from Lagos to. be notified in the Official: Gazette of the Federation, ta exercise and perform and execute on my behalf throughout Nigeria all functions by the said Orders in Council or otherwise howsoever vested in the Governor-General subject to the Instructions addressed to the said ANTHONY Gworreny Horwooo GARDNER-BrOwNfor hisguidance. . - ‘Given under the Public Seal of the Federation of Nigeria at Government House, Lagos thia 24th day of May, one thousand nine hundred andfifty-eight. : _ 20thMay, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - 637

Government Notice No. 904 NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES The following aré@ notified for general information :—

ByHis Exeetlency’s Command,°

A, F, F. P. Newns, Lagos,:29th May, 1958. Secretary to the Governor-General NEW APPOINTMENTS Date of . Date of Department Name Appointment Appoigtment Arrival Administrator«General “Somolu, Miss §. O. .. Clerical Assistant 1-4-58 _ Agriculture Rufai, R. A. ae Clerical Assistant .. 1-4-58 — Segun,A. FE. A, ee Clerical Assistant oe 1-4-58 —_ Commerce and Iwate, E. a Artisan . an .. 1+40-57 —_

> Industries «ete Customs and Exciae ., Egbagiri, A. U. Waterguard Officer, Grade III 1-3-5800 Eno, E. A. Waterguard Officer, Grade JII -1~3-~58 _ Etim, A. 8. Waterguard Officer, Grade IIT 1-3-58 _ Etok, BO. Waterguard Officer, Grade UI 1-3-58 ~ Kwomo, C. Waterguard Officer, Grade UI {~3-+58 =~ Mungo, A. Waterguard Officer, Grade IIT 1-3-58 ve = Obong, 8S. E.. Waterguard Officer, Grade JH 1-3-58 om Odiwanor, A. E, 3rd Class Officer ;. +. .2de-4-5B 0 Odoemenah, E. Waterguard Officer, Grade III 1-3-58 _ Omu, G. ~ Waterguard Officer, Grade III = 1-3-58 _ etna Orukwo,S, I. 3rd Class Officer .. an 4-3-58 _— Oru, J . i - 3rd Class Officer .. 1. 5-458 —_ Uchendu, C. W. Waterguard Officer, Grade IIT 1-3~58 —! Youngs, D. K. Wuterguatd Officer, Grade ITI 1-3-58 2 Education .. Sanyaolu, A.’ 3rd Class Clerk. .: +» 18-12-57 —_ . Executive .. Efunshile, J. O. 3rd Class Clerk, Ministry of h 5 inance we oy 4-12-57 _ Oguniedun, F. A. 3rd Class Clerk, House of . Representatives ». 19-12-57 — Oyetunde, F, O. 3rd Closa Clerk, Ministry of - Finance a +» 20-12-57 — Sorunmu, M.S. Clerical Assistant, Prime . . Minister’s Office 1-4-38 —

Information Service Archibong, F. E. as Clerical Assistant’ ws 1-3-58 _ Udding t. K.- Clerical Assistant an 2-1-58 — Inland Revenue Ailara, R. ae Tax Collector, Grade WI. 1-4+-58 _ Aldntinde, I, Tax Collector, Grade (11... 1-4-58 — Braimah, M. wes Assessment Clerk, Grade HI... 1-4-58 _ Titilayo, A, _ Clerical Assistant o 14-58 - —_ Vaen, M. EB. Assessment Clerk, Grade [II.. 14-58 —_ Marine 4. Martina, 8. A, ae Crafteman cea 1545457 _ Marketing and Exports Kalagho, N, W. ve Produce Inspector, Grade III 6~-3-58 — Sorinolu, E. B. ve 3rd Class Clerk .. «19-42-57 _ Medical .. Akadri, A. . ae 3rd Class Clerk .. . 1~9-57 — Ayeni, 5. O. +4 Typist, Grade I .. os. 10-2-58 — Equere, LU. ve 3rd Class Clerk ., “4: 164-58 _ Medical (Southern Bejanga, B. J. ve X-Ray Technician >» 20-6-55 — Cameroons) ~Ewang, I. N. ve X-Ray Operator ., -» 20-6-55 _ oo Pensions Assessment Owo-Samson, A. 4a Clerical Assistant. . 1-4-58 _ Board Police .° Agbnkobn, B, O, Assistant Superintendentof BO Police (V.I,0.) se 2864-58 30-4-58 Adwards, B. J. PL Assistant Superintendent of . Police . ne 174-58 30-4458 Posts and Telegraphs ;.. - Adigun, BL. . Postal Officer... e 19-3-58 _ Akpan, E. J, Telephone Operatar-in-Training 28-3-58 _ Appah, FE. C. Stores Assistant .._ +» -26-3-58 .— Arabome, M. QO, Postal Officer =... « 12-3-58 — Bello, M. A. Telephone Operitor-in-Training 17-3-58 _ 638 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ¥ Noa. 40, Vol.45

NEW APPOINTMEN'I'S~continued : ; Date of Dateof Department Ds Name Appointment Appointment Arrival Posts and ‘Telegraphs Bucknor, S. O. -« Telephone Operstor-in-Training 17-3-58 _ —continued — Edeke, E. +* Postal Officer and Telegraphist 1-2-58 _ Ekanem,E. F. «. Postal Officer .. xe 1-3-53 _ Eyo, J. A. ~- 3rd Class Clerk .. ‘ye 20-258 ~ Ibrahim, M, -. Postal Officer 1-3-58 _ Igebu, Miss B.A. .. ‘Telephone Operatér-in-Training 17-3-38 _~ worl, C. A. +. Postal Officer .. ~58 —_ OHO1s "-- AeiepboneTe icOperator-in-Trainingz ess7-3~! —_ ‘Orodu, P. B. 7 Postal Officer 93-58 — Shotuve, D. ve Telephone Operator-in-Training 243-58 —_ Tejuoso, 'T. S. +, Craftsman - Umunua, C. 0. ae ‘Telephone Operator-in-Training aes — Urom, D. ‘s Postal Clerk and ‘Telegraphist 9-12-57 _ Prisons. « Ajayi, M. 0. «« Clerical Assistant. . ae 1-4+-58 ~ Public Works -» Adeluola, 8. A. « Works Superintendent vo 9-3-58 — Davis, H. B. ae HockeVorksSuperintendent wo. 892-58 -9-2-5R Fashuyi, R. A. . o« 4-5-58 — King, A. o WorksfatksSuperintendent 3-4-58 4-4-58 Social Welfare .» Fadipe, Mrs, L.¥. +. Welfare Assistant, Grade i. 1-1-58 —_ Surveys a¢ ae 4Rotibl, G. 8. + Leveller ae ae 1-12-54 Veterinary Research ., Forsyth, AA, . Veterinary Education Officer. 192-58 20-2-58 beachum, G.I, .. Srd Class Veterinary Laboratory Technician... Loe 1-9-57 _ Notification, inGazette No. 32 of 17-4-58 under“New Appointments” “in: respect of Otumba, A.ap Social Worker, Grade III, Social Welfare Department, isi hereby cancelled, Notification, under “New Appointments” in Gazette No. 34 of 24458iin respect of Mr M. Okoro, Baggage Assistant, Grade III, Government CoastalAgency,iis hereby cancelled, Notification, under “New Appointments!iin Gazette No. 29 of 3-4.58 in respect of A. A. Williams, ~ Public Works Department,is hereby cancelled. 1 Notification in Gazette No. 23 of 20-3-58 is hereby amended. ' PROMOTIONS Date Department — Name “Appointment : peed Administration ° .- 4Hill, Miss B. B. -» Executive Officer, GradeI .. os 14-55 Phelps, R, W. .. Administrative Officer, Class:1t o 1-4-57 Co-operative Mallett, J. G. .. Senior Assistant Registrar of Co-operative ’ Societies (Southern Cameroons} ee 1-4-87 Education .. . Welber-Singer, J. .. Senior Technical Instructor .. o- 1-4-87 Labour .... . umah, E. S, «« Labour Officer .. 4. +e 14-1~58 Medical .. «» Ewang, 1.N. «s o-Ray Techniciass a oe 6-2-56 Mines «+ . *Emodi, J. N. .» Inspector of Mines ve 10-4-58 Posts and Telegraphs | SAkinyemi,M. A, .. Radio Officer a + 13-4255 SAyorinde, B.A. M. .. Chief Supervisor,“Grade il .. oe 17-10-57 4Hindmarch, | .» Bligher Stores rf e oe 14-57 ‘Palmer, P. J. «» Instructor, Grade 1 e. 12-11-56. Public Works. «- Leach, R. A. P. « Chief Enginecr .- - « 14-57, Statistics ... veo Ellis, C. A, .- Deputy Federal Government‘Statistician 30-11-57 Pite, J. C. ... Assistant Federal Government Satistician _ 30-11-57 . 1. Seconded to West African Council for Medical Research. 2 Promotion on Trial. 3 Notification in Gazette No. 33 of 17-5-56 amended, 4 Promotion on Contract. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS Date of Department Name Appointment Cordtmation Agricultural Research .. Burnley, R. E. G. ae Agricultural Officer we 19-4-S§ Antiquities +» Ekpenyong, O. we Driver/Projectioniat on 14-57 Commerce and Adedoyin, M, 0, o> Clerical Assistant ae 14-58 Industries 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 639

CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS-—~continued Dateof . . ate o, Department Nante Appointment Confirmation Forcat Research ++ Binuyo, A. «+ Collector of Specimen es - 1-10-57 . Daramola, B.O, «Collector of Specimen, os +e 1~10-57. Latilo, M, G. ». Collector of Specimen . 1. 1-10-57 . , Olerunfemi, J. +. Collector of Specimen . se 110-57 | Government Coastal Opeodu, A. O. +» Exceutive Officer (Accounts), _, ~- 27-4-58. gency : t wv Intand Revenue, ++ Okoalia, S. O. ». Assessment Clerk, Grade IIT (ae, 128-57 Medicat .. i .. Ekandem,P. J, «« Sed Class Medical Laboratory Technician. 10~3-58 \ Mordi, V.P.N. «3rd Class Medicial Laboratory Technician 1-2-58 Nigerianisation Office .. Taylor, V. A. «+ Inatructor a oe -. 23-40-57 Police ae .. Blackledge, D. EH... Assistant Superintendent of Police >». 18-5-58 i. Carter, 2. J, .. Assistant Superintendent of Police +. 18-5~58 Parsons, R. D. «+ Assistant Superintendent of Police +. 20-458 Posts and ‘Telegraphs Agbi, no x. Assistant Postal Controller .. wv 33-58 Akinpelu.N. 8, «Assistant Postal Controller .. »» 3-39-88 Emodi, G. A, + Postmaster, Grade ‘ an 14-58 Freeman, D. A. a. Aasiatunt Poatal Controller .. “s 3~-3~58 Green, R. yg. )=©Radio Officer... a ve 222~58 ws + Ogunrinde, A.O. .. Assistant Postal Controller .. oe 3~3-58 ~ Sukariyawo, M,. ++ Postmaster, Grade I oe . 1-3-58 Willoughby, W. ..- Assistant Postal Controller. .. oe 3+3+58- Public Works +» Williams, A.A... Storekeeper, Grade IIL a 1-4-53 Surveya + «+ Effiok, O. W. -- Leveller . 1-2-58 Notification, under “Confirmation of Appointments” in Gazette No.o. 373 of 8-5-58, concerning Mr E, O. Ekanem, Collector of Customs and Excise, Department ofCustomsand Excise, is hereby cancelled.

be ACTING APPOINTMENTS ? Date of _,Department Name Acting Appointment Acting Date of Appointment Reversion

Agriculture, + Fyfe, MHL DF... Senior Agricultural Officer .. 13-7-57 21-11-57 JAdemuyiwa, J. A. at Assistant Auditor. , 24-8-57 _ Audit « Aviation .. " Keppel, W. B. ALJ... Senior Operations Officer .. 10-2~58 _ Commeres and Grisman, K. J. ae Senior Industrial*Officer —.. 25-3-58 _ Industries | Packett, J. M. Assistant Director (Commerce) /14-1-58 . 1-4-58 Packett, J. M. Assistant Director (Commerce) — 8-458 | _ ” Cooperative +e Bond, P. C. Registrar of Co-operative _ Societies te ao ou 25-2-56 . 21-8-56 ‘Customs and Excise... Aiyegbusi,A. a Higher Executive Officer . .. . -18-4-58 — Binitic, M. O. ae Collector of Custorns and Excise 124-58 _ Education’ : oe Thornton, J. ‘s Principal, Trade Centre, Yaba 22-4-58 —- Geological Survey —« s MacLeod, Dr W. N. Deputy Director .. . ‘ 21-1-58 25-2-58 Pargeter, R. C, a+ Deputy Director .. ‘ 25-2-58 _ Government Coastal rok, E. B. Executive Officer (Coastal Agency Agen w. oe 1-4-58 _ Pratt, L. J. W. D. BageapeOfficer os 5-2-58 19-4-53 abi, M, Executive Officer (Coastal Agency) + . 14-4-58 Information Service. Irvine, W. H. Assistant Director os 26-3-58 _ Odunewu, M. Deputy Director .. o 26-3-58 - Inland Revenue oe Branton, H. Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax... 15-58 Labour ., as Agubata, B, O. Labour Inspector _ 28--3-S8 'Echikwa, O..M. . Assistant Chief Clerk io — 24-3-58 *Onwukwe, M. N. - Office Assistant .. _ 24-3-58 *Teriba, L. A. Executive Officer, Grade I - _ _ 24-3-58 Lands we ve Roberton, S. ' De ity Chief Fedoral Land cer ae oe 18-3-58 15-5 58

Rutt, P, A. | Deputy Chief Federal Land fficer se ae 15-5-58 : “Marketing and Exparta ‘AkingbolaS.A. ae Shipping Officer .. ae) T+41-56 1411-57 ‘Bennett, RuA. ee Deputy Director (Exports) .. 14-1-58 . — Hinchloy, JG. oe Principal Accountant .. 14-57 .20-2-58 640 OFFICIAL GAZETTE . No. 40, Sot 45

° ACTING APPOINTMEFTS gb f° : - ate "Department Name Acting Appointment Acting Deite of Appointment. ‘ Marketing and Exports ‘Lawson, T. M, L. Ty Principal Accountant aa 1 2042~58 — continued ‘Oboli, [.0. . .. Shipping Officer vs 111-57 _ Medical .. »» Chuku, A .. Assistant Nursing vo, ' Superintendent «. 4612-57 ono ‘John,A. O. ital Secretary -» 10-1-58 17-2-88 Meteorological Services *Abayomi, C. A. Senior Meteorological Offices 142-53 _— . + Nsughbe, E. T.CL. Meteorological Assistant, ¢ : Oburo, uro, J.CJ.C. «+ MMeteoroorl Asisistant, an Ogundipe,Ogundipe, LA...I. A. oe Meennaeteoro)pic Asaiistant, S45B : gene Grade "4. 30-12-57 30-4-58 Mines -.. ++ "Skujetiyo, D, A, ExcoutiveOfficer (Mines), . , ; _ Grade I ve 18510257 152458 'Nwandy, EB. O, 1 Executive Officer (Mines), , Grade I as ae: 18-2§§ os Police as «+ Brown, L. He Deputy Commissioner of A . Police .- ome 218-3-58 Cartlidge, M. J. H. .. Assistant Commissioner of , : Police we _ 10-3-58 Cartlidge, M. J. H. .. Assistant Commissioner of Police ae 20-3+38 —_ ~ Harley, P. J. . Commissionerof Police _ _ 103-58. Marsden, b. : «» Assistant- Police Commissionerae of =- 1125700. - Posts and Telegraphs .. Akindele, T. O. Senior Telecommunications . Ly an Engineer te «+ 25+3-58 _ Ball, W.R.J. =.» Postal Controller ve «358 = Elebesunu, M.O. .. Higher Executive Officer .. 28-9-57 —_ Maclver, K. ++ Postal Controller | 4-57 8-8-~-57 Mokwe,J. O. «+» Postmaster, Grade I ee 1~2-58 —_ Obu, H. A. -- Postal Contriler 5. 9~1-58 $-3-55 Oyeyinka, M.A. .. Instructor, Grade I se 2-12-57 24-2-58 Oyeyinka, M.A, .. Instructor, Grade I ve 18-3-58 ~ ‘Princewill, D,G. .. Higher Executive Officer ©... 1-1-58 —_ Printing and Stationery *Okhio, c. B. .» Technical Officer (Press) 9-12-57 18-1~58 . 4SQkhio, C.c B- +» HigherTechnical Officer (Press) 18-1-58 13-2-58 ‘Okhio, C ++ Technical OfficerCress) o 4-2-58 _ - SOvieniahads, D.O, .. Press Engineer . 2» 20-5-58 > Prisons «2 ). we Ford FRG. 9 6 Senior Technical Instructor a 1-458 = ; Francis, W.G. | 4, Deputy Director of Prisons .. 11-2-§8 <= Hargreaves, H. H. .. Assistant Director of Prisons 18=]-$8 0 we Reiling, W. +. Assistant Director of Prisons: ; 23-1-58 -_ Sratistits .. as rainba.IE.0 -. Statistical Officer 24-2-58 — 7Ellis, C. A, -» Deputy Federal Government” Statistician .. os 27-8-57 10-3-58 *Raji, A. K. s» Statistical Officer Le ae5-S7 Le58 ‘*Robson, Mist M. .. Senior Statistician . i, 24-23-58 _~ : . : *Tanko, Mailam I. ., Statistician w. , ae. 88-57 28~-3-S8 Survey =. -. Willis, J. D. »« Senior Surveyor .. 27~-7-~S7 _ Treasury .. «« ?® Harger, H. D. . Deputy Accountant-General of . . ‘the Federation e — 2-455 1° Mackenzie, H. M. .. Principal Accountant rs _ 2-4-58 _ 3Samuel, I. D, ae Exeoutive Officer (Accounts). 1-4-58 . —~ Veterinary |, Chifney,S. TLE... erintendent Veterinary {-aboratory Technologist .. , 8-4-58 _ 1 50per.percentallowance payable. 2 Noallowance payable. 3 Notification in Gazette No. 36of 1-5-58 amended. 475 per cent allowance payable. 5 30 percent allowance payable. 6 Notification in Gazette No. 39 of 18<7«57 amended. _ - 7 Notification in Gazette No. 29 of 3-4-58 amended, § 3 Allowance payable. 9 Notification in Gazette No, 31 of 104-58 amended, 10 Notificationiin Gazette No. 37 of 8-5-58 amended. ‘29thMay,1988 OFFICIALGAZETTE. 641 REDUCTION IN RANK . . , Post to which Date of

Department Nae Appointment Reduced Reversion Prisons. s . . «a Olombeni, L. E. Senior Warder, Grade IT Ist Class Warder 8-5-58 ae — : LEAVE OF ABSENCE. : - , - Date of Leave Departinent Name Appointment =? Departure Granted Agricultural Research .. Petrie, Dr (Mra) C. M. Records Officer .. -» 18-5~58 91 days Aviation .. «» Foster, W.D.T. .. Air Traffic3Control Officer, oe . : Gra ae 22-5-58 119 days Brondcaating .. Cooper, F. J. ae ItegineseChick .. 21-4-58 126 days . N . Larter, Miss J. V. .. Peraonal Assistant ise 12-4-58 “140 days Tdyod, Miss H. V... Personal Assiatant ies 124-58 140 days May, L. H. ++ Workshop Superintendent -., 18-4-58 126 days Rowe, J. M. .« Senior Lecturer (Engineering) 24-3-58 77 days * - n Taylor, G. M. «. Assistant Engincer-in-Chief .e- 17-5+58 119 days Commerce and Azubike, A. «+ Commercial Officer -+ 19-4-58 80 days , Lndustsies Phillips, C.O.Q, .. Commercial Officer - © ., 23-4-58 240 days Customs and Excise .. Leigh, M. Q, +e Callector of Customs and * - : Excise +» 20-558 95 days Smallwood, R. K. 4. Aasiatant Comptroller s+ 22=5=58 119 days Exccutive .. +s Hayne, N,V, «« Administrative Officer, - Class II, Ministry of Labour . * and Welfare .. »» 145-58 98 days * Federal Public Service Hawkesworth, G. .... Chairman, Federal Public - . Commission Service Commission |... 22-5-58 119 days Geological Survey .. Carter, J. D. «+ Senior Geologist... 23-5-58 140 days ‘ Jones, -» Geologist +. 23-5-58 133 days Information Service .. Cooke, E, <. . Chief Graphic Arts Officer .. 20-5~58 84 days Inland Revenue +. Qsindero, E, A. +. Aasistant-Commissioner of . . Income Tox, »» 195-58 142 days Judicinl =, a» Abbott, Mr Jurtice Federal Juatice, Federal MeJ. upreme Court we 4-3-58 119 days Madarikan, C,Q. .., Chief Registrar, Federal , Supreme Court- es §-5+-58 70 days Ogunbiyi, J. A. 1. Magistrate, Grade II] -1. 21-3-58 100 days ‘abour oa 1 Cheesley, HJ... Labour Officer vs we 175-58 98 days ctingand Exports Lee, Miss V. A. -« Sccretary-Typiat... «» 17-4-58 140-days . Marketingau P ‘Mackay, JW. . oe PiabacnearoO eer a 3-4-58 106 days Medical .. “ Brodie-Mends, * «+ Medical Officer .,. "4. 20-5-58 60 days ie 7 . Hooley, Miss M. | .. Midwife Tutor ... . 84-58 119 days Oyehode, J, A. * .. Nursing Superintendent ~ 7 (Mental) we +» 14-58. 156 days Usoro, Miss Q,. «. Nursing Sister .. a» 243-58 79 days Mines ey «> Ndulue, JvA. - ++ Ore Dresser wee . 2-5-58 90 days Naval Services |. +» Akinloye, H. A, -» Accountant ve «3: 94-58 183 days Fusnival, P. FLL... Marine Officer ,. +. 245-58 105 days Polico ae Agbabiaka, AVS. E. .. Assistant Commissioner of - Police 16-12-57 98 days Arthur, S. A, 4 Deputy|Superintendent of , .. 20-5-58 112 days Bayliss, D. S. ae Asgistant Superintendent of . Police 19-5-58 126 days Chatterton, D. «. Deputy Superintendent of . . Police ve +. 205-58 105 days Coleman, Miss H. .. Secretary-Typist.. 26-4-58 126 dave Okafor, T. «+ Assistant Superintendent of - Police « 16~12-57 . 74 days Pridmore; C, A. +. Assistant Superintendent of | Police 20-5-58 84 days ‘Turner, EE, «. Assistant Superintendent of | a, Police ‘ +» 204-58 © 112 days—. ¢ nibaba, O. .. Pestmaster, Grade I ws 5-5-5: 52 . Posts and ‘Telegrophs Anibabe,J A. +s Senior Technical Officer oe shale 132 gave James, A. +. Area Mechanical Electrical : Engineer o. «. 27-3-58 133 days ~ 45 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ‘No. 40, Vol, e . LEAVE OF ABSENCE~continued ; Dateof Leave Department Name Appointment . Departure Granted Posts and Telegraphs Lawson,O.Ee «. Technical Specialist «+ 20-5-58 119 days —ontin: Martin, oo os PrincipalipaTelecommuniction’, 20-558 84days Preston,HLF, ° ae ChieTechnical Officer - 4. 21-5-58 126 days rad > Khe ++ PrincijEngineer ecommunicationsvs se T4-SR: 105 days . Verissimo, T. FF. ..: Chief ‘Technician as 65-58 115 days Printing and Stationery Holden, R. -» Press Engineer ... t,. 2045-58 126 days Prisons... -- Houston, A, B: ++ Superintendent of Prisons .. J-4A-58. 119 days Kinsman, E, Lote Superintendent ofPrisons 3... 205-58. 105 days Public Works vo Bustard, J.D, +s Works Superintendent > 133-58 119 days Cochrane, J. .. «. ‘Works Superintendent - Colt wood: A. W. slate) (S. Cameroons) "+ 22-4~58 105 days , teniont Fee . 4-5-58 105 days ay : ” ‘Jenkins, KL. ~« Senior Executive Engineer we 2-3-58 «112 days Osinloye, F. A: «« Executive Officer (Accounts), Grade 1 ee ae 17<4-58 75 days Perevel-Cooper, J... Executive Engineer ee: «45-58 126 days Powell, FP. J. as Executive Engineer oe =13-9-58 35 days - Punter, L. «+ Architect, Grade If ee . 27-3-58 98 days Walae J. >» Quantity Surveyor «+ 25—3-58 . 119 days a Walaski E J. as Architect ae we 65-58 126 anys Surveys .. o Hewish, jew. ++ ‘Chief Cartographer +» 20-5-58 98 days ‘Treasury ». Martyn, A. R, + Principal Accountant =» «»_— 204558 64 days

1 Notification in Gazette No. 31 of 10-4-58 amended.

‘RESUMPTION OF DUTY ~ . Date of Department Name Aptosintment . - Resumption Agriculture . .. Hutchison, D.G.M. Senior Agricultural Officer .. * es -11+-4-58 Broadcasting .» Badejo, E. V. «+ Head of West Regional Progrémmes —- 7-3~58 Olding, D. M. «> Personal Assistant ws vs 10-458 Commerce and _ Boyle, Miss M.’T, .. Secretary-Typist .. we s. 304-88 Industries - : Customs and Excise Blenngrhassett, ’ Assistant Comptroller o- _e+ 10-4-58 Edutation ,. ++ Brown, J. M. «« Technical Instructor,G-TL.C.,Ombe River (. C 16-4-5$ Sprout, 5. 4. Technical Instructor,tructor,Trade Centre, Vaba 16~4-58 Executive — we Gardner-Brown, Secretaryfor Defence and External Affsirs, . of the Govetnor-Generat 5-558 wenG. A. se Assistant|Seerctary, Ministry ofHealth ee PanganSB Nwokoye, H. +» Verbstim.Reporter, House of Represeni- 10-5688 tatives AM Smith, MissD.E. .. Secretary-Typist, ‘PrimeP Minister's Office’ 104-58 Geological Survey ., Jacobtan, R. R. E..... Director wel as 2dhnSB : Tait, E. A. a+ Senior Geologist ; oo * o- 6-3-58 Government Coastal = Smy, A. »- Assistant Coastal Agent sy 194-56 Information Service .. Alakija, O. E. +» Photographer =<, » ae 304-58 Inland Waterways ... Jones, T. WLC... Marine Officer ., oe ae 405-58 Judicial =... .. Dixon, F. DLA, om Magistrate, Grade IIT o. i we 2403-58 Labour .. .«- Thompson,J. E. Labour Officer+s .. ». 30-4-58 Medical .. +» dewole, Dr F. O. Specialist (Surg se «- 1-2-57 - Ogunwomoju, 'T. F, eaith Superintend oe a. 14-4-58 Mines. «+ Ferguson, £, 8. ++ «Senior I rof Mines . « 6-3-58 Police 5. 4. Agbaje, Gc. A. +>. Assistant uperintendent of Police +s 204-58 . Egbuson, JM... .. Superintendent of Police .. , ve 28-4658 Gomme, P, -! Assistant Superintendent of Police + 3G-4-58 Okafor, T.. ++ Assistant Superintendent of Police .- §-3-58 Wilmshurst,N. V. B.. Senior SuperintendentofPolice +. 3044-58 20th May,1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 643 RESUMPTION OF DUTY—continued . : Date of Department - Name Appointment 2 Resumption - Posts and Telegraphs .. Booth, A.. «- Senior Telecommunications Engineer .- 14-3-58 : Fashanu, S. A. «+ Senior Technical Offificer 1 +. 2-1-58 . Gorton, WH. + Instructor, Grade I ee i 5-2-58° “7 Whyte, Ge Geis) Exectitive Officer, Grnde I +s yes AASB Winter, F _ae Principal Polecommunications Engineer .. 6-3=58 Prisons ae ae” Boyd, P, W. A. +. Assistant Superintendent of Prisons “44 234-58 > Public Works. .«. Adewojo,; J. «« Works Superintendent we 31-3+58 | . . _Amusi, J.C. +. Higher Executive Officer:(Accatints). . |: 23-4-58 -: Mon, os Brolzet, J. - ¢s Senior Mechanical Superintendent wos~ 16-4-58 - so=s » DasGilva, Se. - 4. Senlor Works Superintendent © 03 3-358. ; Harriyon, A. E. + Mechanical Superintendent es og "46-4-58 | Jones, E. . «+ Chief Engineer .. .. “oy. 18-14-58 © Switzur,S.C. sw. -—. Electrical Engineer a .- 13-4-58 Statistics .. a+ Ellis, C. A. Deputy Federal Government Statistician... 9-5-58 Trewsury .. * es Nylander, Cc. E.T. .. Accotintant os te we 264-58 Veterinary »» MacLeod, A.J. «Veterinary Research Officer .. . 10-4-58 Noble, L, A, ',. Superintendent Technologist. ; «. 16-4-58 1 Notification in. Gazette No. 23 of 20-3-58 umended, .

v . e TRANSFERS ‘ . / ° Post to which Date of Department Name Appaintment transferred Transfer Medical .. +s Pollock, C, .. Lecturer, Kano Medical . Lecturer, Public . . - . : School, Federal Service of the , Medical Service Northern Region —, 1-10-54 Naval Services oa Manuel, M.R, Junior Technical Staff, Technical Staff, : Grade IY, Nigerian Nigerian Ports. Naval Force Authority »» 45-1-58 - Om, F.M. .. Junior Technical Staff, Technical Staff, . - : _ GradeTT, Nigerian Nigerian Ports : “ : . ' Naval Force Authority «- 15-1-58 ; Soyemi, E.A. Junior Technical Staff, Technical Staff-in- . ; Grade III, Nigerian Training, Nigerian . . Naval Force Ports Authority .. ° 1-2-58 Prisona ae” +. Skelland, G.D. Superintendent of Senior Superin- 4: . Prisons, Federal tendentof Prisons, Public Service PublicService of Unanda =. 30-458. West African Institute !Olukemi, J, A, 1st Class Clerk, Weit - Stores Officer, for Trypanosomiasis African Institute:for Departmentof . Rescar . “ ‘Trypanosomiasis __ Veterinary ° . Research o Research, . 1-5-58 | 1 ‘Transfer on promotion.

SECONDMENTS , . : Post to which - Date of Date of Department Name Appointment seconded Secondment Reversion Education ., ‘Adebanjo, A. OQ. Srd Class Clerk =... 2nd Class Clerk : AE.C,) se 1-12-53 _. tAdeyemo, C, G. A. 3rd .Class Clerk =... 2nd(W.A.E.C.)Class Clerk . 12-10-53‘ — Noe, VeA.E. «. 1st Class Clerk 4. Assistant Chief Clerk . -. (W.AE.C,) ~ 1+8-54 _ 1Okon, A.A. ve fot Class Clerk =.” Assistant Chief Clerk (WAE.C.) = 4. d-21-530 — 1Onasanya, M.S. 3rd Class Clerk =... 2nd Class Clerk . (W.A.EC.) -» 20-10-54 _ Wiwakwe, J.T. .. 1st Ciné Clerk .. Assistant(W.A.E.C.)Chief Clerk+. -20-6-55 covers ounecanitte 4 Notificationiin Gazette No, 14 of 27-2-58 amended.

644 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1 °. Na, 40, Vol. 45

LEFT THE SERVICE ~ Date of Department Name Appointment leaving: Reasonsfor.leaving ‘ _. Service b Service Administration” Deba, Mz.A. -» 3rd Class Clerk +=, 42-85-58 Invalided {Southern a 4 ~ .___ Cameroons) _~ ° "os Administrator. Baw, DA. Clerical Assistant ++ 34-358 Resigned Broadcasting Hack, MissM.M. —Secretary-T'ypis " 5,° > 4-458 Coimpletion ofContract 5 Sowande, F.A ‘4+ Senior Progianmne Officer 14-12-87 Completion of Contract - Gustoms and Anyadubs, C.1.-.. Clerical Assistant =<. 1-3-S8 Resigned ¥ ss Excise Awoyemi,5.D. .. ‘Waferguard Officer, . . Grade HL » 20-35-58 Resigned Diribe, E. C, .. 3rd Clase Officer - 26-5-58 Resigned Hammond,Ogunaike, MrsA. TO. Typist3rd Class Clerk- [5-5-511-5-58 Resigned . Information Cole, E. K. Clerical Assistant - 14-10-57 Invalided. ervice . . Inland Revenue Dabiri, M.S. A. «. Clerical Assistant te Te-4-58 Dismissed Medical(S, Iwuchukwu, §.C,. Staff Nurse ., +» 20-10-57. Resigned - Cameroons) : : : Meteorological Hussain, L. A. Clerical Assistant 15-3-58 Terminated e Services Posts and Alabi, D. O «+ Technical Officer-in- . Telegraphs . __. "Praining 6-4-58 Resigned Marquis, S.0. .. Assistant Postal - 7 Controller -- 13-4-58 Invalided Public Works Boot-Handford, J Woodworking Officer 26-3-58 Completion of Contract : Uchegu, A. 3rd Class Clerk ee 5-3-58 Resigned Railways .. Berry, A. ;» Workshop Foreman ... 16-10-37 Abolition of Office Surveys (S. lAsong, J..M, Survey Assistant, Grade Il 16-10-57 Resigned Cameroons) ‘Treasury +» Nyassa, A. J. a. Srd-Class Clerk 2. 30-5=58 Resigned Veterinary Udoh, L, J. - +s 3rd Class Clerk ~- 28-4~58 Resigned 1 Notification in Gazetfe No. 3 of 9-1-58 is hereby amerided. oo

OBITUARY His Excellency the Acting Governor-General announces with deep regret the, dent: oFthe following :-~—~ Macxzitx, D, M., Marine Officer, Inland. Waterways Department, in Braithwaite Nursing Home, Port Harcourt, on the 12th of May, 1958.

Government Notice No. 903 Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Ordinance, 1945 List oF APPROVED INSURERS

Addendum to Government Notice No. 571,

Date of Approval Tusurer Agent in Nigeria and General Assurance Society Limited .. ve British West Africa Corpo- 29-449 Legal wo, - “* “sation Limited, \ . FD. K, Witenes, ‘ Acting Permanent Secretary to the . Ministry of Commerce and Industry

1,0661/S. 1 29thMay, 1958 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE os 645


By His Excellency, Str Raurn Francis ALNwick Groy, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Officer of the Most Excellent Orderof the British Empire, Acting High Commissionerfor the Southern Cameroons.

R. F, A. GREY, Acting High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons _ "Po ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME GREETING -— Wrensas by the Nigeria (Offices of the Governor-General and Governors) Orders in Council, 1954 to* 1958 conatituting the office of High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons, the High Commissioner msy, by Inatrument under the Public Seal of the Southern Cameroons, authorise the Deputy Governdr-- General to discharge for and on behalf of the High Commissioner on such occasions and subject to such — exceptions and conditions as may bo specified in that Instrument such of the functions of the office of High Commissioner aa maybe specified in that Inatrument: oo : Anb wuergas I, as Deputy Governor-General, am icting as High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons: * AND whereas I consider it desirable to authorise the officer now Jawfully discharging the functions of the Deputy Governor-Generalto exercise all the functionsofthe office of the High Commissionerfor the Southern ‘Cameroons on any occasion when I am present neither in Lagos nor the Southern Cameroons : Knowve THerrrore that J, Rarrn FrancisAtnwick Grey, Knight Commanderof the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Acting High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons do hereby authorise ANTHONY Guorrrey Horwoop Garpner-Brown, Esquirnz, Companion of the Most Distinguished Orderof Saint Michael and Saint George,whilst-he continues to discharge the functions of Deputy Governor- General, and on the occasions of and during any period that I shall cause my absence from Lagos and the _ Southern Cameraona to be notified in the Official Gasette of the Federation, to exercise and perform and execute on my behalf throughout Nigeria all functions by the said Orders in Council or otherwise howsoever veated in the High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons subject to the Instructions addressed to the said ANTHONY Gaorrrsy Horpwoop GarpNer-Brown for his guidance. Given under the Public Seal of the Southern Cameroons at Government House, Lagos this 24th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. . GG0004

Government Notice No, 907 : Nigeria (Constitution) Orders in Council, 1954 to 1958 APPOINTMENT OF Frprnat. Justice

By His Excellency Sin Ravpu Francis ALNwick Grey, Knight Commanderof the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael. and. Saint George, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Officer Administering the Governmentofthe Federation. | RE, A,GREY, Officer Administering the Government of the Federation Wuengas_by section 138 of the Nigeria (Constitution) Orde jin Council, 1954, it is provided that the Judges of the Federal Suporemo Court shall be a Chief Justice of the Federation, and two Federal Justices, or such greater number as may be preacribed by or underany law enacted by the Federal Legistature: ” _ ANp witensas by section 139 of the said Order in Councilit is further provided that the Federal Justices shall be appointed by the Governor-General by instrument under the Public Seal in pursuanceof instructions given by Hor Majcaty through the Sccretary of State : . AND Wueneas the. Deputy Governor-General is discharging the functions of the office of Governor- General and administeringthe Government of the Federation : Ano wrereas I have received instructions from Her Majesty through the Secretary of State for the Colonies to appoint Lione Brgrt to be 2 Federal Justice : Now tezasrorg,I, Ratrit Francis Atnwick Grey, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Companionof theMost Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Officer of the Most Excellent Orderof the British Empire, Officer Administering the Governmentof the Federation,.do hereby appoint LroneL Bratt to be, during Her Majesty's pleasure, a Federal Justice from the 22nd day ofMay, 1958. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federation of Nigeria at Government House, Lagos? _ this 22nd dayof May, Onc thousand nine hundred andfifty-eight. GG0091 646. . OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Yo. 45 Government Notice No, 908 In ye Hic Court or Laos, Nira PROBATE DIVISION ‘WHEREAS THE PERSONS Whose names are set out in the first column: hereunder died intestate on the dates and at places stated in the said column. AND WHEdEaS the person or persons whose addresses and relationship (if any)to thedeces ate set out in the second column hereof have spplied to. the High Court.of Lagos for granof Letteryaf Administration of the personal property of the said deceased, Notice 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Letters of Administration will be granted to such personsns Unless a notice to probibit thegrant thereofis filed in this Registrywithin fourteen(14) daysfrom the datehereof. : Deceased Applicantsfor Grants : 4, Curistrana Omotayo Avaxe Coz, fate Subuola Omotunde Cole of 24 Carter Street, Ebute Metta, of 8 Jebba Street, Ebute Metta, died the daughter of the dieceased. the 13th day of rem,1958, at De Ola x mide’s ital, 2. Atine Epror, lave ‘Of20 Docemo Stite Rashidi Edidi of 11 Liadi Lane, Lagos, “gnd-‘Taoridi Sole Lagos, died on the 17thday ofJuly, 1956" Raid £13 Taalegangan Street, Lagos, the children of the at 20 Docero Street, Lagos, deceased. 3. Eunice Aprxants Oxo, fate of 26 Daddy AlajaStreet, Lagos, died an the 22nd dayda: ChuiianaOmvbauelsPlanintreia andStreet,BepedlictsOtsbeipeWoe ie of August, 1957, at the Creek Hospi children ofthe deceased. age res Lagos. 4 DosuxMy Opuntan, late of 40 Glover AdeboDoe Dostnmatok ofof 6 Oduntan Hants Mushin, the Street, Ebute Metta, died on the th dayof ewof the deceased. September, 1957, at 6ShoremekunStreet,

5 pers ALABA ‘BAtocun, late of 1 Sune Ayisata Amope, Bintu Ayinke, Saudatu Alake and Amu- monu Dawody Lane, Lagos, died on the datu Asake all of 1 Sunmionu Dawodu Lane, Lagos, the 23rd day of October,1957, at 1 Sunmonu children of thedeceased. Dawodu Late, L 6.-JamesEGHUAMOEjeMAt, late of26 Oroyin- | Flotence iWaraols Ojebuaboh and Elizabeth Modu yin Street, Lagos, died on the 20th day of Ejemai both of 26 Oroyinyin Street, Lagos, two of the November, 1957,at the General Hospital, children ofthe deceased, i“MOHAMED Noru Dawoou,late of f fwade Musibau Akanni Dawodu of 1 Isvade Street,Lagos, Street, Lagos, died on the 5th day of Adijatu Dawodu of t Iwade Street, Lagosand Babalola March, 1957, at Lagos. Dawodu of7 Ashog!bonLane, Lagos, one ofthe children, sister and uncle respectively ofthedeceased. Dateb at Lagos this 29th day of May, 1958. M. N. G. Sacoe, Acting Probate Registror Probate Registrar, . 16-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos 339;Vol. VUSS+

Government Notice Na. 909 3. SaauEr.Apevent Tarwo,lateanhof44Akinwunmai . Street, Yuba, died at the Gen ital, . In THE MATTER or secrion.24 or THE - Eagos, on the ist day of SeneralHh 957. ADMINISTRATOR~GENERAL’S ORDINANCE, - 4, Husert Micuart. Parker, late of Empire Car. 4 oF THE Revisep Laws or Nicerta Cotton Growing Corporation, Zamaru, Zaria, NoTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN thatall creditors and other died at Kaduna, on the Lith day of February, persons having claims against the estate of any of the deceased persons whose names and addresses are set 5. aaasnaé Fanrdn Clarkson W11iaMe, late of out below are hereby required to send particulars the Nigerian Ports Authority, dicd at Yabz in, writing of their claims to me the undersigned on Sanatorium, on the 12th day of July, 1956. or before the 26th day of June, 1958, after which date I will proceed to disteibuts the assets ofthesaid 6 Faux Orta Oranvent, Inte of the Nigerian deceased personsa1amongst th¢parties entitled thereto, Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, died at ‘having re only to the eins of which notice Oko-Town,gagaba Division, on the 4th day shall then have been received. of March, 19: 7. Iquo Jonny Seco Bassry, Ite of Ikot Efa, AND aif persons indebted to the said estate are Itu District, died at Ikot Efe, Itu District, on hereby requested to make payment forthwith, the 27th day of September, 1953, . 4, Janes Apeven Soresexen,late of 8 Oguntolu Daren at Lagos, this 2%h day of May, 1958, Street, Somolu, died at g Oguntolu Street,. M. NL, Sacor, Somolu, on the 22nd day of June, 1957. . Acting Federal Administrator-General 2. Dante. Pett ONIMOLE, late of 9 Qpe Court, The Federal Administrator-General, _ Lagos, died at 9Ope Court, Lagos, on the 19th 16-24Tknyi Road, Lagos. ~ day of March, 1957. 333 29th May, 1988 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 647,

"Government Notice No, 910 1. Sunpay Brianr Ixwuzme, late of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ibadan, died.at Adeoyo “In ving Maron or seGrion 24 of tur Hospital, Ibadun, on the.12th day of June, 1953. ADMINISTRATOR*GENERAL'S OuDINANCE, 2, Stepien Ixuure, late of the-Posts and Tel¢- Car, 4or rae Reviseo Lawa ordetGerra graphs Department, died at Idah Hospital, on. the 9th day of February, 1956. . ; Noviée tg wereny GIVEN that all creditors and other 3. Eare G.C. Knicutey, lateof the PublicWorks persons having claima against the estate af any of the Department, died at Lagos, on the 26th day of deceaned partons whose names and addresncs are. April, 1958. . on act outbelow are heroby required to send particulars #, BAut BANG!, late of the Nigeria Police, died at in writing of their claims to mo the undersigned on the General Hospital, Kaduna, on the 30th day of before the 26th day of June, 1958, after which -of August, 1957, oe ee g dato I will proceed to distribute the asgets ofthe adid 5. Paut Amant,late of the Nigeria Police, died at deceased persons amongst the “parties entitled Port Harcourt, on the 27th day of April, 1957. thereto, having tegard only to the claims of which 6. Crantes Epwarp Mostey,late Works Superiri- notice shall then have beet received. | tendent of the Public Works Department, died Anp all persons indebted to the) said estate ‘re at Lagos, on the 3rd day of March, 1958. _ hereby requested to make payment: forthwith. | _ Daren at Lagos, this 29th day of May, 1958. 1, Exon Tare Bovor, late of No. #Atere Street, . * M:N. Q. Sacos, . Lagos, died at Lagos, on the 19th day of July, Acting Federal Administrator-General. The Federal Adminiatrator-General’s Office, 2. Enax Esrier Erriona, Inte of 8Apata Strect, 16-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos. :

Shomolu, Ighobi, died at the Genesal Hospital, Lagoa, on the 23rd day of October, 1957, Government Notice No. 912 3. Jama Monaan,late of River Transport, IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 24 OF THE Burntu, died at Ruruta, on the 20th day of ADMINISTRATOR-GENERAL’S ORDINANCE, Noyember, 1953. ' Cap. 4 or THR Revisgp Laws or NiGERIA 4. Crnisropner Atronso Donerty, late of the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other Poata and Telegtapha Department, dicd at persons having claims against the estate of any of the Yelwa, Yauri , Sokoto Province, on the deceased persons whose names and. addresses are 13th dey of May, 1956. act out below are hereby requiredto send particulars in writing of their claims to me the undersigned on 5. Dania, Uma Qkon, late of the Electricity or before the 26th day of June, 1958, after which " Corporation of Nigeria, died at Asaga, Ohafia, date [ will proceed todisttibute the assets-of the said on the 16th day of November, 1956, decensed persons amongst the partigs entitled - 6 Maxwats Oxsnexe Exonu,Jate of 183 Hospital thereto, having regard only to the claims of which Road, Abs, died at the General Hospital, Aba, notice shall then have been received. on the 2fat day of Octaber, 1956, | Anp oll persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested: to make payment forthwith. 7. Moana Out, late of Yaba,Lagos, dicd at Lagos, 1. Samug. Ing Opara, late of Elder Dempster on the 9th day of February, 1956. Lines Limited, died at sea, on the 21st day. of ~ Daren at Lagos, this 29th day of May, 1958, December, 1955. 2. Fermo Bonomt, late of Jos, died at Plateau M. N. Q. Sacor, Hospital, Jos, on the 27th day of September, Aleting FederatVideoeCeneral * 3. Emmanust. Ecno- Easo, Inte of Marda Bar- The Federal Adminiatrator-General, racks, Yaba, Lagos, died at the Military 16-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos, Hospital, Yaba, on the 13th day of November, : : 333 4, Beto Fotorunso, late of the Nigerian Ports Government Notice No. 911 oy Authority, Lagos, died at Lagos, on- thé 29th In THe Mater or secrion 24 or THE . day ofMay,1951. . ADMINISTRATOR*GENERAL’S ORDINANCE . - 5, Stepan Nounviat Eawuonwu, late of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, died at Okigwi, Cae. 4 or THE Revisep Laws or Nicerts on the 22nd day of July, 1955, Notice 1s1:2RRBY GIVEN that all creditors and other 6, Marruew Esengscsu Azuka, late of the persons having claims against the estate of any of the Public Works. Department, died at Jos, on - deceased persons whose names and addresses are act the 6th day of January, 1940. out below are hereby required to send particulars in 7. Saparo Awnro Ayayt,late of 6 Dagara Street, writing of their claims to me the undersigned: on or hefore the 26th dayofJuno, 1958,after which dato I Lagos, died at Ijebu Ode, on the 23rd day of will proceed to distribute the asscte of the said April, 1956. a . deceased porsons amiongat the parties entitled thereto, Darep ot Lagos, this 29th day of May, 1958. ~~ having regard only to the claims ofwhich notice shall M. N. Q. Sacos, then have been received. ; Acting Federal Administrator~-General . s ANDall persons indebted to tho said estates are The Federal Administrator-General, 7 hereby requested to make payment forthwith, 16-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos. 333 . o 648 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Vol. 45

Government Notice No. 913 Government Notice No. 914 Publie-Lands Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 185) Children and Yount Persons Ordinance LANDS REQUIRED FOR THE SERVICE OF THE (Chapter 31) / FEDERAL GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENT OF PROBATION OFFICERS FOR THE Wuereas by the Government Notice No. 576 Feperat Teartroxy or Lacos publishedin Official Gazette No, 29 of3rd April, 1958, In exercise of the powers conferred by section 17 the Minister of Education has. declared ‘under of the. Children and Young Persons Ordinance, section 33 () {t) ofthe Education (Lagos) Ordinance Chapter 31, the Officer Administeri the©oghe No. 26 of 1957 that the lands hereitt described arc mentbessppointed. thethfollowingfine required by the Government of the Federdtion for educational purposes, ° for the Federal Territory of Lagos withia,Oferfrom Novice 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the following lands the Ist day of June, 1958 ~~ | siruyte, at Apapa Road, Ebute Metta, Lagos in that Mr Adebayo Babatunde Gni| part of the Colony of Nigeria which is comprised in Mr Imran Adeninji Oshodi | ie Federal Territory of Lagos, the boundaries of Mr Joseph Olusolaavin ? which are herein described are required by the asimeon ©. Akiniers Governor-General for public purposes absolutely and in particular for building a achool, MrMs FeriaOleanaptoti Mr Marco Koropinwei owe Descrierion Me Samuel Abieinn Coker Aut thatpiece ofland at Apapa Road, Ebute Metta, Mrs Clara Ajie within that part of the Colony of Nigeria which.is Mrs Victoria Olowolafe comprised in the Federal Territory of Lagos contain- Miss Grace Sogbetun. ing an srea of approximately 1,437.50 square yards, By His Excellency’s Command, the boundaries of which aredescribed below :— ’ AB. F, P. Newnss, STARTING at a concrete pillar marked LD.5274, the GG0074 Secretary to the Governo r-General

co-ordinates of which are 12,459.27 feet South "and 1,197.29 feet East of a concrete pillar. marked Government Notice No. 915 LCS.165P the Origin ofLagos Cadastral Surveys, the Children and Young Pertons Ordinance boundaries run in straight lines the bearings and (Chapter 31} lengths of which are as follows :— From Bearings Lengths To REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF Promation LD.5274 1 02° 193.2 feet LD.5275 . Orricess yor Lacos- LD,5275 69° 027 31.8 feet LD.5276 appointmients of Mrs Agnes“Ekunderin and LD.5276 115°D4’ 101.3 feet LD.5277 MeOluokuun Oguntokun as Probation Officers LD.5277 217° 41’ 204.3 feet LD.5274. published im. the Federation of Nigeria Official , (the starting point), Gazette No, 9, Volume 44 of 21st February, 1957, All property beacons are concrete pillars, aff. re hereby cancelled, bearings and distances are approximate, all bearings By His Excellency’s Command, are referred to True North. A. F. F. B, Newnes, .2, Any person claiming ‘to have nny right or GG0074 Secretary to the Governor-General interest in the said Jand is required within six weeks from the date of this Notice to sendto.the Minister Government Notice No. 16 of Lagos Affairs, Mines and Power, care of the Chief Children andYoung Persans Ordinance Executive Officer, Lagos Executive Development (Chapter 31} Board, Lagos, a statementofhis right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any claim made by APPOINTMENT OFMuampers OF1H2BOARDOFVistrors himin respect of such right orinterest. to Mapara Approys Scroor axp Isnent 3. The Governor-Generalis willing to treat for the Approvep Scoot. acquisition ofthe said lands. Underregulation 19 { Jafthe Children and Young

4. Lands in respect of which no statement is Persons (Approved Instit Regulations, I received are liable to be dealt with as unoccupied land. hereby appoint the folld persons as menibers of 5. Anp Notice is also hereby given that the the Board of Visitors to MaparaFuraApproyed School Governor-Generalitttends to enter into possession of and Isheri Approved Sef Soot for the period fst June, the said Jands at the expiration of six weeks from the 1958 to 3ist December,1959 :—- day following the publication of this Notice. Mrs A. A. Gbadanipsi ‘6. Any person whoshall wilfullyhinderor pbetruct Mr H.B, Batten | the Governor-Gen or any person employed by him from taking possession of the said land is liable, under the provisions of the Ordinance above- mentioned on conviction to a fine of twenty-five i, Badru | pounds or to imprisonment for three months. Mr 0. A. aMac Daten this 21st day of May, 1958. Albaji Jibril i Munammapu Riganu, MrN. A. Taiwo; | Minister of Lagos Affairs, Ministry of Labour and| Welfare ; LO103 . Mines and Porcer Legon. | " MLUSWy3 { 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 649

Government Notice No. 917 Government Notice No. 921 Lagos Racecourse Management! Ordinance Minerals Regulations (Chapter f51) A¥POINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF THR Price o¢ CoLumnire—Provisiona Rovary. Boarolor MANAGEMENT In exercise of the powers conferred by regulation In exercise of tha powers conftrred upon the 67a (3) of the Mineral Regulation, the Chief Inspector Minister of Lagos Affairs, Mines}and Power by ofMines hasfixed the price perunit of Columbite for - section 3 (1) (a) of the Lagos Racecoutse Management the puffiose of computing provisional royalty at 180s Ordinance, as amended by tho Lagos (‘Transfer of per unit, Powers and Duties) Order, 1958 (Legal Notice 66 of 2. The rate of provisional royalty payable on 1958), the following petson has peen appointed exportations. of columbite made during the period chairman of the Lagoa Racecourse Board of Manage- Lat to 30th June, 1958 will, be therefore 13s-7.2d per ment from the lst April, 1958 :— s unit (fe, a minimum rate of royalty of £44-4s10d The Officer carrying out the functions of Senior per ton.) Assistant Secretary (Lagos Affaira} in tho Ministry 220/25/6 of Lagox Affaira, Mines and Power, M..N.(H, Ming, Government Notice No, 922 < Acting Pernianent Secretary, Ministry of Tagos Affairs, Minerals Regulations Mines and Power Puet ov 'Tuontum Onts—ProvistonaL Rovacry | LA0026 In exercise of the powers conferred by regulation 67p (3) of the Mineral Regulations, the Chief Government Notice No. 918 Inspector of Mines has fixed the price per ton of Thorium ore for the purpose of computing provi- Lagos Racecourse Management Ordinanee sional royalty at £70 per ton. (Chapter 101) ‘ 2. ‘The rate of provisional royalty payable on AYPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN Mantogrs TO THE -exportations of horium ore (i.e., “Thorianite, ‘5 Boaro or Management Thorite and Monazite) made during the period In exeréiso of the powers conferred upon: the Tat to 30th June, 1958 will, therefore, be £2-16s—0d Governor-General by scction 3 (1) (c) of the Lagos per ton, Racecourse Management Ordinance, the following 220/116/1

persons have been appointed members of the Lagos acecourse Bourd of Mangement for one year from Government Notice No. 923| ° the 17th April, 1988 :-— Mrs A, E. Johnson . » Minerals Regulations QO. A.Omololu, Esq., M.0.6. ” Rey, Father D. J. Slattery. Price or Zincon Orgs—PRrovisioNnaAL ROYALTY a A KLE, P, Newna, . In exercise of the powers conferred by regulation” Secretary to the Governor-General 67p (3). of the Mineral Regulations, the Chief 1.40020 Inspector of Mines has fixed the price per ton of . Zircon ore for the purpose pf computing provisional

royulty at £60 per ton. Government Notice No. 919 2, The rate of provisidnal royalty payable’ on Marriage Ordinance (Chapter 128). exportations of Zircon ore|made during the period Jat to 30th June, 1958 will, therefore, be £2-8s-0Od Lacunces | per ton. . The following places of public worship have been 220/118/1 licensed for the celebration of Marringes under action 6 of the Marriage Ordinance :<~ Government Notice No. 924 1, Nigerian Baptist Convention Church, Erho, Abraka, Delta Province. CONSTITUTION OF OrFics| or SECRETARY TO THE 2. St Michael’s Catholic Church, Mushin, Ikeja Hicit Comanssioner FOR THE SouTHERN Division, Colony Province. if CAMERQONS 3. Oke-Shoko Baptist Church, Ogbomasho, Oshun Division, Ibadan Provinee, It is notified that in accprdance with section 8a of the Nigeria (Offices o Governor-General and

Governors) Order in Council, 1954, as amended, the High Commissionerfor tthe Southern Cameroons Governinent Notice No. 920 has constituted the office of Secretary. to the High _NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF BILL Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons. . Itis hereby notified that the following Government The office so constituted shall be filled by thr Dill has been published in Official Gasette No. 38 of - officer from time to time cirrying out the duties of 15th May, 1988. Secretary to the Governor-Gereral. . Bill entitled theKaduna (Federal Administrative Liagos " Ni20/8 and Executive Functions) Ordinance, 1958. Sith May, 1988 650 OFFICIAL caderre No, 49,Val. 45 v Gavernment Notice No. 925 Government Notice No, 930 Manica Pracririonens Recisterep IN- NIGERIA Swiss Consunar REPRESENTATION AnimasHaun, Anjorin, mup., chp. 1957, UU. L’pool, i It_is notified for generalinformation that fis Cuapwicx(Mrs) Mary Patrica (née Coulter), Excellency the Officer Administering the Govern- L., LM, 1947, R.o.P., Ircl. ment of the Federation bas been pleased to accord Imam, Abubakar, M.8., ch.p,, 1956, U. Aberd. formal recognition to Mownstver Farrz Horer as Osnonr, WahabOlabode,s1.B., 5.8., 1955, U. Durh. Honorary Vice-Consul for Switzerland at Lagos. R Pacrt, Harold Stanley, iB, che., 1946, U. . Brist. ’ 51829 | Sewapati, Mihir Kumar, M.3.,3.8., 1948, U. Patna,

¥.B.C,8., Eng., 1957, ¥.2.¢.8., Edin., 1957, : HEHU,Umaru,M.R.C.S., Eng. 1956, L.x.c.p., Lond. Government NoticeNo. 93% » 1956, 328,, B.8., 1956, U. Lond. : Wer, James Thomson, 1.n.c.P,, Edin.1944, Lacos Consumer Paice Inorx | LBC, Edin., 1944, Lewes. Glasg., 1944, . _ Wiruanss, Abraham Jose, m.B., ch.p., 1946, U. The Lagos Consumer Price Index is an official Edin., L. 1946, m1. 1954, n.c.p, Edin., L.2.c.s. 7954, index based on the expenditure pattern of clerks, Ror Edin., 1.n.F.P.8., Glasg., 1946, a2.n.c.P., Edin., artisans and labourers carning not more than £350 per annum. "TeMPORARY REGISTRATION UNDER Srction 284 1957 "OF THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND The quarterly index figures from April are i-~ / Dentists:Ordinance 1957 ' 4958 Wennik, Hein, Med. Dip. U. Amsterdam, 1953... April .. «- 219 January .. 120 C. ©. NorMaN-WILLIAMs, july .. eo» 121 Apri .. 423 Medical Registrar October -- 119 MHi61/S. 3 Details of the method of construction of the index . are obtainable front the Department of Statistics, Government Notice No. 926 Lagos. Houst or Represenratives Departmentof Statistics, _ It is notified for general information that the - Lagos, Nigeria. House of Representatives will reassemble at 10 a.m. May, 1958, on Wednesday the 30th ofJuly, 1958. B, Apg, Manuwa, Clerk of the House of Representatives Government Notice No. 932 Government Notice No. 927 Nersmse Counc. ron Niceaa BELGIAN ConsuLaR REPRESENTATION LOSS OF CERTIFICATE It is notifjed for general information that His Excellencythe Officer Administering the Govern- -It has been reported that the undermentioned ment of Federation of Nigeria has been p' Nurse's Certificate has been destroyed byfire. the to accord Brovisional Fecognition to Monsreur No. 112 issued to Mr H. I. Belonwu. ' Anpre J. CHavat, as Consul-General for Belgium hereby cancelled. at Lagos.we 06857 2, The Certificate is G. M. Gotan,

Government Notice No, 928 : for Secretary and Registrart Iceranpic) Consutan RepresenraTion “MH161/5. 3 Nursing Council for Nigeria It is hereby notified for general information that

His Excellejcy the Officer Administering the ’ Governmentpf the Federation has been pleased to Government Notice No, 933 accord provisional recognition to Mr Stantey Tost Loss or Pavaste OxpER ‘Lory as Honprar Consul for Iceland at Lagos, :. ot a 56504 Tt is hereby notified that Payable Order Number Legislature to 0129 issued by the Western Region Government Notice No. 929 _ - the Ologere of Ogere, has‘Deen reported Tost. NETHERTANTS CONSULAR RepresenTATION 2. The Payable Orderis hereby cancelled, It is hereby notified for general information that is Excellency the Officer Administering the 3. Anybody who comes in possession of the | Governmentbf the Federation has been pleased ta Payable Order, or is able.to furnish any information accord formal Yecognition to Mr S. HerrvyeyTr dle relating to it, should report the nistter ta the nearest MAKKOSHETTYE #8 Honorary Vice-Consul of the Police Station. : Netherlands 4t Kano. The Exequatur empowering Mr Hettyey deMakkoshettye to act in this capacity A. 'T, Kener, ajesty’s signature on the 31st March, " Acting Accountant-General, - 09357 Western Region % 20th May, 1958 -« OFFICIAL GAZETTE 651. F

Government Notice No. 934 . Candidates who are referred in the joint paper - “Eistory and Geography” must ‘now offer BoTH Teacttgas’CentivicaTe EXAMINATION,. (3) History and (4) Geography. *-- . Granx If, 1958 Special papers will be set for referred candidates 1. ‘The written examination for the ‘Teachers? in Grade III Domestic Science if required. = -- = Cortificaté, Grade INT, will be held on 17th, 18th N.B.—WesternRegionalNotice No. 351 published and 19th November, 1958, , , in Western Region. of Nigeria Gazette No. 26 of 10th 2. Jees—Intornal candidates, final yenr, £1 por April, 1958, is hereby cancelled,

candidate. Refercad candidates, 10¢ por candidate, 4, Payment of feet--Fees payable by Internal Government Notice No, 935 = candidates mY collected bythe Prinewpal of the /Tracumng’ Cenrirtcatr EXAMINATION, GRADE IT, 1958 College who will isdue idividual receipts signed personally, ‘Thetis feos must be paid in bulk ta the 1. The “Sn examination for the 'feachers’ neargat Government Treasury and the receipt: Certificate, Grade [I], will be held as follows :— forwardedwith the Attendance List. vember, '1958—-External papers 10th-12th N 2 Referred candidates should poy the. feo to the (Provisional), neareat Government Treasury and obtuin a receipt. . 3rd-12th December, 1958—Regional. papers. The receipt musi he attached to theirapplication . 2, Hees : _ and forwarded to the Principal of the College in - Internal candidates, final-year 2-year course £5 : which they were trained, The Principal will in 4-year course iw a Lt turnforward the applications and receipts to this Ministry for verificanon, Receipts will be returned _ Intetnal referred: candidates .. ++ to. candidates, if required, provided a. stamped External candidates PartI - .. ss £4: addressed. envelopeis enclosed for this purpose. : Part IT... we .. £4 4, Method of application.-—(i) Internal Candidates : Referred Le Applications ure submitted by the Principal of the In the cause of referred candidates the: fee is College through the Attendance Liat, Priticipnis independent of the number of subjects offered must allow gach candidate to ensure that his/hor _ butis payable in respect of each attempt to complete FULL name has been included on the list, (Candi- the examination. dates should note. that certificates can only be issued inthe namo under which thoy originallysat Nofee is payable by candidates offering papers in the examination). , : the penultimate yearbut the full fee must be paid- by such candidates in the final year, (ii) Referred Candidates-1957- must complete the proforma detailing their results and forward it 3. Payment of Fees—Fees payable by internal direct to the Principal of their College. Oo candidates will be collected by the Principal of the tii), Referred Candidates before 1957 must appl College “who will issue individual receipts signed ~ by loteee to the Principal of tha College in whic personally, "Thesa fees rust be paid in bulk to‘ the. they ware trained as in (ii) above stating (a) Fun. nearest Government Treasury -and the receipt name, (6) Fur. postal address, (c) the subjects in forwarded with the Attendance List, os which referred at last attempt, including practical Yntemal referred candidates and external candi- subjects, (d) tho year of their last attempt, (¢) ‘the dates should pay the fee to the nearest Government Centas at which they wishto repeat their referred — Treasury and obtain a reecipr. The receipt must aubjects, : be attached to their application. Receipts will Thefinal date for rece! t of applications (enclosing be returned to candidates, if required, provided a the recoipt for tha foo) by Priricipals-is 14¢h June, “stamped addressed envelope is enclosed for this “purpose. , : Sd _ Sa Jmportant : Fees ave non-returnable—Itis the 4, Methodof application.—(1) Internal Candidates. responsibility of eyery candidate to ensure that he/ Applications are submitted by the Principal of the . she has applied correctly before the closing date. College through the Attendance List. Principals must allow each candidate to ensure that his/her 6. All applications must be recelved by the Fou. name has been included on the list. (Candi- Permanent Secretary, Ministryof Education .(Regis- datcs should note that certificates can only be issued tration and Examinations Branch) by 30th June, 1958. in the nameunder which they originally sat the Late entries cannot be accepted. examination). ~ 7. The ParmanentSecretary, Ministry of Educa- - (2) internal referred . candidates—1957.—must tion will not enter into any’ correspondence with ‘complete the pro forma detailing their results and individual candidates, forward it. direct to: The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education (Registration and Examina< 8. Papers will be set in the following aubjects :— tions Branch), Western Region, Ibadan, (1) English I and I. (3) Internal. referred candidates before 1957 must (2) School Method. apply by letter to the Permanent Secretary as in (2) (3) History. above stating :-~(a@) Futr name, (@), Furt postal address, @ the College in which they were (4) Geography, TRAINED, (d) Subjects in which referred at (5) Arithinotic. last attempt, including practical subjects, (¢) the year (6) School Organisation. of their last attempt. Fh the Centre. at which th (7) Nature Study and Hygiene. wish to repeat their referred subjects. 682 OFFICIAL GazerEe Ne. 40, Yok. 45

#4) External candidates offering Part 1, Part II, Government Notice No. 936 -or referred subjects should obtain application . forms from the ]Provincial Education Office which . Sourumen Camanoons GOvERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS should. be completed and returned to the Senior AND BURSARIES, 1958-59 AND 1959-60 ‘Education Officer of the Province. The Southern Cameroons Governmentp: 5. Important.-Fees are non-returnable:External ‘to offer (subject to the provision ofncorssary tres candidates. should ensure that they are qi by,thé Southern eroons Legislature} bursaries to sit before payment. applications scholarships to become available in the year by referred candidates may result in disqualification {088 and 1959 The awards will be senable at the and consequent forfeiture of the foo, It is the University College, Ibadan, atththe Baircour responsibility ofevery candidate to ensure that he/she of Arts, Science,angaffnalogy. for has applied correctly before the closing date, ~ beginning in October 6. All applications must be received. by the tenable at Coiaber1888Institutions infattiene Permanent Secretary, try of Education (Regis- gdont for approved courses beginning in October tration and Examinations Branch}by30th June, 1958. . 1958 os 1959 provided that « course enWas Late entries cannot be accepted, Squivatent qualification is not available in West Tica, 7. The permanent Secretary will not enter into _ any correspondencewith individualcandidates, 2. ‘The courses for which awards wilt be approved 8. Papers will be set in the following subjects :— includes ' Medicine and Medical Technology, Dentis ‘Parr I.—EXTERNAL PAPERS SET BY THE. and Dental Mechanics; Science, Lae, ‘West Arrican Examiyations Counecit. ° - Veterinary Science, Forestry, ChacteredAocomat- Compulsory Subjects @ Principles and Practice of Education sSocio!biog,Anthtnpobeyere, Tessinrakes5 English@) _ Languege, Comprehension and and Nusing and Teaching Courses, It is also proposed to make awards to suitable Arithmeticalo Processes, eo candidates to enable them to obtaip-snualificnions in domestic science,.‘physical training snd _ ParrTL.—Recrosar Pabars SET BY THE other -specialist szpoinement. Scholershipeaadaad . Ministry or Epucation, Western Recton bursary awards are intended ta, equip Compulsory Subjects Cameroonians with professional woud (4) Needlework and Dressmaking (compulsory qualifications necessary forSenior Posts in thePublic Service, Corporations, Commercial Finns and the ot(3)Physicaldad Heglth Educatiucation Cameroons Development Agency, OEyogis Literature. 3. Candidates eligible for these scholarships may (8) Geography beof cither sex, but must ber 8) Practical Mathematics {compulsory for men (i) Natives of the Southern Cameroons or : only Optlonal Subjects (ii)-Ghildren of Natives of the Souther (10) Music Cametcons or : Optional Subjects—Group I (iii) Children of French Cameroons descent, (11) Mathematics : whose parents or guardians have been resident, in £3.‘Religious Knowledge (a) Roman Catholic, _ the Southern Cameroons throughout the child’s or (b) Protestarit, or (c) Mus! _ primary and secondaryeducation and provided the oe (a2) Approved African Language, or (5) candidate ini question has had his or her primary education in the Southern Cameropas and tidy {) Applied Biology, or (6) Theory of secondary education cither in the Southern Sciences, or- (c) Nature Study, or {d) Cameroons orininNigeria. Candidates for schotsr- General Science. —_. ships toundertake degreeand professions! courses will be expectedto have completeda full Seoondary Optional Subjects—Group iu School Course or a recognised T' Training. Course, and must possess the minim. educational (15) Advanced English. qualificationsjepuiredbythe Institutions at which (16) (@) Advanced History, or (6) Advanced the course will taken. In alf cases awards will History (Islarnic) only be made if candidates of suitable gharotter (17) Advanced Gcography| and educational aitewmments ara forthcoming an€ - (18) Advanced Mathema they till also be dependent onthe acceptance ofthethe 09). Advanced Bhysital andiHealth Education successful candidates by un appropriateoe or 420). Advanced Crafts Institution, A Medical Examination soll - (21) Advariced Art. include an X-Ray examination of theme sill ' For referred candidates only also be necexsary. (22) "Theory of Domestic Science. 4, The majoti ofawards will be for courses now Note-Not more than TWO of the subjects available at the University College, Ibsden and the $11) to:(Z1) may be offered. Where alternatives are Nigerian College of Arts Science and Technology. pivenin 4sub-group onlyoneofthé alternatives inthe Intending candidates should acquaint themselves ‘sub-group. may be offered, with the conditions for entry to these calleges. 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 653: i All candidates for these awards must therefore apply Gorernment Notice No. 939 independently for admission in accordance with the ” Ministry or CoMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION procedure prescribedby the college authorities, and will -not be eligible for the awards of a bursary unless SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT AKWETE they have been accepted for entry into the Nigerian POSTAL AGENCY College or the University College. Applications It is notified for general information that Savings from candidates who applyto do profeasional courses Bankfacilities have been extended to Akwete Postal or to take general or honours’ degree courses: in Agency with effect from 4th January, 1958. . subject Hot at present availablo at the University College, Ibadan will bo considered, In. this case ' J. A. FARRER, : thoy will not be expected to communicate direct with F002! Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs the Inatitutions concerned, ‘ 5. In. certain’ caves, wives (but not children) of Government Notice No..940 succusaful candidates who are to be sent to the United Ministry of COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION Kingdom fora period ofseveral years may be assisted to join their husbands for a shore time. to acquire a SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT AZUMINI broader background and to crigage in some short POSTAL AGENCY a) courses ofwhich the Doard approves, Tn such cages- It is notified for general information that Savings the wives waulil be paid the usual Dependdnta’ Bank facilitics have been extended to AzuminiPostal allowance and would in addition receive a free return” Agency with effect from ist August, 1957. paniage and the cost of fees for the courac. i ‘ J. A. FARRER, 6. All. awards-will be made by the Commissi bner F0021 Acting Directar of Posts and Telegraph, of the Cameroons, on the recommendation of; the Southern CameroonsScholarship Board, Government Notice No, 941 7, A\l Applications for scholarships or bursdrics Ministry or COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION must be completed in triplicate on_the prescribed SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT IKOT; UBO form (which can be obtained from District Officers POSTAL AGENCY | i in the Southern Cameroons) and forwarded tai the Southern Gameroona Scholarship. Board, Bhea. _ It is notified for general information that Savirigs In the case of Government Servauts tirough the Head Bank facilities have Been extended to Ikot Ubo Postal of Department. Agency with effect from 2nd December, 1957, (a) Applications for scholarships to all_ post - J. A. Farrar, - “Sy, Sceondaryinstitutions overseas and in Weat Africa F0021 Acting Director of Posts and Telegrap hs including Univeraity Collene, Tbndon and [the NigerianCollegemustresch thaScoretary, Southern Government Notice No. 942 Cameroons Scholarship Board, Nor LATBR THAN Ministry oF COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION , th18 30th June, 1958. ‘ i SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT MBIOTO .& Failure to comply with any of these instructions may reault in the rejection of a candidate’s applica- POSTAL AGENCY tion. : : i It is notified for general: information that Savings Bankfacilities have been extended to‘Mbioto Postal _ Agencywith effect from 2nd December, 1957. Government Notice No. 937 . iJ. A. Farrer, . F0021 Acting Director of Posts and Telegraphs - Wioowa’ anp Ornpuana’ Psnsions

ft is notified ‘that service with the Nigerian Government Notice No. 943 Broadcasting Corporation haa been declared by the Seeretary of State for the Colonies to be “Public Mintatry of CoMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION - Service’? for the purpose of ‘the West African SAVINGS BANK. FACILITIES AT NGOR Widows’ and Orphana' Penaion Scheme. : : POSTAL AGENCY -— (Pension Section) P49049 It is notified for general information that Savi ng®

. .Bank facilities have been ‘extended to Ngor Pos al Government Notice No. 938 Agency with effect from 21st October,~1957, ; ‘: J. A. Farrgr,- Mouerry o¥ COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION F0021 Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs DEPARTMENT OF Posts AND 'TELEGRAPHS Government Notice No. 944 OR, INSTALLATION OF TELEPHONES. | ‘Ministry of Communications AND AVIATION | Aa from tet June, 1958, the advance rental pay- SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT NKVWERRE ment by new telephone subscribers will be reduced POSTAL AGENCY from six montha to oné-quarter’s rental. It is notified for general information that Savings Government Notice No. 1253 published in Bank. facilities have been extended. to erre Gaxette No. 70 dated 27th December, 1951, para- Postal Agency with effect from 17thOctober, 1957. va graph 2 should be amended accordingly, . J, A, FARRBEante C0021 F0021 Acting Director ofPosti;andTelegraphs 4 654 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Vol. 45.

Government Notice No, 945 . Government Notice No. 951 Ministry of CosmunicaTions AND AVIATION Morusrry or Comacnicatioss asp AVIATION SAVINGS BANKFACILITIES ATOBOTIDIM MUYUKA POSTAL AGENCY--INTRODUC- POSTAL AGENCY : . TION OF PARCELS ACCEPTANCE I is notified for general information that Savings ’ FACILITIES Bank facilities have.been extended to Obot Idim It ig notified for general information that Parcels Postal Agency with effect fram2nd December, 1957, Acceptance facilities have-been extended. to} : . J. A. Farrer, - P. tal Agency with effect from 10th March, 1958. F0021 Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs j. A. Farnm, Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs Government Notice No. 946 F0021 . - Masistry or COMMUNICATIONS ANDAVIATION SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT OKRIKA GovernmentNoticeNo. 952 nN - POSTAL AGENCY " Ministay oF COMMGN:CATIONS AND AVIATION , It is notified for general information that Savings AJASSOR POSTAL AGENCY-—OPENING OF . Bank facilitics have been extended to Okrike Postal A Postal Ageticy was opened at Ajsegor Town in Agency with effect from 14th October;4957, the Ikom Division of Ogoja Province on the 28 J. A. FARRER, April, 1958, for the transaction of the following ¥F0021 Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs classes of Postal business :-~ Saleofstarnps. * Government Notice No. 947. eo PostalOrders : Issueand payment. Registration : Acceptance and delivery, Ministry OF COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION Parcels: Delivery only. SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT OLOIBIRI Mails: Receiptand Despatch. POSTAL. AGENCY 2. The circulation of: mails is to Ikom. | The It is notified for general information that Savings addition should be made under Enugu Bank facilities. have been extended toOloibiri Postal Head Office on page 3 ofoePeerage7otservices Agency with effectfrom31st October, 1957. tion,” and under Aji at pag: oat OfficeCompendium. £ J. A, Farrar, :j. A. Famene, F0021 Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs Acting Diredbir ofPost: and Telegraphs

Government Notice No. 948 Government NoticeNo. 953 ‘ ’ Ministry or COMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION ‘Wast Arrican Corarncy Boarp SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT PORT CURRENCY RETURN FOR NIGERIA— HARCOURT TOWN POSTAL AGENCY FEBRUARY 1958 ‘ It is notified for géneral information that Savings Net Terues (4) Cash holingsby Bank facilities have been extended to Port Harcourt pan Postal Agencywith effect fram ist November, (—) during the of the month j. A. Faraxr, FO021 Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs £ £ Notes.. —~(minus} 1,480,026 5,003,630

Government NoticeNo. 949 Coin .. ~—(minus) 3,248,309 1,351,330 Muiistre or CosistunicaTIoNns AND AVIATION Total circulation in West Africa at the 30th June, SAVINGSBANK FACILITIES AT NUNG 1957, was £ UDOE POSTAL AGENCY Notes «+ ae 70,933,274 It is notified for general information that Savings Coin se. on 35,974,737 Bank facilities have been extended to Nung Udoe Postal Agency with effectfrom 2nd, December, 1957, £106,908,015 “J. A, Farnsr, Od Acting Director of Posts and Telegraphs Ofthis total the amount of currency recorded by ¥F0021 oo v - ; the Wost African Currency Board as having been 1 issued in Nigeria (fets currency withdrawn GovernmentNoticeNo. 950 circulation) was :— £ Ministry oF CoMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION SAVINGS BANK FACILITIES AT UMUAHIA Notes oe ee 35,391,750 21,662,609 TOWN POSTAL AGENCY Coin ve oe 1¢ is notified for general information that Savings 137,054,359 Bank facilities have been extendedt¢ Umushia Town Postal Agencywith effectfrom ist October, 1957. F. Davineort, j. A. Farrer, Currency Officer Acting Director ofPosts and Telegraphs The Treasury, Lagos. F002! (CB173)

\ 29th May,1958 ‘OFFICIAL GAZETTE 655. Government Notice No, 954 | Government Notice No. 957 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS. TO ACT ON BEHALY Imrorr Licensing AuTHoniIty oF THE Export Licenstnc AUTHORITY UNDER CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMENT _ SECTION 2 OF THE ConTROL oF Exrorts ORDER _ IN Gounci No. 49 or 1950. In exercise of the powers conferred upon-me by of Imports Order in Council It is herebynotified for'public information that I section 2 of the Control have appointed the undetmentioned officer of the | {No. 50 of 1980), I hereby cancel, with effect from 1958, the ‘appointment: of the Federal Departmentof Commerce and Industries the 22nd of May, topet on my behalf with effectfrom the22nd ofMay, officer named belov to act on my behalf as Import Licensing Authority,which appointment wasnotified in GovernmentNotice No. 201 published in the MrS, L757Opm1-Osr of Nigeria Oficial GawetteNo.6 of 1958. eet R.E, Vipat, 4, Federation Export Licensing Authority, Mr E. 0, Witson Federal!Department of Commerce - : and Industries - 1.0244 R. E. Vinat, Lagos, 16th May, 1958..-:

Import Licensing Authority, Government Notice No. 958 -+ Federal Department of Commerce Western Recion Marxetinc Boarp and Industries 1958 Corron MARKETING SCHEME Lagos, 16th16th May, 1958,9 . toned It is notified for generalinformation that purchases and cumulative purchasées of seéd cotton in the _ Western Region of Nigeria during the month ended 24th April, 1958, wereas follows :-— om Government Notice No. 955 QuanTiT¥ IN Tons — _—_ Expont Licknsino AUTHORITY Purchases during the month:, Cumulativepurchases _ ended 244-58 ; mo, ; CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMENT Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade ‘Grade In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by I mq. .ur .. I TI «WW acction 2 of the Control of Exporta Order in Council 4 8 517 * 21 20 1,557 (No. 49 of 1950), I hereby cancel, with effect from 1.0510 the 22nd of May, 1958, the appointment of the officer named below to act on my behalf as Export Government Notice No. 959 Licensing . Authority, -which appointment. was Seep Corton Pur IN THE FEDERATION notified fh-Government Notice No. 1159 published . or NiGERiA : in the Federation of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 35 of It is notified for genetal information that th uurchases and cumulative purchases of Sced Cotton MrE. 0.Witson. ° in the Federation of Nigctia for the period ending 24th April, 1958, were as follows :— - , R. E.'Vipar, (ALL Fons) Export Licensing Authority, NortHern Recion a Federal Degartment of Commerce — io Cumulative and Industries . 1957-58 Purchases Season: . Lagos, 16th May, 1988, - Grade _ | during purchases — _ uagO® th May, - 1,0244 . . | period to daté NAT .. oe we 43 95,1139. NAL2 ce ee ee ft 56 49,5240 . 6,632* - Government Notice No. 956: N.A. 3 ve es. ve i 4 93

APPOINTMENT OF PRREONS TO. ACT. ON BEHALF OF © Total, NAcc. ec 9 392. > 421,269: rine Import Licensinc AUTHORITY UNDER Benue .. ws a 2. 736 ~~ 2,416: Semcrartenere sxcrion 2 ar THs Controt or Imports OnvER Total, Northern. ‘ : in Councr, No, 50-or 1950 - . LA28 123,685¢ Region... ee It is hereby notified for public information that I have. appointed the undermentioncd officer of the Westin Reoion wy Federal Department of Commieres and Industries 3 : Cumulative toact on my behalfwith effect from the22nd of May, ~ Purchases 1958. Grade . during season: _ | period ptrchases : Mrs. L. 5, QOprtt-Ost . to daté

4 21 L ‘ 1 ee , 64 sys R,E. Vivat, IN. 2 4.0% 6 as Be 20 _ dinport Licensing Authority, UN3 cc ee ie 517- 1,557 a F = — Federal Department of Commerce and Industries Total... 6.ae 529 “4,598 Lagos, 16th May, 1958,

aon y 10244 * Adjusted totals.” : “4 70510 eg?

annenenn 656: OFFICIAL GAZETTE Na. 40, Vot. 45

"Government Notice No. 960 - Government Notice No. 964 ‘Sova Beans Purctasesin THe FeneratioN or - BeNNISKED PURCHASES IN THE FRpERaTios NIGERIA . or NiGEnts It is notified for general information that the . “It: is notified for general information that the purchases and cumulative purchases of Soya Bedns purchases and the cumulativepur of Benni- in the Federation of Nigeria for the period ended seed in the Féderation of Nigetia for the period 24th April; 1958, were as follows -— " ended 24th April, 1958, wereas follows :— (At, Tons) Cumulanee . . (Att Toss) .0 Purchases season : Cumulative during purchases 5 1987-58 period to date - . Purchases season Northern Region... 2 £13,962" Regions during \ purchases Easter Region +, »- 407 : . . bere fo ne _ ; Eastern Region... + _ 173° 16,327 Total Nigeria. .. ve 2 14,369 Northern Region * 10 . comes ———— ° — Total, Nigeria « 10 16,500 *Adjustedtotals. Lo T0510. OO 1.0516 : : *. “3 - _

Government Notice No, 962 ob (Cocoa PURCHASES IN THE FEDERATION OF NIGERIA . .

It is notified for general information that thepurchases aiid Cumulative purchases of Cocos declared in the Federation of Nigeria for thefortnight end 8th May, 1958, were as follows: (Au Tons) - MainCrop Light Crop _ I it Total I rs4 Total Tata! () During thefortnight - 3 Westéen Region , | 7 / _ . (a) Lagos Ports .. 7 fa a IES 36, 175 179 (b) Benin Ports. .. 6 _ 6. os 5 2 7 13 Northern Region. .. _ _ ~ ~_ J 1. 1 _ 44 Eastera Region = «3° ~~ 13°... AT. de a — _ 8607 “SouthernCameroons 13 FL = Grand Totl.. - ~> 32012 4a. 124 59 183 27

(i) Cunulative 1957-58 _ Séason to date : # “ ‘ Western Region, . (a) Lagos Ports .. 58,434 1,298 $9,732 2,591 224 2,812 62,544 () Benin Ports .. 7,833 61 7,894 164 17 178 8,072" Northern Region .. 272 10 282016 2 18° 300 Eastern Region - 916 13 929 ~? 670 13 683 1,612 Southern Cameroons 4,193 217 4,410 38 >=. 38 4,448 Grand Total 71,648 1,599 73,247 3,476 253 3,729 76,976"

® Adjusted totals. v 1.0245

5 . um ' q 25th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE j ,

Government Notice No. 963 ; ] . . , : } Pe CUSTOMS AND EXCISE REVENUE. , ‘ ‘

; Approximate Approximate ; . Estimate Proportion net revenue mtnrevenue Increase Decrease. Details‘1afRevemue 5 | A93859, hy AprEstimat.tosh Monthal" apnii9se!| conbe 2&4 - CostesBetween . (0) (2) (3) (4) (3) |

Invont Durus : £L & £ £ £ £- |{ Unmanafgetored tobacco: oe * ee 3,800,000 316,667 226,238 226,238 _ 90,429 Muanufactored tobscco--cigars. e. 3,000 250 295 295. 45 _. Manufactired tohaccd—-clgacettes of 200,000 16,667 44,224 44,224. 27,537 ~ Other manufactured tobacco 6. 16,000 1,333 032 632 ~ 701 Motor Spirit a+ es ae a+] 2,100,000 175,000 147,767 147,767 _ 27,233 Other Import Duties «0000. es 27,900,000 2,325,000 2,208,041 2,208,941 - 116,059 ‘Torat. IMvorr Durtes. 4.000 +. «+ 34,019,000 2,834,917 2,628,097 2,628,097} 27,602 234,422 Exront DUTT _ - 5 pS Bavanag se eeeet 285,000 23,750 272177 27,377 3,627 _ 0 eve 7,500 625 Aa 174i] 451 Bhewnatie, Rubber, maw eee 700,000 58,333 * 44,281 ~ 44,281 5 _ 14,052 Rubber, crepe cc ete 220,000 18,333 21,032 21,632: 3,299 | = : —~ 42 Rubber, paste. - os ee se $00 42 — — Timbers. nee ae 150,000 12,500 18,18 18,418) 5,918 = Cattlohides 15 us ve ae 125,000 10,417 8,016 8,616! ~ 1,801 Goat skina peat 150,000 12,500 11484 { 1,481) _ 1,019 Sheep akin os ‘e . 20,000 1,667 2,481 2.481: 8it+ m Cocoa we +e . a ve 3,950,000 279,167 312,315 — 312,815: 33,648 _ Groundnuta se an os ++ 2,100,000 175,000 166,414 166,614 ~ 8,386 Groundavtall .. te ons 450,000 37,500 22,214 22,214 _ 15,2864 | Groundnut ment and caka cee oe $0,000 4.167 4,706 ° 4.706 539 _ Nenniseed., 5s ee ee KY 100,000 8,333 2,788 2,788 ~ * 5,545 Cotton lint es teas te 900,000 75,000 44,651 $4,651 _ 30,349 . Cottonseed neue tes 100,000 8,333 11,510 12,510 3,177 _ * Palmiernsls 45 ue ee ee 5,985,000 160.487 166,872 166,872 6,455 ~ —_~ — ~ 8 + Palen kernel olf -.. oe ae im g ~ Palekernal meal and chea 2,000 167 178 178 |} it _ Palma olf, techoteal ce eee SOOO 22,916 | 17,950 17,950 os 4,966 Palm oll, ndible .. ee w 7 875,000 72,917 160,042 160,042 87,125 _- ‘Tora, Export Duttes .. 006. + 11,785,100 982,092 1,044,800 1,044,800 144,613 81,905 Exctsg Duties: . . “Tobacco 6 ete et we | 4,200,000 350,000 323,426 323,426 _ 26,574 Beer: 8 ae ve ‘e 380,000 31,666 34,474 34,474 2,808 _ Toran ExcuseDees ake s+ 4,580,000 38,666 357,200 357,900 2,808 26,574

Foss, aT, . Warehoussand Custom Teen... 0,000 4,167 © 2698 2,498 _ 1,669 Overtime and Ghipping Fees -. ss {5,000 1,280 696 696 _ 554 Penalties, forfeltures and seiaurea 30,000 2,500 448 348 _ 2,152 Totar Fira . +s ge . 95,000 7,917 3,842 3,542 - 4,375

_CiaannSDOTA vy " a +» $0,479,100 4,206,592 4,034,339 4,034,339 175,023 347,276

="Decrente oe tee . o- : ] 172,253

+“ Notes-—1. Subject to adjustments prior to closing of accounts. . cp 2, ‘The Customa Import Duty paid ini October. 1957 to April 1958 on goods imported by parcel post is not inchided.

_E.P. C. Lanapon, *Fvigos. 16th May, 1988, Acting Comptroller __ o185/S. 5 68 OFFICIAL GAZETTE —__ No, 40, Vol. 45 Gouernment Notice No. 964 : . ; LOCAL PURCHASE OF STORES BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS— -. APPROVED MANUFACTURERS SCHEME Government Notice No. 2136 published in the Official Gazette of the 29th November, 1956, set out the details of the Approved Manufacturers Scherne and the method of application for registration. A list ’ of firms whose manufacture have been approved to date ig appended hereunder, for general information. Thelist has been arranged in accordance with the Standard International Trade Classification. : 2. The public are advised that the list includes only firms which hace epplied for approval and the - absence of any firm from this list does not necessarily mean that the Federal Government has refused to approve that particular manufacturer, 3. Federal Government Departments are obliged to purchase goods from approved suppliers, instead of importing similar articles from abroad whenever the local product is competitive in price. The fact that a manufacturer has been placed on the approved ligt is evidence that the quality of his product is satisfactory to the Federal Government, and means in effect that the goods. are recommended, The Federal Government ~ does not however guarantee the quality of any manufactures, 4. Any manufacturerof goods which are used by Government Departments may apply for his name to be added to the list of Approved Manufacturers by forwarding the following information to the Director, Federal Department of Commerce and Industries Lagos —~ : : @ Nameand address ofmanufacturer (2) Monthly output (either in.junits or value 2s appropriate : (ti) Type of company or business (Limited com- (c) Normal delivery times pany,registered business,etc.) (i) Goods manufactured—{ineluding B.S. or- (vi) Any other information other specification where appropriate, sizes avail«< . 7 able and prices*) - : ane §. It is not necessary for goods to be purchased direct from manufacturers. They may if thepurchaser " $0 wishes be obtained from theselling agentof the manufacturer, Locat Purcuase op Stores py Ferra Goverment DEPARTMENTS, APPROVED MANUFACTURERS Product Description . BrandName _ Foop 2 Canned Meat and Vegetables Corned beef and other cannedmeat andlor vegetable packs The Nigerian Canning Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 464, Kano “Crescent” » Crope MaTeriaLs, MAINLY INKDIBLE ExcePrT Furs Kapok . Cleaned kapok (aj Ae J. Karouni Ltd., P.O. Box 132, Kano (6) Balmore ‘Trading Company, P.O. Box 62, Kano ( UnitedDevelopment Trading"Co., Abeokuta Road,

CHEMICALS » Soap. : Common soap : : _ G@)Lover Bros, (Nigeria) Ltd, P.O. Box 15, Apspa —igsilight” > (6) Raad and Fadoul Ltd., P.O. Box 266, Kano ‘ 7” (c) Alagbon Industries Ltd., Aba . “Duck” Insecticides : Insecticides spray andpowder The United Afcica Company of Nigeria Limited, Lagos “No-bitg" We. Manuracrurep Goons Ciassremmp CHter.y sy MATEEIAL Plywood Plywood , gt The African Timber and Plywood Co,, Led,,Sepele Stationery Exercise books, cash books and other items of stationery wot ~~ normally supplied by the Federal Government Printer (2) Thomas Wyatt and Son (W. Africa) Ltd., P.O. Box“Apex” 72. Ebute Metta res (8) Western Region Printing Corporation, Old University Site, c/o Eleiyele Post Office, Ibadan : “Where a wide range ofarticles is made, representative specimen prices only need be given, 29th, May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 659

Manuracrunsp Goons Crassreren Cierny py Marnriat—continued - Product Description _ Brand Name Textiles - Tarpaulins, matlbags and industrial canvas covers’ , , (a) Tarpaulin Industries (W, Aftica) Ltd., Private Mail Bag 2227, 56 Marina, Lagos (6) Nigerian ‘Tarpaulin Manufacturing Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 193, Kano ; Textiles : Bedford cor Kano Citizens Trading Co,, Ltd., P.O. Box 267, Kano - Hand-woven cotton piece goads Aba Textile Centre, Department of Secondary Indus- - “Abatex’* tries, Aba Grey, bleached, khaki or other colour-dyed drill (a) The Nigerian Spinning Co., Ltd... Agege Motor Road, Mushin . (OyKeKano Citizens Trading Co,, Ltd,, P.O. Box 267, »

Cemont Cemeno.§.S. 12) The Nigerian Cement'Co., Ltd., P.0. Box 167, Enugu “Nigercem” Concrete products + Prestressed concrete posts, poles, pipes, beams and other pre- sivessed concrete products ~The,Ni clan Pre-streased Concrete Co., Ltd, P.©. Box okute Concreteblocks, slabs,fencing posts andpipes to BSS. : Gazal Industrial Enterprises, FQ, Box No. 1, Kano Lime Adricultural linte-wash or colour-wash ? Anosike Lime Works Ltd., 62 Aggrey Road, P.O. Box _ 94 Port Harcourt Cementtiles Cement flooring tiles (including terazze tiles) . : @yDabian West Africa Tile Factory, P.O, Box 446, Kano (6) Gazal Industrial Enterprise, P.O. Box No. 1, Kano (e) Mr E, Khawam,67 Balogun Street, Lagos (a) Nigorian Industrial Products Limited, Ibadan (4) Bishara Stephen's Tile Factory, P.O, Box 471, Kano Metal manufactures: Bulk liquidii storage vessels, steel structures including prefabri~ cated building frames, bridges, ete. TheAmalgamatedAm Engineering Co., Ltd., P.O, Box 100,

Nanie plate, road signs and other castings in aluminium or bronge § artistle plaster castings Tho West African Aluminium Foundary, 9 King Georgo oad, Lagos. - Galvanised tron holloware (Dustbins;“ete,) Odedina Brothers, 51 Omididun Street, Lagos “Macitineny AND"TransportEQuipMENnt Batteries Lead acid aveumulators (car and lorry batteries, ete.) : J.¥, A. Enterprises (Electrical) Ltd., P.O, Box 83, Lagos Boats Riter, creek and harbour craft of wooden construction not exceeding GO feet in length (a) The Federal Boatyard, Department of Commerce and Industries, Opo (8) The Oil Rivers Boatyard, Eastern Region Develop- mont Corporation, (ce) ‘The Northern Re ionGovernment Boatyard, Depart- mentof Trade andIndustry, Makurdi 7 (d) The Western Region Boatyard, Epe , _ oe ‘ayriting aa days Ne ‘1958, -Enugu him Posta ‘Plastic marked. E.D.303/A” the present ‘officers. wa period Transport Telegraphs Director places Shogs Government 2. Furniture 2 4. (6) (a) 3.,;The Tenders - 660 Mruistry by Postal. Tenders Mails Product InwarRD and and Ourwanp Between Between Between Between Between with Between of noon on products “Confidential conveyed from and (308 (465 for at one ‘Telegraphs - average are the = thrice for aret and the Notice Controller, on a such should year. Ibs) Ibs) Ogoja oF time period Abakaliki Bansara route the Ogoia the Bansara invited a requiredto Abakaliki option be COMMUNICATIONS Enugu - on weekly volume conveyance No. times to 18th forwarded ‘and each be TENDER. ot ay of Tender Department,-Enugu, and time and 965 by enclosed of arid one may

‘Tertitorial at: and . journey June, and tae in as other ‘such Bansara Abakaliki arid extending - and the by/the -may< Year be each Enugy Ogoja by for be 1958. “Abakeliki oy of Plastic ‘Wooden: Canvas Woven Tubular all weight Director, in conveyed . Bansara mails, nominated MisceLiaNgous: is registered from Nigerian direction Rubber (Pf), Owolabi (6) (a) (6). (e)_ (d) (@), {a) AND be 1 sealed 4 as Director house 7 Prince Road, Limited, bag mails Headquarters, 2 Wrou The The bags Chaker’s bags Fawehinmi Nigerian appointed - RZOS Construction for fetta water follows bags cloth AVIATION shoes intermediate the of Furniture. and (14 Reference envelopes Posts a Industries Nigerian OFFICIAL Road, by 22 Stores, Ebute (144 Friendly to Plastics 14 (90 on mails ist between (30. badges, pipe post other with Ibs) further by reach Furniture or Motor P.O. t-~ \ such July, Factory, Ibs) bags bags Iron, Joinery - Ibs) Ibs) and his the {Polythene} Apapa to Deseription rubber Metta. in Furniture steel at MANUFACTURED 33 Box Co., Wood shoulder (Domestic Furniture’Co,, and Limited, (Nigeria) . Olumegbon -deposit furniture

be the’ aténza tion Exporta harried erected and Contractors ‘application Government ' Jiki, Headquarters, Head conditions the No. set not 42, GAZETTE Ltd., Ltd., /3.."Che P.O. soles Works, nugu. 2, Tenders the 1.0021 %. 6. 5. Service Furni the Department out of Mushin, undertake Further Bansara Appendix flashes, DaranrMenr Contractors Factory 57/1946 The The 7th House, P.O. Box Postmaster P.O. P.O, this_receipt usual may Ltd,, and and iture £5 and in quarters June, closing 68 Farniture Street, Contractor 434, ARTICLES Director the are Notice Box Box Box Office} be ete. with: obtain for othe to or wrought servants 63 Lagos Ltd,, 72 Apapa P.O, _- dated Co, information. to 1958. Posts may seen Ogoja. Kano” Apongbon , invited Campbell Appendix:to 296, the 156, 142, of date accept Director who Lagos on Enuguyor the or _ No. Onike, ing Box the an (West TENDER 30th Co., Marketing by of be iron Road, coristruction Lagos. quarters. Postel Ebute Manketinc Kano 2 for and will official Director the!payment wish 887 plans . 33, appointment plots Posts from seen the * 65 the work August, : Yaba.- Stréer, be of Y= Telegraphs Afsica) (2nd Street, Ware- Apapa Metta Ebute may the luvest Marketing of to Controller, H receipt . on receipt. x at responsible Government and Posts : and ‘ - publication) tender the RB Postmnasters : : of Lagos, fequired Ikoyi ann application Acting No. 1946, be of of Brand J. Exnrr, or Telegraphs - . “Nipol’* buildings Marketing| Exports, at of and A. any two Exports obtained to fair 40, Department, and with the should) tenders On Farrer, Director, ‘Territorial A Telegraphs Name accept tender. detached Buildin Vol. wages office p: 1.1397 Exports Circular copy Abaka- © garage to Con- slocs will first and 45

the the be on of

. of a8 _ - .~ 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 661

Government Notica No,883 (and publication) . _ Government Notice No. 966 é Minigtay or ComMUNICATIONS AND. AVIATION Ministry. oF CoMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION _, TENDER TENDER . Tenders are invited by the Directorof Posts and Tenders: are invited for the manufacture of the ‘Felegeapha for the conveyanca of Mails by Motor following items of uniform and protective clothing transport. twice-weekly in cach direction between for the Department of Posts and Telegraph -— Gudi and Kefi, and auch otherintermediate places: : Pieces Aprons; Khaki, Drill, on the route as may be nominated by the Dircetor, 600 Pieces Coats, Dust, Khaki. for a period of two yoate from let July, 1958, with 400 Piccos Jumpers, Khaki, P&T. the ondon of extending for a further period ofone 600 Pieces Overalls, Khaki. 6,100 Pairs Shorts, Khaki. . year, . zs 2,700 Pieces Suita, Khaki, made-to-measure, 2, Mails ave requiredto be conveyed on much:days §,800 Pieces Shirts, Flannel, : and at such times as may be appolnted in weltin from time te time by the DisectoroF his alllicorss’ .4é Fonder forms giving detaifs of materiuls. supplicd, meaturomonts required, and conditions 3. Te average volunie and weight of mallato be governing the contence canbs obtained on appiieas conveyed on each Journey is at present =~ tion to the Chief Stores Offiver, Pcl" Stores cpot, - {a) Ontwards--Gudl to Kelli, 4 bage (104 tbs) Malu Rond, Apap. ‘Nenders. must be submitte (b) Tnwards-Keffi to Gudi, 1 bag (32 lbs} strictly in. conformity with the Instructions given on the forms. 4. Tenders ahould be enclosed in acafed envelopes... marked “Confidential-Tender for Mails and 3. ‘Tailoring will be required to be of a good + forwarded by régivtered post to the Postat Con- atindard and samples showing the quality of work. troller, Posts and Telegraphe Department, Kaduna,. . expected are available: in the office of the Chief Stores Officer, ns nbove, where they may be inspected fo reach hint by noon on the dist May, 1958 ‘by Bona Fide Manufacturers on presentation of 5, The Director, Posts and 'Tolegraphe does not: identity between the houra.of 9 and 12 am, on undertake to accept the loweat or any tender, ;

.4 Mondaysto Fridays up to 43hours ptior to the date 6. The Contractor will be required to accept the”- o£closure. , conditions concerning the payment of “Fair Wages" 4A Fenderera will be required to give a guarantee ag net out in the Appendix to Government Circular ofdelivery to the Chief Stores Officer, P&T Stores No. 57/1946dated 30th Auguat, 1946. Acopy ofthe De lot, alu Road, Apapa, within 42 days of a firm “Appendix may be aden on-application to the Post- order being placed. _ mo masters, Guili, Waniba or Kafanchan. co“*. 35. Tenders will be considered for the whole or / 7, Further information may bo obtained on aty part of the quantities listed above. application to the Head Postmaster, Posts and 6, Government regulations regarding “Fair clegraphs, Kaduna or the Postal Controller, Posts Wages” will be applicable to the contract, and ‘elegraphs, Kaduna, - 7. Tenders, submitted only on the forms provided +e Ae Fatinen, : should beplaced in. n sealed envelope, clearly marked 6ooanyT Aching Diveehiy, Posts and Telegraphs “CONFIDENTIAL—TENDER FoR. UNIFORMS” anp addresged to the Secretary Federal Tenders, Public. --

Works Department Headquarters, so as to reach. him GovsrnmentNoticeNo, 886. (2nd publication) by noon on 30th June, 1958, 8, ‘The Jowest, or any tender will not necessarily . “Reognan Minisray or Wonks ann Sunveys bd necopted, : . Contaatr No. 1056 . , J. A. Fanrzr, TENDER Acting Director, Posts and Telegraphs Tenders are shortly to beInvited from Contractors 15th May, 1958. - regiatered dn Category ‘G' forthe conatruction of the now Five Cowrie Creek Bridge on a site upatream Government Notice No, 893 (2nd publication). and adjacent to the existing bridge ta connect Lagos with Victoria Ysland. r University Coiirag, Inapan The design for the bridge pravides for a deck of VACANCY FOR SENIOR AND. ASSISTANT; & total width of §2 feet extending over eight epans LECTURESHIPS — - gach of 60fect, The total length-of the bridge and Applications are invited for Senior Lectureship - approaches is 540fest, . ind Assistant Lectureship in DerartMENT OF ‘The abutnients of reinforced concrete are to be Geocrariy. Appointments for. three years in catried on. cithor reinforced concrete precast piles first instance, : ~ or Franki piles, ‘The plera are carried on reinforced - Salaryscales.—Senior Lecturer+—£1,700-75-1,925 concrete precast Hfea 90fect long (approximately). per annum; Assistant Lecturer: £800-50-900 pet which ate cappeq about 10 feet above Mean, 5 anoum + Passages paid for appointee, wife and three Lovely hich ¢ ; children under eleven years on appbintment, annual - - "Dhe deck which provides. 24 foot carriagewa Icave and termination. Children’s, car, and outfit together with two cyclo-tracke cach 6 feet wide and allowances. F.S.S.U. Part-furnished accommoda-~ two footpaths cach 8 feet wide consists of precast tion. Detailed applications: (six copies), naming post tensioned heams spanning between the piers . three referees by 15th June, 1958 to Registrar, and sbutmenta, University College, Ibadan, from whom her ar particulars may be obtained. No. 0038/3ms Direct“ ar ©,teneneraee8G WorkOPRE 6th May, 1958, MES5/S. 20 “ 662 OFFICIAL GAZRTTE Y Noa.40, Vol. 48

Government NoticeJ Na. 967 Government NoticeNo. 970 of ‘Univennry. Coriacez, Tnapan ‘Oniversrry Conrece Elosrrrar, Isapan VACANCY FOR LECTURBSHIPS. VACANCY FOR SUPERINTENDENT pplications are invited for two Lectureships RADIOGRAPHER (cru e 1) or(Grade 1)in DepanrmantorRatio1ovs ofEPRicationsapare invited from Fallowsof Members Srupres. Initial appointment thtee years. Salary scaless—Lecturer (Grade 1): £1,400-50- SieNeRRadiographer, for an 1,650 per onnum ; Lecturer(Grade 11) + £1,000-50- Tho doties ofthe postwilocudevayevisinof 1,,»300 per annum. radiographic techniques and Passages paid for appointee,wile,and three child- tration, Familiaritytypath the"ManagersManagementof* ren under eleven years, on 2: intment, annual lacge department and 2 knowledge recent toch- overseas leave and termination. Children’s, car, and niguon wil be anavincae curtallowancen. ¥5.8.U, Partefurnished accom The salery_ offered. for the post 1,164 modation. anu rlain; 2 saree] Inorarianse pais Detailed applications (six copies), naming thtes faducomentaiwance where payats fie referees lst June to Registrar, Univeralty The sppointriont will be ‘ahai foe two tours of College, Ibadan, rota. whom urther particulars 12-18 months:renewable by mutual consent for a my be obtained, further tour, ME62/S.& Conditions of serviceasegeneral! similar those

applicable ta contract officersfie iz the neeviceofoF the ’ Government Natice No. 968 Federal Government, pplication formemay be obtained from ihe , Untversrty Cortece Hoserrar, Inanan VACANCY FOR SENIOR REGISTRAR Tbedan, to whorn comploted spplicetionsa should be IN MORBID ANATOMY gent nak later than30ehJune,1958. AIEEAEIS. 8 “The Board of Management invite applications from Medical Practitioness with the requisite post graduate experience and qualifications for appoint. Gonsrant Notise No$1 ment as Senior Registrar in Morbid Anatomy, to DIINiversiry Coriace Hoeerr.TOREITAL, Taapan, NiNioeia assume duty in October 1958. The salary offered for the post is £1,428 rising by VACANCY FOR HOME SISTER three increments to £1,596 rer:annum. plus. induce~ ‘The Board of t invite applications for ment addition where payable, thesppointment of « Home Sister tn the above The appointment will be initially for one tour of 12 moty end will be renewable mutual agree~ penitidatee mist be S.R.N., with suitable ex- merit. The School racritits students of School Conditions of serviceaxaregeneral similar to those CleatsandarSorteoleof as, and applicable to contract officers in © service of the Federal Government. EegendaridIWalee thepuropokeof veniuiraion Application forms may be obtained from House on the General part ofwks Governor, University College Hospital; Ibadan to Salary scale-—£{663 per sane rising by annual whom. completed applications should het sent not — increments to a maximum of £987Perenter plus later than 14th June, 19858. Inducement Addition, where app’cable,of £180- MH4#JS. 8 249 per anrium, according 10’ sone Entry point onthetalary scale will Yopend upon exporience. ‘ation apbointment.— l contract will be Government Notice No. 969 fora ionof of 12-18 exInalcon renewable by mutual agreement. - ‘Unrverstry Contycs Hosrrraz, Isapan Other conditions of service are similar to those VACANCY FOR STAFF MIDWIVES applicable to. contract officers in the service of the Applicationsare invited from candidates who are Federal Government. State Certified Midwives or Grade I Midwives for Application forma will be forwarded on sequestby appointmentas Staff Midwives in University College the House Governor, University College Hospital, Hospitgl. Ibadan, to whom completed 2pplications should be The salary payable will be related to the qualifica- submittednot jaterthane 31st Nay, 1958. tions and experience of the successful candidates and 3rd May, 1958. MHS, 8 will not be leis than £330 per annum. Staff Nurses maybe resident of non-resident and conditions of Government Notice No, 972 service are generally simifar to those applyitig in the service ofthe Federal Govetnmeni Wiczan Coiiacs oFArts, Scuceann ‘Tacrniotocy Application forms may be cbisined from th House Governor, University College Hos ital, vACING: FOR SENIOR ‘TECHNOLOGIST Ibadan, to whom completed applications should be - pplications are invited fromsuitably returned ag quickly a3 possible, cannitiens for the appointment of Senior Toch- MH44/S 8. nologist in the electrical engineering Isboratory. ° 29th May, 1958. — OFFICIAL GAZETTE "= 663

Candidates shouldposaces elthor « finalcertificate Applications from candidates notin Government: of the City and Guilds of London Institute, a Highor ‘Service should be completed in duplicate on the National Certificats or an equivalent qualification in prescribed form: which may bo obtained from the electrical engineering andjor suitable responsible Chicf Registrar, High Court, Lagos, all Provincial experience. y Offices, and from the Office ofthe Nigerian Informa- Salary seale-~-Contract sppointment £990- - tion Service in Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna, Enugu ond _ 1,260 per annum on Federal Government Beale C- Buea. qty 4, 5 plus gratuity of £100-150 por annuni. Applications from candidates in Government n the event of « very suitablo and highly xpori¢néed. Service should be submitted through the applicant’s candidate, appointment fauy be made a 6 higher: Head. of Department and be accompanied by a rala of Chief Technolog ft, tity, £1,164-1,52 on Confidential Report on the new Confidentiat Report scale C (T) 5, 6, Form. -28525/S. 1

Inducement addition, children's allowance, leave and other privileges according to Federal Govern- mént of Nigeria Regulations where x«pplicable. Government Notice No. 974 | . Entry polnt on salaryscale xocordingto qualifications: Department oF Cusross AND Exctsr * and experience, post ix on contract torms but . VACANCY FOR LEGAL -ADVISER pensionable sppolntment may be made at propor~ tionately lower salary. Partly furnished ‘quarters Applications are invited from suitably qualified _at one-twolfth of basic salary rental. candidates for appointment to the post of Legal Adviser in the Department ofCustoms and Excise. Application forma obtainable from. the Registrar, Headquarters, Nigerian College of ‘Technology, Scale ofsalary.—~A.—£624-36-696; £804~42-1,140- - Zaria should be completedin duplicate andretumed 48~1,380. The person appointed would, if he has to him by 28th June, 1998, Applications from been called to the bar and had two years post-call officers in GovernmentSorvica must be submitted professional experience ‘after attaining the age of through the Head of thepean Departmentand twenty-five, be eligible to receive a commencing « ‘be accompanied by a confidential report. salary of £888perannum. Credita uptoa maximum « of 8 would also be admi:ssible for ench year of .. MES5/S. 20 professional experience obtained after the two-year post-call experience after attaining the age oftwenty- Government Notice No. 97 five years. Inducement Addition is admissible .. Jupteran Daranrmanr _ where appropriate, . " VACANCY FOR MAGISTRATE, GRADE I Qualifications.Candidates must not be more than Applications are invited from suitably qualified forty years ofage and should be qualified barristers. candidates for appointment to. the poat of Magistrate, Duties+—The holder must be competent to advise Grado J, in the Thaicial Department. the Comptroller of Customs and Excise on-all legal Scale of talary-'The salary ie in ScaleA starting matters ¢onnected with the work of the department at £888 per annum and rising by annual inerementa and conduct prosecutions on behalf of the depart- toamaximumof£1,380perannum, Oneincrement- ment. He should also be capable of drafting and al éredit will be granted in respect of each year of revising legisiation connected with the department’s profcasional Sxperience (excluding the first two years work for the approval of Government. 4 acquired after the age of 25 years), up to a maximum Other conditions of servicve-—-(i} The post. is of sight cradits. pensionable and in the case of a newentrant to walificationsThe post is primarily open to Government Service appointment will ba on praba- nyeiaiifeationss who ire qualified Darriavers or tion. for three years. Expatriate Officers would Solicitors, having been called to the Bar or admitted however be offered contract terms. only, - as a Solicitor not less than three years before the Gi). An outfit allowance is Payable on first appoint. | date of the appligation. Ment to a new entrant to Goverhment Service in. accordance with GO, 20205, t : Other conditions of serviee—Tha’ candidate appointed. will be required to preside over the (ii) Rentis payable at the rate of 84 per cent £ juvenile Court and deal with cases from the Family basic salary when an officer is occupying Govern-” cHare Centre in the Federal ‘Territory. of Lagos. ment Quarters, . . Tho Chief Justice may,if necessary, call upon the Method. of application.—Applications should be porson 49 appointed to sitin any of the Magistrates’ addressed to the Secretary, Federal Public Service Courts in Lagot. Married women can only be Commission, Private Mail Bag No, 2586, Lagos, s0 a3. appointed op. temporary terma but this condition to reach him notlater than 30th July, 1958. smay be revised in future. Rene is payable at. the Applications from candidates not in Government rate of 83 per cent when an. officer ix occupying Service should be completed in duplicate on the Government Quarter, | he. Prescribed. form which may be pbtained from Method of application,—Applications withat least Residents in charge of Provinces, and from the two teatimonials should’ be aubmitted in duplicate Director of Federal Information Service, Lagos, to the Secretary, Fedoral Public Service Commission, the Regional Public Relations Officer,, Ibadan, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos 80.0%; to reach him not Kaduna and Enugu. iater thar the 30th June,i 58, t Applications from: i i c Applicants are requested to indicate in the Service should pesubming ISatestnernent covering letter forwarding, their applications the applicanes Departmentand the appropriate Regional ™ names of Judges (in. the. case of applicants not ublic Service Commission and be accompanied by realdentit #08) and Magistrates beforewhom thoy a Confidential Report on the Confidential Report have practised, . Form. P57284 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Vol. 45

** Government Notice No, 975 CeaesinaCn Posrs ano ‘Tevxornarng Dersnrmenr 3p Epprov VACANCY FOR A SENIOR LABOUR _ ° rae Obtained: RELATIONS OFFICER City andGuilds Motor: TraiVohuosenoc Motor Vehicle Mochanits Examinstion. The . ‘Applications are invited from suitably gualiged apprenticeship should have been followed by some ' candidates for appointment to the post of Senior practical experience with a reputable om ine Labour Relations Officer in thePosts and ‘Telegraphis Government Departrtcnt. Department, Character:~Miust be ofgood checacter and mus Scaleofsalary-—~-C(E) 6~£1,188-48-1,380, not have been, found galtyofof soy crimmal offence. ‘ Qualifications—Candidates should possess sound administrative ability, and should have had. wide Dutiesofthehost,~Theduties ofthe post will be to experience in the field. of labour relations, including assist "Ve stationed in the a good Inowledge of Trade Union procedure and fons Motor LiceestgeCentres of Nigers,the negotiating machinery. Experiente&an staff welfare Inspectionf Vohicive for Corticanes of xosd- worthiness. aud the exemination of the mechanics! ‘work is also desirable. condition of vehicle fivolved in roed accidents snd Duties.~The officer appointed willbe. required to such other duties as may be assigned to them: assist in dealingwith mattets arisingfrom negotiations and correspondence with the eight Departmental TrainingScnscatewilby red Trade: Unions and Staff Associations.” He will also undergo a six mronths course of traising at. the ’ ‘be responsible for the generalstaffwelfarethroughout Southern. Police College, peas, Sdllowad by sx the Department. months attachment for ising| with Vebicle Inepec= Other conditions ofservice1, "Thepostispension- tient Offients. able, and in the case ofa new entrant to Government ‘Thoreafter candidates found sutable for prome- Service, appointment will be on probationfor three tion to Inspector, Grade IE will be required to seudy years. . for the City and Guilds Final Examinttion, itt order 2, An.ourfi¢ allowance of £603ig payable ons. frat appointment. SuictentSuperintendentof Police Yatele inspec: tion. Officers,} Candigieree tot,tetfound suitable for 3, Rent is payable at the rate of 8} per cent of promotion to InapectorgGrade Tlseeuld be required salary when an officer is orcupying Government to leave the service if they were direct sppombnents Quarters, orto revert to ther former wradeit they 4 Method of application:Applications should be GovernmentService. nH. ‘gppominsen addressed to the Secretary, Fegeral Public Service aseSSubtapeinspectors. P Commission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, 80.28 to reach himnotlater thanthe iSth ofJuly, 1958, Method of application.-—Applications should be submitted to theStaff Officer (7), PoliceHeadquarters Applications from candidates not in Government ‘Obabalandé, » 80 me, to retch him ter than Service should be completed in duplicate on the 3rd July, 1958. prescribedform. which may be obtainedPkg % ‘ 3434/8.17 esidents in charge ofProvinces, and from ae

Director of Federal Information Service, Lagos, Tbadan, Kaduna and. Enugu. Government Notice No.vo 8 (2nd publication) Applications from candidates in Government Service should be submitted through the Head of Feperat, Manica. Deraarsant - the applicant’s Department and the Secretary of the VACANCY FOR OCCUPATIONAL Public Service { ission coricerned. and be THERAPIST accompanied by 2 Confidential Report on the prescribedForm, oy Applications are invited Et suitably qualified _P§7279 danididates for “Keen3 Occupational Therapist in the eral Medical Department, Seah salary—Seale LCT) 2, 3—-£594-24-642,. Government Notice No, 976 : ' Aradwee 3, . + ‘Tae Nicer Porce Force Qualifications.Applicants mustes parsed the VACANGIES FOR ASSISTANT VEHICLE " examination of the sociation INSPECTION OFFICERS Therapists. Possession: of the iat physical 2nd prychological diploma is desirable, butnotomen Applications are invited from uitably qualified ficants: mmat “capable mA the candidates for appointment as Assistant Vehicle Occupational Therapy gadshouldbe able Inspection Officers t theNigeria Police Forcein.the to develop existing ars and crafts as practised Rank ofCadet Ins: locallyin Nigeria, : ial of salary-—Seae H810 Ge, £276 to Duties of the pott-—The offtcer appointed -sill be responsible for the orgafisation and 9 Qualifications.—Candidetes should’ possess: the Occupational Therapydepartments forthe reecealle ‘following qualifications >—~ sick, and|conductae lassen for junior 5: 5 Candidates abe not be lesa than 22 years of age who wish to become upational, Theraperapy In+ nor more than 35 years of age and should notbe ms . atructors and Instructresses an the Federal Mental than 5 feet 6 inches in height. HealthService, 7 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - 665

Other conditions ofservice-—The past is pension- Applications from candidates not in Government able and appointmentwill be made on probation for Service should be completed. in duplicate on the three ycars or may be on contract for two tours in rescribed form, which may beobtained from all the firatinatance, rovincial offices and from the Nigerian Information (ii) An outfit allowance of £60 is payable on first Service, in Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna, and Enugu. appointment. Applications from candidates in Government (iii) Rent is payable xe the rate of 8}per cent of Service should be submitted. through the applicant’s the salary when an officer is occupying Government Head of Department and: be accampanicd by a Quarters. Confidential Report on the new Confidential Report Form. . Mathod of applications.~Applications should be P37296 addressed to the Secretary, Federal Public Service Commission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, so as to reach him nat Jater than30th June, 1958. Government Notice No. 890 (2nd publication) Applications from candidatesnot in Government Frorran MEnicat, DEPARTMENT Hervico should be completed in duplicate on the prescribed form, which may be obtalacd from all VACANCY FOR DIETICIAN © leaidents in chatge of Provinces, and from the Applications are invited from suitably qualified Nigerian Information Service, in Lagos, Ibadan, candidates for appointment as Dietician in the Kaduna and Enugu. Federal Medical Services. ; Applications from candidates in Government _ Scale ofsalary.--Scale C(T)2, 3, 4-—-£594-24-642, Service should be submitted through theapplicant’s L7N4, L744 + £774-40-864 ; £900-36-972, £1,014. Head of Department and be nccompanied by a Confidential Report on the New Confidential Report ualifications—Only candidates with a Diploma ‘orm. -or jeate in hospital dietetics need apply. Can- P2960+ didatéa must be of high moral integrity and possess good address. ‘

_ Duties--The Officer appointed will be required to Government Notice No. 889 (2nd publication) + inspect and control diets in hospitals and asylums, Fsprrat. Menica, Department and to advise as to improvements that are necessary ‘in the selection and quality of menus anddiets. VACANCY FOR OPTOMETRIST Other conditions ofservice—(i) The post is pension- Applications are invited from suitably qualified able and appointment will be on probation for three candidates for appointment as Optometrist in the years. : . Federal Medical Services, (ii) An outfit allowance of £60 is payable on first Scale of salary.—Scale C(T) 2, 3, 4—£594-24. appointment. Gat £714, £744; £774-30-864; £900-36-972, Gi) Rentis payable at 8} per cent of the salary if Qualifications.Candidates must have obtained an officer is occupying Government quarters. one of the following diplomaa and should normally Method of application—Applications should be ’. bounder thirty-five yeats i addressed to the Secretary, Federal Public Service — (1) Diploma of the British Optical Association. Commission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, so as to {2} Diptoma of the Worshipful Company of reach himnot later than 30th June, 1958. ° Spectacles Makers, Applications from candidates not in Government (3) Diploma of the National Association of Service should be completed in duplicate on the- Opticlans. rescribéd form, which may be obtained from all + (4) Diplomaof the Inatitute of Optical Science. , sovincial Offices and from the Nigerian Informa-. (3) Diplorar of the Scottish Association of tion Service in Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna, and Enugu. Opticiane. : . - ‘ “Applications from candidates in Government Dutier—The officer appointed will be required Service should be submitted through the applicant's toundertake, under the supervision of an Ophthalmo- Head of Department and be accompanied by » logint, sight tests and ta provide Brcseri tlons for Confidential Report on the new Confidential Report spectacles } and generally to rellove Ophthalmologists Form. of much of the simple ophthalmological work leaving - P37296

them more free to deal with cases of eye di

_ Other conditions of service—-(1) The post is pen- sionable and appointment will be on probation for Government Notice No. 891 (2nd publication) three years, Feperan Tramnine Centre (ii) An outfit allowance of £60 is payable on first VACANCIES.FOR TWO INSTRUCTORS IN appointment. Yv SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING (ii) Rentis payable at 8} per cent of the salary if Applications are invited from suitably qualified an officer iu occupying Government quarters. candidates for appointmentto the post of Instructor Method of application—Applications should be in Shorthand and Typewriting at the Federal addressed to the Secretary, Iederal Public Service Training Centre, Lagos. Commission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, so au to Salary scale-—~C(E) 2, 3, 4-—£564-24-612-72-684- , reach hintnotlaterthan 30th June, 1958. 304714} £744-30-834 ; £864-30-972, 666 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No, 40,Vol. 45

Qualifications(i Royal Society ofArts Teacher's Government Notice No. 977, ¢, or equivalent, in iting or Short- : Tt - band. Candidates who hold a ‘Teacher's Certificate Ministry of Ettvcarion, Easter Rucion in one subject will require to show evidence of proficiency in the other subject, VACANCIES FOR TECHNICAL () Preference will, however, be given tocandi- INSTRUCTORS dates with the Teacher's Certificates in both Short- - Applicati invited from sui qualified hand and typewriting. : candidates ‘Orappothinent to the ote Technical Duties--To give instruction in Shorthand and Inatructor Fitter/Machiniat in the Technical Educa- Typewriting to trainees at the Federal Training tion Department, Eastern Region. Centre at all speeds recognised in the Federal Public eryvice. Scale of xalaiy—C 3, 4—£570-24-618, - Conditions ofservice~The post is pensionable and £690, £714, isaast, "360636-99 £1,014. - other conditions of service are those applicable to An Hiditional emolument of £120 per senura 3s - senior officers in the service of the Federal Govern- payable. Po ment but confirmation would be dependent on : x satisfactory cotopletion of a probationary period, walifeations--Applicants must have served & full apprenticeship and be experienced tradesmen, Method apptication.—. icati uppo ; They should possess: recognised technical qualifce- copies of applicationaelications Epo fd tions, such as a firm] certificate of the City and . addressed to the Secretary, Public Service Commis- Guilds of London Institute. Previous teaching sion, Private Mail Bag2586, Lagos, so as to feach him and/or trade instruction experience is essential. not Jater than 30th June, 1958, Applications from candidates. in. Government The above qualifications ate minimum for these service should be submitted through the Heads of posts. Applications from those holding lower their Departments and be accompanied by a Confi- qualifications will not be considered. dential Report on Secretariat Form Noa,72. Duties—The persons sppointed will be required P52338/T to train apprentices in well equipped workshops in 2 trade training centre in the Exstern Region of Nigeria, The work is p i ly practical in Government Notice No. 892 (2ndpublication) character, but ability to give instruction in trade theory, trade acience, trade calculations and drawing FEDERAL, TRAINING CENTRE - is desirable, They may be required to carry out VACANCY FOR INSTRUCTOR IN supervision dutics projects outside the training GOVERNMENT. ACCOUNTING ent. | ae: - Applications are invited from suitably qualified Other conditions of service—1. The post is Or & cant post o: ustructor in Govern- pensionable and appointment will be on + ment ‘Accountingin the Federal ‘Training Centre, for three years ; but consideration will be given to AgCs. applications for appointznént on contract. ‘ Salary scale-—C(E) 2, 3, 4-£564-24-612-72-684- 30-7147£744.30-B34; £864-36-972, 2. An outfit allowsnce of £60 is payable on first Quelifications.-—Candidates must have bad at least appointment. seven years experience in Government accounting in Nigeria three years of which must be equivalent to 3. Rent is payable atthe rate of Bf z cent of that of the present Executive Class (Accounts) in the salary when an offiter is occupying emunent Federal Public Service. Qualifications in commer. Quarters, sO . ' cial book-keeping and teaching experience will be “gm advantage. ° Method of application—Applications should be Ditties—To give. instraction in ‘Governsient addressed to the Secretary, Public Service Commis- accounting procedure, including the procedure in sion, Enugu, soas. to reach him not later than 19th self-accounting departments, ‘to trainces at the June, 1958, a Federal Training Centre under the direction of the Adviser-on-Training. Applications from candidatesnot in Government Service should be corp! in dup! on the Conditions of service—The post is pensionable and prescribed form which may be frocn. all other conditions of service are those applicable to - District Offices, the Nigerian Information Service, senior officers in the service of the Federal Govern- Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduns, and Enugu, the Secretary _ ment, but confirmation would be dependent on for Students Affairs, 9 Northumberiaxt Avenue, satisfactory completion of a probationary period, London, W.C, 2 and the Nigerian Liaison Officer, Method lication,--Applications should be 506 Dupont Circle Building, Washington 6 D.C., submitted. Soe the eat, of the candidate’s Department, should be accompanied by a Confiden- tia] Report on Secretariat Forms No. 72 and should be. Applicstions From icandidates in Government addressed to the Secretary, Feders} Public Service Service should be submittedthrough the Head of Cornmiission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, Applica- spplicant’s Depariieatz and be accompanied by.2 tions should reach Federal Public Service confidential repost. Commission notlater than 30th June, 1958. ‘PS2338/T' 0394/8, 3 Yol. IV 29th May, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 667

Government Notice No, 894 (2udpublicationy Qualifications,—(i) A full apprenticeship in work relating té the machinery of these small vessels Frnakat, Suavey DerantMent, LAcos plus aubsequent related experience ; or Gi) Appro- VACANGY¥ FOR STOREKEEPER Ww wolleattested and lengthy experience 3. and Applications are invited from Secondeclass Clorks it) A Ulgher National Certificnte in Mechanicat already in the Government Service for appointment Engincering ; or (fv) U.K, Ministry of Transport to the post of a Storekeeper in the Federal Survoy First Ciass Marine DieselCertificate (or equivalent) Departnsent. : . tindseveral years appropriate experience. Scala of salarye~Id 3--£282+12-330-15-375. Dutier of office and qualifications required,—~ B.Ability to train local staff and to design or Applicants should be thoroughly conversant with modify simple mechanical devices, Government Stores procedure, General Orders, Colonial Regulations snd Stores Contral inaccordance with Financit?Instructions, The officor appointed C. Candidate must be fit for and willing to work - will be required to assist in thereceipt and issuea of at sea. : Survey Equipment and maintenance of Store Ledgers, ete. Duties—A. Supervision of maintenance of tho’ - Appfications, submitted through the Head of engines and other machinery (¢lectrical generator, applicant's: Departinent_and accompanied by a refrigerated hold and ectio sounder) of the Federal Confidential Report on Secretariat Form. 72 should Fisheries Service’s present six motor fishing boats ‘goach the Director of Federal Surveys, Lagos, not (20-45 feet and 10-60 h.p.) and controlof the appro-. ar blacksmith’s and fitter’s workshops. and local later than 30th June, 1958. staff. Te is particularly requested that Heads of Depart- ments will forward only auch applications ae they are definitely able ta. recommend. passis B. Design, construction or modification of items _ of equipment required for the department's scientific and technological investigations particularly in connection with problems of launching small motor Government Notice No. 895 (2nd publication) bouts through surf, in which promising preliminary Faneaat, Sunvay Derantment, LAGOS trials have already beon made, , VACANCY FOR TWO FIRST-CLASS CLERKS C. Relief duties in sole charge of the engines and _Applications are invitedfrom Second+-clasa Clerks, electrical equipment of a proposed large vessel of already in the Government Service to fill two 75 feet and 200 h.p. vacancies: for First-class Clorks in the Federal |, . Survey Department. Other conditions of service—(i) The post is Scale ofsalary—-T) 3--£/282-12-330-15-375, ‘pensionable and sppointment will be on probation Dutiex ond ilifieations required.—Applicants for three years. must have a FaleatheraeOfthe filingsystem BE a Jarge office and be capable of dealing, on their (i) An_ outfit allowance of £60 is payable on own initiative, with routine correspondence. Th first appointment, roust be capable of organising and controlling a staff of cferka, They must possess a sound knowled; of Colonial Regulations, General Orders, Financial (ii) Rent is payable atthe rate of 8} per cent of Tnatructions. Stora Rules and shotild -ba able to salary when an officer is occupying Government draft suitable memoranda upon mattersconnected Quarters. with their duties. * . Applications, submitted through the Head of Method of application-~Applications should be applicant's Department and accompanied by a addressed to the Sccretary, Federal Public Service Confidential Report on Secretariat Form 72, should Commission, Private Mail Bag 2586, Lagos, so as to reach the Director of Federal Surveys, Lagos, not reach hirn not later than the 30th of June, 1958. later than 30th June, 1958. It is particularly requested that Heads of Depart- - npplications as. they Applications from candidates not in Government- ments will forward only such Service should be completed in duplicate on the», arg definitely able to recommend, P4885 prescribed form which may be obtained from Pro-~ vincial Offices, and from the Director of Federal Information Service, Lagos, and from the Regional Government Notice No, 896 (2nd publication) . Information Services, Ibadan, Kaduna ond Enugu. Feoraan Fisnenies Service, Lacos VACANCY FOR AN ENGINEERING Applications from candidates in Government OFFICER Service should be submitted through the Head of. Applications are invited from suitably qualified - the applicant's Department and the Secretary of cendidates for appointmentto the post of an Engin- the Public Setvice Commission concerned and be - aoobenpanied by a Confidential Report on the Confi- - ecering Officer in the Federal Fisheries Service. dential Report Form. . . Scale of salarye-C(T) 2, 3, 4, 8--£594.24~642s L714-3O-B64 ; £900-36-936-072 5 £1,056-42-1,140, PS7264 668 OFFICIAL GAZETTE } _ No, 40, Vol. 45

Government Notice No. 897 (2ndpublication) Man O° War Bay Tratnine Centre, Vicrorta VACANCY FOR A. MOUNTAINEERING outstanding qualities of Jes i INSTRUCTOR He must. have had cones Applications are invited from suitably quelified Sailing in Small Boatsy candidates for appointment on contract to one post of Dutiet-—The Instructor will bé required to take Instructor, Man O' War Bay Training tre, charge of either the aca, or the mountain, ith 2 Victoria. training at Man OrWarBay. The Former sackocios Scale of salary.—C (E) 2, 3, 4-~£618-30-678 ; swimming instruction sta-trips ta t £756-30-846 ; £882-36-990 ; £1,032-42-1,074, days in whalers or other small craft andthe latter inclades land expeditions throughforested, broken - Qualifications.—The Instructor must be physically and difficult country, cule in an atcent of able to perform the arduous duties of the post and the CameroonsMountain(13,350 foet), should not be older than 35. He must ‘possess ‘outstanding qualities to leadership and command. Other conditions of service—i) ‘The appointment He must have had considerable experience of Moun- will be on contract. taineering. A long revord of snow and ice or trek | mo An Outfit Allowance is payable onfretappomt- ascents is not required, but sound knowledgeofthe | principles of mountain climbing, of route finding nt, . : and ofmountain réscue techniques is essential, Method ofapplication.-—Adi applications should be addreased to the Seer », Federal Public Service Duties.-The Instructorwill be required to take Commission, Private Bag No. 2586, Lagos, #0 a6 to charge of the mountain expedition training at Man. reach him sotlater thanthe 15th July, 1958. O' WarBay. This includes land expeditions through forested, broken and difficult country, culminating Applications from candidates not in Government in an.ascent of the CameroonsMountain (13,350feet). ’ Service should be completed in duplicate on the He should also possess interest in. and experienceof prescribed form which may be obtained from all Community Development work. Provincial Offices and from the Director of Fodersl Information Service, o6, and from the Regions Other: conditions of service.—-G) The appointnient Public Relations ion "Ibadan, Kaduna, aod will be on contract, Enugu a . \ (4) An Outfit Allowance is payable on first Applications from. candi in Government appointment. Service should be submitted through the Head of Method of application—All applications should be the applicant’s Department and the Sec ofthe ' addressed to the Secretary, Federal Public Service Public ServiceCommissionconcerned and be ncoon- Commission, Private Mail Bag No. 2586, Lagos, panied by a Confidential Repact on the Confidential 80 as to reach him not later than 30th June, 1958, Report Form. , Applications from candidates not in Government ‘ Further particulars of thepost can be obtained Service should be completed in duplicate on the fom the Principel, Man War ‘Tratning prescribed form which may be obtained from all Centre, Victoria, British Cemercons. Bey Provincial Offices, und from the Director of Federal P411077S. 1 Information Service, Lagos, and Public Relations Officer, Ibadan, Kaduna, and | _Enugu. Government NoticeHe 979 Applications from candidates in Government N.B.—This Notice is in substitutioni Western Service should. be submitted. through the Head ofthe : Regionali NoticeHeeNo’ 39494. appearing in “Western applicant’s. Department and the Secretary of the Region of Nigeria Gazetie dated 24th April, 1958, Public ootoy Commission fancecnedd and 2 No, 28, Vat. 7,.atpage221. accompanied by a ° en Report on: Confidential Report Form. —- . Moststry or Justice, Wastaen Recion ’ Burther particulars of the post can be obtained VACANCY FOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR from the Principal, Man O* War. Bay ‘Training OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS Centre,Victoria, British Cameroons. Applications are invited from suitably qualified P48810 candidates for appointment to the post of Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions in the Misetry of Government Notice No, 978 Justice, Western Region, _. Man O' Wan BayTranune Centre, Vicrorta - Seale of salary.—-Group 63 £2,220, VACANCY FOR SAILING INSTRUCTOR Qualifications,—Applicants must-— Applications are invited ‘from suitably qualified (a) be barristers or solicitors who have been candidates for appointment on contract to onepost qualified to practiss 2a sdvocates in courts of of Sailing Instructor,Man O’ War Bay Training unlimited jurisdiction for not Iess than seven Centre, Victoria. ; . years; and : . Scale of salary.—i0 per cent Contract. Scale _ @) have considerable experience in advocacy G (E) 2, 3, 4--£618, £648, £678, £756, £786, in criminal matters. £816, £846, £882, £918, £954, £990, £2,032, £1,074 per annum plus Inducement Allowance Possession of a degree of a recognised Universi where applicable. willbe ant advantage. Y # ~ 29th May, 1958 QFFICIAL GAZETTE 669

+ Duties—The holder of the office will assist. the Methodof application.—Applications from persons Director of Public Prosecutions in the supervision in the Government service should be submitted ‘of criminal prosecutions in the Region: his dutics through their Heads of Departments and be — will include advising on criminal cases and the accompanied by confidential reports. All applica- -canduet of criminal prosecutions, . tioris should be addressed to the Director of Recruit- ment, Public Service’ Commission, Western-Region, - Other conditions of service—The office will be notlater than. 5th June, pensionable. In the case of a person who. is Ibadan, go a8 to reach him appointed. from outside the Public Service, appoint+ ment will be on probation for three years, : 0394/S. 2/T. § .

Government Notica No. 980 HM, Customs AND Excise SALE OF GOODS AT PORT HARCOURT : = the following unclaimed goods lying in. the Queen's Warehouse at PORT: - . ... Unless previously oleared, - will: bs sold by public auction .at the Queen's Warehouse, Port Harcourt, on Wednesday. HARCOURT, notice commencing * aucceodinig the eliipse of one calendar month from the date of the first publication of.this . at9ame eH tet os : oo ‘Date of Name of atr- ot Number of . oe report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Description of packages _+28-4.58 Ibo/Barge G.5 G.B.O—NC. H.C. 429 P.H. . , > 31B. P.H. 73°" ., os 1 Case Batteries 8-39.58 Tenko Maru WD.3 K. 116 A. SM—1243 - .Cnses Spun Rayon en IND. ER. 58/57 C/No.1-4 .. 4 ~ §.3-58 ‘Tenko Maru WD. 6 H 002 A. SM--1243 : IND.ER. 58/57 C/No. 1/4 .. 4 Cases Spun Rayon Printed : Embossed Muslin 8-3-58 'Tenko Maru WD. 3K. 115 A.SM—1243 . oe . IND, ER. 58/57 C/No. 1-4 .. 4 Cases Spun Rayon Printed : - Embossed Muslin 8-3-58 Tenko Maru WSM. 1412 B. A. IND. ER. . 113/57 Bis9 owe Bales Rayon Goods §63-58 Tenko Maru WD. 3K 117 A. SM, 1243 IND. ER, 58/57 C/No. 1/4 ve 4 Cases Spun RayonPrinted ; . : Embossed Muslin: ~ 8.3.88 Tenko Maru. W. D/SF. SM, 1325 A, IND. . : ER, 74/57 CINa. 1-6 ° .. 6 Cases Textile Spun Rayon Jelly 42-93-58 Enaren. . £.0.1.C. ONITSHA 0527 1/15 15 Cases Petroleum 10-3-58 Bamenda Palm MTC. TAH, Ex Nos. 4411-50 | HN, 1981SHELL B.P. FOR . NEDERLANDSE BOOR- . MAATSCHAPPA. ye, 49 ‘Cartons Cabin Bread Palm FAT. IBTC, 7482 ONITSHA- - 403-58 Hamends Solution - PVH, 420/454. . 35 . Cases Rubber 18-12-57 BamendaPalm A. SH. PORT HARCOURT2 1° Bundle T'railler Parts - $.40-57! Angolakust | $,C.0.A. FT. LAMY §53553 1 Case Brass Founding FAOL, ABA. P.H. 60163 . 1 Carton Motor Tubes 25-11-57 | Tamele Shirts 27-2-58' Tranaveal: A. E. E, ONITSHA P.H.0224/1 1 Case Men’s Cotton And_a miscellaricous quantity of unidentifiable cargo lying in the Queen’s Warehouse and adjacent ~ stacking area, .

Government Notice No. 981 7 HM. Cystoms aNo Excise SALE OF GOODS AT WARRI: Unilesa previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods lying in the Queen’s Warehouse, WARRI, will zi succeedingz the elapse of one. be sold by public auction at 10 u.m. at the Queen’s Warehouse on the Wednesday calendarmonth from: the day of the first publication of this notice. yo — . Number of ve Date of Name of air= ofpackages report craft or ship Marks and Nos, packages Description * . §.0.B,.C. & G 1486.7/12 +s 6 Cases Wire Netting 27-3-5§8 Deldo Entthenware 27~3-58 Deido : G,B.0, SAMPLE WARRI ., 1 Carton ~ 670 ; OFFICIAL GAZETTE No, 4, Vol. a5

‘Government Notice No. 982 : : on HLM. Cusromsano Excise SALE OF GOODSAT APAPA Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods lying in the Queen’s Warehouse bn APAPA,. will be sold by public auction at Queen’s Warehouse, Apane,on the Thursday succeeding the elapse ofone calendar month fromthe date ofthe firstpublication of this notice, commencing at 9.30.2. ‘Date of Nameof air- Number of report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Description ofpackages 10-3-58 Alaska Maru WASM,1413C, IND.NR, 373 Lag + os 2 Cases Spun Rayon Textiles - 10-3-58 Alaska Man BMC.TAGOS. +e . 25 Bundles Koya Boya (Sood) 2-12-57 Deido 7K.CAD.9849.Lagos via Apapa “ 2 Bales 8 ales Stationery \ $1057 Julian Seroeder 10N6545 via Pili, Lee 5 Cartoris Canned Fisk ‘2. 27-12-87 General|Margin M L, Glaser : 1 -~ Package-Personal Effccts ~ “10-358 Alaska Maru’ _JS¥O1632 LAGOS‘o. z ¥- Caso Brass Watch Hands- -" $0-3-58 Alaska Maru ; -T770/ENLAGOS 1, 34$0. + & Cases RubberFootwear . “10-3-58 Alaska Maru. °° WA 1413D. IND. NR. 3374 a : - LAGOS 1. 3. 2° Cases Spun Rayon ‘Textiles 10-3-58 Aloska Maru waen 1413B IND, NR. 372" GOS 1.4 2 Cases Spun Rayon Textiles - 10-3-58 Alnska Mara wa.OM 14134 IND, NR 371, LAGOS4. 3 2. Cases Spun Rayon Textiles . 10-3-58 Alaska Maru WASM..1413E IND, NR. 375° é - oo 2 Cases Spun Rayan Textiles 30-10-58 Accra conic.SPakoraai oe tes 1 Cae Whate Deck Type Pumps ‘arts 3-11-58 Oti GBO/40/1085 AApeBe 1174/1190 1 Case Brassware 7-2-58 Kalewa MANSHOMEEE6343 LAGOS : or N/M NIN 20 Drums Caustic Soda Unknown. Unknown FAT.AM & 8. 7330 EAGOS : c N/M NIN w* 66 Loose Fitting Pipes 1-12-57 Ondo GSBD Yaba 2857 c1ic 9 Cases Laboratory Ghemicals 14-2-58 ‘Tenko Maru 131/39/57/238 OTC LAGOS 25/28 39, 5. Bales Textile Goods 1-2-58 Tamele AD & CO LAGOS i4 te 4. Bales Bleached Cotton Piece 29-1-58 Groce Guiseppe KC004(992LAGOSLu Py18. ‘ 2. Cases Embroidered Tissues 10-2-58. Jonathan Holt “ONITSHA viais30%WARE18.597 7.1.2 aa 5 Cartons Milk of Magnesia 72-58 Kaléewa - UFC 36034.SAGs ee 1 ‘WoodeniGase Advertising . ‘steria 26-2-58 Bamenda Palm ACP. Ibadan via a14% 6, 2 Cases Printed Metal Type 26-2-58 Bamenda Palm €&8 Advert Lagos - ae 1 Case Toilet Preparation Samples 3-2-5% Feperkust AMICO. LAGOS1, 4 oe 3. Cases Shocs 2-3-58 Aquileia BENISTEX AJM 718 37 . LAGOS 21-24; 631/636. s+ 10 Gases Spun Rayon Piece Goods 18-8-57 Ondo — HYM 1162 LAGOS APAPA i NIN ee . 1 Cage Men's Suede Weather oes 2-3+58 Aquileia: WILaAMs &e SONS 37, HAWLEY STREET LAGOS. . , NIGERRIA 3755/66 ~ 12 Cartons Shocs 6-2-58 Kaduna OLUWALOSI LAGOS 9045]. . 26 : ae 1 Bundle Bedstead . 17-12-57 G-ALHR G.N 061-376511 | :. ; a 1 Parcel Rayon Goods 2-3-58 G-ALHG G.N 085-1120463 .. oe 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 6-3-58 G-ANUC GN 085-1141324 ., on 2 Pareels Watches - 9-3-58 G-ALHG G.N 061-380808 .. ae 1. Parcel Samplcs. 9-3-58 G-ALHG G.N 061-355628_.. + ae 1 Parcel Saraples 9-3-58 .G-ALHG G.N 057-4865218 .. Me 1 Paree} Apparels 27-2-58 G-ALHG G.N 0354120464 .. te 1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery 27-2-58 G-ALHG G.N 085-11204687. . as t Parcel Imitation Jewellery 27-2-58 G-ALHG GN 085-1120466.... ae 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery - 10-3-58 G-ANUC G.N 061-350125_ .. ee 1 Parcel Samples . 11+3-58 G-ANTX G.N 085-1120490 .. oe 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 11-3-58 G-ANTX G.N 03541420489 ,. we 1. Parcel Imitation Jewellery 11-3-58 G-ANTX G.N 085-1120480 .. pe 1 Parcel ImitationJewellery 11-3-58 G-ANTXK. 43.N 08541120479 ,. ve 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 11-3-58 G-ANTX G.N 085-112G6478 .. oa Zz Parcels Imitation Jewellery ~~“ 20th May, 1958 ~OFFICIAL GAZETTE 671

a HM. Customs AND Bxotst—continued Number of one Date of Name ofaairs ofpackages report raft or ship Marks andNos. packages Description. 41.3658 GAN’ GN 085-1120496 ,. . 6 Parcels Imitation Jewellery ~~ §-3-58 VR«NCI G.N 074-2610115.. “4 2 Parcels Textiles 1243-58 . VR-NCP “GIN 1411-48598... te 3 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 12-3-58 VR-NCE GN 111-48540°.. ae 1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery 12-358 VR-NCP G.N 111-48541_—k. +s ‘1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery 18-348 -ANU G.N 085~1115294 .. a 1 Parcel Pullovers 15-3-58 VR-NCE GIN 1141-48542... ae 2 Parcels Imitation, Jewellery 15-3-58 VReNCE GAN 1114-48544 4. ve 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 1723-58 GeALHU G.N 061-410538 .. ‘ -4~ Parcel Samplcy a -£763658 GAL GN 220-209095 .. ve 1 Paree! opero Parts - 173.58 G«ALHU G.N 061-410539 .. . Es Parcel Children’s Wears. 15-3-58 G-ANTX GN 061-354352 .. ae 1. Parcel Samples 3-2-58 .G-ANDA GN etS500oseet + 1. Parcel Samples 30-4-58 Aurcol Miss L Trott L we 1 ‘Truss Personal Effects 30-4-58 Aureol MAD, MARY OTOO Lagos 1 -Bag Home Use Materials 304-58 Aureol A. ANYADUBA ,. ne 5 Packages Personal Effects 30-4488 Aureol A ANYADUBA ve og ae 2 Cart Personal Effects 26-2058 Bamenda Palm 8, 8. Lag ous 4 Bundles Metals and Wire 10-3-58 Alaska Maru. WASM 4407 ps ee 9 Bundles Spun Rayon Textiles . 10-3-58 Alaska Maru No, 1397 Lagos 11«19 os 2 Coses Spun Rayon Textiles "10-3458 AlaskwMaru 1413D,IND NR 374 Lagoa 2. 4 2 Cases Spun Rayon Textiies 10-3-58 Alaska Maru WASM 1413B IND NR372: Lagos 2, 3 an 2 Cases Spun Rayon Textiles 10-3-58 Alaska Maru wAgM16180 INDNR 373 . ; : 2 Cases Spun Rayon Textiles 10-3-58 Alaska Maru washagaINDNR 371 . Lagos1 ws 2 Cases SpunRayon Textiles an 53-58 Wolf Gang Ross TE 17 18, Mo}ibawo oes 4 Case Medicine Publicity = 3.388 Wolf Gang Ross ‘Trdg Co, Ebute Metta io { Case Medicine 14-2.58 Tenko Mara 308/22187/279 J.olcarnal ngos 457 458 2 Cases Rayon Printed ‘Musfin 20-12-57 Palermo Cae Takoradt > 1 Bale Dyed Cotton: Piece Goods | 20-12-57. Palerma C. ‘Tak 1 . Case Beer 10-3-57 Alaska Maru jeEM 1366IND NR 299 po ; ; Lagas 1-20 . 20. Bales SpunRayon Textiles | 10-39-57 Alaake Maru WASM1 1407D SIND $1397 : , : i agos 1-10 . 10 Bales‘ Spun Rayon Textiles |. 10-3-87 Alaska Maru wastaE INDNR 375 * © Lo ee 1 Case Spun Rayon Textiles 501-58 Fein Valley omcft 76 Lagos 26 1 Bale Paper 1 CaseRubber Footwear 142-88103-58 ‘TenkoAlaska MeryMaru ANGO.1779/ENT1682Lagos 2K8786LagosLagos9495." . © 59, 60 1s 2 Cases Spun Rayon te 4-58 Bauntwalt Chakers Kano via Apapa 4 Bundles Iron Sheets 9-1-58 Dahomey Palm © JSRWAR Jos 5251-4 via P.H. 4 - Cases Toy Rackets 7{2«58 Acapulco O.T.8 Lagos i Case OmegasElectric Engine 24-10-57 Snentis Mombusa BenistexMTS CD/T Piece Goods 9502-88 Heninkust «UTC.14357Ibadan B.H/2391 1/10° 101 DrumsCase WoollenPaint 10-2-58 Kokoku Mary MDE Layosi .. : 1 Case Calendars 14-39-58 ° Seizan Marts ~~ WARS 383. IND MR 419 . Lagos 1-16 rs ee 46 Cases Hand-Printed Rayon ; , . , Satin Mufflers 1403-58 Seizan Maru WARS 379 IND NR 424 Lagos an 17-032 es a« . 16. Cases Rayon Mufflers 14.35.58 Seizan Maru WARS 379 IND NR 424Lagos . . . J 16. Cases Rayon Mufflers coe 14-3-58 Seizan Maru 131/41 137287 OTC Lagos 8-21 . 14. Cases Rayon Mufflers ~ 14-3-58 Seizan Maru 131/35/5(ae OTC Lagos 1-19 .. 19 Cases Rayon Gingham: 14.3.58 Seizan Maru 208/137 8iakoral Lagos We % 2 18 Cases Textile Goods. 14-3458 Seizan Maru 17ICER)ieieoFLagos 133°" 4 Case Gents’ PoplinShirts 44-3-58 Seizan Maru “GSES7E58Bx 03Ast 116/ : mo og CF/57 Ex os 2 Cases Gents’ Poplin Shirts 143-58 Seizan Maru - CF&OO,isz 119 Ex : . . ‘ 2 Cases Gents‘ Poplin Shirts 14-3688 Scizan Maru. CCFOOrG.toté 102 Ex , . 91 Lagos 119, vs 1. Case-Gents’ Poplin Shirts 672 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Yo. 45

HLM, Cusroms‘ann Excisa—continied Date of Name of air- Number of .- . report. evaft or ship. Marks and Nas. packag Description ofpachages 14-3-58 Seizan Maru DM & Co 444 Lagos 1-10, 10 Cases Rayon Satin 14-3-58 Seizan Maru CCF core 101 & 102 Ex 91 mo i Lagos 11 Co ows 1 Casei Rayon Hetraian 4-58 SaintJean _ ‘TOTALOil Products Nigeria i "Ltd “Lagos, Apspe on 67 Cases Hydraulic Brake Fluid 24-584-4-58 AfricaKokokuPalm:Maru jJSYO8.C.1. Conakry1632 Lagos428 433, 434, 4 Casease B:Brass Watch Banca 1, 440, 426 - ve 5 Cates Whisky ~ 14-3.58 Seizan Maru | WhIND NR Lagos 437 165 1-15 ve ‘s 20 Caues Textile Spun Rayou 26-2-58 Bariends Palm ADaDOTIN LAGOS 41-45 .. 5 Tea Chests Paint Brushes 26-2-58 Bamenda Palm ADEDOYIN LAGOS 29-49 .. 12) =“‘Tea Chests Brushes 26-2-58 Baniends Palta ADEDOYIN LAGOS6-28 .. 23. Tea Chests Houschold Brushos 26-2-58 BamendaPalm ADEDOYINLAGOS1-5 ., 5 "Fea Cheets Scrubbing Brushes 26-2-58 Bamends Palm B.S.LAGOS Ex 1-23 * 19 Trusses Ropes 3-2.58° Perang JON LAGOS 51/75 be 25 Cases Zine Oxide Unknown Unknown SHEENY LAGOS 900444, _ 447,906,905.904,908.899, ., 8 Cases Mirrors Unknown Unknown SHEENY LAGOS 4942. ACS] 139/56. 35 oo ae 1 Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown | SHE 9189 LAGOS681 .. 1 Case Mirrors Unknown... Unknown HEADWAY 5479. JAOB/38/571 ° ' - BAGOS 18 1 Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown . HEADWAY. 5301 ‘TAOB/S/57 1 Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown omene7AGOS 893 q Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown HEADWAY. 5421 1308/25/57. 4 AGOS NIN :. 6 Cases Scissors Unknown Unknown HEADWAY5420 JAOB]2657 . oo 4 Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown HEADWAY.5343 JA0B/17/57 AGOS 741g, 1° Case Mirrors. Unknown Unknown ADWAYja JAQB/36/57 : LAGOS 2 “s ae 1 Case Mirrors Unknown Unknown N/M NIN oe we 3 Bundles Bedatoads Unknown Unknown REV, EGUTHRIE SSSP . CATH. MISSION KA - . via DUTUKPO BENUE .. 1 Case Statue 10-11-57 Mette Skon MA.PT.Bookshop ihs anLagos . +2, \ 3 Cases Educational Material 17-11-57 Tokai Maru CSC LAGOS! ...! .°. «. 4 Case ‘Tussore Spun Silk 26-2-58 Bamenda Palm WAAC.LAGOS 595/9 ae § Casds Cellulose Paint 14-2-58 . Tenko Mara|,AN.Co.TL/6827887867 21-2 K.8978/2994LAGOS K.K, . ; "F645 25-34 K. 7744 35-40. .. 20. Casew Spun Rayon Goods 17-8-57 GambiaPalm | AGL. IBADAN LAGOS101... i Case Sample Paint 13-2-58 Seima Nimtz : MOIB 577 LAGOS 1-4 = .. 9 Bundles Expanded Metals 16-9-57 Florence Holt | TH.K.822 KANO/APAPA 2722 1 Bale Broom Handica 15-2-58 Lokoja Palm AVB f and 2 * 2 Cases Bakery Machinery 10-2-58 ‘African Glade/I. Fort Lamy via Apapa 0541 3K - 3 Bale Cotton Goods 3-857. Bilma CNF.Zinder via Apapa 257PR 1 Case Auto Parts - 9.2-58 AfricanGlen . JOHN 4003, 4 Carton Electrical Goods 21-2-58 General Mangin YBS LAGOS 1-3-,. ae 3... Cases Nylon and Rayon Goods 12-1157 HOLT.AKN.A/PTY NIN. 2. 2 CartonsPotiade F a 29th May,1988 _OBFICIAL GAZETTE 673

| HM. Customs anp Excise—continued Dateof Nameofair~ . Number of , a. report craft or ship . Marks and Nos. packages Description ofpackages 910-57 Hoegh Aronde/L, PZ.002-012,103.0907 Zaria 857 . 1-5, ee § Cases Pure Danish Cream 11-5-57 Lagos Palm KAYCEE 1,57.KP.UC, 3525 ‘ . : O via APAPANIN .. 1 Carton Pomade 88-57 General Dufom AGL JK/Y,KANO via APAPA V coe . LECPR,68802329.5 © .. 1 Case Pure Olive Oil 18-8-$7 Ondo COSTAIN CWN,.LAGOS536 1 ask Bolts and Nuts. , 18-8-57 Ondo $8E CHELLARAMS APAPA 3 1 Case Toffee’. : 16-11-57 Gabonkust FAOL KANO APAPA 07731 NIN ns ~» . 1 Carton Rice 10-10-57, Gannet - AGL, LAGOS NIN ws 1 Carton Preserves 18-8-57 Ondo 741.K,853 Kaduna Apapa 1098 1 1 Carton Toys 15-1-58 Lugano Green Mark N/N .. 15 Bundles Tron Work - 281-58 Sangara GGS.,Port Sudan ,. a 1 Cuse Glass / 10-53-56 Alaska Maru AHS & BIS8.LAGOS 1-17... 17° Cases Spun RayonPiece Goods 10-3658 Alaska Mura 134/41/197/257 OTC Lagos 1-7 7 vieRayon : 2 ers 10-3-58 ‘Alaska Maru JP.8M.1250,IND.NR. 236 - LAGO ‘ 8 Cases Cotton Printed Poplin 10-32-58 Alaska Maru JP.8M.1300,INDAR 171 , - LAGOS 1-6... 6 Cases Spun Rayon Textiles 14-3-58. Seizari Maru 208/1/57/38 Lokomal Lagos 10, moe 11, 13, 20, 21, 23 +s | 20 Cases Textile Spun: Rayon 15-11-57 Yehnda« A.CA. 1-13 oe ee 13. Cases Roughly Sawn Marbles 15-1-58 F-BAZF CN 447103 “ oe, 1 .. Parcel Posters 19-1-58 F-BBDI CN 5166389 +. ae 1 Parcel Shampoo 19-14-85 F-BBDI CN 848084 te we 1. » Parcel Shampoo 21-1058 F-BAZK. CN 554122 aa os 1 * Parcel Samples . 26-41-58 F-BBDF - CN 365891 ae ee 1 Parcel Seats 261-58 F.BBDF CN 577840 ae a 1 Parcel Sample 29-1-58 F-BHBF .CN 103007 ne we 1 Parcel Motor Parts 29.14.58 F-BHBF CN 5520640 se ve 1 Parcel Shirts and Blouses 10-2-58 OD-ACS CN 80180 " “ 1 Parcel Cotton Cloth

16-258 F-BBDI CN: 496267 > ot a+ i Parcel Rubber 162.58 F-BBDI CN 4341021... ee’ 4) Parcel Watches 16-2.58 F-BBDI CN 50594 oe ae 1 Parcel. Samples 23+2-58 FSBBDE GN 160439 sue 4 Parcels Motor Parts

19.2-58 F-BGNC: ON 4867981 oe Me 1 Parcel Motor Parts 26-2-58 F-BGNJ CN 5172086. ve oe 1 Parcel Sample ' 26.2.58 F-BGNJ CN 5550189 os oe 1 Parcel Sample of Cotton 2-2-58 F-BBDF CN 5431345 vs . 1 —s- Parcel Lamp Bulks 2-3-58 F-HBDI CN 4301478 vs a 1 _ Parcel Cotton Goods 5.3658 F.BH CN 5123370 a vs 1 Parcel Sample 12-3-58 F-BHBE CN 5173289 ee ve 1 Parcel Pullovers 9-3-58 F-BHB CN eeeseaa ee 3 Parcels Books 16-3-58.° F-BBDF CN 5387523 1 Parcel Printed Matter 17-2-58 G-ANUC CN 220-160435 17657 1 Parcel Spare Parts : 223-58 GeANUA CN 085-1120430 KS 3859/2-3 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 22«3-58 GeANUA CON 085-1120421 KS 3862/1-3 — 3 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 22-43-58 G-ANUA CN 085-1120436 3804/8 .» . 1° ‘Parcel Imitation Jewellery 22-3-55 G-ANUA ‘CN 085«1280664 B and K 171 .. 1 Parcel Eloxal Earhooks 24-3058 GeANUCG CN 060-1134344 .. oe! 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 24-3258 GeANUG CN 060-1134346 -. we 2 Parcels Imitation Jewellery 24.3488 G-ANUC CN 060411594347... oan 1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery . 94.5.58 G-ANUC CN 060-1134348 .. ws 2 ParceJs Imitation Jewellery Andamiscellancous quantity of unidentifiable packages lying in the Queen’s Warehouse and on the dump.: 674 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 40, Vek 455 Government Notice Nagas HLM. Customs ann Excise _. 3° SALE OF GOODS AT KANO Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods lying in the Queen's Warehouse, KANO,will be sold bypublic auction commencing 9 a.m, at the Queén’s Warehouse on the Wednesday succeeding the ' elapse of one calendarmonth from the date ofthe firstpublication of this notice, Date of Namepfair Lo Number of _ report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages _—_—Descriptionofpackages 22-3-57 G-ALHU CIN 2034240 se . 6 Football Coupons 24.4.57 F-BAZU C/N 5533028. a 1 Samples Cotton Pisce Goods 223-857 G-ANUC ——_061-327715 7 oe 1 Samples Textiles 1-10-57 00-CTN 082-2346382 of te 1 Shirt 8-11.57 G-ANUC 061-591198 “4 se 5 Printed Matter — 31-12-57 GeANTZ AS.14 vm - 1 Box Wines 221-58 F-BAZK C/N 029793 . “ 1 "‘Pobacco Goods 24-2058 PH-DSH = N/M,NIN . ge 1 Sundry Goods

\ \ \

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_ Printed and Published by‘The Federal Government Printer, Nigeria. 1168/558/5,200 *” * ‘Annual Subscription : Nigeria, £3. Overseas, £3-10s post free. Present isaus (including Supplemant) 2s-8d per copy. —
