Ew Meters Are the Way -: Qf Ming ·On All the Open Space in to RUN Brookside, As Well As Maintain AGAIN E F Ture For- Ewarkers ·· · See BROOKSIDE, 5
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INSIDE: CHECK OUT OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION •••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •••• 90th Year, Issue 50 © 2ooo January 21, 2000 Newark, Del. • 50¢ ·THis WEEK Brookside could go IN SPORTS bankrupt ST. MARK's I Meeting on FACES Feb. 1 to WRESTUNG explain crisis SHOW By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER DOWN he maintenance associa 15 tion for the community T of Brookside in Newark is trying to avert bankruptcy by IN LIFESTYLE appeals to the community's resi dents. "We are facing a financial cri sis," said association treasurer YoUTH Betty Daniels. "Our only hope is a referendum to increase the annual dues." GROUP SPANS On Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m., the association is holding a public meeting in the community center GENERA to explain the need for the refer endum. "We will have legisla TIONS. 8- tors, as well as the accountant for the community~ here to explain what will happen if we go bank rupt," said Daniels. IN THE NEWS Rose Yannes, president of Brookside Community Inc., said the association is responsible for 42 acres of parkland, including OSBORNE ballfields. "We do the landscap ing, grass cutting and tree trim ew meters are the way -: Qf ming ·on all the open space in TO RUN Brookside, as well as maintain AGAIN e f ture for- ewarkers ·· · See BROOKSIDE, 5 .... FOR CITY ~ By MARY E. PEJZAK will print out a receipt which also indicates when the time expires for their space. - Remains NEWARK-POST STAFF WRITER "The driver can present thereceipt~at busi CO UN ill. nesses on Main Street which vandate parking," 3 _ .high tech parking meter system now said Roser. "They will receive a token;for free installed at the Municipal Parking lot parking time in any city lot on tfieiPne-~t trip." identified _ INDEX behind the Galleria and future Parking enforcement officers will ensure Charcoal Pit on Main Street could eventually · that the meters are being u"Se by thqse parking be used throughout the downtown ·area. in the lot. - ~ Newark man NEWS 1-5 _ "These are more aesthetically pleasing," "Approximat~ly every half hour, the offi disappeared POLICE BlOTTER 2 said Maureen Roser, assistant director of plan cers will go to the machines and put in a code ning for Newark. "We will be putting them in which tells whether a space has -~ paid for OPINION 6 all the municipal lots and could decide to go to or not," said Roser. "Then the officer can check ·seven years ago LIFESTYlE 8 them on the street" as well." the spaces and ticket cars parked in~ex.pired or Called "multispace_parking meters," the new non-paying spaces." ~' Newark man missing THE ARTS 9 ~ machines, which ¢osrapproximately $33,000 to Roser said the machines wilt also be" used - for over six years has purchase and install in the first lot, have been with a parking debit card. ''When we get it set • finally been acounted DIVERSIONS 1i il} use since Jan. 13. up, the cards will be availaoJe for $20 each at for, according to police. CROSSWORD PUZZlE 11 · ·w~' re still working the kinks out;' said the parking office,;' she said~ 'They will only · A news report at the time stat parking directoJ Hank Ross as he stood in the work in these machines- they aren't bank ed Paul G. Guarino, 35, disap SPORTS 15-17 bitter cold on Tuesday. "Meanwhile, we're out cards." peared on Jan. 19,1993. On Aug. PEOPlENEWS 12-13 here to help until they're working 100 percent." Roser said when the Charcoal Pit opens and 8, 1999, children found skeletal Persons parking at the lot must first note the University of Delaware winter session is remains which have now been OBITUARIES 18-20 their space number, painted on the pavement at over, the city may need a third machine in the identified as Guarino's in a heav the top and bottom of each parking spot. Then, . lot. "We'll monitor the situation for awhile to ily wooded and overgrown lot ClASSIFIEDS 21-28 they go to one of the two machines on the cen see if peqple get backed-up at the present . next to the Amtrak rail line on tral median in the lot and punch in their num- machines, especially between classes." Old South Chapel Street. ber and put in their money. - The expanded lot is also getting new sig Newark Police used clothing, a The meters take both coins and bills and nage, lighting _and landscaping. "We're 4oping handgun and other property register parking time in half-hour increments. for the lighting by the end of the week," said found at the scene to determine The parking expiration time will appear in the Roser on Tuesday. "The landscaping is coming his identity. Using DNA analysis, window. Each machine, which records transac as soon as the weather permits." - _ the medical examiner's office tions entered at either meter, has instructions on City staff will erect signs throughout the lot confirmed the identity and deter the front. _ , -: , mined the cause of death to be a · . _· };"·,.,~~. /1 .·. ~ see 'MRfRS, ~ 3 · ~ single gunshot wound,. Police _WQel! 1;1!e.~~cti~n. ~~-.S_9mpJet~ •..:. th~»A~t~.r -~ .J..- - .. ~,..,..._t.,.,_--.-....- --.-""-,__~.,..., ' ,.. ,..'. •. ,;...~-W~ .. ··~{:~.r r I I 1 , ., i i f 1 .( ~ -, , • .l· ,.. 7 99462 00002 3 ~ f t I .. .;' t I · ....._ ~ 'f 'l ) See MISSING MAN, 2 ~ PAGE 2 • NEWARK POST • jA UARY 21, 2000 Visit us on the World Wide Web NEWARK PosT ·:· NEWS Troopers injured Guarino was well Can w~ help? Offices: The paper's offices are in two-state, high known in Newark located conveniently in the Robscott Bui lding , 153 E. ...... MISSING MAN, from 1 Chestnut Hill Rd. , Newark, DE speed car .chase located the gun under the body 19713. Office hours are 8:30 and believe the wound was self a.m . to 5 p.m. weekdays. Phone: (302) 737-0724 Special from the Cecil Whig Another trooper moved to the inflicted. left side to block the suspect from A member of Glasgow High Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 A high-speed police chase on making a U-turn. Darling then School's first graduating class of e-mail: [email protected] 1976, Guarino had moved back allegedly deliberately struck two On Internet: www.ncbl.com/post/ Route 40 that injured two to Newark in Spring 1992 after Maryland state troopers and of the police cars which together li,ving on the West Coast. The To subscribe: Call 7_37 -0724 or damaged two police cars ended with Darling's car crossed the Kells Avenue resident said he had 1-800-220-3311. Cost is Sunday with the Delaware dri median and eastbound lanes end been a ' part-owner of a Los $15.95 per year to New Castle ver's arrest. ing up at the bottom of a ditch Angelos food business which County addresses. To begin a Eric S. Darling, 22, of Felton, across from Town and Country provided catering services to subscription, simply call. allegedly led police on a 19-mile Terrace Mobile Home Park. people in the film industry. To place a classified: Call 1-800- police chase that started in New The suspect fled on foot In a feature story published in 220-1230 Castle County and ended near through a dense underbrush but the Newark Post in November To place a display ad: Call 737- North East, Md., police said. · was apprehended by a trooper. A 1992, Guarino was operatmg a 0724. At 9:17 a.m. on Jan. 16, helicopter from the Delaware hot dog vending business on NEWARK POST FILE PHOTO HE STAFF of the Newark Post is Darling was driving a 1986 Jeep State Police aided in the pursuit. Main Street with partner Tony Paul Guarino on Main Street in Cherokee on Route 1 near Route One trooper injured his left Triboletti in front of Wilmington Tanxious to assist readers and November 1992. advertisers. Reporters. writers, edi 13 when Delaware State Police knee, and a second had several Trust. Triboletti, who had been tors and salespeople can be contact attempted to pull him over for an minor cuts to his face and hands frie.nds with Guarino for over 17 rain searches near the shopping ed as listed: alleged traffc violation. But he caused ·by the dense underbrush. years, told reporters after the dis center and Guarino's home failed James B. Streit, Jr. is the publ isher continued on Route 1, took the Darling complained of shortness appeara!lce that he "did not to locate him or any other evi dence in 1993. of the Newark Post. He sets pol icies Route 40 exit and headed for of breath and minor scratches. believe his pal was suicidal." and manages all departments in the Elkton. All three were treated and Guarino's roommate at the Guarino's friend of 22 years, Newark office . Call him at 737-0724. Maryland State Police picked released from Union Hospital in time told investigators that Matt Mondel, told reporters that he didn't think his frienc,l had Mary E. Petzak is the ed itor. She is up the pursuit on Route 40 at Elkton. · Guarino left their rental in mid responsible for all copy in the paper committed suicide. Mondel said Whitehall Road as the vehicle One of the two police ·cars afternoon and never returned. except advertising and sports. Guarino would have done it more continued westbound-at about 75 damaged in the pursuit can't be Guarino reportedly left behind Contact her at 737-0724.