Universit´eLibre de Bruxelles von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Aeronautics and Aerospace Department PhD. Thesis Algorithmic Developments for a Multiphysics Framework Thomas Wuilbaut Promoter: Prof. Herman Deconinck Contact information: Thomas Wuilbaut von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics 72 Chauss´eede Waterloo 1640 Rhode-St-Gen`ese BELGIUM email:
[email protected] webpage: http://www.vki.ac.be/~wuilbaut To Olivia and her wonderful mother... Summary v Summary In this doctoral work, we adress various problems arising when dealing with multi-physical simulations using a segregated (non-monolithic) approach. We concentrate on a few specific problems and focus on the solution of aeroelastic flutter for linear elastic structures in compressible flows, conju- gate heat transfer for re-entry vehicles including thermo-chemical reactions and finally, industrial electro-chemical plating processes which often include stiff source terms. These problems are often solved using specifically devel- oped solvers, but these cannot easily be reused for different purposes. We have therefore considered the development of a flexible and reusable software platform for the simulation of multi-physics problems. We have based this development on the COOLFluiD framework developed at the von Karman Institute in collaboration with a group of partner institutions. For the solution of fluid flow problems involving compressible flows, we have used the Finite Volume method and we have focused on the applica- tion of the method to moving and deforming computational domains using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation. Validation on a series of testcases (including turbulence) is shown. In parallel, novel time integration methods have been derived from two popular time discretization methods.