A Weektjy Journal of Practtcal Information
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[Entered Il..t the Post omee of New York. N. Y., as Second Class Matter.] A WEEKTJY JOURNAL OF PRACTTCAL INFORMATION. ART. SCIENCE. MECHANICS. CHEMTSTRY AND MANUFACTURES. 15.-, Vol. [NEWXLVI.-No. SERIES.] NEW YORK} APRIL 15, 1882. [$3.20[roB'rAGE perAIIDllm. PREPA.lD.] c ---�---- -... - - - - - --- ----,-_.. __ ._," ...-- - . - '- . � - ------- - c-=-. ..... _--. .. -: .. --- .. -:'.�-- Fig.l.-BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF COAL PIERS AND DOCKS HOBOKEN. Fig. 7.-RET11RN SWITCH, RIVER END OF THE PIER. Fig.2.-VIEW OF TBACX8, mCLlNER, AND PIERS, FRO. SHORE SIDE. THE GRAVITY COAL pmRS OF THE DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD CO., B;Ql,30KEN, N.; .. ,. © 1882 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC J Citutifi£ �mttinu•• [ APRIL 15. 1882. NEW FIELD A �OR INVENTION. tbousand miles of tbe sun, passing through the corona and �mttitan. A correspondent, writing from New South Wales, calls perhaps grazing the pbotosphere. Mr. Boss estimates the �titntifir attention to a wide and promising field of invention which distance at ten million miles, but both observers agree in does not appe r to have been much explored. In all parts prop esy n ery near approacb. Few in an e are re EST'ABLISHFJD 1845. a h i g a v st c s of the world there are many noxious plants, which cultiva- corded of comuts comiug so near the sun. Those of 1880, MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. tors of the soil find it difficult or impossible to eradicate by 1843, and 1680 bad nearly the same perihelion distance, but PUBLISHED WEEKI,Y AT the means now in nse. In New Soutb Wales, for in stance, these dates are considered by many astronomers as marking No. 261 BROADWAY, N1<J'W YORE:. there are two plants, rather slow of growth, which have repeated returns of the same comet. a r o passage abont taken possession of m ny parts to such an extent that the The new comet makes its pe iheli n the A E. BEACH. O. D. MUNN. clearing of the land would cost more than the land is worth, middle of Juue, and a magnificent display may be antici- =======-==-=.c' ---- "' - -- where land selfs for $20 an pated about that time. It is noteworthy for great bril- TERMS 'J'HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. acre. I its FOR The first, which flourishes in he warmer parts, is a cactus hancy nude present conditions. It is early two hu n- included .... ............................. 5320, t r IIOW n One COPY. one year postage . 6 ca e db prlC' kly pear t.be other, WhlCh is con ne to h e d red ml IOn ml'1 es d'Istant, and yet It las a . 1t, we lId e fine One copy, six months, postage included .......................... ... 1 0 II t e ; fi d t I '11' I <,mg1 d THE SCIENTIFIC cooler parts, is the English sweetbrier, the English wild nu leus, and a well developed It is reasona le, there Club•• - One extra copy of AMERICANwilJ be supplied c tail. b 2 gratis for every club of five subscribers at $3. U each: additional copies at rose thus proving as severe an affiietion to parts of Australia fore, to infer that it is a la ge comet, since it presents so bri! same proportionate rate. Postage prepaid, r as the Scotch tbistle has in otber regions. liant all aspect at a distance so immense. As it is coming Remit by ·postal order. Address . 261 In view of similarity of an ma and vegetable life, and toward us at tbe rate of 2,000,000 miles day, �mNN & CO. Broadway. corner of Warren street. New York. the i l a it cannot ,)'be Scientific Alllerican Supplement the ease with which animal pests can be destroyed by poison, long remain invisible to the naked eye. is a distinct p aper from t he SCIE�TIFl(, AMERICAN. 'rHE SUPPI�EMENT O\1r correspondent raises the query whether some means of This is tbe history of Comet a, as far as it is known , but is issued weekly. Every number contai D octavo pages, uniform in size S 16 killing these vegetable pests might not be found that would there is a rich promise of an Ilntertaining visitor in our sky with SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ".Perms of subSCription for SUPPLEM!';NT. $5 .00 a be cheaper and more efficient than manual labor, "There during the montbs of April, M. y, and June. The erratic year, postage paid, to subscribers. Single copies. 19 cents. Sold by a all news dealers throughout the country. is a lot of money to be made in tbis country," he says, "by stranger is moving westward and northward, having greatly SCIENTIFIC A�rEUICA� supprll�MI�NT Combilled Rates. -The and anything that would answer the purpose ; and in other changed its position since it was disc.oven�d. It has passed will be sent for one year postage free. on receipt of seven dollars. Roth r few degrees of the brilliant papers to one address or different addresses as desired. plaCes I suppose it would be still more valuable." from He cules into Lyra, witbin a The safest way to remit is bv draft, postal order. or registered Jetter. The matter is bvio ly worthy of thoughtful , the confinesof Draco, and is m king o us attention. Vega has now reached a Address MUNN CO . • Broadway, corner Warren street, New York. & 261 of o l the r' will If poison is used, it sh u d be invento s aim to find one its way into Cepheus, where it arrive some time in M.ay, Scientific ;\.lllerican Export Edition. that would be fatal to the plant to be exterminated and yet wben will make a sudden turn and seem to plunge s n i it i harmless to ot er pla ts, at least not such as to leave in beadlong toward the sun, till it reaches that fearful proximity d���.���::�IZ:'�::':����N�:;';�!:��r n,,:,�:� �:g:��:t ��: :����:� h n or O 0 great l m ar which is a roundless large quarto pages, profusely il!ustrated. embracing: 11.) Most 1 t.he the soil elements that w ould spoil it for future cultivation. to the u in y g cause of l and pages the four preceding w SCII""TH'IC o s p ates of eekly isslles of the Pois n t at would inj uriously affect the water supply for anxiety many minds AMli:R1CAN, with its splendid engravings and valllabl } information: (2.) h in . use by en domes c anim s or fi h, who kno the most about cometic astronomy a Commercial, trade. and manufacturing announcements of leading- henses. m , ti al , s should be not less Tbose w re Terms for ExportFJdition, $5.00 a year. sent prepaid to any part of the carefully avoided. the least disturbed concerning any untoward accidents in world. Single copies 50 cents. Il3r Manufacturers and others who desire Obviously the best way to dis ose of its passage and astronomers are looki ng forward to its close to secure foreign trade may h ave large. and bandsomely displayed an- p a plant that is so irre- ; c l l nouncements published in th is editiou at a very moclerateeost. pressibly tbrifty as to be a nuisance is to find gome way to approa h to the sun as a poss1b e means of earning some- SCIEC<TIFIC AMI.:HI The CAN Export Edition has large guaranteed clrcn- uti ize it. Not a few our most usefur :plants were thing concerning the physical structure of the huge globe of lation In all commercial places tbroul!:houtthe world.a Address l of once . M Ul'I.N & rank , in of la em· fire tba is mtimately. and separa y mtcr oven wit t e .• ests owing to persistent vasion nds t m w CO 261 Broadway. corner of Warren street. New York. p their bl ' h b ployed for other purposes. When a use has been discovered destiny of the human race. for their fiberor other properties, the thriftiness wbich made The elements of the orbit of Comet a a e tbus gi ven hy NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1882. r them a nuisance now only adds to their value. Professor Boss: Time of perihelion passage, June 15; lon I , If no use can be found for the pest, the next best step gitllde of perihelion 49° 35'; longitudc of node, 206' 39'; Contents. would seem to its abun- i , l be to study the conditions of local iuclinat on 74° 47'; perihelion distance about ten mi lion dance, them , if possible, hy means wbich will miles Gllnstrated articles are marked with an asterisk.) and correct . nti .......... 233 miscellaneous . ...... 2 2 6 make the soil more Ruitable for other uses. The charming April 14, 18b, 50m., Dec. 510 N. Mr. Chand- Ag-rlcultural inve anons Inventions. R. A. 9' r t oce n c le , ab . ....... sweetbri r the English a s de causes no trouble there. lor's computations give: Longitude of eribelion 62° j} c lc � i j. l�6������'Jg���'barolina:::: :: e of ro d i p 30'; B:�;.r�f;.�e:t�� f���: .�,.' ���232 I . o n : � � : : 23U Trans lanted to e South Wales it finds conditions in tbe lo gitude of node, 200' 11'; incl ination, 70° 51'. Boiler explosion, experimental*. l�l��� ,;':y,sf';,';:a·siiiaihaciii:.:: �� p N w n h���:.f.i'a l��g��l����.::::::: �<g climate and soil, or a lack of vegetable competitors, wbieb As the comet approacbes nearer the earth other astl'Ono �f������,:�ri;ni;�f::::::::l�i ��f� a��'ita����r;.ti�� S::::::::::: enabl e or allow it to flourish to a degree impossible at home.