A Weektjy Journal of Practtcal Information
[Entered Il..t the Post omee of New York. N. Y., as Second Class Matter.] A WEEKTJY JOURNAL OF PRACTTCAL INFORMATION. ART. SCIENCE. MECHANICS. CHEMTSTRY AND MANUFACTURES. 15.-, Vol. [NEWXLVI.-No. SERIES.] NEW YORK} APRIL 15, 1882. [$3.20[roB'rAGE perAIIDllm. PREPA.lD.] c ---�---- -... - - - - - --- ----,-_.. __ ._," ...-- - . - '- . � - ------- - c-=-. ..... _--. .. -: .. --- .. -:'.�-- Fig.l.-BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF COAL PIERS AND DOCKS HOBOKEN. Fig. 7.-RET11RN SWITCH, RIVER END OF THE PIER. Fig.2.-VIEW OF TBACX8, mCLlNER, AND PIERS, FRO. SHORE SIDE. THE GRAVITY COAL pmRS OF THE DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD CO., B;Ql,30KEN, N.; .. ,. © 1882 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC J Citutifi£ �mttinu•• [ APRIL 15. 1882. NEW FIELD A �OR INVENTION. tbousand miles of tbe sun, passing through the corona and �mttitan. A correspondent, writing from New South Wales, calls perhaps grazing the pbotosphere. Mr. Boss estimates the �titntifir attention to a wide and promising field of invention which distance at ten million miles, but both observers agree in does not appe r to have been much explored. In all parts prop esy n ery near approacb. Few in an e are re EST'ABLISHFJD 1845. a h i g a v st c s of the world there are many noxious plants, which cultiva- corded of comuts comiug so near the sun. Those of 1880, MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. tors of the soil find it difficult or impossible to eradicate by 1843, and 1680 bad nearly the same perihelion distance, but PUBLISHED WEEKI,Y AT the means now in nse. In New Soutb Wales, for in stance, these dates are considered by many astronomers as marking No.
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