On regrouping after the midweek change in command to get tonight’s win:

“Firstly, I want to make it clear that the players have been excellent, and they deserve all the credit for that performance and the result. We only had two days to train. We had some short sessions, a couple of meetings to go through some presentations that they took on board with what I was looking for, and they all bought in. You saw how hard they worked, all the players, and they were just fantastic. It gives us something to build on. I look back at the game and see we can improve on some things, but that's the way it is in football. The players were excellent and they deserve all the credit.”

On goalkeeper Bobby Edwards’ performance in his first minutes with Indy Eleven:

“Yeah, he was excellent. I had no kind of doubt that he would go and perform well. He made some good saves and led and communicated really well to the defenders, so really pleased for him. I think everyone else was kind of pulling for him as well because he’s trained so hard and hadn’t had the opportunity to play, and with unfortunate injury to Jordan [Farr] he stepped up really well. So I’m delighted for him, and I know Jordan will be delighted as well.”

On tonight’s goals coming from Nicky Law and :

“Yeah, two really good goals. They’re important players for us I liked it for them both score because while they've had a few assists, obviously Gordon wants to score and Nicky is a goalscoring midfielder, so it's good for them to get off the mark, and I know they'll be pleased.

We can't score unless we get good build up and good passes and good assists, so it's about the team and sometimes and ultimately not who scored as long as we do score. There was obviously build up to the goals from other players that was brilliant; I think it was Ayoze with the ball into Nicky with a fantastic cross, and Manu [Manuel Arteaga] who was involved in the build-up in Gordon's.”

On the focus this week between mentality and tactics:

“Yeah, I think it was a bit of both. With the preparation, sometimes it isn't all about tactics, it’s about building the mentality of the players to go and work hard and work for each other and do what's required to win a game of football, and we've done that today. And to do it in these conditions, the heat was incredible. And the lads coming into the game as well had a good impact and helped us kind of seal it off and get a win for the team, which is most important.

“With tactics, the team played before with a back three, and we can be very good team with a back three. So I just felt changing up [to a four-man backline] was kind of like hitting the reset button for everyone. Coming in with a fresh voice, a fresh start, that was kind of what was behind that decision, but I also think that the players can also perform well in we went out with today.”