Directory of Educational Programs in Information Science 1971-1972
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 056 728 LT 003 272 AUTHOR Wilkie, Lorna C., Ed. TITLE Directory of Educational Programsin Information Science 1971-1972. Science, Washington, INSTITUTION American Society for Information D.C. SPONS AGENCY American Society for InformationScience, Washington, D.C. Special Interest Group onEducation for Information Science.; ERICClearinghouse on Library and Information Sciences,Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Nov 71 NOTE 1109.;(3 References) AVAILABLE FROM American Societyfor Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., Suite 804,Washington, D.C. 20038 (HC Members $4.50Non-members 55.00) EDRS PRICE mr-$0.65 HC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS Directories; *Education;Information centers; Information Processing;*Information Science; *Information Scientists;*Information Systems; *Information Theory ABSTRACT For the purposes of thisDirectory, information science includes the followingsubjects: library and information systems, library automation andnetworks, systems analysis, manacrement information systems,information needs and uses, abstracting and indexing, advancedclassification theory, non-traditional techniques oforganizing knowledge, managementof reprography, computational technical information centers, theory. The linguist s, man-machineinteraction, and information Directory includes an introduction, atable of contents, a compilation of entries arrangedby school and department or program, and four indexes. Separateentries are made for eachdepartment or program even though someof them are at the sameuniversity. The "Index of EducationalInstitutions by State and Province"is an alphabetical list of the statesin the United States andprovinces in Canada. The other threeindexes are: "Index of DegreesOffered," "Index of Information ScienceCourses Offered," and "Indexof Faculty Members Interested in InformationScience." This first edition ofthe Directory describes only thosegraduate programs with primary emphasis on information sciencerather than on its two major applications, namely computer scienceand library science.
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