PERMIT NUMBER: 14 WILMINGTON STATE PARKS 1021 West 18th Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 302-577-7020 BRANDYWINE PARK AND ROCKFORD PARK 2018 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR TENNIS COURTS Team/Organization: USTA Middle States Delaware District___ Activity: _USTA MS DD Adult League Districts __ Applicant Name: _Patti Donato, ALC MS Delaware District___________________________________________ Address, City/State, Zip: __621 Foulkstone Road, Wilmington, DE 19803_______________________________ Daytime Phone: 302-415-1114_Cell Phone: 302-415-1114_Fax: 302-543-7808_E-mail:
[email protected] _ RATES TENNIS COURTS 1 HOUR TIME PERIOD $12.50 PER HOUR/PER COURT- Max. $60.00 PER DAY/PER COURT Matches may be scheduled April 1- October 30. Permits are not issued for practices. Applications must be received by March 1st to be considered for the initial round of scheduling. After March 1st, permits for game slots will be available on a first come – first served basis. TERMS AND AGREEMENTS • The Team/Organization agrees that it will indemnify and otherwise hold harmless the State of Delaware, its agents and employees from any and all liability, suits, actions, or claims, together with all costs, expenses for attorney’s fees, arising out of PERMITTEE’s its agents and employees’ performance work or services in connection with the Agreement, regardless of whether such suits, actions, claims or liabilities are based upon acts or failures to act attributable, in whole or part, to the State, its employees or agents. • The organization shall provide minimum liability insurance coverage of $3,000,000 aggregate, $1,000,000 per occurrence to be retained for the event. Proof of Insurance coverage must be provided to the Park 10 Days prior to the event.