Angewandte Communications Chemie

International Edition:DOI:10.1002/anie.201903472 Chemical Proteomics Hot Paper German Edition:DOI:10.1002/ange.201903472 The Natural Product Elegaphenone Potentiates Antibiotic Effects against aeruginosa Weining Zhao,Ashley R. Cross,Caillan Crowe-McAuliffe,Angela Weigert-Munoz, Erika E. Csatary,Amy E. Solinski, Joanna Krysiak, Joanna B. Goldberg,Daniel N. Wilson, Eva Medina, William M. Wuest, and Stephan A. Sieber* Abstract: Natural products represent arich source of anti- of toxins,which would decrease the severity of infections and biotics that address versatile cellular targets.The deconvolution minimize the development of resistance.[3] In order to rapidly of their targets via chemical proteomics is often challenged by identify such innovative modes of action, several strategies for the introduction of large photocrosslinkers.Here we applied target deconvolution are applied. Acommon method is to elegaphenone,alargely uncharacterized natural product anti- select for resistant strains and corresponding sequencing to biotic bearing anative benzophenone core scaffold, for reveal mutations in the target gene.[4] However,this classical affinity-based protein profiling (AfBPP) in Gram-positive method falls short when it comes to indirect resistance and Gram-negative bacteria. This study utilizes the alkynylated mechanisms (e.g. drug efflux). Moreover,molecules that natural product scaffold as aprobe to uncover intriguing reduce virulence but do not kill bacteria are difficult to biological interactions with the transcriptional regulator AlgP. address via this method. Thus,chemical proteomics,such as Furthermore,proteome profiling of aPseudomonas aerugi- activity-based protein profiling (ABPP), have been applied.[5] nosa AlgP transposon mutant provided unique insights into the While some antibiotics,including b-lactams,covalently mode of action. Elegaphenone enhanced the elimination of modify their target, alarge number of natural products bind intracellular P. aeruginosa in macrophages exposed to sub- reversibly.[6] Forthe latter class,functionalization with inhibitory concentrations of the fluoroquinolone antibiotic aphotocrosslinker is required in order to withstand the norfloxacin. conditions of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics, which is referred to as affinity-based protein profiling Innovative antibacterial drugs are urgently needed to address (AfBPP).[7] Amajor drawback of the corresponding photo- the current antibiotic crisis.Natural products have been probes is often adrop in biological activity when these areliable source and the majority of marketed drugs are modifications are introduced to the parent scaffold. Inspired based on this class.[1] Looking at current modes of action, by aphenotypic screen of synthetic compounds deliberately alimited number of hot spot targets such as cell wall, utilizing the benzophenone photocrosslinker as an active nucleotide,and protein biosynthesis have been evolutionarily moiety,wesearched for antibacterial natural products bearing selected. Furthermore,the constant use of antibiotics has this core motif.[8] Alarge fraction of natural antibacterials resulted in multiple-resistance mechanisms,calling for novel exhibit phenolic structures including the benzophenone- drugs that address unprecedented and resistance-free path- motif-containing elegaphenone (EL), aminimally character- ways.[2] An intriguing new perspective for developing next- ized antibiotic produced by the plant St. JohnsWort, used for generation antibiotics is based on attenuating the production diverse medical applications (Figure 1A).[9] Here we show

[*] W. Zhao, A. Weigert-Munoz, J. Krysiak, Prof. Dr.S.A.Sieber C. Crowe-McAuliffe, D. N. Wilson Department of Chemistry Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM) UniversityofHamburg Technische UniversitätMünchen 20146 Hamburg (Germany) Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85747 Garching (Germany) E. E. Csatary,A.E.Solinski, W. M. Wuest E-mail:[email protected] Department of Chemistry,Emory University A. R. Cross, J. B. Goldberg Atlanta GA (USA) Division of Pulmonary, Allergy & Immunology, and J. B. Goldberg, W. M. Wuest Sleep, Department of Pediatrics Emory Antibiotic Resistance Center,Emory University Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine Atlanta, GA (USA) Atlanta, GA (USA) E. Medina A. R. Cross Helmholtz Center for Infection Research Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Program Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124, Braunschweig (Germany) Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for Emory University the author(s) of this article can be found under: Atlanta, GA (USA) A. R. Cross, J. B. Goldberg, W. M. Wuest The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited with Emory + Children’s Center for Cystic Fibrosis and Airway Disease the ProteomeXchange Consortiumvia the PRIDE partner repository Research, Emory University School of Medicine with the dataset identifier PXD010476. Atlanta, GA (USA)

Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2019, 58,8581 –8584  2019Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8581 Angewandte Communications Chemie

ahydroxyl group (ELP5)onthe adjacent benzene ring (Figure 1A). ELP was synthesized by Friedel–Crafts acyla- tion of p-bromobenzoic acid chloride with trimethoxyben- zene followed by Sonogashira coupling with ethynyltrime- thylsilane.Demethylation and subsequent bisprotection of two hydroxyl groups allowed the selective incorporation of ageranyl group in the ortho position. Global deprotection under acidic conditions provided ELP in 42%yield (Scheme 1). Probes ELP2 and ELP5 were obtained via asimilar strategy with slight modifications (Schemes S2 and S3). With the natural product and three probes in hand, we first evaluated the biological activity against representative Gram-positive and Gram-negative reference strains,that is, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa,respectively.Inline with pre- vious reports, EL exhibited antibiotic activity against E. fae- calis as well as other Gram-positive strains,including Staph- ylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes with MIC values ranging from 5–12.5 mm (Figure 1C).[9] ELP and ELP5 showed comparable potencywhile ELP2 was completely inactive.None of the compounds inhibited P. aeruginosa growth and even growth of ahyperpermeable strain of Escherichia coli could only be affected by EL at high concentrations.However,given the structural similarity of EL to natural phenolic inhibitors of P. aeruginosa quorum sens- Figure 1. A) Structures of elegaphenone(EL)and derivatives. B) The ing, we tested the compounds against P. aeruginosa toxin amount of extracellularpyocyanin in P. aeruginosa PAO1 upon treat- production.[11] We decided to monitor the levels of pyocyanin, ment with elegaphenoneand derivatives in adose-dependent manner. atoxin important during lung infection in cysticfibrosis (CF) The data is based on two biologicalexperiments with technical patients.[12] Satisfyingly, EL and its corresponding probes triplicates.C)MIC values of elegaphenone derivatives in different pathogenic bacterial strains. Lack of growth inhibition is highlighted in revealed strong inhibition of pyocyanin production, with IC50 gray. E. coli BW25113 DbamBDtolC is ahyperpermeable E. coli values ranging between 5.5 Æ 1.1 and 12.6 Æ 1.1 mm (Fig- strain.[13] ure 1B). In addition, EL and ELP5 also reduced the level of pyoverdine,another P. aeruginosa toxin, albeit at much that EL not only kills Enterococcus faecalis,but also higher concentrations (Figure S1A). Interestingly,the benzo- attenuates virulence of . AfBPP phenone core scaffold by itself neither inhibited E. faecalis utilizing the photoreactive core scaffold paired with whole growth, nor reduced P. aeruginosa pyocyanin production, proteome studies provide unique insights into the mode of emphasizing the importance of the substitution pattern of the action. Additionally,the combination of EL with subinhibi- natural product for activity (Figure S1B). tory concentrations of norfloxacin enhanced the elimination In order to elucidate the corresponding cellular pathways of intracellular P. aeruginosa by macrophages. addressed by EL and analogues,weperformed AfBPP EL was prepared following aroute inspired by the utilizing the alkynylated EL photoprobes. E. faecalis bacterial synthesis of olympicin A(Scheme S1).[10] Forthe correspond- cells were incubated with its closest derivative ELP,irradi- ing probes the alkyne tag was directly appended to the ated, lysed, and clicked to biotin azide (Figure 2A). The monosubstituted benzene ring in the para position. Forthis probe-labeled proteome was enriched on avidin beads and we devised asynthesis of derivatives that bear an alkyne tag peptides were released for LC-MS/MS analysis via tryptic (ELP), exhibit amethylated hydroxyl group (ELP2), or lack digestion. MS analysis was performed via isotopic dimethyl

Scheme 1. Synthesis of AfBPP Probe ELP.DCM:dichloromethane, RT:room temperature, THF:tetrahydrofuran, DMF: N,N-dimethylformamide, CSA:camphorsulfonic acid.

8582  2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int. Ed. 2019, 58,8581 –8584 Angewandte Communications Chemie

the function of the iron sulfur protein is largely unexplored, AlgP is known as ahistone-like protein that may directly or indirectly regulate alginate gene expression.[17] Recombinant AlgP was also labeled by the probe,suggesting direct binding (Figure S7). To further understand AlgP function in more detail, we investigated toxin expression in algP transposon mutants.Two mutants (PW9843 and PW9844) were available in the PAO1 transposon mutant library[18] and confirmed by PCR for the correct insertion (Figure S8A). These insertions occur in aregion containing multiple KPPAamino acid repeats that are known to facilitate DNAbinding and play an important role for AlgP function.[17a] Of note,while astrong attenuation of pyoverdine and amoderate reduction of pyocyanin levels was observed for PW9844, no significant effect was obtained for PW9843, suggesting that this latter insertion may not fully compromise protein function (Fig- ure S8B,C). In addition, dose–response studies with ELP5 revealed aconcentration-dependent decrease of pyocyanin levels for PW9843 and, to alesser extent, also for PW9844 Figure 2. A) Overall scheme of gel-free affinity-based protein profiling (Figure S8D). In the case of pyoverdine,PW9843 exhibited (AfBPP) employing isotope labeling.CC: click chemistry;DM: stable behavior similar to that of the wild type in response to ELP5, isotope dimethyl labeling. B) and C) Volcano plots of gel-free AfBPP while PW8944 showed almost undetectable expression level experimentinP. aeruginosa PAO1 treated with 50 mm ELP5 vs. a10- fold excess of EL or DMSO, respectively (both soluble fraction). Blue in the presence or absence of the compound (Figure S8E). dots represent protein targets that are enriched by treatment with Overall, these results indicate that, in comparison to the

ELP5 (criteria:log2-fold enrichment  2and Àlog10(p-value)  2.5) and PW9843 mutant, the transposon insertion within PW9844 outcompeted by EL (criteria:log2-fold enrichment  2and Àlog10(p- may completely compromise AlgP function and correspond- value)  2.5). Green squares denote targets that are enriched by ELP5 ing toxin expression, more prominently for pyoverdine.In but not outcompeted by EL while black dots denote background order to clarify how this is linked to the ELP5 phenotype,we proteins. Forafull list of proteins please refer to the Supporting selected PW9844 for whole-proteome analysis and compar- Information. ison with compound-treated cells.Thus,proteomes of P. aer- uginosa PAO1 treated with ELP5 and the PW9844 AlgP labeling[14] and the enrichment by ELP was compared to cells transposon mutant were analyzed via label-free LC-MS/MS, treated with DMSO or the inactive probe ELP2.Fumarate revealing astriking overall similarity of regulated proteins reductase (Frd), an enzyme involved in important cellular (Figures S9 and S10). Interestingly,pyoverdine biosynthesis pathways such as anaerobic respiration,[15] was among the proteins as well as MexGHI-OpmD,aknown transporter of most significant hits (Figure S2). In addition, proteins asso- ,were strongly downregulated in both samples.[19] ciated with protein synthesis pathways were significantly By contrast, no pronounced changes for pyocyanin biosyn- enriched, including elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and 30S thesis enzymes were observed, suggesting that the lower ribosomal protein S2 (RpsB). In order to gain more direct extracellular levels of this toxin may stem from reduced insight into target pathways,weperformed whole-proteome MexGHI-mediated transport. Taken together, our proteomic analysis of ELP-treated E. faecalis at sub-MIC concentra- profiles confirm astrong link between compound treatment tions.Interestingly,proteins belonging to the V-type ATP and impairment of AlgP function. However,the differences in synthase and V-type ATPase complexes that are directly pyoverdine levels of PW9844 and compound-treated wild associated with Frd-mediated respiration were consistently type cells point towards amore complex regulatory function, up-regulated (Figures S3 and S4). By contrast, no direct link which needs to be explored in future studies. to ribosome function could be established, which was further Given the importance of P. aeruginosa as apathogen, we corroborated by alack of activity of EL and derivatives in selected this bacterium for further evaluation of the EL translation inhibition assays using reconstituted extracts from treatment potential.[20] Because EL/ELP5 did not display Enterococcus rivorum,[16] aclose homologue of E. faecalis growth-inhibitory activity on P. aeruginosa (Figure 3A), we that displays acomparable MIC value (12.5 mm)(Figure S5). investigated whether these compounds could be used to We next focused on targets of ELP5 in clinically relevant potentiate the activity of sub-inhibitory concentrations of Gram-negative P. aeruginosa via the above described LC-MS/ antibiotics and thereby facilitate natural bacterial elimination MS platform. Again, 30S ribosomal protein S2 was strongly by the host immune system. In vitro infection assays with enriched, accompanied by the transcriptional regulator AlgP human THP-1 macrophages demonstrated that the presence and aprobable iron sulfur protein. Competition experiments of EL or ELP5 enhanced the capacity of sub-inhibitory with an excess of EL in the presence of the probe confirmed concentrations of the marketed antibiotic drug norfloxacin to these proteins as specific targets of the natural product kill intracellular P. aeruginosa (Figure 3B). Furthermore, (Figure 2B,C and Figure S6). Unlike the study in E. faecalis, neither EL nor ELP5 were cytotoxic for THP-1 macrophages EF-Tucould not be detected as significantly enriched. While and we did not observe adverse effects in Caenorhabditis

Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2019, 58,8581 –8584  2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8583 Angewandte Communications Chemie

Keywords: antibiotics ·chemical proteomics ·natural products · Pseudomonas aeruginosa ·virulence

Howtocite: Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58,8581–8584 Angew.Chem. 2019, 131,8670–8674

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Theauthors declare no conflict of interest. Manuscript received:March 21, 2019 Acceptedmanuscript online: April 10, 2019 Version of record online: May 16, 2019

8584  2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int. Ed. 2019, 58,8581 –8584