Par-t IV, Lostzer Cari'sniiferous to Pleistocene, iznclusive. 358 Bulletin American AZfuseumol of Natural Historyl. Vol. Xi, Lower . Kingdom PLANTAi. Geol.SCat. Type or , AND AUTHOR. R E F REN C E. Subdiv No. Fig'd Sp. Work. Vol. P. Pi. Figs. Lepidodendron Sternberg. Wav. 4 9,Q 1| Type. corrugatum, . Dawusont. Q. J. G. S. I 8 313 12 i oa, b Syringodendron Sternberg. 4.9 TSt 1 gracile .. DawSOrz. I 8 308 13 14a, b Kingdom ANIMALIA. * Subkingdom Endothyra Phillips. St. L. - Type. Baileyi ... Hhall. T. A. [. 4 34. Wkiif.W A. M. N. H. I 42 9 34, 35 Ha11. Geol. Ind. 12 32T 32 34, 35 524S14S 4 ' (Hall). Wlzilf. A. M. N. H. I * 42 9 36 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 321 32 36 f.4.4...... T. A. I. 4 34.... . Rotalia Lamarck. Baileyi...... *--- Subkingdom PORIFERA.

Type. Calathospongia H. & C. War. carCerali Type. &cC. -Pal. Sp. I57 5I 4 H|all. N. Y. S. M. i6 87 4 3 50 349 51 4 St. G.N.Y. i6 3~5 Redfieldi nSp.Typea .Ilaz. N. y. S. M. i6 88 S5 N. F. D. ..17 9 N Y. S-. N1 . 35 474 TS ZZ. &C. Pal. Sp. . 55 49 2-4 N. S. M. 5 347 49 2-4 St. G. N. Y. i6 347 49 2-4 (Hall).. ~~~Pal. SP- .155 49 r N. Y. S. M. 50 347 49 1 I " ~~~~~~~~~~~~St.:G.N.Y.z6 347 ) e 49 I- Type. sacculus .... Hall. S. M. N.hV.CC 35 473 .... t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tI9I|I6 88 14 ( II. & C. Pal.Sp. i6o 50 7 N. V. S. M. 5 325 - ' St. G( N. Y j 6 352 50 7 Dictyophyton Hall. catilliforme ...... CYlindricum .

Ne|zberryi. - |*edfieldi...... Dictyospongia H. & C. Keok. 45!,85 Gen: 'Te Sp.Type.and! cylindrica.. .Viitf. A. M. N. H. I 1 1 3

THidl.1 N. Y. S. M. 35 47 . H.& C. Pal. Sp.66555 N. Y. S.MM 50 358 55 3 remarks ____ " ~~~St. G. N. Y. i6 _3_5_8 _55 3 adteepaainoabrvations used in this part of the notEin-teprcdngpralnotinhe recdin , Catalogue, but pats,will be fouind on the pages immediately following the tabulated matter. I9OI.] *Cataloge of Types and Figured Specimens. 359



Akron. Ohio. A small fragment, imbedded.

External imprint retaining a little carbonaceous substance. PROTOZOA. Class RHIZOPODA.

...... AsRotalia Baileyi. Bloomington, Ind. A symmetrical individual. Twenty-nine other individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. An unsymmetrical individual. Twenty-nine other individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. As Rotalia Baizleyi. Thirty individuals which formed a part of the original type series. See Endothk,ra Baileyi. Class PLETHOSPONGLE.

As DictyoSJhyton rewberryi Hall ?

Richfield,. Ohio. Cast. As Dictyophyton Ree'fteZdi. P/hragmnodictya ? Redfieldi. Reduced figure. Diclygph.'ton? Redfieldi. Made the type of the new genus Calathospongia.

Harrisville, Ohio. Cast, practically entire.

Richfield, Ohio. Part of a cast. As Dictyophyton SaCCZul7f. "' " Redje/di ?

Richfield, Ohio. Cast...... This name bas been abandoned, because the organisms to which it was applied are , not plants. Crawfrrisville,Oind. See Phragmnodictya catilliformnis. Dictyospongia cylindrica. Thaminodictya Newberlyi and Calathospongia carceralis. Calathospongia A'edftiedi and Calathospong%ia sacculus. "" sacculus.

As Dictyop/tyton cylindricum. Made type of new genus Ca/athosponzgia. Imbedded, pyritized fragment showing the spicules. 360 Billedi;, Americani .AIseum of Natural HJIis/ori'. [-Vol. xi ?

Class PLETHOSPONGILE-ConifZ)ued. R F: R N EI H C E: Subdiv.Geodl.I No.,Ca 'F la Sp GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR.'dS-.Wok Vol. P. P1. F.igs. I1-'- !o;zToeisis...... Ectenodictya Hall. Lyrodictya Hall. Kind. 14 l-r;II Type. ? burlingtonensis....H 2ll. N. Y. S. M. 35 476 II. C. Pal. Sp. 165 53.. N. V. S. M. 50 357 53 6 St. G. N. Y. I6 357 53 6i C and' Keok.----- Phragmodictya Hall. A. 1sn1Sp.Type.; catilliformis...... f alSitf. M. N. H. is 3 ...... - N.Y. S. M. 35 477 I 8 14 H. &C. Pal. Sp. '73 64 5 N.Y. S.' M. 50 365 64 5 St. G. N. Y. 365 64 5 ...... ' ...... -JKeqteiai I . .... Hall. Keok. 4-11.s Geni and Physospongia Sp.T'y pe. Dawsoni . TV'itf. Am. J. Sci. 111,22 132 .t A. M. N. H. r I6 4

i9r Type. multibursa'ria... I7. &C. I'al. Sp. 196 .... 45 6.r 7 N.Y. S. M. 50 3S8 45 7 .St. G. N. V. r6 388 .... *)1 45 Hall. 7 G Thamnodictya Wav. 4iiy0 n.and Type. Newberryi...... 1( VSp. N. F. 1). 87 4 r, 4 N.Y. S. M. . . ' . . .' . . r7 N.Y. S. M. 477 I 8 [10 I!Z. C. 35 Pal. Sp...... N. Y.X. M. 61 5( 1, 6 50 353 5() 1:, 6 St. G. N. Y. i6 353 5() I, 6 N. V. S. M. r6 87 4 2 N...... F. D. .... N.Y. S. M. 35 477 1178 1IJI1 C. Pal. Sp...... 6 N. Y. S. M. 50 353o 5() .5r5 St. G. N. Y, 353 5() .5 Uphantania Vanuxem.


Favosites Lamarck. Kind. 4iIj] Type. divergens (W. & w.) ,A. WincAhell. 1P. A. N. S. I7 112 W. & B. S. W. N. H. 8 36.. IWhife. Wheeler Sturvey ITeiI.

lgJ"j;''S4 7 ______~~~~4 5 4 igor.] Catalogue of Types and Figvured Specimens. 36I


See Lyrodict)a burlin,gtozensis.

As Ectenodictya burlinzgtonensis.

Burlington, Ia. Imperfect imprint in the dark yellow, mottled sandstone.

- - As Dictyop/zyton catilliformXe. Given as the type of the genlus Phragmiodicva. Crawfordsville, Ind. A very large, compressed example, imbedded.

...... See Thamnnodictya Newbe-rri. Calaihospongia leedfieldi...... As Uphaza;ztziaz Dawsoni. Crawfordsville, Ind. " " 4"4 The specimen described and its counter- part. The generic name Phzysospon,gia was first used] by Hall in N. F. D., expl. pl. I9, and was first described in the 35th Rept...... N. Y. S. M., pp. 467 and 469, with this species as the type, but this specimen was not figured by HalL.

Large fragment, imbedded. As Dictqop/yton Neztbeirryi. " I ...... Phragmzodictya AezvO'ewrri. New genus Thamzoiwdic/ya described on- 13. 466 of samne report.

Richfield, Ohio. A well preserved internal cast and its external imprint. As Dict,ophly'ton Newzbeirr,i. Phiragmodictyna Aewbewbryi. u...... 'C_uyahoga Falls, Ohlio. Internal cast. The counterpart (external imprint) of the specimen illustrated by fig. 2, pl. 50, Pal. Sp., is present. See Pizysospongiaz. Da zzsoni. Class ACTINOZOA.

1...... As Favosites-

...... As type of Favosites WhSitfeldi White. This reference to White's I. "Preliminary report upon the invertebrate collected by the expeditions of I871, I872 and I873, with descriptions from spe- cies," has been taken from vol. 4 of final report as next cited here. Burlington, Ia. A small, weatherworn mass. 362 Bulleln Amcrican fuseumen of Natuhral Rif/toy. f Vol. Xi. Class ACTINOZOA-Con/inued. Geol. Cat. Type or RFFF ?RNCH Subdiv.ubi. NoCat.F'ig' Sp.or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOIR. W .... . _No.Fi_gd ._Work. Vol. P.-N . I1' Ii Favosites Lamarck.-Cont. Whit/eldi. sp. B. S. N. H. 8 306 Lithostrotion l.lhwyd. St. L. i Type. proliferum..... Hall. Geol. Ia. 1, Pt. 2 668 24 6.a, b

4 c 49 6 .. . . .""i,pt. 2 668 24 6c Lophophyllum E. & H. Kind. -9yu." calceola ...... W. & TY. B. S. N. H. 8 3(5

ccs14994 Zaphrentis Rafinesque. i acuta ..W.....aW83o)....W...... Clhss CRINOIDEA. Actinocrinus Miller. clarus.....

discoideus ...... divergens. equzorachiatus, var. ala/zus. glans.... injfatus.. inornatus...... LIaura... lepiduzs...... limaabrachiatzus..... ma/u/a, var. attenua/us.. ollzcuilus

.Pypentagonus...... amidZa fus ...... trobosczcialis.

quaternarius . . . Burl. A-10 Fig'd. siuu5 scit (alsT..&.W.) Hall. la. .rin.....2.. D. N. S. C ...... 267c Whi f. Mem. A. M. I I 13 Keok. jLat Type. semimultiramosus. Whzjiff. A. M. N. H. 13 23 3 . the/is...... turbinauts .... var. eleqans... l lWhzi/ei.z ::: Agaricocrinus Troost. Burl. i T,vpe. excavatus.. Hall. Ia. Crin. Wh D. N.S.C. 282 . i/f IMern. A. M. I 26 2 rA..., 1901.] e~fTpes and -Figured Specimens. 363


See Favosites diver-gens.

IJohnson's Landing. Ill. small, branching colony, -imbedded; and one which has been cut longitudinally. fragment which shows a solid axis, contrary to the representation of the figure.

IBuIrlin~gtoii, Ia. The two small calyces which were indicated as the types.

A small, nearly perfect calyx.

See Teleiocrinuzs czgilops. I...... Cactocr-inus clarus. Batocrinzus ct~vpeatus. discoideus. AmPhoracrinuts divergenis...... Batocrinus trquibrachia/uis, var. alatus. Cactocrinus glans. injlatus. Amnt.horacrinusBatocrinzus inornatus. cc Lauera. 44 le idus. Cactocrinus limibrachiatus. Eret;nocrinus attenuatuts. Batocrinues oblatus.

. . . a.. . . . Periechocrinzus Whtitei. Cactocrinuzs optusculus. ar. . . . d...... Batocrihns papillatu~s. Doriycrinuspfendens.Steganocrinuspentogonus. Cactocrinus proboscidialis. Ag~aricocrinues pyramidatus. Cactocrinus proboscidialis. Actinocrinus scitulues. Ia...... As type of Actinocrinus rusticus Hall. "" " ~~~~~Three calyces are marked as being Hall's types. Two weathered individuals imbedded in the same block. See C'actocrinus theti's. Dori'crinus tr-icorntis. Batocrinus tzirbinatus. " " 4 var. elegans. Dorv'crinues unicorniis. Per:eiochocrinuzs Wltitei.

See Ag-aricocrinuis ornzotrema. As (Amphoracrinuis) excavahts. A calyx. 364 Billetin American Afuseuin of -Natural Histo;y. [Vol. XI,

Class CRINOIDEA-Cotinued. R N Geol. Cat. Type or| GENUS, SPECTES AND AUTHOR. REFEREN C . Subdiv. No. .Fig'd Sp1______Wr. Vol. . . . Agaricocrinus Troost-Con! Burl. A.SL Type. ornotrema.H...... h...H Ia. Crin. 3 D. N. S.Gc..... 281...

Whiff. Mem. A. M. r 24 2 19-22

pentagonus . Hall. Ia. Sup...... 57 Whitf. Mem. A. M. I 25 2 17, IS

pyramidatus . Hall. Geol. Ia. 1,pt 2 5. WVhiff. Mem. A. M. I 23 2 23-25 Amphoracrinus Austin. " divergens..t Hal. Ia. Sup. 3). WhJiff. Mem. A. M. I 2:1 2 I 11002 '. inflatus.Haii...i..I Ia. Sup...... Whiitf. Meem. A. M. I 22 2 |o, II Batocrinus Casseday. "equibrachiatusMeCh'hesney,lollzt0001 var. alatus I).N.S. C.....263 . Whifft. Mem. A. INL I Ii I

5 l 4 bisbrachiatus... WhiffVMemn. A. M. i1 13 2 !.4, 5 r.nI(!r:sL ; Hal clypeatus..... ler. Ia. Sup. 12 0000' I "discoideus...... -!)n* .11111t Geol. In. 1, pt. 2 594!. WhVkiftf Nlein. A. NM. 1 14 1 J(, 2O|

inornatus...... 1rcl. -t. S . 2 ,[KhiffNW Mern. A. M. 11 5 2 1.3 Laura.. .Halia.i Ia. Crin. 15 .... . iWli,tjf: Mem. A. M. 17 I5, i6 '."lepid us..-f Ia. Sup. . 32 1 17, Whlitff1 Memn. A. M. i i6 I 5s010oIioblatus.Ha...... 11o.1 Ia. Sup. ....1 ,1 WhVhift. Mem. A. M. 121 I 2221,2

l papillatuss0-lYlil ." fi.f I. Sup. 1 012, turbinatus l1 c ..fl..I Geol.Ia .1, pt. 2 0011.'n:¢, " vazr. elegans, 'It. 21 5887 Cactocrinus W. & S. 15014 it I 1-4AsoIls;glansclarus ...... | (z Mem A ...... Jz.|l.'rnHaii> 2 .... WhifMem.AM. i | I 50,1._; glans. Hai~~~la. Sup.s Wlzt__TMem. A. M'. 10 11, 12 Catalogue of T7pes anzd Figured Specimiens. 365


As A4garicocrinus (Anfmp/hracrinus) bellatremia Hall, without any statement, however, that the name was to take the place of Agaricocriyzns ornotrtema. Burlington, la. Two imperfect, weathered calyces. Agaricocrinus bellatresa Hall is the name used by W. & S., N. A. C., p. 5o6. cc . .i A free calyx and an imbedded one. This species is regarded by W. & S. as synonymous with Agaricocrinus bultitzus Hall. Vid. N. A. C., p. 493. As Actinocrinus pyramnidatus. Burlington, Ia. T'wo entire calyces.

...... As AcIwzocrinus divergezs. Burlington, Ia. A macerated crown with displaced plates, imbedded, and a separated dorsal cup.

...... a...... As .4ctinzocrinus in.dztnes. Burlington, Ia. A slightly crushed calyx. Regarded by W. & S. as a synonym of .duiphtor-acrinzus spinobrachiatus Hall. Vid. N. A. C., p. 591.

As 4ctifiocrinits equtibrazchiatzis, var. ala(tus. B~u'rlin'gto'n', I'a'. A calyx which has been somewhat flattened vertically. 'Referred to Lobocriniuzs sequibr-achiatus, var. as/eriscuts M. & W. by W. & S., N. A. C., p. 441. Half of a crown with stomach plate in place. Referred to Eutro- ciowrinius Christyi Sbumard by W. & S., N. A. C., p. 4og. As Actinoc-inurs clypeatus. A calyx, somewhat compressed verti- cally. One of thle original series, but not figured. As Acfinocrinzus discoideuts. Burling..ton, la. A calyx. A second, more elongated calyx is also marked as a type. W. & S. use the name Battocrinzus suezq2tualis McChesney for this species, N. A. C., p. 369. As c/inoc;ri-inws inooruatus. Burlington, Ia. A calyx of medium size. W. & S., N. A. C., p. 3So, make this a synonym of Batoerinus clypeatus Hall. As Actinocri,zus Lizer-a: Burlington,t4 . la. A calyx. As 4ctinocr-inus lepidures. Bu'rlington, la. A calyx. As Ac4tinocr-inus obktus. Riochford, Mo. A somewhat distorted calyx. A more rotund specimen is marked as another type. It is Dizigocriinus rotitud-us, according to WV. & S., N. A. C., p. 432. Burlington, Ia. As Actocrinzus pa.pillatus A partly imbedded calyx. One of the original series, but not figured. As Actinocri.nus tuli-natus. A calyx of the original series which Burlington, la. was not figured. As Actinocrinus tur/ina/us, var. e/eg,7ans. Calyx and part of pro- boscis. The specimen from which the diagram was made. Actinocrinus clarus.

Burlington, Ia. A nearly normal dorsal cup and one that has been flattened...... As Actinoacrinus glans. A calyx which was used in the original description. 366 Bid/e/in American Afuseuml of Nazural History. [Vol. Xi, Class CRINOIDEA-Coztinued. Geol. Cat. or N Type GENUS SPECIES AND AUTHOR. RE E CFE S_ubdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. W Vol. P P.I Cactocrinus W. &. S.-Conz. Burl. Af Type. limibrachiatus .f.Haill. Ia. Crin.. 2 II D.- N. S. c. 268 Whziff. Mem. A. M. I 5 r 8, 9 ay0 I opusculus.Wail. la. Sup. 2 6 D. N.S.C. 264 ...... 'Gen. and Whiff. Mein. A. M. x I1 6, 7 ,T 8Sp.Type. proboscidalis.... l...Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 584 TO 3 Fig'd. Ia. Sup ...... 22 Whitf. Mem. A. M. I 7 I1 1-3 " IU\Q191Type. athetis. all. Ia. Crin. .II ...... Whitf. Mem. A. M. I 6 I ro I Cceliocrinus White. f fla.. ...Hail. la. Crin. 6 . . - .1 D. N. S. C. 300. Whitf. Memn. A. M. I 33 3 r8 Cyathocrinus Miller. Keok. £ Fig'd. multibrachiatus Ili(L.&.)CHaIt. D.N. S.C. 5 4-6 Burl. ISQ125-1 Type. sculptilis.Hall. la. Sup.59 I i Whtitf. Mem. A. M. r 29 3 10-12 viminalis. Hall. Ia. Crin. 5 D. N. S. C. 299 Whitf. Mem. A. M. I 28 3 7 5524 Dorycrinus F. Roemer. pendens ...... flail. Ta. Sup. .3 Whzif. Mem. A. M. I I8 2 9 tricornis.i....11. Geol. Ia. 1, pt. 2 569 i" W hiff. Mem. A. M. I 19 2 6-8 e &' 50n2 Fig'd. unicornis (07w. Siz.) L/. Geol. Ta. I, Pt. 2 568 IO Eretmocrinus L. & C. Type. attenuatus. Hall. Ia. Cnn.14 5 . . Whiff. M en. A. M. I 8 IEupachycrinus M. & W. I 23, 24 Keok. 1SQJ28 orbicularis .Hall. Ia. Crin. D. N. S.C. . 311 Whiff. Mem. A. M. 30 3 8,9 Forbesiocrinus de K. & le Hon. Giddingei. juvenis. Gilbertsocrinus Phillips. Burl. AO2" Type. papillatus Hall. la. Sup. .76 Whitf. I Mem. A. M. 36 3 23 de K. & le Hon. 500 Graphiocrinus htortuosus.Hall. Ia. Crin. 30. .9D.N. S.C. 7 . . ..~~~~~~J~~~ h if~Wif. Mem. 309 A.M. r ..3 .-...... 15-171 I9OI.] Catal6gue of :v.pes and Fig-ured Specimzens. 367


As Actiniocrinus limab-rachiatus.

Burlington, In. " " '* A set of arms used in the original ...... description. As Actinocrinus oppusculus. Described in explanation of plate...... C Burlington, '8" A dorsal 'cup. "" iproboscidialis Hall. A calyx. type of Actinocrinis qucaternaariuis Hall. Burlington,Burlington, la.Ia. Actinocrinus quaternarius Hall. A dorsal cup and a crushed crown. Referred here by W. &. S., N. A. C., p. 6ox. in...... As Actinocrinus thetis. A crown, somewhat imperfect on one side. As Poteriocrinus dilatatzus.

...... urling 13urlington, Ia. A calyx and its proboscis. See Vasocrinus Lovni. Crawfordsville, Ind. An imbedded crown with a small fragment of stem, a calvx and a dorsal cup retaining fragment of stem. Burlington, Ia. A dorsal cup.

Crown with part of stem attached, imbedded. Possibly a synonym of Cyathocrinzus ijowensis Ow. & Sh., as stated by Wachsmuth and Springer, Revision Palseocr., pt. I, p. S6. As Actinocrinus pezdens. Burlington, la. A dorsal cup retaining on one side a few of the dome plates. Prob- ably = Dorycrinus unicorzis Ow. & Sh. As Actizocriius tricornis. as Burlington, Ia. Two calyces. Probably = Dorycrin2us unicornis Ow. & Sh., stated by WV. & S., N. A. C., p. 468. As Actinocrinus unicornis Ow. & Sh. A calyx.

C& "9 matuta, var. atten{atus. Burlington, Ia. A much weathered calyx. As Sctaphiocrinus orbicularis.

Keokuk, Ia. A dorsal cup.

See Taxocrinus Giddn.,rei. cc cc zeveitis.

papillatus...... As Trematocrinus E;urlington, Ia. Olacrinus " Part of a dorsal cup, imbedded. Re- ferred to Gilbertsocrinus tipus by W. & S., N. A. C., p. 242, but it is more like G. robustus than G. tvpus.

I As Scaphiocrinus tortuosus. I., 1. 1. 1. 1. I... I.., 1. 1. 1. C. ss9 C9 Burlington, l'*a. A crown, imbedded. 368 Bulletfin Awerican Muziseum of ATaturcl Histo;y. [Vol. XI, Class CRINOIDEA-Conti.nued.

AGeol Cat. TyP eor GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. REFERENCE. 'luv>v.lisvIN .o'riFafu 03p.n P. .1--- Work. Vol. P. Icthyocrinus Conrad. Burl. 1! Type. burlingtonensis..1..h. 11czAZ.Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 557 W;Iitf. Mem. A. M. I 35 Ollacrinus Cumberland. paopillatus ...... y1t. Periechocrinus Austin. Burl. 24 °i Type. Whitei ...... H.Hz11...... D. N. S. C. 271 Ia. Crin. 2. Whiff. Mem. A. M. I 27 29 Platycrinus Miller. Keok. brevinodus .....l...Hal. Ia. Crin. 4 D. N. S. C...... 286 5 Burl. 20n .. cavus ...... Htazll. Geol. Ta. ra, b clytis.I/all. Ia. Crin. ! ! 2854 I). N. S. C...... 285 4 2f blzf itf. Mem. A. M. I 2 T1S 6

elegans...... flafitl. la. Crin. 4

D. N. S. C. I. 285 15 IVIt'l i/f, Mem. A. M. I 3

3 00271s ^r-'-; s excavatus ...l.....H 1. Ia. Crin. 4 D. N. S. C. .. 286 2020I : ,rsl 8: Whitf. Mem. A. M. a 3 3 5 striobrachiatus0 4 s . FHil. Ia. Crin.. 4 I). N. S. C. 287 2 2 jiftfW Mem. A. M. 1 4 3 2-4 24&j50:2!11 suibspinostis...... all. Geol. Ia.. It pt. 2 536 8 I9, ( Poteriocrinus Mliller. car-inatzes ...... Burl. 2L04 Type. Jesupi. .. hitf A. ;. N. I. 1 1, 2 .

St. L.:2-0f.f Fig'd. missouriensis (Shumn.) H-. Geol. Ia. ic, pt. 2 669 17 7I, 1 Scaphiocrinus Hall.... Burl. 0t"'f42lType. carinatus...... HIkil. Ia. Crili. D. N. S.C. W 310;O iitf; 1 em. A. M . 3I1 3 13, [4

orbicidezris ...... tortuosms ......

Burl. Steganocrinus M. & W. Burl.___1 Type. pentagonus ...... I-al.Geol. Ia. ..I,pt 2577 WWhitf.Taxocrins Mem. A. M. 2 262 Taxocrinus Keok. Phillips. Giddingei ...... zl1l. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 21 633 !17 2, 4 Burl. S-Y.5 juvenis... Hazll. D. N. S. C. 3I9I zWhiff. Mem. A. M. _ I 35 3 21, 22 I 9oI.1 Catalogue of Types and Fzigured Specimliens. 369


Burlington, Ia. Part of a dorsal cup, imnbedded.

...... See Gilbertsocnrinus papilZaths.

As Actinocrinus (MIeigistocrinus) Wkitci. '4 olliculus. Name abandoned by Hall. Burlington, ia. Part of the crushed crown and stem of an individual, imbedded.

Keokuk, Ia. A crown with the arms flattened and somewhat disintegrated. Burlington, la. Dorsal cup, imbedded.

A small, somewhat crushed crown with part of stem attached, im- bedded. Wachsmuth and Springer consider this name a synonym of P/a t)ycrinus scobina M. & W. See N. A. C., p. 695.

Crown and part of stem of a small individual, embedded. Regarded by WVachsmuth and Springer as a young Plzatyrinzis pl/nues Ow. & Si., vid. N. A. C., p. 669.

Dorsal cup, imbedded.

A crushed crown with some of the arms missing. Referred to Platyrc7inus discoidezs Ow. & Sh. by WV. & Sp., N. A. C., p. 713. Two calyces, imbedded.

See Scaphziocrinus cariznatu. Bu.lington,. GCOioc-inus dilata/us. Iurlington, la. Two crowns with considerable fragments of the stems attached. Imbedded in the same block. Not equivalent to Poter-iocrinzus Boonville, S-wallovi, as claimed by W. & S., Rev. Palhocr., pt. III, p. 235. St. Louis, Mo.Mo.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lAn imbedded crown which preserves more of the arms than the figure shows...... Regarded by V. & S. as a subgenus of Poteriocrinzus.

Burlington, la. As P(7teriocrinuts (Scaphiocrinus) cariniatus. An imperfect crown with somewhat displaced plates. See Eupaclz,cr-inus orbiculaZ is. ,...... Grap/iocrinus tortuosus.

As Actinocrinu!s pentatootus. Bu'rling'to'n', 'Ia. A small dorsal cup of the original type series, which possesses, however, the characters of Steganocr-inus ar-aneolus M. & W. Boonville, Mo.i As Forbesiocrinus Gidedingei. A crown retaining small fragment of stem...... As Forbesiocrinusjuvenis. Burlington, la. Dorsal cup with fragment of stem attached. 370 BSwleti Amzerican Afiseumn of ANatural Histoy. [VoI. XI,

Class CRINOID)EA-Conlinced.

R E Geol. Cat. TypPe or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTI-IOR. R E F E S N C Stibhji% . No. 'Fig'dISp., . Work. Vol. P. P1. If'igs. Teleiocrinus W. & S. Burl. -04& Yr pe. segilops ...... Hall. Ia. Sup. . 5 .... Whitf. Mem. A. M. I 20 2 27, 28 Trematocrinus Hall. papillz'us...... *- Vasocrinus Lyon. Keok. ! :47 Typ)e. Lyoni ... flall. Ia. Crin. .5 ... D. N. S. C. . 298 5 I3 Zeacrinus Troosi. 1.. Burl. f-t scoparius.a4d. Ia. Crin. 8 D. N. S.C..35 WAhitf.Meni. A. M. I 34 3 1(, 20 Class BLASTOTDEA.

Codaster McCoy.

Orophocrinus von Seebach.. Burl. Whitii Type. .Hall. Ia. Crin. io.

1). N. S. C. .. 3271. Wl itf. Mem. A. M. 36 ' 3 25--28

Pentremites Say. Keok. r ebipyramidalisol5 () H.all. Ia . ar, pt. 2 607 T 5 2 St. L. :j* conoideus .aZll.! T. A. I. Geol. Ia. r, )t. 2 6551 22 8 WI,itf. A. M. N. H1. I 44 ( 32 o5021:. Hall. GeCl. Iiid. 12 32 2 3 T. A.T. 4 or,.2~~ 4 5

Koninckanus ...... [a, . 1, pt. Geo]. Ia. 2 66s 22 c Wlzitf. A. M. N. II. 43 33 f2 " ...... Hl.htZCsGeol. Ind. 322 32 33

A.I. 12 WWoodmani ...... Triccelocrinus Sp. Type. Woodmani....A. &- W. P. A. N. S. 20 356 Greol. Ill 5o6 Ti6 (1I

ulass ItCHINOIDEA ....~~~~~~~~~~.

Archaeocidaris McCoy. St. IL. A4 Type. Wortheni Ia. 2 JIl { ...... hl. Geol. T, Pt. 700 26 Jackson. B. G. S. A. 7 21 4 ... 8 .1 3 ,fal. e Ia. -,Ipt. 2 700 26 Melonites N. &- 0. 4 f Wa,r. septenarius, W'. (Jackson) B.- G. S. A. 182 '3 4" 190I.] Catalogue of T7pes anzd Figured Specimens. 3iI


. .. As Actinocriuzus ar-iZops. turliiigton, la. A calyx of average size. Species regarded by W. & S. as a synonym of Teleiocrinus unmbrosus, N. A. C., p. 628. See Gilbertsocrinus papillatus.

As Cathocrinus Lyoni. (Crawfordsville, Ind. "9 " " An imperfect crown, imbedded. W. & S. make this species the type of Vasocrizus as emended by them, Revision Paheocr., pt. I, p. 96.

Burlington, Ia. A crown which has lost the tips of the arms.

...... ISee Orophocrinus W17hitii. I As Codaster Whitei. .,& c 4 & Burlington, Ia. An entire calyx and the internal cast of another, the latter coming from the brown sandstone at the base of the Burlington beds, while the former came from the white limestone at the top. M issouri. Nearly entire body.

Bloomington, Ind. A large body. Eleven others are in the original type series. Spergen hlill, Ind. Twelve bodies from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. Three bodies from this locality are iii the original type series.

Spergen Hill, Iiid. Two bodies. Nine others from this locality are in original type series. Alton, Ill. T1wo bodies from this locality are in the original type series. See 7'ricoilocrinus Woodhnani.

As Pentrem?ites (Tr-oostocrizus?) fUnoodnani. Salem, Ind. New generic name proposed under the description of the species. A large body, partly silicified.

individual. Near St. Louis, M o. A well preserved, flattened .s ....&( A spine, imbedded.

Buzzard's Roost, Cast in chert. Name given by R. 1'. Whitfield in Jackson's paper. Franklin Co., Ala. 372 Bid/e/ii Americanu MtusezumI of Vatural listozy. [VVol. XI,

Class ECHINOIDEA-Contin/ned. Geol. Cat. or REFERENCE. No. TYPed GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Work. Vol. P. Stobdiv. Fig Sp. __ . . .,_ _ _ . . . .. ~Work. Vo. _P. Pi._Pl. Figs. Oligoporus M. &- WV. xeok. 5if Fig'd. ianobilis(AZ. &'.)Jckswn B. G. S. A. 7 198 6 35 Lepidechinus Hall. I Gen.andI Wav. t(Sp.Type. rarispinus ...... Hall. N. Y. S. Mf. 20 295 9 IO " j.r..." "20. 295..


Archimedes Lesueur. WVars. >.%!LS GSeni'aPod \Vortheni.W 1./al.. A. A. A. S.;. IO,pt.2 178 S p . T y p e . Geol l a 65r 22 3-5b Fenestella Lonsdale.


Ptilopora McCoy. Wars. Ir10 Tvpe. Prouti ...... HIall. Geol. la. I, pt. 2 653 22 6a-c s .} L...... ;. I, Pt. 23 653 22 7 -[t9tzwi..Class BRACHIOPo)DA. i Acambona White. Kind. Fig'd. prima ( IW ite). . H. & C. St. G. N. V I3 797 37 2[, 22 Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 119 |51 40, 4I ! Athyris McCoy. ;~~~~~~~~~~~.hirsuta...... 1...... Burl. It Type. incrassata ...... Hal. el. a. I, pt. 2 6oo I2 6, 7z. v. " subquadrata .....Ilail1. I, 2_ 703 27 2a-C Chest.,111 trinzcleus ......

I 011 Type. Camarophoria King. St...... A. I. L. Type. subcuneata Hall. T. 4 II ! Ia. I, pt. 2 658 23 3a-c TWVhi/feld. A. M. N. 1 T 51 6 47-49 g;.IHall.. ... Geol. Ind. 12 333 29 47-49 " T. A. I. 4 II . ...i...... W? ortheni ...... H...Hall. 4 II Wlzitfield. A. M. N. H I 54 6 35-39 Ifall. Geol. Ind. I2 334 29 35-39 Camarotoechia H. & C. a Wav. 0. " contracta...... I-lll. Pal. N. Y. 4 i35I 55 i39, 7.v.

J ru1a Fig'd. sappho, var. HaIll. 4 354 55 47,49, 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~Geol. 4 354 55 48, 5I 55 52 I90I.] Catalogue of Types and Firured Specimens. 373


Keokuk, Ia. Two detached plates imbedded with many others.

Meadville, Pa. External imprint in gray sandstone. Licking Co., Ohio. Nearly entire cast, somewhat crushed. This and the preceding specimen are specially mentioned by R. T. Jackson, Studies of Paheechinoidea, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 7, p. 227 ff. Class POLYZOA.

As Fenestella (Archiimedes) lortheni. Warsaw, Ill. An axis, part of which was figured, and part of an axis which bears three of the fronds it position on one side. See Archimnedes TVortheni.

Warsaw, Ill. Imbedded fragment showing celluliferous side. Boonville, Mo. Imbedded fragment showing non-celluliferous side. !.

Burlington, la. A somewhat incomplete cast. See cleiothyvris hirszta. Hannibal, Mo. A ventral valve, imbedded. Chester, Ill. An entire individual. See SemJ/inudl riuzzc/qts, As Rhwiconella szbeunfcata...... "Rhyrnchonella ...... Bloomington, Ind. An individual. Seven others are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Inmd. As Rhzvco;zella subeuneata. Three individuals from this locality are in the oricinal type series. As Rhzynconella WVorthenii.

Alton, Ill. Two individuals. Licking Co., Ohio. As Ryvnchonella. (Stenoceisma) contracta. Cast of ventral valve in block with types of Cavzma-rtcerchia sap/pko,, var., figs. 4S, 5I, of same plate. ss .4 As R/hichonella (tSthocisma)sappho var. Casts of a dorsal and two ventral valves. 41 t As Rhwi'chonella (Ste'zocisoea) saprsho var. Casts of two opposite valves imbedded in same block wvith Camairotoxkia contr;acta, fig. 39, same plate. As Rhynchonella (Stenoris;nia) sappho var. Cast of an individual, flattened vertically. 374 Belletin American Mzseum of Natural Historj. [Vol. Xi, Class BRACHIOPODA-C'ontinue7.

Cat. or REFE RENCE. 5Gel. S GENUS, SPECIES 0udv,'. FgdSp.!Tde AND AUTHOR. Work. Vol. P. Pi. Figs. Centronella Billings. St. L. r ype. crassicardinalis... Whitf. A.M. N.H. I 55 6 50-52 Hall t. Geol. Ind. 12 ..... 29 50-52 Chonetes Fischer.

. . I. .9 Burl. t8 Fig'd. illinoisensis ( Wo-tzen) Geol. Ia. I, pt. 21 598 I2 ia-c, 2

Klind. r ol i Logani (N. & P) .Hall 1, Pt. 21598 I2 id, e

Logani Hall (non N. & P. Chonopectus Hall &Clarke. Kin,d. I Fi,-,'d Sp. Fischeri (AT. & P.) Hall. Geol. 7 and G. T. Ia. I, Pt. 21 517 a, z,. V. " St. G. N. Y. 2 ... 47 I7, Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. I 3I2 I6 17, " Geol. la. I, Pt. 2 5I7 7 ib, c St. G. N. Y. 2 47 31 enl. ll Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I i6 I& Ht. C. 3I2 31

"""" Hall, BI 8, pt. I; 312 I5 23, V. V. t..eior,nyris r-.1ng. St. L. KIY I Type. hirsuta.a T. A. I. 4 8 Whsiff. A. M. N. H. I 49 6 r8, d. v. X 2 Geol. Ind. 12 328 29 I8,

I ...... W.. T. A. I. 4 8 ...... , ...... 4 8 ...... Fig'd. .. TVYAitJ. 6 (Afa1l) A. M. N. H. I 49 19-2I 44 . p 5 i 2.! Hall1. Geol. Ind. 12 328 29 19-21 Cryptonella Hall. Type. eudora. all. Pal. N. Y. 6i d. v. " ! s 7 4 sc 4 398' 33, 4 398 6 I 38, Derbya Waagen. Keok. .1-5587! keokuk.Hall. 2 3 & C. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. I 262 II 3 Dielasma King. formosum ..... Hall. T. A. 4 6 WPtitff. A. M. N. H. I 55 6 59,6. H:all. Geol. Ind. 12 337 29 59, 6o

~~~(Hall)1 H. &C. Pal. N. 8, Pt. 2 296 8i 20, d. v. (.I;>.O,,l"" (St. G. N. Y. . .. . 53 I5, Pal. '3 i,503: s s K s . . ,, N.VY. 8, Pt. 2 296 8i 21-23 S; Hall. T. A. 1. 4 6!

3 Js P ..... 4 6 L a Fig d. (Hall). Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 55 6 6l-64 Geol. 3074 ~~~~Hall. Ind. 12 337 29 61-b4 1 Type. Hall. turgidumr T. A. 4 6 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 54 6 53-55 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 336 29 53-55 I9OI.] Catezlogue of Tjpes and Fgulored Specimens. 375


Spergen Hill, Ind. A silicified ventral valve.

See Chiowopectus Fischeri. Quincy, I11. As C'honetes Loganzi N. & P. Two ventral valves and a dorsal valve imbedded in a greenish white limestone. Burlington, Ia. A somewhat broken ventral valve. Probably a specimen of Chonetes illinoisenzsis Worthen. See Chiaetes illhimzosensis.

As Chonetes FiscL'eri. 19 elC C . Burlington, la. Imperfect cast...... As Chonetes Fischeri. Burlington, la. Probably the original of this enlargement also, which was not made from the original of fig. I7. Ventral valve imbedded in limestone. Cast of a small ventral valve.

As Spirigera (Athyris) h'irsuta. AMtitris hirsuta,. Spergen Hill, Ind. " A somewhat exfoliated individual. Eleven others from this locality are in the type series. Alton, Ill. As Spi-igera (Afthyris) hirssta. Eleven indiv. of orig. type series. Bloomingtoni, Ind. C I & 4 "a II" Twelve indiv. of orig. type series. AtiYris hir-stta. Spergen Hill, Ind. "( ' " A weathered and silicified individual which was not in the original series.

Licking Co., Ohio. As Cryptoizella ( T'erebratula) eudor a. Cast of dors. valve, imbedded. Cast of an individual.

As ShveptorzyncJius keokhk. Warsaw, Ill. Internal cast of a large ventral valve.

As Terebratula formosa.

Spergen Hill, Ind. " *' " A small entire individual. Ten others from this locality are in the original type series. Paynter's Hill, Ind. A very large, silicified individual, somewhat crushed on one side. Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual cut so as to show the loop. Alton, Ill. As Terebreztzila fornmosa. Ten small individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. As Terebr-atula fo-mo.rsa. Nine individuals from this locality are in the original type series. As Terebrwtula formosa. Spergen Hill, Ind. "C Two very large individuals. " " tur,gida. Bloomington, Ind. An individual of average size. Eleven others from this locality are in the original type series. 376 Bulkeiin American Museuni of Natural -Fistory. [Vol. XI, Class BRACHIOPODA-Continmed.

I~~~~~~~~~~ R1-.EF rERENC E. iType GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. -I Subdiv.Geoli. NoatNo. 'Fig'd Sp.orp Work. Vol1. .rp pi'1. Figs. I. Dielasma King.-Cont. I I

St L. turgidum 6 Type. ...a...a11. . . t. 1 T..9 A. I. 4 4 6 ...... :- 3 " ' T -.-I Fig'd. (Hall).. I'17ij A. M. N. H1. I 54 6 56-58 Ha1Z.1 Geol. Ind. r2 3316:' 9 56 -58 i. Discina Lamnarck, Ne-zvberi:,iyi...... Eumetria Hlall. St. L. Verneuiliana.... Hall. T. A. . . T''ype. I. 4 9 ... .. Geol, Ia. I,Pt. 2 657.7 ia, b, c H. &P C. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 II( 51 r7, ent. X 3 .Hall.Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 657 23 IC, d. 7v. 3 A. N. I 6 ,. . 5n0 7 " (Hall) Wliitf. M. H. 50 218, 30 c 0 7.5a s Hall. Geol. Ind. 42 335 29 28, 30 T. A. I. 4 " ' ig'd. 9 (all) Wl"sitf. A. M. N. H. 50 6 29, £1. V. Hall. Geol. Ind. 12I2 335 29 29, " Lingula Bruguiere. Wav. aA.' Type. cuyahoga ...... Hall. N. Y. S. M. 24 5 Pal. N. Y. 4 I5 I melie ...... Hall. N.Y. 5 44 S. M. i6 24 Pal. N. Y. 4 I4 I 3, 4 Orbiculoidea d'Orbigny. C 5 0 '8 C Newbe'rryi...... H all. N.Y. S. M. 46 30 ...... Pal. N. Y. 4 25 I Ioa, b c 4 '' ''c 4 25 I iha-c Orthis Dalman. da'bia; ...... ineq,zealis.r.. Alichzelina, Var. burlingtonensis. Swvallovi..*: : t Orthothetes Fischer. .... Kind. Type. 0-QSt9F . Hall. inTequalis.. . Geol. Ia. r, pt. 2490 2 6a-c St. G. N. Y. H. 2 .... 42 22 &' C. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt..I 9A 22 al. St. G. N. .l...... Y. .... 2 42 20,I,int,.7,.z7. H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 8,pt.xI.... 9A 20 .... St. G. . ..l..Hal. N. Y. 2 .... H. &C. 42 2:'I1, el. V. Pal. N. Y. S, Pt.xI....-9A 2:TI, "4 Igo9.] Cctalogue of yvpes and Figured Specimens. 377


*1-- -

Spergen Hill; Ind. As Tcrebratzda tzu,eida. One large and two small individuals from this locality are in the originlal type series. Alton, Ill. As Terebtratula turi,da. Twelve individuals from this locality are in the original type series. As Terebratula turgida. .. Eillttsville,e.. i.... d..Ind... &" " " A large, silicified individual.

See Orbiculoidea rewberryi.

As Reizia Verneuiiaita.

Bloomington, Ind. An entire individual. Twelve others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. As Retia Verneuiliana. An entire individual of elongate form.

An entire individual. Eight others from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. Twelve individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

Paynter's Hill, Ind. A very perfect silicified individual which was not in the original type series.

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Imbedded.

Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Imprints of two valves in the same block. One retains some shell.

As Discina Newberryi. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. "'4 4 "'. ( Two large opposite valves, considerably exfoliated, imbedded. cc . As Discina Newberryi. Two dorsal valves, exfoliated, imbedded. Schuchert, Syn. Am. Foss. Brach.. p. 26I, refers this species to the genus Lingulodiscinca.

See Rhzipidomella dubia. " Orthoth etes inaqualis. Rhipidomellea burlinggtonensis. " Schizophoria Swa/lovi.

As Orthis inequalis. " Streptork,ynchiu.s qugivalvis by error. Burlington, Ia. Casts of the opposite valves...... As Streptorhynchhus a!quiva/vis by error. Burlington, Ia. A slightly impefect ventral valve...... r-1:...... As Streptoriynclcus xjuivalvis by error. 1urlington, Ia. .Cast of a.dorsal valve...._ 378 Bulletin American Museum of lVztural History. [Vol. XI, Class BRACCHIOPODA-Continued.

; 'd GENTS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv.i Fi S Work. REFERENCE,.2. Pi. Vol I.. P. Figs. Productella Hall. _.S Geol. 2 Kind. °A ; Type. concentrica .. Hall. Ia. I, Pt. 5x:7 7 3, v.v. NAewberryi ...... 4 4 i5 08 ..... Geol. Ia. 2 Type. pyxidata Htzl. I,pt. 49 3 Sa-e St. G. N. Y. 2 ... 3 34, dv. (H. C.) II ... 4EI im'.t &' 23, " ... 21 Pal. N. Y. 8, r 7 23J, pt. 34,

.. . I7 Shumardana Geol. Ia. I, 2 491 2, 7. pt. V. .4 8 i>1 St. G. N. Y. 2 48 7," (H. & C.) Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 9 7, " ...... Hall. Geol. Ia. r, pt. 2 494 3 4,in d.7,. sp. ?...... St. G. N. Y. 2 49 4 Productus Sowerby. Kieok. T 5 Fig'd. alternatus (N. &'P.) H-fall. St. G. N. Y. 2 49 I4, v. V. H. &z C. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 327 Kind. 5 i8 14, " ni44 Type. arcuatus ...... Hall. Geol. Ia. I, 2 7 Pt. 518 41, b St. L. 81 biseriatus H.a. l:all. T. A. I. 4 I2 A. M. N.H. I Whsitf. 46 X 2 Geol. 6 8, Hall;. Ind. I2 32c 29 8,"in1.

(Hall)... Whiff. A. M. N. H. 46 ,,tt. el. V7 Geol. Ind. 6 9, 12 325 29 9, 3r, Fig'd. (Hall)... Whiff. A. M. N. 10-I2 H1. I 325 29 Burl. Hall. Geol. Ind. I212 325 IO_I12 Type. burlingtonensis .Hall. Geol. Ia. 29 2. 1, pt. 2 598 12 30, 1) I, Pt. 2 598 12 3(c-c g I '' I, pt. 2 598 12 1.3f. ild.1.71. conce;ztricus. Flenminoi var. burlin, St. L. i;7I Type. indianensis ...... Hall. T. A. I. I4 3 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 47 6 6, 7 WVay. r8 Fig'd. Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 32 29 67 laevicosta (Wzite)? Haiall. St. G. N. Y. 2 |''' 49 4,'zJ 7'. H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 89,Pt.I... 4, St.L. j6rD9 marginicinctus(Pozut)zH. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 674 24 30-c: | Keok. AA0i'QlType. mesialis Hall. " t"2cI pt 636 1 ...... pt2 20-c St.G.N.Y.' 636. 49 9,10 Wav,H"Newerry,,,all. St. G. N. Y. 2 2,3 Keok. _ 5D,^ow.ewberryi...... Ha,I.H.&'C. St.Pal.G.N.N.Y.Y. 8,pt.....2 9I4.... 2,3 H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 8,Pt.I. i8IS

a u . . .ii...... I901.] Catalogue of Types and Fi,gured Specimnens. 379


Burlington,,Ia. As P;-oductus concen/ricus. Cast of a ventral valve. See " ATewberryi. As " 5yxidatus.

Louisiana, Mo. Three individuals and a dorsal valve, imbedded separately. From the Lithographic limestone. As Productus Slhuma-dianus. Burlington, Ia. Ventral valve, imbedded. From the limestone. Clarksville, Mo. As Productus Shutm,ardianus. Dorsal valve imbedded so as to show the interior. From the Lithographic limestone. See Productus levicosta.

Warsaw, Ill. A small ventral valve. Burlington, Ia. A partly exfoliated ventral valve, imbedded.

Bloomington, Ind. Dorsal valve imbedded so as to show interior. Four other specimens from this locality are in the original type series.

Alton, Ill. Dorsal valve, imbedded. Five others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. Entire, silicified individual, not one of the original series. Burlington, la. As Produectus Flemingi Sowerby, var. bu-lingoetonsis. External cast of dorsal valve retaining some shell substance. As Productits Fleningi Sowerby, var. bur-ing/onensis. A ventral cc cc valve, imbedded. As Prodzuctus Flemingi Sowerby, var. burlin tonensir. A partly exfoliated dorsal valve, imbedded. See Productella concentrica. " Productus burlingtonensis.

Spergen Hill, Ind. Two individuals, one of which was figured. As Produrctella sp. ? Licking Co., Ohio. Productus sp. ? cf. Pratcnanus Norwood. Somewhat crushed, imperfect cast of a ventral valve. St. Louis, Mo. Two opposite valves, imbedded separately.

Nauvoo, Ill. Two opposite valves, imbedded in separate blocks. As Productella Aewberryi. Licking Co., Ohio. 41 "it " Casts of an individual and a ventral valve. New Providence, Ind. A somewhat.imperfect ventral valve. See Productella pyxidata. 3803Bulletin A;nerican Museum of .Vat"ral History. [Vol. xi7 Class BRACH IOPODA-Continued. Class BRACHIOPODA-Coiztinued.

REFEREN CE. SPECIES AND Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. GENUS, AUTHOR. Work. Vol. P. P]. Figs. Keoj. Productus Sowerby-Colt. K;eok. ,__y_Fig'd. semireticulatus (Aartiin) Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 638 Ix 3, d. v. St. G. N. Y. 2 49 13, '. H. &C. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. I 325 I8 I3, """" (Martin) Hall. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 231 637 '9 4a " St. G. N. Y. 2 49 II H.&- C. Pal. N. Y. &, pt. I 325 I8 II ...5.K89I;8 , 4' Hallc. Geol. Ia. T, pt. 2 639 19 4 b, c St. G. N. Y. 2 49 12 H.&'C. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 325 I 8 12 setio-erus...... var. keokuk. Shumardianus.... ,-I St. L. 54 -2 Type. tenuicostatus ....l..rall. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 675 24 2a-d St. G. N. Y. 2 49 i8, prof. H. &4 C. Pal. N. Y. 8,i pt. I 327 IS II8, fenuzicostus ...... Keok. rwl Type. vittatus ...... rl.l Geol. Ia. r, pt. 2 639 &c. St. G. N. Y. 2 . . . . 49 IS H. &P C. Pal. N. Y. i i8 4 4 5 n $). c & 327 '5 --2-' ...... H 1. .HlSt. G. N. Y. 49 I6, I7 H. &7 C. Pal. N. Y. 8,E pt. I 327 IS I6, I7 . sPd cf.Cr.f Pr,1-',rattenanus..... sp.? 8, pt. I IS 4 Ptychospira H. &. C. Kind. " - L,Y-14 sexplicata...... Tp. r'V. B. S. N. H. 8 294 .... H. &r C. St G. N. V. I3 .... 36 22, 23 i! I Pal. N. Y-. 8, pt. .92 112 83 28,r7.V.XX 22

* ugnax HallI & Clarke. I...... -- - 1 -,- Fig'ad missouriens~sis (Shum.) 11. Pal. N. Y. St. L. '-5Type' mutata.... 8, Pt. 2 204 62 44., 45 ...... Hall. T. A. I. 4 10. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 658 23 2a, b IfVI,i f. A. M. N. H. I 52 6 43-45 Hall. Geol. Imid. 12 332 29 43-45 Retzia King.

Verneulianasexplicata I .... .:..I | Rhipidomella;CEhlert. Burl. IQl_l Type. burlingtonexnsis ....Hall. Geol. Ia. I , pt.:2 596 12 4a, b St. 1[- u | dubia ...... Hall. T. A. I. 4 12 ...... WI, if. A.j M. N. H. Hall. I 45 6 I,d.v. Geol. Ind. 12 324 29 I, 1' I2 (Hall2)...... hiZf A. M. N. H. 45 6 2-4 Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 324 29 2-4 _ go0.] C'atalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 38I


As type of Productus se/igerus Hall. Keokuk, Ia. A crushed, imbedded individual retaining some of the cardinal spines.

. t sc Externial cast of a dorsal valve retaining some shell. As type of Productus seti/-eus var. keokuk hlall. Warsaw, Ill. Ventral'valve, imbedded. See Pr-oduc/us semireticulatus. " Productella Slzimardanat. As Productus tenuicostur. is fic it, M!Iilan, Ill. An imbedded individual broken apart so as to show both valves. See Produect/es tezuicostatus.

Keokuk, la. An exfoliated ventral valve.

Warsaw, Ill. A well preserved dorsal valve, imb. so as to show the interior. An exfoliated ventral valve from this locality is in the orig. type series. See Productus Zzvicosta.

As .?etzia sexplicata. Burlington, Ia. An imbedded ventral valve. A broken indiv. which was not figured is also marked as a type. Figs. 22 and 23, pl. 36, 13th Report St. G. N. Y., were not made from one of the original specimens. Defined as a subgenus of Lypothyris. Burlington, Ia. Internal cast of a large individual from the upper (?) Yellow sandstone. As Rhinconella mizu/a/a. Rlhnchonella Alton, Ill. Two individuals. T'en others from this locality are in the original type series. See Ptychos.pira sexp/ica/a. " Eutmze/ria Vernzeuiliana.

FIannibal, Mo. As Ort/iAs Michelina l'Eveille, var. b.rlingtonensis. Veritral valve, imbedded. As Or-/is dubia. Bloomnington, Ind. " "4 9 An individual of average size. Two others from this locality are in the original type series. As Orthis dzubia. Hill, Ind. " A rather large individual. Four others from this __ locality are in the original type- - series. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II - 382 Biledin American Afuseum of Valuratl History. [Vol. XI,

C(lass BRACHIOPODA-Cnlbined.

Geol. Cat. or REFERENCE. Subdiv. No. F-ig'dsorTypMeSp GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. .~ Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Rhipidomella (Ehlert-Conl. L. 9098 dubia...... H.....Hl.l. T. A. I. I2 St.~~I 0 Type. 4 ..4 *Fig'd. " (a1) ..... Wlzitf. A. M. N. H. I 45 6 5,int ' .V. I i ~~~~~Hall.'i Geol. Ind. 12 324 29 5

Rhynchonella Fischer. contracta Hall ...... Grosvenori ......

vtcra...... 1 ......

mzetata ...... 8... Kind. 10-I9 Type. opposita. W1. & W. B. SN. H. 294

sapplho, var...... szubczcnzeata ...... IVortheni ......

Rhynchotreta Hall. St. L. Type. macra... Hall. T. A. I. 4 II TVzitf. A. M. N. H. I 52 6 40-42 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 334 29 40-42 ricinula ...... Hall. T. A. I. 4 9 WI,itf. A. M. N. H. I 53 6 46, d. v. 15 io Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 330 29 46, "

fil, Schizophoria King. Burl. Swallovi...... /all. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 597 I2 5a, v.v. c ia I, pt. 2 597 I2 5b, dlv.

Seminula McCoy (H. & C.) ...... St. L. trinucleus Hal T. A. I. 4 7 ...... -.. "It Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 659 23 4, 5 Wlsitf. A.M.N.Hf. I 50 6 22, 23 f/Iall. Geol. Ind. I2 329 29 22, 23 c" T.A.I. 4 7 4 4 Fig'd. (Hall) Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 50 6 24-27 Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 329 29 24-27

SpiriferI Sowerby. I 54 Type. bifurcatus .....HAal.. T. A. I. 4 8 Wl iIf. A. M. N. H. I 47 6 I3 Halli Geol. Ind. 12 326 29 13 Fig'd. (Hall) WJiitf. A. M. N. H. I 47 6 14, I5 Hla11. Geol. Ind. I2 326 29 I4 I5 I 5 Kind. Type. biplicatus ..... TIal. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 519 7 5b Carteri ...... Kind. Fig'd. centronatus ( Winchzell)H. Geol. Ia. FQIL. I, pt. 2 519 7 5a extenuiatus...... II- I901.] C'tta&ogrute of §ypes and Fi,oured Specimens. 383


Alton, Ill. As Orthzis dubia. Ten individuals from this locality are in the original type series. As Or/zis dubia. Paynter's Hill, Ind. " "6 "4 I A large silicified ventral valve. Not one of the original series.

See Camnaro/achia contracta. Wilsonia Grosvenori.

...... a...... Rlhynzchoretar nacra. Pugnax mutata. ... ~...... l' Burlington, Ia. A-n individual with dorsal valve, somewhat broken. From the limestone. See Rlzynchotreta ricinula. Camarot/achia sap,Pho, var. "CamaropAhoria subcuinea/a. "Wortheczi.

As Rhtyntconclla miiacra. Rhtyncizonella " Alton, Ill. An entire individual, large for the species. /i?hynconclla ricinula. " Itlchzonella " others from Spergen Hill, Ind. " " " An entire individual. Five this locality are in the original type series.

Burlington, Ia. As Orthis Sroallovi. Large ventral valve, imbedded. Quincy, Ill. Large dorsal valve, imbedded.

...... As Terebratulz trinuclea...... Athyris trinucleus. Bloomington, Ind. "';t " Two entire individuals. Eight others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen lill, Ind. As 7erebrat/la /riinuciea. Three individuals from this locality are in the original type series...... As Athzyr-is trinuc/eCs. Spergen 11ill, Ind. I 4 ' "1 C A large, entire indiv. Not one of the orig. series.

An individual. Two individuals which were not in the original series. Fig. 14 is an enlargement to 4 diams. cen/ronatus. Burlington, Ia. Cast of a dorsal valve. See also Spirifer See Clarteri...... Syringothyris of a valve, from Burlington, Ia. As a type of Spirifer bipliea/Us Hall. Cast dorsal the upper Yellow sandstone. Not from the O0litic limestone...... SeeSyringot/hyris exteua/ata. 384 Bulledini American Mfuseum of NVatural Efistorv. [Vol. XI, Class BRACHIOPODA-C'ontinued. Geol. Cat.! Ty o ,p GENUS. SPECIES AND AUTHOR. R EFERENC E. Subdiv. N'o. FigdSp. Work. Vol. P. P]. Figs. Spirifer Sowerby-Coizt. Burl. ~IZFig'd. Forbesi (NA~&~P.).. Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 6oo 13 I, V. V. Tvpe. Grimesi...... Hall.; I, pt. 2 604 14 13, if/.v.v. St. G.N. Y. 2 .... 561J7, Pal. N. N. 510.4 t H.L&-C. S, Pt.2 38 31 I17, ... Hall.. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 604 14 4, r~~~~~~ ~...... i, pt. 2604 14 5, ...... St. G. N. Y. 2 56 H.&-C Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 ..38 31 18x8, in/l.v.7 5 -Il~~.all. St. G. N. Y. 2 5.6 ig, eni. H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 38 31 I9, Kind. I'J-'. hirtus.... W. ~& IV. B. S.N. H. 8 293......

Burl. imbrex...... Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 6oi 13 :2, d. v. St. G. N.Y. 2 .... 56 Ii

Aj11 N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 38 31 I, sil incertus...... Hall. ~~~~~~Pal.Geol. Ia. 1, Pt. 2 602 £3 3,cad Chest. j2* increbescens. Hall1. "IC " I, Pt. 2 706 27 6a-c, i. St. G. N.XY. 2 55 29, 30 C9 ~~~56 3 H. & C. " " 13 ...27 8, Io Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 27 30 29, 30 3' 3 .....Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 706 27 6d, d. v...... "." , Pt. 2 706 27 6e, f St. G. N. Y. 2 .... 55 27, 28 13 .... 27 II, d.v. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 27 30 27, 28 .... Hall.IGeol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 706 27 6g, h St. G. N.y. 2 ...56 H.&'C. " 3 .... 27 9, Pal. N. Y. Keok. ~1 8. Pt. 2 27 3I I7 ~ keokuk. Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 642 20 3a,b,d,2d St. G. N.Y. 2 .... 55 H. '21,22 C. I~~~3 .... 27 I4, 15 46 ~~~~~~~~~Pal.N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 27 30 21, 22 . Hall. Geol. la. 2 St.L.~~~~~~~~T " 1, Pt. 642 20 3C, Prof. ~~~~~St..G. N.Y. 2 ..~ 55 23. d. v. H. &D C. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 27 30 22, var . Hall. Geol. Figrsd Hall. Ia, I, Pt. 2 676 24 4a-d WasI' lateralis. St. G. N. Y. 2 ...57 I-3 Keok.5~~~½'Type. ~~~~~H.& C. Pal. N. Y. 8p. 6 3 Logans . Hall. ~~~~Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 647 20 7, Pr9of.- 21 la,b

...... " I, Pt. 2647 ~I 2 ...... St. G.N.Y. 2 .. 7 8 t Kind.~~~~'~~A~~~H.Fig'd.F'id. ~ ~ ~ &'C.~ Pal.G N.I.Y. 8,t,Pt. 2573 8, marionensis(ShuMM)all. Geol. l.I t 2251I 626 8a-i- St. G. N. Y. 2 .. 615dv H.&'C. " " 757 27 3, Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt.1~~~~32 26 3 5 190I.] Cateleogie of Types (nd Figured Specimens. 385


Burlington, Ia. A ventral valve, imbedded; not quite entire.

The middle portion of a ventral valve. Near Mason's Land- Internal cast of a ventral valve retaining a considerable fragment of ing, Missouri. shell. Locality was opposite the mouth of the Illinois river. Burlington, Ia. Internal cast of a ventral valve retaining a fragment of shell.

Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Internal cast of a very transverse ventral valve, imbedded. Cnf. Spjirifer Logani.

Burlington?, Ia. A large, somewhat exfoliated dorsal valve, imbedded. Burlington, Ia. Casts of two ventral valves imbed. together and another imbed. with a type of Macrodon parvus W. & W. Is Reticularia cooperensis Swallow, according to Schuchert, Syn Am. Foss. Brach., p. 342.

A dorsal valve, imbedded. Probably = Spirifer subequalis Hall. Silicified individual, imbedded. Prob. = Spirifer zteraiis Hall.

Chester, Ill. An entire individual. The enlargement of the cardinal area was completed from other specimens. A large, entire individual.

C . . 1 A large, gibbous individual.

Three ventral valves, somewhat fragmentary.

Keokuk, Ia. An individual and an imbedded ventral valve. A small, gibbous individual, somewhat exfoliated. Webster Co., Ia. A small individual from Lizard Creek. Formation is given incorrectly in the reference. An entire individual and a ventral valve from Lizard Creek. As Spirifera lateralis? Ste. Genevieve, Mo. A silicified individual. Nauvoo, Ill. A large individual, nearly entire. The area did not show when the figure was made, but it has been cleaned out since. A large ventral valve, imbedded. Near Nauvoo, Ill. Card. and umbonal part of vent. valve with cast of int. of whole valve.

T.nii;c;on-nj,oursiaria, Mr^iviLo. A'-k -nprivJlCidLLjV VLIL.JLL%,entire individual. 386 BuZZetidi American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XI, Class BRACHIOPO DA-Continued.

Geol. Cat. Type or REFERENCE. No. i. GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv-. ~Fig'd Sp.i Work. j Vol. P. P1. Fgs Spirifer Sowerby-Cont. Keok. .-'11- Type. neglectus. Hal. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 643 20 5, d. v. AT\orwoodanza. Burl. r Type. plenus .Hal. Geol. Ia. 1, pt. 2 603 13 4b, e it ,S 18 H. &C. St. G. N. Y. I I 176 95, eni. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 39 37 32, " Keok. " pseudolineatus Hall. St. G. N. Y. 2 6r 28-30 .~~~~~~~H s& C. I3 25 I5, d. v. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 21 36 28-30 52I spinos.... . Kind. i5! 1 2 0 Type. subrotundatus. Hal. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 521 7 2 it ct 1.. Sa, .v.. Wars. ? 7- 1 tenuicostatus ...... Hal. r, Pt. 2 662 23 8a,8zl, C.!c 51-1| "" IC 49 1, pt. 2 662 23 8h,v.). transversa. " H. (non McC.) : :: I Spiriferina d'Orbigny. St. I1' 5122 Type. Norwoodana..H...Hall. T. A. 1. 4 7 WAitf. A. M. N. H. I 48 I6, 17 Hail. Geol. Ind. I2 327 29 i6, 17 T. A. I. 4 7 4 7 Chest.1Ulf!--3 Fig'd. spinosa (N. &' P.).. Hail. C;eol. Ia. I, pt. 2 706 27 5a-c St. G. N. Y. 2 6o 26-29 h. &' C. I3 31 4-7 Pal. N. Y. 8,pt.2 35 26-29 Keok. subelliptica (MlAcChies.) H. St. G. N. Y. 2 54 21,II il/.71.7'. H. C. Pal. N. Y. 2 4 I 4 L &' 8, pt. 21II " " "' ZHall. St. G. N. Y. 2 35 P. 6o 22, in.t. H. N Y. '3 54 3' 2," Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 54 35 22, " Chest.5jpl transversa (Mc Chesney) H. St. G. N. Y. 2 6o 19, d/. V. H. &' C. 3I P)al. N. Y.I 8, pt. 2 35 Spirigera d'Orbigny...... 3I 9,

...... kirszda.... -I Streptorhynchus King. aquiivalvis ...... keokugk...... : :: Syringothyris A. Winchell. I Wav. |A.5 Type. Carteri .l.Hall. N. Y. S. M. I0 170 .e f Kind. IL\° eAxCLeuaa ..a tt9 . Hal. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 52Q Keok. 128 subcuspidata (H.) H. &'C. St. G. N. Y. 7 6, di. v. X3 .... 30 3, ib,. 7,.7,. '4 Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 50 26 : 0. iIfilp texta (Hailt). ..H St. G. N. ... rr, 'C~. Y. 13 - 30 5, in . Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. 2 48 26 m Burl.i61yt0 Fig'd. typus ( Winchell). H&~C. St. G. N.Y. 13 760 30 9 " 2, " Terebratulla Llhw7d. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 48 26 I0, "

trin-zclea ...... , ...... - L tur~gida...^§...... rz ...... 190 T.] Catalogue of Types a;zd F4g,umred Specimens. 387


Keokuk, Ta. A vertically crushed individual. See .Spiriferina Nrorwooderna. Quincy, Ill. The silicified umbonal portion of a ventral valve and a nearly entire, somewhat exfoliated individual.

Burlington, la. Cherty cast of the papillose inner surfacc of a dorsal valve.

Near Nauvoo, Ill. A large, partly exfoliated individual. Not one of the original series. Fig. 30 was combined from this and other specimens. See .Spii-ifc-inaa spinzosa. Burlingto'n, Ia. Cast of a dorsal valve, imbedded. Dallas, 111. A silicified individual. St. Louis group ? Warsaw, Ill. A ventral valve, imbedded. St. Louis group ? ...... See ,Spii ifr.-ina transversa. ' s it witbe lhhicsa. ,1...... As Spirifer o-No)woodana. "Spi-ifer " in expl. pl., by error. Altonl, III. A large individual and another which was not figured. Spergen Hill, Ind. As .Sii-ifer Aorm' Two individuals. Bloomington, Ind. 99 "4 cc An individual...... As Spir-ifer s.pbnosus.

Chester, Ill. A large, entire individual and one which has been split to show the septum. As Sfpi7ifera ti-ansversa McChesney. Ne.w.NewP.rovide...'roidece. Ind. Middle portion of a ventral valve. As 5S,iriferatz t/;ansve77sa McChesney. New Providence, Ind. Middle portion of a ventral valve. Figs. are enlargements to 2 diams...... As tSpirii-at;zas.versct. Buzzard's Roost, Ala. An entire individual, silicified. Synonym of Athwyris. See Cleiothzyris iirsiuta.

Orthothietes inceqUalis. Dcrbya keokitk.

Licking Co., Ohio. As Spir-ifer- Carteri. A series consisting of three somewhat crushed casts of individuals, the cast of a dorsal valve and the imprint of another dorsal valve, apparently the types of this species. Burlington, Ia. As .Spi/ifer extenuazztus. Cast of a dorsal valve.

Nauvoo, Ill, A partly silicified ventral valve.

New Providence, Ind. Internal cast of an individual.

Burlington, la. Silicified umbonal portion of a ventral valve.

See Dielesina for-mosum,. Seminulal toiinuclezs. " Dieaz.srma tuwjd z_ 388 Bulletin American Musettm of Natural History. [Yol. xI, Class BRACHIOPODA-Conltinuled. RIN o .R E F E R E N CE . Geol. Cat. 'Type GENus. AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. Fig'd SSp. SPECIES Work. Vol. P., Pi. rigs. Wilsonia Kayser. T.A. I. 4 St. L. st Type. Grosvenori ...... Hall. IO ...... Whiff. A. M. N. H. I 53 6 3I-34 Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 33I 29 3I-34 T. A. I. 4 IO ...... " " 0 ...... * & r 1)3 1 4 CCA..9

MO]IlLLUSCA. Subkin-gdom I Aviculopecten McCoy. Wav. 5.1]- Fig'd. Caroli (A. Winchell) Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I 29 9 5 liinaformi.s. , . B. S. N. H. ...8...... Kind. A'"s Type. nodocostatus.. W. & W. 296 .... Cardiomorpha de Koninck. ov ...... *...... Cardiopsis M. & W. Kind. A-IT8- Figd. radiata (Af. & W.) Hall. N. Y. S.M. I3 Ixo1_.. I Al Pal. N.Y. 5, pt. 4331 70 25 Conocardium Bronn. . I4 St. L. 3s13 Type. carinatum . Hall. T. A. I. 4 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 59 7 i8, I9 Geol. Ind. I2- 345 30 IS,

I. T. A. 4 14 . ' ' ' - Is catastomum. Hall. 4 13 A. M. N. H. I 58 7 T--3- c . Wh,itf. 15-:17[5-17 Hlall. Geol. Ind. 12 344 30 24, 25 cuneatum..... hitf. A.M.N. H. I2 60 7 B189 Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 345 30 a. 3a. s .. V/ZMsitf. A. M. N.EH. I 60 7 26 Hlall. Geol. Ind. 12 345 30 WitQ Meekanum ..... all. T. A. I. 4 '5 6I 7 21-23 Wa. W/ itf. A. M. N. H. 12 2I-23 Hall. Geol. Ind. 347 30

S c Prattenanum. Hall. T. A. I. 4 I5 Whiff. A. M. N. H. I 6i 7 20 Hall. Geol. Ind. X2 346 30 20 Crenipecten Hall. Wav. Fig'd. Winchelli (MSeek). . Hall. St. G. N. Y. .,.. I 4, 5 Pal. N. Y. ;,Pt. I 89 9 25-28 .s f-,1- 5, Pt. I 89 9 I, 2, 4, Cypricardella Hall. St.L. 3141 Type. elliptica ...... Wlziff. A. M. N. H. I 65 30.. 3.7.. I 37 12 . . .. I Hall. Geol. Ind. ---. 73- 1 37 I90iI. Cata/logue of Types and Figured Specimiens. 389


As Rhynconella Grosvenori. " Rhynchonzella " Bloomington, Ind. it " " Two individuals. Ten others from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. As Rzynconella Grosvenori. Twelve individuals from this locality are in the original tyrpe series. Spergen Hill, Ind. As Rhynconella Grosvenori. Twelve individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Class LAMELLIBRAN CHIATA.

Newark, Ohio. Cast of left valve imbedded with otber figured specimens. See Perzopecten limiformis. Burlington, Ia. Somewhat weathered cast of left valve.

See Dexiobia ovata.

...... As type of AMegamnbonia Lyoni Hall. Rockford, Ind. Cast of a right valve.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A somewhat imperfect individual. Two other individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. Three individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

Spergen Hill, nd. Two entire individuals. Five others from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Tnd. An individual. Eight others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen liil, Imid. A comparatively large individual. Five others from this locality are in the original type series.

Alton, Ill. A very perfectly preserved individual. Nine others from this locality are in the original type series.

. s"s The individual described.

Newark, Ohio. Casts of four left valves. The posterior ear in figure 28 has been restored from another specimen. Casts of three small right valves.

As /ticrodon (Cypricardella) sp.? " n...... ellipticis sp. I_Spergen Hill, Ind. An entire individual. 390 Bulletini Americang Museum of .AtzaralI. istorv. I-vol. Xi,

Class LAM ELLIBRANCHIATrA--C'aoi,/inhc'. R4 1: 1: 1., 1 N C.: 1,.. Geol. Cat. Type or AND AUTriOI3. Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. GENUS, SPECIES Work. Vol 1'. I'!., F'g;.. Cypricardella I-Iall-Cont. St. L. r 1 42 'rype. nucleata.1 T.. A..1. 4 ' 7 fr'hlt/;-. A. M. N. LI. 7 35, 36) HaIIJ. GCol'0. lncl. 1'2 331) 30 35, 3( 5148 r oblonga.IZll. '1. A. 1. 4 I S M. N. 11. WVhif1j A. 12 6_5 7 32 [Ital . Geeol. .nd. 341)I 8 30 32

, "...... " '. A. 1. 4 (IGCol. Ia. 1j, pt. 2 23 0d IF/1 itf A. MN. N. 11. (15 7 30 12 340 30, 31 fi1 4 3i flat- /i Geol. 11ote. 30

cc Fig'd. (Hall)... WVitf. A. M. N. H1. 12 (15 7 33, 34 hall. leol. Ind. 1 3411 30 33, 34 31103()5 plficafa.....| ...... Kind. 51f44 Type. quadrata ...... &' 13. S. N. I1. Wav. 1 4C. reservata . 1. & lV.l 1'. N. I1. S. 1. 2 33 ...... i ZfIa.I Pa1. N. V. 1 312 Gen. and 5pt. 74 II--13 St. L. T-r Sp.Type subelliptica...... aHll. 1'. A. 1. 4 17 Ge'ol. Ila. I , pt. 2} 23 11, I2 JVkhit/., A. N. N. 1. ()4 7 28 Hal.! G,Col. 1,md1. 12 33() 301 28S "& 14I ' (1./azll) WiZf! A. M. N. II. (14 7 27-2() I/all. Geol. 11n1. 12 30 27-21) 4X4 1 4 339 Xsf C 1'. A. 1. 4ji 17 Cypricardia Lamarck.

indianensis ...... subpl¢anaz ...... 1.. Cypricardinia I- all. Wav. I71- Type. consimilis...... Pal. N. V. i5, pt. I1 48() 79 19 21 71) 19-21

indenta. Hall (non Con.) . I 4 St. L. ')-- Type indianensis ...... /el. WhItil/f A. M. N. If. 5X 7 14 1/all1. (rh:ol( 81. X In I.12) 3 4'2 30! 14

"'. A. 1. 4 I148 " :4 . i "5 14 "L " (all) zifVhiIf A. M. N. if. Mall.' Geol. lnd. 12 Kind. -jl4" sulcifera (A. Wizchz.) Iall lal. N. V. ,p1 I, 79 22 71) 22 Cytherodon Li. &. W. !5, Pt. cuneus.. quadrangula-ris II all ..... _(nonH.&W.) ..... Ig90.] Cata/o

1,,) cA1.1'I'TY. R I? MAA R S.

As fl/icr;odtbn ( (jy5ricardel/tz) n,izleata. plergtn Ilill, In(.1. An enttire in(lividal. 'I'wo others and two opposite separated valves are in the original type series from this locality. The specimen figuired uitnder this niame in Geol. la., vol. I, pt. 2, was a type of CitlJ)i-irazZ't'Wella obbn-J;''Z liall, q. v.

B4.)(Illing.t-Iol ,te!1(i I uternal cast of a riglht valve. Nine other valves and casts are in the tyl:)C serics from this locality.

As (Citriraor ela mizwleafa -iall.

. a...... ,...... ,lIci,r,1Of,h (ClQpicardelba) ab/on, SpelI-w{tl 11 ill, Idl. An entire individual of mediuLm size which was one of the original types of Cipri-careZlea Oblonzgza. live other smitaller ones from this local. are in the orig. type series. a...... A s, J / cr Ci ic Z/e' ) b/ 51,erg ent I I[ill1, 1ltul. A i-right valve preserving the hinge anid a very large, imperfect left valve. See .S a,z ,uinedi1t's p uce/w v.

/l!ti c. vez;. rst 7'a/e.ts. &4. . 4 I Casts of a right and two left valves...... j

As .31!i lrwa ;t(C1ySi ic. de lia) szbe/lliphica. Spergen llill, 11(1,. IWO right vaives, one of whiich siows the interior. A s J!i;7tiv( :vp ;-icard' Iluy) ebd7lsipe i . Granvill, Ohio. A n in(livi(lualL. live others, are in the original type series. ISpergenHlwt.ill, 11l1(. Four specimens from this locality are in the original type series.

...... Clypri,rdiftinitz ineliatnesis...... AVInfontlZzia V1115lplan-a-7

(lorn1v ile Ohio(}l(. As (CVpt9ric ard1inia inetdr,a. ('onrad. Entire internal cast of ani indi- vidIual. Figs. are enlarg-ements to two diameters. see (71- wirt,ivinia e-w and Cip r-ica;rdina s elcijfra. As ('i' pr-icatW /ia ind# iancuo sis.

BIl itum ington, 1 11 1. An- inhedded 1riglht valve, outline somewhat restored in figuire, whicll is natural siz.e. Nine otlher separate valves from this locality are inl the origina-l typze series. Spergen I I ill, I nd. As ( /'r1p)icarduzi{ iud{ianenr.§i.r. S9ix separatc valves, imbedded, from this Iocalityoriiinalare in the type series. A\lto), 1ll. As C(0iyi.ivvv1Kihr ildianwensis.S.iTree imperfectthievalves from locality are in the original type series. sIergell Igill, Ind. A smnall, entire individtual and a large right valve...... A\s ( 'picP arduzwsi}i ind(e ;i}eta Co nlra.l

C'ast of a right valve. ligrure is an enlargement to thiree diameters.

.Schia izeft s czeunc .r.

"(" '( /lIl.._ 392 Bulletin American Museum of Natural HZsto;y. [Vol. XI, ClassLAMELLIBRANG ..H.I.ACl.. ClaSS LAMELLIBRANC HIA1I'A-C'Oizti/iie,i.

R Ie ;ItIt I. N C I. GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Work. Vol. P Ill. Figs. Dexiobia A. Winchell. ovata ...... 1dall. Geol. la. 1, Pt. 2 522 7 Ioa-c ...... I Pt. 2 522 ...... * Edmondia de Koninck. burlingtonensis ,, pt. r, N.V. 64 (W. -W.) >Ia1. I'al. I'l..V.} x. .... 25 5, pt. I 392 64 25 depressa ...... 1/. &TTV. IP. N . L. S. pt. 2 Pal. N. Y. 5 pt. I 391r 64 32 ...... ellipsis...... 1.... ? subplana. ./..all. Tr. A. 1. 4 II) ...... IWhitf: A. M. N. I. I 66 7 38 1/all. (Geol. Inld. r2 342 30 38 T. I. A. 4 ...... Elymella Hall. patula ...... 1 /aSll. P'al. N. V'. 5, PL. I 5(5 40 II it 4. 19 5, pt. I, 4i I I 1. IllX. II Glossites Hall. amygdalinus

(A. II. 1V. L. S. pt 1P. N...... 'linchell) . . 78 . .. . p. I, 1/atll PlI. N. V. 0 . 1 oi 13, I4 t 4 i 9 . 5, Pt. I s(5 40 T3, 14 Goniophora Phillips. plicata ...... Grammysia de Verneuil. hannibalensis (Shum ) &' W. P. N. L. S. Pt. 2 62 1/all. P'al. N. V. , Pt.Is,t,X i I&,!, -"X 29, 30 .. IC 5 . I 5, pt. 381 Of 29, 30 .C cc r 33 5, Pt. I 381 ()OrI 33 44 *s 5, pt. plena . all. 5, Pt. 382 3I, 32 4. 6 r 31, 32 Leda Schumacher. 13arrisi......

...... nasuta ...... * ...... pandoriformis( Stevens)!!. Pal. N. Y. I'.&lx 47 49, 50 cC 4C 5, Pt. I 332 47 49, 50 57 41), 50 Lycett. Macrodon 5, jPt. I, hamiltonime....1/. &- W. 1P. N. I. S. pt. 2 I3 IlaIl. 'Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. 349 5Ir 7 ovatus./.1. &' W. R. P. N. i,. S. pt. 2 15

1l.zU. Pal. N. 8 Y. 1.... . 51 P.& x. I t 5, pt. J 35T 5 1 8 98 parvus .. W. &' W.f B. S. N. II. L8 1299 ...... 1901.] CataZogue of Types and Figuered Specimens. 393


Burlington, Ia. As Cardiomorpha ovata. Casts of two right valves. Ls " "9 44" " Cast of a left valve imbedded with two of the types of Spirifer hirtus W. & WV.

As type of Edinondia elli.psis Hall. Cast of left valve. Granville, Ohio. Cast of right valve...... ; See Edmondia burlington.ensis...... As Cypricardia subplana. Spergen Hill, Ind. A left valve. Bloomington, Ind. An imperfect left valve.

Medina, Ohio. As a type of Modiomorpha ? hyalea Hall, by error. Cast of a pair of expanded valves.

As Modiomorpha ? amygdalina.

...... Burlington, Ia. Cast of a right valve and the nearly entire imprint of a pair of expanded valves. See Sanguinolitesplicatus.

...... As Grammysia (Leptodomus ?) hannibalensis. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Cast of a right valve and a much exfoliated individual.

...... As Grammnysia (Leptodomnus ?) hannibalensis. Hannibal, Mo. Cast of a right valve from the Lithographic limestone. See also Gramnvmysiaplena.

Burlington, Ia. As Gramrmysia (Leptodomus ?) hannibalensis Shumard. Casts of two left valves. Original of fig. 3I is imbedded with an unfigured type of Mytilarca occidenialis W. & W. See Paleo.neilo Barrisi. Leda pandoriformis. Nuculana nasuta.

Newark, Ohio. As Leda (Nuculana) ohioensis. Internal cast of a right valve in a block with several other figured specimens.

Bedford, Ohio. Cast of a small right valve. See also Macrodon ovatus. As Macrodon hamiltonics.

Newark, Ohio. Internal cast of a left valve. 'R1trl;-nrtn-n.DurilugLun, la.To Internal casts of two opposite valves. --- 394 Bulletin,American~~~~~~~~.Afuseum of Natural History. [Vol. Xi, Class LA IELLI B RANCHIATA-Contizued. T ~~~~~~~~~REFERESNCF,. Gxeol. Cat. g . GENU-S, SPECIES WNDork S.bdiv. No. Vl. P. P1. Figs. MegamboniaLvoni.~~~~~~~~.Hall.i i

Jh7icrid,zki Conrad ...... i...... tl icius...... obl,zs .a...... ! rcservatus ...... sucellrZiica. sp. A. N...... I,M. II. I 65

Modiomornha H . W.\ ant igdlzina...... '' ...... ;aV. 611 Type. hvalea .. .H.. &d WI'. P. N. L. S. Pt. 2 79 Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I 292 4I 28-30 Mytilarca H. & NV. Kiind. SIRIFig'd. fibristriataI (W .& ['W)H.)H V. P.N. L.S. pt.2 24 Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I 264' 33 6 87 6 t 4 occidenlalis... W. B. . . Tvpe. & TV. S. N. H. 8 297 ...... (Wf.& H)H.& WJ P. N. L. S. Pt. 2 24 Hall. Pal. N. i. !5, Pt. I 263 33 5 87 II Nucula Lamarck. ' avss-. 31T65 Fig'd. Houghtoni(Stevens)Hall. Pal. N. V. PI*Ex.,x ..145 29 i5, pt. I 3231 45 29 i ,5. pt. !PI.&EX.I, -- 45 30, 3I St. G. N.Y. I .. . * @7 8, 9 Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I 323 45 30, 3I Kind. r t Type. B.S.N.H. 8 298'.... i0owensis ...... nasiata... i...... St. L. EIrhi4iType. Shumardana . H. ..fall. 1.A. I. 4 i6 WhXiff. A. M. N. H. I 57 7 2, 3 HalII. Geol. Ind. 12 343, 30 2, 3

(Hall) W-hitff A. M. N. H. 7 7 6, in part Hall. Geol. Ind. I 343 3O 6,

(Hall) Whiff. A. M. N. H. I2 57 7 4-6 HalR. Geol. Ind. I2 343 30 4-6 Nuculana Link. I ;'S1_ lpe. nasuta...... T. A. I. 4 I7 ...... Whitff A. AM.N. H. I 57 7 7,8 Hall. Geol. Ind. 30 7,S ii Figld. (ZZall) 12 344; Whit.J A. iNM. N H. 57 7 9 Hazll. Geol. Ind. 12 344 30 9 Orthonota Conrad.

ventricosa ...... 190.1 Catalogue of Tpes azd Figured Specimzens. 395


I.___...... See Cardiopsis radiata.

Name preoccupied. See Cypricardella. See Cypricardella elliptica.

...... " nucleata. cc ...... obloga. reservala. " ...... " ssbellifptica. elliptica.

See Glossites anzygdalinus.

Granville, Ohio. Casts of three right valves. See also Elymrella patula.

Burlington, Ia. Cast of a left valve. As AZytilus occidentalis. Cast of left valve in block with Grammyssia pileza Hall, fig. 3I, pl. 6i, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. I.

Cast of a left val ve.

As Nucula. iowensis W. & W. Licking Co., Ohio. Cast of right valve retaining some silicified shell. As Nucula iowentsis wr. & W...... Newark, Ohio. Casts of two left valves imbedded in the same block with several other figured specimens. Burlington, Ia. As type of Nucula iowensis WV. & W. Internal cast of left valve. See Nucula Hozuglitoni. " ANuculana nasuta.

Spergen Hill, Ind. An entire individual. Twelve other specimens from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. A left valve used for part of the figure. Four other specimens from this locality are in the original type series.

Spergen lill, Ind. An entire individual and the internal cast of a left valve. The latter was used for part of fig. 6. Not in the original series.

As JNuczla asuta. Spergen Hill, Ind. As Leda nzasuta. Two small individuals. As Leda naszuta. An entire individual of large size for the species. Not in the original series. See Spathella ventricosa. 396 Bulletin America Anfuseum of Natural HIistoiy. [Vol. XI, Class LAMELLIB RANCHIATA-Continiued. jeoI. Cat. T'ypeo EU Pc~~DAT REFERENCE. S-$ubdiv.,bdiv. C5Nt XPFigpN GE.NLS, SPECIFS A\ND AUTHOR. ~--- -0-~ i is No. Figd Sp. - Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Palaeoneilo H. & W. Wav. 5 Type. attenuata ..... &fW. P. N. L. S. pt. 2 I2 Hall. St. G. N. Y, I .... 7 22 Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I 346 50 34-36 (H. aW.)fa. 5,pt- I 346 50 37-39 Kind. S" Barrii . W. &-'. WV. B. S. N. H. S 2gS.

Barrisi H. & W. (non W. & NV.). W\ av. 5ttt°. Fig'd. sulcatina (Hall) H. &' TV. P. N. L. S. pt. 2 I ] ... Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5P Pt. I, ----Pl.&,Ex. 50 42, 45 5, pt. I 347 50 42,45 "4 i' 4' 4' 4'" " .50P 43644. " "5 ,, 5, pt. 1! 347 50 43,44 phl: 50 46 Pt . 5, Pt. I,347 50 46

s Type. truncata . Hall. P4 4I5 c "<..."; I 5, 347 50 4I Pernopecten A. Winchell. Kind. T Sp.Type. limiformis .... W. & IV. B. S. N. H 8 295 . A. WVinchell. P. A. N. S. 17 I25 . Hall. St. G. N. Y. I 12 I I, 2 0 Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. I' lvii .. , 2 Pholadella H. & W. cuGneata. WaLv. ElT Type. Newberryi. H. & P. N. L. S. pt. 2. Hall. Pal. N. Promacrus Meek. YV 5, pt. II 471 .78 25 Kind. 51'- " cuneatus .... H. W. P. N. L. S. pt. 266. Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5y.; 78 28 " 5PtikX.i 1 78 28 Pteronites MicCoy. 5 5,pt 28 St. L. " ITA7i spergenensis....W.hJ. A. M. N. H. I 56 7 I Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 3 I Sanguinolites McCoy.

...... X....

valvulu* ...... venitricos.u......

plicataszt...... Hl. t***-w**1 St.S;L. L-y7 Ri(Goniophora:(?)?) Type. GOn1Phicata. Hall. T. A. I. 4 I8. Whitf. A. M. N. H. I !66 7 39 Hall. Geol. .Id. I2 341 30 39 T... 4 iS Way.axt ~ Schizodus King equalis . Hall. Pal. N. Y. 5,pt I 459 75 35 oZgs...... ~~~..< Pi.x.. 75 _35 -_ I 90Ij Catalogue of Thzpes and Figured Specimens. 397


Licking Co., Ohio. Internal cast of a left valve. Newark, Ohio. Casts of one right and two left valves. Burlington, la. As Leda Barrisi. Cast of left valve in block with type of Pernzo- pecten ?iniifomrzis W. & W. Casts of two left and two right valves and the external imprint of a left valve from this locality are in the type series. See PaL-zoneilo sulcatina. As " Barrisi W. & W.

Newark-, Ohio. Casts of two opposite valves. As Palaouzeilo Barrisi W. & W. Newark, Ohio. Imprints of two opposite valves in a block with several other figured specimens. As Paleonzeilo Barrisi W. & WV. Richfield, Summit Internal cast of a right valve. These are not Palaeoneilo sulcatiiza Co., Ohio. Conrad (= Nuiculites sulcatinzus Conrad).

Newark, Ohio. Cast of a right valve.

As Aviculopecten linmiformzis. Made type of genus Pernopecten. Burlington, la. Int. cast in same block with a type of Palaoneila Barrisi W. & W. See Promacrzus-cuneatus.

Licking Co., Ohio. Cast of left valve, incomplete posteriorly. As Phokadell1z cuneata. " type of Pholadella decussata Hall. Burlington, Ia. Imperfect cast of an individual and the imprint of its left valve.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A left valve, imbedded.

See S2hienzotus avo/us. " " _flavius. valvulus. Spathella ventricosa.

As CypricardeZla plicata. " Gonziophora ? plicata. Boomington,Il An imbedded right valve. Spergen Hill, Ind. As CypricardellaiPlicata. Left valve, imbedded.

Licking Co., Ohio As 6'tlzerodon (Schizodus) quadrang-ularis H. & W. Cast of indiv. 398 Bulletizn American Afusezun of ATatural History. [Vol. Xi, Class 1,. IE I,LIBR.A NCRHIATA-Continned. Ge .1l. Cat. TypeP o -ELubdiv.£.ubdiv. 5,^t.N1t. Fi}dFi,- d GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. R__RE-FERENCE.EEEC SP._-_ Work. Vol. P.1 P1. Figs. Schizodus King-C6o;/. Pt \Vav. - Tvpe. cuncus...... Hall., Pal. N. Y. .... 75 29, 3 5,pt- I 458f 75 29, 30 Spathella Hall. Kind. vei79" 1 'entricosa.....ff t V. B. S. N. H. 8 297 . Hall. I'al N 5i.I,y .. |66 41, 42 5, pt. I 408 66 4I, 42 Sphenotus Hall. Wav. j ' " olus..f..W.....JH.... P. N. L. S. pt. 2 46. Hall . Pal. N. Y...... 66 33, 35 SisiI " pt. 66 33, 35 f--" flavius ...... H. p N. L. S. 6 3. Hizll. Pal. N. V. Pi.... 66 27-29 pt. I 66 f5 I S 2 5, 403 27-29 5§1ls _s 'val'vuluss ....HH. & T.V P. N. L. S. pt. 2 46 . Hal1l. Pal. N. Y. 5, Pt. ... 66 3 i "4 "44 5, pt. I 403 66 30 Class . Bellerophon -Montfort. Kind. I 3-9 Type. bilabiatus ...IV. OeI'. B. S. N. H- 1304 cancell,ztz,s...... Kind. 5. 4 Type. perelegans W. & WV B. S. N. H. 8 St. L. 5 1-' " 304 ...... subaxvis..... Hll. T. A. I. 4 32 . Geol. 5l~ Ia. 1, pt. 2 666 23 15a-c 'hitfJA. MI. N. H. i 89 8 7 Hall. Geol. Ind. 2 37r1 31 7 T.A.I. 4 32 . . *1 ...... i6 Fig'd. " [IVIiitf. A. M. N. H...... 89 8 6 Hall. Geol. Ind. 5*J1I Type. 12 37' 3I' 6 textilis.. Hall. Am. P. F. 243 ,; T.A. 1. 3I ...... WVkitf. A. AM. N. H. I Ind. 9o 4, 5 Hall. Geol. 1I 37I 3I| 4, 5 ' I T.A. I. Kind. . vinculatus.....11. XI TFJ,.1 B. S. N. H. 8 304 Bulindela Hall...... buzlinziorY. is...... Icanalicuzlat ...... elongala.....(Hal12)...... Bulimorpha Whitfield. St. L. 5a i Gen. anid bulimiformis Sp.Type ...... Hall. T. A. I. 4 29 Wh itf. A. M. N. H. 74 Hrall. Geol. Ind. 12I 366 8 37

...... T. A. .4 29 Wlhzitf. A. M N. H. i Hall. Geol. 74 31 38, 39 Ind. I2 366 3I 38, 39 ns. I90I.] Catal6gue of T:1pes acud Figzered SpecimZe 399


As C)ythzerodon (Scihizodus) cuneus. iGranville, Ohio. Casts of two right valves. In the second reference fig. 30 is referred to this species with doubt." As Ortlhozota ventricosa. " Sanguiiinolites venztricoszus. Casts of two left valves. Ii Burlington, Ia. As Sanguiinolites cvolus. Newark-,Oho Nearly entire internal cast of an individual. As Savzguizolites?.favius. j...... X, c I & Lickinig Co., Ohio. Cast of an individual. As Saznguino/ites valvulus.

Newark, Olhio. Cast of a right valve.

Burlington, Ia. Casts of two individuals. Name pre-occupied. See Belleropihon textilis. Burlington, la. Casts of two individuals.

13loominoton, Ind. Two individuals. Sixteen others from this locality are orig. types. Spergen Hill, Ind. Thirteen individuals from this locality are in the original type series. A very large individual. Not in the original series. As Bellemrphzon cancellatus. Bloomington, Ind. An entire individual. Seven other individuials from this locality are in the original series of types. Spergen Hill, Ind. As Beller-op/hon cancellatus. An individual. lBurlington, Ia. Cast of an individual. Name pre-occupied. See Bulimizor.pha. See Bulimzorpha bulimiforinais. i...... 9C "' canaliculata. elonzgata...... As Buelizell/za bultimiformis. Type of genus. genus Present proposed. this Bloomington, Ind. A comparatively large individual. Two smaller ones from locality are in the original type series. As Bulimella bulimiformnis...... individual. Spergen Hill, Ind. Practically entire. Both figures were made from one Eleven other specimens from this local. are in the orig. type series. 400B4t13etini American AfIiseuim of Nzatural History. [VOl. xi)

Class GASTROPODA-Contini'ed. Geri. Cat. or REFERENC E. Type GCENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Bulimorpha Whitf.- Coant. St. L. a "'I" Type- canaliculata. Hall. T. A. I. 4 29 ...... Whitf.f A. M. N. H. I 74 8 41 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 367 31 4I StL 1 g To pe elongata. Htall. T. A. I. 4 30 ...... Am.P.F. ... , 245 ...... WVhitf. A. m. N. H. I 75 8 40 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 368 3r 40 Capulus Montfort. a7cufirostris......

Cyclonema Hall. S;t. L. ^-'-'vye.n Leavenworthanum. . Hall. T. A. I. 4 24 Whitf.f A. M. N. H. I 75 *8' 29, 31I fall.! Geol. Ind. I2 36'3 3I 29, 3I

T.A. I. 4 24 ...... - khiztf. A. M. N. H. I 75 30 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 3633 3r 30

31 14 . 9 " T.A.I. 4 24

' 3 1 91P subangulatum. Hall. 4 25 W hitf. A. M. N. H. I 76 8 32 Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 364 31 32

1ips'Gen. and Eotrochus Whitf. concavus . Hall. T. A. I. -1--- Sp. *...... Type. 4 4 24 " Am. P. F. I 245 ...-.... . Whitf.i A. M. N. H.. I 78 9 2I-23 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 365 32 2I-23

1 4 " T. A.I. 4 24 I.- ...... Euomphalus Sowerby. Burl. 3-1194 Type. latus. Hall. Geol. Ia. II, Pt. 2 605 12 St. L. 5I-195-jk - planispira.....Hall. T. A. 7a I I. 4 20 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 70 8 22, 23 Hall. Geol. Ind. I212 35I 3I 22, 23 * . 1 us, T. A. I. 4 20

31941 44 I quadrivolvis...H.....Hall. 4 I9 Whiff. A. M. N. H. 1 7I 8 24, 25 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 349 8 24, 25 * A. Is 44 A T. A. I. 4 I9 4 5 1i 4 I --I' spergenensis ...... Hall. 4 I9 khif f. A. M.N.H. I 69 8 I9 1/iall. Geol. Ind. I2 350 3' I9 ~ - '4 T A.I. 4 '9 "'s Fig'd. 4 (Hall) Whiqf A. M. N. H. I 69 8i --- ~~~~~~~~Hrall.l GeoL. Ind. I2 350 3I I6-I8 I90 I.] Catalogue of Types and Fiurred Specimens. 40I


As Bulimella canaiiculata. Spergen Hill, Ind. An almost entire individual. As Bulimelia elongata. S...... Polyphemopsis teretiformis Hall. Name proposed. Spergen Hill, Inld. An individual somewhat broken at base and apex.

See Platyceras acutirostris.

...... As Pleurotornaria Leavenworthana. Spergen Hill, Ind. A large individual and one of average size. Twelve others from this locality are in the original type series. As Pleurotornezria Leavenworthana. Bloomington, Ind. A large, somewhat imperfect . individual. Twelve other much smaller individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. As Pleurotomaria Leavenworthana. Two individuals from this locality are in the original type series. As Pleurotomaria subangldata.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A large individual. A small one from this locality is in the original type series...... As Pleurotomaria concava. C& "4 tenuimnarginata Hall. Name proposed. Present genus proposed. Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual of medium size, and anQt:her cut to show the vertical section. Five others from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. As Pleurotomaria concava. Two individuals.

Burlington, Ia. A weathered individual, imbedded.

Bloomington, Ind. Two individuals. Nine others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. Twelve small individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

Bloomington, Ind. Two individuals. Eight others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. Twelve small individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

An individual of medium size. Seven others from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. Ten individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Ellettsville, Ind. A large individual. I _ 402 Bu/tlelzi American Afiiseun of Nalural Ziistory. [Vol. XI, Class GASTRO PODA-Conztinuaed. R EFE REIN C E. Geol Cat. Type or ~ GEN-US, SPECTES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Euomphalus Sowerby-Cont. St. L a Type. spergenensis, var. planorbiformis H. T. A. I. 4 20 WiziftfJ A. M. N. H. 1 70 8 20, 2 I YHalI. Geol. Ind. I2 35I 3I 20, 21 T. A. I. 4 20 Holopea Hall. .. i9 . rr- 7t TI IProutana. . - ... .. Hall.' 4 30 lV'kitlf. A.M. N.H. I 72 8 33, 34 Hal.;I Geol. Ind. 12 368 3' 33, 34

2 1'. A. I. 4 30 4 30 Lepetopsis NVhitfield. * 2aIFig'd.o'iFigd ~Sp., .1 andG.T. Levettei ( JVzite) WYSitf. A. M. N. H. 6S 8 S -I2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iYZE Geol. Ind. 12I .1 31 8-I2 Loxonema Phillips.

...... St. L. 5.2 1 Tvpe. Yandellanum.. Hall... T. A. I. 28 WVhitf. A. M. N. H. I 77 S 35, 36 Geol. Ind. I 365 Ha-11.1 4 3' 35, 36 Macrocheilus Phillips. Littonanus. -Hall. T. A. I. 30 ... -...... Wi i/If. A. M. N. H. 12 72 8 2S Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 369 31 28 -2iI .... aseS Murchisonia d'A. & de V. attenuata...... h7all.H T. A. I. 4 27 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 88 9 I3 f aIl. Geol. Ind. I2 360 32 I3 ele,atnula...... - ...... St. L. 520n4' I'vpe. insculpta.H..all. T. A. I. 4 26 Whititf. A. ML N. H. I S5 9 Yall.; Geol. Ind. I2 359 32 I8 ..& t, . " T. A. I. 26 11 :_ :;ftr.St . 4 Kincd. ??prolixa.. &TV. B. S. N. H. 8 303 St. L. r±> terebriformis...... Ilall. T. A. I. 4 28 I |i/f.T', A. M. N. I. 86 9 I5, i6 Hall.; Geol. Ind. I2 362 32 I5, i6 a2[7-" turritellaI I...... Z..l.''ll. P.A. 4 27 Whfiif. iA. M. N. H. I 8S 9 I2 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 36I 32 I2 vermicula...... fzfal. T. A. I. 27 Whitil/ A. M. N. H. I 87 9 II [fall.l Geol. Ind. I2 36i 32 II 1 o Xi'''l...... 'CH all.; T. A. I. rvincta 28 ...... WhAitf A. MI. N. H. i 86 9 14 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 363 32 r4 190I.] Catal'ogue of Types and Figzored Specitenls. 403


Bloomington, lId. A comparatively large individual. Three others from this localit)y are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. Eleven individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

As Zolopea (Callonzema ? ) Proutana. fSpergen Hill, Ind. A large individual. Eleven others from this locality are in the original type series. 3loonmington, Ind. Eight individuals from this locality are in the type series. Alton, Ill. Fourteen individuials from this locality are in the original type series.

Spergen Hill, Ind. Two individuals. The original of fig. 8 caninot be found at the present time. See Mwrchisonia vincta.

Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual and a fragment. Another individual from the same locality is in the original type series. As Aatica Littonana. Bloomington, Ind. Generic reference queried. A single, practically entire individual.

Spergen Hill, Ind. Part of a well-preserved individual.

...... See Pleurotomar-ia elegantula.

Spergen [Hill, Ind. A very perfect individual. Eleven others from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. Six individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Burlington, Ia. Parts of three individuals imbedded in limestone (bed No. 4 of C. A. White).

Bloomington, Ind. Well preserved. A smaller individual from this locality is in the original series of types.

Spergen Hill, Ind. Practically entire. Fourteen other individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

An individual larger than the average. Twenty-three others from this locality are in the original type series.

...... As Loxonema vincta. Spergen Hill, lId. An individual preserving the lower five whorls. Three others from this locality are in the original type series. 404 Ba/ie/in American .Ahiseu,n of NAtural lHis/oiy. [Vol. XI. Class GASTROPODA-Con/tinued. R Geol. Cat. Type or E FERENCE. GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No., Fig'd Sp. ~~~~Wokk Vo. P. pj _ Natica Adanson. Carlevana......

Li/tonana .....|...... Naticopsis McCoy. St. }-U'- Type. Carleyana...... Halll. T. A. I. II A. N. H. I I WhAzitf. m. 8 26, 27 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 369 3I |26 , 27 31 5--8- T.TAII. A. 4 31 ...... IS 4 31-- ...... Platyceras Conrad. acutirostris'; ; ...... HHall. T. A. 4 3I .,... Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 665 23 I4a, b !HWtit:' A. M. N. H. I 67 8 I3-15 Hall.' Geol. Ind. I2 370 31 I3-I5

A 1 1 5.."llP4...... T. A. I. 4 3I.1 Kind. " bivolve ...... W. IV. B. S. N. H. 8 1302 ....I ,eok. 5511.- equilaterale ...... Hall.' Ia. Sup. 1. .I89.... I fissurella......

-ind. paralium ...... TY B. S. N. H. Pleurotomaria Defrance. coneava ...... 1.....- ;t. L. trype. conula..lal.' T. A. I. 4 26 1...... Wi itf. A. M. N. H. I 84 9 Hll. Geol. Ind. 12 358 !32; 17 elegantula hall. T. A. I. 4 27 i...... Wkiitf. A. M. N. H. I 84 9 I9 .Hall.Iumilis.Geol. Ind.. I2 358 32 19 humilis ...... Hall. T.A. L. 4 2I W/, i tf. A. M.N. H. I 82 9 3 Ha l. Geol. Ind. I2 353 321 3

...... , 'T.A. 4 2I ...... Leavenworthana ...... , ...... Sit.L. A-o-1 Type. Meekana. Hall.' T.A. I. 4 22 Whitf.i A. M. N. H. I 82 9 8,9 Ha II. Geol. nd. I2 353 32 8, 9 nodulostriata A. 4 21 iiA. M. N. H. I So 9 1 5 Hall., Geol. Ind. I2 1352 32 5

I T. A. I. 4 2I 1...... * . 5- . . . 1fff 4 4 21 . . . piasensis Hall. 4 22 Whitf.i A. M. N.H. I Hall., Geol. Ind. 83 9 6, 7 12 1354 32 6, 7 i Igoi.] CzataZgue of Ty,'es and Figwred Specimnens. 405



:...... See Araticopsis Car?ei'ana. " Aacrocheilus Littonanuis:

...... As Natica Carley,ana. Bloomington, Ind. A very large individual. Nine much smaller ones from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen lill, Ind. As ATatica Carkeyanza. Twelve individuals from this locality are in the original tvpe series. Aiton, Ill. As Natica Carievana. Two worn specimens from this locality are in the original type series.

I...... As Capzulus acztirostris. i...... Bloomington, Ind. Two individuals, but the second, which was illustrated in fig. I5 and the Iowa report, cannot be found at the present time. Two others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. As Capulues aczttirostris. Three individuals from this locality are in the type series. Burlington, Ia. Casts of two individuals. Warsaw, Ill. A small individual. Keokuk, Ia. A large individual which was one of the original types, though the locality is not mentioned in the oricinal description of the species. Burlington, Ia. Two casts of average individuals.

See Eotr-ochus concavus. !...... As Pleuirotomzaria (J1Zuirchisonia,?) conztla. Spergen Hill, Ind. A rather large individual for the species. Seven others from this locality are in the original type series. As MAlurchisonia elegantula. Bloomington, Ind. An individual preserving about five volutions.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A small individual. Four other individuals and fragments from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. An individual from this locality is in the original type series. ,...... See C)'clonemna Leavenworthanum. Generic reference queried. Alton, Ill. An imperfect individual, somewhat exfoliated. Not from Spergen Hill, as stated in the original paper.

Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual of average size. Ten others from this locality are in the original series of types. Bloomington, Ind. Two individuals from this locality are in the original series of types. Alton, Ill. An individual from this locality is in the original series of type.

A somewhat imperfect individual. Ten other individuals from this locality are in the original type series. 406 Bulletin American Afusezim of Natural History. [Vol. XI, Class GASTROPODA-Continued. Geol. Cat. Type or IE FUTR EkREV _P1._|_N |_ Figs- S ubdiv1_____-No. Fig'd______spj GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR.REFERNC.Work. I__Vol. IP Pleurotomaria Pefr.-Coant. I I5 rotundata ...... I.II.II.II.II.II. smsbangulata...... St. L. Type. subglobosa ..... Hall. Am. P. F. 245 T. A. I. 4 23 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 79 9 I0 Hall. Geol. Ind. I212 355 32 r0 T. A. I. 4 23 41, 23 Swallovans 4 24 Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 80 9 I, 2 Hall. Geol. Ind. I24 356 32 I, 2

I 4 .; T. . A. .. I. 4 24 ... . tenzeimargiznata...... I...... St.Q L L. i' --,:u L. L. 1- Type. trilineata . ...Hall. T. A. I. 4 25 Whitzf A. M. N. H. I 80 9 20 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 357 32 20

T. A. I. 4 25 I Wortheni...... Hall. di &I 4 23 Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 664 23 13a-d Whiff. A. M. N. H. I 8I 9 4 _ i- II Hall. Geol. Ind. .2 356 32 4 Polyphemopsis Portlock.

teretiforis...... Class PTEROPODA. Conularia. Type. subulata... Hall. T. A. I. 4 32 WAilf. A. M. N. H. I 9I 8 3 _hall. Geol. Ind. 12 372 3I 3 Class CEPHALOPODA. de Haan.

Kind. 5~k25Z Type. ixion...... Hall. N. Y. S. M...... 7 "h.I13 I25 I 2 I. D. F. Ceph. 73 I3. 14 I c 74 I2 Pal. N. y. 5, pt. 2 474 73 I3, & 14 "1 I"4 ' 4'454" ...... 74 I2 I. D. F. Ceph. . I2 Pal. N. Y. 5, pt, 2 I I 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~5I 474 73 12 I_ II St. G. N. Y. 5 .... i~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 3 ...... Pal. N. Y. 5pt.2 40 Type. S9uPPJjI 128 3 I90I.] Catalogue of 7y5es and Figured Specimnens. 407


Name pre-occupied. See Pleurotornaia subglobvaa. See Cyclonerna subangulatum. As type of Pleuratomraia rotundata Hall.

Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual. Thirteen other individuals from this locality are in the original series of types. Bloomington, Ind. As type of Pleurotomaria rotundata Hall. Two individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Alton, Ill. As type of Pleerotomaria rotundata Hall. Three individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A small individual. The in the figure was supplied from other specizrens. Nine other specimens from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. Four specimens from this locality are in the original type series. See Eotrochus concavus.

An individual of average size. The enlargement was to 4, not 3, diameters. Nine other specimens from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. One very large individual and seven of average size from this locality are in the original type series.

Bloomington, Ind. An individual of medium size. Two others from this locality are in the type series.

...... See Buliitor5ha elongata.

Alton, Ill. Three specimens form the type series.

See Goniatites Lyoni.

...... ;...... As Gontiatites rotatorius de Koninck?

Rockford, Ind. Cast of septate portion. From the " beds." Fragmentary, septate cast. From the " Goniatite beds." "" A cast of medium size cut in longitudinal section. Both parts are present. From the " Goniatite beds." 408B408t-B ildcor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amiericz;? AI;seum of Aatural Histo;y. [Vol. XI, Class CEPHA LO PODA-C'on/inued. GCGIE1 Cat. Type or RE13FEREN'CE. SIt:2div. No. FVig'd GENUS, SPECIES AND AtTHOR. R_ _._ F Sp. Wnork. Vol P. P1. F: Goniatites de Haan-C'ont. Kind. iS. Lvoni (1I.,' It'.)_ ZIall I.L). F. Ceph. ... 7 2 12 Fio'd. Pal. N. Y. :5,pt. 2 476 72 1 12 1. . . & ;., N. Y. S. M. 13 I02 17, IS I.. F. Ceph. 73! 9 -Pal.' i. Y. 5, )t. 2 476 73 9 I. D. F. Ceph .... 73 lo,TI Pal. N. V. 5, Pt. 21 476j 73 Io, II . 2' !74| 7 '-, Tvpe. opinus .. Wfr J-Il. B. S. N'. H. S 1 305 ......

.. ..nsss ..1.. Oweni.Hal.NY. S. M. 13 100 .... II, 2 i. I). F. Ceph. ... 73 3, 4 74! 9 " Pal. N. Y. 5, pt. 2 470 73 3, 4 741 9 L. D. F. Cepb.h. 73 5-S Pal. N. Y. I5, Pt. 21 470 73 5-S

...... St. G. N. Y. 5 K.. I3 4 Pal. N. Y. +5.Suppi.,Pt. 2, 40 12S 4 I ,31*>21 . I vazr parallela Hall. IN. Y. S. .L 'I3 100 P. 101 I3, 14 " I.D. F. Ceph. 73 I, 2 74 10 " Pal. N. V. 5, Pt. 2 473l ,3 I, 2 ** ~~~~~~~~~~I74 IO riolaalrius H. (non de Kon), . P**ew+ e* §'1 v 1v - Gyroceras de Koninck. AIIU. y- -lpe. gracile____!~1~ ~. ~ ~ Hall.1 l.N.-,Y. -S. M.. 13 j105 ..1 , 2 Nautilus Breynius. St. L. - Clarkanus ..... Hall T. A. I. 4 32 WYl.ait$f A. M. N.Hi I 92 8 I ChesChest. 52 4 4 Hall., Geol. Ind. 373 I 1 pauper.. JV'hkUf N.N.Y. A. S.! I122 226! 31 5 595 I4 23 Geol. 0. 7 4SI IO 23 (Temnocheilus) f Fig'd. spectabilis (21. &W(.) W. N. Y. A S 5 594 14 22 Geol. 0. 7 480 10 '22 Orthoceras Brevnius. t.. Tvpe T A. I. 4 33 TrhitfjlA. M. N. H. T 91 8 2 Kind. J- "-- Geol. Ind. 12 373 31 2 1 icarus.Hall.H~~~crs...... IaZI.I St. G. N.Y. 5 .. . .2 1-5 Pal. N. Y. 5, Pt-.2, 1 u 1 indianense...... Hall,; N. Y. S. M. 13 I07 St. G. N. Y. 5 ... 2 6-io Pal. N. Y. suppi.Supp.1303 I8 6-IO I90I1. Catzlogtze of Tjpes anzd Fg'uried Specimens.- 409


Rockford, Ind. Segment of cast of large individual. From the " Goniatite beds." ...... As type of Goniatites hyas Hall. Rockford, Ind. Cast of part of two volutions. From the " Goniatite beds."

Two fragmentary casts. From the "'Goniatite beds." Burlington, la. Fragmentary, septate cast, imbedded. The sutures are entirely different from those in the large specimen referred to this species by Weller, Trans. Acad. Sci., St. Louis, vol. IO, pl. S.

Ind. Cast showing the sutures very plainly. From the "Goniatite Rockford, beds." Two small, septate casts and two large specimens showing no septa. A large individual cut in longitudinal section. Both parts are present. From the "Goniatite beds."

Cast. From the " Goniatite beds." See Goniatites ixion.

Rockford. Ind. A septate cast from the "Goniatite beds."

whorls of a shell. Spergen Hill, Ind. The specimen shows about two of the inner

Near Rushville, 0. FragmiientaTy, internal cast, imbedded.

Part of a septate, internal cast.

See Ort/hoceras indianense.

Spergen Hill, Ind. A fragment showing five chambers. beds." Rockford, Ind. Three fragmentary casts from the " Goniatite

...... As type of Ortlzoceras dcedalus. Rock-ford, Ind. Four fragmentary casts from the " Goniatite beds." 4IO Bulletin American Museurm of NaturaZ History. [Vol. xI,

Subkingdom VERMES. Gtol. Cat. Type or SPECIES AND AUTHOR. REF ERE N CE. Subdiv No. Fig d Sp. GENUS, Work Vol. P. P. Fi Spirorbis Lamarck. St. L. T

529 ...... T. 4 .34 . 5 :1"- 9 A.I. 3 "s4 34 ...... ~ var. noduZossus. St. L. .94IAL"Type. nodulosus.... .Hall. T. A. I. 4. ....3...... Whitf. A. M. N. H. I 93 9 3I Hall. Geol. Ind. 12 375 32 3I Subkingdom ARTHROPOI)A. Class Cythere MUller. carboanaria...... Cytherellina Jones & Holl. St. L. 15Wl Type. glandella...... WThitf. A. M. N. H. I 94 9 28, 29 Hall. Geol. Ind. .... 32 28, 29 Leperditia Rouault. 1524 0 -I- carbonaria ...... Hall. T. A. I. 4 33 . * .I ...... WYhitf. A. M. N. H. I 94 9 24-27 Hall. Geol. Ind. I2 375 32 24-27 T. A. I. 4 33 ..., ......


Proteus Steininger...... 4 ...... auriculatus ...... Kind. missouriensis(Shumn.)..H. N. Y. S. M. I5 I07 ...... Pa]. N. Y. 7 133 23 32 Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimenes. 4II



Alton, Ill. An individual. Eight others from this locality are in the original type series. Spergen Hill, Ind. Five individuals from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. Three individuals from this locality$are in the original type series. See Spirorbis uzodulosus...... :As Spirorbis annulatus var. nodulosus. Spergen Hill, Ind. A single individual. CRUSTACEA. Order OSTRACODA.

...... See Leperditia carbonaria.

Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual. Three others are in the original series of types.

As Cythere carbonaria. Spergen Hill, Ind. An individual. Seventeen others from this locality are in the original type series. Bloomington, Ind. As Cythere carbonaria. Twenty-four individuals from this locality are in the original type series.

See Proitus missouriensis. As type of Proetus auriculatus Hall. Licking Co., 0. Part of the exterior imprint of a cephalon and the cast of a pygidiunr referred to under the original description. 4I242Buziketi American Museuzm of Natural History. [Vol. XiI,

Coal leasures. Kingdom AN I MALIA. REFERENCE. Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. IFig'd Sp. Work.Wo Vol. P. P1. I_ _ *Fi5s,igs. Derbya Waagen.

. 4 2 .... C. M. Fig'd. crassa(ZI'I. &'H.). ..Hall. St. G. N. Y. 40 IO, I I I" H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 262 IO IO, II .t a52?s 8 Type. robusta .. Hall. St. G. N.Y. 2 40 I6, 17 H. & C. Pal. N. Y. 8, Pt. I IO. i6, 17 I541R;* Meekella WV. & St. J. etritrsoncoto( n.1r Arall ,gaS. iaouav-covaLaoB LUV} ^x -t.. St. G. N.Y. 2 .. 40 18, 22 H. &' C.1. 1! .... 17 13, enl. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 265 10 I8, 22 Productus Sowerby. Iaspersus...... *- ...... i~ ...... -- C. MI.; . FPig'd. nebrascensis (Ozven) Hall. St. G. N. Y. 2 50 5-7 H. &P C. II . .. . 22 . .. . 7, v.v. Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I I9 5-7 .5 's5 1 *.. I., punctatus (Afartin)? . . H. St. G. N. Y. 2 *.... so I7, IS H. & C. 'I .. 22 9, IO Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I '9 r7, IS Rogersr...... C. M.I 9Fig'd. spleindens (N. & P.) Hall. St. G. N. Y. 2 50 I-3 i. &P C. II 22 13 Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. I 332 '9 1-3 5589 Hall. St. G. N. Y. 2 50 4, m(t X 21 H. &' C. II 22 I4, Pal. N. Y. 8,pt. i 19 1- 332 4, Spirifer Sowerby. A5252 cameratus (Alorton) Hall. St. G. N. Y. 2 157 9, To HA. & C. '3 26 7,d. v Pal. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 32 9, 10 Hall. St. GS. N. Y'. 2 57 12 H. &p C. I'al. N. Y. 8, pt. 2 26 ,32 12 Streptorhynchus King. I Rich,02zondi...... robustus..... striato-costata..- -- -- ...... -.., ... .I...... I.... I.. . . 1. . Suibkingdom . Leda Schumacher. i bellistriata......

Nucula Lamarck. arata ......

ventricosa.l.... Hal. Geol. Ia. 1, pt. 2 7i61 29 4-5b

C.M. s§fki;4 sye Nuculana Link. bellistriata (Stevens) Hall. Stans. Rep't. I...... 413 2 5 a, b

c 4 Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 7I7 29 6a-d igi. Cata/Zogute of Types and Figurued Specinents. 413 AfOIL USCOIDEA. Class BRACHIOPODA. LOCALITY. REMAR KS.

...... As Streptor7-h,chuus Richmondi McChesney. Near Winterset, Ia. Two separated, opposite valves. As Streptorhyjichzus robustus. St. Clair Co., Ill. A large ventral valve.

...... As Str-ep/orhvncuhus (Meekella) striato-costata.

Near Winterset, Ia. An indiv. of med. size and a preparation showing the cardinal process.

See Productus nebrascenzsis. " " splendens. As Productus aspersus McChesney.

...... La Salle, Ill. Two individuals. As Productus Roqgrersi N. & P. A partly exfoliated ventral valve. See Productzus_unctatus. As Productus longrispinus Sowerby. (Marginifera) splendens. " Winterset, Ia. '' "' Entire. Z10ogispinus Sowerby. (Ta?arginifera) splendens. La Salle, Ill. " " " A dorsal valve.

Winterset, Ta. A well preserved individual, partly silicified.

Ohio or Illinois. A somewhat exfoliated individual.

See Derbya crassa. "& "' robusta. " Meekella str-iato-costata. Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA..

See Nuculana bellistriata.

Rush Creek, Ind. A very perfect left valve and an entire individual.

Near Weston, Mo. As type of Nucitda arata Hall. An individual with posterior extremnity missing. From " the east' side of the Missouri river below Weston." Illinois. As Leda beilastriata. A nearly entire individual and a large right valve with posterior extremity gone. 4I4 BulZetin American .ffuseumz of Natural History. [Vol. XI) Class GASTROPODA.

Geol. or REFERENCE. oCat Type GENUS, SPECIEs AND AUTHOR. Subdiv.j No. Fig'd Sp. Wok. V P.__Pi-Fi-gs.__ Anthracopupa Whitfield. C. M. r2S5 Genl. and ohioensis...... Whitf. Am. J. S. III, 21 126 i..-4 C 4 Sp.Type.. Geol. . 7 49I 12 15-I7 Euomphalus Sowerby. L\SAS Fig'd. catilloides (Conrad) Hall. Geol. Ia. I, Pt. 2 722 29 I4a-C I, pt. 2 722 29 i4d

rugosus...... Macrocheilus Phillips.

paludinaformnis...... C. C.~~~~~pauzafr:M. M...... +...ig..Fig'd. primigenium. (Con.). ....Hall. 6e..l...... Geo}. Ia. I, pt. 2 ....720 29 iia...Ia, b

ventricosus...... Pleurotomaria Defrance. C. M. + Fig'd. sphserulata. (Con.). .Hall. Geol. Ia. I, pt. 2 722 29 13a, b It s afi9tabulata,44 (Con.). . ..Hall. I, pt. 2 721 29 I2M, b Soleniscus M. &W. ..AtType. fusiformis...... hall. " " I, pt. 2 718 29 7 i124. Fig'd. Newberryi (Stevens) Hall. " " I, pt. 2 7I9 29 9 "s fi 2TfL XType. paludiniformis. all. . XI,pt. 2 7I9 29 ;0 ventricosus .... Zll.H " " I,pt. 718 29 8 Class CEPHALOPODA.

Nautilus. C. M.? BA Type. parallelus. Hall. St. G. N. Y. 5 II 3-5 Pal. N.Y.S 38 126

Subkingdom ARTH RO PODA. Class

Belinurus K6nig.

.Dan& ...... ,.I. Euproops Meek. C.M. Dana...... M.&W. P.A. N. S. I7 c 44 " Geol. Ill. 2 395 Meek.I| Am. J. S. II, 43 395 Order EURYP1'TERIDA.

Eurypterus De Kay. C. M. mazonensis (M. & W.) H. Geol. Pa. PPP 27 3

I.~~.I igoI.] Cataiogue of jpes and Fig?red Specimens. 4I5


Marietta, 0. An entire indiv. The figures are enlargements to six diameters. Illinois. As type of EuomnphaZus rugosus Hall. An entire individual. Alpine Dam, Des Moines River, Ia. " ' " " " " An imbedded individual. See Euomzphalus catilloides. Soleniscus fusiform-nzis. " A\Jewberryi...... "paludiniformis...... " Alpine Dam, Des Moines River, Ia. Entire. See Soleniscus ventricosus. Greysville, Ill. A....." nearly entire individual. A considerably exfoliated individual.

Alpine Dam, Des Moines River, Ia. As Macrocheilus fusiformis. A partly exfoliated indiv. , imbedded. Danville, Ill. " " newberryi. A cast in pyrite. Alpine Dam, " "t paludinaformnis. A partly exfoliated individual, Des Moines River, Ia. imbedded. Danville, Ill. As Macrocheilus ventricosus. A pyritized individual.

Ohio? Fragmentary cast.


See Euprozs Dana. is in the author's .. The ...... As Belinurus Dana. page "43" reprints. Mazon Creek, Ill. Genus proposed. A cast in a clay-iron-stone nodule. One of the ,______types used in the original description, but it was not figured.

As Eurypterus (Anthraconectes) vzazonensis. External imprint of upper surface. The specimen has been weathered somewhat since the nodule was split. It is a little larger than M. & W.'s specimen, and does not seem to be its counterpart, as stated on p. 26 of the paper cited. _4I6 BuZletin American Museum of ZaVurai Histo'ry. [Vol. XI,

Cretaceous. Kingdom PLANTS,E. Subkingdorn Geol. Cat. rType or EGENUS.SPECIES AND AEUTHOR.R ERENCE. Subdiv.i No. Fig'dSp. Work..SPECVoSLANDFigsOR Discorea Linn. Dak. ' Type. ?cretacea...... Lesq. G. S. Terr. 6 56 28 I0

l ~~Ficus l.nn.- " " S Lesq. 6 68 3 C .F.Halliana..? . . . 2S

4 A ?.; " ". .." ..6 6S 28 9 S2 Phyllites Brongniart. 1,29 betuliformis ...... Iesq. T. A. P. S. 13 430 23 4 G. S. Terr. 6 II2 28 4

15 2 < . ~olvanonaa (Heer).....Lesq. 6 1 3| 20 7 Fig'd. " . " " S 6 II3 28 8 Kingdom ANIMALIA. Subkingdom Barrettia Woodward. Cret. - Fig'd. monilifera ( Woodzv.) Whzitf. A. M. N. H. 9 233 27-32.

SC 55 55 '' '' '' '' * 9 233 38 I-4 Type. multilirata.. Whitf. "99244 3345..... I_ sparcilirata . .Whitf. 9 245 36, 37 ...... MOLL USCOIDEA. Lingula Bruguiere. Ft. P. I4L 74 Type. subspatulata. . H. &'M . Mem. A. A. 5, N. S. 380 I 2a, b Terebratella d'Orbigny. L. M. 5 RIX5 Fig'd. plicata (Say)..Whif. Mon. G. S. 9 12 I 5, 6 . Pal. 9 c 4 N. J. I I2 I 5, 6 D*34 9 4 cc " .. "" Mon. G. S. 9 12 I 7, 8 Pal. N.. I I2 I 7, 8 Terebratula Llwhyd. M. M. 5ar27 Harlani (Morton). Wihitf. Mon. G. S. 9 8 I 20-22 N. I 8 I L .Pal. J. 20-22 .. LjLt var. fragilis (i/orton) WVhitf. Mon. G. S. 9 7 I 17, IS c Pal. N. J. I 7 I I7, r8 '. 5 '78. var. perovalis (AMorton) WIhitf. Mon. G. S. 9 8 I I9 I , Pal. N. J. I 8 I I9 Terebratulina d'Orbigny. U.M. I27 atlantica lA/or/on) Wlitf. Mon. G. S. 9 9 I IO, I3 P'al. N. J. I 9 I 10, I3 Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Amussium Klein. Rip]. siinplicuri (.C'on.).. Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 5 I 7 II, 12 Pal. N. Anatina, Lamarck. J. I 5I 7 II, I2 Cret. ?orientalis.Whiff... A.....M. N. II. 3 .....412S17 1901,] (a g-ite q1' Y:)Vses tinel JiYlrured ,.Vecimens. 417 PI-HANER( )(;GANIIA. (lass A NGIOSPERMF,E.

"- F I,,, \ 1. '1' V', R. .M A . .S.

Ncw Ill", M ill. entire niddle From the bank the Near MlPiHII1tIt'toowooelnot t*ivetl.dlotig linic. of B3ig .t(';rll-vA t-t itrte iniprint andl its counterl)art. 'h'lle latter shows more |if Iht- apex than lw portion figured. 1rom6n th( b)ank of the Big, ('I I I t II I W ( 1'i v(t- . ';Itt otf tie imprintiif at leaf. From the bank of the 1Big Cotton-

Platt.f an ipttrintt of a leaf. Iesqluerelux seenms to hiave made a titistaki in giving thle' locality of this specimen as '' Nebraska.'' Pfi'sssilvllttiOwvtterllart of the slieimen. figuiredl. ;rom the banik hittIh; ltig C(iltitinwoodl Irivet-. "p'1I l l feetituetitired andt its (couintetpart.

i,v N P,, 1,-, A, I 'A. Class A(T'INO'OA. 7- .iI laillaii-A, %\. 1. hi x s'piiltivttis dec'rilbtel alld illUstrated. 11'rom( )rnangc' Cove, Iattlili1o eit Pr tin ( trange ( ove, I lanovet ish. itivPas. anover Parish. T'I' )8t Ialiy:q''~(4(iw(iitton.lltcf' F1Irtrom'-

C: IIRss I IO)1'D)A.

,Ncar,ll #..Ii f '4" 1, 1 s.,, t ,St m.-ichsl ha:s 1¢}st tlit- slit11, whlichl wals o>riginally preserved:, Mi iss' Itt i Is ict. ;ii 4tIItt li tig tos tle tlesik itttioll. PIrto 3 nitle;s below IPort l'ierre

.Naritl-INewligt,y NI. .\ lat;ge intivltviilital. NI i3ddcttittt, N. 1

;Near New% I'.gypt, N . A ftill-gri)%vil individual.

" "nitolaIindiviuttal andI t lie pattial Ceast of anlother.

""i1ttlY e'Xfolialte'(d iltliviIlua:1l.

Neatt lanaithlae;le,gi N . 'Iwt ivi't'. Class [1AM I I,iABRANCIHIIATA.

Eulati.ala, Ala. Iwit oplpltolsite val-ves, ilibedded. Shiweifit, Syria. I ttitei led¢ iltllivitlalt sht>Wing much exfoliated right side. From tlte Allditfil ( tal:lk hori,on. 4I8 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. xI,

- - Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA-Continued. REFERENCE. Geol. Cat. Type or GEUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. Work. Vol. P. P1 Figs.i ,. 1- Arca Lamarck. transveersa.. ,...... , ...... Arcopagia d'Orbigny. Cret. Type. planissima ...... Whitf. A. M. N. H. 3 409 7 8, 9 Avicula Bruguiere. Ft. P. A Haydeni ...... H . & Af. Mem. A. A, E,N.S. 382 5Sa, b Axinsa Poli. Dak. s 24 siouxensis... H. & M. S,N.S. 384 I I2 Aleek. G. S. Terr. 9 92 6 Callista Poli. MRI Ripl. eufaulensis... Conrad. J. A. N. S. A4,2dSer 2822 46 24 5 28 a Cret. syriaca ...... Whitf. A. M. N. H. 3 4I)1 7 14, I5 ~1~ (Aphrodina?) Ft. P. tenuis ...... H.&r M. Mem. A. A; 5I5,N.S.r; 3833 I 8a-c

(Dosiniopsis ?) I Ft. B. orbiculata...... H. &' M. 5c5bN.S, 382 I 7 Caprina d'Orbigny. Cret.i2L89 jamaicensis ...... Whitf. A. M. N. H. 9 I192 I3 I, 2 I5 I, 2 Caprinella d'Orbigny. Ft. P. coraloidea...... H. &' Af. Mem. A. A. Cret. 5291 5,N.S.5 380 3a-f occidentalis ...... Whitf. A. M. N.H. 9 I93I I6 1-4 I7 1-4 .s quadrangularis... WVhitf. 9 I93 12 5 4 14 4, 5 22j Caprinula d'Orbigny. .s 223 -F- gigantea...... Whitf. 9 194 I XE:8-222

It. Cardita Bruguiere. 4 Rawsoni.... Whitf. 3 397 5 9, IO Cardium Linn. (Protocardium?) Birdanum .W. hitf. 'C 4 3 .05 6 7-IO ?) ' c t s& s (Serripes 21298' bewertense...... W AIzztf. 4 'C 29w 'C 3 °04 6 TT-TE 3 104 6 I4 Caryatis R6mer. 4 9 A.i globulus...... U. M Fig'd. WHaitf 3 [IO 7 II . 5297 .. veta (Conrad).... Wlsitf. Mon. G. S. 10, 9 2Is 228 I, 9 U 2.2 Pal. N.J. I 2 2 i6 I Mon.A G.S. 2 2 r8, r9 Pal. N. J. - _n 228 18, I9| Catat/ogue of 7)Mses and Figured Specimens. 4I9

?4yria. titernal eta%t cof an ind(livitdual. From the brown clay above the Al:wilt snltdsktolC.

'cular I, A IVrlve; imtlbedded. ;roml 25 miles below Fort Pierre.

.,.,," / :rtt..: (riez'itriea?)si9wxensis. Internal cast of a left

Ala. A riglit valve*, itilieldtled. Th'le unibo has been broken since the figrire wva- bmadi!. Syria. E.utirt' internal cast. Fromn the Naaman beds.

Rive'r. A%s (thIwr(aJ ftnuBi,. '11w specimen has been ruined by the oxida- ti;ut tf thlt lpyrite in the shale. 1'rom five miles below James river,lbS. ). A% ('tirerea esr/sieu/ata. Ak palrtly exfoliated and altered right vallvedld,itllle FromIn live iniles below the inouth of the James

W. 1. %nrrlil iintlividlshr and a very large one. From Logie Green, 4 l1if'J14111O l'.rirsh. k, Wyo 'lw.' slvrirrirr la%' rsle'rilbd and liguredl. \V. 1, I' r. tr$lwupr .IIII thlru'e lower valves. From Logie Green, Clarendon

A lrat.ctlirtary' aiid an ('tirire lower valve. Fromn Clristianna, NI arri %ter I'arisht. Six v;rlv^ a,i l Iprt;s oif valves. F"romn Logic Green, Clarendon l';Lrkht. t4 it;r,r '|llitirI itetrltfrtal v'at, rolalbly from thie brown beds above the

zysyli.r 'I.\is1JolivtiualI% and a riglht valve. 1F'rom the Abeih sandstone.

9'ritl .AnX snt1ir itoliviiaXl arrd Ka !arger left valve. From theBewerty bed. . yri >. vaAlvl.A rightl 1'u'11 t:re s an Lnlarge'ment to diameters. I tomtl w}$t Alse4*ibk s;arlol't,tgmte. Syria. }tlot irsrvat;lve' ssew}a:t wat*.lred. From the Abeih sandstone.

X,\ I,AIA irrrtr'rn1;1i v;rt,

:sle', \X.t *1A iulsli% illlIal lrs'.'r4'nrg mrreh of the shell. 420 Bulletiz American M!usezii; of Nztural HZisto:y. [Vol. Xi,

Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA-ContinuZed. REFERENCE. Get-A. Cat. SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv No. FType orP GENUS, . . .. . Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs Cibota Browne. L. -M.: f-- FiFh'd. uniopsis (Conzrad) Wh"ziff. Mon. G. S. 9 92 II 32, 33 Pal. N. J. I 92 II 32, 33 Corbula Lamarck. Cret. Type. jolivtse....*Wh.[iff. A. M. N. H. 3 413 7 19-2I Corbicula Megerle. (Batissa ?)

Hamlini.. . hizf. 3 407 6 I7-20 3 407 6 2I, 22 Corbiculopsis Whitfield. * a0o2Gen. and Birdi. Wh7Xiff. Sp.Type. Bri...... IVzif 3 409 7 3-5 3 409 7 6, 7

Crassatella Lamarck. U. ?M. sans Type.. Conradi. TVinf.Wh Mon. G. S. 9 209 28 3 94 Pal. N. J. I 209 28 3 cur/a Whitf. (non Con.).. .-..-..-- A Ft. P. 4 Type. Evansi. I. &PAf. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 383 I ga-e Ripl. -jI! ' lintea. Conrad. J. A. N. S. 4,2d Ser. 279 46 5 pteropsis. Conrad. 4,2dSer. 279 46 9 Criocardium Conrad. nucleolus. Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 2I4 28 I0, II Pal. N. J. I 214 28 I0, I1 Cyprimeria Conrad. L. N I ,'-0. Fig'd.; depressa (Conzrad) Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 I56 22 I3 Pal. N. J. I I56 22 I3 Cytherea Lamarck. orbiculafa ...... --, H.n1 s; ...... fenuis... *...... Donax Linn. Cret. v Type. minutissima...... Whiff. A. M. N. H. 3 4II 7 I27 I3 Eriphyla Gabb. crenulicosta...... WTrhitf. 3 403 6 2-5 Gastrochaena Spengler. americana (Gabb) WYhitf. Mon. G. S. Cret ti- -2- ye 9 203 26 is Pal. N.J. I 203 26 i8 Gervillia Defrance. obesa...... M. M. Fig'd Whitff A.M.N.H. 3 39I 4A 5-7 perobesa...... 392 6-8 NI.ilFig'd. 3 5 trapezoidalis...... 392 4A II, I2 Gryphma Lamarck. Bryani Gabb, var. prmecedens Whitf. .Mon. G. S. 9 I94 26 7, 8 Pal. N. J. I 195 26 7, 8 -esicularis (Lam.) Whitf. Mon. G. S. I94 9, I0 ,9 9 26 N. J. ~I I 9,19 26 9, 10 a'nd 421 t901.iI go0I.1 CatalogiteC'a/alogie of T)pesTypes and ffiguredPzg-ured S..ecimens.peciviens. 421


Near New Egypt, N.J. Internal cast of an individual. Near Abeih, Syria. Entire individual, very perfect. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality."

Ducccun, Syria. An entire individual and a right valve. From the Abeih sand- stone. Marahh, Syria. Internal cast. From the Bewerty bed.

Duccun, Syria. An individual and a larger specimen with the left valve slightly imperfect. From the Abeih sandstone. Upper part of a right valve and a somewhat imperfect individual with valves displaced so as to show hinge of left valve. From the Abeih sandstone. As Crassatella curta, Con.? by typogr. error in expl. of plate. Near New Egypt, N. J. "9ti 9" Con.? by typogr. error in expl. of pl. Internal cast preserving a fragment of shell. See Crassatella Conradi. Sage Creek, Wyo. Two opposite valves and an internal cast. Eufaula, Ala. A right valve and its internal cast. Tippah Co., Miss. An entire right valve.

Farmingdale, N. J. Two internal casts.

Freehold, N. J. Internal cast of a left valve. See Callista (Dosiniopsis?) orbiculata. " " (Aphrodina?) tennis.

Near Abeib, Syria. Somewhat wom individual with slight break on lower edge. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Bewerty, Syria. An entire individual and a left valve. The orig. of fig. 4 is missing. From the Bewerty beds.

Timber Creek, N. J. Cast of a tube.

Andrifil, Syria. Practically entire. From the Abeib sandstone. Near Abeih, Syria. A nearly entire individual from the Abeih sandstone. Bewerty, Syria. Two weathered right valves. From the Bewerty beds.

Monmouth Co., N. J. The separated valves of ain individual. limonite. DZ ear New Egypt, N. j - Entire. Shell has been mostly replaced by 42242 lletidi Amzerican Musezen of Aa/ural History. [Vol. XI,

Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA-ContitlUed. Geol. Cat. Type or GEREFsSPECIES AND AUTHOR REFERENCE. Subdiv. No. Figd Sp. ' Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs Grypheostrea Conrad. M1. Mt. i'lSFig'd. vomerGlorton)... Wffhitf.l M.Aon. G. S. 9 J95 26 II, I2 Pal. N. J. I 195 26 II, I Inoceramus J. Sowerby. L. M. tA-1 " Barabini (AZorton) MoitfAMon. G. S. 9 75 I5 4, 5 Pal. N.J. 1 75 I5 4, 5 Ft. B. Type. Conradi ... H. Al.!' MAfem. A. A. '5,N.S. 387:.2 CA, b

. H. -gN.S." 386' 2 2a, b Ft. p . 6 3r-nlconvexus &A.l Ft. B. 5 fragilis...... H. & f. " 5,N.S.1 388 2 6a, b

nebrascensis ...... Ft. P. ° Type. saaensis Owen, ...... var.nebrascensis Ozven. XV., I .& M. 582 SA I I subkevis. H. &A. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S.1 386' 2I ,,iaa,, b 55231" ...... tenuilineatus... H. &MN. " 5.N.S.1 387 2 3a, b Lima Bruguiere Cret. W-5,.3" I.....6tenuitesta. Thitf. A. M. N.H. 3 39014A 1,2 Lucina Bruguiere. percancellata. ....Whzitf. " " 3 403 6 6

Mactra Linn. " " ?4I.olivensis.. TVif. 3 4I22 7 I6, I7 I Modiola Lamarck. U. m. '- " Johnsoni.. Whif.ty. Mon. G. S. 9 207 2S 8, 9 I'al. N. J. I 207 28 8, 9 Nucula1Bt9fll Lamarck. Cret. 081 " glanstriticea...... A. M. N. H. -3 396 5 3-5 szubnasuta .H. &' Jf. venztricosa H. & M. (nonlhinds)...... ! Link. Ft. ' Nuculana Ft. P. UPt1Type. subnasuta...... h. &AL. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S 384 IOa-c Opis Defrance. Cret. i" megambona...... Whiff. A. M. N. H. .3 398 5 II, I2 Panopea Menard delaGroye. L. decisa Mon. G. 9 I8 24 6 NI.S-lFig'd. (Conrad).. Whitff.Whiff S. 24 6 l'al. N. J. I I6I Pecten MIuller. rigida_. L. M.1 Fig'd. venustus (Aforton) Whitff Mon. G. S. 9 45 7 I Pal. N. J. I 45 7 I Mon. G. S. 9 45 7 2-4 Pal. N. J. I 45 7 2-4 Pectunculus Lamarck. siouxensis...... r...... 1901.] Catalogue of 2ypes and Foigured Specimens. 423


New Egypt, N. J. An individual.

Marlborough, N. J. Cast of a left valve. Missouri River. External imprint of a crushed individual retaining some fragments of shell. From five miles below the mouth of the Vermilion river. Sage Creek, Wyo. Nearly entire 1eft valve, imbedded. Mvissouri River. Cast of a left valve. From five miles below the mouth of the Ver- milion river. See Inocerarmus seaensis, var. nebrascensis.

Sage Creek, Wyo. As Inoceramnus nebrascensis. A left valve, partly exfoliated, always considered to have been the original of the species. Reversed in engraving. Its right valve is present in the same block. Missouri River. A somewhat exfoliated right valve, imbedded. From the "Great Bend " of the Missouri river. Sage Creek, Wyo. An imperfect, somewhat exfoliated left valve, imbedded.

Gazelle Mt., Syria. A right valve which has lost the anterior margin. From the Gazelle cherts.

Near Abeih, Syria. Entire. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality."

Entire. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality."

Farmingdale, N. J. Cast showing external features.

Near Abeih, Syria. Two individuals and a left valve. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." See Nuiculana subnasuta. Yoldia ventricosa.

South Dakota. As ueciela subnastta. An entire individual. From the mouth of the Big Sioux river. Bewerty, Syria. Entire. From the Bewerty beds.

Near Burlington, N. J. Cast of conjoined valves. See Syncyctonema rigidum.

Mullica Hill, N. J. Cast of a right valve.

Freehold, N. J. Two opposite valves, now somewhat broken. See Axinaa siouxensis. 424 BlZletin .J/uscum of ATatural History. [vol.o Class LAME LLIBRANC HIATA-C'ontinued. Geo1. Cat. IlTpefr REFERENCE. S.~bdiv N. aFid SPECIES SdvN.ia-IWork.C;GENUS, AN-D AUTHOR. Vol. P. pi. Perna Bruguiere. Cret. s Type. palestina ...... WhT-hitf. A. A.N. H.; 3 394 4A 8-IO Pholadomya G. B. Sowerbv. L.,\tM.:4t- Fig'd. occidentalis(JZor.) WVh1itf;fMon. G. S. 9 I75 24 I, 2 Pal. N.J. I I75 24 I,. re. Fiz&d Sp. Platopsis WVhitfield. Cret. ' -and G. T. obruta(Gon.)..Il7hitf.' A. M. N. H. 3 400 .. 2, 33 Type. 'plicata . fIYt'iff 3. '" 400 5 I3 -I5

?triangularis. . iff. " " 3 401 5 i6, 7I " 34 Fi'd Sp. and G. 1. undata (Coiz.). ... "W"hif 3 400.... I Plicatula Lamarck. Ripl. " Type. tetrica .Co .Co.rad J. A. N. S. II, 4 283 46 26 Pfterino,pe,.na, ...... !...... I syrrzaca .... Pteroperna 'Morris and Ly cett. Cret. - Type. svriaca ..... hitf A. M. N. H., 3 393 4A I3, '4 Radiolites Lamarck. adh;rens..... Whitf.' 9 I8Ss IO I-3 II I-3 I2 I annulosus"...... "h9 19I I4 ...... 3 16346j cancellatus...... " " 9 rgo 12 4 '3 3-7 macroplicatus. ... 9hizf.;" 9 I90o 12 2'.3 I3 8

9 190 14 I, 2

rudis...... iti II *. 3s4Y |f. 9 I89 4 (Lapeirousia) .5 - Nicholasi ..if....9hg" " 9 I86 6, 7 I... i86 8, 9 ... Klein. naamanensis.....Whf rJzitf. " 3 390 4A Scambula Conrad. secunda.... i. " " 3 4021 6 I Stalagmium Conrad...... anl."LO5Sub-G.pTye& Ruipl. serica...... Conrad. J. A. N. S. II, 4 281 46 23 Syncyclonema MIeek Ft. P. 'en. .. A. A. ' . 5 . N.S. rigidum MIem. 38I 1 4a-C jp. T ,pe. Meek. C. L. L'F. Cret. " G. S. 9 Terr. 2636..|...... C Trapezium Cret. naamanenseHumphrey. 3 - TvPe...... W11hitf. A. M. N. H. I406 6 i5, i6 I901.] Catalogue of Types and Fgoured Specimens. 425 .L

LOCALITY. REMARKS. Th searte vavso nidvda,smwa mefc st Klelay, Syria. The separated valvFes of an individual, somewhat imperfect as to margin. From 'the Abeih sandstone.

Mlonmouth, N. J. Cast of a large individual, showing external and internal features.

Bewerty, Syria. Two opposite valves. The left has lost its margin. From the Bewerty beds. Ducctin, Syria. An entire individual and a right valve. From the Abeih sandstone at Ducccun. Near Abeih, Syria. An entire individual from the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality." Marahh, Syria. A left valve. From the Bewerty beds.

Tippah Co., Miss. Entire individual. Misprint for Pteroperna, q. v. See Pteroperna s)riaca.

Bewerty, Syria. As Pteriinoper-na syriaca. An imperfect left valve. From the Bewerty beds.

Jamaica, WV. I. Four specimens. From Logie Green, Clarendon Parish. A weathered individual. From near Christianna, Manchester Parish. Two individuals. From Logie Green, Clarendon Parish. Four individuals, two of which are young and attached to a specimen of Caprinella occidentalis. From Logie Green. Part of a small individual showing artificial section. From Logie Green. A single specimen. From Logie Green.

Three specimens. From Logie Green. An upper valve with part of the lower valve belonging thereto. Weathered. From Houghton Hall, Hanover Parish.

Naman, Syria. Cast of a right valve and a right valve.

Near Abeih, Syria. Individual with slight brealk in anterior margin. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Defined as a subgenus under CreneZea. Eufaula, Ala. A right valve. Figure is an enlargement to two diameters.

As Pectenz. rigida H. & M. New genus established. Sage Creek, Wyo. Genus fully described. Two more or less exfoliated opp. valve

Naaman, Syria.I Entire internal cast. From the Naaman beds. 426B4z6Blleti American Museums of NVatural History. [VTol. XI? Class LAME LLIBRANCH IATA-Coftinzed.

Car' Tye or R E F ERE NCE. Subdi; S GE.NUs, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. Fi-d Sp. Work. Vol. P. P1. Fig,. Trigonarca Conrad. Cret. |5sl Type. palestina .W.h.f.. . A. M. N. H. 3 395 5 1, 2 89 sioutxennzs...... L. M%. r3T5-4| Figr'd. transversa (Gabb) Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 I2 '3 Pal. N. J. I 89 I2 '3 Veleda Conrad. Cret. A-Ei Type.p elliptica. .... Whif. A. M. N. H. 3 406 .7 I, 2 Veniella Stoliczke. Ripl. 535'Fig'd. conradi(Alw-ton).. TVhitf. Mon. G. S. 9 I44 Io Pal. N. J. I I44 IO Yoldia MI1Iler. Ft. P. 5] Type. ventricosa ...H. fA. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 385 I iia, b Class GASTROPODA. Acmma Eschscholtz. Ft. P. .! Type. occidentalis .... H. &-AZ. Mem.A. A. g,N.S. 385 I3a-d Actmon -Montfort. L. M 9 Type. Forbesianus...... WAhitf. Mon. G. S. I8 I57 I9 21, 22 Pal. N. 2 l ActonnActaeonina d'Orbigny..dOrbigny...... X ... J. 157 19 2I, 22 Cret. 0i " marahhensis...I.V.h.Ifhitf. A. M. N. HI. 3 436 Io i8, i9 s5TL1i syriaca ...... Whi "." 3 435 II IO, II Afer Conrad......

Ripl. £ P I belliliratus. . Cnrad. J. A. N. S. II, 3 332 35 I7 Akera 'MUller. Cret. Type. siliciosa...... Whitf. A. M. N. H. 3 4 4IIO I4, I5 Amauropsis Mbrch. Ft. P. SAa4I " paludiniformis. . H&. 41. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 389 3 3a-c MIon. G. S. IS II32 i6 26 [YzWhiof" P . }'al. N. J. 2 I32 r6 26 Buccinum Linn.

vinaculin,, ...... Capulus Montfort.

occidentalis ...... t ...... cinfi. s...... Caricella Conrad. Ce. Type. planilirata.Wh.VIitf. A,. M. N. H. 3 414 I8 1, 2 Cerithiopsis Forbes & Han ley. 5AMI f hif. A. M. N.H. 3 431 9 22 Cerithium Adanson. Conradi . Whiff. " " ..3 .428 9 II, 12 Cinulia Gray. Ii! co_ . .. . ~~~~~~~~~.S\§7| .ci.ntn ...... 190 r.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimiiens. 427


Near Abeih, Syria. Entire individual. An unfigured individual is included among the types. From the Abeih sandstone. See Axiza'a siouxensis. Mullica Hill, N. J. Cast of entire individual. On explanation of plate as Arca. ( Trigonarca) transversa. Near Abeih, Syria. Entire. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality."

Eufaula, Ala. A ,right valve, nearly perfect. Sage Creek, Wyo. As ZVucula ventricosa. A right valve, imbedded.

Sage Creek, Wyo. As Capulus occidentalis. Internal cast.

See Oligoptycha concinna. Mullica Hill, N. J. Internal cast. Marahh, Syria. Internal cast. From the yellowish clays of the Bewerty lhorizon. Kilelay. Syria. Two internal casts. From the Abeih sandstone. Defined as a subgenus under Fusus. Tippah Co., Miss. As Fusus (Afer) belliliratus. An individual, entire except as to part of aperture. Ghurzuiz, Syria. Two silicified individuals. From the Gazelle cherts.

As ATatica paludinaformis. South Dakota. Two individuals, one of which is imbedded. From the "Great Bend" of the Missouri river. The locality seems to have been south of (below) Ft. Pierre. See Trackzytriton vinculum.

" Acmaa occidentalis.

Between Shimlan and Imperfect internal cast. From the limestone above the lBewerty Aithath, Syria. beds. Ducc'in, Syria. An individual with lip broken away. From the Abeih sandstone.

fit is Two somewhat imperfect individuals. From the Abeih sandstone.

...... , .. .. .1 See Oligqtf5tcha concinna. xi, 4184Bulleti;z American AMusezum of.f~~~~~~~~Natural History. [Vol. Class GASTROPODA-Cnontinmed.

REFERENCE. ____3vC ,beoi. No.No FiType'd Sp. GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Work. Vol. P. !P.Figs. Cithara Schumacher. L. M1. r Type. mullicaensis. flitfJk Mon. G. S. iS io6 13 6 j " Pal. J. 2 io6 I3 6 Closteriscus Mleek. Ft.Get,. and tenuilineatus. .H. &f. em. A.A. 5,N.S. 392 3 8a-c 1Sp.Type M~~~~~~.-eek. G. S. Terr. I9 306......

5570 b-G. <Cryptorhytis MIeek...... Sp chevennensis...11. &fH.&P. A. N. S. 12 422...... H. &'1Z.. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 393 3 IOs, b M3feek. G. S. Terr. 9 365 I9 13a, b Daphnella Hinds. Ripl. 5371.. Type.Type;ub-G.? eufaulensis. Conrad. J. A. N. S. IT, 4 285 ..... 537 " ?subfilosa ..... Conrad. " II, 4 285. Dentalium Linn. Ft. P. " gracile- . H. &1Y. 1Mem. A. A. x,N.S. 393 3 IIa-c Drillia Gray. Ripi. A- " ?distans.... Conr-ad. .J. A. N. S. II, 4 286 46 49 Endoptygma Gabb. L. M.L Fig'd. umbilicatum (TuomejM) W litf. Xlon. G. S. I8 I36 I7 20 I Pal. N.J. 2 136 17 20 Fusus Lamarck.

be,/au ...... Slkzunardi. tlenztilizea-tus... Globiconcha d'Orbigny. Cret. Type.- altispira...... Iitf. A. MI. N. H. 3 44 II 4, 5 (Tylostoma ?) gazellensis.....V..W I-3II3 439 " ' ?triplica...... tht. " 3 440 IO 20-22

Gyrodes Conrad. L. MI. °31-5 Fig'd. altispira (Gabb)... WVhzitf. Moon. G. S. IS I28 I6 7, 8 P'al. N.J 2 I28 i6 7, 8 Qobtusivolvaj (Gabb) 1nzitf.! Mon. G. S. 18 129 16 I2 Pal. N. J. 2 I29 t6 12 petrosus (or0-ton) lV'hitf.!Mon. G. S. IS 127 i6 1-3 Pal.N. J. 2 I27 i6 1-3 Lunatia Gray...... Type.63T. concinna...... & . Mlem. A.A. 3S9 3 b 5,N.S. 2a, L.MI.M. I33IS-4-F^i&'d.,Fiy-d IHalliHal... (Ga&{2b).Whitf..Gb)...h Mon. G. S. IS 130 i6 I6 Pal. -N. J. 2 10i6 I,i6Ir, (. " G. S. IS 21 II ~~~~~~~~~~Mon.Pal. N. J. II 175I75 21 10I, I6I Ft. 10 P. `r'I.,9fs11 Type. obliquata...... Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 389 3 Ia b i9 I .] Ca]auZoge of Tyj5es and Fig-ured Specimens. 429,


M1ullica lill, N. J. Internal cast. As uis-us? feznuilinzeatus. Sage Creek, Wyo. New genus described. A somewhat flattened and exfoliated fragment. Defined as a subgenus under FascioZawia. As Gladizus? chejiennensis. Name proposed in place of Rostellar-ia fusifor-mis H. & M., which was preoccupied. As type of Ros/ellaria fuesiform-zis H. & M. (non Pictet & Roux). Sage Creek, Wyo. Imperfect specimen, mostly a cast.

Eufaula, Ala. A chalky individual which has been nearly ruined by accidents. An imbedded individual, partly exfoliated.

;. Sage Creek, Wyo. Two fragments were used as the types.

Eufaula, Ala. An imbedded individual, the apex of which has become disinte- grated. Figure reversed in lithographing it.

1Near Burlington, N. J Cast of two and a half volutions. See Afer billiliraturs. Trachytriton Shunmardi. Closteriscu.s tenuilineatus.

Ain Kis(ir, Syria. Two internal casts. From the brown clayev limestone above the Bewerty bed. Gazelle Mt., Syria. Two specimens with imperfect lips. From the yellowish brown clays at the summit of Gazelle Mt. Gazelle Hollow, Syria. An imperfect, somewhat crushed specimen and part of the lower volution of another, silicified. From the cherts at Gazelle Hollow.

Mullica Hill,N..J. Internal cast. New Egypt, N. Cast with some bits of shell attached. Mullica Hill, N. J Internal cast of an individual of average size.

As Natica concinna. A very young individual of a recent form. Not a and not the same as Lunatia concinna Meek, G. S. Terr., Vol. 9, pl. 32, fig. I I. Mullica Hill, N. J. Cast. Timber Creek, N. J. Cast. South Dakota. As Natica obliqzata. An individual with lip somewhat broken. From the " Great Bend " of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre. 430 Builletini American Muiiseugm of Natural History. [Vol. XI) Class GASTROPODA-Continued. Geol. Cat. Tpe 9r GENUS, SPECTER AND AUTHOR. REFERENCE. .Subdiv. -No. Fig'd 6p.' Work. Vo. P. P1. FilS___ Mangilia Leach. Cret. 5Z1iG Type. ? solitaria ...... WhVziff. A. M. N. H. 3 1415 S 5, 6 Margarita Leach. L. M. 5 Fig'd. abyssina (Gizbb).. . WXh/itf. M.lon. G. S. IS I33 I7 I, 2 Pal. N.J. 2 I33 I7 I, 2 Mesalia Gray. Cret. -XTType. gazellensis...3Whiff.lM.N.A. H. 424 9 10 Monodonta Lamarck. antiquaali... .. it. 3 434 IO 12, 13 Natica (Adanson) Scopoli. M. M. n Fig'd. abyssina (Aorton) IWhzitff Mon. G. S. is I75 2ri2 I3 Pal. N. J. 2 I75 21 I2,I3 Lconcin,zCO X...... C Z E t }tt ..... -[ -- r* * oblqzafa......

...... pa-luilnafortnZis I......

Cret. Type. (Ampullina) Cret. 53SlType. fluctuoides. h.ilitf. A. M. N.H. 3 4I7 * S 8, 9 '.5191 ~~~~~....3I i417! 8 I0 5592 " . " var.acuminata.t Whzitf. 3 |41S 9 I, 2 Nerita Linn. Whiffi "4 abeihensis . 3 1431 10 I, 2 009-4, bidens . Whiitf. " ! 3 432 1I 3-5 pagoda . Whif. ". " 3 432 10 6-8 Neverita Risso. 9t --"'patula..... WhTziff. " 3 4I9 9 3, 4 'Odostomopsis Whitfield. 4 aiid G.T. abeihensis(BZan.) Whzi 3 425 9 I3 I4I

Ft. P. 5 u Su..jOligoptycha.&;I-'''Mleek.. , ;; Sp.Ty pe. concinnus. H. &AZ.1 Mem. A.A. 5,N.S. 390i 3 4a-d PAeek. G. 1 Perissolax Gabb.' S. Terr. 9 283 MI. M. D-X1Fig'd.9 trivolva (Gabb)... Whiitf. lon. G. S. iS I72 21 2 3 IPal. N.J. 2 I7221 21I 2, 3 -3-1 Pbiline Ascanius. i__ (Megistostoma) Cret. ; 0 Type. patula...... if. A. M.H.IN. 3 4341 i 6, I7 Gen. adPleurotrema Whitfield. M1 M 'SpTye; solariforme . Whif. Mon. G. S. I8 180 22 Io, II Pal. N.J 2 ISO 22 10, II iPotamides Brongniart. Cret. 6v;Type. distortus...... WifYzitf.A. M. N. . 3 4291 9 19-2I Pyrifusus Conrad. L. MI. I° "Q__ McFarlandi.W.hif....f. Mon. G. S. I8 5 4 14, 15 Ripl. 5404~Gen. and ubnat . 1Pal. N J. 2 52 ' Sp.Type. Conrad.I J. A. N. S. II,3 332 35 4,12 II4 ....447 2 Wfhitf.f Mon. G. S. Tx8 48 4 1-3 Pal. N. J. 2 48 4 I-3 L.M.~Y-~ ype.Pyropsqis Conrad. ...Whiff.' Mon. G. S. is 40 3 12, 13 Tye.;?obesa Pal. N.J. 2 40 3 12, 3 190 I.] Catalogue of 1)pes and Fzgored Specim>ens. 43 I


Gazelle Mt., Syria. Entire, though the lip has become somewhat broken. From the brown clays near the top of Gazelle Mt.

Near Burlington, N. J. An internal cast.

Gazelle Mt., Syria. Imperfect as to aperture. From the brown clay near the summit of Gazelle Mt. Gazelle Hollow, Syria. Entire. From the cherts of Gazelle Hollow.

Timber Creek, N. J. Decomposed and gone. See Lunatia concinn7a. " " obliquata. Amauiopqsis paludiniformis.

Bewerty, Syria. A large individual from the Bewerty bed. Near Abeih, Syria. A small individual showing the color markings. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Gazelle Mt., Syria. Entire individual, rather small. From the cherts of the Gazelle mountain. Near Abeih, Syria. Entire. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Two indivs. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality." Two indivs. From the Abeih sandstone at the "Olive locality."

Duccu'n, Syria. Entire individual showing the color markings of the surface. From the Abeih sandstone.

Near Abeih, Syria. A specimen with imperfect lip. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Defined as a suibgenus under Cinulia. As Acteon coneinnius. Sage Creek, Wyo. Subgenus described. A nearly perfect individual.

Timber Creek, N. J. The specimen has decomposed and disappeared.

Duccl'in, Syria. A somewhat worn individual. From the Abeih sandstone.

Timber Creek, N. J. Cast of a large individual.

Ducc'un, Syria. Two individuals and the lower volution of a third. From the Abeih sandstone.

Mullica Hill, N.J. Internal cast.

Tippah Co., Miss. Individual.

cast. Mullica Hill. N. J..1 NearlyI entire internal 432 Bulleiin America .Afuseuml of Natural History. [Vol. Xi,

Class GASTROPODA-Confinued.

Geol. Cat. Type or REFERENCE. Subdiv. Fi;'d Sp. GPNtUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR.NRE No. Work. Vol P. P]._ Figs. Rostellaria Larmarck. fusiformis H. & M.

(non Picket & Roux)...... Scalaria Lamarck. ' Cret. L1411 Type. bewertensis ...... WhTAiif. A. M. N. H. 3 42I 98, "t 1407 4 novemvaricosa.... Whiff. 3 422 7 Strepsidura Swainson. 5408 Ripl. ripleyana...... C'onz-ad. J. A. N. S. II, 4 286 416 42 141,5 Strombus Linn. Cret. ?crassiliratus.. T,V/zitf. A. M. N. H. 3 4i6 8 7 Tornatella Lamarck. 5411 abeihensis...... Wtisf. 3 437 I I8, 9 Trachytriton Meek. Ft. P. 141 Shumardi ..... &H A. Mem. A. A., 5,N.S. 39I 6a-c 'f &I L,41--I-- Gen. and Sp. Type. vinculum..H.....H. &Y. 5,N.S. 390 3 5a, b MfIeek. G. S. Terr. 9 303 411 ~1~ Trochus Linn. Cret. Type. striatofundus. Wlhitf. A. M. N. H. 3 433 I(O 9-IO Tubulostium Stoliczka. 541Q it ?rugosum...... Wzitf. 3 424 I5, 16 F- Turbonilla Leach. 5 41 4 .s Ripl. laqueata...... Conrad. J. A. N. S. II,4 288 41.6 36

.14' melanopsis Co.Cozrad. II, 4 287 4, 6 35 Tylostoma Sharpe.

Mvartini ...... W Cret. I-- hIlcizf. A. M. N. H. 3 439 I 6, 7 Vertagus Kleini. . " 41 coloratus ---- ...... WI,itf. 3 429 17, 18

54120 Volutoderma Gabb. M. M. ~1-- Fig'd. Abbotti (Gabb)... Wlzitf. Mon. G. S. I8 '73 2I 6, 7 Pal. N. J. 2 I73 2I 6, 7 ovatum Whi L. M. Type...... Mon. G. S. i8 9' I, 0 3, 4 ~1- II Pal. N. J. 2 9' 0 3, 4 Volutomorpha Gabb. Cret. ?orientalis...... Whitf A. M. N. H. 3 4I4 3,4

Class CEPHALOPODA. I~~_ Ammonites Breynius. Ft. P. 5a4T221', 'ype. complexus... .H. &vM. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S.i 394 4 i a-f

percarinatus...... 2 3 L. IM. 154 Fig'd. Vanuxemi (Mort.) Whtitf. Mon. G. S. IS 2533 42 3-5 ig. .~~~~~~Pal. N. J. 2 253 42 3-5 190 I.] Catalogue of Thpes and Fitured Specimens. 433


See Cryptorhiytis cheyennensis.

Bewerty, Syria. Two specimens lacking apex and aperture. From the yellow clays above the Abeih sandstone. N ear Abeib, Syria. Entire, except as to aperture. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." Tippah Co., Miss. An individual with lip somewhat broken.

Between Shimlan and Internal cast. From the brown clayey limestone above the Bewerty Aithath, Syria. beds.

Near Abeih, Syria. Entire, except that the aperture is imperfect. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality." South Dakota. As Fursus Shumardii. A small individual. From the "Great Bend " of the Missouri river below Fort Pierre. As Buccinurnz? incutlum. New genus described. An individual, imperfect as to aperture. From the " Great Bend" of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre.

Near Abeih, Syria. A large and a small individual. From the Abeih sandstone at the " Olive locality."

Bewerty, Syria. Lacks the aperture. From the yellowish brown clay.

Tippah Co., Miss. Figure 35 in explanation of plate by typographical error. An indi- vidual the lip of which has become broken. As Turhonilla (Chemnnitzia) Zaqueata. Fig. 36 in expl. plate by typogr. error. A nearly entire individual. As J'urbonilla (Chemznilzia) Zaqueata. Ghurzil,z Syria. Silicified. From the Gazelle cherts.

Klelay, Syria. Two individuals. From the Abeih sandstone.

Timber Creek, N. J. Decomposed and gone.

14ullica Hill, N. J. Internal cast. Duccufn, Syria. Entire, except that the lip in the figure was completed from another I~~~~~~~ individual. From the Abeib sandstone.

South Dakota. Nearly entire cast of a small individual retaining a little shell, and part of a larger specimen. From the "Great Bend" of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre. See Prionotropisfpercarinata. Burlington Co., N. J. Septate cast of about three volutions. 434 ~~~Bzdiletin American Afztseumii of NAat'ural History. [Vol. xi,

Class CEPHALOPODA-ContUitUed. __ Geol. Cat. Tpe orI GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. -RFRNE Subdiv. No. FigY'd Sp. Work._- -Vol. P. iP1. _Figs. Ancyloceras d'Orbigny. ATicolletii.... Baculites Lamarck. Ft. P. Fig'd. compressus(Say),H.&D.M Mem. A. A. iNS.400 5 2a, c " " ,N.S. 400 5 2b 9 Fox5425 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~68, Z- Type. grandis . 5,N.S. 402 6 10 Hixlls. H....f. &Af.I 7 1, 2 S~ Ft.?P. Fig'd. ovatus(Stoy).....H. &AM.1 5~",N.S. 39 1i,2 5,N.S. 399 5 ib 6 6, 7 6 .... 5~~~,N.S. 399 1-5 a L.M.~~~~~" " " ... f,-IWitf. Mon. G. 'S. I 8 275 46 3-7 I~~~~~~~~1IPal. N. J. 2 .275 46 3-7 Belemnitella d'Orbigny. j - americana (Mort.) J47/zi f. 8, 9 2 280 47 8, 9 Hamites Parkinson. .iIortonz ...... 47 Helicoceras d'Orbigny. Mon. G. S. Type.I Mortoni.H...&'M. Pal. N. J. 5,N.S. 396 3 a-c L. M 4 Nicolleti.....H. &' -N. 5,IN.S. 397 4 Mon.G.S.... Nautilus ]3revnius. 37 Fig,'d. i8 6 Dekayi (Mforton) W/sitf. 243 37 5, Ft.BP. IMem. A. A. 2 243 5, 6 i;§4, Placenticeras Meek. Type. Whitfieldi Hyatt, R ipi A var. tuberculatum hyatt. Prionotropis Meek...., JMoA. N. S. percarinata.....H. & Mf. 5,N.S. '396 4 2b

Turrilites Lamarck. i 4 spinifer...... Conrad. II, 4 284

Subkingdom VERMES. Planarian worms, Ft. P. '-AP Fig'd. tracks of?.. .H. &' N. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 3, 4 Subkingdom ARTHROPODA. Callianassa Leach. Ft. P'. Type. Danao...... H. &'M. Mem. A. A. 5,N.S. 379 I ia, b 1901.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 435


. See Helicoceras ATicolleti.

South Dakota. Part of the chamber of habitation. From the " Great Bend " of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre.

Sage Creek, Wyo. Specimen shows ten chambers of a large individual.

Bear Creek, S. D. A septate cast and part of the cast of an outer chamber. Sage Creek, Wyo. Considerable portion of the outer chamber of a large individual. South Dakota. Specimen showing 3 chambers and part of the chamber of habitation.. From the " Great Bend" of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre. Parts of five small individuals. From the " Great Bend" of the, Missouri river below Ft. IPierre. Mfullica Hill, N. J. Two internal casts, septate fragments.

Marlborough, N. J. Phragmocone with lower end gone. See Helicoceras 1llortoni.

South Dakota. As Hamites Yortoni. Septate cast retaining some shell. From. the " Great Bend " of the Missouri river below Ft. Pierre. As 4 ncy/oceras? Nicolletii. From the " Great Bend" of the Mis-- souri river below Ft. Pierre.

N'earMullicaHfill,N.J. Internal cast of a large individual.

Sage Creek, Wyo. Specimen retaining much of the shell. Publication is still in MISS.. Defined as a subgenus under Prionocrclus Nebraska. As Amznzonites percarinatus. Cast and imprint of a small indiv. in soft shale. Regarded by Meek, G. S. Terr., Vol. 9, p. 455, as a synonym of Ammonites Woolgari Mantell. From the Missouri river, five miles below the mouth of the Vermilion river.

Eufaula, Ala. An imbedded individual and two imbedded fragments constitute the tvpe series.

r'1.r A ,TNSMTTTn A

Wyoming. Imprints in brown (fig. 3) and gray (fig. 4) calcareous shale. From; head of the Little Missouri river. Class CRUSTACEA.

South Dakota. The fragment as described and figured, imbedded. From the .- ''Great Bend" of the Missouri river below l;t. Pierre. 436 Buille/il Anierican ..usezem of Aatural HZis/oy. [Vol. XI,

Subkingdom VERTEBRATA. Geol. Cat. Type REFERENcE. GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv.SrNo).: Fig'dSpWok___FE___NC__Vl.P PI Fgs

Mosasaurus Cuvier. L Type. Cope. T. A. P. S. I4NS. 9 . j - maximus...... VhitJ. A. M. N. H. I3 25 4 , 2

,_5 2 I90 1.] Ctzalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 437 Class REPTILIA.


NearMiddletown,N.J. Parts of the two rami of a lower jaw and a coronoid bone, as represented on the plates. I~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 438 Buzlletin American .Afuseum of Natural History. [Vol. XI,

Tertiary. Kingdom PLAN'TA.E. Subkingdom

Geol. Cat. Ty',e or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv.5No. Vig'd Sp.' Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs.

Apeibopsisi Heer. Eoc. Type. Gaudini .. . Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 2 1358 hIitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 123I . 39, f4O t I.. Lesq. " '2 7I5 ...... 1, Heeri . Lsq. Am. J. S. II, 32 358 Hitchcock.: " I15 9)8 ..... 4 lAn 99 ..... 5 Geol. Vt. I 230 .... 13I-I33 Lesq. " 2 17I5 ...... Aristolochia Schimper. f Type. curvata... Lesq.1 Am. J. S. II,32 359 Hitchcock IT, r5 ioo .... II Geol. Vt. 230 . I 35, I36 2 7I5 ...... obscura. ..Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 359 Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 23I .... r37,138,141 Lesq. 2 |7I5 ...... 54f' Fig'd. ceningensis (Hleer). . Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 359 Hitchcock. 1I,I5 99 IO Geol. Vt. I 230 I34 & . 4 4 Lesq. 2 7I5 ...... Carpinus Linn. .

grandis Lesq. (non Heer)...... Carpolithes Gervais. EOC. 4 Type. brandonensis, var. elongatus Lesq.. Am. J. S. II, 32 356. Hitchcock. II, I5 97 .... I .4 Geol. Vt. I 229 .. .. III-113

2 71I ...... brandonensis var. Lesq.: obtusus Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 356. Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 229 ..1.II4-I17 Lesq. 2 7I31... bradonziana, var. cr, elongat,a...... branidoniaws, var. ,3, .: obtusa.!-... 1-- EOC. 5 Type. bursiformis . Lesq.... Am. J. S. II, 32 359 Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 231 I46, 147 "I 7I5 5s,446. s Lesq fissilis..... Lesq. Am. T. S. II, 32 356 Hitchcock. A * II, I5 98 2, 3 Geol. Vt. I 229 IIS, I19 230 I24 Lesq. 2 7I3 . Lr4 Grayan .....Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 356 4"A14#5448i4 7 C Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 230 I22 Lesq. " 2 7I4 irregularis .... -Lesq. Am. J. S. 11, 32 356 Hitchcock. " II, I5 99 6 Geol. Vt. I 230 120, I2I, Lesq., 123,125,I28 4491 Fgd 2 7I4 Lescurii..... C..HC. H. P. S. N. H. I 95 I, 5 f|- Fig'd. venosus (Sternb.)? Lesq.; Am. J. S. II, 32 361 it cc Hitchcock. II, IS IOI 20 " Geol. Vt. I 23I I57-I60 Lesy. c A 2 7I7 I...... I9°I.] CataZogue of T1pes and Figured Specimens. 439 PHANEROGAMIA. Class ANGIOSPERM,E.


Brandon, V.t... . . Without name. Brandon, Vt. Two specimens. Without name. Without name. Without name. Three specimens.

Brandon, Vt. Without name. Without name. Two specimens. Br;an,d,on,,Vt WATithout name. Three specimens, Brandon, Vt. Without name. Without name. The specimen described and figured. See D7rupa rlzabdosjpermta.

As CarpoZithes brindoniana, var. or, elonXgata. Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Three specimens. As Carpolithes brandonziana var. 8, obtusa. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Four specimens. See Car1polithes brandotensis, var. elongatus. var. obtusus. Without .name. Brandon, Vt. Two specimens. Without name. Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Three specimens referred to these figures by Prof. E. Hitchcock. Without name. Braudon, Vt. A single specimen is marked as the type. Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Five specimens. 0 A single specimen.

...... name...... Without Without name. Br;andon, Vt. Two imbedded nuts and two fragments. 440 Bulletin American Mifuseum of Aatural History. [Vol. Xi, Class ANGIOSPERM. -Con/ind ied. Geol. Cat.' Tyeo SPECIES AND AUTHOR. REFERENCE. Subdiv. No. d GESUS, Vol. P. P1. Figs. Fig Sp. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~okWork. Vol P. P Fis Carya Nuttall. Eoc. - 1- Type. vermontana . Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 357 Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 230t.... I30 Lesq. " 2 '714j.. verrucosa. Lesq.' Am. J. S. II, 32 357 SW. Bitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 230K... 129 1 2 714.... Cinnamomum Linn. 4" V_r545 now1e-angliae .L.....Lesq'. Am. J. S. II, 32 360 Hitchcock. II, I5 I00 .... I6 Geol. Vt. I 231 T48 Lesq-. I |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16 Drupa Goppert. rhabdosperma. Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 360 Hitchcock. " II, 15 100 I8, Ig Geol. Vt. I 31... I50 Lesq. 2 7 |16... Fig'd., Am. J. S. II, 32 360!.... Hitchcock.: II, 15 100 I5 Geol. Vt. I 23I1.... I5I 1-- Lesq. 2 7I6 Fagus Linn. 4 45454 Type. Hitchcocki.Lesq. Am. J. S. 1 2 I I,32 357 Hitchcock. ' II, I5 100 .... I2 2 Geol. Vt. I 230... I26, IN27 Lesq. " 2 714.. "e 54rd Illicium Linn. lignitum . Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 360 Hitchcock. " II, I5 iool. 17 Ti*"I Geol. Vt. I 2311.... " Les.q. 2! 7I6|...... I Leguminosites Bowerbank. ,5 - Fig'd. pisiformis (Heer)? Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 36I * Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 123I1.... I52 Lesq. 2 l7I6 Nyssa Linn. I...... " 54 5 Type. complanata ...... Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 36I Hitchcock. II, IS IOO .... 13 I . f,Ueol.f Vt.r. Lesq. I 23I ... 153 '5-9la"4& Ievigata.. Lesq. Am. J. S. 2 7I7 ...... Hitchcock. II, 32 36I Geol. Vt. I 23I i56.... 5450~~~~~~~ Lesq. 2 7I7 ..... microcarpa. Lesq. Am. J. S. II, 32 I 36I Hitchcock Geol. II, I5 100 .... I4 Vt. I 23 1 I54 Lesrq. 2 717 .. f-; Fig'd. ef Am. J. S. II, 32! 361 Hitchcock. Geol. Vt. I 23 1 I55 Lesq.! 2 7I7! .. Sapindus Linn. " X- Type. americanus ...... Lesq.. Am. J. S. 1,32 359 hlitchcock. I,151! 99 .... 7, 8 Geol. Vt. I 231 .... I42-145 " " 2 esq 7I5 ..- ...... I I90I.] Catalogue of Types and Figkred Specimenz. 44I


Without name. Brandon, Vt. The specimen described.

Without name. Brandon, . A single specimen.

Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Two specimens, one of which was figured.

Without name. Without name. Bra.ndonVt..... Two specimens. As Carpinus grandis Heer? Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. As Carpinus grandis Heer? A single specimen.

Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. Two specimens.

Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. A single specimen.

Without name. Brandon, Vt. Two specimens.

I.. Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. A single specimen,

.. name. - .. Without BErandon.n-Vt...Vt. Three specimens. Without name. Without name. Brandon, Vt. A single specimen.

Without name. Brandon, Vt. A single specimen.

Without name. .V...... Without name. irandon, Vt. Two whole and two half seeds. 442 Buelletin American Museumi of Natural History. [Vol. XI, Kingdom ANIMALIA. Subkingdom EFER ENCE. Geol.Geol.Cat.Cat.ITypeor GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. ~~~~~REEEC Subdiv. No. Fig'digTypeSp. Work. Vol. P. P]. Fig._ Astraea Gmelin.


Astrangia Edw. & Haime. Mioc. £4162' Fig'd. bella (Con.)... T. &. H. P. F. S. C. I I r, ia

Subkingdom ECHINODERMA1'A.

Amphidetus Agassiz. Mioc. D+,Fig'd. orthonotus(Con.) 7.&'H.! P. F. S. C. 2 I-IC Encope Agassiz. 5 54l86:1 s 'macrophora(Rav.)T. f"" ...... 2 I 3-3b Mellita Klcin. "-Aflu! I '|caroliniana(Rav.)T.&H.; ..... 3 I 4-4b


Cellepora Fabricius. Mioc. - Type. depressa... . &T . P. F. S. C. 14 4 9

7 c. radiata .... . &H. .. 13 4 8

tessellata... . &.H. 13 4 7

Discoporella Gray. 54 69 Fig'd. denticulata (Con.) T.&-H. 'I 4 I -5

ss3 ss Heteropora de Blainville. ~~tortilis (Lons.) .. T. ar- H. l5-41 .1|1I64 17, IS Lunilites Lamarck. denticulata.

| Membranipora de Blainv. Alioc. .. Type. lacinia ...... 7. &H. P. F. S. C. '4 4 IO

Reptocelleporaria d'Orb. P & 4jL2'; Fig'd. informata (Lons.) T..H. I5 4 II, I2 -, ss similis (Lons.).. 7: &'H. 4P t6 4 I3, 14 1901.] CCaalogue of Types and Fzig-ured Specins. 443


See Astrangia bella.

Darlington Dist., S. C. As Astra bella. A small colony on a fragment of a pecten.


James River, Va. Practically entire.

The Grove, Cooper An entire individual. River, S. C.

Goose Creek, Cooper Entire individual. River, S. C. Class POLYZOA.

Smith's, A small colony on a fragment of Encope macropkora with the types Goose Creek, S. C. of Cellepora radiaea and Merembranipore lacinia, figs. 8 and io, same plate. Smith's, A small colony on a fragment of an Encope macrophora with the Goose Creek, S. C. types of Cellepore depressa and Memizbranipora lacinia, figs. 9 and io, same plate. Giles's Bluff, A small colony on a bit of shell. Pee Dee River, S. C.

Darlington Dist., tS. C. As Lunulites denticulata. Two small colonies referred to these figures.

Virginia. A branching fragment.

See Discoporella denticulata.

Smith's, A small colony on a fragment of Encope rnacrophora bearing the Goose Creek, S. C. types of Cellepora depressa and Cellepora radiata, figs. 8 and 9, same plate. Darlington Dist., S. C. A small botryoidal mass.

'4 44 A reniform mass. 444 Bulletin Amiierican Museum of latural History. [Vol1. xir,


Geol. iCat. Type or GEURPCEOATO ok REFE REN CE. Subdiv. No. .Vol. P. . Fig Discina Lamarck.

Discinisca Dall. Mioc. AAI74 Fig'd. lugubris(Con ) T. &H.P'. F. S. C. I7 5 I 41 " " lhitf. Mon. G. S. 24 23 1 17 S s I-3, 7 multilineata(Con.) T. -,H. P. F. S. C...... i8 5 2 Orbicula Cuvier.

!liucruagxbris ...... m4ul/ilineata...... Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. rfI~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Amussium Klein. MNioc. !-,P Fig'd. I Mfortoni (Rav.) T. & H. P. F. S.C. I. 27 9 r, 2 Io I, 2

Anomia (Linn) MQIller. Ophippiurn T. & H. (non -Linn.) Plioc. LI4j7Z simplex(d'Orb.) T. &- H. P. F. S. C. ....I 18 5 4, 5 ...... Arca (Linn.) Lamarck.

centenaria...... J......

T. . . . hians . & . P. . . . H.(non Brown ...... F. S. C. . .

lienosa...... scalar-is ...... Asaphis Modeer. Mioc. l-l8J Type. centenaria (Con.s) T. & H. P. F. S. C. 9I 22 8n Astarte Sowerby. Eoc. c I castanella...... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 23T 30 I, 2 Pal. N. J. I 231 30 I, 2 Plioc. concentrica (Con.) T. &H. P. F. 20 Eoc. I S.C. 7r 3 planimarginata... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 232 30 3, 4 Pal. N. J. I 232 30 3, 4 Cardita Bruguiere. aratuz...... Eoc. * ...... IjL4 Type. Brittoni ...... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 233 30 II, I2 Pal. N. J. I 233 30 JI , I2 granulta ...... ,...... Carditamera Conrad. 'Mioc. 5 4u Fig'd. arata (Con.).... T. &- I. P. F. S. C.I ...... 65 I9 4, 5 Caryatis R6mer. Eoc. c4r4 Type. ovalis ...... Whtf. Mon. G. S. 9 237 30 15, T6 Pal. N. J. I 237 30 i5, x6 Chama Linn.

arcinella ...... - - . . Plioc. 8 Fig'd. congregata(Con.)T. H. I...... & P. F. S. C. * o-- 23 7 7, 8 1901.] Calalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 445


See Discinisca Zugubris.

Davis's, As Orbicdila lugubris. The dorsal valve of a large individual Pee Dee River, S. C. somewhat broken along the margin. Cumberland Co., N. J. As Discina ?ugubris. A dorsal valve. Davis's, As Oibictila mnultilineata. An imperfect upper valve referred to Pee Dee River, S. C. this figure. Probably a young Discinzisca lugubris. See Discinisca lugubris. " " mvultineafa. (Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA.

As Pecten Mortoni. Smith's, " "1 "4, 9 Two opposite valves of different individuals, Goose Creek, S. C...... and an imperfect specimen showing the conjoined valves of an individual.

See Anomia sizmp?ex. Waccamaw, S. C. As Anomia ephippium Linn. A single valve.

See Striarea centenaria. " Granoarca propatula. Scapharca lienosa. Cunearca scalaris.

Pee Dee River, S. C. As type of Psam?nocola pliocena T. & H. A right valve. Very closely allied to Asaphis defoorata Linn. of the Bahamas and West Indies.

Shark River, N. J. Internal casts of two opposite valves. Waccamaw, S. C. Two opposite valves, apparently of the same individual.

Shark River, N. J. Internal casts of two left valves.

See Carditamera a?rata.

Shark River, N. J. Cast of a pair of valves, slightly distorted. See Vener-icardia granulata.

Darlington Dist., S. C. As Cardita arata. The separated valves of an individual.

Manisquam Riv., N.J. Casts of two opposite valves.

See Echinochamna arcinella. Waccamaw, S. C. An entire individual. 446 Bulletin American Museumi of Natural History. [Vol. XI,

Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA-Continued. Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. REFER ENC E. Subdiv. No. Fig'd S. - Work. L P. P1 -Igs. Crassatella Lamarck. Gi-besi ...... Crassatellites Krilger. Plioc. kW Type. Gibbesi . . &'H. P. F. S. C...... 74 20 9, J0 Cunearca Dal...... Mioc. U4P- Fig'd. scalaris (Coon.) T. & H. P. F. S. C...... 43 i6 x,a2tars) Divaricella von Martens. P]ioc. JU4 Type. Conradi.... d'Orb. Pr. de Pal. 3 I 17 ...... T.&'H. P. F. S. C ...... 59 18 I0, II Echinochama Fischer. ..R9Fig'd. arcinella (Linn.) T. &H...... 22 7 4, 6 Ensis Schumacher. Mioc. 19 ° directus (Con.).. T. & H. . I01X 24 3

. Euvola Dali. Type. Holmesi.... Dall. T. WV. I. S. 3 72I T. &H. P.F.S.C. 26 8 5, 6 Glycymeris Da Costa. . Fig'd. americana(Defr.)7'.&-H. . .. . 48 17 3 Plioc. £ 4 2 9" ". "; " " <49s 1I7s t4 < ¢ * * * z .

Mfioc. " " " " ...... 5I I7 6c Plioc. 5 ltevis... . Tvpe. T H.H...... 50 17 5 Mioc. 5 " subovata Say, var. Tuomeyi Dali. T. W. I. S. 3 6iI T. & H. P. F. S. C... . 47 17 I Granoarca Conrad. propatula (Con.) T. 6& H. " 34 14 4, 5 Hemimactra Swainson. . p Fig'd. duplinensis (Dall) T. & H. " 97 23 8 Janira Schumacher...... affinis T. & H. (noui Risso vel Reuss). henicyclica ...... Leda Schumacher. Mioc. 54,9 Fig'd. acuta Con. 7'. &. H. P. F. S. C. . 53 17 IO-I2 Lucina Bruguire. Conradi T. & .

(non Linn.) ...... Lyropecten Conrad..... Mioc. !A18 Fig'd. Jeffersonius. var. septenarius(Sa,)T.&H. P. F. S. C. 31 13 [-4 I90I.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 447


See Crassatellites Gibbesi.

Waccamaw, S. C. As Crassatella Gibbesi. A large individual and a small left valve.

...... Defined as a subgenus of Scaphairca. Darlington Dist., S. C. As Arca scalaris. A left valve.

...... As Lucina Conradi. Waccamaw, S. C. divaricata Linn. Two opposite valves.

Royal Landing, Waccamaw, S. C. As Chama ar-cinella. An entire individual. Smith's, Goose Creek, S. C. As Solen ensis Linn. A left valve. May have come from Pee Dee. Defined as a section of Pecten. Smith's, As type of Janira affinis. A single right valve. Tuomey & Goose Creek, S. C. Holmes's name was found by Dall to have been preoccupied. Sumter Dist., S. C. As Pectunculus passus Con. The separated valves of an indi- vidual. Waccamaw, S. C. As Pectunculus quinruerugatus Con. Two opposite valves from different individuals. Goose Creek, S. C. As type of Pectunculus transversus. Internal cast of a small valve. Waccamaw, S. C. A right valve, the rear portion of which has been lost.

Darlington, S. C. As Pectunculus subovatus Say. The two separated valves of an individual. Sumter Dist., S. C. As type of Arca hians. Two individuals, one of which preserves its filling of marl.

Black River or Smith's, As Mactra sirnailis Say. An entire individual. Goose Creek, S. C. Synonym of Pecten. See Euvola Holrnesii. See Pecten hemicyclicus.

Darlington Dist., S. C. As Nucula acuta. A left valve.

See Divariceila Conradi.

Considered by Dall to be a section of Pecten.

Near Giles's Bluff, As Pecten septenariu.s. A very perfect right valve, the ears of which Pee Dee River, S. C. have been broken a little since the figures were made, unless those parts were restored in the figures. 448 Bulletin Amnerican Museum of Na7tural History. [Vol. xI, Class L,AME l,LIBRA NCHIATA-Conttinued. REFERENCE. Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv No. Fig'dSp. Work. Vol. P P. Figs. Mactra Linn.

; .o6lonnati...... similisT. & H. (non Say).

Mactrotoma Dali...... Mioc. '549sIFig'd. fragilis (Giiielin) T. &-H. P. F. S. C...... 96 23 7 Margaritaria Conrad. "M;A°(- Fig'd. uabrupta (coz.).. T. &H 101 24 2

Modiolus Lamarck. .0'} Type.] inflatus ...... 7'. .&H P. F. S. C. 33 14 3 5502 Mytilus Linn. ;551Q-j " Conradianus (d'Orb.) T'. &~H...... 1 32 14 I, 2 incrassatus Con. (non Deshayes). inztatus...... Neara Gray ;quivalvis...... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 9 240 30 20, 2I .; Pal. N. J. I 240 30 20, 2 I Nodipecten Dall...... ?peedeensis ....7. &TH. H ...S.. C. I. 30 I2 I-5 Eoc. 1-;l 6 Type Nucula Lamarck. acuta.... Mioc. ;P1aas Fig'd. proxim.a (Say) 7. &4 H. P.Mo.G.S....F. S. C...... 53 ,...... Nuculana Link. Mioc. ,, albaria (Co..).... WkAzitf. Mon. G. S. 9 228 29 I5, i6 Pal. N. J. I 228 29 15, i6 Ostrea Linn. P.C.F compressirostra (Say) T. 'H. P. F. S.. C. ....1 2I 6 I -3 Ravendiantz...... virgzniazan...... S.....C...... Plioc.Eoc. 5Ar8- TypeFig'd. C.. . 20 . ..;...... IUP virginica (Gmnein) T. d-'H...... P. F. s...... 20 5 6- Pecten Mtiller. eboreus ...... Mioc. 55 Figyd. hemicyclicus (Rav.) ...... T. & H. P. F. S. C. 25 8 I-4 Alortoni ...... -- - ' ' I I ,II I- I ' ...... l ...... fieedeensis...... Rigbyi ...... Whit(f Mon. G. S. 9 ..22 29 6 Mic .WFi'. Pal. N. J. I 226 29 6

.sefitenarius...... Pectunculus Lamarck...... oZfvis .e...... fiassus ...... i ...... 1wznqueru4ptus...... , ...... 1 ...... I9o 1.] CaftaZogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 449


See iMactrotorna fragilis. See Hemimzactra duplinensir Defined as a subgenus of OMactra. Pee Dee, S. C. As Mactra oblongata Say. A large, entire individual.

Smith's, As Pholadomnya abrzep/a. Individual preserving right valve and Goose Creek, S. C. middle portion of the left.

Giles's Bluff, As Mytilus inflatu.s. An imperfect left valve, imbedded. Pee Dee River, S. C.

Darlington Dist., S.C. As Mytilu.s incrassatus Con. An imperfect left valve. See Mytihzes Conradianus. See Modiolus inaus.

Shark- River, N. J. Nearly entire cast of a single valve, imbedded, and of a larger, less perfect individual. Defined as a section of Pecten. Darlington Dist.,S. C. As Pecten peedeen.sis. A pair of conjoined valves.

See Leda acuta. Darlington Dist., S. C. Two opposite, fragmentary valves.

Shark River, N. J. Sharp internal casts of two opposite valves.

Smith's, As type of Ostrea Raveneliana. An individual which has lost Goose Creek, S. C. half of the lower valve. See Ostrea coinpressirostra. See Ostrea virginica. Waccamaw, S. C. As Ostrea virginiana Lister. Three valves belonging to different individuals and an entire individual (fig. 9). See Plagioctenium eboreurn. The Grove, As Janira hemicyclica. The individual which was referred to these Cooper River, S. C. figures by Prof. Holmes. See Amussium MIortoni. NNodipecten .Peedee.zsis.

Farmingdale, N. . Very sharp external imprint of a right valve. See Lyro.PectenJeffersonirs, var. septenari us. Synonym of Glycymeris.

. See Glycymeris lavis. " " amiericana. LI IL LI ...... , I 450 Budletin America, .Afuseum of Aa/ura/.Z/is/ol;:.. Vol. X i,

Class ,AME LI,IB RANC HI A'I'A-Contiiuied. Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, SPE-CIES AND 1 N I 14 HNNC N. Subdiv. No. Fig'd Sp. AUTHCE.M. ______VIlWr.(irk. V ; 1'. 1 is Peeluncuizis Lamnarck-Cton/. subovatzes T. & 11. t non Say). /bansversus T. & Il. (non Deshalyes) ...... Pholadomya Sowerby.

Pholas Linn.

oblongatz .1,. & 11. (ncon Say)...... | Placunanomia lBro(deril. Mioc. 6rU1Type. plicata.. . & H. P. F'. S. C.14to6

Plioc. £ .fi.Fig'd.Plagiocteniumeboreum (Cwz.) 7...... P. F...... iS. C. 2$ 115 Plicatula Lamarck. Mioc. '-I' " 3 margrinata (.Say) T. & II. . 24 7 11-14 Protocardia Beyrich. Eoc. A-j'A curta (C7ot.). Whi/f. Mon. G. S. 21;( 30 5s7 Pa.Ill. N. J. 1 236 3() 5-7 Psammocola de Blttinville.

lZiocoena ...... i^* Scapharca C;ray.!.!I!iI..'I . lienosa (.Say)... 7'.. II. 1.1.F. (.J... 4) f5 2 Solen Linn. enzsis r. & 1I. (non Linn.).

Striarca Conraid. Mioc. 6¢Hfl Fig'd. centenaria (Say) 7'. Ii. P. 1,'. S. (. . 37 14 11, Strigilla flexuosa'Turton.(.Say).. T. & II. , . 90 22 7 71) ic.Fig'd. Tellina Linn. j/1exuosa......

Thovana r.ay...... Mioc. 9 Type. Memmingeri... 7. & 1S. ... 24 6 "? 5`19- Fig'd. producta (Con.) 7. I " N', ... 3 24 5 Venericardia Lamarck. [email protected] (&r),) T. a 1/... . 6 Venus Linn. Mioc. 0J12J1 " concentrica (Gmelin)

Plioc. A4D282' ' 2t Mioc.Mic LyILT I latiliratatridacnoides(Con.)(Lainarrek)7~ ZZ. " 5 21 12 (pars) " " ~~~~~~522 r I9go1.] Ca/azogzue of Types and Figured Specimens. 45 I


See Gly,cymeris subovata, var. Tuomeqi. " " americana.

Margaritaria abrupta. Thov'ana Memmningeri. producta.

Smith's, An individual, the beak of which has been broken so as so show Goose Creek, S. C. the cardinal teeth. The muscular impression in figure 5 seems to have been supplied from sorpe other specimen. Defined as a section of Pc/en. WVaccamaw, S. C. As Pec/en eboreus. Both valves of an individual, one of which has lost its posterior ear. Darlington Dist., S. C. An entire individual with separable valves.

Farmingdale, N. J. Cast of a right valve and of a pair of partly expanded valves.

See Asaphzis centenaria. Subgenus under Arca. Waccamaw, S. C. As Arca liezosa. Both valves of an individual. From Tilley's landing. See Ensis directus. Section of Barbatia, a subgenus under Arca. Sumter Dist., S. C. As Arca cen/enaria. Two opposite valves from different individuals.

Pee Dee,7 S. C. As 7el1inaflexztosa. Two opposite valves of different sizeq.

See Strgilla flexuosa. Subgenus under PAolas. Sumter Dist., S. C. As Pholas Memmn7zingeri. A somewhat fractured left valve. Pee Dee, S. C. As Pholas oblongata Say. A left valve. May have come from Waccamaw or Sumter, S. C.

"Waccamnaw, S. C. As Cardita granulata. Two opposite valves.

Sumter Dist., S. C. An individual which has lost a portion of the left valve. Waccamaw, S. C. A right valve. Darlington Dist., S. C. A weathered right valve. 452 Bulletin American .Mseumt of ANatu;-al Zis/o;y. [VOl. XI,


G Cat. Type or GENUS, S RNFERENC Subdiv No. Figd Sp. A Work. Vol. P. Pi. Figs. Actaon Montfort. Eoc. i4 Type. bicinctus...... Hei4prin. P. A. N. S. 30 2I2 I3 6 Apollon Montfort. caudata ......

Architectonica Bolten ...... annosa......

Aurinia H. & A. Adams...... , 5 2 ...... Mic if-5 Fig'd. mutabilis (Con.) T. &' H,. P. F. S. C. I28 272 5 ; obtusa (Emmons) 7T.&' H. I28 27 6 Buccinofusus Conrad. 55277Gen and' parilis . . Conrad. F. S. T. F. I8 4 2 Sp.Typ.aInd Med. Tert. ... 85 49 5 Am. J. C. 3 264 ...... Buccinum Linn. vibex......

Busycon Bolten ......

canaZiculatum ...... :......

Mon ...... Calyptraphorus Conrad. Eoc. |- Fig'd. velatus (Con.).... Wlzitf. Mon. G. .S. i8 222 33 26, 27 Pal. N. J. 222 33 26, 27 Cancellaria Lamarck. 4 4 Mioc L5P reticulata (Linn.) T. & H. P. F. S. C...... I421 28 I6 Caricella Conrad. Eoc. pyruloides (Con.) Whi2tf. Mon. G. S. i8 205 29 I, 2, 5 Pal. N. J. 2 205 29 I62, 5 .s 5550 Mon. G. S. 18 205 29 6 Pal. N. J. 2 29 6 Cassidaria Lamarck. 205 s 5i 1 carinata (Lamz.)? WP'hitf. Mon. G. S. is 224 34 19, 20 Pal. N. J. 2 224 I9, 20 Columbella Lamarck. 34 1Apa Type. turricula ...... Whitf. Am. J. C. I 26I 27 Coluis Humphrey...... quadricostata ...... Conus Linn. " Mioc. '5Tz Fig'd. adversarius (Con.) T. &- H. P. F. S. C. 13I 27 '4 Eoc. a.U.i Type. pulcherrimus. . . Heilprin. P. A. N. S. 30 2I3 13 8 Crepidula Lamarck. AIioc. 5§9I Fig'd. aculeata Gmnelin, var. costata (Mort.) T. &- H. F. S. P. 1...... III 1 25 I0 Crypta Humphrey...... spinosa T. & H. (non Con.) Cyprma Linn. Mfioc, Fig'd. carolinensis (Con.) T. &-H. JWI P. F.F26S. C...... 27 I, 2 90 I.] Catalogue of Types and Fzgwred Specimzens. 453


Claiborne, Ala. As 7ornatelZa bicincla. The individual described.

See Eupleura caudata. Synonym of Solarium. See Solarium annosum...... 6.... Subgenus of Scaphella. Pee Dee, S. C. As Voluta mztabilis. A small individual. s 4 " " " var. An individual of average size.

As Fusus parilis. St. M~ary's Riiver, Md. An individual which has lost part of the lip.

See Nassa vibex. Synonym of Fulgur. See Fulgur Canaliculatum. carzca.

Claiborne, Ala. Nearly entire.

Pee Dee, S. C. A small individual.

Shark River, N. J. Two compressed internal casts. Claiborne, Ala. Individual with edge of lip somewhat imperfect.

Shark River, N. J. A cast. Claiborne, Ala. An individual of average size. Synonym of Fusus. See Ecphora quadricostata.

Pee Dee, S. G. A rather small individual. Claiborne, Ala. Individual, imperfect at lower extremity.

of Pee Dee, S. C. As Crypta spinosa Con. A large individual which has lost much its lip. Synonym of Crepidula. See Crepidula aculeata, var. costata.

Pee Dee or Goose Creek, S. C. Entire individual. 454 Bzdlletin American Afuseum of Natural History. [Vol. xI,

Class GASTROPODA-continued.

Geol. Cat. Type orSP REFERENCE. Subdiv.1 No., Fig'd GENUS,AUTHOR..SPECI AND Sp.Wrk Vol. P. Pi. Figs. Delphinula Lamarck. Eoc. i Fig'd. elegans(Lea).. .Heilprin. P. A. N. S. 30 21 I 13 2 solaroides ...... Drillia Gray. MIioc. Fig'd. lunata (H. C. Lea)Y'.&cH. P. F. S. C. I32 27 I6 Ecphora Conrad. D588l 44 quadricostata (SaV) T. &H. I49 30 4 Euipleura H. & A. Adams. caudata (Say)... T. & H. 142 28 '5 Fasciolaria Lamarck. Eoc. I Type. hercules ..... Whitf. Mon. G. S. I8 202 26 Io, Tr I Pal. N.J. 2 202 26 10, II

.<...... 1 "Mon." G. S. T8 202 27 I, 2 4Pal.N. J. 2 202 27 I, 2 propinqua ...... Whitf. Mon. G. S. I8 203 27 3 Pal. N. J. 2 203 27 3 Samsoni..... JWhiff. Mon. G. S. I8 204 27 4 Pal. N. J. 2 204 27 Fulgur Montfort. 4 Plioc. 5 Fig'd. canaliculatum (L.) T. &H. P. F. S. C...... 146 29 2

carica (Linn.).. T. &- H...... -. I45 29 I Fusus Lamarck. Eoc. 9 Type. angularis...... Whitf. Mon. G. S. I8 '94 24 I5, 16 Pal. N. J. 2 24 I5, i6 ...... '94 parilis ...... Galeodea Link. MIioc. fi Fig'd. 5flj Hodgei (Con.).. T. H. P. F. S. C. 138 28 I0 jHelix Linn. A4 Eoc. L02,Type. Leidyi ...... H. M. Alem. A. M. D,N.S. 394 3 12a, b Leptomaria Deslongchamps pergranulosa..... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 234 36 3-6 ~~~~~~Pal.N. J. 2 . Fig'd. ?perlata 234 36 3-6 (Con.)... Whitf. Mon. G. S. 18 232 35 I, 2 Pal. N. J. 2 ... 2 Littorina de Ferussac. 232 35 I, Plioc. sAP " irrorata (SaY)... 7'. &H P. F. S. C. 26 II9 5 Melania Lamarck. Eoc. AA.k-1 Type. claibornensis.. P. A. ..Hei6*rin. N. S. 30 214 I3 II

Mesostoma Deshayes. rugosum. H.. ei/prin. 30 215 I3 I3 Mitra Lamarck. Mioc. Fig'd. carolinensis(Con.) T. &H. P. F. S. C. I...... I29 27 9 I90I.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 455

LOCALITY. RE MAR IC S. -1 Claiborne, Ala. As type of Delphzinula solaroides. Entire...... See Delphinzla elegans. f

Darlington, S. C. As Turnis lunatunm. The lip has been somewhat broken.

Pee Dee, S. C. " Colus quadricostatus. Entire individual.

Darlington, S. C. " Apollon caudata. Entire.

Shark River, N. J. Cast of upper four volutions, imbedded, and cast of lower three whorls of another individual. The specimen has been lost through decomposition and disintegration. Cast. Most of the matrix is present also. Cast showing three whorls.

Waccamaw, S. C. As Busycon canaiiculaturm. The specimen has a smaller apical angle than the figure indicates. As Busycon carica. An individual of medium size.

Shark River, N. J. Cast, somewhat flattened. See Buccinofusus parilis.

Pee Dee, S. C. An individual.

Bear Creek, S. D. Cast. From the Bad Lands.

Shark River, N. J. Internal cast and matrix of an individual. Cast. South Carolina. A small individual, probably young.

Claiborne, Ala. Individual with broken lip.

Individual with imperfect aperture.

Pee Dee, S. C. An individual cited by Conrad, P. A. N. S., Vol. I4, p. 563, as one of the types of his genus Pleioptygma, but Dall, T. W. I. S., vol. 3, p. 9I, says that there is no ground for separating the species from Mitra. 456 Bulletin American Museumi of Natural History. [Vol. XI,

Class GASTROPODA-Continued. Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, EFR1 N C E. Subdiv. No. Fig d Sp. PECIES AND AUTHOR. , . Figs Nassa Lamarck. Mioc. Fig'd. vibex (Say)... T. &PZZ. P. F. S. C. .1.'1I34 1 28 3 Natica Adanson. Eoc. Type. bisulcata...... ieilprin. P. A. N. S. 30 212 I3 4 globulella ...... W.Whitf. Mon. G. S. 18 226 34 3, 4 2 226 ,. " Pal. N. J. 34 3, 4 Odostomia Fleming. Ievigata...... flei,jprin. P. A. N. S. 30 212 13 5 Oliva Brugui6re. Mioc. Fig'd. litterata (Lam.) T. &< H.! P. F. S. C. I40 28 I3 Pisania Bivona. Eoc. Type. bucciniformis . . Heizrin. P. A. N. S. 30 213 I3 7 Pleurotoma Lamarck. .s Fig'd. denticula(Basterot) He i.t 30 2I4 13 IO (s Type. insignifica...... " 4 30 213 '3 9 regularicostata .... Whzitfj Mon. G. S. 28 At 215 33 9 Pal. N. J. 2 215 33 (Surcula?) 9 ...... Mon. G. S. I8 2I6 55645 altispira Whzitf. 33 10, 11 T- Pal. N. J. 2 2I6 33 10) II 'Rhinocantha H. & A. Ada Ms. I I 56 i3aa ? Conradi ...... Wh/itf. Mon. G. S. is 191I 24 8, II Pal. N. J. 2 191 24 8, II -i5-5 Rissoina d'Orbigny. plicato-varicosa 1Zeilprin. P. A. N. S. 30 214 13 I2 8- Rostellaria Lamarck. Whitfieldi . Heiiprin. " 3C) 2160 I3 r4

5 Scalaria Lamarck. tenuilirata ...... Whitf.! Mon. G. S. I8 229 34 10-12 Pal. N. J. 2 229 34 I.-I 2 Scaphella Swainson. c I Plioc. 5fc Trenholmi ...... &7.&'H. P. F. S. C. I28 Ec. I C4. 27 7 C4.. 128 27 8 Solarium Lamarck. Eoc. Fig'd. annosum (Con.).. Wkitf. Mon. G. S. I8 228 34 23, 26, 27 Pal. N. J. 2 228 34 23, 26, 27 Type. striato-granulatum HZei6z5. P. A. N. S. 30 212 13 3 Strephona Browne. tzterata.1 . . *-... Teinostoma H. & A. Adams Eoc. 5171 Type. rotula ... . eiprin. P. A. N. S. I 30- 2x1 13 I Terebellum Klein. etiwanensis...... Tornatella Lamarck ...... bicincta...... - .. - .. - . .1 ...... -. 1. . . . . I. . . . I...... I90I.] Catalogue of Types and Figmered Specimens. 457


Pee Dee, S. C. As Buccinumi vibex. A small individual.

Claiborne, Ala. Individual with imperfect aperture.

Shark River, N. J. Cast, obliquely compressed.

|Claiborne, Ala. Lower two whorls of an individual, aperture imperfect.

Pee Dee? S. C. As Strephona literata. Entire. May have come from Smith's, Goose Creek.

Claiborne, Ala. Lower portion of an individual. I Clioe,Aa; Individual with apex missing. Individual with apex missing. Shark River, N. J. External imprint.

Cast, somewhat compressed.

Two casts, one of which (fig. 8) has been distorted. Claiborne, Ala. Individual with imperfect aperture.

Weathered individual with imperfect apex and aperture.

Shark River, N. J. Cast of interior and imprint of exterior of same individual.

Waccamaw, S. C. As Voluta Trenho,Zmzi. A rather small individual. Miocene? Sumter, S. C. " "I "t 9 An adult. Miocene?

Architectonica annosa. Shark River, N. J. " " "c Cast preserving some of the external features. Claiborne, Ala. Individual with imperfect aperture.

See Oliva Zitterata.

Claiborne, Ala. Entire. Compare Detphinula de_eressa Lea.

See Turritella etiwanen.sis. Synonym of Actaon. See Actcon bicinctus. 458 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XI, Class GASTROPODA-Continuted.

Geoiv. Cat.oType or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. ERENCE Subdiv. No. Figd Sp. Work. Vol. P. Pi. igs. Turris Humphrey...

Turritella Lamarck. Mioc. W7A` Type. etiwanensis ... T. & H. P. F. S. C. 122 26 I0 Voluta Linn. mutabilis..... Eoc. Type. Newcombiana.... Whitf. Mon. G. S. I8 21II 32 3 .

LOCALITY. I REMIARKIS. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Synonym of Pleurotoma. .- See Drillia lunata.

Pee Dee or Goose Creek, S. C. As Terebellum etiwanensis. A small specimen (young). See mutabilis and Aurinia obtusa. Shark River, N. J. Internal cast. t. it Specimen lost by decomposition and disintegration. An imperfect cast.

4 4 . 9 Specimen lost by decomposition and disintegration.

A cast. See Scaphella Trenkobizi.

Shark River, N. J. Two casts preserving some external features. Two casts preserving some external features; one is compressed. Claiborne, Ala. Entire individual.

*hich has suffered much from decomposition. Shark River,--- - I N. J. A cast ---

Shark. River, N. J. A somewhat compressed cast of a young individual. Class PISCES.

See Protocatostomus Constablei.

Twin Creek, Wyo. As Notogoneus osculus Cope? in the explanation of plate. The specimen as described.

White River The somewhat mutilated and crushed skull and lower jaw which Bad Lands, S. D. were described and figured. Ic X, Besides the front teeth which are figured, the specimen preserves in place the six molars of the right side and the second premolar the on the left side. In this specimen there are no indications of existence of first premolars. 460 Bulletin Americani Muiseum of Natural History. [Vol. xi,

Class MAMMALIA-Continued. REFERENCE. Geol.I Cat TyeSor1 GENUS. SPECIES AND AUTHOR. Subdiv. No. IFgPd sp! Work. vol. P.- T PI. Figs. I- -i-11 Titanotherium Leidy.

Mlioc. 105OP; Fig'd. f Prouti ...... 1.eidv. J. A. N. S. 17,N.S. 206 24 1, 2

i. :90gI.] Catalogue of ])v.pes and Fizgured Specimens. 46I


White River This is the "characteristic specimen" described in the second Bad Lands, S. D. paragraph on p. 207 of. Dr. Leidy's paper. It consists of the front of the jaw, all the teeth of the left side entire, except the last molar, which lacks the outer half, and the second, third and fourth premolar, parts of the first and second true molar and all of the third of the right side. 462 Bulle/in Amnseriica, Afusecum of IVa/uraliz istoti. IV()I. XI, . Kingdom ANIMALIA. Stllbkindll,((il Geol. Cat. rype or GE-NUS, SPECIES AND R leit le, 14 X N Subdiv. No. AuT-IIc.w Fig'd Sp.j ok "Vol. E' . . . Astrea Lamarck...... _. .. ., bel/a. *. 1--t . .A..,.. Pe/hs (Is. (non'I),n)

. .. I.. .- . . . Astrangia E. & 1-1. I. Pleist. JL>ILJ Fig'd. astreiforniis (E. &$.Z.) 1/s. P.. 1P. S. ( 4' Dichoccenia E. &. H4. r5 911 i 4 4 A Recent?I 1 Stokesi (E. &...I.. I/. 2 I 4, 43 Favites Link. r,' 9,si 4 1 Pleist. 1 Type. crassa ...... I/ohm'es.v -. 1 3, 3 Subkingdom ECHI N ( )LiRMA TA...... Mellita Klein. Pleist. Fig'd. quinquefora Lamu., v7ar. I ampla (Aaveu'el)... 1//A. . I' . S. C.3 (0 f)h .M4.OLL U-SCOIl)AA. Reptocelleporaria~~~( ._.) d'Orb.... C..6.... Pleist. |X6TQ4 Fig'd. Iinformata (IVt.)o s...... S*1).1.S 1(...... Subkingclom MOL,'LUSCA. - Abra Leach. Pleist. fi r,f " . Fig'd 'm s ....x xequalis (Sa.y).. l .. 0 r, Ty . 1,Lfi pe angulata I...ts,.l ne. Anomia (Linn) IlMiller.

Ifs.(non I in n')...... Pleist. fir eph/iPpiumi Fig'd. simplex (d'Orb.) I/oa/mjt's.v 1P, 1'. S. C...... I Arca Linn. americana ......

c&-hda ...... t.... *'stt..i..*...*... 00

.... pondclerosa ......

Argina. Gray ...... Pleist ? U-l j| Fig'd. campechensis (Gmite/.) P1'. 5.. C. Astarte Sowerby. Qj4

....,,,,i...... 8w Atrina Cray. Pleist, rigida-t Er'.fkk Fig'd. (Dl)//wyn) I/abOt'J. P. P.S. c.1. 3 2 Avicula Klein. atlSetia... ) . Pleist. k-"IOR Fig'd. colymbus 1/o//en)...1/s. I. ). S. c 14 3 Callista Poli. Pleist. gigan/ta fIs. (non Gmecl.) ...... Fig'd. nimbosa(SoI.)...,tlozzzlnt(wI/o/me.f.j p. p. Ii,,,~~., [90I.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimiens. 463



.....See Astrangia astreiformis and Astrangia bella. F"avites crassa...... DichocZia" Stokesi...... South Carolina. As Astrza bella Con. A small colony. St. Andrews, S. C. " " petrosa Dana. A small, tvater-worn mass.

Charleston, S. C. " " crassa. A fragmentary branch. Class ECHINOIDEA.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Two large individuals, slightly broken. Class POLYZOA.

Charleston, S. C. A colony on a bit of oyster shell. Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Two opposite, detached valves. Simmons' Bluff or Two detached, opposite valves. Abbapoola, S. C. See Anomia simplex. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As " ephippium Linn. A single valve of medium size.

See Argina campechensis. " Fossularca Adamsi. " NoRtia ponder-osa.

Considered by Dall a section of Scapharca, a subgenus under A rca. Charleston, S. C. As Asrca americana Gray. Both valves of an individual.

See Crassinella lunulata.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Pinna seminuda Lam. The broken portion represented, except that a small part has disappeared. See Avicula colsymbus. Abbapoola or As " atlantica Lam. A right valve which has been damaged John's Island, S. C. since the figure was made. * ...... See Callista nimbosa. As Gmelin. The left valve in the figure. Bimmons' Bluff, S. . gigantea represented 464 Bzuletibz Americe;i Museum of Natural History. [vol. xi,

Class LAM ELTIB RANG H IA"I'ATCA)nttztind. R it c Geol. Cat. Type or it. Subdiv. No. Vil. Fig'd Sp. 'I'^'' S, SPCE ANv AUHR irk. P'. Pl. 1"js.F __---- Cardita Bruguic~r-. __ tridentata ...... I. Cardium Linn. 1. 4g.1

Chione MUegerle.| . Pleist. U60-4 Fig'd. cancellata(Liznn.) 1/lim'S. . . I 5 ? (Con.) ,,h.....edvle.x," 35 0 { I Corbula Bruguier.c contrrzcfti.'*!''' ...... I Crassinella *a. 3 Bayle Pleist. r.AlI!A Fig'd.~~~~cribrarialunulata. 1/.i I...P.P. .32 Cumingia Sowerby. tellinoides (Con.j) IfolAme's. " " ...53 8 12 Cuneocorbula C'ossn.ian. ssBfQ£ .s ~~contracta (S(tl0),>). Z,-S..56, ,...... ,

Dinocardium I)all. robustum (So?.).. .li,nes. " 23 5 2, 2a Diplodonta BIrown. Pleist? PUP soror (Adatnson) /(1o/mes.2 ,6 Divaricella E. von Martens.. Pleist. 1jQ2 Type. Conradi P...... r.P'lr. e 3 117 I/obnex.s. P,. P,. S. ' . .27 ( Ensis .chumacher. ensis I-Iolmes (non LIinn)...... Pleist. " Fig'd. minor (Da11). olm... es. . P. S. C. 1538 Ervilia Tlurton. "S "J-ll- Type. concentrica.ITfiu,e.r..;.l..1e'' " (I (a Eurytellina 1P. Fischter. 4l . AL Fig'd. alternata (Sae). ..Io nes- 45 8 £3...... Fossularca Cossmnan. t 12tt s) " ?IL!lfl ( Adamsi (Shute7teWOrth) ,224 IIe'bnet*.i,'.." ."..... l5 Glycymeris Da Costa. . americana(Defr.)Zobenf.T. " " . 5 3 Labiosa SchmicIt 0. U5 caucanaliculata(t(Si'y)Ilonies. " " 43 7 lineata (Say)... .Zi,.nes. ' " 42 7 Lmvicardium Swainson. .,SSH,7X. serratum (Linn) IZonmes...... 25 5 I901.] Catalogue of Tyjes znd -Figured Specimens. 465

LoCALITY. REMARKS. ..l See Pleuromeris tridentata.

See Dinocardium robustunm.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. A right valve. Charleston, S. C. A left valve.

See C'uneocorbula contracta.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Astarte lunulata Con. A single valve.

A right valve.

As Corbula contracta Say. A left valve. A right valve which is too small is indicated as the original of the other half of the figure. May have come from Abbapoola or Charleston.

As Car-dium magnum Born. Entire.

Ashley River, S. C. As type of -Lucina kiawahensis Holmes. The detached valves of an individual. As Lucina Conradii. cc Simmons' Bluff, S. C., " divaricata Linn. A single valve.

See Ensis minor. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As " ensis Linn. The left valve figured, which has lost half an inch of the posterior end.

Simmons' Bluff or St. Paul's, S. C. As Mesodesma concentrica. A single valve. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Peronaoderma alternata. The separated valves of an indi- vidual of medium size. May have come from John's Island, Abbapoola Crk.

John's Island, As Arca caclata Con. Conrad's specific name was preoccupied. kbbapoola Creek, S.C. The right valve of the individual figured. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As type of Pectunculus carolinensis Holmes. A worn valve.

" Raita canaliculta. The left valve of those figured. "c "t lineata. A right valve.

5.bbapoola Creek, S. C. A left valve, the rear fourth of which has been broken off since the figure-- - was made. * 466 Bulletin America;n MAISCum of Atiutral ZLs/Oa;y. [Vol. xl,

Class LAMELLI13RANCHIA'I'ACAeflniiueed. R 1:F 1N,RIC N ( I. GENTIS, SPECIES AN) Atrrirozm. Su Work. Vnl. 1. 1'1 l igs. Leda Schumacher. acuta (Con.)... ..olIbin's. 1P. P. S. C. 7

limJcatlula ...... Lucina lBruguiere. costata ( T. &' IL.) ... 11$. 1'). P. S. C. Coniradii ...... divaariceda...... e.... kia.waheusi.s ...... Macoma Leach...... (. . 3 balthica (.Linz). . .Zle'/m'.r. 1'. 1'. S. C. ....48~8 5 i tenta (So,).ZZalm'.s . 1'. 1P. S. C. .. . . 46 3 . Mactra Linn. lateralis ...... Mercenaria Schumacher. MAortoii ...... notata ...... violacc-a ...... Mesodesma lDeshayes. 2!4.*- concentrica ...... Mulinia Gray lateralis (Say). . lZdohnes. P. P. S. C. 7 XI milesi .i. lohn s. ....,42'4, 7 Mya Linn. arenaria (Linu).. aollnes. .. ..A .55j Noetia Gray. ponclerosa (Sa'y).. holanex. Nucula Lamarck. IC)! acuzta ...... - . proxima (Sezy).. .Hlmedm s. '). 1'. t.- .'.- 17 3 ifl Ostrea Linn...... C... fundata...... I...... I L2 vr,gZziana ...... 49 var. procrion. virginica (Gne4.) Hlmies...... cc 44 44 2 1. . S.C. .O 4v var. procyon.. ixs...... 2 Pecten Muller...... dislocatuxs...... gibbus LZinn, var. dislocatus (Say) lis. I'. P). S. C. .132 Pectunczdus Lamarck...... carolinensis ...... I.. Peronaa Poli. tenta ...... $-Mtt- I-M. . [90 1.] Caztalogue of Types and Figzured Specimens. 467


Stono River or Sim mons' Bluff, S. C. As NMucula acuta. An average right valve. See Yoldia limatula. ibbapoola Creek, S. C. A left valve. See Divaricella Conradi. Diplodonta soror.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Macomnafusca Say. A left valve. See ba"t/Iica. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Peronaea ten/a. A left valve which has lost part of the umbo.

See Zfulinia lateralis.

" Venus Mortoni. " mercenaria, var. no/ata.

Ervilia concentrica.

South Carolina. As Mactra la/eralis. The left valve figured. It & 9 A right valve with the umbo partly gone. Not a left valve as stated in the text. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Two opposite valves, not of the same individual. The left valve has lost its anterior one-third. Charleston, S. C. As Area ponderosa. Both valves of an adult.

See Leda acuta. .mmons Bluff,.S. C. A left valve.

See Ostrea virginica. var. procyon. Charleston, ? S. C. As " virginiana Lister. Entire adult. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. "I " fundata, a name which Holmes credits to Say but which has not yet been found in Say's writings. A single valve. Charleston, S. C. As Ostrea virgiyniana var. procyon. A single valve.

See Pecen gibbus, var. dis/ocatus. simmons' Bluff, S, C. As " dislocatus. A right valve of medium size. Synonym of Glycymeris. See Glycymeris amerzcana.

" Afacoma tenta. 468 Bulletin American Museam of Natural History. [Vol. XI, Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA-Continued.

Geol. Cat. e or GENUS, SPECIS AND AUTHOR. RREFEENCE. Subdiv,Subdiv.'~~No.No.FTigy'pdGENU,gSPSC. Work. Vol. Pi Fgs Peronaoderma M6rch.

Petricola Lamarck. PIeist?Ait Fig'd. dactylus (Sow.)..Holmes. P. P. S. C. 39 7 7 Pholas Linn. coslata...... s...... Pinna Linn. semZzinuda ...... Pleuromeris Conrad. Pleist. ;4AM Fig'd. tridentata(Say).hHoznes. P. P. S. C.3I 6 8 Plicatula Lamarck. crislata,...... Pleist ?I5l3 Fig'd. gibbosa (Lam.) .Holzes. P. P. S. C. . 13 2 13 Raeta Gray. canalicuzlata......

lineata ...... Scobina Bayle. Pleist. 5 Y-5 Fig'd. f costata (Linn). . Holmes. P. P. S. C...... 5S 9 Semele Schumacher. orbiculata...... Pleist. ! Fig'd. proficua (Pult.). Holmes. P. P. S. C. 5I 8 9 Tellidora Morch. Recent. " Burrietti (Bd. &- Sy.) Hs.48 9 6-6b Pleist. s " cristata (Recluz) Holmnes...... 47 9 7-7d lunzulata...... Venus Linn. Pleist. _ f ". mercenaria (Lam.)... Hs. P. P. S. C. 33 6 i, ixa limatula, var. notata (Say) Hs...... 34 6 3 " s r9ssMortoni (Con.).. Holmies. .34. 6 i2, I2a Yoldia Moller. Iys1O0 . limatula (Say) ... Hol?es i. 3 8 Class GASTROPODA. Acus Humphrey. Pleist ? -W Fig'd. dislocatus (Say). .Holmes. P. P. S. C. 70 II I2 Adeorbis S. Wood. nautilzformis...... |--- --**| Anachis H. & A. Adams. Pleist. 5L`jLg Fig'd. obesa (Adanson) Holmes. P P. S. C.- 74 I2 6, 6a i901.] CatZaogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 469


See Euriytellina alter7nata.

1South.w_~~~~~~~~.Carolina. A right valve.

See Scobina- costa/a. .I

" A trinza rigida.

Simmons' Bluff or Wadmalaw, S. C. As Car-dita tridentata. The valve which was figured. See Plicatfla gibbosa.

...... South- ...... Carolina. As " cristata Lam. A single valve.

See Labiosa canaliculata. 'lieata.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Phiolas costa/a. The two valves of an individual of medium size, lacking the transverse process represented in the figure. See Semele proficua. ISimmons' Bluff, S. C. As "' orbicutlata Say. Both valves of an individual.

California. The individual used for the figures. Simmons' Bluff or As Yellidoraz izuzulata Adams. The two valves assigned to these St. Andrews, S. C. figures by Prof. Holmes are a trifle too small. See 7'ellido7ra c,-is/a/a.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Afercenariav violacea Adams. What is evidently the left valve of the specimen which was figured is present. As Aercenzaria no/ata. A right valve. " ZiZortoni. A very large individual with greatly thickened valves. As Leda liza/tutla. A right valve.

South Carolina. As Terebra disloca/a. Entire, except for the lip being broken.

See CocliZiolepis nautiiformnis. iSimmons' Bluff, S. C. As Coiumbella oraata Ravenel. Entire. May have come from Cainhoy or Waccamaw. 47040Bulletin A;nerican Auseum of latural History. [Vol. XI, Class GASTROPODA- Continued.

Geol. Cat. Type or GENUS, SPECIES AND AUTHOR. REFERENCE. Subdiv. - I y, - No. Fig' Sp. Work. Vol. P. Figs.- E_ - IP. Buccinum Linn. obsoletzum ...... trivittatzem ...... Busycon Bolten. canaliculatum ...... carica ...... perversum...... Cancellaria Lamarck. Pleist. slf4-- Fig'd. reticulata (Liun) Holmies. P. P. S. C...... |641 IO 6 ven-zesta Hs. (non T. & H.)I.-.-.-.------...... Cavolina Gioeni. Pit T. Type. Tuomeyi ...... Holmies. 6o 9 8-Se Chrysallida Carpenter. Pleist. lWi Fig'd. seminuda (Adams). Hs. isI , 86 I3 II-iib Cochliolepis Stimpson. Type. nautiliformis .... Holmes. 93 T4 8-Sb Columbella Lamarck. ornZat...... Crepidula Lamarck. Pleist. Fig'd. aculeata (Gmel.). . Holmiies. P. P. S. C. I...... 95 I4 I2 convexa (Say)...Holmzes. 95 14 II

. Crypta Humphrey...... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - aculeata...... I forznicata Hs. (non L,inn)...... - -. .- -. -. .. -. -. -. -. -. .- -.-. .. -.. Eulima Risso. Pleist.I 4tj Fig'd. eborea (Con.)....Holmes. P. P. S. C. |88....1 I3 I3 Eupleura H. & A. Adams. caudata (Say).... Holmes. 62 I0 3 Fissurella (Brug.) Lamarck. alternaa...... Fissuridea Swainson. Pleist. S Fig'd. alternata (Say).. Holmes. P.P.S.C.1...194 I4 IO Fulgur Montfort. canaliculatum (Linn) Hs. 4 4 .1 c 66 Ir 3 9 t carica 4 i t 9 c t (Gmnel.).... Holmes. II I t i c 9 65 perversum (Linn.) Hs. 65 II 2 Fusus Lamarck. 5 conus...... Type. Holmzes...... ,...... 1 6aS I I 7-8a c 4 r) GI 9 filiformis .... Holmzes. I I ...... 69 IE s c II 9, ga I. rudis .. Holnes. 69...... II II, IIa 1901.] Cat/a,ogzie of Types tnd Rigured Specimens. 471

L OC ALITY. RE MARKS. _. See Nassa acuta. " IZyanassa irrorata. l\lNassa trivittata.

Fulgulr canaliculatum. carica. ""erversurm.

Simmons' Bluff or Wando River, S. C. An individual which had lost its lip before it was imbedded. ,...... See Triionzidea cancellria.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Slightly broken on one side. " Probably the young of Cavolina gibbosa Rang." (Dall). Cainhoy, S. C. As Odostomia granultaus H. C. Lea. Entire.

As Adeorbis nautiliformzis. Part of one whorl is all that remains of the specimen which was figured, but another which is nearly entire is associated with it. See Atzachis obesa.

John's Island, Stono River, S. C. As Crypta aculeata. The broken individual which was figured. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. " " forznicata Linn. Entire. Synonym of Crejpidula. See Crepidula aculeata. convexa.

Simmons Bluff, S. C. Individual with apex and lip gone.

The lower extremity has been broken off since the figure was made.

See Fissuridea alterzata.

Simmons' Bluff or Stono River, S. C. As Fissurella alternata. Entire.

Simmons' Bluff or Wadmalaw Sound, S. C. As Busycon canaliculatume. A young shell, strongly beaded. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. I C t 4 carica. The lip is somewhat broken. "4 " perversurm.z Entire, except as to the point.,

John's Island, S. C. Two young individuals, one with broken aperture. Probably Anachis avara Say. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. A young shell. Probably Pleurotoma cinera Kurtz & Stimpson. I (Is & A young shell. Probably E.pleura caudata Say. 472 Bulletii American Mufseum of Natural History. [Vol. Xi,

Class GASTROPODA-Corntinued. tENCE. GENuS.S.ECrES AUTHOR. REr. GP-N.:,USP-ECIE-S ANSD AUTHOR. ...S_ 1- Work. I . P.I P1. Figs. Ilyanassa Stimpson. Pleist. irrorata (Con.) .. .ZHolmes. P.P.S.C. I. . 71 I2 I Littorina de Ferussac. nT irrorata (Say) Holmes...... I 91L 14 5 j Lonchaus M6rch. SieeI Type. crenulatus . .Holmes...... 88 14, I4a Mangilia Risso. Irl Fig'd. cerina (K. &E S.) HolImes. ..1 77 12 9, ga Marginella Lamarck. limatula (Con.)., . Hones...... 78 12 I2 Mitra I,amarck. '- |B Type. wandoensis...... H olmes. . -e.. 77 12 1O, ioa Nassa Lamarck. I .s ..4 !alSL1.I-6" Fig'd. acuta (Stza) ...... Holm.oes. 72 I2 3 ". 1H£ L trivittata (Sav). .. Holmiies. is I.. 72 I2 Natica (Adanson) Scopoli. dieplicata...... Neverita Risso. Pleist. Figld. duplicata (Say).. Holnes. P. P. S. C. .ISo 12 14 Obeliscus Humphrey. jscrentlmisa.Flemi Odostomia }Fleming. g',,ranidzatuts . Pleurotoma Lamarck. Il.... Porcellana Adanson. limatula ...... Scalaria Lamarck. Pleist. 1 Fig'd. angulata (Say)... Holmiies. P. P. S. C. clathru-s Hs. (non Linn). * 89 14 Pleist. R8 Fig'd. lineata (Say)....Holmes. P. P. S. C. . 90 14 3 multistriata (Say) Holmes. . 90 14 4 I Sayana (Dali).. Holmies. " " 89 14 I

AAy ...... pugilis (Lin?z) .Holmes...... I0 Terebra Bruguiere. disocata...... Tornatina A. Adams. Pleist. Fig'd. canaliculata (Say)... .Hs. P. P. S. C. w 78 12 II, IaI Tritonidea Swainson. cancellaria ' _ . (C(on.) Flolmes. 64 1101 7 i901.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 473


Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As Bucciumm obsoletum Say. The lip was missing before the figure was made.

A somewhat weathered individual. May have come from Wad- malaw or Cainhoy. As Obeliscus crest latuzs. Entire.

" Pleurotomi a cerinum. Entire.

i Porcellana liatula. Entire.

Wando River, S. C. " Voluitonzitra wvando?)zsis. Entire, somewhat worn.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. " Bzccinumiz acuturm. Entire, very perfect. "1 cc triviWatunm. A very perfect individual.

See Neverita duplicata.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. As NTatica deplicata. Entire.

See Lonchazus crenzzilatus.

Chrivsallida se,ninud(Ia.

IAanzgiliai cerina.

"iarginella lino/itua.

Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Entire. See Scalaria Sayeana. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Entire. The lower four whorls of the indlividual represented in the figure. As Scalaria c/azthrus Linn. Entire.

The specimen which was referred to this figure by Prof. Holmes.

See Acus dislocatus.

Simmons' Bluff or John's Island, S. C. As Volvaria canaliculata. Entire. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. " Cancellaria venusta T. & H. Entire adult of average size. 474 Bulletin American Museum of latural History. [Vol. XI, Class GASTROPODA-Continued.

Geol. i~Cat. Type or AND AUTHOR. REF______RENCE.______Geoliv No.No Fg'S^p.oriSp. GENUS, SPECIES R EFER ENC E. Subdiv._ Fi_g'd_'_ Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Turbonilla Risso.

acicla...... carozniana ...... Pleist Fig1fI'd. Iinterrupta kTotten) ... Hs. P. P. S. C. 86 .13 1IIob nivea (S/imtpsonz) ...... 83 3-3b "? o " reticulata (C. B. Adams)Holmies. I3 Holmes. " " 86 13 9-gb Volutomitra Gray. wando?nsis ...... Volva Bolten. 5 D6' acicularis Fig'd. (Lam.) Holnes...... 79 I2 I3 Volvaria Lamarck. canzaliculta ...... Subkingdom ARTHROPODA. Balanus Lister. Pleist. 6 Fig'd. eburneus (Gould)... Hs. P. P. S. C. 7 2 5, 5a Guaia Milne-Edwards. it punctata (Brown) Holmies.j 8 2 8 Guia Hs. (non Milne-Edw.)l. Pseudocarcinus M.-Edw. Pleist?i Fig'd. mercenarius (Say) Holmes.' P. P. S. C...... 8 7 Subkingdom VERTEBRATA. ___ Ischyriza Leidy. Pleist? Type. mira ...... P. P. S. Wi Leidy.I C...... I20 25 3-8 Pastinaca Gesner. C Fig'd. hastata ?. (Dekay) -Leidy...... II9 27 I Trichiurus Linn. ;,l B yslepturuss (Linzn).. . .Leidy. I2I 25 2 I ___ Xiphias Linn. .WA, Type. robustus.... Leidy. '.1.9 27 3-5


Alligator Cuvier. Ileist. Fig'd. mississipiensis (Da?udin) Leidy. P. P. S. C...... I22 27 7 Testudo Linn. " .~1s;1I s ssp . Leidy. " 28 ...... I22 I, 2,4 ! _ _ I~~~~~~~~~~~ Igoi.] CataZogue of Types and Specimens. 475


See T7urbonilla interruipta ' i " reticrulat. Cainhoy, S. C. As type of Turbonilla acicula Hs. Entire, except for broken lip. John's Island, S. C. A very perfect indiv. May have come from Cainhoy or Simmons' Bluff. Cainhoy, S. C. As type of Turbonilla caro/iniana Holmes. Individual with point of aperture missing. See Mitra wandoinsis.

Simmons' Bluff or Charleston, S. C. Entire individual. See Tornatinza canaliculata. Class CRUSTACEA.

Simmons' Bluf, S. C. A specimen larger than the average. May have come from Wad- mawlaw Sound or John's Island.

Charleston, S. C. One joint of a claw.

Misprint for Guaia, q. v.

South Carolina. Part of the fragment of claw represented. Class PISCES.

Darlington, S. C. Two teeth.

Simmons' Bluff, Yonge's Island, S. C. Part of a spine. Simmons' Bluff, S. C. Two fragmentary teeth.

Ashley River, S. C. Extremity of an upper jaw and another fragment, the originals of figs. 3 and 4 belonging together.

Ashley River, S. C. A medium sized and a small tooth. From the Ashley beds.

.. . Three fragments as figured, except that the original of Fig. I seems to have lost one corner since the figure was made. 46 BizletiT Amizericani .Afiseum of Natural Hislor. [Vol. XI,

Class MAMMALIA. Geol. Cat. Type or GRENUCSSPECIES ANTD AUTORENER.C `ubdiv.No. Fig'd Sp. Work. Vol. P. P1. Figs. Bos Linn. Pleist ? '"-A4 Fig'd. taurus (Linin). Leidj.jl P. P. S. C. IIO 20 5, 5a

Canis Linn. 1 *o rslrsfamiliaris" I (Linzn). Leid;,. ii6 24 }' ~ ~ Castor Linn. ~~~~I 24j,§ canadensis (K-fuhl) Leidy. III 2I 2

Castoroides Foster. r 6 ohioensis (Foster-)." ...... Ir4l 22 6 _ Didelphys Linn. .1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2virginiana (SAzaw) Leidy ii6' 23 2

Elephas Linn. " ST9iamericanusv } * ...... L' leid|j Io8IO8 is ,Equus Linn. " Type. complicatus . Leid;'. 10315 4 Gidley. A. M. N. H. I4 III p.II2 8B, B

Fig'd...... Leidy,. P. P. S. C..104 I6 2I, 22

qars"I03 I6 24, 26 Tyfraternus" ' 1114iTpe. IG6eid,e A. M N. H ...... 6 ".Gidlev. A. M. N. H. I4 II Al 5C)9 p.Il12 8A, .0445P. I 5594 ''~ ~~~ S.C"04~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~~~103161 19

Fig'69I..4. 103 i6 23 Fig7d. (Leidiy)..Gidlev. A. M. N H 14' I13 S.C, C' ''1'' 1~~~4113 .X2SD, DI

Fiber Cuvier. 5 ? f-l__ '-~.k'.1 P. P. *'~',Jzibethicus.(Cuvie;-) Leid),.l P. P. S.s.c.C. ... .I3.2 113 22 2-4

9. Hydrochcerus Brisson. " eid.:.""||1I2:2I 4, 5 # ~Ovis Linn. ? ,-97Fig'd. Ammon (Linnz). 20,Leid 6a Physeter Linn. *1-?-~:" Type.Ty antiquus.a;n.Le.d...24Li5" G3!PY,6jType.'=i:sopi...... ~~~~~...... If;1""1 II7 24 8 i90I.] Cataloguc of 7:pes and Figured Specimens. 477


Ashley River, S. C. Two molar teeth.

Two upper molar teeth.

Three molar teeth.

Small fragmenit of an incisor.

John's Island, S. C. Fragment of jaw which has lost the tooth represented in the figure. From Doctor's Swamp.

Texas. The practically entire tooth which is represented, somewhat fore- shortened, on the plate.

Ashley River, S. C. The inner portion of a tooth. Nearly entire tooth. This is the specimen which E. D. Cope erroneously selected as being the type of Equzs fraternus Leidy, without seeing it. Two teeth which are assigned to this species on account of their agreement with the original of fig. 26, same plate. Natchez, Miss. Two lower molars.

IJohn's14Island, S. C. An upper molar with one angle gone. From Doctor's Swamp. Goose Creek, S. C. Part of an upper molar. Locality was I2 miles from Charleston. Ashley River, S. C. A tooth assigned to this species on account of its agreement with fig. 23, same plate. Brunswick Canal, Ga. A molar tooth which has lost part of the enamel. Charleston, S. C. A molar. Florida. A molar.

Ashley River, S. C. Two incisors and a fragment of jaw retaining two molar teeth.

Fragment of an incisor, and three lower molars.

A lower molar tooth.

An imperfect tooth. 478 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XI,

Class MAMMALIA-Continued. Geol. :!Cat. Type or RE FE R ENC E. Subdiv. No. Fgd Sp. GENS, SPE ES AND AUTHOR. P. P gs. Procyon Storr. Pleist ?; Fig'd. lotor (Storr)..... Leidy. P. P. S. C. I15 23 I

Squalodon Grateloup. Type. Tiedemani....A...Allen. A. M. N. H. 2 35 6 2-4 4';I " . 2" ...... 2 35 5 1, 2 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~6I Sus Linn. s 1 Fig'd. scrofa(Linzn.). Leid)y. P. P. S. C. I9 19 4, 5 Tapirus Brisson. americanus (Linn.) Leidy. " " .. Io6 I7 3

. ., " Genus? species ?...... Ieidy...... 24 3 190I.] Catalogue of Types and Figured Specimens. 479


Ashley Ferry, S. C. The upper part of a lower molar.

Ashley River, S. C. A part of the left ramus. The portion of the right ramus men- tioned on page 38 of the paper is present also. Charleston, S. C. The specimen ds described and figured. Dredged from the Wando River. Ashley River, S. C. A large molar tooth. Thought by Leidy not to be a true fossil.

Part of the crown of an upper molar tooth. From the Ashley beds.

An undetermined phalanx.

ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 59, line I3 from bottom. Instead of " S." read " C." Page 62, last line. Instead of the ditto marks read " Type", and instead of "55 ," in column of page references, read " 5S." Page 69, line I3 from bottom. Instead of " Dafiaiaa" read "Dalmania." Page 12I, line 17 from bottom. Instead of " Crytonella " read "CL;ifttonella."

Pages I46 and I47. Spirifer plicatellus (Lizn.) Hall, St. G. N. Y., Vol. 2, pl. 5I, figs. 6-S, 28. Hall &' Clarke, Pal. N. Y., Vol. 8, pt. 2, p. 9, pI. 21, figs. 6-8, 28. Gothland, SwedenL. system. Cat. No. AV. Fig'd Sp. Four entire individuals, fig. 28 not having been made from the original of one of the otbers. The original of fig. 6 did not come from the same locality with the others. Pages I56 and 157. Page I56, line 5. Instead of "pl. 53, figs. 3, io" read "pl. 52, fig. I0" and "pl. 53, fig. 3." Cardiola Broderip. Cardiola fluctuans (Barrande) Hall, Pal. N. Y., Vol. 5, pt. I, pl. 70, fig. i, pI. 94, fig. 23. As Cardiola sp., Hall, Pal. N. V., Vol. 5, pt. I, P1. & Ex., p. 70, fig: r. Bohemia. Silurian system. Cat. No. A'AftAi- Fig'd Sp. A we I-preserved right valve, imbedded. Page I83, line 8. Instead of " Delmiianiites " read " Dabnmanites." Page I90, line 22. Instead of " Bronguiart" read " Brongziart." Page I94, line 4. Instead of " Lazazzrek" read " Lamarck." Page 205, line II from bottom. Instead of " Co,niarotwchia" read " Camar-o- fa:vhJia. "- Page 224, line I0. Strike out "47" in column under "Figs." Page 228, line 2I from bottom. Instead of "9-I5 " read "9-II, I3-I5 ", in column under "Figs." Page 25I, line 9 from bottom. Instead of " portion " read "portions." Page 268, line 33. Opposite " Conocardium concinnum" insert the refer- ence, " pl. 68, figs. 26, 27." Page 272, 3rd column, line ii. Instead of "Fig'd Sp. and G. T." read "Gen. and Sp. Type." Page 284, gth column, line i6. Instead of " I-3" read "I, 3." Pages 286 and 287. Megalodon J. Sowerby. Megalodon cucullatus (Gold/'uss) Hall, Pal. N. Y., Vol. 5, pt. I, pl. 52, fig. 9. Paifrath, Germany. system. Cat. No. 1i. The umbonal portion of a left-valve. 482 Addenda et Corrzgenda.

Page 294, line I. After " Nuculites Conrad " insert " Continued." Page 303, line S. Instead of " Gosseletia" read " Gosselettia." Page 308, 3d column, line 8 from bottom. Instead of " Fig'd Sp. and G. T." read " Gen. & Sp. Type." Page 3i6, line 27. Instead of " Orthonychia " read " Ortlzonychia." Page 350, lines 9, 14 and I6. Insert " Type " after the Cat. No. Page 350, line 15 from bottom. Instead of " deforme " read " deforme."

Pages 362 and 363. Zaphrentis spinulifera Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. I, Pt. 2, p. 650, pI. 22, figs. ia, b. Warsaw, 111. Warsaw group. Cat. No. 67P. Nearly entire.

On line with " Class CRINOIDEA " insert," Subkingdom ECHINODER- NIATA." Page 365, line ii from bottom. Instead of "Actocrinus" read "Actino- crinus." Pages 370 and 371. Pentremites conoideus Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. I, pt. 2, p. 655, pI. 22, figs. 9, io. Spergen Hill, Ind. St. Louis Group. Cat. No. . Type. An entire body. Peutremites longicostalis Hall, Ia. Sup., p. 85. Warsaw, Ill. Warsaw Group. Cat. No. i7 6. Type. Two fragments, imbedded together. Pentremites cherokeus (Troost) Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. I, pt. 2, p. 69I, pl. 25, figs. I2a-c. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. QQ7. Fig'd Sp. An entire body. Pentremites Godoni (Defrance) Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. ", pt. 2, p. 692, pI. 25, figs. I3a, b. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. 676!La. Fig'd Sp. An entire body. Pentremites symmetricus Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. x, pt. 2, p. 694, pI. 25, fig. I4. Crittenden County, Ky. Chester Group. Cat. No. 67P. Type. An entire body. Pages 372 and 373. Archimedes laxa Hall, as Fenestella (Archimiedes) laxa Hall, A. A. A. S., Vol. IO, pt. 2, p. I78. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. £. Type. Fragment 55 mm. long, imbedded. Archimedes Meekana Hall, as Fenestella (Archimedes) Meekana Hall, A. A. A. S., Vol. IO, pt. 2, p. I78. Kaskaskia, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. 7 Type. Fragment 50 mm. long, imbedded.

Fenestella (Archimedes) laxa... See Archimedes laxa. AMeekana...... See Archimedes M1eekana. lyra.. (Lyrozpora) ....X..See Lyropora yvra. quincuncialis. See Lyropora'fuinc4ncialis. " subiuadrans See Lyropara sub4uadrans. Addenda et Corrigenda. 483

Lyropora lyra Hnll, as Fezestella (Ly-o5pora) lyra Hall, A. A. A. S., Vol. Sp. Io, pt. 2, p. I79. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. 2. Gen. and Type. Two fragments. Lyropora quincuncialis Hall, as Fenestella (Lyropora) quincuncialis Hall, A. A. A. S., Vol. I0, Pt. 2, p. I80. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. No. and two 5 7l1 . Type. Two large fronds, imbedded separately, fragments. Lyropora subquadrans Hall, as Fenestella (Lyropora) subquadrans Hall, A. A. A. S., Vol. I0, pt. 2, p. I80. Chester, Ill. Chester Group. Cat. .No. 6 7fA*. Type. Two fragments, imbedded separately.

A tkyris sublamnellosa...... See Cleiothyris Roissvi.

Pages 374 and 375. Cleiothyris Roissyi l'Eveilll, as a type of Ath/zris s-ublamellosa Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. I,' pt. 2, p. 702, pl. 27, figs. Ia-c. Chester Group. Crittenden County, Ky. Cat. No. £7r1 5. Fig'd Sp. An entire individual.

Pages 394 and 395. Mytilus Linn. Mytilus occidentalis...... See Mytilarca occidentalis.

Page 410, line 4 from bottom. Instead of " Proteus " read " Pro-etus." Pages 412 and 4I3. Derbya ? biloba Hall, as Streptorhynchus biloba Hall, St. G. N. Y., Vol. 2, pl. 4I, figs. 4, 5. Hall& Clarke, Pal. N. Y., Vol. 8, pt. I, p. 350, pl. II, 4, 5. Given a verbal description and referred provisionally to the genus figs. l entire Derbya. Winterset, Iowa. Coal Measures. Cat. No. 6. Type. An individual.

Under Lamnellibranchiata insert: Astartella Hall. Geol. Ia., Vol. I, pt. 2, p. 7I5, pl. 29, figs. Ia-c. Astartella vera HaIll, A Rush Creek, Ind. Coal Measures. Cat. No. LW. Gen. and Sp. Type. right valve and an entire individual. Dolabra McCoy. alpinus. Dolabra Alpin-a...... See Schizodus Schizodus King. Hall, as Dolabra? alpina Hall, Geol. Ia., Vol. I, pt. , Schizodus alpinus Measures. p. 7I6, pI. 29, fig. 2. Alpine Dam, Des Moines River, Iowa. Coal imbedded. Cat. No. v . Type. A left valve, 484 Addenda et Coirigenda.

Page 4I3, line I3. Instead of the query read " Wabash cut-off, Posey Co., Ind.," and to the remark add " The specimen is a good Productus Rogersi." Page 420. The genus Corbula is out of order. Page 426, line 7. Instead of " Stoliczke " read " Stoliczka." Pages 428 and 429. After " Fusus tenuilineatus " insert " Gladius cheyen- *nensis...... : See C'rptorhyatis cheyennensis."

Pages 434 and 435. Helicoceras Stevensoni Itzitfield, Bul. A. M. N. H., Vol. '4, P. 2T8, pl. 29, 30. Beaver Creek, Wyoming. Fort Pierre group. Cat. No. 5L71U. Fig'd Sp. The specimen as described.

Page 450, line iS. Instead of "Protocardia" read "Protocardium."

NOTES. The new species described in White and Whitfield's paper on the Kinderhook fossils at Burlington, Iowa, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. 8, pp. 29I-306, I862, were founded on specimens from both the Hall and the White collections, and no figures were published at the time; see second paragraph on p. 289 of the geological portion of the article cited. Professor White's collection was afterwvards sold to the University of Michigan, and that of Professor Hall to the American MIuseum of Natural History. This accounts for the fact that while some types of certain species are in this Museum and are therefore entered in this Catalogue, other types of the same species are in the collections of the University of Michigan, and have been quoted from there by Dr. Stuart Weller in his paper on the Fatna of the Chonopectus sand- stone at Burlington, Iowa, in Trans. Acad. Sci., St. Louis, Vol. Io, pp. 57- I29, pl. I-9, 1900.

Page 41$. Caprinella. D'Orbigny proposed t.his name in 1847 (vid. Paleont. Franc., Terr. Cret., t. 4, p. 189) to take the place of .Zitkyosarcolites Desmarets, which he discarded as barbarous and inapplicable to a genus of fossil shells. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PART IV WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN EXPLAINED IN PRECEDING PARTS.

GEOLOGICAL SUBDIVISIONS. C. M... CoalMeasures. .. Chester. CHESTCLAIBm...... Claiborne.. CRET. .... Eoc ... Eocene. F. H. Fox Hills=Cretaceous No. 5 of M. & H. FT. B. . Ft. Benton=Cretaceous No. 2 of M. & H. FT. P .. Ft. Pierre=Cretaceous No. 4 of MI. & H. KEOK. . Keokuk. KIND..Kinderhook. L. M.. Lower Miarls (Cretaceous). M. M. Middle Marns (Cretaceous). MIOC.. Miocene. PLFIST. . Pleistocene. PLIOc....Pliocene. RIPL. . Ripley. ST. L .St. Louis. U. M. Upper Marls (Cretaceous). WA .. Waverly.


BD. & SY.... Broderip & Sowerby. H. Hitchcock. C.DILLW..Dillwyn.H. H...... Charles GMEL...Gmelin. H.& .Hall&Meek. HEILP.....Angelo EIeilprin. Hs.. S. Holmes. K. & S.Kurtz & Stimpson. L. & C.... Lyon & Casseday. LEsQ..Leo Lesquereux. LONS .... Lonsdale. M. & H....MMeek &Hayden. McC .... J. H. MIcChesney. MORT.... S. G. Morton. N. & 0...... w...... oo.Norwood & Owen. Ow. & SE . Owen & Shumard. PULT.Pulteney. RAV Edmund Ravenel. SHUM.B. F. Shumard. STRN.Stemnberg. T. & H. Tuomey & Holmes. W. & ST. J...... White & St. John. W. & W . Whie & Whitfield. WINC .Alexander Winchell. SOL.Solander. [485] 486 Abbreviations.

LIST OF WORKS CITED. A. A. A. S. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. 8vo, Cambridge, Salem, &c. Annually, 1848-. Vol. 1o, i857, Cambridge. A. M. J. C.American journal of Conchology. 8vo, Philadelphia, I865-. B. G. S. A...... Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 8vo, Wash- ington, New York and Rochester. One volume annually, I890-. Vol. 7, I896, Rochester. B. J. N. H ...... Boston Journal of Natural History, containing Papers and Communications read to the Boston Society of Natural History. 8vo, Boston, I834-T863. Seven volumes were issued in this period and then the publication was merged in the Memoirs of the Society. C. L. I. F...... Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Check List of Inver- tebrate Fossils of North America. "Cret." in the sixth column of this Catalogue refers to the list of Cretaceous and fossils by F. B. Meek. D. N. S. C ...... Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea from the Car- boniferous Rocks of the Mississippi Valley. By James Hall. Boston Journal of Natural History. Vol. 7, pp. 26I-328. Bvo, Boston. Two of the signatures composing this paper bear date of January, i86i, but they were not actually dis- tributed until after the issuance of "Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea; from Investigations of the Iowa Geological Survey. Preliminary Notice. By James Hall," which was published privately and bears date of February 25, i86i. The references in this Catalogue are to an edition gotten out by Professor Hall in 1872 which consisted of seventy-five reprints of the, Boston Journal paper, together with seven plates of photographic figures. The plates bear the heading "State Mus. N. H. Bul. r." F. S. T. F...... Fossil Shells of the Tertiary Formations of North America. By T. A. Conrad. Svo, Philadelphia, I832. G. S. Terr...... Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Terri- tories, F. V. Hayden, United States Geologist in Charge. Vol. 6. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the West- ern Territories, Part I. The Cretaceous Flora. By Leo Lesquereux. 4to, 'Washington, 1874. Vol. 9. A Report on the Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri Country. By F. B. Meek. 4to, Washington, x876. Geol. Ind...... Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural History. (TwelIfth Annual Report.) John Collett, State Geologist, I882. 8vo, Indianapolis, 1883. Abbreviations. 487

Ia. Crin...... Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea; from Investigations of the Iowa Geological Survey. Preliminary Notice. By James Hall. Svo, Albany, February 25, iS6i. This paper is a condensation of Professor Hall's " Descriptions of New Species of Crinoidea from the Carboniferous Rocks of the Mississippi Valley" in the Boston Journal of Natural His- tory, Vol. 7, pp. 26I-328, and was really issued in advance of it, although the latter bears date of January, iS6i, at the foot of two of the signatures. Ia. Sup... ..Geological Survey of Iowa, Supplement to Vol. I, part 2. By James Hall. Svo, i86o. J. A. N. S., 7, N. S.. The extinct Mammalian Fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, including an account of some allied forms from other locali- ties, together with a Synopsis of the Mammalian Remains of North America, illustrated with 30 plates. By Joseph Leidy. Preceded with an Introduction on the Geology of the Ter- tiary Formations of Dakota and Nebraska, accompanied with a map. By F. V. Hayden. 4to, Philadelphia, iS69. Med. Tert...... Fossils of the Tertiary Formations of the United States. By T. A. Conrad. Bvo, Philadelphia, I838. Mem. A. A . Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to, Cambridge, New Series, 1833-. Mon. G. S .. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. 4to. Washington. Published at irregular intervals. Vol. 9. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marns of New Jersey, by Robert P. Whitfield. Published in tiS5. Vol. I4. Fossil Fishes and Fossil plants of the Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley, by John S. Newberry. Published in i88S. Vol. IS. C(asteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey, by Robert Parr Whitfield. Published in 1892. Wachs- N. A. C . . The North American Crinoidea Camerata, by Charles muth and Frank Springer. 2 vols., with Atlas of Plates. 4t0, Cambridge, I897. Published as Vol. 20 of the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. with N. F. D...... Notes on the Family Dictyospongi[d]e, plates I7-20, explanations. (Issued in advance of the Thirty-fifth Annual Report N. Y. State Museum of Natural History, I884). No date, but stated to have been issued in August, ISS2. P. F. S. C. Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina; containing descrptions and figures of the Polyparia, Echinodermata and Mollusca. By M. Tuomey and F. S. Holmes. 4t0, Charleston, S. C., I857. 488 Abbreviations.

P. P. S. C...... Post-Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina. By Francis-S. Holmes. 4to, Charleston, S. C., i86o. P. S. N. H ...... Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History. 8vo, Portland, Maine, i86I. Pal. N. J ... Geological Survey of New Jersey. George H. Cook, State Geologist. Vol. r. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey, by R. P. Whit- field. 4to, Trenton, N. J., I886. A part of the edition of Vol. 9 of the 'Monographs of the United States Geological Survey was published with this title page and distributed by the State of New Jersey. Vol. 2. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey, by R. P. Whitfield. 4to, Trenton, N. J., I892. A part of the edition of Vol-. i8 of the Monographs of the United States Geological Survey was published with this title page and distributed by the State of New Jersey. Pal. N. Y...... Vol. 5, pt. 2, Supplement, was issued with Vol. 7 of the of New York. Stans. Rept...'.-Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route Through the Rocky Mountains. By Howard Stansbury. Svo, Washington, 1853. T. A. P. S...... Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 4t0, Philadelphia, New Series, i8i8-. T. WV. I. S.Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Large 8vo, Philadelphia. Vol. 3 is devoted to Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida, with Especial Reference to the Silex Beds of Tampa and the Pliocene Beds of the Caloosahatchie River, including in many cases a complete Revision of the Generic Groups treated of and their American Tertiary Species, by William Healey Dall. Part I, I890; II, I892; III, i895; IV, I898; V, igoo. W., I. & M...... Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota; and incidentally a Portion of Nebraska Terri- tory. Made under instruction from the United States Treas- ury Department. By David D. Owen, United States Geologist. 4to, Philadelphia, I852. Wheeler Survey.. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, in charge of First Lieutenant George M. Wheeler. Vol. 4, Palaeontology. Part 2, by E. D. Cope. 4t0, Washington, I877. INDEX TO VOLUME XI.

[Generic names, only, are indexed. Heavy-faced type indicates references to the genera adopted; plain type indicates cross-references and synonyms.] ABRA, 462. Anatina, I56, I59, 416. Acambona, 372. Ancyloceras, 434, 435. Acanthocrinus, 198. Angelina, 6, 13. Acervularia, 192, 193. Anodontopsis, i56, I61. Acidaspis, 66, 69, 178, 338, 339. Anomalocystites, 96, 198. Acmeea, 426, 427. Anomia, 444, 445, 462, 463. Acroculia, I62, I65, I67, 308, 32I. Anthraconectes, 415. Acrogenia, 200. Anthracopupa, 414. Actaeon, 426, 452, 457. Apeibopsis, 438. Actvaonina, 426. Aphrodina, 418, 421. Acteon, 431. Apioceras, 329. Actinoceras, 58, 6i, I70, I73. Apiocystites, 96. Actinocrinus, 24, 27, 88, 97, I96, Aploceras, 328, 329. '97, 362, 363, 365, 367, 369, Apollon, 452, 455. 37I. Arachnocrinus, 196, 197. Actinodesma, 262, 277. Arca, 41, 427, 444, 447, 451, 462, Actinopteria, I56, I57, i6i, 262, 463, 465, 467. 263, 265, 293, 305, 35I. Archeeocidaris, 370. Acus, 468, 473. Archaeopteris, 190, 19I. Adeorbis, 468, 47I. Archimedes, 372, 373, 482. iEchmina, I76, 177. Architectonica, 452, 457. Afer, 426, 427, 429. Arcopagia, 418. Agaricocrinus, 362,363, 364, 365. Arenicolites, 174, '177. Agelacrinus, 26, 27. Arges, I78, I85. Aglaspis, I4. Argina, 462, 463. Agnostus, 6, Xi. Arionellus, 6. Akera, 426. Aristolochia, 438. Alligator, 474. Arthrophycus, 76, 77. Alveolites, 8o, I01. Asaphis, 444, 45I. [338, 341. Amauropsis, 426, 43I. . 66, 69, 71, 178, ISI, I85, 202, 203, 23I, 233, Aspidocrinus, 88. Amboccelia, 264, 275, 444, 462, 465. 255. Astarte,Astartella, 483- Ambonychia, 42, 43, 44, 45, 156. 25. Ammonites, 432, 435. Asterias,AsterosteuS,24, 348. Amnigenia, 262, 351. Astrea, 442, 443, 462, 463. Amoria, 458. Astrangia, 442, 443, 462, 463. Amphicoelia, I56, I57. Astrocerium, 80, SI, 87. Amphidetus, 442. 78, 79. Amphigenia, 202. Astylospongia, 205, Amphigraptus, I8 23. Athyris, 114, I11, 202, 204, Amphion, 6. 2I5,255,372, 375, 383, 387,481- Amphistrophia, 112, 113, 125, ; 27, Atops, 6, I3. i88. Atrina, 462, 469. I49, 151, 153, Atrypa, 28, 3I, 37, 39, 41, 43, Amphoracrinus, 363, 364, 365. 114, II5, 119, 121, 125, I4I1, Amplexus, SI, I92, 195. 155, I88, 204, 205, 2o6, 207, Ampullina, 430. 209, 223, 229, 233, 245, 26I. Amussium, 416, 444, 449. ii6, 121, I27. Anachis, 468, 47I. Atrypina, 114, I1s, Anastrophia, II2, II3, 137. Aulacophyllum, 87. [489] 490 INDEX.

Aulopora, 8o, I92. Calceocrinus, 88, Sg, I96, I97. Aurinia, 452, 459. Callianassa, 434. Avicula, 4, 5, 44, 49, I56, I57, Callista, 4I8, 42I, 462, 463. I59, i6i, I63, 263, 264, 267, Callithamnopsis, I4, 23. 283, 287, 30I, 418, 462, 463. Callocystites, 96. Aviculopecten, I56, I57, 264, Callonema, 3IO, 3I5, 323, 325, 265, 266, 267, 2S5, 299, 303, 40°3 35I, 388, 397. Callopora, SI, 100, IOI, I03, I07, Axincea, 418, 423, 427. 200, 201. Callotrvpa, IOO, IOI, III. BACULITES, 434- Calymene, 8, I3, 68, 69, 7I, I78, Balanocrinus, 88, 93. I79, 338, 345. Balanus, 474. Calyptraphorus, 452. Barrandella, Ii6, I35, I37. Camarella, 29, 30. Barrandia, 8, II, 72. Camarium, IIS, I29. Barrettia, 416. Camarophoria, 372. Barroisella, 206. Camarotcechia, 29, 30, II5, xI8, Bathynotus, 8, 9, I3. I4I, 205, 207, 208, 210, 235, Bathyurellus, 66, 69. 243, 257, 372, 383. Bathyurus, i3, 67, 68, 69, 7I. Cameroceras, 58, 6i. Batissa, 420. Cancellaria, 452, 470, 473. Batocrinus, 363, 364, 365. Caninia, 80, 87. Beachia, 206, 208, 227, 24I. Canis, 476. Belemnitella, 434. Cannapora, 80. Belinurus, 4I4, 4I5. Caprina, 4I8. Bellerophon, 48, i62, 308, 310, Caprinella, 418, 484. 31I, 3I3, 317, 398, 399. Caprinula, 418. Berenicea, IO2. Capulus, 50, 55, 400, 405, 426, Bevrichia, X76, I77, 338. 427. [48I. Billingsella, 2, 5, 28, 39. Cardiola, 268, 277, 297, 299, 353, Bilobites, xi6, I33, I43. Cardiomorpha, 268, 275, 279, 28I, Bolbocephalus, 68, 69. 307, 352, 388, 393. Bollia, I76, I77. Cardiopsis, 268, 299, 388, 395. Bos, 476. Cardita, 418, 444, 445, 45I, 464, Bothriolepis, 348. 469. Brachiocrinus, 88. Carditamera, 444, 445. . Brachyrnetopus, 341. Cardium, 268, 30I, 4I8, 464, 465. Brachyprion, ii6, xI8, I25, I5I. Caricella, 426, 452. Breviarca, 4I9. Carinaropsis, 50, 55. Bronteus, X78. Carpinus, 438, 44I. Bucanella, I62, I63. Carpolithes, 438, 439. Bucania, 29, 48, 50, I62, I63, Carya, 440. I71, 3II. Caryatis, 418, 444. Buccinofusus, 452, 455. Caryocrinus, 96. Buccinum, 426, 433, 452, 457, Caryocystites, 98, 99. 470, 473. Cassidaria, 452. Bulimella, 398, 399, 40I. Castor, 476. Bulimorpha, 398, 399, 400, 407. Castoroides, 476. , I78, IS3. Catenipora, So, 85. Busycon, 452, 455, 470, 47I. Cavolina, 470, 47I. Buthograptus, I4. Cellepora, 442. Buthotrephis, 2, 14, 76. Centronella, 2IO, 2II, 243, 374. Ceramopora, IOO, IOI, I02, I05. CACABOCRINTUS, i96, I97. Ceratiocaris, 176, x78, I87. Cactocrinus, 363, 364, 366. Ceratodictya, 190, I93. Calapcecia, 350. Ceraurus, 68, 69, X78, I79, I8o, Calathospongia, 358, 359, 361. I8I, I85. Calaurops, 50. Cerithiopsis, 426. IIND Xly. 49' Cerithium, 426. Conophyllum, 82, 83. Choetetes, i6, 17, I9, 82, 85, 89, Constellaria, i8, Ig. I07, III. Conularia, 56, 72, I70, 17I, 326, Ch-etocladus, I4. 327, 406. Chmetomorpha, I4. Conus, 452. Chama, 444, 447. Corbicula, 420. Chariocephalus, 8, i3. Corbiculopsis, 420. Chasmops, 338, 34I. Corbula, 420, 464, 465. Cheirocrinus, 88, 89, I96, 197. Cordylocrinus, 88, 95. Cheirurus, I79, ISo. Cornulites, I7I, I74, I75, i88. Chemnitzia, 433. Coronura, 339, 340,'34I. Chione, 464. Corycephalus, 340, 341. Clionetes, II8, IIg, I51, I53, Corymbocrinus, 88, 95. 2IO, 2I1, 2I2, 213, 214, 2I5, Coscinium, 200. 259, 26I, 374, 375- Coscinopora, 190, 201. Chonopectus, 374, 375. Cranaena, 2I4, 221, 26I. Chonophyllum, 82, 83, 194. Crania, 30, I20, 121, 137, 214, Chonostrophia, 21I, 2I4. 2I5. Christiania, Ii8, Ilg, 127. Craniella, 214, 2IS. Chrysallida, 470, 473. Crassatella, 420, 42I, 446, 447. Cibota, 420. Crassatellites, 446, 447. Cimitaria, 268, 269. Crassinella, 463, 464. Cinnamomum, 440. Crenipecten, 270, 27I, 285, 299, Cinulia, 426. 351I, 388. Cithara, 428. Crepicephalus, 8, 9. Cladopora, 82. Crepidula, 452, 453, 470, 47I. Clathropora, 26, 102. Crinocystites, 95, 98. Clathrospongia, 190. Criocardium, 420. Cleidophorus, 44, 47, I56. Cryphreus, 340, 34I. Cleiothvris, 373, 374,'387, 483- Crypta, 452, 453, 470, 471. Climacograptus, i8, 2I, 23. Cryptodiscus, 88. Clinopistha, 268, 273. Cryptonella, I20, I21, 214 215, Clioderma, 56, 59. 2I6 2I7, 22I, 26I, 350, 374, Clisospira, 50. 375. Clitambonites, 233. Cryptorhytis, 428, 433, 484. Closteriscus, 428, 429. Cumingia, 464. Clymenia, 328, 33I. Cuneamya, I56,1i61, I63, I88. Cochliolepis, 469, 470. Cunearca, 445, 446. Codaster, i96, 370, 371. Cuneocorbula, 464, 465. Coeliocrinus, 366, 369. Cupulocrinus, 24, 27, 74. Ccelocaulis, IOI, I02, 200, 20I, Cyathocrinites, 90, 93. 203. Cyathocrinus, go, 9I, 95, i96, Ccelospira, II 5, I20, I2I, I27, I97, 366, 367, 37I- 214, 2I5, 225. Cyathophyllum, 192. Coenites, 82, 87. Cybele, I8O, 183. Ccenograptus, i8, Ig, 23. Cyclocystoides, 26. Coleolus, 326, 333. Cyclolites, 82, 83, 87. Columbella, 452, 469, 470. Cyclonema, 50, 5I, 55, i62,i165, Columnaria, I6. I69, 3IO, 3I2, 323, 400, 405, Colus, 452, 455. 4Q7. Conaspis, 8, 9. Cyclopteris, 190, 19I. Conchicolites, 59, 64. Cyclora, 50, 57. Conchidium, 120, 137. Cyclorhina, 216, 217, 243, 26I. Conocardium, I56, I57, 268,269, Cyclospira, 294 30. 270, 27I, 30I, 35I, 388, 481. Cyphaspis, I80, I85, 340, 345. Conocephalites, 8, 9, II, I3. Cypraea, 452. Coniocoryphe, 8, 9. Cypricardella, 270, 271, 272, 273, Conolichas, 183, 338, 339, 343. 289, 35I, 388, 389, 390, 391, 395, '397. 49242IVDEX.

Cvpricardia, I58, I59, 272, 307, Dinobolus, I22, I33. 390, 39I, 393. Dinocardium, 464, 465. Cypricardinia, x58, i6I, 272, 352, Dinorthis, 32, 35. 390, 39I. Diphyphyllum, i6, I7, 82, 83, 87. Cypricardites, 44, 45, 47 ,,158, Diplodonta, 464, 467. 272, 277, 289. Diplograptus, 20, 2I, 23. Cyprimeria, 420. Diplophyllum, 82, 83. Cyrtia, 120, I21, I45, I49, 2I6, Discina, 2, 122, I33, 2I8, 227, 2I7, 2I9, 249. 23I, 243, 376, 377, 444, 445. Cyrtina, I20, I2I, 2x6, 2I7, 2I8. Discinella, 2, 7. Cyrtoceras, 5I, 58, 59, 6o, 6i, 170, Discinisca, 444, 445. I7I, 172, I73, 328, 329, 335. Discites, 332, 333. Cyrtolites, 50, 5I, 55, 59, 164, Discoporella, 442, 443. 309, 312, 3I3. Discoria, 416. Cyrtonella, 312, 313. Discosorus, 172, I73. Cvstiphyllum, 192, 194. Dithyrocaris, I78, 187. Cythere, 4IO, 4II. Divaricella, 446, 447, 464, 467. Cytherea, 4I9, 420. Dizygocrinus, 365. Cytherellina, 4IO. Dolabra, 483. Cytherina, I76, 177. Dolatocrinus, I96, I97. Cytherodon, 272, 273, 275, 299, Dolichopterus, 184. 305, 307, 352, 390, 397, 399- Donax, 420. Dorycrinus, 363, 366, 367. DADOXYLON, I90. Dosiniopsis, 418, 421. Dalmanella, 30, 3I, 35, r20, I22, Douvillina, 2I8, 220, 259, 351. I33, 2I8, 231-. Drillia, 428, 454, 459. Dalmania, 68, 69, ISo, ISI, 339, Drupa, 439, 440. 340, 34I, 343. Duncanella, 82, 83, 86, 87. Dalmanites, 68, 69, 7I, 179, i8o, Dystactella, 269, 272. ISI, I85, 339, 340, 341, 343. Daphnella, 428. EATONIA, 124, 220. Delphinula, 454, 455, 457. Ecculiomphalus, 50, 5I, 312, 315. Delthyris, 30, 37, 122, 149, 2I8, Echinochama, 445, 446. 247, 249, 25I, 253, 35I. Echinocystites, 98. Dendrocrinus, 24, 25, 74, 90, 9I. Echino-encrinites, 26, 27. Dendrograptus, 2, 3. Ecphora, 453, 454. Dentalium, 428. Ectenocrinus, 24, 25. Derbya, 374, 387, 412, 4I3, 483. Ectenodesma, 272, 352. Desmograptus, I94, I95. Ectenodictya, 360, 36i. Dexiobia, 389, 392. Edmondia, 44, 45, 273, 274, 275, Diamesopora, 3o2. 305, 352, 39I, 392, 393. Dicellomus, 2, 5. Edriocrinus, go, I96. Dichocoenia, 462, 463. Eichwaldia, I15, 124, 14I. Dicranograptus, I9, 20, 2I, 23. Elephas, 476. Dictvolites, 76. Eleutherocrinus, 200. Dictyonema, 20, 78, 79, 85, I88, Elymella, 274, 289, 392, 395. i94, I95. Enallopora, 17, 26. Dictyophyton, I9I, I92, 193, 358, Encope, 442. 359, 36I. Encrinurus, 68, 69, i8I, I82. Dictvospongia, 358, A59. Endoceras, 59, 60, 6i, 65, 75. Didelphys, 476. Endoptygma, 428. Didymograptus, 20, 23. Endothyra, 358, 359. Didyrvophyllum, 190. Ensis, 446, 45I, 464, 465. Dielasma, 2I5, 374, 376, 387. Entomis, 338. Dignomia, 32, 35, 122, I29, 2I8, Entomocaris, I78. 219, 227. Eodon, 271, 273. Dikelocephalus, 8, 9, IO, II. Eotrochuis, 400, 405, 407. Dinictis, 458. Equus, 476, 477. INDEX. 493 Eretmocrinus, 363, 366. Glyptocrinus, 24, 27, 92, 93. Eriphyla, 420. Glyptodesma, 263, 276, 352. Ervilia, 464, 467. Gomphoceras, 6o, 172, I73, 328, Escharopora, 28, 29, I02, I09. 329. Eucalyptocrinus, 90, 92, 93. Gomphocystites, 98. Eulima, 470. Goniatites, 327, 328, 329, 330, Eumetria, 376, 381. 33I, 332, 333, 406, 407, 408, Eunella, 2I5, 2I7, 220, 26I. 409. Eunema, I64. Gonioceras, 60. Euomphalus, 4, 52, i64, i65, x6g, Goniocoelia, 220, 233. 312, 3I3, 314, 315, 325, 400, Goniophora, 44, 45, 273, 276, 277, 402, 44, 4I5. 305, 352, 392, 396, 397. Eupachycrinus, 366, 369. Gorgonia, i6, 27, 79, 84. Eupleura, 453, 454, 470, 471. Gosselettia, 278, 293, 303, 352. Euprobps, 414, 4I5. Grammysia, 269, 278, 279, 280, Eurypterus, I85, I86, 414, 4I5. 281, 299, 352, 392, 393. Eurytellina, 464, 469. Granoarca, 445, 446. Euthydesma, 265, 269, 274, 352. Graphiocrinus, 366, 369. Eutrochocrinus, 365. Graptolithus, 2, 3, 19, 21, 22, 23, Euvola, 446, 447. 78, 80, 8I, I88. Gryphea, 420. FAGUS, 440. Grypheostrea, 422. Fasciolaria, 454. Guaia, 474, 475. Favistella, 82, 85. Guia, 474. Favites, 462, 463. Gypidula, 220, 221, 235. Favosites, z6, I7, 82, 83, 8¢, 85, Gyroceras, 327, 332, 408. S9, I94, 360, 36I, 362, 363. Gyrodes, 428. Fenestella, IOI, I02, 104, I07, 109, III, 113, 200, 372, 373, HALYsITzs, 8i, 84, 350. 482. Haamites, 434, 435. Fiber, 476. Haplocrinus, I98. Ficus, 416. Harlania, 76, 77. Filicites, 190, 19t. Harpes, 68, 69. Fissurella, 470, 471. Hebertella, 32, 33, 35. Fissuridea, 470, 47I. Helicoceras, 434, 435, 484. Fistulipora, 200, 203. Helicotoma, 52. Forbesiocrinus, I96, I99, 366, 369. Heliolites, 84, 86, 350. Fossularca, 463, 464. Heliophyllum, I93, I94. Fucoides, 2, 3, 76, 77. Helix, 454. Fulgur, 453, 454, 470, 471. Helopora, I04. Fusispira; 52, 55. Hemicosmites, 98. 428, 429, 433, 453, Hemicystites, 26, 27, 98. Fusus, 427, Hemimactra, 446, 449. 454, 470. Hemipronites, 32, 37. GALVODEA, 454. Hemitrypa, I04, 107. Gastrochoena, 420. Hernodia, 200. Gennaeocrinus, 196, 197. Heterocrinus, 24, 25. Gervillia, 420. Heteropora, 442. 367, Hipparionyx, 222, 23I, 257, 259. Gilbertsocrinus, 196, 366, Holocystites, 98, 99. 369, 37I. Holopea, 52, 55, 57, 164, I65, Gladius, 429, 484. 316, 402, 403. Globiconcha, 428. Holoptychius, 348, 349. Glossina, 227. Homalonotus, i82, 342, 343. Glossites, 274, 289, 392, 395. Homocrinus, 91, 92, IOr, I98. Glycymeris, 446, 449, 451, 464, Homocystites, 26, 27. 467. I39, I41. Glyptaster, 92. Homceospira, 124, 125, Glyptocardia, 269, 276. Hornera, I04, 109. 494 !Z 7DEX.

Hydnoceras, I92, I93. Leptodomus, i 58, 159, 279, 28I, Hydrochcerus, 476. 393. Hyolithellus, 3, 6, 7. Leptomaria, 454. Hyolithes, 6, 7. Leptophloeum, I90. Hypanthocrinites, 9I, 92. Leptostrophia, 126, I27, 128, 129, Hypothyris, 379, 38I. I49, I5I, 224, 226, 259, 350. 261, ICHNOPHYCLTS, 78. Lichas, 70, 71, 179, .;182, 184, Ichthyocrinus, 9I, 92, 368. I85, 339, 342, 347.- Ichthyodorulite, I79, iS6. Lichenalia, I03, 104, io6, iii, Icthyorhachi., I04. I33, 200. Ilionia, I57, I58, I59. Lichenocrinus, 26. Illoenurus, Io. Lima, 267, 27I, 284, 285, 422. IIlkenus, 68, 69, 70, 7I, I79, I82, Limaria, 83, 86. IS3. Limoptera, 284, 285, 352. Illicium, 440. Lingula, 2, 3, 4, 5, 33, 34, 35, 77, Ilyanassa, 471, 472. I23, 128, I29, 2I9, 226, 227, Inachus, 62, 63. 376, 416. Inocaulis, 80, Si. Lingulella, 3, 4, 226, 227. Inoceramus, 422, 423. Lingulepis, 3, 4. Iocrinus, 24, 25. Lingulodiscina, 2I9, 226, 227, Ischvriza, 474. 23I, 377. Isis, 86, III. Lingulops, 34. Isochilina, 66, 67, 338. Liorhynchus, 223, 226. Isonema, 3II, 314, 317. Lissopleura, I28, X4I. Isotelus, 67, 70. Lithostrotion, 362. -Littorina, I63, I64, 454, 472. JANIRA, 446, 447, 449. Lituites, 62, 63, 172. Lobocrinus, 365. LABIOSA, 464, 469. Loculipora, I03, IOS, Io6. Levicardium, 464. Loganograptus, 22, 23. Lampterocrinus, 89, 92. Loncheus, 472, 473. Lapeirousia, 424. Lonchocephalus, 9, TO. Lecanocrinus, 91, 92, 94. Lophophyllum, 362.-; Leda, 263, 280, 281, 392, 393, Lophospira, 52, 53, 55, 75. 395, 397, 4I2, 4I3, 446, 449, Loxonema, 164, I65, 3II, 314, 466, 467, 469. 402, 403. Leguminosites, 440. Lucina, 284, 299, 422, 446, 447, Leiopteria; x58, I59, 265, 280, 465, 466. 282, 283. Lunatia, 428, 429, 43I. Leiorhynchus, 205, 222, 227. Lunilites, 442, 443. Lepadocrinus, 98. Lunulicardium, 284, 285, 299, Leperditia, 176, 338, 339, 410, 352. 4II. Lycopodites, I90, I9I. Lepetopsis, 402. Lyriocrinus, 94, 95. Lepidechinus, 372. Lyriopecten, 265, 286, 352. Lepidodendron, I90, I91, 358. Lyrodesma, 44, 47, 49. Lepidodiscus, 26. Lyrodictya, 360, 36I. Leptsena, 32, 37, 39, 4I, II3, I17, Lyropecten, 446, 449. II9, 124, 125, I26, I27, 135, Lyropora, 482, 137, I51, I88, 222, 224, 259, 483. 26I. MACLUREA, 52. Leptenisca, I25, 126, 127. 4, Leptobolus, Macoma, 466, 467. 32. Macrocheilus, 314, 316, 402, 405, Leptoccelia, II7, I2I, I26, 2I5, 414, 4I5. 224? 225. Macrodon, 286, 352, 353, 385, Leptodesma, I57, I58, 265, 282, 392, 393. 2S3, 284, 29I. Macrostylocrinus, 94. INDEX. 495

Mactra, 422, 447, 448, 449, 4.66, Mulinia, 4,66, 467. 467. Murchisonia, 54, 75, I64, i65, Mactrotoma, 448, 449. 3x6, 317, 402, 403, 405. Mang-itia, 430, 472, 473. Mya, 466. Margarita,40 Myalina, i6o, i6i. Margaritaria, 448, 451. Myelodactylus, 94. Marginella, 472, 473. ,Myrtillocrinus, 198. Marginifera, 239, 4I3. Mytilarca, z6o, i6i, :279, 290, Mlariacrinus, 89, 94, 95, 197, 199. 292, 293, 3011, 353, 354, 394, Marsupiocrinites, 95. 482. Marsupiocrinus, 94, 95. Mytilops, 288, 289, 353. Meekella, 412, 4I3. MIYtilus, 395, 448, 4.49, 483. MegalanteriS, 226, 227, 241. Megaloclon, 48!. NAIDYCERAS, 337. Megalomus, I58, 35I. Natssa, 453, 456, 47I, 472. Megambonia, 158, i59, 286, 287, Natica, 53, 54, 403, 404, 405, 427, 288, 289, 30I, 353, 389, 394. 429, 430, 456, 472, 473. Meganteris, 207, 226, 227, 239, Naticopsis, 3I5, 316, 325, 404, 24I. 405. Megistocrinus, 198, 199, 369. Nautilus, 62, 332, 333, 408, 414, Megistostoma, 430. 434, 458. Melania, 454. Nea-era, 448. Mfellita, 442, 462. Nerita, 430. Melocrinites, 95. Neverita, 430, 472, 473. Melocrinus, 94, 95, 198. Newberria, 228, 229, 239. Melonites, 370. Nileus, 70. Membranipora, 442. Nodipecten, 448, 449. Mercenaria, 466, 469. [229. NoRia, 463, 466. Merista, ii9, 128, 129, I31, 226, Nothozo~, 6. Meristella, 128, 129, 130, 131, Notogoneus, 458, 459. 226, 227, 228, 229, 233. Nucleocrinus, 200. Meristina, I30, I.31I, 155. Nucleospira, 130., 133, I49, 205, Mesalia, 430. 228, 230. Mesodesma, 465, 466. Nucula, 45, 46, 47, 49, I59, i6o, Mesonacis, i0, ii. 292, 293, 353, 394, 395, 412, Mesostoma, 454. 413, 422, 423, 427, 447, 448, Metaplasia,.228, 229, 255. 466, 467. Metoptoma, 4, 7, 52, 59. Nuculana, 281, 393, 394, 395, Michelinia, 194. 4I2, 413, 422, 423, 448. Microceras, 54. Nuculites, 45, 46, i6o, i6l, 292, Microdiscus, 7, 10, 13. 293, 294, 295, 353, 397. Microdc;n, 27I, 273, 288, 389, Nuttainia, 342, 343. 39I, 394. Nyassa, 294, 353. Microdonella, 271, 273. Nyssa, 440. Mitra, 454, 455, 472, 475. Modiella, 288, 353. OBELISCUS, 472, 473. Modiola, 288, 289, 353, 422. Obolella, 3, 4, 5, 45. Modiolopsis, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, Obolus, 5, 123, 132. 157, 158, i59, i6o, i6i, 163, Odontocephalus, 34I, 342. 295. Odostomia, 456, 471, 472. Modiolus, 448, 449. Odostomopsis, 430. Modiomorpha, 273, 275, 283, 288, Ogygia, 67, 70. 289, 290, 291, '305, 353, 393, Oldhamia, 15, 22. 394. Olenellus, 9, 10, II, I3, 7I, 72. Monodonta, 430. Olentus, 9, ii, x2, 69, 70. Monotrypella, 83, 88, 89, III. Oligoporus, 372. Monticulipora, I7, iB, 83. Oligoptycha, 427, 430. Mosasaurus, 436. Oliva, 456, 457. 496 INDEX.

Ollacrinus, 367, 36$. Pastinaca, 474. Onchus, I77, i86. Pecten, 265, 267, 271, 298, 422, Oncoceras, 62, 63, I72, I73. 425, 445, 447, 448, 449, 451, Ophileta, 54. 466, 467. Opis, 422. Pectunculus, 4I9, 422, 447, 448, Orbicula, 5, 34, 35, 37, 39, 4I, 59, 450, 465, 466. I05, 132, 133, 137, 230, 23I, Peltura, 9, 12. 444, 445. Pemphigaspis, II, I2. Orbiculoidea, 34, 35, I23, 132, Pentagonia, 221, 229, 232, 233. 133, 2I9, 230, 23I, 376, 377. Pentamerella, 117, I34, 234, 235, Ormoceras, 62, 172. 249. Orophocrinus, 370, 37I. Pentamerus, II3, 117, I21, I34, Orthis, 3, 4, 3I, 33, 34, 35, 37, 136, I43, 22I, 234, 235. 43, II7, 121, 123, 13I, 132, Pentremites, 200, 370, 37I, 482. 133, I35, 137, I39, 143, ISS, Periechocrinus, 363, 368. 203, 2I9, 223, 230, 232, 233, Perissolax, 430. 24I, 243, 245, 255, 350, 376, Perna, 424- 377, 38I, 383. Pernopecten, 389, 396, 397. Orthisina, 3, 4, 232. Peronna, 466, 467. Orthoceras, 6i, 64, 65, 171, I72, Peronaeoderma, 465, 468. I73, I74, 175, 327, 329, 332, Petraia, 86, 87. 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 408, Petricola, 468. 409. Phacops, 69, 70, I8I, I84, 339, Orthodesma,-46, 47, i6o, i6i. 342, 343, 344, 345- Orthonomaea, 42, 43. Pheenopora, Io6, IO9. Orthonota, 46, 47, 157, 160, I6i, Phaethonides, 344. ISS, 294, 297, 305, 353, 394, Phanerotinus, 3I2, 3I3, 314. 399. Philine, 430. Orthonychia, 316, 317, 319, 32I. Phillipsia, 341, 344, 347. Orthopora, io6, III, 202. Pholadella, 279, 298, 396, 397. Orthothetes, 125, I27, I33, 134, Pholadomya, 424, 449, 450. I49, 15I, 231, 232, 233, 257, Pholas, 450, 45 I, 468, 469. 259, 26I, 376, 377, 387. Pholidops, 35, 36, 37, I21, 133, Orthostrophia, 132, I33, I34, I39. 136, I37, 234. Ostrea, 448, 449, 466, 467. Pholidostrophia, 234, 259, 26I. OVis, 476. Phragmoceras, I71, I74. Phragmodictya, 359, 360, 361. PAL.SARCA, 43, 45, 46. Phragmostoma, 51, 54, 55, 31I, Paireaster, 24, 25, I96. 3I6. Palheocardia, I6o. Phthonia, 298, 353, 354. Paleeocyclus, 83, 86. Phyllites, 416. Palhocystites, 25, 26. Physeter, 476. Paleomanon, 78. Physospongia, 360, 36I. Palxeoneilo, 294, 296, 309, 353, Phytopsis, 14, 393, 396, 397. Piloceras, 64, Palxophycus, 2, 3, I4, 76, 78. Pinna, 463, 468. Paieopinna, 296. Pinnopsis, 285, 298. Palmeosolen, 295, 296, 297, 298, Pisania, 456. 307, 351, 353. Placenticeras, 434. Paleotrochus, 316, 325. Placunanomia, 450. Paleschara, IOI, io6, I07, 1O9. Plesiomys, 33, 35, 36, 37. Panenka, 269, 296, 351, 353. Plagioctenium, 449, 450. Panopea, 422. Platopsis, 424. Paracardium, 269, 298. Platyceras, 4, 163, I64, I66, 167, Paracyclas, 273, 285, 298, 299, 309, 316, 3I7, 318, 3I9, 320, 307, 353 32I, 40I, 404. Parastrophia, 29, 36. Platycrinus, 89, 94, 95, I98, 368, Parazyga, 205, 232, 261. 369. INDEX. 497 -- Platynotus, 70, 7I, I83, I84. Protocatostomus, 458, 459. Platystoma, 51, 54, IOI, i65, i66, Protorthis, 36. i68, I69, £77, 3II, 3I9, 322. Protozyga, 29, 36. Platystrophia, 36, I36, I43. Protypus, 7, £2, 13. Plectambonites, 33, 36, 127, 136, Psammocola, 445, 450. I5I- Pseudocarcinus, 474. Plectorthis, 29, 35, 36, x88. Pterinea, 45, 48, I57, z6o, i6i, Pleioptygma, 455. 265, 279, 283, 287, 300, 302, Plethomytilus, 291, 293, 300, 303, 309, 354. 30£I, 354- [243. Pterinopecten, £57, i6i, i62, 266, Plethorhynchus, 234, 235, 236, 267, 302, 303, 304, 354. Pleurodictyum, 194. Pterinoperna, 424, 425. Pleuromeris, 465, 468. Pteronites, £57, I62, 263, 283, Pleurorhynchus, 269, 300. 304, 396. Pleurotoma, 456, 459, 47I, 472, Pteroperna, 424, 425. 473- Pterotheca, 49, 57, 58, 75. Pleurotomaria, 5T, 54, 55, 57, Pterygotus, I86. I63, z68, I69, 3II, 3I3, 317, Ptilionella, 200, 201. 322, 323, 324, 325, 40I, 403, Ptilodictya, 28, 29, I03, 107, IO8, 404, 405, 406, 407, 414. IO9. Pleurotrema, 430. Ptilonaster, i96. Plicatula, 424, 450, 468, 469. Ptilopora, 372. Plunmalina, 190, I9I. Ptychaspis, 9, 12, 13. Polydilasma, 86, 87. Ptychodesma, 304. Polyphemopsis, 40£, 406. Ptychonema, 83, 85, 88. Polypora, I03, 105, rIo6, 107, Ptychoparia, 7, 9, 12. Io8, IO9, II3, I91, 200. Ptychospira, 380, 38£. Polytcechia, 33, 36, 37. Pugnax, 380, 383. Porambonites, I33, 136. Pyrenomceus, I62. Porcellana, 472, 473. Pyrifusus, 430. Porcellia, 326, 331, 333. Pyropsis, 430. Porites, I6, 17, Si, 86. Posidonia, I57, i6o. RACHIOPTERIS, I90. Posidonomya, I6o, I6I, I63. Radiolites, 424. Potamides, 430. Radula, 424. Poteriocrinus, 24, 25, 198, 367, Raea, 465, 468. 368, 369. Rafinesquina, 33, 36, 38, 39, I25, Prcecardium, 269, 300. I36. Primicorallina, 14. Rastrites, 22. Primitia, 66, 67, 338. Receptaculites, i6, 17, 78, 350. Primitiopsis, 338. Rensselheria, I36, 138, 207, 209, Prionotropis, 433, 434. 227, 229, 238, 240, 241. 193. Reptaria, 200, 20I. PrismIodictya, 192, Reptocelleporaria, 442, 462. Procyon, 478. Retepora, 28, 29, 5I, IOS, 1O9, Productella, 236, 237, 238, 239, III. 257, 378, 379, 38I- RetiQularia, 385. Productus, 237, 238, 239, 257, 26. 378, 379, 380, 381, 4I2, 4I3, Retiocrinus, 25, 484. Retiolites, 80, 8£. 344, Retzia, 125, 138, 377, 380, 381. Proetus, 70, I79, 1ii, 184, 54, 55, 56, 57. 345, 346, 347, 410, 41I. Rhaphistoma, Promacrus, 396, 397. Rhinidictya, £03, IO8, IO9. Proscorpius, I86. Rhinocantha, 456. Protariea, I6, 17. Rhinoceros, 458. Protaster, 98. Rhinopora, 28,'o8. Prothyris, 300, 354. Rhipidomella, I33, I35, 138, 231, Protobalanus, 336. 233, 240, 242, 243, 377, 380, Protocardium, 4I8, 450. 382. 498 INDEX.

Rhodocrinus, 94, 95, 99, I98. Sphaerexochus, I79, I84, IS5. Rhombodictyon, i6. Sphaerocystites, 98. Rhynchonella, II5, I19, I25, I29, Sphenomya, 280, 352. I38, 140, I41, I43, I49, I53, Sphenopteris, I90, I9I. 155, 209, 2II, 235, 237, 242, Sphenothallus, I4, 72. 373, 3SI, 382, 3S3, 389. Sphenotus, 273, 305, 306, 308, Rhynchospira, I25, I40, I4I, I53, 354, 397, 398. I55, 2I7, 242, 261. Sphvrodoceras, 337. Rhynchotrema, 29, 38. Spirifer, 3I, II7, I23, I3I, I42, Rhynchotreta, II5, I40, I4I,I42, I44, I45, I46, I47, 148, I49, 382, 333. I53, 203, 217, 2I9, 229, 231, Rhynconella, 373, 33I, 3S3, 389. 235, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, Rhynobolus, I42, I43. 25I, 252, 253, 254, 255, 35I, Ribeiria, 66. 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, Rissoina, 456. 4I2, 48I. Rcemnerella, 2I9, 242. Spirifera, I37, 247, 249, 25I, 385, Rostellaria, 429, 432, 456. 387. Rotalia, 353, 359. Spiriferina, 386, 387. Rusophycus, 78. Spirigera, 205, 254, 375, 386. Spirophyton, I90. SACCOCRINUS, S9, 96, 97. Spirorbis, 176, 4IO, 4II. Sagenella, io8, I57. Squalodon, 478. Sanguinolites, I59, 275, 277, 29I, Stalagmium, 424. 295, 304, 307, 309, 354, 391, Steganocrinus, 363, 368, 369. 393, 396, 399. Stellipora, iS, I9. Sao, 70. Stenocisma, 256, 373. Sapindus, 440. Stenocrinus, 25. Sarcinula, I6, I7. Stenopora, I7, I8. Sauripteris, 348, 349. Stenoschisma, I39, I4I, 148, 209, Sauritolepis, 348, 349. 1 2II. Scalaria, 432, 456, 472, 473. Stenotheca, 5, 6, 35, 58.' Scambula, 424. Stephanocrinus, 96. Scapharca, 445, 450. Stictopora, 27, 28, I05, io8. Scaphella, 456, 459. Stigmaria, I90. Scaphiocrinus, 367, 368, 369. Straparollina, 56. Scenidium, I33, I42, I43. Straparollus, i68, I69, 313, 314, Schizocrania, 35, 38, 4I. 3I5. Schizocrinus, 26. Strephona, 456, 457. Schizodus, 269, 273, 299, 304, 305, Strepsidura, 432. 306, 307, 352, 354, 39I, 396, Streptaster, 26. 397, 398, 399, 483- Streptelasma, x6, I7, 27, 83, 86, Schizophoria, I33, I42, 207, 231, 37, I94. 233, 244, 245, 377, 382. Streptoplasma, i6, I7. Schizotreta, I33. Streptorhynchus, 29, 38, 39, 41, Scobina, 468, 469. I35, I48, I53, 223, 256, 375, Scolithus, 6, I75, I76. 377, 386, 412, 4I3, 483. Scyphocrinus, 25, 26. Strepula, 338. Semele, 468, 469. Striarca, 445, 450. Seminula, 373, 382, 387. Striatopora, 86. Serpulites, 6, 7. Strigilla, 450, 45I. Serripes, 418. Stromatocerium, 22. Sieberella, I35, 137, I42. Stromatopora, 8o. Sigillaria, I90, I9I. Strombodes, I93, 194. Skenidium, I42. Strombus, 432, 472. Solarium, 453, 456. Strophalosia, 237, 239, 256, 26I. Solen, 297, 306, 447, 450. Stropheodonta, II3, II7, I25, I27, Soleniscus, 414, 4I5. I29, I48, I49, 150, I5I, 2I9, Spathella, 305, 306, 395, 397, 225, 256, 257, 258, 259, 26I. 398. INDEX. 499

Strophodonta, II3, II7, II9, I27, Trapezium, 424. I29, I5I, I53, 219, 22I, 223, Tremanotus, I63, 170. 225, 227, 235, 257, 258, 259, Trematella, III. 26I. Trematis, 35, 39, 40. Strophomena, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, Trematoceras, 336. II3, II9, I25, 127, I35, I37, Trematocrinus, 367, 370. I50, I51, I53, I88, 21I, 2I3, Trematopora, I7, i8, 83, 89, IOI, 2I9, 22I, 223, 225, 233, 235, 107, IIO, III, I12, 20I,.202. 257, 258, 259, 260, 26I. Trematospira, 141, 147, 152, 153, Strophonella, 38, 4I, 113, 125, 135, 217, 233, 260. I49, 150, I5I, I52, I53, 259, Triarthrella, I4, 15. 260. Triarthrus, I4, I5, 69, 70. Strophostylus, i68, I69, I70, 326. Trichiurus, 474. Styliola, 326. Triccelocrinus, 370, 37I. Subretepora, 28, 29, Io8, 109. Trigeria, I15, 205, 243, 260. Subulites, 56, 170. Trigonarca, 4I9, 426, 427. Surcula, 456. Trinucleus, 70, 343. Sus, 478. Triplecia, 29, 40, 41, 42, 43. Syncyclonema, 423, 424. Triplesia, 42. Syntrophia, 40, 43. Tritonidea, 471, 472. Syringodendron, 358. Trochoceras, I74, 336, 337. Syringopora, SI, 83, 86. Trocholites, 64. Syringothyris, 383, 386. Trochonema, 55, 56, 170. Trochus, 317, 432. TAPIRUS, 478. Troostocrinus, 371. Taxocrinus, I97, I98, 367, 368. Tryblidium, 56. Technocrinus, i98, I99. Tubulostium, 432. Teinostoma, 456. Turbo, 5I, 53, 56. Teleiocrinus, 363, 370, 37I. Turbonilla, 43Z, 433, 474, 475. Tellidora, 468, 469. Turrilites, 434. Tellina, 297, 308, 450, 45I. Turns, 455, 458. Tellinomya, 45, 47, 48, 49, 59, Turritella, 456, 458. X57, I59, I62. Tylostoma, 428, 432. Tellinopsis, 308, 354. Temnocheilus, 408. Tentaculites, 58, 65, I70, 171, UNCINULINA, 155. I75, 326, 327. Uncinulus, I39, 141, 152, I54, Terataspis, 339, 343, 346, 347. I55. Terebellum, 456, 459. Ungulina, 308. Terebra, 469, 472. Unitrypa, 105, I07, 112. Terebratella, 4I6. Uphanteenia, 360, 361. Terebratula, 2I5, 2I7, 221, 260, 350, 375, 377, 383, 386, 416. VASOCtRINUS, 367, 370, 3PI. Terebratulina, 416. Veleda, 426. Testudo, 474. Venericardia, 445, 450. Thaleops, 69, 70. Veniella, 426. Thallistigma, 201, 202. Venus, 450, 467, 468. Thamniscus, 87, 105, I09, 110. Vermipora, 86. Thamnodictya, 359, 360, 36I. Vertagus, 432. Thamnograptus, 22. Vertumnia, 303, 308, 35I. Theca, 6, 7. Vitulina, 260, 262. Thovana, 450, 451. Voluta, 453, 457, 458. Thysanocrinus, 96. Volutilithes, 458. Titanotherium, 460. Volutoderma, 432. Tornatella, 432, 453, 456. Volutomitra, 473, 474. Tornatina, 472, 475. Volutomorpha, 432. Trachypora, III, 194. Volva, 474. Trachytriton, 427, 429, 432. Volvaria, 473, 474. 500 INDEX.

WVAAGENIA, 37. YOLDIA, 423, 426, 467, 468. Waldheimia, I4I, I54. Whitfieldella, Si, II5, I31, I54. Whitfieldia, I I5. ZAPHRENTIS, Si, 86, S7, I94, 362, Wilsonia, I41, 154, 3S3, 388. 482., Zeacrinus, 370. XENOPHORA, 458. Zyg


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