FDA Takes up Dengue Bugs by RYAN Mccarthy Ing” for the Proposal
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Local Foreclosed Properties! See All Our z Commercial & Residential Properties Online... z Priced to Sell & Close Fast Then Call Me For A 305-296-1234Private Showing! z Financing Available Beth Grooms z Agents Welcome Sales Manager KeysIslandProperties.com WWW.KEYSNET.COM SATURDAY,JANUARY 26, 2013 VOLUME 60, NO. 8 ● 25 CENTS MOSQUITO CONTROL FDA takes up dengue bugs By RYAN McCARTHY ing” for the proposal. Doyle: Agency convenes panel to look spring would die before reach- had long been seeking a fed- [email protected] Doyle said during the dis- ing adulthood, hopefully caus- eral agency to permit the trict’s monthly meeting at genetically modified mosquitoes ing the wild breeding popula- trial, and found one last year Florida Keys Mosquito Wednesday that the U.S. Food tion to decrease dramatically. in the FDA. Control District Director and Drug Administration taking definite steps to evalu- dengue-fever carrier that County health officials “What they’re being Michael Doyle says an expert appointed him to the panel, ate the potential benefits and caused a 2009 outbreak of the confirmed 93 cases of dengue asked to approve is beyond panel convenes next month which is scheduled to meet risks of the technology, and disease in Key West. in Old Town since 2009 but the normal human health in the nation’s capital to dis- Feb. 19 in Washington, D.C. using known experts from The controversial trial there have been none since. issues that they’re experts at. cuss the proposed release of He didn’t have the names other agencies.” would release altered mosqui- Dengue causes bone pain and They’re organizing a group genetically modified mosqui- of other members and what the A British company, Oxitec, toes into the wild that carry a related maladies, but isn’t typ- of experts in other fields ... to toes in Old Town Key West, specific charge of the panel is. breeds genetically modified gene preventing them from ically fatal. which he said is “encourag- But he did say “they are Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the mating. If they do, their off- The district and Oxitec ● See Mosquitoes, 2A NORTH KEY LARGO MONROE COUNTY SCHOOLS Two suicides prompt review of protocols Adri Stewart, then-principal Safety levels to of the Key West Collegiate be examined at Academy on Stock Island, and the Jan. 13 death of 14- Monroe schools year-old Key West High School student Matthew By SEAN KINNEY Gilleran, who died in a hospi- [email protected] tal after shooting himself in the head two days earlier. Monroe County School Superintendent Mark District leaders are taking a Porter told the School Board comprehensive look at health at a Tuesday meeting in Key and safety issues in Keys West that he is reviewing schools in the wake of two campus security with law recent suicides locally and enforcement while simulta- headline-grabbing school neously evaluating each violence nationally. school’s method of dealing National discourse has with bullying education and focused lately on school safe- prevention. ty in light of the December One of Porter’s short-term massacre at Sandy Hook goals is to have full-time Elementary School in school resource officers — Newtown, Conn., where 20 Sheriff’s Office deputies children and six adults were assigned to schools — at all killed before the gunman three public high schools and An Ocean Reef work truck is used to lift a dead Risso’s dolphin from a canal in September. A delayed rescue attempt killed himself. Horace O’Bryant Middle drew a complaint from a dolphin-freedom activist. The Keys school commu- School in Key West. That’s nity also has been rocked Dolphin death triggers complaint with the Dec. 26 suicide of ● See Schools, 2A mammal officials. the situation correctly, given was being pretty evasive. A TRUE SPOOK Deepwater “They abandoned that the circumstances. [The MMC] boat couldn’t mammal found animal,” said Russ Rector, a “That is a large animal get close.” former dolphin trainer who that is difficult to capture,” Canals at Ocean Reef can in Ocean Reef now campaigns against dol- Fougeres said Thursday. “It be more than 20 feet deep, phin captivity. “Nothing was out of its [deepwater] Fougeres said, which com- By KEVIN WADLOW anyone did improved the habitat but it was swimming plicates the capture of an Senior Staff Writer outcome for that dolphin.” and diving strongly.” uncooperative dolphin about [email protected] Erin Fougeres, the The dolphin was reported 11 feet long. National Marine Fisheries Sept. 15, 2012. MMC volun- “It wasn’t like they could An offshore species of Service’s marine-mammal teers who responded includ- reach out and grab it,” she dolphin spent three Septem- stranding supervisor for the ed Robert Stevens, a veteri- said. “It was being observed ber days in Ocean Reef Southeast U.S., said volun- narian and MMC president. and assessed. On the [third] canals before dying, an event teer responders with the “We were giving it a cou- day when we were going to that triggered a formal com- Marine Mammal Conser- ple days to see if it would plaint to federal marine- vancy of Key Largo handled move on,” Fougeres said. “It ● See Dolphin, 2A KEY COLONY BEACH Vorick resigns leadership position Lula Vorick, 57, is alleged down from the secretary- confirmed that any City Finance chief’s to have stolen more $8,000 treasurer position after Vorick Commission officer could be wife is facing from the Glunz Ocean Beach delivered a brief finance removed from his or her Club Resort on Key Colony. report during Thursday’s position. theft charge She worked there as a long- commission meeting at Key “All officers serve at the time financial consultant. Colony City Hall. pleasure of the commission. By RYAN McCARTHY Jeff Vorick, who’s seek- “The city’s reputation, as Any officer can be removed [email protected] ing re-election to a seventh well as Jeff’s, needs to be with or without cause,” consecutive two-year term considered,” he said. “I hope he said. Photo by LARRY BENVENUTI Key Colony Beach City this March, is listed in a that Jeff would voluntarily The commission appeared Former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez speaks to the Friends Commissioner Jeff Vorick Monroe County Sheriff’s step down as secretary-treas- to want to avoid forcing of the Marathon Library Thursday about his experiences — stepped down Thursday Office report on the incident urer. Not because he should, Vorick out, so Vorick did it from the board’s secretary- but has not been arrested or but because he ought to.” himself. including being present at the killing of Che Guevara treasurer position in the charged with a crime. City Attorney Tom Wright “This is not city business, in Bolivia in 1967 and his covert involvement in the wake of his wife’s Jan. 14 Commissioner John De- reiterated that Vorick isn’t Iran-Contra Affair of the 1980s. The program was part of felony grand-theft arrest. Neale asked Vorick to step charged with anything but ● See Vorick, 2A the Friends’ weekly speaker series. INDEX Printed on 100% Classifieds . .7B recycled newsprint Dolphins In L’Attitudes Living . .2B CONTENTS © 2013 advance Who doesn’t love stone Business . .7A KEYNOTER PUBLISHING CO. Marathon High School’s crabs? No one, that’s who. Obituaries . .2A girls soccer team advances Get all you can eat this Opinion . .6A to the second round of the weekend at Key Largo’s Stone Crab and Seafood Sports/Outdoors . .1B regionals and plays at home tonight. Story, 1B Festival. Story, 4B Crossword . .8A 7786790 22222 2A Saturday, January 26, 2013 KeysNet.com Keynoter NEWS BRIEFS IN THE COURTS Vorick steps down Sanctuary panels meeting this week Mearns’ manslaughter from position Two working groups From Vorick, 1A sign a check for advance pay advising Florida Keys case is dropped and I asked him to use the National Marine Sanctuary but I’ll do what’s best for the same debit card for the rental staff on a new management n’t stumbling, she wasn’t a report that “prior to the city. If you want me to step car,” Lula Vorick wrote. plan get to work this week. Prosecutors holding herself up” in a crash ... Mr. Mearns picked down as secretary-treasurer, Jeff Vorick has said he has The Shallow Water Wildlife say evidence video prosecutors reviewed up Ms. Kogelis at her resi- I’ll do that,” he said. no work connection to the and Habitat Protection panel that was taken at a Circle K dence at approximately 6:30 According to the police Glunz Ocean Beach Club under Chairman Jack Curlett insufficient store before the crash. p.m. Mr. Mearns never left report, Lula Vorick “stole Report and was not involved holds its first session at 9:30 State troopers said Ms. Kogelis’ side, spending approximately $8,180 from with his wife’s work there. a.m. Wednesday at the By LARRY KAHN Kogelis was at the wheel of a approximately 5.5 hours with the Glunz Ocean Beach Club Later in the report, Lula Marathon Garden Club. [email protected] 1998 Ford Explorer just after her going to his residence [on Resort.” Vorick recants what she Ken Nedimyer will chair midnight and Mearns was Lime Lane], the Hurricane It details an Oct. 9 e-mail reportedly wrote in the e- the Coral Ecosystem Restora- A manslaughter charge her passenger. They were bar, the Circle K gas station to resort ownership in which mail. She alludes to health tion working group, which against a Marathon man traveling on a curved portion and, ultimately, the crash she admits her theft and issues that led to her being holds its first meeting at 9:30 accused of helping cause of Aviation Boulevard at the scene, where she expired” implies her husband was admitted to the Guidance a.m.