Appendix a Appendix E
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Appendix A Pla Appendix E Environmental Baseline Table E1 provides a summary of the issues scoped into and out of the LFRMS SEA at the scoping stage. For the issues that were scoped in, the environmental baseline for these issues is provided in this Appendix. Hampshire LFRMS SEA Environmental Report Appendix E 1 Table E-1 Summary of Issues Scoped into and out of the Hampshire LFRMS SEA Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Population and Population and properties Actions arising from the LFRMS will affect the Human Health at risk from flooding population and properties within flood risk areas Quality of life/social Quality of life is affected by flooding; more socially deprivation deprived communities are likely to be more significantly affected by the impact of flooding Employment Level of flood risk could have a significant effect on existing industry and employment. Noise The LFRMS will not have a significant effect on noise. The effects of any local flood risk management activities on noise would be considered further at project EIA stage. Tourism and recreation of Actions arising from the LFRMS could affect important national and regional tourist, recreational and amenity resources and could importance present opportunities to deliver recreational benefits. Material Assets Infrastructure Actions arising from the LFRMS have the potential to affect key transport routes within the study area. Biodiversity, International nature An HRA will be undertaken separately, the results Basic data collection on internationally designated sites Flora and Fauna conservation sites (e.g. of which have been incorporated into the SEA for the HRA will be included in the SEA to avoid SAC, SPA, Ramsar site) and Environmental Report. duplication. The SEA, HRA and LFRMS will be known supporting sites integrated processes and the SEA and HRA will be able to influence the development of the LFRMS. National nature Actions arising from the LFRMS could have direct or conservation sites (e.g. indirect effects on the features of nationally designated National Nature Reserves sites. The SEA will focus on those sites potentially (NNRs), Sites of Special affected (positively or negatively) by current or future Scientific Interest (SSSIs) flooding. The LFRMS has the potential to contribute to achieving favourable condition status of a SSSI. SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 2 Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Local nature conservation Locally designated sites of nature conservation sites (e.g. Local Nature importance may be affected (positively or negatively) Reserves (LNR)s, Sites of by current or future flooding. Where data is made Importance for Nature available on these sites they will be included. Conservation (SINCs) and RSPB Reserves) Nationally and regionally Detailed information on BAP species and habitats important habitats and should be considered at the EIA stage. species (UK and local Biodiversity Action Plan, BAP) Key habitat areas Flooding could potentially change the nature of habitats and therefore needs to be taken into account Soil, Geology Soils LFRMS measures could alter the extent or duration of and flooding and therefore have implications for soil Geomorphology quality. Impacts on soil quality could subsequently affect other environmental receptors that fall under other SEA topics, such as Biodiversity, Water (water quality) and Population and Human Health. Designated earth heritage LFRMS measures could have direct impacts on sites (e.g. geological SSSIs) designated geological sites by changes in flooding or erosion or sedimentation. SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 3 Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Geology The LFRMS will not have a significant effect on geology. The interactions between flood risk and erosion management and geology would be considered further at project EIA stage. Water resource issues linked to geology will be considered as part of the Water receptor where relevant. Geomorphology is considered under the sub-criteria of SEA objective 6: ‘ Minimise adverse effects on water hydromorphology and natural processes .’ Contaminated land Changes in water management could result in improved protection for areas of known contaminated land or landfill sites, or could negatively affect these sites, by flooding or erosion, which may cause pollution of water bodies and designated conservation sites. Land Use and Land use Strategic LFRM measures could be affected by, and Land have direct or indirect effects on, land use. Management Water Water quality LFRM measures could have direct and indirect effects on surface and groundwater quality Water Framework Although the LFRMS could have direct and The SEA objectives will incorporate the basic Directive indirect effects on water resources (surface and requirements of the WFD in their underlying ground) this SEA does not have the scope for a assessment criteria. See also ‘inter-relationships’ at the detailed WFD Assessment, which may need to be end of this table undertaken separately, depending on the findings of the SEA. Flood Risk Strategy and measures should mitigate flood risk Water resources Water resource issues linked to local geology (e.g. groundwater levels) will be considered where relevant. Overall water resources also need to be considered. SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 4 Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Catchment Sensitive Strategic LFRM measures provide opportunities to link Farming (CSF) with CSF initiatives to protect water bodies and the environment. Air and Climate Air quality The chemical of predominant concern for all Air Quality Management Areas in Hampshire is nitrogen dioxide, which is associated with traffic emissions. LFRMS strategy and measures will not be affected by or have a significant effect on air quality. Climatic factors LFRMS has the potential to enhance resilience to climate change, through reducing flood risk or environmental enhancement measures. Opportunities to improve climate change adaptation will be explored in the SEA. The Historic Historic Landscape LFRMS measures could potentially affect the character Environment Character of the historic landscape and also directly affect statutory and non-statutory historic buildings and archaeological features. Impacts on historic landscape will be considered within the SEA. Scheduled Monuments LFRMS measures could potentially affect Scheduled Monuments. Direct impact could result from the development or enhancement of defences. The impact on the setting of Scheduled Monuments should also be considered. Indirect impacts may be caused by flooding, although the significance of the effect will differ depending on the nature of the monument. Registered Parks and LFRMS measures may affect the physical attributes, Gardens character and setting of Registered Parks and Gardens. The SEA will only consider those sites within or bordering the study area. SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 5 Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Listed Buildings LFRMS measures may directly affect Listed Buildings or indirectly affect views and setting. Conservation Areas LFRMS measures may affect the character and setting of Conservation Areas. Other known and Non-designated sites and HER sites of national unknown features of importance, which may be particularly vulnerable or archaeological and/or that may offer opportunities for mitigation or heritage interest conservation. Clusters of sites that aren’t individually of national importance but are cumulatively important will also be considered. It is not practicable to determine the effects of the LFRMS measures on every known feature of heritage interest and therefore the SEA will not consider non- designated sites of local or regional importance. The effects on these features would be considered further at project EIA stage. The effects of local flood risk management on as yet unidentified heritage resources will be considered at project level assessment . Landscape and Designated landscapes Country Parks and Green Belts have been scoped The SEA will address impacts of the LFRMS measures Visual Amenity out of further assessment. on the AONBs, National Parks and county landscape character assessments, as appropriate. Assessment of impacts on landscape will help to guide and influence the choice of strategy and LFRMS measures. Wider countryside The SEA will address the impacts of the LFRMS on the wider countryside of Hampshire not covered by designation. It will make use of landscape character assessments for Hampshire and for the AONBs and National Parks to assess impacts. SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 6 Receptor/Topic Scope and Justification Scoped out Scoped In Inter- e.g. Water quality and Inter-relationships will be included where relevant i.e., where LFRMS measures give rise to the potential for relationship biodiversity; Land Use secondary or cumulative impacts. The WFD has been considered as an ‘inter-relationship’ between the SEA between the change and landscape; topics, as compliance with the WFD is influenced by impacts to ecology, water quality and above factors Quality of life and hydromorphology recreation/biodiversity SEA of Hampshire LFRMS Appendix E 7 Hampshire LFRMS SEA: Environmental Report 1.1 Introduction The data collected to characterise the baseline environment of Hampshire has been derived from numerous secondary sources which are referenced as footnotes in this report. No new investigations or surveys have been undertaken.