
Orbital evidence for clay and acidic sulfate assemblages on based on mineralogical analogs from Rio Tinto, Spain

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Citation Kaplan, Hannah H., Ralph E. Milliken, David Fernández-Remolar, Ricardo Amils, Kevin Robertson, and Andrew H. Knoll. 2016. “Orbital Evidence for Clay and Acidic Sulfate Assemblages on Mars Based on Mineralogical Analogs from Rio Tinto, Spain.” Icarus 275 (September): 45–64. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.03.019.

Published Version doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.03.019

Citable http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:34391777

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Jarosite (%)/Al-clay (%) = 0.74

Jarosite (%)/Al-clay (%) = 3.15

Goethite Muscovite/ Jarosite Quartz Illite RUSQ  RUSR # 1(+// -).2$/#*-- .+*) $)"- !' /) .+ /-!-*(/#-  RUSS +*2 - .(+' .2$/# $!! - )/+-*+*-/$*).*!%-*.$/ ) '='4ERR9RV9 RUST RWF<%*-+#. .- ' ' !*-/# +// -).) .*-+/$*). RUSU *-- .+*) $)"/*/#  *0' /! /0- - (-& 4- --*2.$)/# - !' /)  RUSV .+ /-+'*/.< RUSW 

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RT12 0.6 60 RT15 0.4 40

0.2 -DURVLWH ZW 20

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5 km 5 km 5 km


4 4 x10 Band Centers x10 Band Centers 4 Band Centers C 6 8 9x10 5 7 8 6 7 4 5 6 3 4 5

Counts 4 Counts

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Relative Amplitude Relative Amplitude Relative Amplitude 4 4 x104 of Absorptions x10 of Absorptions x10 of Absorptions D 2 2.5 2.5 Jarosite Al-Clay 2 Rich Rich 1 Counts

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