PETITION CAPRIVI STRIP: A SACRED TRTRUUUUSTST OF CIVILIZATION BETRAYED OR FFFORGOTTENFORGOTTEN UN DECOLONIZATION OBLIGATIONOBLIGATION???? ADVOCATING UNIVERSAL REALREALIZATIONIZATION OFOFOF RIGHT TOTOTO SELFSELF----DETERMINATIONDETERMINATION By Phil ya Nangoloh 1 WINDHOEK NANAMIBIAMIBIA DECEMBER 10 2013 1Phil ya Nangoloh is the founder and executive director of NamRights as well as a human rights practitioner. Formerly known as National Society for Human Rights (NSHR), NamRights is Namibia’s leading human rights advocacy and monitoring organization. NamRights is in special status with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as well as observer status in the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. Ya Nangoloh’s involvement in human rights activism began in 1971 as a student rights activist. His expertise in general international law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law formally began as an international human rights law student at the Rene Cassin International Institute of Human Rights at Strasbourg University, France, in 1992. Ya Nangoloh is a human rights researcher who holds two Bachelor degrees in radio and electrical engineering obtained in the Soviet Union (USSR) and United States of America (USA), respectively. He can be reached via Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] . This article has been revised on February 17 2014. 1 I.I.I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The first principal objective of this petition is to scrutinize how exactly Namibia has acquired sovereignty, if any at all, over the Caprivi Zipfel (“Caprivi Strip”) 2 and whether such acquisition is lawful under contemporary customary international law, customary international humanitarian law and customary international human rights law. 2.