,L SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 9'h MAY 2013 Minutes of the meeting of Salsburgh Community Council held in the Community Hall on Thursday gthMay 201 3 PRESENT H. Cox [Chair] C. Cox, 0. M'Avoy, N. McCann, M. M'taughlin, L. Pharo, J. Wilson, B. McLaughlin. .--


ALSO PRESENT Matt Costello - Local Regeneration Manager - North MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING I. Minutes of the meeting of Thursday 1-ltb! April BUSfNESS FROM THE MINUTES

MINUTE ALTERATION 2. Members were informed that under other issues [vandalism/concerns] listed the item relating to 'attempts by persons to gain access to back gardens at the sheltered housing complex' should read; 'Persons forced the gates at two rear gardens resulting in damage to the latch & hinge mechanisms'

At this point the chair decided to vary the order of business.

Members were informed that a meeting had occurred between the cornmun$ council and the NL - regeneration manager on the t8'h April 2013 where a number of issues were highlighted.

Matt Costello the local regeneration manager from North Council was then introduced to the meeting and the local development programme for Salsburgh among other matters was highlighted and discussed including;

Members were informed that the environmental improvements authorised by lrlorth Lanarkshire Council under the local development programme for the Salsburgh Community Centre car park are due to start by the end of May 2013. The improvements authorised by the local development programme relate only to environmental issues around the community centre and do not include issues regarding the community centre building, interior or faci!ities. Communitr centre car Park area. Shrubbery is to be planted along the frontage of the Main Street and alongside the fencing adjacent to the local coach depot at the east of the car park. A kicker rail is to be iristalted along the frontage to the Main Street where trees & shrubbery is already planted. Ground alongside the western side of the community hall is to be is to be tidied up and resurfaced with shaielgravel. The eastern side of the car park from the doctor's surgery to the Main Street is to be re-sloped. Matters were highlighted that the coach depot west of the community centre car park was obligated [under its planning authorisation] to plant various treeslshrubbery alongside its steel fencing to help lesson the impact of the industrial development that detracts from the visual amenity of the community centre located in a prominent position on the village Main Street.

1 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 9fi MAY 2013 Jubilee garden. The facing brick rotunda in the jubilee garden [Constructed around ten years ago] is collapsing and due to the cost for replacement the rotunda is to be demolishedkemoved and replaced by a smaller raised hard surface area to support the annual Christmas tree decoration. It was suggested that the very poor [cheap ?] facing brick used in the construction of the rotunda has suffered from weathering and due to its considerable fracturing and collapse the facing brick cannot be rendered, Members noted that the community council has recently been involved in discussions with various bodies regarding the upkeep and maintenance of the jubilee garden and has now confirmed that Council, along with the other bodies, are to be responsible for general maintenance of the garden such as grass cutting, fence repainting, tree repiacement and flower/shrubbery planting Mr Costello will contact Mr Gordon Douglas of the NL land management team regarding the rotunda. St Catherine’s well fKate’s Well1 The damage done at the bollards alongside the well lay-by by heavy goods vehicles parking at that location and knocking [several] of the bollards over will cost over €1 000 to replacehepair and due to current safety regulations the bollards would have to be placed further back from the lay-by and the roadside, accordingly there is no money available to undertake repairs to the knocked over bollards at this present time. Maintenance in the form of weed killer is to be sprayed along the full length of the footpath leading from St Catherine’s Well to the Kirk o’ including the directional viewpoints picnic site above the well [adjacent to the church car park] that the community council had constructed. Sheltered housing picnic area The community council are seeking to ascertain ownership of an area of ground on the Springfield Road near the sheltered housing complex with a view to amenity improvement of the area and possibly match funding to speed the process. Further informationlmatters are to be pursued. Doctor’s surgery entrance and disabled access Members were informed that the same type of facing brick used in the construction of the rotunda in the jubilee garden was also used in the construction of the raised entrance and disabled access area to the doctor’s surgery at the eastern end of the community centre and during a similar time [around ten years] period. Similar fracturing and collapse of the facing brick and the hand rail supports to the surgery are now occurring and various concerns were highlighted regarding the situation and possible dangers to patients accessing the surgery. Members were informed that it is the GP Practice who are responsible for the maintenance - upkeep and repair for the doctors facilities attached to the community centre and not the Lanarkshire Health Board nor North Lanarkshire Council. Members were reminded of the considerable time and effort [note various community council minutes & meetings spanning a previous three year time period] the community council had incurred with various bodies to ensure that Salsburgh retained a GP Practice at Salsburgh and the local community did not have to travel several miles to access a doctors surgery. Concerns were voiced that due to the dilapidation of the present surgery entrance various issues could arise that may impact on patients. Kinn Georsle V Field A number of recurring issues and dangers were highlighted regarding the children’s play area at the KG Field. Mr Costello will contact Mr Gordon Douglas of the NL land management team regarding the KG Field.

2 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - gth MAY 2013 Bonfoot Road The road condition and potholes on the Bogfoot Road were highlighted. Communitv centre A number of issues were highlighted regarding the lack of facilities in the community centre and the possible future use [Note previous minutes-14/3/13] of the centre as a community hub. Matters were also suggested that the over-painting on the centre facing brick should be removed and a more appealing entrance to the centre, including a replacement centre sign, be obtained. Ms Lorna Milligan is responsible for the facilities [community centre] management. Matt Costello was thanked for his attendance & input to the meeting. He then left the meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE North Lanarkshire Council


PENSIONERS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION 3. Members were informed that the community council had applied for [annual event] funding from the [3] elected councillors Ward allocation budgets towards the Salsburgh pensioners Christmas Celebration event and have received f680.00 towards the event. The CC sub group can now proceed to arrange this years [Xmas 20131 event.

CULTURE NL 4. Members were informed that North Lanarkshire Council have transferred the operations of its Cultural and Leisure Facilities to a new arms length [charity] organisation called Culttlre NL. The services transferred include responsibility of school facilities and operational management of community centres.

WIND FARM 5. Members noted the proposals of application notice for the proposed West Benhar wind farm.

WIND FARM CONSTRAINT PAYMENTS 6. Members noted [Newspaper & renewable energy foundation] reports regarding recent monthly constraint payments [f3.6million] to wind farm operators - the highest monthly total since September 201 1 and on Monday 2gthApril alone - f1.1 million to wind farm compan ies. Members noted that wind farm operators receive around f50.00 per MGh for producing electricity [paid for by consumers] for the national grid, while the wind farm companies charge [paid for by consumers] the national grid around f90 to f150 for each MGh of electricity they generate but do not supply [low demand etc] to the national grid. It was suggested that the considerable increase in the number of operational wind farms across and around the local area will increase considerably the constraint payments paid to wind farm operators when the winds do not blow or consumer demand is low. A number of issues were highlighted regarding the cost to consumers regarding the generous payments made under contracts signed with seeming indifference to the cost consumers are held liable for.

3 , SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 9* MAY 2013 COMMUNITY COUNCIL FUNDING 7. Members were informed of community council funding and the recent NLC report [circulated] relative to community council funding [administrative grant] for all community councils in North Lanarkshire. A number of issues contained in the report were highlighted and discussed.

COMMUNITY HEALTH 8. Following on from previous community council minutes relative to the health of the local community and various matters highlighted in NHS Lanarkshire reports, members noted newspaper reports wherein Craigneuk community council highlighted their concerns in the press regarding the health and life expectancy of their local community. A number of issues were highlighted relative to the Salsburgh community and what action is being taken by the authorities [NHS, NLC, third sector etc] to address perceived inequalities - deprivation, health, life expectancy and a number of other matters around Salsburgh.

SALSBURGH PHARMACY 9. Following matters asked of the community council relative to the planning application for a pharmacy to be located at Salsburgh members noted the following; An application by Salwan Pharmacy Ltd for inclusion on the pharmaceutical list of the Lanarkshire Health Board for a pharmacy at Salsburgh was deposited on 30thMarch 2011. A hearing was held and interested parties including objectors attended, a report was compiled and the following among other issues noted at the hearing; The application had the support of the Salsburgh Community Council, North Lanarkshire Council and the then ICllr Jim Robertson] deputy Lord Provost. A survey by the local MSP [At that time - Karen Whitefeld MSP] was conducted, 172 responses were received from Salsburgh residents with the following results, I69 persons were in favour of a Salsburgh pharmacy, 2 objected and 1 person abstained in the survey. Matters were noted [report] that during winter no snow ploughs travel through Salsburgh due to the road calming measures installed meaning that during inclement weather residents can have problems travelling out with Salsburg h to access pharmaceutical services. Salsburgh has a higher than average percentage of pensioner's dependant on carers and the percentage of households with one or more carets resident at Salsburgh are higher than the average for Scotland. The percentage of Salsburgh residents that are economically inactive or permanently sick or disabled sits at 14.89% - double the average for Scotland [7.44%] Salsburgh resident's general health registers "not good" at 17.8% while the Scottish average is 10.1, More local residents 29.1% have a limiting long term illness - Scottish average 19.1%. Mr Salwan [applicant] stated he had witnessed patients queuing alongside customers at the local Post Office to obtain prescriptions and assumed Salsburgh patients had grown accustomed to a second rate service.

Parties at the hearing and those making representation against the proposed application highlighted issues and stated among other matters; No Salsburgh residents had replied to an advert in the local press as supporting a pharmacy at Salsburgh. An application for a pharmacy should not be granted to simply increase the number of services in an area or to assist regeneration.


0 A collection and delivery service is offered by pharmacists [objectors] several times daily, acute prescriptions are always delivered on the same day and repeat prescriptions are delivered within 24 hours to Salsburgh. If patients in Salsburgh require a home visit or face to face contact with a pharmacist this is always possible.

Following the hearing the [pharmacy] committee agreed the existing services at Salsburgh could be deemed adequate.

The Salwan Pharmacy appealed [3Is'October 201 I]against the decision of the Pharmacy Practices Committee to refuse the application for a pharmacy at Salsburgh and the appeal chair noted - that the grounds of appeal did not disclose reasonable grounds for appeal. The appeal was dismissed.

Members noted (circulated] the Pharmacy Practices Committee report [Minute: PPCMOl 1/04] and the appeal [circulated] report to the National Appeal Panel.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS 10. Members noted various planning applications for around the local area.

WARD ALLOCATIONS BUDGETS 11. Following member requests for the elected councillors ward allocations budgets, members were informed that a telephone request to NL community council liaison for the information was refused. A freedom of information request for the information has now been submitted.

SMARTER SALSBURGH 12. Following the demise of the Smarter Salsburgh group members were informed that a residual balance of f500.00 remained in the group's accounts. The Smarter Salsburgh group committee decided to donate those residual funds to the community council.

HALL BOOKINGS 13. The community council is to submit an application for the community hall for community council meetings.

COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES 14. Following matters relating to obtaining a community council website members were informed that a number of monthly community council minutes are not available - have not been published - on the [link] North Lanarkshire Council website. It was suggested that the missing minutes are listed with a view to asking North Lanarkshire if they would like copies of the unavailable monthly minutes for publication on their web-site in the interests of openness and transparency. Matters were also suggested that the several MSP's and other elected persons should be approached to ascertain if they would like separate copies of community council minutes sent to them.

The community council meeting concluded

The next community council meeting will take place on Thursday 13'h June 2013.