Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India November 24, 2009

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Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India November 24, 2009 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Nov. 24 Even when that means sitting down while being lently in the streets of Tehran, the leader im- arrested, both as a sign that they refuse to retal- prisoned in her own home for her commitment iate, absorbing each blow without striking back, to democracy. It is the way of young people in and a warning that, come what may, they’re not Cape Town who braved the wrath of their gov- going anywhere. ernment to hear a young Senator from New They even manage to show love to those who York speak about the ripples of hope one righ- imprison them. As Jenni put it, “Many a time teous act can create. And it is the way that we’ve in effect conducted a workshop for our Magadonga Mahlangu and Jenni Williams and jailers, acting out the role of a mother and the women and men who take to the streets of teaching how the country can be rebuilt if we Harare and Bulawayo, Victoria Falls, because have love in our hearts.” they love their country and love their children When asked how they can endure so much and know that something better is possible. violence and what keeps them going in the face Bobby Kennedy once said, “All great ques- of such overwhelming odds, the women of WO- tions must be raised by great voices, and the ZA reply, simply, each other. And that may be greatest voice is the voice of the people—speak- Magodonga’s greatest achievement: That she ing out—in prose, or painting or poetry or mu- has given the women of Zimbabwe each other; sic; speaking out—in homes and halls, streets that she has given people who long for peace and farms, courts and cafes—let that voice and justice each other; that she has given them speak and the stillness you hear will be the grat- a voice they can only have collectively and a itude of mankind.” strength that they can only have together. Magodongo and WOZA have given so many They are a force to be reckoned with. Be- of their fellow citizens of Zimbabwe that voice cause history tells us, truth has a life of its own and tonight, we express our gratitude for their once it’s told. Love can transform a nation once work. So it is now my pleasure to join with Mrs. it’s taught. Courage can be contagious, righ- Robert F. Kennedy to present the 2009 Robert teousness can spread, and there is much wis- F. Kennedy Human Rights Award to Magodon- dom in the old proverb that God could not be ga Mahlangu and WOZA. everywhere, so he created mothers. In the end, history has a clear direction, and NOTE: The President spoke at 6:01 p.m. in the it is not the way of those who arrest women and East Room at the White House. In his remarks, babies for singing in the streets. It’s not the way he referred to Kerry Kennedy, daughter of for- of those who starve and silence their own peo- mer Sen. Robert F. Kennedy; Philip W. John- ple and cling to power by threat of force. ston, chair of the board, Robert F. Kennedy It is the way of the maid walking home in Center for Justice & Human Rights; and Presi- Montgomery, the young woman marching si- dent Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India November 24, 2009 Prime Minister Singh, Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, flects the high esteem in which I and the Amer- members of the Indian delegation, on behalf of ican people hold your wise leadership. It re- Michelle and myself, it is a great pleasure to flects the abiding bonds of respect and friend- welcome you to the White House. On behalf of ship between our people, including our friends the American people, it is my great honor in the Indian American community who join us you—to welcome you to the United States. here today. Mr. Prime Minister, yours is the first official But above all, your visit, at this pivotal mo- state visit of my Presidency, and it is fitting that ment in history, speaks to the opportunity be- you and India be so recognized. This visit re- fore us to build the relationship between our 1725 Nov. 24 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 nations, born in the last century, into one of ing out and standing up for the rights and dig- the defining partnerships of the 21st century. nity to which all human beings are entitled and For while our two nations have taken differ- showing that nations that respect the rights ent paths to reach this moment, ours is a com- and aspirations of their people are ultimately mon story. It’s the story of two proud people more stable, more secure, and more success- who struggled to break free from an empire ful. and declare their independence. Two bold ex- This is the India that America welcomes to- periments with—in democracy with Constitu- day, a leader in Asia and around the world. tions that begin with the same simple words: These are the challenges we are summoned to We the people. Two great republics dedicated meet in partnership. This is the progress that to the ideals of liberty, justice, equality, and is possible today and in the days and years the never-ending work of perfecting their ahead. union. And, Mr. Prime Minister, as we build our It’s the story of two economic marvels fu- common future, we can draw strength from eled by an ethic of hard work and innovation. our shared past. For it was exactly 60 years And today, our nations are two global leaders, ago, in a ceremony not unlike this, that an driven not to dominate other nations, but to American President welcomed to the White build a future of security and prosperity for all House the first Prime Minister of an indepen- nations. Mr. Prime Minister, as we work to dent India. And while the decades that fol- build that future, India is indispensable. lowed were not without their challenges, the As leading economies, the United States spirit of that first visit is with us today, the and India can strengthen the global economic same sense of possibility, the same hope for recovery, promote trade that creates jobs for the future. both our people, and pursue growth that is So as President Truman said of President balanced and sustained. [Prime Minister]* Nehru, it is my privilege to As nuclear powers, we can be full partners welcome “the respected leader of a great na- in preventing the spread of the world’s most tion of free people.” And as Prime Minister deadly weapons, securing loose nuclear mate- Nehru said of the work before them, may our rials from terrorists, and pursuing our shared two great nations “find many ways of working vision of a world without nuclear weapons. together in friendly and fruitful cooperation to As people who’ve known the pain and an- our mutual advantage, and for the good of hu- guish of terrorism, we can stand together, co- manity.” operating to prevent future attacks and pro- Mr. Prime Minister, Mrs. Kaur, in that spir- mote the development and prosperity that un- it, I welcome you to the United States of dermines violent extremism. America. As India becomes an increasingly influential global power, we can partner to meet other NOTE: The President spoke at 9:25 a.m. in the transnational challenges: developing clean en- East Room at the White House, where Prime ergy partnerships, confronting climate change, Minister Singh was accorded a formal wel- stopping infectious disease, reducing hunger, come with full military honors. In his remarks, and working to end extreme poverty in our he referred to Gursharan Kaur, wife of Prime time. Minister Singh. The transcript released by the And as the world’s largest democracies, we Office of the Press Secretary also included the can keep faith with our common values: speak- remarks of Prime Minister Singh. * White House correction. 1726 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Nov. 24 The President’s News Conference With Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India November 24, 2009 President Obama. Please be seated. Hello, honesty and integrity. I respect him and I trust everybody. Namaste. I am very pleased to wel- him, and I have happily accepted his gracious come Prime Minister Singh to the White House invitation to visit India next year. on this the first official visit of my Presidency. Now, this spirit of friendship infuses our very As I said earlier, this reflects our admiration for productive discussions today and is the reason the Prime Minister’s leadership, the deep we’ve made so much progress in recent years. bonds between the peoples of the United States We agreed to strengthen the economic recovery and India, and the historic opportunity we have and expand trade and investment so we can cre- to strengthen and broaden the partnership be- ate jobs for both our peoples, Americans and tween our nations. Indians. India today is a rising and responsible global Indian investment in America is creating and power. In Asia, Indian leadership is expanding sustaining jobs across the United States. The prosperity and the security across the region. United States is India’s largest trading and in- And the United States welcomes and encourag- vestment partner. There is significant balance es India’s leadership role in helping to shape in our trading relationships that I think is very the rise of a stable, peaceful, and prosperous important and reflective of the framework that Asia.
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