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(Jiews ^Gttgft \J lie uAlinety-uAlines. $nc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS (Jiew s ^GttGft International Headquarters — P. 0 . Box 1444 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AIR TERMINAL BUILDING — WILL ROGERS FIELD ---------------------------- SEPTEMBER, 1961 Renew-Deadline Sept. 30 President's Column New International Officers Greetings Ninety-Nines: It is an honor and a pleasure to greet you as your new President but it is with fear and trembling that I follow in Deedo’s footsteps. Just to be a member of the Ninety-Nines is an honor, and now to have the honor of being your President—the very highest honor that the Ninety-Nines can award to a member—I thank each PRESIDEN T VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY and every one of you for your sup­ Louise M. Smith Barbara Kiernan Barbara Evans port and confidence. I am looking for­ High Point, N. C. 124 Myrtle St. Manhasset, N. Y. ward to a busy and rewarding year, Boston, Mass. and will do my very best to justify your trust. Since several of you have requested Executive Committee a “Suggested Operations Procedure” for chapters, you will find in Pilot’s EUGENIA HEISE Briefing a suggested plan for the \ Milwaukee, Wise. year. It is not complete—just a tenta­ BARBARA LONDON tive outline open to correction and Long Beach, Calif. suggeston. RUTH DEERMAN El Paso, Texas “ It Can’t Happen Here!” Trustee, Amelia Earhart Scholarship TREASURER Group 11, North Carolina Wing, BRONETA EVANS Alice Roberts Civil Air Patrol, met on August 18, Minco, Okla. Phoenix. Ariz. 1961, at the Greensboro - High Point Airport. Colonel Farmer S. Smith, Commander of Air Forces Reserves, training program , especially in the briefed the members on the newly field of communications, search and formed Reserve Recovery Group. The rescue, and in providing aircraft for Coming Events program is purely and simply to pro­ practice problems. vide the United States Air Force addi­ September 22 - 23 “ It Can Happen Here!” tional airports in case of emergency. There are four airports so designated South Central Fall Sectional Denver, Colo. in North Carolina. The recovery Anyone in my area at. any time stop squadron is made up of fourteen at the Greensboro - High Point Air­ Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 teams, and will train in communica­ port, and call me. Phone 888-4931 or North Central Fall Sectional tions, air traffic control, de-contami­ 889-2287, High Point, N. C. Especially Chicago, 111. nation, personel processing, supply if weather in, you are invited to use and maintenance, engineering, trans­ lake, cabin and a “stocked” kitchen­ October 7 portation, intelligence, weather and ette within six miles of the airport. Michigan SMALL Race field conditions, crash and rescue, and Jackson, Mich. community relations. Colonel Smith May I remind you? September is emphasized that it is a big problem , the month for renewals. We now October 28 number 1,600. Let’s made it more and a real problem facing our coun­ Dallas Doll Derby and try. The Civil Air Patrol has the po­ Dallas, Texas tential and the opportunity of co­ Keep Flying! ordinating with and assisting in the Louise M. Smith \ \4\ m Amelia Earhart 60 plans arrived in an hour the action looked like one of those fast running Commemorative Stamp Keystone movies on one of Atlantic City’s hottest days. They were alert Jean Ross Howard of the Washing­ ton, D. C. Chapter has graciously and efficient and wish to express their consented to take over the project of thanks to the CAP cadets and Air the commemorative stamp, honoring Explorers for their valuable help and Amelia Earhart. The request for the assistance. publication of a stamp has now been Yours truly and Jewel Vom Saal on file about six years with the Post worked with Eleanor Loija on opera­ Office Department. According to the tions where we review all the geogra­ critera of the Citizens’ Advisory Com­ phy we had forgotten and nightly put mittee, who pass on such stamps, all our little chicks to bed across the Amelia Earhart will be eligible in nation via teletype. It was fun. 1963. Another girl who should get a gold star is Mina Elschner who worked so hard at transporting the hot, tired girls from field to hotel. N.Y. - N.J. A big hand and a loud cheer for our timers, Priscilla Wilson and Con­ SECTION nie Hahn perched like pigeons aloft the hotel roof, waiting for the flock to come in. They alternated with By Jeanne Spielberg This year I had the opportunity to work closely with the girls of our 99 Achievement Chapter on the Race Terminus Com­ Attention mittee and realize more than ever Award Winner NEWS LETTER REPORTERS the tremendous task involved in mak­ ing a success of this our annual event. Laura Drayton McGlasson was pre­ SEND ALL NEWS TO And this represents only the tail end sented the 99 Achievement Award at MARY LESTER the 1961 National Intercollegiate Fly­ 2051 N.W. 22nd St. ing Association Air Meet, College Sta. Oklahoma City, Okla. tion, Texas. Texas A&M was the host 1961 - 1962 Roster team. Laura also won third place in DEADLINE power on spot landing event and ton By the 25th of each month, ex­ The 1961-62 Roster will be in woman pilot award. She belongs to cept October and June, no News your possession in November the Minnesota Chapter of the 99’s and Letter in November or July. this year, but in order to do so, recently acquired a 49%er—James Headquarters will need to have HEADING McGlasson, former president of the prior to September 30 the follow­ Please head each page of re­ Western Michigan Flying Team. She port as to section, chapter, re­ ing: has a Commercial license and about 1. A picture of each NEW sec­ porter and page number. This 350 hours flying time. tion governor, international of­ prevents! mix-ups at printer's ficer and member of the execu­ shop with news from other chap­ tive committee. These should be of the preparation which started at ters. at least lV2” xiy 2” or larger in the take off point. CONTENTS a glossy black and white. Not enough praise can be given to Type double spaced, full width 2. Complete listings of section Kay Brick, Kathleen Hilbrandt, Doris of regular sized paper. If re­ and chapter officers, meeting Renninger, Louis Fairbank and Ena ports exceed one typewritten dates, etc. Please return forms Ayers who were stationed at the Ritz page, please number paragraphs to Headquarters as soon as pos­ Carlton registration suite most of the in order of importance. Unless sible. Let’s make these 100 per time and who were asked more ques­ numbered, the last paragraph is cent this year. tions from friends, relatives, news­ usually the one deleted if the 3. Notification of any changes papermen, hotel management and our occasion arises. Do not write on of address or name not previous­ own 99’s, than “ Information at Grand backs. ly given. Some members are not Central.” They had the answers too. receiving their Ninety-Nine liter­ Our sincere thanks to those capable PICTURES ature and mail because we are young ladies of the Wing Scouts from Color prints will not repro­ unable to obtain their correct King of Prussia, Pa. Bobby Prestas duce, glossy black and whites mailing address. stayed long enough to send the press­ preferably. Do not write on the 4. The names of any deceased men off with a good story of the backs, but attach names and Ninety - Nine members effective Race. Incidently at this time Bobby’s occasion to the bottom of the this past year. campaigning on Mitchell Field seems picture with scotch tape for re­ 5. Any changes, additions or to be paying off. She was stomping m oval in printing. Lim it: two for the use of Mitchell Field as a deletions in the "Articles For pictures per year for each chap­ Sale” section of the Roster. private small plane base. Kay Ma- ter. Thanks again to all of you for cario and Joyce Failing took over By following the above pro­ your wonderful cooperation this publicity where Bobby left off and cedure, you will make my task past year and don’t forget to did a fine job. and the printers a little easier. renew your membership prior Kamala Vass, Dorothy Gable, Doris Thanks a million. to September 30. Abbate and Irene Keith worked out Headquarters at the NAFEC Airport on impound. Headquarters and Editor Well, there were things to be done and Editor early in the week, but on Friday when Mary Lowry, Evelyn Bryan, Joan this Friday, so more can be added invited three prospective members Hrubec and Winnie Caughey between in the next issue. to meet the group—Beatrice Wilder, NAFEC and Ritz Tower duty. The air- I’m sure you members have had, Dickey Trent and Mrs. Bateman. We conditioning room was much more or are having, vacations we’d all like hope by the time this goes to press popular. to read about. Many of you spent your we can welcome them as 99’s. Our sincere thanks go to Rosalie vacation racing, working on the race, Others who enjoyed Virginia’s al­ Bracht and friends, Adele Bindfield, attending the convention, etc. Others, ways lovely hospitality and heard our Ruth Gwinn and Edith Kuzenko for like Beth Sturtevant and family (in­ chapter time keepers relive the race their very kind help when we needed cluding the dog) spent a delightful as it came through Lynchburg and them most. vacation driving to Canada.
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