April 2013 A monthly publication for the Rhodesian Services Association Incorporated Registered under the 2005 Charities Act in New Zealand number CC25203 Registered as an Incorporated Society in New Zealand number 2055431 PO Box 13003, Tauranga 3141, New Zealand. Web: www.rhodesianservices.org Secretary’s e-mail
[email protected] Editor’s e-mail
[email protected] Phone +64 7 576 9500 Fax +64 7 576 9501 To view all previous publications go to our Archives Greetings, The increase in applications to subscribe to this publication is overwhelming – every day we are getting new people on board. Welcome to you all. At the same time there are a number of email addresses which have gone dead. I have had a big purge of these dead addresses and removed them from our address book. It is far too labour intensive to go around chasing people who have changed their addresses. If you know anyone not receiving this publication, please direct them to our web page http://www.rhodesianservices.org/Newsletters.php where they can fill in the online form and get on our mailing list. Please note, this form is for people wanting to register or change address – it is not designed to be used for messages to me. If you want to send me a message, please do it by email. Thank you. Lastly – we require the services of a suitably equipped and capable person who can make up some bracelets from coins that we have. We need to have lugs and fasteners welded onto the coins and then we will arrange electro plating.