CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E903 HON
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May 13, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E903 and liberty who altered the course of his- Russia, Bob was attacked by some com- tate in Old Lyme, Connecticut to his office tory, a visionary, and always a kind and gen- munist deputies in the Russian Duma and in and little apartment in Washington. He erous gentleman. the communist press, as the evil capitalist spent his time helping people and advising Bob Krieble invented what are commonly who brought down communism. Bob's re- and supporting political leaders, institu- known as super adhesives where the bond is sponse was to fly to Moscow and hold a press tions, and influential individuals to do the stronger than the materials it holds to- conference to respond to his critics. He right thing. After a life of extraordinary ac- gether. This invention has made life better began by explaining that as much as he was complishment, Bob Krieble could have easily and easier for virtually every manufacturer, honored by their accusations, he felt that he chosen a life of quiet retirement. Instead, he hobbyist and homeowner on the globe. He could only take a little credit for the end of remained a vigorous revolutionary for free literally changed the way many things are communism. peoples and free markets to the end. put together, from engines to toys. Starting For all of his accomplishments and wealth, with $100,000 from family and friends in the Bob was a modest man who sought few crea- f 1950's, he built a billion dollar multinational ture comforts. In his travels in Eastern Eu- A TRIBUTE TO THE FORT WAYNE, corporation. He created tens of thousands of rope and the former Soviet Union, he rarely well-paying jobs all over the world. stayed in the first class hotelsÐin those few IN, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Bob was a distinguished chemist who did cities where they were availableÐbut pre- not forget that the scientific method has ferred to stay in hotels that could be af- HON. MARK E. SOUDER equal applicability to the political and eco- forded by the locals, which most of us Ameri- OF INDIANA nomic sciences. He was a successful entre- cans viewed as only one step up from camp- preneur and investor because he understood ing. In Washington, he drove a little Ford IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it is better to place your assets in those Festiva. After a typically hair-raising ride Tuesday, May 13, 1997 countries that are pursuing relatively pro- with him one day (Bob drove more like an Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, I think we all growth economic policies, and are moving eighteen-year-old than an eighty-year-old), I towards freedom rather than away from it. asked him why he did not buy a bigger and agree that it is helpful for us as a body to peri- Though not a trained economist, he under- safer car. He said, ``The less money I spend odically turn our attention from our business stood far better than many in the economics on myself, the more I have to give away.'' here in Washington to our constituents back profession that low tax rates, a low level of Bob was a man of great physical courage home. It is important that we remember what economic regulation and government spend- and energy. The day the Russian tanks were individual citizens encounter during day-to-day ing, sound money, and strong enforcement of shelling the Russian ``White House,'' Bob life, and most importantly, learn from them property rights and civil contracts do far was in Moscow. He walked to the Moscow how they meet these challenges. more to better the human condition than river embankment down below the building government transfer payments. He not only so that he ``could have a close look.'' Bob We are familiar with Habitat For Humanity understood these things, he acted to bring was a pilot who enjoyed flying acrobatic air- and the wonderful work it has done in fulfilling them about across the globe through his en- planes until he was well in his seventies. housing needs internationally. I submit for the ergy and his financial support of politicians Scuba diving was another of his hobbies. On RECORD a list of some of the students and fac- and institutions that were moving the world one occasion, a couple of the Novecon board ulty from Bishop Dwenger, Northrop, Canter- towards freedom and away from statism. members and I met him at the bar in the bury, North Side, South Side, Carroll, Paul There are literally dozens of pro-democ- Radisson Hotel in Moscow. There he was sit- Harding, Bishop Luers, and Snider High racy and pro-free market institutions that ting on the bar stool waiting for us, and after Schools in Fort Wayne, IN, who devoted 14 Bob Krieble generously supported, and in a bit, he casually informed us that he had many cases helped to create. For example, he spent the previous night in a hospital in days to building homes in the Fort Wayne was one of the key early supporters of both Minsk because of illness, but there he was area during these students' spring break. For the Heritage Foundation and the Free Con- ready to go to work the next day in Moscow. 12 hours a day, this group worked with profes- gress Foundation. In addition, he gave away Bob was a rarity among businessmen; he sional contractors on this labor of love. Since millions to help individuals who were in did not try to curry favor in Washington, yet 1987, the Fort Wayne Habitat for Humanity trouble all over the world, whether it was be- he was among the most influential of all chapter has built 32 homes. cause of personal hardship, or because some businessmen in the Nation's Capital. The in- These individuals didn't assume a govern- totalitarian thug was trying to suppress the fluence came, not just for his support of ment program was going to address the prob- liberties of the people. His wonderful family, members of Congress who agreed with him, wife Nancy, daughter Helen, and son Fred but because he was so principled. For exam- lem, they recognized a need and worked for a shared his values, and have been supporting ple, when the US Chamber of Commerce re- solution. I am proud to represent these Hoo- his work in their own right. versed long-standing policies against social- siers and share them with the Members of this When the conventional wisdom was that ized health care and tax increases, in a body as an example of what the future gen- the Soviet empire would go on many more short-lived attempt to gain favor with the eration looks like in Indiana. years, Bob Krieble saw the rot and decided to Clinton Administration, Bob Krieble was BISHOP DWENGER HIGH SCHOOL push the demise a bit faster. In the 1980's he among only a handful of Board members who began financially supporting many of the had the courage to resign in a public protest. STUDENTS dissident pro-democracy groups in Eastern Within a number of months he was again Dan Adams, Erica Aguirre, Ryan Aldin, Europe and the Soviet Union. He bought and proven right, as the Chamber's membership Amanda Ballard, Stephanie Bianco, Gina delivered to them computers and fax ma- forced it back to the principled position. Blum, Michelle Boicey, Joe Brownfield, chines. The US media, business, and political Many new companies around the world owe Amanda Brudi, Josh Butler, Liz Christman, establishment ridiculed him. Business Week their very existence to Bob Krieble. He de- Audi Coonan, Angie Cutigni, Colleen ran a derisive article entitled. ``The Quixotic lighted in helping new entrepreneurs, par- Delaney, Aaron Dailey, Mary DeArmond, Quest of Robert Krieble.'' Bob, of course, re- ticularly in newly freed economies. He un- Erica Dray, Sarah Dumas, Natalie Florea, mained undeterred, and as usual was soon derstood that without a vibrant private busi- Jenny Furniss. proven right, as the walls came a-tumbling ness sector in the former communist coun- Chris Grashoff, Nikki Halley, Becky Har- down. Bob not only fought communism and tries, democracy would not prevail. He often mon, Jill Hayden, Tom Hobler, Heather Hull, helped to speed its demise, but understood talked to me about the need to build busi- Christie Lott, Jenni Johnson, Cindy Jordan, that the destruction of communism was not ness partnerships in the transition countries. Katherine Kuhne, Kelly Keating, Katie enough. He realized that to have a safe, pros- As a result, he co-founded the Novecon com- Kearney, Kourtney Kindt, Melissa Koors, perous and free world, you have to have peo- panies with me in our attempt to create Darren Kraft, Koe Krouse, Kerri Kumfer, ple in place who understand democracy and profitable entrepreneurial partnerships in Amanda Kumfer, Russell Lauer, Steve free markets. He created the Krieble Insti- the former communist lands. His love of new Ludwiski. tute and spent millions of dollars of his own technology never waned. Just a few weeks Matt Lung, Matt Manes, Laura Mangan, money on building a network of influential ago, I took him to Novecon Technologies' Laurie Marqueling, Katie McCarthy, Krissi people in the former communist countries new little silicon carbide wafer plant in McGarry, Hector Mercedes, Jenny Moeller, and on political and economic training, to Herndon, Virginia, to meet with Gene Lewis, Andrea Moll, Joe Michaels, Tracey Neuman, help ensure that qualified people would be Jim LeMunyon and the Russian scientists B.C. O'Rourke, Jim Porter, Stece Preston, available to serve in the new non-communist who had developed the process.