Kazakh Doctors Transplant Artificial Heart with Donor Enhanced Bilateral
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+29° / +16°C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2018 No 15 (153) www.astanatimes.com Caspian Sea nations sign Astana to host historic convention WTO Ministerial Conference in 2020 Afghanistan and Liberia, the new- By Aidana Yergaliyeva est members, acceded the follow- ing year. ASTANA – World Trade Organi- “Coming from one of the newest sation (WTO) members confirmed WTO members, this is powerful,” the capital as the venue for the 12th said Azevêdo. Ministerial Conference (MC12) in The ministerial conference is 2020. The general council meeting WTO’s highest decision-making reached a consensus July 26. body that can make rulings on all Kazakhstan will be the first Cen- matters under any of the multilater- tral Asian country to organise a al trade agreements. The meeting, ministerial conference. The event held every two years as instruct- is anticipated in June, with the ed by the Marrakesh Agreement exact dates to be announced later, that established the organisation, reported wto.org. brings together all WTO members The mere fact that Kazakhstan representing countries and cus- offered its candidature to host the tom unions. Buenos Aires hosted next conference “demonstrates its MC11 in December 2017. strong belief in the multilateral The full list of items for general trading system,” said WTO Direc- council discussion can be found at tor General Roberto Azevêdo. wto.org. Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to WTO was created as a result of WTO Zhanar Aitzhanova thanked negotiations, and works through the members for their trust on be- opening dialogue amid the cha- half of her country. otic interdependence of the inter- “It is a great honour for a young national community. The signifi- independent state and recently-ac- cant work was done in 1986-1994 Photo credit: Akorda.kz Photo credit: ceded member to be hosting such an under negotiations known as the mile fishing zones adjoin the ter- Some of the fundamental principles Heads of state of Azerbaijan, the important meeting. We stand ready Uruguay Round and earlier nego- By Elya Altynsarina ritorial waters and are under the agreed upon include transforming Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkmen- to contribute to addressing all out- tiations under the General Agree- exclusive fishing rights of each the region into a peaceful zone of istan and Russia have also made standing issues to secure substan- ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). AKTAU – After two decades of state. Outside the fishing zones, good-neighbourliness and friend- statements on the convention. Naz- tive outcomes at MC12,” she said. WTO is currently hosting new ne- diplomatic efforts, the five Caspian the common water area remains ship; using the waters for peaceful arbayev later held bilateral meet- Kazakhstan, the organisation’s gotiations under the Doha Round Sea nations signed the convention unchanged; beyond the state lines, purposes; respecting sovereignty ings with each leader of the Cas- 162nd member, joined in 2015. launched in 2001. on the water reservoir legal status the freedom of maritime navigation and territorial integrity of each oth- pian countries. that had been in the works since applies to ships of coastal countries. er; not allowing the military pres- President of Azerbaijan Ilham 1996. In addition, six more docu- The countries agreed on freedom ence of third parties. Aliyev noted that the Alyak Port his ments were signed on various as- of transit to other seas and oceans Among challenges addressed was country launched in May will en- pects of cooperation. and foresee the possibility for lay- the sea’s proximity to the areas of sure full integration of traffic flows The convention and the agree- ing pipelines under the waters if political instability. In this regard, in connection to the newly opened Kazakh doctors ments were signed on the Inter- environmental requirements are Nazarbayev proposed a multilateral Kuryk multimodal hub. national Day of the Caspian Sea observed. agreement on confidence-building “Trade (between our countries) is during a summit in Aktau by Ka- Previous Caspian summits took measures in the field of military ac- growing and the cargo transporta- zakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, place in Ashgabat (2002), Tehran tivities. tion is increasing, agricultural prod- transplant artificial Iran and Azerbaijan. (2007), Baku (2010) and Astra- The Kazakh President invited the ucts supply is especially active,” The convention establishes the khan (2014), giving the political leaders of littoral states to explore President Hassan Rouhani of Iran rights and obligations of the parties impetus to the negotiation process the potential of the convention re- said during the meeting on the side- with respect to the sea, including its and stimulating the achievement of garding energy, transport and tran- lines of the summit. heart with donor waters, the bottom, subsoil, natural consensus. sit sectors, as well as proposed to He underlined that Kazakhstan Centre implanted a fully artificial resources and airspace. The Aktau summit was preceded optimise the tariff policies between has always been supportive of Iran By Aidana Yergaliyeva heart into 60-year-old Kunanbay The convention also settles a by the final 52nd meeting of Ad members of the convention. on international stage while com- Abrayev, who was suffering ter- long dispute over whether to con- Hoc Working Group and a Ministe- “We have discussed measures plying with international agree- ASTANA – Kazakh doctors minal stage heart failure. A group sider the water body a sea, which rial of the Caspian States where for- for multilateral cooperation and ments on nuclear issues. marked a historic moment in car- of specialists from CARMAT, a would make it subject to interna- eign ministers signed a protocol on signed trade, economic, transport “Although actively growing, diac history Aug. 1 by successfully French medtech company, and Air- tional maritime law and accessible actions to be taken upon the signing and security agreements,” Naz- our trade relations have large po- performing the world’s first ortho- bus created the one million euro by outside countries, or to consider of the convention. arbayev said at a press briefing tential to be explored,” said Presi- topic heart transplant on a patient (US$ 1.16 million) artificial heart. it a lake, which would require di- “The region has a unique culture, after the summit. He noted that all dent of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly with an artificial heart implant. “After the implantation of an viding it equally among its five significant human resources [of 240 parties considered the deal – al- Berdymukhamedov. The two lead- “This is a new milestone in the artificial heart, the patient once coastal nations. million people] and is rich in natu- ready dubbed the “Constitution of ers are to meet later this month in development of cardiac surgery,” again underwent a transplantation The dispute was settled by grant- ral resources; due to its location, the Caspian Sea” – from the point Turkmenistan to discuss the Aral said Vice Minister of Healthcare of a donor heart. Now, the surgery ing the water body a “special legal the sea also has geopolitical impor- of ensuring political stability, de- Sea. Alexei Tsoi at a press conference. is successfully done,” said Tsoi at status.” tance,” said Kazakh President Nur- veloping the region while preserv- President Vladimir Putin and In December, doctors at the Na- a press conference. The status establishes territo- sultan Nazarbayev at the summit. ing and enhancing its natural and Nazarbayev praised the state of tional Scientific Cardiosurgical Continued on Page A2 rial waters within fifteen maritime The summit participants covered bio resources. “The Aktau summit Kazakh-Russian relationship, miles, external borders become issues of ensuring security, prevent- demonstrated once again the abil- flourishing on “all directions, with state borders where each country ing emergencies and regulating mil- ity of Caspian Five to jointly solve especially close ties in economy, exercises subsurface rights; ten- itary activities of the Caspian states. large-scale tasks,” he said. military-technical and space areas.” Enhanced bilateral Kazakhstan launches a multimodal cooperation promotes transport hub on Caspian shores security, says Afghan ambassador prospects of trade and economic By Abira Kuandyk cooperation. It symbolises exist- ing valuable relations between the ASTANA – The main priority of countries,” he said. the Afghan diplomatic mission in Trade, security, and education Kazakhstan is to strengthen eco- are among the priority areas of nomic, political and cultural ties cooperation between Afghanistan between the people and govern- and Kazakhstan. ments of the countries, said Af- Trade turnover in 2017 was ghan Ambassador to Kazakhstan $564.8 million, with Kazakh ex- Kadam Shah Shahim in an inter- ports amounting to $562.8 million, view with The Astana Times. and imports amounting to $2 mil- Relations and cooperation have lion. expanded and will continue to im- Kazakhstan is important for Ka- prove, he noted. bul as its largest trade partner in “Last year, the President of the Central Asia. The nation exports Islamic Republic of Afghanistan grain crops and flour (67 percent), Mohammad Ashraf Ghani trav- food products (27 percent), lique- elled to Astana to attend the first fied gas (7.2 percent) and metal OIC (Organisation of Islamic Co- rolls (5.6 percent). Afghanistan, operation) Summit on Science and in turn, supplies various types of Technology. Afghan Chief Execu- fruits, nuts and other prod