Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 1979 Volume 17 No.2

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Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 1979 Volume 17 No.2 Volume 17 Number 2 April 1979 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-l,3-diol as a nitrosating agent for diethanolamine: a model study (/. Schmeltz and A. Wenger) 105 In vitro metabolism of [14C]rubratoxin B by rat hepatic subcellular fractions {P. D. Unger, M. Y. Si raj and A. W. Hayes) 111 The determination of respirable particles in talcum powder {R. S. Russell, R. D. Merz, W. T. Sherman and J. N. Sivertson) 117 Urinary silicon excretion by rats following oral administration of silicon compounds (C. M. Benke and T. W. Osborn) 123 Studies on the action of histamine release by persulphates (/. F. Parsons, B. F. J. Goodwin and R. J. Safford) 129 Comparisons of response of Fischer-344 and Charles River rats to 1-5% nitrilotriacetic acid and 2% trisodium nitrilotriacetate, monohydrate(A. L. Anderson and R. L. Kanerva) 137 Detection of mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in African smoked fish (A-. Mossanda, F. Poncelet, A. Fouassin and M. Mercier) 141 SHORT PAPERS Inhibitory action of the mycotoxins patulin and penicillic acid on urease (J. Reiss) 145 The ‘carry-over’ of aflatoxin,ochratoxin and zearalenone from naturally contaminated feed to tissues, urine and milk of dairy cows (B. J. Shreeve, D. S. P. Patterson and B. A. Roberts) 151 Continued on inside back co ver ISSN 0015-6264 FCTXAV 17(2) 105-186 (1979) FOOD AND COSMETICS TOXICOLOGY An International Journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association Editor L. G o l b e r g , Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology, P.O. Box 12137, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A. Assistant Editor A . M. S e e l e y , BIBRA, Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, Surrey Editorial Board R . J . L. A l l e n , B ren tfo rd P . G r a s s o , Sunbury-on-Thames B. A. B r i d g e s , B righton D . H e n s c h l e r , W urzburg D . B . C l a y s o n , O m a h a , N E P . M . N e v v b e r n e , Cambridge, MA D. M. C o n n i n g , C a rsh a lto n D . V . P a r k e , G u ild fo rd J. W. D a n i e l , Ingatestone I . F . H . P u r c h a s e , Alderley Park W. G. F l a m m , Bethesda, M D H . R e m m e r , Tubingen D . S c h m à h l , H eid elb erg Regional Editors on Editorial Board R. D e r a c h e , T oulouse for France Y. I k e d a , T o k yo for Japan H . C. G r i c e , O tta w a for Canada M . K r a m e r , F rankfurt for Germany D. L. O p d y k e , Englewood Cliffs, NJ for USA Honorary Advisory Board F. C o u l s t o n , A lb a n y, N Y R. T r u h a u t , P aris P . E l i a s , K a rlsru h e H . v a n G f.n d e r e n , U trech t F . J. C . R o e , L ondon J. H . W e i s b u r g f .r , New York, N Y A . N . 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