VW RABBIT *84 2 dr, 4 tpd, ac, atarao, 2 to chooM from, $4496. VW JETTA ’85 4 dr, at, ae, atarao, low ml, $8496. VW JETTA ’84 8 apd, ■nrf, atarao, aharp. $5M . VW JE TTA ’82 2 dr, 8 apd, caaa, 1 ownar, aharp car, $8498. VW JETTA ’85 4 dr, 8 apd, ac, caaa, aold & aarvicad hara, $7998. VW JETTA ’81 4 dr, 8 apd, caaa, axe. cond, $4898. VW RABBIT ’84 4 dr, 4 apd, ac, diaaal, low ml, axe. cond, $4998. VW CONVERTIBLE ’84 8 apd, ae, caaa, axe. cond, low low ml, $9498. VW TURBO DIESEL ’84 8 apd, anrf, ac, 1 ownar, add & aarvicad hara, $6498. VW JETTA ’86 4 dr, 8 apd,.ac, caaa, local car, axe. cond, $8998. iiaiirl»0lpr) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hfralft VW PICKUP ’81 Qaa, 4 apd, aharp truck, $2998. 30 Cents LIPMAN VW Saturday, Feb. 21,1987 ROUTE 83, VERNON 649-2638 BABY-SrrriNG m o m sees RVE KIDS DIE IN BLAZE — Turn to page 3 CARS I GET SPOILED Jl ig Like a Quality om CARTER S tUPERMVIMIS W.CMVETTE 4 cyl. 4 apd.. Radio, SS‘«»* 2 9 9 S 1 I. MWIEVIIUU 8 Auto, AC, P8, PB, P. I, Stereo, Crulaa, Tilt andau Roof. $ 0 2 0 5 T. OEAN PMX Firefighters carry the bodies of five children from a burned-out apartment in Willimantic Friday. AP photo B, Auto, AC, PS, PB, oat & Or. Locka, Sun * 4 8 9 5 WSKCTMIM Cops probe woman’s death Cyl., 8 Spd., Stereo Caaa., '«■ * 4 9 9 5 'MAGAZINE PULLOUT RCTION Missing for severai days ..
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