Congressional Record—Senate S1996
S1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 9, 2018 When it comes to tax cuts for big cor- REMEMBERING DANIEL KAHIKINA AKAKA Later he and Senator Inouye success- porations and the rich, deficits are no Ms. HIRONO. Madam President, I fully included language in the 2009 impediment, but now that these tax rise today in remembrance of Senator stimulus bill that provided onetime cuts are in place, I predict that deficits Daniel Kahikina Akaka. Senator payments for these Filipino veterans will once again morph into a dire prob- Akaka, who served in the Senate for 23 through the newly created Filipino lem, a scourge on the Nation, an excuse years and sat at this desk, passed away Veterans Equity Compensation Fund. for Republicans to target Medicare, on Friday morning, with his wife of Senator Akaka also introduced bipar- Medicaid, and Social Security. nearly 70 years, Millie, and his ex- tisan legislation to allow these vet- That has been the playbook since the tended family at his side. erans to reunite with their children Bush era: explode the deficit with tax Since his passing, people across Ha- and families in the United States. cuts for the rich and powerful, then use waii have shared their memories of and While this bill did not pass, President the deficit they created as a reason to tributes to Senator Akaka. Each of Obama established through executive cut Social Security and Medicare. their stories has a common thread— order the Filipino World War II Vet- Lo and behold, this week the major- Senator Akaka’s dedication to living erans Parole Program in 2016 to allow ity in the House will vote on a bal- with ‘‘aloha.’’ Senator Akaka embodied the children of these veterans to re- anced budget amendment—a way for the ‘‘aloha’’ spirit.
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