Congressional Record—House H3875
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May 9, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3875 We heard a lot today in the Oversight Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- There is something about having a and Government Reform Committee woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), little seniority in this House. I can re- hearing that was referenced earlier, ba- my distinguished colleague. member that of all the bills in this Na- sically about lazy people sitting Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I tion that came out of this House and around. I tried to alter the image a lit- am delighted, if I might say, to be with Senate—and I might say, joyfully, be- tle bit. I said: You can have lazy people Professor Raskin today, and I would cause I have been supported by the who get a paycheck in public housing like to use that terminology, or Con- Farm Bureau. I come from a State of and they spend all day watching TV, gressman RASKIN, but it means that he ranchers and farmers. We used to take tweeting, and filing for bankruptcy. gets into both the theory, the practice, pride in having that nexus between You have lazy people in the middle and the passion of an idea. That is farmers and the SNAP program and the class. You have rich lazy people and what teachers do. They try to instruct continuity of such. you have poor lazy people. their students to look at the holistic So here we are. We have breached it. Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, there are concept of a theory. We have blown it up for no reason probably some lazy folks in here, too. Mr. Speaker, the loss of food stamps other than to pocket the money for the Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, we are is not a theory, but it has passion in tax cut. not going to be able to eliminate lazi- the loss of such. It has a broad land- Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman ness, but maybe we can take care of scape of impact. It certainly has a the- for bringing us together. I ask my col- hunger in America so that kids don’t ory of which I don’t adhere to, and that leagues to vote against the farm bill, go to sleep without food. is that Americans who have asked for a because that would be standing up for Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Ms. hand up are the ones deserving of the maybe a better pathway of that bipar- ADAMS for her leadership and her brunt of an enormous tax cut that has tisan farm bill that we have had over strong voice on these issues. It is very created an enormous deficit that was the decades to make a difference in the impressive to see how hard she has not asked for by the top 1 percent, who lives of all Americans. been fighting. are getting the major aspect, or major Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I thank benefit, of this tax cut. Ms. JACKSON LEE for her really pro- As a member of the Budget Com- found and important remarks tonight. Mr. RASKIN for those comments. Mr. Speaker, I would close out our One of the reasons that I wanted to mittee, we took pains, the Democrats, session here by just making an obser- serve on the Agriculture Committee to parse through the ultimate negative impact of the $1.4 trillion-plus tax cut. vation about the importance of this was because of the issues that are im- During the Obama administration, SNAP question. pacted not only in my district but we discussed a corporate rate reduc- It is important legislatively because throughout this Nation. Having so tion. Many of us would have considered our friends across the aisle have bro- many people who are food insecure that on the idea of job creation, com- ken from a bipartisan tradition going gave us an opportunity, I think, to do ing from the early thirties, if you will, back a very long time now in the pas- good in this farm bill. It is my under- down to about the mid-twenties. We sage of the farm bill just to make it a standing that we have never had a bill did more than—when I say ‘‘we,’’ this partisan power grab and a push over that was not bipartisan, and I think we bill did 21, unasked for by any cor- everybody else in the body, but it also need to think about that. The citizens porate entity, which added, again, in- goes to the question: What kind of gov- of this country are looking to us to do sult to injury as it relates to those ernment are we going to have? Will what is right because it is the right families, disabled, and seniors, children this be government for the few or will thing to do. who are dependent upon these pro- it be a government for everyone? Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, in my dis- grams. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance trict, I have urban, suburban, and We have many Americans who are de- of my time. rural. I have urban places like Rock- pendent upon means-tested programs, f ville, Maryland; I have suburban places 70 percent. The supplemental nutrition like Bethesda and Silver Spring; I have program, unlike the 21 percent cor- HONORING THE LIFE OF THE rural places in Frederick County like porate rate reduction for taxes, is $1.40 HONORABLE ZELL MILLER Middletown and Carroll County. I have per person. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sort of the full gamut of America in my One of our colleagues in the other CURTIS). Under the Speaker’s an- district, and there is poverty in all of body, Senator BOOKER, as we all know nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the them. There are people struggling in who are familiar with him, and I think gentleman from Georgia (Mr. CARTER) all of them, just like there are people maybe we should join in that effort, is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- who have become very prosperous in all spend that much per meal, all of the ignee of the majority leader. of them. Members of the House of Representa- GENERAL LEAVE But our job, I think, as Representa- tives, because what we are dealing with Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- tives in Congress, is to keep the coun- today is the farm bill. er, I ask unanimous consent that all try unified and see what that beautiful, The farm bill takes to shutting down Members may have 5 legislative days magical phrase in the beginning of the the SNAP program and to cutting it within which to revise and extend their Constitution ‘‘We the people’’ means. drastically, and to ignore and remarks and include extraneous mate- For us to stand together in all of our underfund important programs because rial on the topic of this Special Order. magnificent diversity of ways of life we find ourselves in a predicament of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and different kinds of communities the deficit, the tax cut, and what objection to the request of the gen- that we have across the country, what choices do we make. tleman from Georgia? is it that binds us together? The decision to limit SNAP is not There was no objection. I think the goodness of the American limited to red States or blue States. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- people is that we are invested in the Eighty-five of the top 100 counties of er, I rise today to remember the life of success of everybody, not just this or individuals receiving SNAP benefits a former mayor, of a former Georgia that group, not just our business bud- are rural communities, and many of State senator, of a former Governor of dies, not just our partners, not just them are, in fact, Republican rep- Georgia, and of a former United States people in our political party, but we resented. Senator representing the State of are invested in the success of everyone, The disastrous changes to SNAP Georgia, Mr. Zell Miller. and that is our job. would jeopardize the food security of 42 Zell Miller passed away on March 23 Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, Mr. million people, including 30 million at the age of 86. He was born on Feb- RASKIN is exactly right. Hunger is not children, 4.8 million low-income sen- ruary 24, 1932, in Young Harris, Geor- a partisan issue. iors, and 1.5 million low-income mili- gia, in Towns County. He was born to tary veterans. Birdie Bryan and Stephen Grady Mil- b 1745 So in conclusion, I came to the floor ler. Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank today to ask the question: Why in the When Zell was 17 days old, his father Ms. ADAMS for participating. farm bill? died. His widowed mother raised her VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:37 May 10, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MY7.080 H09MYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H3876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2018 son and daughter, Jane, alone in Young At his funeral, Governor Miller’s he got two strikes on the batter and Harris. Located in the north Georgia grandson read a list of 14 life lessons had an 0–2 count. He said then he de- mountains, Miller’s mother built a that the Governor had written to mark cided he would call for a fastball.