Dear Client, Thank you for choosing . Your Alfa GT has been designed to guarantee the safety, comfort and driving pleasure typical of Alfa Romeo. This booklet will help you to get to know the characteristics and operation of your . The following pages contain all the indications necessary for you to be able to maintain the high standards of performance, quality, safety and respect for the environment which characterise this Alfa GT. The enclosed Warranty Booklet also contains the regulations, the warranty certificate and a guide to the services offered by Alfa Romeo. Services which are essential and precious because, when you purchase an Alfa Romeo, you are not only acquiring a car, but the tranquillity that comes from knowing that an efficient, willing and widespread organisation is at your service for any assistance problems you may have. Nature benefits in two ways: there’s no pollution from waste disposal and the demand for raw materials is reduced. Enjoy the reading. And have a good trip.

This booklet describes all the versions of the Alfa GT, so you should only consider the information concerning the trim level, engine and version purchased by you. 1 VERY IMPORTANT!

FUEL CAPACITY Petrol engines: only use unleaded petrol with no less than 95 R.O.N. Diesel engines: only refuel with diesel fuel conforming to the European specification EN590. The use of other products or K mixtures may irreparably damage the engine with invalidation of the warranty due to the damage caused.

STARTING THE ENGINE Petrol engines with mechanical : make sure that the handbrake is engaged; set the gearshift lever to neutral, fully depress the clutch without pressing the accelerator, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started. Petrol engine with Selespeed transmission: keep the brake pedal fully depressed, turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started; the transmission sets to neutral automatically (the display shows position N). JTD engines: turn the ignition key to MAR and wait for the Y and m warning lights to go off; turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.

PARKING ON FLAMMABLE MATERIAL While working, the catalyst develops a very high temperature. Do not park the car over grass, dry leaves, pine needles or ┮ any other inflammable materials: risk of fire.

2 RESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENT The car is fitted with a system that allows continuous diagnosis of the components correlated with emissions to ensure bet- U ter respect for the environment.

ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL DEVICES If after purchasing the car you wish to install accessories that need an electrical supply (with the risk of gradually draining ▵ the battery), contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services who will assess the overall electrical absorption and check whether the car system is able to withstand the load required.

CODE CARD Keep it in a safe place, not in the car. IT is advisable to always keep the electronic code on the CODE card with you in case emergency starting is necessary.

SCHEDULED SERVICING Correct maintenance makes it possible to preserve car performance levels and safety, respect for the environment and low running costs unaltered over the course of time.

THE OWNER HANDBOOK… …you will find important information, advice and warnings for correct use, driving safety and car maintenance over time. Pay particular attention to the symbols " (personal safety) # (protecting the environment) â (car safety).

3 Any queries concerning servicing should be forwarded to the showroom from which the car was purchased, the subsidiary company or to our branch offices or any point of the Alfa Romeo Network.

Warranty Booklet The Warranty Booklet is delivered together with every new car and contains the regulations tied to the services given by Alfa Romeo Services and to the warranty conditions. Correctly carrying out the scheduled services specified by the manufacturer is the best way to maintain the performance, safety characteristics and low running costs of your car. It is also necessary to maintain warranty cover.

“Service” guide This contains Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. The Services can be recognised by the presence of the Alfa Romeo badge and logo. The Alfa Romeo organisation in Italy can be found in the telephone directory under the letter “A” Alfa Romeo. Not all of the models described in this booklet are available in all countries. Only some of the fittings described in this booklet are fitted as stan- dard to the car. The list of available accessories should be requested from the Alfa Romeo Dealers.


The symbols illustrated in these pages show the subjects which should, in particular, be closely studied.


Warning. Partially or fully ignoring This indicates the correct procedures Warning. Partially or fully ignoring these these rules may lead to to be followed to prevent the car rules may lead to serious damage being serious injury. from damaging the environment. caused to the car which, in some circumstances, may cause forfeiture of the warranty cover.

The texts, illustrations and specifications given in this booklet refer to the car at the time of going to press. As part of our ongoing striving to improve our products, Alfa Romeo may introduce technical changes during production, therefore the specifications and fittings may be altered without prior notice. For details on this subject, please apply to the manufacturer’s sales network.

5 6 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 1 SYMBOLS your On someofthecomponentsmakingup bonnet. symbols ( listofthe ticular component.Asummary precautions tobetakenasregardsthatpar- labels bearsymbolsthatremindyouofthe coloured labelshavebeenattached.These Alfa GT fig.1 ) istobefoundunderthe , orneartothem,special G G E E T T T T A0A00621b I I N N G G CODE SYSTEM THE ALFA ROMEO engine bestarted. the keyandonlyinthisconditioncan word” bywhichthecontrolunitrecognises switch. Thismodulatedsignalisthe“pass- special aerialincorporatedintheignition bya transmitted whentheengineisstarted which modulatestheradiofrequencysignal of eachkeycontainsanelectronicdevice removed fromtheignition.Infactgrip is activatedautomaticallywhenthekey gine locksystem(AlfaRomeoCODE)which theft, thecarisfittedwithanelectronicen- To increaseprotectionagainstattempted T T O O K K N N O O W W Y Y O O U U fig. 2 R KEYS R sions/markets whereprovided). mote controlfunction. car ( – windowunlocking/locking(onver- on/off(if existing) – electronicalarm – tailgateopening – centraliseddoorunlocking/locking The keyremotecontroloperates: Two keysaredeliveredtogetherwiththe A-fig. 2 C C A A ) with metal insert andre- ) withmetalinsert R R A0A0002b fig. 3 emergency start up). emergency start codes (bothmechanicalandelectronicfor provided ( to sunrays. in keys,avoidlettingthemdirectlyexposed efficiency oftheelectronicdevicescontained senger’s doorlock versions/markets whereapplicable,thepas- Together withthekeysCODEcardis IMPORTANT – thepassenger’s sideair-bagdeactivation – driver’s doorlockand,uponrequestfor – theignitionswitch operates: The keymetalinsert fig. 3 ), bearinginprintthekey To guaranteetheperfect A0A0003b of having to carry outemergencystarting. of havingtocarry tronic CODEcardwithhim/herintheevent be keptinasafeplace,notthecar. The drivershouldalwayskeeptheelec- The codenumbersontheCODEcardmust fig. 4 CODE card. given allthekeysand the newownermustbe If thecarchangesowner, KEY WITHREMOTECONTROL tronic alarm and atthesametimeswitchingonelec- electronic alarm ing andatthesametimeswitchingoff ing ofthemetalinsert in thekeygrip fitted with: – abutton( – abutton( – abutton( – abutton( – removablehookring( – a metal insert ( – ametalinsert The keywithremotecontrol( E B D C ) forremotebootunlocking ) forpower-assistedopen- ) forremotedoorunlock- ) forremotedoorlocking A ) thatcanbeenclosed F ). fig. 4 ) is A0A0600b

7 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 8 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR vertently pressthebutton. pecially children,whomay inad- can neverbetouchedbyothers, es- for instance).Makesure thekey objects thatcanbespoilt(clothes particular fromtheeyes,and away fromthebody, in be pressedwhenthekeyis The buttonBshouldonly direction ofthearrow. pointed object(e.g.pen)andworkinthe grip, pressthebutton( tion switch senger’s doorlock versions/markets whereapplicable,thepas- To pulloutthehookring( To outofthekey bringthemetalinsert – thepassenger’s sideAirbagdeactiva- – driver’s doorlockand,uponrequestfor – theignitionswitch The metal insert ( The metalinsert A ) ofthekeyoperates: B ). F ) useafinely once. Pressingbutton( doors lockandthedirectionindicatorsflash by remotecontrol,pressbutton( tion indicatorsflashtwice.To lockthedoors button ( into place. ton ( pressing button( again. tomatically lockseverything or thetailgatearenotopened,systemau- leased, ifwithinthenext60secondsadoor ( al insert To unlockthedoorsbyremotecontrolpress On fitted with electronic alarm system, On carsfittedwithelectronicalarm – releasethebutton( ( – movethemetalinsert – keepthebutton( To inthekeygrip: themetalinsert insert D ) turns iton. ) turns C A ), thedoorsunlockanddirec- ) untilhearingtheclickasitlocks C ) turns it off,pressingbut- ) turns B B C ) pressed ) and turn themet- ) andturn ) thedoorsarere- A ) D ), the OPENING THETAILGATE (with the exception of certain markets). (with theexceptionofcertain tions arerestored,thesystem“beeps”twice twice. markets)“beeps” tion ofversionsforcertain control sensor, thesystem(withexcep- es offvolumetricprotectionandthetailgate systemswitch- tailgate isopenedthealarm single flash. flashing twice;closingisaccompaniedbya is accompaniedbythedirectionindicators ison.Openingofthetailgate electronic alarm remote controlpressingbutton( Closing thetailgateagain,controlfunc- isfitted,whenthe If theelectronicalarm The tailgatecanbeopenedfromoutsideby E ), evenifthe OPERATION around theignitionswitch. tronic transmitter, throughanaerialwound ted fromthekeywhichcontainsanelec- trol unithasrecognisedthecodetransmit- tions, anditissentonlyifthesystemcon- tween overfourbillionpossiblecombina- hibitor. andvariablebe- Thecodeiscrypted engine controlunittodeactivatethein- control unitsendsarecognitioncodetothe nition keyto tronic controlunit. deactivates thefunctionsofengineelec- STOP Each time the car is started turning theig- turning Each timethecarisstarted tothe Each timetheignitionkeyisturned position theAlfaRomeoCODEsystem MAR , theAlfaRomeoCODE and thecar’s ownershipdocuments. CODE card,apersonalidentitydocument you allthekeysinyourpossession, takingwith fa RomeoAuthorisedServices to amaximumofeight,applysolelyAl- tem controlunit.To memorisenewkeys,up code, whichmustbememorisedbythesys- thorised Services. chapter andthencontactAlfaRomeoAu- giveninthe“Inanemergency” instructions thecar,still notpossibletostart followthe the otherkeyprovidedwithcar. Ifitis againwith if thelockcontinues,possiblytry the Y IMPORTANT In thiscase,thekeyshouldbemovedto STOP ) on the cluster turns on. ) ontheclusterturns position andthenbackto Every keyhasitsown Every ( rectly, light theAlfaRomeoCODEwarning If thecodehasnotbeenrecognisedcor- Romeo CODE warning light( Romeo CODEwarning IMPORTANT MAR ; Turning onoftheAlfa cannot beusedtostarttheengine. sure thatanylostorstolenkeys erased. Thereasonforthisistoen- STOP theignitionkeyto off theengineturning it willbepossibletotestthesystem:switch ample foravoltagedrop).Atthefirststop, aself-test(forex- that thesystemisrunning elling withtheignitionkeyat vices. sists, contactAlfaRomeoAuthorised Ser- 30 seconds.Shouldtheinconvenience per- viously leavingthekeyat stays on,repeattheproceduredescribed pre- light in aboutonesecond.Ifthewarning onandshouldgooff lightturns the warning 1) If the warning light turns on,thismeans lightturns 1) Ifthewarning orising procedureare presented duringthemem- The codesofanykeysnot ; then turn theignitionkeyto ; thenturn Y STOP MAR ) whentrav- for over MAR : :

9 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 10 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR GRAMMED play ofthemessage:“C lighttogetherwiththedis- of thewarning on tifunction displayisshownbytheturning condition forcarswithreconfigurablemul- tected bytheengineinhibitordevice.This lightmeansthatthecarisnotpro- warning multifunction display, theflashingof 2) Forversionswithoutthereconfigurable ing light( play, theAlfaRomeoCODEwarn- reconfigurable multifunctiondis- memorised. immediatelytohaveallthekeys Services gether withthemessage“C warning lightturnsonagainto- urable multifunctiondisplay, the ing, orforversionswithreconfig- have thekey codesstored. to Alfa RomeoAuthorised Services tempted theft.Inthiscase contact Romeo CODEsystemagainst at- car isnotprotectedby the Alfa has notbeenstored,therefore the means thatthecodeofkeys ”. ContactAlfaRomeoAuthorised YTMNTPROGRAMMED NOT SYSTEM MAR, forversionswithout with theignitionkeyat If afterabout2seconds Y ) turnsonagainflash- D YTMNTPRO NOT SYSTEM ODE ,this ”, ODE - fig. 5 REPLACEMENT KEY BATTERY children. peratures. Keepoutofreach sure tonakedflamesandhightem- containers provided.Avoid expo- as specifiedbylawinthespecial retailers. of thesametypetobefoundc/onormal shouldbereplacedbyanewone battery on theremotecontrol,nothinghappens, If whenpressingbutton( They shouldbedisposedof ful totheenvironment. Used batteriesareharm- B or C-fig. 6 ) A0A0603b and lock it, turning thedevice ( and lockit,turning the biasiscorrect; tery holder( tery the openingdevice( ( metal insert – re-insert the battery holderinthekey thebattery – re-insert ( – replacethebattery – pressbutton( replacement: Battery – usingafinely-tippedscrewdriver, turn D B ); ) totheopenposition; A-fig. 5 C ) andpulloutthebat- E ) makingsurethat ) andmovethe C ). DESCRIPTION ELECTRONIC ALARM when theignition keyisremoved. system whichisactivatedautomatically tion isguaranteedbytheAlfaRomeo CODE volumetric protection. ing. Italsomakesitpossibletocutoffthe kets whereapplicable)andcentraldoorlock- ing/sloping ofthecar(forversions/mar- rais- metric protection),anyabnormal (volu- ies inthepassengercompartment cable cutting,thepresenceofmovingbod- tion), operationoftheignitionkey, battery doors, bonnetandboot(perimetralprotec- controls:theunlawful openingof alarm andvariablecode.Theelectronic the crypted the remotecontrolinkeywhichsends onandoffby ment clusteranditisturned by thereceiverincorporatedininstru- iscontrolled ric sensors.Theelectronicalarm ceiver, controlunitwithsirenandvolumet- IMPORTANT The systemcomprises:atransmitter, re- The engineinhibitorfunc- mission. code (rollingcode)changesateachtrans- trol sendingthecodetoreceiver. This fig. 6 key anditisfittedwithbuttons( The remotecontrolisincorporatedinthe ) that activate the corresponding con- ) thatactivatethecorresponding fig. 6 REMOTE CONTROL KEYS WITH REQUEST FORADDITIONAL documents. identity documentandthecar’s ownership taking withyoutheCODEcard,apersonal tact directlyAlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices, for anyreasonduringthelifeofcar, con- new keywithremotecontrolbenecessary with incorporatedremotecontrol.Shoulda The receivercanrecogniseupto5keys B-C-D- A0A0601b fig. 7 HOW TOACTIVATE THEALARM ing “beep”. warn- tected thesystemsoundsafurther fig. 7 led( flashing frequencyofthedeterrent a self-diagnostictestindicatedbydifferent locked. system soundsa“beep”andthedoorsare press andreleasethebutton( remote controlinthedirectionofcar, then sition (keyremoved),pointthekeywith the ignitionkeyin Engagement of the alarm isprecededby Engagement ofthealarm markets,the theexceptionofcertain With With thedoors,bonnetandbootshut With ) onthedashboard.Ifafaultisde- STOP or C-fig. 6 PARK po- A- ). A0A0005b 11 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 12 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR pressing thebutton( “beep” issounded,switchoffthesystem and door, bonnet,bootcontrol Self-diagnostic functions of thedifferentcountries. isadaptedattheorigintorules alarm led flashesthroughoutthisperiod. mode.The dicates thesystemsurveillance led( terrent Surveillance to contact AlfaRomeoAuthorised Services. tem operatingfault. Itisthereforenecessary system self-diagnostic hasdetectedasys- rectly andthecontrolsignalisrepeated, the trol. systemcon- will beexcludedfromthealarm bonnet ortailgatethatisnotshutproperly ing thebutton( shut, thenswitchthesystemonagainpress- the doors,bonnetandtailgateareproperly If, after engaging the alarm, asecond If, afterengagingthealarm, IMPORTANT After switchingon,theflashingofde- If thedoors,bonnetandbootare shutcor- A-fig. 7 C Operation oftheelectronic ). Otherwise, thedoor,). Otherwise, B-fig. 6 ) onthedashboardin- ), checkthat THE ALARM HOW TODEACTIVATE the following should be borne inmind: the followingshouldbeborne utes oruntiltheignitionkeyissetto the dashboardstayson(maximum2min- turned off the deterrent led( off thedeterrent turned cators markets): ception ofcertain system willreactasfollows(withtheex- fig. 6 IMPORTANT – doorunlocking. – twobrief“beeps”ofthesystem – twobriefflashesofthedirectionindi- To pressthebutton( deactivatethealarm ) ofthekeywithremotecontrol.The If whenthesystemis A-fig. 7 MAR ) on B- ) ble toidentifythetypeofattempt: Through thenumberofflashesitispossi- different attemptstobreakinhaveoccurred. thismeansthat thannormal, ferent intervals 9 flashes: 8 flashes: 7 flashes: 6 flashes: 5 flashes: 4 flashes: 3 flashes: 2 flashes: 1 flash: – iftheledcontinuesflashing,butatdif- alarm. at leastthreecausesof and siren connection linetosensors key cables bles orcuttingemergency ca- tampering withbattery cables tampering withcarstarting where applicable) ing (forversions/markets carlifting/slop- abnormal ultrasounds bonnet tailgate one ormoredoors TRIGGERED WHEN THEALARMIS tem resumes its normal control function. tem resumes its normal envisaged. markets. dependingonthe ber ofcyclesmayvary onds). Thewaysofoperatingand thenum- lights(forabout26sec- and hazardwarning causesoperation ofthesiren of thealarm sions/markets whereapplicable). MAR metric protection); for examplebreakageofwindows(volu- ing ofelectriccables; tailgate; into actioninthefollowingcases: Once the alarm cycle hasended, the sys- Once thealarm A maximumnumber ofcyclesishowever Depending onthemarkets,cuttingin carlifting/sloping(forver- – abnormal theengine(keyin – attempttostart inthepassengercompartment, – intrusion orsection- – disconnectionofthebattery – openingofonethedoors,bonnetor comes When thesystemison,alarm position); VOLUMETRIC PROTECTION tion keyat fromtheconditionwithigni- starting the followingoperationsinrapidsuccession: out ple, leavinganimalsinthecar)carrying roof (iffitted)mustbeproperlyshut. thesidewindowsandsun- works correctly key. the ignitionkeyat deactivated, anelectriccontrolcontrolled by 30 seconds. and keeptheignitionkeyat thatthefunctionhasbeen cutoff. firm board lightsupforabout2secondstocon- to then immediatelybackto stored. This way volumetricprotection isnot re- STOP erate thecontrol andmovethekeyto theignitionkeyto dows) turn The functioncanbecutoff(if,forexam- To makesurethattheprotectionsystem The deterrent led( The deterrent If, withthevolumetricprotection function To restorevolumetricprotection,movethe STOP in amaximumtime of30seconds. again, thenremovetheignition MAR , movethekeyto MAR A-fig. 7 (e.g. powerwin- MAR MAR ) onthedash- MAR and then for over STOP , op- , MINISTERIAL CERTIFICATION THE ALARMSYSTEM HOW TOCUTOFF and/or onthereceiver. code mayalsobegivenonthetransmitter ponent. numberisgiven onthecom- the certification which thetransmitterneedstobemarked, we wishtopointoutthatforthemarketsin country, onthesubjectofradiofrequency, key inthelock. the of thecar)simplylockcarturning ly (forinstanceduringprolongedinactivity Depending ontheversions/markets, In accordancewiththelawinforceeach To systemcomplete- deactivatethealarm 13 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 14 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 8 SWITCH IGNITION DEVICE powered. is deactivatedandallelectricaldevicesare lights). warning from thosesupplieddirectly(e.g.hazard excludedapart ing lockengaged,services removed, engineinhibitorengaged,steer- sitions: – – tooneoffourpo- The keycanbeturned STOP MAR : driveposition.Theenginelock : engineswitchedoff,keycanbe ( fig. 8 ) A0A0016b must bepressedfirst. PARK tomatically. ing lockengaged,sidelightsswitchedonau- be removed,enginelockengaged,steer- move thekeybackto engine. this positionwhentheengineisstopped. engine isrunning. which preventspassageto IMPORTANT IMPORTANT – IMPORTANT – The ignitionswitchhasasafetydevice AVV PARK position, button( : unstable position for starting the : unstablepositionforstarting : engineswitchedoff,keycan If theenginefailstostart Do notleavethekeyin To thekeyto turn STOP A AVV ) ontheswitch and repeat. when the travelling again. before Romeo AuthorisedServices have itcheckedoverbyAlfa ing downhill,engagereversegear. gage thefirstgear. Ifthecarisfac- parked onanuphillslope,toen- the handbrakeand,ifcaris companied. Remembertoengage er leavechildreninthecarunac- tally activatingthecontrols.Nev- occupants ofthecarfromacciden- ple anattemptedtheft) tampered with(forexam- the ignitiontopreventany ways removethekeyfrom If theignitiondeviceis When leavingthecaral- STEERING LOCK DOORS OPENING/CLOSING Engaging: FROM INSIDE – move the key to STOP or PARK, then Before opening a door, al- Front doors remove the key and turn the steering wheel ways make sure that it can – To open the door, pull the handle slightly to facilitate the locking action. be done safely. (A-fig. 10). Disengaging: – To close the door, pull it; then to prevent – turn the key to MAR gently rocking the opening from the outside, press the button OPENING/CLOSING steering wheel from side to side. (A-fig. 11) on the dashboard, the deter- FROM OUTSIDE rent led (B) on the button lights up with a yellow light to confirm that locking has tak- Front doors en place. Never remove the ignition – To open the door, turn the key (clockwise GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR key with the car on the for the driver’s door and, upon request for ver- move. The steering wheel sions/markets where applicable, counter- would lock automatically the first clockwise for the passenger’s door), then re- time the steering wheel is turned. move the key and pull the lever (A-fig. 9). This also occurs if the car is towed. – To close the door, turn the key in the lock in the opposite direction to the one for opening.

It is absolutely forbidden A0A0017b A0A0018b to carry out whatever af- ter-market operation in- volving steering system or steer- ing column modifications (e.g.: in- stallation of anti-theft device) that could badly affect performance and safety, cause the lapse of warran- ty and also result in non-compli- ance of the car with homologation requirements. fig. 9 fig. 10 15 CENTRAL LOCKING FRONT SEATS Fabric upholstery of your car is purpose-made to This allows central locking of the door withstand common wear locks. Only make adjustments resulting from normal use of the To engage central locking, the doors must when the car is stationary. car. It is however absolutely nec- be perfectly shut, otherwise locking is de- essary to prevent hard and/or pro- nied. longed scratching/scraping caused by clothing accessories like metal- With central locking en- IMPORTANT lic buckles, studs, “Velcro” fixings, gaged, pulling the inside lever for opening etc. that stressing locally the fabric one of the front doors causes the unlock- could break yarns and damage the ing of all the doors. A0A0602b upholstery as a consequence. In the event of a power cut off (blown fuse, battery disconnected, etc.) it is still pos- GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR sible to work the lock by hand. LENGTHWISE ADJUSTMENT (fig. 12) Raise the lever (A) and push the seat backwards or forwards; in the driving posi- tion the arms should be slightly flexed and the hands should rest on the rim of the steer-

A0A0019b ing wheel.

After releasing the ad- justment lever, always check that the seat is locked on the runners, trying to move it to and fro. The lack of this clamping action could cause the seat to move unexpectedly and cause loss of car control. 16 fig. 11 fig. 12 ADJUSTMENT DRIVER’S SEAT HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT DRIVER’S SEAT LUMBAR ried outonlyseatedinthedriver’s seat. height. and down)untilreachingtherequired ( lease it.To lowertheseat,pushlever until reachingtherequiredheight,thenre- wards, thenworkthelever(upanddown) comfortable position. comfortable B IMPORTANT To raisetheseat,pulllever( Turn theknob( ) downwards,thenworkthelever(up D Adjustment mustbecar- ) untilobtainingthemost ( ( fig. 12 fig. 12 B ) ) ) up- ADJUSTMENT BACK RESTANGLE TILTING THEBACKREST band” on the upper part ofthe handle( band” ontheupperpart clamped,checking thatthe“red is correctly the travellingcondition,makesurethatit its previousposition. makes itpossibletotaketheseatback forwards. is freetorun handle ( tion required. tomoveitandfro. trying the runners, cates thattheseatbackisnotclamped. is concealed.Infact,this“redband”indi- Turn theknob( to Once theseatbackhasbeenreturned mechanismwithmemory A recovery To gainaccesstotherearseats,pull Also check that the seat is firmly lockedon Also checkthattheseatisfirmly E ), thebackrestfoldsandseat C ) untilreachingtheposi- ( fig. 12 ) E ( ) fig. 12 ) fig. 13 CENTRAL ARMREST pressing thedevice( touseit,raisethecover,compartment, press thereleasedevice( the requiredposition. justable andcanberaisedloweredto Inside the armrest thereisanoddments Inside thearmrest To then adjust,slightlyraisethearmrest, fittedonsomeversions,isad- The armrest, B ). A ). fig. 13 ( ) A0A0023b 17 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 18 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 14 SEAT WARMING of theled( on theoutersideofseat. onandoffthroughtheswitch( is turned Switching onisshownbythelightingup versions, fittedoncertain Seat warming, B ) ontheswitchitself. ( fig. 14 A ) ) A0A0024b fig. 15 ( HEADREST ADJUSTMENT justed. the illustrationisonlytoshowhowitad- the versionsandmarkets.Thepurposeof dependingon headrest cushionmayvary place. the headrestupordownuntilitclicksinto rests areadjustableinheight. fig. 15 IMPORTANT To adjust,pressthebutton( To increasepassengers’safety, thehead- ) The configurationofthe A ) andmove A0A0604b fig. 16 ( REAR POCKETS applicable the rearofbackrest. for versions/marketswhere The frontseatsarefittedwithapocketin behind. tion intheeventofacrashfrom do theyexerttheirprotectiveac- rests onthem.Onlyinthisposition the nape,andnotneck, should beadjustedsothat Remember thatheadrests ) ( fig. 16 ) A0A0026b REAR SEATS upholstery asaconsequence. upholstery could breakyarnsanddamagethe etc. thatstressinglocallythefabric lic buckles,studs,“Velcro” fixings, by clothingaccessorieslikemetal- longed scratching/scrapingcaused topreventhardand/orpro- essary car. Itishoweverabsolutelynec- resulting fromnormaluseofthe withstand commonwear car ispurpose-madeto Fabric upholstery ofyour Fabric upholstery fig. 18 LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT EXTENDING THE passengers. of loaddependingonthenumberrear therebyofferingdifferentpossibilities parts, partially, actingseparatelyononeofthetwo totallyor extend theluggagecompartment The splitofrearseatmakesitpossibleto paragraph). high beams(see“Headlamps” is wisetochecktheheightof when travellingatnight,it load isplacedintheboot, If aparticularlyheavy A0A0605b fig. 19 shelf pullingitoutwards. thenremovethe tained inthesidesupports, Removing therearparcelshelf side oftheshelffromtheirhousings( eyelets ( theparcelshelf( supporting – freetheendsoftworods( Proceed asfollows: – releasethepins( C ) offthepins( A-fig. 19 D ); B ) pullingthe A-fig. 18 ) attheout- B ) ob- ) A0A0255b 19 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 20 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 20 ions, thentiltthemforwards; ( the support in of thecentreabdominalbeltisinserted back rest( are fittedintherespectivepocketson Total extension – pullthehandlesincentreofcush- – checkthatseatbucklesofthesidebelts Proceed asfollows: A-fig. 20 C ). ) andthetab( B ) A0A0623b fig. 21 tion, pressbothbuttons( ing them correctly withouttwisting; ing themcorrectly headrest pullingthemupwards; thenremovethe side ofthetwosupports, tain a single loading surface ( tain asingleloadingsurface toob- the backrestsandtiltthemforwards – raisetheheadresttohighestposi- – raisethelevers( – movetheseatbeltstosideextend- A-fig. 22 A-fig. 21 i.23 fig. ) retaining ) atthe ). A0A0607b fig. 23 fig. 22 buttons themselves. lease thebackrestsandtiltthem,use placed bybuttons(oneforeachside).To re- where applicable,theretainerleversarere- IMPORTANT For versions/markets 000 b A0A0608 b A0A0608 tion keepingthecentreseatbeltraised. click intoplace; wards untilhearingbothclampingdevices without twisting; tending themcorrectly normal position To bringtheseatbacktoits and tiltitforwards. withouttwisting; ing itcorrectly ing theactualcushion; dle atthecentreofcushion,thentilt- Partial extension – setthecushionstohorizontalposi- – raisetheseatbacks,pushingthemback- – movetheseatbeltstoonesideex- Proceed asfollows: – raisetheleverretainingbackrest – movetheseatbelttoonesideextend- – tiltthecushionrequiredpullinghan- extension,proceedasfollows: For partial fig. 24 ( HEADREST ADJUSTMENT the centre. level, itmayalsohaveathirdheadrestin for thesideseatsand,dependingontrim push theheadrestdownwards. position”, pressbutton( removed” position.To restorethe“nonuse “non useposition”andreachthe( fig. 24 To usetheheadrest,raiseitfrom( The carmaybefittedwithtwoheadrests All rearheadrestscanberemoved. ) A-fig. 21 1 ) and ) “all 2 ) A0A0610b moved” position. the headrestsshallbekeptin“allre- rectly. senger toraisetheheadrestuseitcor- position onthebackrest;thisforcespas- tentionally withtherearpassenger’s correct IMPORTANT in- headrestshapeinterferes The particular behind. tion intheeventofacrash from do theyexerttheirprotective ac- rests onthem.Onlyinthis position the nape,andnotneck, should beadjustedsothat Remember thatheadrests When usingrearseats, 21 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 22 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 25 CENTRAL ARMREST certain versions,loweritasillustrated. certain To ( usethearmrest A ), presentonlyon ( fig. 25 ) A0A0611b fig. 26 (where provided) RETAINER NET LUGGAGE porting lightmaterials. porting theloadand/orsuitablefortrans- arranging tainer net( Present only on certain versions,there- Present onlyoncertain fig. 26 ) ishelpfulincorrectly A0A0624b fig. 27 STEERING WHEEL lever fullyforwards. most suitableposition,lockitpushingthe pulling ittowardsthesteeringwheel. position inrakeandheight. After movingthesteeringwheelto To dothis,releasethelever( The drivercanadjustthesteeringwheel with thecarstationary. must becarriedoutonly steering wheelposition Any adjustmentofthe A-fig. 27 ) A0A0706b fig. 28 INNER ADJUSTMENT REAR-VIEW MIRROR mal orantiglare. ( violent crash,canbemovedusingthelever causes ittobereleasedintheeventofa A-fig. 28 The mirror, fitted withasafetydevicethat ) totwodifferentpositions,nor- A0A0039b fig. 29 Electric adjustment OUTER required (rightorleft); ly withtheignitionkeyat diate lockingposition. viously; selectedpre- four directions,movethemirror IMPORTANT – pressingthebutton( – usetheswitch( – positiontheswitch( Adjustment ispossibleon- A ) toselectthemirror A B ) intheinterme- MAR ) inoneofthe ( . fig. 29 ) A0A0040b fig. 30 Folding position ( movingitfrom it ispossibletofoldthemirror spaces) causesdifficultyinnarrow the mirror – Intheeventofneed(forexamplewhen distance. A ) toposition( ( ly altertheperceptionof itmayslight- ror iscurved, tion (A). should alwaysbeinposi- fig. 30 As thedriver’s wingmir- When drivingthemirrors ) B ). A0A0041b 23 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 24 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 31 utes. automatically switchedoffafterafewmin- rors. thereby defrostingand/ordemistingthemir- rearscreen heatingpressingthebutton( ing coilswhichcomeintooperationwith IMPORTANT arefittedwithheat- The electricmirrors The functionistimedand Defrosting/demisting ( fig. 31-32 A ) A0A0042b ) fig. 32 POWER WINDOWS is opened. deactivated immediatelythemomentadoor main activatedforabout3minutesandare STOP IMPORTANT or removed,thepowerwindowsre- With theignitionkeyat With A0A0612b Driver’ side fig. 33 to raiseit. with theignitionkeyat tons thatcontrolthefollowingwindows, Press thebuttontolowerwindow. Pull B A The driver’s doorpanelcontainsthebut- - rightfrontwindow. - leftfrontwindow ( fig. 33 MAR ) : A0A0043b for windowopening. “automatic continuousoperation”devicejust again. Thepassengerwindowisfittedwith ofthebutton ther theupperorlowerpart stops intherequiredpositionbypressingei- and continueautomatically:thewindow ofthebuttonwillcauseittomove lower part the window. Abriefpressontheupperor eration” deviceforbothloweringandraising is fittedwiththe“continuousautomaticop- IMPORTANT The driver’s powerwindow fig. 34 Passenger’s side objects drawnorknockedbythem. moving windowsorbypersonal risk ofharmeitherdirectlybythe passengers arenotexposedtothe operation, alwaysmakesurethat as thatdescribedfordriver’s side. side window. Button andwindowoperationisthesame The button( ous. Beforeandduringits er windowscanbedanger- Improper useofthepow- A ) controlsthepassenger’s ( fig. 34 ) A0A0044b to thepassengersincar. cidentally andconstitutingadanger power windowsbeingoperatedac- of thecartoprevent tion keywhengettingout Always removetheigni- lowered. is completelyraisedor pressed whenthewindow Do notkeepthebutton 25 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 26 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR tomatism shallberestored. trol unitprotectionfuses),windowau- orreplacingthepowerwindowcon- battery unit power(replacingordisconnectingthe offcontrol where applicable,afterturning opening. for about2secondswillobtainwindow keeping theremotecontrolbuttonpressed IMPORTANT For allversions,afterunlockingthedoors, For versions/markets ating thewindowsinautomatic. 2 alsoforthepassenger’s side; 3 secondsafterfullclosing; keeping the 3 secondsafterfullopening; keeping the 4. 3. 2. 1. Proceed asfollowswith check forproperinitialisationbyoper- close completelythedriver’s window proceed asdescribedinpoints1and open completelythedriver’s window button pressed button pressed doors closed for atleast for atleast : fig. 35 USING THESEAT BELTS SEAT BELTS stretch, thenpullitoutagainwithoutjerking. At removal,ifitjams,letrewindforashort buckle ( straight andrestedagainsttheseatback. tongue ( To fastentheseatbelts: keepingthechest The beltshouldbeworn B A-fig. 35 ), untilhearingthelockingclick. ) and insert itintothe ) andinsert hold the A0A0045b nering athighspeed. car brakessharply, inacollisionorwhencor- bing comingoutwhenitisjerkedorifthe mal. Thereelmechanismpreventstheweb- the reelmechanismmayblock;thisisnor- movement. passenger wearingit,allowingfreedomof belt automaticallyadaptstothebodyof vent itfromtwisting.Throughthereel, with yourhandwhileitisrewinding,topre- button ( When thecarisparkedonasteepslope To unfastentheseatbelts: C-fig. 35 when travelling. Never pressbutton(C) ). Guidetheseatbelt fig. 36 ADJUSTMENT FRONT SEAT BELT HEIGHT lower orraisethegrip( just theheightofbelts. ent positionswhichmakeitpossibletoad- shoulder andtheneck. belt passeshalfwaybetweentheendof event ofacrash. inthe stantially reducingtheriskofinjury precaution improvestheireffectivenesssub- ing ittothepersonwhoiswearingit.This To adjust,pressbutton( The frontseatbeltringcantake4differ- adjustmentisobtainedwhenthe Correct Always adjusttheheightofbeltsadapt- press B ). A-fig. 36 ) and A0A0685b sitions. take placeatoneofthepresetpo- device tocatchifreleasedidnot ther pressuretoallowtheanchor button (A)released,exertafur- tions provided.To dothis,withthe chored inoneoftheposi- check thatthesliderisan- stationary. belt heightwhenthecaris After adjustment,always Always adjusttheseat 27 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 28 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 37 REAR BELTS into thebucklehousing( thetongue( twisting, theninsert its reelandguidethetapetopreventitfrom To fastenthebelt:gentlypullbeltfrom To unfastentheseatbelts,pressbutton( B ). A-fig. 37 E ). ) A0A0686b fig. 38 to theoccupantsoffrontseats. great personalrisk,butconstituteadanger a seatbeltnotonlysubjectthemselvesto pying therearseatswhoarenotwearing event ofanaccident,anypassengersoccu- kets onwhichitisrequired. installed onrequestonlyforversions/mar- “Boot extension”. tening. To tiltthebackrestseeparagraph fig. 38 IMPORTANT IMPORTANT Rear seat belts shall be worn asshownin Rear seatbeltsshallbeworn . Fig. 39 The centrerearseatbeltis Remember that,inthe shows improperbeltfas- A0A0386b fig. 39 PRE-TENSIONING DEVICES heres snuglytowearer’s chestandhips. maximum protectionwhentheseatbeltad- ually. drawn backupevenwhenguidingitman- theseatbelt cannot be vice hasintervened; the restrainingactionbegins. the seatbeltadherestowearerbefore centimetres. Inthiswaytheyensurethat a sensorandrewindtheseatbeltsfew being subjecttoaviolentimpactbywayof vices. Thesedevices“feel”thatthecaris belts, thecarisfittedwithpre-tensioningde- IMPORTANT The seatbeltlockstoindicatethatthede- To increasetheefficiencyoffrontseat The pretensionerwillgive A0A0387b proaches. as this dateap- rised Service changed atanAlfaRomeo Autho- sticker; thepretensionersshould be from thedateofproduction onthe validity ofthedeviceis10years vices tohavethemreplaced.The contact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedSer- they havebeentriggered only beusedonce.After Pre-tensioning devicescan mud, itmustbereplaced. the devicehasbeenaffectedbywaterand natural events(floods,highwaves,etc.), retractor effectiveness.If,duetounusual cation toitsoriginalfeatureswillnullifythe no maintenanceorlubrication.Anymodifi- way toxicandpresentsnofirehazard. small amountofsmoke.Thissmokeisinno The emergencytensioningretractorneeds Pretensioner activationmayproducea Authorised Services. need assistance,gotoAlfaRomeo the pretensioner. If,however, you ments etc.donothaveanyeffecton jolting causedbymountingpave- rough roadsurfacesoraccidental ger offthedevice.Vibrationsfrom pretensioners maydamageortrig- mum of6hours)inthearea (above 100°Cforamaxi- ing, vibrationsorheating Operations involvingbang- LOAD LIMITERS straining actionincaseofacrash. the shouldersandchestduringbeltre- such awayastodosetheforceactingon load limiterwhichallowscontrolledsagin (where provided)seatbeltreelscontaina event ofanaccident,thefrontandrear To increasepassengers’protectioninthe fig. 40 BELTS FOR THEUSEOFSEAT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS lustrated in so thatitpassesundertheabdomen(asil- lowdown ofthebeltvery tion thelowerpart belt. Pregnantwomenmustofcourseposi- childiftheyarewearing aseat the unborn of accidentisgreatlyreducedforthemand inthecase tant mothers:theriskofinjury wearing ofseatbelts. respect thelocaltrafficlawsregarding Seat belts are also to be worn byexpec- Seat beltsarealsotobeworn Always fastentheseatbeltsbeforestarting. All theoccupantsofcarareobligedto fig. 40 ). A0A0675b 29 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 30 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 41 belts awayfromthebody. devices (clips,stoppers,etc.)whichkeepthe across the( mustrestacrossthepelvisandnot lower part shoulder anddiagonallyacrossthechest.The mustpassoverthe twisted. Theupperpart IMPORTANT fig. 41 A0A0673b The seatbeltmustnotbe ) stomach.Donotuse body. ( your kneeusingasingleseatbeltforboth childrenon only byoneperson:donotcarry fig. 42 IMPORTANT ). Donotfastenotherobjectstothe Each seatbeltshallbeworn death inthecaseofaccident. or creases theriskofseriousinjury Travelling withoutseatbeltin- in boththefrontandrearpositions! Seat beltsshouldalwaysbeworn ing welltothechestandpelvis. sition possible,andthebeltadher- seat backrestinthestraightestpo- recommended tokeepthe gree ofprotection,youare To ensurethehighestde- fig. 42 Alfa RomeoAuthorisedService. rised personnel.Alwayscontactan carried outbyqualifiedandautho- moved. Anyoperationshouldbe sioner betamperedwithorre- the seatbeltandpreten- should thecomponentsof Under nocircumstances A0A0051b have lostitsresilience. are notdetected,asthebeltmay ing devices,evenifvisibledefects their screws,andthepretension- gether withtheattachmentsand must becompletelyreplacedto- ample duringanaccident,it subjected toshock,forex- If theseatbelthasbeen CONDITIONS ALWAYS INEFFICIENT HOW TOKEEPTHESEAT BELTS might weakenthefibres; or dyesanyotherchemicalsubstancethat shade. Neverusestringdetergents,bleach inthe neutral soap,rinseandleavetodry belts ifpretensionershavebeenactivated; appear damaged.Alwaysreplacetheseat atthattime,evenifitdoesnot being worn withoutimpediments; is freetorun taut andnevertwisted;makesurethatit thefollowing: conditions, observe – tocleanthebelts,washbyhandwith – afteraseriousaccident,replacethebelt – alwaysusethebeltswithtapewell To keeptheseatbeltsalwaysinefficient cant wearorcutsigns. ter doesnotgetinside; operationisonlyguaranteedifwa- correct – replacetheseatbeltifitshowssignifi- – preventthereelsfromgettingwet:their 31 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 32 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR CHILDREN SAFELY CARRYING straint systemsintofivegroups: to makingthemcompulsory, subdividesre- pean StandardECE-R44,which in addition tection forachildaresummarisedinEuro- essary, otherthanadultseatbelts. restraintsystemsarenec- Therefore, correct arenotcompletely developed. structure of thebody, whilethemusclesandbone largerandheavierthantherest portionally 2003/20/EC. countries accordingtoECDirective forchildren. even moreimportant wearing adequaterestraintsystems.Thisis crash, allpassengersmustbeseatedand Group 3 22 - 36 kg in in kg 36 - 22 in kg 25 - 15 Group 3 9-18kginweight Group 2 0-13kginweight Group 1 0-10kginweight Group 0+ Group 0 The resultsofresearchonthebestpro- Compared withadults,theirheadispro- inallEC This prescriptioniscompulsory For optimalprotectionintheeventofa weight weight case of a crash. the most protected positioninthe always ontherear seat, asthis is You children areadvisedto carry cause serious injuries,evenmortal. since theairbagactivation could cars fittedwithpassenger’s airbag fa Romeocars. signed andexperimentedspecificallyforAl- recommended choice,astheyhavebeende- seats foreachweightgroup,whicharethe normally. LineaccessoriAlfaRomeooffers sidered asadultsandweartheseatbelts view ofrestraintsystems,childrenarecon- must absolutelyneverberemoved. trol brand,onasolidlyfixedlabelwhich data,togetherwiththecon- the certification weight group.Allrestraintdevicesmustbear to finddevicesthatcovermorethanone andinfact,commerceitispossible partly Over 1.50minheight,fromthepointof As itmaybenoted,thegroupsoverlap the frontpassengerseatof seats facingbackwardson Never placecradlechild’s dashboard. contact betweenchild’s seatand backward positiontopreventany seat shallbeadjustedinthemost air bag”).Thefrontpassenger’s (see paragraph“Frontpassenger activation hasactuallytookplace ment paneltomakesurethatde- warning light tocheckthe solutely necessary deactivation. Inthiscase,itisab- cars fittedwithpassenger’s airbag on thefrontseatof Children mayplaced F SERIOUS DANGER on theinstru- fig. 43 GROUP 0AND0+ ed onit. restrain thechildwithbeltsincorporat- belts, asillustrated,anditshouldinturn neck intheeventofasharpdeceleration. ing thehead,doesnotinducestrainon ing behindonacradleseatwhich,support- The cradleisrestrainedbythecarsafety fac- Babies upto13kgmustbecarried fig. 43 ( ) A0A0659b fig. 44 GROUP 1 and seat. which thecarseatbeltrestrainsbothchild seats fittedwithfrontcushion,through with facingforwards dren maybecarried Starting from9to18kginweight,chil- Starting fig. 44 ( ) A0A0660b sembly instructionsprovided. cushion. Strictlyadhereto theas- fastened tothecarbelts witha dangerous ifinstalledincorrectly cause oftheirmass,they canbe own beltstorestrainthechild.Be- connection tothecarbeltsandits vided withit. instructionspro- to thecompulsory groups 0and1witharear able forcoveringweight semble theseataccording tive onlyforassembly. As- Seats existwhicharesuit- The illustrationisindica- 33 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 34 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 45 GROUP 2 and nottotheabdomen. adherestothechild’shorizontal part pelvis the chestandnevertoneckthat adheresto belts, sothatthediagonalpart inrelationtothe sitioning thechildcorrectly seat belts. dren mayberestraineddirectlybythecar Child seatsonlyhavethefunctionofpo- from15to25kginweight,chil- Starting fig. 45 ( ) A0A0661b fig. 46 GROUP 3 seat beltslikeadults. tioning ontherearseat. spacer backrestanymore. child’s chestisthickenoughnottoneedthe Over 1.50minheight,childrenmaywear The figureshowsproperchildseatposi- For childrenfrom22upto36kgthe fig. 46 ( ) A0A0662b vided withit. instructionspro- to thecompulsory semble theseataccording tive onlyforassembly. As- The illustrationisindica- Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 0,0+ PASSENGER SEAT COMPLIANCEWITHREGULATIONS ONCHILD’SSEAT USE the followingtable: U Key: Your carcomplieswiththenew EuropeanDirective2000/3/ECregulatingchild’s seatassemblingonthedifferentcarseatsaccor = suitableforchildrestraintsystems ofthe“Universal”category, according toEuropeanStandardEEC-R44forthespecified“G Group Range ofweight up to13kg 22-36 kg 15-25 kg 9-18 kg passenger Front U U U U passengers Rear U U U U roups”. ding to passenger Central U U U U 35 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 36 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR always most protectedintheeventofacrash. a child’s seatisontherearseat,asit children: rying of safetytobefollowedforcar- – Ifthepassenger’s airbagisdeactivated – Therecommendedpositionforinstalling oftherules Below isasummary check warning light check warning are buckled. foruse. structions let. Donotuseusedseatswithoutthein- together withthedocumentsandthisbook- is obligedtoattach.Keeptheminthecar ed withthechild’s seat,whichthesupplier deactivated. cluster tomakesurethatithasactuallybeen – Alwayspullthetapetocheckthatbelts provid- – Carefullyfollowtheinstructions F on the case of acrash. the mostprotected positioninthe always onthe rearseat,asthisis You children are advisedtocarry cause seriousinjuries,even mortal. since theairbagactivation could cars fittedwithpassenger’s airbag child’s seatwithanewone. can keepholdodtheminacrash. even smallbabies.No-one,howeverstrong, the belts. positionsorrelease child tostayinabnormal rest onthechild’s neck. same time. child only:neverusefortwochildrenatthe – Inthecaseofaccidents,replace not childreninyourarms, – Donotcarry – Duringthejourney, donotallowthe – Alwaysmakesurethatthebeltsdonot – Allrestraintsystemsarestrictlyforone the frontpassengerseatof seats facingbackwardson Never placecradlechild’s fig. 47 RESTRAINT SYSTEM “ISOFIX TYPE”CHILD MOUNTING PRESETTING FOR tween rearseatbackandcushion. ing themetalbrackets( Isofix child’seatshallbeanchoredjustus- and 1. system coversthreeweightgroups:0,0+ restraint systems.Isofixtypechild does notpreventfromusingtraditionalchild restraint systemisanadditionaloptionthat childrensafely.for carrying Isofixtypechild tem, anewEuropeanstandardisedsystem mounting theIsofixtypechildrestraintsys- Due toitsdifferentanchoringsystem,the The rearseatofyourcarispresetfor A-fig. 47 ) setbe- A0A0671b signed andtestedforthiscarmustbeused. to mounttraditionalchild’s seats. the frontpassengerseatitisonlypossible child’s seats,ortwoIsofixtypeseats.On it ispossibletoinstalljusttwotraditional the Isofixtypeseatonright. one, e.g.thetraditionaloneonleftand traditional restraintsystemandtheIsofix Only Isofixtypechildrestraintsystemsde- Since sizesaredifferent,ontherearseats It isactuallypossibletomountboththe restraint systemManufacturer. that mustbeprovidedby the child keep totheinstallationinstructions when clicksareheard.Inanycase, chored tothemountingbrackets restraint systemisproperlyan- stationary. TheIsofixchild system onlywiththecar Mount thechildrestraint at restposition(inward); wards. 1, thechild’s seatshallbefittedfacingfor- child’s seatbelts( backwards andthechildisrestrainedby bies upto13Kg),thechild’s seatisfacing Groups 0and0+ CHILD’S SEAT MOUNTING THEISOFIXTYPE ets; fastening devices( position thechildrestraintsystemwith – findthepresettingbrackets( – checkwhetherthereleaselever( For propermountingproceedasfollows: As thechildgrows,passingtoweightgroup For childrenofthe0and0+group(ba- D-fig. 48 C ) alignedwiththebrack- ). A ), then B with onlyonecouplinglocked. mechanism actuallyinhibitspropercoupling child’s seatwithforce:thebuilt-insafety ing thelockingclicks; ) is – checkproperlockingbymovingthe – pushthechildrestraintsystemuntilhear- fig. 48 A0A0663b 37 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 38 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 49 Group 1 pling withonlyonecouplinglocked. mechanism actuallyinhibitsimpropercou- child’s seatwithforce:thebuilt-insafety ing thelockingclicks; ets; tening devices( position thechildrestraintsystemwithfas- – checkwhetherthereleaselever( For propermountingproceedasfollows: – checkproperlockingbymovingthe – pushthechildrestraintsystemuntilhear- – findthepresettingbrackets( ) isatrestposition(inward); C ) alignedwiththebrack- A ), then B- fig. 49 refer tothechild’s seathandbook. belts. To applycarseatbeltstochild’s seat also bythecarseatbeltsandupper With thisconfiguration,thechildissecured With A0A0664b FRONT AIRBAGS AIR BAG ately afterwards. injury. Thecushionthendeflatesimmedi- thatcouldcause cupants andthe structures ting itselfbetweenthebodyof frontoc- of thecushion. trol unit,whennecessary, triggersinflation etc...) isnotasystemmalfunction. (side collisions,rear-endshunts,roll-overs, non-activation inothertypesofcollisions car occupantsinfrontcrashesandtherefore board. the occupantandsteeringwheelordash- high severitybyplacingthecushionbetween in theeventofhead-oncrashesmedium- has beendesignedtoprotecttheoccupants dow bags). driver andforthepassenger(sidebags-win- The cushioninflatesinstantaneously, set- In thecaseofacrash,anelectroniccon- Front airbagsaredesignedtoprotectthe The frontairbag(driver’s andpassenger’s) The carisfittedwithfrontairbagsforthe system is notworkingproperly. ure tobetriggered doesnotmeanthatthe would beinappropriate. Thereforethefail- than theseatbeltsandtherefore activation rail); orguard (forexampleunderalorry barriers against theguardrail); face (forexamplethebumpercrashing the carfrontsur- jects whichdonotconcern following conditions: cushion isreduced. cumstances theprotectionofferedby while itisstillopening.Underthesecir- may comeintocontactwiththecushion and wearing theseatbeltmovesforwards most non-Europeancountries. asspecifiedbylawinEuropeand worn, the useofbelts,whichshouldalwaysbe to does notreplacebutiscomplementary as theydonotofferanymoreprotection – wedgingunderothercarsorprotective ob- – collisionsagainsthighlydeformable Front airbagsmaynotbetriggeredinthe In theeventofacrashpersonthatisnot The frontairbag(driver’s andpassenger’s) the occupant. crash theyguarantee properpositioningof wear theseatbelts sinceincaseofside to Also inthiscaseitisofvitalimportance is sufficient),theairbagsarenot deployed. which therestrainingactionof seatbelts and thepassenger. and thedriverbetweendashboard of thespacebetweensteeringwheel tion ofapersonwearingseatbelt. has beendesignedtoimprovetheprotec- cupants ofthecar. opening andseriouslyinjuretheoc- the correctpassenger’s airbag because theymayinterferewith passenger’s side(e.g.cellphones) objects onthedashboard senger’s airbagcover. Donotput In theeventofminorsidecrashes (for Its volumeatmaximuminflationfillsmost The driver’s andpassenger’s frontairbag ing wheelandonthepas- other objectsonthesteer- Do notapplystickersor fig. 50 DRIVER’S FRONTAIRBAG the steeringwheel( contained inaspecialrecessthecentreof It consistsofaninstant-inflatingcushion fig. 50 ). A0A0613b 39 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 40 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 51 FRONT AIRBAG PASSENGER’S one ( board; itsvolumeisbiggerthanthedriver’s contained inaspecialrecessthedash- It consistsofaninstant-inflatingcushion case ofacrash. the mostprotectedpositionin always ontherearseat,asthisis You children areadvisedtocarry cause seriousinjuries,evenmortal. since theairbagactivationcould cars fittedwithpassenger’s airbag fig. 51 the frontpassengerseatof seats facingbackwardson ). Never placecradlechild’s A0A0392b dashboard. contact betweenchild’s seatand backward positiontopreventany seat shallbeadjustedinthemost air bag”).Thefrontpassenger’s (see paragraph“Frontpassenger activation hasactuallytookplace ment paneltomakesurethatde- warning light tocheckthe solutely necessary deactivation. Inthiscase,itisab- cars fittedwithpassenger’s airbag on thefrontseatof Children mayplaced F SERIOUS DANGER on theinstru- fig. 52 ignition keyat font airbagcanbedeactivated. achildonthefrontseat,passenger’sry markets whereapplicable) (upon requestforversions/ ( PASSENGER’S FRONT AIRBAG MANUAL DEACTIVATION OF the specialkeyswitchsetinglovebox. fig. 52 Deactivation/reactivation takesplacewith tocar- Should itbeabsolutelynecessary ) STOP , andoperatingitin A0A0392b position nition keyisremoved. andtheig- when theengineisnotrunning both positions. – passenger’s frontairbagactivated( The key-operatedswitchhastwopositions: IMPORTANT andremovedin The keycanbeinserted bag. bag doesnotinhibitoperationofthesideair is reactivated. untilthepassenger’son permanently airbag Deactivation ofthepassenger’s frontair P ( achildonthefrontseat. to carry ment clusteroff;itisabsolutelyprohibited OFF – passenger’s frontairbagdeactivated on thefrontseat. a childprotectedbyspecialrestraintsystem clusteron;itispossible tocarry instrument ): warning light ): warning The warning light The warning position Operate theswitchonly F ): warning light ): warning F on theclusterstays F ON on instru- F on fig. 53 SIDE BAG (SIDE BAG-WINDOWBAG) SIDE AIRBAGS um-high severity. of occupantsincaseasidecrashmedi- rest ofthefrontseatandprotectschest neously-inflating cushionhousedintheback The side bag is formed ofaninstanta- The sidebagisformed fig. 53 ( ) A0A0614b fig. 54 WINDOW BAG folding. window bagun- seat, thusallowingcorrect positiononthe system keepingacorrect you canobtainthebestprotectionby inflation surface. of asidecrashthankstothewidecushion head offrontandrearoccupantsintheevent covered byaspecialtrim,whichprotectsthe tain” cushionshousedinthesiderooflining IMPORTANT oftwo“cur- The windowbagisformed In theeventofsidecrash, fig. 54 ( ) A0A0615b 41 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 42 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR placed. tohave thedevicere- thorized Services date approaches,contactAlfaRomeoAu- near thelockofleftfrontdoor. Asthis coil contactareindicatedonthelabelset wash withneutralsoapandwater. skin andeyes.Intheeventofexposure, the ered withdustyresidue:thismayirritate ployed bagandthecarinteriormaybecov- ofthede- of fire;alsothesurfaces a start anddoesnotindicate powder isnotharmful releases asmallamountofpowder. This big holesorbumpyroads. fixed obstaclesontheground,fallinginto olent bumpsagainststeps,pavementsor the underbodyarea,suchasforexamplevi- ed toheavyshocksoraccidentsthatinvolve bags maybeactivatedifthecarissubject- Life andvalidityofpyrotechniccharge IMPORTANT IMPORTANT The triggeringofairbags The frontand/orsideair en this“Owner’s Manual”. andbegiv- use andoftheabovewarnings for oftheinstructions er mustbeinformed the carchangesownership,newown- forehand tohavethesystemdeactivated.If shouldbecontacted be- Authorised Services Romeo AuthorisedServices outbyAlfa the airbagmustbecarried ing andreplacingcomponentsconcerning replaced andtohavethesystemchecked. tohavethedevicesactivated rized Services vated, takethecartoAlfaRomeoAutho- in whichanyofthesafetydevicesisacti- sarily indicateasystemmalfunction. ger oneormoreofthemdoes not neces- ing onthetypeofcrash.Thefailure totrig- decided inadifferentiatedmanner depend- tensioners, frontairbagsandsideis IMPORTANT If thecaristobedemolished,AlfaRomeo All operationsinvolvingchecking,repair- IMPORTANT Should anaccidentoccur The triggeringofthepre- phase. sible injuriesduringtheinflation window bagareatopreventpos- dow. and elbowsoutofthewin- the windowsandin and elbowsonthedoor, on Never leanhead,arms Never resthead,arms GENERAL CAUTIONS to beusedwithsidebags. the systemchecked. immediatelytohave rized Services tally. ContactAlfaRomeoAutho- cases, theycouldtriggeracciden- of impactor, inaminornumberof tensioners couldnottriggerincase tems; inthiseventairbagsorpre- could beafailureinsafetysys- if itstaysonwhentravellingthere light key toMAR,thewarning If whenturningtheignition covers thatarenotsuitable of frontseatswithtrimsor Do notcoverthebackrest ¬ does notturnonor your backwellagainstit. rest intheerectposition and lean keep theseatback bent forwards, you. Donotdrivewiththe body which couldcauseseriousharmto without meetinganyobstacles air bagistriggered,itcaninflate air bagbeingtriggered. mayresultintheeventof jury pencil, etc.betweenyourlips;in- when driving,sothatifthe on thesteeringwheelrim your chestorwithapipe, on yourlap,infrontof Always keepyourhands Never travelwithobjects system is notworking properly. be considered asa signthatthe failure tocome intoactioncannot event ofan impact; inthiscase, tensioners) istriggered inthe no safetysystem(airbags orpre- member thatifthekeyis at STOP, stationary. Ontheotherhandre- the frontseatevenwhencaris Therefore, neverseatchildrenon bumped byanothermovingcar. car ifitis gered onastationary running, theairbagsmaybetrig- Services. checked byAlfaRomeoAuthorized floods, havetheairbagsystem been subjectedtovandalsor even iftheengineisnot key engagedandatMAR, has beenmade,ifit or anattempttostealit Remember thatwiththe If thecarhasbeenstolen 43 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 44 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR should gooff. ployed inacrash,afterwhichit passenger’s air bagwillbede- es forfewsecondstoremindthat switch atON)turnsonandflash- ger’s frontair bagdeactivation automatic seatwashingstations). ter orsteam(byhandat rests withpressurisedwa- Never washseatback- F (with passen- ing light turned toMAR,thewarn- When theignitionkeyis fastened. which must therefore alwaysbe only be protected by the seat belts cumstances the occupants would behind oroverturning, inthesecir- speed, sidecollisions, bumpsfrom in theeventof frontimpactatlow air bagsdonotcomeintooperation tiveness. Moreover, sincethefront sioners aretriggered. fore normalthatonlythepreten- these twothresholds,itisthere- tensioners. Forimpactsbetween only increasestheireffec- stitute theseatbelts,but the supporthandles. to thecoathooksand magnitude thanthepre- gered forshocksgreaterin The airbagdoesnotsub- Do nothookrigidobjects The frontairbagistrig- LEFT-HAND LEVER LEVERS STEERING WHEEL Lights switchedoff tively. (front andrear),ontherightor left respec- ononlyofthesidelights causes theturning the sidelightsandnumberplatelightsstayon. gardless ofthepositionknurledring, posite thesymbol minated. various controlsonthedashboardareillu- guards. except forthefoglampsandrear tivated withtheignitionkeyat levers onthesteeringwheelcanonlybeac- switched off. Position ( When thepointerinknurledring isop- Only withtheignitionkeyat When theouterlightsareswitchedon, The left-handlevercontrolstheouterlights controlledbythe The devicesandservices 1 or 2 - O fig. 60 , theouterlightsare ) ofthelever PARK MAR ( fig. 55 . , re- ) fig. 55 fig. 56 Sidelights knurled ringfrom the knurledringfrom These are switched on by turning the These areswitchedonbyturning The sidelightsareswitchedonbyturning Dipped-beam headlights cluster willcomeonatthesametime. 3 The warning lightontheinstrument warning ( fig. 56 O 6 to to ) 2 . 6 . ( fig. 57 A0A0063b A0A0064b ) fig. 58 fig. 57 Main beams ring toposition To themainbeamson,setknurled turn wards thesteeringwheel. on. will turn warning light warning wards thedashboard(stableposition); To setdipped-beamsbackpulltheleverto- 1 ( 2 fig. 58 on the instrument panel on theinstrument and pushtheleverto- ) A0A0066b A0A0065b fig. 59 ic maybedifferent. er replacement,theouterlightoperatinglog- matically asthemainbeamsareswitchedoff. onagainauto- offandthenturn lamps turn dipped beamsetting; conditionat when restoringthestarting offwhilethefoglampsstayon, beams turn works accordingtothefollowinglogics: trol unit(integratedintheBodyComputer) fog lampsareswitchedon,theouterlightcon- Therefore, intheeventofBodyComput- onthemainbeams, thefog – turning or onthemainbeams,dipped – turning When thedippedbeamheadlightsand A0A0067b 45 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 46 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 60 ( direction indicators. direction indicators. will: ring, movingthelevertostableposition knurled ring.The tion) regardlessoftheposition towards thesteeringwheel(instableposi- fig. 60 down, position( up, position( Regardless ofthepositionknurled The headlightsareflashedpullingthelever Direction indicators regulations. are flashed.To avoidpenaltiesfollowlocal cluster willcomeonatthesametime. IMPORTANT ) ( 1 fig. 59 ) -engagetheright-hand 2 ) -engagetheleft-hand 1 Only themain-beamlights ) warning lightonthe warning Flashing A0A0068b One of the warning lights( One ofthewarning sition. to itshomepo- leased, theleverwillreturn out itclicking(unstableposition).Whenre- the levercanberemovedupordownwith- minimal movementofthesteeringwheel, rapid changeofdirectioninvolvingonlya when thesteeringwheelisstraightened. matically andtheindicatorsareswitchedoff same time. clusteratthe come ontheinstrument IMPORTANT toitspositionauto- The leverisreturned If youwishtosignala R or E ) will fig. 61 warning light on the cluster turns on. lightontheclusterturns warning ( “Follow mehome”device key at time set,andisactivatedwiththeignition space infrontofthecarforlength switch offautomaticallyafterthetimeset. to amaximumof3.5minutes;thelights and sidelightsisextendedby30secondsup lever, thestayingonofdippedbeams off.Ateachsinglemovementofthe turned within 2minutesfromwhentheengineis hand levertowardsthesteeringwheel. fig. 61 This functionallowstheilluminationof Each timetheleverisoperated, This functionisactivatedpullingthelever STOP ) or removed,pullingtheleft- A0A0067b 1 fig. 62 RIGHT-HAND LEVER activates theheadlampwashers,iffitted. wiper-washer. Thewindscreenwasheralso windscreen wiper-washerandrearscreen wheel formorethan2seconds. ing theleverpulledtowardssteering The right-handleverisusedtooperatethe bykeep- This functioncanbeinterrupted A0A0616b ( Windscreen wiper-washer are obtained: ring ( to: positions, corresponding fig. 62-63 ■■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ theleverinposition( With B A The levercanbemovedtofivedifferent ( toposition the leverisreleased,itreturns time theleverisheldinthisposition.When - Intermittent. - Windscreen wiperoff. - Windscreen A Operation inposition( E D C F ) automaticallystoppingthewiper. - Fast, temporary (unstableposition). - Fast,temporary ), four possible intermittent speeds ), fourpossibleintermittent - Continuous,slow. - Continuous,fast. = intermittent fast. = intermittent medium-fast. = intermittent medium. = intermittent slow.= intermittent ) E B ) islimitedtothe ), turning the ), turning wiping operation. stroke” afterafewsecondscompletesthe “cleaning ter releasingthelever;afurther half asecond. matically iftheleverispulledformorethan deed, thelattercomesintoactionauto- er jetandthewiperatsametime;in- movement itispossibletooperatethewash- screen washer. wheel (unstableposition)operatesthewind- “Intelligent washing”function The wiperstopsworkingafewstrokesaf- Keeping theleverpulled,withonlyone Pulling thelevertowardssteering fig. 63 A0A0617b 47 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 48 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 64 tinuous, slow)withheavyrain. dry, towiperatfirstcontinuousspeed(con- (nowiping)whenthewindscreenis tionary that graduallyvariesbetweenwipersta- fig. 62 moving theright-handlevertoposition( right-hand leverremainunchanged. tion totheintensityofrain. opera- number ofwipesduringintermittent the purposeofautomaticallyadjusting bined withthewindscreenwiperwhichhas tain versions,isanelectronicdevicecom- The rainsensorisactivatedautomatically All theotherfunctionscontrolledby The rainsensor( ) andithasarangeofadjustment A ( fig. 64 ), fittedonlyoncer- Rain sensor ) B- A0A0331b unit which in turn controls thewipermotor.unit which inturn wiper anditcontrols anelectroniccontrol screen andinside theareacleanedby incontactwiththewind- rear-view mirror reactivation hasoccurred. even ifthewindscreenisdry, toindicatethat way, atleastonestroke, thewiperperforms or ( rain sensor, simplymovetheleverto( automaticfunction. normal the endofwhichrainsensorresumesits at washingcycleisperformed the normal rain sensoractivated(leveratposition first continuousspeed(continuous,slow). stationary, whenthewindscreenisdry, to rain sensor, obtainingaquickerchangefrom is possibletoincreasethesensitivityof in position( be reactivatedeveniftheleverhasremained ( engine isstarted sensor isdeactivatedandthenexttime The rainsensorislocatedbehind theinner When therainsensorisreactivatedinthis Turning theknurledring( Turning theignitionkeyto Operating thewindscreenwasherwith C ) andthenbackto( B ). Inthiscasetoactivatethe MAR position) itwillnot B ). STOP F-fig. 62 the rain ) it A B ) ) night bythewetglasssurface). human eyeismoredisturbedduringthe blades; etc.); dirt, different sensitivity: conditionswhichrequire lowing particular tomatically adapttothepresenceoffol- ofice. andpreventtheformation trol surface to eliminateanycondensationfromthecon- stabilises atatemperatureofabout40°C – differencebetweendayandnight(the wiper – streaksofwatercausedbyworn (salt, – impuritiesonthecontrolsurface The rainsensorisabletodetectandau- therainsensorautomatically At eachstart, fig. 65 Headlamp washers senger compartment. of liquiddetergentfromenteringthepas- inside airre-circulation,topreventthesmell mate controlsystemautomaticallyengages the headlampwasherisoperating,cli- dipped/main beamheadlightson. onwiththe screen washeristurned IMPORTANT These comeintooperationwhenthewind- On certain versionswhen On certain ( fig. 65 ) A0A0704b GENERAL CRUISE CONTROL automatically maintained. becausethespeedmemorisedis journeys al. Thisreducesdrivingfatigueduringlong speed withoutpressingtheacceleratorped- possible todrivethecaratrequired TROL gaged atspeedsbetween30and190km/h. IMPORTANT The speedregulator( long distancecompletelysafely. constant speedforasufficiently ), withelectroniccontrol,makesit route andtrafficallowa tivated onlywhenthe Cruise Controlmustbeac- The devicecanonlybeen- CRUISE CON- fig. 66 CONTROLS ring ( tivated; ON/OFF gear controlleverto changed; any ofthefollowingcases: – Controliscontrolled bythe Cruise movingtheSelespeed – inadvertently – withSelespeedtransmissionifagearis – iftheASR,MSRorESPsystemcutsin; – pressingtheclutchpedal; – pressingthebrakepedal; The deviceisdisengagedautomaticallyin Ring ( OFF B ) andbythe A in thispositionthedeviceisdeac- ) hastwopositions: knurled ring( ( RES N fig. 66 . A button ( ), bythe ) C ). + / – A0A0077b 49 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 50 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ering thespeedmemorised. taining thecarspedorforincreasinglow- on. clusterturns strument switched off. memorised iscleared andthesystemis STOP speed. be maintainedautomatically. continuously. Thenewspeedreachedwill increases orlowersbyabout1.5km/h. memorised. orised. speed reachedorincreasethemem- Turn thering( Ring ( IMPORTANT The thespeed changes Keeping theringturned Each timetheringisactuated( Turn thering( RES B or thering( ) serves formemorisingandmain- ) serves button ( B B ) to( ) to( Turning theignition keyto C A position, the warning light position, thewarning the device.Whenring( ) resetsthememorised – ) to – + ) tolowerthespeed ON ) tomemorisethe OFF Ü is the normal operatingpositionof is thenormal B , thespeed ) thespeed on thein- A ) isinthis THE SPEED TO MEMORISE ( to therequiredspeednormally. Turn thering ously. tothespeed memorisedprevi- will return later, releasingtheacceleratorpedal, thecar sible simplypressingtheaccelerator pedal; forinstance)accelerationispos- overtaking gear controllevertoposition changed; lowing conditionstakesplace: orised constantspeeduntiloneofthefol- erator pedal. it isthereforepossibletoreleasetheaccel- release it.Thecarspeedismemorisedand B Move thering( IMPORTANT movementofthe Selespeed – inadvertent – withSelespeedtransmissionifagearis – iftheASR,MSRorESPsystemcutsin; – pressingtheclutchpedal; – pressingthebrakepedal; The carwillcontinuetotravelatthemem- ) to( + ) foratleastthreeseconds,then A In thecaseofneed(when ) to ON and takethecar N . MEMORISED SPEED TO INCREASETHE MEMORISED SPEED TO RESETTHE ring to( the orising thenewspeedreached(turning in twoways: speed); of speedmemorising(4th,5thor6th speed approachingtheonememorised; lows: the memorisedspeedcanberesetasfol- ample pressingthebrakeorclutchpedal, leasing thering ( respond toacontinuous speedincrease.Re- km/h) whilepressingcontinuously willcor- to aslightincreaseinspeed(about 1.5 to ( memorised automatically. 1) pressingtheacceleratorandthenmem- The speedmemorisedcanbeincreased – pressthe – engagethegearselectedattime – accelerategraduallyuntilreachinga If thedevicehasbeendisengagedforex- 2) momentaneously turning thering( 2) momentaneouslyturning or + ): eachpulseoftheringwillcorrespond B ) formorethanthreeseconds); RES B ) thenewspeed willbe button ( C ). B ) MEMORISED SPEED TO REDUCETHE rising the new speed (turning thering( rising thenewspeed(turning pressing thebrakepedal)andthenmemo- two ways: to ( memorised automatically. until reachingthenewspeedwhichwillbe 1) disengagingthedevice(forinstance The speedmemorisedcanbereducedin 2) keepingtheringpressed( + ) foratleastthreeseconds); B ) at( – B ) ) vice intownorheavytraffic conditions. Donotengagethede- smooth roadsurface. flowingtrafficand riage waysormotorways, roads,dualcar- ditions, i.e.:straightanddry undercompletely safecon- roads sopermit only whentheconditionsoftrafficor speed selectortoN. neutral anddonotmovetheSele- It is advisable to engage the cruise control It isadvisabletoengagethecruise move thegearshiftleverto cruise controlon,donot When travellingwiththe SPEED TO RESETTHEMEMORISED ( offtheengineormovingring set turning A The memorisedspeedisautomaticallyre- ) to OFF . tween 30and190km/h. be engagedatspeedsbe- Cruise controlmayonly not in use, turning theringto not inuse,turning ever, advisedtoswitchthedevice offwhen without damagingthedevice.You are,how- change intheengineload. more thanthememorisedone,dueto vice engagedthecarspeedmayincrease of thecar. Travelling downhillwiththede- 5th or6thgear, dependingonthespeed memorising speedsbyaccident. The ring( The devicemayonlybeengagedin4th, A ) maybeleftconstantlyat OFF fuse isintact. ter checkingthattheprotection af- fa RomeoAuthorisedServices , toavoid ON (A) toOFFandcontactAl- not working,turnthering If thedeviceisfaultyor 51 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 52 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR (For right-hand drive versions see dashboard and instruments inthededicatedparagraphat theendofmanual) (For right-handdriveversionsseedashboardandinstruments DASHBOARD Glass/can holder(forversions/markets whereapplicable)- (for versions/marketswhereapplicable) - ger’s airbag- controls - sor - fig. 67 1 . Adjustablesideairvents- 20 . Windscreen wiperstalk- . Windscreen 26 . Bonnetopeninglever. 15 . Glovebox- 16 2 . Fixedsidewindowairvents- . Doorlockingbutton- 21 . Ignitionkeyand ignition switch- 7 . Soundsystem(forversions/markets whereapplicable)- 17 . Heating/ventilation/climatecontrols - 11 3 . Frontfoglightbutton- . External lightscontrol lever- . External 22 . Horn - . Horn 23 . Steeringwheellocking/release lever- 12 . Hazardlightswitch- 4 . Instrument panel- . Instrument 18 8 . Cigarlighter/ashtrayhousinglid- . Adjustablecentralairvents- 13 5 . Rearfoglightbutton- . Tailgate releasebutton- 24 . Driver’s airbag- 9 . Upperfixedvent- 19 . Temperature sen- 14 6 . frontpassen- . Cardsholder 25 . Setof 10 . A0A0748b multifunction display- lamp positiondisplay) - play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwith head- light - gauge withmaximumtemperature warning light - A is at6000revs. NOTE light - gauge withmaximumtemperaturewarning light - A INSTRUMENT PANEL multifunction display- lamp positiondisplay)- play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwithhead- . Fuel level gauge with reserve warning . Fuellevelgaugewithreserve . Fuel level gauge with reserve warning . Fuellevelgaugewithreserve B B C C On JTDMversionsthescalebottom . Speedometer- . Speedometer- . Enginecoolantfluidtemperature . Enginecoolantfluidtemperature F F . Revcounter . Revcounter E E D D . Reconfigurable . Reconfigurable . Odometerdis- . Odometerdis- fig. 69 -Black Line petrol versions fig. 68-petrolversions A0A0760b A0A0749b 53 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 54 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 71- 2.0JTSSelespeed versions fig. 70-Q2dieselversion light - gauge withmaximumtemperature warning light - A multifunction display- lamp positiondisplay)- play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwithhead- light - gauge withmaximumtemperaturewarning lamp position display)- play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwith head- light - A. multifunction display - . Fuel level gauge with reserve warning . Fuellevelgaugewithreserve Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve C. B. B C . Speedometer- . Enginecoolantfluidtemperature Speedometer - Engine coolantfluidtemperature A0A0761b A0A0759b F. F . Rev counter E. E D. D Rev counter . Reconfigurable . Odometerdis- Reconfigurable Odometer dis- i.7b-32V version fig. 71b -3.2V6 fig. 71a-2.0JTSSelespeedBlackLineversion multifunction display - lamp position display)- play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwith head- light - gauge withmaximumtemperature warning light - A multifunction display- light - gauge withmaximumtemperaturewarning light - A. lamp positiondisplay)- play (mileagerecorder, tripmeterwithhead- . Fuel level gauge with reserve warning . Fuellevelgaugewithreserve Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve C. B. B C . Speedometer- . Enginecoolantfluidtemperature Speedometer - Engine coolantfluidtemperature A0A0746b A0A0752b F F. . Rev counter E. E D. D Rev counter . Reconfigurable . Odometerdis- Reconfigurable Odometer dis- 55 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 56 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 72 ODOMETER (SPEED INDICATOR) SPEEDOMETER speed. ing device. ures) sition display. ble meter(totalandtrip)headlamppo- – asidethepositionofheadlightaim- – thetripmeteronsecondline(4fig- – themileageonfirstline(6figures) The displayshows: Odometer display( The gauge( A-fig. 72 B-fig. 72 ) indicatesthecar ) withdou- A0A0756b nected thetripmeterreadingisnotstored. steering columnpressedforafewseconds. 73 fig. To resetthetripmeter, keepbutton( IMPORTANT ) ontheplateatsideof fig. 73 REV COUNTER( pointer inthisarea. speed. Donotdriveforlongperiodswiththe versions) indicatesexcessivehighengine The dangerzone(red,orwhiteoncertain If the battery isdiscon- If thebattery A- fig. 74 ) A0A1104b serves the battery charge. thebattery serves aslowchangeinthespeedpre- In particular gaging theclimatecontrolsystemorfan. operation,forexamplewhenen- ing normal asittakesplacedur- the speed,thisisnormal may indicateagradualorsuddenhigheringof in agraduallossofenginepower. el whentheengineis“over-revving”resulting trol systemgraduallyshutsofftheflowoffu- When theengineisidling,revcounter IMPORTANT fig. 74 The electronicinjectioncon- A0A0757b RESERVE INDICATOR FUEL LEVELGAUGEWITH fuel tank. The warning light The warning This showstheamountoffuelleftin a systemmalfunctioning. tem controllogicandcannotbeconsidered as sys- be indicated.Thisisduetotheinternal MAR STOP withengineoffandignitionkeyat performed the fuelwhentravelling. highly unstablereadingsduetoswayingof ics oftheelectroniccontrolcircuittoavoid be indicatedlate. of fuelinthetankandchangeslevelmay the gaugemaydifferfromactualamount (heavy slopes,forinstance),thereadingon left inthetank. to indicatethatapprox.7litresoffuelare IMPORTANT This conditionfallswithintheoperationlog- IMPORTANT , awrongfuellevelcouldtemporarily . Iftheengineisoffbutkey is at Refuelling shallalwaysbe K Under certain conditions Under certain ( A-fig. 76 ) turns on ) turns WARNING LIGHT MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE GAUGEWITH ENGINE COOLANTFLUID creased. shouldbede- quest forcarperformance versions)there- section, orwhiteoncertain es thehighertemperaturesofscale(red the middleofscale.Ifpointerreach- perature exceedsapprox.50°C. coolant fluidandbeginswhenthetem- The turning onofthe The turning thepointershouldbetowards Normally This showsthetemperatureofengine Alfa RomeoAuthorisedServices. in thiscase,stoptheengineandcontact the coolantfluidtemperatureistoohigh; urable with themessageshownonreconfig- light warning multifunction (on someversionstogether display) indicatesthat u ( B-fig. 76 ) be resumed,preferablyatahigherspeed. can a fewminutes,afterwhichthejourney stop thecarandswitchoffenginefor ture ishigh.Inthiscaseitadvisableto especially whentheambientairtempera- sions) whenthecarisdrivenatlowspeeds, ver- values (redsection,orwhiteoncertain gine coolantmayrisetowardsthemaximum IMPORTANT fig. 76 The temperatureoftheen- A0A0758b 57 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 58 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 75 CONTROL BUTTONS DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY (wherefitted) condition of the inertial fuelcut-offswitch( condition oftheinertial The digital multifunction display shows the following: clock, outside temperature, buzzer setting (buzzer on/off), rheostat (li The digitalmultifunctiondisplayshowsthefollowing:clock,outsidetemperature,buzzersetting(buzzeron/off),rheostat you areadvisedtoreadthischapterinfull. trol buttonsontheplateatsideofsteeringcolumn,usingthemasdescribedinfollowingparagraphs.Beforedoing To thedigitaldisplay(withignitionkeyat makeuseoftheinformation ( fig. 75 FPS on ) A0A1105b ). To decreasethevaluedisplayed Press forlessthan1second(pulse),indicatedwith To decreasethevaluedisplayed MAR ) isabletogive,youshouldfirstlyfamiliarisewiththecon- to confirm the choice required and return tothepreviousdisplay thechoicerequired andreturn to confirm Press formorethan2seconds,indicated with scriptions, toaccessthevariousadjustments ght adjustment), anythingatall, R in thefollowingdescriptions, Q in thefollowingde- fig. 76 ipa buzzeractivateddisplay( display clock andoutsidetemperature ▲ CLOCK with singlepresses. lease thecontrolandcompleteadjustment matic fastincreaseordecrease. one unit. Adjusting thehours Then presstheMODEbuttonin When youarenearthevaluerequired,re- Keeping thebuttonpressedobtainsauto- pressonthebuttonwillincreaseby Every or Press theMODEbuttonin ▼ will flash.Setthehourrequiredusingbuttons . store. ( fig. 76 ) Q , thehours R Adjusting theminutes A0A0009b Press theMODEbuttontwicein to OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE with singlepresses. lease thecontrolandcompleteadjustment matic fastincreaseordecrease. one unit. Then presstheMODEbuttonin When youarenearthevaluerequired,re- Keeping thebuttonpressedobtainsauto- pressonthebuttonwillincreaseby Every soe °Cadte ece gi °C. Candthenreachesagain 3° is over6° is repeatedonly iftheoutsidetemperature nal ofpossiblepresenceiceon theroad cator flashesforabout10seconds. Thesig- onds, whiletheoutsidetemperature indi- road. Theacousticsignallastsabout 2sec- about thepossiblepresenceof ice onthe together withthebuzzer, thedriver towarn flashing C,theindicatorstarts low or3° tion. Whentheoutsidetemperatureisbe- display lowerside,underthehourindica- Outside temperaturecanbeviewedonthe using buttons minutes willflash.Settherequired store. ▲ or ▼ . ( Q fig. 76 R , the ) to fig. 77 BUZZER OFF Press theMODEbutton3timesin trols maybeactivated( The buzzerwhichaccompaniesthecon- ); proceedasfollows: on oroff. ( Then presstheMODEbuttonin store theconditionchosen. then usebuttons ( fig. 77-78 ▲ or ▼ ) ON ON , to turn thebuzzer , toturn ) ) ordeactivated R Q A0A0083b to , 59 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 60 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 78 LIGHT RHEOSTAT buzzer deactivateddisplay( than 4 seconds the instrument clusterlight- than 4secondstheinstrument at thesideofsteeringcolumn)formore quired levelusingbuttons again buttonMODEandthensetthere- “ILLU” (firstoptiondisplayed)bypressing menu bypressingbuttonMODE,select play andoftheradiodisplay. play) oftheclock/outsidetemperaturedis- and tripmeter, headlampaimingdevicedis- cluster,strument odometerdisplay(total the lighting(dimming/increasing)ofin- To openthe accessthelightrheostat, This functionmakesitpossibletoadjust Partial lighting the side/taillightsareon. Keeping button “ILLU” functionisavailablewhenatleast ▼ pressed (ontheplate ( fig. 79-80 OFF ▲ ) / ▼ . ) A0A0014b fig. 80 fig. 79 with maximumbrightness display with minimumbrightness display speedometer. offwiththeexceptionof ing isturned Keeping button cluster lighting is turned onagain. cluster lightingisturned than 4secondsthecompleteinstrument at thesideofsteeringcolumn)formore ▲ pressed (ontheplate on display fuelcut-offswitch inertial A0A0013b A0A0012b fig. 81 SWITCH ONDISPLAY INERTIAL FUELCUT-OFF cut-off switch. fuel Controls paragraphundertheInertial magnitude. following acrashofcertain fuelcut-offswitchcutsin, when theinertial IMPORTANT The switchshutsoffthesupplyoffuel. The displayshownappearsautomatically See thedescriptionin ( fig. 81 ) A0A0007b fig. 82 STANDARD SCREEN INFORMATION ON RECONFIGURABLE MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY ❒ ❒ ❒ Date ( Outside temperature( Time ( C A-fig. 82 ). ); B ); information when driving, in particular: whendriving,inparticular: information able todisplayalltheusefulandnecessary The reconfigurablemultifunctiondisplayis A0A9129g CAR CONDITION INFORMATION ABOUT ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Engine oillevel(JTD versions only); Gear selected(2.0T.SPARK Selespeed on road); responding symbol(e.g.:possibleice messageswithcor- Display ofwarning sponding symbol; Display offailuremessageswithcorre- Lighting adjustment(rheostat); Trip computer; M versions only). fig. 83 MODE CONTROL BUTTONS previous screen; theselectedoptionandtogoback firm screen; the selectedoptionand/ortogonext ▲ Press thebuttonbriefly Press thebuttonforlong the valuedisplayed. wards/downwards ortoincrease/decrease / ▼ to scrollthe“SetupMenu”up- : toconfirm : tocon- fig. 83 A0A0022m 61 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 62 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR “SETUP MENU” and Press brifelybutton theadjustments and/orsettingsdescribedonthefollowingpages,bypressingbutton The “SetupMenu”shallbeusedtoperform cular fashion” ▲ / Deutsch Italiano ▼ Q (see fig. 84 fig. 83 Nederlands MODE English . is enabled. accessto thewh possible toaccess onlythereducedmenu(forsetting “DIMMER”and“SPEED” values). Whenthecarisstationary ). Pressbrieflybutton to openthemenu. To themenu,pressbuttons surf Français Espãnol fig. 84 LANGUAGE MODE NAVIGATION TELEPHONE UNITS to display the setup menu. The menu consists of a set of functions arranged ina“cir- to displaythesetupmenu.Themenuconsistsofasetfunctionsarranged BUZZER SERVICE RADIO MENU OFF MODE 12/24 DST (SUMMERTIME) ▲ DIMMER or ▼ DATE . For safety reasons, when the car is running, itis . Forsafetyreasons, whenthecarisrunning, SPEED TRIP B TIME MODE Year Q Day ole menu Month fig. 85 ty ones. the fullbarsgooffleavingroomforemp- level display. Astheoillevelgraduallyfalls, the checkwithcaronlevelground. out carry gine oilleveldisplayediscorrect, ton and movetonextscreen,pressbrieflybut- onds. Duringthisphase,toclearthedisplay play showstheengineoillevelforafewsec- (JTD versions) Engine oillevelcheck Fig. 85 IMPORTANT Turning theignitionkeyto MODE refers to the correct engineoil refers tothecorrect . To makesurethattheen- MAR the dis- A0A9101g fig. 86 “Car maintenance”. possible, see“Checkinglevels”insection gine oillevelshouldberestoredassoon dition thebarsareallempty. level belowthepresetminimum.Inthiscon- IMPORTANT Fig. 86 refers tothedisplaywithanoil In this case the correct en- In thiscasethecorrect A0A9102g the correct engineoillevel. the correct whowillrestore Romeo AuthorisedServices dition thebarsareallfull. level abovethepresetmaximum.Inthiscon- Fig. 87 IMPORTANT refers tothedisplaywithanoil fig. 87 In thiscase,contactAlfa A0A9103g 63 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 64 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR DIMMER provided). vided) andtwo-zoneclimatecontrol(where display, radionavigatordisplay(wherepro- trip meter),headlightaimingdisplay, radio cluster,instrument mileagerecorder(total, the lighting(dimming/brightening)of ❒ Proceed asfollows: ❒ thisfunctionitispossibletoadjust With press buttons press brieflybutton will showagraduatedscale; seconds, the rev counter lighting is turned off. seconds, therevcounterlightingisturned brightness. ble andthedisplayisshownatits maximum isnotpossi- lighting adjustment(rheostat) be perceived.Intheeventofany faults, switched ondimmingofthebrightness can onagain. lighting isturned cluster 4 seconds,thecompleteinstrument Keeping button( IMPORTANT Partial lighting Keeping button( quired. ▼ ▲ When external lightsare When external MODE ▲ ) pressedformorethan4 ) pressedformorethan / ▼ : thedisplay to adjustasre- SPEED sages”). (seesection“Warningalerted lightsandmes- limit isexceededthedriverimmediately car speedlimit(km/hormph),whenthis later). Every pressofthe button later). Every viously (seeparagraph“UNITS”described and 150mphdependingontheunitsetpre- tween 30and250km/horbetween20 ❒ ❒ To setthespeedlimit,proceedasfollows: ❒ thisfunctionitispossibletosetthe With IMPORTANT plete adjustmentwithsinglepresses. required settingreleasethebutton andcom- increase/decrease. Whenyouare nearthe press brieflybutton press brieflybutton press brieflybutton screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton buttons will showtheword ▲ (during settingthevalueflashes). / button creases ordecreasesbyoneunit.Keeping ▼ ▲ pressed, obtainautomaticfast / The possiblesettingisbe- ▼ MODE to settherequiredspeed MODE ON MODE ; : thedisplay to goback then, use ▲ / ▼ in- To clearsetting: ❒ ❒ ❒ screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton press button( press brieflybutton will showtheword the word OFF ▼ MODE ; MODE OFF ): thedisplaywillshow ; : thedisplay to goback TRIP B ( lows: see“Tripinformation Computer”). tained inthe“generalmission”(forfurther TANCE mission”con- Bduringa“partial SPEED B,TRAVEL TIMEB,andTRAVEL DIS- AVERAGE CONSUMPTIONB,AVERAGE trip) whichdisplaysthefiguresrelatingto ON ❒ ❒ ❒ thisoptionitispossibletoturn With For activation/deactivation,proceedasfol- press brieflybutton use buttons will showtheword press brieflybutton screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton / OFF ) theTRIPBfunction(partial ▲ MODE / MODE ON ▼ ; to selectonoroff; : thedisplay to goback ▲ TIME (hours -minutes). ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Proceed asfollows: This functionenablestosettheclock Keeping button IMPORTANT / ▼ screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton press buttons press brieflybutton press buttons will showthehour; press brieflybutton return tostandardscreen); return utes (pressingthebuttonforlongwill presses. ton andcompleteadjustmentwith single are neartherequiredsettingreleasebut- tomatic fastincrease/decrease.Whenyou increases ordecreasesbyoneunit. Every pressofthebutton Every ▲ ▲ ▲ / MODE MODE MODE ▼ / / ▼ ▼ pressed, obtainau- : thedisplay for setting; for setting; to setmin- to goback DATE (day -monthyear). ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ To thedateproceedasfollows: correct This functionenablestoupdatethedate screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton press buttons to gobackstandardscreen); the year(orpressbuttonforlong press brieflybutton press buttons to gobackstandardscreen); the month(orpressbuttonforlong press brieflybutton press buttons will showthedate; press brieflybutton ▲ ▲ ▲ MODE MODE MODE MODE / / / ▼ ▼ ▼ for settingtheday; : thedisplay for setting; for setting; to goback for setting for setting 65 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 66 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR DST (SUMMERTIME) lows: to +1hourinrelationthedaylighttime). summer timefunction(whichcorresponds “ manually onthe no needtointervene time tosummerandviceversa,with function, thedisplayswitchesfromdaylight ❒ ❒ ❒ For activation/deactivation,proceedasfol- This optionenablestoturn TIME Selecting andactivatingthe“ screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton use buttons press brieflybutton will showtheword ” functiondescribedpreviously. ▲ MODE / MODE ON ▼ ON ; to selectonoroff; : thedisplay DST ON / to goback OFF the ” RADIO MODE 12/24 12h or24hmode. lows: paneldisplay.the instrument tion displayedbytheradiofrontpanelon ( the radio frontpanel. displayedby display repeatsthe information PLAY ON ON ❒ ❒ ❒ To adjust,proceedasfollows: This optionenablestosettheclockin ❒ ❒ ❒ For activation/deactivation,proceedasfol- This optionenablestoactivate/deactivate Selecting andactivating “ / for longtogobackthestandard screen. to themenuscreenorpress button press brieflybutton press buttons press brieflybutton press brieflybutton use buttons press brieflybutton screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton will show will showtheword OFF or ) therepetitionofinforma- ”, when turning theradioon, ”, whenturning 24h 12h ); ; ▲ ▲ MODE MODE / MODE MODE ON ▼ / RADIO DIS- ▼ ; to selectonoroff; : thedisplay : thedisplay for setting( to goback to goback 12h TELEPHONE lows: paneldisplay.the instrument the list)andphonenumberofcalleron ( and thephonenumberofcaller. the displayshowsname(ifinlist) DISPLAY ON ON For activation/deactivation,proceedasfol- ❒ ❒ ❒ This optionenablestoactivate/deactivate Selecting andactivating“ screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton use buttons press brieflybutton will showtheword / OFF ) displayingofthename(ifin ”, whenaphonecallarrives, ▲ MODE / MODE ON ▼ TELEPHONE ; to selectonoroff; : thedisplay to goback NAVIGATION lows: paneldisplay.strument displayed bytheradionavigatoronin- ( dionavigator, toactivate/deactivate radionavigator display. displayedbythe play showstheinformation DISPLAY ON ON For activation/deactivation,proceedasfol- ❒ ❒ ❒ This optionenables,duringuseofthera- Selecting andactivating“ / press brieflybutton use buttons will showtheword press brieflybutton screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton OFF ) therepetitionofpictograms ”, the instrument paneldis- ”, theinstrument ▲ MODE / MODE ON ▼ NAVIGATION ; to selectonoroff; : thedisplay to goback LANGUAGE follows: required forthetextsshownondisplay. ❒ ❒ ❒ To settherequiredlanguageproceedas This optionenablestoselectthelanguage screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton press buttons guage”; will showthepreviouslyset“lan- press brieflybutton ▲ MODE MODE / ▼ : thedisplay for setting; to goback UNITS ture (°Cor°F). (l/100 km,km/lormpg)andtempera- tance covered(kmormi),fuelconsumption ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ To settherequiredunitproceedasfollows: This optionenablestosettheunitsfordis- press buttons (according toprevioussetting); screen): thedisplaywillshow° ton forlongtogobackthestandard the temperatureunit(orpressbut- press brieflybutton press buttons previous setting); will show“ press brieflybutton km ” or“ ▲ ▲ MODE mi MODE / / ▼ ▼ ” (accordingto : thedisplay for setting; for setting; to select C or ° F 67 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 68 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR provided). (where provided)andradionavigator the displaysoftwo-zoneclimatecontrol or ° ❒ ❒ ❒ IMPORTANT F “ play willshow“ screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton If thedistanceunitsetis“ screen); ton forlongtogobackthestandard the consumptionunit(orpressbut- press brieflybutton ) setonthedisplayisalsoshown km/l ”: pressbuttons ting. Ifthedistanceunitsetis“ display willshow“ The temperatureunit(° MODE MODE l/100km km to goback mpg ”, thedis- to select ▲ ” or ”; / C ▼ mi for set- ”, the BUZZER play. indicationshownonthedis- ure/warning vation ofthecarbuttonsandanyfail- of theroger-beepaccompanyingacti- tained. aremain- dition, anybuzzerfailurewarnings ❒ ❒ To adjustthevolumeproceedasfollows: ❒ This optionenablestoadjustthevolume IMPORTANT press brieflybutton press buttons press brieflybutton screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton “level”; will showthepreviouslysetvolume In thebuzzer ▲ MODE MODE / ▼ : thedisplay for setting; to goback OFF con- MENU OFF SERVICE dard screen. vicing. connectedtopropercarser- play information vices. only beresetbyAlfaRomeoAuthorized Ser- 200 km.Thedisplaycan played againevery (or mi)fromthisdeadlineanditwillbedis- tion keyto this isshownautomatically, withtheigni- 20,000km; cludes carmaintenanceevery Selecting thisoptionwillbringback tostan- ❒ ❒ ❒ To consultthisfunction,proceedasfollows: Through thisfunctionitispossibletodis- IMPORTANT screen. for longtogobackthestandard to themenuscreenorpressbutton press brieflybutton press buttons graph “UNITS”); setting, willbedisplayed(seepara- “ press brieflybutton km ” or“ quired service info; quired service MAR mi , starting from2,000km , starting The Service Schedulein- The Service ” accordingtoprevious ▲ MODE MODE / ▼ : service in : service to displaythere- to goback lowing diagram)is“contained”withinthecompletemission. missionofthecar;thislatterfunction(assho thepartial andTRIPB,concerning the “completemission”ofcar(journey) General features TRIP COMPUTER Both functions are resettable (reset - start ofnewmission). Both functionsareresettable(reset-start The “Trip relatingtotheoperatingstatusofcar. computer”displaysinformation ThisfunctioncomprisestheGENERAL TRIP, Start of new partial mission ofnewpartial Start Reset GENERALTRIP End ofcompletemission End of partial mission End ofpartial Start ofnewmission Start

Reset TRIPB ˙ ˙ TRIP B Start of new partial mission ofnewpartial Start End of partial mission End ofpartial

Reset TRIPB ˙ ˙ TRIP B GENERAL TRIP Start of new partial mission ofnewpartial Start End of partial mission End ofpartial

Reset TRIPB ˙TRIP B ˙ wn inthefol- concerning Start of new partial mission ofnewpartial Start End of partial mission End ofpartial Reset TRIPB Reset GENERALTRIP End ofcompletemission

Start ofnewmission Start ˙ ˙ 69 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 70 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ TRIP B displays information concerning: concerning: TRIP Bdisplaysinformation Travel DistanceB Travel timeB Average speedB Average consumptionB Travel Distance Range Travel time Average speed Actual consumption Average consumption lating to: The GENERALTRIPdisplaysthefiguresre- the start ofthenewmission(driving time). the start ofthenewmission. the start a functionoftheoveralltimeelapsedsince will show“---”. parking thecarwithengineon,display (this valueisupdatedsecondbysecond).If ofthenewmission. from thestart Values displayed This valueshowsthetimeelapsedsince Travel time This valueshowsthecaraveragespeedas Average speed This valueshowsinstantfuelconsumption Actual consumption This valueshowstheaverageconsumption Average consumption lowing cases: are keptunvaried. ing fuel,assumingthatdrivingconditions mi) thatthecarcanstillcoverbeforeneed- The displaywillshow“---“inthefol- This valueshowsthedistanceinkm(or Range the displaywillshow“0.0”. (reset), each timeanewmissionisstarted ofthenewmission. the start be reset. ly. Values displayedbeforethefailurewillnot regular- culation ofdifferentunitswillrestart operatingconditionisreset, cal- When normal COMPUTER valuesaredisplayedwith“---”. ❒ ❒ IMPORTANT isconnected and Each timethebattery This valueshowsthedistancecoveredfrom Travel Distance over 5minutes. for car leftparkedwithenginerunning value lowerthan50km(or30mi); Lacking information, TRIP Lacking information, ❒ ❒ necting thebattery. or afterdisconnectingandthenrecon- es 99:59(99hoursand59minutes) km (ormi),when“traveltime”reach- the “traveldistance”reaches9999.9 when “automatic”: resetisperformed ver bypressingforlongbutton bythedri- “manual”: resetisperformed Reset canbe: New mission (reset) SET ; fig. 86 SET BUTTON TRIP andBfunctions. ignition key umn stalk( a newmission: GENERAL TRIPandBfunctionstostart Button This button,setontherightsteeringcol- - - long push new mission. short push SET fig. 86 MAR shall alsobeusedtoresetthe : to reset and then start a : toresetandthenstart : togonextscreen; ), toentertheGENERAL ), shallbeused(with A0A0021b reset. button it possibletoresetalsotheTRIPB. theGENERALTRIPmakes screens concerning for over2seconds)inthepresenceof (reset) Start ofjourneyprocedure SUMPTION information cannot bereset. SUMPTION information sociated withthisfunction. as- it possibletoresetonlytheinformation onlytheTRIP Bmakes screens concerning for over2seconds)inthepresenceof The resetoperation(button The resetoperation(button With ignitionkeyat With IMPORTANT SET pressed forover2secondsto RANGE andACTUALCON- MAR , pressandkeep SET SET pressed pressed 71 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 72 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR AND MESSAGES WARNING LIGHTS leak inthecircuit. below theminimumlevel,due to possible falls level ofthebrakefluidinreservoir message +symbolonthedisplay)when Low brakefluidlevel few seconds. on,butitshould gooffafter ing lightturns equipment withwhichthecarisfitted. lights dependsonthetypeofengineand x The warning light turns on(togetherwith lightturns The warning Turning theignitionkeyto IMPORTANT ON (red) HANDBRAKE LEVEL (red) LOW BRAKEFLUID The presenceofwarning MAR the warn- brake ison. Handbrake on The warning light turns onwhenthehand- lightturns The warning vices. tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- stop thecarimmediatelyandcon- on withhandbrakedisengaged, engaged. Ifthewarninglightstays that thehandbrakeisnot on whentravelling,check If thewarninglightturns and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. and contactAlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices. in thenext2or3minutes,stopengine coolant fluid. activatethecirculation ofthe to further ing theengineonandslightlyaccelerated comes onwhendriving,stopthecarleav- light ifthewarning engine isoverheated: message +symbolonthedisplay)when few seconds. on,butitshouldgooffafter ing lightturns If the warning light does not turn offwith- lightdoesnotturn If thewarning on(togetherwith lightturns The warning Turning theignitionkeyto u TEMPERATURE (red) COOLANT HIGH ENGINE MAR the warn- ly ifthereisafailureintheairbagsystem. few seconds. on,butitshouldgooffafter ing lightturns The warning lightstaysonglowingsteadi- The warning Turning theignitionkeyto ¬ light 4 secondsof theairbagwarning flashing formore thanthenormal ¬ Services. ing contactAlfaRomeoAuthorized trigger accidentally. Beforerestart- nor numberofcases,theycould trigger incaseofimpactor, inami- bags orpretensionerscouldnot safety systems;inthiseventair elling therecouldbeafailurein turn onorifitstayswhentrav- . light warning light tion keytoMAR,the The failureofthewarning If whenturningtheigni- is alsoindicatedbythe (red) AIR BAGFAILURE ¬ (warning lightoff) MAR the warn- ¬ does not gine oilpressureislow. v Message +symbolaredisplayedwhenen- thorized Services. ately andcontactAlfaRomeoAu- stop theengineimmedi- displayed whentravelling If message+symbolare OIL PRESSURE LOW ENGINE vices. tact immediatelyAlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- chargeislow.battery If message+symbolaredisplayed,con- Message +symbolaredisplayedwhenthe w CHARGE LOW BATTERY 73 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 74 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR properly shut. one ormoredoorsthebonnetarenot ver’s seatbeltisnotfastenedcorrectly. ly withignitionkeyat Message +symbolaredisplayedwhen onglowingsteadi- lightturns The warning ´ < LOCKING INCOMPLETE DOOR FASTENED (red) SEAT BELTS NOT MAR , whenthedri- pads. changing them,checkalsotherearbrake wear sensorsforthefrontbrakepads,when changed assoonpossible. inthiscasehavethem brake padsareworn; will showmessage+symbolwhenfront system checked. andhavethe Romeo AuthorizedServices go assoonpossibletothenearest Alfa the eventofSelespeedtransmission failure, is afailureintheSelespeedtransmission. In message +symbolaredisplayedwhenthere d IMPORTANT thebrakepedalpressed,display With On versionswithSelespeedtransmission, t Selespeed versions) (2.0 T.SPARK FAILURE TRANSMISSION SELESPEED BRAKE PAD WEAR Since thecarisfittedwith markets whereapplicable) (upon requestforversions/ the system; fault disappears, butitishoweverstoredby lightgoesoffifthe as possible.The warning assoon tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices lightonmaycausedamages.Con- warning engine. Prolongeduseofthecar withthe orhighspeedfromthe quiring heavyeffort sible tocontinuedrivingwithouthowever re- sumption levels.Intheseconditionsitispos- poorhandlingandhighcon- of performance, high emissionsattheexhaust,possiblelack supply/ignition systemwhichcouldcause symbol onthedisplay): when travelling(togetherwithmessage+ lightisworkingproperly.the warning onindicatesthat Theinitialturning started. but itshouldgooffwhentheenginehas key to U glowing steadily on lightstaysonorturns If thewarning theignition conditions,turning In normal MAR , the warning light turns on, lightturns , thewarning (EOBD) (amber) SYSTEM FAILURE ENGINE CONTROL - meansafaultinthe soon aspossible. as Romeo AuthorizedServices ing whentravelling,contactAlfa turns onglowingsteadilyorflash- U to MAR,thewarninglight If, turningtheignitionkey does notturnonorifit as soonpossible. and contactAlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices flashing conditions thatmaycausefurther toavoiddriving at moderatespeed,trying ing lightstopsflashing;continuethejourney lower thespeedofengineuntilwarn- toreleasetheacceleratorpedal essary this section).Ifthelightflashes,itisnec- age tothecatalyst(see“EOBDsystem”in flashing - indicatesthepossibilityofdam- same time of warning light same timeofwarning ure (see“AlfaRomeoCODEsystem”). the message),thisindicatesapossiblefail- symbol staysonthedisplay(togetherwit go off.Ifwiththeignitionkeyat the displayshallflashonlyonceandthen Y Turning thekeyto IMPORTANT memorised. tohaveall the keys Authorized Services system” inthissection).ContactAlfaRomeo mobilising device(see“AlfaRomeoCODE the carisnotprotectedbyengineim- shows message+symbol,thismeansthat CODE system. If with the engine running, thedisplay If withtheenginerunning, Y indicates afailureoftheAlfaRomeo bol SYSTEM ALFA ROMEOCODE The turning onatthe The turning MAR the symbolon MAR U , the and sym- FAILURE (dieselversions) GLOW PLUGWARMING Glow plugwarming short time. short lightstaysonforvery temperature, warning off. ately afterthesymbolturns theengineimmedi- set temperature.Start offwhenglowplugsreachthepre- will turn play showsmessage+symbol.Thesymbol m Turning theignitionkeyto IMPORTANT (diesel versions) WARMING GLOW PLUG With mildorhotambient With MAR , thedis- 75 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 76 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR eliminated. vices assoonpossibletohavethefault system. ContactAlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- there isafailureintheglowplugwarming Glow plugwarmingfailure Message +symbolaredisplayedwhen the dieselfuelfilter. travelling toindicatethatthereiswaterin Message +symbolaredisplayedwhen c thorized Services. ately andcontactAlfaRomeo Au- tank: turntheengineoff immedi- probably beenpouredinto the ately afterrefuelling,water has above indicationscomeonimmedi- have thesystemrelieved.If assoonpossibleto Services contact AlfaRomeoAuthorized reconfigurable multifunctiondisplay sage +symbolaredisplayedonthe regular engineoperation.Ifmes- tire injectionsystemandcauseir- serious damagetotheen- the fuelcircuitmaycause The presenceofwaterin (diesel versions) FUEL FILTER WATER INDIESEL off. untilthemessage+symbolturn car running tomatically thereclaimingprocedure. ving conditionsdonotenabletoactivateau- filteriscloggedandthedri- diesel particulate h To enablethecleaningprocedure,keep Message +symbolaredisplayedwhenthe where applicable) versions/markets (upon requestfor (diesel versions) FILTER CLOGGED DIESEL PARTICULATE inertial fuelcut-offswitchistriggered. inertial Message +symbolaredisplayedwhenthe set theswitchtoavoidfirerisk. s the fuelsystem,donotre- smell fuelorseeleaksfrom If afterthemessageyou CUT-OFF SWITCH INERTIAL FUEL as soonpossible. to contactAlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices grip.It isnecessary es oflessthanperfect by theABSsystem. changed, butwithoutthepotentialoffered ing systemkeepsitseffectivenessun- system isinefficient.Inthiscasethebrak- message +symbolonthedisplay)when few seconds. on,butitshouldgooffafter ing lightturns Turning theignitionkeyto Caution is advisable, particularly inallcas- Caution isadvisable,particularly on(togetherwith lightturns The warning > provided) (amber) SYSTEM (where INEFFICIENT ABS MAR the warn- > x time of warning lights time ofwarning system checked. tohavethe Alfa RomeoAuthorizedService time, withthepossibilityofskidding. may causetherearwheelstolockbefore system failure;inthiscaseheavybraking indicatesanEBD with theenginerunning er withmessage+symbolonthedisplay) Drive withtheutmostcaretonearest (amber) DISTRIBUTOR (red) BRAKING ELECTRONIC INEFFICIENT EBD The turning onatthesame The turning x and > (togeth- 77 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 78 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR applicable) versions/markets where (upon requestfor senger’s frontAirbagisdeactivated. 4 seconds. on,butitshouldgooffafterabout light turns ing theignitionkeyto The warning light turns onwhenthepas- lightturns The warning passenger’sWith frontairbagsON,turn- F onds, ofwarninglight intermittent flashing,over4sec- immediately. vices tohavethesystem checked tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- dicate safetysystemfailures.Con- event warninglight failures. Thisisindicatedby Warning light (amber) BAG DEACTIVATED PASSENGER’S AIR FRONT cates alsowarninglight MAR the warning ¬ could notin- F F . Inthis indi- ¬ system cutsin. fa RomeoAuthorizedServices. sage +symbolonthedisplay),contactAl- stays onwhentravelling(togetherwithmes- few seconds. on,butitshouldgooffafter ing lightturns The warning lightflasheswhentheVDC The warning offor lightdoesnotturn If thewarning Turning theignitionkeyto á (amber) (where provided) VDC SYSTEM MAR the warn- thorized Services assoonpossible. thorized Services tem. InthiscasecontactAlfaRomeoAu- play) alsoindicatesafailureoftheASRsys- gether withmessage+symbolonthedis- gripconditions. surface ver thatthesystemisadaptingtoroad thedri- es whenthesystemcutsin,toalert lightflash- tem isswitchedoff.Thewarning after fewseconds. on,butitshouldgooff lightturns warning V Turning theignitionkeyto The turning on of the warning light(to- onofthewarning The turning onwhenthesys- lightturns The warning (amber) (where provided) ANTISKID SYSTEM) ASR (WHEEL MAR , the when oneofthefollowinglightsisfailing: after fewseconds. on,butitshouldgooff lightturns warning tection fuseoranelectricconnectioncut-off. be: oneormoreblownbulbs,apro- ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ The displaywillshowmessage+symbol Turning theignitionkeyto The failure referring tothese lights could The failurereferring W number platelights. rear foglights brake lightsandrelevantfuse side/taillights (amber) FAILURE EXTERNAL LIGHTS MAR , the hazard warning lightbuttonispressed. hazard warning together withtheleftindicator, whenthe rection indicatorstalkismovedupwards or, lightbutton ispressed. the hazardwarning or, togetherwiththerightindicator, when rection indicatorstalkismoveddownwards range islessthan50km. versionswhenthecruising and, oncertain when about7litresfuelareleftinthetank sions withthemessageondisplay) The warning light turns onwhenthedi- lightturns The warning onwhenthedi- lightturns The warning ver- on(oncertain lightturns The warning R E K INDICATOR (green) DIRECTION RIGHT-HAND INDICATOR (green) DIRECTION LEFT-HAND (amber) FUEL RESERVE turned on(seetherelevantparagraph). turned beams orthe“Followmehome” deviceare knurled ringtoON. Control theCruise play) whenturning sions withmessage+symbolonthedis- on. lights orlowbeamsareturned 3 1 The warning light turns on when themain lightturns The warning ver- on(oncertain lightturns The warning onwhenside/tail- lightturns The warning Ü (blue) MAIN BEAMS (green) (where provided) CRUISE CONTROL (green) SIDE/TAILLIGHTS 79 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 80 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR as bv °C symbol raise above6° of possibleiceonroad,thetemperaturewill is switchedoff. perature exceeds6°Coruntiltheengine the symbolwillstaydisplayeduntiltem- 10secondsthen,only display foraprrox. onds whereasthemessagewillstayon ice ontheroad. thedriverofpossiblepresence warn temperature reachesorfallsbelow3°Cto and abuzzerwillsoundwhentheoutside If whentravelling,nexttotheindication The buzzerwillsoundforapprox.2sec- The displayshowsmessage+symbol the soundofbuzzer. √ symbol message (outsidetemperatureflashing)+ Ca new temperature fallsagainbelow3° √ will bedisplayedtogetherwith ON THEROAD OF ICE PRESENCE POSSIBLE √ will turn off.If will turn √ LEVEL SENSOR ENGINE OIL FAILURE WARNING LIGHTS SPEED LIMITEXCEEDED nated. soon aspossibletohavethefailureelimi- as Contact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices is detectedtotheengineoillevelsensor. light. ing light,VDCwarning light,ASRwarn- light,EBDwarning warning lightsisfailing:ABS of thefollowingwarning tion display”). previously (see“Reconfigurablemultifunc- when thecarexceedsspeedlimitset sage +symbolandthebuzzerwillsound The warning light turns onwhenafault lightturns The warning The messagewillbedisplayedwhenone The displaywillshowthededicatedmes- SCHEDULED SERVICING RANGE (Trip Computer) when turning theignitionkeyto when turning 200km message willberepeatedevery Schedule.The line plannedintheService from2000kmthedead- sage starting less than50km. rangeis sage +symbolwhenthecruising The displaywillshowthededicatedmes- The displaywillshowthededicatedmes- MAR . fig. 87 area fixed vents- ing sidewindows - 1 HEATING ANDCLIMATE CONTROLSYSTEM Upper stationary vent fordefrostingordemisting windscreen - Upper stationary 8 4 Rear adjustable swiveloutlet. Adjustable centre, swivelvents- 5 Side adjustable and swiveloutlets- 2 Upper centreadjustable vent- 6 3 Front feetarea fixed vents- Stationary ventsfor defrostingordemist- Stationary 7 Rear feet A0A0703b 81 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 82 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 88 ADJUSTMENT CENTRE SWIVELVENT ADJUSTMENT UPPER CENTREVENT • • I I control ( (in the4directions:up/down,right/left). makes itpossibletodirecttheflowofair Completelyopen. = Completelyclosed. = Completelyopen. = Completelyclosed. = The vent( Each vent( To adjusttheairflow, usecontrol( A ). 1 2 ) hasanopening/closing ) hasalever( ( ( fig. 88 fig. 88 ) ) B ) which C ): A0A0085b fig. 89 ADJUSTMENT SIDE SWIVELOUTLET side windows. • D II I - fixedventfordefrostingordemisting ring ( as required. Completelyopen. = open. Partially = Completelyclosed. = To directtheflowofair, theknurled turn To adjusttheairflow, usecontrol( A ) and/ordirectlyusecontrol( ( fig. 89 ) C ): B ) A0A0086b fig. 90 as required. ring ( ( ADJUSTMENT REAR SWIVELOUTLET fig. 90 To adjusttheairflow, usecontrol( To directtheflowofair, theknurled turn • II I A Completelyopen. = open. Partially = Completelyclosed. = ) and/ordirectlyusecontrol( ) C ): B ) A0A0087b MANUAL CLIMATE CONTROLSYSTEM lowing pages. giveninthefol- it, readtheinstructions system andhowtomakethebestuseof trated. knobsasillus- rings ofthecorresponding mate controlsystemfunctions. For more detailed information aboutthe For moredetailedinformation To obtainthem,setthepointeron Below isabriefdescriptionofthecli- fig. 92 fig. 91 QUICK DEMISTING/DEFROSTING MAXIMUM HEATING POWER A0A0731b A0A0730b 83 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 84 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR 5 - Rearscreenheatingon/offbutton 4 3 2 1 - Airrecirculationon/offbutton - Airdistributionselectorknob - Fanspeedadjustmentknob - Airtemperatureadjustmentknob ( fig. 93 ) v ( . fig. 93 A0A0732b KNOB FAN SPEEDADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT KNOB AIR TEMPERATURE to thebutton (shown bythelightingupoflednext matically engagesinsideairre-circulation to thepassengercompartment. to personalisetheamountofairadmitted is possibletoselectoneofthefanspeeds admitted tothepassengercompartment. higher orlowerthetemperatureofair wise orcounter-clockwiserespectivelyto Position Turning theringofknob( Turn theringofknob( button ( the inletofoutsideairtocar. To switchoffinsideair re-circulation,press 0 turns offthefanandauto- turns 4 4 v ) v . 1-fig. 93 ) therebyshuttingoff 2-fig. 93 ) clock- ) it AIR DISTRIBUTIONKNOB passenger compartment. passenger compartment. actual vents. of adjustmentusingthecontrolson front andrearoutletswiththepossibility following positionsareselectedinsequence: w μ ¥ Turning theknobring( senger compartment (frontand rear). senger compartment ofthe pas- Air flowtothelowerpart ofthe vious ventsandthelowerpart Splitting ofairflowbetweenthepre- front centreventsandfromthe Air flowtowardstheuppercentre, 3-fig. 93 ), the - ≤ y ing (functioncalled rearscreen heatingfordemisting/defrost- on and frontsidewindows,turning ing/defrosting. partment. ofthepassengercom- and thelowerpart ing/defrosting ofthewindscreen Flow ofairtoallowquickdemist- and frontsidewindowsfordemist- Air flowtowardsthewindscreen windscreen/front sidewindows Splitting ofairflowbetweenthe MAX - DEF ). 85 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 86 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ON/OFF BUTTON INSIDE AIRRE-CIRCULATION Pressing button( button again. and withdrawairfromoutside,pressthe thefanison. senger compartment, directly treatstheaircontainedinpas- next tothebuttonlightsup. vates insideairre-circulationandtheled To switchtheairre-circulationfeatureoff In thiscasetheclimatecontrolsystem 4-fig. 93 ) v acti- mate controlsystemisoff. inside, especiallyifthemanualcli- possibility ofthewindowsmisting would considerablyincreasethe use itonrainy/colddaysas faster. Itishoweverinadvisableto “heating” or“cooling”conditions system the insideairrecirculation to reachtherequired system makesitpossible inside. possibility ofthewindows misting eral personsonboard,toavoid the er beavoided,especiallywith sev- use ofthisfunctionshouldhowev- ed airfromoutside.Theprolonged tunnels toavoidadmittingpollut- It isadvisabletoturnon The insideairrecirculation v in queuesor ON/OFFBUTTON REARSCREEN HEATING Pressing button( heating filaments. To offearlier, turn pressthebuttonagain. switches offautomaticallyafter20minutes. on.Thisfunctionistimedand ton turns coils; simultaneouslythelednexttobut- heating and ifpresent,thedoormirrors on demisting/defrostingoftherearscreen, might causeittostopworkingproperly. ing filamentstoavoiddamagewhich the insideofrearscreenoverheat- perature isbelow3°C. onrearscreenheatingifthetem- ly turns IMPORTANT IMPORTANT care nottodamagethe of therearscreen,take When cleaningtheinside 5-fig. 93 The systemautomatical- Do notapplystickerson ) ( turns ( AND WINGMIRRORS SIDE WINDOWS,REARSCREEN WINDSCREEN ANDFRONT AND/OR DEFROSTINGTHE DEMISTING MAX sent, the wing mirror coils. sent, thewingmirror screen andfrontsidewindowvents; cally after3minutes),asfollows: dows withtiming(switchingoffautomati- defrosting ofthewindscreenandsidewin- toquickendemisting/ tions necessary - turns onrearscreenheatingand,ifpre- - turns - directstheflowofairtowardswind- - operatesthefanatapredefinedspeed; - setsthemaximumairtemperature; - switchesoffairre-circulation,ifengaged; The climatecontrolactivatesallthefunc- ( 3 - - turn theringofairdistributionknob - turn Proceed asfollows: E FUNCTION DEF ) tothe - symbol. )( fig. 94 ) heating button( tion ison,thelednexttorearscreen When themaxdemisting/defrostingfunc- fig. 94 5 the moreeffectivedefrostingwill be. ditions ofvisionandcomfort. the controlstomaintainoptimumcon- demist thewindows. enoughto thatisnotwarm compartment to restricttheinletofairpassenger ly engagethepre-establishedfanspeed, enough, thefunctiondoesnotimmediate- ) IMPORTANT After demisting/defrosting,simplyuse IMPORTANT If theengineisnothot - The hottertheengine will turn on. will turn ( to demistthewindows: side, itisadvisabletoproceedasfollows perature betweeninsidethecarandout- and/or rainbigdifferencesintem- 4 - airre-circulationoff,lednexttobutton IMPORTANT ) at least; - pointerofknob( - pointerofknob( v In casesofheavydamp the possibilityofpassingtoposition button ( more mistingisnoted; off; To defrost/demistthe rearscreen,press ( 5 , lednexttobuttonon. ) 2 3 ) atfansecondspeed ) onsymbol ≤ A0A0733b y with if 87 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 88 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR HEATING required position(position speed; wise (maximumtemperatureredsector); proceed asfollows: required position. alise theamountofairadmitted; ( ( ceed asfollows: 2 1 - airdistributionknobpointer( - knobpointer( - knobpointer( To obtainthemaximumheatingpower - airdistributionknobpointer( - airquantityadjustmentknobpointer - temperatureadjustmentknobpointer To obtainthetemperaturerequired,pro- ) onthefanspeedrequiredtoperson- ) ontheredsectorasrequired; mal operatingtemperature. ing, theengineshouldhavereached nor- warm- passengercompartment isfactory mended. IMPORTANT ( fig. 95 1 ) asfaritwillgoclock- 2 ) onmaximumfan ) To beabletoobtainsat- 3 3 w ) onthe ) onthe ) isrecom- Authorised Services. Authorised Services. onset ofsummerbyAlfa Romeo at leastonceayear, preferablyatthe with thewindowsclosed. conditions anditisclearlymoreeffective pollutants. tions, isalsoreducestheconcentrationof suchasdust,pollen,etc. from particles purifiedair,passenger compartment free air,tering external thusadmittingtothe Have theconditionsoffilter checked The filteringactionisactiveinallairinlet In additiontotheabovementionedfunc- The filterhasthespecificcapabilityoffil- fig. 95 (for versions/marketswhereapplicable) POLLEN FILTER and vents. blocking theairflowat outlets be seriouslycompromised upto Maintenance Schedule. than thosespecifiedintheProgrammed intervals checked andreplacedatshorter polluted areas,thefiltershouldbe If thecarishabituallyusedindustyor mate controlsystemmay the efficiencyofcli- If thefilterisnotreplaced A0A0734b side). temperatures (driver’s side-passenger’s (for versions/marketswhereapplicable) AUTOMATIC TWO-ZONECLIMATE CONTROLSYSTEM - pressthe theknobringstosetrequired - turn To thesystem( start low. temperature notvery ning andexternal pressor canonlyworkwiththeenginerun- ger’s side. between thedriver’s sideandthepassen- with amaximumdifferenceof7°C temperatures requiredonthetwoside tem makesitpossibletopersonalisethe IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AUTO fig. 96 The climatecontrolcom- The climatecontrolsys- button. ): over quickly. perature aswindowsmay mist function vwithlowoutside tem- to usetheinsideairrecirculation to work.Itisthereforeinadvisable fig. 96 trol compressorisunable perature theclimatecon- With lowexternaltem- with the system components. er fluids which are incompatible cidental spillage. the environment intheeventofac- rent regulationsanddoesnot harm Absolutely avoidthe useofoth- R134a whichmeetscur- climate controlsystemis The coolantusedforthe instructions giveninpagesthat follow.instructions how tomakethebestuseofit,read For further detailsaboutthe system and For further A0A0203b 89 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 90 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR GENERAL misting, enablingthe cient fordemisting;inthecase ofheavy flow tothewindscreen,fanspeed suffi- re-circulation, enablingthecompressor, air series ofoperationssuchas:openingair to preventorreducemistingthrougha which canautomaticallyactonthesystem area ofthewindscreeninnersurface ror, capableof“controlling”apredefined installed behindtheinsiderear-viewmir- ed withanincipientmistingsensor and atwo-zonesunraysensor. sensor, sensor apassengercompartment thesystemhasanoutside compartment, trol inthetwoareasofpassenger side. To obtainoptimumtemperaturecon- the driver’s sideandonthepassenger’s separately adjusttheairtemperatureon control unitwhichmakesitpossibleto control system,controlledbyanelectronic On someversionsthesystemisintegrat- The carisfittedwithatwo-zoneclimate MAXDEF function. AUTO turned to turned is enabledeachtimetheignitionkey signal untilthebutton tion inhibitstheincipientmistingsensor tion, airdistribution,flow. Thisopera- lowing buttons:compressor, airrecircula- offpressingoneofthefol- can beturned IMPORTANT . Whenthisprocedureisworkingit turned to turned again orthenexttimeignitionkeyis MAR The demistingprocedire or pressingthebutton MAR . stances. accumulation ofdustandothersub- and theactualsensor, avoidingthe given tocleaningthewindscreen time cardetc.).Careshouldalsobe not beapplied(roadlicenceholder, AUTO ing sensor, stickersmust tion oftheincipientmist- To ensurecorrectopera- is pressed pressing therecirculationbutton any case,thesensorcanbere-enabled nal temperature,thesensorisdisabled.In mate controlcompressororwithlowexter- ty conditions;thereforedisablingthecli- antipollution sensorissubordinatetosafe- (with thetypicalsmellofspirits). and operationofthewindscreenwasher of pollutedairincities,queues,tunnels effects recirculation tolessentheharmful of automaticallyswitchingoninsideair grated byanantipollutionsensorcapable IMPORTANT versions,thesystemisinte- On certain taking ittotheautomaticmode. The functionofthe v until and passenger’s sideseparately) (forthedriver’spassenger compartment parameters andfunctions: ically controlsandadjuststhefollowing filter. Theclimatecontrolsystemautomat- andactivatedcarbon a combinedparticle - climatecontrolcompressoron/off. - insideairre-circulationon/off - airdistribution - fanspeed - temperatureoftheairadmittedto to The airqualitycontrolisalsoentrusted plays. set onthedriver’s andpassenger’s dis- matically dependingonthetemperatures iscontrolled auto- senger compartment perature oftheairflowingintopas- be automaticand,inanycase,thetem- not beenmodifiedmanuallywillalways can bemodifiedmanually: The controlofthefunctionsthathave - climatecontrolcompressoron/offenable. - insideairre-circulationon/off - airdistribution - fanspeed The settingsofthefollowingfunctions is started. switched offandresumedthenexttimeit manually arestoredwhentheengineis automatic control.Thesettingsselected storage untiltheuserdecidestoresume vail overautomaticonesandremainin IMPORTANT Manual selectionspre- 91 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 92 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR CONTROLS v OFF wing mirror coils( wing mirror side windows,rearscreenheatingand on/off buttonforwindscreenandfront (passenger’s side) senger’s side) switching thesystemoff defrosting on/offbutton 10 7 6 5 4 9 ( (driver’s side) ver’s side) - Knobforadjustingthefanspeedand - Insidetemperatureadjustmentknob - Insidetemperaturesetdisplay(pas- - Rearscreenheatingandwingmirror ) 3 2 1 - Airdistributionselectionbuttons - Maximumdefrosting/demisting (manual/automatic) - Fanspeedsetandsystemoffdisplay - Insidetemperatureadjustmentknob - Insidetemperaturesetdisplay(dri- 8 - Insideairre-circulationon/offbutton ( fig. 97 MAX ) - DEF ( function) the driver’s side set onthepassenger’s sidewiththat on 12 11 - Buttonforaligningthetemperature - Insideairtemperaturesensor fig. 97 MONO enable button automatic mode 14 13 - Climatecontrolcompressoron/off - Buttonforselectingthesystem √ AUTO A0A0090b press the( peratures requiredonthedisplays;then ways, butitisadvisabletosetthetem- directions. inboth reached, theyarefreetoturn the maximumorminimumvaluehasbeen have amechanicalstoppertherefore,once ( CLIMATE CONTROLSYSTEM THE AUTOMATIC TWO-ZONE HOW TOUSE fig. 97 The system can be started indifferent The systemcanbestarted IMPORTANT the newrequirements. matically changeitssettingsto adjustto changed atanytime;thesystemwillauto- operation, thetemperaturessetcanbe and thenmaintainthem. temperatures setasquicklypossible completely automaticallytoreachthe During completelyautomaticsystem working This waythesystemwillstart ) 13 ) The knobringsdonot AUTO button. veningmanually onthefollowingcontrols: made automaticallybythesysteminter- ger’s sidemustbewithinarangeof7°C. perature betweenthedriver’s andpassen- by thesystem,differenceintem- ( 8 - fanspeedadjustmentknob( It ispossibletopersonalisethechoices IMPORTANT - airdistributionselectionbuttons( - insideairre-circulationon/offbutton ) √ ton ( offtherightled onthebut- functions turns - climatecontrolonenablebutton( Manually selectingoneormoreofthese . 13 v ) To beabletoaccepted AUTO . 4 ) 10 ) 14 ) button automatically bythesystem(leftledon continuestobecontrolled compartment ture oftheairadmittedtopassenger manually, theadjustmentoftempera- With oneormorefunctionsengaged With 13 AUTO and/or ( rate thatcannotbeobtained. turning offofthetwoledson button( turning side air;thisconditionisindicatedbythe have alowertemperaturethantheout- cannot to thepassengercompartment mate controlcompressoroff. In fact,inthisconditiontheairadmitted and flashingonthedisplay( 5 ) relatedwiththetemperature AUTO on) exceptwiththecli- 1 13 ) ) 93 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 94 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ADJUSTMENT KNOBS AIR TEMPERATURE respectively engaged: mum heatingorcoolingfunctionsare extreme selections counter-clockwise untiltheyreachthe ( set isrestoredautomaticallyusingknob and ( atures setareshownonthedisplays( Thetemper- the passengercompartment. zone (knob the airrequiredrespectivelyinleft ly highersorlowersthetemperatureof clockwise orcounter-clockwise,respective- 6 Turning theknobringsclockwiseor Separate operationofthetemperatures Turning theringsofknobs( ). 5 ) abovetheknobs. 2 ) orrightzone(knob HI or LO ( , themaxi- fig. 98 2 or 6 ) of 6 ) 1 ), ) fig. 98 A0A0204b opposite display will show 32.5°C. ture set to a value below 32.5°C; the ring ofknob ( function on. to thepassengercompartment. ting airthatisnotwarm enough the enginecoldtopreventadmit- ing tothesystemsettings. ution andfanspeedarecontrolledaccord- ature ofthecoolantfluid,whileairdistrib- maximum potentialofthesystem. ment asquicklypossible,exploitingthe requiring toheatthepassengercompart- mode andisshownonbothdisplays. brings thesystemto“monozone” or passenger’s sideorboth;thissetting activated independentlyfromthedriver’s temperature above32.5°C,andcanbe (highest heatingpower-fig.99) To the switch thesystemoff,simplyturn All manualsettingsarepossible withthis This functionisunadvisablewith This functionusesthemaximumtemper- This functioncanbeengagedwhen onsettingthedisplaya This isturned HI function 2 ) or( 6 ) ofthe tempera- fig. 99 Pressing key( temperature adjustment. to anoperatingconditionwithautomatic show atemperatureof32.5°Candreturns 13 ) AUTO the displaywill A0A0218b 95 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 96 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR the ringofknob( function on. and thefanspeedassetbysystem. the oppositedisplaywillshow16.5°C. perature setonavalueabove16.5°C; To switchthefunction off,simplyturn All manualsettingsarepossiblewiththis Pressing key( compressor, takesairdistributionto andtheclimate control compartment) vent admittinghotairtothepassenger engages insideairre-circulation(topre- maximum potentialofthesystem. ment asquicklypossible,exploitingthe requiring tocoolthepassengercompart- shown onbothdisplays. temperature below16.5°C;thissettingis (highest coolingpower-fig.100) The functioncutsoffairheating, This functioncanbeengagedwhen onsettingthedisplaya This isturned automatic temperatureadjustment. toanoperatingconditionwith returns show atemperatureof16.5°C and 13 LO function 2 ) ) or( 6 AUTO ) ofthetem- the displaywill RE fig. 100 A0A0219b TEMPERATURE SET ALIGNMENT OFTHE MONO BUTTONFOR Pressing button( presses button( passenger usestheringonknob( set isautomaticallyrestoredwhenthe on board. whenonly thedriveris ger compartment perature adjustmentofthewholepassen- driver’s side. theringofknob( simply turning same temperaturebetweenthetwozones side, thereforeitispossibletosetthe senger’s sidewiththatonthedriver’s cally alignsthetemperatureonpas- Separate operationofthetemperatures This functionisprovidedtosimplifytem- 12 12 MONO ) ) MONO ( fig. 101 . 2 automati- ) onthe ) 6 ) or fig. 101 A0A0207b 97 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 98 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR switched offpressingbutton( AUTO if theclimatecontrolcompressorhasbeen of 6barslit: on abar(instepsof3),uptomaximum ment; the16selectablespeedsareshown of airadmittedtothepassengercompart- es thespeedoffan,thusamount or counter-clockwise,increasesdecreas- ( ADJUSTMENT KNOB FAN SPEED fig. 102-103 The fancanbecutoff(allbarsoff)only - minimumfanspeed=onebarlit. - maximumfanspeed=allbarslit; Turning theringofknob( ( ( off, withthefollowingsituation:display with litdisplay 4 1 ) counter-clockwiseswitchesthesystem ) off;display( re-circulation button( . Completely turning thering of knob . Completelyturning to the passenger compartment. to thepassengercompartment. to obtaintheinletofuntreated outside air recirculation button( IMPORTANT manual adjustment,pressbutton( restore automaticfanspeedcontrol,aftera ) OFF 5 ) off;centredisplay( and leftledoninsideair 8 Pressing theinsideair 4 ) 8 ), clockwise 14 v ) v ) it ispossible on. 3 ) √ 13 . To ) conditions stored previously. this operation restores all theoperating culation ( any onebutton, excepttheinsideairre-cir- the ringofknob ( To thesystemonagain,simplyturn turn fig. 103 fig. 102 8 ) andrearscreen ( 4 ) clockwise,or press 9 ) buttons; IMPORTANT On leavingthe to thecondition priortoswitchingoff. dition, insideairre-circulation v OFF returns A0A0206b A0A0205b con- R RE BUTTONS AIR DISTRIBUTIONSELECTION Z Z E compartment: compartment: possible airdistributionstothepassenger possible tomanuallychooseoneofthe5 Pressing oneormorebuttons( Splitting oftheairflowbetween when thesunisshining. ticularly usefulinspringandautumn, air). Theairflowdistributionispar- outlets andtherearoutlet(coolest and thedashboardcentreside air) (warmest senger compartment ofthepas- vents tothelowerpart of thebody. tothecoldestparts feeling ofwarmth time,alsogivingaprompt shortest inthe the passengercompartment type ofdistributionallowsheating dency ofheattospreadupwards,this Duetothenaturalten- partment. ofthepassengercom- lower parts Air flowtowardsthefrontandrear and sideoutletsrearoutlet. Flow ofairtothedashboardcentre ( fig. 104 ) 10 ) itis Q Q Z frost them. side windowventstodemistorde- Air flowtothewindscreenandfront preventing mistingofthewindows. while of thepassengercompartment heating tribution allowssatisfactory the of thecar.part Thistypeofairdis- ing/demisting ventsandthelower windscreen andsidewindowdefrost- Splitting oftheairflowbetween fig. 104 ( trol afteramanualselection,press button the passengercompartment). tribution theairflowshouldbespreadin off withanotherpress(atleastinonedis- pressed, withoutthepossibilityofturning activates themainfunctionofbutton among the5possibleones;ifnotitonly functions ifthecombinationchosenis or off(ledonbuttonoff)theassociated on(ledbutton itselfon) buttons turns 13 IMPORTANT To restore automatic airdistributioncon- ) Pressing oneofthese AUTO . A0A0208b 99 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 100 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR AUTO and ( ENABLE BUTTON COMPRESSOR ON/OFF CLIMATE CONTROL ( mate controlcompressor, press button automatic controlforswitching on thecli- the enginehasbeenstopped. To restore compressor remainsinstorageeven when 14 The switchingoffoftheclimate control leds offonbutton re-circulation controlisalsoexcluded(both 14 ) re-circulation pressingbutton( restore automaticoperationofinsideair even ifunadvisable,itisstillpossibleto stays offtopreventmistingthewindows; - fig.106 Pressing button( √ turned off,theledsonbuttons( turned up oftheledonbuttonitself. sor. Thisconditionisshownbythelighting onoftheclimatecontrolcompres- turning ) When theclimatecontrolcompressoris reached andtheleftledonbutton ( thetemperaturethat cannotbe cerning case, thevalueflashesondisplaycon- below theoutsidetemperature;inthis witha temperature senger compartment it isnotpossibletoadmitairthepas- With theclimatecontrolcompressor off, With √ again, theled on thebutton go off;automaticinsideair ) goesoff. 8 14 v ) ( fig. 105 √ ) whichalways 8 enables the ) 13 ) v ) AUTO . 13 fig. 106 fig. 105 turns on,orpressbutton( turns settings setwill be cancelled. which case,however, theothermanual 13 ) prevent window mistingproblems. to keepthisfunction alwayson,to humidifying theair;itisadvisable AUTO essary forcooling and de- essary control compressorisnec- Operation oftheclimate ; in A0A0211b A0A0210b ON/OFF BUTTON INSIDE AIRRE-CIRCULATION ( on oroffmanually, the ledonbutton led showstheairre-circulationcondition: 13 If insideairre-circulationhasbeen turned off on v culation button( pressing insequencetheinsideairre-cir- leds. offofboth side), indicatedbytheturning lation alwaysoffwithairinletfromout- the rightledgoingoffatsametime); on oftheleftledbutton(andby lation alwayson),indicatedbytheturning onoftherightledbutton; turning according tothreeoperatinglogics: ) ( right ledontheairre-circulationbutton trolled automaticallybythesystem, AUTO = airre-circulationoperating; 8 These operatingconditionsareobtained - forcedswitchingoff(insideairre-circu- - forcedengagement(insideairre-circu- - automaticcontrol,indicatedbythe iscontrolled Inside airre-circulartion = airre-circulationoff. When insideairre-circulationiscon- ) stays onallthetimeandleft turns off. turns 8 ) v ( fig. 107 . ) of spirits). windscreen washer(withthetypicalsmell queues, tunnelsandoperationofthe of pollutedair, forexampleincities, antipollution sensordetectsthepresence automaticallywhenthe culation isturned In automaticoperation,insideairre-cir- fig. 107 function to usetheinsideairrecirculation to work.Itisthereforeinadvisable over quickly. perature aswindowsmay mist trol compressorisunable perature theclimatecon- v With lowexternaltem- with lowoutsidetem- trol systemisoff. inside, especiallyiftheclimatecon- possibility ofthewindowsmisting would considerablyincreasethe use itonrainy/colddaysas faster. Itishoweverinadvisableto “heating” or“cooling”conditions sible toreachtherequired tion systemmakesitpos- The insideair-re-circula- A0A0212b 101 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 102 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR v windscreen. increasetheflowofairto sary (leds onbuttonoff)andifneces- the windowsmistinginside. on board,toavoidthepossibilityof ed, especiallywithseveralpersons function shouldhoweverbeavoid- outside. Theprolongeduseofthis to avoidadmittingpollutedairfrom , toswitchoffre-circulation system inqueuesortunnels the insideairre-circulation It isadvisabletoturnon side airre-circulationbutton(8) windows. Inthiscasepressthein- control on,mistmayformonthe with automaticairre-circulation perature around0°C)and tions (e.g.:outsidetem- In certainweathercondi- fig. 108 BUTTON AUTOMATIC OPERATION AUTO Pressing the( up ofbothledsonthebuttonitself. previous manualadjustments. cancellingallthe senger compartment, distribution oftheairadmittedtopas- tem automaticallyadjuststheamountand This conditionisindicatedbythelighting ( fig. 108 13 ) ) AUTO button thesys- When therightled,onbutton( that thesystemisin automatic) indicatedbytheleftledon,or (except temperaturecontrolwhichisalways fore automaticcontrolisnotcomplete out andthere- operations havebeencarried is off,thismeansthatoneormoremanual 13 ) OFF condition. AUTO A0A0209b ton ( on;atthesametimeledsonbut- turn ( DEMISTING/DEFROSTING FRONT WINDOWSFAST MAX 8 ( ) - on bothdisplays( (both ledsoff); sor; and frontsidewindows,i.e.: demisting/defrosting ofthewindscreen tion ofallthefunctionsneededtoquicken trol automaticallyactivatestimedopera- feature ison,theledonbutton ( coils. sent, thewingmirror screen andfrontsidewindowvents; DEF - setsthemaximumairtemperature( - switchesoffinsideairre-circulation,ifon ontheclimatecontrolcompres- - itturns When themaximumdemisting/defrosting onrearscreenheatingand,ifpre- - turns - directstheflowofairtowardswind- - operatesthefanatapredefinedspeed; Pressing button( v ( the ledonrearscreenheating button and theledonbutton( 9 ) ) FUNCTION . 1 7 ) and( - ) the climatecon- 5 ( fig. 109 ); 14 ) 7 ) HI ) - ) √ fan andswitchingrearscreenheatingoff. tion possiblearemanualadjustmentofthe ing functionison,theonlymanualopera- demist thewindows. enoughto thatisnotwarm compartment to restricttheinletofairpassenger ly engagethepre-establishedfanspeed, enough, thefunctiondoesnotimmediate- , When themaximumdemisting/defrost- IMPORTANT fig. 109 If theengineisnothot again: ( Pressing oneofthefollowingbuttons 7 ) function required,ifany. ing iton,inadditiontoactivatingthelast ing conditionsofthesystempriortoturn- defrosting function,restoringtheoperat- switches offthemaximumdemisting/ AUTO ( 13 - ) or ( , ( 8 14 ) ) v √ , ( 12 the system ) MONO A0A0213b , 103 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 104 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR BUTTON DEFROSTING/DEMISTING REARSCREEN WING MIRRORAND Pressing button( cause ittostopworkingproperly. ing filamentstoavoiddamage that might the insideofrearscreenover theheat- perature isbelow3°C. onrearscreenheatingifthetem- ly turns time theengineisstarted. and willnotbeswitchedonagainthenext switched offwhentheengineisstopped ing thebuttonagain;functionisalso automatically after20minutes,orpress- onoftheledbutton. by theturning coils. and, ifpresent,thewingmirror demisting/defrosting oftherearscreen IMPORTANT IMPORTANT This functionistimedandswitchesoff onofthisfunctionisshown The turning ( fig. 110 9 ) ) The systemautomatical- Do notapplystickerson ( turns on turns fig. 110 POLLEN FILTER effective withthewindowsshut. air inletconditionsanditisclearly most pollutants. tions, isalsoreducestheconcentrationof suchasdust,pollen,etc. from particles purifiedair,passenger compartment free air,tering external thusadmittingtothe The filteringactiontakesplace under all In additiontotheabovementionedfunc- The filterhasthespecificcapabilityoffil- and vents. blocking theairflow attheoutlets be seriously compromisedupto mate control systemmay the efficiencyofcli- If thefilterisnotreplaced necessary, intervals. replacedatshorter luted areasitshouldbecheckedand,if summer. once ayear, preferablyattheonsetof atleast by AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices If thecarisusedmainlyindustyorpol- Have theconditionsoffilterchecked A0A0214b fig. 111 the car. about thepresenceofobstaclesbehind driver, buzzer, throughanintermittent the bumper andtheirfunctionistoinform applicable) versions/markets where (upon requestfor ( PARKING SENSORS fig. 111 Parking sensorsarelocatedintherear ) A0A0735b BUZZER WARNINGS ACTIVATION when performing manoeuvres near walls. when performing seconds topreventsoundindications sors, thesignalisstoppedafter about3 If thissituationtakesplacefor sidesen- the distanceraises. less that30cmandstopsimmediatelyif tance betweenthecarandobstacleis decreases; distance betweenthecarandobstacle ly activated. acousticsignalisautomatical- intermittent becomes morefrequent. the cardecreases,acousticalarm when thereversegearisengaged. – isconstantifthedistanceunvaried. – becomescontinuouswhenthedis- – becomeslouderasthereductionof The acousticsignal: When thereversegearisengagedan As thedistancefromobstaclebehind Sensors areautomaticallyactivated OPERATION WITHTRAILER when removingthetrailercableplug. tow hooksocket. tric cableplugisfittedintothecar Sensors arereactivatedautomatically cally whenthetrailerelec- is deactivatedautomati- Parking sensoroperation 105 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 106 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR switched offbypressingthebuttonagain. panel.This functionis on theinstrument lights the directionindicatorsandwarning the switchitselfbeginstoflashtogetherwith less ofthepositionignitionkey. ( ( HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS TAILGATE OPENING CONTROLS fig. 112 C When thehazardlightsareswitchedon, They areswitchedonbypressingbutton ), onthecentralconsolepanel,regard- ( door. To releasethetailgate,pressbutton for 3minuteswithoutopening/closinga MAR the ignitionkeyinswitchat A Electric tailgatereleaseisonlyallowedwith ) onthecentralconsolepanel. ) car stationary, at STOP ( fig. 112 or PARK ) car is used. Observe regulations. car isused.Observe of the country inwhichthe of thecountry ruled bytheHighwayCode Use ofthehazardlightsis FOG LIGHTS the led on the button itself turns on. the ledonbuttonitselfturns er lightsarealreadyon,atthesametime on thecentreconsolepanel,whenout- laws. be usedincompliancewiththelocaltraffic These are turned onpressingbutton( These areturned IMPORTANT Press button( B ) againtoswitchoff. ( The frontfoglightsshould fig. 112 ) B ), fig. 112 REAR FOGGUARDS guards incompliancewithlocalregulations. turn them offpressbutton( turn itself turns on. itself turns lightonthebutton same timethewarning ( headlights orfoglightson,pressingbutton is started unlessbutton( is started do notcomeonthenexttimeengine offandthey guards areautomaticallyturned D IMPORTANT Turning theignitionkeyto These are turned on,withthedippedbeam These areturned ) onthecentreconsolepanel,at Always usetherearfog D ) ispressed.To ( D STOP fig. 112 ). the fog ) A0A0091b ton ( ( DOOR LOCKINGSYSTEM steadily withayellowlight; gardless ofthepositionignitionkey. ing with a red light (deterrence condition). ing witharedlight(deterrence fig. 112 To lockthedoorssimultaneously, pressbut- – withtheignitionkeyat – withtheignitionkeyat onasfollows: ledturns The deterrent E ), onthecentreconsolepanel,re- ) MAR STOP glowing flash- fig. 113 SWITCH INERTIAL FUELCUT-OFF on the display of the instrument cluster.on thedisplayofinstrument flow offuel. the magnitudetointerrupt crash ofacertain pillar, whichistriggeredintheeventofa found onthefloornexttodriver’s door The cutting in of the inertial switchisshown The cuttinginoftheinertial This isanautomaticsafetyswitch,tobe ( fig. 113 ) A0A0092b ed. Pressbutton( ply systemagain. If noleaksarefoundthecarcanberestart- set theswitch. to avoidtheriskoffiredonotre- the fuelsystemisleaking, following anaccident,or If asmelloffuelisnoted A ) toactivatethefuelsup- 107 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 108 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 114 with lowbeamson),pressbuttons depending onthecarload. ( HEADLIGHT AIMINGDEVICE fig. 114 For therequiredadjustment(onlypossible The headlightsshouldbeaimedcorrectly sition (e.g.: sition (e.g.: positions duringadjustment. The display( – pressbutton ) – pressbutton 0 3 ➟ ➟ ▲ ▼ A 2 1 ), inthetachometershows , toincreasebyonepo- to decreasebyonepo- ➟ ➟ 1 2 ➟ ➟ 0 3 ); ); ▲ / A0A1106b ▼ : ted withheadlightaimingdevice. sions withthisoptionalarethereforenotfit- Xenon headlightsaimingisautomatic,ver- – position – position – position – position positionsasafunctionoftheload: Correct changes. time theloadcarried 3 2 1 0 Adjust thebeamsevery : driver +350Kgloadall : five people+load inthe : fivepeople; : one ortwopeopleoccupy- partment partment stowed inluggagecom- boot; ing thefrontseats fig. 115 will comeon. HAND BRAKE brake adjusted. tohavethe hand thorised Services not occurcontactAlfaRomeoAu- warning light on the instrument cluster lightontheinstrument warning quired brakingactionisobtained. tionary, pulllever( the twofrontseats. When theignitionkeyisat To operatethebrakewhencarissta- The handbrakeleverislocatedbetween the handbrake.Ifitdoes locked afterafewclicksof The wheelsshouldbe A ( ) upwards,untilthere- fig. 115 ) MAR , the A0A0620b x lever, light thewarning release button( – keepingthebuttonpressedlower – slightlyliftthelever( To releasethehandbrake: is movedwiththehandbrakeengaged. thedriverifcar buzzer soundstoalert pletely. the safetydevice,thenlowerlevercom- the leverpulled,button( the brakefrombeingreleasedwhen,with is fittedwithasafetydevicewhichprevents engaging thehandbrake. tally, keepthebrakepedalpressedwhen ment clusterwillgoout. to pulllever( to pressingbutton( Therefore, toreleasethebrake,inaddition IMPORTANT IMPORTANT To preventthecarfrommovingacciden- B ); A ) further upwardstorelease ) further A The handbrakelever( On certain versionsa On certain ) andpressthe B ), itisalsonecessary x B on theinstru- ) ispressed. A ) GEARSHIFT LEVER engage reverse( gearbox. Fortheversionswith6gears,to gear ( the clutchpedal.Beforeengagingreverse by thepictogramongearshiftleverknob. is not necessary notnecessary To changefromreversetoanothergear, it After engagingthereverse,releasering. ( of thesamehandholdinglever)ring possibility ofdamagingthegears. fully depressedtopreventclashing andthe for atleast3secondswiththeclutch pedal towait gaging reversegearitisnecessary beforeen- theenginerunning, still. With engaged withthecarcompletelyatastand- A-fig. 116 Certain versionsareequippedwith6-speed Certain When shiftinggear, alwaysfullydepress The positionofthesinglegearsisshown IMPORTANT R ) waitforthecartobestationary. ) positionedunderthelever. Reverse gearmayonlybe R ) lift(withthefingers ( fig. 116 ) do notinterferewiththepedals. sure thatanymatsarewelllaidand floor underthepedalunit:make there shouldbenoobstaclesonthe fig. 116 fully depressed.Therefore, the clutchpedalmustbe To changegearsmoothly, A0A0684b 109 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 110 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 117 pedal. the carmovesoffusingonlyaccelerator trols theclutchandgearengagement. has beenadded,whichautomaticallycon- tronically-controlled electrohydraulicdevice chanical transmission,towhichanelec- start. outrightfromthe operations tobecarried permissible in fulltounderstandthecorrect, lespeed correctly, thischaptershouldberead where applicable) (on requestforversions/markets TRANSMISSION SELESPEED The clutchpedalhasbeeneliminatedand This devicecomprisesaconventionalme- IMPORTANT To beabletousetheSe- ment ofreversegear( ratio ofthegearengagedand/orengage- possible torequestincrease/decreaseofthe stable centralposition”.Usingthisleveritis control lever( crease/decrease thegearengaged. above 0,5km/h),itispossibletoin- only withthecaronmove(withspeed wheel spokes( A0A0697b Gearshifting takesplacethroughafloating There arealsotwoleversonthesteering fig. 118 A-fig. 117 fig. 118 R ) orneutral( ) throughwhich, ) with“onlyone N ). A0A0669b fig. 119 (when selecting spokes; console ortheleversonsteeringwheel gear directlyusingtheleveroncentral called erating modes: 117 rectly whentoshiftgear. 119 – thesecondisautomatic,called – thefirstissemi-automatic(hereinafter The gearboxcanworkaccordingtotwoop- , theword ). Inthismodethesystemdecidesdi- MANUAL CITY CITY ), inwhichthedrivershifts will bedisplayed with button B-fig. CITY fig. A0A9017i lected selected. displayed regardlessofthemodebeingse- stays in or thesteeringwheelcontrols.Gearshift ed manuallyusingboththegearshiftlever With gearshiftto With R 5 4 3 2 1 N The gearselected( = fifthgear; gear; = fourth = thirdgear; = secondgear; = firstgear; = reverse. = neutral; CITY . CITY fig. 119 gears canbeshift- ) isalways fig. 120 performance. performance. quired, atthesametimeofferingbrilliant ving orwhenfrequentgearshiftingisre- of thecar, reducingthefatigueofcitydri- mission. ver intheeventofafaultatSelespeedtrans- and abuzzerdrawtheattentionofdri- mode. be activatedafterdeactivatingthe also displayed. The Selespeedconsiderablysimplifiesuse light,amessage( A warning IMPORTANT SPORT In CITY or SPORT , theselectedmodeis mode canonly fig. 120 A0A9081g CITY ) SYSTEM ACTIVATION segments ofthedisplay( started. started. the systemtoprepareitforenginebe of thehydraulicpart the Selespeedstarts word light( gearbox warning the displayindicatesgearengaged( 1 tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedServices. vation procedure.Ifthefaultpersists,con- play togooff,thenrepeatthesystemacti- ignition keyto the lightstays on,turn gaged orthewarning play segmentdonotdisplaythegearen- Turning theignitionkeyto IMPORTANT IMPORTANT , 2 , CITY 3 , 4 , turn on.Afteraboutonesecond, turn 5 , STOP R If after10secondsthedis- Opening thedriver’s door, ). and waitforthedis- fig. 120 fig. 119 MAR ) andthe , allthe ), the N , 111 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 112 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 121 OPERATION WITHENGINEOFF gaged onthedisplay( control lever, alwayscheckthegearen- ing thebrakepedalpressed: wheel levers. the centralconsoleorthroughsteering both acceptedthroughthecontrolleveron pedal pressed,requeststoshiftgearsare itispossibletoengageallthegears. ary R is inneutral( third andsoonuptofifth).Ifthesystem it shiftstosecond,ifinsecond (ifthecarisinfirstgear the lever“forwards” IMPORTANT – toshiftupwards(+)( To requestgearshifting, inadditiontokeep- andwiththebrake thecarstationary With theengineoffandcarstation- With ). N ) orreverse( Before usingthegearshift N , fig. 121 1 R , ) movingthe 2 , 3 , ) push 4 , 5 , A0A0698b 122 move thegearshiftlevertoright( andbrakepedalpressed, the carstationary tral ( shifts tothirdandsoondownfirstgear). it ifinfourth fifth gearitshiftstofourth, push theleverbackwards(ifcarisin first gear( causestheengagementof lever forwards backwards ( gear, pushingthelevertorightandthen possible torequestengagementofreverse with thecarpracticallyatastandstill,itis From anygear( To allowsettingthetransmissiontoneu- – toshiftdownwards(–)( ). N ), starting fromtheconditionwith ), starting 1 ). fig. 123 fig. 122 N , 1 ). , 2 , 3 , fig. 121 4 , 5 ) and fig. ) A0A0699b fig. 123 thing stopsreleasingthegearshiftlever. tomatically switchto (over 10seconds)makesthesystemau- ing therequest.Amanoeuvreprolonged lease thegearshiftcontrolleveraftermak- toimmediatelyre- changed itisnecessary again. then requestreversegearengagement not accepted;waitforthecartostopand complete clutchengagement. before releasingthebrakepedaltoallow engaged andthenwaitfor1to2seconds check thatthedisplayshowsnewgear to gaged tokeepitbraked,isnecessary parked onaslopingroadwithgearen- IMPORTANT IMPORTANT If thecarisonmove,request If wantingtoleavethecar Once agearhasbeen CITY mode; every- A0A0700b STARTING THEENGINE buzzer and the display. automatically set toneutral by the to the fact thatthe gearboxhas tentially dangerous situationdue mode memorisedbeforeswitchingoff. ( automatically, thedisplayshowsletter theengine. al itselftostart toincreasethepressureonped- essary with theengineoff,inthissituationitisnec- al becomeshardifitispressedrepeatedly Sincethebrakeped- pressed duringstarting. brake pedalispresseddown. engaged orinneutral( N After starting, thegearboxsets toneutral After starting, IMPORTANT withthegear The enginecanbestarted ) andthesystemselectsoperating driver isalerted ofthepo- with thegearengaged, If theenginefailstostart Keep thepedalfullyde- N ), providedthatthe AND SYSTEMDEACTIVATION SWITCHING OFFTHEENGINE neutral ( theengineoffremainsengaged. turning gine switchesoff:thegearselectedbefore ( al pressed,engagefirstgear( tion keyto theigni- toturn In thiscase,itisnecessary engaging thefirstgear( that thecarcanbeputinsafetyconditions of ( R If theenginestopswithgearboxin Turning theignitionkeyto ). N ) drawtheattentionofdriverso N ), thebuzzerandblinking MAR and withthebrakeped- 1 ) orreverse( STOP 1 ) orreverse the en- R ). ONLY whenthedisplaygoesoff. pedal pressed:releasethe pedal Selespeed systemkeepingthe brake is turned. lock automaticallythefirsttimeit the car, thesteeringwheelwould not workproperlyuptostopping that theSelespeedsystemwould sequently deactivatingthe to turnofftheenginecon- ing. Inadditiontothefact key whenthecarismov- the gearsinneutral(N). It isabsolutelynecessary Never removetheignition NEVER leavethecarwith 113 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 114 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR MOVING OFFTHECAR moving offareonlyfirst( tionary, thegearsthatcanbeengagedfor then requestreverse( for thecartobecompletelystoppedand towait quest isnotaccepted;itnecessary gear ( ratios: neutral( engaged fromeachofthefollowingother reverse ( km/h. levers allowgearengagementonlyover0.5 brake pedalpressed,asthesteeringwheel control leveronthecentreconsole,with With the engine running andthecarsta- theenginerunning With IMPORTANT To engagethemitispossibletousethe 2 ). Ifthecarisonmove,re- R ). N ), firstgear( Reverse gear( R ) again. 1 ), second( 1 ) orsecond R ) canbe 2 ) or ond gear( gear, thesystemautomaticallyengagessec- ( in thiscasetheengagementofreversegear closing sothatthegearcanbeengaged; verse gear, clutch thesystemcontrolspartial the samereason,ifstickingoccursonre- oftheoperatinglogic.For cause itispart first gear( verse ( of thebuzzeraswellbydisplay. sound engaged conditionbytheintermittent R This shouldnotbeconsideredafailurebe- IMPORTANT ofthereversegear The driverisinformed ) willnotbeassmoothusual. R )/first gear( 2 1 ). ) stickingoccursonthefirst If whileshiftingfromre- 1 ) orneutral( the highercarpick-uptorquewillbe. al. The moretheacceleratorpedalispressed 2 1 Moving offthecarisobtained: ) graduallypressingtheacceleratorped- ) releasingthebrakepedal; N )/ the displayisonerequired. that thegearengagedshownon start, thedrivermustalwayscheck celerator pedaltomakethecar ary, beforepressingtheac- gear withthecarstation- After arequesttoshift IMPORTANT NOTES and withthebrakepedalpressed. only whenthecariscompletelystationary to engagefirstgearorviceversa,shift low speed; trol isneededformovingoffmanoeuvresat move off; the acceleratorpedalonlywhendecidingto the carstill;usebrakepedalandpress not usethemovingoffmanoeuvretokeep in neutral; itisadvisabletokeepthegearbox running until decidingtomoveoff; gaged alwayskeepthebrakepedalpressed – if,withreversegearengaged,youneed – usesecondgearonlywhenmorecon- – whenthecarisparkedfacinguphill,do – duringprolongedhaltswiththeengine thecarstoppedandagearen- – With box inneutral( hill thecarisallowedtotravelwithgear- foreseen circumstanceswhendrivingdown- car iftheisonaslope. erator andusethebrakepedalto parkthe avoiding hesitationsortoreleasetheaccel- to“force”moving off case, itisnecessary inthis heating occursduringcarstarting; activates thebuzzerwhen:clutchover- braking. tomatically togivethecaradequateengine speed, thesystemengagesclutchau- car ismoving),beyondapre-established gaged andtheacceleratorreleased(if relation tothespeedofcar. transmission ofthetorquetowheelsin matically engagesthebestgeartoallow of agearisrequested,thesystemauto- Though stronglyinadvisable,ifduetoun- For safetyreasonstheSelespeedsystem When travellingdownhillwithagearen- N ), whentheengagement tral ( the buzzerandautomaticallyshiftstoneu- for atleast1.5seconds. celerator andbrakepedalarenotpressed utes; and/or brakepedalsforatleast3minutes; ( tionary, andgear( theenginerunning 2 – thedriver’s doorisopenedandtheac- – thebrakeispressedforover10min- – noactionismadeontheaccelerator Still duetosafetyreasons,withthecarsta- ) or( N ) when: R ) engaged,thesystemactivates 1 ), 115 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 116 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR STOPPING THECAR ly engagesfirstgear( tor again. suitable ratiowillbeavailableforaccelera- ing stoppedthecarcompletely, themost the clutchandshiftstoalowergear. CITY operating modeactivated( brake pedal. erator pedaland,ifnecessary, pressthe Stopping thecarsystemautomatical- If decidingtomoveoffagainwithouthav- Regardless ofthegearengagedand To stopthecar, simplyreleasetheaccel- ) thesystemautomaticallydisengages 1 ). MANUAL or OPERATION mode, thedisplaywillshow the gearshiftlever;whenselectingthis lowing logics: moment; thismodefeaturesthetwofol- the driverwhodecidesmostappropriate UAL erating modes: ing button fig. 124 2 1 – thefirstoneissemi-automatic( The gearboxcanworkaccordingtotwoop- Sport operatingmodeisselected bypress- Sport ) normal: for comfort driving; forcomfort ) normal: ) sport: (tobeactivatedbybutton ) sport: ): thedecisiontochangegearisleft ): for sporty driving. ): forsporty SPORT ( B-fig. 124 SPORT ) seton MAN- . B- CITY lecting thismode,thedisplaywillshow CITY conditions. rectly whentoshiftgearaccordingdriving ( CITY To selectthe – thesecondoneisfullyautomatic . set onthegearshiftlever;whense- ), inwhichthesystemdecidesdi- CITY mode, pressbutton fig. 124 (MANUAL) SEMIAUTOMATIC OPERATION the mostappropriatemoment. change gearislefttothedriverwhodecides play showsthegearengaged. In thisoperatingmode,thedecisionto In the MANUAL operating modethedis- A0A0702b the carspeedexceeds0.5km/h. 125 ( place through: lected mode. again, therebycuttingoutthepreviouslyse- CITY when, withthe A-fig. 124 The – thebuttonsonsteeringwheel( – thecontrolleveroncentreconsole The requeststochangegearmaytake ), whichcanbeoperatedonlywhen MANUAL button ( fig. 125 ); A-fig. 126 CITY operating modeisset mode selected,the ) ispressed fig. necessary withthenewgearratio. necessary erated automaticallytobringitthespeed ratio engaged. gine insuchawayasto: Selespeed systemdirectlycontrolstheen- to releasetheacceleratorpedalbecause ( exceeds 40km/h. ary. R Neutral ( When downshifting,theengineisaccel- – adapttheenginespeedtonewgear – reduceandthenincreaseenginetorque; When changinggearitisnotnecessary The reversegearengagementcommand ) isacceptedonlyifthecarstation- N ) isaccepteduntilthecarspeed A0A0669b 117 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 118 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR accepted; rpmarenot low theminimumpermissible the engineabovemaximumrpmorbe- gear ( up speedagain;ifnot,stoppingthecar, first tomatically tobereadyforpossiblypicking engaged andthegearratioisreducedau- which simplifydriving: automatic/securitydevices there arecertain quicker. Inthe above 5000rpm,gearshiftingbecomes 60% ofitsstrokeandanenginespeed – requesttochangegearthatcouldtake – whenslowingdown,theclutchisdis- theacceleratorpedalpressedtoover With 1 ) willbeengagedautomatically; MANUAL operating mode requests inrapidsuccession. requesting anotherone,toavoidmultiple the endofagearshiftingoperationbefore car inneutral. mediately higheronetoavoidleavingthe possible, itautomaticallyengagestheim- the requiredgearagainand,ifitisstillnot of agear, thesystemfirstlytriestoengage IMPORTANT – ifstickingoccursduringtheengagement It isadvisabletowaitfor fig. 126 AUTOMATIC OPERATION (CITY) lected pressingthebutton( brake. der tomaintainanadequatelevelofengine system doesnotengageahighergearinor- ving conditions. gears inrelationtotheenginerpmanddri- show theword at thebaseofgearshiftlever. The Releasing theacceleratorpedalquickly, the The systemdecidesdirectlywhentoshift In additiontothegear, thedisplaywill CITY automatic operatingmodeisse- CITY . A-fig. 126 ) A0A0701b fig. 127 buzzer. ( FAILURE INDICATIONS dicated on the display by warning light dicated onthedisplaybywarning fig. 127 Failures totheSelespeedgearboxarein- ), dedicatedmessageand A0A9081g t If thewarninglight nated. possible tohavethefaultelimi- assoon Authorized Services played, contactAlfaRomeo and themessagearedis- t second gear( the systemchecked. vices assoonpossibletohave gears:firstgear( engagement ofcertain box components,thesystemonlyallows nated. tohavethefaultdetectedelimi- Services reach thenearestAlfaRomeoAuthorized tomatic the systemautomaticallyactivatesau- In theeventofafaulttoothergear- In theeventofafaulttogearshiftlever, CITY Alfa RomeoAuthorizedSer- transmission fault,contact In theeventofwhatever 2 ) andreverse( mode toallowthecar R ). 1 ), 119 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 120 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR BUZZER WARNINGS for atleast1.5seconds; tion ismadeontheacceleratorandbrake utes; and/or brakepedalforatleast3minutes; to neutral( off; ing theignitionkeyto neutral ( – gearboxfault. or detectionofagearboxfault; or thedriver’s doorisopenedandnoac- or thebrakeispressedforover10min- there isnoactionontheaccelerator – thesystemhasshiftedautomatically occurswhenmoving – clutchoverheating – thecarisparkedwithgearboxin – reversegearisengaged( The buzzerisactivatedwhen: N ); signalthatcanbenotedturn- N ) when: STOP ; R ); PARKING THECAR brake pedal it is necessary toengage ( brake pedalitisnecessary should beactivatedandwiththefooton ing toengageaparkinggear, thesystem the clutchisfullydisengaged. off beforereleasingthebrakepedal,sothat towaitforthegeardisplaygo necessary uphill andagearengaged,itisabsolutely on aslope. ( toengagefirstgear( essary or ( R If thegearboxisinneutral( Turning theengineoffwithcarfacing To parkthecarsafelyitisabsolutelynec- ) andalsothehandbrakeifroadis R ). 1 N ) orreverse ) andwant- 1 ) TOWING THECAR rized Services. rized Services. tow thecarandcontactAlfaRomeoAutho- tion “Inanemergency”. giveninsec- box followingtheinstructions carwithmechanicalgear- towing anormal moves whenpushed)andproceedasfor box isinneutral( to localregulations.Makesurethatthegear- IMPORTANT If settingtoneutralisnotpossible,do not starttheengine. While towingthecardo N For towingthecar, adhere ) (checkingthatthecar fig. 128 GLOVEBOX INTERIOR FITTINGS ( at lid andlight. A-fig. 129 When thegloveboxisopenedwithkey To openusehandle( On thedashboardthereisagloveboxwith MAR an inside courtesy light turns on lightturns an insidecourtesy ). A-fig. 128 ). A0A0108b fig. 129 draining thebattery. it offtoavoid after whichthesystemturns onfor 15minutes; side canonlybeturned STOP apenorpencil. the lid,forinserting in theeventofanaccident. IMPORTANT The fittingiscompletedbydevice( , openingtheglovebox,lightin- might harmthepassenger glovebox open:thelid Never travelwiththe Turning theignitionkeyto B ), on A0A0109b fig. 130 with corresponding controlswitch. with corresponding seconds is activated to allow car starting. seconds isactivatedtoallowcarstarting. the 3minutes)asecondtimingofabout7 which itgoesoff;closingthedoors(within 3 minutesisactivatedautomatically, after onandtimingofabout the rooflightturns ( FRONT ROOFLIGHT fig. 130 IMPORTANT lights The rooflightcomprisestwocourtesy ) When adoorisopened, A0A0111b 121 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 122 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 2 ( sition on. turned to theright(position on.Pressing theswitch the leftlightisturned 0 is opened. tion keyto offgradually.control therooflightturns seconds. Lockingthedoorswithremote ing isactivatedautomaticallyforabout15 ongraduallyandtim- trol, therooflightturns 1 Pressing switch( Switch ( With switch( With Pressing switch( Pressing switch( With switch( With offmovingtheigni- The lightsareturned Unlocking thedoorsusingremotecon- ) bothlightsstayon. ), thelightsstayoff( ), both lights are turned onwhenadoor ), bothlightsareturned 1 ) thelightsstayoff. B ) turns the lightsonindividually.) turns MAR B A ) inthecentralposition(po- B ) inthecentralposition A (with thedoorsclosed). A ) totheleft(position ) totheright(position ) totheleft(position 2 OFF ) therightlightis position). 0 ) turns itofftoavoiddrainingthebattery.turns sible for15minutes;afterwhichthesystem STOP tomatically afterafewseconds. offau- ting adooropenthelightswillturn offwhenthedoorsareclosed.Forget- turn tral position.Bysodoing,therooflightswill make surethatbothswitchesareinthecen- IMPORTANT IMPORTANT , turning therooflightonisonlypos- , turning Turning theignitionkeyto Before leavingthecar, fig. 131 them offtoavoiddrainingthebattery. 15 minutes:afterwhichthesystemturns STOP the lightispoor. when mirror lights allowuseofthecourtesy mirror, withtheignitionkeyat lights turn on( lights turn sun visor, openingthecover( ( COURTESY LIGHTS fig. 131 IMPORTANT On thebackofdriver’s orpassenger’s the lightscanbeactivatedonlyfor ) B ) atthesideofcourtesy Turning theignitionkeyto MAR A ) theroof . These A0A0112b fig. 132 REAR ROOFLIGHT ignition keyto off gradually.control therooflightturns seconds. Lockingthedoorswithremote ing isactivatedautomaticallyforabout15 ongraduallyandtim- trol, therooflightturns seconds isactivatedtoallowcarstarting. the 3minutes)asecondtimingofabout7 which itgoesoff;closingthedoors(within 3 minutesisactivatedautomatically, after onandtimingofabout the rooflightturns closed). The light turns off in any case turning the offinanycase turning The lightturns Unlocking thedoorsusingremotecon- IMPORTANT When adoorisopened, MAR (with thedoor ( fig. 132 ) A0A0633b when adoorisopened. tion ( the lightstaysoff. the lightstayson. positions. to avoiddrainingthebattery. off only 15minutes;afterwhichitisturned STOP make surethattheswitch( off whenthedoorsareclosed. tral position( Moving theswitchtoright(position When switch( On thelightthereisaswitchwiththree Moving theswitchtoleft(position IMPORTANT IMPORTANT 0 the roof light can be turned onfor the rooflightcanbeturned ) the light turns onautomatically ) thelightturns 0 ), sothattherooflightturns A Turning theignitionkeyto Before leavingthecar, ) isinthecentralposi- A ) isinthecen- 2 1 ) ) fig. 133 PUDDLE LIGHTS gardless ofthepositionignitionkey. when theassociateddoorisopened,re- applicable ( for versions/marketswhere The light( A ) ) housed in the doors turns on ) housedinthedoorsturns ( fig. 133 ) A0A0243b 123 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 124 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 134 DETERRENT LED and then flashes at normal frequency again. and thenflashesatnormal flashes atahigherfrequencyfor4seconds are notclosedperfectly, led thedeterrent time thedoorsareunlocked. tion, flashingwitharedlightuntilthenext condi- and itremainsinthe“deterrence” locked (ignitionkeyat comes intooperationwhenthedoorsare IMPORTANT The led( A ) on the instrument cluster ) ontheinstrument If adoororthetailgate ( STOP fig. 134 or removed) ) A0A0005b fig. 135 LIGHTER FRONT ASHTRAY ANDCIGAR pending onthetrimlevel. de- to theashtrayandviceversa,mayvary ashtray ( ready foruse. to itsinitialpositionandthecigarlighteris automatically onds thebuttonwillreturn MAR ar lighteropenthelid( The positionofthecigarlighterinrelation Remove thetraytoemptyandclean To usethecigarlighter, withthekeyat To gainaccesstotheashtrayandcig- , pressbutton( C ). ( fig. 135 B A ) ); afterafewsec- ). A0A0634b burning. children: dangeroffireand/or with cigarettestubs. care andpreventitsuseby tremely hot.Handlewith cigar lighterhasturnedoff. might setonfireincontact waste paperbasket:it The cigarlightergetsex- Always ensurethatthe Do notusetheashtrayas fig. 136 REAR ASHTRAYS the arrow. cealed ashtrays. To useorremovepullinthedirectionof For therearpassengerstherearetwocon- ( fig. 136 ) A0A0115b fig. 137 AND GLASSHOLDER CARD HOLDERRECESS holder ( board. To usethem, press asshown. removable cardholderrecess( applicable) (for versions/marketswhere The interiorfittingsarecompletedbythe B ) locatedonthecentreofdash- ( A fig. 137 ) andglass A0A0116b ) fig. 138 ON FRONTDOORS ODDMENT POCKETS ( A Each frontdoorhasanoddmentpocket ). ( fig. 138 ) A0A0117b 125 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 126 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 139 the followingrecessesareprovided: hand brakelever, dependingontheversions, ( CENTRE CONSOLE ODDMENT RECESSESON fig. 139 – coinholder( – penorpencilholder( – magneticcardortollticketholder( – canholder( On thecentreconsole,atsideof ) B E ); ). D ); C ); A0A0751b fig. 140 SUN VISORS air bagparagraph. ther details,refertothepassenger’s front presence ofthepassenger’s airbag.Forfur- useofachild’s correct concerning seatinthe light. the cover( with alightattheside( side. The passenger’s sunvisorhasasymbol withdim The lightsallowuseofthemirrors Behind, the visors have a courtesy mirror Behind, thevisorshaveacourtesy The visorscanbedirectedatthefrontand B ). ( fig. 140 A ). To use,open ) A0A0121b PROVISION CELL PHONE cific connectorforconnectinghands-freekit. installing acellphone. – connectionandsupplycableswithspe- – radio+cellphonedual-purposeantenna; The mobilephoneprovisionconsistsof: The carmaybefittedwithaprovisionfor compromise the safetyofthecar. ity ofanyinconvenience thatmay first-rate resultswithno possibil- this willguarantee rised Services; contact onlyAlfaRomeo Autho- with thecustomer’s phone. to theprovisionincar, cell phoneandconnection as itmustbecompatible purchased bythecustomer For theinstallationofa The voicekitshouldbe DEVICES ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC INSTALLATION OF quirements. not incompliance with thespecifiedre- mended by Fiat Auto S.p.A. andinstalled non-genuine accessories or not recom- for damages causedby theinstallation of directly orindirectly. tioned modificationortraceable backtoit defectsduetotheabovemen- as concerns agents andalsothelapseof warranty may causedrivinglicenseseizing bytraffic sulting inmodificationsofcarcharacteristics manufacturer’s specifications. andincompliancewith manlike performed outataspecialized shop, work- carried of transceiversprovidedthatinstallationis the andmarking: shallbear buying thecarorinaftermarket Fiat Auto S.p.A.declines allresponsibility IMPORTANT Fiat AutoS.p.A.authorizestheinstallation Electric/electronic devicesinstalledafter Installation ofdevicesre- TELEPHONES AND CELLULAR TRANSMITTERS RADIO ufacturer’s specifications. tion, keepstrictly tothemobilephoneman- homologa- (GSM, GPRS,UMTS)with ing effectofthecarbody. these devicesmaybeaffectedby theshield- gers. stituting apotentialhazardforthepassen- could compromisesafetyinadditiontocon- tems equippingthecartomalfunction.This separate aerial)maycauseelectronicsys- (without inside thepassengercompartment HAM radiosystemsorothersimilardevices less aseparateaerialismounted. the like)shallnotbeusedinsidecarun- er equipment(e.g.:HAMradiosystemsand As concerns theuseofmobilephones As concerns In addition,transmissionandreceptionof IMPORTANT Mobile phonesandotherradiotransceiv- The useofmobilephones, THE OWNER PURCHASED BY ACCESSORIES more powerful battery.more powerful whether itneedstobeintegratedwitha able towithstandtheloadrequired,or checking whetherthecarelectricsystemis also evaluatetheoverallelectricabsorption, belonging toLineaccessoriAlfaRomeo,will besides suggestingthemostsuitabledevices whosequalifiedpersonnel, rised Services, electric supply, contactAlfaRomeoAutho- or accessoriesthatinanycaseburdenthe radionavigator withsatelliteantitheft,etc.) voicefeature, nent electricsupply(alarm, electrical accessoriesthatrequireaperma- If afterbuyingthecar, youdecidetoinstall 127 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 128 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 141 BOOT ly shut,the pressing thebutton( remote controlimpulse; IMPORTANT from theinsideofdoor from theoutsideofcar The tailgatecanbeopened: display). message onthereconfigurablemultifunction versionsaccompaniedbythe (on certain ´ If thebootisnotproper- warning lightwillcomeon warning A-fig. 141 ). - byde- - bya A0A0129b and safetyoftheactual tailgate. compromise thecorrectoperation items (suchspoilers,etc.)may turer. additionof Thearbitrary weights foreseenbythemanufac- tailgate raisingwiththe brated toensurecorrect shock springs. on thecentreconsolepanel. doors. utes withoutunlocking/lockingoneofthe or in is inposition only whentheignitionkey be performed ( OPENING FROMINSIDE fig. 141 The gasspringsarecali- Tailgate raisingisfacilitated bythegas To unlockthetailgate,pressbutton( Tailgate isreleasedelectricallyandthiscan STOP ) or MAR PARK with caratastandstill position for3min- A ) fig. 142 CONTROL OPENING WITHREMOTE kets). mar- twice (withtheexceptionofcertain tailgate controlsensor, thesystem“beeps” switches offvolumetricprotectionandthe system opening ofthetailgate,alarm closing isaccompaniedbyasingleflash. a doubleflashofthedirectionindicators; Opening ofthetailgateisaccompaniedby isengaged. also whentheelectronicalarm trol fromoutsidepressingthebutton( If an electronic alarm isfitted,withthe If anelectronicalarm The tailgatecanbeopenedbyremotecon- ( fig. 142 ) A ), A0A0636b TAILGATE CLOSING you feeltheclickoflock. Alfa Romeobadgetolowertailgate,until markets). (with theexceptionofcertain tions arerestored,thesystem“beeps”twice To withthe lock,pushincorrespondence Closing thetailgateagain,controlfunc- fig. 143 BOOT LIGHT draining thebattery. itofftoavoid after whichthesystemturns light willonlybepossiblefor15minutes; STOP offautomatically.turns of theboot.Closingtailgate,light on automatically( IMPORTANT When thetailgateisopenedlightturns , opening the tailgate, turning onthe , openingthetailgate,turning Turning theignitionkeyto ( A fig. 143 ) intheright-handside ) A0A0637b fig. 144 OF TAILGATE EMERGENCY OPENING right recessinthetailgate). fig. 144 chapter “Gettingtoknowyoucar”): inthe tending theluggagecompartment” tailgate itself,proceedasfollows(see“Ex- cause ofadefecttheelectriclock beflat,orbe- inside, shouldthecarbattery – unlockthelockbypullingstring( – tiltthebackrests; – tilttherearseatcushions; To succeedinopeningthetailgatefrom ) (thestringislocatedinsidethe A- A0A0658b 129 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 130 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 145 SECURING THELOAD straps hookedtothespecialrings( able c/o Alfa Romeo Authorised Services). able c/oAlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices). gage restrainer, ifpresent(inanycaseavail- boot. The loads carried maybesecuredwith The loadscarried The rings also serve forfasteningthelug- The ringsalsoserve ( fig. 145 A ) inthe A0A0638b ) LUGGAGE CAUTIONS FORCARRYING in thesameparagraph. the loaddoesnotexceedvaluesgiven of theaimingdevice,alsomakesurethat use “Headlights” inthischapter).Forcorrect beam headlights(seenextparagraph toadjusttheheightoflow it isnecessary Travelling atnightwithaloadintheboot ing harmtothepassengers. caus- from beingthrownforward, are wellsecuredtopreventthem the objectscontainedinboot ifications”). Alsomakesurethat imum (see“Technical spec- above thepermittedmax- Do notloadtheboot increased inthecaseofanaccident. Even inthiswaytheriskoffireis tened totheloadsecuringeyelets. ing acertifiedcan,suitablyfas- gers. legal regulations,onlyus- fuelinacan,follow serve serious harmtopassen- been securedmaycause If you want to carry re- If youwanttocarry A heavyloadthathasnot fig. 146 BONNET end ofthedashboard. raising it. springs andaccompanythebonnetwhile two gassprings.Donottamperwiththese upwards. bonnet clicksopen. – pullthelever( To open: The bonnetopeningleverisundertheleft IMPORTANT – raisethebonnet. – pressthesafetylever( Bonnet raisingisaidedby A-fig. 146 A-fig. 147 ) untilthe ) A0A0135b fig. 147 down. tion. Wait untiltheenginecools the keyisremovedfromigni- fan asitcouldstartupevenwhen is stillwarm,keepawayfromthe the headonraisedbonnet. ment, takespecialcarenottobump erations intheenginecompart- partment whentheengine ried outintheenginecom- checks ormaintenanceop- JURY. out Whencarrying ary. only withthecarstation- If checksneedtobecar- DANGER-SERIOUS IN- outthisoperation Carry A0A0707b peat theaboveprocedure. not pushitdown butopenitagainandre- held inpositionbythesafetycatch. it drop,ensuringisfullyclosedand notjust andthenlet from theenginecompartment If thebonnetdoesnotcloseproperly do – lowerthebonnetuntilapprox.20cm To close: close thebonnet. elling, stopthecarimmediatelyand not perfectlyengagedwhentrav- Should younoticethatthecatchis erly closedandthecatchengaged. Therefore, alwayscheckitisprop- ing whilethecaristravelling. properly toavoiditsopen- bonnet mustbeclosed the movingparts. clothing maybecaughtin For safetyreasonsthe tiesandloose Scarves, 131 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 132 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR HEADLIGHTS Authorised Services. Authorised Services. dicates waterinfiltration:contactAlfaRomeo ence ofwaterdropsinsidetheheadlightin- on.Thepres- as theheadlightsareturned midity level.Mistingwilldisappearassoon non duetolowtemperatureandtheairhu- mean itisfaulty;anaturalphenome- face maygetslightlymisted:thisdoesnot adjusted. have theheadlightscorrectly bypreciseregulations. governed er roadusers. andtothatofoth- your safetyandcomfort IMPORTANT to Contact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices The adjustmentoftheheadlightsisalso The adjustmentoftheheadlightsisvitalto The headlightinnersur- fig. 148 justed correctly. tilt ofthecar. headlights israisedduetothebackwards ( COMPENSATION FORTILT fig. 148 In thiscasetheheadlightsmustbead- When thecarisloaded,beamfrom ) beams on),usebuttons A0A1106b For therequiredadjustment(onlywithlow sition (e.g.: sition (e.g.: positions duringadjustment. The display( – pressbutton – pressbutton 3 0 ➟ ➟ ▼ ▲ A 2 1 ), inthetachometershows , todecreasebyonepo- , toincreasebyonepo- ➟ ➟ 1 2 ▲ ➟ ➟ / 0 ▼ 3 ); ); : – position – position – position – position positionsasafunctionoftheload: Correct 3 2 1 0 : driver +350Kgloadall : five people+load in the people; : five : one ortwopeopleoccupy- partment partment stowed inluggagecom- boot; ing thefrontseats fig. 149 device. therefore notfittedwithheadlightaiming is automatic,versionswiththisoptionalare IMPORTANT changes. time theloadcarried Check beamaimingevery Xenon headlightsaiming A0A0199b fig. 150 ABROAD HEADLIGHT ADJUSTMENT hand drivetoleft-handdrive. non-transparent stickertape. lights asshownbelow;thisisdoneusing tocovertheareaofhead- it isnecessary culation, toavoidglaringoncomingvehicles is marketed.Incountrieswithoppositecir- inwhichthecar for circulationinthecountry The illustrationsrefertopassingfromright- The dipped-beamheadlightsareadjusted ( fig. 149-150 ) A0A0750b 133 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 134 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR the car isnot adversely affected atall. is nolonger present,the braking capacity of ABS. tem inthesameconditionsasacar without ure itisdisabled,leavingthebraking sys- base brakingsystem;intheevent ofafail- be adaptedtothetypeofroad. it ofitsgripandthereforethespeedshould thatthecaristravellingatlim- warning that theABShascomeintoaction:itis ing malfunction.Itisthesignaltodriver al duetotheactionofABSsystem. nied bynoisemaybefeltonthebrakeped- braking. keeps thecarcontrollablealsoinemergency and withinthelimitsofgripavailable, ing whenbraking,makesfulluseofthegrip tem, whichpreventsthewheelsfromlock- where applicable) (on requestforversions/markets ABS In thecaseofafailure, theanti-lockaction ofthe The ABSsystemisanadditionalpart This shouldnotbeinterpretedasabrak- When brakingaslightpulsingaccompa- The carisfittedwithanABSbrakingsys- vice givenbelowshouldbefollowed. ti-lock systeminthecaseofneed,ad- increase. thespacemight surface, snow oraslippery likegravel orfresh ample, onsoftsurfaces forex- braking distancetoalwaysshorten: tions, preventingthewheelsfromlocking. braking completelyunderlimitedgripcondi- tain thehighestdegreeofhandlingalsowhen tional systemisthatitmakespossibletoob- thefollowinginstructions cal HighwayCode;youarealsoadvisedto ty conditionsandinaccordancewiththelo- naturallyinsafe- surface, tle onaslippery ted withABS,itisadvisabletopracticealit- To betterexploitthepossibilitiesofan- However, withtheABSdonotexpect The advantageoftheABSoveraconven- If youhaveneverpreviouslyusedcarsfit- sary risks. sary surfaces, withouttakingunneces- onslippery therefore necessary not increaseit;cautionis the gripavailable,butcan- The ABSbetterexploits able. to adaptdrivingthegripavail- toslow down therefore necessary tyre andtheroadsurface:itis to fullyefficientconditions. able tohavethesystem restored tobe Romeo AuthorisedServices, checked immediatelyby Alfa the instrumentcluster, havethecar of the failure, withtheturningon being reachedbetweenthe that thelimitofgripis In theeventofasystem If theABScutsinitmeans > warning lighton and theABSsystem sensors. the brakingaction throughthecontrolunit tronic BrakeDistributor) whichdistributes the Manufacturer. brake liningsoftypeandbrandapproved by only befittedwiththewheelrims, tyresand cumstances. in thebestbrakingconditionunderallcir- ditions oftheroadsurface. possible, compatiblywiththecon- you willstopintheleastspace ly pressedwithnofear;thisway pressure, butkeepthepedalfirm- er, isthis: bends, evenwiththehelpofABS. The systemiscompletedbytheEBD (Elec- IMPORTANT you willbe Following theseinstructions adviceofall,howev- The mostimportant Always takeduecarewhenbrakingon pedal, donotlightenthe you feelthepulsingon When theABScutsin,and Cars fittedwithABSmay tor (EBD).Ifthe electronic brakingdistribu- The carisfittedwithan vice tohavethesystemchecked. nearest AlfaRomeoAuthorisedSer- ving extremelycarefully, gotothe with thepossibilityofskidding.Dri- rear wheelsmightlocktooearly, this casewithsharpbrakingthe indicates anEBDsystemfailure;in ously withtheenginerunning,this warning lightsturnonsimultane- the IMPORTANT and the strument clusterturnson. operation. system lightsensures normal of thewarning off ing theABSisnotactive.The turning thatduringstart- a faultbutaswarning Thisshouldnotbeconsidered as starting. theengineandgooffafter when starting > and > the ABSsystemiscutoff wheel isused,operationof If thecompactspare x warning lightonthein- If the battery is run down isrun If thebattery warning lights might turn on lightsmightturn warning > and x avoid sharpbraking. over, drivinginsuchawayasto tohavethesystemchecked Service nearest AlfaRomeoAuthorised advised togoimmediatelythe reduced. Inthiscasetoo,youare mance oftheEBDsystemmaybe Under theseconditionsperfor- out theaidofanti-lockdevice. tem isstillefficient,thoughwith- only. Inthiscasethebrakingsys- dicates afaulttotheABSsystem type withABS. of theconventionaltypeor ofthe eration ofthebrakingsystem beit tem willnegativelyaffect theop- loss offluidfromthehydraulic sys- Any Romeo AuthorisedService. ately andcontactthenearestAlfa > el engine runningnormallyin- If thelowbrakefluidlev- The turningonofonlythe on, stopthecarimmedi- x warning lightwiththe warning lightturns 135 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 136 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR cause thetyresto losegrip. (bends ortheneedtoavoidobstacles) may (acceleration orbraking)and/or course ence ofwater, iceor soil),changesinspeed (suchaspaving,orduetothepres- surface ver. fromthecourserequired bythedri- to divert below theminimumlevel,carbegins offer adequateroadholding;whenthisfalls controlled bythedriveraslongtyres eral andlongitudinalforceswhichcanbe direction. to bringthecarbackcorrect entiated manner, inthelackofgrip,ithelps torque andbrakingthewheelsinadiffer- trols carstability, onthedriving intervening markets whereapplicable ( ( VDC SYSTEM on requestforversions/ Vehicle DynamicsControl Especially whentravellingonanuneven When travellingthecarissubjectedtolat- The VDCisanelectronicsystemthatcon- ) ) producing astabilisingtorque. ontheengineandbrakes tervenes that wouldleadtoskidding,thesystemin- When thesensorsdetectconditions surface. on thegripbetweentyreand theroad trol thelossofcarstabilityalwaysdepend der controlintheeventofalosstyregrip. The forcesinducedbythesystemtocon- System helpsthedrivertokeepcarun- ver’s. is alwaysandinanycasethedri- The responsibilityforroadsafety road surface,visibilityandtraffic. adapted totheconditionsof ving mustinanycasealwaysbe risks.Thestyleofdri- necessary the drivertotakepointlessandun- safety shouldnotinduce system, intermsofactive The performanceofthe SYSTEM WORKS HOW THEVDC tive lateral accelerationsensor. are detected by a highly sensi- is cornering centrifugal forces generated whenthe car axis.The of thecar arounditsown vertical aeronautical industry, detects therotations The yawingsensor, whichoriginates fromthe forces generatedwhenthecaris cornering. installed onthecarcalculates centrifugal which withthedatasuppliedby sensors (centrifugal force). axis; around itsvertical speed ofeachwheel; steering wheels; strategy; sors andbringsaboutthemostappropriate es thesignalsreceivedfromvarioussen- andcannotbeswitchedoff. car isstarted The heart ofthesystemiscontrolunit, The heart – asensorthatdetectslateralacceleration – asensorthatdetectsrotationofthecar – foursensorsthatdetecttheturning – asensorthatdetectsthepositionof – anelectroniccontrolunitthatprocess- The basiccomponentsofthesystemare: System isengagedautomaticallywhenthe face change. ful when the grip conditions of theroad sur- help- critical situations and itisparticularly hances the activesafety ofthecarinvery required bythedriver. controlled continuouslyinseeking thecourse er transmittedbytheengine. tensity and,ifnecessary, reducingthepow- braking oneormorewheelsatdifferentin- immediately backtotherequiredcourse: tobring thecar most suitableintervention the controlunitchoosesandcommands of adiscrepancy, inafractionofsecond the driverwouldliketofollow. Intheevent by instantandcomparesitwiththecourse able toknowthepositionofcarinstant received fromthesensorsandthereforeis steering wheelisturned. noeuvre thedriverintendstodowhen allow thecontrolunittorecognisema- speed sensorofeachwheel.Thesesignals tion sensor, accelerationsensorandrotation nals receivedfromthesteeringwheelrota- tronic controlunit,whichprocessesthesig- based onthecalculationsofsystemelec- The actionofsystem considerablyen- actionsaremodifiedand The corrective The controlunitprocessestheinformation The stabilisingactionofthesystemis OF THEVDCSYSTEM CUTTING IN engages automaticallyandthe VDC systemfailurewarning grip. the carisincriticalconditionsofstabilityand cluster,instrument thedriverthat toinform lightonthe the flashingofáwarning In theeventofafailuresystemdis- The cuttinginofthesystemisindicatedby possible. assoon Alfa RomeoAuthorisedServices tem: inanycaseitisadvisabletocontact behaves likeacarnotfittedwiththissys- the reconfigurablemultifunctiondisplay. ing steadily, togetherwiththemessageon onglow- clusterturns light ontheinstrument In theeventofansystemfailurecar specified type,brandand size. conditions andaboveall ofthe and typeonallwheels,inperfect á must beofthesamebrand work correctly, thetyres warning For theVDCsystemto the car. er thanthatoftheothertyres mal tyre,thereforeitsgripislow- spare wheelissmallerthananor- should beborneinmindthatthe tem continuesworking.It spare wheel,theVDCsys- During useofthecompact 137 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 138 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ferential. an effectsimilartothatofaself-locking dif- ly brakingthewheelthatisslipping,with wheel, theASRsystemcutsinautomatical- er transmittedbytheengine. ted, theASRdevicecutsinreducingpow- being causedbyexcessivepowertransmit- systems areactivated: driving wheelsslip. timeoneorboth cuts inautomaticallyevery markets whereapplicable ( ( ASR SYSTEM on requestforversions/ Antislip Regulation 2) ifslippinginvolvesonlyonedriving 1) ifslippinginvolvesbothdrivingwheels, In slippingconditions,towdifferentcontrol The ASRfunctioncontrolsthecardriveand ) ) sponsibility. surface isalways thedriver’s re- face, visibility andtraffic.Road to theconditionsofroad sur- ving mustinanycasebe adapted risks.The styleofdri- necessary the drivertotakepointless andun- safety shouldnotinduce system intermsofactive The performanceofthe face (aquaplaning). surfaces. the roadsafety. wheels alsoinrelationtotheconditionsof or excessiveacceleration. due totheeffectofdynamicloadchanges ful inthefollowingcircumstances: – inthecaseoflossgriponawetsur- – accelerationonslippery, snowyorfrozen – toomuchpowertransmittedtothe – slippingoftheinnerwheelonabend, help- The actionoftheASRisparticularly fig. 151 THE ASRFUNCTION SWITCHING ON strument panel warning light panelwarning strument 151 off andonagainpressingswitch( cally eachtimetheengineisstarted. When the function is turned off,thein- When thefunctionisturned When travellingtheASRcanbeswitched The ASRfunctionswitchesonautomati- ). next time the engine is started. next timetheengineisstarted. onagainautomaticallythe elling, itwillturn If thefunctionisswitchedoffwhentrav- A-fig. V turns on. turns A0A1107b play. reconfigurable multifunctiondis- together withthemessageon cluster turnsonglowingsteadily warning lightontheinstrument ter drive. moving offmakesitpossibleto obtain bet- tions, slippingofthedrivingwheels when theASRoff:infact,thesecondi- to turn roads withsnowchains,itmaybehelpful IMPORTANT of type,brandandsizespecified. in perfectconditionsand,aboveall, same brandandtypeonallwheels, must absolutelybeofthe the ASRsystem,tyres For correctoperationof When travellingonsnowy tion iscutoffandthe spare wheel,theASRfunc- During useofthecompact V switches offautomaticallyandthe failure indications ASR system In theeventofafault,ASRsystem sible. assoonpos- Romeo AuthorisedServices in anycase,itisadvisabletocontactAlfa as acarthatisnotfittedwiththissystem: failure, thecarbehavesinsameway urable multifunctiondisplay. together withthemessageonreconfig- on, clusterturns ing lightontheinstrument In theeventofanASRsystemoperating V warn- conditions, canleadtolossofstability. ving wheeldrivethat,speciallyinpoorgrip to theenginethuspreventingexcessivedri- sudden gearshifting,cutsinprovidingtorque tegral withtheASRsystem,thatincaseof torque control) MSR SYSTEM(enginebraking The carisfittedwithaspecialsystem,in- 139 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 140 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR markets whereapplicable) (upon requestforversions/ EOBD SYSTEM warning light warning sions. withemis- components ofthecarcorrelated agnosis) allowscontinuousdiagnosisofthe It also alerts thedriver,It alsoalerts onthe byturning The EOBDsystem(EuropeanOnBoardDi- rated components. levels toincrease; trol; no longerinpeakconditions. tion display),whenthesecomponentsare + symbolonthereconfigurablemultifunc- versionstogetherwithmessage (on certain – to warn oftheneedtoreplacedeterio- – towarn whenafaultcauses emissions – towarn – tokeepthesystemefficiencyundercon- The objectiveis: U on the instrument panel on theinstrument police. outbythetraffic check canalsobecarried for engineoperationanddiagnosis.This gether withaseriesofspecificparameters codesstoredinthecontrolunit,to- error tools, whichmakesitpossibletoreadthe withappropriate tor thatcanbeinterfaced The systemalsohasadiagnosticconnec- to MAR,thewarninglight If, turningtheignitionkey vices assoonpossible. tact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedSer- urable multifunctiondisplay),con- sage +symbolonthereconfig- versions togetherwiththemes- ing steadilyorflashing(onsome while travellingitturnsonglow- U does notturnonorif, ney. road testswhichmayalsocallforalongjour- abenchtestand,ifnecessary,obliged torun pletely, are AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices convenience, tocheckthesystemcom- IMPORTANT After eliminatingthein- SOUND SYSTEM for thisreasonitcannotberemoved. tem cannotbeadaptedtoothervehiclesand the styleofdashboard.Thesoundsys- with apersonaliseddesignthatblends cial featuresofthepassengercompartment, been designedinaccordancewiththespe- CD player(radiowithMP3player)has er (radiowithCompactDiscplayer)orMP3 The carsoundsystem,fittedwithCDplay- er refertothespecificmanual. foruseof the CDChang- For theinstructions CD Changer(ifprovided)throughtheradio. so containtheprocedureforcontrolling to readthroughcarefully. al- Theinstructions foruse,whichyouareadvised instructions sori AlfaRomeo. of thecontrolsquick,facilitatinguse. graphics onthefrontpanelmakelocation sition forthedriverandpassenger In thefollowingpagesyouwillfind The CDChangerisavailableatLineacces- The radioisinstalledinauser-friendlypo- normal. thevolumemaybe higherthan formation, station beinglistenedto. whenfarawayfromthe bridges particularly by thepresenceofmountains,buildingsor when driving.Receptionmaybedisturbed Reception conditions todrive. tions) beforestarting various radiofunctions(e.g.:storingsta- Road safety ADVICE IMPORTANT Reception conditionschangeconstantly You howtousethe areadvisedtolearn When receivingtrafficin- 141 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 142 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR lance, policesirens,etc.). environment (e.g.:horns,ambu- hear thenoisesofsurrounding a waythatitisalwayspossibleto should alwaysbeadjustedinsuch er people.Thereforethevolume life atriskandthatofoth- driving canputthedriver’s Too highavolumewhen ucts might spoil the surface. ucts mightspoilthesurface. antistatic cloth.Cleaningandpolishingprod- Authorized Services. In theeventofafault,contactAlfaRomeo maintenance. with noneedforparticular Care andmaintenance To cleanthefrontpanelonlyuseasoft, ensureslongoperation The radiostructure ed surface of Compact Discs. ed surface bending; longed lengths of time to prevent them from sunlight, high temperatures or dampfor pro- that maycause skipping whenplaying; their container, to avoid marksorscratches pact Discs; ofCom- as theymightdamagethesurface ing (e.g.:spraycans,antistaticorthinners) ference andcleanfromthecentreoutwards; Compact Discsfromtheoutercircum- port gerprints anddustusingasoftcloth.Sup- following brand: lowing advice: optimum playingconditionswegivethefol- Compact Disccancauseskipping.To obtain Compact Disc – Donotsticklabels orwriteontherecord- – Donot exposeCompact Discstodirect – Afteruse,putCompactDiscs backin – Neverusechemicalproductsforclean- – CarefullycleanallCompactDiscsoffin- – OnlyuseCompactDiscswhichhavethe on marksordistortion Remember thatdirt, pact Discoutwards. fromthecentreofCom- cloth starting circumference. Nevertouchthesurface. ence. carefully, holdingitbytheoutercircumfer- tainer, pressthecentreandraisedisc To removefingerprintsanddust,useasoft Always holdCompactDiscsbytheouter To removeaCompactDiscfromitscon- internal mechanism anddamagethedisc. internal bilisers, etc.astheymightgetstuckinthe sheets forCDincommerceordiscswithsta- MB. CDs withmax.capacityhigherthan650 R/RW CDsnotproperlymasteredand/or Regular operationisnotguaranteedifusing player. will involvemalfunctioningordamagetothe discs,etc.Theuseofthesediscs distorted IMPORTANT For optimalplayinguseoriginalCDsonly. Do notusehighlyscratched,cracked,or Do notusetheprotective PC/MAC”, oritisidentifiedbysymbolslike: ED”, “THISCDCANNOTBEPLAYED ONA like: “COPYCONTROL”,PROTECT- characters. Usuallyitisindicatedbywritings the CDcoverinsmalllettersorhardtoread disc. Copyprotectionisoftenindicatedon the CDplayercanplaywhateverprotected tection methods,itisnotguaranteedthat liferation ofalwaysnewanddifferentpro- for playingthem.Moreover, duetothepro- be used,then,fewsecondsmayrequired IMPORTANT Should copy-protectedCDs 143 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 144 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR tification symbol: ten arenotmarkedwiththeaudioCDiden- Protected discs (and their cover) very of- Protected discs(andtheircover)very sion CD,onlythefirstsessionwillbeplayed. isnotguaranteed. formats these systems,readingofallcompression HOFER) however, duetotheevolutionof on sale(e.g.:LAME,BLADE,XING,FRAUN- most ofthecompressionsystemscurrently IMPORTANT IMPORTANT When loadingamulti-ses- The CDplayercanread (2 frontand2rear)with40W power. power sions/markets whereapplicable)with30W comprising: Speakers tem. it whenwashingthecarinautomaticsys- the aerialfromrooftoavoiddamaging are recommendedtoslackenandremove Aerial Radio TECHNICAL DATA – 4speakerswithadiameterof 165 mm – 4tweeters:2frontandrear(forver- ofasystem The soundsystemisformed The aerialislocatedonthecarroof.You Maximum power:4x30W. tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. tact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices. radio needstobepulledout:thereforecon- oftheset.Torear part replacethefuse, Protection fuse The radiohasa10Afuselocatedinthe people canusethesystem. and intuitivetouse,sothateven less expert nology, butatthesametimetheyareeasy are theresultofmostsophisticated tech- is feltwhenlisteningtolivemusic. pants withthenaturalspatialsensationthat enveloping theoccu- senger compartment of thesoundsisreproducedinwholepas- Inaddition,thecomplete range perfluous. er things,maketheLoudnessfunctionsu- tones andfull,richbasseswhichamongoth- treble faithful reproductionofcrystalline seats inthepassengercompartment. forallthe musical realismofaliveconcert, outstanding soundqualityandreproducethe car hasbeenaccuratelydesignedtooffer applicable) (for versions/marketswhere HI-FI BOSESYSTEM The componentsadoptedarepatentedand The system’s featuresincludeoutstanding The HI-FIBOSEsysteminstalledonyour back, eachhavingacoaxialtweeterinside; 165 mm,twoatthefrontand Technical information – 1bassboxwithavolumeof12dm – 4highefficiencywooferswithdiameter System comprises: ameter sub-woofer. plitude signalphaseandwith130mmdi- with 6channels,analogueequalisinginam- housed ontheleft-handsideofboot; – 1highpowerHI-FIamplifier(150W) 3 145 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 146 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR utnGNRLFNTOS Mode VOL GENERAL FUNCTIONS VOL+ ON Button dedicated FMband-FMT(AS–Autostore) Radio section fig. 152 CONTROLS ONFRONTPANEL – Automaticstorageof6stationsinthe – Traffic reception(TA) information Volume down Volume up Off On Press button Press button Long pushonbutton pushonbutton Short CD /MP3section to carspeed sions withBoseHI-FIsystem) sions withBoseHI-FIsystem) with BoseHI-FIsystem) Audio section – Previous / next directory selection – Previous/nextdirectory – FF/FR – Previous/nexttrackselection – Play/Pause – MUTEfunction – Automaticvolumechangingaccording – Personalequalization(excludingver- – Standardequalization(excludingver- – Loudnessfunction(excludingversions A0A1113b utnC UCIN Mode ▼ ▲ Mode ÷˜ CDFUNCTIONS ˚ Button 1 23456 RADIOFUNCTIONS Button Mode MENU AUD MUTE CD AM GENERALFUNCTIONS FM Button ÷˜ AS ▼ ▲ Previous/next directory playback(for MP3CD) Previous/next directory Previous/next CDplayback (forCDChanger) CD trackfastforward/backward Previous/next trackplayback CD ejection Stored stationrecall radiostationstorage Current • Manualtuning • Automatictuning Radio stationtuning: Advanced functionsadjustment front/rear soundadjustment(FADER) right/left soundadjustment(BALANCE), Audio settings:bass(BASS),treble(TREBLE), Volume on/off(MUTE/PAUSE) Audio sourceselection(radio/CD/CD-Changer) Radio bandselectionMW, LW Radio bandselectionFM1,FM2,FMAutostore Brief pressingonbuttons Brief buttonpressing Automatic tuning:pressbutton Adjustment selection:pressbutton Menu activation:briefbuttonpressing Brief buttonpressing Brief cyclicbuttonpressing Brief cyclicbuttonpressing Brief cyclicbuttonpressing Brief pressingonbuttons Brief pressingonbuttons Long pressingonbuttons respectively forpreset/memoriesfrom1to6 Brief buttonpressing respectively forpreset/memoriesfrom1to6 Long buttonpressing (long pressingforfastforward) Manual tuning:pressbutton (long pressingforfastforward) Value adjustment:press button Adjustment selection:pressbutton Menu activation:briefbuttonpressing Value adjustment:pressbutton ▲ ▲ ÷ ÷ ▲ or or ÷ or ÷ ÷ ▼ ▼ or or ˜ ˜ ▲ ▲ ▼ or or or or or ˜ ˜ ˜ ▼ ▼ 147 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 148 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR utnFNTO Mode ó ô SRC – FUNCTION + z Button (where provided) STEERING WHEELCONTROLS CD Changer: selectpreviousCD intheCDChanger MP3: select previousdirectory Radio: recallpreset stations (6to1) CD Changer:selectnext CDintheChanger MP3: selectnextdirectory Radio: recallpresetstations(1to6) (Radio -CDMP3Changer)selection button (FM1, FM2,FMT, MW, LW) andaudiosource Radio frequency Volume down Volume up (with soundsystemon) Audio Muteon/off fig. 153 Press button Press button Press button Press button Press button Brief buttonpressing A0A1114b GENERAL justment with car speed; Bose HI-FI system):automatic volumead- of 6stationsinFM band; band; FMT), 6intheMWbandand intheLW the FMband(6inFM1,6 FM2, 6in tion inRDSmode; gional programmes); EON (EnhancedOtherNetwork)-REG(Re- fic announcements)-TP(ProgramType) - quency bands; Radio section – automatic Stereo/Mono switching. – SVCfunction (excluding versionswith – automaticstorage(Autostore function) – manualstorageof36stations:18in – FMMultipathdetector; – automatic/manualstationtuning; presetting; – emergencyalarm frequencysearchselec- – AF:alternative – RDS(RadioDataSystem)withTA (traf- – PLLtuningwithFM/AM/MW/LW fre- The setpossessesthefollowingfunctions: nal stagesandspeakers. well ascausingdamagetothefi- as tocompromiseroadsafety, as cause rustlingandsuchavolume Playing oneoftheseCDsmay data tracksarerecorded. dition tosoundtracksalso On multimediaCDsinad- name/time elapsed from start oftrack; name/time elapsedfromstart Compact Discsection – PlayingaudioCDsandR/RW CDs. – CDDisplayfunction:displaying – Fastforward/backward; – Track selection(forward/backward); – Directdiscselection; sions withBoseHI-FIsystem); with BoseHI-FIsystem); Audio section file name); oftrack, tag info,timeelapsedfromstart CD MP3section – Right/leftchannelbalancing. – Separatebass/trebleadjustment; – 7bandgraphicequalizer(excludingver- – Loudnessfunction(excludingversions – SoftMutefunction; – Mute/Pausefunction; – PlayingaudioCDsandR/RW CDs. name,ID3- – MP3DISPfunction:directory – Fastforward/backward; – Track selection(forward/backward); selection(previous/next); – Directory 149 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 150 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ADJUSTMENTS FUNCTIONS AND FM Selecting radiofunctions Turning thesoundsystemoff paragraph “IGNTIMEfunction”). er 20minutesbypressingbuttonON(see theradioon again foroth- possible toturn After automaticswitchingoff,itishowever off automaticallyafterabout20minutes. not fittedintotheignitiondevice,itwillturn set toover. volume levelwillbebroughtto20ifitwas switched onpressingbuttonON. in sequence: it ispossibletoselectthefollowing functions functions insequence: Pressing brieflyandrepeatedly button Keep buttonONpressed. onwhenthekeyis If theradioisturned thesoundsystemon, When turning Turning thesoundsystemonThesetis – TUNER(“MW”, “LW”). Pressing brieflyandrepeatedlybutton AM – TUNER(“FM1”,“FM2”,“FMT”); AS it ispossibletoselectthefollowing lected. resumed, itistunedtothelast station se- tion isselected,whentheRadio modeis stopped. againfromthepointin whichitwas it starts stopped andwhentheCDmodeisresumed, is selected(e.g.:theradio),playing function Audio sourcememory nected). ed); sources insequence: it ispossibletoselectthefollowingaudio functions Selecting CD/CDChanger If whilelisteningtotheradioanotherfunc- If whilelisteningtoaCDanotherfunction – CHANGER(onlyiftheCDChangeriscon- – CD(onlyiftheCompactDiscisinsert- Pressing brieflyandrepeatedlybuttonCD vating thisfunction. level insidethepassengercompartment. increases tomaintaintheratiowithnoise speed ofthecar, increasingitasthespeed tomatically adaptthevolumelevelto Bose HI-FIsystem) (excluding versionswith SVC function bulletin. ting ismaintainedonlyuntiltheendof broadcast ofatrafficbulletin,thenewset- buttons. Volume adjustment See sectionMENUforactivating/deacti- The SVCfunctionmakesitpossibletoau- If thevolumelevelischangedduring Adjust volumethroughVOL+and- traffic announcement. function willberesumedattheendof sage ignorestheMutefunction.The withtheTAletin arrives functionon,themes- new levelselected. function andthevolumewillbesetto fore switchingontheMutefunction. tothevaluesetbe- become louderreturning button MUTEagain.Volume willgradually (when inCDorCD-Changermode). “MUTE” (wheninradiomode)or“PAUSE” ally lowerandthedisplaywillshowword press thebuttonMUTE.Volume willgradu- completely) (turning offthevolume Mute /pausefunction – if an emergency alarm oratrafficbul- – ifanemergencyalarm theMutefunctionon: With Changing volumewilldeactivatetheMute To switchofftheMutefunction,press To switchontheMutefunction,briefly or button AUD.Thedisplaywillshow“BASS”. ed: AM/FM/CD/CDC. differ accordingtotheaudiosourceselect- Audio adjustments To scrolltheMenuoptions,usebuttons To changeAudiofunctions,pressbriefly The optionsproposedbytheaudiomenu selected, pressbuttons ▼ . To changethesettingofoption ting). vation andselection); HI-FI system)(standard equalizationacti- system) (Loudnesson/off); FI system)(front/rearbalance); the following: of thefunctionselected. – XXUSER (personalequalization set- – PRESET(excludingversionswith Bose – LD(excludingversionswithBose HI-FI – FADER (excluding versionswithBoseHI- – BALANCE(right/leftbalance); – TREBLE(trebleadjustment); – BASS(bassadjustment); The functionscontrolledbythemenuare status The displaywillshowthecurrent ÷ or ˜ . ▲ (bass/treble) Tone adjustment – Usebutton Proceed asfollows: from therightspeakersorbutton ue forbothrightandleftspeakers. “TREBLE” intheAUDIOmenu; ANCE” intheAUDIOmenu; – pressbutton – pressbutton Balance adjustment ing isfaster. gradual bysteps.Pressinglonger, chang- crease/decrease thebassesortrebles. ÷ ing isfaster. gradual bysteps.Pressinglonger, chang- increase thesoundfromleftspeakers. – Usebutton Proceed asfollows: Pressing thebuttonsbrieflychangeis Select “ Pressing thebuttonsbrieflychangeis 0 ▲ ÷ ▲ ˜ or ÷ or ▼ to increasethesound ” tosetthesameval- ▼ to select“BASS”or or to select“BAL- ˜ ˜ to in- to 151 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 152 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ▲ or “LDOFF”. on thedisplayforfewsecondsby“LDON” The functioncondition(onoroff)isshown or from therearspeakersorbutton creasing thebassesandtrebles. volume whenlisteningatlowlevel,in- LD function ue forbothfrontandrearspeakers. ▼ in theAUDIOmenu; To switchthefunctionon/off,usebutton The Loudnessfunctionimprovesthesound – pressbutton to select“LD”intheAUDIOmenu. ing isfaster. gradual bysteps.Pressinglonger, chang- crease thesoundfromfrontspeakers. ÷ Select “ Pressing thebuttonsbrieflychangeis 0 ▲ ÷ ˜ or ▼ to increasethesound ” tosetthesameval- Fader adjustment to select“FADER” – Usebutton Proceed asfollows: ˜ to in- by meansofbutton or makes itpossibletoadjustthesoundcurves. (“TREBLE”), whileactivatingthefunction ing thebass(“BASS”)andtrebletones to changethesoundsettingsonlyadjust- theequalizeroff,itispossible or off.With (equalizer on/off) ROCK/JAZZ functions PRESET/XX EQSET*/CLASSIC/ To theequalizeroff,select“PRESET” turn on The integratedequalizercanbeturned the displayshows “EQ”. ment forbestplayingofjazzmusic). sic); ment forbestplayingofrockandpopmu- justment forbestplayingofclassicmusic); er bandsthatcanbechangedbytheuser); tions: ˜ When oneofthe equalizersettingsison, – “JAZZ”(predefinedequalizer adjust- – “ROCK”(predefinedequalizeradjust- – “CLASSIC”(predefinedequalizerad- – “USER”(adjustmentofthe7equaliz- to selectoneofthefollowingop- To theequalizeron,usebutton turn ÷ or ˜ . ÷ button with BoseHI-FIsystem) selected) (excludingversions USER equalizersettinghasbeen *XX EQSETfunction(onlyifthe To setapersonalequalizeradjustment,use or ÷ Antitheft protection gether withthegraph7bars. The displaywillshowtheword“MEN”to- AUD againorwaitforabout10seconds. Refer to“CDPlayer”paragraph. To storethenewsettings,pressbutton ▼ and itispossibletoadjustusingbutton Choose thebartobeadjustedusingbutton where eachbarrepresentsafrequency. “XX EQSET”andthenagraphwith7bars, press button The displaywillshowforabout2seconds . or ▲ ˜ or ▼ ; the bar chosen starts toflash ; thebarchosenstarts ▼ for long. to selectUSERandthen ▲ tons FM to anotheraudiosource,pressbrieflybut- CD orChanger). offisplayed(Radio, selected beforeturning Introduction RADIO (TUNER) To selecttheTuner sourcewhilelistening onthelastfunction When thesetisturned edly pressbuttonFM Selecting thefrequencyband (e.g.: P1). FM1) andthepreselectionbuttonnumber ly) (orfrequency),thefrequencyband(e.g.: the selectedstationname(RDSstationson- frequency band. If intheTuner mode,brieflyandrepeat- When Tuner ison,thedisplaywillshow lowing bandsareselectedinsequence: required frequencyband. “FMT”; – PressingbuttonFM timethebuttonispressed thefol- Every – PressingbuttonAM:“MW”and “LW”. AS or AM,accordingtotherequired AS AS or AMtoselectthe : “FM1”,“FM2”, station. Storing is confirmed byabeep. station. Storing isconfirmed longer than2seconds willstorethetuned presetbutton(from1to6). corresponding frequency bandandthenpress briefly the FM2, 6inFMT); settings: make itpossibletosetthefollowingpre- Presetting buttons with theAutostorefunction. tothestationsstoredautomatically reserved FM2 andFMT. TheFMTreceptionbandis frequency bandwillbetuned. wording onthedisplay. Pressing therespective presetbuttonfor To callapresetstation,choosetherequired – 6intheLW band; – 6intheMWband; – 18intheFMband(6FM1,6 The buttonswithsymbolsfrom1to6 The FMbandisdividedintosections:FM1, The laststationselectedintherespective Each bandisshownbytherespective Automatic tuning onorthereceptionbandischanged. turned band, whichisthentunedwhentheradio the laststationheardforeachreception Storing thelaststationheard Briefly pressbutton The radioautomaticallykeepsinstorage cast trafficbulletins. the tuneronlysearchesstationswhichbroad- the nextreceivablestation. the buttonisreleased,tunerstopson longer, quicksearchingtakesplace.When If theTA functionison (trafficinformation), the directionchosen. next stationthatitispossibletoreceivein automatically searchingthetuningfor If button ÷ or ÷ ˜ or is pressedfor ˜ to start 153 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 154 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR or Pressing oneofthebuttons ▼ to start searchinginthechosenband. to start stopped whenthebuttonisreleased. searching,whichis obtains fastforward then pressbrieflyandrepeatedlybutton chosen band. Manual tuning Select therequiredfrequencybandand This allowsmanualstationsearchinginthe ▲ or ▼ longer ▲ button FM (automatic stationstorage) A-STORE function toSTore function. the stationheardbeforeactivationofAu- again: theradiowillautomaticallytuneto To switchontheA-STOREfunction,keep shows “A-STORE”. tion willbestored. only thestationsthatsendtrafficinforma- ously intheFMTband. function cancelsthestationsstoredprevi- intensity oftheFMTfrequencyband. the strongestsignalindecreasingorderof dio automaticallystoresthesixstationswith thisfunctionthera- beep.With firmation To A-STORE pressbuttonFM interrupt During automaticstoragethedisplay If theTA functionison (trafficinformation), IMPORTANT AS pressed untilreceivingthecon- Activating theA-STORE tons. tions willbestoredonthefreepresetbut- strong signal.Inthiscasetheprevioussta- function isunabletofind6stationswitha band wherethefunctionisthenrun. LW bandswillautomaticallyselecttheFMT band. strong signalinthatmomentthepresent tions areautomaticallystoredthatgivea ton 1. station intheFMTbandstoredonpresetbut- dio automaticallytunesonthefirstpreset IMPORTANT Activating theA-STOREfunctioninMWor On buttonsnumberedfrom1to6,thesta- At theendofA-STOREfunctionra- AS Sometimes theA-STORE ments (see“TA Function”). change asdescribedfortrafficannounce- ing thisannouncementthevolumewill play willshowthemessage“ALARM”.Dur- cannot bedeactivated. station tuned. floods, etc.),iftheyarebroadcastbythe may causegeneraldanger(earthquakes, exceptional circumstancesoreventsthat emergency announcementsinthecaseof Emergency alarmreception During emergencyannouncementthedis- This functionisactivatedautomaticallyand In theRDSmoderadioissettoreceive switches automaticallyfromStereotoMono. Stereophonic stations stations ofthesamecircuits. time thesebulletinsaregivenbyoneofthe TA functionon); temporarily: interrupted gramme ofthestationbeingheardwillbe Inthiscasethepro- cast trafficinformation. together severalstationsenabledtobroad- (Enhanced OtherNetwork) EON function If thesignalreceivedisweak,device – tolistenregionalprogrammesevery (onlywith – toreceivetrafficinformation countrieshavecircuitswhichgroup Certain or “MENU”. button MENU.Thedisplayshowstheword MENU buttonfunctions MENU To scrollthemenufunctionsusebutton To activatethemenufunction,brieflypress ed functionusebutton ▼ . To changethesettingofselect- MENU again. dio); trol); tion tospeed); the following: of thefunctionselected. To exit the menu function, press button – DEFAULT (reset originalsettings). – IGNTIME(System poweroffmodera- audiosourcescon- – EXTVOL(external – SVC(automaticvolumecontrol inrela- – MP3DISP(MP3CDdatadisplay); – REG(regionalprogrammes); – TA (trafficinformation); frequencysearch); – AF(alternative The functionscontrolledbythemenuare status The displaywillshowthecurrent ÷ or ˜ . ▲ 155 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 156 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR lected. es to theFM1 band onthe last station se- when the AFfunctionis activated,itpass- the displayshows “AF”. on OFF”. IftheAFfunctionhasbeen turned ton MENU,andthenselect“AFON” or“AF crossing. must bereceivableintheareacaris quency whenchangingarea. chosen withouthavingtochangethefre- possible tocontinuelisteningthestation it willthusbe gramme. Duringthejourney nal thatisbroadcastingthesamepro- tuned tothestationwithstrongestsig- off. on (thedisplayshows“AF”); in twodifferentmodes: (alternative frequencysearch) AF function If theradioisworking intheAMband, To theAFfunctionon/off,press but- turn Of course,thestationbeinglistenedto “AFON”,theradioisautomatically With frequencysearch – “AFOFF”:alternative frequencysearch – “AFON”:alternative theRDSsystemradiocanwork Within then select“TA ON”or“TA OFF”. tion on/off,brieflypressbuttonMENUand this casethedisplayshows“TP”. abouttrafficconditions.In cast information FM2 andFMT)areenabledtoalsobroad- (traffic information) TA function dio volumeoff. defined minimumvolumeevenwith thera- CD playerorChangerarebeing used; traffic information; mit intheFMband,enabledtobroadcast automatic stationtuningwillstart. installed), Telephone orMute/Pauseactive: ison,withCD,CDChanger(if information) IMPORTANT To theTA turn (trafficannouncement)func- stationsintheFMband(FM1, Certain – to receive traffic information atapre- – toreceivetrafficinformation although – toreceivetrafficinformation – tosearchonlyRDSstationsthattrans- theTAWith functionitispossible: If theTA function(traffic any soundsystembutton. bulletin inprogress. play andthenewvalueiskeptonlyfor bulletin thevalueisnotshownondis- letin volume=listening+1. letin volume=20(fixedvalue); tening volume: is transmittedvariesdependingonthelis- band onthelaststationheard. when TA isactivated,itpassestotheFM1 mit trafficinformation. is on(thedisplayshows“TP”),donottrans- stations existwhich,eveniftheTPfunction The TA bypressing functionisinterrupted If thevolumeischangedduringatraffic – listeningvolumeabove20:trafficbul- – listeningvolumebelow20:trafficbul- The volumewithwhichthetrafficbulletin If theradioisworkinginAMband, IMPORTANT In certain countriesradio In certain ÷ or ˜ . casting intheselectedband. automatically toregionalstationsbroad- graph “EONfunction”). ly onlocalstations(regional)(seepara- This functionmakesitpossibletotuneinon- grammes whichdifferfromregiontoregion. nate timesoftheday, transmitregionalpro- (regional broadcastreception) REG function To thefunctionon/offusebutton turn Activate thisfunctionifyouwanttotune nationalbroadcasters,atdetermi- Certain a valid alternative frequency.a validalternative other theradiocouldnottuneproperlyto tive, whenpassingfromoneregiontoan- ceived. the regionalstationofnewareaisre- nate areaandthecarentersadifferentarea, gramme istunedthatworksinadetermi- of thefunction: IMPORTANT If thefunctionisoffandaregionalpro- – “REGOFF”:functionoff. – “REGON”:functionon. status The displaywillshowthecurrent If AFandREGarebothac- “MP3 DISP”. CD isloaded:inthiseventthedisplayshows listening toaMP3CD. shownonthedisplay,the information when (MP3 CDdatadisplay) MP3 DISPfunction To changethefunctionusebuttons This functioncanbeselectedonlyifaMP3 thisfunctionitispossibletochoose With or able) six possible: ˜ – TIME (time elapsed from start oftrack). – TIME(timeelapsedfromstart – FILENAME(MP3filename); name); – DIR(directory – ALBUM(albumtitle,ifID3-tagavailable) – AUTHOR(trackauthor, ifID3-tagavail- – TITLE(tracktitle,ifID3-tagavailable) The displayshowsthesettingamong . ÷ 157 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 158 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR ÷ rent statusofthefunction: – SVCHIGH: function on – SVCLOW: functionon – SVCOFF:functionoff or ˜ . Thedisplaywillshowthecur- level inside the passenger compartment. level insidethepassengercompartment. increases tomaintaintheratiowithnoise speed ofthecar, increasingitasthespeed matically adaptthevolumelevelto Bose HI-FIsystem) (excluding versionswith (volume changingwithspeed) SVC function (low sensitivity) (high sensitivity). To thefunctionon/offusebutton turn This functionmakesitpossibletoauto- ÷ audiosources. ternal (setting from0to40)orexclude(OFF)ex- (external audiosourcecontrol) EXT function ÷ To thisfunctionon/off,usebutton turn thisfunctionitispossibletoadjust With for 20 minutes max. key toSTOP thesoundsystem willstay on ignition key. theignition Afterhaving turned to STOP; theignition key automatically whenturning ignition key. Soundsystemwillswitchoff modes. To the functiononusebutton turn sound systemaccordingtotwodifferent (system poweron/offmoderadio) IGN TIMEfunction el 23. of thefunction: – “20MIN”:deactivation independentof – “00MIN”:deactivationdependent on The displaywillshow“IGNTIME”andthen: This functionenablestoswitchoffthe – “EXT23”:functiononwithvolumelev- – “EXTOFF”:functionoff. – “EXTVOL”:functionon. status The displaywillshowthecurrent or or ˜ ˜ . . the previoussituationisdisplayed. the audiosourcewillnotbechangedand “RESTORE”. Attheendofthisoperation, operation thedisplaywillshowmessage tings. Optionsavailablearethefollowing: RESTORE function ing thekeytoMARitwillstayoff. switched offpressingbuttonON,whenturn- key toMAR.Ifthesoundsystemhasbeen theignition switch onautomaticallyturning ate or20-minutedelayedpoweroff),itwill the ignitionkeytoSTOP(forbothimmedi- is switchedoffautomaticallyafterturning IMPORTANT – YES:restoredefaultsettings.Duringthis – NO:norestore; This functionenablestorestoredefaultset- When thesoundsystem ments” paragraph. operation, refer“Functionsandadjust- soundsystem eration variants:asconcerns Introduction COMPACT DISCPLAYER This sectiononlydescribesCDplayerop- mastered attheaslowpossiblespeed. When usingR/RW CDs,usetopquality CDs “CD”: thelastheardtrackwillbeplayed. on andpressbrieflybuttonCDtoselect will beplayed; grated intheset,proceedasfollows: Selecting thecompactdiscplayer For optimalplayinguseonlyoriginalCDs. theset turn – ifaCDisalreadyinserted, or aCDwiththeseton:firsttrack – insert To ontheCompactDiscplayerinte- turn will positionitcorrectly. tivate thepoweredloadingsystem,which Inserting/ejecting aCD Press button To theCDsetitgentlyinplacetoac- insert change thesourcetoCD. moving itfromtheslot,tunerwillnot then willsettoTuner (Radio). it automaticallyafterabout20secondsand CD willreturn. ejection, thesourceheardbeforeplaying erate thepoweredCDejectsystem.After Inserting theejectedCDwithout fullyre- Inserting CD cannotbeejectedifthedeviceisoff. If CDisnotejected,thedevicewillreload ˚ , withthedeviceon,toop- 159 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 160 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR Menu functionison); ofthetrack(ifcorresponding the start the CD; means: which play showsthefollowinginformation Display information source beforeCDwasselectedreturns. sage “CDERROR”forabout2seconds. thedisplaywillshowmes- ing error), properlyorread- CDnotinserted inserted, Possible errormessages “03:42”: showsthetimeelapsedsince “T05”: showsthenumberoftrackon When theCDplayerisworking,dis- The CDisthenejectedandtheprevious isillegible(e.g.:CD-ROM If theCDinserted Fast forward/backward Fast forward/backward track, pressthebuttontwiceconsecutively. this caseifwantingtoplaytheprevious In the trackisplayedagainfromstart. (forward/backward) Select track Keep button Briefly pressbutton stopped oncethebuttonisreleased. is ly backward.Fastforward/backward keep button athighspeedand track selectedforward vious trackandbutton seconds ago,pressingbrieflybutton vice versa. last track,thefirstonewillbeplayedand one. Tracks areplayedinsequence:afterthe If playing the track started morethan3 If playingthetrackstarted ÷ ˜ pressed tomoveitquick- pressed tomovethe ÷ ˜ to playthepre- to playthenext ÷ ing thesoundsource. MUTE again. MUTE. Thedisplaywillshow“PAUSE”. Pause function The pausefunctionisdeactivatedchang- To resumeplayingthetrack,pressbutton To pausetheCDplayer, pressbutton cedure describedinthefollowingparagraph. enter thesecretcodeaccordingtopro- theuserof theneedto the deviceinforms control unit(BodyComputer)isreplaced, codes arenotthesameorifelectronic working, whereasifthecomparison starts nected. timetheradiosupplyisdiscon- code every ofthesecret security andpreventsentry on thecar. tronic controlunit(BodyComputer)installed betweentheradioandelec- formation tection systembasedontheexchangeofin- Antitheft protection If theresultofcheckispositive,set thehighestlevelof This systemwarrants The radioisfittedwithanantitheftpro- essary to enter the correct code. to enter thecorrect essary theuserthatitisnec- dashes “---”to warn “CDC CODE”for 2secondsandthenfours sounds abeep,thedisplayshows theword working. seconds), theradiostarts anincorrect dashes “---”.Thisisnottobeconsidered “CDC CODE”for2secondsandthenfours 20 seconds,thedisplayshowsword the sameway. (from 1to6).Entertheothercodedigitsin keyofthepresetstations the corresponding dashes. tooneofthe 1 to6,eachcorresponding followed byfourdashes“---”. the word“CDCCODE”forabout2seconds, event ofcoderequest),thedisplaywillshow Entering thesecretcode If awrongcodeisentered,the radio digit(within20 After enteringthefourth If thefourfiguresarenotenteredwithin To enterthefirstdigitofcode,press The secretcodecomprisesfourfiguresfrom thesoundsystemon(in When turning theft. the competentauthoritiesineventof fully tobeablegivetherelateddata dio model,serialnumberandsecretcode. of theradio.TheCodeCardcontainsra- Code Card procedure. thenewcodeentry start WAIT”. Whenthisgoesoffitispossibleto be shownonthedisplaywithword“CDC imum of24hours.Thewaitingtimewill 2h, 4h,8h,16h,24h)untilreachingamax- 2 min,481630min,1h, the waitingtimeincreasesgradually(1min, IMPORTANT possession This thedocumentthatcertifies timetheuserentersawrongcode, Every Keep theCodeCardcare- 161 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 162 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR cannot be selected. el), directories notcontaining MP3 tracks rectories areallbrought tothesamelev- taining MP3tracks (directoriesandsub-di- with sequential lists ofalldirectoriescon- CDs masteredataspeedaslow possible. aconventionalaudioCD. serting in “CompactDiscplayer”paragraphwhenin- mat. Soundsystemwilloperateasdescribed system canalsoplayaudiofilesinMP3for- MP3 mode Thomson multimedia. nology licensedfromFraunhoferIISand justments” paragraph. tem operation,referto“FunctionsandAd- soundsys- er operationvariants:asconcerns Introduction (where provided) MP3 CDPLAYER MP3 CD files are structured bydirectories, MP3 CDfilesarestructured For optimalplayinguseonlytop quality In additiontostandardaudioCDs,thesound NOTE This sectiononlydescribesMP3CDplay- MPEG Layer-3audiodecodingtech- system willnotbeabletoplayit. thesound characters tonamefilesotherwise sampling MP3CDyoumustnotusethese are notadmittedinMP3tracknames.When trophe), (and)(openclosedbrackets) tracks (files). mono orstereo(32to80kbit/s); stereo (96to320kbit/s)-22.05kHz, theycannotbeplayed; otherwise cording toISO9660Standard; MP3 filesareasfollows: IMPORTANT – itispossibletoplayvariablebit-rate – samplingfrequenciesare:44.1kHz, – musicfilesshallberenamedas“.mp3” – adoptedCD-ROMshallbemasteredac- Technical dataandoperatingconditionsfor Characters: blank,‘(apos- be displayed. has noID3-taginfothen,thefilenamewill Album)andthetrackbeingplayed tle, Artist, OF *. by anasterisk. isstoredontheCD, followed the directory tothenamewithwhich play corresponds disp function”)aredisplayed. Author(seesection“MP3 track Title,Artist, and filename,alsoID3-taginforelevantto (track informations) ID3-tag infodisplay DISPLAY INFORMATION If youwanttodisplayoneID3-taginfo(Ti- name:BEST Example offullMP3directory nameshownonthedis- The MP3directory name In additiontotimeelapsed,directory ry orpressbutton ry Protection againsttheft played. isplayed,thenextwill then be rectory willbeplayed. new directory the following2seconds,firsttrackin lected andviceversa. thefirstoneisse- after thelastdirectory willbeshownonthedisplay.tory one. Thenameofthenewselecteddirec- Refer to“CompactDiscplayer”paragraph. selecteddi- If thelasttrackincurrently isselectedin If nootherdirectory/track Directories areselectedincyclicsequence: ▲ to selectthenextdirecto- ▼ to selecttheprevious Select next/previous directory Select next/previousdirectory Press button Services. Services. formed byAlfaRomeoAuthorized ER”. peatedly buttonCDuntilselecting“CHANG- Selecting thecdchanger “Functions andadjustments”paragraph. soundsystemoperation, referto cerns (where provided)operationvariants:ascon- Introduction CD CHANGER(CDC) Changer shallonlybeper- tion ofaLineaccessoriCD Turn ontheset,thenpressbrieflyandre- This sectiononlydescribesCDChanger Installation andconnec- show thefollowing: sound sourceisnotchanged,the display will the firstone)ortheyarealsoillegible, ifthe from er (afterthelastCDsearchwillrestart if therearenootherCDsintheCDChang- “CD ERROR”.ThenextCDwillbeselected; is changed; the wording“NOCD”untilsoundsource they arealsoillegiblethedisplaywillshow be selected;iftherearenootherCDsor number oftheselectedCD.ThenextCDwill the displayshows“CDERROR”after properly): lected positionorCDnotinserted sound source; will show“CDERROR”untilchangingthe lowing cases: Possible errormessages selected. – error inCDreading:thedisplay shows – error – selectedCDisillegible(CDnotinthese- – noCDintheChanger:display messageswillbedisplayedinthefol- Error ❒ ❒ ❒ – a CD-ROM is inserted: nextCDwillbe – aCD-ROMisinserted: plays nextsourceforother5seconds; “CD ERROR”forabout5seconds; “CHANGER” forabout2.5seconds; 163 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 164 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR is playedautomatically. the wording“CDERROR”,andnextCD position selected,thedisplaybrieflyshows If theloaderdoesnotcontainadiscin button ▼ to selectthepreviousCD. ▲ to selectthenextCDand Selecting theCD Press button you wanttoplay. selected Required sourcecannotbe Fader levelsetis=R+9. power reductionandvolumemutingifthe (front), topreventsoundsystemoutput Low volume Overview TROUBLESHOOTING No CDloaded.LoadtheorMP3 The Faderfunctionshallonlybesetto“F” Required CDcannotbeloaded CD. CD notplayed Compact discplayer Another CDisalreadyloaded.Pressbutton Loaded CDisscratched.Try toplayanother Loaded CDisdirty. CleantheCD. ˚ track lengthcanbedisplayedincorrectly. correctly MP3 tracklengthnotdisplayed paragraph. CD asdescribedin“CD”voice“Advise” Skipping whenreadingMP3files MP3 filereading In certain cases(duetorecording) MP3 In certain Loaded CDisscratchedordirty. Clean the and removetheCD. PETROL ENGINES REFUELLING lyst. damage thecata- as thiswouldirreparably should conventionalleadedpetrolbeused, thus environmentpollution. emissionattheexhaust, leads toharmful (R.O.N.) usedshallnotbelessthan95. zle ofthistypepetrol. is ofsuchasizeasnottoacceptthenoz- petrol, thediameteroffueltankfiller IMPORTANT IMPORTANT The unleadedpetroloctanenumber To preventaccidentallyfillingwithleaded Use onlyunleadedpetrol. Under nocircumstances An inefficientcatalyst DIESEL ENGINES fuel. antifreeze inthetankandthendiesel statedonthecan,putting firstthe portions TUTELA DIESELART temperature,mixdieselfuelwith the current tic type(mountains/coldareas). the season:summertype,wintertypearc- types ofdieselaredistributedaccordingto fins andcouldclogthedieselfuelfilter. ofparaf- diesel thickensduetotheformation than usablecapacity. in thetankanamountoffuel50% higher situation youarealsorecommended tohave el availableatlocalfillingstations. Inthis areas/mountains, refuelwiththe dieselfu- parking thevehicleforalongperiodincold Ifdrivingor Adding itlaterwillbeworthless. diesel fuelbeforetheduetocoldtakeplace. TUTELA DIESELART If refuellingwithdieselfuelnotsuitablefor In ordertoavoidtheseproblems,different low,If theoutsidetemperatureisvery the additive inthepro- shall beaddedto out thewholefuelcircuit. to drain tank, itisalsonecessary shorttime,inadditiontothe very gine hasbeenrunevenforonlya gine andemptythetank.Ifen- type offuel,donotstarttheen- accidentally fillingwithanother the damagecaused.Ineventof invalidation ofthewarrantydueto reparably damagetheenginewith other productsormixturesmayir- Specification EN590.Theuseof cles, incompliancewithEuropean diesel fuelformotorvehi- must onlybefilledwith Cars withdieselengines 165 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 166 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR fig. 154 FUEL CAP ter openingthelid( the engineisoff. 155 controlled. To openit,pressbutton( vice ontheinnerflap,asillustrated. the lid. to preventlosingit( The fuelcap( The fuelcap( When refuelling,hookthecaptode- ); theflapcanbeopenedonlywhen A-fig. 154 C-fig. 154 C B ), isfittedwithacatch ) whichfastensitto ), accessibleaf- ) iselectrically D-fig. A0A0644b breathe inharmfulvapours. close totheholeeithersoasnot is adangeroffire.Donotbendtoo the fuelfillerholeasthere or lightedcigarettesnear Do notputnakedflames fig. 155 engine. the rectly intothehousing,beforestarting cor- that thefuellingpumpnozzleisinserted close theflap. is absolutelynormal. little breathingoff,whileslackeningthecap, may causelightpressurisinginthetank.A IMPORTANT thecapclockwiseand After refuelling,turn IMPORTANT For yoursafety, makesure The sealingofthetank A0A1108b boot ( flap electrically, usethespecialcablein Should itbenotpossibletoopenthefuel A-fig. 156 fig. 156 pairing thepetrolvapoursystem. ) toopenitmanually. new onetopreventim- el caponlywithagenuine If required,replacethefu- A0A0652b PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL test. theengine, evenfora nected, donotrun lencer); emissions are: If oneormoresparkplugsarediscon- – anti-evaporationsystem. – Lambdasensors; (catalyticsi- – trivalentcatalyticconverter The devicesusedtoreducepetrolengine needles, etc.):firehazard. leaves, pine materials (grass,dry fore parkthecaroverinflammable high temperatures.Donotthere- ticulate filter(DPF)reach catalyst andthedieselpar- During normal service the During normalservice gine emissionsare: – diesel particulate filter(DPF). – dieselparticulate – exhaustgasrecirculationsystem(E.G.R.); – oxidisingcatalyst; The devicesusedtoreducedieselfuelen- applicable) (for versions/marketswhere Filter) DPF (DieselParticulate tervals by burning carbonparticles. byburning tervals it shallbecleaned(reclaimed)atregularin- ulates hasbeentrappedbythefilter. and itwillthencalculatehowmuchpartic- el time,typeofroute,temperatures,etc.) control unitrecordsasetofdata(e.g.:trav- lations. /futurelawregu- compliance withcurrent in ed toeliminatealmosttotallyparticulates the exhaustgasesofDieselengines. presentin that physicallytrapsparticulates cal filter, integralwiththeexhaustsystem, Since thisfilterphysicallytrapsparticulates, useofthecar,During normal theengine filterhasbeenadopt- The dieselparticular Filterisamechani- The DieselParticulate 167 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR 168 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR mance andenvironment. faults andtheydonotaffectcarperfor- increase, highexhausttemperatures. slight increase,fanactivation,smoke lowing phenomenacouldtakeplace:idling of usethecar. Duringreclaimingthefol- ing tothefilterconditionsand matically bytheenginecontrolunitaccord- These situationsshallnotbeconsideredas Reclaiming procedureiscontrolledauto- running untilsymbol running + message.Inthiseventkeeptheengine clogged, thedisplayshowssymbol Diesel ParticulateFilterclogged When the diesel particulate filteris When thedieselparticulate turn off. turn h and message h THE ENGINE STARTING tem”. seethe“AlfaRomeoCODEsys- fails tostart, electronic enginelockdevice.Ifthe IMPORTANT and lethalgas. monoxide whichisahighly toxic sumes oxygenandproduces carbon speed, hardbrakingetc.). celeration, longjourneysattop mance (forexampleexcessiveac- dangerous. Theenginecon- fined areasisextremely not drivetofullcarperfor- ing theinitialperiodyoudo Running theengineincon- We recommendthatdur- The carisfittedwithan C C O O R R R R E E C C battery. rent absorptionfromdrainingthe position topreventpointlesscur- T T the ignitionkeyinMAR switched offneverleave When theengineis U U the device preventsthekeybeingmovedfrom immediately.not start operationiftheenginedoes ing thestarting key tothe the device whichobligesthedrivertoreturn Similarly, the whentheengineisrunning, The ignitionswitchisfittedwithasafety MAR S S E E to the STOP O O AVV position beforerepeat- F F position. T T H H E E C C FOR PETROLVERSIONS STARTING PROCEDURE tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. which may damagethe catalyst,butcon- engine do notinsistwith extended attempts key to starts. sition andreleaseitassoon the engine switched off. ties ofenergy(e.g.heatedrearscreen),are vices, especiallyiftheyabsorbhighquanti- gears. motorisnotforced tocrankthe the starter started. press theacceleratorbeforeenginehas IMPORTANT 6) If the engine does not start, return the return 6) Iftheenginedoesnotstart, 5) Turn theignitionkeyto 4) Ensurethattheelectricsystemsandde- 3) Fullydepresstheclutchpedal,sothat 2) Movethegearlevertoneutral. 1) Makesurethehandbrakeisengaged. IMPORTANT A A STOP R R , thenrepeattheprocedure. If it is difficult to start the If itisdifficultto start It is important neverto It isimportant AVV po- 169 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR 170 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR FOR JTDVERSIONS STARTING PROCEDURE the configurable multifunctiondisplaywillshow 3) Turn theignitionkeyto 2) Setthegearshiftlevertoneutral. 1) Makesurethehandbrakeisengaged. of theglowplugsuseless. Waiting work toolong,makesthewarming 4) Wait forthe m as the noticed. timeastopassun- stay onforsuchashort thelightmight warm theenginevery With takes placesooner, theengine. thewarmer 6) Turn theignitionkeyto 5) Fullydepresstheclutchpedal. m warning light. warning warning lighthasgoneout. warning m MAR to turn off,which to turn . There- AVV as soon battery charger to start theengine. chargertostart battery charge.Neverusea is duetolowbattery sist withprolongedattempts. CODE systemworkingproperly),donotin- fore repeatingstarting. tempt, movetheignitionkeyto automatically duringstarting. control, rearscreenheating,etc.)arecutoff absorb ahighamountofenergy(climate IMPORTANT Only use an auxiliary battery ifthecause battery Only useanauxiliary isdifficult(withtheAlfaRomeo If starting atthefirstat- If theenginedoesnotstart The electricdevicesthat STOP be- WARMING THEENGINE 60 °C. the enginecoolanttemperaturereaches50- initial kilometresofthejourney. Wait until out acceleratingabruptly. – Do not drive at full performance forthe – Donotdriveatfullperformance – Driveoffslowly, atmediumrevswith- ENGINE SWITCHINGOFF until theenginereachesidlespeed. temperature intheenginecompartment. back” allowingittoidleawhilelowerthe advisable tolettheengine“getitsbreath sition andswitchofftheengine. – Turn theignitionkeyto – Releasetheacceleratorpedalandwait IMPORTANT After a tiring journey itis After atiringjourney STOP po- turn on( turn lightmay ed, theAlfaRomeoCODEwarning the caronmove,nexttimeitisstart- IMPORTANT Services. off. Ifnot,contactAlfaRomeoAuthorised the carstationary, lightstays thewarning theengine againwith ing offandstarting Y ). Inthiscase,checkthatswitch- If the engine turns offwith If theengineturns peller bearings. damage totheturbochargerim- pointlessly andmaycauseserious nopurpose,consumesfuel serves switching theengineoff. celerating shouldbeavoidedbefore A “kick”ontheaccelerator cars ingeneral,sharpac- er inparticular, butfor all For carswithturbocharg- EMERGENCY STARTING tion key (warning light tion key(warning recognise thecodetransmittedbyigni- If theAlfaRomeoCODEsystemdoesnot al and steering wheel. usual is neededon the brakeped- therefore, much greatereffortthan tional untilthe engineisstarted, catalyst damagingitirreversibly. “In anemergency”. code oftheCODEcard. outusingthe maybecarried gency starting ment clusterglowingonsteadily)emer- For the correct procedureseethechapter For thecorrect steering arenotopera- gine brakeandpower cause fueltoflowintothe start thecar. Thiscould Remember thattheen- Never push,toworcoast Y on theinstru- 171 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR 172 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR PARKING slips. immediately cometoahaltifthehandbrake hill orreverseifthecarisfacingdownhill. lows: – Turn thefrontwheelssothatcarwill – Engagefirstgearifthecarisfacedup- – Engagethehandbrake. – Switchofftheengine. When thecarisparked,proceedasfol- it withyou. key whenleavingthecar and take engine isnotrunning. key intheMARpositionwhen battery, neverleavetheignition possible drainingofthe sumption ofpowerand ways removetheignition attended inthecar. Al- To avoiduselesscon- Never leavechildrenun- sumption levels and stability. heavily affect con- traffic), and its geometry The weight ofthecar(especially inurban Useless loads increase asresistancetorolling ishigher. the pressureistoolowconsumption levels ofnomore than4weeks:if at aninterval Tyres nance Programme”. accordance withthe“ScheduledMainte- outin the checksandadjustmentscarried Car maintenance GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENT RUNNING COSTS REDUCING duce harmful emissions. duce harmful costsandre- is possibletosavecarrunning Never travelwith anoverloadintheboot. Check thepressureoftyresroutinely To takecareofthecarmaintenancehave By followingafewsimpleguidelines,it sumption levels. may adverselyaffectairdragandcon- Aerodynamic items preferably usetheairvents. erage). Outsidetemperaturepermitting, er consumptionlevels(upto+20%onav- bearing heavilyontheengineinducinghigh- Climate controlsystem +25% intheurbancycle). rent increasesfuelconsumption(upto therefore increasingtherequirementofcur- fan needaconsiderableamountofenergy, al headlights,windscreenwipersandheater time needed.Rearscreenheating,addition- Electric services The use of non-certified aerodynamic items The useofnon-certified load The climatecontrolsystemisafurther Use electricdevicesonlyfortheamountof engine wear. gear increases consumption, emissions and increasesconsumption. formance road allow, useahighergear. Gearshifting consumption andpollution. carsand alsoincrease pointless onmodern and alsodoubledeclutchingisabsolutely lights orbeforeswitchingofftheengine.This Pointless manoeuvres faster. high speeds.Thiswaytheenginewillwarm to moveoffimmediately, slowly, avoiding tion andemissions.Itisthereforeadvisable more slowly, increasingelectricalconsump- upmuch these conditionstheenginewarms standstill oratidlehighspeed:under Starting DRIVING STYLE In thesame wayimproper useofahigh Using alowgeartoobtainbrilliant per- As soonastheconditionsoftraffic and Avoid acceleratingwhenwaitingattraffic theenginewithcarata Do notwarm ceed themaximumtorque. it iswisetoaccelerategraduallyandnotex- fect onconsumptionandemissionlevels; a highspeedhasconsiderablyadverseef- Acceleration and emissions. ofbothfuel celerating, whichcostinterms brakingandac- speed, avoidingsuperfluous with speed.Maintainanevenaspossible Top speed Accelerating heavilytakingtheengineto Fuel consumptionconsiderablyincreases ings) itisadvisabletoswitchthe engine off. Stopping inthetraffic adverselyaffectconsumption. surfaces so windingmountingroadsandroughroad gears orincitieswithmanytrafficlights.Al- in queueswithfrequentuseofthelower situations withheavytraffic,forexample conditions Traffic situationsandroad substances. sion ofharmful +15 to+30%ontheurbancycle)andemis- nificant increaseinconsumptionlevels(from erating temperature.Thisresultsinasig- not allowtheenginetoreachoptimumop- Cold starting CONDITIONS OFUSE During prolongedstops(e.g.level cross- Rather highconsumptionlevelsaretiedto do andfrequentcoldstarts journeys Short 173 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR 174 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR IMPORTANT NOTES TOWING TRAILERS tual carloadingcapacity. hook reducesbythesameamount theac- hill, ratherthanconstantlyusingthebrake. pending ontheoverallweight. takeslongerde- increase andovertaking hills arehardertoclimb,thebrakingspaces member thatwhentowingatrailer, steep asspecifiedbylaw. mirrors rearview Re- the road. release aspecialdocumentforcirculationon outbyspecialisedpersonnelwho be carried adequate electricsystem.Installationshould towhookandan be fittedwithacertified The weight the trailer exerts onthecartow The weightthetrailerexerts Engage alowergearwhendrivingdown- Install anyspecificand/oradditional For towingcaravansortrailersthecarmust km/h. maximum speedshouldneverexceed100 forcartrailers.Inanycasethe country every sonal belongings. laden trailer, includingaccessoriesandper- book) accountshouldbetakenofthefully weight isnotexceeded(giveninthelog Drive withinthespecificspeedlimitin To makesurethemaximumtowable dent ofthecar’s hydraulic system. ing systemmustbefully indepen- the trailerbrake.The brak- tem bealteredtocontrol should thecarbrakesys- Under nocircumstances surfaces. onslippery therefore necessary braking system.Particularcareis does notcontrolthetrailer which thecarmaybefitted The ABSsystemwith THE TOWHOOK INSTALLING tened tothetowingdeviceitself. fas- placed onaspecialbracketnormally nector shouldbeusedwhichisgenerally on whichitistobeinstalled. must matchthetowableweightofcar 94/20/CEE andsubsequentamendments. ulations withreferencetoDirective self. plied bytheManufacturerofdeviceit- sup- tional and/orintegrativeinformation andanyaddi- to thefollowinginstructions the bodybyspecialisedpersonnelaccording For theelectricconnectionaunifiedcon- For anyversionthetowingdeviceused reg- The towingdevicemustmeetcurrent The towingdeviceshouldbefastenedto section ofnolessthan2.5mm throughacablewithcross- by thebattery facturer. Manufacturer and/ortowingdeviceManu- givenbythecar any referenceinstructions NA/UNI andISO/DINstandards)following 12VDC connectionmustbeused(CU- Any electricbrakeshouldbesupplieddirectly For theelectricalconnectiona7or13pole an internal light, internal ble foranelectricbrakeandtothecable tem canonlybeconnectedtothesupplyca- to theelectricalbranches,carelectricsys- 2 . Inaddition bol tened inthepointsshownbysym- ( INSTALLATION LAYOUT fig. 1 The tow hook structure mustbefas- The towhookstructure ted with25mmx6spacers. minimum thicknessof5mm. minimum thicknessof4mm. minimum thicknessof6mm. screws. The fasteningpoints( The innerplate( The innerplate( The innerplate( Ø ) using 4M8screwsand7M10 4 3 2 ) shouldhavea ) shouldhavea ) shouldhavea 1 ) shouldbefit- gas inlet. material withthefollowingwording: a label(plainlyvisible)ofsuitablesizeand IMPORTANT MAX LOADONBALL60kg. sealed topreventexhaust ing screwholesshallbe After fitting,thefasten- It is compulsory tofasten It iscompulsory 175 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR 176 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR fig. 1 2 M10screws Existing holes 3 M10screws Standard tow ball 4 M8screws Existing holes 2 M10screws Existing holes SECTION A-A A0A0680b

Fully laden vehicle WINTER TYRES er than that of normal tyres. er thanthatofnormal ofthesetyresislow- neys, theperformance jour- conditions ofuseorlongmotorway replaced. is below4mm.Inthiscase,they shouldbe duced considerablywhenthetreaddepth nical Specifications”chapter. given in the“Tech-follow theinstructions pressures andspecificationsofwintertyres, tends tomakeofit. tyre mostsuitedtotheuseCustomerin- pleased toadviseyouonthechoiceof mal tyresprovidedonthecar. placement ofthosefittedonthecar. ving onsnowandice,tobefittedinre- Due tothewinterfeatures,under normal The winterfeaturesofthesetyresarere- For thetypeoftyretobeused,inflation willbe Alfa RomeoAuthorisedServices Use wintertyresofthesamesizeasnor- These tyresarespeciallydesignedfordri- change thedirectionofrotationtyres. safety whenbrakingandgoodhandling. (brand andprofile)toensurehigherdriving rective). ble speedofthewintertyres(asperECDi- view, whichstatesthemaximumpermissi- senger’s plainlyinthedriver’s compartment, creased by5%),placeanoticeinthepas- the onethatcanbereachedbycar(in- used withamaximumspeedindexbelow to thepurposesforwhichtheyarecertified. Remember thatitisinappropriateto Fit thesametypeoftyreonallfourwheels IMPORTANT thereforetolimittheiruse It isnecessary When wintertyresare SNOW CHAINS not befittedwithsnowchains. R17 -215/45ZR17225/40ZR18can- - 205/55R16ZR16215/45 tyre profileof12mm).Tyres 205/60R15 beyondthe duced sizewithmaxprotrusion fitted withchains(usesnowre- JTD versions ance withlocalregulations. For 3.2 For 1.8T. SPARK, 2.0JTSand1.9 Use ofsnowchainsshouldbeincompli- first few metres have been driven. Romeo Authorised Services. you arerecommended tocontactAlfa drive wheels(front). length and17inchwheelcapadapter. compact) with9spikes,16mmadjustable SPIDER COMPACT chains(model:17003 chains. 225/40 ZR18cannotbefittedwithsnow 215/45 ZR17”.Tyres 225/45ZR17- chains ontyres215/45R17”and Check the tensionsofthe chainafterthe Before purchasingorusingsnow chains, Snow chainsshouldonlybeapplied tothe Lineaccessori AlfaRomeoprovidesSPIKES V6 , tyre195/60R15canbe version, onlyusespidertype 177 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR 178 CORRECT USE OF THE CAR button, buttonledturnedon. and theroadbed. snow toprevent damagingthecar tances onroadsnotcovered with avoid alsotodriveforlong dis- potholes, stepsandpavements and Do notexceed50km/h. Avoid fitted. PresstheASR-OFF tem whensnowchainsare Deactivate theASRsys- to themsolveanemergency. wheels, snowchainscanbefitted This waywithtwonormaldrive wheel shouldbefittedtotherear. ble) andthespace-saverspare specified valueassoonpossi- car (adjusttyrepressuretothe should befittedtothefrontof chains areneeded,arearwheel (drive) wheelispuncturedand spare wheel.So,ifafront fitted tothespace-saver chains arefitted. down whensnow Snow chainscannotbe Keep yourspeed CAR INACTIVITY tem. pressure. wooden planks and periodicallycheckthe Ifpossiblerestthetyreson above normal. and raisethemofftheglass. rearscreen wiperbladeswithtalcumpowder withmarketedproducts. parts tective wax. gaged. possibly ventilatedplace. noted: riods, thefollowingprecautionsshouldbe – Do not turn on the electronic alarm sys- onthe electronic alarm – Donot turn – Inflatethetyrestoapressureof 0.5bars – Openthewindowsslightly. windscreen and – Covertherubber – Cleanandprotectthemetalpolished – Cleanandprotectthepaintworkbypro- – Checkthatthehandbrakeisnoten- – Engageagear. and – Housethecarundercoverinadry If thecaristobeleftinactiveforlongpe- surface ofthecarfromevaporating. surface tic coverswhichpreventthehumidityon ed plasticcover. Donotusecompactplas- tem. green area. provided) showsadarkcolourinthecentral iftheindicator(where Charge thebattery threemonthsduringstowage. every charge. Thischeckshouldberepeated andcheckthebattery nal fromthebattery – Coverthecarwithafabricorperforat- – Donotemptytheenginecoolingsys- negativetermi- – Disconnectthebattery STARTING EMERGENCY the inhibitor withtheAlfaRomeoCODEsystem, If itisnotpossibletodeactivatetheengine CODE card. (point 1). be repeatedfromthestart to be turned emergency procedure,theignitionkeyshould ing itout.Ifamistakeismadeduringthe fully readtheentireprocedurebeforecarry- theengine. ing isneededtostart Emergencystart- the enginewillnotstart. Y 2) Turn theignition keyto 1) Readthe5-figureelectroniccodeon IMPORTANT and U STOP warning lightsstayonand warning You areadvisedtocare- and theoperationsmust MAR . I I N N keep itpressed.The 3) Fullydepresstheacceleratorpedaland A A accelerator pedalpressed.The ing digitsontheCODEcard. accelerator pedalandkeepitpressed. the seconddigitonCODEcard,press to ter thenumberofflashescorresponding pressed untilthe press theacceleratorpedalandkeepit times asthefirstdigitonCODEcard, after ithasflashedthesamenumberof 7) Afterenteringthelastfigure,keep 6) Repeatthisprocedurefortheremain- release theacceleratorpedal. (for fourseconds)andthengoesoff;now now releasetheacceleratorpedal. come onforeightsecondsandthengooff, 5) The N N 4) The goes off;nowreleasetheaccelerator pedal. on(forfourseconds) andthen light turns U U warning light starts toflash:af- lightstarts warning E warning lightbeginstoflash: warning E M U M warning light turns on lightturns warning U E E warning lightwill warning R R G G U E E warning N N C C Y Y 8) Aquickflashofthe procedure starting frompoint1). procedure starting thekeyto on, turn engine isstarted. procedure mustberepeatedeachtimethe becausetheemergency thorised Services, it isadvisabletocontactAlfaRomeoAu- IMPORTANT from outcorrectly.operation hasbeencarried thatthe (for aboutfourseconds)confirms key tothe 9) Start the engine turning theignitionkey theengineturning 9) Start Conversely, ifthe MAR STOP to AVV After emergencystarting U STOP position. without returning the without returning warning lightstays warning U and repeatthe warning light warning 179 IN AN EMERGENCY 180 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 1 WITH ANAUXILIARY BATTERY STARTING lead to the negative terminal ( lead tothenegativeterminal the twobatteriesusingaspecialcable. terminals ( terminals catches (front),thenconnectthepositive postpressingonthe opening itive battery one. same capacityoralittlehigherthantheflat withthe battery engine usinganauxiliary the area inthecentre),itispossibletostart tical hydrometer:darkcolourwithoutgreen iliary battery with an earth point withanearth battery iliary 2) Connecttheendofsecondjump 1) Removetheprotectivecoveronpos- Proceed asfollows( withop- isflat(forbattery If thebattery engine orgearboxofthecartobestarted. + sign next to the terminal) of sign nexttotheterminal) fig. 1 ): – ) oftheaux- E on the A0A0149b Alfa RomeoAuthorisedService. donotinsistbutcontactthenearest start, for connection. the cables,reversingsequencefollowed this carandtheonewithflatbattery. touchingaccidentallybetween metal parts isinstalledonanothercar, battery iary avoid could comeoutofthebattery. Iftheauxil- sparks mayignitethedetonatinggaswhich ofthetwobatteries:any negative terminals IMPORTANT If afterafewattemptstheenginedoesnot remove 4) Whentheenginehasstarted, theengine. 3) Start Do notdirectlyconnectthe ply controlunits. ticularly theignitionandfuelsup- electronic systemsofyourcar, par- sparks. anddonotcause the battery and lightedcigarettesawayfrom and theeyes.Keepnakedflames rosive. Avoid contactwiththeskin ispoisonousandcor- the battery intensity. Theliquidcontainedin electrical dischargeofconsiderable incorrect operationsmaycause as thiscoulddamagethe charger tostarttheengine qualified personnelbecause must becarriedoutby Never useabattery This startingprocedure STARTING BYINERTIA catalyst damagingitirreversibly. al andsteeringwheel. usual isneededonthebrakeped- therefore, muchgreatereffortthan tional untiltheengineisstarted, cause fueltoflowintothe start thecar. Thiscould steering arenotopera- gine brakeandpower Never push,toworcoast Remember thattheen- IN THEEVENTOFAPUNCTURE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS some precautionsaslistedbelow. useofthejackcallfor changing andcorrect saver sparewheelorstandardwheel; can beprovided(uponrequest)withspace- in thefollowingchapter. contained pair Fix&Go“,seetheinstructions As an alternative totheFIX&GO,car As analternative If thecarisequippedwith“Kitfortyrere- to preventthe carfromrolling. wedges orothersuitable devices face, chockthewheels with changed outofharmthe traffic. the carandwaitforwheel tobe etc.. Anypassengersshouldleave warning lights,reflectingtriangle If parkedonaslopeorrough sur- current regulations:hazard caraccordingto stationary Signal thepresenceof speed mustnotexceed80 km/h. repaired and,duringitsuse, thecar point tohavethepunctured tyre toreachaservice tance necessary should beusedonlyforthedis- rower thannormalwheels,it bolts withothersofsuitablesize. change thewholesetoffastening to steel), itisalsonecessary be changed(alloyrimsinsteadof your car. spare wheelofothermodelson use itonothermodels,orthe wheel isspecifictoyourcar, donot raising thecar. Thecompactspare er, disconnectthetrailerbefore The compactsparewheelisnar- Should thetypeofwheelsused with thecarjacked. When drivingwithatrail- Never starttheengine 181 IN AN EMERGENCY 182 IN AN EMERGENCY sharp cornersandfastbends. heavy brakingandaccelerating, with thesparewheelfitted:avoid pact sparewheel. LABEL INUSE. POSSIBLE. DONOTCOVERTHIS NORMAL WHEELASSOON ONLY! MAX80 km/h!REPLACEBY four languages: sticker containsthefollowingin never beremovedorcovered.The and limitations.Thestickershould The carwillhandledifferently Never fitawheelcaponcom- CAUTION! FORTEMPORARY USE the maincautionsforuse sticker thatsummarises The sparewheelhasa pacities thanstated onitslabel. may causethe jackedcartofall. under thecar. case shoulditbeusedfor repairs raising carsofothermodels. Inno er purposessuchasfor instance model. Itmustnotbeusedforoth- is providedoroncarsofthesame ing wheelsonthecarwithwhichit slip out. before installingthem;theymight gether. wheels shouldneverbeusedto- and refittedassoonpossible. Have thepuncturedwheelrepaired use asacompactsparewheel. tional tyreonarimdesignedfor same type. be replacedwithanotherofthe Do not usethejack for higherca- Incorrect positioning ofthejack forchang- The jackonlyserves Do notgreasethethreadsofbolts Two ormorecompactspare Never attempttofitaconven- after thisdistanceitshould wheel isapprox.3000km, The lifeofthespare tions” chapter. given inthe“Technical Specifica- compact sparewheeltothevalues the pressureoftyresand tween therimandtyre. valve. emergency situation. can befittedtherebysolvingthe wheels atthefront,snowchains rear. Thisway, withtwonormal compact sparewheelfittedtothe ted withnormalwheelsandthe used, thefrontaxleshouldbefit- is puncturedandchainsneedtobe Check, andifnecessary, restore Do notinserttoolsofanykindbe- Never tamperwiththeinflation wheel, so,ifafrontwheel fitted onthecompactspare Snow chainscannotbe fig. 2 CHANGING AWHEEL can befittedtothejack. er originalone. of breakage,itmustbereplacedbyanoth- To changeawheel,proceed asfollows: – notoolsotherthanitsoperatingcrank – thejackcannotberepaired.Inevent – thejackrequiresnoadjustment. – thejackmassis2.100kg. that: Please beinformed A0A0645b handbrake. sible, parkonalevel,compactsurface. sible tochangethewheelsafely. Wherepos- not dangerousforthetraffic,whereitispos- – Engagefirstgearorreverse. – Switchofftheengineandengage – Stopthecarinsuchapositionthatitis fig. 3 stiff covering( it nearthewheeltobechanged. ly versionswithsteelrims) – Take outthetoolcontainer( – Loosentheclampingdevice( – Usehandle( – Removethewheelcap( – Take thesparewheel( A0A0151b B ). A-fig.2 ) toremovethe C fig. 4 A-fig. 4 ). B A-fig. 3 ) andtake ) (on- ). A0A0154b 183 IN AN EMERGENCY 184 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 5 and removethewheel. wheel isafewcentimetresfromtheground. from theprofileofwheelhouse. er profileofthebody( onthelow- inserted ofjackiscorrectly part tend ituntilthegroove( age theplasticstreamlinedguard. wheel tobechangedtakingcarenotdam- loosen thefasteningboltsbyaboutoneturn. – Completelyunscrewthefasteningbolts – Work thejackandraisecaruntil – Work thejackcrank( – Setthejackundercar, nearthe – Usingthewrenchprovided( C A-fig. 6 ) approx.40cm B ) ontheupper A-fig. 5 ), toex- ), A0A0694b the boltsinsequenceshown five bolts. ( hole ( fastening boltstoslacken. free ofimpuritieswhichmaylatercausethe the sparewheelwithhubarecleanand B – Using thewrenchprovided,fullytighten – – Lowerthecarandremovejack. – Usingthewrenchprovided,fasten – Installthesparewheelmatching of – Makesurethatthecontactsurfaces ). A-fig. 7 fig. 6 ) with the corresponding pin ) withthecorresponding fig. 8 . A NORMALWHEEL REFITTING tening boltstoslacken. of impuritieswhichmaylatercausethefas- the wheelwithhubarecleanandfree ( For versionswithsteelrims: wheel. viously, raisethecarandremovespare A-fig. 7 – Make sure that the contact surfaces of – Makesurethatthecontactsurfaces wheelmatchingthehole – Fitthenormal – Followingtheproceduredescribedpre- ) with the corresponding pin( ) withthecorresponding B ). A0A0695b fig. 7 travelling. the wheelcaptocomeoffwhencaris completely.valve untilitisinserted nearesttotheinflation ing fromtheparts provided onthecap. inflation valvecancomethroughtheslot ously forthecompactsparewheel en theboltsinsequenceshownprevi- fastening bolts. IMPORTANT – Pressthecircumferenceofcap,start- – Placethecapnearwheelsothat – Usingthewrenchprovided,fullytight- – Lowerthecarandremovejack. – Usingthewrenchprovided,tighten Incorrect fittingmaycause Incorrect fig. 8 . A0A0155b the compactsparewheel bolts inthesequenceshownpreviouslyfor en thelastfasteningbolt. provided ( available. Thisisfacilitatedbytheextension the wrenchprovided,tightenfourbolts the fasteningboltholesonwheelhub. For versionswithalloyrims: – Usingthewrenchprovided,tighten – Lowerthecarandremovejack. thewheelonpinand,using – Insert – Tightenthepin( – Removethepin( B ). fig. 8 A-fig. 9 A-fig. 9 fig. 8 ) andtight- ) inoneof . with theclampingdevice( on thesparewheelandsecureeverything the container elling lightly topreventitfromvibratingwhentrav- vided intheboot – correctly re-positionthestiff cover.– correctly – stowthecontainercompletewithtools – placethetoolsusedinhousings thejackinitscontainerforcingit – insert – stowthesparewheelinspacepro- After refittingawheel: A0A0156b A-fig. 3 fig. 9 ) A0A0693b 185 IN AN EMERGENCY 186 IN AN EMERGENCY FIX&GO automatic REPAIR KIT QUICK TYRE driver andthetowring. the kitcontaineryouwillalsofindscrew- wheel usuallyprovidedwiththecar. placing thetoolsandcompactspare pairing kitcalled“FIX&GOautomatic”,re- The kit The carisequippedwithatyrequickre- fig. 10 is placedintheboot.In nections; pairing thetyre; panel)afterre- for thedriver(instrument km/h”, tobeaffixedinavisibleposition fitted with: – compressor – sticker – fillerhose – bottle The quicktyrerepairkitincludes: A-fig. 10 fig. 10 C B D with caution“max.80 including gaugeandcon- containing sealerand side spaceofthecompressor; tyre; sonnel chargedwithhandlingthetreated pair kitandtobethenhandedtheper- for promptandproperuseofthequickre- – adaptersforinflatingdifferentelements. – apairofprotectiongloveslocatedinthe – instruction brochure – instruction A0A1095b fig. 11 fig. 11 , tobeused A0A1096b shoulder uptomax4mmdiameter. showing damagesonthetrackor tyre repairedwiththekit. is possibletorepairtyres caused byforeignbodies,it charged withtreatingthe brochure tothepersonnel In theeventofapuncture Hand theinstruction IT SHOULDBENOTICEDTHAT: nails) from thetyre. move foreign bodies (screwsor tortion causing airloss).Donotre- is duetorunningwithflattyre. quick tyrerepairkitifdamaging id haslimitedlife. tween –20°Cand+50°C.Thesealingflu- temperaturesbe- is effectivewithexternal The sealingfluidofthequicktyrerepairkit wheel rim(bad groovedis- in caseofdamagesonthe be repaired.Donotusethe the tyresidewallscannot Repairs arenotpossible Holes anddamageson limited life. far fromheat.Thesealingfluidhas space providedforthepurposeand tions. Keepthecylinderin mediately incaseofallergicreac- inhale vapours.Callthedoctorim- not beusedbyasthmatics.Do from children.Thisproductmust doctor immediately. Keepaway drink alotofwaterandcallthe induce vomit,rinseoutthemouth, nated clothes.Ifswallowed,donot with waterandtakeoffcontami- case ofcontactrinseimmediately the eyesandincaseofcontact.In gested orinhaledandirritantfor allergic reactions.Itisharmfulifin- contains latex:itcancause ylene glycol.Thecylinder The cylindercontainseth- 187 IN AN EMERGENCY 188 IN AN EMERGENCY temporarily only. quick tyrerepairkitshallbeused heating!. Tyres repairedwiththe tional andlocalregulations. posed ofincompliancewithna- sealing fluidandthecylinderdis- and thesealingfluid.Have 20 minutes.Riskofover- be operatedformorethan throw awaythecylinder sealer hasrunout.Donot The compressorshallnot Replace thecylinderif fig. 13 INFLATING PROCEDURE volved wheel; kit andputitonthegroundnearin- pull upthehandbrake 13 – placethewheelwithvalve Proceed asfollows: in thepositionshownfigurethen, with quicktyrerepairkit. gloves providedtogether Put ontheprotection , taketherepair A-fig. A0A1097b fig. 15 fig. 14 nut the fillerhose – loosentyreinflationvalvecap,takeout B-fig. 15 A-fig. 14 on thetyrevalve; and screwthering A0A1099b A0A1098b fig. 16 setting switch onthecompressorby outlet andthenturn and fitplug fig. 16 – makesurethecompressorswitch is setto A-fig. 17 A-fig. 16 0 (off), start theengine (off), start into thecigarlighter to I (on); A- A0A1100b fig. 17 ation; tyre evenly, thenrepeattheinflationoper- order todistributethesealingfluidinside forapprox.tenmetresin move thecarforth outlet,then pressor fromvalveandcurrent to reachatleast1.5bar, disengagecom- reading; 16 value. Checktyrepressureongauge – ifafter5minutesitisstillimpossible pressure – inflatethetyretocorrect with compressorofftoobtainprecise B-fig. A0A0647b reached, start drivingimmediately; reached, start Alfa RomeoAuthorizedServices; cannot guaranteesuitablesealing,contact sively damagedandthequicktyrerepairkit drivingsincethetyreisexces- do notstart ble after5minutestoreachatleast1.8bar, – once the correct tyrepressurehasbeen – oncethecorrect – ifafterthisoperationitisstillimpossi- ing andaccelerating. ceed 80km/h.Avoid heavybrak- pecially whencornering.Donotex- tyre repairkit.Drivecarefullyes- has beentreatedwiththequick to indicatethatthetyre ible positionforthedriver Apply thestickerinavis- 189 IN AN EMERGENCY 190 IN AN EMERGENCY and handbrakeon)restart; store properpressure(withenginerunning the handbrake; and checkagainthetyrepressure;pullup – ifatleast1.8barpressureisread,re- – afterdrivingforabout10minutesstop Alfa RomeoAuthorizedServices. tyre istoomuchdamaged.Contact guarantee properholdbecausethe pair kitFix&Goautomaticcannot further: thequicktyrere- 1.8 bars,donotdriveany If thepressurefallsbelow fig. 18 paired withthekit. charged withtreatingthetyrere- struction brochuretothepersonnel quick tyrerepairkit.Handthein- est AlfaRomeoAuthorizedService. – drivewiththeutmostcaretonear- has beenrepairedusingthe communicate thatthetyre It isofvitalimportanceto A0A1101b fig. 19 RESTORING PRESSUREONLY FOR CHECKINGAND nection restoring pressure.Disconnectthequickcon- the sealingfluidwillnotflowintotyre. cylinder isnotconnectedtocompressorand to thetyrevalve The compressorcanbealsousedjustfor A-fig. 18 fig. 19 and connectitdirectly ; inthiswaythe A0A1102b fig. 20 PROCEDURE CYLINDER REPLACEMENT place andraiseit; hose – turn counter-clockwisethecylindertore- – turn – disconnectconnection To replacethecylinderproceedasfollows: B ; A-fig. 20 and A0A01103b the properspace. – reconnectconnection itclockwise; – fitthenewcylinderandturn A or hose paired withthekit. charged withtreatingthetyrere- struction stickertothepersonnel quick tyrerepairkit.Handthein- B into has beenrepairedusingthe communicate thatthetyre It isofvitalimportanceto 191 IN AN EMERGENCY WHEN NEEDING TO Where possible the bulbs Halogen bulbs contain should be replaced by Alfa pressurised gas which, if CHANGE A BULB Romeo Authorized Ser- broken, may cause small vices. The correct operation and po- fragments of glass to be project- sitioning of the external lights are ed outwards. vital to the safety of the car and its passengers and the subject of specific laws. Alterations or repairs to IN AN EMERGENCY the electric system not car- ried out correctly and with- out taking into account the specifi- cations of the system may cause Halogen bulbs must be malfunctioning and the risk of fire. handled touching only the Due to high voltage, the metallic part. If the trans- bulb of (Xenon) gas-dis- parent bulb is touched with the fin- charge headlights must on- gers, its lighting intensity is re- ly be replaced by experts: danger duced and life of the bulb may be of death! Contact Alfa Romeo Au- compromised. If touched acciden- thorized Services. tally, rub the bulb with a cloth moistened with alcohol and allow to dry.

192 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS changing abulbtoensuretheyaresafe. ers ofthesametypeandpower. tacts foroxidation. in thischapter. fuse” paragraph “Intheeventofaburnt changing abulb. fuseisintactbefore the corresponding – Alwayscheckheadlightaimingafter bulbsmustbereplaced byoth- – Burnt – Beforechangingabulbcheckthecon- – Forthelocationoffuses,referto – Whenalightisnotworking,checkthat TYPES OFBULBS .Tubular bulbs C. Bayonettypebulbs B. All glassbulbs A. Various typesofbulbsarefittedtoyourcar: move. Free themfromtheircontactstore- holder. to removethistypeofbulbfromits counter-clockwise Press thebulb,turn These arepressedon.Pulltoremove. ( fig. 21 ) fig. 21 .Gas-discharge bulbs F. Halogenbulbs D.-E. taining ring. tening ringnutandreleasethere- To removethebulb,slackenfas- (Xenon) its housing. To remove,freeitfromtheclipon A0A0503b 193 IN AN EMERGENCY 194 IN AN EMERGENCY Boot light Glovebox light light mirror Courtesy Rear rooflight Front rooflight Puddle lights Number platelight Rear foglights Reversing light Third stop(additionalbrakinglights) Rear sidelights-brakinglights Rear directionindicators Side directionindicators Front directionindicators Foglights Front sidelights Gas-discharge lowbeamheadlights Low beam High beam BULBS FIGURE 21 – D D B B B B B B C C C C A A A A F E P21/5W W1.2W PY21W TYPE C10W C10W P21W P21W P21W W5W W5W W5W H6W C5W C5W DS2 Led H1 H7 H7 5W/21W POWER 1.2W 10W 10W 21W 21W 21W 21W 55W 35W 55W 55W 5W 5W 5W 5W 5W 6W – HEADLIGHTS GAS-DISCHARGE (XENON) LIGHT GOESOUT IF ANEXTERIOR thorized Services. of death!ContactAlfaRomeoAu- ly bereplacedbyexperts:danger charge headlightsmuston- bulb of(Xenon)gas-dis- Due tohighvoltage,the fig. 22 HALOGEN HEADLIGHTS bulbs. dipped beam,mainbeamandfoglight needing tochangeabulb”. power rating,seeprevioussection“When The frontlightunitscontainthesidelight, IMPORTANT For thetypeofbulband A0A0159b fig. 23 er ( the catches( remove thecover( to beams andmainitisnecessary as follows( To changethefoglights,removecov- To changethebulbsofsidelights,low ( ( ( ( The bulbs are arranged insidethelightunit The bulbsarearranged D C B A C ) Sidelights. ) Dippedbeamheadlights. ) Foglights. ) Mainbeamheadlights. ) turning counter-clockwise. ) turning fig. 22 B ). A-fig. 23 ): ) releasing A0A0160b 195 IN AN EMERGENCY After replacement, refit Fog lights (fig. 24) – Fit a new bulb, making the tab of the the covers correctly check- metal part coincide with the one on the lamp IMPORTANT When needing to change ing that they are properly unit, then hook the bulb holder catch (B). the left bulb, the side trim next to the light secured. itself needs to be removed to facilitate ac- – Re-connect the electric connector (A). cess to the engine compartment. – Refit the protective cover correctly. To change the bulb, proceed as follows: – Remove the protective cover turning IN AN EMERGENCY counter-clockwise. – Disconnect the electric connector (A). IMPORTANT A slight layer of steam – Release the bulb catch (B). (fogging) can appear on the inside surface – Remove the bulb and replace it. of the beam transparent cover: this is not a defect. The presence of condensate traces in beams is a natural phenomenon, due to a low temperature and to the degree of hu- midity in the air. These traces will disappear when the beams are turned on. Drops of wa- ter inside the headlight indicate instead wa- ter infiltration: contact Alfa Romeo Autho- rised Services. A0A0161b

196 fig. 24 fig. 25 ( Dipped beamheadlights the catches. ( the reflector, thenhookthebulbholdercatch coincidewiththegrooveson metallic part B fig. 25 – Disconnecttheelectricconnector( – Removetheprotectivecoverreleasing To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: – Fitanewbulb,makingthetabsof – Removethebulbandreplaceit. – Releasethebulbcatch( – Refittheprotectivecovercorrectly. – Re-connecttheelectricconnector( ). ) B ). A A ). ). A0A0162b fig. 26 Front sidelights sition lookingatthelampfromoutside. po- also checkthatthebulbisincorrect holder makingsurethatitclicksintoplace; counter-clockwise. and turning er itselfwhichissnap-fitted. the bulbholder( the catches. – Refittheprotectivecovercorrectly. thebulb – Changethebulbandre-insert – Removethebulb( – Usingtheextension( – Removetheprotectivecoverreleasing To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: B ), withdrawthebulbhold- C ( fig. 26 ), pushinggently A ), integralwith ) A0A0342b fig. 27 the catches. ( Main beamheadlights reflector, thenhookthebulbholdercatch( coincidewiththegrooves onthe metallic part fig. 27 – Disconnecttheelectricconnector( – Removetheprotectivecoverreleasing To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: – Re-connecttheelectricconnector( – Releasethebulbcatch( – Refittheprotectivecovercorrectly. – Fit anewbulb,makingthetabsof – – Removethebulbandreplaceit. ) B ). A A B ). ). ). A0A0164b 197 IN AN EMERGENCY 198 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 28 and turning counter-clockwise; and turning remove it; metal clipsasshowninthefigure; the transparentunitoperatingontwo ( INDICATORS FRONT DIRECTION fig. 28-29 – Removethebulb( – Turn thebulbholderclockwise( – Usingthescrewdriverprovided,remove To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: ) B ) pushinggently A ) and A0A0625b fig. 29 rectly; clockwise andcheckthatitissecuredcor- – Refitthetransparent. counter- – Refitthebulbholderturning – Replacethebulb; A0A0626b fig. 30 Release the front part andremovethisunit. Release thefrontpart rear ofthecartocompresscatch( ( SIDE DIRECTIONINDICATORS ing surethecatchclicksintoplace( parent cover, thenpositiontheunitmak- wise andremoveitfromthecover. fig. 30 – Turn thebulbholder( – Pushthetransparentcovertowards – Insert thebulbholder( – Insert Remove thesnap-fittedbulbandreplaceit. – ) B B ) counter-clock- ) inthetrans- A ). A ). A0A0166b fig. 31 side. rear bumperandarelocatedatthebottom housed insidethelightunitsecuredto (both reverselightsforMexicoversion)are ( AND REARFOGGUARDS REVERSING LIGHT fig. 31-32 The reverselightandtherearfog ) A0A0627b fig. 32 Services. outbyAlfaRomeoAuthorised eration carried holder. counter-clockwise; turning ifthemufflerisstillhot; care nottogetburnt ing itcounter-clockwiseandremoveit.Take operate onthebulbholder( – fromthebumperlowerside( To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: Anyway, youareadvisedtohavethisop- – Replacethebulb,thenrefitbulb – Removethebulbpushinggentlyand A-fig 32 fig. 31 ) turn- ), A0A0628b fig. 33 BRAKING LIGHTS AND REARSIDELIGHTS- REAR DIRECTIONINDICATORS and removeit; bulb forthedirectionindicator( ( partment fastened tothebody. lights-braking lightsareinthetaillightunit light counter-clockwise( ( B – Frominsidetheboot,opencom- To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: The reardirectionindicatorsandtheside- – Turn thebulbforsidelightandbraking ) throughthetab( A-fig. 33 C ) andthenthedoor ); D-fig.34 ( fig. 33-34 E-fig.34 ), orthe ) ) A0A0629b 199 IN AN EMERGENCY 200 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 34 partment ( partment and makesureitissecuredcorrectly; counter-clockwise; tly andturn – Withdraw thelight( – Withdraw – Refitthedoor( clockwise – Refitthebulbholderturning – Replacethebulb; A ). B ) andclosethecom- F or G ) pushitgen- A0A0630b fig. 35 the catchclicksintoplace( parent coverthenrefittheunitcheckingthat and removeitfromthetransparentcover. move theunit. the catch( tocompress in thepointshownbyarrow ( NUMBER PLATE LIGHTS fig. 35 – Insert thebulbholder( – Insert Remove thesnap-fittedbulbandreplaceit. – Turn – thebulbholdercounter-clockwise( – Work onthetransparentcoverframe, To changethebulbs,proceedasfollows: ) B ). Freetheoppositeendandre- A B ). ) inthetrans- A ) A0A0171b fig. 36 (THIRD STOP) ADDITIONAL BRAKINGLIGHT er toopenthetwocovers( the ledunit; – Openthetailgateanduseascrewdriv- To changetheledunit,proceedasfollows: – Slackenthetwofasteningscrewsof( ( fig. 36-37 A-fig. 36 ) B ); ) A0A0631b fig. 37 the abovementionedprocedure. a newunit; remove theledunit( – Refittheunitontailgatereversing – disconnecttheconnector( D ) andreplaceitwith C-fig. 37 ), A0A0632b fig. 38 PUDDLE LIGHTS tighten thefasteningscrew( tween thecontacts. clampedbe- that thenewbulbiscorrectly leasing itfromthesidecontactsmakingsure transparent coversthenchangethebulb,re- ( provided ( A per versions/marketwhere – Realignthetwotransparentcoversand – Removetheunitcomposedoftwo – Openthedoorandslackenscrew To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: ) fasteningthetransparentcovers. ) ( fig. 38 A ). ) A0A0174b fig. 39 ( FRONT ROOFLIGHT LIGHT GOESOUT IF ANINTERIOR contacts. clamped betweenthe new bulbiscorrectly from thesidecontactsmakingsurethat spondence withtheretainercatches). (incorre- the pointsshownbyarrow fig. 39-40 – Removethelightunit( To changethebulbs,proceedasfollows: – Replace the bulb concerned releasingit – Replacethebulbconcerned – Opentheprotectivecover( ) A ) leveringin B ). A0A0175b 201 IN AN EMERGENCY 202 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 40 til hearingtheclick. respondence withtheretainercatches,un- – Refitthelightunitpressinggentlyincor- – Closetheprotectivecover( B ). A0A0176b fig. 41 ( REAR ROOFLIGHT is correctly clampedbetweenthecontacts. is correctly side contactsmakingsurethatthenewbulb the pointshownbyarrow. fig. 41-42 – Removethelightunit( To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: – Replacethebulbreleasingitfrom ) A ) leveringin clicks intoplace( then pressingtheothersideuntilcatch firstthesidewithconnector,inserting A0A0177b – Refit the light unit in the correct position – Refitthelightunitincorrect fig. 42 B ). A0A0178b fig. 43 LIGHT COURTESY MIRROR change it. housing, removethesnap-fittedbulband ering inthepointshownbyarrow. – Gentlyraisethebulbholder( – Removethetransparentcover( – Open the mirror cover( – Openthemirror To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: ( fig. 43-44 ) A ). C ) fromits B ) lev- A0A0179b in itshousing. place. and thenontheotheruntilitclicksinto positionfirstlyononeend ing itinitscorrect – Put the bulb holder correctly ( – Putthebulbholdercorrectly – Refitthetransparentcover( fig. 44 B C ) insert- ) back A0A0180b fig. 45 GLOVEBOX LIGHT light unit( parent cover. snap-fitted bulb. the arrow. – Opentheglovebox,thenremove To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: – Closetheprotection( – Opentheprotection( A ) leveringinthepointshownby B ( ) andchangethe B fig. 45-46 ) onthetrans- ) A0A0181b 203 IN AN EMERGENCY 204 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 46 the otheruntilitclicksintoplace. rect positionfirstlyononeendandthen – Refit the light unit inserting itinitscor- – Refitthelightunitinserting A0A0182b fig. 47 BOOT LIGHT ering inthepointshownbyarrow; – Removethelightunit( – Openthetailgate; To changethebulb,proceedasfollows: ( fig. 47-48 A-fig. 47 ) ) lev- A0A0648b the otheruntilitclicksintoplace( rect positionfirstlyononeendandthen tween thecontacts; clampedbe- that thenewbulbiscorrectly ing itfromthesidecontacts,makingsure – Refit the light unit inserting itinitscor- – Refitthelightunitinserting – Replacethebulb( fig. 48 B-fig. 48 C ) releas- ). A0A0649b fig. 49 GENERAL IN THEEVENTOFABLOWNFUSE rating (samecolour). place thefusewithoneofsameamp ment( efficiency ofitsfuse.Theconductorele- on thesystem. off) mainlyduetoafaultorimproperaction tric system:itcomesintoaction(i.e.cuts When adevicedoesnotwork,checkthe The fuseisaprotectivedevicefortheelec- A-fig. 49 ) mustbeintact;ifnot,re- A0A0185b provided ( Remove theblownfuseusingpincer ( ( C B ) -Fusewithdamagedfilament. ) -Undamagedfuse D ), inthecontrolbox. fuse ofthesamecolour. rating; DANGEROFFIRE. another withahigheramp else. Alwaysuseanintact metal wiresoranything Never replaceafusewith Never replaceafusewith off and/ordisengaged. areswitched all theotherservices thorised Services. pair andcontactAlfaRomeoAu- thorised Service. contact anAlfaRomeoAu- has beenremovedandthat make suretheignitionkey in, donotattemptanyre- FUSE orMEGA-FUSE)cuts If afuseblowsagain, Before replacingafuse, If ageneralfuse(MAXI- 205 IN AN EMERGENCY 206 IN AN EMERGENCY fig. 50 Alfa GT ers ( on thedashboard,loosentworetain- andnearthebattery.itive terminal pos- boxes setonthedashboard,battery cover ( ( releasingtheperimetral catches the battery cover pressingtheopeningcatches(front). post,removetheprotective on thebattery cover ( A-fig. 51 To gainaccesstothefusesinfusebox Access isgainedtothecontrolboxnext To gainaccesstothefusesinfusebox A-fig. 50 B B ). ). ) andremovingtheprotective fuses arelocatedinthreefuse ) andremovetheprotective A0A0186b fig. 51 fig. 52-Fusebox onthedashboard A0A0187b fig. 53 refer tothefollowingillustrations tableonthefollowingpages, the summary To locatetheprotectionfuses,consulting and 54 . fig. 52 , A0A0134b fig. 53 - Fuse box near the battery fig. 53-Fuseboxnearthebattery A0A0137b fig. 54 - Fuse box on battery positiveterminal fig. 54-Fuseboxonbattery A0A0215b 207 IN AN EMERGENCY 208 IN AN EMERGENCY EVCSFGR UEAMPERES FUSE FIGURE Heater unitrelaycoils AMPERES Climate controlcompressor Climate controlsystem Climate controlsystem FUSE Headlight aimingdevice Additional heater Selespeed transmissionpump FIGURE SERVICES +30 directionindicators Reversing light Braking light Foglights Left main-beamheadlight Right main-beamheadlight Left dipped-beamheadlight Right dipped-beamheadlight lights Hazard warning LIGHTS FUSE SUMMARY TABLE 52 53 52 52 52 54 53 52 52 52 53 53 53 52 52 52 F53 F35 F37 F30 F15 F14 F13 F12 F53 F73 (MAXI-FUSE) F03 (MAXI-FUSE) F31 F19 F39 F31 F13 7.5 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 10 30 30 Secondary services Secondary (electronicinjection) services Secondary AMPERES (electronicinjection) services Primary +30 Services Headlight washer FUSE Central doorlocking control Cruise –heatednozzles Heated wingmirrors FIGURE Seats withelectricheating Cigar lighter -rearscreenwasher(pump) Windscreen Rearscreen heating Navigator Radio Selespeed transmission Selespeed transmission Key-operated +30 SERVICES 52 53 53 52 53 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 F49 F11 F17 F39 F09 F38 F35 F41 F45 F44 F43 F40 F39 F39 F51 F32 F32 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 15 20 20 15 20 30 30 15 15 15 15 209 IN AN EMERGENCY SERVICES FIGURE FUSE AMPERES

Volumetric sensors 52 F39 15 ESP system sensor 52 F42 7.5 Steering angle sensor 52 F42 7.5 EOBD system diagnosis socket 52 F39 15

IN AN EMERGENCY Cell phone provision 52 F39 15 Driver’s door control unit supply 52 F47 20 Passenger’s door control unit supply 52 F48 20 Control lighting 52 F49 7.5 Climate control system control lighting 52 F35 7.5 Instrument cluster 52 F37 10 Instrument cluster 52 F53 10 Driver’s door control unit 52 F39 15 ABS control unit 52 F42 7.5 ABS control unit 53 F04 (MAXI-FUSE) 50 Dashboard control unit 53 F02 (MAXI-FUSE) 50 Air - bag control unit 52 F50 7.5 Electronic injection control unit +30 53 F18 7.5 Engine compartment control box (petrol versions) 54 F70 (MEGA-FUSE) 125 Dashboard control unit 54 F71 (MAXI-FUSE) 70 Trailer control unit 52 F36 10 210 Injectors (JTDversions) AMPERES Radiator fan(secondspeed–JTDversions) Radiator fan(firstspeed–JTDversions) controlbox(JTDversions) Engine compartment FUSE Heated fueloilfilter(JTDversions) (JTDversions) Glow plugwarming Ignition switch Additional heater FIGURE Bose system Bose system Electronic injectionsystem Tailgate electricunlocking Ignition coils Injectors (petrolversions) Fuel pump Horn Radiator fan(secondspeed-petrolversions) Radiator fan(firstspeed-petrolversions) Climate controlfan SERVICES (*) Fuse behind dashboard control box on an auxiliary bracket. (*) Fusebehinddashboard controlboxonanauxiliary 53 53 53 54 53 53 54 53 52 52 53 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 F70 (MEGA-FUSE) F07 (MAXI-FUSE) F06 (MAXI-FUSE) F01 (MAXI-FUSE) F72 (MAXI-FUSE) F07 (MAXI-FUSE) F06 (MAXI-FUSE) F05 (MAXI-FUSE) F62 (*) F61 (*) F60 (*) F22 F20 F08 F16 F21 F22 F21 F10 150 7.5 20 60 40 20 50 30 30 15 15 25 15 15 15 15 50 30 40 211 IN AN EMERGENCY 212 IN AN EMERGENCY CHARGING THEBATTERY IN THEEVENTOFAFLAT BATTERY may damagethebattery. ing for24hours.Chargingalongertime by AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices. out poses. Thisoperationshouldbecarried pur- cedure isdescribedonlyforinformation in the“carmaintenance”chapter. fromdrainingandforensuringlonglife tery read theprecautionsforpreventingbat- Charging shouldbeslowatalowamprat- IMPORTANT Before anythingelse,youareadvisedto The battery chargingpro- The battery nal ( fore disconnectingitfromthebattery. rect. ensuringthatthebiasiscor- terminal tery nal ( – Re-connect the battery negativetermi- – Re-connectthebattery offthechargerbe- – Aftercharging,turn – Turn onthecharger. – Connectthechargercablestobat- negativetermi- – Disconnectthebattery asfollows: Charge thebattery – – ). ). fire. sparks: dangerofexplosionand flames orpossiblesourcesof lated place,awayfromnaked should bechargedinawellventi- with theskinoreyes.Thebattery corrosive. Avoid contact ispoisonousand battery The liquidcontainedinthe rosive acid. risk ofleaking poisonousandcor- the bodyisnotcracked, with the ments arenotdamagedand that make surethattheinternal ele- checked byskilledpersonnel to should be occurred, thebattery wise itmayburst.Iffreezinghas firstly bethawed,other- itmust a frozenbattery: Do notattempttocharge fig. 55-front IF THECARISTOBETOWED housed inthetoolboxunderbootmat. the front( soft clothtoavoiddamagingthecar. screwdriver provided,protectthetipwitha bumper. To dothis,usingtheflat-bladed – Removethecover( – Take thetowringfromtoolbox. To installthetowring,proceedasfollows: The towringsuppliedwiththecaris fig. 55 ) orrear( A ) snap-fittedon fig. 56 ) A0A0650b – Firmly screwtheringinitshousing. – Firmly fig. 56-rear threaded housing. the ringisfirmlytightenedinits ning totowthecar, makesurethat ed housing.Beforebegin- carefully cleanthethread- Before tighteningthering A0A0670b behaviour ontheroad. cerning boththetowingdeviceand low specifictrafficregulationscon- ing thecar, tofol- itiscompulsory nents incontactwithit.Whentow- car doesnotdamagethecompo- sure thatfasteningthejointto During towingoperationsmake cables fortowingandavoidjerks. steering wheel.Donotuseflexible effort isrequiredonthepedaland brake andpowersteeringgreater that withoutthehelpofengine wheels. Whentowingremember the impossibilitytosteer gages thesteeringlockresultingin moving thekeyautomaticallyen- again withoutremovingit.Re- MAR andbacktoSTOP, turn theignitionkeyto Before startingtotow, 213 IN AN EMERGENCY 214 IN AN EMERGENCY fa RomeoAuthorisedServices. neutral, donottowthecarandcontactAl- en previously. giv- transmission, followingtheinstructions carwithmechanical for towinganormal car movesifpushed)andthenproceedas gears areinneutral( speed transmission,makesurethatthe Should itbeimpossibletosetthegears IMPORTANT when towingthecar. Do notstarttheengine For versionswithSele- N ) (checkingthatthe WORKSHOP LIFT USING ANARMLIFTOR IF THECARISTOBELIFTED the profileofwheelhouse( lift intheareasillustrated,approx.40cmfrom ortheworkshop tioning theendsofarms The carmustonlybeliftedlaterallyposi- ed onthelabel. higher capacitiesthantheonestat- Never usethejackfor is notpositionedcorrectly. The carmayfallifthejack fig. 57 ). fig. 57 These pointsareidentifiedbysymbol on thebottomofsidemember. aging thesidestrips. workshop lifttoavoiddam- ing thearmsofliftor Take carewhenposition- A0A0672b ▼ OF ANACCIDENT IN THEEVENT ed. usethespecial phonesprovid- motorways possible.On the mostaccurateinformation place. at regulationdistanceinaclearlyvisible cident withtheheadlights. ing lightson. the emergencylane. cident. least afewdozenmetresawayfromtheac- – Calltheemergencyorganisation, giving – Signaltheaccidentplacingtriangle – Take over. care,donotriskbeingrun – Atnight,illuminatetheplaceofac- – Turn theengineoffandhazardwarn- stopwithoutblocking – Onmotorways, – Ifyouarenotdirectlyinvolved,stopat tokeepcalm. – Itisimportant minal ( essary, negativeter- disconnectthebattery the extinguisher, blankets,sand,orearth. arette stubbedout. ical products,donotsmokeandhaveacig- volved. are easiertobreak. is stratified.Thewindowsandrearscreen out ofthecarbreakingwindscreenwhich diately andgobeyondtheguard-rail. other crashesishigh.Leavethecarimme- poor visibility, theriskofbeinginvolvedin – Ifuseofthelightingsystemisnotnec- Never usewater. – To putoutfires,evensmallones,use – Ifyounoteasmelloffuelorotherchem- – Removetheignitionkeyofcarsin- toget – Ifdoorsareblocked,donottry pileups,especiallywith – Inmotorways – ). FIRST AIDKIT IF PEOPLEAREINJURED ket inthecar. the bodyashorizontalpossible. wise tokeepanextinguisherand ablan- pull thelimbsorbendhead andkeep When removinganinjuredperson: donot only indangeroffire,sinking or falling. stances. moved exceptinthefollowingcircum- to drink. injured persons. any panic. is ontheway, andstayneartoovercome sons notdirectlyinvolvedintheaccident. alsoforper- doned. Helpingiscompulsory In additiontothefirst-aidkit, it isalso – Removeaninjuredpersonfromthecar – Aninjuredpersonshouldneverbe – Donotgiveinjuredpersonsanything – Releaseorcuttheseatbeltrestraining – Reassuretheinjuredpersonthathelp – Donotcrowdaroundinjuredpeople. – Aninjuredpersonmustneverbeaban- 215 IN AN EMERGENCY CCAARR MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE

SCHEDULED It is however wise to remember that Pro- If during each operation, in addition to the grammed Maintenance does not complete- ones programmed, the need arises for fur- SERVICING ly cover all the car’s requirements: also in ther replacements or repairs, these may be the initial period before the 20,000 km ser- carried out only with the explicit agreement Correct maintenance is determined in en- vice coupon and later, between one coupon of the customer.

CAR MAINTENANCE and another, ordinary care is still necessary suring long car life under the best conditions. You are advised to contact such as for example routinely checking and IMPORTANT Alfa Romeo Authorised Services in the event This is why Alfa Romeo has programmed topping up the level of fluids, checking the of any minor operating faults, without wait- a series of checks and maintenance opera- tyre pressure, etc... tions every 20,000 km. ing for the next service coupon. IMPORTANT The Programmed Mainte- IMPORTANT On versions fitted with re- nance coupons are specified by the Manu- configurable multifunction display, at 2000 facturer. The failure to have them carried out km from the maintenance deadline, the dis- may invalidate the warranty. play will show “REFER TO SERVICE MANU- AL” which is shown again turning the igni- The Programmed Maintenance service is tion key to MAR, every 200 km. For fur- carried out by all Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser- ther details, see “Service” in the “Recon- vices, at pre-established times. figurable multifunction display”.

216 Top upfluidlevels(enginecoolant,brakes, windscreenwasher, battery, etc..) (JTDversions) Change aircleanercartridge (petrolversions) Change aircleanercartridge Check antievaporationsystem(petrolversions) Check handbrakeleverstrokeadjustment drivebeltconditions Sight inspectaccessory Check cleannessoflocks,bonnetandbootlevercleanness,lubrication (boots -sleevesbushesetc..) parts and hoses(exhaust-fuelsupplybrakes),rubber Sight checktheconditionsof:bodyexterior, underbodyprotection,stiffpipes Check wearconditionsofreardiskbrakepads Check operationoffrontdiskbrakepadwearindicator Check position/wearofwindscreen/rearscreenwiperblades Check operationofwindscreenwashersystem,adjustsprayjets lights,etc..) gloveboxlights,warning lights,boot,passengercompartment, hazard warning Check operationoflightingsystem(headlights,directionindicators, Check tyreconditions/wearandadjustpressureifnecessary SCHEDULED MAINTENANCEPROGRAMME Thousands ofkm 04 08 0 2 4 6 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●● ●●●● ●●●● ●● ●● 217 CAR MAINTENANCE Thousands of km 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Check and if necessary top up the Selespeed automatic transmission oil level (2.0 JTS versions) ●●●●●●●●● Sight check for conditions of timing gear drive toothed belt (JTD versions) ●● Check emissions/smoke at the exhaust (JTD versions) ●●●● Check operation of engine control system (through diagnosis socket) ●●●● CAR MAINTENANCE Check mechanical transmission oil level ●● Change counter-rotating shaft drive belt ● Change timing gear drive belt (petrol versions) (*) ●●● Change timing gear drive belt (JTD versions) (*) ● Change accessory poly-V drive belt ● Change spark plugs (petrol versions) ● Change engine oil and oil filter (petrol versions) (or every 24 months) ●●●●●●●●● Change engine oil and oil filter (diesel with DPF versions)(**) (or every 24 months) (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●) Change brake fluid (or every 24 months) ●●● Change fuel filter (JTD versions) ●●●●●●●●● Change pollen filter (or every year) ●●●●●●●●●

(*) Regardless of the km covered, the timing belt shall be replaced every 4 years for particularly demanding use (cold climates, driving in the city, idling for a long time) or in any case every 5 years. (**) Engine oil and oil filter shall actually be changed according to the conditions of use of the car and it is indicated by the relevant warning light or message (where provided) on the instrument panel (see “Warning lights and messages” paragraph).

218 PROGRAMME ANNUAL INSPECTION locks, andlever cleanness andlubrication. and wear system, sprayjetadjustment lights,etc.) ment, gloveboxlights,warning lights,boot,passenger compart- warning (headlights, directionindicators,hazard wheel) adjustthepressure(includingspare essary vised: yearly inspectionprogrammeisad- about 10,000km)thefollowing of below20,000km(forexample – Checkcleannessofbonnet and boot – Checkfrontdiskbrakepadconditions – Checkwindscreenbladeposition/wear – Checkoperationofwindscreenwiper – Checkoperationoflightingsystem – Checktyreconditions/wearandifnec- For carswithanannualmileage washer, etc.) battery els (enginecoolant,brakes,windscreen ve belts ply systemhoses sleeves -bushesetc..),brakeandfuelsup- (boots- parts el supply-brakes),rubber gearbox, transmission,pipes(exhaust-fu- – Changepollenfilter. – Changeengineoilandfilter topupfluidlev- – Checkandifnecessary – Sightcheckforconditionsofvariousdri- charge – Checkbattery – Sightcheckforconditionsof:engine, OPERATIONS ADDITIONAL er fluidlevel topup: check andifnecessary top uptheengineoillevel. tions” chapter). “Refuelling” inthe“Technical Specifica- made expresslyforAlfaRomeocars(see ommended whichhavebeendesignedand Every Every – tyrepressureandconditions. – windscreenwasherandheadlampwash- – powersteeringfluidlevel brake/hydraulic clutchcontrolfluidlevel – – enginecoolantfluidlevel Every The useof 1000 km 3000 km FL Selenia or beforelongjourneys, check andifnecessary products isrec- 219 CAR MAINTENANCE 220 CAR MAINTENANCE gramme. quired ontheScheduledMaintenancePro- inactivity low speeddrivingorincaseofalongterm low zero temperaturesbe- peated andwithexternal tions: one ofthefollowingspeciallyheavycondi- Engine oil IMPORTANT replace engineoilmorefrequentlythanre- – frequentlyidlingenginesorlongdistance distances(lessthan7-8km)re- – short – dustyroads – trailerorcaravantowing Should prevailinguseofthecarbeunder is asignthatthefilterneedschanging. Programme. Iftheengineis“sobbing”it than statedintheScheduledMaintenance to changethefueloilfiltermorefrequently fuel oilincommercemaymakeitnecessary Diesel filter IMPORTANT The varietyofthedegreepurity contact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices. placement inrelationtohowthecarisused, tween theengineoilandaircleanerre- the ScheduleMaintenanceProgramme. air cleanermorefrequentlythanspecifiedin Air cleaner IMPORTANT For any doubts concerning the intervals be- theintervals For anydoubtsconcerning Using thecarondustyroadschange Maintenance Programme. frequently thanspecifiedintheScheduled fluid(electrolyte)more level ofthebattery ularly harshconditionsitiswisetocheckthe of aftermarketaccessories. ignition keyremoved,especiallyinthecase absorbelectricityevenwiththe permanently trips, orifitisfittedwithaccessoriesthat quently ifthecarisusedmainlyforshort the possibilityofelectrolytefreezing. preferably attheonsetofwinter, toprevent Battery IMPORTANT If thecarisusedinhotclimatesorpartic- outmorefre- This checkshouldbecarried charge, It isadvisabletocheckthebattery the passenger compartment isnoted. the passengercompartment a reductionoftheamountairadmittedto itshouldbereplacedif quently; inparticular to replacethefilteringelementmorefre- heavily pollutedenvironmentsitisadvisable Pollen filter IMPORTANT If thecarisusedfrequentlyindustyor experience. out theseoperationsifyouhaveno fluids;donothowevercarry sary Alfa Romeosparesandtheneces- have theproperequipment,genuine yourself, alwaysmakesureyou out erations youwishtocarry routine andminormaintenanceop- Authorised Services. For Authorised Services. entrusted toAlfaRomeo Car maintenanceshouldbe 221 CAR MAINTENANCE 222 CAR MAINTENANCE CHECKING LEVELS car. er andcouldseriouslydamagethe are incompatiblewithoneanoth- risk offire. vapours maybepresent,withthe ious typesoffluids:they care nottoconfusethevar- ment; gasandinflammable ing intheenginecompart- When toppinguptake Never smokewhilework- (2.0 JTSSelespeedversions) steering fluid- washer fluid- 4 1 Windscreen/rear window/headlight Windscreen/rear Engine oil- 7 5 2 Selespeed transmissionoil Engine coolant- Battery - Battery 3 Brake fluid- 6 Power fig. 2-2.0JTS version fig. 1-1.8T. SPARK version A0A0736b A0A0681b fig. 4-JTD16V version fig. 3-3.2V6version steering fluid steering fluid er fluid- 4 4 washer fluid- 1 1 Windscreen/rearscreen/headlamp wash- Windscreen/rearscreen/headlamp Windscreen/rear window/headlight Windscreen/rear Engine oil- Engine oil- 5 Engine coolantfluid- 5 A0A0396b A0A0683b 2 2 Engine coolant- Battery - Battery - Battery 3 3 Brake fluid- Brake fluid- 6 6 Power Power 223 CAR MAINTENANCE 224 CAR MAINTENANCE fig. 5-1.8T. SPARK version ENGINE OIL the circuit. ent fromthoseoftheoilalreadyin the between marks onthedipstick.Theinterval the leveliswithin back incompletely, removeitandcheckthat 5) aftertheenginehasbeenswitchedoff. afewminutes(about car onalevelsurface about onelitreofoil. Remove thedipstick( The engineoilshouldbecheckedwiththe MIN viscosity) whicharediffer- acteristics (classification, Never addoilwithchar- and MAX ( fig. 5-6-7-8 marks correspond to marks correspond A MIN ), cleanit,putit and ) MAX A0A0737b fan maycutin:dangerofinjury. that whentheengineishot, ment toavoidburns.Remember fig. 7-3.2 fig. 6-2.0JTSversion inside theenginecompart- take carewhenworking When theengineishot, V6 version A B A0A0406b A0A0682b fig. 8-JTD ( MIN utes afterstoppingit. gine afewsecondsandwaitformin- theen- before checkingthelevelagain,run levelrestored. the correct tohave tact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices that thelevelisabove B If theoillevelisnearorevenbelow IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ), untilreachingthe mark, addoilthroughthefilterneck 16V If aroutinecheckreveals After toppinguptheoil, version MAX MAX mark. mark, con- A0A0398b tions ofusethecar. pends onthewayofdrivingandcondi- 6000km. first 5000÷ may beconsideredstabilisedonlyafterthe settles, thereforeengineoilconsumption 1000km. grams every Engine oilconsumption IMPORTANT During theinitialperiodofuseengine Max engineoilconsumptionisusually400 respecting natureandthe law. dispose ofthewasteoilandfilters changed, astheyareequippedto vices tohavetheoilandfilter tact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedSer- for theenvironment.Con- contain harmfulsubstances Used engineoilandfilter Engine oilconsumptionde- fig. 9 OIL SELESPEED TRANSMISSION up to reach the correct level; up toreachthecorrect stick integratedwiththecap; withthe corresponds move thecap( with theenginestoppedandcold. and checked withthecaronalevelsurface – iftheoilisbelow – disconnectthebreathertubeandre- – turn theignitionkeyto – turn To checkthelevel,proceedasfollows: The Selespeedtransmissionoilshouldbe ( fig. 9 ) A ) checkingthatthelevel MAX MAX mark onthedip- MAR mark, top ; A0A0197b already inthegearbox. ifications otherthanthat Do notaddoilwithspec- cap and turn theignitionkeyto cap andturn onthehousing breather tubefirmly very hot:dangerof injury.very the fanmaycutinifengine is danger ofburns.Remember that oil respectingnatureandthelaw. are equippedfordisposingofused who fa RomeoAuthorisedServices ing theoilweadvisecontactingAl- – after refitting the cap, insert the – afterrefittingthecap,insert ment iftheengineishot: inside theenginecompart- the environment.Forchang- dangerous substancesfor Be very carefulworking Be very Used gearboxoilcontains STOP . 225 CAR MAINTENANCE 226 CAR MAINTENANCE fig. 10 ( ENGINE COOLANTFLUID marks onthetank. it shouldbebetweenthe and gine coldandthecaronalevelsurface shouldbecheckedwiththeen- (reservoir) fig. 10 The levelofthecoolantinheadertank danger ofburns. when theengineishot: ) Do notremovethecap MIN and MAX A0A0240b tection downto–35°C. UP ing the Selenia distilled waterand50% cap ( The antifreezemixtureof50% If thelevelislow, loosentheheadertank and 50%distilledwaterguaranteespro- A ) andslowlypouramixtureof50% MAX through thefillerneckuntilnear- mark. Services assoon possible. Services contact AlfaRomeoAuthorized added, donotstarttheengine and fluids. Shouldotherfluids be not bemixedwithothertypesof ready existing.PARAFLU UPcan- ferent specificationsfromthatal- PARAFLU UPFL Do notaddfluidhavingdif- PARAFLU UPantifreeze. The coolingsystemuses PARAFLU risk scaldingyourself. cap whentheengineishot:you mised. Donotremovethereservoir system efficiencycouldbecompro- another genuineone,otherwise replace thecaponlywith pressurised. Ifnecessary, The coolingsystemis fig. 11 ( POWER STEERINGFLUID stick ( upper notch(maximumlevel)onthedip- orcoincideswiththe mark onthereservoir switched offandcold. andtheengine the caronalevelsurface voir isatmaximum. fig. 11 Check thatthelevelreaches outwith This operationshouldbecarried Check thatthelevelofoilinreser- A ) integral with the reservoir cap. ) integralwiththereservoir ) MAX refit thecap. ing wheellocktoafewtimes. tostabilise. el inthereservoir ter proceedingasfollows: table inthe“Technical specifications”chap- products listedinthe“Fluidsandlubricants” specified one,topuponlywithoneofthe A0A0400b – Top uptothe thesteer- turn theenginerunning, – With theengineandwaitforoillev- – Start isbelowthe If theoillevelinreservoir rised Services. sible leaksbyAlfaRomeo Autho- have thesystemchecked for pos- flammable. MAX level notch,then needed shortlyafterwards, low; iftoppingupagainis parts oftheengine:itisin- steering fluidtotouchhot Oil consumptionisvery Do notallowthepower fig. 12 CLUTCH FLUID BRAKE ANDHYDRAULIC mesh equaltoorlowerthan0.12mm. always useafunnelwithbuilt-infilter purities enteringthetank.Whentoppingup, the captakeutmostcaretopreventim- Whenopening surface. and thesurrounding (see section“Technical specifications"). specified inthetable“Fluidsandlubricants” is atmaximum.Top upwiththebrakefluid Romeo AuthorisedServices. however recommendedtocontactAlfa IMPORTANT NOTE Check thatthefluidlevelinreservoir Clean accuratelythetankcap For thisoperationitis ( fig. 12 ) A A0A0217b 227 CAR MAINTENANCE 228 CAR MAINTENANCE seals. special brakingsystem rubber eral fluidsirreversiblydamages the it fromthemineralkind.Usingmin- The the fluidisswallowed. thoroughly. Seeadoctoratonceif tral soapandwater, thenrinse concerned immediatelywithneu- cidental contact,washtheparts brake fluid,distinguishing tainer indicatessynthetic π rosive. Intheeventofac- poisonous andhighlycor- symbol onthecon- Brake andclutchfluidis immediately withwater. paintwork. Ifitdoes,washoff does notdripontothe ly corrosivebrakefluid Make surethatthehigh- fig. 13 SC 35 35 ter and the reservoir. ( HEADLIGHT WASHER FLUID WINDSCREEN/REARSCREEN Scheduled MaintenanceProgramme. thanspecifiedinthe frequent intervals midity, thefluidshouldbereplacedatmore areas withahighdegreeofatmospherichu- For thisreason,ifthecarismainlyusedin fluid ishygroscopic(i.e.itabsorbsmoisture). fig. 13 – 30%of topupusingamixtureofwa- If necessary Open thecap( IMPORTANT fluid asfollows: TUTELA PROFESSIONALSC and 70%waterinsummer; ) TUTELA PROFESSIONAL A Brake andhydraulicclutch ) andcheckthelevelin A0A0242b SC 35 SC 35 –20°C use – 50%of – inthecaseoftemperaturesbelow empty. is washers whenthereservoir mental forimprovingvision. the windscreenwasherisfunda- fire. components whichmaysetiton engine compartmentcontainshot and 50%waterinwinter; fluid neat. TUTELA PROFESSIONAL windscreen/rearscreen pump motor, do notusethe voir empty:theactionof windscreen washerreser- ers areinflammable.The tives forwindscreenwash- TUTELA PROFESSIONAL To avoiddamagingthe Do nottravelwiththe Some commercialaddi- AIR CLEANER Authorised Services. eration carriedoutbyAlfa Romeo are recommendedtohave thisop- the travellingsafetyof car. You precautions, theymaycompromise ried outcorrectlyandwiththedue sion levels. engine, lowconsumptionandexhaustemis- operationofthe ditions, toensurecorrect ignition system. operationoftheinjectionand ed forcorrect to thecontrolunitelectricsignalsneed- perature andairflowsensorswhichsend It must therefore always be in perfect con- It mustthereforealwaysbeinperfect The aircleanerisconnectedtothetem- scribed belowarenotcar- ing cleanerreplacementde- If theoperationsconcern- damage. tenance Schedule. specified intheProgrammedMain- thanthose at shorterintervals leading toseriousengine cleaner maydamageit, cleaner shouldbereplaced used industyareas,the Any attempttocleanthe If thecarishabitually WATER DRAINING CONDENSATION (diesel versions) DIESEL FUELFILTER Romeo AuthorizedServices. immediately andcontact Alfa into thetank:turnengine off water hasprobablybeenpoured dications turnonafterrefuelling, the systemrelieved.Ifwarningin- vices assoonpossibletohave tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- figurable multifunctiondisplaycon- symbol areshownontherecon- gine. Ifthewarningmessage+ cause irregularrunningoftheen- the entireinjectionsystemand cause seriousdamageto the supplycircuitmay The presenceofwaterin 229 CAR MAINTENANCE 230 CAR MAINTENANCE fig. 14 POLLEN FILTER fectiveness oftheclimatecontrolsystem. pollen filtercanconsiderablyreducetheef- gramme. specified intheScheduledMaintenancePro- than changed atmorefrequentintervals ily pollutedareas,thefiltershouldbe preferably attheonsetofsummer. a yearbyAlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices, IMPORTANT If thecarismainlyusedindustyorheav- Have thedust/pollenfiltercheckedonce The failuretoreplacethe A0A0224b BATTERY have the battery checked/replaced. have thebattery with distilledwater. the electrolytedoesnotneedtoppingup conditionsofuse nance” type:undernormal Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to Contact AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices isofthe“Limitedmainte- The battery use amorepowerfulbattery. above alladviseabouttheneedto the mostsuitabledevicesand vices whowillbeabletosuggest tact AlfaRomeoAuthorizedSer- system, radiotelephone,etc.)con- electric accessories(alarm,sound buying thecar, youwishtoinstall ly damagethecar. Ifafter cal accessoriescanserious- Incorrect fittingofelectri- fire andexplosion. risk of sparks near to the battery: flames orpossible sourcesof and skin.Do notbringnaked tive goggles. Avoid contact witheyes poisonous and corrosive. ways wearspecialprotec- ornearit,al- the battery The liquid in the battery is The liquidinthebattery When doinganyworkon place, otherwise itmightfreeze. place, otherwise andtakeittoawarm the battery teries respectingnatureandthelaw. equipped fordisposingofusedbat- whichareproperly Services, changed atAlfaRomeoAuthorized are advisedtohavethebattery very coldweather,very remove foralongtimein tionary ful fortheenvironment.You harm- stances thatarevery If thecaristoremainsta- Batteries containsub- fig. 15 CHECKING THECHARGE ( outbyskilledpersonnel carried trolyte indicator),inspectionoperationsshall chargeinspectiondevice(optical elec- tery ing tothecolourindicatorshows. coverandactingaccord- set onthebattery through theindicator causing ittoburst. fig. 15 Refer tothetablebeloworlabel benotfittedwithbat- Should thebattery chargemaybechecked The battery ) on the battery itself. ) onthebattery tery irreversibly,tery even level maydamagethebat- Working withalowfluid A (where required) A0A0393b area inthecentre Dark colourwith green area inthecentre without green Dark colour white colour Brilliant CHARGING THEBATTERY rect. ensuringthatthebiasiscor- terminal tery nal ( may damagethebattery. ing for24hours.Chargingalongertime by AlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices. out poses. Thisoperationshouldbecarried pur- cedure isdescribedonlyforinformation – Turn onthecharger. – Connectthechargercablestobat- negativetermi- – Disconnectthebattery asfollows: Charge thebattery Charging shouldbeslowatalowamprat- IMPORTANT – ). The battery chargingpro- The battery Top uptheelectrolyte Sufficient electrolyte Low chargelevel level andcharge poisonous andcorrosiveacid. cracked, withtheriskofleaking damaged andthatthebodyisnot that theinternalelementsarenot cialised personnel,tomakesure checked beforechargingbyspe- shouldbe occurred, thebattery wise itmayburst.Iffreezinghas nal ( fore disconnectingitfromthebattery. – Re-connect the battery negativetermi- – Re-connectthebattery offthechargerbe- – Aftercharging,turn – ). firstly bethawed,other- itmust a frozenbattery: Never attempttocharge Alfa RomeoAuthorisedServices) (you areadvisedtocontact Contact AlfaRomeo Authorised Services Charge thebattery No action 231 CAR MAINTENANCE 232 CAR MAINTENANCE THE BATTERY CHANGING must bereset. unit protectionfuses),windowautomatism and replacementofpowerwindow control change/disconnection units (e.g.battery Manufacturer’s instructions. tofollowthe battery it willbenecessary ter arenolongervalidandformaintenance uled MaintenanceProgrammeinthischap- giveninthe Sched- maintenance intervals withdifferentcharacteristics,the battery same characteristics.Ifitisreplacedbya placed withanotheroriginalonethe IMPORTANT itshouldbere- When changingthebattery chapter “Correct useofthecar”. chapter “Correct to theparagraph“carinactivity”,in In theeventofaprolongedinactivity, refer freezing (thismayoccuralreadyat-10°C). it isalsomoresubjecttothepossibilityof capabilityisreducedand phation, itsstarting a chargeofbelow50%itisdamagedbysul- IMPORTANT Lacking powertocontrol If the battery iskeptwith If thebattery THE LIFEOFYOURBATTERY USEFUL HINTSTOEXTEND ating thewindowsinautomatic. 2 alsoforthepassenger’s side; least 3secondsafterfullclosing; keeping thebuttonpressed least 3secondsafterfullopening; keeping thebuttonpressed etc.). stopped (radio,hazardlights,parking lights, vices onforalongtimewiththe engine tightened. the followingshouldbenoted: ensure thatitcontinuestoworkcorrectly, 4. 3. 2. 1. Proceed asfollowswith – Asfaraspossible,avoidkeepingser- mustalwaysbefirmly – Theterminals To and avoidrapidlydrainingthebattery check forproperinitialisationbyoper- close completelythedriver’s window proceed asdescribedinpoints1and open completelythedriver’s window doors closed battery. tionary, engineoff),theygraduallydrainthe even whentheignitionkeyisoff (carsta- these devicescontinueabsorbing energy battery.more powerful Infact,assomeof or whetheritshouldbeintegratedwitha is capableofwithstandingtheloadrequired, checking whetherthecar’s electricsystem will evaluatetheoverallelectricabsorption, vices belongingtoLineaccessoriAlfaRomeo, dition tosuggestingthemostsuitablede- whosequalifiedpersonnel, inad- Services tric system,contactAlfaRomeoAuthorised tion etc.)oraccessoriesthatburdentheelec- radionavigator withsatelliteantitheftfunc- voicefeature, manent electricsupply(alarm, stall electricaccessorieswhichrequireaper- ble fromthebattery. electric system,disconnectthenegativeca- prevent lightsfromstayingon. boot andinteriorlidsareproperlyshutto garage, makesurethatthedoors,bonnet, – Ifafterbuyingthecar, youwishtoin- outanyworkonthe – Beforecarrying – Whenleavingthecarparkedina for at for at : 70 Ah 60 Ah Battery devices areinvolved. ifsafety wiring aredangerous, particularly proper branchesonconnections ofthecar al systemsonthecar, bearinmindthatim- atidlespeed. engine offorrunning ing process fridge, etc., ers, vacuumcleaner, mobilephone,mini user, suchasforexample:babybottlewarm- absorptionswitched onbythe high current shown inthefollowingtable: as should be0,6mAxAh(ofthebattery), cessories (standardandfittedafterwards) IMPORTANT You with arealsoremindedthatservices The maximumabsorptionofalltheac- quicken the battery drain- quicken thebattery if they are turned onwiththe if theyareturned When installingaddition- Maximum permissible loadless absorption 42 mA 36 mA fig. 16 TYRE PRESSURE WHEELS ANDTYRES “Technical Specifications”chapter. inflation pressure,see“Wheels”inthe tyre when thecarisinuse;forcorrect checked withthetyrerestedandcold. fore alongjourney. Thepressureshouldbe twoweeksandbe- cluding thespare,every It is normal forthepressuretoincrease It isnormal wheel,in- Check thetyrepressureofevery A0A0225b thickness isreducedto1.6mm. in thecentre. at theedges. wear: In anycasefollowlocalregulations. Tyres shouldbechangedwhenthetread (C) (B) (A) tyre pressurecausesabnormal Incorrect : high pressure: tread particularly worn : highpressure:treadparticularly : low pressure: tread particularly worn : lowpressure:treadparticularly : normal pressure: tread evenly worn. pressure:treadevenlyworn. : normal 233 CAR MAINTENANCE 234 CAR MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT NOTES tyres, avoiding those of dubious origin; check thecompact sparewheel; they canstillbe used.Alsorememberto checked byspecialisedpersonnel, toseeif on thecarforover6years,they shouldbe of aging.Inanycase,ifthetyres havebeen areasign much. Cracksinthetreadrubber tem; itself, therim,suspensionsandsteeringsys- ly andchangeittoavoiddamagethetyre wheels andtyres; ling: thismaycauseseriousdamagetothe vices; contactAlfaRomeoAuthorisedSer- essary sides, swellingsoruneventreadwear. Ifnec- age thetyres; Prolonged drivingonroughroadsmaydam- kerbs, potholesorobstaclesofvariouskinds. violentbumpsagainst tyre squealingstarts, – Incase ofreplacement, alwaysfitnew – Tyres ageeveniftheyarenotused – Ifatyreispunctured,stopimmediate- – Avoid overloadingthecarwhentravel- – Routinelycheckthetyresforcutson – Wherepossible,avoidsuddenbraking, sure. characteristics couldbeimpaired. avoided sincewheelmechanical left andviceversa. serious damagetoit. ing 150°Cshouldbe ing temperaturesexceed- the rightofcarto tyres, movingthemfrom tyre withthepossibilityof causes overheatingofthe correct tyreinflationpres- holding alsodependson Alloy rimpaintinginvolv- Do notcrossswitchthe Excessive lowpressure Remember thatcarroad RUBBER HOSES trol isthereforenecessary. the hoses,withpossibleleaks.Carefulcon- tem maycausehardeningandcrackingof and theprolongedlackoffluidinsys- gramme. Indeed,ozone,hightemperatures low theScheduledMaintenancePro- carefullyfol- hosesareconcerned, ply rubber As farasthebrakesystemandfuelsup- BLADES SCREEN WIPERS WINDSCREEN/REAR rearscreen wipers on dry glass. rearscreen wipersondry onthemotorandoverheating. effort dition toprotectingtheblades,thisprevents an antifreezeproduct. against theglass.Ifnecessary, thawusing sure thaticehasnotfrozentherubber sibility ofdamagetotheblades: be changedonceayear. should bereplaced.Inanycasethey SC 35 cial products; – Donotoperatethewindscreen and – Removeanysnowfromtheglass:inad- – Ifthetemperaturefallsbelowzeromake A fewsimplenotionscanreducethepos- they bladesarebentorworn If therubber usingspe- part Periodically cleantherubber is recommended. TUTELA PROFESSIONAL duced in badweather. because visibility is re- blades is a serious hazard, Driving with worn wiper fig. 17 ( How toremovetheblade dle oftheblade( How torefittheblade the windscreen. wiper blade Changing thewindscreen C – turn theblade( – turn ( – raisethewindscreenwiperarm Proceed asfollows: – fitpin( Proceed asfollows: – removethebladefrompin( – refit the wiper arm withthe bladeon – refitthewiperarm ) set at wiper arm end; ) setatwiperarm C ) intotheholesetinmid- ( fig. 17 B ); B 0 aroundthepin ) 90° ) C ). A ); A0A0728b fig. 18 SPRAY NOZZLES ing ontheadjustmentscrew. useaneedle. clogged, ifnecessary “Checking levels”inthischapter. see that thereisfluidinthereservoir: If necessary, directthejetoffluidwork- Then checkthatthenozzleholesarenot If thejetoffluidisinadequate,firstlycheck ( fig. 18 ) A0A0696b 235 CAR MAINTENANCE 236 CAR MAINTENANCE fig. 19 ( HEADLIGHT WASHERS an AlfaRomeoAuthorizedService. tact andclean. fig. 19 If it is necessary todirectthejet,contact If itisnecessary Regularly checkthatthesprayjetsarein- ) A0A0704b ATMOSPHERIC AGENTS PROTECTION FROM BODYWORK rosion. effectively protectthebodyworkagainstcor- ed thebestmanufacturingtechnologiesto er cars. and sandmudgravelraisedbyoth- atmospheric dust sive actionofwind-borne hot humidclimates) On yourcar, AlfaRomeohasimplement- Not tobeunderestimatedisalsotheabra- – seasonalenvironmentconditions. – saltyairandhumidity(coastalareas,or – atmosphericpollution are: The maincausesofcorrosion UNDERBODY WARRANTY CAR EXTERIORAND Romeo Warranty booklet. ofthiswarranty,eral terms refertoAlfa orbody.ment ofthestructure Forthe gen- ofanyoriginalele- duetorust perforation inside. from triggeringrust vent condensationandpocketsofmoisture underdoor, innerwheelarchlinings,etc. tive function,inthemoreexposedpoints: highly protectivewaxproducts. with wheelarchesandotherparts partment, sheets, withhighresistancetocorrosion. and abrasion. resistancetocorrosion give thecarparticular Your against cariscoveredbywarranty – Useof“open”boxedsectionstopre- with aprotec- – Sprayingofplasticparts, – Sprayingoftheunderbody, enginecom- – Useofgalvanised(orpretreated)steel – Paintingproductsandsystemswhich These include: car morefrequently. are sprayedwithsalt,itiswiseto washthe ple, inhighlypollutedareas,orif theroads ditions andenvironmentofuse.Forexam- dependingonthecon- washing atintervals tions” chapter). fication plate”inthe“Technical Specifica- touching uppaint(see“Bodyidenti- ofrust. formation outimmediatelytoavoidthe ing upcarried touch- are advisedtohavethenecessary derlying sheetmetal. aestethic purposebutalsoprotectstheun- Paint THE BODYWORK ADVICE FORPRESERVING Normal paintmaintenance consists in Normal Only originalproductsshouldbeusedfor In thecaseofdeepscrapesorscores,you an The paintworkdoesnotonlyserve the samewayas therestofcar. alter theshineofpaintwork. in thesunorwithbonnethot: thismay rate. the opensothatresidualwatercanevapo- en toaclosedareaimmediately, butleftin ter maystagnate.Thecarshouldnotbetak- net andaroundtheheadlightswherewa- bon- likedoorsurrounds, less visibleparts jet ofairorchamoisleather. quently. detergent solution,rinsingthespongefre- water. an automaticsystem. vent damagetoitifthecariswashedin Exterior plastic parts must becleanedin Exterior plasticparts Do notwashthecarafterithas been left carewiththe takeparticular When drying, witha 4) Rinsewellwithwateranddry 3) Passaspongemoistenedwithlight 2) Spraythecarwithalowpressurejetof 1) Removetheaerialfromrooftopre- To washthecar: correctly the acid they contain is particularly aggressive. the acidtheycontainisparticularly washed offimmediatelyandthoroughlyas process. ing theliquidusedinwashing equipped forcollectingandpurify- processes. increase thepossibilityoftriggeringrust lease givethepaintadullappearanceand the resinoussubstancesmanyspeciesre- IMPORTANT Where possible,donotparkundertrees; should bewashedinareas pollution. Thereforethecar Detergents causewater Bird droppingsmustbe 237 CAR MAINTENANCE 238 CAR MAINTENANCE tic transparents. acetone) tocleanthefrontheadlightplas- stances (e.g.petroleum)orketones Front headlights avoid damagingtheheatingdevice. cloth inthedirectionoffilamentsto rearscreen shouldbewipedgentlywitha tering thetransparencyofglass. Use cleanclothstoavoidscratchingoral- Windows IMPORTANT IMPORTANT Use specificproductstocleanthewindows. Do notusearomaticsub- The insideofthe removed. various covers)havenotbeendamaged or capsand various protections(e.g.rubber STOP with theenginecoldandignitionkeyat used inthewashingprocess. collecting andpurifyingtheliquid be washedinareasequippedfor have thisdone. trol units.Contactaspecialisedworkshopto out directingthejetagainstelectroniccon- shouldbecarefullywashed,with- partment Engine compartment IMPORTANT At theendofwinterenginecom- . Afterwashingmakesurethat the gine compartmentshould pollution. Thereforetheen- Detergents causewater The carshouldbewashed AND VELVET PARTS CLEANING SEATS ANDFABRIC INTERIOR FITTINGS gent. with asolutionofwaterandneutral deter- ismoistened. brush remove dust.Velvet iscleanedbetterifthe oxidisation onthesheetmetal. shoes, umbrellas,etc.)whichcouldcause under themats(duetowaterdrippingoff – Rubtheseatwithaspongemoistened oravacuumcleanerto – Useasoftbrush Periodically checkthatwaterisnottrapped to cleanmaycausefire. ic chargesgeneratedwhenrubbing ing insidethecar. Theelectrostat- or rectifiedpetrolforclean- products likefueloilether Never useinflammable CLEANING LEATHER SEATS upholstery asa consequence. upholstery could break yarns and damage the etc. thatstressing locally the fabric lic buckles, studs,“Velcro” fixings, by clothingaccessories likemetal- longed scratching/scraping caused topreventhardand/orpro- essary car. Itishoweverabsolutelynec- resulting fromnormaluse ofthe holbased products,eveninsmallpercentage. foruse. ing theinstructions sists, usespecificproducts,carefullyfollow- with waterandneutralsoap.Ifthestainper- wipe withasoftclothorchamoisleather Then absorbentclothwithoutrubbing. a dry out pressingtoohard. moistened chamoisleatherorclothwith- IMPORTANT – Removeliquidandgreasestainswith withalightly – Removedriedondirt withstand commonwear car ispurpose-madeto Fabric upholstery ofyour Fabric upholstery Never usespiritoralco- INTERIOR PLASTICPARTS panel orotherplasticcomponents. leum tocleantheglassofinstrument colour ofplasticcomponents. appearanceand ucts designedtopreserve stains usingappropriatesolvent-freeprod- neutral soap.Removegreaseorpersisting use asoftclothmoistenedwithwaterand IMPORTANT For routinecleaningofinteriorplasticparts to thesun’s rays. beyond thatfigurewhen exposed perature insidethecarmight gowell temperature above50°C.Thetem- cans mustneverbeexposedtoa they mightexplode.Aerosol in thecar. Thereistherisk Do notkeepaerosolcans Never usespiritorpetro- COVERING KNOB WITHGENUINELEATHER STEERING WHEEL/GEARLEVER then cleanwithwaterandneutralsoap. lever knobremovethemimmediatelyand leather coveringofthesteeringwheel/gear glass products,somedropsfallonthe when cleaningthewindscreenwithspecial spirit and/oralcohol-basedsubstances.If indications tomakesuretheyarefreefrom and interiors, readcarefullylabelinstructions it oralcohol-basedproducts. with waterandneutralsoap.Neverusespir- scratching theleathercovering. when engagingthesteeringlocktoprevent IMPORTANT Before usingspecialproductsforcleaning These componentsshallonlybecleaned Take theutmostcare 239 CAR MAINTENANCE 240 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS fig. 1 IDENTIFICATION DATA the following( given onthelabelsandtheirpositionare codes. Theidentificationdatastampedand 4 3 2 1 You areadvisedtonotetheidentification Enginelabel. - Bodylabel - Identificationlabel - Bodyworkpaintidentificationlabel - fig. 1 ): T T E E C C A0A0654b H H N N fig. 2 I I IDENTIFICATION LABEL crossmember oftheenginecompartment. C This ( ( ( It containsthefollowinginformation: ( ( C D C B A ) ) ) ) A A mologation mentary indicationstothosespecified mentary tional regulations weights authorisedbyvariousna- chassis number Space fordetailsofnationalho- Space forversionandanysupple- Space availableformaximum Space forpunchingtheconsecutive fig. 2 L L ) istobefoundonthefront S S P P E E C C I I F F I I C C A0A0246b ( ( E F A A ) ) sions) name. Space forsmokecoefficient(JTDver- Space forpunchingmanufacturer’s T T I I fig. 3 BODYWORK LABEL number). 3 side oftheupperrightshockabsorber( O O – Manufacturer’s serialnumber(chassis – Type ofvehicle:ZAR937.000 This islocatedintheenginebay, toone ) andcontains: N N S S fig. A0A0247b fig. 4 ENGINE STAMP IDENTIFICATION LABEL BODYWORK PAINT spondence withtheexhaustmanifold. gearbox sideofthecrankcase,incorre- used fortouching-up. formation: of thetailgate.Itcontainsfollowingin- Theengine markingisstampedonthe D. C B A The label( Colourcode. . Nameofcolour. . Paintmanufacturer. . Indication onthetypeofproducttobe fig. 4 ) isontheinnerleftedge A0A0651b JTD 3.2 2.0 JTSSelespeed (for specialmarkets) 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 1.8 TSPARK ENGINE CODES-BODYVERSIONS V6 16V 3A00937CXH1123 937CXT1A29 937CXH1A22 937A1000 932A2000 937A1000 R20 937CXR1A26 AR32205 niecd Bodyversions Engine code 3A00937CXN1B24D 937A5000 3A0 937CXP1B25 936A000 241 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE 1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS (**) 3.2 V6 JTD 16V 2.0 JTS Selespeed Code type AR32205 937A1000 932A2000 936A000 937A5000 Cycle Otto Otto Otto Otto Diesel Number and position of cylinders 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 6 in 60° V 4 in line Piston bore and stroke mm 82.7 83 x 91 83 x 91 93 x 78 82 x 90.4 Total displacement cm3 1747 1970 1970 3179 1910

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Compression ratio 11.5 : 1 11.5 : 1 11.5 : 1 10 : 1 17.5 : 1 Maximum horsepower (EEC): kW 103 121 119 176,5 110 HP 140 165 163 240 150 at rpm 6500 6400 6400 6200 4000 Maximum torque (EEC): Nm 163 206 201 300 305 kgm 16.6 21 20 30.6 31 at rpm 3900 3250 3250 4800 2000 Spark plugs (*) NGK PFR6B+ NGK PFR6B NGK PFR6B NGK PFR6B NGK PMR7A NGK BKR6EKPA NGK BKR6EKPA NGK BKR6EKPA+ NGK PMR7A Fuel Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Diesel fuel for motor petrol petrol petrol petrol vehicles 95 RON 95 RON 95 RON 95 RON (Specification EN 590)

(*) There are two different spark plugs for each cylinder, one per type (**) For versions/markets where applicable

To change plugs contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. 242 Drive Clutch Gearbox TRANSMISSION FUEL SUPPLY Supply the technicalfeaturesofsystem,maycauseoperatingfaultswithriskfire. Alterations orrepairstothefuelsupplysystemcarriedoutincorrectlyandwithouttakingaccount of Five forward gearsplus Five forward Dry single diskwith Dry synchronisers for hydraulic control forward speeds forward 1.8 T. SPARK reverse with Front Multipoint electronicinjection 1.8 T. SPARK synchronisers forforward Five forward gearsplus Five forward Dry single diskwith Dry hydraulic control reverse with 2.0 JTS speeds Front Direct electronicinjection 2.0 JTS Five forward gearsand Five forward electrohydraulic control reverse withelectronic 2.0 JTSSelespeed Dry single diskwith Dry control system Front Direct electronicinjection reverse allsynchronised Six forward gearsplus Six forward 3.2 Dry single diskwith Dry hydraulic control V6 3.2 Front V6 Common Raildirectinjection with supercharging Six forward gearsplus Six forward Dry single diskwith Dry hydraulic control all synchronised JTD JTD reverse Front 16V 16V 243 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 244 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS road condition. withwhatever guarantee topperformance markets whereapplicable) (upon requestforversions/ SELF-LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL FRONT WHEELDRIVEWITH Alfa Q2 characteristics aresuchasto top comfort conditions. top comfort ing smoothdrive,highstabilityandkeeping conditionandguarantee- whatever running ous andgradualthusoptimizingdriveunder tial grip.Mechanicalmodulationiscontinu- cording tothe tween rightandleftwheelismodulatedac- (Limited SlipDifferential).Torque levelbe- front mechanicalself-lockingdifferentialLSD Alfa Q2 features frontwheeldrivewith TORSEN B front differen- sponsibility. since roadsafetyisalwaysthedriver'sre- commonsafetyrules charged withobserving poor gripconditions:thedriverishowever the tyre-roadgripatbestevenunder This typeofdifferentialenablestoexploit btenpvmns m (between pavements) Turning radius Type STEERING SYSTEM Rear Front SUSPENSION Parking brake brakes: Service BRAKES – rear – front 1.8 T. SPARK - 1.8 T. SPARK - 1.8 T. SPARK - rack andpinionwithhydraulicpowersteering Controlled byhandlever, actingontherearbrakes quadrilateral systemwithstabiliserbar Mc Phersontype 2.0 JTS-3.2 2.0 JTS-3.2 2.0 JTS-3.2 11.5 Disk Disk V6 V6 - V6 - - JTD JTD JTD 16V 16V 16V 245 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS WHEELS COMPACT SPARE WHEEL CORRECT TYRE READING Pressed steel rim. (fig. 5) Below, please find the instructions need- RIMS AND TYRES WHEEL GEOMETRY ed to understand the meaning of the code stamped on the tyre. Pressed steel or alloy rims. Front wheel toe-in measured from rim to rim: –1 ±0.6 The code may be in one of the ways giv- Radial tubeless tyres. en in the example. The log book shows all the homologated The values refer to the vehicle travelling. tyres. Example: IMPORTANT In the event of any dis- 205/55 R 16 91 W TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS crepancies between this Handbook and the vehicle Log Book, only the latter should be or considered. 205/55 ZR 16 While the specified dimensions remain the same, for driving safety, the vehicle must be fitted with tyres of the same brand and type 205 = Nominal width (S, distance in on all wheels. mm between sides). IMPORTANT Do not use inner tubes 55 = Percentage height/width (H/S) with Tubeless tyres. ratio.

A0A0465b R = Radial tyre. ZR = Radial tyre, with speed over 240 km/h. 16 = Rim diameter in inches (Ø). 91 = Load index (capacity), e.g. 91 = 615 kg. Not present in ZR tyres. W, Z = Maximum speed index. In ZR tyres the speed index Z is before the R. 246 fig. 5 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 Load index = 500kg = 487kg = 475kg = 462 kg = 450kg = 437kg = 425kg = 412kg = 400kg = 387kg = 375kg = 365kg = 355kg = 345kg = 335kg = 325kg = 315kg = 307kg = 300kg = 290kg = 280kg = 272kg = 265kg = 257kg = 250kg ( 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 capacity = 775kg = 750kg = 730kg = 710kg = 690kg = 670kg = 650kg = 630kg = 615kg = 950kg = 925kg = 900kg = 875kg = 850kg = 825kg = 800kg 90 89 88 87 86 85 ) = 600kg = 580kg = 560kg = 545kg = 530kg = 515kg for snowtyres Maximum speedindex Maximum speedindex H M T M Q M Y W ZR V H U T S R Q upto300km/h. = upto270km/h. = over240km/h. = over210km/h. = upto210km/h. = upto200km/h. = upto190km/h. = upto180km/h. = upto170km/h = upto160km/h. = + + + S S S upto160km/h. = upto210km/h. = upto190km/h. = CORRECT RIMREADING stamped ontherim,asshownin( to understandthemeaningofcode J 6,5 Below, needed pleasefindtheinstructions ET 43 H2 15 = = = = 6,5 Jx15H2ET43 rests) ( jection wherethetyrebead Tubeless tyrebeadontherim). on thecircumferenceholding tyre tobemounted)( todiameterof the (corresponds rim dropcentreoutline(sidepro- “hump” shapeandnumber(relief rim nominaldiameterininches rim widthininches( = tre line) disk/rim lineandwheelrimcen- camber angle(distancebetween 2 Example: ) 1 3 ) fig. 5 = Ø ) ). 247 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 248 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ( tyres Winter Tyres Rims on request Fittings wheel Compact spare Tyres Rims fittings Standard • – – Rim Unchainabletyres ) Tyre 195/60 R1588Q(M+S) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) 205/55 R1691T(M+S) 215/45 R1787W (Good Year EagleF1) • (Pirelli P7000) 205/55 R1691V ) (*) 195/60 R1588V(**) 215/45 R1787W 215/45 ZR1787W 215/45 ZR1787Y 205/55 ZR16 205/60 R1591V Primacy) ( (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) (*) 225/40ZR1892Y ( ** Thecompact sparewheelcannot beusedonthisversion (***) (**) 225/40 ZR1892Y( (Michelin Pilot 1.8 TSPARK 7 1 (Michelin Pilot Sport 2) (Michelin PilotSport 6 6 7 Jx17( / 205/60 R1591V 2 1 1 8 Jx18 7 Jx17 7 Jx16 125/80 R15 / / J x17( 2 2 4J x15 J x15 J x15 IMPORTANT • ) (*)  ( •  ) ( ) (*) • ( ) ( ( ( )  • • ( • ) ) • • ) ) ) ) Tyres useof thecar” thatcanbefittedwithchains;seeparagraph “Snowchains”insection“Correct 195/60 R1588Q(M+S) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) 205/55 R1691T(M+S) (Good Year EagleF1) 215/45 R1787W (Pirelli P7000) 195/60 R1588V(**) 215/45 R1787W 215/45 ZR1787W ( 215/45 ZR1787Y 205/55 ZR16 225/40 ZR1892Y(  205/55 R1691W (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) 7 ) Forversions/markets whereapplicable 1 7 Jx17( 225/40 ZR1892Y 6 / 2 Sport 2)( Sport 7 Jx16 2.0 JTS 1 8 Jx18 7 Jx17 125/80 R15 (Michelin Pilot / J x17( 2 4J x15 J x15 • ) (*)  ( •  ) ( ) (*) ( • • ( ) ( ( ) )(*)  • • • ) ) ) ) • * 225/40ZR1892Y ) (*) 195/60 R1588Q(M+S) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) 225/40 ZR1892Y( 205/55 R1691T(M+S) 215/45 R1787W • (Michelin Pilot Sport 2) (Michelin PilotSport 205/55 R1691W (Pirelli P7000) ) (*) ( 195/60 R1588V(**) 215/45 R1787W 215/45 ZR1787W 205/55 ZR16 205/60 R1591V Primacy) ( (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) (Good Year EagleF1) ( (Michelin Pilot 215/45 ZR1787Y 7 1 6 6 7 Jx17( / 205/60 R1591V JTD 16V 2 1 1 8 Jx18 7 Jx17 7 Jx16 125/80 R15 / / J x17( 2 2 4J x15 J x15 J x15 • ) (*)  ( •  ) ( ) (*) • ( ) ( ( ( )  • • • ) • ) ) (*) Size certified andadmittedonlyforthespecified tyres (*) Sizecertified ) ) (Good Year EagleF1)(*) 225/45 ZR1791H(M+S) (**) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) (Bridgestone S-02)( 215/45 ZR1787Y 215/45 R1787W(**) (Pirelli P7000)(*)(**) (Pirelli PzeroRosso)( 225/40 ZR1892Y( Sport 2)( Sport 225/40 ZR1892Y 225/45 ZR1791Y 215/45 R1787W (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) (Michelin Pilot 7 7 225/45 ZR17 (*) 1 1 3.2 V6 8 Jx18 / / 2 2 (***) J x17 J x17 • ) (*) • ) (*) • • ) ) (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) (Michelin Pilot Sport2) (*) (Michelin PilotSport2) 195/60 R1588V(**) 225/40ZR 1892Y(•) 195/60 R1588Q(M+S) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) 215/45 R1787W(•) 225/40 ZR1892Y(•) 205/55 R1691T(M+S) 205/55 R1691V(•) “Black Line” 125/80 R15 6 and “Q2” versions 4J x15 8J X18 1 7 Jx17 7 Jx16 / 2 J x15 225/40 ZR1892Y( 215/45 R1787W(•) 195/60 R1588V(**) 195/60 R1588Q(M+S) 215/45 R1787H(M+S) (Michelin Pilot Sport2) (*) (Michelin PilotSport2) 205/55 R1691T(M+S) 225/40 R1892Y(•) 205/55 R1691V(•) (Pirelli PZeroRosso)(*) “Collezione” 125/80 R15 6 versions 4J x15 7J X17 1 8 Jx18 7 Jx16 / 2 J x15 • ) aiu pe nk/ 0 1 1 4 209 243 216 216 200 Maximum speedinkm/h PERFORMANCE wintertyrestheinflationpressureshouldbe+0,2 bar comparedwiththespecifiedrating With thetyrehotinflatingpressureshouldbe+0.3 bar comparedwiththespecifiedrating With 125/80 R15 Compact sparewheel 225/40 ZR18 225/45 ZR17 215/45 R17 205/55 ZR16 205/55 R16 205/60 R15 195/60 R15 Tyres COLD TYREINFLATION PRESSURE 1.8 T. SPARK bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar Selespeed . T .JS 3.2 2.0JTS 2.0 JTS rn rear front . 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 reduced load 4.2 rn rear front . 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.5 V6 full load 4.2 JTD 16V 249 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A0A0653b DIMENSIONS The sizes are in mm and refer to the car fitted with standard tyres. Slight changes with optional tyres. Height with unladen vehicle. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT VOLUME Capacity ...... 320 dm3

Capacity with rear seat back rest folded ...... 905 dm3 fig. 5

ABCDEFGH 1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS 4489 967 2596 926 1362 1763 1524 1510

3.2 V6 4489 967 2596 926 1355 1763 1524 1510

JTD 16V 4489 967 2596 926 1366 1763 1524 1510

250 *) od o ob xedd Itisthe driver’s inac responsibility toplacegoodsinthebootand/oronloadingsurface (**) kg Loads not tobeexceeded. specialequipment(trailertowingdevice,etc.)the loadlessweightincreases,therebyreducingthepayload,withregar With (*) (braked trailer) kg kg weights (**): Max permissible driver Payload (*)including and accessories) spare wheel,tools (with fueloilandfluids, Kerb weight WEIGHTS Maximum loadonball Towable weights: eral kg kg – rearaxle – frontaxle rkdtalrkg kg kg – trailerwithoutbrake – brakedtrailer – total ble loads. permissible loads. permissible 1.8 T. SPARK 1300 1810 1290 400 980 980 520 60 2.0 JTS 1300 1840 1320 400 980 980 520 60 cordance withthemaximum d tothemaximumpermissi- 3.2 1400 1930 1040 1410 400 980 520 60 V6 JTD 1300 1885 1320 400 980 990 520 60 16V 251 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS REFILLING 1.8 T. 2.0 2.0 JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V Recommended products and SPARK JTS Selespeed genuine lubricants

Fuel tank: litres 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (■) (▲) Unleaded petrol with no less than – including a reserve of litres 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (■) 95 R.O.N (■) Diesel fuel for motor vehicles (Specification EN590)

Engine cooling Mixture of distilled water system litres 7.2 7.2 7,2 7.2 7.2 and PARAFLU UP at 50%

Oil sump and filter litres 4.4 (❏) 4.4 (❍) 4.4 (❍) 5.9 (❍) 4.5 (●) (❏) SELENIA 20 K for Alfa Romeo TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (❍) SELENIA RACING (●) SELENIA WR Mechanical transmission/ differential litres 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 TUTELA CAR TECHNYX

Selespeed transmission litres – – 0.6 – – TUTELA CAR CS SPEED

Hydraulic power steering litres 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 TUTELA GI/A

Hydraulic brake circuit TUTELA TOP 4 with ABS litres 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 for Alfa Romeo

Windscreen washer and rearscreen Mixture of water and fluid washer fluid reservoir litres 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TUTELA – with headlamp washer litres 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 PROFESSIONAL SC 35

252 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTSANDTHEIRSPECIFICATIONS FLUIDS ANDLUBRICANTS For very cold temperatures, consult Alfa Romeo Authorised Services fortheproper coldtemperatures,consultAlfaRomeoAuthorisedServices For very andspecificationscould causeenginedamagesnot Using low-qualityproducts,notcompliant withACEAA3andB4properties isnotguaranteed. event topengineperformance forpetrolenginesandACEAB4Dieselengin Should non-genuineproductsbeused,lubricantswithminimumACEA A3 properties Multijet engines Lubricants for 2.0 JTS-3.2 petrol engines Lubricants for 1.8 T. SPARK petrol engines Lubricants for V6 s li n urcn pcfctos Gniefud Change Genuinefluids Fluidandlubricantspecifications Use FIAT 9.55535-N2 Synthetic-based oil,gradeSAE5W-40 FIAT 9.55535-H3 Synthetic-based oil,gradeSAE10W-60 FIAT 9.55535-G2 Synthetic-based oils,gradeSAE10W-40 qualification qualification qualification. o orc a prto n urcnsintervals andlubricants for correctcaroperation Selenia product touse. SELENIA WR SELENIA RACING ALFA ROMEO SELENIA 20Kfor coveredbywarranty. es aretolerated;inthis Schedule As perService Schedule As perService Schedule As perService 253 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 254 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS washer fluid andrearwindow Windscreen Protective agentforradiators Brake fluid transmissions Lubricants andgreasesfor Use Mixture of alcohol and surfactants CUNANC956-11 Mixture ofalcoholandsurfactants ASTM D3306specifications thatpassesCUNANC956-16, glycol andorganicformula, Protective withantifreezeaction,redcolourbasedoninhibitedmonoethylen Synthetic fluid,F.M.V.S.S. n.116,DOT4,ISO4925,SAEJ-1704 Molibdenum disulphide,lithiumsoapbasedgrease. Specific fluidforgearselectorelectrohydraulicactuators “ATF DEXRONIIDLEV”specification Lubricant forautomatictransmissionsthatpasses FIAT 9.55550 that passesAPIGL-4PLUS, Synthetic-based oil,gradeSAE75W-85 Fluid andlubricantspecifications for correctcaroperation PARAFLU AlfaRomeo for TUTELA TOP4 TUTELA STAR 500 TUTELA CARCSSPEED TUTELA GI/A CAR TECHNYX TUTELA Genuine fluids and lubricants PROFESSIONAL SC35 TUTELA UP undiluted To beuseddilutedor formulas. products havingdifferent Not tobemixedwith C. 50% downto–35° Proportion: Cooling circuits. hydraulic controls Brake andclutch on wheelside CV joints electrohydraulic actuator Selespeed Hydraulic powersteering differential Mechanical gearboxand Applications Combined Extraurban Urban 1999/100/EC Fuel consumptionaccordingtodirective FUEL CONSUMPTION driving thatsimulatesurbanuseofthecar; measuring consumption: ic Europeandirectives. the homologationtestssetdownbyspecif- onthebasisof table belowaredetermined – The proceduresbelowarefollowedfor The fuelconsumptionfiguresgiveninthe urban cycle (litres x100km) : cold starting followedby : coldstarting consumption. consumption andabout63%ofextraurban lated weighingabout37%ofurbancycle and 120km/h; use ofthecar;speedvariesbetween0 erating inallgears,simulatingextraurban – – extra-urban cycle combined consumption 1.8 T. SPARK : frequentaccel- 12.1 8.5 6.4 : iscalcu- 2.0 JTS 12.2 8.7 6.7 Selespeed 2.0 JTS 12.2 8.7 6.7 the chapter“Correctuseofcar”). costs andenvironmentpollution”in measured (see“Reducingrunning el consumptionlevelsthanthose fect airdragmayleadtodifferentfu- trol system,othersituationsthataf- a roofrack,useoftheclimatecon- ment/accessories, load,presenceof the vehicle,trimlevel/equip- driving style,generalconditionsof traffic situations,weatherconditions, MOTN Thetypeofroute, IMPORTANT 3.2 12.4 18.6 8.7 V6 JTD 6.2 4.8 8.7 16V 255 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 256 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CO CO CO 2 2 2 . .SAK20JS20JSSlsed3.2 2.0JTSSelespeed 2.0 JTS 1.8 T. SPARK emission levelsattheexhaustgiveninfollowingtablerefertocombinedconsumption. EMISSIONS ACCORDINGTO1999/100/ECDIRECTIVE(g/km) EMISSIONS 0 0 0 9 164 295 207 207 202 V6 JTD 16V DASHBOARD trol lever- holder (forversions/marketswhere applicable)- Horn - Horn kets whereapplicable)- lighter/ashtray housing lid- fig. 1 1. Adjustable sideairvents- 20. 14. Steering wheellocking/release lever- Instrument panel- Instrument 6 . Soundsystem(forversions/markets whereapplicable)- 25. 2. Temperature sensor- Fixed sidewindowairvents- 15. Windscreen wiperstalk- Windscreen 10. 21. Front foglightbutton- 26. Driver’s airbag- Glovebox. 3. 16 Front passenger’s airbag- . Bonnetopeninglever- 22. 11. Door lockingbutton - Hazard lightswitch- 7. Adjustable centralairvents- 17. 4. Tailgate releasebutton- Set ofcontrols- 23. 12. Heating/ventilation/climate controls- Rear foglightbutton- 18. Ignition keyandignitionswitch- 8. 5. Upper fixedvent- Cards holder(forversions/mar- 13. External lightscon- External 9. Glass/can 24. Cigar 19. A0A0724b 257 RIGHT HAND DRIVE VERSION 258 RIGHT HAND DRIVE VERSION PANEL INSTRUMENT tom isat6000 revs. NOTE urable multifunction display - headlamp position display - play (mileage recorder, triprecorder with light - gauge withmaximum temperaturewarning light - tom isat6000revs. NOTE urable multifunctiondisplay- headlamp positiondisplay- play (mileagerecorder, triprecorderwith light - gauge withmaximumtemperaturewarning light - A. A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve C. C. B. B. On JTDM versionsthescale bot- On JTDMversionsthescalebot- Speedometer - Speedometer - Engine coolantfluidtemperature Engine coolantfluidtemperature D. D. F. F. Odometer dis- Odometer dis- E. E. Rev counter Rev counter Reconfig- Reconfig- fig. 3-Black Lineversions fig. 2-Petrolversions A0A0754b A0A0762b fig. 5-3.2 V6version fig. 4-2.0JTSSelespeedversions urable multifunction display - headlamp position display- play (mileagerecorder, triprecorderwith urable multifunctiondisplay- light - gauge withmaximumtemperature warning light - headlamp positiondisplay- play (mileagerecorder, triprecorderwith light - gauge withmaximumtemperaturewarning light - A. A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve Fuel level gauge with reserve warning Fuel levelgaugewithreserve C. C. B. B. Speedometer - Speedometer - Engine coolantfluidtemperature Engine coolantfluidtemperature A0A0727b A0A0763b D. D. F. F. Odometer dis- Odometer dis- E. E. Rev counter Rev counter Reconfig- Reconfig- 259 RIGHT HAND DRIVE VERSION 260 ALPHABETICAL INDEX B A oyvrin ...... 241 ...... Body versions 236 ...... Body (maintenance) S sse)...... 138 ...... ASR (system) 125 ...... - rear 124 ...... - front Ashtray Armrest 6 ...... Alfa RomeoCODE 229 ...... Air cleaner 38 ...... Air bags 200 .... Additional stoplight(thirdstop) 127 .. Accessories purchasedbytheuser elcmn ...... 232 ...... - replacement 212-231 ...... - checkingthecharge - adviceforpreserving er ...... 22 ...... - rear 17 ...... - front attery attery Ssse ...... 134 ...... BS system h hre...... 232 ...... the charge Bulbs Braking lights(thirdstop) 245 Brakes ...... Boot light Boot 131 Bonnet ...... yeo ub ...... 193 ...... - typeofbulbs 192 ...... - replacement 193 ...... - generalinstructions 199 ...... - changingbulbs 204 ...... - changingbulbs 130 ... luggage forcarrying - warnings 129 ...... - tailgateclosing 130 ...... - restrainingtheload .. opening withremotecontrol - 128 ...... - openingfrominside 22 ...... - luggagenet 129 ...... - lighting 19 ...... - extension C Car maintenance hnigawel...... 181-183 ...... Changing awheel 126 ...... Cell phones(provision) r n ls odr...... 125 ...... ard andglassholder I I N N 8-128 ...... 216 ...... D D E E X X CO 106 Controls ...... 68 Clock ...... Climate controlsystem, 81 ...... Climate controlsystem Cleaning andmaintenance 124 ...... Cigar lighter 222 ...... Checking levels Changing bulbs uoai w-oe...... 89 ...... automatic two-zone 238 ...... - windows 238 ...... - enginecompartment 238 ...... - carinterior 236 ...... - body 193 ...... - typesofbulbs 192 ...... - generalinstructions rieCnrl...... 49 ...... Control Cruise light Courtesy Correct useofthecar 7 ...... CODE card hnigbls...... 203 ...... - changingbulbs 2 msin ...... 256 emissions ...... 169 ...... E D Engine compartment Engine compartment Engine 241 ...... Engine codes/bodyversions 179 ...... Emergency starting or ...... 15 Doors ...... 23 ...... Door mirrors 107 ...... Door lockingsystem Direction indicators Dimensions ...... 250 58 ...... Digital multifunctiondisplay 167 ...... filter(DPF) Diesel particulate 229 Diesel fuelfilter...... pcfctos ...... 242 ...... - specifications 241 ...... - marking 241 ...... - identificationcodes withanauxiliary - starting 181 ...... - coasting etoi lr ytm ...... 11 ...... system lectronic alarm wthn n ...... 46 ...... - switchingon 198 ...... - changingsidebulbs 199 ...... - changingrearbulbs 198 ...... - changingfrontbulbs sbad...... 52 ashboard ...... atr ...... 180 ...... battery xenllgt sicigo) ... 44 ...... lights(switchingon) External 140 ...... EOBD (system) 168 ...... Environmental protection 169 ...... Engine starting 224 ...... Engine oilconsumption ahn ...... 238 ...... - washing 131 ...... - bonnet F ue ...... 205 Fuses ...... 243 ...... Fuel supply 167 ...... Fuel flap 255 ...... Fuel consumption Front foglights 121 ...... Front ceilinglight Foglights 46 ...... Follow mehomedevice 253 ...... Fluids andlubricants 45 ...... Flashing highbeams 186 ...... Fix &GoAutomatic(device) wthn n ...... 106 ...... - switchingon 196 ...... - changingbulbs 201 ...... - changingbulbs 106 ...... - switchingon 196 ...... - changingbulbs rtadkt...... 215 ...... irst-aid kit I H G In anemergency Ignition switchand 14 ...... Ignition device oe ...... 234 Hoses ...... Heating andclimate Headrests Headlights 49-236 ...... Headlight washers 108 ...... Headlamp beamadjustment lights Hazard warning Glove compartment light Glove compartment 121 ...... Glove compartment etfcto aa ...... 240 ...... dentification data teiglc ...... 14-15 ...... steering lock oto ytm ...... 81 ...... control system 21 ...... - rear 18 ...... - front 108-132 ...... - compensationfortilt 133 ...... - adjustmentabroad 106 ...... - switchingon hnigbls...... 203 ...... - changingbulbs nbae...... 108 andbrake ...... etting toknowyourcar ...... 179 ...... 6 ... 261 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 262 ALPHABETICAL INDEX M L K 121 ...... fittings Internal 238 ...... Interior fittings(cleaning) 47 ... Intelligent washing(windscreen) 215 ...... In theeventofanaccident 53 ...... cluster Instrument Installation ofelectric/ 107 ...... fuelcutoffswitch Inertial ugg etanrnt ...... 22 ...... Luggage restrainernet Low beamheadlights 29 ...... Load limiters 44 Lights ...... Maintenance lcrncdvcs ...... 127 ...... electronic devices wthn n...... 44-45 ...... - switchingon 197 ...... - changingbulbs vr sern he) ...... 44 ...... evers (steeringwheel) diinloeain ...... 229 ...... - additional operations 45 ...... - switchingon 197 ...... - changingbulbs y ...... 6 eys ...... ain beamheadlights ehnclgabx...... 109 Mechanical gearbox...... 83 ...... Manual heater - scheduledmaintenance 216 ...... - scheduledmaintenance 219 ... - annualinspectionprogramme rgam ...... 217 programme ...... P O N R udelgt ...... 123 ...... Puddle lights 28 Pretensioners ...... 24 ...... Power windows 230 ...... Pollen filter 125 Pockets ...... 249 ...... Performance 105 ...... Parking sensor 172 Parking ...... ai ...... 141 Radio ...... hnigbls...... 201 ...... - changingbulbs eehns...... 127 telephones ...... hnigbls...... 200 ...... - changingbulbs itok...... 237 aintwork ...... adio transmittersandcellular umber platelights detrcse ...... 126 ...... ddment recesses is...... 247 Rims ...... Reversing light 56 ...... Rev counter 7 ...... Remote control 166-252 Refuelling ...... 172 ...... costs Reducing running Reconfigurable multifunction 23 ...... mirror Rearview Rear fogguards 123 ...... Rear ceilinglight 214 ...... Raising thecar 48 ...... Rain sensor hnigbls...... 199 ...... - changingbulbs 61 display ...... 106 ...... - switchingon 199 ...... - changingbulbs 202 ...... - changingbulbs S rtninr ...... 28 ...... - pretensioners 31 ...... - maintenance 29 ...... - loadlimiters 29 ...... - generalinstructions 27 ..... - frontbeltheightadjustment 31 ...... childrensafety - carrying a et ...... 26 ...... eat belts T ybl ...... 5-6 Symbols ...... 245 Suspensions ...... 126 ...... Sun visors 22 ...... Steering wheel 245 ...... Steering system 15 ...... Steering lock 56 Speedometer ...... 177 ...... Snow chains Sidelights 110 ...... Selespeed gearbox Seats Tyres 243 Transmission ...... 174 ...... Towing trailers 213 ...... Towing thecar wthn n ...... 45 ...... - switchingon 199 ...... - changingrearbulbs 197 ...... - changingfrontbulbs 19 ...... - rear 16 ...... - front 26 ...... - useofbelts 27 ...... - rearcentrelapbelt orc edn ...... 246 ...... reading - correct echnical specifications ....240 ...... itr...... 177 ...... - winter 247 ...... - typesoftyresandrims 177 ...... - snowchains 181 ...... - replacement 249 ...... - inflatingpressure 186 ...... - Fix&Goautomatic W V eil nciiy ...... 178 ...... Vehicle inactivity Windscreen wiper Windscreen washer Windscreen 233-246 ...... Wheels andtyres 246 ...... Wheel geometry 251 Weights ...... pa es ...... 235 ...... - spray jets 48 ...... - rain sensor 47 ...... - operation 235 ...... - bladereplacement 235 ...... - sprayjets 47 ...... - operation 47 ...... - intelligentwashingfunction Csse ...... 136 ...... DC system riglgt n esgs...72 ..... lights andmessages arning 263 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PROVISIONS FOR THE PROCESSING OF A VEHICLE AT THE END OF ITS LIFE-CYCLE

For years now Alfa Romeo has been developing its global commitment towards the safeguarding and protection of the Environment through the continuous improvement of its production processes and the making of increasingly more “eco friendly” products. With a view to guaran- teeing the best possible service to clients in full observance of environmental standards and in response to the obligations imposed by Euro- pean Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles, Alfa Romeo offers its clients the possibility to hand in their vehicle* at the end of its life span without additional costs. The European Directive, in fact, provides for the take-back of the vehicle without the last holder or owner of the same incurring expenses due to the fact that the market value of the vehicle is zero or negative. In particular, in almost all of the countries of the European Union, up until 1st January 2007, take-back of the vehicle free of charge only applies to vehicles registered from 1 July 2002 on, while, from 2007 on, take-back will be carried out free of charge, independently of the year of registration, provided that the vehicle still con- tains all its essential component parts (especially engine and body) and is free from additional waste materials. Our contracted network of authorised treatment facilities has been carefully selected in order to provide a quality service to our customers by de-polluting and recycling “End of Life Vehicles” to approved environmental standards. To find out the location of your nearest authorised treatment facility, offering free of charge take-back, simply contact one of our dealers or refer to the Alfa Romeo web site or call the toll free number 00800 2532 0000. * Passenger transportation vehicles to seat a max. of nine persons, having a total admissible weight of 3.5 t NNOOTTEESS ......

















Tyres reduced load full load front rear front rear 195/60 R15 bar 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 205/60 R15 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 205/55 R16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 205/55 ZR16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 215/45 R17 bar 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.6 225/45 ZR17 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7 225/40 ZR18 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7 Compact spare wheel (*) 125/80 R15 bar 4.2 4.2 With the tyre hot the inflating pressure should be +0.3 bar compared with the specified rating With winter tyres the inflation pressure should be +0.2 bar compared with the specified rating (*) The compact spare wheel cannot be used on 3.2 V6 version

ENGINE OIL REPLACEMENT REFUELLING Oil sump and filter (1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS)...... litres 4.4 Fuel tank capacity...... litres 63

Oil sump and filter (3.2 V6) ...... litres 5.9 Reserve...... litres 7

Oil sump and filter (JTD 16V)...... litres 4.5 Only refuel petrol engines with unleaded petrol with octane rating (RON) not less than 95. Do not discard used oil in the environment. Only refuel diesel engines with diesel fuel for motor vehicles (Specifica- tion EN590). QUALITY ASSISTENZA TECNICA - INGEGNERIA ASSISTENZIALE Largo Senatore G. Agnelli. 5 -10040 Volvera - Torino (Italia) Fiat Auto S.p.A. Print No. 60431657 - 2nd Edition - 11/2006 All rights reserved. Reproduction, even in part is prohibited without written permission from Fiat Auto S.p.A.