A New Mathematical Model for Tiling Finite Regions of the Plane with Polyominoes
Volume 15, Number 2, Pages 95{131 ISSN 1715-0868 A NEW MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR TILING FINITE REGIONS OF THE PLANE WITH POLYOMINOES MARCUS R. GARVIE AND JOHN BURKARDT Abstract. We present a new mathematical model for tiling finite sub- 2 sets of Z using an arbitrary, but finite, collection of polyominoes. Unlike previous approaches that employ backtracking and other refinements of `brute-force' techniques, our method is based on a systematic algebraic approach, leading in most cases to an underdetermined system of linear equations to solve. The resulting linear system is a binary linear pro- gramming problem, which can be solved via direct solution techniques, or using well-known optimization routines. We illustrate our model with some numerical examples computed in MATLAB. Users can download, edit, and run the codes from http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/ m_src/polyominoes/polyominoes.html. For larger problems we solve the resulting binary linear programming problem with an optimization package such as CPLEX, GUROBI, or SCIP, before plotting solutions in MATLAB. 1. Introduction and motivation 2 Consider a planar square lattice Z . We refer to each unit square in the lattice, namely [~j − 1; ~j] × [~i − 1;~i], as a cell.A polyomino is a union of 2 a finite number of edge-connected cells in the lattice Z . We assume that the polyominoes are simply-connected. The order (or area) of a polyomino is the number of cells forming it. The polyominoes of order n are called n-ominoes and the cases for n = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 are named monominoes, dominoes, triominoes, tetrominoes, pentominoes, hexominoes, heptominoes, and octominoes, respectively.
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