A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

Research Collections in Women’s Studies General Editors: Anne Firor Scott and William H. Chafe

Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries Consulting Editor: Anne Firor Scott Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Parts 4–6: Nicholas Philip Trist Papers; Alabama, South Carolina, , and Florida Collections; Collections

Associate Editor and Guide Compiled by Martin P. Schipper

A microfilm project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA An Imprint of CIS 4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Southern women and their families in the 19th century, papers, and diaries. Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill [microform] / consulting editor, Anne Firor Scott. microfilm reels. -- (Research collections in women’s studies) Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by Martin P. Schipper. Contents: pt. 1. Mary Susan Ker Papers, 1785–1923 -- [etc.] -- pt. 5. Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida collections -- pt. 6. Virginia collections. ISBN 1-55655-417-6 (pt. 4 : microfilm) ISBN 1-55655-418-4 (pt. 5 : microfilm) ISBN 1-55655-419-2 (pt. 6 : microfilm) 1. Women--Southern States--History--19th century. 2. Family-- Southern States--History 19th century. I. Scott, Anne Firor, 1921– . II. Schipper, Martin Paul. III. Ker, Mary Susan, 1839–1923. IV. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection. V. University Publications of America (Firm). VI. Series. [HQ1458] 305.4′0975--dc20 91-45750 CIP

Copyright © 1991 by University Publications of America. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-417-6. ISBN 1-55655-418-4. ISBN 1-55655-419-2. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction ...... v Note on Sources ...... xi Editorial Note ...... xi Reel Index—Part 4 Reels 1–15 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers ...... 3 Reel Index—Part 5 Reel 1 Comer Family Papers...... 23 Laura Beecher Comer Papers...... 24 Hentz Family Papers...... 26 Reels 2–3 Hentz Family Papers cont...... 33 Reel 4 Hentz Family Papers cont...... 34 William Parsons McCorkle Papers ...... 34 Margaret Anne Ulmer Papers ...... 37 Reel 5 Brumby and Smith Family Papers ...... 37 Susan Cornwall Book ...... 39 Gift Papers ...... 39 Reels 6–10 Charles Iverson Graves Papers ...... 41 Reel 11 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont...... 48 Graves Family Papers ...... 49b Reels 12–14 Graves Family Papers cont...... 53

iii Table of Contents

Reels 15–16 Milligan Family Papers ...... 55 Reels 17–21 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers ...... 58 Reel 22 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont...... 71 Phoebe Yates Levy Pember Papers ...... 72 Reel 23 Julia McKinne Foster Weed Papers ...... 73 Robert Ervin Coker Family Papers ...... 74 Reel 24 Grace B. Elmore Papers ...... 76 Franklin Harper Elmore Papers ...... 78 Reel Index—Part 6 Reels 1–11 Beale and Davis Family Papers ...... 83 Reel 12 Harrison Henry Cocke Papers ...... 96 Reels 13–17 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers ...... 99 Reel 18 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont...... 116 Hubard Family Papers ...... 117 Reels 19–29 Hubard Family Papers cont...... 133 Reel 30 Hubard Family Papers cont...... 138 Susanna Gordon Waddell Diary ...... 139 Subject Index—Parts 4–6 ...... 141


The creation of history as a scholarly discipline has always depended on the discovery, preservation, and accessibility of primary sources. Some of the leading figures in the first generation of academic historians in the United States spent much of their time and energy on this endeavor and in so doing made possible the work of their colleagues who wrote monographs and general histories. The inventions of microfilm and duplication have vastly improved access to such sources. At any given time the prevailing conceptions of what is significant in the past will determine which sources are sought and valued. When politics and diplomacy are the center of historians’ concern, government documents, treaties, newspapers, and correspondence of political leaders and diplomats will be collected and made accessible. When intellectual history is ascendant, the works of philosophers and reflective thinkers will be studied, analyzed, and discussed. Economic historians will look for records of trade, evidence of price fluctuations, conditions of labor, and many other kinds of data originally collected for business purposes. The propensity of modern governments to collect statistics has made possible whole new fields for historical analysis. In our own time social historians have flourished, and for them evidence of how people of all kinds have lived, felt, thought, and behaved is a central concern. Private diaries and personal letters are valued for the light they throw on what French historians label the mentalité of a particular time and place. The fact that such documents were usually created only for the writer or for a friend or relative gives them an immediacy not often found in other kinds of records. At best the writers tell us, directly or by implication, what they think, feel, and do. Even the language and allusions in such spontaneous expression are useful to the historian, whose inferences might surprise the writer could she know what was being made of her words. This microfilm series focuses on women in the South in the nineteenth century. The fact that many of these documents exist is a tribute to the work of several generations of staff members at the leading archives of the South such as the Southern Historical Collection at Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the William R. Perkins Library at Duke University; the Alderman Library at the University of Virginia; the South Caroliniana Library; the Lower Mississippi Valley Collection at L.S.U.; and several state historical societies. The legend of Southern Historical Collection founder J. G. DeRoulhac Hamilton, who, in his effort to preserve the evidence of the southern past, travelled about in his Model A Ford knocking on doors and asking people to look in their attics and cellars, is well known. The result of his labors and those of his counterparts and successors is a vast collection that includes thousands of letters from women of all ages and hundreds of diaries or diary fragments. Only a small part of this material has yet been studied by professional historians. Some family collections cover decades, even several generations. Others are fragmentary: diaries begun in moments of enthusiasm and shortly abandoned and letters sporadically saved.

v Introduction

The years of the Civil War are particularly well documented since many women were convinced that they were living through momentous historical events of which they should make a record. After the war ended and the “new South” began to take shape, other women wrote memoirs for their children and grandchildren hoping to preserve forever their memories of a better time “before the war” or to record the sacrifices and heroism they had witnessed. The United Daughters of the Confederacy made a special effort to persuade women to record their wartime memories. The collections therefore preserve the voices of one or more women through letters or diaries that cover many years. Although women’s letters to soldiers were often lost in the mud and carnage of battlefields, soldiers’ letters were treasured and have survived in abundance. If it is true, as Virginia Woolf once wrote, that in writing a letter one tries to reflect something of the recipient, then these letters may also add to our understanding of the lives of women and families.1 Moreover so many of the soldiers’ letters respond to women’s questions, give hints or instructions on managing property, and allude to family life and routine at home that they can be used to draw valid inferences about the activities of their female correspondents, even when the woman’s side of the correspondence is altogether lost. Seen through women’s eyes, nineteenth century southern social history takes on new dimensions. Subjects that were of only passing interest when historians depended on documents created by men now move to center stage. Women’s letters dwell heavily on illness, pregnancy, and childbirth. From them we can learn what it is like to live in a society in which very few diseases are well understood, death is common in all age groups and infant mortality is an accepted fact of life. A forty-three-year-old woman, writing in 1851, observed that her father, mother, four sisters, three brothers, and two infants were all dead, and that except for her father none had reached the age of thirty-six.2 has been a central concern of southern historians, generally from the white male perspective. Seen through the eyes of plantation mistresses, the peculiar institution becomes even more complex. We can observe a few women searching their souls about the morality of the institution and many more complaining bitterly about the practical burdens it places upon them. We can find mothers worrying about the temptations slave life offers to husbands and sons and even occasionally expressing sympathy for the vulnerability of slave women. Some claim to be opposed to the institution, but do not take any steps to free their own slaves. Others simply agonize. There is, unfortunately, no countervailing written record to enable us to see the relationship from the slaves’ point of view. Until late in the century the word feminism did not exist, and in the South, “women’s rights” were often identified with the hated antislavery movement. “Strong minded woman” was a term of anathema. Even so we find even antebellum southern women in their most private moments wondering why men’s lives are so much less burdened than their own and why it was always they who must, as one woman wrote, provide the ladder on which a man may climb to heaven. After the Civil War a Georgia diarist reflected—apropos the battle over black suffrage— that if anyone, even the Yankees, had given her the right to vote she would not readily give it up.3 As early as the 1860s a handful of southern women presented suffrage arguments to the

1 Nigel Nicholson and Joanne Trautmen, eds. The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. IV, 1929–1931 (New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979), p. 98: “It is an interesting question—what one tries to do, in writing a letter—partly of course to give back a reflection of the other person….” 2 Anne Beale Davis Diary, February 16, 1851, in Beale-Davis Papers, Southern Historical Collection. 3 Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas Diary, November 2, 1868, William R. Perkins Library, Duke University. vi Introduction state constitutional conventions. After 1865 a surprising number of women spoke out in favor of suffrage, and a larger number were quiet supporters. There were of course equally ardent opponents, and until approximately 1910 organizing suffrage associations was uphill work; however, as one goes through these records suffragists and advocates of women’s rights emerge from the dim corners in which they tended to conceal themselves when they were alive. The conventional view that southern women eschewed politics will not survive a close reading of these records. As early as the 1820s there is evidence of their participation in political meetings and discussions. Such involvement continued through the secession debates and the difficult days of reconstruction. A South Carolina memoir offers a stirring account of the role of women in the critical election of 1876.4 By the 1870s southern women were already using their church societies to carve out a political role, and by the end of the century they had added secular clubs, many of them focused on civic improvement. Reading women’s documents we can envision the kinds of education available to the most favored among them. Many women kept records of their reading and much of it was demanding, for example, Plutarch’s Lives or Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. A very young woman who recorded reading Humbolt’s Cosmos, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Madame De Stael’s Corinne, and Guizot’s History of Civilization was not altogether unique. Others castigated themselves for reading novels and resolved (sometimes over and over) to undertake more serious study. There are many examples of strenuous efforts at self-education, and in the privacy of their diaries some women admitted to a passionate longing for knowledge (reading clubs, for example, were described as “a peace offering to a hungry mind”).5 Of course one of the limitations of sources such as these is precisely that they come principally from the minority who had some education. It is up to the perceptive historian to extrapolate from these documents to the poorer women, the slave women, and all those who never left a record at all. Papers that cover a considerable period provide us with many real-life dramas. Courtship patterns emerge, and marriage and family experience as well. We see the widow left with children to support, attempting to earn a living, and in some cases taking to drink to ease her burdens. We see the single woman cast on her own resources as she tried teaching or housekeeping for a widower to keep body and soul together. Single sisters of wives who died young were likely to wind up first taking care of the bereft children and then marrying the widower. Other single women bemoan their fate and reflect that it might be better to be dead than to live single. Married or single, rich or poor, many women inadvertently reveal the socialization that had persuaded them that they should never complain and must be the burden bearers of family life. Through the whole century, while the rest of the country was restlessly urbanizing, the South remained predominantly an agricultural society. Women’s records allow us to see the boredom of rural life in which almost any bit of news or any adolescent wickedness or youthful romance is subject for comment. We also see the profound religious faith that supported many women through poverty, childbirth, widowhood, and the other trials that filled their lives. The religious history of the Civil War emerges as we see faith challenged by defeat and many women beginning to question things they had always believed.

4 Sally Elmore Taylor Memoir, in the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers, Southern Historical Collection. 5 Hope Summerll Chamberlain, “What’s Done and Past,” unpublished autobiography, William R. Perkins Library, Duke University.

vii Introduction

No reader of these documents can any longer doubt that plantation women, in addition to supervising the work of slaves, worked very hard themselves. Depending on their level of affluence, women might take care of livestock and chickens, plant and harvest gardens, card, spin and weave, make quilts, sew clothes, and many other specific tasks. The Soldiers’ Aid Societies, which formed quickly after secession, rested on just these skills developed in the previous years. One of the most interesting aspects of southern culture that emerges from papers such as these is the views women and men had of each other. No matter how much a woman admired any particular man, she often viewed men in general with extreme skepticism and sometimes with outright bitterness. Men were often described as selfish, authoritarian, profligate, given to drinking too much, and likely to judge women as a class and not in terms of their individual attributes. Many women found their economic dependence galling. In spite of the rather general chaffing at the confines of patriarchy, individual women were devoted to and greatly admired their own husbands, sons, and fathers. Women who travelled spoke with admiration of the independence exhibited by northern women (this both before and after the Civil War). Discontent with their lot included a good deal of private railing against constant childbearing and the burdens of caring for numerous children. The concept of a woman’s culture is also borne out by much of what can be read here. Women frequently assume that they say and feel things which only other women can understand. It would be difficult to exaggerate the significance of this microfilm publication. Historians of women have been making use of these collections for three decades or more. Now it is gradually becoming clear that they are useful to the student of almost any aspect of southern culture and society. In a recent example, Clarence Mohr, writing about slavery in Georgia, realized that women’s records were virtually his only source for testing the well-established southern myth that all slaves had been docile, helpful workers when white men went to war and left their wives and children to supervise plantations. Years earlier Bell Irwin Wiley had suggested that the story was more complicated than that, but it did not occur to him to look for evidence in women’s papers. The description of such docility never seemed reasonable, but it was believed by many people, even by some who had every reason to know better. In a close examination of women’s diaries and letters, Mohr found a quite different picture, one of slaves who, when the master departed, became willful and hard to direct and who gave the mistress many causes for distress. To be sure, they did not often murder families in their beds, but they became lackadaisical about work, took off without permission, talked back, and ran away to the Yankees when opportunity presented itself, expressing the frustration bondmen and bondwomen must always feel.6 Wartime documents are revealing in other ways. We can see rumors flying as victories and defeats were created in the mind, not on the battlefield. We sense the tension of waiting for word from men in the army. We see the women gradually losing faith that God will protect them from the invaders. For some, religion itself is called into question by the experiences of both invasion and defeat. As we move into the remaining decades of the nineteenth century these records allow us to trace some of the dramatic social changes of the postwar world. In one family we see a member of the post–Civil War generation, a single woman, earning her living in a variety of ways and

6 Clarence L. Mohr, On the Threshold of Freedom: Masters and Slaves in Civil War Georgia. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1986.

viii Introduction then beginning a full-time career as a teacher at the age of fifty-eight. She continued to teach well into her eighth decade. This particular set of papers is especially valuable since it goes through three generations—a wonderful exposition of social change as revealed in the lives of women.7 We must be struck by the number of men in the immediate postwar years who chose suicide over the challenges of creating a new society without slaves. In records from the second half of the century we can see lynching from the white perspective, observe the universal experience of adolescence, and watch the arrival of rural free delivery of mail, the coming of the telephone, and other evidences of change. Reading these personal documents the historian may be reminded of Tolstoy’s dictum that all happy families are alike and unhappy families are each unhappy in their own way. One may be tempted to revise his aphorism to say that every family is sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy and the balance between the two states makes for a satisfactory or an unsatisfactory life. Reading family papers one may also be forcefully reminded of writing about the difficulties she faced as first lady. She said that she was “determined to be cheerful and to be happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”8 From the larger perspective of the social historian, records such as these will help us develop a more comprehensive picture of life as it was experienced by the literate part of the southern population over a century. They help us understand the intricate interaction of individual lives and social change. We can see the world through eyes that perceive very differently from our own and understand better the dramatic shifts in values that have occurred in the twentieth century. Like any other historical data these must be used with care, empathy, detachment, and humility. But given those conditions they will add significantly to our understanding of a world that in one sense is dead and gone and in another sense lives on in the hearts and minds and behavior patterns of many southern people.

Anne Firor Scott W. K. Boyd Professor of History Duke University

7 Mary Susan Ker Papers, Southern Historical Collection. 8 John P. Riley, “The First Family in New York.” Mount Vernon Ladies Association Annual Report, 1989, p. 23.


The collections microfilmed in this edition are holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599. The descriptions of the collections provided in this user guide are adapted from inventories compiled by the Southern Historical Collection. The inventories are included among the introductory materials on the microfilm. Historical maps microfilmed among the introductory materials are courtesy of the Map Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Maps consulted include: John Bartholomew, The Library Reference Atlas of the World, 1890; Thomas G. Bradford, Comprehensive Atlas, 1835; J.H. Colton, General Atlas, 1870; Robert Mills, Atlas of South Carolina, 1825; and People’s Illustrated and Descriptive Family Atlas of the World, 1887.


The reel indexes for this edition provide the user with a précis of each collection. Each précis provides information on family history and many business and personal activities documented in the collection. Omissions from the microfilm edition are noted in the précis and on the microfilm. Following the précis, the reel indexes itemize each file folder and manuscript volume. The four-digit number to the left of each entry indicates the frame number at which a particular document or series of documents begins. A subject index, which is keyed to the information provided in the reel indexes for Parts 4–6 appears at the end of the user guide. Researchers should note that significant other papers and diaries of southern women are included in UPA’s microfilm edition of Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War.

xi Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries

Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Part 4: Nicholas Philip Trist Papers REEL INDEX

Nicholas Philip Trist Papers, 1765–1903 Albemarle and Alexandria Counties, Virginia; also Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania, Cuba, and Mexico

Description of the Collection This collection consists chiefly of family correspondence of the Trist and Randolph families. Especially prominent among the correspondents are Elizabeth Trist (grandmother of Nicholas Philip Trist) and the Randolph women: Martha Jefferson and her daughters—Virginia, Cornelia, Mary, and Ellen—and her granddaughter, Pattie Trist Burke. Family members typically wrote long, detailed letters about their lives, experiences, and opinions. Nicholas Trist’s letters are equally long and informative but usually contain only brief references to his professional activities in the State Department. There are very few business letters in the collection. The correspondence has been arranged chronologically, and the chronology has been broken into subseries corresponding to the geographical movements of the Trist family. Thus, correspondence from 1765 to 1828 concerns life in Charlottesville and Monticello, as well as in Louisiana; letters from 1828 to 1833 contain much information about the new city of Washington, D.C.; those from 1834 to 1845 concern life in Havana, Cuba; and much of the correspondence thereafter deals with life in New York City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Alexandria, Virginia. In addition to correspondence, the collection contains financial and legal papers, school materials, genealogical information, and other items. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence, Subseries 1.1. 1765–1818, Subseries 1.2. 1819–1827, Subseries 1.3. 1828–1833, Subseries 1.4. 1834–1845, Subseries 1.5. 1846–1854, Subseries 1.6. 1855–1859, Subseries 1.7. 1860–1865, Subseries 1.8. 1866–1869, and Subseries 1.9. 1870–1891 and Undated, Series 2. Other Papers, Subseries 2.1. Financial and Legal Items, Subseries 2.2. School Materials, Subseries 2.3. Genealogical Materials, and Subseries 2.4. Miscellaneous Items.

Biographical Note became acquainted with the Trist family during the Continental Congress in Philadelphia while boarding at the home of Mary House. Her daughter, Elizabeth Trist, assumed the role of a surrogate mother to Jefferson’s daughter, Martha, on their visits to Philadelphia. After the death of Elizabeth Trist’s husband, she and her son, Hore Browse Trist, moved to Charlottesville, Virginia. There Hore Trist practiced law and married Mary Brown. Nicholas Philip Trist was born in Charlottesville in 1800. In 1802, Jefferson appointed Hore Browse Trist to be customs collector at Natchez in the Louisiana territory. Mary Brown Trist remained in Charlottesville with her young sons Nicholas and Hore Browse while their father moved to the Louisiana territory to assume his post and

3 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. establish a plantation. The Trists were reunited early in 1803, but Hore Browse died of yellow fever a few months later. Mary Brown Trist remarried two more times. Her second husband, Philip Livingston Jones, was a prominent lawyer from New Orleans who enrolled Nicholas and his brother in school there. When Nicholas was about ten years old, Jones died and his mother married a wealthy cotton and sugar planter named Tournillon. Nicholas graduated from the College of Orleans in 1817, and, at the invitation of Thomas Jefferson, moved to Monticello to study law. There he became reacquainted with Jefferson’s daughter Martha, who had married Thomas Mann Randolph. Nicholas fell in love with the Randolphs’ daughter, Virginia Jefferson Randolph, and, at the age of eighteen, he proposed marriage. The family urged him to postpone the marriage because of his youth and financial instability. Nicholas entered West Point in 1818 but chafed at the military lifestyle. In 1821, he left West Point and returned to Louisiana to earn enough money to marry. He helped his brother Hore Browse manage the family plantation and resumed his law studies. From Louisiana, Nicholas continued his courtship of Virginia Randolph, who refused to leave her home in Virginia. Nicholas finally returned to Monticello in 1824 to marry her and finish his studies with Jefferson. During this time, he worked closely with the aging statesman, who appointed Nicholas an executor of his estate. When Thomas Jefferson died, Nicholas Trist found himself in charge of a heavily indebted Monticello and was forced to sell the estate piecemeal. In 1828, Henry Clay offered Nicholas a clerkship in the State Department to relieve the financial difficulties of Jefferson’s daughter, the recently widowed Martha Jefferson Randolph, who was dependent on Nicholas for support. Nicholas worked in the State Department from 1828 to 1833. The Trist household in Washington included the three Trist children—Martha Jefferson (called Pattie); Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson), who was deaf; and Hore Browse (Browse)—as well as Martha Jefferson Randolph, whose unmarried daughters, Mary and Cornelia, paid extended visits. In 1834, the family was separated when Nicholas moved to Havana, Cuba, to begin his duties as Consul. Virginia spent the first two years of her husband’s tenure at Edgehill in Albemarle County, Virginia. Jefferson Trist was enrolled in the Philadelphia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. Martha Randolph died in 1837, soon after her daughter moved to Cuba. From 1839 to 1841, while Nicholas continued his work in Cuba, Virginia took Pattie and Browse to school in France. Trist was removed from office by the Whigs in 1840, but the family decided to make their home in Havana, where they stayed until 1845, living on a small farm overlooking the harbor, taking in boarders, and receiving a small income from Hore Browse Trist, who managed the family sugar plantation in Louisiana. In 1845, Nicholas returned to Washington to work in the Polk administration as chief clerk of the State Department under Secretary of StateJames Buchanan. It was in this role that, in 1847, he received the fateful commission to negotiate the treaty to end the war with Mexico. During that mission, Nicholas defied a presidential recall, thereby ending his political career and condemning the Trists to a nomadic, debt-ridden life. After 1848, Nicholas worked as an attorney in the firm of Fowler and Wells in New York City and made several unsuccessful business investments. The family achieved a semblance of stability when they moved to Philadelphia in 1854. Nicholas went to work for the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and Virginia contributed to the family income by taking in boarders and attempting to open a school for girls. During the Civil War, the Trists were Unionists, although they maintained ties with Randolph relatives who served the

4 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. Confederacy, and Browse worked briefly as a surgeon in the Confederate army. After the war, Browse became a doctor in Washington, D.C. In 1870, Nicholas received an appointment as postmaster at Alexandria, Virginia, where his daughter Pattie lived with her husband, John Burke, and their children. This appointment helped to relieve the desperate financial conditions Nicholas and Virginia had long endured and seemed to Trist a kind of vindication of his actions in Mexico. Nicholas died four years later in 1874.

Series 1. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated Subseries 1.1: 1765–1818 There are three major streams of correspondence for this period: early Randolph family correspondence, including letters from Governor Thomas Mann Randolph at Tuckahoe and members of the family living at Monticello; letters of Elizabeth Trist, Nicholas’s grandmother, to various family members including Thomas Jefferson; and Louisiana correspondence from Nicholas’s parents Hore Browse and Mary Brown Trist. Randolph family letters contain a variety of information about life at Monticello and in Charlottesville, Virginia The Elizabeth Trist letters show her as a powerful force in the family. In addition to dispensing frequent advice to Randolph and Trist kin, she wrote several times to Thomas Jefferson during his presidency, offering political advice and requesting political favors. Her influence is further attested to by the letters of introduction she wrote during this period for various people. Nicholas’s father, Hore Browse Trist, spent several months in England during 1796 apparently visiting kin and conducting business. Trist seems to have owned a dry goods store in Virginia, but, in 1802, he moved from Charlottesville to Louisiana. He bought a plantation near Natchez in Adams Parish and was appointed “Collector of the Mississippi District and Inspector of the Revenue of Port Adams.” From Louisiana, Hore Browse Trist wrote frequently to his family in Virginia, where they remained until he could afford to move them west. His letters home are full of political opinion and reveal his strong anti-Federalist position. He died in 1804, but the Louisiana correspondence continues from Nicholas Trist at school in New Orleans and grandmother Elizabeth, who had moved to Louisiana. Her letters from 1811 reveal her efforts to clear title to the Trist plantation near Natchez. There is little information about Mary Brown Trist’s second marriage to Philip Livingston Jones, a prominent New Orleans lawyer. However, many letters (some written in French) document her third marriage to a sugar planter named Tournillon, who owned a plantation near Donaldsonville in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. In 1817, letters show that Nicholas returned to Charlottesville, Virginia, and fell in love with Virginia Jefferson Randolph, Thomas Jefferson’s granddaughter. At the age of eighteen, he expressed his intention to marry her, but the family thought him too young and impecunious to seal the bond. Nicholas entered West Point in 1818. Subseries 1.2: 1819–1827 Letters in this subseries document Nicholas Trist’s education at West Point, his courtship of Virginia Jefferson Randolph, and his early married years. Letters exchanged between Nicholas and his relatives reveal anxiety over the conflict between cadets and faculty at West Point. According to her letter dated 2 January 1819, Elizabeth Trist, once again in Virginia, worried that her grandson might even be expelled. In May 1821, Trist assured Thomas Mann Randolph that he was more interested in a legal career than in a military commission. Trist also received letters from his mother and stepfather (in French), documenting the financial straits of the family still in Louisiana. Also in Louisiana, Hore Browse Trist began what became a lifelong correspondence with his brother.

5 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Virginia Randolph appears as a recipient of correspondence rather than a correspondent herself during this period. She received scattered letters from Randolph kin at Monticello, Charlottesville, and the Randolph plantation, Edgehill. There are no letters here from Virginia to Nicholas during this period, but there is much correspondence between her suitor and her mother. On 9 July 1821, Nicholas again requested Virginia’s hand in marriage. The family, including Virginia, seems to have been reluctant because of his financial difficulties and her desire to stay in Albemarle rather than move to Louisiana. The Randolphs had financial worries of their own, as shown in letters that discuss selling Monticello. In 1822, Nicholas returned to Louisiana with the idea of making enough money to marry Virginia. His letters to her reveal the difficulties he and his brother experienced in their attempt to make the family plantation at Donaldsonville, in Lafourche Parish, profitable. In 1823, correspondence chiefly concerns Nicholas’s unsuccessful attempts to sell the plantation in order to return to Virginia. Finally, in 1824, Nicholas left the plantation under his brother’s management and returned to Monticello to marry Virginia. They lived at Monticello for the first few years of their marriage. Letters from Hore Browse Trist continue to document activities in Louisiana at the family sugar plantation. Subseries 1.3: 1828–1833 There are three major streams of correspondence during this time period: letters of Nicholas and Virginia Randolph Trist; letters of Nicholas and his brother, Hore Browse Trist, in Louisiana; and letters of Virginia and her Randolph relatives. The latter chiefly involves Virginia’s mother, Martha Jefferson Randolph, who, after the family sold Monticello, lived for most of the year in with the Coolidges, family of her married daughter, Ellen, who was also a significant family correspondent, and Virginia’s sister Cornelia, who often lived with the Trists. The voluminous correspondence of Elizabeth Trist ended with her death in 1828. At the beginning of 1828, letters show that Nicholas was managing the Randolph farming interests in Virginia and studying law in hopes of becoming a professor. He even bought an interest in the Charlottesville Press. However, his life took an unexpected turn before the year was out, as Nicholas moved to Washington to work for the U.S. State Department. Virginia remained at Edgehill, the Randolph family plantation in Albemarle County, Virginia. Detailed correspondence between them documents the birth of their second child and Nicholas’s life in the boarding houses of Washington, D.C. During this period, the Trists had three children: Thomas Jefferson (called Jefferson), who was deaf; Martha Jefferson (Pattie), and Hore Browse (Browse). Virginia and the children joined Nicholas in Washington in 1829. Her letters home to the Randolphs document the family’s life in the capital. Although Nicholas’s duties in the State Department required him to work closely with President , correspondence contains only fleeting references to his official duties. Instead, Trist and Randolph correspondents wrote long, detailed letters ranging through a wide variety of topics including health (for example, Nicholas took his daughter to Philadelphia in July 1830 to have her tonsils removed and described the procedure in a letter to Virginia), opinions of various cultural events, reading habits, social routines, scenes of the capital (including a detailed floor plan of the Trist residence near the , 8 May 1829), and other topics of family interest. In 1833, Nicholas was appointed consul to Havana and the family made plans to move to Cuba. Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 Letters in this subseries relate to the life of the Trist family in Cuba and the early education of the Trist children. The Trists enrolled Jefferson in the Philadelphia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, and family correspondence shows that Virginia, Pattie, and Browse lived at Edgehill for the first two years of Nicholas’s tenure as U.S. consul in

6 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. Havana. They joined him in Cuba in 1836. In March 1839, Virginia took Pattie and Browse to school in France. They stayed until 1841, and extensive correspondence to Nicholas documents their activities. Scattered correspondence from Philadelphia also documents Jefferson’s progress. In 1841, the Whigs removed Nicholas from office, but the family continued to live in Cuba until 1845. According to family letters, they bought a farm on a hill overlooking Havana harbor. By mid-1845, the political winds had shifted, and Nicholas returned to Washington to work for the State Department. Virginia joined him after a visit to Edgehill and a shopping spree in New York to establish her new household in the capital. Also included in correspondence from this period are letters from Hore Browse Trist containing much information about the family sugar plantation in Louisiana and letters from the Randolphs in Virginia and Coolidges in Boston, chiefly about family matters. Subseries 1.5: 1846–1854 This subseries consists chiefly of letters documenting a nomadic period in the life of the Trist family. Soon after returning to Washington, Nicholas was commissioned by the Treasury Department to conclude a peace treaty with Mexico. Except for instructions from the Treasury Department and a letter of introduction from the Secretary of State James Buchanan, there is little information about his official activities; there are no letters written from Mexico in this collection. However, letters of sympathy to the family demonstrate support for Nicholas’s unauthorized actions that not only succeeded in ending hostilities, but also ended Nicholas’s political career. He returned from Mexico in the spring of 1848. With the loss of his government position, family finances deteriorated dramatically. Letters reveal that family members were often separated from each other, living at various times in Pennsylvania or New York. Scattered business correspondence documents Nicholas’s investment in risky projects, such as the Maryland Mining Company in 1848 and a washing machine business in England in the early 1850s. These ventures further undermined the financial stability of the family. Nicholas was also apparently unsuccessful as an attorney with the firm of Fowler & Wells of New York City. Correspondence during this period is chiefly between daughter Pattie and her parents and friends. Nicholas’s letters show his attempts to help his children make an independent income. On 19 May 1849, he wrote a long letter to Major General requesting a clerkship for Jefferson and describing his deaf son’s training as an artist. At the same time Nicholas declared to Scott his own intention never to hold public office again. Jefferson’s letters show that, instead of receiving a Washington appointment, he was apprenticed to an artist named Cropsey and worked at the Philadelphia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. Nicholas also assisted his brother, Hore Browse, in Louisiana in his attempts to educate his sons. In 1850, the Trists moved to New York and Browse matriculated at the University of Virginia. The Trists reestablished their connections to England when Nicholas visited his Pendarves cousins in Cornwall. In 1853, Virginia and Pattie wrote often from Bowdon plantation in Louisiana where they lived much of the year. Family correspondence in this period includes a letter in which Virginia diagrammed four floors of their house in New York, 3 March 1850; one from Virginia in New York voicing her opinion of a lecture by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 17 January 1852; and a letter from Nicholas about a pamphlet entitled “Woman and Her Wishes” that he had previously sent to female relatives, 5 November 1853. In the latter, Nicholas declared, “I am most decidedly a Woman’s Rights man….” Nicholas’s failure to provide for the family and the family’s mounting debt compelled Virginia to take matters into her own hands. In 1854, she moved permanently to Philadelphia and

7 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. opened a boarding school for girls. She wrote on 14 July of the family’s desperate financial situation, having only a small income from Bowdon, the Trist plantation in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. “Our means were gradually melting away, and I thought while we yet had something left it was better to enter upon some plan of supporting ourselves. The school seemed to me the best, and that which pleased my friends most.” Nicholas found work as a clerk at the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company. Subseries 1.6: 1855–1859 This subseries consists chiefly of letters to Pattie Trist documenting Virginia Trist’s attempts to establish a boarding school for girls in Philadelphia, the continuing economic decline of the family, and the young adult lives of the Trist children. Virginia wrote to her daughter often of the difficulties related to opening a boarding school, especially such problems as advertising and housekeeping. At the same time, Nicholas wrote of the hopeless indebtedness of the family; in a 11 November 1856 letter to William B. Randolph (Beverly), Nicholas declared that the family was in debt for “all of the common necessaries of life,” including coal, bread, and “everything that we consume.” Apparently, the difficulties of opening a school combined with the family debt compelled the Trists to take in boarders. Letters from the Trist children indicate that Pattie had married John W. Burke and moved to Alexandria, Virginia, by 1859. Before settling in Alexandria, Pattie visited Bowdon plantation in Louisiana and reported to her father the death of his brother, Hore Browse Trist, in November 1856. Son Browse earned a medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in March 1857 and joined the Navy, writing many letters from American ports about the local culture and his experiences on the sea. Nicholas’s letters to William B. Randolph, a clerk in the Treasury Department in Washington, indicate continuing attempts to secure a clerkship for Jefferson and contain accounts of various disastrous business investments that Nicholas had made on Randolph’s advice. Letters also document Nicholas’s partnership with Thomas Briggs Smith, inventor of a new kind of rail for railroads. Nicholas eventually became paymaster of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company. Also of note during this period are several long letters that Virginia wrote defending her husband’s actions during his mission to Mexico in 1847. Correspondence about family matters continued from Ellen Coolidge in Boston and from Cornelia, who sometimes lived at Edgehill. Family letters contain little discussion of events leading up to the Civil War. Subseries 1.7: 1860–1865 Letters in this subseries document family life and the home front during the Civil War. With the exception of the Battles of Bull Run (21 July 1861) and Gettysburg (July 1863), there is little direct reference to the war or to sectional animosities. Letters contain detailed information about the Trist family, their social life, domestic concerns, personal health, and financial difficulties. The majority of the letters were written by the women of the family—Virginia, Cornelia, Ellen, and Pattie. According to family correspondence, Browse married a Miss Waring of Savannah, Georgia, in the spring of 1861 and moved with his wife to that state. He briefly enlisted in the Confederate army as a surgeon, but soon resigned his commission. There is no correspondence from him during the remainder of the war. Other members of the immediate Trist family were unionists, though many of their Virginia relations sympathized with the South. There appears to have been a tacit agreement not to discuss the divisive politics of the period in correspondence. Included are descriptions of the northern homefront during the war. Letters were regularly exchanged between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Alexandria, Virginia; Boston, Massachusetts; and, occasionally, New York City. In addition to the usual family news, correspondents often

8 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. commented on the economic well-being of their communities, the effects of the war, and the general mood of the times. Letters show that Cornelia translated and, in 1861, published Parlour Gardens, a book about house plants. Thomas Bulfinch (1796–1867) served as her agent in this venture. The work was modestly successful. Cornelia also wrote several short stories and sought advice on their publication from Bulfinch and author Anne Brewster. Subseries 1.8: 1866–1869 Chief correspondents during this period include Virginia Trist, Pattie Trist Burke (who signed her letters M. J. Burke), Cornelia Randolph, Nicholas Trist, and, occasionally, Browse Trist and Pattie’s husband, John Burke. Correspondence shows that Nicholas’s job as paymaster of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company required a great deal of travel. Letters from Pattie in Alexandria, Virginia, to her parents in Philadelphia contain comments on the growth of the Burke family, Pattie’s onerous housekeeping duties, and her complaints about servants. Pattie employed Irish servants when possible, and her letters reveal dramatic changes in racial relationships brought about by the end of slavery. Indeed, the effects of Reconstruction in Alexandria are interpreted primarily through Pattie’s letters. For example, on 21 February 1868, she wrote, “There are an immense number of idlers supported by the [’s] ‘bureau.’ I think it a bad institution unless this abuse of it could be obviated.” During this period Browse started a medical practice in Washington, D.C. His brief letters to family members suggest some of the difficulties he encountered and the time-consuming nature of his profession. Correspondence between Cornelia and Thomas Bulfinch continues through about 1866. Family letters also continue to defend Nicholas Trist’s activities in Mexico in 1847. Of particular interest during this period is correspondence between Nicholas and James Cloke documenting Nicholas’s investment in a cattle ranch in Illinois that was managed by Cloke. In 1869, Nicholas turned 69 and wrote to his children of his desire to relocate Cloke and his cattle operation to Florida. Concerns about his own and Virginia’s health also prompted him to suggest they might move. By the end of the year, Nicholas and Virginia had moved to Alexandria. Subseries 1.9: 1870–1891 and Undated Chief correspondents for this period include Browse in Washington and Baltimore and Jefferson Trist in Philadelphia. Jefferson, who was an infrequent correspondent while his parents lived in Philadelphia, wrote many letters to them in Alexandria about his activities in Philadelphia and yearly vacations in Bar Harbor, Maine. His wife, Ellen, experienced some kind of mental disease and, by 1873, Jefferson was living again at the Deaf and Dumb Institute in Philadelphia. Browse’s wife also had trouble during this period when she went blind in 1870, possibly because of a brain tumor. There are letters of Virginia and Nicholas when they visited Rawley Springs in the Virginia mountains near Harrisonburg in 1870 and when Virginia briefly visited Philadelphia and Edgehill in 1872. Nicholas died in 1874. Thereafter, letters are chiefly to Virginia from Jefferson and Browse. Also among the correspondents during this period are Ellen Coolidge, (Virginia’s sister at Edgehill), and a cousin, Alice Mickleham. In 1884, Pattie’s cousin, H. B. Trist, wrote from New Orleans about his attempts to reconstruct the family genealogy. (See Subseries 2.3 for information he apparently collected between 1884 and 1903.)

Series 2. Other Papers, 1784–1903 and Undated Subseries 2.1: Financial and Legal Items, 1784–1882 and Undated This subseries consists of financial and legal papers of Nicholas Trist and members of his family from 1784 to 1882. Included are accounts and legal papers pertaining to the administration of the Trist plantations in

9 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Louisiana; bills, receipts, and promissory notes (including many in Spanish and some in French) dating from Nicholas’s years as consul to Cuba; and other items chiefly concerning Trist’s business and personal finances. (Note that although most items relating to the Louisiana plantations are in folder 272, some items in folders 274–278 may also relate to these plantations.) Also included are the wills of Nicholas and Virginia Trist, which were written in Cuba; the will of Nicholas’s grandfather, Nicholas Trist, written in Louisiana in 1784; and Nicholas’s diplomatic commission to negotiate terms for peace with Mexico in 1847. A marital agreement of 1824 shows that Nicholas and Virginia were entitled to one fourth of the profits from the Louisiana plantations. Subseries 2.2: School Materials, 1838–1852 This subseries consists of scholastic records of the children of Nicholas and Virginia Trist from 1838 to 1852. Included are certificates (in French) for their daughter, Pattie; progress reports (also in French) for their son Browse from the Pensionnat de M. Alphonse Briquet in Geneva; and class standing and attendance reports for Browse, from the University of Virginia. Subseries 2.3: Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated Information in this subseries relates to the history of the Trist family, chiefly collected from 1884 to about 1903 by H. B. Trist of New Orleans, Nicholas Trist’s nephew. Included are narratives of genealogical research in England, genealogical charts, extracts from legal documents, copies of correspondence, and other items. Subseries 2.4: Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated Included in this subseries are writings of Nicholas and Virginia Trist. Especially significant among these are their writings about Nicholas’s mission to Mexico in 1847. Also included are poems, medical writings, remedies and recipes, a library inventory, newspaper clippings, and other items.

N.B. Related collections include the Trist-Burke-Randolph Collection (#10487) and Randolph Family Papers (#8937b), Alderman Library, University of Virginia, and the Trist Papers, Library of Congress. Of these, the Randolph Family Papers is included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series E, Part 2. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection are the Elizabeth House Trist Diary, comprising a typescript of a manuscript in the Trist-Burke-Randolph Collection, and the Trist Wood Papers, which is included, in part, in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 5.

Reel 1 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 34 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: 1765–1818 0035 Description of Subseries 1.1. 1 frame. 0036 Folder 1, 1765–1789. 28 frames. 0064 Folder 2, 1790–1799. 26 frames. 0090 Folder 3, 1800–1801. 53 frames.

10 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. 0143 Folder 4, 1802. 43 frames. 0186 Folder 5, January–June 1803. 43 frames. 0229 Folder 6, July–September 1803. 43 frames. 0272 Folder 7, October–December 1803. 31 frames. 0303 Folder 8, 1804–1806. 32 frames. 0335 Folder 9, 1807–1809. 38 frames. 0373 Folder 10, 1810–1811. 40 frames. 0413 Folder 11, 1812–1813. 37 frames. 0450 Folder 12, 1814–1815. 52 frames. 0502 Folder 13, 1816. 47 frames. 0549 Folder 14, 1817. 48 frames. 0597 Folder 15, January–July 1818. 45 frames. 0642 Folder 16, August–December 1818. 44 frames.

Subseries 1.2: 1819–1827 0686 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0687 Folder 17, January–May 1819. 51 frames. 0738 Folder 18, June–December 1819. 55 frames. 0793 Folder 19, January–April 1820. 56 frames. 0849 Folder 20, May–August 1820. 53 frames. 0902 Folder 21, September–December 1820. 52 frames. 0954 Folder 22, January–April 1821. 41 frames.

Reel 2 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.2: 1819–1827 cont. 0001 Folder 23, May–July 1821. 59 frames. 0060 Folder 24, August–December 1821. 42 frames. 0102 Folder 25, January 1822. 31 frames. 0133 Folder 26, February 1822. 30 frames. 0163 Folder 27, March–June 1822. 34 frames. 0197 Folder 28, July–August 1822. 22 frames. 0219 Folder 29, September–December 1822. 55 frames. 0274 Folder 30, January–March 1823. 38 frames. 0312 Folder 31, April–May 1823. 29 frames. 0341 Folder 32, June–August 1823. 30 frames. 0371 Folder 33, September–December 1823. 40 frames. 0411 Folder 34, January–June 1824. 51 frames. 0462 Folder 35, July–December 1824. 46 frames. 0508 Folder 36, January–June 1825. 44 frames. 0552 Folder 37, July–December 1825. 53 frames. 0605 Folder 38, January–June 1826. 38 frames. 0643 Folder 39, July–December 1826. 37 frames.

Subseries 1.2: 1819–1827 cont. 0680 Folder 40, January–May 1827. 55 frames. 0735 Folder 41, June–December 1827. 48 frames.

11 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.3: 1828–1833 0783 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 0784 Folder 42, January–March 1828. 59 frames. 0843 Folder 43, April–September 1828. 41 frames. 0884 Folder 44, October–December 1828. 68 frames.

Reel 3 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3: 1828–1833 cont. 0001 Folder 45, January 1829. 33 frames. 0034 Folder 46, February 1829. 48 frames. 0082 Folder 47, March 1829. 39 frames. 0121 Folder 48, April 1829. 30 frames. 0151 Folder 49, May 1829. 39 frames. 0190 Folder 50, June–July 1829. 51 frames. 0241 Folder 51, August 1829. 28 frames. 0269 Folder 52, September 1829. 36 frames. 0305 Folder 53, October 1829. 40 frames. 0345 Folder 54, November–December 1829. 18 frames. 0363 Folder 55, January–June 1830. 39 frames. 0412 Folder 56, July–December 1830. 55 frames. 0467 Folder 57, January–May 1831. 42 frames. 0509 Folder 58, June–July 1831. 39 frames. 0548 Folder 59, August–September 1831. 58 frames. 0606 Folder 60, October–December 1831. 53 frames. 0659 Folder 61, January–April 1832. 47 frames. 0706 Folder 62, May–August 1832. 44 frames. 0750 Folder 63, September–December 1832. 45 frames. 0795 Folder 64, January–April 1833. 40 frames. 0835 Folder 65, May–June 1833. 65 frames. 0900 Folder 66, July–August 1833. 47 frames. 0947 Folder 67, September–November 1833. 31 frames. 0978 Folder 68, December 1833. 48 frames.

Reel 4 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 0001 Description of Subseries 1.4. 2 frames. 0003 Folder 69, January–February 1834. 57 frames. 0060 Folder 70, March 1834. 45 frames. 0105 Folder 71, April 1834. 25 frames. 0130 Folder 72, May 1834. 54 frames. 0184 Folder 73, June–September 1834. 43 frames.

12 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 cont. 0227 Folder 74, October–December 1834. 53 frames. 0280 Folder 75, January–February 1835. 34 frames. 0314 Folder 76, March 1835. 41 frames. 0355 Folder 77, April 1835. 53 frames. 0408 Folder 78, May 1835. 38 frames. 0446 Folder 79, June–July 1835. 56 frames. 0502 Folder 80, August–November 1835. 46 frames. 0548 Folder 81, December 1835. 34 frames. 0592 Folder 82, January–February 1836. 46 frames. 0638 Folder 83, March 1836. 52 frames. 0690 Folder 84, April 1836. 36 frames. 0726 Folder 85, May 1836. 42 frames. 0768 Folder 86, June–July 1836. 50 frames. 0818 Folder 87, August–October 1836. 72 frames. 0890 Folder 88, November–December 1836. 72 frames.

Reel 5 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 cont. 0001 Folder 89, January–February 1837. 44 frames. 0045 Folder 90, March–April 1837. 38 frames. 0083 Folder 91, May–June 1837. 54 frames. 0137 Folder 92, July–October 1837. 56 frames. 0193 Folder 93, November–December 1837. 64 frames. 0257 Folder 94, January–February 1838. 64 frames. 0321 Folder 95, March–April 1838. 43 frames. 0364 Folder 96, May–June 1838. 64 frames. 0428 Folder 97, July 1838. 45 frames. 0473 Folder 98, August–September 1838. 66 frames. 0539 Folder 99, October–December 1838. 27 frames. 0566 Folder 100, January–March 1839. 35 frames. 0601 Folder 101, April–May 1839. 69 frames. 0670 Folder 102, June–July 1839. 84 frames. 0754 Folder 103, August–September 1839. 71 frames. 0825 Folder 104, October–December 1839. 98 frames. 0923 Folder 105, January–February 1840. 47 frames.

Reel 6 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 cont. 0001 Folder 106, March–April 1840. 63 frames. 0064 Folder 107, May–June 1840. 68 frames. 0132 Folder 108, July–August 1840. 77 frames. 0209 Folder 109, September–December 1840. 135 frames.

13 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 cont. 0344 Folder 110, January–March 1841. 48 frames. 0392 Folder 111, April–May 1841. 73 frames. 0465 Folder 112, June–August 1841. 88 frames. 0553 Folder 113, September–December 1841. 76 frames. 0629 Folder 114, 1842. 91 frames. 0720 Folder 115, January–June 1843. 52 frames. 0772 Folder 116, July–December 1843. 56 frames. 0828 Folder 117, January–April 1844. 84 frames. 0912 Folder 118, May–July 1844. 69 frames.

Reel 7 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.4: 1834–1845 cont. 0001 Folder 119, August–September 1844. 97 frames. 0098 Folder 120, October 1844. 46 frames. 0144 Folder 121, November–December 1844. 61 frames. 0205 Folder 122, January–June 1845. 60 frames. 0265 Folder 123, July–October 1845. 70 frames. 0335 Folder 124, November–December 1845. 50 frames.

Subseries 1.5: 1846–1854 0385 Description of Subseries 1.5. 2 frames. 0387 Folder 125, January–February 1846. 34 frames. 0421 Folder 126, March 1846. 51 frames. 0472 Folder 127, April 1846. 34 frames. 0506 Folder 128, May 1846. 37 frames. 0543 Folder 129, June 1846. 36 frames. 0579 Folder 130, July 1846. 29 frames. 0608 Folder 131, August 1846. 59 frames. 0667 Folder 132, September 1846. 78 frames. 0745 Folder 133, October 1846. 79 frames. 0824 Folder 134, November 1846. 51 frames. 0875 Folder 135, December 1846. 67 frames.

Reel 8 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1846–1854 cont. 0001 Folder 136, January–March 1847. 60 frames. 0061 Folder 137, April–July 1847. 56 frames. 0117 Folder 138, August–December 1847. 101 frames. 0218 Folder 139, January–April 1848. 70 frames. 0288 Folder 140, May–June 1848. 43 frames. 0331 Folder 141, July–August 1848. 52 frames. 0383 Folder 142, September–October 1848. 56 frames.

14 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. 0439 Folder 143, November–December 1848. 82 frames. 0521 Folder 144, January–April 1849. 53 frames. 0574 Folder 145, May–July 1849. 46 frames. 0630 Folder 146, August–December 1849. 65 frames. 0695 Folder 147, January–May 1850. 78 frames. 0773 Folder 148, June–October 1850. 61 frames. 0834 Folder 149, November–December 1850. 68 frames. 0902 Folder 150, January–May 1851. 70 frames.

Reel 9 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1846–1854 cont. 0001 Folder 151, June–August 1851. 59 frames. 0060 Folder 152, September–December 1851. 61 frames. 0121 Folder 153, January–February 1852. 48 frames. 0169 Folder 154, March–April 1852. 68 frames. 0237 Folder 155, May 1852. 43 frames. 0280 Folder 156, June 1852. 42 frames. 0322 Folder 157, July 1852. 72 frames. 0394 Folder 158, August–September 1852. 51 frames. 0445 Folder 159, October–December 1852. 65 frames. 0510 Folder 160, January–April 1853. 99 frames. 0609 Folder 161, May–June 1853. 117 frames. 0726 Folder 162, July–August 1853. 76 frames. 0802 Folder 163, September 1853. 67 frames. 0869 Folder 164, October–December 1853. 78 frames.

Reel 10 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1846–1854 cont. 0001 Folder 165, January–April 1854. 77 frames. 0078 Folder 166, May–June 1854. 62 frames. 0140 Folder 167, July 1854. 66 frames. 0206 Folder 168, August–December 1854. 89 frames.

Subseries 1.6: 1855–1859 0295 Description of Subseries 1.6. 1 frame. 0296 Folder 169, January–May 1855. 45 frames. 0341 Folder 170, June–July 1855. 87 frames. 0428 Folder 171, August–September 1855. 48 frames. 0476 Folder 172, October–December 1855. 55 frames. 0531 Folder 173, January 1856. 34 frames. 0565 Folder 174, February 1856. 37 frames. 0602 Folder 175, March–May 1856. 66 frames. 0668 Folder 176, June–August 1856. 45 frames.

15 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.6: 1855–1859 cont. 0713 Folder 177, September–October 1856. 70 frames. 0783 Folder 178, November 1856. 70 frames. 0853 Folder 179, December 1856. 73 frames. 0926 Folder 180, January 1857. 78 frames.

Reel 11 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.6: 1855–1859 cont. 0001 Folder 181, February 1857. 73 frames. 0074 Folder 182, March 1857. 58 frames. 0132 Folder 183, April–May 1857. 60 frames. 0192 Folder 184, June–July 1857. 54 frames. 0246 Folder 185, August 1857. 99 frames. 0345 Folder 186, September–October 1857. 55 frames. 0400 Folder 187, November–December 1857. 37 frames. 0437 Folder 188, January–May 1858. 72 frames. 0509 Folder 189, June–July 1858. 71 frames. 0580 Folder 190, August 1858. 55 frames. 0635 Folder 191, September–October 1858. 69 frames. 0704 Folder 192, November–December 1858. 53 frames. 0757 Folder 193, January–February 1859. 90 frames. 0847 Folder 194, March–April 1859. 82 frames. 0929 Folder 195, May–June 1859. 81 frames.

Reel 12 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.6: 1855–1859 cont. 0001 Folder 196, July–August 1859. 82 frames. 0083 Folder 197, September–October 1859. 73 frames. 0156 Folder 198, November–December 1859. 36 frames.

Subseries 1.7: 1860–1865 0192 Description of Subseries 1.7. 1 frame. 0193 Folder 199, January 1860. 58 frames. 0251 Folder 200, February 1860. 43 frames. 0294 Folder 201, March 1860. 50 frames. 0344 Folder 202, April 1860. 51 frames. 0395 Folder 203, May 1860. 82 frames. 0477 Folder 204, June–July 1860. 58 frames. 0535 Folder 205, August 1860. 49 frames. 0584 Folder 206, September 1860. 51 frames. 0635 Folder 207, October 1860. 53 frames. 0688 Folder 208, November–December 1860. 73 frames. 0761 Folder 209, January–March 1861. 47 frames.

16 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No. 0808 Folder 210, April 1861. 58 frames. 0866 Folder 211, May–June 1861. 35 frames. 0901 Folder 212, July–December 1861. 68 frames.

Reel 13 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.7: 1860–1865 cont. 0001 Folder 213, January–February 1862. 90 frames. 0091 Folder 214, March–April 1862. 58 frames. 0149 Folder 215, May–June 1862. 72 frames. 0221 Folder 216, July–August 1862. 58 frames. 0279 Folder 217, September–October 1862. 40 frames. 0319 Folder 218, November–December 1862. 83 frames. 0402 Folder 219, January–March 1863. 75 frames. 0477 Folder 220, April–June 1863. 62 frames. 0539 Folder 221, July 1863. 80 frames. 0619 Folder 222, August–December 1863. 58 frames. 0677 Folder 223, January–March 1864. 82 frames. 0759 Folder 224, April–June 1864. 83 frames. 0842 Folder 225, July–December 1864. 77 frames. 0919 Folder 226, January 1865. 58 frames.

Reel 14 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.7: 1860–1865 cont. 0001 Folder 227, February 1865. 59 frames. 0060 Folder 228, March–April 1865. 81 frames. 0141 Folder 229, May–June 1865. 58 frames. 0199 Folder 230, July–August 1865. 64 frames. 0263 Folder 231, September–October 1865. 30 frames. 0293 Folder 232, November–December 1865. 75 frames.

Subseries 1.8: 1866–1869 0368 Description of Subseries 1.8. 1 frame. 0369 Folder 233, January–May 1866. 73 frames. 0442 Folder 234, June–September 1866. 47 frames. 0489 Folder 235, October–December 1866. 85 frames. 0574 Folder 236, January–February 1867. 56 frames. 0630 Folder 237, March 1867. 78 frames. 0708 Folder 238, April–May 1867. 89 frames. 0797 Folder 239, June–August 1867. 48 frames. 0845 Folder 240, September–October 1867. 66 frames. 0911 Folder 241, November–December 1867. 54 frames.

17 Part 4 Reel Index Frame No. Reel 15 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.8: 1866–1869 cont. 0001 Folder 242, January–February 1868. 92 frames. 0093 Folder 243, March–April 1868. 63 frames. 0156 Folder 244, May 1868. 50 frames. 0206 Folder 245, June 1868. 59 frames. 0265 Folder 246, July 1868. 53 frames. 0318 Folder 247, August 1868. 98 frames. 0416 Folder 248, September 1868. 52 frames. 0468 Folder 249, October–December 1868. 105 frames. 0573 Folder 250, January–May 1869. 93 frames. 0666 Folder 251, June–August 1869. 100 frames. 0766 Folder 252, September–December 1869. frames.

Subseries 1.9: 1870–1891 and Undated 0839 Description of Subseries 1.9. 1 frame. 0840 Folder 253, January–April 1870. 68 frames. 0908 Folder 254, May–July 1870. 65 frames. 0973 Folder 255, August–December 1870. 88 frames.

Reel 16 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.9: 1870–1891 and Undated cont. 0001 Folder 256, January–August 1871. 55 frames. 0056 Folder 257, September–December 1871. 34 frames. 0090 Folder 258, 1872. 40 frames. 0130 Folder 259, 1873. 81 frames. 0211 Folder 260, 1874. 88 frames. 0299 Folder 261, 1875–1891. 55 frames. 0354 Folder 262, Undated. 66 frames. 0420 Folder 263, Undated. 64 frames. 0484 Folder 264, Undated. 71 frames. 0555 Folder 265, Undated. 73 frames. 0628 Folder 266, Undated. 63 frames. 0691 Folder 267, Undated. 107 frames. 0798 Folder 268, Undated. 63 frames. 0861 Folder 269, Undated. 107 frames.

18 Reel Index Part 4 Frame No.

Reel 17 Nicholas Philip Trist Papers cont. Correspondence, 1765–1891 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.9: 1870–1891 and Undated cont. 0001 Folder 270, Undated. 65 frames. 0066 Folder 271, Undated. 46 frames.

Series 2. Other Papers, 1784–1903 and Undated

Subseries 2.1: Financial and Legal Items, 1784–1882 and Undated 0112 Description of Subseries 2.1. 1 frame. 0113 Folder 272, Louisiana Plantations, 1826–1848. 82 frames. 0195 Folder 273, Havana, Cuba, 1833–1841. 45 frames. 0240 Folder 274, Miscellaneous Financial and Legal Items, 1784–1827. 47 frames. 0287 Folder 275, Miscellaneous Financial and Legal Items, 1828–1836. 57 frames. 0344 Folder 276, Miscellaneous Financial and Legal Items, 1837–1845. 51 frames. 0395 Folder 277, Miscellaneous Financial and Legal Items, 1847–1849. 18 frames. 0413 Folder 278, Miscellaneous Financial and Legal Items, 1852–1882 and Undated. 50 frames.

Subseries 2.2: School Materials, 1838–1852 0463 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0464 Folder 279, School Materials, 1838–1852. 55 frames.

Subseries 2.3: Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated 0519 Description of Subseries 2.3. 1 frame. 0520 Folder 280, Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated. 62 frames. 0582 Folder 281, Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated. 40 frames. 0622 Folder 282, Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated. 74 frames. 0696 Folder 283, Genealogical Materials, ca. 1884–1903 and Undated. 39 frames.

Subseries 2.4: Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated 0735 Description of Subseries 2.4. 1 frame. 0736 Folders 284, Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated. 82 frames. 0818 Folders 285, Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated. 127 frames. 0945 Folders 286, Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated. 50 frames. 0995 Folders 287, Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated. 45 frames. 1040 Folders 288, Miscellaneous Items, 1796–1903 and Undated. 29 frames.

19 Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries

Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Part 5: Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida Collections REEL INDEX

Comer Family Papers, 1860–1864, Barbour County, Alabama; also Georgia and Tennessee

Description of the Collection This small collection consists of nineteen letters dated between 1860 and 1864 and undated to and from various members of the Comer family. The earliest letters are from Catharine Lucinda Comer in Cowikee, Barbour County, Alabama, to her son, Hugh Moss Comer, who was attending school in Warrior Stand, Alabama, describing family and neighborhood life by giving details of the family businesses and finances and news of the farm and slaves. In 1861, Hugh Moss Comer received a letter from schoolmaster J. A. Arnold describing his new school’s rates, living arrangements, and course of study. Hugh Moss Comer then enrolled in Arnold’s school in Polk County, Georgia, where he continued to receive letters from his mother and his brothers, keeping him informed on the family and neighborhood and mentioning the advent of the Civil War. During the Civil War, Catharine Lucinda Comer received two undated letters from her brother, P. A. Drewry, who listed the wounded soldiers in the regiment from their neighborhood and kept her informed about the condition of her son, John Wallace Comer, also a Confederate soldier. John Wallace Comer wrote several letters to his mother and his sister, describing the death of his corps commander, Leonidas Polk, at Pine Mountain, Georgia; his own wound and recovery; and the heavy fighting during the New Hope Church campaign in Georgia in 1864. A family friend also wrote to the Comer family in 1862, describing the plight of the Army of Tennessee and criticizing General Braxton Bragg’s Kentucky campaign (“I don’t think that ole Brag ever ought to have control of anything withought it was som ole woman chickens. This was mor mens lives lost by that retreat than if we had fought the yankes”). Undated items include a poem about a faithless sweetheart and a letter from Hugh Moss Comer to Catharine Lucinda Comer about having shoes made for him. There is also a photograph of John Wallace Comer in a Civil War uniform with his slave, Burrell.

Biographical Note John Fletcher Comer (1811–1858) was a cotton planter and owner of a lumber yard and corn mill in Barbour County, Alabama. He married Catharine Lucinda Drewry (d. 1898) in 1841, and they had six sons: Hugh Moss Comer (1842–1900); John Wallace Comer (1845–1919); St. George Legare Comer (1847–1870), who was governor of Alabama; Braxton Bragg Comer (1848–1919) who was a U.S. senator and Alabama governor; John Fletcher Comer, Jr. (1854– 1927); and Edward Trippe Comer (1856–1927). There was also at least one daughter (probably named Corinne) in the family. Following John Fletcher Comer’s death in 1858, the family continued farming and operating the corn mill and lumber yard. During the Civil War, John Wallace Comer served in the reserves of the Army of Tennessee.

23 Part 5 Reel Index

N. B. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection include the Braxton Bragg Comer Papers; the Laura Beecher Comer Papers; and the John Fletcher Comer Journal. Of these, the Laura Beecher Comer Papers follows this collection.

Reel 1 Frame No. Introductory Materials 0001 Introductory Materials. 8 frames.

Papers 0009 Folder 1, 1860–1864 and Undated. 55 frames.

Laura Beecher Comer Papers, 1862–1899, Barbour County, Alabama; also Connecticut, Georgia, and Europe

Description of the Collection This small collection includes three diaries of Laura Beecher Comer; six letters from Laura to her Comer relatives in Alabama; and a newspaper clipping about Windsor Castle in England. The diaries document Laura’s everyday activities in Columbus, Georgia, and her thoughts and emotions on a variety of topics, including religion and family relationships, her unhappy marriage and distrust of humanity, and her problems with family servants, both slaves and freedmen. Other diary entries describe Laura’s travels in Alabama, the northeast United States, and Europe and describe the settlement of her husband’s estate and sale of his cotton plantations. The letters are chiefly concerned with news about the activities of Comer family members in Alabama. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Diaries and Series 2. Correspondence and Other Items.

Biographical Note Laura Beecher Comer was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1817, the daughter of Lysias Beecher and Lucy Tolles Beecher and the niece of prominent clergyman Henry Ward Beecher. Following her first marriage to a Mr. Hayes, she moved south to open a school for girls. In 1848, she married James Comer (1797–1864), a cotton planter in Alabama. They purchased a house in Columbus, Georgia, in 1853, where Laura lived until her death on 5 January 1900.

Series 1. Diaries, 1862–1873 Volume 1: January 1862–April 1863 comprises Laura Beecher Comer’s diary, with almost daily entries recording her everyday life, household management, and finances; her thoughts on a variety of topics, including religious sentiments; her often cantankerous comments on human nature; complaints about her unhappy marriage and her relationships with various friends and relatives; and her troubles with family slaves. There are also a few scattered entries on national politics and the Civil War and descriptions of travel in Alabama. Volume 2: September 1866–July 1868 comprises her diary after the Civil War and her husband’s death in 1864. Many of the themes of the first volume are continued in the diary

24 Reel Index Part 5 entries, including her thoughts on religion and family relationships and activities, her general depression and mistrust of humanity, and her continuing problems with servants—now freedmen. The diary also contains descriptions of Laura’s travels in Virginia, Washington, D.C., New York, and Connecticut and of her visits to her husband’s cotton plantations in Alabama, as she attempted to settle his estate and sell the plantations. Volume 3: June 1872–December 1873 comprises her diary entries with topics similar to the previous volumes. Topics include news of friends and family, descriptions of daily life, and comments on religion. A great portion of the volume consists of accounts of Laura’s travels to visit her family in New York and Connecticut and of her voyage by ship to Europe, including detailed descriptions of her encounters with natives and her visits to tourist attractions in London, , , Italy, Germany, and Edinburgh.

Series 2. Correspondence and Other Items, 1892–1899 This series comprises six letters, 1896–1899, from Laura Beecher Comer to her “Cousin Lilla,” wife of Hugh Moss Comer, in Alabama, on social news and family concerns and a newspaper clipping, 11 September 1892, about Windsor Castle in Windsor, England.

N. B. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection include the Braxton Bragg Comer Papers, the Comer Family Papers, and the John Fletcher Comer Journal. Of these, the Comer Family Papers follows this collection.

Reel 1 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0064 Introductory Materials. 10 frames.

Series 1, Diaries, 1862–1873

0074 Description of Series 1. 1 frame. 0075 Folder 1, Volume 1, January 1862–April 1863. 139 frames. 0214 Folder 2, Volume 2, September 1866–July 1868. 137 frames. 0351 Folder 3, Volume 3, June 1872–December 1873. 152 frames.

Series 2, Correspondence and Other Items, 1892–1899

0503 Description of Series 2. 1 frame. 0504 Folder 4, 1892–1899. 18 frames.

25 Part 5 Reel Index

Hentz Family Papers, 1782–1932, Macon and Mobile Counties, Alabama; also Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, and France

Description of the Collection This collection consists of chiefly the personal papers, medical records, financial and legal items, and diaries of the Hentz family of France, Alabama, and Florida, 1782–1932. Personal correspondence includes letters to and from members of the Hentz family. Other papers include the military records of an officer in the French Imperial Army; notes and writings on a variety of topics; drawings and pictures of people and botanical and animal subjects; legal material in French and English; household receipts and accounts; biographical and genealogical sketches of the Hentz and Keyes families; a phrenological character analysis; newspapers clippings; and medical catalogs. The diaries were kept by Caroline Lee Hentz, and her sons, Thaddeus W. Hentz and Charles A. Hentz. Also included is a two-part autobiography by Charles A. Hentz, covering much of the material in his diaries. Other volumes include the medical and obstetrical records of Charles A. Hentz and his agricultural notebook; sketchbooks of Nicholas M. Hentz, consisting of sketches, clippings, and notes in French and English on his botanical and zoological interests; a carte de visite; and, remarkably, a violin. Several letters, the phrenological character analysis, some genealogical material, a Civil War journal, and the carte de visite were filmed in 1950, and the original documents were returned to the donor. Copies made from the microfilm are included in this collection where appropriate. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence, 1820–1894; Series 2. Military Records of Nicholas Richard Hentz, 1809–1815; Series 3. Notes and Writings, 1831–1890 and Undated; Series 4. Drawings and Paintings, 1829–1883 and Undated; Series 5. Other Unbound Papers, 1782–1932 and Undated; Series 6. Diaries, 1836–1884; Series 7. Autobiography of Charles A. Hentz, 1894; Series 8. Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, 1849–1891 and Undated; Series 9. Sketchbooks of Nicholas M. Hentz, 1817– 1846; Series 10. Photograph, ca. 1820–1856; and Series 11. Violin, 1928.

Biographical Note Nicholas Arnould Hentz (1756–1832) was a native of Coblentz in Lorraine, France, and a member of the Revolutionary National Convention of 1789. He was forced to flee France under the assumed name of Charles Arnould with his family after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815. He and his wife, Thérèse d’Aubrée, had at least two sons: Nicholas Richard Hentz (1786–1850), who served as a captain in the French Imperial Army from 1806 to 1815, and (1797–1856), a painter, professor, well-known entomologist, and author of a famous monograph on the spiders of the United States. Nicholas M. Hentz taught at the University of North Carolina from 1826–1830. He married Caroline Lee Whiting Hentz (1800–1856), a native of Lancaster, Massachusetts, and a playwright and novelist popular during the 1850s. Together they ran a succession of female academies in Covington, Kentucky; , Ohio; Florence, Alabama; Columbus, Georgia; and Tuskegee, Alabama. The Hentz family finally settled in Marianna, Florida, where Caroline Lee Hentz concentrated on her writing and the care of her invalid husband. They had four children: Charles Arnould Hentz (1827–1894), who was a physician and citrus grower; Thaddeus William Harris Hentz (1830–1878), a dentist; Julia Louisa Hentz Keyes (1828–1877); and Caroline (Callie) Therese Hentz Branch (b. 1833).

26 Reel Index Part 5

Series 1. Correspondence, 1820–1894 Personal correspondence of members of the Hentz family includes the earliest letter, dated 1 January 1820, from Nicholas Arnould Hentz to his friend Pierre François Tissot (1768–1854), telling him about his new life in the United States. A typed translation accompanies the French original. The bulk of the correspondence from the 1840s and 1850s consists of letters to Charles A. Hentz, including letters from friends discussing the relative merits of Florida and Alabama, describing the flora and fauna of Florida, and detailing their daily life and interests, including clairvoyance, chess, and the fraternities and secret societies of the University of Alabama. Charles A. Hentz also received letters from his sister, Callie Hentz, and his mother, Caroline Lee Hentz, describing family activities. Caroline Lee Hentz wrote several letters to her sisters and female friends, describing her family life, her travels in Philadelphia, her experiences teaching at a girls’ school in Alabama, and her friendships with men. Nicholas M. Hentz and Caroline Lee Hentz both corresponded with their son, Thaddeus W. Hentz, in the 1850s, about family news, his dentistry practice, and life in Quincy, Florida. In the 1860s, following his enlistment in the Confederate army, Thaddeus W. Hentz wrote letters to his wife, Hattie, describing camp life and sent several letters from the federal prison in Elmira, New York, describing his imprisonment there and his loneliness from being apart from his family. Post–Civil War letters include several from Charles A. Hentz, including one to his brother, Thaddeus W. Hentz, informing him of his decision to leave his medical practice to start a citrus and vegetable farm on the Indian River in Florida, the illness of his wife, Betty, and the influx of tourists and Northerners into Florida. About half of the letters are copies made from microfilm, two with typed transcriptions accompanying them; the remainder are originals.

Series 2. Military Records of Nicholas Richard Hentz, 1809–1815 Records in French pertain to Nicholas Richard Hentz’s service in the French Imperial Army, including his commissions, his equipment reimbursements, his register of military service, the acceptance of his resignation, and other military documents.

Series 3. Notes and Writings, 1831–1890 and Undated Miscellaneous writings chiefly by Nicholas M. Hentz and his son, Charles A. Hentz, include a “chronology of yellow fever in the valley of the Mississippi River and its borders,” ca. 1844; notes on an 1890 Children’s Day celebration at church; an account of graverobbing by medical students; descriptions of fish; an essay on the Apalachicola River in Florida; lists of Latin names of fish and plants; drafts of plays and stories, including “The Moorish Bride” and “The Gitanos”; and poetry in French and English.

Series 4. Drawings and Paintings, 1829–1883 and Undated Pencil and pen-and-ink sketches, cartoons, drawings, and watercolor and pastel paintings of a variety of subjects, some dated in the 1830s, were probably made by Nicholas M. Hentz and his children, particularly Charles A. Hentz. Subjects include soldiers, religious subjects, ships, Napoleon, different animal, insect, and plant species, Native Americans, human anatomy, and maps. There is also a portrait of Caroline Lee Hentz, probably by her husband, Nicholas M. Hentz, dated 1829.

27 Part 5 Reel Index

Series 5. Other Unbound Papers, 1782–1932 and Undated Legal, financial, biographical, genealogical, and miscellaneous material of members of the Hentz family is included. Legal material in French includes passports dated 1815–1816, baptismal certificates from the 1820s, documents relating to the settlement and division of the estate of Nicholas Richard Hentz’s sister-in-law in 1818 and 1821, and an affidavit of smallpox immunity. Legal material in English consists of a summons to appear in court from the 1850s and an affidavit of the birth of Charles Arnould Hentz, son of Charles A. Hentz, dated 1918. Financial material includes lists of receipts and household accounts, chiefly of Charles A. Hentz, from 1782 to 1882. Biographical and genealogical material consists of a copy from microfilm of a biographical sketch of several members of the Hentz family, including Nicholas Arnould Hentz (1750–1824) and Caroline Lee Hentz (1800–1856); a monograph on Nicholas M. Hentz by Collier Cobb, published in 1932; a biographical sketch of Nicholas M. Hentz by Mr. Pincheon; biographical material excerpted from the preface to The Spiders of the United States: A Collection of the Arachnological Writings of Nicholas Marcellus Hentz, M.D.; genealogical material on the Hentz family in French and in English; and an excerpt from Genealogy, Robert Keyes, Solomon Keyes, Others of the Name, by Asa Keyes, published in 1880. Miscellaneous material includes a copy from microfilm of a phrenological character analysis of Thaddeus W. Hentz, dated 1859; newspaper clippings from the 1850s of book reviews and obituaries; newspaper clippings concerning a violin made by William B. Hentz in 1929 (see Series 11); clippings of pictures and etchings; annual catalogs from the 1840s of the Medical Department, University of Louisville, Kentucky; a matriculation ticket dated 1847 for the University of Alabama; pamphlets on physiological memory; calling cards; a certificate admitting Charles A. Hentz to the Temperance Society in 1849; house plans; various notes and lists; and a card and a playbill in Portuguese.

Series 6. Diaries, 1836–1884 This series consists of diaries of Caroline Lee Hentz and her sons, Thaddeus W. Hentz and Charles A. Hentz. Subseries 6.1: Diaries of Caroline Lee Hentz, 1836 Caroline Lee Hentz’s diary was written in 1836 during her stay at Florence, Alabama. She and her husband, Nicholas M. Hentz, were at that time running a school for girls. There are two copies of her diary, a daily record of her life in Alabama that gives details on the operation of the school and on some of the students and gives notes on the weather; her husband’s zoological and botanical activities; her relationships with her children and her husband; her own moods and emotions; and her impressions of family and friends. The original and a handwritten copy, probably made after the author’s death, are included. The original was owned and annotated by Callie Hentz Branch in 1860 and by Charles A. Hentz in 1892. The copy was owned by Julia Hentz Keyes. Subseries 6.2: Diary of Thaddeus W. Hentz, 1863 In 1863, Thaddeus W. Hentz enlisted in the Confederate army. While waiting for his orders to go to Camp Leon, he stayed with his sister, Callie Hentz Branch, in Quincy, Florida. He kept a diary during May 1863, detailing his thoughts on leaving his wife and children, his journey to Quincy, the dentistry work he performed along the way, and the first few days in camp. The diary is a copy from microfilm.

28 Reel Index Part 5

Subseries 6.3: Diaries of Charles A. Hentz, 1845–1884 Volume 1 (formerly Volume 5). 1845–1849; 1884. 219 pp. Charles A. Hentz kept a diary intermittently for most of his adult life. The first volume, dated 1845–1849 with some annotations from 1884, chronicles his family’s departure from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on a steamboat for Mobile, Alabama. He described the city of Mobile, its dissipated citizens, and his father’s search for employment. The family took another steamer to Montgomery, Alabama, and then the railroad and coach to Tuskegee, Alabama, where his father had the promise of starting another female academy. He described the setting up of their household and the academy, the town of Tuskegee, his own experiences as a teacher at the Tuskegee Military Institute, the calling up of volunteers for the Mexican War, the amputation of a black woman’s leg, and the weather. In 1846, he left Tuskegee for Tuscaloosa and the University of Alabama, where he financed his studies by working as a physician’s assistant. There are descriptions of his daily life with the doctor and his opinions on religion, music, and his social life. At the end of the year, he and a friend journeyed to New Orleans by boat. He described the city, the Dutch immigrants traveling on their boat, Indians, and his trip to Louisville, Kentucky, to continue his medical studies. In 1847, after a visit home to Tuskegee, he returned to Louisville. The diary chronicles his social life and medical education, describing individual cases and autopsies and his work as librarian and curator of the Medical College of Louisville. Items of interest include an “animal magnetizer” and hypnotists, an operation to remove a tumor from a woman’s abdomen, the use of chloroform as a recreational drug, and the many parties, picnics, and meetings of the “Spanish Ice-Cream Club” he attended. The volume ends with a handwritten copy of several pages of another journal he kept during his stay in Cincinnati in 1849 while working as a physician in practice with his brother-in-law, John Keyes. There are also records of miscellaneous expenses and notes in the back of the volume. Volume 2 (formerly Volume 6). [1847] 1848–1851. 50 pp. In 1848, Charles A. Hentz moved to Port Jackson, Florida, on the banks of the Chattahoochee River in Jackson County, to practice medicine. His diary for this period describes his medical practice among the “piney woodsmen” and the flora and fauna of the Panhandle region of Florida. He also details his daily and social life and his hobbies of hunting and “skeletonizing” birds and mammals. There are also descriptions of his medical cases and his trips to Marianna, Jackson County, Florida, to see his relatives, and a vivid reminiscence of the Christmas Day he spent in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1847. There is also a description of a New Year’s Eve “country frolic” at his neighbor’s house, and several sketches and drawings of Port Jackson, including scenes of the town and of his office. In 1850, the diary describes his life in Cincinnati practicing medicine with his brother-in-law, John Keyes. Many of the pages in this section are torn out. Part of the section of the diary dealing with his stay in Cincinnati is copied into the end of Volume 1, and part is copied into Volume 3. Volume 3 (formerly Volume 7). 1849–1850. 31 pp. Volume 3 consists of an apparent copy made by Charles A. Hentz of part of his diary for 1849–1851, during which time he was practicing medicine in Cincinnati. This material was probably contained originally in Volume 2. Entries are in order from the most recent date to the earliest. They recount Hentz’s life in Cincinnati, including his medical practice and patients, studies, social life, courtship of his fiancée, Betty Page, and family news. There are also many descriptions of the city of Cincinnati and its inhabitants. Volume 4 (formerly Volume 8). 1852–1869. 150 pp.

29 Part 5 Reel Index

By 1852, Charles A. Hentz had returned to Florida, this time settling in Gadsden County. In this diary, he wrote of fishing expeditions, his social life, the flora and fauna of northern Florida, and his medical practice. On 5 April 1854, he married Mary Elizabeth (Bettie) Gilliam Booth, and they moved to Quincy, Florida, where they remained for many years. From 1857–1869, the diary focuses chiefly on Hentz’s medical practice and daily and local life, with some mention of national politics and Florida’s secession from the Union. In 1865, Hentz traveled on horseback to Tampa, Florida, and described the countryside, animal and plant life, and the backwoodsmen and fishermen of the region, including a vivid description of a plantation destroyed by the Union army—“The water hole or well for supplying the engine was overgrown with a rank forest of weeds, and an alligator some six feet long splashed beneath the surface as we approached.” Series 7. Autobiography of Charles A. Hentz, 1894 In 1894, Charles A. Hentz wrote his autobiography, basing his reminiscences in large part on his diaries. Many of the anecdotes and stories are taken directly from the diaries. However, the autobiography tends to enlarge on the subjects in the diaries. The autobiography is in two parts, with a typed transcription accompanying each part. There are several letters, clippings, notes, and drawings pasted into each volume. Part I of the autobiography, which covers the period between 1827 and 1865, gives background history on the Hentz family. Charles A. Hentz wrote about his early life, describing memories of his parents; the literary society in Cincinnati to which his parents belonged, as did Harriet Beecher Stowe; his father’s interests in insects and silkworm; descriptions of slave life in Alabama; drawings of birds; a copy of a letter written by a “maniac” doctor; and the family’s move to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to start another female academy and a description of that school and its students. After this point, the narrative follows that of the diaries, giving details of the family’s move to Tuskegee, Alabama; Charles A. Hentz’s medical studies and practice in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Louisville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio; graverobbing by the medical school to obtain bodies for dissection; his graduation and move to Florida; and Northerners’ impressions of slavery. He then described the establishment of his practice among the “piney woods people” of Port Jackson, Florida, “one of the worst, whisky drinking, fighting, horse racing, gambling communities to be found this side of Texas”; life in the backwoods; his mistake of giving chloroform to backwoodsmen; and local crimes, murders, adultery, and accidents. He also detailed his move to Cincinnati to make enough money to marry Betty Page, and their subsequent broken engagement; his obtaining an illegitimate German baby for dissection; his return to Florida and marriage to Bettie Booth; local characters; his life as a doctor treating plantation slaves; a trip to New England to visit Whiting relatives; the punishment of his slaves; medical practices; the death of both of his parents; his trip to New York to secure the copyright on his mother’s literary works; and his religious conversion. On the subject of the Civil War, there are descriptions of hospitals for soldiers and many accounts of the illnesses and deaths of family and local citizens, as well as detailed accounts of his participation in the defense against the raid by the Union army on Marianna, 18 September–2 October 1864, and the capture of his brother, Thaddeus. There also are descriptions of the Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida, near Tallahassee on 3 March 1865—including a description and a sketch of the battle—and the execution of Confederate deserters. Both battles were fought by black Union troops. Hentz then described the end of the war; the migration of many Confederates to South America, including several of his Keyes family relatives and his son, William (Willie) Hentz; and his trip to Tampa Bay as a possible place to settle after the war. The end of the typed transcription includes several appendices consisting of transcriptions of the

30 Reel Index Part 5 material pasted within the original volume, including an essay on “The Wild Turkey,” obituaries of a medical school friend in New Orleans, and letters from Charles A. Hentz’s mother, Caroline Lee Hentz. Part II of the autobiography covers the period 1865–1893. Hentz’s description of his trip to the Tampa Bay area is continued from the first part of the autobiography, giving descriptions of citrus plantations near Tampa, and camping and sailing up Tampa Bay. Other items of interest include the murder of a white sheriff by four black men and their subsequent trial and execution; Hentz’s medical practice, including a description of three girls burnt to death in a fire; various medical operations he performed; the family’s move to Lake Monroe, probably in Lake County, Florida; Northern schoolteachers “of the ultra rabid social equality type” in Jacksonville and their treatment of freedmen; a description of the family’s new land, their vegetable gardens and their orange groves; wife Bettie’s illness; local families and customs; problems with the farm; and the family’s eventual return to Quincy and the resumption of Hentz’s medical practice. After the return to Quincy, the autobiography is concerned with the family’s daily life; Swedish immigrants in Gadsden County; the death of Bettie Hentz in 1870, and Charles A. Hentz’s courtship and marriage to his second wife, Cornelia Fitzgerald Munroe, in 1873; many accidents and illnesses of patients; cases of opium addiction; a visit to the Dead Lakes region of Calhoun County; the 1876 presidential election of Rutherford B. Hayes and the end of the “carpet bag rule” in Florida; and the murder of a white man by freedmen, and their arrest and lynching. In 1880, Charles A. Hentz made a visit to the Indian River in eastern Florida in search of land in the vicinity of City Point, Brevard County. He described the land, fishing expeditions, and local plant, animal, and human inhabitants. In 1881, the family moved to Brevard County to start a citrus plantation. After this point, the diary mainly describes the Indian River; the family’s daily life in Brevard County; Hentz’s visit to New Orleans to visit an old friend from medical school; his problems with a “wanton” hired girl from the Michigan Institution; a medical visit to the lighthouse keeper at Cape Canaveral; the earthquake of September 1886; and the visit of President Grover Cleveland to Rockledge, Florida. In 1889, the family moved back to Quincy for the last time, due to Charles A. Hentz’s poor health. He described his treatment for heart disease with the Electropoise machine and its miraculous effects.

Series 8. Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, 1849–1891 and Undated Obstetrical Record; 1849–1891; 113 pp. Record book of obstetrical cases of Charles A. Hentz, in order by date, with an index to patient names in the back of the volume. Case descriptions for both white and black patients are included. There are other medical notes in the back of the volume, one dealing with a murder case. Medical Journal; 1858–1863; 226 pp. Diary of approximately 150 of Charles A. Hentz’s most interesting medical cases, in order by date. Entries give details on symptoms and treatment of cases for both black and white patients. The back of the volume contains “Notes of Dickson’s Chrome-Thermal System of Medicine.” Agricultural Scrapbook; 1880s and Undated; 169 pp. Scrapbook of newspaper and magazine clippings on orange growing, gardening, and other agricultural topics, pasted into the volume. There is a handwritten subject index in the back of the volume, along with several home remedies and recipes.

31 Part 5 Reel Index

Series 9. Sketchbooks of Nicholas M. Hentz, 1817–1846 Sketchbooks of Nicholas M. Hentz include sketches of animals, landscapes, people, human anatomy, insects, and plants. There are notes in both French and English, including descriptions of fish, scientific observations, notes on artistic techniques, lists of the Latin names of birds, grocery lists, scattered accounts, and clippings of philosophical stories.

Series 10. Photograph, ca. 1820–1856 Photographic carte de visite of Nicholas M. Hentz, made by William Kuhns, Tallahasse, Florida.

Series 11. Violin, 1928 The violin was made by William B. Hentz, son of Charles A. Hentz, in 1928, with wood from pieces of the coffin of Pedro Menendez de Aviles, founder of St. Augustine, Florida, and wood from the old town hall of Salem, Massachusetts.

Reel 1 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0522 Introductory Materials. 21 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence, 1820–1894

0543 Description of Series 1. 1 frame. 0544 Folder 1, 1820–1894. 112 frames.

Series 2. Military Records of Nicholas Richard Hentz, 1809–1815

0656 Description of Series 2. 1 frame. 0657 Folder 2, 1809–1815. 36 frames.

Series 3. Notes and Writings, 1831–1890 and Undated

0693 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0694 Folder 3, 1831–1890 and Undated. 53 frames. 0747 Folder 4, 1850–1872 and Undated. 27 frames. 0774 Folder 5, Undated. 32 frames.

Series 4. Drawings and Paintings, 1829–1883 and Undated

0806 Description of Series 4. 1 frame. 0807 Folder 6, 1838–1841 and Undated. 59 frames. 0866 Folder 7, 1836–1883 and Undated. 39 frames. 0905 Folder 8, 1829–1847 and Undated. 8 frames.

32 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. Reel 2 Hentz Family Papers cont. Series 5. Other Unbound Papers, 1782–1932 and Undated

0001 Description of Series 5. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 9, Legal Documents, 1815–1918 and Undated. 30 frames. 0032 Folder 10, Financial Documents, 1782–1884. 18 frames. 0050 Folder 11, Biographical and Genealogical Material, 1875–1932 and Undated. 22 frames. 0072 Folder 12, Biographical and Genealogical Material, 1880 and Undated. 68 frames. 0140 Folder 13, Character Analysis, 1850. 12 frames. 0152 Folder 14, Miscellaneous Materials, 1849–1895 and Undated. 19 frames. 0171 Folder 15, Miscellaneous Materials, 1847–1931 and Undated. 76 frames.

Series 6. Diaries, 1836–1884

Subseries 6.1: Diaries of Caroline Lee Hentz, 1836 0247 Description of Subseries 6.1. 1 frame. 0248 Folder 16, Caroline Lee Hentz, Original Diary (Formerly Volume 3), 1836, 1860, and 1892. 99 frames. 0347 Folder 17, Caroline Lee Hentz, Copy of Diary (Formerly Volume 4), 1836. 65 frames.

Subseries 6.2: Diary of Thaddeus W. Hentz, 1863 0412 Description of Subseries 6.2. 1 frame. 0413 Folder 18, Thaddeus W. Hentz, Diary, 1863. 18 frames.

Subseries 6.3: Diaries of Charles A. Hentz, 1845–1884 0431 Description of Subseries 6.3. 2 frames. 0433 Folder 19, Volume 1, Charles A. Hentz, Diary, 1845–1849, 1884. 209 frames. 0642 Folder 20, Volume 2, Charles A. Hentz, Diary, [1847] 1848–1851. 51 frames. 0693 Folder 21, Volume 3, Charles A. Hentz, Diary, 1849–1850. 35 frames. 0728 Folder 22, Volume 4, Charles A. Hentz, Diary, 1852–1869. 151 frames.

Series 7. Autobiography of Charles A. Hentz, 1894

0879 Description of Series 7. 2 frames. 0881 Folder 23, Charles A. Hentz, Autobiography, Part 1, 1827–1865. 275 frames.

Reel 3 Hentz Family Papers cont. Series 7. Autobiography of Charles A. Hentz, 1894 cont.

0001 Folder 24, Charles A. Hentz, Autobiography, Typed Transcription of Part 1. 439 frames. 0440 Folder 25, Charles A. Hentz, Autobiography, Part 2, 1865–1893. 259 frames. 0699 Folder 26, Charles A. Hentz, Autobiography, Typed Transcription of Part 2. 374 frames.

33 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Reel 4 Hentz Family Papers cont. Series 8. Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, 1849–1891 and Undated

0001 Description of Series 8. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 27, Charles A. Hentz, Obstetrical Record, 1849–1891. 101 frames. 0103 Folder 28, Charles A. Hentz, Medical Journal, 1858–1863. 64 frames. 0167 Folder 29, Charles A. Hentz, Agricultural Scrapbook, 1880s and Undated. 125 frames.

Series 9. Sketchbooks of Nicholas M. Hentz, 1817–1846

0292 Description of Series 9. 1 frame. 0293 Folder 30, Nicholas M. Hentz, Scrapbook, 1817–1846. 24 frames. 0317 Folder 31, Nicholas M. Hentz, Notebook, 1821–1822. 55 frames.

Series 10. Photograph, ca. 1820–1856

0372 Description of Series 10. 1 frame. 0373 Folder 32, Photograph, ca. 1820–1856 (P/332-1). 3 frames.

Series 11. Violin, 1928

0376 Description of Series 11. 1 frame. 0377 Folder 33, Violin, 1928 (MU/332-1). 5 frames.

William Parsons McCorkle Papers, 1835–1907, Talladega County, Alabama; also Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia

Description of the Collection This collection consists primarily of sermons and related writings by William Parsons McCorkle of Virginia and North Carolina and his father, Alexander B. McCorkle of Alabama. Also included are volumes, clippings and printed materials, some correspondence, other writings, and pictures. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence [not included]; Series 2. Sermons and Other Writings [not included]; Series 3. Volumes—Subseries 3.1: Diaries of Lucila Agnes McCorkle, Subseries 3.2: Commonplace Book of Mildred W. McCorkle, Subseries 3.3: Pocket Diaries of William P. McCorkle [not included], Subseries 3.4: Sermons and Related Notes [not included], Subseries 3.5: Notes on Greek Studies [not included], and Subseries 3.6: Miscellaneous Volumes [not included]; Series 4. Clippings and Other Printed Material [not included]; Series 5. Other Papers [not included]; and Series 6. Pictures [not included].

Biographical Note William Parsons McCorkle (1855–1933), clergyman and religious writer, was born in Talladega, Alabama, the second son and third child of Alexander B. and Lucila Agnes Cambol McCorkle. Alexander (1806–1886) was a native of Rockbridge County, Virginia, and a

34 Reel Index Part 5 descendant of the McCorkle and Glasgow families of that state. A Presbyterian minister, he preached widely in Virginia, Georgia, and Alabama and helped to found a synodical college for women in Talladega (later the Presbyterian Collegiate Institute and Isabell College). Lucila Agnes Cambol McCorkle was the daughter of an Alabama minister. William McCorkle received his early education in private schools in Alabama, and in 1870, he entered Washington and Lee University. Although referred to as “Dr. McCorkle” later in life, he never graduated from Washington and Lee nor did he ever receive a D.D. degree. Rather, according to a eulogizer, “this degree was conferred upon him by those who knew him and his work.” After leaving Washington and Lee, McCorkle taught briefly at private schools in Staunton, Virginia, and Lenoir, North Carolina. In 1876, he was licensed to preach by the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and five years later was ordained. In 1879, he married Sarah Tallulah (Lutie) Andrews, a Charlotte writer. From 1881 to 1884, he served as pastor to churches in Beaufort, LaGrange, and Elkin, North Carolina; he then was called to serve in El Paso, Texas. On his return to North Carolina in 1888, he became a minister of the Presbyterian church and remained so until his death. After a brief pastorate in a rural church near Charlotte (1888–1889), McCorkle served churches in High Point, Jamestown, and Lexington (1889–1891), Shelby (1891–1896), Graham (1896–1901), Savannah, Georgia (1901– 1907), Martinsville, Virginia (1908–1919), and Burlington, North Carolina (1920–1921). From 1921 until his death, he served several churches of the Orange Presbytery in the Burlington area, and in 1927, he became pastor-at-large for the presbytery. Although McCorkle was well known among Presbyterians for his preaching and pastoring, he became best known to the public through his many writings. His interest in the relationship of Christianity to science and the modern world led him to publish one book, Christian Science; or, the False Christ of 1866, and a host of articles in church publications. Particularly during 1925 and 1926, he became a leader of ministerial opposition to the sociologist Howard W. Odum and the Journal of Social Forces at the University of North Carolina. McCorkle wrote frequent articles expressing his views in newspapers in Charlotte, Greensboro, and other cities, and he produced a controversial pamphlet attacking Odum and modern science, entitled Anti- Christian Sociology as Taught in the Journal of Social Forces. During this time, he also was active in mustering the support of Presbyterians for the Poole bill, introduced by Representative D. Scott Poole in 1926 to prohibit the teaching of evolution in the state’s schools. McCorkle continued to preach until his death, near the end of his life becoming involved in efforts to oppose the national unification of Presbyterian, Reformed, and other Calvinist churches. He died and was buried in Burlington. He was survived by his wife; no record exists of any children. N.B. This biographical note was taken from the Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, Volume 4, pp. 130–131 (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1991).

Series 3. Volumes, 1822–1907 and Undated Subseries 3.1: Diaries of Lucila Agnes McCorkle, 1835, 1846–1860, and 1901–1907 This subseries consists of diaries kept by Lucila Agnes Cambol McCorkle, the mother of William Parsons McCorkle, from 1846 to 1860 and from 1901 to 1907. Entries from 1846 to 1860 are long and introspective, primarily concerning Lucila McCorkle’s religious views, prayers, and meditations; she also wrote of her family, her husband’s activities, church services and Sunday school work, her children’s activities and amusements of friends, neighbors and visitors, and the

35 Part 5 Reel Index synodical college for women in Talladega founded by her husband, Alexander B. McCorkle. As political affairs became more agitated, Lucila made a few references to them, mentioning an attempted slave insurrection in Talladega that led to the arrest of some of the slaves of the town, including the McCorkles’ boy Dave; he was proved innocent and freed, though a number of others were hanged. In general, however, her diary was concerned with home life and religous life. Entries from 1901 to 1907 are shorter and less religious in tone, with greater emphasis on mundane family matters. In all three volumes, there are gaps between entries, ranging from days to months in duration. Also included (in Volume 2) is the daybook of John P. Davidson & Co., a general merchandise business in Talladega, Alabama, from 12 January 1835 to 20 October 1835. Subseries 3.2: Commonplace Book of Mildred W. McCorkle, 1876–1877 This subseries consists of a commonplace book consisting mostly of poetry (some original, by members of the McCorkle family) and some literary excerpts. The passages were presumably chosen by Mildred W. McCorkle, the sister of William P. McCorkle, as her name is written on the flyleaf.

Omissions A list of omissions from the William Parsons McCorkle Papers is provided on Reel 4, Frame 0764, and includes, among others, Series 1. Correspondence, 1806–1933 and Undated; Series 2. Sermons and Other Writings, 1854–1933 and Undated; and Series 4. Clippings and Other Printed Material, 1789–1932 and Undated.

Reel 4 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0382 Introductory Materials. 17 frames.

Series 3. Volumes, 1822–1907 and Undated

Subseries 3.1: Diaries of Lucila Agnes McCorkle, 1835, 1846–1860, and 1901–1907 0399 Description of Subseries 3.1. 1 frame. 0400 Folder 159, Volume 1 (formerly Volume 19), Lucila Agnes McCorkle, Diary, 1846–1858. 130 frames. 0530 Folder 160, Volume 2 (formerly Volume 20), Lucila Agnes McCorkle, Diary, 1858–1860 (and daybook, 1835). 70 frames. 0600 Folder 161, Volume 3 (formerly Volume 6), Lucila Agnes McCorkle, Diary, 1901–1907. 103 frames.

Subseries 3.2: Commonplace Book of Mildred W. McCorkle, 1876–1877 0703 Description of Subseries 3.2. 1 frame. 0704 Folder 162, Volume 4 (formerly Volume 2), Mildred W. McCorkle, Commonplace Book, 1876–1877. 60 frames.


0764 List of Omissions from the William Parsons McCorkle Papers. 1 frame.

36 Reel Index Part 5

Margaret Anne Ulmer Papers, 1857–1858, Macon County, Alabama; also Texas

Description of the Collection This collection comprises a diary, 24 February–5 June 1858, of Margaret Anne Ulmer of Grove Hill, Alabama, kept while she was attending Tuskegee Female Academy, and a typed transcription of a detailed letter, 1857, written from Jonesville, Lamar, and Harrison counties, Texas, from “T.B.A.” to his sister. In her diary, Ulmer described daily events at school, her lessons, the health of her friends and teachers, and a revival at the Baptist Church. A typed transcription of the diary is also included. The letter describes a horseback journey in northeastern Texas and the adjacent Indian territory.

Reel 4 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0765 Introductory Materials. 6 frames.


0771 Folder 1, Margaret Anne Ulmer, Diary and Letter, 1857–1858. 72 frames. 0843 Folder 2, Typed Transcription of Diary, 1858. 69 frames.

Brumby and Smith Family Papers, 1833–1929, Georgia; also Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina

Description of the Collection This small collection consists of miscellaneous items of Laura Margaret Cole (Mrs. James R.) Smith (b. 1806) of South Carolina; her daughter, Laura Smith Brumby (fl. 1866–1885); and her son-in-law, James R. Brumby (b. 1846). Included are a diary, 1833–1834, of Laura Margaret Cole Smith, with entries discussing courting, death and dying, the nullification crisis of 1832, and her reminiscences, written as epistolary fiction, recounting her childhood and daily life. Also included are a diary, 1884–1885, of Laura Brumby, describing a wagon trip from Thomasville, Georgia, to Clearwater and Tampa, Florida, and reminiscences, written in 1929, of James R. Brumby, a native of Holmes and Yazoo counties, Mississippi, a Confederate soldier who served with the Seventh Georgia Cavalry in the Army of Northern Virginia, and a chair manufacturer of Marietta, Georgia. James Brumby detailed his family history, including his experiences during the Civil War and family activities in the furniture business. N.B. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection include the Simpson and Brumby Family Papers and the Ann Eliza Brumby Papers.

Series 1. Laura Margaret Cole Smith Papers, 1833–1834 and Undated This series consists of reminiscences and a diary, 1833–1834, of Laura Margaret Cole (Mrs. James R.) Smith as a young woman in the South Carolina low country between Charleston and

37 Part 5 Reel Index

Savannah, Georgia. The volume of reminiscences (46 pp.) is written as epistolary fiction and features Laura’s remembrances of her childhood at “Selvalla” with her older sister, Sarah Evelina (called Clara in the epistles), her oldest brother, James Jefferson (Frederick), and her brothers, Richard (Morton) and William (Edward). The small diary (23 pp.) is also written in the form of letters and contains entries, for the years 1833 and 1834, relating to single life, courting, death and dying, and the nullification crisis. Also included are three fragments, parts of which appear in the diary or the reminiscences: enclosures from Laura’s diary, including a cure for headache: and two small volumes of poems (one 40 pp., the other 44 pp.), presumably written by Laura. Typed transcriptions of the diary and the reminiscences are available. Also included in the typed transcriptions are one of the fragments and a letter enclosed in the diary, neither of which appears in the diary itself or in the reminiscences.

Series 2. James R. Brumby Family Papers, 1884–1885 and 1929 This series consists of writings by James R. and Laura Smith Brumby, including Laura Brumby’s diary, 1884–1885, and an autobiographical sketch by James, 1929. The diary of Laura Smith Brumby (106 pp.) describes the journey of the Brumby family from Thomasville, Georgia, to Clearwater, Florida, and includes references to the family’s eating habits, church attendance, and land inquiries in the Tampa Bay area. James R. Brumby’s 1929 autobiographical sketch (11 pp., typed) was “written at the request of my children” with the intention of setting forth his account of the history of the Brumby Chair Company of Marietta, Georgia. In it, he identified many family members, related their various moves and business ventures, gave an account of his Civil War experiences with the Seventh Georgia Cavalry in the Army of Northern Virginia, and detailed the activities of the Brumby family in the chair manufacturing business. Typed transcriptions are included.

Reel 5 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 9 frames.

Series 1. Laura Margaret Cole Smith Papers, 1833–1834 and Undated

0010 Description of Series 1. 1 frame. 0011 Folder 1, Reminiscences, Undated. 51 frames. 0062 Folder 2, Diary, 1833–1834, and Enclosures. 37 frames. 0099 Folder 3, Fragments, Undated. 9 frames. 0108 Folder 4, Poems, Undated. 42 frames. 0150 Folder 5, Typed Transcription of Reminiscences and Diary. 91 frames.

Series 2. James R. Brumby Family Papers, 1884–1885 and 1929

0241 Description of Series 2. 1 frame. 0242 Folder 6, Laura Smith Brumby, Diary, 1884–1885. 57 frames. 0299 Folder 7, Laura Smith Brumby, Typed Transcription of Diary. 68 frames. 0367 Folder 8, James R. Brumby, Autobiography, 1929 (and Typed Transcription). 22 frames.

38 Reel Index Part 5

Susan Cornwall Book, 1857–1866, Burke County, Georgia

Description of the Collection This collection comprises one volume of poems and diary entries by Susan Cornwall. The first half of the volume contains poems, apparently original compositions by Cornwall. The second half is a diary, beginning 7 March 1857 and ending 27 October 1866. The entries in the diary during 1857 describe daily events, domestic activities, and activities of Susan’s family and friends. Also included are personal reflections on her own character. The entries end in May. The diary picks up again in January 1861 and continues through May of that year. She described current events, and there are many entries devoted to her personal feelings about the political events of the time. Cornwall staunchly supported slavery and the secession of the South from the Union. Also included are a few entries about her friends and family. There is only one entry during 1863. In it, she described events in the war and the deaths of two of her friends in battle. The next entry is dated 22 August 1865. Susan mentioned the end of the war and deplored the sufferings of the South. The next entry, dated 29 May 1866, is similar. The final two entries describe the death of a child of the local pastor, and the baptism of her own child. A typed transcription of this diary also is included.

Biographical Note Susan Cornwall (ca. 1825–1905) was the daughter of Francis Cornwall, who was reportedly with Wellington’s army at Waterloo and came to Savannah, Georgia, from the West Indies. Susan Cornwall married Oscar Lassiter Shewmake (fl. 1820–1885). Shewmake’s brother, John T. Shewmake, was a member of the Confederate Congress. The family lived at Alexander in Burke County, Georgia.

Reel 5 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0389 Introductory Materials. 5 frames.


0394 Susan Cornwall, Book, 1857–1866. 70 frames. 0464 Typed Transcription of Book. 87 frames.

George Washington Gift Papers, 1862–1876, Early County, Georgia; also Alabama, California, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Hong Kong

Description of the Collection This collection consists chiefly of correspondence, 1862–1876, between George Washington Gift and Ellen Augusta Shackelford Gift, written before and after their marriage in April 1864.

39 Part 5 Reel Index

Most of the letters were written by Gift while he was in the Confederate navy, 1862–1865, and concern his daily life on ships such as the Chattahoochee, the Gaines, and the Tallahassee. The early letters, written from the Chattahoochee, include references to Captain Catesby ap Roger Jones, the commanding officer, and descriptions of the routine on board the ship. Many of the letters were written in the form of journals, recording events over the span of several days. Of special interest are several letters concerning the explosion that destroyed the Chattahoochee on 27 May 1863; a letter containing a substitution cipher, evidently devised by Gift; and four letters from Canada, written by Gift but signed “O. P. Fannin.” In 1865, Gift wrote a few letters to his wife from New York City, where he was evidently engaged in shipping. In 1866, he moved to Memphis, Tennessee, and wrote many letters about family members who lived in the area and about acquiring land to build a cotton gin with his oldest sister, Maria Louisa Sims. In 1869 and 1870, he was in Hong Kong, which he described extensively in letters to home. There are about twenty-five letters from Ellen to George. Most early letters consist of news about her friends and family; later letters are similar, but primarily concern their children. Also included are a few letters, 1863 and 1864, to George Gift from Ellen’s sisters, Hannah and Georgie; a letter, June 1863, to Ellen from George’s sister, Sarah Jane Gift; and two letters, January 1864 and October 1876, from George’s friend and former commanding officer, Catesby ap Roger Jones.

Biographical Note George Washington Gift (b. 1833) was raised in Tennessee and went to California some time before the Civil War. He came home from California in the summer of 1861 in order to join the Confederate navy. He served on several C.S.N. vessels in the coastal waters of North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, including the C.S.S. Chattahoochee, based at Chattahoochee, Florida; the C.S.S. Gaines, based at Mobile, Alabama; the R.E. Lee, off the North Carolina coast; and the Tallahassee, based at Wilmington, North Carolina. In April 1864, Gift married Ellen Augusta Shackelford of Early County, Georgia. After the war, Gift spent time in New York City; Memphis, Tennessee, where the Gift family apparently lived; and Hong Kong.

Reel 5 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0551 Introductory Materials. 13 frames. Papers

0564 Folder 1, 1862–March 1863. 79 frames. 0643 Folder 2, April–June 1863. 105 frames. 0748 Folder 3, July–December 1863. 85 frames. 0833 Folder 4, January–June 1864. 62 frames. 0895 Folder 5, July 1864–December 1865. 86 frames. 0981 Folder 6, 1866. 82 frames. 1063 Folder 7, 1869–1876 and Undated. 42 frames.

40 Reel Index Part 5

Charles Iverson Graves Papers, 1831–1962, Floyd and Newton Counties, Georgia; also Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Egypt

Description of the Collection This collection consists chiefly of correspondence of Charles Iverson and Margaret Graves, mostly documenting Charles Iverson’s military career in the U.S. and Confederate navies and his civilian engineering career, particularly his service in Egypt, but also his work on the Georgia Pacific and Memphis & Vicksburg railroads. The pair exchanged several hundred letters from 1875 to 1878 that detail his experiences in Egypt and her life at Locust Hill, Caswell County, North Carolina, where she tried to raise five children with limited economic resources. There is also correspondence relating to the Graves’s farm in Rome, Georgia, and containing much information about the experiences of Graves and Lea family members who moved to Alabama and Mississippi before the Civil War. Also included are genealogical materials about the Graves, Lea, and related families, and Charles Graves’s writings on Egyptian culture. There are also other writings, notes, and pictures. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence—Subseries 1.1: 1831–1849, Subseries 1.2: 1850–1861, Subseries 1.3: 1862–1865, Subseries 1.4: 1866–1874, Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878, Subseries 1.6: 1881–1914, and Subseries 1.7: Undated; Series 2. Egypt Materials [not included]; Series 3. Genealogical Materials; Series 4. Other Papers; and Series 5. Pictures.

Biographical Note Charles Iverson Graves (1838–1896) was the son of John Williams (1792–1847) and Martha Hinton Graves (1799–1862) of North Carolina. Before his birth, his parents joined relatives living in Newton County, Georgia, among them John’s cousin, Iverson Lewis Graves, and Martha’s brother, John Hinton. John’s brother, Calvin Graves, remained at Locust Hill in Caswell County, North Carolina, near Yanceyville. Calvin often advised his nephew, Charles, after the death of John Graves. Charles attended the U.S. Naval Academy; served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy until 1861 when he became an officer in the Confederate navy; taught school and operated a vegetable farm near Rome, Georgia; spent three years in Egypt as a lieutenant colonel in the Egyptian army, 1875–1878; and worked as a civil engineer on construction of the Georgia Pacific as well as the Memphis & Vicksburg railroads, 1881–1884. He married Margaret Rockwell Lea in November 1862. They had five children: Charles Iverson, Jr., William Lea, Mary Hinton, Robert William, and Anne Parke. Margaret Rockwell Lea (1840–1919) was the daughter of William (1811–1856) and Mary Lea (1817–1892). When William Lea died, his wife and daughter lived with relatives in Mississippi and Tennessee until Mary married Calvin Graves, whose first wife, Elizabeth, had been her aunt. Mary and Maggie, as Margaret was called by the family, moved to Locust Hill, where Maggie met and married Calvin’s nephew, Charles, on 10 November 1862. Charles’s pet name for Margaret was “Chi Chi.”

Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated This series consists chiefly of correspondence of Charles Iverson Graves and his wife, Margaret Lea Graves. Significant correspondents also include members of the Lea, Graves, and related families of Petersburg, Virginia; Yanceyville, North Carolina; and Rome, Georgia.

41 Part 5 Reel Index

Subseries 1.1: 1831–1849 This subseries consists chiefly of Lea family correspondence, especially of the parents of Margaret Lea Graves—William Lea of Petersburg, Virginia, and Mary Lea of Leasburg, North Carolina. Also included are scattered letters from friends and relatives, mostly female, containing information about their experiences in moving west to Alabama and Mississippi. Subseries 1.2: 1850–1861 This subseries comprises correspondence of the Graves and related families, documenting Charles Iverson Graves’s attendance at the U.S. Naval Academy and his service with the U.S. Navy overseas; the courtship and marriage in 1859 of Calvin Graves and Mary Lea; and the courtship of Charles Graves and Margaret Lea. In a letter of 19 December 1853, Alexander Stephens congratulated Charles upon his accep- tance to the naval academy. Charles reestablished connections to the Graves family in North Carolina when he stayed with his Uncle Calvin in Caswell County on the way to Annapolis. Charles’s mother and sister sent him neighborhood and family news from Newton County, Georgia. In February 1858, Charles wrote his family from the U.S.S. Minnesota in China; there is only limited information about his experience in the efforts of the United States to establish trade connections in Far Eastern markets. (See also Series 3 for further documentation of Graves’s service on the Minnesota.) Charles’s letters aboard the Iroquois in the Mediterranean contain considerably more information about his naval experiences. From Italy, Charles sent his fiancée a picture of Garibaldi “with whom I have the honor to be well acquainted” (1 August 1860; see also Series 5). His letters include discussions of civil unrest in the area and descriptions of the picturesque countryside and local culture of Naples and Rome. Charles resigned his commission in March 1861. To his family, Charles expressed difficulty in making this decision. “I feel almost broken hearted at the sad condition of our country. If the two sections separate, peaceably even, they at once fall to third rate or fourth rate powers, whose voices in the affairs of nations will be of scarcely more importance than that of Mexico.” But he declared, “I could never fight against the South, especially when I thought she was right” (16 March 1861). By December 1861, Charles had returned to Rome, Georgia, with a commission as lieutenant in the Confederate navy. Scattered letters from Margaret Lea document her response to Charles Graves’s romantic overtures. Much of the correspondence for 1858 documents Calvin Graves’s courtship of her mother, Mary Lea. Margaret lived with them at Locust Hill after their marriage and wrote Charles about such topics as Lincoln’s election, secession of southern states, and a reading club she had helped establish “to relieve the monotony of country life” (23 January 1861). Also of note during this period are letters from relatives, including Azariah Graves, who sold his land in North Carolina to move west; Sallie and Grizelda Hinton, who sent their nephew, Charles, news from Raleigh, North Carolina; and scattered Lea family letters. Calvin Graves wrote about a great religious revival in North Carolina, including a “protracted meeting” at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “during which there was a large number of converts” (17 October 1856). Subseries 1.3: 1862–1865 This subseries comprises correspondence between Margaret and Charles, documenting the effects of the Civil War during the first years of their marriage. Letters from 1862 are primarily from Charles, who encouraged his fiancée, “Chi Chi,” to “write to me often and freely; your letters never leave my hands but for the fire” (29 January 1862). Charles’s frequent letters to Margaret document his activities in the Confederate navy, first in Richmond and at Acquia Creek, then as executive officer of the Morgan off the coast of Mobile, Alabama.

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Charles and Margaret were married in November 1862. Thereafter, Margaret’s letters show that she moved to Mobile to be near her husband. In March 1863, Charles received orders to “proceed South along the line of the Greensboro, Charlotte, and Columbia Railroad for the purpose of selecting a suitable locality for the [Confederate] Naval School” (4 March 1863). These orders quickly changed since Charles wrote two months later from Charleston, South Carolina, on his way to Europe (26 May 1863). Unfortunately, there are no letters documenting his narrow, blockade-running escape from federal forces or his tedious negotiations with French authorities, who were reluctant either to recognize the Confederacy or to release the ship he had been sent to command. Margaret’s letters do, however, document her experiences in Mobile after her husband’s departure. She wrote him that “exiles from New Orleans and refugees from Jackson continue to pour into Mobile” (28 May 1863). In 1864, she returned to Locust Hill in North Carolina to have their first child. (See also Margaret’s reminiscences in Series 3.) Subseries 1.4: 1866–1874 This subseries comprises letters documenting the Graves family’s attempts to become established on a farm called Maury near Rome, Georgia. Letters show that by 1868, Charles and Margaret had moved to Georgia, where Charles taught school and grew melons because he found them “more profitable at 10¢. a piece than corn or cotton” (28 August 1868). The Graveses actually grew a variety of crops on their farm, including okra, beets, onions, cabbages, and cucumbers, which they sold in local markets. During this period, Charles and Margaret steadily expanded their family. By 1873, they had five children: Charles Iverson, Jr., William Lea, Mary Hinton, Robert William, and Anne Parke. In the summer of 1874, while Margaret visited her family at Locust Hill and travelled in the North (see also Series 4), Charles was a delegate to the Georgia State Agricultural Convention at Stone Mountain. Because Charles and Margaret were together in Georgia during much of this period, the bulk of the correspondence involves other family members. Especially prominent among these is Calvin Graves, who wrote to his wife while she was attending the birth of Margaret’s daughter in Georgia. Calvin stayed at Locust Hill where he observed conditions near Yanceyville, North Carolina, as the community adjusted to changed social conditions in the aftermath of the Civil War. There is also significant correspondence from various relatives and friends in the West. William Lea sent news about relatives and the agricultural market from Holly Springs, Mississippi (6 December 1868). S. E. Lea wrote from Princeton, Arkansas, complaining about martial law imposed by the “Radical” state government and discussing the impact of freedom on the local labor force (15 March 1869). R. P. Green contacted Margaret from California with details about life in Stockton and San Francisco, including such topics as the cost of living and the experiences of her brothers in wheat farming and sheep raising. Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878 This subseries comprises correspondence of Charles Iverson Graves in Egypt and Margaret Lea Graves living with relatives at Locust Hill in Caswell County and at Leasburg, North Carolina. There are more than three hundred letters from each of the Graveses. Margaret wrote her husband long letters about family matters, including the death of her stepfather and Charles’s uncle, Calvin Graves (February 1877). Charles wrote from various locations in Egypt—Cairo; Massowa, where he was in charge of military shipping during the war with Abyssinia; Suez; and several Egyptian villages that he surveyed. In addition to his homesickness, his letters document his work, his observations about village life, landholding practices, farming, irrigation, tax collection, and other aspects of Egyptian culture. Also included are military communications translated from French and Arabic into English; scattered letters from family members in North Carolina; correspondence from Henry W. Miller of New York, Charles’s classmate at the naval academy who managed Charles’s financial affairs

43 Part 5 Reel Index while he was in Egypt, sending Margaret money and relaying news; and letters from Charles’s acquaintances in Egypt. (See also Series 2, not included.) Subseries 1.6: 1881–1914 This subseries comprises letters chiefly documenting Charles Iverson Graves’s career as a civil engineer. In 1881, Graves was employed by the Georgia Pacific Railroad building tracks in Georgia and Alabama. In 1882, he worked with the Memphis & Vicksburg Railroad and was transferred in October to work as the engineering representative of the railroad for the Yazoo Bridge. In 1883, work on the bridge was suspended, and Graves was transferred to Clarksdale. Graves’s work with the railroad took him away from his family, and he wrote letters home about the work he was doing, as well as his concerns for family finances and the importance of his children’s education. These letters largely end in 1884 when Graves moved home to farm at Maury and to work as a railroad agent in Rome, Georgia. Thereafter, letters are from family members and friends, especially former classmates like F. V. McNair, for whom Graves helped to secure the position of commandant of the U.S. Naval Academy. Charles Iverson Graves died in 1896. Margaret Graves was still receiving letters of sympathy in 1898. Twentieth century letters chiefly relate to the family of Charles Iverson Graves, Jr., in Alexander City, Alabama. Correspondence shows that his wife, Josephine Nicholes Graves, lived in Asheville, North Carolina, in 1907 while undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. Subseries 1.7: Undated This subseries comprises undated letters and letter fragments from family members and friends.

Series 3. Genealogical Materials, 1809–1962 and Undated Correspondence of Marguerite Graves concerning her genealogical research; her Daughters of the American Revolution application; histories of various family branches; and biographical information about Charles I. Graves, including printed accounts of Graves’s, life are included. Also included are typed reminiscences of Margaret Lea Graves (1840–1919) and Lea family bible records.

Series 4. Other Papers, 1859–1901 and Undated Included are the technical log, 1859–1861, of Graves’s voyage from New York to Italy on the Iroquois and financial and legal materials, including copies of family wills; Charles Graves’s oath of allegiance, 17 May 1865; miscellaneous dry goods receipts, 1878–1888; and tuition receipts, 1901, for music lessons for Marguerite Graves. Margaret Lea Graves’s reminiscences include discussions of the Graves’s Civil War experiences that fill gaps left in their correspondence, especially regarding the last days of the Confederacy when Margaret accompanied her husband south while he guarded the retreat from Richmond of ’s family and the Confederate Treasury. Miscellaneous items include Charles Iverson Graves’s French passport, 1864; an itinerary labelled “Summer Cruise 1874” outlining Margaret Lea Graves’s trip north in July and August; grades of Charles Iverson Graves at the naval academy, 1857, and of Iverson and Willie Graves, 1877.

Series 5. Pictures, 1860–1894 and Undated This series comprises twelve photographs. The first picture is of Charles Iverson Graves, in naval uniform, seated. Inscribed: “Lt. Chas. Iverson Graves—Copy of photograph taken in Italy when he was on the U.S.S. sloop of war ‘Iroquois’—Mediterranean Squadron. He wrote his resignation to Sec. of Navy, Isaac aboard the Iroquois, 1861.”

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The second picture is of Charles Iverson Graves seated. Inscribed: “Col. C. I. Graves in uniform of Egyptian Army.” The third picture is of Solomon Lea. The fourth picture is of General Azariah Graves. Inscribed: “Husband of Elizabeth Williams (daughter of Col. John Williams—Revolutionary ancestor) Caswell County, NC. Great-great grandfather of Marguerite Bryant Graves—daughter of Charles Iverson and Josephine Nicholes Graves.” The fifth picture is of an unidentified group of eight white children with three black women and one donkey. Picture taken outside with people gathered around table. Boys wearing white dresses. The sixth picture is inscribed: “‘Garibaldi’—This photograph was presented to C. I. Graves U.S. Navy, by Garibaldi himself during a visit to his camp near Naples—on eve of his victorious entry into the city—Sept. 1860.” The seventh picture is of a man in uniform. Inscribed: “Col. Chas. I. Graves. Rome, Georgia. My dear Graves. Faithfully your classmate F. V. McNair, U.S. Naval Observatory. May 5, 1894.” The eighth picture is of an unidentified woman taken at the studio of Dr. F. Maderni, Milano. The ninth picture is entitled “Lady of the ” (See Series 2, not included, for photo album with similar pictures collected by Charles I. Graves in Egypt.) The tenth picture is of an unidentified young man. Labelled: “1866.” The eleventh picture is of an unidentified bearded man. Labelled: “1866.” The twelth picture is of an unidentified landscape with a clearing of broken trees and hills in background.

Omissions A list of omissions from the Charles Iverson Graves Papers is provided on Reel 11, Frame 0208 and consists of Series 2. Egyptian Materials, 1875–1962.

N.B. A related collection among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection is the Graves Family Papers, which follows this collection. Another related collection is the Calvin Graves Papers, North Carolina Department of Archives and History.

Reel 6 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 22 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: 1831–1849 0023 Description of Subseries 1.1. 1 frame. 0024 Folder 1, 1831–1849. 35 frames.

Subseries 1.2: 1850–1861 0059 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0060 Folder 2, 1850–1853. 28 frames. 0088 Folder 3, 1854–1855. 34 frames. 0112 Folder 4, 1856–1857. 45 frames. 0157 Folder 5, 1858. 44 frames. 0201 Folder 6, 1859–1860. 45 frames. 0246 Folder 7, 1861. 48 frames.

45 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.3: 1862–1865 0294 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 0295 Folder 8, January–March 1862. 40 frames. 0335 Folder 9, April–June 1862. 61 frames. 0396 Folder 10, July–August 1862. 57 frames. 0453 Folder 11, September–December 1862. 35 frames. 0488 Folder 12, January–February 1863. 44 frames. 0532 Folder 13, March 1863. 26 frames. 0558 Folder 14, April–December 1863. 40 frames. 0598 Folder 15, 1864–1865. 58 frames.

Subseries 1.4: 1866–1874 0656 Description of Subseries 1.4. 1 frame. 0657 Folder 16, 1866–1872. 44 frames. 0701 Folder 17, July 1874. 24 frames. 0725 Folder 18, August–November 1874. 48 frames.

Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878 0773 Description of Subseries 1.5. 1 frame. 0774 Folder 19, June 1875. 10 frames. 0784 Folder 20, July 1875. 79 frames. 0863 Folder 21, August 1875. 60 frames. 0923 Folder 22, September 1875. 60 frames. 0983 Folder 23, October 1875. 102 frames. 1085 Folder 24, November 1875. 105 frames. 1190 Folder 25, December 1875. 81 frames.

Reel 7 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878 cont. 0001 Folder 26, January 1876. 81 frames. 0082 Folder 27, 1–14 February 1876. 78 frames. 0160 Folder 28, 15–29 February 1876. 71 frames. 0231 Folder 29, March 1876. 107 frames. 0338 Folder 30, April–May 1876. 86 frames. 0424 Folder 31, June 1876. 38 frames. 0462 Folder 32, July 1876. 78 frames. 0540 Folder 33, August 1876. 87 frames. 0627 Folder 34, September 1876. 65 frames. 0692 Folder 35, October 1876. 107 frames. 0799 Folder 36, November 1876. 110 frames. 0909 Folder 37, 1–16 December 1876. 58 frames. 0967 Folder 38, 17–31 December 1876. 65 frames. 1032 Folder 39, January 1877. 98 frames. 1130 Folder 40, February 1877. 100 frames.

46 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. Reel 8 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878 cont. 0001 Folder 41, March 1877. 94 frames. 0095 Folder 42, April 1877. 104 frames. 0199 Folder 43, May 1877. 99 frames. 0298 Folder 44, 1–17 June 1877. 70 frames. 0368 Folder 45, 18–30 June 1877. 59 frames. 0427 Folder 46, 1–14 July 1877. 65 frames. 0492 Folder 47, 15–31 July 1877. 58 frames. 0550 Folder 48, August 1877. 52 frames. 0602 Folder 49, 1–13 September 1877. 40 frames. 0642 Folder 50, 14–30 September 1877. 48 frames. 0690 Folder 51, October 1877. 124 frames. 0814 Folder 52, November 1877. 105 frames. 0919 Folder 53, December 1877. 73 frames. 0992 Folder 54, 1–19 January 1878. 39 frames. 1031 Folder 55, 20–31 January 1878. 52 frames. 1083 Folder 56, February 1878. 93 frames.

Reel 9 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.5: 1875–1878 cont. 0001 Folder 57, 1–17 March 1878. 60 frames. 0061 Folder 58, 18–31 March 1878. 58 frames. 0119 Folder 59, 1–14 April 1878. 82 frames. 0201 Folder 60, 15–30 April 1878. 64 frames. 0265 Folder 61, May 1878. 84 frames. 0349 Folder 62, June 1878. 102 frames. 0451 Folder 63, July 1878. 79 frames. 0530 Folder 64, August–December 1878 and Fragments. 74 frames.

Subseries 1.6: 1881–1914 0604 Description of Subseries 1.6. 1 frame. 0605 Folder 65, 1881. 48 frames. 0653 Folder 66, January–July 1882. 71 frames. 0724 Folder 67, 1–21 August 1882. 47 frames. 0771 Folder 68, 22–31 August 1882. 58 frames. 0829 Folder 69, September–October 1882. 61 frames. 0890 Folder 70, November–December 1882. 42 frames.

47 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Reel 10 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1831–1914 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.6: 1881–1914 cont. 0001 Folder 71, January 1883. 67 frames. 0068 Folder 72, February–December 1883. 46 frames. 0114 Folder 73, January–February 1884. 47 frames. 0161 Folder 74, March–August 1884. 62 frames. 0223 Folder 75, 1889–1891. 26 frames. 0249 Folder 76, 1894. 30 frames. 0279 Folder 77, 1896–1914. 93 frames.

Subseries 1.7: Undated 0372 Description of Subseries 1.7. 1 frame. 0373 Folder 78, Undated and Fragments. 73 frames.

Series 3. Genealogical Materials, 1809–1962 and Undated

0446 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0447 Folder 88, Charles Iverson Graves, 1896–1949 and Undated. 51 frames. 0498 Folder 89, Charles Iverson Graves, 1896 and Undated. 7 frames. 0505 Folder 90, Charles Iverson Graves, 1895–1962 and Undated. 27 frames. 0532 Folder 91, Charles Iverson Graves, 1896–1957 and Undated. 13 frames. 0545 Folder 92, Graves Family, 1940–1962 and Undated. 111 frames. 0656 Folder 93, Graves Family, 1862–1958 and Undated. 93 frames. 0749 Folder 94, Hinton Family, 1957 and Undated. 56 frames. 0805 Folder 95, Lea Family, ca. 1831–1958 and Undated. 108 frames. 0913 Folder 96, Nicholes Family, 1957–1963 and Undated. 10 frames. 0923 Folder 97, Williams Family, 1957 and Undated. 21 frames.

Reel 11 Charles Iverson Graves Papers cont. Series 4. Other Papers, 1857–1901 and Undated

0001 Description of Series 4. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 98, Technical Log, 1859–1861. 46 frames. 0048 Folder 99, Financial and Legal Materials, 1843–1901. 23 frames. 0071 Folder 100, Reminiscences of Margaret Lea Graves (original and two typed copies), Undated. 97 frames. 0168 Folder 101, Miscellaneous Materials, 1857–1878 and Undated. 24 frames.

Series 5. Pictures, 1860–1894 and Undated

0192 Description of Series 5. 1 frame. 0193 Folder P-2606/1–12. 15 frames.


48 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. 0208 List of Omissions from the Charles Iverson Graves Papers. 1 frame.

49 Reel Index Part 5

Graves Family Papers, 1815–1901, Newton County, Georgia; also New York and North Carolina

Description of the Collection The collection consists chiefly of correspondence of Sarah, Iverson, and Henry Graves (bulk 1830–1870). It also includes political papers and Farmers’ Alliance papers of Henry L. Graves; two physician’s record books of John L. Graves (fl. 1844–1847), probably a brother of Iverson L. Graves; sermon outlines and other religious papers, some of which probably belonged to Nathaniel Dutton; Graves family account books and business papers, including two volumes of blacksmith accounts; and a mid-nineteenth century scrapbook. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Personal Correspondence—Subseries 1.1: Sarah Dutton Graves Correspondence, Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, Subseries 1.3: Post-War Correspondence, and Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence; Series 2. Antebellum Account Books and Business Papers—Subseries 2.1: Account Books, Subseries 2.2: John Graves Cotton Accounts, Subseries 2.3: Blacksmith Account Books, and Subseries 2.4: John L. Graham Accounts; Series 3. Post-War Accounts—Subseries 3.1: Account Book and Subseries 3.2: Accounts and Receipts; Series 4. Religious Papers—Subseries 4.1: Sermon Notes, Subseries 4.2: Thomas Shepard Sermon, Subseries 4.3: Church Membership Book, and Subseries 4.4: Scriptural Precepts; Series 5. Physician’s Records; Series 6. Academic Papers; Series 7. Political Papers; Series 8. Farmers’ Alliance and Agricultural Papers—Subseries 8.1: Farmers’ Alliance Minutes and Subseries 8.2: Miscellaneous Agricultural Papers; and Series 9. Scrapbook.

Biographical Note Sarah Dutton Graves (fl. 1830–1883), an educator and plantation owner, grew up in Champion, New York, and moved to Covington, Georgia, to teach in 1832. She married local planter, Iverson Lea Graves (d. 1866), in 1834. After Iverson’s death, she became active in the management of the family’s plantations. Her son, Henry L. Graves (fl. 1842–1892), a Confederate veteran and cotton planter, was active in local politics as a state legislator and a member of the county school board. He was also active in the Georgia Farmers’ Alliance. Other correspondents represented in the collection include Sarah’s father, Nathaniel Dutton (d. 1852); her brother, Henry Dutton (fl. 1830–1857); her son, Iverson Dutton Graves (fl. 1859–1888); her sister, Eunice Dutton (fl. 1830–1839);her daughter, Cornelia Graves (fl. 1860–1890); teachers and classmates from Troy Female Seminary, and family friends in New York and Georgia.

Series 1. Personal Correspondence, 1830–1901 and Undated Subseries 1.1: Sarah Dutton Graves Correspondence, 1830–1860 This subseries consists chiefly of correspondence of Sarah Dutton Graves with members of her family. Most of the early letters (1830–1839) are to Sarah from her parents, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Dutton; her siblings, Eunice and Henry Dutton; and other relations in Jefferson County and elsewhere in New York, and some of the others include letters to and from teachers and classmates at the Troy Female Seminary. After 1840, a greater number of letters from Sarah are included. There are also letters to and from Sarah and her husband, Iverson Graves, during her visits to New York, while he was away on business, and while he served in the Creek War (1836). The Creek War letters discuss privations in the army, troop strength and movements, and Iverson’s feelings about being involved in the conflict.

49b Part 5 Reel Index

Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, 1861–1865 and Undated This subseries consists chiefly of letters to and from Henry Lea Graves, a private in the Macon Volunteers during 1861– 1862 and a lieutenant in the Confederate Marines after October 1862. Letters from Graves discuss routine military life, maneuvers, camp life, and requests for mail; letters to Graves chiefly discuss life on the home front, family news, and illnesses. Letters written in 1861 found Henry in the vicinity of Norfolk, Virginia; letters in January–September 1862 found him in Wilmington, North Carolina, and Petersburg, Virginia; October 1862–January 1863 letters found him in Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia; and letters, 1864–1865, were received by him at Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston and James Island, South Carolina. Subseries 1.3: Post-War Correspondence, 1866–1901 This subseries consists chiefly of correspondence of Henry Lea Graves and Sarah Dutton Graves. After the death of Iverson Graves in 1866, his wife and eldest son took over the management of the family’s estate. Early letters provide some detail of plantation management. The bulk of the letters, however, deal with routine family matters, such as weddings, attending church, grandchildren, education, and illnesses. Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence This subseries comprises undated correspondence, chiefly of Henry Lea Graves and Sarah Dutton Graves.

Series 2. Antebellum Account Books and Business Papers, 1815–1859 Subseries 2.1: Account Books, 1815–1859 This subseries consists of ledgers relating to dry goods and general merchandise. Several books contain total amounts only. Some of the account books include plantation accounts for the antebellum and postwar periods. The account book in folder 20 lists prices paid for various slaves and prices obtained upon resale. The account book in folder 22 includes labor contracts between freedmen and Sarah Dutton Graves and drafts of letters written by her. (See also Series 9, Folder 49, for a scrapbook pasted into an 1817–1818 account book.) The relationship of many of these volumes to the Graves family is unclear. It is possible that some of the earlier volumes predate the family’s move from North Carolina to Georgia, but most relate to the Covington, Georgia, area. Subseries 2.2: John Graves Cotton Accounts, 1835 This subseries consists of accounts for unbound cotton from 1835. Most accounts were with the firm of Murgrove & Rustin in Augusta, Georgia. Graves was in Covington, Georgia. Often these accounts included correspondence concerning the various transactions in which Graves and the commission merchant business were involved. Subseries 2.3: Blacksmith Account Books, 1834–1835 and 1846 This subseries consists of two blacksmith account books. The first is dated 1834–1835. The second is dated 1846. Both volumes involve members of the Graves family in Newton County, Georgia. Subseries 2.4: John L. Graham Accounts, 1854–1859 This subseries consists of accounts relating mostly to personal expenses of John L. Graham. Iverson Lea Graves was John L. Graham’s guardian in Newton County, Georgia.

Series 3. Post-War Accounts, 1870–1890 (See also Subseries 4.3: Church Membership Book, which also includes postwar general accounts.) Subseries 3.1: Account Book, 1870–1884 This subseries consists of an account book that includes house plans and property surveys, a partial division of the Graves family estate, and a folder of enclosures. Accounts include freedmen’s accounts and cotton accounts. Also included

50 Reel Index Part 5 are accounts showing the settlement of the estate of Iverson L. Graves. References occur to property in Newton and Terrell counties, Georgia. Subseries 3.2: Accounts and Receipts, 1873–1890 This subseries consists primarily of cotton accounts. Also included are estate papers of Iverson Lea Graves and legal papers of Henry L. Graves.

Series 4. Religious Papers, 1840–1888 and Undated Subseries 4.1: Sermon Notes, Undated This subseries consists of notes for sermons that may have belonged to Sarah Dutton Graves’s father, Nathaniel Dutton. Subseries 4.2: Thomas Shepard Sermon, 1840 This subseries consists of a printed broadside, labelled “The Pastor’s Address, for the New Year, No. III,” in the form of a letter signed by Thomas Shepard and dated at Bristol [unidentified location], 1 January 1840. Subseries 4.3: Church Membership Book, 1850–1888 This subseries consists of a book recording church membership and attendance in the 1850s; with some additional notes regarding deaths in the 1860s and cotton accounts of Henry L. Graves from the 1880s. Membership is broken down by race and gender. The ownership of black members is often shown. The name and location of the church are not indicated, but the pastor in 1858–1859 was M. F. Malsby and the church was in the Athens District [possibly Georgia]. Also included are postwar general accounts of Henry L. Graves, including records of amounts of cotton picked by individuals and receipts for various items. Subseries 4.4: Scriptural Precepts, Undated This subseries consists of nine handwritten pages of biblical rules for leading a spiritual life.

Series 5. Physician’s Records, 1844–1852 and Undated This series consists of physician’s records, of fees, services, and prescriptions, belonging to John L. Graves and George W. Graves, possibly Iverson Lea Graves’s brothers. Patients included free and slave and male and female individuals as well as persons working for or owned by the Georgia Railroad. The first medical record book is a ledger, 1844–1845, showing charges made for visits and prescriptions and closing with an account of the sale of the property of Dr. John L. Graves. The second medical record book is a daybook, 1847–1852, showing charges for visits and prescriptions in an apparent partnership involving John L. Graves and George W. Graves. The final folder consists of two undated miscellaneous prescriptions.

Series 6. Academic Papers, 1859–1861 and Undated This series consists primarily of a diary, 1859 and undated, probably of Iverson Graves but with some entries by Henry L. Graves, containing the author’s first impression of attending a school away from home, clothing lists, the travel record of a trip from Georgia to Niagara Falls, New York, meal accounts, and a treatment for a “foundered horse.” There are also several essays, 1860–1861 and undated, by Henry L. Graves at Emory College on the “Uses of History,” “Independence,” and other topics.

Series 7. Political Papers 1870, 1880–1892, and Undated This series consists of political letters to Henry Lea Graves in his positions as school board member and Georgia state legislator, draft bills, ballots, petitions, and other miscellaneous political papers.

51 Part 5 Reel Index

Series 8. Farmers’ Alliance and Agricultural Papers, 1876–1891 and Undated Subseries 8.1: Farmers’ Alliance Minutes, 1890–1891 This subseries consists of the minutes of meetings of Farmers’ Alliance members of the General Assembly from 6 November– 9 December 1890 and 8 July–13 October 1891. Henry L. Graves served as secretary of the meetings. Discussions encompassed legislative matters and Alliance matters. Subseries 8.2: Miscellaneous Agricultural Papers, 1876–1891 and Undated This subseries consists of a variety of agricultural papers, including price lists, livestock pedigrees, a copy of “The Sub-Treasury Plan,” land surveys, and other miscellaneous forms and papers. Also included are an advertising booklet on “Fertilizers: Their Manufacture and Use,” with agricultural notes at the back of the booklet, and two newspaper clippings of letters to the editor by Henry Lea Graves.

Series 9. Scrapbook, Undated This series consists of one undated scrapbook with miscellaneous clippings, chiefly from the mid-nineteenth century, pasted into an account book from 1817–1818.

N.B. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection include the Milligan Family Papers, the William P. Graham Papers, and the Charles Iverson Graves Papers. Of these, the Charles Iverson Graves Papers precedes this collection and the Milligan Family Papers follows this collection.

Reel 11 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0209 Introductory Materials. 14 frames.

Series 1. Personal Correspondence, 1830–1901 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: Sarah Dutton Graves Correspondence, 1830–1860 0223 Description of Subseries 1.1. 1 frame. 0224 Folder 1, 1830–1834. 112 frames. 0336 Folder 2, 1835–1839. 122 frames. 0458 Folder 3, 1840–1849. 116 frames. 0574 Folder 4, 1850–1860. 66 frames.

Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, 1861–1865 and Undated 0640 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0641 Folder 5, 1861. 76 frames. 0717 Folder 6, January–September 1862. 63 frames. 0780 Folder 7, October 1862–January 1863. 65 frames. 0845 Folder 8, February–December 1863. 58 frames. 0903 Folder 9, 1864–1865 and Undated. 125 frames.

Subseries 1.3: Post-War Correspondence, 1866–1901 1028 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 1029 Folder 10, 1866. 96 frames.

52 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. Reel 12 Graves Family Papers cont. Series 1. Personal Correspondence, 1830–1901 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3: Post-War Correspondence, 1866–1901 cont. 0001 Folder 11, 1867. 83 frames. 0084 Folder 12, 1868–1869. 68 frames. 0152 Folder 13, 1870–1873. 100 frames. 0252 Folder 14, 1874–1880. 82 frames. 0334 Folder 15, 1881–1901. 74 frames.

Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence 0408 Description of Subseries 1.4. 1 frame. 0409 Folder 16, Undated. 92 frames.

Series 2. Antebellum Account Books and Business Papers, 1815–1859

Subseries 2.1: Account Books, 1815–1859 0501 Description of Subseries 2.1. 1 frame. 0502 Folder 17, Ledger, General Merchandise, 1815–1817. 234 frames. 0736 Folder 18, Ledger, 1818–1819. 301 frames.

Reel 13 Graves Family Papers cont. Series 2. Antebellum Account Books and Business Papers, 1815–1859 cont.

Subseries 2.1: Account Books, 1815–1859 cont. 0001 Folder 19, Ledger, 1818–1819. 34 frames. 0035 Folder 20, Account Book, Slave Prices, 1820–1836. 13 frames. 0048 Folder 21, Ledger, 1825–1829. 700 frames. 0748 Folder 22, Ledger, General Merchandise, and Post-War Letters and Labor Contracts, 1836–1843, 1866. 85 frames. 0833 Folder 23, Ledger, 1850–1859. 76 frames. 0909 Folder 24, Account Book, 1834–1841 and Undated. 28 frames.

Subseries 2.2: John Graves Cotton Accounts, 1835 0937 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0938 Folder 25, 1835. 11 frames.

Subseries 2.3: Blacksmith Account Books, 1834–1835 and 1846 0949 Description of Subseries 2.3. 1 frame. 0950 Folder 26, 1834–1835. 23 frames. 0973 Folder 27, 1846. 28 frames.

Subseries 2.4: John L. Graham Accounts, 1854–1859 1001 Description of Subseries 2.4. 1 frame. 1002 Folder 28, 1854–1859. 7 frames.

53 Part 5 Reel Index

Frame No. Reel 14 Graves Family Papers cont. Series 3. Post-War Accounts, 1870–1890

Subseries 3.1: Account Book, 1870–1884 0001 Description of Subseries 3.1. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 29, Account Book, 1870–1884. 88 frames. 0090 Folder 30, Enclosures, 1870–1884. 17 frames.

Subseries 3.2: Accounts and Receipts, 1873–1890 0107 Description of Subseries 3.2. 1 frame. 0108 Folder 31, 1873–1885. 90 frames. 0198 Folder 32, 1886–1890. 78 frames.

Series 4. Religious Papers, 1840–1888 and Undated

Subseries 4.1: Sermon Notes, Undated 0276 Description of Subseries 4.1. 1 frame. 0277 Folder 33, Undated. 28 frames. 0305 Folder 34, Undated. 21 frames.

Subseries 4.2: Thomas Shepard Sermon, 1840 0326 Description of Subseries 4.2. 1 frame. 0327 Folder 35, 1840. 2 frames.

Subseries 4.3: Church Membership Book, 1850–1888 0329 Description of Subseries 4.3. 1 frame. 0330 Folder 36, 1850–1888. 113 frames.

Subseries 4.4: Scriptural Precepts, Undated 0443 Description of Subseries 4.4. 1 frame. 0444 Folder 37, Undated. 6 frames.

Series 5. Physician’s Records, 1844–1852 and Undated

0450 Description of Series 5. 1 frame. 0451 Folder 38, John L. Graves, Medical Record Book, 1844–1845. 78 frames. 0529 Folder 39, John L. Graves and George W. Graves, Medical Record Book, 1847–1852. 248 frames. 0777 Folder 40, Miscellaneous Prescriptions, Undated. 3 frames.

Series 6. Academic Papers, 1859–1861 and Undated

0780 Description of Series 6. 1 frame. 0781 Folder 41, Diary, 1859 and Undated. 22 frames. 0803 Folder 42, Essays, 1860–1861 and Undated. 20 frames. 0823 Folder 43, Essays, 1860–1861 and Undated. 6 frames.

54 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. Series 7. Political Papers, 1870, 1880–1892, and Undated

0829 Description of Series 7. 1 frame. 0830 Folder 44, 1870, 1880–1892, and Undated. 110 frames.

Series 8. Farmers’ Alliance and Agricultural Papers, 1876–1891 and Undated

Subseries 8.1: Farmers’ Alliance Minutes, 1890–1891 0940 Description of Subseries 8.1. 1 frame. 0941 Folder 45, 1890–1891. 30 frames.

Subseries 8.2: Miscellaneous Agricultural Papers, 1876–1891 and Undated 0971 Description of Subseries 8.2. 1 frame. 0972 Folder 46, 1876–1891 and Undated. 87 frames.

Series 9. Scrapbook, Undated

1059 Description of Series 9. 1 frame. 1060 Folder 47, Undated. 134 frames.

Milligan Family Papers, 1790–1885, Richmond County, Georgia; also South Carolina

Description of the Collection Joseph Milligan (fl. 1800–1875) of Hamburg (now North Augusta), South Carolina, and Augusta, Georgia, was a physician, druggist, natural scientist, and cotton speculator. His son, Joseph A. S. Milligan (fl. 1823–1871), also practiced medicine. The senior Milligan’s first wife, Elizabeth, died in 1841. He married his second wife, Elizabeth Camfield (fl. 1838–1884), also of Augusta, Georgia, in 1842. Joseph A. S. Milligan married his stepmother’s sister, Octavia Camfield (fl. 1840–1865), around 1848. The Camfields were related to the Longstreet family. The correspondence and other loose papers (bulk dates 1835–1849) are chiefly concerned with personal and family affairs. Joseph Milligan wrote to Joseph A. S. Milligan about the latter’s education, personal and financial well being, and future prospects as a physician. Many of these letters are prescriptive in tone. The women of the family corresponded regularly with other family members and female friends about domestic and social life—births, marriages, deaths, and illnesses; clothing; household duties; religion; and neighborhood news. In addition to letters dealing strictly with familial matters, there are also letters detailing Joseph Milligan’s scientific interests and discussing the standard medical practices of the day, and business papers of the Milligan, Camfield, and Longstreet families. The volumes are mostly records, 1838–1868, of the Milligans’s medical practice. One volume also includes an undated temperance speech by Joseph Milligan, a series of D’Oyley needlework patterns (1852), a book of household accounts (1872), and an undated album of collected poems.

55 Part 5 Reel Index

Series 1. Correspondence and Other Loose Papers, 1790–1885 and Undated This series consists of personal correspondence of the Milligan, Longstreet, and Camfield families of Georgia and South Carolina. Most of the letters are concerned with personal and family affairs. However, there are many letters covering business affairs, education, medical practices, and religious views. There are relatively few comments on the Civil War or other political matters. Subseries 1.1: Milligan Correspondence, 1793–1842 In this subseries, Joseph Milligan wrote to Joseph A. S. Milligan about the latter’s education, personal and financial well being, and future prospects as a physician. Many of these letters are prescriptive in tone. While attending the College of Charleston, the younger Milligan boarded with his father’s sister, Jane Milligan (fl. 1835–1856). Jane often reported to the elder Milligan on his son’s material and spiritual needs. There are also letters detailing Joseph Milligan’s scientific interests and his seashell collection, letters discussing standard medical practices of the day, and some business papers. Subseries 1.2: Longstreet-Camfield Correspondence, 1790–1842 Gilbert Longstreet and Abiel Camfield were partners in a mercantile business. In this subseries are papers relating to their partnership, as well as deeds, indentures, and slave sales. There are also personal letters of the Longstreet and Camfield families. Subseries 1.3: Milligan-Camfield Correspondence, 1842–1885 and Undated This subseries begins with the marriage of Joseph Milligan and Elizabeth Camfield and continues much of the correspondence begun in Subseries 1.1 and Subseries 1.2. The bulk of the letters in this subseries were written by the women, who corresponded regularly with other family members and female friends about domestic and social life, clothing, household duties, religion, and neighborhood news.

Series 2. Volumes, 1836–1873 and Undated Subseries 2.1: Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan, 1836–1868 and Undated This subseries consists mostly of the pocket record books of Drs. Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan with brief irregular entries recording accounts, formulae, prescriptions, physician’s visiting lists, literary and historical notes, and an undated temperance speech. The first is a printed volume entitled Index Rerum: or Index of Subjects; Intended as a Manual to aid the Student and the Professional Man, in preparing himself for usefulness With An Introduction, illustrating its utility and method of use, by Rev. John Todd (Northampton, Massachusetts: J. H. Butler, 1836). This volume was filled in between 1836 and 1848 by Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan. Subseries 2.2: Other Volumes, 1852–1873 and Undated This subseries consists of a household account book (1872–1873), a booklet of D’Oyley needlework patterns (1852), and an undated album of collected poems.

N.B. Related collections among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection include the Graves Family Papers and the William P. Graham Papers. Of these, the Graves Family Papers precedes this collection.

Reel 15 Introductory Materials

56 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No.

0001 Introductory Materials. 10 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence and Other Loose Papers, 1790–1885 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: Milligan Correspondence, 1793–1842 0011 Description of Subseries 1.1. 1 frame. 0012 Folder 1, 1793–1834. 26 frames. 0038 Folder 2, January–June 1835. 73 frames. 0111 Folder 3, July–December 1835. 112 frames. 0223 Folder 4, 1836–1839. 60 frames. 0283 Folder 5, 1840. 56 frames. 0339 Folder 6, 1841–September 1842. 60 frames.

Subseries 1.2: Longstreet-Camfield Correspondence, 1790–1842 0399 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0400 Folder 7, 1790–1828. 58 frames. 0458 Folder 8, 1829–1842. 95 frames.

Subseries 1.3: Milligan-Camfield Correspondence, 1842–1885 and Undated 0553 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 0554 Folder 9, October 1842–1843. 40 frames. 0594 Folder 10, 1844–1845. 76 frames. 0670 Folder 11, 1846–1847. 105 frames. 0775 Folder 12, January–June 1848. 113 frames. 0888 Folder 13, July–December 1848. 145 frames.

Reel 16 Milligan Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence and Other Loose Papers, 1790–1885 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3: Milligan-Camfield Correspondence, 1842–1885 and Undated cont. 0001 Folder 14, 1849. 110 frames. 0111 Folder 15, 1850–1859. 90 frames. 0201 Folder 16, 1860–1868. 95 frames. 0296 Folder 17, 1870–1885. 70 frames. 0366 Folder 18, Undated. 51 frames.

Series 2. Volumes, 1838–1873 and Undated

Subseries 2.1: Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan, 1836–1868 and Undated 0417 Description of Subseries 2.1. 1 frame. 0418 Folder 19, Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan, Index Rerum, 1836–1848. 107 frames. 0525 Folder 20, Joseph A. S. Milligan, Medical Notes, 1846–1851. 35 frames. 0560 Folder 21, Joseph Milligan, Pocket Diary, 1856. 109 frames. 0669 Folder 22, Joseph A. S. Milligan, Pocket Diary, 1857. 68 frames. 0737 Folder 23, Joseph A. S. Milligan, Pocket Diary, 1859. 63 frames. Subseries 2.1: Joseph and Joseph A. S. Milligan, 1836–1868 and Undated cont. 0800 Folder 24, Joseph Milligan, Pocket Diary, 1868. 49 frames. 0849 Folder 25, Joseph Milligan, Temperance Speech, Undated. 21 frames.

57 Part 5 Reel Index

Frame No. Subseries 2.2: Other Volumes, 1852–1873 and Undated 0870 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0871 Folder 26, D’Oyley Patterns, 1852. 44 frames. 0915 Folder 27, Household and Women’s Account Book, 1872–1873. 27 frames. 0942 Folder 28, Album of Collected Poems, Undated [Augustus B. Longstreet, ca. 1828 and Undated]. 18 frames.

Mackay and Stiles Family Papers, 1743–1915, Cass (now Bartow) and Chatham Counties, Georgia; also Austria, Great Britain, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and the West Indies

Description of the Collection This collection chiefly consists of correspondence, financial, and legal documents of Robert and Eliza McQueen Mackay, their children, and eventually their children’s families. The papers document the family’s business, political life, and social life in England (1806–1811) and, more extensively, in Georgia, chiefly Savannah. The majority of the papers are found in the first series, Family Papers. Series B, C, and D contain documents on specific individuals, but information can be found on them in the other series as well. The majority of the volumes in Series E are account books for the Mackay family’s business interests in Savannah, Georgia. The collection is arranged as follows: Series A. Family Papers; Series B. John Mackay Papers; Series C. William Henry Stiles Papers; Series D. Robert Mackay Papers [not included]; and Series E. Volumes [not included].

Biographical Note The chief figures in these papers are Robert Mackay (1772–1816), a prominent merchant of Savannah and Liverpool; his wife, Eliza McQueen Mackay (1778–1862); and their children. The Mackay family lived for a few years in England, 1806–1811, but generally the papers are concerned with life in Savannah and with Mrs. Mackay and the Mackay children after the death of Robert Mackay. Among the Mackay children were William Mein Mackay (1804–1859), merchant of Savannah; John Mackay (1805–1849), officer in the U.S. Engineer Corps; Mary Anne Mackay (1803–1862), who in 1825 married Benjamin Edward Stiles (fl. 1819–1852), merchant of Savannah; and Elizabeth Mackay (1809–1867), who in 1832 married William Henry Stiles (1810–1865), U.S. congressman, 1843–1845, chargé d’affaires in Austria, 1845–1849, and planter in upper Georgia. Benjamin Edward Stiles and William Henry Stiles were brothers, and many of the later papers relate to their families. Eliza McQueen Mackay was the granddaughter of John Smith, a prominent South Carolina planter, and the daughter of John McQueen (1751–1807) of Georgia and East Florida. Her aunt, Mary Smith (fl. 1700s), married Basil Cowper, who lived in Jamaica after the American Revolution. The Cowpers had two daughters: Mary Anne (1776–1856) and Margaret (b. 1777), who married John McQueen, Jr. (1773–1822).

58 Reel Index Part 5

The Couper family is connected through Margaret Couper, the daughter of James Hamilton Couper (1794–1866), who married Robert Mackay Stiles (1836–1874), son of Elizabeth Mackay and William Henry Stiles. Smith-McQueen-Mackay-Stiles Families John Smith m. Elizabeth Williamson -Mary Smith m. Basil Cowper -Mary Anne Cowper (1776–1856) -Margaret Cowper (1777– ) m. John McQueen (below) -Anne Smith (1753–1822) m. John McQueen (1751–1807) -John McQueen (1773–1822) m. Margaret Cowper (above) -Eliza Anne McQueen (1778–1862) m. 1800 Robert Mackay (1772–1816) -Mary Anne Mackay (1803–1862) m. 1825 Benjamin Edward Stiles -William Mein Mackay (1804–1859) m. Virginia Sarah Bryan (d. 1838) -John Mackay (1805–1849) -Margaret Cowper Mackay (1807–1893) m. 1830 Dr. Ralph Emms Elliott (1797–1853) -Elizabeth Anne Mackay (1809–1867) m. 1832 William Henry Stiles (1810–1865) -Mary Cowper Stiles (1833–1863) m. Andrew Low -William Henry Stiles (1834–1879) m. Eliza Gordon -Robert Mackay Stiles (1836–1874) m. Margaret Couper -Catherine Mackay (1811–1879) -Robert Mackay (1813–1857) -Sarah Mackay (1815–1876) -William McQueen m. Mary Ann Waight -Anne McQueen m. William H. Ker -Sarah Williamson McQueen m. John Postell Williamson -Jane Smith m. Thomas Bourke -Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith (1756–1823) -Archibald Smith m. 1 Margaret Joyner; 2 Helen Zubly -Sarah Williamson Smith (1763–1816) m. James Wright (d. 1816), 2nd baronet.

The children of Mary Anne Mackay Stiles and Benjamin E. Stiles were Catherine (Kitty), Joseph, McQueen, Benjamin Edward, Jr. (Eddy), and Sidney, who married her cousin, William Elliott. The children of Margaret Mackay Elliott and Ralph Emms Elliott were Leila, Phoebe, William, Mary, Percival, Caroline, John, Ralph, and George. Ralph Emms Elliott was the brother of William Elliott of Oak Lawn, a central figure in the Elliott and Gonzales Papers included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 3.

59 Part 5 Reel Index

Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated 1743–1796: 1743, order for the summoning of a jury, Savannah, an order for the execution of a judgment against the ship David of Bordeaux. 1763, statement in a Bible sent from Charleston to the overseer of the Marsh plantation, admonishing all to read it. 1767, the surveyor’s certificate of land to Mary Gilbert, widow of Ephraim Gilbert. 1779, Charleston, business letter about articles to be procured in Hispaniola, to S. Stiles, with note on it by B. E. Stiles giving a brief history of Samuel Stiles. 1782, Edward Telfair, Philadelphia, to Samuel Stiles, business and news of Mrs. Stiles in Savannah. 1791, beginning of the letters from Margaret and Mary Anne Cowper to Eliza McQueen, the first from Baron Hill, Rio Bueno, Jamaica, to Eliza at the home of John Smith in South Carolina. 1792, Caroline Field from Cannonbury, England. 1793, regimental orders issued by Lt. Col. Josiah Tattnall, Chatham Regiment. Bill of sale, Negro slaves. More letters from the Cowpers, written at the Cottage plantation of the McQueen family near Savannah and in Savannah. Brief business note from John Course, brother-in-law of Robert Mackay. 1795, deposition of Edward Telfair on behalf of Samuel Stiles, about U.S. certificate lost by Stiles. 1796, Margaret to Mary Anne Cowper, from John Smith’s home. William Wade, Jamaica, to Robert Mackay. Basil Cowper, Jamaica, to Robert Mackay. 1797–1798: Cowper to Mackay. Cowper girls to Eliza. Stiles and Mackay business papers. 1799: A few sections of the Cowper correspondence, undated but before 1800, and others dated 1799. John Fraser, London, business letter to Mackay. Eliza, from Hartford, Connecticut, traveling with Margaret and Mrs. Cowper. Paper in Spanish about Don Juan McQueen. 1799, stock certificates, Savannah Exchange. 1800–1802: Cowper letters from Jamaica. Cornelia L. Green, Cumberland Island, to Margaret Cowper, several letters.[?] Fitzpatrick, from St. Augustine, to Robert Mackay, death of his wife and education and future of his son, Peter. Survey of William Williamson’s plantation, Caustons Bluff. Tunno and Cox, Charleston, to Main and Mackay. (Robert Mackay was associated in business with Alexander Main and William Main of Liverpool and Savannah.) 1801, Thomas Gibbons to Mackay. Papers about the wreck of the ship General Oglethorpe, New Providence, Bahamas. Thomas Gibbons mentioning visit of Aaron Burr and desire that (John) Rutledge (Jr.) come to Savannah to join other Federalists in meeting him. Will of Thomas Taylor, Jamaica. Fragment from relative of Robert Mackay in Newport, Rhode Island. 1803–1804: Business correspondence of Robert Mackay, from Savannah, London, Liverpool. 1804, John Rutledge from Charleston about a duel he recently fought in Georgia. , passport for Mackay. Copies of letters written by Aaron Burr on St. Simons Island. John McQueen, Jr., to his brother William, from New York, traveling in the north. 1805: Continued business papers. Mrs. Mackay to her husband in Charleston. Thomas Cumming, instructions for traveling in western South Carolina and North Carolina on their way to Sweet Springs near Fincastle, Virginia. Unsigned letter from Nantes, France, describing experiences there. 1806–1810: A group of letters from the Cowpers, in England and in Scotland, to Mrs. Mackay in England. Undated, but written during these years. 1806: Business and shipping papers continued. James Lee, Charleston, to Mackay. Accounts, Mackay with Andrew Low and Co. Papers of the firm of Main and Mackay. Thomas Pitt, about Savannah Exchange. Letters from the Cowpers and the Wrights in England. 1807: Letters from the Cowpers in Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London; Mrs. Mackay in Liverpool. Letter from Mackay’s overseer and from George and Robert Scott, business associates in Savannah.

60 Reel Index Part 5

1808: [?] D’Angoulemé, French refugee, to Mrs. Mackay. Margaret Cowper from London (mentions William McQueen in school in England under the care of the Cowpers). Letters from Mrs. Cowper and Mary Anne Cowper. 1809: Continued letters from the Cowpers. Will of Elizabeth (Williamson) Smith. John McQueen from East Florida. Will of Anne (Smith) McQueen. Household accounts, Liverpool. Mary E. Huger, friendly letter to Mrs. Mackay, 22 October. This was Mary Esther (Kinloch) Huger (Mrs. Benjamin). Business letter from Alexander Main. 1810: Business papers and household accounts, fragmentary. Two letters to Mackay from Joanna Lucena of Overseal near Burton, England, formerly of Georgia. 1811: Accounts. Letters from Mary Anne Cowper in England to Mrs. Mackay in Georgia. Mary Anne Mackay in England with the Cowpers to attend school. Albert Gallatin, 2 May and 22 May (copy), both about the care of sick seamen in Savannah. Catherine (Chilcott) Course, Mackay’s half-sister, from Augusta, where the Mackay sons were to spend the summer. Thomas Gibbons, difficulties with customs accounts. List of judgments against Main, Mackay, and Co. Papers about the Savannah poor house and hospital. June, July, and December letters from Charles H. Simpson, Charleston, shipping problems, relations with Great Britain. Mrs. Huger to Mrs. Mackay. 1812: T. Butler, Martinique, telling John McQueen of his approaching marriage. List of judgments against William Main, Robert Scott, and Robert Mackay. Letters from Margaret (Cowper) McQueen to Mrs. Mackay. There are many of these from that time on, and most of them were not dated. Those that could be dated are placed in the approximate correct place. (See also undated papers.) Mrs. Huger to Mrs. Mackay. More papers about the poor house and hospital. Mary Anne Cowper from England. T. Butler, Philadelphia, friendly letter, voyage from Martinique to the United States. 1813: Appointment of Mackay as port warden for Savannah; also commissions as justice of the peace and as militia lieutenant, later as militia captain. Hugh C. Campbell about a forest fire. More papers about the Poor House, which seem to be the papers of Charles Bolton. Letters from Mrs. McQueen and Miss Cowper. 1814: More letters from Mrs. McQueen, including some undated ones written while on a trip in 1813 or 1814, from Waynesboro, Georgia; Asheville and Warm Springs, North Carolina; and Winnsboro, South Carolina. T. Butler from Philadelphia on difficulty of selecting a desirable place to live and a servant problem. Excerpt from minutes of the Savannah Council, organizing a committee of defense, Mackay a member. 1815, commission of Mackay as a justice of the Inferior Court. Letters from Mrs. McQueen, traveling in New York. Other letters from Butler to McQueen. A visitor to the United States from Barbados writes from some northern point. 1816–1818: T. Butler to McQueen. Reference by Mrs. Mackay to the death of her husband. Mrs. McQueen, Miss Cowper from Jamaica. Cornelia (Greene) Littlefield. 1817, papers relating to an effort to procure abolition of wet (rice) cultivation on the low grounds near Savannah in order to “remove the cause of the Autumnal fevers”; correspondence on this subject with Joseph Stiles. Mary Anne Mackay to her mother from Philadelphia where she is in school. 1818, letter from a Mrs. Jarvis, from some point in Africa (Cape Coast Castle?). 1819–1820: Mary Anne from Philadelphia. Three letters from Mrs. Littlefield (Cornelia Greene). Mary Anne Cowper from Savannah to Mrs. Mackay in New Jersey. Mrs. Sarah Williamson to Mrs. Mackay; also John McQueen, Mrs. McQueen, Miss Cowper. Samuel Stiles from Liverpool to his brother, Benjamin Stiles, two letters. William McQueen to Mrs. Mackay

61 Part 5 Reel Index from New York, referring to General (John) Rutledge; another from Newport about his deranged wife, who is in the care of the Brinley family there, cousins of Robert Mackay. 1821–1824: Letter and fragments of letters to Mrs. Mackay from John Leopold Abel, written from London. He was a German who had lived for a while in Savannah, possibly as a teacher. Part of will of Mary (Smith) Cowper, who died in 1821. John Mackay to William Mackay from school in Pennsylvania. Will of John McQueen, who died in 1822. Letters from Mrs. McQueen, who lived outside of Savannah and frequently requested Mrs. Mackay to send her things from town. William Clay to Edward Stiles, intending to go to Peru. James Magee from New York, personal news and business. Savannah City Council asking legislature to prohibit culture of rice within two miles of the city. 1825: Magee again. Thomas Brinley, hoping the Mackays will visit Newport in the summer. Edward Brinley, also from Newport, congratulations on Mary Anne’s marriage, news of Mrs. William McQueen. Elizabeth Mackay from New York, in school. William McQueen from Queensbury, his sugar plantation near New Orleans, his financial affairs, his daughter, Ann, who was with Mrs. Mackay. Mrs. Littlefield, Columbia, South Carolina. Abel from London. Mrs. Brinley about Mrs. McQueen. Mrs. Stiles to her mother. Letters to and from Crawford Davison of London about William Mackay, who was going into business as a merchant. Thomas Brinley, business. William McQueen, prospects of his sugar crop. Edward Brinley. 1826: Business papers of Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. McQueen, and Miss Cowper, Mrs. Brinley. William McQueen, several letters. 1827: The Brinleys. Abel from London. Mrs. M. Kollock from Litchfield, Connecticut, news of friends in the North, references to the Waynes. (The writer was Mehetable (Hylton) Campbell Kollock, widow of Dr. Henry Kollock, and mother of Mrs. James Moore Wayne.) Mrs. Wayne also from Litchfield, describing Northampton, Massachusetts, and the Round Hill School of and Joseph Green Cogswell. Two letters from Mrs. Littlefield. William McQueen about the care of his wife. Letter from London about the purchase of a piano and other items. Miscellaneous business and family letters. 1828: 17 January, William McQueen’s impression of Mrs. Andrew Jackson after seeing her during the Jacksons’ visit to New Orleans. Agreement with an overseer. Catherine Mackay, from Staten Island, where she is in quarantine, after going north to school. 1829, Edward Brinley, a letter about investigation of mental hospitals in New York and Philadelphia for a patient from Savannah. Letters to Catherine in school in New York. Isabella Hunter from Ireland. Business papers. George W. Bethune about a possible home in New York where some children, free Negro or mulatto, could be placed. 1830–1831: John McIntosh, St. Mary’s, about lands owned by Mrs. Mackay in his vicinity. Letter from Mrs. McQueen, in school in Massachusetts; later to her in New York. 1831. Accounts, Thomas F. Bryan with Virginia S. Bryan. Edward Brinley. Will of Louisa Catherine (Greene) Shaw. Memorandum of property belonging to Mary Anne Cowper and draft of a will. 1832–1833: Miscellaneous accounts. Mrs. McQueen recommends a daily schedule for her nieces. Release of William Mackay from militia duty because of his two years’ service in the Georgia Hussars. Mrs. Mackay to Catherine. Mrs. Ralph E. Elliott (Margaret Mackay) to Catherine. 1834: Business papers. Mary Anne (Mackay) Stiles to Lt. John Mackay. Beginning of a group of reports dealing with improvement of the Savannah River, by Mackay, of the U.S. Army Engineers Corps.

62 Reel Index Part 5

1835: Scattered business papers, Savannah River improvement reports. Physician’s statement for treatment of slaves on plantation. Little correspondence. 1836: Household accounts, William Mackay. Letter from Abel in London. 1837: W. H. Stiles to Mrs. Stiles (Elizabeth Mackay). A few scattered business papers of James R. Johnston, Jr., who earlier had been a partner of William Mackay and in this period was in Glynn County. Mrs. McQueen from Charleston, on her way to England, and in July from Liverpool. Mrs. Mackay to John, sickness among the slaves on the plantations. Mrs. McQueen from London. 1838: January–August, Mrs. Mackay to John Mackay, with the army at Calhoun, Tennessee. Sarah Mackay to John, with account of the wreck of the Pulaski and death of Mrs. William Mackay and her children. Miscellaneous accounts. September–December, John Mackay from St. Augustine and from Fort Butler near Volusia, the Seminole War. Savannah River reports. 1839–1840: More accounts. 1842, Miss Cowper from England. (Mrs. McQueen probably died in 1841.) 1843, Mrs. W. H. Stiles from Etowah, Cass (now Bartow) County, Georgia, where her family has moved. Mary [?] from near Clarksville, Georgia, social news, tractarianism in the Episcopal Church. Miss Cowper from New York on her way to Savannah, and her memorandum of her activity until she got settled in Georgia. 1843, letters from Savannah, social news. 1844, Mrs. W. H. Stiles from Washington, where her husband was in Congress, references to Mrs. (R. M.?) Saunders, Robert E. Lee, James Knox Polk, meeting Mrs. John Tyler, Mrs. John C. Calhoun, Mr. (William Thomas?) Crawford, William Wilkins, visit to Arlington with the Lees. Robert Mackay from New York. Thomas F. Scott, Episcopal minister of Marietta, Georgia. 1845–1846: Mrs. Elliott from the plantation Rockcell near Pendleton, South Carolina. Mrs. Stiles from Washington. R. E. Elliott from Pendleton. Letter to John Mackay from Newport, Rhode Island, probably from Joseph Stiles. Mrs. B. E. Stiles from Etowah. Mrs. W. H. Stiles to her husband, who is in Vienna as chargé d’affaires. Mrs. B. E. Stiles again. M. L. Smith to John Mackay, family news. William Mackay from New York, where he went with Mrs. Stiles, who sailed for Europe to join her husband. 1847: Edward Warren, consul at Trieste, to W. H. Stiles. R. J. Walker, secretary of the treasury, about business of W. H. Stiles, and William Mackay’s correspondence about collecting money owed to Stiles. Beginning in July, lengthy correspondence about John Mackay, who became very ill in Savannah and left there by sea with Catherine and Robert, to New York, West Point, and Northampton, for various baths and cures. More family letters on the subject through the rest of 1847, as well as letters from friends at the places visited. Also two letters from Mrs. Stiles in Vienna. 1848–1849: More letters from the Stiles in Vienna, including some written during the Revolution of 1848. Death of John Mackay and letters of condolence. 1849, letter from B. E. Stiles to W. H. Stiles about the possibility of raising silkworms in Georgia. Mrs. Elliott, comment on Barnard Bee. Letters to Catherine Mackay, from friends at West Point, New York. One of these writers was Mrs. Dennis Hart Mahan, who as Mary Helen Okill was a school friend of Catherine Mackay. Scattered letters from her for many years. 1850–1853: Letters from William Mackay from New York, Naples, Paris. B. E. Stiles to W. H. Stiles on W. H.’s attitude toward the . Mrs. Elliott, West Point friends. Mrs. W. H. Stiles, visiting her friends the Glenns in Baltimore and the Robert E. Lees at Arlington. Agreement between Margaret Greene and Phineas M. Nightengale about property left by Louisa Shaw. Letters from William Mackay, Mrs. W. H. Stiles at Etowah Cliffs. Death of B. E. Stile’s son, Joseph. 1852, long, detailed legal agreement about the settlement of the estate of

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James Hamilton, of which James Hamilton Couper was one of the executors. Mrs. W. H. Stiles. 31 January 1853, Joseph E. Brown, about the office of district attorney for the District of Georgia, which he decided not to seek. B. E. Stiles to W. H. Stiles, Georgia and national politics, the Georgia Platform, (Charles Jones) Jenkins, , and Alexander H. Stephens. Partnership agreement, William Mackay and Abraham A. Solomons, drug and apothecary business. William Mackay, who has been in New York and visiting the Glenns near Baltimore and the Lees at Arlington, to his sister Kate in Buncombe County, North Carolina. 1854–1856: B. E. Stiles, possibility of founding a new Democrat newspaper, with a South Carolinian, Summer, as editor, illness in Savannah. John P. Long, real estate in Chattanooga, Tennessee, four letters, 1854–1856, with letters from others about the same property. Mackay to Solomons about business affairs. Unsigned letter, probably by Susan Clarence, to her niece Emma Visick, about her health, her experiences in England, her religious views. Emma Visick was later a governess in the home of Mary Cowper (Stiles) Low and Andrew Low. 1856, Curtis Lee to Mrs. W. H. Stiles, news of his father and mother. Robert Mackay, New York, his health. William Mackay, correspondence with Mrs. C. A. Taft, Hartford, Connecticut, about funds belonging to the nurse, Abbo (or Abbou), for which Mackay was trustee. 1857: James K. Lee, Richmond, the property in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mary Glenn, friendly note to Mrs. W. H. Stiles (more of these in undated). March, another letter about Abbo. Accounts of the estate of Mary Anne Cowper. Mary Glenn, planning to visit Savannah. Curtis Lee, about hiring of slaves for work being done by U.S. Engineer Corps, Henry Stiles’s wedding. Mrs. Robert E. Lee. Chattanooga property again. William Mackay, Robert Mackay, from the Rockbridge Alum Springs, from his White Sulphur Springs, from Hot Springs. Accounts of Robert Mackay’s death, from S. V. Porter, Healing Springs, Virginia. The Newport cousins (full names not clear, family names Littlefield and Brinley) to Mrs. Stiles. Letters of condolence, death of Robert. 1858: To Kate Mackay from West Point, New York, to Mrs. Stiles from her son, Robert, in Florida with the army. Correspondence with N. Bloodgood, New York, about debts owed to Robert Mackay. Accounts of estate of Mary Anne Cowper. June, note to Emma Visick. Chattanooga property. William Mackay from Hot Springs. Mrs. B. E. Stiles from New York. Susannah Clarence to Emma Visick, pious admonitions, advice on her trip to London. Mary Glenn to Mrs. Andrew Low, refers to Robert E. Lee. 1859: William Mackay, copies of letters about tombstone for Robert. M. H. Maham, West Point. Accounts, William Henry Stiles and J. A. Skelton. Letters to Emma Visick and letters from Robert Clarence Visick to his mother, referring to the death of their father. Miscellaneous accounts. 1860: Letter to Miss Visick, advice about her teaching and management of her pupils. Letters and papers this year are primarily concerned with some kind of business arrangement between W. H. Stiles and J. Avery Skelton. Skelton hired slaves from Stiles, for what purpose is not clear, and they were also concerned in an effort to get a charter and construct a railroad through Savannah from the Central Railroad depot to the wharves. Skelton wrote many letters to Stiles from Savannah and Milledgeville about efforts to secure political support for their project, mentioning prominent persons, especially from Savannah, whose aid they solicited. There are no family letters this year. 1861: Letter from Mrs. Joseph Clay Stiles, wife of a minister in New Haven, Connecticut, who was brother of W. H. and B. E. Stiles, on her family, her life in New Haven, sectional difficulties. Anne (McQueen) Ker, niece of Mrs. Mackay, from Fredericksburg, Virginia, her

64 Reel Index Part 5 husband with Virginia troops, difficulties of communication with Texas. 28 July 1861, Benjamin E. Stiles, Jr. (called Eddy) from Augusta, captain of a company on its way to Richmond (16th Georgia Regiment). There are letters from him during the war years, from Richmond, 1 August, 14 October; Yorktown, 22 October; Camp Lamar, 27 December. References to Col. and friends in Richmond, the Grays and Valentines. In the folder for 1861 are also filed a group of undated papers of the Civil War period, 1861–1865. They included a letter from Kelly Stiles to Mrs. W. H. Stiles about a visit to Richmond, where she saw Mrs. Robert E. Lee, fragments from W. H. Stiles, Jr., James C. Spruill to W. H. Stiles, news of the federal army near Cartersville, Georgia, and fragments from women members of the family. 1862: Mrs. B. E. Stiles, from the plantation Barron Hill, near Clarksville, Habersham County, illness of some of her slaves in Savannah and means of caring for them, war news, visit of General Lee to Savannah. Eddy from Camp Lamar, references to persons from Savannah, Fred Waring, William W. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon, the Georgia Hassars, his uncle Joseph Stiles. Several more letters from Mrs. B. E. Stiles to her sisters, and from Eddy to her, from Goldsboro and near Yorktown. Mrs. Elliott to Sarah Mackay, family news. Eddy again from near Richmond. Illness and death of Mrs. Eliza Mackay and of Mrs. B. E. (Mary Anne Mackay) Stiles. Correspondence between Mrs. W. H. Stiles and Col. W. A. Hardin about the hire of slaves. Caroline and Phoebe Elliott, references to Bishop Stephen Elliott. Mrs. L. S. Morel from . Fredericksburg and Henry’s wound; from Mrs. W. H. Stiles in Richmond on the way to see her son. (See also 1863.) 1863: Letters chiefly of the W. Y. Stiles family about Henry’s wound. W. H. Stiles to A. R. Wright about the defense of northern Georgia. August 1863, page from an unidentified diary, about attacks of the United States Navy on Fort Greig (1862). Eddy, from Clarksville, proud of reports of Cobb’s Brigade at Harper’s Ferry, his engagement to Miss Clelia Peronneau of Charleston. Letter referring to death of Mrs. Low. Henry Stiles, from near Orange Court House. Custis Lee from Richmond, military affairs concerning W. H. Stiles, meaning obscure, his father and mother. December, Mrs. W. H. Stiles to Henry, family and Savannah news. Mrs. Elliott from Summerland, family news. 1864: Henry again from near Orange Court House. During the year, letters from W. H. Stiles to Mrs. Stiles in Savannah. She was staying with Andrew Low and his children after the death of her daughter, Mrs. Low. He was at Etowah Cliffs in Cass County and at a farm near Dawson, Terrell County. She wrote to him of family and Savannah news. Stiles on the controversy between him and Governor Joseph E. Brown on who should raise troops in upper Georgia. John J. Smith from Roswell to his cousin, Sarah Mackay, family news, high prices. Stiles back at Etowah, state of the crops, health of the servants, references to General Hugh W. Mercer and George and William Gordon. 4 May, Stiles, on a visit to the army near Atlanta, saw William J. Hardee, Mrs. Hardee, and John B. Hood. Letters from him with news of the armies near Atlanta. 15 May, Henry Stiles with Gordon’s Brigade in the campaign in Virginia, which included the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, describing the fighting. W. H. Stiles from Etowah, expecting to have to leave for Terrell County before the advancing enemy. John J. Smith from Roswell, expecting to have to flee. 30 May 1864, James C. Long to Sarah Mackay, from Plymouth, North Carolina, where he was on the Albemarle, describing an engagement with the U.S. fleet near New . John J. Smith, refugeeing near Valdosta. Continued correspondence to and from W. H. Stiles refers to his efforts to recover his boy, Paul, who has disappeared. Eddy Stiles from Culpepper, Virginia. 11 September, W. Gordon McCabe from Charleston. Mrs. Stiles, references to William Gordon, Nelly Gordon. References to the

65 Part 5 Reel Index death of Edward Stiles. Letter from a friend, J. C. C., then in Augusta, after the fall of Savannah, sending word to Miss Mackay that Captain Robert Stiles is safe and offering to forward communications to him. (Stiles was with the Confederate troops that evacuated Savannah.) Undated note to Mrs. Stiles, signature illegible, giving news of the impending capture of the city. 1865: 2 March, Mrs. Stiles from occupied Savannah. 14 April, R. Q. Mallard, paroled prisoner, news of the members of the family in Savannah. M. F. Littlefield, one of the Rhode Island cousins, friendly and sympathetic letter to Mrs. Stiles. July, Stiles from Terrell County, situation of the plantations and Negroes and in Cass County, bitter letter denouncing Yankees and Scalawags. Mrs. Mahan, from West Point, on the kindly feeling of Northerners toward Southerners. Mrs. Stiles from Savannah, comments on the attitude of the Negroes, news of friends and relatives. Continued correspondence between her and Stiles in Terrell County, both writing of troubles with the Negroes. Mrs. Littlefield from Rhode Island. D. F. Farmer from Dawson about the illness of W. H. Stiles. 1866–1869: A few scattered family letters from Mrs. Stiles in Savannah to Henry in Cass County. Scattered accounts. One letter from Mrs. Joseph Stiles, 1867. 1870–1897: Scattered accounts, chiefly of Miss Catherine Mackay. , 1 January 1872, from Lexington, with pictures of herself and Robert E. Lee. Note to Miss Kitty Stiles from a friend in Ireland. Thomas Boone to Mrs. Joseph A. (Mary Elliott) Huger on the history of the Elliott family. 1900–1915: Scattered letters to Miss Kitty Stiles on family history and on the Georgia Room at the Confederate Museum in Richmond. Mackay family. Sketch of David Owen Dodd, young man from Arkansas who was hanged as a spy in Little Rock, by Mary Hunter (Mrs. L. C.) Hall, November 1911. Scattered family notes of Miss Stiles’s niece, Miss Phoebe E. Elliott (daughter of Sidney Stiles and William Elliott). Undated and Miscellaneous papers: Letters to and from Mrs. Eliza (McQueen) Mackay. Letters to and from Catherine (Kate) Mackay. Letters to and from John, Robert, Jr., and Sarah Mackay. Will of William Mackay. Papers of Mrs. Ralph Emms (Margaret Mackay) Elliott and her family. Papers of the Stiles family (early) and of Mrs. Benjamin Edward (Mary Anne Mackay) Stiles and her family. Papers of Elizabeth (Mackay) Stiles (Mrs. William Henry Stiles) and her family. Letters to and from Mrs. John (Margaret Cowper) McQueen. Letters to and from Mary Anne Cowper. Miscellaneous undated letters including Edward Brinley to Mrs. Mackay; J. Creal to Robert Mackay; Thomasin Gordon to John Gibbons; Isabella Hunter to Mrs. Mackay; Thomas Gibbons to Robert Mackay; J. Holland to Robert Mackay; Robert G. Houston to managers of the poor house; J. McCulloch to Robert Mackay; and Sarah (McQueen) Williamson to Mrs. Mackay. Letters to Emma Visick. Miscellaneous business items. Poetry and writings. Miscellaneous items, clippings, and fragments.

Series B. John Mackay Papers, 1829–1847 This series consists largely of typed copies made in the Southern Historical Collection from original letters borrowed from Mrs. Clinton Lockwood, Box 202, Tuckahoe, New York, and Mrs. Clifford Carlton, New York, New York, April 1939. Formerly listed as Addition B. One letter is a photocopy, dated 1833, made in 1962 from an original at the Fort Pulaski National Monument, Savannah Beach, Georgia. The series includes twenty-seven letters, most of them from John Mackay to his mother, Mrs. Eliza Mackay of Savannah; one to his brother, William; and one to his sister, Kate. Several other

66 Reel Index Part 5 letters from Joseph Stiles and from Joseph Tattnall, Washington. Mackay’s letters describe the life of a young army officer on various assignments in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. 1829–1847: Two letters, 1829, from West Point, academy and army news, his future plans to leave the army for civil engineering, politics, and news of friends. 1830, Pole Cat Springs, Creek Nation, strange fortifications of great age, Indian ball game, trespassers on Indian lands. Fort Mitchell, news from other officers of gold miners in the Cherokee district, Indians descended from James McQueen, politics in army appointments (involving Peggy Eaton and Duff Green), reference to Robert E. Lee. Another from Fort Mitchell, soldiers and militia in the Cherokee territory, news of friends. 1831, . 1832, St. Francisville, Louisiana, surveying for a railroad, his work and routine. Baton Rouge, visiting there on his way home, praise of Colonel Clinch, news of his friend Dick Screven, religion in places he has been in Mississippi and Louisiana. 1833, letter, Arlington, Virginia, 23 January, R. E. Lee to his West Point classmate, John Mackay, Savannah, Georgia (lent for copying by Fort Pulaski National Monument). 1836, Picolata, news of cousin, Archy Smith, military situation, General Macomb. Another, denunciation of Colonel Crane. St. Augustine, description of it, visited grave [of John McQueen?], Picolata again, Macon, Georgia, unfavorable description. Near Macon, surveying. Twiggs County, his work, the countryside and inhabitants. Volusia, Florida, preparing for action in Seminole War. 1837, Fort Armstrong, another campaign, wants his mess chest and food from home. Franklin, North Carolina, Cherokee removal, good living conditions, low prices, natives eager to volunteer for service. 1843, Cumberland Island, boating and fishing, please buy a pair of pants for Billy the preacher. 1845, Tallahassee, instructions about his plantation, Sedge Bank, prospects for sugar and orange growing in southern Florida. 1846, Joseph Stiles, Yale College, has been visiting in New Jersey and New York, news of Savannah friends and relatives he has seen, reference to uncle Joseph Stiles and family, plans to go to Richmond to the theological seminary. 1847, John Mackay again, Matagorda Bay, on his way home, has been ill, visiting in Matagorda, Captain and Mrs. Dawson, Josiah Tattnall, Washington, to Mackay, about his leave and a sea voyage for his health. Joseph Stiles, Boston, death of his brother McQueen, two letters.

Series C. William Henry Stiles Papers, 1811–1867 and Undated This series comprises papers of William Henry Stiles (January 1808–20 December 1865), who was born in Savannah, studied at Yale, practiced law in Savannah, and owned a plantation, Etowah Cliffs, near Cartersville in Cass County, Georgia. He married Elizabeth Ann Mackay in 1832. He served in Congress, 1843–1845, as a Democrat, and in 1845 was appointed by President Polk as chargé d’affaires in Austria, where he remained until 1849. He was speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives in 1858 and delegate to the Democratic Convention in Baltimore in 1860. During the Civil War, he served as colonel in the Sixtieth Georgia Regiment, 1861–1863. The papers are scattered, and are supplemented by others of a similar nature pertaining to Stiles and his wife, which are filed in Series A. Family Papers. 1811–1849: 1811, R. Hunt, Nassau, business letter related to estate of Samuel Stiles. 1823, (George Peek?) Cincinnati, to Joseph Stiles, illness and death in his family. 1824, 1825, letters from the Mackay family in Savannah to Elizabeth in school in New York. 1828, William Moore to Elizabeth from New Orleans, social activity there, her uncle, William McQueen. (1835?), two letters from J. Lyons, Columbia, South Carolina, about the death in a duel of Samuel Stiles. 1837–1841, scattered family letters, from Mrs. Ralph E. (Margaret Mackay) Elliott; Mrs. John

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(Margaret Cowper) McQueen from London and Devon; William H. Stiles from Savannah; and Catherine Mackay from Savannah. 1844, Stiles from Washington, Mrs. Mackay to Mrs. Stiles who is in Washington. 1845, Stiles from Washington, his hopes for an appointment. 1845, Mrs. Stiles to Stiles soon after he left for Austria, Mrs. Mackay and Catherine to her, Stiles from Vienna. 1846, Mrs. Stiles to Stiles, Catherine to her, Mrs. Mackay to Mrs. Stiles in Europe, where she joined her husband late that year. 1847–1849, correspondence related to their stay in Vienna, with each other, with relatives at home, and with persons they met in Europe, including letters written during the Revolution of 1848. 1850–1854: Letter about a free Negro from Virginia who moved to Georgia to be near his family, who had been bought by a Georgian. Letters about land in Bryan and Cherokee counties. 1851, 1852, business letters from William Mackay. Stiles from New York in 1852 about the publication of his book on Austria and a letter to him the same year from Boston publishers Phillips, Sampson, & Co., who think such a book will be a useful defense of slavery (comparing conditions of slaves with conditions of laborers Stiles saw in Europe). 1853, Henry Rootes Jackson. Letters to and from Stiles about a controversy he had with George Sanders, editor of the Democratic Review. W. M. Varnum, Marietta, some sort of difficulty he was involved in with the Treasury Department. Andrew Low to Mary Cowper Stiles, to whom he was engaged. 1854, W. J. Perdue, St. Helena Island, legal business. Mrs. Elliott to her sister. 1855–1857. Scattered complimentary and business letters. 1858, Levi S. D’Lyon, Savannah, state and national politics. 1860, 1861, eight more letters from D’Lyon on Georgia politics, the presidential election, and secession. Catherine Mackay to Mrs. Stiles, referring to military preparations. Stiles from Camp Lawton in October and Camp Skidaway in November. 1862, Mrs. Stiles. 1863, papers about Lawton’s Brigade and who should succeed him as commander. Correspondence with James A. Seddon and others in Richmond about the defense of upper Georgia and a controversy between Stiles and Governor Joseph E. Brown relating to it. June 1863, letter from Braxton Bragg. July 1863, Samuel H. Smith, Sixtieth Regiment, Gordon’s Brigade, near Madison Court House, Virginia, controversy among the officers of the regiment. B. F. Keller, news of the regiment near Orange Court House. Henry C. Wayne about defenses of northern Georgia. John Randolph Tucker, negotiating with the War Department for Stiles. A few family letters, including one, 24 December, from Stiles, discussing the new plantation he bought in Terrell County. 1864, continued correspondence about Stiles’s differences with the Confederate War Department, a few family letters then and in 1865 referring to Stiles’s illness and death. 1866, Henry Stiles from Etowah Cliffs, trying to run the plantation under handicaps. Undated: William Moore to his cousin, Elizabeth Mackay, breezy letters of a college student. Also letters from Mrs. Eliza Mackay, Andrew Low, A. Goebel (in German).

Omissions A list of omissions from the Mackay and Stiles Family Papers is provided on Reel 22, Frame 0406 and includes Series D and Series E. Series D. Robert Mackay Papers, 1795–1849 consists entirely of microfilm of originals deposited at the Georgia Historical Society. Most of Series E. Volumes, 1775–1975 is included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 4.

N.B. For more information on the people involved in these papers see Walter C. Hartridge, The Letters of Don Juan McQueen to His Family, and The Letters of Robert Mackay to His Wife. The letters edited by Mr. Hartridge were chosen chiefly from papers owned by the Georgia Society of

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Colonial Dames and deposited with the Georgia Historical Society. These and other related collections are open to researchers at the Georgia Historical Society, 501 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia 31499. Other Stiles letters are at the University of Georgia. As noted above, volumes from the Mackay and Stiles Family Papers are included in UPA’s microform publication, Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 4. The James Hamilton Couper Records are also included in that edition. A related collection in Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 3 is the Elliott and Gonzales Family Papers. The Edward Telfair Papers, among the holdings of the Duke University Library, include additional material on Basil and Mary Anne Cowper and may be consulted in Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series F, Part 2.

Reel 17 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 36 frames.

Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated

0037 Description of Series A. 8 frames. 0045 Folder 1, 1743–1796. 84 frames. 0129 Folder 2, 1797–1798. 37 frames. 0166 Folder 3, 1799. 38 frames. 0204 Folder 4, 1799 (Stock Certificates, Savannah Exchange). 119 frames. 0323 Folder 5, 1800–1802. 64 frames. 0387 Folder 6, 1803–1804. 61 frames. 0448 Folder 7, 1805. 38 frames. 0486 Folder 8, Undated (ca. 1806–1810). 42 frames. 0528 Folder 9, 1806. 55 frames. 0583 Folder 10, 1807. 56 frames. 0639 Folder 11, 1808. 53 frames. 0692 Folder 12, January–July 1809. 54 frames. 0746 Folder 13, August–December 1809. 58 frames. 0804 Folder 14, 1810. 53 frames. 0857 Folder 15, 1811. 73 frames.

Reel 18 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont. Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated cont.

0001 Folder 16, 1812. 61 frames. 0062 Folder 17, 1813. 66 frames. 0118 Folder 18, 1814–1815. 56 frames. 0174 Folder 19, 1816–1818. 56 frames. 0230 Folder 20, 1819–1820. 107 frames. 0337 Folder 21, 1821–1824. 72 frames. 0409 Folder 22, 1825. 52 frames.

69 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated cont.

0461 Folder 23, 1826. 92 frames. 0553 Folder 24, 1827. 35 frames. 0588 Folder 25, 1828–1829. 101 frames. 0689 Folder 26, 1830–1831. 84 frames. 0773 Folder 27, 1832–1833. 63 frames. 0836 Folder 28, 1834. 42 frames. 0878 Folder 29, January–May 1835. 31 frames. 0909 Folder 30, June–October 1835. 45 frames. 0954 Folder 31, November–December 1835. 36 frames.

Reel 19 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont. Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated cont.

0001 Folder 32, 1836. 67 frames. 0068 Folder 33, 1837. 56 frames. 0124 Folder 34, January–August 1838. 51 frames. 0175 Folder 35, September–December 1838. 57 frames. 0232 Folder 36, 1839–1840. 60 frames. 0292 Folder 37, 1841–1844. 83 frames. 0375 Folder 38, 1845–1846. 98 frames. 0473 Folder 39, January–August 1847. 128 frames. 0601 Folder 40, September 1847. 79 frames. 0680 Folder 41, October–December 1847. 136 frames. 0816 Folder 42, 1848–1849. 110 frames. 0926 Folder 43, 1850–1853. 129 frames.

Reel 20 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont. Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated cont.

0001 Folder 44, 1854–1856. 60 frames. 0061 Folder 45, 1857. 86 frames. 0147 Folder 46, 1858–1859. 83 frames. 0230 Folder 47, 1860. 62 frames. 0292 Folder 48, 1861 and Undated (ca. 1861–1865). 72 frames. 0364 Folder 49, 1862. 123 frames. 0487 Folder 50, 1863–1864. 130 frames. 0617 Folder 51, 1865–1869. 88 frames. 0705 Folder 52, 1870–1899. 31 frames. 0736 Folder 53, 1900–1915. 60 frames. 0796 Folder 54, Undated, Eliza (McQueen) Mackay. 86 frames. 0882 Folder 55, Undated, Catherine “Kate” Mackay. 114 frames.

70 Reel Index Part 5 Frame No. Reel 21 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont. Series A. Family Papers, 1743–1915 and Undated cont.

0001 Folder 56, Undated, John Mackay, Robert Mackay, Jr., Sarah Mackay, and William Mackay. 45 frames. 0046 Folder 57, Undated, Margaret (Mackay) Elliott and Family. 41 frames. 0087 Folder 58, Undated, Benjamin E. Stiles, Mary Anne (Mackay) Stiles, and Family. 64 frames. 0151 Folder 59, Undated, Elizabeth (Mackay) Stiles, William H. Stiles, and Family. 83 frames. 0234 Folder 60, Undated, Margaret (Cowper) McQueen. 68 frames. 0302 Folder 61, Undated, Margaret (Cowper) McQueen. 73 frames. 0375 Folder 62, Undated, Margaret (Cowper) McQueen. 69 frames. 0444 Folder 63, Undated, Margaret (Cowper) McQueen. 69 frames. 0513 Folder 64, Undated, Mary Anne Cowper. 65 frames. 0578 Folder 65, Undated, Miscellaneous Letters. 72 frames. 0650 Folder 66, Undated, Miscellaneous Business Items. 44 frames. 0694 Folder 67, Undated, Poetry and Writings. 92 frames. 0786 Folder 68, Undated, Poetry and Writings. 98 frames. 0884 Folder 69, Undated, Miscellaneous Items and Fragments. 108 frames.

Series B. John Mackay Papers, 1829–1847

0992 Description of Series B. 1 frame. 0993 Folder 70, 1829–1847. 74 frames.

Reel 22 Mackay and Stiles Family Papers cont. Series C. William Henry Stiles Papers, 1811–1867 and Undated

0001 Description of Series C. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 71, 1811 and 1823–1845. 83 frames. 0085 Folder 72, 1846–1849. 61 frames. 0146 Folder 73, 1850–1854. 74 frames. 0220 Folder 74, 1855–1862. 62 frames. 0282 Folder 75, 1863–1867. 102 frames. 0384 Folder 76, Undated. 22 frames.


0406 List of Omissions from the Mackay and Stiles Family Papers. 1 frame.

71 Part 5 Reel Index

Phoebe Yates Levy Pember Papers, 1857–1920, Chatham County, Georgia; also Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Europe

Description of the Collection This collection consists chiefly of letters from Phoebe Yates Levy Pember to members of her family but also includes several letters addressed to her from family members and friends and a few letters about her. During the Civil War, several of Pember’s letters to Louisa (Mrs. Jeremy Francis) Gilmer were written from Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond, Virginia; these letters mostly concern life in Richmond, including some descriptions of conditions at the hospital. Other early letters include two from H. M. Alden, editor of Harper’s magazine, rejecting stories Pember had submitted; one from the editor of the Atlantic Monthly, concerning a story that was accepted; and one Pember wrote to her nephew, Clavius, describing a meeting with Oscar Wilde. From 1895 to 1899, Pember was in Europe and wrote to friends and relatives in Georgia from Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. These letters mostly concern her travelling companions and other individuals, travel arrangements, finances, purchases and prices, and accommodations. Also included are letters from Pember to her friend, the Countess Alida von Krakow, in Dresden, including several letters, 1897, describing trips around Pompeii, and one letter, 13 May 1897, containing a description of Rome, nobility, and American expatriates in Roman society. Most letters dated after November 1899 were written in Mendham, New Jersey, and chiefly concern personal and family news, Pember’s health and personal finances, and ordinary daily events. After December 1900, she also wrote from Savannah, Georgia; Washington, D.C.; and Sapphire, North Carolina. There are two letters from Pember’s niece, Georgina (Mrs. Clavius) Phillips, to the Countess von Krakow, concerning Pember’s papers. Undated letters by Pember include discussions of investments, comments on presidents Taft and Roosevelt, and discussions of books and of her own writings. Also included with the collection is a Masonic certificate, 1857, of Thomas Pember.

N.B. A related collection among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection is the Phillips and Myers Family Papers. Another related collection is the Philip Phillips Papers at the Library of Congress.

Reel 22 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0407 Introductory Materials. 10 frames.

Papers, 1857–1920 and Undated

0417 Folder 1, 1857 and 1863–1894. 80 frames. 0497 Folder 2, 1895–April 1899. 134 frames. 0631 Folder 3, November 1899–June 1900. 115 frames. 0746 Folder 4, December 1900–1920. 69 frames. 0815 Folder 5, Undated. 118 frames.

72 Reel Index Part 5

Julia McKinne Foster Weed Papers, 1836–1883, Richmond County, Georgia; also Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, and South Carolina

Description of the Collection This collection consists primarily of personal letters, mostly concerning family news, visits, and other routine subjects. Most letters are addressed to Julia McKinne Foster Weed, including many from Samuel Lumpkin of Americus, Georgia, and Joseph Winthrop Moses of Montgomery, Alabama (presumably relatives of the Foster or Gardner families). The earliest letters are chiefly personal letters to Margaret Gardner (probably the sister of Julia Weed’s mother) from her husband and letters from S. C. Dunning of Savannah giving paternal and religious advice to his daughters, Sarah (Mrs. Weed) in Connecticut and Gertrude in Rhode Island. There are a number of letters dated between 1863 and 1867 signed “Gardner” or with the initials H. K. G. Also included are letters of Henry G. Weed of Savannah and T. G. Foster of Montgomery, Alabama. Also included in the collection are about fifteen poems, mostly anonymous.

Biographical Note Julia McKinne Foster Weed, the daughter of Thomas Flournoy Foster and Elizabeth Gardner Foster, was born in Columbus, Georgia, in July 1846. Her father, a state legislator and U.S. representative, died when she was five years old, and she was raised by her mother in Burke County, Georgia. During the Civil War, the family moved to Elberton, Georgia. After the war, they lived in Augusta until Julia Foster married the Rev. Edwin G. Weed of Savannah. In 1886, Edwin Weed became the Episcopal bishop of Florida. Julia Weed lived in Florida until her death in 1908. From 1899 to 1901, Julia Weed was president-general of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and she remained active in the organization until her death.

Reel 23 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 9 frames.

Papers, 1836–1883 and Undated

0010 Folder 1, 1836–1859. 60 frames. 0070 Folder 2, 1861–1883. 140 frames. 0210 Folder 3, Undated. 94 frames.

73 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Robert Ervin Coker Family Papers, 1854–1965, Darlington District, South Carolina

Description of the Collection This large, predominately twentieth century collection is divided into several rough series of which only a fraction, the Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver Diary, is included. Robert Coker’s papers provide opportunities for research in many areas, including the history of the University of North Carolina and community affairs in Chapel Hill, the history of fisheries research and the teaching of zoology in the early to mid-twentieth century, and family history. Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver’s diary offers information mostly on the daily routine at the McIver’s home. The entries provide limited insight into Sarah McIver’s personal feelings or thoughts. The first seventeen boxes constitute a chronological series of papers chiefly consisting of Coker’s professional correspondence, with family correspondence and miscellaneous items also appearing. This series covers the period between 1906 and 1966 [not included]. The second series, found in boxes 18–32, contains a set of subject files kept for the years 1930–1947 [not included]. Box 33 holds a series of papers for the Allegheny School of Natural History for the years 1929–1937 [not included]. Box 34 contains a series of miscellaneous materials on the University of North Carolina and on the Coker family, including historical notes and clippings, 1855–1966 [not included]. Box 35 houses photograph albums, loose photographs, and a postal card scrapbook [not included]. Boxes 36–40 contain a series of Coker family papers, dated between 1774 and 1966, and papers on Coker family history [included in part]. Among these papers are correspondence; travel journals; diaries; wills; maps and land grants; genealogical notes and charts on the Coker, Ervin, Lide (Lloyd), Cannon, McIver, Wilds, Coit, Holloway, James, and Perdicaris families; historical papers and pamphlets; and photographs. The final two boxes, 41–42, are the personal correspondence of Robert E. Coker with family members and the papers of Coit McLean Coker [not included]. These two boxes are under seal until the death of Mrs. Robert E. Coker, Sr.

Biographical Note Robert Ervin Coker, Sr., was born at Society Hill, South Carolina, on 4 June 1876, the son of Captain William C. and Mary Ervin McIver Coker. Coker received his B.S. degree in 1896, his M.S. degree in 1897 from the University of North Carolina, and his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1906. After working briefly as a principal in the Goldsboro, North Carolina, school system, he held several positions with the United States Bureau of Fisheries over the next twenty years. In 1923, he joined the faculty of the Zoology Department of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he remained from 1923 to 1949, becoming chairman of the department and holding a Kenan professorship. Coker was a widely published author on topics in marine biology. He married Jennie Coit in 1910. Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver, 1826–1897, was Robert Coker’s maternal grandmother. The daughter of Robert Ervin and Elizabeth Fulton Ervin of Darlington, South Carolina, she was orphaned as a small girl and raised by her grandmother, Elizabeth Witherspoon Ervin. Sarah married Allen Evander McIver (1817–1861) of Society Hill and had two children, Lavinia Victoria (1845–1927) and Mary Ervin (1847–1883). Mary Ervin McIver was the first wife of Captain William C. Coker and the mother of Robert Ervin Coker. Lavinia Victoria McIver was Captain Coker’s second wife.

74 Reel Index Part 5

Widowed in 1861, Sarah McIver took over sole responsibility for the family’s plantation and other property near Darlington and Springville, South Carolina, and for raising her two children and a niece, Mary Caroline Powe Ervin (Minna).

Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver Diary, 1854–1965 and Undated Included is a biographical sketch (11 pp., typescript) of Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver (1826–1897), genealogical data on her ancestry, and notes on her diary compiled by her grandson, Robert Ervin Coker (1876–1967) in 1965, which present his personal thoughts on his grandmother’s life. The diary of Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver covers the years 1854–1889. Between the years 1854 and 1858, while Sarah lived with her husband and children in Springville and on their plantation nearby, she wrote about twice monthly in her diary. From 1859 until the end of the Civil War, she wrote less frequently, usually making an entry only about once per month. The fewest entries appear in the two decades immediately after the war, with no entries for 1871, 1881, 1882, and 1883. Most years in this period average between one and seven entries. Beginning in September 1884, Sarah kept the diary on a daily basis until May 1889, when she ceased writing. The diary concerns mostly births, illnesses, and deaths among the family and slaves on McIver’s plantations; household activities, cooking, and weather conditions; the comings and goings of members of her immediate family and other relatives; and the planting of crops and her garden. The diary also documents Sarah’s church attendance, her reading habits, and her religious feelings. She frequently mentioned the activities and education of her daughters, Mary Ervin and Lavinia Victoria; her niece, Mary (Minna); and her grandchildren. A few plantation accounts appear interspersed with the entries. There are a handful of enclosures, 1868–1869 and undated, found at the end of the diary that include receipts for dressmaking and personal expenses, a receipt from the Richmond Female Institute for tuition and board for Mary (Minna) Ervin in 1869, and newspaper clippings, including one entitled “Gen. Longstreet’s Wife” and one entitled “Statistics of Darlington District.” There is also a typed transcription of the diary of Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver. The typed transcription does not include miscellaneous scribblings appearing at the beginning of the original diary or plantation accounts interspersed in the original between entries.

Omissions A list of omissions from the Robert Ervin Coker Family Papers is provided on Reel 23, Frame 0783 and includes the entire collection other than the Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver Diary, which has been extracted from a much larger collection.

Reel 23 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0304 Introductory Materials. 7 frames.

75 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver Diary, 1854–1965 and Undated

0311 Folder 583a, Biographical Sketch and Notes on the Diary of Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver, 1965. 20 frames. 0331 Folder 583b, Original Diary of Sarah Witherspoon Ervin McIver, 1854–1889. 156 frames. 0487 Folder 583c, Enclosures, 1868–1869 and Undated. 12 frames. 0499 Folder 583d, Typed Transcription of Diary, 1854–1889. 284 frames.


0783 List of Omissions from the Robert Ervin Coker Family Papers. 1 frame.

Grace B. Elmore Papers, 1861–1872, Richland District, South Carolina

Description of the Collection This collection consists of diaries, memoirs, and drafts of a novel by Grace B. Elmore, with a few poems, newspaper clippings, and reminiscences, purportedly by a former slave, Billy. The diaries document Elmore’s personal thoughts and feelings about herself, her family, and religion and the progress of the Civil War in South Carolina, especially the occupation of Columbia by Sherman’s army and the role of slavery in Southern society. Memoirs consist of Elmore’s reminiscences about her childhood and descriptions of the everyday life of her family and their slaves, life in Columbia during the Civil War and Reconstruction, and the storytelling and folklore of family slaves. The narrative by Billy concerns his Civil War experiences, and the draft of a novel, entitled Light and Shadows, is a romance about a Confederate soldier returning from the Civil War. Volume 1 is a diary with enclosures, including drafts of letters, notes, and clippings, 1861–1867. This volume primarily consists of a record of Grace B. Elmore’s personal thoughts and feelings regarding herself, her family, and the progress of the Civil War in South Carolina. The predominant topic is her depression over her confinement in her mother’s home—“A man can seek the outer world, and in the duties belonging to that world restrain that irritability and restless longing that fills the spirit, when without a vocation.” Other personal topics include memories of her father and her childhood nurse, “Mamma”; her conflicts with her mother, sisters, and brothers; family quarrels and disagreements; and, extensively, her religious thoughts and feelings. There are also religious poems scattered throughout the volume. Entries about the Civil War include her prayers for the Confederate cause, description of the progress of the war along the South Carolina coast and of her brother Albert’s life in camp, a discussion of the role of slaves in Southern society, and a detailed description of the occupation of Columbia by Sherman’s army. Some of the pages are cut out or glued together, and sections are crossed out. Undated enclosures include several pages of drafts of letters and notes on philosophy, and newspaper clippings on Southern higher education, the temperance movement, and a poem. Volume 2 is a diary with poems and fictionalized autobiography, 1864–1872. This volume contains fewer of Grace B. Elmore’s personal thoughts and more entries concerning the Elmore family’s everyday life. Topics include family life and intrigues, social and household activities, the family’s troubled financial condition during and after the war, and a visit by General Leonidas Polk’s family. Many of the entries are concerned with the approach of Sherman’s

76 Reel Index Part 5 army and the occupation and burning of Columbia. After the war, Grace B. Elmore wrote concerning her thoughts on slavery and freedom for blacks; the death of her mother, Harriet Chestnut Elmore; and a description of her life as a music teacher in a Charlotte, North Carolina, boarding school. She was invited to join the faculty of an academy founded by Catharine Esther Beecher (1800–1878), and she wrote of her unpleasant impressions of that lady, her hatred of “Yankees,” and her views on the behavior of Northerners after the war and the associations of ex-Confederate leaders with Northerners. Volume 3 consists of rewritten diary entries, 1860-1866. These diary entries (typed) are loosely based on entries in volumes 1 and 2. Entries are rearranged and embellished in a conscious literary style, probably by Grace B. Elmore herself in anticipation of publication. The beginning of this volume, not found in other volumes, includes a description of a trip north and Grace B. Elmore’s feelings about the North, Lincoln, the election of 1860, the secession of South Carolina, and war fever in the South. There is also a copy of the constitution of the “Minute Men for the Defense of Southern Rights” and descriptions of everyday life of the Elmore family and their family slaves. After 1861, the volume is essentially a paraphrase of volumes 1 and 2. Pages 26–52 of this volume are missing. Volume 4, 1890 and undated, consists of Grace B. Elmore’s reminiscences of her early childhood, including her family’s everyday life and her relationship with her nurse “Mamma” and other family slaves. There are also descriptions of family slaves telling Brer Rabbit and Ole Harry Scratch stories and other “negro tales.” Also included is a narrative purported to be by her brother Albert’s former slave, Billy, about his Civil War experiences, entitled “Billy’s Account of Himself,” and Grace B. Elmore’s description of Billy’s visit to the Elmore home in 1890. Volume 5 consists of fiction, undated. This volume is Part 1 of a novel written by Grace B. Elmore entitled Light and Shadows, a romance about a Confederate soldier returning from the Civil War. Volume 6 consists of undated fiction and reminiscences comprising a copy of Volume 5, Part 1 of Light and Shadows, with additional material, including undated reminiscences of Grace B. Elmore about her father, Franklin Harper Elmore; his association with John C. Calhoun; and Elmore family life. Volume 7, undated and 1897, consists of fiction and other items, including Part 2 of Light and Shadows. There are also miscellaneous notes in the back of the volume and a newspaper clipping, dated 1897, about South Carolina.

Biographical Note Grace Brown Elmore (1839-1912) of Columbia, South Carolina, was the daughter of Franklin Harper Elmore (1799-1850), South Carolina banker, senator, and supporter of John C. Calhoun, and Harriet Chestnut Elmore, daughter of Governor John Taylor of South Carolina. For most of her life she lived with her family in her mother’s house in Columbia, South Carolina, and on the family plantation. After the Civil War, she moved briefly to Charlotte, North Carolina, to teach music at a boarding school but soon returned to Columbia.

77 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. N.B. A related collection among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection is the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers, a part of which follows this collection. Other Franklin Harper Elmore collections have been included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War and are itemized with the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers. One typed volume, Grace Brown Elmore, Diary and Reminiscences, 1860–1866, (possibly a copy of Volume 3) is among the holdings of the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina.

Reel 24 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 9 frames.

Papers, 1861–1872

0010 Folder 1, Volume 1, Diary, 1861–1867. 73 frames. 0083 Folder 2, Volume 1, Enclosures to Volume 1. 15 frames. 0098 Folder 3, Volume 2, Diary, with Poems and Fictionalized Autobiography, 1864–1872. 192 frames. 0290 Folder 4, Volume 3, Typed Copy of Diary Entries, 1860–1866. 79 frames. 0369 Folder 5, Volume 4, Reminiscences, 1890 and Undated. 36 frames. 0405 Folder 6, Volume 5, Fiction, Undated. 49 frames. 0454 Folder 7, Volume 6, Fiction and Reminiscences, Undated. 57 frames. 0511 Folder 8, Volume 7, Fiction and Other Items, Undated and 1897. 62 frames.

Franklin Harper Elmore Papers, 1908–1914, Charleston and Richland Districts, South Carolina

Description of the Collection This collection includes a small amount of original correspondence: family letters, correspondence from friends and associates relating to Elmore’s political activities, and letters relating to both his activities as president of the State Bank of South Carolina and his involvement in cotton marketing in England. There also are newspaper clippings about Franklin Harper Elmore; memoirs and reminiscences of Mrs. Thomas Taylor (Sally Canty Elmore), documenting the family life of the Elmores as well as the political life of Franklin Elmore; genealogical information on the Elmore and related families; and copies of Elmore documents held by the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Original Items of Franklin H. Elmore and Family [not included]; Series 2. Clippings about Franklin H. Elmore [not included]; Series 3. Taylor Family Reminiscences; Series 4. Genealogical Papers [not included]; and Series 5. Copies from South Caroliniana Library [not included].

Biographical Note Franklin Harper Elmore (1799–1850) was born in Laurens, South Carolina, the son of John Archer Elmore (1762–1834) and his first wife, Mary Anne Saxon (b. 1770). John A. Elmore moved from Virginia to South Carolina and later to Alabama. Franklin H. Elmore graduated

78 Reel Index Part 5 from South Carolina College in 1819, studied law in Columbia, South Carolina, and was admitted to the bar there in 1821. He was solicitor of the southern circuit, 1822–1836; member of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1836-1839; and president of the State Bank of South Carolina, 1839–1850. He was appointed to the U.S. Senate in 1850 to succeed John C. Calhoun but served only from 11 April 1850 until his death in Washington, 28 May 1850. Elmore was also interested in southern manufacturing. He was trustee of Nesbitt Manufacturing Company and was involved with the King’s Mountain Iron Works, both of which employed slave labor. Elmore married Harriet Chesnut Taylor in 1827. They had twelve children: John Taylor Elmore (1828–1830); Sally Canty Elmore (b. 1829), m. Thomas Taylor; Harriet Chesnut Elmore (1830–1835?); Mary Singleton Elmore (1831–1840); Ellen Sophia Elmore (b. 1833); Cornelia Caroline Elmore (b. 1835), m. Brevard Davidson; Franklin Harper Elmore (b. 1836), m. Mary Goodwin; Harriet Chesnut Elmore (b. 1837); Grace Stark Elmore (1839–1912); Mary Susan Elmore (b. 1841); Albert Rhett Elmore (b. 1843), m. Alexina Taylor; and Rosa Ann Elmore (b. 1846), m. Mr. Hayne.

Series 3. Taylor Family Reminiscences, 1908-1914 and Undated This series includes records, reminiscences, memoirs of Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, the daughter of Franklin H. Elmore and wife of Thomas Taylor, and “Boy Soldiers of the Confederacy,” by Lawrence W. Taylor. Included are both the original handwritten manuscript and a typed transcription of “Records of the Taylor Family and Reminiscences of My Own Life,” by Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, ca. 1908 (five typed pages). Mrs. Taylor was descended through her mother from the Taylor family and married a Taylor cousin. A second, untitled and undated manuscript, also present in both the original handwritten version and typed transcription and presumably also by Mrs. Taylor, continues the family record and also describes life in Washington during the time her father was a member of Congress (fifteen typed pages). References are made to Angelica Singleton, John Van Buren, and Dixon H. Lewis. Also included is a typed version of a much larger (196 pages) memoir written in 1908–1910 by Sally Canty Elmore Taylor. It also contains Elmore family history and includes a description of Sally’s life in Washington, D.C., 1835–1840 and a description of her time spent in Charleston, South Carolina, and the South Carolina upcountry in the summers, 1840–1850. She married in 1856 and thereafter lived in Columbia or just outside it. Also included are copies of letters Sally wrote from Washington, D.C., in 1848. Included in 1849 are a tribute to Captain James Stuart, Mexican War hero, and a description of the dinner given in his honor in Charleston. There are also recollections of the Civil War and of Reconstruction in South Carolina. Finally, there is a typescript entitled, “Boy Soldiers of the Confederacy,” written by Lawrence W. Taylor in 1914 for the M. C. Butler Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (eight pages). Taylor was a captain and served in Company K of the “Bonham Guards,” Third Regiment of South Carolina State Troops, which was composed of young men who enlisted late in the war. He described his experiences at Grahamville, at James Island, and on the march to Fayetteville and Raleigh and back to Columbia in Hardee’s Corps. References are made to Wade Hampton and Iredell Jones.

79 Part 5 Reel Index Frame No. Omissions A list of omissions from the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers is provided on Reel 24, Frame 0884 and includes Series 1. Original Items of Franklin H. Elmore and Family, 1843–1850 and Undated; Series 2. Clippings, 1833–1897 and Undated; Series 4. Genealogical Papers, 1931–1936 and Undated; and Series 5. Copies from South Caroliniana Library, 1819–1877 and Undated.

N.B. A related collection that precedes this collection is the Grace B. Elmore Books. Other related collections include the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers, South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series A, Part 2. Another collection of Franklin Harper Elmore Papers among the holdings of the Library of Congress is included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series C, Part 2. Series 1 and 2 of the present collection are included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 3.

Reel 24 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0573 Introductory Materials. 13 frames. Series 3, Taylor Family Reminiscences, 1908–1914 and Undated

0586 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0587 Folder 3, Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, Records of the Taylor Family and Reminiscences of My Own Life, ca. 1908. 21 frames. 0608 Folder 4, Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, Further Records of the Taylor Family, Undated. 38 frames. 0646 Folder 5, Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, Memoir, 1908–1910, pages 1–77. 92 frames. 0738 Folder 6, Sally Canty Elmore Taylor, Memoir, 1908–1910, pages 78–196 and Index. 137 frames. 0875 Folder 7, Lawrence W. Taylor, Boy Soldiers of the Confederacy, 1914. 9 frames. Omissions

0884 List of Omissions from the Franklin Harper Elmore Papers. 1 frame.

80 Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries

Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Part 6: Virginia Collections REEL INDEX

Beale and Davis Family Papers, 1836–1933, Westmoreland County, Virginia; also North Carolina

Description of the Collection This collection contains the papers of itinerant Methodist Minister Joseph Davis of Virginia and North Carolina his wife, Anne Turberville Beale Davis and their children, Robert Beale, Wilbur Fisk, John Williams C., Olin, and Martha Anne (Nannie). Also included are scattered business papers of Robert Beale Davis and John W. C. Davis and of relatives, George, John, and William Murphey of Westmoreland County and James Thomas, Jr., of Richmond. The collection includes correspondence, personal and farm diaries, miscellaneous accounts, receipts, clippings, broadsides, school materials, genealogical notes, and other items. The bulk of the correspondence is for the antebellum period, with a substantial number of letters also appearing in the postwar period. Only a handful of Civil War letters are present. Personal diaries appear for Joseph and Anne Davis, Robert Beale Davis, and Nannie Davis Beale. A personal and farm diary appears for John W. C. Davis. Locations documented in the collection include Raleigh, New Bern, Hickory, and Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Boydton, Fredericksburg, Petersburg, Farmville, Lynchburg, Richmond, Charlottesville, Blacksburg, Clifton, Greenville, and Hague, Virginia; and Union, West Virginia. The papers are arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence—Subseries 1.1: Antebellum Correspondence, Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, Subseries 1.3: Postwar Correspondence, and Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence; Series 2. Diaries—Subseries 2.1: Diary of Anne Turberville Beale Davis, Subseries 2.2: Diary of Joseph Hoomes Davis, Subseries 2.3: Diary of Robert Beale Davis, Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, and Subseries 2.5: Diary of Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis Beale; and Series 3. Other Items. Series 1 contains the correspondence of Joseph and Anne Davis and their children. Much of the postwar correspondence is that of their son, John, though letters appear for all the immediate family members. The letters document the home and religious life of an itinerant minister’s family; Methodist church affairs on several North Carolina and Virginia circuits; college life at Randolph-Macon College, the University of Virginia, Wesleyan Female College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, and Petersburg Female Institute from the late 1840s through the 1850s; secession politics in North Carolina and Virginia; war preparations and camp life; teaching in the postwar period in private schools and at the University of Virginia and Virginia A & M College in Blacksburg; and farming in Westmoreland County. Miscellaneous business letters appearing for James Thomas, Jr., of Richmond and the Murphey brothers of Westmoreland County pertain to the sale of crops, especially tobacco. The diaries in Series 2, comprising 53 volumes, provide extensive information on the daily and religious life of a nineteenth-century circuit minister and the difficulties his wife faced at home alone and on their children’s late nineteenth and early twentieth century farming, social,

83 Part 6 Reel Index religious, school, and family activities. Robert Beale Davis’s diary provides an excellent source on student life at the University of Virginia in the late 1850s. His and his mother’s diaries also provide considerable information on family history. Financial information on John W. C. Davis’s farming activities between 1881 and 1913 appear in his diary. Limited financial information also appears in Joseph Davis’s diary on his finances as a minister and, after the war, as a farmer in Hague, Virginia. Information also appears in Nannie Davis Beale’s diary on her household finances. The diaries contain about 300 enclosures, including clippings, accounts, receipts, bills, loan notes, broadsides, and genealogical notes. Series 3 contains miscellaneous items pertaining chiefly to Robert H. Beale, John W. C. Davis, Robert Beale Davis, George Murphey, and Rev. James Davis. Items include accounts, invitations, broadsides, school materials, genealogical notes, clippings, and other items. Further details on all these series is provide below.

Biographical Note Joseph Hoomes Davis (1809–1879) was a Methodist minister and educator who travelled Virginia and North Carolina circuits in his early years and later served as an educator and minister at various locations in the two states. In late 1854, he accepted the position of head of the Wesleyan Female College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, which he left in 1859, when he joined his brother, W. T. Davis, at the Petersburg Female College. During the Civil War, Davis served as a minister in the Charlottesville area. After the war, he moved to Hickory Hill in Westmoreland County, where he farmed and served as a minister. Davis first married Martha Felicia Beale and had one son, Robert Beale Davis. After Martha’s death, her sister, Anne Turberville Beale, took over care of Robert. The Beale sisters were the daughters of Major Robert Beale, Revolutionary veteran and planter in Madison County, Virginia. In 1838, Davis married Anne, and together they raised Robert and their own children, Wilbur Fisk, John Williams C., Olin Turberville, and Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis. Robert (1835–1864) attended Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia, where he studied law. He was briefly in business in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, and, in the late 1850s, practiced law with his uncle, Richard L. T. Beale of Westmoreland County. Robert served in the Potomac Rifles during the Civil War and was killed at the battle of Petersburg in 1864. Wilbur Fisk Davis (b. 1839), upon graduating from Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia, taught school at Ashland, Clifton, Farmville, and Lynchburg, Virginia, and later at Union, West Virginia. He married a woman named Ella, who was also a teacher from Clifton, Virginia. John Williams C. Davis (b. 1840) also attended Randolph-Macon and the University of Virginia. During the war, he served briefly with the Potomac Rifles until wounded and then joined the topographical engineers in southwestern Virginia. After the war, he taught in private schools for a while, then returned to the University of Virginia to teach chemistry. He later joined the faculty at Virginia A & M College (now Virginia Polytechnic Institute) in Blacksburg, Virginia. Following his academic career, Davis farmed for many years in Westmoreland County. Olin Turberville Davis (b. 1844) and Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis (b. 1846) attended school at Wesleyan Female College and Petersburg Female College. Olin graduated from Petersburg Female College in 1860 and Nannie shortly after. After graduation, they both taught school. Nannie married Robert H. Beale and settled near Hague, Virginia.

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Series 1. Correspondence, 1836–1896 and Undated This series consists of family and business correspondence of Joseph and Anne Davis of Virginia and North Carolina; their children, Robert, Wilbur, John, Olin, and Martha (Nannie); and other Davis and Beale relatives. The bulk of the correspondence is for the antebellum period, with a substantial number of letters also appearing in the postwar period. Only a handful of Civil War letters are present. Topics include family, Methodist church affairs, college life, teaching, farming, and politics. Subseries 1.1: Antebellum Correspondence, 1836–1860 This subseries includes family and business correspondence of the Davis family of Virginia and North Carolina and their Virginia relatives. Principal family members are itinerant Methodist Minister Joseph Davis, who travelled on several North Carolina and Virginia circuits; his wife, Anne Turberville Beale Davis; and their children, Robert, Wilbur, John, Olin, and Nannie. Frequent correspondents include Anne’s brother, Richard L. T. Beale, and other Beale family members in Westmoreland County; Anne’s Compton relatives, especially A. Compton in Greenville; her Arnest relatives in Westmoreland County; her Ball relatives in Fairfax County; and Joseph Davis’s brother, W. T. Davis, in Petersburg. Scattered business letters appear for Attorney James Thomas, Jr., of Richmond and for John and William Murphey of Westmoreland County. A few business letters also appear for Robert Beale Davis. The bulk of the correspondence comprises family and school letters exchanged between 1855 and 1860, while Joseph Davis was president of the Wesleyan Female College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, and co-head of the Petersburg Female College, and while his sons were attending Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia. Earlier letters are primarily those exchanged by Joseph and Anne while Joseph was travelling, and those received by the Davises from relatives and friends. Only about 100 items are dated before 1855. Among these are letters written between 1836 and 1838 by Anne T. Beale at Hickory Hill, her family home in Westmoreland County, to her future husband, Joseph Davis, concerning her family; the welfare of Joseph’s son, Robert, who remained in her care; and local church news. After marrying in 1838, Anne and Joseph wrote when he was away and she was living with their children in Boydton, Fredericksburg, and later Richmond. Their letters discuss church matters; news of family events, illnesses, births, and deaths; Joseph’s travels; and his religious work. His letters frequently describe his attempts to save souls, pastoral visits, conversions, revivals, and camp meetings. Of note is a letter, dated 27 October 1853, in which Davis wrote from Lynchburg describing the results of the conference sessions, a visit from the Bishop, other clergymen attending, and the town of Lynchburg. Joseph also occasionally wrote to his children discussing similar topics during this period. Of interest is a letter he wrote his son on 7 December 1854 about his going to Murfreesboro, North Carolina, to be head of the Wesleyan Female College, at a salary of $1,500 and board for his family. Many of the remaining early letters are from Richard L. T. Beale, while he studied law at the University of Virginia and after he settled at his home, Cabinford, in Westmoreland County in the early 1840s. He wrote Anne at Hickory Hill before her marriage and later wrote her and her sons in Raleigh, Boydton, Fredericksburg, and Richmond. Beale often discussed family and neighborhood affairs, including illnesses, deaths, births, visits, camp meetings, and local duels, and frequently mentioned his crops and home affairs. Of note is a letter, dated 3 July 1849, from Richard to Wilbur Davis concerning books and history and describing Robert Beale, Sr.’s part in the Revolution.

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Scattered early letters also appear from Robert Beale, Sr., in Hague, and from various relatives in Fairfax, Westmoreland, and other Virginia counties. These letters provide mostly news of family and religious life, including discussion of revivals, meetings, and other Methodist matters. There are also a few letters between 1849 and 1854 from Robert Beale Davis at Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia. Between 1855 and the Civil War, there is a large collection of Davis family letters. Mrs. Davis wrote frequently and regularly to her sons while she was living at the Wesleyan Female College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, and they were away at Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia. Joseph Davis also occasionally wrote to his sons. Both tell of building and planting projects, revivals, students, and faculty at Wesleyan. These letters also contain parental advice and soul-searching, as well as news of the neighborhood and religious affairs of Murfreesboro. Letters of note are one, dated 6 March 1855, from Joseph Davis to his son, Robert, telling him about missionary work among South Carolina slaves organized by Bishop Capers and the Honorable C. C. Pinckney, and another, dated 5 January 1857, from Anne Davis, giving a detailed and graphic account of a rumored slave insurrection and the fear and unrest attending it around Murfreesboro. The Davis daughters, Olin and Nannie, who both attended Wesleyan, also wrote their brothers concerning life at the school. The brothers, in turn, wrote home letters rich in information on their respective schools. They described school activities, pranks, courses, examinations, professors, and debates. Several letters of particular note appear. On 28 February 1855, Robert wrote describing his life at the University of Virginia and a Washington’s birthday celebration there. In 1856, he wrote describing the dedication of the Hall of the Sons of Temperance, the attempt to get Mr. Thackery to lecture, and the employment of servants at the university. Letters from Wilbur at Randolph- Macon in November 1855 discuss the case of Dr. Deems versus Dr. W. A. Smith. His later letters in 1857 and 1858 discuss the organization of a military company at the college and politics. John W. C. Davis also wrote from Randolph-Macon describing his life there. Of note is a letter, dated 1 November 1858, in which he described the typical routine at the school, giving an hour-by-hour account of his day. Both Wilbur and John wrote later from the University of Virginia concerning the political unrest sweeping the area. Other letters appear from members of the Beale, Compton, Arnest, Davis, and Ball families and other relatives, and from Methodist acquaintances of the Davises. Topics include politics (especially in letters the Davises exchanged with Richard Beale), missionary work, church affairs, and family news. Richard L. T. Beale often wrote between 1858 and 1860 concerning Know-Nothingism, the court system of Virginia, and the secession crisis. Robert Beale Davis returned to Murfreesboro in 1856; he began practicing law with Richard Beale in 1857. His letters to his family often discuss politics. Other correspondents of note are A. Compton of Greenville, who wrote most frequently concerning Methodist affairs, and W. T. Davis of Petersburg, who wrote concerning family and church affairs. Scattered business letters appearing between 1855 and 1860 are from tobacco factors to James Thomas, Jr. of Richmond and from factors to John and William Murphey of Westmoreland County. The Murpheys were cousins of Anne Davis. A few business letters also appear for Robert Beale Davis in 1858, concerning the sale of wooden rails at Murfreesboro. Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, 1861–January 1865 and Undated This subseries consists of letters of Robert Beale Davis and Wilbur Davis just before the outbreak of war and of John W. C. Davis while he was serving in the Confederate army. Letters for 1861 discuss secession, the formation and drilling of the Potomac Rifles and other Virginia companies, the

86 Reel Index Part 6 procurement of arms, and family news. Correspondents include Anne T. Davis, S. C. Brickenstein, and Capt. C. Dimmock of the Armory of Virginia. Anne Davis wrote most frequently concerning politics around Charlottesville and family. Of note is an undated letter to her son, John, concerning his military prospects and the military activities of Robert and Wilbur. Also of special interest is a letter of 16 January 1861 from S. C. Brickenstein, a law student in Baltimore, to Robert Davis, which addresses his studies, political happenings in the city, Maryland’s peculiar position in the secession crisis, the Crittenden Amendment, and slavery. Two letters were written by John W. C. Davis while he was a member of the Topographical Engineers. The first, dated 9 December 1864, from Camp Brick Church near Wytheville, describes his life in camp to his mother. The second, dated 6 January 1865, was written from camp at Olive Branch Church to his sister, Nannie. It discusses the possibility that Wilbur might join him in the Engineers and describes neighborhood responses to his company. Subseries 1.3: Postwar Correspondence, October 1865–1896 This subseries consists chiefly of family letters the Davises exchanged with each other and relatives, discussing family, farming, teaching, church, and social activities. Letters also appear from friends and fellow Methodists, and business letters appear for John W. C. Davis. In the early years of this period, about an equal number of letters appear for Joseph, Anne, Wilbur, John, and Olin Davis; beginning in the mid- 1870s, the bulk of the letters are those of John W. C. Davis. Family correspondents include Davis cousins in Petersburg and at the University of Virginia, Compton cousins in Greenville, and members of the family of Ella (Mrs. Wilbur F.) Davis. Numerous letters appear to John W. C. Davis from his friend, John T. Humphreys, in Lynchburg and in Hickory, North Carolina. Topics in the family letters immediately following the war include miscellaneous business affairs, the scarcity of money, reading clubs, debating, music, and women’s fashions. In 1867, letters begin to appear from the family of Ella Davis in Clifton, Virginia. Most of these are addressed to Olin Davis and discuss family news and mutual friends. Letters written by Anne and Joseph Davis from Hickory Hill to their children throughout the 1870s typically give news of their farming, crops, and household activities, as well as of church and other religious affairs. Letters the Davises received from John and Wilbur provide news of Wilbur’s teaching activities in Farmville and Fredericksburg in the late 1860s; John’s position at the University of Virginia in the early 1870s and at A & M College in Blacksburg in 1873 and 1874; and Wilbur’s teaching in Union, West Virginia, in 1875. John and Wilbur also wrote concerning family and events in their respective locations. Of interest is a letter, dated 16 October 1870, in which John described events in Charlottesville upon the death of General Robert E. Lee. Also of note is a letter from Wilbur, dated 24 February 1871, describing a great Methodist revival in Lynchburg. Later letters for this year discuss the closing of private schools upon the arrival of Free Schools. Letters Joseph Davis received from fellow Methodists discuss mostly the affairs of the church and Methodist doctrine. From the mid- to late 1870s, the bulk of the correspondence is that of John W. C. Davis. He received letters from friends, colleagues, and his students and frequently corresponded with school officials throughout Virginia and other southern states seeking teaching positions. Of interest is a letter of 4 July 1873 from W. H. F. Lee on the need in Virginia for a practical agricultural and engineering school. Several letters appear between 1873 and 1875 pertaining to Davis’s efforts to help develop Virginia A & M College (now Virginia Polytechnic Institute) in Blacksburg. Davis also received frequent letters from a number of friends, especially John T. Humphreys, who were interested in geology and natural science. Humphreys wrote regularly

87 Part 6 Reel Index from Lynchburg in the early 1870s and later from Hickory, North Carolina, in the late 1870s, concerning field trips they planned together, scientific experiments he was conducting, and other geological, agricultural, and mineralogical matters. He also often wrote concerning his family and other personal affairs. Only fifteen items appear between 1880 and 1896. They include letters of Robert H. Beale, who married Nannie Davis; Anne Davis; John W. C. Davis; James Thomas, Jr.; and Robbie. Most of the letters received by Robert Beale concern his finances. Of note is a letter, dated 17 August 1886, to Robert from his wife, who, anticipating her death, wrote him her last wishes. Anne Davis received several letters from her sister, Anna, concerning church affairs in Petersburg and sicknesses in the family. The correspondence of John W. C. Davis includes discussion of his farm affairs, genealogy, and Virginia Methodist conference affairs. One letter appears in 1882 to James Thomas, Jr. and pertains to items he had ordered. One letter also appears in 1889 for “Robbie” in Greenville from “Sallie,” discussing personal matters. Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence This subseries consists of letters, mostly antebellum, of Anne and Joseph Davis; their children, Robert, Wilbur, John, and Olin; and other Davis family members and friends. Letters received by Anne Davis are from her friend, R. A. Wingfield, her nephew, A. H. Compton, and Marie Compton in Greenville; her husband in King and Queen County, Virginia; and her niece, Emily A. Arnest, at Nomony Hall, all focusing on family news, chiefly of illnesses, deaths, and births. Three letters appear for Joseph Davis, all from his wife, who wrote from Richmond and Murfreesboro, concerning her uneasiness over his travels, news of their children and household affairs, and affairs of the Wesleyan Female College. Of note is a letter, dated 30 November 185?, in which Mrs. Davis expresses discomfort over a spontaneously organized group of women holding an emotional prayer meeting at the college. Letters received by Robert Beale Davis are from Robert Crawford of Eutaw, Alabama; his sister, Olin, in Murfreesboro; his cousin, Mary Beale; his mother in Petersburg; M. Dulaney Ball in Williamsburg; and John F. Dent in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Both Crawford and Dent wrote concerning business; Ball wrote giving news of school expulsions at William and Mary. Davis’s sister and mother most often mentioned news of family and friends and discussed happenings at Wesleyan Female College and Petersburg Female College. While a student at Randolph-Macon College and the University of Virginia, Wilbur F. Davis received letters from his mother, his sister, Olin, and Lizzie Davis, probably a cousin. Lizzie wrote concerning her teaching in a girl’s school in Petersburg and mutual friends. Mrs. Davis and Olin wrote describing religious and social affairs at Wesleyan Female College and concerning family. John W. C. Davis received family letters while a student at the University of Virginia and several business letters while he later taught there. His sisters, Olin and Nannie, wrote from Wesleyan Female College and from Petersburg discussing their school affairs, teachers, and fellow students. Business letters discuss the election of professors at the university and the welfare of students. A fragment of a letter appears from Davis’s friend, John Humphreys, who wrote concerning scientific experiments in which he was interested and his family. One letter appears from John W. C. Davis to Messrs. Stockpole & Bro. pertaining to scientific instruments he had ordered. Letters from Anne and Joseph Davis to their sons discuss mostly family and school. One letter from Wilbur to one of his brothers also discusses family and the Wesleyan Female College.

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Two letters appear to Olin Davis, one from an unidentified woman in Ashland, Virginia, and another from her sister-in-law, Ella Davis, in Farmville, Virginia. Both discuss news of family and friends. Miscellaneous correspondence appears for members of the Davis family and relatives of Ella Davis. Family is the topic of the bulk of the letters. Letters appear from Dora in Clifton to her brother; from Anne in Southampton City to her sister; from Eugene to his sister; and from Mary L. in Finedowery to Ella in Farmville. Miscellaneous letters appear from Selby & Dulaney to James A. Davis in Hague, Virginia, and from William Arnold to George Murphey.

Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 This series consists of personal diaries of Davis family members Joseph Hoomes Davis, Anne T. B. Davis, Robert Beale Davis, and Martha Anne (M. Nannie) Davis Beale, and a personal and farm diary of John W. C. Davis. The diaries discuss family, church, farm, and school affairs. Subseries 2.1: Diary of Anne Turberville Beale Davis, 1838–1883 This subseries consists of a diary, in two volumes, of Anne Davis, wife of Methodist Minister Joseph Davis. First begun in Raleigh, North Carolina, Davis’s diary contains entries for every year between June 1838 and January 1883, except 1847, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1860–1861, and 1865–1872. Volume 1 contains 170 pages dated between 1838–1859 and 1873–1883. Volume 2, 121 pages, contains diary entries for 1862–1864, a brief memoir of her life, and entries made by her husband. Also included are four enclosures. The diary is fullest for the years 1838–1840, with monthly or more frequent entries for that period; after 1840, only one to seven entries appear per year. Locations at which Davis kept the diary include Raleigh, Gates County, Murfreesboro, and New Bern, North Carolina, and Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Norfolk, and Westmoreland County, Virginia. Entries between 1873 and 1883 were made while the Davises were living at Hickory Hill in Westmoreland County. The diary contains mostly religious meditations and retrospective accounts of each year’s major events. It occasionally notes the whereabouts of her husband, mentions the births of her children and visits she made, and gives her thoughts on sermons, the Methodist church, and camp meetings. Of note in Volume 1 are an “account of my convictions,” dated 1851, and her description of a dream she had in 1853. Three enclosures to this volume are poems: one by her son, Robert, entitled “A Dirge,” on the death of a young student at Wesleyan Female College; one by M. A. Brown entitled “The Happiest Time”; and another anonymous poem entitled “The Parted Spirit.” Volume 2 contains entries for 1862–1864 (6 pages, hand copied from the original by her son, Wilbur) and Davis’s memoirs (22 pages) written in 1880 and 1881. Also appearing in this volume are memoirs penned by her husband, Joseph Davis; an index he kept; notes he took on religious readings; and genealogical notes. One enclosure is a page of genealogical notes on the Davis family. Anne Davis’s memoirs demonstrate clearly the difficult life of an itinerant minister’s wife. Subseries 2.2: Diary of Joseph Hoomes Davis, 1855–1877 This series consists of pocket diaries of Joseph H. Davis, itinerant Methodist minister in North Carolina and Virginia, covering the years between 1855–1859 and 1864–1877. The diaries appear in seventeen volumes (Volumes 3–19) and contain almost daily entries concerning Davis’s ministry, his personal life, and farm notes. Also appearing in the diary are agricultural, household, and ecclesiastical

89 Part 6 Reel Index accounts. The volumes range from 48 pages (Volume 3) to 403 pages (Volume 15) in length, but average about 150–170 pages. Also included are twenty-two enclosures. The diary opens with Davis beginning new duties as president of Wesleyan Female College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, where he remained for four years. During these years (covered in Volumes 3–7), he wrote most frequently concerning the students and faculty at Wesleyan, his preaching, conference news, and the health of his family. Volume 8 recounts Davis’s experiences as a preacher in western Virginia around Charlottesville in the last days of the Civil War and in the year following the war. This volume also contains a register of marriages Davis performed in Virginia and North Carolina between 1838 and 1854. According to the diary, after the war, Davis and his family moved to Hickory Hill, formerly the home of Anne Davis’s parents, in Westmoreland County. The diary after 1866 deals with church affairs, annual conferences, details of farming, the education of his daughters, his health, and neighborhood news. Between 1865 and 1877, Davis ministered to churches near his home, except for 1874 and 1875 when he served the East Norfolk Circuit. He often recorded baptisms and conversions of community members, identifying them by race. Enclosures to the diaries are mostly newspaper clippings and accounts. Topics covered in the clippings include the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Know Nothings, use of the Wesleyan Female College lawn by the public, the financial woes of Rutherford College in North Carolina, and obituaries. Accounts are for church monies collected, travel expenses, groceries, and sundries. Of interest is a broadside, dated 24 August 1858, announcing “A Plan For the Establishment of Conference Depositories and for the Augmentation of the Capital of the Publishing House.” Subseries 2.3: Diary of Robert Beale Davis, 1856–1860 This subseries consists of a diary, in two volumes, in which Robert B. Davis recorded his thoughts while a student at the University of Virginia and later while practicing law in Westmoreland County. Also included is one enclosure. Volume 20 (43 pages) is dated between 18 February 1856 and 27 December 1857. It discusses details of Davis’s school work, reports conversations he had with professors, and describes his friends and schoolmates, the weather, visits he made, and his future plans. Volume 20 is fullest for the period between 18 February and 31 March 1856, when Davis made almost daily entries. After falling ill in April, he made only sporadic entries. Three entries, dated 6 January, 4 October, and 27 December, appear for 1857. Volume 21 (134 pages), maintained between 7 October 1857 and 7 March 1860, contains entries Davis made as a student and later while reading and practicing law under his uncle, Richard Beale, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The diary begins with Davis’s lecture notes (70 pages) from Professor John Minor’s law class. Personal entries describing his reading, his amusements, and his legal experiences begin on page 72 and appear regularly between 2 August 1858 and 7 March 1860. Pages 129–130 are genealogical notes Davis made on the Beale family. The enclosure is a page of undated notes on a tribute to J. B. Hayes, first president of the “W. M. S. of the S. M. Church.” Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, 1881–1913 This subseries consists of twenty-one volumes including two hundred enclosures. It comprises the daily diary of John Davis, kept while farming at Hickory Hill, near Hague, Virginia, between January 1881 and July 1913. The years 1903, 1909, and 1912 are missing from the twenty-one volume diary (Volumes 22–42). Entries include a record of Davis’s farm activities and accounts, the weather, trips, and brief discussions of events in the life of his family.

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The approximately two hundred enclosures are chiefly accounts of crops sold, sundries and publications purchased, travel expenses, and his financial dealings with local millers, merchants and others, especially his sister, Nannie, and her husband, Robert H. Beale. Other financial records include loan notes and receipts. A few clippings, mostly of a political nature, appear. Enclosures are dated 1874, 1880, 1884–1885, 1890–1899, 1901–1908, 1910–1911, and 1920. There are also undated enclosures. Subseries 2.5: Diary of Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis Beale, 1907–1920 This subseries consists of eleven volumes including thirty-two enclosures. Volumes 43–53 contain the diary of Nannie Davis Beale, widow of Robert H. Beale. The diary, kept at Sunnyside, near Hague, Virginia, provides details of her housekeeping, farming, visiting, entertaining, and church work. It also records the comings and goings of her children and other family members. Her two sons were away at Randolph-Macon College in the first years of the diary. Household and farm accounts appear in several volumes. Volume 47 contains a record of poultry and eggs. Enclosures to the volumes, dated 1912, 1915, 1933, and undated, consist mostly of accounts for travel expenses, poultry, groceries, and clothing. Of note is an account of monies “Collected for Female Fund by L. A. Society of Carmel Church”; Nannie Beale was treasurer of the L. A. Society. Other enclosures include bills, receipts, and miscellaneous items pertaining to church committees and boards. Of interest is an undated broadside on the Marvin Grove District Training School of Henderson Church.

Series 3. Other Items, 1856–1933 and Undated This series includes accounts, invitations, school materials, genealogical notes, clippings, and other miscellaneous items. Accounts and receipts appear for Robert Beale Davis, George W. Murphey, John W. C. Davis, Robert H. Beale, and Rev. James A. Davis, mostly with commission merchants. Invitations appear for weddings and school activities at the Petersburg Female College and the Southern Female College. Other school materials include an undated student report form from the Classical School near Fredericksburg, Virginia, where Wilbur F. Davis was a professor; an undated announcement of the opening of Central High School, a boys’ school in Memphis, Tennessee; and a prospectus for the “University Literary Magazine” at the University of Virginia. A program of exercises, dated May 1888, also appears for the Westmoreland County, Virginia, Sunday School Union. Genealogical information on the Beale and Davis families appears in handwritten notes, epitaphs copied from gravestones, and other materials. Of interest are a nine-page, typed copy of the Revolutionary War memoirs of Major Robert Beale, Sr.; sheet music for a song, “The Grave of Uncle Line”; and a two-page sketch of the Davis family history. Miscellaneous items include a deed for land in Westmoreland County, dated 1884, notarized by Robert H. Beale; a bill of lading for John W. C. Davis, dated 1873; a broadside from 1874 for the Christian Age Association; and two newspaper clippings from 1858. The first clipping relates to the selection of a University of Virginia alumnus for the chair of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology at the University of North Carolina, and the second to a sermon preached on Christian lawyers. A printed copy, dated 10 July 1858, of the New-York Price Current and a photostatic copy of a 1933 article from World Outlook concerning Bishop W. R. Lambuth also appear.

91 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Reel 1 Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 21 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence, 1836–1896 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: Antebellum Correspondence, 1836–1860 0022 Description of Subseries 1.1. 3 frames. 0025 Folder 1, 1836–1838. 41 frames. 0066 Folder 2, 1839–1845. 39 frames. 0105 Folder 3, 1846–1849. 45 frames. 0150 Folder 4, 1850–1851. 54 frames. 0204 Folder 5, 1852. 38 frames. 0242 Folder 6, 1853. 32 frames. 0274 Folder 7, 1854. 33 frames. 0307 Folder 8, February–June 1855. 46 frames. 0353 Folder 9, July–September 1855. 32 frames. 0385 Folder 10, October 1855. 31 frames. 0416 Folder 11, November 1855. 40 frames. 0456 Folder 12, December 1855. 56 frames. 0512 Folder 13, January–March 1856. 81 frames. 0593 Folder 14, April–June 1856. 63 frames. 0656 Folder 15, August–December 1856. 70 frames. 0726 Folder 16, January–March 1857. 61 frames. 0787 Folder 17, April–October 1857. 55 frames. 0842 Folder 18, November–December 1857. 81 frames.

Reel 2 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1836–1896 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.1: Antebellum Correspondence, 1836–1860 cont. 0001 Folder 19, January–April 1858. 85 frames. 0086 Folder 20, May–September 1858. 73 frames. 0159 Folder 21, October 1858. 53 frames. 0212 Folder 22, November–December 1858. 64 frames. 0276 Folder 23, January–April 1859. 86 frames. 0362 Folder 24, May–December 1859. 113 frames. 0475 Folder 25, January–March 1860. 85 frames. 0560 Folder 26, April–May 1860. 74 frames. 0634 Folder 27, June–August 1860. 57 frames. 0691 Folder 28, September–December 1860. 67 frames.

Subseries 1.2: Civil War Correspondence, 1861–January 1865 and Undated 0758 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0759 Folder 29, 1861. 26 frames. 0785 Folder 30, 1864–January 1865 and Undated. 8 frames.

92 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Subseries 1.3: Postwar Correspondence, October 1865–1896 0793 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 0794 Folder 31, October 1865–1866. 65 frames. 0859 Folder 32, 1867–1868. 71 frames. 0930 Folder 33, 1869. 44 frames. 0974 Folder 34, 1870. 65 frames.

Reel 3 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, 1836–1896 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3: Postwar Correspondence, October 1865–1896 cont. 0001 Folder 35, January–April 1871. 56 frames. 0057 Folder 36, May–December 1871. 54 frames. 0111 Folder 37, January–May 1872. 38 frames. 0149 Folder 38, June–December 1872. 63 frames. 0212 Folder 39, January–May 1873. 55 frames. 0267 Folder 40, June–December 1873. 70 frames. 0337 Folder 41, January–June 1874. 68 frames. 0405 Folder 42, July–December 1874. 65 frames. 0470 Folder 43, 1875. 74 frames. 0544 Folder 44, 1876. 64 frames. 0608 Folder 45, 1877–1879. 54 frames. 0662 Folder 46, 1880, 1882–1884, 1886–1887, 1889, and 1896. 34 frames.

Subseries 1.4: Undated Correspondence 0696 Description of Subseries 1.4. 1 frame. 0697 Folder 47, Undated. 51 frames. 0748 Folder 48, Undated. 61 frames.

Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920

Subseries 2.1: Diary of Anne Turberville Beale Davis, 1838–1883 0809 Description of Subseries 2.1. 1 frame. 0810 Folder 49, Volume 1, 1838–1846, 1848–1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, and 1873–1883. 174 frames.

Reel 4 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.1: Diary of Anne Turberville Beale Davis, 1838–1883 cont. 0001 Folder 50, Volume 2, 1862–1864. 123 frames. 0124 Folder 51, Enclosures, Volumes 1–2. 9 frames.

93 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 2.2: Diary of Joseph Hoomes Davis, 1855–1877 0133 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0134 Folder 52, Volume 3, 1855. 76 frames. 0210 Folder 53, Volume 4, 1856 and Volume 5, 1857. 184 frames. 0394 Folder 54, Volume 6, 1858 and Volume 7, 1859. 165 frames. 0559 Folder 55, Volume 8, 1864–1866 and Volume 9, 1867. 191 frames.

Reel 5 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.2: Diary of Joseph Hommes Davis, 1855–1877 cont. 0001 Folder 56, Volume 10, 1868 and Volume 11, 1869. 191 frames. 0192 Folder 57, Volume 12, 1870 and Volume 13, 1871. 223 frames. 0415 Folder 58, Volume 14, 1872 and Volume 15, 1873. 311 frames. 0726 Folder 59, Volume 16, 1874 and Volume 17, 1875. 228 frames.

Reel 6 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.2: Diary of Joseph Hommes Davis, 1855–1877 cont. 0001 Folder 60, Volume 18, 1876 and Volume 19, 1877. 222 frames. 0223 Folder 61, Enclosures, Volumes 3–19. 21 frames.

Subseries 2.3: Diary of Robert Beale Davis, 1856–1860 0244 Description of Subseries 2.3. 1 frame. 0245 Folder 62, Volume 20, 1856–1857. 52 frames. 0297 Folder 63, Volume 21, 1857–1860. 137 frames. 0434 Folder 64, Enclosure, Volume 21. 2 frames.

Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, 1881–1913 0436 Description of Subseries 2.4. 1 frame. 0437 Folder 65, Volume 22, 1881 and Volume 23, 1885. 343 frames. 0780 Folder 66, Volume 24, 1891 and Volume 25, 1893. 450 frames.

Reel 7 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, 1881–1913 cont. 0001 Folder 67, Volume 26, 1894 and Volume 27, 1895. 443 frames. 0444 Folder 68, Volume 28, 1896 and Volume 29, 1897. 443 frames. 0887 Folder 69, Volume 30, 1898 and Volume 31, 1899. 436 frames.

94 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Reel 8 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, 1881–1913 cont. 0001 Folder 70, Volume 32, 1900 and Volume 33, 1901. 422 frames. 0423 Folder 71, Volume 34, 1902 and Volume 35, 1904. 435 frames. 0858 Folder 72, Volume 36, 1905 and Volume 37, 1906. 424 frames.

Reel 9 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.4: Diary of John Williams C. Davis, 1881–1913 cont. 0001 Folder 73, Volume 38, 1907 and Volume 39, 1908. 422 frames. 0423 Folder 74, Volume 40, 1910 and Volume 41, 1911. 379 frames. 0802 Folder 75, Volume 42, 1913. 90 frames. 0892 Folder 76, Enclosures, Volumes 22–42. 40 frames. 0932 Folder 77, Enclosures, Volumes 22–42. 15 frames. 0947 Folder 78, Enclosures, Volumes 22–42. 44 frames.

Reel 10 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.5: Diary of Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis Beale, 1907–1920 0001 Description of Subseries 2.5. 1 frame. 0002 Folder 79, Volume 43, 1907 and Volume 44, 1908. 398 frames. 0400 Folder 80, Volume 45, 1909 and Volume 46, 1910. 402 frames. 0802 Folder 81, Volume 47, 1910–1914 and Volume 48, 1911. 239 frames.

Reel 11 Beale and Davis Family Papers cont. Series 2. Diaries, 1836–1920 cont.

Subseries 2.5: Diary of Martha Anne (Nannie) Davis Beale, 1907–1920 cont. 0001 Folder 82, Volume 49, 1912 and Volume 50, 1913. 425 frames. 0426 Folder 83, Volume 51, 1914. 196 frames. 0622 Folder 84, Volume 52, 1919 and Volume 53, 1920. 274 frames. 0896 Folder 85, Enclosures, Volumes 43–53. 18 frames. 0914 Folder 86, Enclosures, Volumes 43–53. 14 frames.

95 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Series 3. Other Items, 1856–1933 and Undated

0928 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0929 Folder 87, Other Items. 51 frames.

Harrison Henry Cocke Papers, 1762–1904, Prince George County, Virginia; also Alabama, Pennsylvania, New York, and Argentina

Description of the Collection Harrison Henry Cocke (1794–1873), Prince George County, Virginia, planter and U.S. naval captain, married his cousin, Elizabeth Ruffin (fl. 1809–1849) around 1828. Her brother was Edmund Ruffin (1794–1865), the noted agriculturalist and editor. After Elizabeth’s death, Cocke married Emily Banister (fl. 1852–1868). The papers consist chiefly of the personal correspondence of Cocke, his first wife, their daughters, Rebecca “Beck” Cocke Henley (fl. 1838–1899), Tariffa “Tiff” Cocke Witherspoon (fl. 1844–1874), Juliana Cocke (fl. 1849–1872), and Eliza “Bunnie” Cocke (fl. 1849–1871), and the Cocke’s various cousins, grandchildren, and in-laws. Tariffa married William Alfred Witherspoon (d. 1862) of Greensboro, Alabama. Rebecca married a Dr. Henley of Richmond, Virginia. Juliana and Bunnie did not marry. The papers chiefly concern family and social life in Virginia and Alabama. Financial and legal papers are chiefly deeds, indentures, and receipts. Harrison’s second wife is minimally represented in the papers. The collection also includes papers related to Harrison Cocke’s naval career. He served intermittently from 1812 until his resignation in 1861. Most of these papers are from 1848 to 1851 when Cocke commanded the U.S.S. St. Louis in the South Atlantic in the suppression of the illegal slave trade. During this period, Cocke was temporarily suspended for “neglect of duty.” Other items in the collection include two diaries kept by Elizabeth Ruffin around 1827; the devotional diary of Robert B. Banister kept on a sea voyage in 1849; Anne Banister’s “Incidents in the Life of a Civil War Child,” ca. 1904; and El Asesinato de Camila O’Gorman: Articulos del “Comercio Del Plata,” 1848, a pamphlet that Cocke may have collected on one of his voyages that tells the story of Camila O’Gorman, the Argentine heroine who was executed in 1847 for eloping with a priest. Papers relating chiefly to Harrison Henry Cocke and Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke have been placed in Series 1 and Series 2. Other Cocke family papers, chiefly correspondence among the Cocke’s daughters, appears in Series 3. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Harrison Henry Cocke—Subseries 1.1: Business and Professional Papers, Subseries 1.2: Agricultural Improvement Papers, Subseries 1.3: Naval Papers, and Subseries 1.4: Personal Correspondence; Series 2. Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke—Subseries 2.1: Personal Correspondence and Subseries 2.2: Diaries; Series 3. Cocke Family; Series 4. Banister Family—Subseries 4.1: Robert B. Banister Journal and Subseries 4.2: Anne A. Banister Reminiscences; and Series 5. Camila O’Gorman.

Series 1. Harrison Henry Cocke, 1762–1870 and Undated This series includes business and professional papers, items related to agricultural improvement, naval papers, and the personal correspondence of Harrison H. Cocke.

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Subseries 1.1: Business and Professional Papers, 1762–1870 and Undated This subseries consists chiefly of indentures, inventories, wills, deeds for land and slaves, various receipts, and a brief report on the Brandon and Merchants Hope Church in Prince George County, Virginia. The earliest papers concern John Imray; his relation to the Cocke and Ruffin families is unknown. Other papers relate to Nathaniel Snelson, George Ruffin, John Hite, and James Epes. Subseries 1.2: Agricultural Improvement Papers, 1846–1855 and Undated This subseries consists of reports and the constitution of the No. 1 Hole and Corner Club and a proposal to establish an agricultural school at an experimental farm. Subseries 1.3: Naval Papers, 1815–1854 and Undated This subseries consists chiefly of orders, regulations, commissions, personal invitations to shipboard and port of call functions, and communications regarding Cocke’s command. Items relating to the suppression of the slave trade and to Cocke’s temporary suspension from command are located in folder 6. Folder 7 contains a manuscript volume containing the “Rules and Regulations, U.S. Naval Yard, Pensacola,” 1831–1838, that includes Harrison and Cocke family genealogies and newspaper clippings, ca. 1845–1888. Folder 8 contains a printed copy of “Naval Register of the United States for the Year 1834—a List of Commission and Warrant Officers, including the Marine Corps.” Folder 9 contains a manuscript volume containing “Rules & Regulations of the USS St. Louis,” ca. 1848–1852. Subseries 1.4: Personal Correspondence, 1806–1868 This subseries consists chiefly of letters to Harrison H. Cocke from family members.

Series 2. Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke, 1825–1840s This series includes personal correspondence and two diaries. Subseries 2.1: Personal Correspondence, 1825–1840s This subseries consists chiefly of letters of Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke to her mother, Rebecca Woodlief, and to Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke from members of her family. Subseries 2.2: Diaries, 1827 and Undated This subseries consists of Elizabeth’s diaries before her marriage. One diary was kept at home, probably in the spring of 1827; the other is a travel diary describing a trip taken with her brother, possibly Edmund Ruffin (1794–1865), in the fall of 1827 to the springs of New York and Pennsylvania. Both diaries contain entries documenting leisure and entertainment, courtship, and gender relations. In the travel diary, she also compared northern and southern society and the role of women in each. She also described a Shaker meeting and a public execution in New York.

Series 3. Cocke Family, 1843–1876 and Undated This series consists chiefly of correspondence of Tariffa, Beck, Juliana, and Bunnie Cocke, with occasional letters from Harrison and Elizabeth Cocke and other family members. The federal occupation of Williamsburg, Virginia, is described in a letter of 14 October 1862. Otherwise, there is little substantive information on the Civil War.

Series 4. Banister Family, 1841–1842, ca. 1904 This series consists of two writings by members of the Banister family. Subseries 4.1: Robert B. Banister Journal, 1841–1842 This subseries, consists of the journal of Dr. Robert B. Banister that was kept mostly while he was at sea aboard the U.S.S. Levant and in the ports of Pensacola, Florida, and Norfolk, Virginia. Entries chiefly convey his religious thoughts.

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Subseries 4.2: Anne A. Banister Reminiscences, ca. 1904 This subseries consists of reminiscences entitled “Incidents in the Life of a Civil War Child,” (typescript, 8 pp.) of Anne A. Banister (Mrs. A. Campbell Pryor) of Petersburg, Virginia, documenting her life during the waning days of the Civil War but written around 1904.

Series 5. Camila O’Gorman, 1848 Pamphlet entitled “El Asesinato de Camila O’Gorman” (in Spanish), about Camila O’Gorman, the Argentine heroine who eloped with a Jesuit priest, Ladislao Gutierrez, in 1847. They were executed by the Rosas regime in December of that year.

N.B. A related collection among the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection is the Ruffin and Meade Family Papers, which is included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 9. Another related collection is the Cocke Family Papers of Dinwiddie County among the holdings of the Virginia Historical Society.

Reel 12 Frame No. Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 14 frames.

Series 1. Harrison Henry Cocke, 1762–1870 and Undated

Subseries 1.1: Business and Professional Papers, 1762–1870 and Undated 0015 Description of Subseries 1.1. 1 frame. 0016 Folder 1, 1762 and 1788. 4 frames. 0020 Folder 2, 1811–1839. 65 frames. 0085 Folder 3, 1842–1870 and Undated. 61 frames.

Subseries 1.2: Agricultural Improvement Papers, 1846–1855 and Undated 0146 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0147 Folder 4, 1846–1855 and Undated. 16 frames.

Subseries 1.3: Naval Papers, 1815–1854 and Undated 0163 Description of Subseries 1.3. 1 frame. 0164 Folder 5, Papers, 1815–1816 and 1839–November 1848. 30 frames. 0194 Folder 6, Papers, December 1848–1854 and Undated. 80 frames. 0274 Folder 7, Order Book, 1831–1838. 58 frames. 0332 Folder 8, Naval Register, 1834. 52 frames. 0384 Folder 9, USS St. Louis, ca. 1848–1852. 30 frames.

Subseries 1.4: Personal Correspondence, 1806–1868 0414 Description of Subseries 1.4. 1 frame. 0415 Folder 10, 1806–1868. 57 frames.

98 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Series 2. Elizabeth Ruffin Cocke, 1825–1840s

Subseries 2.1: Personal Correspondence, 1825–1840s 0472 Description of Subseries 2.1. 1 frame. 0473 Folder 11, 1825–1840s. 33 frames.

Subseries 2.2: Diaries, 1827 and Undated 0505 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0506 Folder 12, Undated, ca. 1827. 28 frames. 0534 Folder 13, 1827. 91 frames.

Series 3. Cocke Family, 1843–1876 and Undated

0625 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0626 Folder 14, 1843–1859. 83 frames. 0709 Folder 15, 1860–1865. 112 frames. 0821 Folder 16, 1866–1876 and Undated. 106 frames.

Series 4. Banister Family, 1841–1842 and ca. 1904

Subseries 4.1: Robert B. Banister Journal, 1841–1842 0927 Description of Subseries 4.1. 1 frame. 0928 Folder 17, 1841–1842. 86 frames.

Subseries 4.2: Anne A. Banister Remiscences, ca. 1904 1014 Description of Subseries 4.2. 1 frame. 1015 Folder 18, ca. 1904. 10 frames.

Series 5. Camila O’Gorman, 1848

1025 Description of Series 5. 1 frame. 1026 Folder 19, 1848. 27 frames.

Francis Asbury Dickins Papers, 1729–1834, Fairfax and Goochland Counties, Virginia; also District of Columbia and Maryland

Description of the Collection This collection consists primarily of family and legal papers. Family papers consist chiefly of correspondence between members of the Dickins and Randolph families but also include a variety of other materials, such as clippings, genealogical information, and volumes. Legal office papers consist of materials relating to claims against the U.S. government generated in the legal practice of Francis Asbury Dickins. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Family Papers—Subseries 1.1: Correspondence and Related Papers—Subseries 1.1.1: 1729–1839, Subseries 1.1.2: 1840–1859, Subseries 1.1.3: 1860–1865, Subseries 1.1.4: 1866–1879, and Subseries 1.1.5: 1880–1934 and Undated, Subseries 1.2: Other Family Papers, Subseries 1.3: Volumes—Subseries 1.3:1. Diaries , Subseries 1.3.2: Account Books, Subseries 1.3.3: Commonplace Books, Subseries 1.3.4:

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Scrapbooks, Subseries 1.3.5: School Notebooks, and Subseries 1.3.6: Other Volumes; Series 2. Law Office Papers [not included]; and Series 3. Pictures.

Biographical Note Asbury Dickins (1780–1861) was the son of John Dickins (1747–1798), an early leader of the Methodist Church, and Elizabeth Yancey (fl. 1780) of North Carolina. Except for a brief sojourn to England early in the nineteenth century, Asbury Dickins spent his adult life in Maryland and the District of Columbia working in various government departments. From 1829 to 1833, he served as chief clerk of the U.S. Treasury Department. For the next three years, he worked as chief clerk of the U.S. State Department. In both of these jobs, he occasionally served as acting secretary. In 1836, Asbury Dickins was chosen secretary of the U.S. Senate, a position he retained until his death in 1861. Asbury Dickins married Lilias Arnot of Scotland, and they had four sons—Hugo, James, Francis Asbury, and Thomas—and one daughter, Lilia, who married Charles Stewart McCauley, a naval officer. Francis Asbury Dickins (1804–1901) followed his father into government service and was also a lawyer. In the late 1820s and the 1830s, he worked as an agent for the War and Treasury departments. By 1839, Francis Asbury had opened a law office in partnership with his brother, James, specializing in “claims before Congress, and other branches of the Government.” In 1841, he formed a law partnership with Cornelius P. Van Ness, former governor of Vermont, maintaining his specialty in government claims. Francis Asbury Dickins married Margaret Harvie Randolph (d. 1891) in 1839. Although Dickins maintained his law office in Washington, the newlyweds’ official residence was , a plantation in Fairfax County, Virginia. Margaret Harvie Randolph Dickins was the daughter of Harriot Wilson and Thomas Mann Randolph (1792–1848) of Tuckahoe, Goochland County, Virginia. Margaret’s uncle, her father’s half-brother who was also named Thomas Mann Randolph (1769–1828), lived at Edgehill in Albemarle County, Virginia; married Thomas Jefferson’s daughter, Martha; and was governor of Virginia. He was more widely known than Margaret’s father, but there are no papers of Governor Randolph in this collection. Francis Asbury and Margaret Harvie Randolph Dickins had nine children. Five lived to maturity: Francis (Frank) Asbury, Jr. (1841–1890); Frances (Fanny) Margaret (1842–1914); Harriot Wilson (1844–1917); Thomas Mann Randolph (Randolph) (1853–1914); and Albert White (1855–1913). During the Civil War, Ossian Hall was within U.S. Army lines, but the Dickins family were southern sympathizers. Francis Asbury was imprisoned three times on suspicion of aiding the South and ultimately left home to spend the final days of the war behind Confederate lines. Frank served in the Confederate army, and both daughters moved to Richmond during the war. Fanny was employed by the Confederate Treasury Department in 1862 at Richmond, and in 1863, she moved to Columbia, South Carolina, to work with a branch of the Confederate Treasury there. After the Civil War, Francis Asbury Dickins returned to Ossian Hall and reopened his Washington law office. His sons, Frank and Albert, worked on railroads in the West. Randolph attended Virginia Military Institute and became a colonel in the Marine Corps. Harriot Wilson married Dr. Henry Theodore Wight and had two daughters. Fanny continued to live with her mother after the death of Frances Asbury in 1879. The two women left Ossian Hall and divided their time among family in Virginia, Washington, D.C., and New York.

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Significant Randolph family correspondents in this collection include: • Gabriella Harvie Randolph Brockenbrough, second wife of Thomas Mann Randolph, grandmother of Margaret Randolph Dickins. Gabriella Randolph married Dr. John Brockenbrough of Richmond after the death of her first husband, and he served as guardian for her son. Her Randolph granddaughters frequently visited the Brockenbroughs in Richmond. • Margaret Harvie Randolph’s siblings: A. Children of Thomas Mann Randolph and his first wife, Harriot Wilson: 1. Mary Gabriella, who married Dr. John Biddle Chapman and had two daughters; 2. John Brockenbrough Randolph (1817–1854), who was first married to Elizabeth C. Smith and then to Margaret Rose Timberlake. Margaret Timberlake was the daughter of Peggy O’Neale and her first husband, John Bowie Timberlake. Family correspondence discusses the scandals associated with Peggy O’Neale in her later life; and 3. Harriot Wilson Randolph, who married Albert Smith White, U.S. representative and senator from Indiana. B.Children of Thomas Mann Randolph and his second wife, Lucinda Ann Patterson: 1. Henry Patterson Randolph; 2. Allan Randolph; 3. Clara Haxall Randolph, who married William Key Howard; 4. Mary Louisa Randolph, who married George Washington Mayo; 5. Arthur Randolph; and 6. Jane DeHart Randolph, who married Robert Carter Harrison.

Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated Subseries 1.1: Correspondence and Related Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated Subseries 1.1.1: 1729–1839. This subseries consists of papers of the Dickins and Randolph families before the marriage of Francis Asbury Dickins and Margaret Harvie Randolph. Letters to Margaret from Randolph relatives include information about family members, social activities in Richmond and Washington, and news about the Tuckahoe plantation in Goochland County, Virginia. Dickins family papers during this period chiefly document the government career of Asbury Dickins, including his brief sojourn to England during the first decade of the nineteenth century. Francis Asbury Dickins appears in 1830 as an agent for the U.S. Treasury Department. Letters document his early government service and his marriage to Margaret Harvie Randolph in April 1839. The earliest Dickins family papers relate to John Dickins (1747–1798), father of Asbury Dickins and grandfather of Francis Asbury Dickins. (See also Volume 34 for letters received by Asbury Dickins and Francis Asbury Dickins, 1818–1842.) 1729–1824: 1729, copy of the will of William Randolph. 1786, deed, Richard Burt to John Dickins, Halifax County, North Carolina. 1799, Asbury Dickins wrote for Elizabeth Dickins, from Philadelphia, asking Henry Bradford to sell the land near Halifax and settle the affairs of John Dickins. 1804–1813, papers accumulated by Asbury Dickins while residing in England. 1804, letters about the Society for the Suppression of Vice. 1811, Thomas Fox, Falmouth, about the difficulty of shipping between England and the United States. 1813, letter of introduction to a business firm in Havre. 1817, clipping of advertisement, Asbury Dickins wishing to sell an estate on the turnpike from Washington to Baltimore. 1822, Swett Harris, about the U.S. mission to Russia, Russia’s efforts to mediate between the United States and England, and John Quincy

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Adams. 1823, Ben F. Bourne, letter of introduction to the Dickins family for Colonel Decatur. 1824, unsigned letter by a friend of William H. Crawford, on the presidential campaign. 1820s, letters to Margaret Randolph from relatives and friends in Richmond and vicinity and from relatives in Norfolk, sending family and social news. Letters from Margaret’s father to her and a few from her to her father written while she was visiting his mother in Richmond and while visiting other relatives. 1825–1830: 1825, Aunt Eloisa Dickins from Baltimore, family news. A. W. Hamilton, customs collector at Pensacola, about a disagreement between him and Mr. Scott, son of Alexander Scott. 1826, Ferdinand R. Hassler about the U.S. Coast Survey. Edward Wyer, his projected trip to Russia, comment on Calhoun and Gallatin. 1828, land grant of John Forsyth, governor of Georgia. 1830, letters about Francis Asbury Dickins’s trip to Nashville, Tennessee, as agent of the Treasury Department. S. D. Ingham, letter of introduction to Andrew Jackson. Letters from Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Dickins during this trip to France and his younger brother Tom, who accompanied him. Letter, 4 Sept 1830, referring to Asbury Dickins’s brother, John, who died and was buried in Knoxville. 1831–1833: 1831, family letters written while Francis was on another trip to Cincinnati and Nashville. 1832, letter from Asbury Dickins on points involved in the trial of Thomas F. Hodson, which Francis was attending in Pennsylvania. 1833, William Lyman, Boston, about a claim the government had against the estate of his father and his efforts to get a settlement from his father’s administrator. John S. Barbour, business with the Treasury, his candidacy for Congress. Aunt Eloisa, the Baltimore garden show, riding the railroad, family news. Asbury Dickins to his sons in New York. Letters from Thomas Mann Randolph to his daughter, Margaret, offering social advice and mentioning efforts to find a new home. Letters to Margaret from Frances Brockenbrough giving social and family news and describing her garden and a wedding. 1834–1835: 1834, statement of the position of the U.S. government on the action of the French Chamber of Deputies in refusing to implement the French treaty with the United States C. S. McCauley from Norfolk where he was attending a court martial, his desire to command the U.S. John Adams, news of Lilia. John C. Hamilton wanting the remaining volumes of American State Papers for his work on papers of Alexander Hamilton; his poor opinion of Jared Sparks. F. R. Hassler from Long Island, his hardships with the Coast Survey. Thomas Aspinwall, his business with the State Department. Family letters. 1836–1837: Continued letters to Margaret from her father and from Frances Brockenbrough. In 1836, Margaret visited General and Mrs. Alexander Hunter in Washington. Randolph wrote to her criticizing Van Buren and she wrote in return of social activities in the capital city. 1836, Francis Asbury Dickins to Lewis Cass, resigning his position in the War Department. Shea Smith, on instructions to U.S. consuls. Silas H. Hill, on Asbury Dickins’s wish to be secretary of the Senate. John Forsyth, requesting Francis to investigate his claim to land from Virginia as heir of a Revolutionary veteran. Bond of Asbury Dickins as secretary of the Senate. 1838–1839: 1838, Hugo Dickins, working for the Coast Survey. Letters between Francis Asbury Dickins and Thomas Mann Randolph about his marriage to Margaret. Letters from Asbury Dickins to Francis while the latter was away from Washington. Letters indicate that Asbury was also away from the capital visiting Hugo while he worked with the Coast Survey, in New York and Philadelphia. He wrote of family news, purchasing articles in New York for Francis’s and Margaret’s home. Randolph family letters for 1838 include news of the death of two Randolph children. Thomas Mann Randolph visited Washington and wrote of plans to raise silk at Bellona; also, letter from young Henry Randolph from Mr. Sanders’s school at

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Cartersville. 1839, draft of advertisement announcing opening of law office of Francis Asbury Dickins and his brother James, specializing in government claims. Family letters about the marriage of Margaret Randolph and Francis Asbury Dickins. Letters of Asbury Dickins, probably writing from Baltimore, of family news, business affairs, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company prospects, and projects related to iron manufacture. Subseries 1.1.2: 1840–1859. This subseries consists of papers of Francis Asbury Dickins and his wife, Margaret. During this period, the couple moved to Ossian Hall in Fairfax County, Virginia, while Francis Asbury maintained a law office in Washington, D.C. Correspondence relates chiefly to family and plantation matters, including news from Randolph relatives. (See Series 2 for information about Dicken’s legal practice during this period; see also Volume 34 for letters received by Asbury Dickins and Francis Asbury Dickins, 1818–1842.) 1840–1844: 1840, Mrs. Frances Brockenbrough. June 6, Mrs. Nathaniel (Rebecca Biddle) Chapman, sending John B. Chapman news of George W. Chapman and John Randolph, who were serving with the U.S. Mediterranean fleet. 22 December, John M. Bass about estate of Felix Grundy. 1841, Mrs. F. Brockenbrough. 2 June, statement of F. B. Drane, Jr., and T. M. Randolph about the value of the Tuckahoe Aquaduct Mills, saw and grist mills, and a site for an iron foundry; also by J. C. Sinton. 15 October, Randolph, family news and his business affairs, Francis’s efforts to help him; also 15 October, McCauley, family news. 16 October, Hugo, in New Jersey with the Coast Survey. Letterpress copies of several letters from Francis to Randolph, chiefly on business, very hard to read. 8 August 1842, Aunt E. Wingfield, Norfolk, to Margaret, her hard life as a boarding house keeper, family news. 1842–1844, a number of letters from Randolph on his affairs and his argument over property with his mother and her husband, Dr. Brokenbrough; also advice to Francis on farming at Ossian Hall. 2 October 1843, Mrs. A. M. Fitzhugh inviting Margaret to visit and mentioning Mrs. Lee. (This is Mrs. William Henry [A. Maria Goldsborough] Fitzhugh, a childless widow who lived at the Fitzhugh home, , near Ossian Hall, and in Alexandria during the winter. Her husband was the uncle of Mrs. Robert E. Lee and Ravensworth passed to one of Mrs. Lee’s sons, W. H. F. Lee, after the widow’s death. Mrs. Fitzhugh herself seems to have been very close to all the Lees, including Smith Lee and his son, Fitzhugh. This is the first of many letters and notes from her.) 1845–1846: More letters between Randolph and Dickins, on Randolph’s financial difficulties. 1 March 1845, Randolph wrote of his hope to inherit money from the estates of John Randolph and St. George Randolph. He also advised Francis on the handling of slaves and agricultural methods. 13 November, J. R. Ingersoll to Asbury Dickins. Augusta, loving letter to Margaret. J. W. French, minister in Washington, to Margaret about her spiritual state. (Francis and Margaret Dickins and their children seem to have lived in Washington during the winter months.) 1847–1850: 1847, 17 January, Mr. A. M. Fitzhugh about services at the little Episcopal church at Annandale. Continued letters from Randolph on his affairs. 23 May, James Barron, St. [Ann], Norfolk County, his farming operations, his claims at Richmond. Louisa Brockenbrough, daughter of Austin and Frances, sends news of her family. 7 October, Mrs. M. A. T. Thompson, family and household affairs in Washington. Letters about the death of Randolph in March 1848, about the settlement of his affairs, and about the purchase of two elderly slaves for ten dollars. 1849, 4 February, Henry Randolph wrote of his plans to go to California in search of gold, and 26 May, his wife Louisa wrote of his trip across the Isthmus of Panama. 9 and 29 August, Margaret to Francis, her sadness following the

103 Part 6 Reel Index accidental death of their daughter, Mary. October, Willie P. Mangum to Asbury, asking to borrow fifty dollars. 24 December, J. W. French. 1849, 12 October, cousin Emma Randolph, letter of sympathy, also September 1850. Several notes from M. A. T. Thompson (probably Mrs. G. L.), Washington and Meridian Hall, Maryland, her family and servants, etc. 1851–1859: 1852, Henry P. Randolph, J. W. French, Dr. H. F. Condict, relatives. 1854, H. P. Randolph about death of John B. Randolph. 1855, a cousin recommends a nursery governess; Smith Thompson, C. J. Ingersoll; J. R. Ingersoll. 1856, Margaret’s stepmother, Lucy Patterson Randolph; C. J. Ingersoll (several); J. R. Ingersoll; Mrs. M. A. T. Thompson on her new home in Maryland, and her son, Dorsey, a student at St. John’s College; Ellen Harvie from Richmond. 1857, Mrs. Thompson, C. J. Ingersoll, J. M. Mason, J. R. Ingersoll, commission of Edward A. Dickens (not identified) as captain in Virginia militia; Mrs. Frances Brockenbrough. 1858, 12 January, copy, Francis to Albert S. White, the estate of St. George Randolph and the chances of their wives inheriting from it; Mrs. Thompson; Mrs. Brockenbrough. 1859, H. P. Randolph, his broken leg and its treatment, wants information on Dansas, where he may move to practice law; J. M. Mason, trustee; 9 June, F. A. Dickins to H. P. Randolph, has received the deed, business matters, marriage of Mrs. Eaton to a 22-year-old Italian dancing master (Mrs. Eaton [Peggy O’Neale] was the mother-in-law of John Brockenbrough Randolph and had custody of his orphaned minor children. The matter of the trusteeship and deed may have related to these children.) Also in 1859, several notes from Smith Thompson, who is unable to pay his debt to F. A. Dickins. 27 August 1859, Margaret (O’Neale) Timberlake Eaton Buchignani, bitter letter to Margaret (Randolph) Dickins about the children of John B. Randolph, defending herself and her husband from criticism. Louis E. Harvie, a cousin, two letters in September about the Randolph children and efforts to remove them from Mrs. Buchignani’s care and about the trusteeship of money left to the children by his aunt, probably Mrs. Gabriella (Harvie) Randolph Brockenbrough; also news of his family. December 1859, C. J. Ingersoll. Subseries 1.1.3. 1860–1865. This subseries consists of papers documenting the Confederate sympathies of the Dickins family in the Civil War. According to family correspondence, Francis Asbury was first arrested in 1861, on the day his father, Asbury Dickins, died. He was subsequently imprisoned two more times for his suspected assistance to the Confederacy before moving behind Confederate lines. Letters document Fanny M. Dickins’s work with the Confederate Treasury in Richmond, Virginia, and Columbia, South Carolina, and the service of Frank in the Confederate Army. Margaret spent the early part of the war at Ossian Hall and wrote her daughters in Richmond about her experience when Union soldiers searched the house and grounds in 1862. 1860–September 1861: Mrs. A. M. Fitzhugh, Alexandria, Lenten services there, the weather, news of Robert E. Lee and his family. 21 March, J. M. Mason. 5 August, Mrs. Thompson, her son Dorsey valedictorian at St. John’s, her other sons. S. L. R., probably Mrs. William Beverly (Sarah Lingan) Randolph, thinks if South Carolina will behave, the United States will be well governed. January 1861, Mrs. Fitzhugh deplores the movement for secession. April, a Virginian who was a clerk in the office of the secretary of the Senate sends his resignation to Asbury Dickins. May, several passes for Francis A. Dickins to enter and leave Washington. 13 June, letter from him to his wife, telling of his imprisonment and asking her to write to General Winfield S. Scott and Albert S. White for him. October–December 1861: More papers related to Francis A. Dickins’s imprisonment, his efforts to secure protection for his wife and small children while he was away from home, his efforts to recover some horses taken from his plantation and to secure passes to go back and forth

104 Reel Index Part 6 between his home and his office in Washington. Asbury Dickins died the day Francis was arrested and Francis was paroled in order to attend the funeral. Margaret’s brother-in-law, Albert Smith White, Republican senator from Indiana, helped to procure his release. Also, some rather confused and repetitious diary-like notes and reminiscences of this event on loose sheets of paper. In this same folder, some undated papers of the Civil War period. 1862: 5 February, A. S. White telling Margaret that Francis has again been arrested, he will try to help. Copy of letter from White to General George R. McClellan, with McClellan’s reply, 8 and 16 February, Margaret to her daughters, who were in or near Richmond, about her experiences when U.S. soldiers searched her house. Continued letters from White about Dickins’s situation. 13 March, Louis E. Harvie on letterhead of the president of the Richmond and Danville Railroad telling Francis A. Dickins, Jr. in the Confederate hospital Belleview of arrangements to move him to another hospital and eventually to Harvie’s home. 21 March, F. A. Dickins’s parole. List of prisoners who were in Room 11, Old Capitol Prison, while Dickins was there. Letters pertaining to Dickins’s efforts to secure punishment for soldiers who visited his plantation and to recover property taken. 10 August, White saying he cannot prevent spoilation of Dickins’s property unless he will take the oath of allegiance. 4 December, notice from C. G. Memminger that Fanny M. Dickins has been employed by the Confederate Treasury Department. 1863–1865: 18 March, no year, Mrs. Clara H. (Randolph) Howard, her experiences in going from Virginia to Maryland, her escape from U.S. officers, hiding because of a warrant for her arrest, news of Fanny, Harriot, and Frank Dickins in Virginia. 15 June 1863, record of emancipation and permit to remain in Richmond of a slave formerly the property of G. R. de Potestad, cousin of Margaret. Papers dealing with the move of Fanny Dickins to Columbia, South Carolina, to work with the branch of the Confederate Treasury there. 16 November 1864, General Philip Sheridan to General Jubal A. Early, explaining that he is permitting Misses Riley and Dickins to pass through his lines on the way South with the body of Capt. [Irving] Harvie. 21 and 22 November, note and pass for Fanny from Early, referring to injury of Frank. 29 November, letter asking aid for Fanny in her effort to find her brother and take him with her. 26 December, Mrs. L. V. Robertson, Rock Hill, South Carolina, wanting information about her brother, whom she thinks Fanny saw while she was within U.S. lines. Undated, a batch of notes by Mrs. A. M. Fitzhugh to Margaret (Randolph) Dickins during the war period and some undated papers written by Francis A. Dickins after he left home, one about his visit to Wilmington and to some of his relatives in North Carolina stating that the papers give a false picture of the spirit of the southern people, who are still determined to continue the war. March, May 1865, oaths of allegiance and amnesty of F. A. Dickins. 12 April, W. I. [Rain or Rasin?] about the death of Willie Price to W. F. Price, Richmond (these persons not identified). Subseries 1.1.4: 1866–1879. This subseries consists chiefly of papers of the children of Francis Asbury Dickins and Margaret Harvie Randolph Dickins. Letters show that Randolph Dickins attended Virginia Military Institute and was commissioned a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps. Frank worked with a railroad survey party in western Pennsylvania in 1872. A few letters from Albert White indicate that he worked briefly with his elder brother on the railroad, but by 1879, he was seeking employment in Cincinnati, Ohio. Letters from Harriot Dickins Wight document her domestic life. Francis Asbury reopened his Washington law office following the Civil War, but few papers document his activities during this period. He died in 1879. 1866–1869: Letter from Mrs. Fitzhugh, from Baltimore, 12 January 1866, news of Mrs. R. E. Lee and her family. March 6, Mrs. Frances Brockenbrough, news of her family and relatives. Letters relating to efforts to secure an appointment at Virginia Military Institute as a state cadet

105 Part 6 Reel Index for Randolph Dickins, from W. B. Blair. Invitation to wedding of H. Theodore Wight and Harriot Dickins. 1867—Mrs. Fitzhugh, from Alexandria; Betty Brockenbrough about the death of her mother, Frances. 12 January, Mrs. M. A. T. Thompson describing the wedding of her son, Dorsey, to Mary Ligon, daughter of former governor of Maryland, Thomas Watkins Ligon. Reports of Albert W. Dickins at the school of T. C. Miller, Amherst, Virginia. 8 February 1868, Mrs. Fitzhugh from Alexandria. More letters about efforts to get an appointment as state cadet for Randolph, including one from his state senator, D. French Dulany. 16 June, Francis H. Smith telling what the school can do to aid Randolph. 17 June, W. H. Richardson, 5 July, W. B. Blair, same subject. 11 October, Thomas C. Miller about his school at Amherst (Forest Academy). 23 December, cousin Lucy Chrisman, from near Harrisonburg, saying she has better servants than ever before, telling of the care of soldiers’ graves, and referring to Generals Imbeden and Early. Reports of Albert at Miller’s school. 9 June 1869, Cousin Ellen S. (Harvie) Ruffin (Mrs. Frank Gildart) from Summer Hill, servant problem, long commend on Fields Cook, Negro leader in Richmond, whom she had known well before the war, her husband attending the test of a reaper. July, Jean C. W. Yeatman, telling of death of Captain Smith Lee, Fitzhugh Lee’s coming to Ravensworth to tell Mrs. Fitzhugh of it, her terrible shock, plans for the funeral. 27 July, Gabriella (Chapman) de Potestad, death of Smith Lee, sorrow for Mrs. Fitzhugh, illness of Harriot Wight’s husband, humiliation of being connected with Peggy (O’Neale) Eaton Buchignani. 3 August, part of a copy of a letter from F. A. Dickins to members of the Reid family in England, relatives of the Arnot family. Emily Chapman about the death of Harriot’s baby. 1870–1872: Papers dealing with the attendance of the Dickins sons at Consolidated Business College in Washington. 14 August 1870, Emily Chapman, from Georgetown about efforts to get an appointment at Annapolis for Randolph, to raise the money necessary for his uniforms, etc. W. W. Glenn saying he will lend part of the money, even though as a southerner he disapproves of Randolph’s wish to go to Annapolis. September, Eloise [Baker] thinks people of Baltimore more antagonistic to northerners than people from the seceding states, tells of how people from Baltimore shunned W. T. Sherman at Berkeley Springs. Eloise and Emily sympathize when Randolph failed the exams for Annapolis. 6 October, testimonial for Randolph’s work at the business college, by J. Ormand Wilson, Superintendent of Public Schools. 27 November, Emily Chapman says her brother-in-law, Luis de Potestad-Fornari, had gone to assist at the wedding of the Spanish minister. 1 June 1871, program of graduating exercises for Washington Business College, Randolph one of the graduates. 22 June, W. S. Scott, who formerly lived at Ossian, writing from England, wanting information about Ossian. 7 January 1872, Francis A. Dickins, Jr., from western Pennsylvania, where he is to begin work with a railroad survey party, on a line that he referred to as the Wheeling, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio. The letters from Frank about his work contain frequent references to Colonel Samuel Johnston, who was head of the survey party, and occasional references to a cousin, James Lingan Randolph, who was chief engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio. Letters between Thomas H. Upshur and F. A. Dickins, 1 February, 22 February, 20 March, about an estate for which Abel P. Upshur was executor that had never been settled, Henry A. Wishe about it, 16 March (enclosed with letter of 20 March), and Dickins to George P. Scarborough about it, 26 June. Continued letters this year from Frank with the survey party, and a few from Albert, who also worked with the group for a short time. Frank’s letters referred to “Cousin Sally,” who was Mrs. William Beverly (Sarah Lingan) Randolph of Martinsburg, West Virginia, mother of James L. Randolph, and strongly unionist in feeling. In June, she wrote Frank an indignant letter critizing Greeley

106 Reel Index Part 6 and defending Grant from remarks she had misread into a letter from him. Letters from Frank with survey party end in December 1872, and there are no more letters from him. 1873–1879: 2 February 1873, Lucy A. Randolph to her stepdaughter, Margaret (Randolph) Dickins, family news. Mrs. H. (Brockenbrough) Nelson, daughter of the Austin Brockenbroughs, news of her family. 27 June, Emily Chapman, references to her cousin, Tom Biddle, to her hopes for Randolph who is at Virginia Military Institute, family news. July, invitation to the graduation ball at V.M I. 14 July, Emily Chapman, sending money for Randolph. 11 August, Ellen (Mrs. Frank Gildart) Ruffin, telling of arson on their plantation, Summer Hill. Invitation to the wedding of the daughter of W. T. Sherman. Voting records, U.S. Senate, 1874–75, perhaps related to some claim in which F. A. Dickins was interested. [20?] January 1875, a cousin of Mrs. Fitzhugh about a relative in a mental institution, W. H. F. (Rooney) Lee’s moving to Ravensworth, her memories of him and his wife. 1 February, Mrs. Ruffin, more fires at Summer Hill have forced them to move to Richmond. 2 July, letter from a missionary in Hangchow, China, giving an account of living conditions, food, climate, mail service, a visit to a temple— appears to be a copy made by Fanny Dickins. 25 January 1876, Randolph Dickins applies for a commission in the Marine Corps; copies of recommendations for him by W. Hunter and Montgomery Blair. 30 December 1877, Margaret to Francis, is visiting Harriot. 8 October 1878, Randolph Dickins, to “Miss Mary,” as he is about to sail for China. 11 April 1879, J. W. Stevenson, childhood friend of Margaret, will try to help Albert, who is seeking work in Cincinnati. 19 November, J. B. Kershaw to Fanny, letter of sympathy on death of Francis A. Dickins. Subseries 1.1.5: 1880–1934 and Undated. This subseries consists chiefly of papers of Margaret Dickins and her daughters. Fanny and her mother lived with relatives in Baltimore until Margaret died in 1891. Letters document the women’s financial concerns, family travel abroad, and genealogical interests. A few letters from the Dickins sons indicate that Albert found work with the Yellowstone Division of North Pacific Railroad and bought an interest in a restaurant in Billings, Montana. Randolph Dickins served on the U.S.S. Oregon during the Spanish American War. 1880–1884: George W. Mayo, husband of Margaret’s younger half-sister, Louisa, from Richmond about a tombstone; Louisa about her mother, family news, the tombstone. 15 December 1880 and 21 April 1882, M. N. Reid, a cousin in Dunfermline, Scotland. 25 December, Albert Dickins, working with the Yellowstone Division of the Northern Pacific Railroad, has bought an interest in a restaurant in Billings, Montana, commend on Ed Rosser, cousin of General T. L. Rosser, also working on the railroad. Notes of Margaret about her husband’s journal, with an account of his dream of an accident, telling how he later suffered a similar accident that resulted in his death. 19 December 1883, recommendations to Woman’s Exchange in Washington for Evelina Synder. 25 February 1884, Mrs. Upton [S.C.] Herbert, news of Fitzhughs and Lees, probably from near Ossian Hall. 17 January, Cousin Jessie Reid from London, the Arnot family. Travel souvenirs from London, Belgium, Alaska, perhaps collected by Lt. Randolph Dickins; also brief notes on travel by an unidentified woman. 1885–1888: 8 April 1885, Gabriella (Chapman) de Potestad-Fornari, thanks for copy of miniature of her grandmother, family news, sorry Fanny can’t get work in Washington, their “unfortunate” Randolph relatives, probably the grandchildren of Mrs. Eaton. 10 October, M. N. Reid, Dunfermline, Scotland. More souvenirs of Randolph Dickins. 4 July 1886, Fanny tells of a trip to Baltimore by boat, probably from Richmond, describing the boat and the houses she saw on the way down the river and up the Chesapeake. 16 July, Sara Morril from Paris on her travels

107 Part 6 Reel Index in Europe. April–October 1887, extracts or copies of letters from Mrs. Harriot (Dickins) Wight, who was visiting England with her daughter, Theodora, to Fanny who was ill at Church Home in Baltimore. 1 August 1888, “M” from London, sightseeing. 8 August, John M. Wilson asks Randolph to assist with seating of assemblage at funeral of General Sheridan. 17 October, another travel account, Bessie Graeff. 1889–1890: John W. Burke to Fanny at Church Home, business, family news, and letter by her from there. In 1890, several brief business letters to her in Richmond. Samuel Wallis, Pohick Church Rectory, his marriage, the church, Mrs. Upton Herbert, death of Fanny’s brother, Frank. 1891–1893: Letters of sympathy for death of Margaret (Randolph) Dickins in early 1891. More on Fanny’s finances. Letters and papers about repair of the cemetery at Tuckahoe. Mrs. Herbert about Pohick Church, and 17 February 1892, about memorial windows in it for Fanny’s parents, neighborhood news. Several letters from Miss Mary W. Pulliam in Asheville on her descent from the Wilsons of Virginia, who were also among Fanny’s ancestors, refers to her visiting Miss Emily Lee in the hospital. 5 January 1893, William Page Dabney, history of Randolph family and connections. 27 February, Randolph Harrison, can’t send information on Nicholas Davies. 24 April, Martha Jefferson (Trist) Burke, her husband’s illness, the repairs to the cemetery. 31 December, Moncure D. Conway is in England lecturing, still has the papers he borrowed from Asheville. Mrs. Peter (S. C.) Minor, account of wedding of her niece, Mary Peyton, and William C. Chamberlain. 1894–1898: Correspondence about the Page tombs at Rosewell and the Randolph ones at Turkey Island. 11 February 1897, Grant Green sending the miniature of Gabriella (Harvie) Randolph Brockenbrough. 18 July 1897, Wilson Miles Cary saying the wife of Thomas Randolph of Tuckahoe was Judith Fleming and not Judith Churchill. May–August 1898, series of letters written by Randolph Dickins, Marine officer on the U.S.S. Oregon, first at Brazil, then off Cuba, about naval action in the Spanish-American War, to members of his family whom he called by nicknames; hard to identify. These are probably copies made by Fanny Dickins. 1899–1934: Chiefly scattered letters about Randolph and related families. Letter to Mrs. Harriot W. Wight about legacy to her from Miss Eloise Baker. 1901, two more letters from Miss Pulliam in Asheville, referring to Alexander Webb, to summer boarders. June, Jessie Reid, London, on Arnot family. 1902, R. H. Battle saying the statute of limitations would bar any old claim the Dickins family might have to land in North Carolina. Only a few scattered trivial items after this. During these years, Fanny Dickins and Mrs. Wight were living in Washington. The last letter is to Theodora Wight (Mrs. John) Keim, about the wives of Thomas Randolph (Churchill or Fleming?). Undated, letters, arranged alphabetically by writer. Chiefly to Margaret Dickins about women’s affairs and other matters, family and social communications. Subseries 1.2: Other Family Papers, 1823–1899 and Undated This subseries consists of genealogical materials compiled by Margaret Dickins and her daughter, Fanny. Besides family history materials, there are menus, calling cards, souvenirs, remedies, newspaper clippings, bills, receipts, and miscellaneous items collected by various Dickins family members. Genealogical material, notes, copies of records and anecdotes are overlapping, disorganized, and very confusing for others to use. Folder 25 contains two notebooks compiled by Margaret Randolph Dickins and Fanny Dickins, with notes on Randolph, Page, Jones, Harvie, Wilson, Wormley, and Churchill families. Folder 26 contains loose papers with notes on Randolph, Harvie, Jones, Fleming, and Churchill families. Folder 27 contains more loose pages of notes on Randolph, Harvie, and Jones families and also notes on Francis Asbury Dickins’s

108 Reel Index Part 6 ancestry—Yancey, Kimbrough, Dickins, and Arnot families. Also a sketch of Francis A. Dickins, Jr. (brief one-page item). Menus, calling cards, invitations and a few replies, souvenirs. A large folded survey sheet, for a lesson in surveying, probably for an area of the Potomac River near Alexandria. Miscellaneous materials—remedies, literary excerpts, writings. Bills and receipts. Clippings about relatives and friends, chiefly from Virginia. Contains whole newspapers. An issue of the North China Daily News (Shanghai) in 1879; an issue of the Dunfermline (Scotland) Journal, 1874; The Free Press (Burlington, Vermont), 10 April 1857, containing an advertisement related to the estate of C. P. Van Ness; and the Richmond Enquirer, 8 May 1857, and the Weekly American Organ (Washington), 14 May 1857, both containing articles on Virginia bounty land claims. Clippings related to Randolph Dickins’s service in the Marines, naval activities, the Spanish- American War, the U.S.S. Oregon, etc. Material pertaining to a claim of Asbury Dickins against the United States for additional, higher compensation during the periods when he served as acting Secretary of the Treasury and acting Secretary of State. See also Volume 46 in Legal Volumes, not included. Miscellaneous charts and diagrams. Subseries 1.3: Volumes, 1804–1903 and Undated This subseries is arranged by type of volume including diaries, account books, commonplace books, scrapbooks, school notebooks, and other collected materials, such as genealogical information, cures, and songs. Subseries 1.3.1: Diaries, 1826–1896 Volume 1. 1826? Travel diary. Author unidentified. Record of trip by horseback from Washington through Virginia and Tennessee to Alabama, visiting Choctaw and Chickasaw territory. Chiefly lists places stopped and number of miles covered. (formerly Volume 40) Volume 2. 1831? Very brief diary kept by Francis Asbury Dickins during trip from Washington with his mother, his sisters, Lilia and Maria, and his brother, James, to Leesburg, Virginia, and a place near Harper’s Ferry. (formerly Volume 47) Volume 3. 1833. Brief travel diary kept by Francis Asbury Dickins documenting a family trip to Baltimore (where they witnessed a balloon ascension), Philadelphia, and New York (where they attended the theater and saw Mr. Kemble perform; Henry Clay also attended and was cheered by the audience). (formerly Volume 48) Volume 4. 1861–1864. Notes and diary of Francis Asbury and Margaret Randolph Dickins about his imprisonment in Washington and events following their retreat to Richmond and North Carolina. (formerly Volume 29) Volume 5. 1871–1875. Short entries made by Margaret Randolph Dickins about family events. (formerly Volume 31) Volume 6. 1879. Travel diary kept by Randolph Dickins on voyage to Europe, India, and China; copied by Fanny M. Dickins. (formerly Volume 34) Volume 7. 1888. Diary kept by Margaret Randolph Dickins while in Washington with her son, Randolph, a U.S. Marine officer. During this year, he was ill in the Naval Hospital. (formerly Volume 37) Volume 8. 1886–1890. Kept by Fanny M. Dickins during a period when she was living mostly in Richmond with her mother and sister. She also recorded periodic visits to Baltimore, England, and Florida. (formerly Volume 39)

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Volume 9. 1895–1896. Apparently kept by Fanny M. Dickins while living with Randolph Dickins at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. (formerly Volume 35) Subseries 1.3.2: Account Books, 1763–1891 Volume 10. 1763–1765. Ledger of general merchandise and a blacksmith shop. Author unknown. Includes names of Randolph family members. The volume was reused as a scrapbook, and newspaper clippings, pictures, and other items are pasted over some of the pages. (formerly Volume 1) Volume 11. 1818–1821. Household account book kept by Harriot Randolph at Tuckahoe in Goochland County, Virginia. (formerly Volume 4) Volume 12. 1822. Household accounts of Hariot Randolph at Tuckahoe, Goochland County, Virginia. (formerly Volume 6) Volume 13. 1838–1839. Personal account book of Francis Asbury Dickins, with some travel and household expenses, including wedding trip in 1839 to Raleigh. (formerly Volume 18) Volume 14. 1839–1856. Household accounts of Francis Asbury Dickins and his wife, Margaret, at Ossian Hall and in Washington; also includes entries related to Dickins’s law practice. (formerly Volume 20) Volume 15. 1856–1859. Day book of Francis Asbury Dickins showing household expenses. (formerly Volume 25) Volume 16. 1856–1863. Accounts for provisions furnished Thomas Kearns, overseer. (formerly Volume 26) Volume 17. 1891. Bank book of Fanny M. Dickins, National Bank of Virginia in Richmond. Also used for miscellaneous accounts and notes. (formerly volume 49) See also Volume 44, Subseries 2.4. [not included]. Subseries 1.3.3: Commonplace Books, 1835–1878 and Undated Volume 18. 1835–1867. Commonplace book of Margaret Randolph Dickins. (formerly Volume 12) Volume 19. ca. 1858. Commonplace book of Margaret Randolph Dickins, including genealogies of the Strother, Harvie, and Jones families. (formerly Volume 17) Volume 20. 1866–1878. Commonplace book of Harriot W. Dickins. (formerly Volume 30) Volume 21. Undated. Collector unidentified; also contains math notes entitled “Luis de Potestad, Jr.—Lawrence Scientific School—Notes and Problems,” and a few recipes. (formerly Volume 38) Subseries 1.3.4: Scrapbooks, 1819–1903 and Undated Volume 22. ca. 1819. Clippings from newpapers, chiefly poetry, pasted in Merchants and Travellers Companion, published in 1819. (formerly Volume 19) Volume 23. 1849–1874. Newspaper clippings pasted over pages of a book originally used for official records by a purser in the U.S. Navy. (formerly Volume 22) Volume 24. 1875–1883. Scrapbook of Margaret Randolph Dickins containing newspaper clippings, chiefly poetry and writings, but also a few obituaries of friends. (formerly Volume 32) Volume 25. 1861–1865. Collection of Civil War passes issued to members of the Dickins family. (formerly Volume 28) Volume 26. 1853–1903. Newspaper clippings pasted over pages of a book that originally contained a list of letters received by Francis Asbury Dickins relating to legal claims he was handling. (formerly Volume 33) Volume 27. Undated. Miscellaneous material including drawings, photographs, and genealogical information about the Arnot family of Scotland. (formerly Volume 36)

110 Reel Index Part 6

Subseries 1.3.5: School Notebooks, 1827 and Undated Volume 28. 1827. Latin exercise book of Francis Asbury Dickins, Washington, D.C., “Commenced with Hugh Maguire.” (formerly Volume 8) Volume 29. Undated. Math notebook of Mary W. Randolph. (formerly Volume 7) Volume 30. Undated. Small handmade booklet on trigonometry. (formerly Volume 41) Volume 31. Undated. Teacher’s grade book kept by the governess of Francis Asbury Dickins’s children—Mary, Frances, Francis, Jr., and Harriot. (formerly Volume 43) Volume 32. Undated. Drawing lessons of Margaret H. Dickins. (formerly Volume 13) Volume 33. Undated. Drawing lessons of Margaret H. Dickins. (formerly Volume 14) See also Volume 21. Subseries 1.3.6: Other Volumes, 1804–1874 and Undated Volume 34. 1818–1842. Letters received by Asbury Dickins and Francis Asbury Dickins, pasted into a book about cavalry equipment. (formerly Volume 5) Volume 35. 1804–1851. Deeds, plats, and survey notes relating to Ossian Hall, Fairfax County, Virginia, owned by Fitzhughs and Stuarts before its acquisition by Francis Asbury Dickins. Also contained in this volume are U.S. Navy quartermaster’s accounts, probably kept by John L. Jones, purser on U.S.S. Savannah and U.S.S. Decatur. Deeds and plats are pasted over some of the pages containing these accounts. (formerly Volume 3) Volume 36. 1840–1864. Genealogical information compiled by Fanny M. Dickins. See also Volumes 21 and 30. (formerly Volume 24) Volume 37. 1845–1873. Chiefly recipes, also contains diary-like entries, household accounts, and inventories for Ossian Hall. (formerly Volume 21) Volume 38. Undated. Cures and prescriptions, collector unknown. (formerly Volume 44) Volume 39. Undated. Cures and prescriptions collected by Fanny M. Dickins. (formerly Volume 45) Volume 40. Undated. Songs and poems of the Confederacy, words only, collector unknown. (formerly Volume 46) Volume 41. Undated. Small handmade booklet containing lists of the officers of a few Civil War military units, author unknown. (formerly Volume 42)

Series 3. Pictures, 1870–1878 and Undated This series includes pictures of forty subjects numbered below. 1 Biddle, Sarah. As a young girl, daughter of Tom Biddle of Philadelphia, cousin of the Chapmans, and U.S. diplomat. 2 Boyden, Mary Sheffey and Eleanor. Daughters of Rev. P. M. Boyden. January 1878. 3 [Chapman?], Emily. To John, Lucca, Italy. 1873. 4 Dickins children: Fanny (Frances Margaret), T. M. Randolph, and Albert White. 1870. 5 Franklin children: Fanny (age 5) and Bessie (age 3). Children of Butler and Lynn Franklin, American Consulate, Amoy, China. 6 Flyer, S. A. Rector of Cornhill, Northumberland, England, and an Arnot family connection. 7 Howard, Charles. Baltimore, photograph of a painting. 8 Magruder, Ida. Georgetown, D.C., young woman. 9 Mayo, Louis (or Lewis) Randolph (age 8). Son of George Washington and Mary Louisa Randolph Mayo. 1889.

111 Part 6 Reel Index

10 Morrill, Sarah. Alexandria, Virginia. 1878. 11 Nelson, Kate. Charlottesville, Virginia. 12 Perkins, Sarah (neé Thompson). 13 Pignatelli d’Aragon, José. Husband of Emily Chapman, who was a cousin of Margaret Randolph Dickins. 14 Randolph, John Allan. Identity uncertain, but perhaps the younger half-brother of Margaret Randolph Dickins, usually identified only as Allan. 15 Randolph, John Brockenbrough. Brother of Margaret Randolph Dickins, black paper silhouette. 16 No picture. 17 Thompson, Leila. Woodlawn, Maryland. 1874. 18 Thompson, Mary Ann T. (neé Dorsey). Woodlawn, Maryland. 1874. 19 Tompkins, Hannah Minthorne (Mrs. Daniel D.). Wife of vice-president. 20 Upshur, John B. 21–23 Unidentified photographs of a woman, a castle, and a nearly completed steamboat, probably a Navy vessel on which Randolph Dickins served as a Marine officer. 24 Randolph, William Beverly. 25 Randolph, Sarah (Sally) Lingan. 26 Randolph, James Lingan. Chief engineer of the B & O Railroad. 27 Randolph, Emily Strother. 28 Randolph, Beverly Strother. 29 Randolph, Edmund Strother. 30 Randolph, Lingan Strother. 31 Watson, Mary B. Codwise. Wife of Major Malbone F. Watson. 32 Watson, M. (Lieutenant). 33 Codwise, Jane Randolph (Jennie). Granddaughter of (see picture 40). Tintype. 34 Randolph, William Moray. Son of Elizabeth Calvert (picture 40). 35 Stark, Emma Beverly Randolph. Daughter of Elizabeth Calvert (picture 40) and wife of Henry Stark (picture 36). 36 Stark, Henry. 37 Randolph, Cornelia Patterson. Daughter of Elizabeth Calvert (picture 40). 38 Turner, Mary Meade Randolph. Daughter of Elizabeth Calvert (picture 40) and wife of W. W. Turner. 39 Pickett, Harriet Isabell Randolph. Daughter of Elizabeth Calvert (picture 40) and wife of John A. Pickett. 40 Calvert, Elizabeth Gibbon Randolph. Wife of Washington Custis Calvert.

Omissions A list of omissions from the Francis Asbury Dickins Papers is provided on Reel 18, Frame 0626 and includes Series 2, Law Office Papers, 1820s–1870s. Reel 13 Introductory Materials

0001 Introductory Materials. 39 frames.

112 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated

Subseries 1.1. Correspondence and Related Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated Subseries 1.1.1: 1729–1839 0040 Description of Subseries 1.1.1. 2 frames. 0042 Folder 1, 1729–1824. 43 frames. 0085 Folder 2, 1825–1830. 46 frames. 0131 Folder 3, 1831–1833. 81 frames. 0212 Folder 4, 1834–1835. 54 frames. 0266 Folder 5, 1836–1837. 75 frames. 0341 Folder 6, 1838–1839. 111 frames.

Subseries 1.1.2: 1840–1859 0452 Description of Subseries 1.1.2. 1 frame. 0453 Folder 7, 1840–1844. 95 frames. 0548 Folder 8, 1845–1846. 77 frames. 0625 Folder 9, 1847–1850. 76 frames. 0701 Folder 10, 1851–1859. 114 frames.

Subseries 1.1.3: 1860–1865 0815 Description of Subseries 1.1.3. 1 frame. 0816 Folder 11, 1860–September 1861. 35 frames. 0851 Folder 12, October–December 1861. 132 frames. 0983 Folder 13, 1862. 56 frames. 1039 Folder 14, 1863–1865. 85 frames.

Reel 14 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1834 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.1. Correspondence and Related Papers, 1729–1834 and Undated cont. Subseries 1.1.4: 1866–1879 0001 Description of Subseries 1.1.4. 2 frames. 0003 Folder 15, 1866–1869. 81 frames. 0084 Folder 16, 1870–1872. 121 frames. 0205 Folder 17, 1873–1879. 168 frames.

113 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.1.5: 1880–1934 and Undated 0373 Description of Subseries 1.1.5. 2 frames. 0375 Folder 18, 1880–1884. 89 frames. 0464 Folder 19, 1885–1888. 83 frames. 0547 Folder 20, 1889–1890. 23 frames. 0570 Folder 21, 1891–1893. 88 frames. 0658 Folder 22, 1894–1898. 139 frames. 0797 Folder 23, 1899–1934. 43 frames. 0840 Folder 24, Undated. 150 frames.

Subseries 1.2: Other Family Papers, 1823–1899 and Undated 0990 Description of Subseries 1.2. 1 frame. 0991 Folder 25, Genealogical Material, Notebooks 1 and 2, Undated. 64 frames. 1055 Folder 26, Genealogical Material, Loose Papers, 1877–1898 and Undated. 170 frames.

Reel 15 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.2: Other Family Papers, 1823–1899 and Undated cont. 0001 Folder 27, Genealogical Material, Loose Papers, 1881–1896 and Undated. 141 frames. 0142 Folder 28, Calling Cards, Programs, and Menus, 1838–1885 and Undated. 32 frames. 0174 Folder 29, Surveying Lesson. 1823. 3 frames. 0177 Folder 30, Miscellaneous Materials, 1848–1898 and Undated. 55 frames. 0232 Folder 31, Miscellaneous Materials, 1880–1892 and Undated. 166 frames. 0398 Folder 32, Miscellaneous Materials, Undated. 72 frames. 0470 Folder 33, Bills and Receipts, 1866–1892. 51 frames. 0521 Folder 34, Clippings, 1875–1883 and Undated. 26 frames. 0547 Folder 35, Clippings, 1873–1899 and Undated. 19 frames. 0566 Folder 36, Clippings, 1857–1879. 31 frames. 0597 Folder 37, Clippings, 1898 and Undated. 47 frames. 0644 Folder 38, Clippings, 1898 and Undated. 28 frames. 0672 Folder 39, Claim of Asbury Dickins, 1857–1879 and Undated. 127 frames. 0799 Folder 40, Charts and Diagrams, Undated. 21 frames.

Subseries 1.3: Volumes, 1804–1903 and Undated Subseries 1.3.1: Diaries, 1826–1896 0820 Description of Subseries 1.3.1. 1 frame. 0821 Folder 41, Volume 1, Unidentified, Travel Diary, ca. 1826. 10 frames. 0831 Folder 42, Volume 2, Francis Asbury Dickins, Travel Diary, ca. 1831. 5 frames. 0836 Folder 43, Volume 3, Francis Asbury Dickins, Travel Diary, 1833. 16 frames. 0852 Folder 44, Volume 4, Francis Asbury Dickins and Margaret Randolph Dickins, Civil War Journal and Notes, 1861–1867. 264 frames.

114 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Reel 16 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3. Volumes, 1804–1903 and Undated cont. Subseries 1.3.1: Diaries, 1826–1896 cont. 0001 Folder 45, Volume 5, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Diary, 1871–1875. 9 frames. 0010 Folder 46, Volume 6, Randolph Dickins, Travel Diary (Letters Copied by Fanny M. Dickins), 1879–1881. 154 frames. 0164 Folder 47, Volume 7, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Diary, 1888. 52 frames. 0216 Folder 48, Volume 8, Fanny M. Dickins, Diary, 1886–1890. 24 frames. 0240 Folder 49, Volume 9, Fanny M. Dickins, 1895–1896. 75 frames.

Subseries 1.3.2: Account Books, 1763–1891 0315 Description of Subseries 1.3.2. 1 frame. 0316 Folder 50, Unidentified, Ledger and Scrapbook, 1763–1765 and Undated. 123 frames. 0439 Folder 51, Volume 11, Harriot Randolph, Household Account Book, 1818–1822. 42 frames. 0481 Folder 52, Volume 12, Harriot Randolph, Household Account Book, 1822. 9 frames. 0490 Folder 53, Volume 13, Francis Asbury Dickins, Personal Account Book, 1838–1839. 20 frames. 0510 Folder 54, Volume 14, Francis Asbury Dickins and Margaret Randolph Dickins, Household Account Book, 1839–1856. 569 frames.

Reel 17 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3. Volumes, 1804–1903 and Undated cont. Subseries 1.3.2: Account Books, 1763–1891 cont. 0001 Folder 55, Volume 15, Francis Asbury Dickins, Household Account Book, 1856–1859. 53 frames. 0054 Folder 56, Volume 16, Unidentified, Account Book of Provisions Furnished Thomas Kearns, Overseer, 1856–1863. 24 frames. 0078 Folder 57, Volume 17, Fanny M. Dickins, Bank Book and Memorandum Book, 1891–1892. 12 frames.

Subseries 1.3.3: Commonplace Books, 1835–1878 and Undated 0090 Description of Subseries 1.3.3. 1 frame. 0091 Folder 58, Volume 18, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Commonplace Book, 1835–1867. 47 frames. 0138 Folder 59, Volume 19, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Commonplace Book with Genealogical Material, 1837–1870 and Undated. 227 frames. 0365 Folder 60, Volume 20, Harriot W. Dickins, Commonplace Book, 1866–1878 and Undated. 47 frames. 0412 Folder 61, Volume 21, Unidentified, Commonplace Book and Math Book, 1875–1882 and Undated. 61 frames.

Subseries 1.3.4: Scrapbooks, 1819–1903 and Undated 0473 Description of Subseries 1.3.4. 1 frame. 0474 Folder 62, Volume 22, Unidentified, Scrapbook Pasted in Merchants and Travellers Companion, ca. 1819–1839 and Undated. 135 frames. 0609 Folder 63, Volume 23, Unidentified, Scrapbook Pasted in U.S. Navy Purser Record Book, 1840–1874. 118 frames. 0727 Folder 64, Volume 24, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Scrapbook Pasted in Sutro Tunnel, 1836–1883 and Undated. 45 frames.

115 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.3.4: Scrapbooks, 1819–1903 and Undated cont. 0772 Folder 65, Volume 25, Dickins Family, Civil War Passes, 1861–1865. 11 frames. 0783 Folder 66, Volume 26, Unidentified, Scapbook Pasted in Record of Letters Received by Francis Asbury Dickens, 1853–1903 and Undated. 206 frames. 0989 Folder 67, Volume 27, Unidentified, Scrapbook, 1869–1896 and Undated. 88 frames.

Subseries 1.3.5: School Notebooks, 1827 and Undated 1077 Description of Subseries 1.3.5. 1 frame. 1078 Folder 68, Volume 28, Francis Asbury Dickins, Latin Exercise Book, 1827. 185 frames.

Reel 18 Francis Asbury Dickins Papers cont. Series 1. Family Papers, 1729–1934 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.3. Volumes, 1804–1903 and Undated cont. Subseries 1.3.5: School Notebooks, 1827 and Undated cont. 0001 Folder 69, Volume 29, Mary W. Randolph, Math Notebook, 1825. 38 frames. 0039 Folder 70, Volumes 30–31, Unidentified, Trigonometry Notebook and Teacher’s Grade Book, Undated. 27 frames. 0066 Folder 71, Volumes 32–33, Magaret H. Dickins, Drawing Lessons, Undated. 14 frames.

Subseries 1.3.6: Other Volumes, 1804–1874 and Undated 0080 Description of Subseries 1.3.6. 1 frame. 0081 Folder 72, Volume 34, Asbury Dickins and Francis Asbury Dickins, Letters Received Pasted in a Book about Cavalry Equipment [1873–1874], 1818–1843. 109 frames. 0190 Folder 73, Volume 35, Unidentified, Deeds, Plats, and Survey Notes relating to Ossian Hall Pasted in a U.S. Navy Account Book, 1804–1851. 121 frames. 0311 Folder 74, Volume 36, Fanny M. Dickins, Extracts of Genealogical Information, 1840–1864. 52 frames. 0363 Folder 75, Volume 37, Margaret Randolph Dickins, Recipes, Diary, and Household Account Book, 1845–1874 and Undated [Enclosures Include Thomas Mann Randolph, Cash Book, 1820–1822]. 173 frames. 0536 Folder 76, Volumes 38–39, Unidentified, Cures and Prescriptions, Undated. 25 frames. 0561 Folder 77, Volume 40, Unidentified, Songs and Poems of the Confederacy, Undated. 27 frames. 0588 Folder 78, Volume 41, Unidentified, Civil War Rosters, Undated. 6 frames.

Series 3. Pictures, 1870–1878 and Undated

0594 Description of Series 3. 2 frames. 0596 P-218/1–40. 30 frames. Omissions

0626 List of Omissions from the Francis Asbury Dickins Papers. 1 frame.

116 Reel Index Part 6

Hubard Family Papers, 1866–1953, Buckingham County, Virginia; also Maryland

Description of the Collection This large collection of manuscript material centers around the family of Edmund Wilcox Hubard (1806–1878) of Saratoga Plantation, Buckingham County, Virginia, a planter, state legislator, militia officer, and member of Congress, 1841–1847. It includes papers, business and personal, of his forebears, relatives, friends, descendants, and business associates. Localities important in these papers are Albemarle, Amherst, Gloucester, Middlesex, Nelson, and other counties in Virginia, as well as Richmond and Washington, D.C.; Halifax County and other places in North Carolina; and various places in Tennessee and Florida. Topics include the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, and wheat, as well as other phases of plantation life. There is extensive documentation of slavery and free blacks. There is also documentation relating to the legal and medical professions, including college notes and fee books. There are many references to social life in Virginia and North Carolina. The few military papers relate to the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and offices and affairs of the Virginia militia. Throughout the collection, there are references to politics—local, state, and national; many of the persons involved in the papers having either taken part in campaigns, conventions, elections, or actually held office. There are also many papers dealing with money transactions—bills and receipts, personal notes, deeds and mortgages, land sales, wills, and settlements of estates and related lawsuits. In addition to Hubard family papers, there are also scattered papers of a number of related families, including Bolling, Hubard, Jefferson, Jones, Littlejohn, Eppes, Moseley, Page, Randolph, Thruston, Thweatt, Wilcox, and Williamson. The collection is arranged as follows: Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers—Subseries 1.1: 1741–1770, Subseries 1.2: 1771–1784, Subseries 1.3: 1785–1807, Subseries 1.4: 1808–1817, Subseries 1.5: 1818–1827, Subseries 1.6: 1828–1833, Subseries 1.7: 1834–1842, Subseries 1.8: 1843–1853, Subseries 1.9: 1854–1860, Subseries 1.10: 1861–1865 [all not included]; Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872, Subseries 1.12: 1873–1880, Subseries 1.13: 1881–1953, and Subseries 1.14: Undated (Subseries 1.14.1: Edmund Wilcox Papers, 1700s [not included], Subseries 1.14.2: Edmund Wilcox Hubard Papers, 1840s [not included], Subseries 1.14.3: Susan Hubard Crow, Subseries 1.14.4: Papers of Other Family Members before 1865 [not included], and Subseries 1.14.5: Miscellaneous Undated Papers [not included]); Series 2. Volumes—Subseries 2.1: 1752–1865 [not included], Subseries 2.2: 1866–1894, Subseries 2.3: 1875–1892, E. W. Hubard Law Notes [not included], and Subseries 2.4: Undated Volumes [not included]; and Series 3. Pictures, 1869.

Biographical Note The bulk of these papers concern members of the Hubard family who, at one time or another, resided at Saratoga, a plantation in Buckingham County, Virginia. Letters to the Hubards were often addressed to them at Saratoga and nearby locations, such as Buckingham Court House, Curdsville, May Brook, Mill Brook (also Millbrook), and Ca Ira (also Caira), which was a milling and shipping point on the Willis River, a tributary of the James River. Hubard family members included Edmund Wilcox Hubard (1806–1878), Robert Thruston Hubard (1808–1871),

117 Part 6 Reel Index and Louisiana Hubard (d. 1832?). Related Eppes family members resided in Halifax County, North Carolina. They owned at least two homesteads or plantations, referred to (with variations in spelling) as the Grove Farm and the Wyche Farm. The genealogical charts below give further information on Hubard family members and their relatives. A name index to the charts appears after the charts. Genealogical Charts Chart I Susannah Watson [Chart II] m. (1) Robert Bolling (1738–1775) children: Powhatan (1767–1802) Pocahontas R. m. Joseph Campbell Eliza Blair m. Thomas West Linnaeus (1773–1836) m. Mary Markham children: Philip A. m. Mary Eppes [Chart VIII] Robert Susan m. Robert Thruston Hubard [Chart VI]

m. (2) Edmund Wilcox [Chart II] Susannah (d. 1828) m. (1) James Thruston Hubard, M.D. [Chart III] children: Edmund Wilcox (1806–1878) m. Sarah A. Eppes [Chart V, VIII] Robert Thruston (1808–1871) m. Susan Bolling [Chart VI] Louisiana (d. 1832)

m. (2) John W. Maury

Chart II Captain John Wilcox (d. 1760) children: Frances m. 1756, Philip Rootes Edmund m. Susan Watson Bolling [Chart I]

Chart III John Thruston (d. 1766) children: Charles M. Frances m. 1768, William Hubard [Chart IV] children: Margaret (Peggy) Sally m. William M. Burwell James Thruston (1776–1812) m. Susannah Wilcox [Chart I]

118 Reel Index Part 6

Chart IV James Hubard m. (1735) Ann Todd children: James William (d. 1805) m. (1768) Frances Thruston [Chart III]

Chart V Edmund Wilcox Hubard (1806–1878) m. Sarah A. Eppes [Chart I, VIII] children: John E. (1847–1892) m. Lucy Moseley Edmund Wilcox (b. 1852) m. (ca. 1897) Mary May (?) Willie J. m. Carrie (?) Susan (Sue) Wilcox (1851–1882) m. John T. Crow (d. 1881)

Chart VI Robert Thruston Hubard (1808–1871) m. Susan Bolling [Chart I] children: James Lenaeus m. Isaetta C. Randolph William B. m. Eliza Calloway Robert Thruston, Jr., m. Sarah Edmunds Edmund Wilcox m. Julia Taylor Louisa (Lou) m. L.C. Randolph, M.D. Bolling m. Julia (Felicia) Chapman Philip A. m. Mary Wilson

Chart VII John Wayles m. (?) Bolling children: Elizabeth m. Francis Eppes [Chart VII] Martha m. (1) (?) Skelton m. (2) Thomas Jefferson children: Martha m. Thomas Randolph Maria m. (1797), John Wayles Eppes [Chart VIII] children: Francis [Chart VIII]

119 Part 6 Reel Index

Genealogical Charts cont. Chart VIII Francis Eppes (1747–1808) m. Elizabeth Wayles [Chart VII] children: Louisa (Mary, Polly) m. (1809) Richard M. Thweatt Sally, m. (?) Lane Lucy m. Archibald Thweatt Matilda m. (1) Robert (or Richard) Field (2) (?) Spooner Martha Bolling m. Jerman Baker John Wayles (1773–1823) m. (1) Maria Jefferson [Chart VII] children: Francis [Chart VII] m. (2) Martha Burke (Patsy) Jones (1798–1862) [Chart IX] children: Sarah A. m. Edmund Wilcox Hubard [Chart I, V] Eliza John W. Mary m. Philip A. Bolling [Chart I] Willie J. m. (1) Ann Cox m. (2) Tempe Joyner [Chart IX]

Chart IX Willie Jones (1741–1801) m. Mary Montford children: Willie W. Robert A. Sarah m. (1) Hutchins G. Burton m. (2) Andrew Joyner his daughter by first marriage to Temperance (“Tempe”) Williams married W. J. Eppes [Chart VIII] Ann Maria, m. Joseph B. Littlejohn children: Mary m. Lewis Williamson Martha Burke (Patsy) (1798–1862) m. John Wayles Eppes [Chart VII, VIII]

120 Reel Index Part 6

NAME INDEX TO GENEALOGICAL CHARTS BAKER CROW HUBARD Jerman: VIII John T.: V Ann Todd: IV Martha Bolling Eppes: VIII Susan (Sue) Wilcox Hubard: V Bolling: VI Carrie: V BOLLING EDMUNDS Edmund Wilcox: I, V, VIII Eliza Blair: I Sarah: VI Edmund Wilcox: V Linnaeus (also Lenaeus): I Edmund Wilcox: VI Mary Eppes: I, VIII EPPES Eliza Calloway: VI Mary Markham: I Ann Cox: VIII Felicia (Julia) Chapman: VI Philip A.: I, VIII Eliza: VIII Frances Thruston: III, IV Pocahontas R.: I Elizabeth Wayles: VII, VIII Isaetta Randolph: VI Powhatan: I Francis: VIII James: IV Robert: I Francis: VII, VIII James Thruston: I, III Susan (Susannah): I, VI John W.: VIII James Lenaeus (Linnaeus): VI Susan Watson (Susannah): I, II John Wayles: VII, VIII, IX John E.: V Louisa (Mary): VIII Julia (Felicia) Chapman: VI BURTON Lucy: VIII Julia Taylor: VI Hutchins G.: IX Maria Jefferson: VII Louisa (Lou): VI Sarah Jones: IX Martha Bolling: VIII Louisiana (Lou): I Martha Burke Jones: VIII, IX Lucy Moseley: V BURWELL Mary (or Louisa): VIII Margaret (Peggy): III William M.: III Matilda: VIII Mary May (?): V Sally Hubard: III Sally: VIII Mary Wilson: VI Sarah A.: I, V, VIII Philip A.: VI CABELL Tempe Joyner: VIII, IX Robert Thruston: I, VI Joseph: I Willie J.: VIII, IX Sally: III Pocahontas R.: I Sarah A. Eppes: I, V, VIII FIELD Susan Bolling: I, VI CALLOWAY Robert (Richard): VIII Susan (Sue) Wilcox: V Eliza: VI Matilda Eppes: VIII Susan Watson Bolling: I Susan Wilcox: I, III CHAPMAN William: III, IV Julia (Felicia): VI William B.: VI Willie J.: V COX Ann: VIII

121 Part 6 Reel Index

NAME INDEX TO GENEALOGICAL CHARTS JEFFERSON MAY THWEATT Maria: VII, VIII Mary: V Archibald: VIII Martha: VII Louisa (Mary): VIII Thomas: VII MONTFORD Lucy: VIII Martha Wayles Skelton: VII Mary: IX Mary (Louisa): VIII Richard: VIII JONES MOSELEY Ann Maria: IX Lucy: V TODD Martha Burke (Patsy): VIII, Ann: IV IX RANDOLPH Mary Montford: IX Isaetta: VI WATSON Robert A.: IX L. C.: VI Susan: I Sarah: IX Martha Jefferson: VII Willie: IX Thomas Jefferson: VII WAYLES Willie W.: IX John: VII ROOTES Elizabeth: VII JOYNER Frances Wilcox: II Martha: VII Andrew: IX Philip: II Sarah Jones Burton: IX WEST Tempe: VIII, IX SKELTON Thomas: I Temperance Williams: IX Martha Wayles: VII WILCOX LANE SPOONER Edmund: I, II Sally Eppes: VIII Matilda Eppes Field: VIII Frances: II John: II LITTLEJOHN TAYLOR Susanna: I, III Ann Maria Jones: IX Julia: VI Susan Watson Bolling: I, II Joseph B.: IX Mary: IX THRUSTON WILLIAMSON Charles M.: III Lewis: IX MARKHAM Frances: III, IV Mary Littlejohn: IX Mary: I John: III WILSON MAURY Mary: VI John W.: I Susanna Wilcox Hubard: I, III

122 Reel Index Part 6

Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated Subseries 1.11. 1866-1872 Much of the correspondence immediately following the Civil War dealt with hard times, plans for making a living, and contracts with freedmen to work on the plantations and as house servants. Edmund Wilcox Hubard had hides cured by other persons on shares, kept up the Saratoga Home School at his house, and in 1866, took Sarah A. Eppes Hubard’s aunt, Matilda Eppes Spooner, to board. His financial condition, however, like those of many others, grew steadily worse, threatening him with bankruptcy, as was the case with Phillip A. Bolling. Edmund Wilcox Hubard corresponded with a number of persons relative to borrowing money and selling his lands in Nelson and Buckingham counties, Virginia. Sarah A. Eppes Hubard made ketchup and vinegar for sale, and her husband sold a number of his books. Their daughter, Susan (Sue) W. Hubard, made efforts toward getting employment, becoming more and more interested in writing for newspapers and magazines. Edmund Wilcox Hubard corresponded extensively with John D. Imboden, a former Confederate general, who was engaged in the real estate business at Richmond, Virginia, chiefly about the sale of Hubard’s properties. Edmund Wilcox Hubard had correspondence with his brother, Robert Thruston Hubard, about financial affairs. This correspondence was carried on after Robert Thruston Hubard’s death in 1871 with Robert Thruston Hubard, Jr., an attorney at Farmville, Virginia. There are scattered references to searches made for natural resources—particularly oil, copper, and black lead—on Edmund Wilcox Hubard’s lands. Edmund Wilcox Hubard continued in his efforts to build a railroad through his community, and there are a large number of letters and other papers relating to this venture. The proposed railroad line was referred to as being between Lynchburg and Richmond in April 1867; as the Buckingham and Farmville Railroad Company, with Edmund Wilcox Hubard elected president, in August 1869; and as the Farmville, Cumberland, and Buckingham Railroad in November 1869. Starting in 1871, there are many references to its being narrow gauge. There are many papers concerning the settlement of the estate of Martha Burke Jones Eppes, which consisted of property in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Lawsuits connected with the inheritance apparently continued for a number of years. There are scattered letters from the family of Francis Eppes, half brother of Sarah A. Eppes Hubard, in Florida, telling of family affairs, hard times, and hopes of future success with their citrus fruit trees and bananas. There are also papers dealing with the Saratoga Home School, including correspondence of the pupils and parents, bills, and similar items. Two letters from Launcelot M. Blackford, 4 April 1866 and 11 July 1870, were written on the subject of the school, and there is an annual report of the school, dated 14 July 1870. There are several letters that were exchanged between Pocahontas Meredith and her father, W. C. Meredith, mentioning money for Poca’s tuition at the Saratoga Home School, and there are later letters from her at Winchester, Virginia, at home, and at school. Apparently W. C. Meredith married a daughter of Philip A. Bolling and Mary Eppes Bolling, who had died sometime before this period. In June 1868, Poca wrote from Winchester of the marriage of her father and also of her older sister. Mill Brook, the home of the Eppes family, burned on 6 September 1866; there is a list of articles saved from the fire. Eliza Eppes, unmarried Eppes sister of Sarah A. Eppes Hubard, apparently lived for a time at Saratoga with the Hubards after Mill Brook burned. There are a

123 Part 6 Reel Index number of letters and other items addressed to her. Mary Eppes Bolling died 22 October 1867, and there are letters concerning her death. Philip Bolling wrote on 30 June 1868, describing with enthusiasm his new home, Glebe, in Amherst County, Virginia, and August 1868, mentioning his second marriage to Anna Tappan. In August 1866, Edmund Wilcox Hubard was appointed delegate to the Union Party Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which prompted him to petition Congress to lift restrictions imposed under the Fourteenth Amendment that barred him from holding office. He received a letter, dated 23 May 1872, stating that the Amnesty Bill had passed, and restrictions on Hubard were lifted. John E. Hubard, son of Edmund Wilcox Hubard, studied medicine at the University of Virginia beginning in 1870, and there are letters written by him telling of his life, studies, and social contacts. In a letter dated 5 January 1871, he mentioned making New Year’s Day calls on his professors. In 1871, he relocated to Baltimore, Maryland, to finish his medical education. There are letters from him there mentioning his work. During this period, it appears that Edmund W. Hubard, Jr. was still at Saratoga and that Willie J. Hubard, the youngest son, was still in school. Susan W. Hubard, the only daughter, wrote long and descriptive letters of her visits to various places. On 27 April 1870, she wrote to her father from Richmond to tell him about the floor at the Court of Appeals at the Capitol falling, killing fifty-three and wounding many others. There are letters, one dated February 1872, in which she described another visit to Richmond, and another dated 10 July 1872, describing a stay at White Sulphur Springs. Dated November 1872, there is a letter from Edmund W. Hubard, Jr. at Richmond about a concert by violinist Ole Bull and another written at Covington Academy, Covington, Virginia, where he was teaching school. There are a number of letters dating from this period addressed to and from the young Hubards and their friends, in which they wrote of trips, love affairs, visits here and there, social gatherings, neighborhood news, and gossip. In May 1871, Edmund Wilcox Hubard received estimates for building a new courthouse for Buckingham County, Virginia, and there is correspondence on this topic for some time, including a letter, dated 4 August 1871, concerning the history of the courthouse. Among papers from this period are: 1866: In a letter dated 9 March from J. B. Littlejohn at Mansfield, Louisiana, he wrote to “my dear cousin” about his efforts to make a living after losing an arm. He considered a trade, then bootblacking, then tried farming in Texas on a rented place with freedmen, all unsuccessfully. At the time of writing, he had taken up the study of law. In an item dated 26 May, Robert Thruston Hubard wrote about registering slaves owned at the end of the Civil War, in case of future compensation by the U.S. government. There is a letter dated 2 August to Edmund Wilcox Hubard from A. Thornton of New York concerning business affairs and news of Thornton’s family. 1867: There is a draft of a letter dated 21 August from Sue Hubard to an author named Miss Evans regarding her recent work named St. Elmo and Sue’s own plans, at age sixteen, for a writing career, in which she hoped Miss Evans would take an interest.Throughout this year there are many papers regarding the estate of Martha B. Eppes in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Correspondence and bills and receipts also document Eliza W. Eppes, who lived with the Hubards. There is extensive documentation of plantation life and labor relations in Buckingham County, Virginia.

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1869: There are letters in April from A. Moseley at Richmond to Sue Hubard concerning some articles she had written for The Whig and to Edmund Wilcox Hubard about political conditions. There are letters in September from William Mahone, president of the South Side Railroad, to Edmund Wilcox Hubard about the proposed railroad. 1871: In a letter dated 4 April, Congressman Richard Thomas Walker Duke (1822–1898) wrote about procuring public lands for Virginia; in another dated 19 February 1872, he discussed general financial conditions in the South. Edward M. Alfriend at Richmond and Sue Hubard corresponded at this time about a request from her to take the part of Julia in The Rivals, to be produced by the Dramatic Club of Richmond. There is a letter dated 12 June to Edmund Wilcox Hubard from Horace Greely (1811–1872) of New York discussing the treatment of black laborers. 1872: There is a letter dated 21 June from G. W. Bagby of Richmond inquiring about the bust of Thomas Jefferson that was once at Mill Brook, the Eppes home, that was wanted for the Virginia State Library. There is a letter dated 13 September from Henry A. Wise of Richmond commenting on the times and the men in leadership positions. There is a letter dated 20 November from Gilbert Carlton Walker (1833–1885), representative from Virginia and governor, relating to proposed immigration into Virginia. There is a map of Mecklenburg County, Virginia, printed and published by Endly and Boyd, Christiansville, Virginia, with farms of northern settlers inked in. Subseries 1.12. 1873–1880 In 1873, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr. wrote to his family from Alleghany County, Virginia, where he taught and served as principal of the Covington Academy. He included in his mail a pencil sketch of the academy building. He told in detail of his life, social contacts, and tentative engagement to Miss McDonald, which was apparently called off. Later in 1873, he moved to Enniscartha, Virginia, and wrote describing his situation in the household of Tucker S. Coles at Green Mountain, Albemarle County, Virginia, as tutor to his three boys, giving details of the house and the family’s manner of living. In 1876, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr., studying law at the University of Virginia, wrote letters from Charlottesville before returning to Saratoga to practice law. There are a great many letters and papers concerning his law practice in the vicinity of Buckingham County, Virginia. There are papers dating from this period that concern Edmund Wilcox Hubard’s proposed railroad, mostly attempts to discourage him from proceeding with the project. Filed with December 1873 papers, there is a copy of an account, apparently included in Congressional House Documents, of the case of Col. A. B. Steinberger, who was apparently engaged to Sue Hubard, and his difficulties in Samoa. Dating from January 1874, there are letters about Col. Steinberger being in the United States and expected at Saratoga, which apparently never happened. There are copies of letters written to him by Sue Hubard (see also undated material) and letters written to her by various persons concerning Steinberger and her engagement to him, and to government officials asking for information about him and his whereabouts. References to him are scattered through the papers until November 1878, when a letter from an unidentified writer mentioned that Sue Hubard had broken off her engagement to Steinberger. There are letters from A. Thornton in New York, giving family news and also from various members of the Eppes family, in Florida, chiefly addressed to Eliza Eppes, either at Saratoga or at Mill Brook, where she occasionally stayed. Willie J. Hubard apparently lived at home during this period and was engaged in teaching school. Sue Hubard continued to pursue her career as a writer with some success, there being correspondence about copyrights and about her work,

125 Part 6 Reel Index including a letter dated 3 December 1874 from Whitelaw Reid of the New York Tribune and one dated January 1875 from Augustin Daly of New York concerning an article and play she had submitted. In May 1874, Edmund Wilcox Hubard was appointed as a delegate to the Atlanta State Tobacco Convention. In September 1875, he was appointed to represent the Farmer’s Council of Virginia at the National Agricultural Congress, Cincinnati, and in November 1875, he was sent by the governor to a national convention at St. Louis, Missouri, for consideration of construction of a Pacific Railroad through the states and territories. Many of the papers for this period relate to these events. Sue Hubard and her brothers took up the investigation of heraldry about this time, and there is a letter dated 17 March 1876 from E. Y. W. Custis of New Bern, North Carolina, with a sketch of a coat of arms taken from a silver tea kettle, supposedly from the Tryon Palace. In 1876, Sue Hubard visited New York. There is a letter from her there, dated July of that year, in which she mentioned that she had borrowed money from Somerville, a commission merchant in Richmond, using her diamonds as collateral. There are letters during these years from Pocahontas Bolling Meredith, mentioning her work a school teacher and governess. There are also occasional letters from W. C. Meredith, chiefly about personal and family matters. Edmund Wilcox Hubard died on 9 December 1878, and there are letters concerning his death and papers about the settlement of his estate. In February 1879, Jane Eppes in Florida wrote to Eliza Eppes concerning his death and told of a spiritual visit from him to her father, Francis Eppes, and other similar experiences on her father’s part. In April 1879, Sue Hubard wrote from Washington, D.C. of her family’s poverty, suggesting taking summer boarders at Saratoga, of her brothers’ attitudes toward this plan, and of efforts on her part to sell some family-owned violins. In letters dated 23 May, 2 June, and 21 June 1879, she wrote about many persons she had met while visiting in Washington, including William Gates DeLuc (1823–1917, Union officer and U.S. commissioner of agriculture); Senator Matthew Hale Carpenter (1824–1881); Martin L. Clardy (1844–1914, representative from Missouri); and Zebulon Baird Vance (1839–1894, representative and senator, governor of North Carolina), insinuating, as to the last, that he was paying her marked attention. There is a copy of a notice, dated 1880, sent around to the heirs of Matilda W. Eppes Spooner, stating that she had died in November of that year, leaving an estate that would be divided among her nieces and nephews and recommending that the services of Edmund W. Hubard, Jr. be engaged. There was a great deal of correspondence concerning this matter for some years. There are a number of letters addressed to members of the Hubard family from relatives or connections, apparently in close touch with those in Buckingham County, Virginia, but whose connections with them are unclear. There are papers related to lawsuits having been instituted regarding some of the property of Martha Burke Jones Eppes in Tennessee and apparently being handled by Tomlin and Tomlin, attorneys, of Jackson, Tennessee. Among papers from this period are: 1873: Dated February and following, there are letters concerning a visit by Sue Hubard and her brother, John, with Kate Boylan at Raleigh, North Carolina, mentioning the people there. In a letter dated 3 March to Sue Hubard from her mother, Sarah Eppes Hubard, the latter provided notes on family genealogical relationships. In a letter dated 17 July, Philip A. Bolling of Litchfield County, Connecticut, wrote of the industrial development of New England and

126 Reel Index Part 6 compared the economics there with the South and its past reliance on slave labor. In another letter dated 24 July, he predicted the future development of the South with industry and smaller plantations instead of the larger ones of the prewar period. 1874: There is a letter dated 19 January from Thomas Whitehead (1824–1901), congressman, Confederate officer, editor of the Lynchburg News and the Lynchburg Advance, concerning taxation of tobacco; and another dated February about finding Col. Steinberger. There is a letter dated 6 March from John Warfield Johnston (1818–1889), senator and state judge, concerning a report from the U.S. Patent Office. There are letters dated May through June from F. F. Fredway relating to the establishment of a grange. Letters dated July through August are addressed to and from Sue and Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. at Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, mostly about personal and family matters. In letters dated 29 August and 9 September, Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter, congressman and senator, discussed taxation of tobacco and the change of appointment of one of Edmund Wilcox Hubard’s sons to Annapolis or West Point. In another letter dated 30 September 1876, he discussed Hubard’s financial affairs. 1875 [–1878]: There is a letter dated 21 February from Morton Craig Hunter (1825–1896), congressman and Union army officer, concerning banking. In a letter dated 30 March, Louisiana Hubard Randolph, daughter of Robert Thruston Hubard and wife of Dr. Randolph of Albemarle County, wrote of her four children and other family news. A note dated 16 April states that Eleanor Gray Page, wife of John C. Page, died at Mill Brook, Virginia. In a letter dated 20 July, John Randolph Tucker (1823–1897) congressman, attorney, and college professor of Lexington, Virginia, wrote to Edmund Wilcox Hubard about Willie J. Hubard entering competitive examinations for West Point. In another letter dated 7 April 1876, he discussed copyrighting an article sold by Sue Hubard to Leslie’s Magazine. In a letter dated 30 April 1878, he discussed politics. In a letter dated 6 September 1875, Philip A. Bolling wrote to Eliza Eppes at Mill Brook, Virginia, about the death of his wife, Anna Tappan Bolling; he also mentioned the death of Willie J. Eppes’s daughter, Nellie (Eleanor Gray Page). 1876: In a letter dated 22 May, John D. Imboden wrote to Edmund Wilcox Hubard concerning the invention of a railway car and axle and discussed the fate of the narrow gauge railroad. 1877: There is a letter dated 23 May from J. M. Blanton, master, State Grange of Virginia, concerning politics. James L. Kemper (1823–1895), Confederate general and governor of Virginia, wrote a letter of recommendation for Edmund Wilcox Hubard; it is dated 11 January. In letters dated 7 July, 15 September, and 24 September, William Mahone (1826–1895), senator, Confederate general, and railroad president, thanked Hubard for his testimonial; he also discussed state politics and his gubernatorial campaign. There is a letter dated 5 October from David Miller of Bristol, Virginia, concerning an independent ticket in Virginia. 1878: There is a letter dated 31 January from George C. Cabell (1836–1906), congressman and Confederate officer, to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, saying that chances were poor for Hubard, a Southern Democrat, getting an appointment to a federal job. There is a letter dated 1 February to Edmund Wilcox Hubard from Fred W. M. Holliday concerning a recommendation. A letter dated 18 April from Beverly Tucker at Washington, D.C. concerns state and national politics. In a letter dated 30 July, John Randolph Tucker (1823–1897), congressman and educator, discussed the political situation.

Subseries 1.13. 1881-1907, 1930, and 1953 In letters dated January and February 1881, Sue Hubard at Baltimore, Maryland, discussed her approaching marriage to John T. Crow (1822–

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1881), managing editor of the Baltimore Sun, her trousseau, and similar matters. Following the wedding, she described their temporary quarters at Barnum’s Hotel. John T. Crow died in March. There was considerable correspondence concerning his death and, subsequently concerning the settlement of his estate and the languid state of Sue Hubard Crow, who returned to live with her family at Saratoga, Buckingham County, Virginia, where she died around January 1882. (For more Sue Hubard Crow papers, see undated Subseries 1.14.3., described below.) Many papers in this time period relate to political matters. Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. ran successfully for the office of commonwealth attorney and in 1883, was elected to the state senate. There was criticism of his holding these two offices, and there is correspondence concerning that issue, as well as letters and papers dealing with both of those offices. Willie J. Hubard, youngest of the sons of Edmund Wilcox Hubard, apparently attended the University of Virginia, in company with his cousin, Andrew J. Eppes, son of Willie J. Eppes. Willie Jones Hubard practiced law with his brother, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr., in the firm of Hubard and Hubard, concerning which practice there are numbers of papers. In June 1885, E. W. Hubard, Jr. was appointed as a delegate to the Republican state convention; in July 1894, he received a letter from James D. Brady expressing regret that Hubard had gone back to the Democratic party. Beginning in 1896, there are letters addressed to Willie J. Hubard, House of Delegates at Richmond, Virginia; in 1902, he wrote from the state treasurer’s office at Richmond, where he apparently was serving as auditor. Dating from this period are letters and papers concerning Lucy P. Moseley, daughter of A. F. Moseley, chiefly about schoolwork and her training as a school teacher. There is also an invitation to her wedding, dated 16 June 1886 and addressed to Dr. John E. Hubard, at the Presbyterian church, Maysville, Virginia. There is mention, in the papers dating from the following years, of Dr. Hubard’s ill health, and there are letters dated February 1892 to the Hubard family expressing sympathy on his death. There is a teacher’s certificate, dated August 1892, that was issued to Lucy P. Moseley Hubard by the Buckingham Free Schools, and there are letters to and from her scattered through the remainder of the papers, one in particular, dated 18 November 1906, from her at Washington, D.C. to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr., concerning her children and mentioning E. W. Hubard’s son, Dabney Hubard. References to Sarah A. Eppes Hubard, widow of Edmund Wilcox Hubard, are scarce and then practically disappear around 1896; it may be surmised that she died about that time. Eliza Eppes, her sister, apparently died in 1884. Andrew J. Eppes, son of Willie J. Eppes, was apparently the superintendent of schools in Buckingham County, beginning around 1884, and there is constant mention of him by members of the family at Saratoga, with letters indicating that he made his home there for some time. In December 1903, Willie J. Hubard wrote to his brother, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr., about the former’s approaching wedding to Miss Carrie at Richmond on 11 December 1903. There are a number of letters from various relatives and connections of the Hubard family dating from this period, some of the writers being unidentified. Among these letters are some written by: Mamie (or Manie) J. Lemmon of Covington, Tennessee, (17 March 1881), apparently a descendent of the Eppes family, and niece of Matilda Eppes Spooner; and from M. B. Savage, Memphis, Tennessee, a cousin (10 March 1881). Both of these writers mentioned their own families and asked about the Spooner estate. W. Littlejohn of Albemarle, Virginia (20 March 1884) gave much family news and many genealogical references. L. Conway at Richmond and Charlottesville, Virginia (February through April 1885) wrote to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. and Tempe Osborne about family and personal matters. T. J. Shine of Orlando, Florida (16 May

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1886) wrote to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. about funds for Francis Eppes from the Spooner estate; also Jane Eppes at Madison, Florida (15 June 1886); John W. Eppes at Madison, Florida (6 August 1886); and other members of the Francis Eppes family in Florida, discussed mostly family and personal matters. Pattie Farley and her mother, “Nannie” Farley, at Kanawha Falls, West Virginia (29 August 1886; 21 November 1887; January 1890; January 1892; October 20, 1892; and May 1896) wrote mostly about family matters. Pattie Farley (26 August 1896) also told of her approaching marriage to J. M. Clark, civil and mining engineer, of New Jersey. Nannie Farley mentioned the death of her husband, Tom Farley, in a letter dated 31 July 1903. There are also letters written by children of Robert Thruston Hubard, including one from Louisiana Hubard Randolph, married to Dr. L. C. Randolph (5 March 1891), telling of her own children and some of the children of her brothers. Among other correspondents and papers dating from this period: 1881: Letters of January concern plans for the marriage of Sue Hubard and John T. Crow. Following the wedding, in February, letters from Sue’s mother and brother discuss their feelings upon her going out into the world. A tribute to John T. Crow is filed with a letter describing the circumstances of his death among papers of March 31. Letters from a Baltimore lawyer regarding Crow’s estate, begin in May after Sue’s return to Virginia. Farm labor agreements, legal papers, and Buckingham County political matters continue throughout the year, as do bills and receipts concerning Saratoga. Letters to Willie, in August, describe life at Saratoga, Sue’s grief, and the financial hardships facing the family. 1882: There are letters of condolence upon the death of Sue Hubard Crow in January. Letters to Lucy Page Moseley, Nashville, Tennessee, begin in May. Farm labor agreements, bills, and receipts continue throughout the year. Legal papers document Buckingham County affairs and continuing efforts to settle the estate of John T. Crow in Baltimore. 1883: Dated 24 January, there is the oath of John E. Hubard, M.D. at Richmond, Virginia, on becoming surgeon for the state penitentiary. Shortly afterwards, a letter to his family showed that Hubard did not like that situation and decided not to stay. There is a letter dated 10 December from Thomas Conrad, president of the Virginia Agricultural & Manufacturing College, congratulating Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. on his election as state senator. Other papers are related to Hubard’s election in Buckingham County. 1885: There is a broadside, dated April, entitled “Sketch of John S. Wise, Republican Candidate for Governor of Virginia.” There are letters in May from Paul M. Jones at New Store, Virginia, referring to the black vote. In a letter dated 23 June, J. X. Morton at Blacksburg, Virginia, invited Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. to be his guest during a meeting of the Board of Visitors; in another letter, dated 7 April, he wrote of the entire faculty of the Virginia Agricultural & Manufacturing College being removed and having to be reelected; a letter from J. E. Christian, dated 10 April 1885, deals with the same subject. 1887: Following correspondence concerning voting for a railroad, there is a letter, dated 30 July from Robert Thruston Hubard Jr. as president, F. & C. R.R, dealing with financial matters. There is a broadside dated 30 August concerning William Mahone’s gubernatorial campaign, signed by him, warning against the tactics of the Democrats. There are papers and letters to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. from William Mahone concerning political matters, particularly letters dated 13 March and 17 August.

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1888: There is a printed notice of a meeting in August of the James River Valley Immigration Society and Natural Bridge. In a letter dated 11 August, William Mahone attempted to persuade Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. to run for Congress on the Republican ticket. September letters to E. W. Hubard, Jr. from Congressman Jacob Yost (1853–1933) concern political affairs. 1889–1891: Letters dated 1889 to 1890 concern arrangements for selling antiques from Saratoga. Letters dated 1890 to 1891 concern the Rosny Iron and Land Company. A notice dated 23 April 1891 concerns proceeds from the sale of the Buckingham Female Collegiate Institute. 1892: A letter dated 15 May from Thomas Staples Martin (1847–1919) concerns his candidacy for the U.S. Senate. 1893: There is a letter dated 10 April to Lucy P. Hubard from J. L. Hubard at Tye Brook, Nelson County, Virginia, giving family news. A letter and circular dated 21 November from Herbert Barbee at Luray, Virginia, solicits funds for a monument to Confederate soldiers. There is a letter dated 3 November from Chincoteague Island, Virginia, to Lucy P. Hubard at Bay View, Virginia, telling about selling ponies on “Ponypenning Day.” 1894: There are letters dated August, originally exchanged between members of the Saratoga family, concerning the death of Dr. Osborne. Apparently the Osborne family was closely connected with the Hubards. 1896: There is a letter dated 2 March from Senator Thomas Staples Martin in Washington, D.C., to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. at Buckingham Court House, Virginia, on various matters, including division of the Democratic Party on free silver. There is more about this question in letters from other persons. There is a letter dated 29 September from T. S. Martin at Scottsville, Virginia, concerning H. D. Flood’s political organization in Buckingham County. A letter dated 11 November is from Mrs. Osborne about her affairs, in which she asks about the status of her inheritance from John Wayles Eppes’s estate. 1898: There is a letter dated 17 February from B. W. Blanton of the Virginia House of Delegates concerning politics. A letter dated 27 August from Congressman Julian Minor Quarles (1848–1929) concerns his candidacy for Congress. 1902: Congressman Henry de la Warr Flood (1862–1921), in letters dated 7 and 13 June and 5 and 21 September, wrote about personal and political matters to Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Jr. There is a broadside dated 18 August entitled “Resolutions adopted at a full meeting of the Democratic Committee of the tenth Congressional district, held at Clifton Forge, August 18, 1904.” 1905: There is a letter dated 3 January from Senator Thomas Staples Martin concerning the contest between Judges Hundley and Watkins and political factions in the state generally. In a letter dated 3 March, Martin wrote about the appointment of Willie J. Eppes as clerk [apparently Clerk of Circuit Court, Buckingham, Virginia] and Martin’s need for political backing. 1906: There are letters dated October relating to the erection of a toll bridge between Buckingham and Albemarle counties, Virginia. 1907: There is a letter dated 31 May about procuring a portrait of Grand Master Joseph Montfort of Halifax, North Carolina. 1930: A clipping from a Richmond newspaper, dated 20 August, tells of the sale of Saratoga to Mrs. N. M. Sutton, of Manteo, Virginia. 1953: A typed history of the Hubard (Hubbard) Family of York County, Virginia, by Elizabeth Hawes Ryland, contains genealogical data on James Thruston Hubard and others.

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Subseries 1.14: Undated Material Undated materials have been grouped, as far as possible, by family member to which they relate. Subseries 1.14.3: Sue Hubard Crow Papers, ca. 1860s–1890s. Correspondence and writings of Sue Hubard Crow. Most of the letters are postbellum and relate to family matters. Writings include poems, essays, and stories, most of them about the change of seasons, love, and other general topics.

Series 2. Volumes, 1752–1894 and Undated Subseries 2.2: 1866–1894 This subseries consists of accountbooks, notebooks, and journals concerning Hubard family agricultural, educational, travel, and political matters; and physician’s and lawyer’s fee books. Volume 88, 1866, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, contains miscellaneous accounts. Volume 89, 1866–1867, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, contains miscellaneous accounts. Volume 90, 1866–1868, Edmund Wilcox Hubard and J. E. Hubard, is a farm journal. Volume 91, 1867–1869, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, contains expenses of a trip to Halifax, Memphis, and Jackson, Tennessee, and other places on business of estate of Martha Burke Jones Eppes; other notes. Volume 92, 1868–1870, Susan Wilcox Hubard, is a notebook with miscellaneous writings. Volume 93, 1868–1873, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, contains farm accounts. Volume 94, 1870, Andrew J. Eppes, contains Latin and French exercises at Saratoga. Volume 95, 1870–1879, Sarah Eppes Hubard, includes an inventory of household articles, taken March 1870, when Mary Gamble left Saratoga; other notes, including an inventory, on departure of Eliza Washington, 4 April 1871, and lists of laundry sent out. Volume 96, 1872–1878, E. W. Hubard, Jr. and W. J. Hubard, contains notes on McCauley’s History of England, 1 October 1872, as well as Saratoga accounts. Volume 97, 1874–1879, J. E. Hubard, is a physician’s register. Volume 98, 1876–1885, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., is a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, chiefly political. Volume 99, 1877–1878, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., is an attorney’s fee book. Volume 100, 1880–1894, J. E. Hubard, is a physician’s fee book. Volume 101, pre-1865 and 1881–1882, Edmund W. Hubard and Edmund E. Hubard, Jr., includes slave lists, farm accounts, law notes, and accounts of Susan Maury, deceased. Volume 102, 1882–1883, contains farm notes, with agricultural clippings pasted in.

Series 3. Pictures, 1869 and Undated This series consists of photographs, cartes-de-visite, a tintype, silhouettes, and sketches. There are portraits of members of the Hubard and Bolling families and unidentified people, and sketches apparently made to accompany poems. 1–5 Black and white prints of portraits of Robert Thruston Hubard, James Thruston Hubard, Sussanah Wilcox Hubard, Linnaeus Bolling, and Susan Pocahontas Bolling. 6 Carte-de-visite of John E. Hubard. An inscription reads: “Miss E. W. Eppes from her affectionate nephew J. E. Hubard, July 10, 1869.” Anderson, photographer, Richmond, Virginia. 7 Carte-de-visite of a group: N. L. Berkeley, S. Leigh, J. Leigh, and J. E. Hubard. C. H. Erambert, photographer, Farmville, Virginia.

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8 Photograph of a young woman wearing nineteenth century dress and hat. Richard Walze, photographer, Monumental City Palace of Artistic Photography. 9 Tintype of an unidentified girl, Abbott’s Art Gallery, Huntington, West Virginia. 10 Three views of a very young, unidentified child. 11–12 Paper silhouettes of an unidentified man and woman. 13 Colored carte-de-visite of a house, possibly Saratoga, Buckingham County, Virginia. C. H. Erambert, photographer, Farmville, Virginia. 14–19 Sketches of ruins and landscapes, mostly European. 20–22 Sketches with accompanying verses, numbered 2–4, concerning three cardplayers, including “Bill Nye” and “that heathen Chinese.” 23–25 Sketches with accompanying captions, numbered 2–4, concerning “Adolphe,” a tall man with a long moustache and sideburns, possibly meant to illustrate a poem.

Omissions A list of omissions from the Hubard Family Papers, 1866–1953, is provided on Reel 30, Frame 0990. Omissions include Subseries 1.1–1.10, Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1865; Subseries 1.14.1–1.14.2, Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, Edmund Hubard and Edmund Wilox Hubard, Undated (predominately antebellum); Subseries 1.14.4–1.14.5, Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, Other Family Members and Miscellaneous, Undated (predominately antebellum); Subseries 2.1, Volumes, 1752–1865; and Subseries 2.3–2.4, Volumes, E. W. Hubard Law Notes and Undated.

N.B. Antebellum materials from the Hubard Family Papers are included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series J, Part 10. Related collections include six accessions of Hubard Family Papers at the University of Virginia library. Of the six, three are included in UPA’s Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War, Series E, Part 1.

Reel 18 cont. Frame No. Introductory Materials

0627 Introductory Materials. 63 frames.

Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated

Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 0690 Description of Subseries 1.11. 4 frames. 0694 Folder 195, January–February 1866. 89 frames. 0783 Folder 196, March–May 1866. 102 frames. 0885 Folder 197, June 1866. 79 frames. 0934 Folder 198, July–August 1866. 91 frames. 1025 Folder 199, September–October 1866. 64 frames. 1089 Folder 200, November–December 1866. 85 frames. 1174 Folder 201, January–February 1867. 84 frames.

132 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Reel 19 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 cont. 0001 Folder 202, March–April 1867. 96 frames. 0097 Folder 203, May–July 1867. 148 frames. 0245 Folder 204, August 1867. 189 frames. 0434 Folder 205, September–October 1867. 130 frames. 0564 Folder 206, November–December 1867. 120 frames. 0684 Folder 207, January 1868. 67 frames. 0751 Folder 208, February–April 1868. 103 frames. 0854 Folder 209, May–June 1868. 103 frames. 0957 Folder 210, July–August 1868. 101 frames. 1058 Folder 211, September–October 1868. 117 frames. 1175 Folder 212, November–December 1868. 146 frames.

Reel 20 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 cont. 0001 Folder 213, January–February 1869. 107 frames. 0108 Folder 214, March–April 1869. 83 frames. 0191 Folder 215, May–June 1869. 148 frames. 0339 Folder 216, July–August 1869. 98 frames. 0437 Folder 217, September 1869. 50 frames. 0487 Folder 218, October 1869. 56 frames. 0543 Folder 219, November–December 1869. 160 frames. 0703 Folder 220, January 1870. 63 frames. 0766 Folder 221, February–March 1870. 107 frames. 0873 Folder 222, April–May 1870. 84 frames. 0957 Folder 223, June–July 1870. 106 frames. 1063 Folder 224, August 1870. 75 frames. 1138 Folder 225, September 1870. 45 frames. 1183 Folder 226, October 1870. 73 frames.

Reel 21 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 cont. 0001 Folder 227, November–December 1870. 120 frames. 0121 Folder 228, January 1871. 47 frames.

133 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 cont. 0168 Folder 229, February 1871. 85 frames. 0253 Folder 230, March 1871. 72 frames. 0325 Folder 231, April 1871. 63 frames. 0388 Folder 232, May 1871. 70 frames. 0458 Folder 233, June 1871. 50 frames. 0508 Folder 234, July 1871. 63 frames. 0571 Folder 235, August 1871. 68 frames. 0639 Folder 236, September–October 1871. 108 frames. 0747 Folder 237, November 1871. 44 frames. 0791 Folder 238, December 1871. 75 frames. 0866 Folder 239, January–February 1872. 114 frames. 0980 Folder 240, March 1872. 72 frames. 1052 Folder 241, April 1872. 67 frames. 1119 Folder 242, May 1872. 50 frames. 1169 Folder 243, June 1872. 42 frames. 1211 Folder 244, July–August 1872. 81 frames.

Reel 22 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.11: 1866–1872 cont. 0001 Folder 245, September–October 1872. 92 frames. 0093 Folder 246, November–December 1872. 138 frames.

Subseries 1.12: 1873–1880 0231 Description of Subseries 1.12. 4 frames. 0235 Folder 247, January 1873. 77 frames. 0312 Folder 248, February 1873. 87 frames. 0399 Folder 249, 1–10 March 1873. 54 frames. 0453 Folder 250, 11–31 March 1873. 72 frames. 0525 Folder 251, April 1873. 77 frames. 0602 Folder 252, May 1873. 75 frames. 0677 Folder 253, June 1873. 56 frames. 0733 Folder 254, July 1873. 68 frames. 0801 Folder 255, August 1873. 54 frames. 0855 Folder 256, September 1873. 54 frames. 0909 Folder 257, October 1873. 56 frames. 0965 Folder 258, November 1873. 38 frames. 1003 Folder 259, December 1873. 89 frames. 1092 Folder 260, January 1874. 67 frames.

134 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. Reel 23 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.12: 1873–1880 cont. 0001 Folder 261, 1–11 February 1874. 22 frames. 0023 Folder 262, 13–28 February 1874. 57 frames. 0080 Folder 263, March 1874. 94 frames. 0174 Folder 264, April 1874. 52 frames. 0226 Folder 265, May–June 1874. 70 frames. 0296 Folder 266, July–August 1874. 106 frames. 0402 Folder 267, September–October 1874. 61 frames. 0463 Folder 268, November–December 1874. 110 frames. 0573 Folder 269, January 1875. 73 frames. 0646 Folder 270, February 1875. 36 frames. 0682 Folder 271, March–April 1875. 62 frames. 0744 Folder 272, May–July 1875. 47 frames. 0791 Folder 273, August–September 1875. 34 frames. 0825 Folder 274, October–December 1875. 98 frames. 0923 Folder 275, January–April 1876. 139 frames.

Reel 24 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.12: 1873–1880 cont. 0001 Folder 276, May–December 1876. 127 frames. 0128 Folder 277, January–March 1877. 31 frames. 0159 Folder 278, April–September 1877. 61 frames. 0220 Folder 279, October–December 1877. 62 frames. 0282 Folder 280, 1878. 188 frames. 0470 Folder 281, 1879. 139 frames. 0609 Folder 282, January–June 1880. 62 frames. 0671 Folder 283, July–December 1880. 44 frames.

Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 0715 Description of Subseries 1.13. 5 frames. 0720 Folder 284, January–March 1881. 97 frames. 0817 Folder 285, April–June 1881. 36 frames. 0853 Folder 286, July–December 1881. 71 frames. 0924 Folder 287, January–July 1882. 71 frames. 0995 Folder 288, August–December 1882. 39 frames. 1034 Folder 289, January–June 1883. 56 frames.

135 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Reel 25 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 cont. 0001 Folder 290, July–October 1883. 34 frames. 0035 Folder 291, November 1883. 66 frames. 0101 Folder 292, December 1883. 32 frames. 0133 Folder 293, January–February 1884. 60 frames. 0193 Folder 294, March–April 1884. 66 frames. 0259 Folder 295, May–July 1884. 30 frames. 0289 Folder 296, August–December 1884. 72 frames. 0361 Folder 297, January–April 1885. 55 frames. 0416 Folder 298, May–June 1885. 65 frames. 0481 Folder 299, July–September 1885. 32 frames. 0513 Folder 300, October–December 1885. 23 frames. 0536 Folder 301, January–April 1886. 91 frames. 0627 Folder 302, May–July 1886. 87 frames. 0714 Folder 303, August–September 1886. 54 frames. 0768 Folder 304, October–December 1886. 41 frames. 0809 Folder 305, January–February 1887. 56 frames. 0865 Folder 306, March–April 1887. 48 frames. 0913 Folder 307, May–June 1887. 75 frames. 0988 Folder 308, July–August 1887. 74 frames.

Reel 26 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 cont. 0001 Folder 309, September–October 1887. 55 frames. 0056 Folder 310, November–December 1887. 113 frames. 0169 Folder 311, January–February 1888. 65 frames. 0234 Folder 312, March–June 1888. 101 frames. 0335 Folder 313, July–August 1888. 68 frames. 0403 Folder 314, September 1888. 24 frames. 0427 Folder 315, October–December 1888. 56 frames. 0483 Folder 316, January–April 1889. 55 frames. 0538 Folder 317, May–September 1889. 58 frames. 0596 Folder 318, October–December 1889. 51 frames. 0647 Folder 319, January 1890. 47 frames. 0694 Folder 320, February–March 1890. 85 frames. 0779 Folder 321, April 1890. 65 frames. 0841 Folder 322, May 1890. 45 frames. 0886 Folder 323, June–July 1890. 59 frames. 0945 Folder 324, August 1890. 31 frames. 0976 Folder 325, September 1890. 41 frames.

136 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. 1017 Folder 326, October–December 1890. 67 frames. 1084 Folder 327, January 1891. 38 frames.

Reel 27 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 cont. 0001 Folder 328, February–March 1891. 54 frames. 0055 Folder 329, April 1891. 51 frames. 0106 Folder 330, May–June 1891. 42 frames. 0148 Folder 331, July–September 1891. 72 frames. 0220 Folder 332, October–December 1891. 48 frames. 0268 Folder 333, January 1892. 50 frames. 0318 Folder 334, February–June 1892. 30 frames. 0348 Folder 335, July–September 1892. 27 frames. 0375 Folder 336, October–December 1892. 50 frames. 0425 Folder 337, January–March 1893. 48 frames. 0473 Folder 338, April–October 1893. 85 frames. 0558 Folder 339, November 1893. 66 frames. 0624 Folder 340, December 1893. 32 frames. 0656 Folder 341, January 1894. 61 frames. 0717 Folder 342, February–July 1894. 59 frames. 0776 Folder 343, August–October 1894. 33 frames. 0809 Folder 344, January–June 1895. 26 frames. 0835 Folder 345, July–December 1895. 40 frames. 0875 Folder 346, January–June 1896. 41 frames. 0916 Folder 347, August–October 1896. 28 frames. 0944 Folder 348, November–December 1896. 59 frames. 1003 Folder 349, March–December 1897. 68 frames.

Reel 28 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 cont. 0001 Folder 350, 1898–1899. 15 frames. 0016 Folder 351, 1900–1902. 70 frames. 0086 Folder 352, January–April 1903. 42 frames. 0128 Folder 353, May–July 1903. 70 frames. 0198 Folder 354, August–December 1903. 60 frames. 0258 Folder 355, January–July 1904. 54 frames. 0312 Folder 356, August–September 1904. 35 frames. 0347 Folder 357, October–November 1904. 35 frames. 0382 Folder 358, December 1904. 38 frames. 0420 Folder 359, January–February 1905. 36 frames.

137 Part 6 Reel Index Frame No. Subseries 1.13: 1881–1907, 1930, and 1953 cont. 0456 Folder 360, March–December 1905. 50 frames. 0506 Folder 361, 1906. 34 frames. 0540 Folder 362, 1907, 1930, 1953. 84 frames.

Subseries 1.14: Undated Materials Subseries 1.14.3: Sue Habard Crow Papers, ca. 1860s–1890s 0624 Description of Subseries 1.14.3. 1 frame. 0625 Folder 370, Correspondence, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 172 frames. 0797 Folder 371, Correspondence, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 273 frames.

Reel 29 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 1. Correspondence, Financial/Legal Material, and Other Loose Papers, 1741–1953 and Undated cont.

Subseries 1.14: Undated Materials cont. Subseries 1.14.3: Sue Habard Crow Papers, ca. 1860s–1890s cont. 0001 Folder 372a, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 143 frames. 0144 Folder 372b, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 94 frames. 0238 Folder 373, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 67 frames. 0305 Folder 374, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 115 frames. 0420 Folder 375, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 85 frames. 0505 Folder 376, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 106 frames. 0611 Folder 377, Writings, Undated (ca. 1860s–1890s). 66 frames. Series 2. Volumes, 1752–1894 and Undated

Subseries 2.2: 1866–1894 0677 Description of Subseries 2.2. 1 frame. 0678 Folder 484, Volume 88, Edmund W. Hubard, 1866. 57 frames. 0735 Folder 485, Volume 89, Edmund W. Hubard, 1866–1867. 81 frames. 0816 Folder 486, Volume 90, Edmund W. Hubard and J. E. Hubard, 1866–1868. 144 frames. 0960 Folder 487, Volume 91, Edmund W. Hubard, 1867–1869. 19 frames. 0979 Folder 488a, Volume 92, Susan W. Hubard, 1868–1870. 28 frames. 1007 Folder 488b, Enclosures to Volume 92, Susan W. Hubard, 1868–1870. 2 frames.

Reel 30 Hubard Family Papers cont. Series 2. Volumes, 1752–1894 and Undated cont.

Subseries 2.2: 1866–1894 cont. 0001 Folder 489a, Volume 93, Edmund W. Hubard, 1868–1873. 244 frames. 0245 Folder 489b, Enclosures to Volume 93, Edmund W. Hubard, 1868–1873. 64 frames. 0309 Folder 490, Volume 94, Andrew J. Eppes, 1870. 49 frames. 0358 Folder 491a, Volume 95, Sarah Eppes Hubard, 1870–1879. 28 frames. 0386 Folder 491b, Enclosures to Volume 95, Sarah Eppes Hubard, 1870–1879. 3 frames. 0389 Folder 492, Volume 96, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., and W. J. Hubard, 1872–1878. 29 frames. 0418 Folder 493, Volume 97, J. E. Hubard, 1874–1880. 145 frames.

138 Reel Index Part 6 Frame No. 0563 Folder 494, Volume 98, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., 1876–1885. 70 frames. 0633 Folder 495, Volume 99, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., 1877–1878. 25 frames. 0658 Folder 496, Volume 100, J. E. Hubard, 1880–1894. 240 frames. 0898 Folder 497, Volume 101, Edmund W. Hubard and Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., pre-1865 and 1881–1882. 43 frames. 0941 Folder 498a, Volume 102, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., 1882–1883. 18 frames. 0959 Folder 498b, Enclosures to Volume 102, Edmund W. Hubard, Jr., 1882–1883. 3 frames.

Series 3. Pictures, 1869 and Undated

0962 Description of Series 3. 1 frame. 0963 P-360/1–25, 1869 and Undated. 27 frames.


0990 List of Omissions from the Hubard Family Papers, 1866–1953. 1 frame.

Susanna Gordon Waddell Diary, 1863–1867, Monroe County, Virginia (now West Virginia)

Description of the Collection Susanna Gordon was born in Richmond, Virginia, in 1824 and married Dr. James Alexander Waddell in 1844. During the Civil War, she and her husband lived in Union, West Virginia. She kept her diary in two penmanship exercise books; the first volume contains entries from 8 February 1863 to 15 December 1863, and the second contains entries from 16 December 1863 to 4 November 1865. In the second volume, there is also one entry for May 1866 and poems dated 11 June 1866 and 17 March 1867. Also included in both volumes are several undated poems, most apparently by Waddell and a few attributed to other people. Entries mainly concern daily life in Union and the activities of Susanna Waddell’s relatives and friends, including the family of Confederate General John Echols. There is extensive discussion of military activities in the Monroe County area, including Union General William Woods Averell’s raid on Lewisburg, West Virginia, 1–8 November 1863; also mentioned are the activities of General Echols and other Union raids led by generals W. W. Averell, David Hunter, and George Crook. A typed transcription of Volumes 1 and 2 is also included.

Reel 30 cont. Introductory Materials

0991 Introductory Materials. 5 frames.

0996 Diary, Volume 1, 8 February–13 December 1863. 36 frames. 1032 Diary, Volume 2, 16 December 1863–4 November 1865, 1866, 1867. 32 frames. 1064 Typed Transcription of Volumes 1 and 2, 1863–1866. 70 frames.


The following index is to the major subjects and persons found in Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries, Series A, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Parts 4– 6. The roman number IV refers to Part 4, the number V to Part 5, and the number VI to Part 6. The arabic number before the colon refers to the reel number, and the four-digit number after the colon refers to the the frame number at which the material about the subject or person begins. Thus the entry VI 13: 0001–1039 refers to the Series or Subseries of documents that begins on frame 0001 of Reel 13 in Part 6 (VI). Researchers can find the description of the material by referring to the appropriate section of the Reel Index.

African-Americans Bannister, Robert B. employment VI 12: 0927–0928 IV 14: 0368–0911; 15: 0001–0766 Beale, Martha Anne Davis V 1: 0074–0351; 6: 0656–0725; 11: 1028–1029; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 12: 0001–0334 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; VI 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; Beale family 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 30: 0001–0959 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; health 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; V 2: 0431–0881; 3: 0001–0699; 4: 0001–0167; 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929 14: 0450–0777 Brockenbrough family pictures VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–0840 V 1: 0001–0009 Burke, Pattie Trist religion IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 4: 0001–0890; V 14: 0329–0330 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 7: 0001–0875; slavery 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0926; IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0735; 17: 0112–0413 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 13: 0001–0919; V 1: 0001–0009, 0074–0351; 2: 0879–0881; 3: 0001– 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 16: 0001–0861; 0699; 4: 0399–0600; 5: 0389–0464; 12: 0501– 17: 0001–1040 0736; 13: 0001–0909; 15: 0399–0888; 16: 0001– VI 14: 0373–0840 0366; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001– Brumby, Laura Smith 0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001– V 5: 0241–0367 0406; 23: 0304–0783; 24: 0001–0511 Childbirth VI 1: 0022–0842; 2: 0001–0691; 12: 0022–0415; V 4: 0001–0167 13: 0001–1039; 16: 0315–0510; 17: 0001–0078; VI 1: 0022–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 18: 0080–0588 4: 0001–0124 Alabama see also Medicine V 1: 0001–0009, 0064–0504, 0522–0905; 2: 0001– Children, education of 0881; 3: 0001–0699; 4: 0001–0377, 0382–0764, IV 1: 0035–0642; 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 0765–0843; 23: 0001–0210 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; Argentina 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; VI 12: 1025–1026 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0156; Austria 14: 0368–0911; 15: 0001–0766; 17: 0463–0464 V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0884; 22: 0001–0406 Bannister, Anne A. VI 12: 1014–1015 141 Children, education of cont. Davis family V 1: 0001–0009, 0543–0544, 0693–0774; 2: 0247– VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 0347, 0431–0881; 3: 0001–0699; 4: 0399–0764, 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; 0771–0843; 5: 0551–1063; 11: 0223–1029; 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001–0909; 14: 0780–0823; 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929 15: 0011–0339, 0553–0888; 16: 0001–0366; Dickins, Francis Asbury 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0884; 23: 0304–0783; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626 24: 0001–0511, 0586–0875 Dickins, Margaret Randolph VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; Dickins family 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929; 13: 0001–1039; VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 16: 0001–0510; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626, 0627–1174; District of Columbia 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 4: 0001–0890; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 7: 0001–00875; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0926; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 13: 0001–0919; see also Teachers and teaching 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 16: 0001–0861; Cocke, Elizabeth Ruffin 17: 0001–0066 VI 12: 0472–0821 VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; Cocke, Harrison Henry 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626 VI 12: 0001–1026 Eaton, Peggy O’Neale Cocke family VI 13: 0452–1039; 14: 0001–0840 VI 12: 0001–1026 Elliott family Comer, Laura Beecher V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; V 1: 0064–0504 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 Comer family Elmore, Grace B. V 1: 0001–0009, 0064–0504 V 24: 0001–0511 V 1: 0074–0351 Elmore family Coolidge, Ellen Randolph V 24: 0001–0511, 0586–0875 IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 4: 0001–0890; Egypt 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 7: 0001–0875; V 6: 0773–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0926; 9: 0001–0530 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 13: 0001–0919; England 14: 0001–0293 description and travel Cornwall, Susan IV 1: 0035–0642; 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; V 5: 0389–0464 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0206 Cowper family V 1: 0064–0504; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 22: 0001–0406 Crow, Sue Hubard Eppes family VI 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; VI 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990 30: 0001–0990 Cuba Europe IV 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; description and travel 7: 0001–0335; 17: 0112–0413 IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 17: 0463–0464 Davis, Anne Turberville Beale V 1: 0064–0504; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0884; 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0223 22: 0001–0406, 0407–0815

142 Europe cont. Georgia VI 13: 0040–1039; 14: 0001–0840; 15: 0820–0852; V 1: 0001–0009, 0064–0504; 5: 0001–0367, 0389– 16: 0001–0240 0464, 0551–1063; 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; see also entries under individual nations 8: 0001–1083; 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; Family 11: 0001–0208, 0209–1029; 12: 0001–0736; social life and customs 13: 0001–1002; 14: 0001–1060; 15: 0001–0888; IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 16: 0001–0942; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 22: 0001–0406, 0407–0815 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; Gift, Ellen Shackelford 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; V 5: 0551–1063 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 Gift, George Washington V 1: 0001–0009, 0064–0504, 0522–0905; 2: 0001– V 5: 0551–1063 0881; 3: 0001–0699; 4: 0001–0377, 0399–0704, Graves, Charles Iverson 0771–0843; 5: 0001–0367, 0389–0464, 0551– V 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; 1063; 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208; Graves, Margaret Lea 11: 0223–1029; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001–0909; V 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; 14: 0780–0823; 15: 0011–0888; 16: 0001–0366, 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208 0870–0942; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; Graves, Sarah Dutton 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; V 11: 0223–1029; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001–0909 22: 0001–0406, 0407–0815; 23: 0001–0210, 0304– Graves family 0783; 24: 0001–0511, 0586–0875 V 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208, 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; 0209–1029; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001–1002; 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; 14: 0001–1060 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0414–0821, Hearing impaired 1014–1026; 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 4: 0001–0890; 15: 0001–0852; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 7: 0001–0875; 18: 0001–0626, 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 13: 0001–0919; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 16: 0001–0861; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 17: 0001–0066 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990, 0991–1064 Hentz, Caroline Lee Farmers’ Alliance V 1: 0543–0544, 0693–0905; 2: 0001–0347 V 14: 0940–0941 Hentz family Florida V 1: 0522–0905; 2: 0001–0881; 3: 0001–0699; V 1: 0543–0544, 0693–0774; 2: 0001–0171; 5: 0241– 4: 0001–0377 0367, 0551–1063; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; Hong Kong 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; V 5: 0551–1063 22: 0001–0406; 23: 0001–0210 Hubard family France VI 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; description and travel 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990 Jefferson, Thomas IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0735 Kentucky V 2: 0431–0881; 3: 0001–0699; 23: 0001–0210 Lea family V 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208

143 Milligan family V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; V 15: 0001–0888; 16: 0001–0942 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 Mississippi VI 13: 0040–1039; 14: 0001–0205 IV 1: 0035–0642 Louisiana New Jersey IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; V 22: 0407–0815 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; New York 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0735; 7: 0385–0875; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0156; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0206 17: 0112–0413, 0519–0696 V 22: 0407–0815 McCorkle, Lucilla Agnes North Carolina V 4: 0399–0600 V 6: 0001–1190; 7: 0001–1130; 8: 0001–1083; McCorkle, Mildred W. 9: 0001–0890; 10: 0001–0923; 11: 0001–0208 V 4: 0703–0704 VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; McIver, Sarah Witherspoon Ervin 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0223 V 23: 0311–0499 O’Gorman, Camila Mackay family VI 12: 1025–1026 V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; Pennsylvania 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 IV 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; Marriage 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; register of 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; VI 4: 0133–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0223 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–0066 unhappy Politics and government V 1: 0064–0351 IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; see also Family 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; Maryland 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; VI 14: 0001–0840; 18: 0594–0596, 0627–1174; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0766; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 17: 0112–0413, 0735–1040 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; V 1: 0074–0351; 4: 0399–0600; 5: 0010–0150, 0389– 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990 0464, 0551–1063; 6: 0023–0598; 14: 0829–0972; Massachusetts 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; IV 2: 0783–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 4: 0001–0890; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 7: 0001–0875; VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 10: 0001–0926; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626, 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0156; 22: 0407–0815 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; Medicine 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; IV 10: 0295–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–0066 30: 0001–0990, 0991–1064 V 1: 0543–0544, 0693–0774; 2: 0001–0171, Randolph family 0412–0881; 3: 0001–0669; 4: 0001–0167; IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 14: 0450–0777; 15: 0011–0339; 16: 0417–0849; 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 22: 0407–0815 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; VI 14: 0373–1055; 15: 0001–0799; 18: 0080–0588, 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–0093 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 Mental health VI 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; IV 15: 0839–0973; 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–0066 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626 V 2: 0879–0881; 3: 0001–0669 Religion Mexico V 1: 0074–0351; 4: 0382–0764, 0771–0843; IV 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 5: 0241–0367; 6: 0059–0246; 11: 0223–1029; 10: 0001–0206; 17: 0735–1040 12: 0001–0409; 14: 0276–0444; 23: 0311–0499; 24: 0001–0511

144 Religion cont. Teachers and teaching VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; IV 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0156; 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; 17: 0463–0464 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0927–0928; V 1: 0543–0544, 0693–0774; 2: 0001–0347; 3: 0431– 13: 0452–0701 0728; 11: 0223–1029; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001– Ruffin, Edmund 0909; 14: 0780–0823 VI 12: 0472–0534 VI 1: 0022–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; Ruffin, Elizabeth 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0434; see Cocke, Elizabeth Ruffin 11: 0928–0929; 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; Single women 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; IV 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0156; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 17: 0463–0464 29: 0001–0611 V 4: 0703–0704, 0765–0843; 5: 0010–0150, see also Children, education of 0389–0464, 0564–1063; 6: 0023–0598; Temperance 11: 0223–0574, 1028–1029; 12: 0001–0409, V 2: 0001–0171; 16: 0417–0849 0501–0736; 13: 0001–0909; 17: 0001–0857; Texas 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; V 4: 0765–0843 21: 0001–0884; 24: 0001–0511 Trist, Elizabeth House VI 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0914; 12: 0472–0534, IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978 1014–1015; 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; Trist, Nicholas Philip 15: 0001–0852; 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 18: 0001–0626, 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 20: 0001–1183; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 23: 0001–0923; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 26: 0001–1084; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 29: 0001–1007; 30: 0001–0990, 0991–1064 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 see also Women Trist, Virginia Randolph Smith, Laura Cole IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; V 5: 0010–0150 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; South Carolina 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; V 5: 0010–0150; 15: 0001–0888; 16: 0001–0942; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406; 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 23: 0001–0210, 0304–0783; 24: 0001–0511, Trist family 0586–0875 IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; Stiles family 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; Switzerland 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; IV 17: 0463–0464 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 V 1: 0074–0351 Tuskegee Female Academy Taylor, Sally Elmore V 1: 0543–0544; 2: 0247–0347, 0431–0728; V 24: 0586–0875 4: 0765–0843 Taylor family Ulmer, Margaret Anne V 24: 0001–0511, 0586–0875 V 4: 0771–0843

145 Virginia pictures IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; V 1: 0806–0905; 11: 0192–0193 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; VI 18: 0594–0596; 30: 0962–0963 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; remiscences 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; V 10: 0446–0923; 11: 0001–0168; 24: 0001–0511, 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 0586–0875 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 VI 12: 1014–1015 V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; rights 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 IV 7: 0385–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 10: 0001–0206 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; scrapbooks 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; V 4: 0703–0704; 14: 1059–1060; 16: 0870–0942 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–1026; VI 17: 0473–0989 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; social conditions 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626, IV 1: 0035–0954; 2: 0001–0884; 3: 0001–0978; 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; 4: 0001–0890; 5: 0001–0923; 6: 0001–0912; 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; 7: 0001–0875; 8: 0001–0902; 9: 0001–0869; 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; 10: 0001–0926; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0001–0901; 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0911; 15: 0001–0973; 30: 0001–0990, 0991–1064 16: 0001–0861; 17: 0001–1040 Waddell, Susanna Gordon V 1: 0001–0009, 0064–0504, 0522–0905; 2: 0001– VI 30: 0991–1064 0881; 3: 0001–0699; 4: 0001–0377, 0399–0704, Weed, Julia McKinne Foster 0771–0843; 5: 0010–0367, 0389–0464, 0551– V 23: 0001–0210 1063; 11: 0223–1029; 12: 0001–0736; 13: 0001– Wesleyan Female College 0909; 14: 0780–0823; 15: 0011–0339, 0553–0888; VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; 16: 0001–0366, 0870–0942; 17: 0001–0857; 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0223 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 20: 0001–0882; West Indies 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406, 0407–0815; V 17: 0001–0857; 18: 0001–0954; 19: 0001–0926; 23: 0001–0210, 0304–0783; 24: 0001–0511, 0586– 20: 0001–0882; 21: 0001–0993; 22: 0001–0406 0875 Woman’s Exchange VI 1: 0001–0842; 2: 0001–0974; 3: 0001–0810; VI 14: 0373–0840 4: 0001–0559; 5: 0001–0726; 6: 0001–0780; Women 7: 0001–0887; 8: 0001–0858; 9: 0001–0947; account books 10: 0001–0802; 11: 0001–0929; 12: 0414–1026; VI 16: 0315–0510; 17: 0001–0078; 18: 0080–0588; 13: 0001–1039; 14: 0001–1055; 15: 0001–0852; 30: 0358–0386 16: 0001–0510; 17: 0001–1078; 18: 0001–0626, commonplace books 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; VI 17: 0090–0412; 30: 0996–1032 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; diaries 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; V 1: 0074–0351; 2: 0247–0347; 4: 0399–0600, 0771– 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; 0843; 5: 0010–0367, 0389–0464; 23: 0304–0783; 30: 0001–0990, 0991–1064 24: 0001–0511 see also Single women VI 3: 0809–0810; 4: 0001–0124; 10: 0001–0802; Writers 11: 0001–0914; 12: 0505–0534; 15: 0820–0852; IV 12: 0192–0901; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0293; 16: 0001–0240; 18: 0080–0588; 30: 0991–1064 17: 0735–1040 essays V 1: 0543–0544, 0693–0774; 2: 0001–0347; 5: 0001– IV 12: 0192–0901; 13: 0001–0919; 14: 0001–0293; 0150, 0389–0464; 22: 0407–0815; 24: 0001–0511, 17: 0735–1040 0586–0875 health VI 18: 0627–1174; 19: 0001–1175; 20: 0001–1183; V 4: 0001–0167 21: 0001–1211; 22: 0001–1092; 23: 0001–0923; notebooks 24: 0001–1034; 25: 0001–0988; 26: 0001–1084; V 5: 0389–0464; 16: 0870–0942 27: 0001–1003; 28: 0001–0797; 29: 0001–1007; VI 14: 0990–-0991; 15: 0001–0799; 17: 1077–1078; 30: 0001–0990 18: 0001–0588; 29: 0979–1007