HE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Right Rev
•«••••Han HE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Right Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese 79th Year PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922. MSGB. GAULEY, ERIE, SOLEMNLY The New Pontiff- UN DOMESTIC PRELATE | Achille Cardinal Ratti FRIE, Pa.,,Feb. 1.—Surrounded by the clergy of the Erie diocese and visit- ing clergymen, the Right Rev. Monsignor Peter Cauley was formally vested in the office of Monsignor in St. Patrick's Church, while officials of Archbishop of Milan, Elected Successor of Pope the city and county, members of St. Patrick's congregation and representa- tive citizens of the city crowded the edifice. Father Cauley was officially vested in the robes of the office, which was Benedict XV.—Assumes Head of the Church awarded him by the late Benedict XV. as official recognition of the woik which he has accomplished in his twenty-eight years of pastorate at St. As Pope Pius XI. Patrick's, but though he wears the purple of the Monsignor, he will still be known as Father Peter. That is his one greatest wish—that he does not ARDINAL ACHILLE RATTI, Archbishop of Milan, was elected Pope on lose that simple title, with which he has labored in his church and by which C the seventh ballot in the Conclave of Cardinals in the Vatican on Mon- he has come to be known so prominently and so favorably. day February 6, 1922, and will reign under the name of Pope Pius XI. The ceremony of investment was brief and formal. The Rev. Richard T. When the chimney of the Sistine Chapel announced that a new Pope had Guilfoyle read the official notification which had been received from Pope been elected, the large crowd in St.
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