French Line For^Sale
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mm -* ^ •*-; ^" '" ~ — ' Saturday EveniVr; ^"^ ;" "THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Tune 30, 1906. ^^^^^^^f^T^t^^^} FORRBOT FOE RENT &EAL ESTA^FOR ftALE ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CfcADLE, ALTAR AND GRAVE Continued. t OVERSTOCKED IN NEW AND SEOOND-HAND For EeEt^-Unfurnished Houses. For Rent—Unfurnished. Rooms. Improved. ; ^ ^ FariDt Lands. \^;r*w office, store, bank, drug, confectionery and REAI, ESTSATE, TRANSFERS r WANTED—SMALL HOME 1ST CITY OB GOOD LAEGE FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE ENTRANCE, > *** ^ Continued * " "' bar fixtures; also showcases, wallcases, mir IOOO00OO0 o O O O O O ""O < country town; 1 bate 820 acres of very choice rors, desks, typewriters, chair, tables, 'coun > ' $48.50. , < all modern, large light clothes closet, plenty 160 ACRES. RED LAKE 00., $15 PER ACRE. Canadian land, 8% miles from Antler, Assa., ter, shelving, rcfrlgeratorsr~safee, scales, etc. RAILWAY TIMETABLES' * > 8019 2d av S, choicest "neighborhood in < of .hot water. Refcrescesr No housekeeping; SLOANE-McOULLOOH AGENCY,- 240 acres, Kanahec Go., $15 per-acre. well settled country; will give someone good Prices made that will sell, if you want the i Minneapolis, ten-room, thoroughly mod- < Call soon. 1818 Hawthorn &T. , Oneida Block, 104 4th stf S, *• ,400 acres, Itasca Co., well timbered, $15 deal In exchange Address Frank Downs, goods. Don't forget the place. I . OQEAft-. STKAltftrTTFj»!j:? *g^ > « era house: hardwood, floors throughoutj < FOR RENT—FOUR MODERN UNFURNISHED 1 per acre, Willmar, Minn. Twin City Fixture Co., , ,/,, > >. extra choice heating plant; everything < rooms on second floor; three on first floor, $12 160 acres, Price Ct>..^Wla.. one mile from 228 3d st S. * v > is In first-class condition; large barn, < jf. Trackage Investment, ,->,£, 4 FOR EXCHANGE—$1,700 EQUITY IN STOCK BUILDING PERMITS" -M^fl and $18. 1644 Hennepin »r. station, $15 per acre » BANK FIXTURES, SAFES, ALL SIZES, FROM > ** • walking distance. ' 160 acres. Sargent Co., N. p.. one mile of large mercantile company for like equity in > Thorpe Bros, 806 Andrus Bldg. < TO LET—FOUR ROOMS, 1788 10th AV S; FOUR good modern house or for clear lots in Sunny- 400 to 4,400 pounds, including burglar-proofs, j \& J '*„|« >'oooooot>ooooooo 125 feet, $9,800. ' ' from Forman, $13 per acre, to trade for clear rooms. 1610 8th av S. Wyman Elliot, SIS Milwaukee trackage, inside of 7th" at, front land in North Dakota or Saskatchewan terri side, Lake of the Isles or Calhoun district. time locks, roll top and standing desks,, office "j^iM E 18th st. fiat 8. Address 4825, -Journal. counters, tables and partitions, cash regis •22.50^-1916 HILLSIDE AT, 8 BOOHS, HOD- ing prominent street. Buildings oh the tory. * pioicrty now rented, paying 8 per cent on Equity in half section in Traverse Co., one ters, counters, shelvlngs, refrigerators, lunch CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AMP™ era except lieact. THREE ROOMS, MAY BE USES FOR LIGHT WILL TRADE UNINCUMBERED TIMBER counters and stools, floor counters and wall- housekeeping 200** Bryant av S price Inside trackage is getting; scarce mile from str tion land in clover bolt near Mllaca, Minn., tor ST. ©AUL RAILWAY. ' •13 00—2229 7«i st S, store. Equity In halt section in Big Ston« Co., six well-located cottage In Minneapolis. Bert cases, stoves and furniture. 1027 Washing $13.00—848 Summer at NB, 4 rooms, city water FOUR, fiLSV. 5th AV S, *S. FOWlJPSTAlIS; < 1. and we consider this a splendid Investment ton av S. T. C. 1045. City ticket office, 328 Hlcollst A«nu«. Ptton* 131 v and as it pay a good income now, it miles from station. "" t Winter,1208 Bank of Commerce building, Kin. Faiienstr station, Washington and Mn So and toilet. 803 11th. av B. $8. D neapoUsy Minn. ooooooooooooooo leave «Bsilv |Ea Sunday. «x.«»tord»T. Arrive. 112.00—627% 3d av NB, 5 rooms, city water. would pay to hold for better price. Address 1474, Journal, */ « - TO EXOHANGE-«AVE TWO RESIDENCE 0 CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. •7 BO am Chiesfo, KUwaakee, liCrotie •lOSOpn. .. $10.00—2229 7th st S, 3 rooms. $5500—66x120 ft. lot' and buildings, well 000000000 000000 o I havfc for sale complete set Encyclo- *S45pm Chieago, Milwaukee, L»Qro»» *12 01 jun Jfc Charles M._Morton Co., 300-802 Nicollet Av._ For Rent—Stores. )9ts In St. Paul to exchange for new Rem* • 8 00pm Chicago, Milwaukee, EaOroue •SOOan.fS rented, on thorne av, inside of 10th lngton. No. 6, typewriter, or will sell tha o pedia Britanuica, 31 volumes, new; cost *1000pm Chisaso. Milwaukee. LaCroiae ........«1J 01om_, 000-000 OOOOoOOO o BIG EXcrrasioN o SOUTHEAST — DE8IRA.BL.L EIGHT-ROOM st. Price of lot in rear, SS0O per front lots Cor cash. Address 4880, Journal. o *68, will sell for S-40 cub. If taken In ten * 3-SOpxn Chfcmeo, Dubuque, B«Tmn»ii • ....*10 «NC.' 860 8d AV S, o to No^th Dakota, o o days. For foil information address U&i, 0 •8 20 am Horthfield, Faribault, Maaen City •10«a»i? bouse, 720 8th av SB. all modem conveniences, foot; 9th st to be extended to Haw SEVERAL STOCKS OF HARDWARE __ 0 24x90, basement, first, second and third 9 Journal. *MOrm BorthBeld, Faribau*, Xaeon City 'OtOpm , newly painted and decorated American floors, or will divide to suit tenant; Tory thorne from Hennepin. Chance to doable o To the rich soil, free eoal and big crape o general 'merchandise to exchange for lands; d 714 pm Northfield, Faribault, aurtin *.til Man Standard Food Co.. 112 2d gt N. reasonable rent. J your money. 0 of all grains—to tha $14 land that pays 0 only owners need apply. Fremont S. Gibson, 000000000000600 |aO—3040 GLRABD AV S, "EIGHT ROOMS, GAS, o for Itself every year. Come now and go o FOR SALE CHEAP—BAKERY OUTFIT, IN- Apply to $8500—Completely modern home or 8 rooms, Mason City, Iowa. eluding one mahogany finished 17-foot wall city water, being nicely repaired, good neigh Thorpe Bros., o with us. It doesn't «ost much and takes o borhood, won't sell. hardwood floors, open plumbing, well and o only a few days. 100-acre homesteads' o CTREAMERY IN IOWA TO EXCHANGE FOR cabinet, upper doors glass, lower doors wood 806 Andrus Building. ood barn. Penn av N, one block from 16p-acre farm. Box 15*. Pilot Mound, Iowa. panel, wide base; also 7-foot upright show Bass, Guaranty Bldg o o o o o o o ooo o o o o 0 free, except for locating tees. Ask for o J th av N carline. Get after this quick. o maps and facts. William H. Brown Co.. 0 case, large refrigerators and 8-foot counters 8 20 am Kanau City, Darenport, Koek Ialand..t «.«pn« " i sUX-ROOM "HOUSE, MODERN, GOOD WELL f : i and cellar, screens and storm, windows; will ONE-HALF STORE IN "FINEFINE" BUSINESS Dis 0 Mandan, N. D, r ' ' o to match; also portable oven, capacity 50 10 00pm M&diion, JaneaviUe, Kockford flOSOpBt trict; exceptionally fine location for manicure, 11 Mam Mankato, Well., Jackasn tlGOpra^ do any repairs for a reliable tenant. Call o . -' ' ' 0 loaves. 125 7th st S. 6 05pm Mankato, Well*, Montgomery tlOlOpm 229 Broadway NE. parlor, or dressmaking; half of store now ooooopoop 0000000 ^^JraETraXAJPROPERTY^ PIANOS—THIS -WEEK'S BAXtaAXNS~XNlTOTES 10 15 am Aberdeen, Sisieton, Hutehlneon t SOU pas $1,400—THREE-KOOM COTTAGE. CITY 8T/irarsr SOUTHERN ALB£KX&, WESTERN occupied by first class milliner Location 1020 OOO 90000000/0000 pianos: Solimer piano, $215; two Belmlng * 6 46pm Aberdeen, Ortonville, Fargo • 1 15anv? fcONDEN HILLS, LAKE HARRIET, EIGHT- Hennepin av. water, plastered, etc.; beautiful location. CANADA. • 2 20pm Milwaukee, LaCroiae *S05pm-- room house, fronting and near the lake, at o FURNISHED COTTAGE, 18 ROOMS, pianos, $l80-$295, two Sterling pianos, T19». Minneapolis Tract Co., $1,000—Beautiful double corner, east front, at $15 for round trip, 1,600 miles, half cent a d fine water front, suitable for boardlng- $265; Brinkerhoff piano, $215, Vose piano, THE FASC.T MAI B.L leave &s at 6:4Q.6 p.m Ryl. 44th st, $25 month. Perclval, 806 Guaranty Hennepin and Fourth St. Lynnhurst; this is choice; close to car. mile. -See our land in Sunny Southern Alberta THE PIONEER LIMITED leaves at 8:00 p.**.- building. o house or large family, at Cottagewood. $215; Jewett piano, $180. Kasy terms Fos- Phone—N. W.. Main 860: T. C 311* FOR RENT—SECOND FLOOR OF BUILDING, $800—For two more beautiful Lynnhurst lots Last big excursion before harvest. Leaves o Rent moderate. Also furnished cottage of , ter & Waldo, 36 5th st S, corner NlcoUet av. Ticket office, cor. 3rd and Nicollet, OR RENT—NO. 2123 13th AV S, 6 ROOMS, 28 6th st 8; good location for merchant tailor that are fine and sightly t nice trees. Minneapolis Tuesduy morning, July 10, over o 5 rooms, with good boating, water front, FOB. BALE—ACETEYLENE GAS PLANT, 20 Union Depot—Nicollet and High St. all modern except beat, front and back porch, or other light business. Inquire at Well's, $800—50 feet on Irving and 22d st; all street O at Cottage wood. $100 for the season All Trains Dally 1 Arrive 42-44 6th st S. the Soo Go with us and see the finest land light, flrat-claBS condition, cost $120, will seH $17. Louis fr. Gayner. 640 Temple Court. improvements in. fine trees on this, bean- in western Canada. This rate is good from o Good camping ground to rent on Robin- for $60, made by Eagle Mfg. Co., St. Louis, -30 a.m. CMeago Day Limited 10:45 p.m.