
Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Dr. Abraham Pais

Dr. Pais was born i n on May 19, 1918. He obtained

his Doctor's Degree at the University of Utrecht in 1941. During the

years of the occupation, he continued to work under conditions of great

difficulty, and the year after the war he was an assistant at the Insti-

tute of in , In the fall of 1946, Dr. Pais

came to the Institute for Advanced Study.

~he record of Dr. Pais' work in the last decade is almost a

history of the efforts to clar ify our understanding of basic atomic theory

and of the nature of elementary particles. Pais first proposed the compensa-

tion theories of elenientary particles, and much of his work tas been devoted.

to exploring the success and limitations of these theories, and indicating

the radical character of the revisions which will be needed before they can

successfully describe the sub-atomic world. Pais has made important contri-

butions to nuclear theory and to electrodynamics . He is one of the few

young theoretical who within the last decade have enriched our

understanding of physics.

Statement prepared by J . R. Oppenheim.er Enclosure: Bibliography of papers by Dr. Pais Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA


The ener gy moment um tensor in projective r elativity theor y, Physi ca 8 (1941), 1137-116o . Projective theory of meson fiel ds and electromagneti c pr operties of atomi c nuclei, Utrecht, 1941 (Thesis) . Mes on f ields i n projective space, Physica 9 (1942) , 267- 284. On the elect r ic charge curr ent densi ty of a nuclear system, Physica 9 (1942) , 407- 421. On the photo disintegration of the deuteron, Proc. Copenhagen Acad. 20 (19h3), No . 17. Lifetime of the neutral meson, Natur e 156 (19!6) , 715- 716. On the theory of the el ectron and the nucleon, Phys . Rev. 68 (1945) , 227-228.

(Wit h L.J.F. Broer ) Note on the theor y of vector wave fields, Pr oc. Amsterdam Acad. 48 (1946) , 190. On the scattering of f ast by pr otons, Pr oc. Camb . Phil. Soc. 42 (1946) , 45-54. On the self- energy of mesons , Physi ca 12 (1946) , 81- 96.

(Wit h L. Hul then) On proton-neut r on scatterine, Phys . Rev.

On the theory of el ementary part i cl es, Ver handeli ngen Kon. Ned. Ac . v. Wetenschappen Amsterdam (With C. Mpl ler)

On t he possibl e existence of mass spectra of el ementary particl es, Pr oc. Phys . Soc. London. Devel opments in t he theor y of the el ectr on (1948) 45 pp. , pub. of IAS and P. Uni v. , Princet on Uni v . Press (Out of print) .

(By AP and S.T. Epstein) Note on relativisti c pr oper ties of self- ener gies, Revs. Mod, Phys. 21 (1949), 445-446.

(By AP and K.M. Case) On - or bit inter actions and nucl eon- nucl eon scatter­ ing, Phys . Rev. 80 (1950 ), p. 203- 211..

(By AP and G. E. Uhlenbeck) On Fiel d Theor ies wit h Non- Localized Action, Physi cal Review, Vol. 79 , No . 1, 145-165, July 1, 1950.

(By AP and K. M. Case) On High Energy Nucl eon- Nucl eon Scatter ing, Physi cal Revi ew, Vol. 79, No . 1, 185, July 1, 1950. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for AdvancedU'rf Study, Princeton,emorandum NJ, USA To______Mrs..-.Russ.ell ...... _...... Date.... .~ .?.!~~~-:. .. ~?.!__ _~2_ ~~-:.. .

Dear Kay :

Pl ease tell Robert that I would very much like to have a discussion on the relativistic two-bodih! problem, for the seminar of December 5. Levy has new i deas on ,f,ri'is problem and is vdlling and eager to give this seminar.

A. Pais.

AP : jds. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA


November 1, 1950.

Dear Robert:

In case I do not see you in Chicago, this is to tell you that I have spent sometime in getting further into the mesonics, but I would not be able to give a well digested account of affairs next Tuesday. I have asked Sylvia to announce for Tuesday a seminar entitled, "Further Discussion of Meson Production". I hope that you will have the floor there for a considerable amount of time. May I remind you of the idea that you should, at sometime, give an account of the high energy cosmic ray data; perhaps this could be the following week.

I will be back this coming Sunday. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

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Send the fol(owing message, subject to the terms on back hereof. whicj1 are hereby agreed to

September 27, 1950

Luxe:nburgh . Contact Id.lewild arriving Seaboard 74644,

Pais -· Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA 1201 '.ASS OF SERV!Cl! SYMBOLS OL •Day Letcet This is a full-Tate WESTERN Telegram or Cable­ wam unless its de­ ferred characur is in­ LC• Del=cd Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above OT pre­ NLT- Cable Niaht L~ucr ceding the address. UNION W. P . MARSHALL, PRES IDENT Ship RiidlQSTI1m

The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of recelp\~~~l~·~';« PW of Cilf&"tion PA 048 / ~.



t. E

s -· .... 74644 =(

THE COMPANY W1LL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

PONT-ROYAL HOTEL 7 , Rue Monl:alemberl.PAR.IS

R . SOAU:lAT~ Adm~i..rcct.1"

Metue Direcl.J.on. l:lOTEf~ ASTORIA ·VJ CHY

To ( ~ T f1- (A ~ ~ ~~,, JY1 ALJ, ~ f'fJ- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ -1 ~~ti.W °" )._~., ~ ~1 · t ~ ,.,.A, rt ~ :tk ~yJ. ~ 4 ~-u u.Jk ,J.l

~ f>v, hT1M w, L ~ ~ . ! v!tl ~ w!­ ! ~tJ . f ~ktl ~~ ,u._.v..1 ~ ~ ~¥(M ~ ~ ~c. ~.J- oxr,,c i ~ ~ L~ r.~ · l ~~ :tlt_ f;-{~ ~~ ~-J ~&_ ~Ju.l. a,.~~ ,t,4 h~ ~a-r~~~ - r cL~ ~ ~ ~ vJJ, -k fa~ t, Jc. D~ w~ ktw~ d·-· ~ · Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

JJay 21, 1949

• To: l!r. Dradlcy w.~s Trinterud

From s Urs • IR..ar;y The following motion.CJ were passed by the Board of Trusteos at the meettng of April 15, _1949:

1 . That the Institute contribute "71 500. t o the Prir.ceton Hospital Building Fund fro the cc ·tingent fund . 2. That Dr. Pais' appointtlent he changed to er .i,;ermanent membership witll a taxable nala.ry of ... aouo. dth a · TIAA annual contribution of 5% of this salary from the Institute to be matched by a si.."lti.lar contribution from Dr. Paio.

These motions were f orma.11¥ approvod at the moeting of the Board on L:ay 20, 1949. Concerning (1) above: Please sec that this cont?""lbution appears as a chargo agairmt tho cont Jgency fund and not against t'US as it docs in the April statement.

Concernin~(2) abovo: See tho Director's letter of A~ril ~ ~, 1949.

Assistant ~ocrotary of fAX!rd of Tru~1tee'3 Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA /


June 17th to 25th - Sail~ "flarine Jumper", Nelf York to Plymouth Correspondence address: c/o J. Pais 139 Weesperzjde Amsterdam C, Holland

July 5th to 9th - Physical Institute Electrotechnical High School ZUrich, Switzerland

End of July to September loth- Institute of Theoretical Physics Blegdamsvej 15 Kopenhagen ¢, Denmark

Return passage September 22nd... 11Marine Jumper"

Shipping information: tr . S. Lines, 1 Broadway HewYork L. , N. Y.

Plans indefinite for attending Solvay Co~ rees. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA


Th!s ia to corti!y t !!at Dr. Abrah&!ll Pais is a Permanent l.'.aobor 0: t ho Institut9 f o:- Advanced qtudy. 1 Ie rocoives ft.'OIJ. us an annual ao.J.ar.r of ,8, 000 to take care of his e>,:ponaos while in thiD country. Dr. Pe:is is a mfElhor of high starding at ~bio inDtitution and in thio comrunity; and we should croatl.y appraciato GVor7 conoi.daration beir.g givou Dr. Pais in con.""loction with '1.is ro--ontry i nto t he .

l'..obert Oppoohaimor Diroctor

Subscrlbad and sworn to before oo Uris 11th day or June, 1949

Hot Public or new Jeroey Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE 1NSTITUTE FOR ADV AN CED STUDY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY


To: Mr. Bradley Miss Trinterud

From: Mrs. Leary

!he following motions were pafos by the d of Trustees at the meeting of April 15, 1949: /~

1. That the Institut e cent i b $71 500. t o the Princeton Hospital Building l'und r the contingent fund. 2. That Dr. Pa.is' a t ~ changed to a permanent membership wit~ salary of $8000. wit h a T IAA annual co t of 5% of t his salary from ~ the Inst t hed by a s imilar contribution

These mot o ormally approved at the meet ing of the I Board on May 20, 1949. / Concerning (1) above; Plea se see that this contribution appears as a charge against the contigency fund and not against=t-115 as it does in the April statement. Concerning (2) above: See the Director' s letter of April 20, 1949.

Assistant Secretary of Board of Trustees Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton,PflY NJ, ICUSA Copy to : ss lnke rs. Leney • SS 'J'rintorud

prtl 20, 19h9

,.. Dr. Ot

It Ci voe no croat l cnool 0 th~tica, t.~ aculty or tbe aud rustooa o. tho I mlituto t tlt otatu:i o! your ppo ttxElt t o tho t'\TO clJant: o 1n t etntuo: (l)


own u Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

HOUSI:r:J Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA •

UNIVERSITETETS INSTITUT FOR ·\ TEo~ETISj;K ~=tK • • ~ \ ~ ..- ~ \ -~ "' .... .- . Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA • •

'J • _ ,. ":'t . ... ,. ... Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA ~emorandum To·------llr-.--B.J;sdle.y: ...... --··----···--····----·-·------··-·--·--·Date...... ~f~5./ ~------

?ilrs . Le~r.Y From...... ·------·------·------·-----··------·------Re.... :P.:!..! .. . ?..~~-~ .. :: .. ?:A ..P.. ~~-~~-~~!1______

Dr. Pais is taking third f loor of 14 Dickinson egai n - s~arting to pay rent of 550 a month on September 1st. The same terms as l ast year, as we agreed, which includex the garage. He has asked that following be done: 1 . Doer be1'ween hi s bedroom and living room be t aken off.

2 . Bookshelves be buil1' in in closet of front room - to give appesrance of built-in library. Door to be taken o£f. He thinks there will Le room lef t to store things.

J . He has s ent books from Holland to Dickinson - should arrive about Sept . 1st. Can arrangement be made to get t hem inside? 4 . He wants a couch-t-ed (housing ones, I suppose) i n bedroom i nstead of regulBr t ied he had. I sh6ll have to see what I can give him of my f urniture ai'ter Sept. 8th -I ' ll te.Ll Mrs . Stephens. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA J

August 25, 1948

My Ciear PE!6ha :

tiotb your nice lett ers reaC.:.ed me E.nd I cm sorry t.o e so l~te in re :>ly-in5. e hE> ve hct, &nd e.1e hE.viLt-,, E. •• ectic t L'1e . Kt.y i s still itn u s - v r:;;· ~ucb so - ut momantEri ly e eX"P ect t o se~ her t ~ ke o~f . Te Op~enreim~1s st.1lod t e twenti eth. Before you get t.is t~ey wil.J.. protatly re i n Ko~eLbagen, and eeei.L., ;>-ou.

L\o~t t . e mcney - t Fir~t uation. l ~~nk is cs ling ~ou 4QO . t~CtJ , 1..0 the Ame l ean wcpeess Com ..,t:.ny , Kopenl i gen. Tl e,, aavi sed me to sent.. it to you in Tr t velers checks since ot! err.i se \~L cul~ rotclly ~et l t e.l i n D8.11iEh cu~ 1 enC"' • I cs not sure WN:.t l!l6thoo : ou 1referreEl rut presU111ed t. creeks mi.,;ht r c et.,,er since you are lesving L enm~ rk s o sc.on . They " ill r.o r. guLla.r.t Be c.olla1 crea.its E;nyv" e 1 e no s.p s.r ently - t ut t hey did t e,L- me ypu coulc.. take our c1 oice a rout tue checks when t t e remit t ince ree: ct.e s you so I i.ope all is well . T_. e 200. i ~ ae

cl eek cl: .... t rges wnen n e h<. ve t em .

I heve sent e ct eck t o c.he SlLvia Trcciit.g Company in f . or of Mr . Mila Trefuy - t eraily , I 1 m ai.rtl • It ::;eeme ei easi es t o senct my ;:> -rsonsl ct.eek for .itO.

!tout t .e apartment - I ro1 e i t c~n te fiJ:ed up tLe g;y ) OU ant it. Tdung r.be .....o or olf ecru. ect.i.n6 t. e t o rooms, er.d t !...e cot ch i nstec d 01 the • ed, ri....l be easy. An ..... Mr . 01edley ie senailg so;..eone down doi;t trn t ookst.e.L'lle~ to toe t uilt in in the closet. Thtt will have t o ce cLeCA&d -ttL t.he lon...lord. I C6nr1ot qui te visualize those t wo r ooms ~s 0Le - ith t htt na1ro dooI'1'1c; t u t. m&JLe i t wi.d.. work out. .-e 71.ll le on t t e lookout i°or t l e books .

Tt.e f urniture is going t o te " ?roblem t ut e wi l do t.Le tect. ~ e cE-n . lly .. r ather is bei.1 & married r:ext eek - my sister is t aking her sLare - I have t c. move t o a furn~ture1.ess gc r age - so I j ust d.o not know what pi eces Oi ou1s wi ll still t·e <: t Dickinson . If w." l ut,e t. tle i s J.1ut over ;>OU wiL. ht Ve it. It i s uow in e profes'"or 1 f' r.otA'e tor t.te -.sum:ner and ma,y Lave to t t ry tho1 .

No ne ~f t.is sourdc t vo encoure.gi.ng fer your pl ans - flt.. i ch Teell~ a1 e 1,ice - t ut I on sure e can :n... Ke 1 t, .Live. r le •

.Hout t h-:: In ti tut~ - i t hes missed. yot. very much . Ac-sh£. ceme t .rough 1£ t i igb.t . lie Sf..ils [ E.tullB.ay , J.ugur. t ....o th, on the -auretanin, l ut t. i.nkr- t~ m..:iy jusL CU.es ~Oti in Ko penhagen. hn l ooked e rJ 1 ut ell. lii s cer .rokn don in i .. i ourl w.a. after a week oi nu1 sing it L.e t.ad t o d e ~ rt i t . 1. el is flti.U Lll:r.,. . 1Ln ;:i ap~rs have - een line;e1 ing . Pt een t r e Ste. r.e Dept. anc ti- r r i ti st. ZoLe 1 or men t h_ - 6nr th. t i s a Lev _r-nev =- r l an

Teele a~ e onl y t wo ph. iclsts he1e - a Kenneth e t aon w.o is working ·itz S~ th end Lepoie ho s l ivin..., £. t Kay' s e nd seems ver;1 e .. : nA t . ut t~e Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA ..

place s t ayt. cro d.ed wit "h i sso1·t ed CL1E> 1act ez-n . e have l een } u c eve1") mi ut e . Mexico a j ut t a dream &nd I waa not. too anxious t o go a1 :,110 • I did ht..,. (.. • ri9f ~e.I[ l.D Uc;.rbleheac. - rl~ you blo n '" e t.h " is? - su rounded rlth my cousin;>, oy urcles Ewd my ti..n ts - a..l Dutcn, of course.

Dr. Oppenh0 _mer le i n c.na 01. t h.st week. I tilink e jur t I d time to orlj· him r u t t Le J ut lendie. looked re utifully pee.ceful t.nd I imr ~ine l .... th 01 t.liem. i_.._ bc._ve L. needed i eepite. bu t ti q 1'l'ol e fa.mil.) l ookeo. tlooming ~1 t e1 O a.li~ornia .

The n e~ 01fice wings ~r e a . ro c.."ling t t,e c rper.t '! ir10;, st"'ge. So far offices have 1 ot. t een sllocE 1.teu, lut t entt tiV-1) I hEVe .1ut. your nan on an o... r i ce int e wirg ( ) n °a 1e~ t Dr. 0 ' ~ OL~ice . ... ti.ought y~u .er uuoecideu. Of course .. oL:r ol 1 o ...'1 i ce r·PJRt..ins :-urs Lni:.i l you aecide ot ei - wise . T.e ings will not ha com letea un~il Octo~e1 at any 1Ete .

P101e~Eo1 Hc.1old Ch~rniss is t e ne.:ne . He ls expect c ( 'i.tt M1s. Ch ... 1niss) c:bol.i t September 8th rna ir: t ,·e toot t ue Inn fo1 a t.ilP r t. ir fi;.rr1i"' in<;)s i 1 r ~ ,e e1e. His pre ant c.a ress i s tne Univ•Jrsity of Celifoinir Et I:.e1keley, l ut you lwd tet t --r odaress him here. r1 e Ins titute m:ght te tre ssfert Lidress.

I .eve j ust note~ ~F t .re ~ ft e i nccmin memt rs, Proi~s~o 1

J ar: e./ ~c.:.1 fro K.1ako , Polcnc , is o .... k1, 6 o,ssr0 e on t •. p ll iin'l J um:>er expect.l1 0 to c.1ri ve rere lir ou t Octcre1 lst. I ao r:oc kt..... •1' en,,thing ltou t him e:l\cept t he:t P ofessor Wheeler hCls teen i nterestPd i n r,is comiP~ . /

.,eforP cl osing I trust me.kP ccni ession . Rel i:,ave u e :r-our smm..~ng pool ce.ro snu e er: t. as j our i c;Jllil,, - " e " t einc:. :J1 s . Goa el er d I . I l 01 get which WC.S your Wife na uich your ~au gi,te1 l out e ShfJ..1. '1oVP to tree 4' ) OU to a swim if u ale rack in t i _e . Th~ t in 2e8.l.-¥ good pool - if you get then~ ea1 l.> •

-or' t et.r yourseli ou t. conferring . But I am j etlou ~ - I WOt...ld li.e to study ph.>"icf-' end see tLe world •

. JIJ t7ery besi:. to you - 1te me if t! ere i s i::nytt.i1g else. I T'ill ieaLy tIJ to hve :--our apt.rt-.:ent. .fi xed up . 1 ju.. t do Lot think c o n do as ell t, r urnitur e as w~ did 1, st JC&r . Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA - . -

. /'\

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~ LyV't/. A f"-: J~ ~ ""' ~ M /)..... i (,.-,,"&- - Pr,~~~ - ~ . •• .

' fu )L. ,,,_) , ) .h, ,.,.J,;~ I. ).,,.... ~ 'I;.:.... ~.

M ii.. ~ J~ }Yt /l-Vlt. 4l hu. ~ L t.: ci .L1tM F-",,, ;fL ~- /)f .; ~ r ,,_; . ~ .) do aU!f~ · . , . 11- AA< ~ ...;11. r _? ~ r r ~ L...... : ~ t'I'> " w~ . ~ ,.l,~r ~ ~ . la.. .,,.... Y ? t, :-t ~ - "~ ,,__/Hr ;&, (}µ/ ~ p., 1 ;&... i. ~ ,ti._ . fa...'-' }r ~ -/.;;,,,,.,_ ? . ~ . . ' . J~~~ a~,~~~~ J..,,:-/i. ~ . 91~ ~i~ t Jl.-fa) 4-1. ~ ~ ..;, ~... ~ .4fa.J., £(._ ~ ' Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby.. White , and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

; .

t'"'.Tr.!h 17 1 19h3

Ref: ID 0400/27976

Dear lir • Zimmerman i I have raceivad a form letter from your office, under your sit;nature, regard.in ~ the status of Dr . Abraham Pais, a ember of t ha Institute for Advanced 3t.udy. The letter stated t hat a notico had been received from this ir.stituti on advising that Dr. Pais -had been admit t ed as a 1tstudent11 , and requesting that l:;ds papers be sent to your office f or clarification of his irmnigration a tutus.

On ?Jovember 19, 1947 a notice had been sent to your office advising that D!'. Pais had returned t o the Institute after a short v13it to Denmark . No other notice had been sent that I know of. Dr . Pais has a 4(d) non-quota immigration visa, No . 52, issued at Kopenhagen on September 18., 1947.

Confusion may have arisen fror. the fact a report was sent to your office regarding Dr. Pais when this was not nccsssary under regulations for the 4(d) visa. If this is not the case,,- and you wish further information, or records, please let me know. '

Yours sincerely,

Director's O!rlce l!r. Kar1 I • Zimmerman Innnigration E Se:t'vice 42 S. 15th St.

Philadelphia 21 Pa. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby Whitel and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA



42 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET PLEASE RE FER TO TUtS Fil£ NU MBER PHILADELPHIA 2 , P A . March 11, 1948 ID 0400/27976 Dr . Abra.ham Pais 28 Hibben Road Princeton, N. J.

Dee r Sir~ :

A notice hAs been r ec 0 i ved f rom the school which you ar e attending , i n which it is stated t hat yo u wer e a dmitted to the Un i ted States as e student.

In or der that your i ·rnigr ation s tatus mey be dete rmined , it is r equested t hat you forward your pa ss­ port to this office by mail. ,.,ft er it has served its pur­ pose it will be r 0 turned t o you.

Ver y truly yours,

K?. rl I. Zimmerman Distr ict Director

By; Investigation and Sectfon Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

No. 4 Bear Mountain Inn, Front View Bear Mountain Park, N. Y. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA POST CARV ---- l ~ ------~::r=L ·--IMZ~ .----... ~ _____..

------;!';~ Fo..l~ ;-J Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA U'rCemorandum To...... !~!:.~-- - ~~~--~- ~-~-- -····························· ····· ·· ····· · ···················································· · ········ Date...... 6:.;:l6=-4B························

From... l.r.&.. ___ .9...... Jt.ep):. ~~r,:;; ...... Re ..... DI-··r<0~"6·; · ··· i-:: · · ·th ·:·· ·· ······· · ····· · · · ·· ·· ···· ···· ··· ··· ·· ·

I un 1 1~rnt snd thAt Dr Pais i s leaving either today or tomorro~ to

be [<:One unti l September. :·then he returns he tyill probably age1n

occuuy t hP ~na r t~ent at 14 Dicklneon ~ tr eet. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

June a. 1948

Alien Tax Division Room hOO 17 t h2nd St . New York, ~ . Y. Gentlemen• This io to certify that 'Dr . Abralim P4ais is ? erll>er in cood st~~ng i n the c.1lool of athc::la.tic.o> of the In~"itut tor Mvencad Study. He hllS bo.'.m a pointoo ... or Civ;r."}'Cr.:r torm ar.d has been fiivcn crant-in-aid o... 6,CX>O.oo per to covor tho m:panse.!j of his Gtay .:.n thi,,j country. This own is not given to him i:l co:npcn.'.i:::..,ion for oo..... lcC!l ?·e... 1 ard it thcreforo co os within the definition o" non-taxablo inco.r:ie as dorined by the Euraau of !nternal Revenue.

Dr. Pais plans to spond tho m.ICme:- contha visiting in land, Holland nm Denmark; he will sail f ror:i mY York on June 17th on the "&irinc Ju..niper 11 , e·nd will r.., turn to tho Uni too States on Soptembcr 22nd on the United Stat s Lines 11 ~ine J r". Dr. Pais io in every y qu~ified to rocei va tax cloaraneo ond sailing ponait.

Yours aincorol;-1

Robert Of>'P enheioor, Director

bscribad and sworn to baforo me this 6th Day of June, 19u8.

fJotary f>ublic 01 Ec. Jorsey Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Charge lo the account of------$______...J ri_;. -'~• F [r <;J:"~!) \._ CH~CK DOMESTIC CABLE 1206 ~Q)" v;.01·; ,,~·( I ' D.V CGEliT I Lt.:OP F~C: WESTERN A :COUNTING INFORMATION SE.O::' ~L ~m:AAEl I ~ .G>r. 'IGHT LEOU1 LE"""? I T ME FI LED (·..-•..rons ieholJ d d.t- t_.. n! JEr.-.co" di'Slted.; oth~ th~ mess:a~ v.-ill be UNIA.. N . WILLIAMS ON ~ttfli:u::r.tl'lf'o![1"1!!)ar o:di:atT eihfr--i.~. PR>="SIOENT

,Send the following telegram, subject lo lhe terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed lo

Radiogram uctober 6, 1947

Dr. Abraham Pais Lafayette (Atlantic)

Please call me as soon as you can. Have made plans for v~ednesday which I need to discuss with you.

Robert Oppenheimer Gharge Ins titute Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

~"' ~ .,}\ ..u ~ - 6 otl;~ ~ ;.;< ),)..,,.-~ "' ~ ~""" ~ ~~~ ~·.J..._j ~b... ~ ~~~~ L...l ~

September 30, 1947

Dear Brahm: I wil l be back Sunday night or Monday, accord­ ing to t he fortunes of war, and very eager to see you. Almost everything can wa it except 1·or one. I have sche­ duled our first t heoretical seminar, jointly with Prin­ ceton and ~olumbia, ror Wednesday afternoon, t he 8th, and have announced without misgivings, but not without a sense of guilt, that you ould report on t he talk at Copenhagen. I am sure that t~is is t he best way t o get the year started and a quite informal ~ppro a ch will surel y be good.

. V'hile you ~ere away, we haj a little Ram I sl and conference at Brookhaven and if you do not have enough to tell, and this would seem very unliKely to me, we can say a few words in comment about the term-shift problem and.&bout the me son mys teries. Have you seen the recent beautiful picture of Powell and Ochialini, in wh ich a meson produced in one star makes another? There i s very, very much to t al k of and I will look you UiJ as soon as I get back .


Dr . Abraham Pais Institute for Advanced Study Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA



" u:.. a,,,,,,·,,,) .:. ;:+.Jr·-~ ,~l"j 'I""" l ~ " fm,,.,. A+~ ;,. ...T/.l I 'l 'Wi u. ,,.f .,, L1.{ ; '"'"'/ /~· ...... , ~ ~ rkf ,~. - ,,.., . a..,,/, • """ ~ .-u:r-- Ill%[, ".,, ,.., ,,,& ~ ,(., ~ ! y.... ~ f ..! '*'1-~· 7 ~ .,..,_, ,,,_{(' ~ ..; ·fl.~. tJ .,. lirol, ., ~ ~ il. /£...,.,J ~, k ""'° r·7 --- 74.-. ffJ v~~ ~ "'-~ ~ -~ ~ ~/~ ,l /Jna.,~ ~~ /~ -1..c i.-.i ,t,, t...kfJ :. ~ a.. if ... .J ,~ ~ A 11, )-~ .; ~ .l ~ :,, £ "f.v1e ,,,.J...... , co! rl~ -.....J ~ ~/ Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

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').I Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

ugust 2 1 1947

Vear Dr. Pais:

It y be convenient to you, spec1 lly in connec­ tion itb your obt in1ng a suit ble vis for re- entr1 to the Unit d St tes1 to h ve a brief but of ·1c1al outline of th n.ture of our dut1 s the! . titute for Adv need Study.

As you ow, you ~ill b xpcct d, in addition to prosecutin res urch in tundam ntal physics that int r sts you, to p rticip, te in the tr 1ning or younger physicists, to t c rt in sominnrD, and rro ime to time o 1v• courses in instruction as may be commonly greed by us.

Thes t r ctivities, n your own res erc~es, should thus cont~ibut in an important y to dv ncing ~.eor tic l ph~sics .

Yours sincerely,

Robert Oppenheimer, Director-Elect Dr. Abraham ? is Institut e for Advanced Study r i nceton, • J . Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA



~~ . A/

J IWzi-. ~ ~ f'M·1L ~ ~- -4o ? nv,d ~ 4-L ,,,;. R · ~ ~~ID-IS a...,t,,,,,;t/ ~ ~4.,,, ¥ flrJ_ K J ~ ,,//. ~ I ~ A{d /1v-e 4v14 ~ + j t · i e.c.,._ r'"' ~ ~ 7' ~ ~ ·-.! /4. p~ 7 diJ ~ , ~u~ ~~J~~~~r~~ ,;/.~~~. /II 7 ~ tj IL-. ,_; /L. ~ ~ A w-L.,j_ ~ k ~ -r,,,_ r.tdi~'JdA.°"'r ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~- fa...-J. ~ """ t 4-.-k r-- ~ ~ /:d4',.,.Az ;i.;/4 k~. ~ ~,) µ ,,_~ ftr L ·7 ~ ;,e- . ? ~ 4 fd:; /Ld ;J ,hd~ ~ L,~ ~ ~ a.,,/~ ( d ,(, Ji,,,_ ~ ~ ~ L,r&,Je~ ;J;fL.-~~d-f.f)-~;... 4L.·~ ~Lu- ~r+-~ -a_

~·cJ0~ 1lnUi IL. 0 A t.>e<.-L M. "');,_t a.~~~ ;t, ,#~ ~ ~~ ~ ry ldit iuo...L..,, ~ · ~ w J L ,,u,J~ ~~ LJ ~~ f~~ ~~~h Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

J, -111, #11 ~1. - /./, 3 //Jl Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

April 7, 1948 Pais, Abraham Physics Dr.phil. 1941 Univ. Utrecht Born l:ay 19, 1918, Amsterdam, Holland Citizenship - Dutch Unmarried Entered USA.: 1) on S. S. Edam, Sep.16/ 46 at NYC under Temporary visitor' s visa No.219, issued Aug. 2/46 at Copenhagen, Denmark, expiring Aug . 2/47. Entry pennit expires Sep.16/47 2) on s . s . Lafayet te Victory (Am. Export tines), Oct. 7/47 at NYC under Non-quota Immigration Visa (4- D) No . 52, issued Sep.18/47 at Copenhagen,Denmark. No expiration ~o -...i-1 Princeton home address - f.¥.~/¥.rf'f;#i/#j ~-nsGn-St . So.© R..J...L.... 'f. ~ In case of emergency notify .Mr. J. Pais, 139 Weesperz$de, Amsterdati C, Holland, or Mr. Louis A. Roselaar, 551 Fifth Ave., Honors and societies :

Fbsi tions held: Utrecht Univ. - Asst. 1939- 41 Copenhagen Inst. Th. Phys . - Feb.-Aug . 1946 IAS stipend 1946-7; pern:anent member 1947- Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Abrahu Pais - rermanent b9r (5 7e r ter ). Stipend 6,000 a ye r. ot a citizen; h per ent vi•a. ot taxed Ori inal a9point•cnt letter December ~. 19~5 •t tea tn1tit~t9 av rd• h\n a atip.nd of 180. !or the cad• ic 7ear 1946-47.

L t\er frn D i~ector eco ber 6, 1946:

1 It c1ves e;re t ple t.ll'e to offer you. on the roc'1!l:en ~iol! of t.e ~ culty Ol the ~chool of the tiet rene 1 f y~u.r e b r hip int Inctit~te for ·e o d ic 1nr1947-1948, ~ixin,: your ti' nd fer th t y ar at 2500." June 20, 1947: o n? It ay Concern:

'T it 1 t o certify t ~t Dr. brah ais bn bGen a.,npoictod to r1el'Qa0.ent l!leDbe!'sh~p in i'}.e :n tit.tit for Advanc d Study with e stipen of 6000. · 7e '.1:. e consider t bs presence o! ,r. Pais of ~r~ t il%l ortance fn~ the or~gre•s of ~the . tic 1 h sic• in t he U~ited St ate5. •

Attached cop7 Qf leit : tro& Di~ector, written t~r via p osea.

Jiol. Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

• 1



Copy to Mias Miller Mies Blnke Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA


,, Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

August 11, 1947

Alien Tnx Livision Ftooo 400 l.7 East It n.d St. YorJ.t.l • Y..

Dr. Ab:raham Pa1a, ho is a ne!"l!lunent member r the he .~.1 01 or !Jet~- ... t1c~ .r th Institut for AdTanced Study, rr1ved in Prine ton on Ueptember 26. 191.6 to u.o~ertaka his rf; earches for the academic year 19/,6-47. During the ariod of h1o residence, Or. Pais r c~1ved a re arch ~!pend or 2.100. 00. This sti;Hanc . as 1 ven to Ur. P is to facili­ tate his own ~eseareheu d • s not in co pensntion for nerv•ces rencered. It tr..rotore corans within the defini­ tion cf T!On-te.xa blc: 1nco,....e as d fined b7 the Burecu or nt rn~l P.ev nue . Dr. Pais olnns to r turn to Rollnnd on Au ust 2.3rd vin Royal Dutch Airlines. His ork in this country w a en t lrely concerrad i th ~he advance::ient Q!' seholarshiil ud e seems to e to be ualifi~d in ev~ r1 ~ay to roeeive clear. nco pap rs ~~d sn1l1n }er l t .

Your. sincerely,, . Robert Oppenhei ~~

Copy to Dr. Pais lliss '?:rinterud · iss Blake Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

August 28, 1947

Officer !n Uher e lmmigrntion & Hatur lization Service U. ~.Department of Justice · Ne~ :Lork, • v .

Ve !' Sir:

In ccorda.nce :ri th the regulations, I wish to report .to you t~-e dep rture of JJr. Abraham Pais, rrom the Instttute for Advanced Study on August 23, 1947. Dr. Pais is a t:1erru.~nent member of our Institute ··ho is return,1.ng to Hollel'ld for a. short visit. He plans to return so e t1~e in the n xt re months.

Dr. Pa.is originally c . e to th~ Institute t'or Adv need study on Septeiber 26t h, 1946 and entered the United States September 16, 1946, rriving at ~•£. York City a~o rd tnet~dam" . His visa was issued at 001enhagen on .August ~, 1946, '!;Jo . 219, expiring 1\u;;ust 2, 1947.

Yours sincerely,

r~therine • Russell Secretar y to tbe f ir~ctor Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Dec b 6, 1946


• t to o e of t n

!'1 1

or th t t 2,500. o:r u t 1r. th • our 1 s to .. P n ot • n t r o· r o nc ... ly,


: or

Oo py to !!es Blake Mies Miller Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Institute for Aciv~mced S t udy P~ i ncc ton , N e~ J ersey

Date November 19, --1947 -----

Dis t~ict D ir ~cto r le1m igrati.on & Natura.liza. tion Service Pem1sylvania Bui ldi ng 42 South 15th S treet Pr1iL::.delp~'l i a 2 , Pa .

Dear S ir: Re: Dr. Ab raham .t:'ais

~n _com;) l~ ance w ~ th the r egul r:. t~9ns of_ Ti tl ~ 8 of, t l:1e qosle of J·'t:der al .tt.=:gulat1ons , Sect1cm l.c:.:i . 17, I s ena you nerewitn the jDform2tion r equested on t he above- named i ndi vidual who has. arrived at tne Inst it~t e for Ad v~n ced Study .

D<:t t ·2 and nlace of birth !Lv' 19, 19.i.8, Amste~dam, Holland

Princet on adciress 28 Hibben ttoad --~------~-~--~-~-----· Name and adcir ess of friend or i·eJ.ative in t he United States: Ur . Iouis A. Roselaar, 551 Fifth AvBnue, New York 17; N. Y.

RETURN to Dat9 o f //J:/r/i..Jil flt t h e Institu t e. October 15, 1947

The abova- namad individual is engaged in full-time , a~vunced rcs.2.s.rch in our Scnool of aathe.matias --~~~~~~---~-~-~~~~

Yours sincerel y ,

Katherine Y.; u sscll, becreta ry t o t he Dire ctor Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Dat e:; 0 .....-\ , I --; / 4--'? Full name \ '::::i

Gallego or univer sity, dcgr uvs , y ~ ar conferre d

Dat e and pl ace of birth

Citizenship Marri ad or singl e

If forei gn, under what kind of visa did you ente r thG Unit e d Statos1 !+I "'- 1 Visa No . 5" ~ Place and datEf" of is sue ri.. : '.).. -- ~~ ·~ 0 ~ ·~.: 1 ~~{ --- - · -1----=r1 - 7~ us, CfY1 When do c s it expir e ? .--

When and wher e did you enter the

Entry permit cxpirGs when?

Princeton home addr0ss Tel ephone

Permanent addre ss

~cJ-._ ~~ ...;;:..____ --~ . Per son to notify i n case of omor goncy, with a dor cs s

:;:t;f::;-~~~.Honors and~o ci e ti c s

Positions you have held, giving dates , or nr e holding (including any gr aduate s chol ar ships und f 0llowshi ps)

Publications (Please give t itle and r ef 0r ence in f ull, with Vol . No ., year, und page number s . )

(Use othsr s i de of shc~t, if necessary. ) Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton,1 NJ, USA Arrival l'Et::or"'Ce6. to : mm1grP.i:i'1n anr• ~~... t ·lr lizq:ion Service, re\· Y:iy-·· City , Ootd~er 22 , 1946. ~ ~ J"::;:::::, ?C:> A~7A: .; c::,:i s:~-::'! PY'i n c e t on , Kew J ersey

- 11 - . (\I) - I) - () • ~ u __ nq_r..e . ~~I'~ J e;.iart u::e :ia ,~e : P r i r:ceton a 6.dr e ss : %. l

Jate a~6 ~ l ace o: t i rt~ : M~ I~> 1,19 :-:ar r i ed or 8ir.:;:- l e : tc.tcl"'- - ~ '"'911w. ( -_: ::tPr :i : c::i l :lr 0 n 1 Ci t i zens:-ii ') : '"'""r_...u-~- " Hc co:...rar: ~·:... ng you:

1 "" : 0r-ei c n, u r:d.e :.1 1<:.a..t ::ir. l of 7 i sa iid. ~- a u e r.te:'"' t :·:e :..ir.ited Stai: e 8? ·~~~:1 V&'J~ f-6Y Vica :Jo : 1\9 Pl ace 8-r:d ·iat e o: issue : Cor~.e_ , ~11.&.?t '2. . ''¥-6. :::::xpirat i on :la t s')::' visa : ~'4-,~l. .• '{'tl"' Da t e a!! c1 p':l :~ t o : P r:t~.'' t o ::nite·:l Stat e;:; : ~~Jtf. lb . L''*''· ~ ~ ~ Nar::.e o f s1: i p : Edcih\. : ~a r..e o f a i:::- lir:e : Exp i~ati 'l r: ':la ~ e o :; ~ r.. :1.,~r

:;~~e a nd a dQr ess o f pe r s a~, out s i Qe o: Pr inceton , t o be no~ i f i ed i ~ r-o o +' e~,-, ,.-. -- ..-,c y · 'V ./ /i ~ ,...,,. ... '.;; 1117 Ca .., - " -- . .,'ie-::ic d<:f l~ees : ( Gi 7 e na ... e 'Jf c o lle[P. -:> r ur_i v er t" i t y a nd year conf PrY' ~) 'J)y.fki\. ~t ~~~ O~~. l"'f--1~

:'t:ll owsl"..i :) s l ( Give full na::ie , dat PG a nd i~la c e of s t Tlv ) .1:-h'~ .f ~- J~J., P~~ N.J. 1,v, -'y°'r.

All ..... r iti·ms ':.el d : (Ple2se 1 ive ,iat ~s anr1 :::. -;:;ate i f on l eave of at.ss:'.1c I ~2'\'~ ~t lA~ck.\- ~~· ~ 11l1- l'f¥'/ ~~··~,~~ _1~~:~~ ~JP~~ eo~br--· Fdlv . 11v"- ~~-''Iv'- - on'J. ,, c.- ._ S _, ci et _ e~ .

Pu llcuti '.)ns : ( P le:_se '."•'ive t. itlt n:1cl r E>:fer~r: ce ir: :·J. l J. , ~rit': v 0 1 . • yror:_r a:--.u P<~2'8 ml:nbcrs : :Jre ')t>.cr s i -:i.c J :' st.0 :--:r:-) - - Director's Office: Faculty Files: Box 25: Pais, Abraham, Permanent Member From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA