IKONOTHEKA IKONO THEKA 28 28 2018 www.wuw.pl Ikonotheka 28 grzb 14.indd 3 13/06/19 13:20 IKONO THEKA 28 The Journal Founded by Jan białosTocki (1921–1988) EDITED BY Gabriela Świtek EDITORIAL BOARD Barbara Arciszewska (University of Warsaw), Sergiusz Michalski (Universität Tübingen) Andrzej Pieńkos (University of Warsaw), Antoni Ziemba (University of Warsaw) EdiTorial secreTary Dariusz Żyto PROOFREADING Steven Jones (English) Marek Gładysz (German) Institute of Art History of University of Warsaw 00-927 Warszawa, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 phone: +48 (22) 552 04 06, fax: +48 (22) 552 04 07 e-mail:
[email protected] www.ikonotheka.ihs.uw.edu.pl It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain appropriate permission for the reproduction of any copyrighted material, including images © Copyright by Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2018 Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 00-497 Warszawa, ul. Nowy Świat 4 http://www.wuw.pl; e-mail:
[email protected] Dział Handlowy WUW: phone: +48 22 55 31 333 e-mail: dz.
[email protected] http://www.wuw.pl/ksiegarnia ISSN 0860-5769 e-ISSN 2657-6015 LAYOUT: Beata Stelęgowska IKONOTHEKA 28, 2018 Table of Contents arTicles ArTur kamczycki The Kabbalistic Alphabet of Libeskind: The Motif of Letter-shaped Windows in the Design of the Jewish Museum in Berlin / 7 Jan nowicki A Church for the Polish People: On the Contest for the Parochial Church in the Warsaw District of Praga / 41 agaTa wóJcik Edward Trojanowski: The Search for Style in Early 20th-century Furniture Design in Poland / 67 Jakub FreJTag Turning “Polish Boxes into German Houses”: On the Transformations of Architecture in Poland during the Second World War as Exemplified by the Changing Design of the Zajdensznir Tenement in Radom / 97 adam Przywara Rubble Warsaw, 1945–1946: Urban Landscaping and Architectural Remains / 121 marek czaPelski The Memory of Opulence and the Freedom of a Pauper: The Construction- material Discourse in the Polish Construction Industry in the Period of the Thaw / 139 woJciech m.