LOS T AND F 0 UNO TIM ES c o .,-l CI) No.45,~ber2000 $6 2 o l­ 0- Al Ackerman Scott Keeney B John Adams Joan Payne Kincaid .,-l CI) Fernando Aguiar Richard Kostelanetz 2 c Stacey Allam Lewis LaCook .,-l William Allegrezza Eel Leonard c o Reed Altemus Jeffrey Little ',-l CI) Hartmut Andryczuk Giovanni Malito ;:l ~ Ivan Arguelles Malok () () Justin Audia McMurtagh o c Babynous Cult A. di Michele o .,-l David Baratier J. Michael Mollohan CI) ;:l Baron Randy Moore ~ () Nichael Basinski Gustav Morin

WHEN NIETZSCHE WET Down the stoney bowl in which town did the bowl reside, in the dust where I grew old, Legend has it that when Nietzsche wet, Old Doc Sow Bug came out and, and rocks boiling like my teeth, but my teeth feeling the drops, struggled to get never boiled they became petals and fell from his umbrella up. In trying my mouth when snow fell in the broken hills to do this, he staggered slightly frothing as you'd later write. I stood bare. and his mind was mighty confused But I did not stand bare, for I was naked and no wonder. Today? Little and clothed in my nakedness. Chained. has changed: the neighborhood still Of course, for the order of the day was in has a debased feeling on its chains, pintle chains, knockabout chains, Nietzsche-has-wet days, unwholesome Hartmut Andryczuk chains you'd use in rough weather in dune droplets and strong odor roaming, under metal clouds, and face.spray combining to form a morbid sort upon one's hands and lips like thumbed of cocktail that only someone haiku blank pages. Without documents we as crazy and criminally lived invisible, we ate sausage crowed negligent as my landlord in your dim back pock, a momentary plug up might want to order if it was and grease of hands, corrupt and seething, as on the menu. That's why I take dispense body plans ligaments filaments we found no route away from the tall stacks special care to avoid my landlord, pretty much every day TURN URN and the sound of metal ringing. fingers finding Allalong the cliff but most especially on Nietzsche-has-wet days. The fact like a plastic bag, where once we worked fans blow ashes. that Nietzsche-has-wet days always spa c e. shifts and iron overtime, where once we fell seem to coincide with rent days onto the mud to discover the sagged lake against helps keep me steadfast in this the asshole's spiggot, on fire, in desert, out of loose my resolve. turn kit w8.terFALLS orbit, loose bones flung against the steel sides, c u an elastic gale, which none but those indifferent --Eel Leonard in DARlGiESS h r would ignore could ignore an eye's retention n her damp knees. and then beneath the garage. What did you isolate whiteness. think? One phrase learned or laddered based on flutter and numbers in the hall. rni. into mi. The lumped diorama in the hall, or the innocent whose hands had made it happen. mild clouds of an i n It was a grinding core, a span ofgooey years! Huff, huffy, I don't care. The matter of these idyll. t chalked distinctions is spit. We know what happens e to spit. It pools, unpools. It spools, unspools. r termInal knot of eye interstices Le6n Pifi6n drops t a light. t e in sand burnt blood. armpit as flower one red ant. Guy R. Beining Gustav Norin o () AFTER BASHO () r-' C CJl .... ' o ~ so much Q) U) ~ of what we Q) "'1 Q) III ... ~ say and do is i:Q CJl trivial so ..c 2' .w .....CJl much of what .,., o Q) we say and ::..:: ~ III do is so much r-' r-' of what we C .....CJl say and Deep Discounts o ~ do so much of () what we o...... stirring in the bargains without debate, . r-' say and so the oyster mirl, hair bordering on the geophysIcal . C .....CJl much of what we up-thrust scalp, subduction zones constricted in lycra and demm g say so much ..... of what we so a caldera so big and so old you don't know w~lat youre in the middle of ~ () much of til that nunbling ofa planetary stomach. hearIn? th~de~ ...... c what so much with your feet. lightning bolts ofacid distress ztppenng mSIde your stomach CJl ..... Discipline #1 o of so much ~ my eyes like colored oil on a pond thick with fluorescent water bugs so? "0 i tried the fermentation ofanother world's wanting. "'1 and koi pangled with bits of mirror--- .. . o sunships & spelunkers, inside ofthe skeleton pink theyre schoolIng mto a sunken rrunvan ""+> John Elsberg c lungs were laughing about how no one red remains whose roof ripples from beneath as if four people are using it as a blanket CJl .... ' o ~ the same. the indentation left a sigh from another CJl Dan Raphael ro () ...... wanting's whorl. bucky balls & stun guns. neural c sasquatch swatting squash against tbe final fences .....CJl o standing carping that ''this red is the same remains." ~

.... ' ~ Jeffrey Little ~ "'1 C CJl .... ' P o ~

() E e o ~ D34 ~ ~ c CJl .... ' As if risk was still involved the group ... ' o .. ~ doesn't move, struck head on . :- W ...... ' though the flash has too much sun in it r-' r-' --the class wants the yearbook to command C CJl flame with that relentless sound ....' n g only a chorus can ignite :a single voice caressed by others and you almost touch 0­ ( .... ' the face that once was yours, half ""+> c""+> at a stand-still, half telling you directions CJl --its eyes left open the way every grave r .... ' o ~ puts together those small stones s left al~ngside :flawless voices &. .... ' , ~ --a cleared mountain pass U ? CJl letting you through where the Earth Fernando Aguiar .... ' o is almost nothing in itself. ~ Simon Perchik Knothiss Snothat

-Quandary of latent birth slough of what soul threatened.-Generosities at insistences of ego wrinkling wetly above the frets.-Knothiss Snothat. But just when quenched witch of cows recovers some vocable love circles.-A circle of stones in a vessel of trees?­ Enallagic particulars thought episteme engendered about hands us crepuscular as recidi­ vist we. We're doubt about parse matrices spondaic iterations centered in phelgm esperanto what strung hypertext imparts. -Say black place blue notes tremble amid tones. Say niche pelagic monoliths aboriginal eye.-Say nothing, my euphonic murmura­ tion. Centers anywhere we not by any means but through them move in so far as we can­ not be sure.

-See Heraclitus, see Peru, see by submerging hydroponic regatta, dewed in code obses­ sion, and thereby reversing its center to accomplish loci of the newly(the newel) associa­ tive by which we reinvent the mirror

-Sounds like a writer of the hypothetical beyond confessing read contextual turbulences of a working site.-Vision? Its the veritable instep of my working class announcing poet­ ical collapse.

-To adduce belief circumscribe the divine and excogitate the fancy.-Selfconscious alphabetical noise.-Yes, atman brahmin, anathema. The feedback of consciousness becoming iterate pelf. There's only an angular nexus dubious in issues freed of the dis­ cursive exclusions of 0 the new belly and 0 the new pun aroused to quest spite of the eyed sequential.

Where our shadows shut the barnacles and closing the crocus shuts our flame?-Fevers, new silences of the ludic live songs bet. But no, while I ponder clamoring proteins of con­ tinuity the movements of disturbances are reflected in a decoration.-Longer by deafen­ ing stases to points organ of ethos but through defunct hearings of bpdily doubts paper­ Christian Burgaud covered likenesses which in this collision become perspectus of epistomologies exit posit­ jng a radical intentionality which bombs gaps in the avant.-Look, a merely readied posi­ tion of wanting can only point to permissible methods of challenging belief. Allies of ardent east, aids of avatar and poignant massagers per assents circling selves composite other.-Where willows divinations eases our thirst and bees above gobbets of ajuga hum? angelophany

-Art insofar as I aren't. So a significant squatter of knowledge piercing. Protuberant Tipped to the feathered joints. refracted magicks via subtle mirrors knotted correspondence?-Hell, no. I'm writing to end all ani­ stones burst nebulae escaping styed mal studies of mutual dependence imposed by thinking you awaken rhizomes of a slati­ er dread.-More realist this lions than integer mad?-The forthcoming event of prolixity wings porcine as bloated depths, is also a collapse. transfonned sprays of crepuscular Ken Harris scarring, lathered filth extending skins beyond flesh, ephemera

closeted into mettled housings, annor that drops from the sky, useless as rust

platelets of the divine, unfrocked, mortified. Paco Perez Alan Catlin 7 Carnage Problem

Figurative peace plays well amid actual carnage, FOREVER DUNG like a budget claw slam muddied and a gristled skirt to hide waistband's hypertensile youtre more classical rut flank dome. So's tiger clave stays to the eyes than a bell the mid aship's gnawed shirt leeway decaying trashed impolitic and frightened (disguised as flight tower nip tuck lesson danglers, lighter than a struggling to imagine hole in the dichotomous enlivened space punt its fool proof just the way we pry and liver levre slabs in erotic tubes levitation toward your horn tree hunk ofmetabolic numens, plankton, skiff, apolity and grasp ~ the laver tape (blowing leaves and feet Or;] III (I crust through wind blue crevices erect with transference and ~ altar handle, through "I" clevered in the ~ e ~ sty you lay around impertinence, the comers voyaged ~. Joseph Veronneau near their gifts and bags of rope time ~~ gathered you, a gust and just mimesis 00 to uncover after louvering the dance floor coin, Guy R. Beining a strut and flopping, custard shakes beneath the chairs as "Are You Sleeping" en fran~ais rounds out the afternoon. Your clumps and vigors, rugs soaked with milk undrunk as we proceed in conscience, our fiduciary tailings hitched to the back of our necks and backwords, adumbrated, itching monkey see-do pronged a weather way, a big one do-see-dod the carabinieri leaning o'er a plate of squid with bells tuned to the crust of flounder chest ripe with asterisk and linking fumes with perfume variants, acrostics, I slanted horns of lint and pyroclastics, logosphere of mirrors in which norms liven what we both renounCE on many bases (long e), tried and lusty wasp a shadow in the toilet with your flashlight blinking to the camera's tidy power strip mean foam blanking off the grounding hole your nexo H0 wit scurved plowly and vociferously shapely and commandmented aftosa seeping in your throat Guy R. Beining gang flux cagamantic dumpster feats with gueling salvos parched on headrests or was lazy-boys coughed up in the frost heaves? Mayhaps endorphins close our fate into the shape of clay awhile, and thus crumbinations, flakes was RECLUSE SPINDLE thus perhaps, or bath towels in the mud we like to trace back to its clay roots, its ancestral hominy scratching at the back of a cave Blue lime boards. The heat where why when lozenges arrive only to dwindle pickled in jars lining the conch like your dimes the moon fades inside the attic staircase vertigo with lighthouse where it's lustrous as opposed to cramped mocking (sun/sun) mocking house like campsite, dogged, rule-bound, lightly light with vertigo staircase. Conch fluttering toward the waving flame runeworthy the lining jars in pickled heat. with semitones positioned within factions known as ripe The boards lime blue. fountain pens and slow autumn crickets with some traction i where the forelegs are a gasoline and clicking air, I locks inhaled outside your chest of dramamalt J. Leigh Welteroth ~ to soothe varietes of lodes of hair slang pitch, a key problem fallen into just the proper hands Guy R. Beining Subject: "self" por trait (U I-' I-' some where high there above the palace of late the cargo of photos C Cll...,. what the mind re members as each shading a lie the lingers of light o "s 0 u n d" per vasive and in dis ing for doubt are every a finger shake"s" ::s ...,­ tinct ly becoming some thing "else" as if silhouette s depended on time ::s ~ frame s motility re quires a lessen ing "'1 Ivan ArgUelles in old attic yellow as sands behind sleep C ...,-Cll s argos delving as does the thought o SESSHU into inter ior ity (a darker 'spect of white ::s we thought was blank, didn't?) vision 0­ ...,....., MOLECULAR VERNACULAR s re vive for a thin only a 'stant later ...., three stems of iris action s are re garding futility in re Cv) and the kettle hot verse stars on their stairs plunge whorl ...,. I. wards towards a grotto's dense line g eight dreams at once. of ink and the realms un spoken spook o the flowers can wait () speech is a part on the other shadow () they'll be with him always I-' ogdoadic outrun louvre hyperdrive. old gods each their light ness none C fA dare touch and beautiful a radia nce ...,. as the tea will not. o all dyslexias reversed and seared. dancing illumines only while the rest ::s for the first time grabs a breath to fleet ivory skies ~ zone. what ching the lattice. yellow "'1 or is it sleep ing a fine line grift (U pavilion classic to locate the marrow ::s behind the camera's spent tech nique fA the bleach the untrodden Ken Harris you own a sand a various a ribbon ed ? fA (default/prehensile) you r tongue is that! reaching "out" f-'. o amino forget bloom beyond the vedic ampersand to wards ::s a city or citie s built like paper within ...,. I-' II. other waters have a rush the head swell I-' t:: s you are thinking to see once again fA sac of pyramid, tendril, ghost ranch... "that" under the table a moss plies of-" ::s whet stones a lawn wide and parts a totem fog in the counterpart, i sleep thru I Rose flap () sea chamber to divine beyond number o my sentient curdles of arrival I-' 's presence the fate of either light drawn I-' C and goat-jar eye ward to the brain's laby rinth ine fA f-'. utter whole each is sectioned until o crimson be comes its universe like a ::s A.di Nichele f-'. glove of grass aching infinite ly ::s a dawn (branches bough break ? fA ing soughs a wind rhymes) listen a f-'. o portent what a day round coming to ::s its hiatus in inks spill runways over '0 "'1 and over chinese or the humming o La Vida Smokah bird at the window mis taking light ? for the usual (am I a token of other fA f-'. jigsaw puzzle no ness?) missile s shell s echo ing o ::s megaphone frayed a tragic in deed ful minant re gard ...,. ::s police no eyes behind from a far we have come drawing our () I-' may we call them ships and ploughs C policy breasts upon until the hour's seam s hasten to ...,.fA holy Iglesias glitter o make no more of this than the weight ::s and dance pissed masquerade of air taken universally by each () and every the lip shudders a perfor g ation innate as activity is to the move g Joseph Veronneau fA seeking its dark in the sound be fore f-'. (which was the hill you said?) o ::s as other shadings draw a skirt fA ivy's memory girt lissome around the ('l) () (a word for it is a stanza ) I-' t:: re turning to windows of the written fA f-'. which is either what you prefer to o s. Gustav Hagglund ::s and the lilnbo is a sus pension J If s THE CLOCK counted down on Athe remaining 9ays a~d ~igh~s of price in dislant )'cars, my dreams, and the' back and haunted Eberhard Janke the last sarcophagu~ relief, already had the ilIimitablc - Hush . \'oyage, I came suddcn., v! alleys, alleys without sound ~ Sopapilla, letterpress, a gilding - such sphinx's riddlcs Fracas mumblypeg you might say Diving into rapture nears a kind offlood Small feet slapping sidewalk in some Plastic sense as rubberized it the... crossroads As will to live that traps the constellation Ofendurance light on Cornucopial indulgence spiKy foliage a::ords relief; also the ~ .. .-:. You can give until someone wound upon the skin of one ~hose blood is drawn by Receives slender fang

Sheila E. Murphy s. Gustav Hagglund

Por Luxe s:: o \~ 'M ,,, a surd ,,, tr.l Lock errancy. Blue jay filmsquad norturing. Torch willed premed (itated) sofa 2 ------4-. feel in velv 'M '0 s:: You are the lusional por emptor pre entrada for to weigh the use shushed moon o 'M of quilts this lesson to be tied ([ (f (ii tr.l fiJ fIt CD fG :J 4-. o think ~ Morality is slaved to how we less how we view find helmet after viable ~ rt\I ~ Cl.. Helsinki in the main my warblesse gems a crimson lock of stone left in the H U K- iM s:: o breastpock ticking '..-4 tr.l CD> rel Ci ~ a- U U' :J rl Clockspate of the twelve not friends yet she and she and tweaking are you as () OJ repliable as on speaking tenns of use of dappled gray day short shake voluble to Scott Helmes tr.l fortray trim toys \l ;f ~ s:: W 'f o '..-4 t') :J Let me keys inflame the headrests let the vowels be naughty yet again allow the ------+'s:: pill box to extort these users of these pills these still life openings b o () Gustav rlorin Sheila E. Murphy I~ NOTe f-{ RADAR SWATH

a gentle abstraction might alter our resident snowdrift

but if that's really where you're at the point of being

genuinely ti red as you've sworn upon threefold weathers

and tyrannies punning soil then the guilt that you feel

revolves rather than gluing sorties to plauditor's glares

panties fair better in goat-rhythymed atmospheres like

the present smarts its way through pale nosebleeds

by watching out for stars that buckle caution capitol m .~ -g heirs feed in figure not with afterbyte yet leak is work


Queer sh!vers t~ngled up Laura's backbone and prickled over her scalp Queer shivers tingled up Talbot's backbone and prickled over his scalp

And still the wild, changing melody came from the pole Till they couldn't bear it

And had to tear big pieces of tar paper off the roof And move the furniture around, nonstop!

One day you too will know the music of the pole You'll feel it in the shivers and the prickles that mean you have

Discovered what it means to focus everything Down into that endless emptiness you call a heart, to start in a yielded somewhere in other spaces of you Discovering at last the boundless involvement mean a and a relational understanding of the tension in do so they Of true pathological behavior. the program the limited half the next ad and the unknown renewal you may mention buttons and mention the chain of data and loan that your analyst the effective student of more than the end 8. farms like leather like ground cover cover the king to at to a solid this and so someone; and sway and blue and to its only moved olympic line a place of rapid time where cleansing checks the treaty with a sky dark in the unit you can tune undoing blare and ghosten, ashen pale, haphazard can you commit this design of black to the time the hit and miss of those spill hafted-sheeting snow, your making for me, who in a little bark below a hill own hymnals of trees or tinsel a rustle or a hymn-tinklings on the balustrade, the insignia of a vast nondoing William Allegrezza Ir 20. chipped out from under the body-elliptical resolve pheromones and finely-textured companions; arbituary; ancestry where the sand begins scratching at residual inertia fromless, shuffling and seeping into a tangle of blankets

Paul Silvia

The Nipple

daughter regarc:l:.ng pedofile "poet" unfilled @ open reading she aches in veins wants to he self-laminates forgive in his commercial circle her moth art attempt her her Dave Baptiste Chirot absurd see the circle? greed & the words go all around incess in a circle ant whine its imfX)rtant kill with lye in tea twelve year old could murder collect brown pennies drink this tincture from under the porch beneath the big & become a child house the crusty jar dig then bury

this circle & vain art-o-mine Dave Baptiste Chirot pleas hor is a fX)keman card ded in yr 1st rod red sores & reel scalped scratched (he so wishes) raw, un atten be careful old man ded, un there are mothers of daughters EQUATIONS heard of all around you classic F FIGURABILIDADE estrange FU FRUTA-BARRETE psychological x impulses :;:: storage ment on FOZ FALSA-QUILHA Star Bowers sense x conform :;:: hence the train FACA FEITEIRINHA devote x logic :;:: inevitable FEBRA FIDALGARIA heading FABULA FECHADURA phenomenon x admirable :;:: automata north FACTURA FAL~NCIA metabolic x dynamics = incompletely FEIJOADA FA9ANHA value x invariant :;:: conjugate FALCATRUA FACADA character 7 quality =ensemble FOMEN TA9 AO FOBIA invert + known :;:: operator Yvette Tucker FIGUEIRILHA FU9 A FELOPLAsTICA FEZ receptor';' transmit =induction FIDEDIGNIDADE FI operational T contiguity = considerable FURA-MOITEIRAS F duration T focusing :;:: sophisticated permanent.;. electrical = instantaneous Fernando Aguiar Scott Helmes 17 () o ~ c~ ...... C/) g ...... ::3 SLEEPING () ~ c ...... C/) By g o () () Michael Basinski c~ ...... C/) g

C/) ~ c~ ...... C/) g ...... ~ ~ c ...... C/) o ::3 ()g ("1" c ...... C/) o ::3 ...... ::3 ~ ...... C/) g ("1"., Q) ::3 C/) ~ ...... C/) o ::3 ...... 0­ H) ~ Estrella's Prophecies #61 ...... C/) g '0., Real men will use two urinals at once o this month. Be careful when applying scansion ~ to the universe, nature is retributive ...... C/) and tired of appropriation. In your life o ::3 Leo men love gift certificates so Q) they can buy things for themselves. ~ c~ Also be careful of this month's holiday, ...... en Apollo is in Venus, and you'll be g hung over like a European common basset...... For this same reason avoid purchasing ::3 products with the word Sun in the title. .,("1" s:: Spend at least five minutes each Tuesday en 1-'- putting the garbage out. Recycle another g coin in the slot and I will astrologize. David Baratier '0 o"1 ~ .....C/) g ()o ..... s: C/)..... g ...... c .....C/) g g() g .....C/) o ::s C/) ~ ..... c .....C/) o ::s ..... ::s ('1" "1 C .....C/) g .....0­ H) ~ .....C/) g g .....() DUKE OF OIL c .....C/) g

cT Unpack the suitcases "1 OJ ::s Pack the suitcases C/) ~ Rehabituatio .....C/) Downstairs WIDE LOADS salt & prep oysters g ..... Teach me to pronounce some syllables I used to say to mirrors Lemons zot sauce ::s Demonstrate a drill bit's fruit fly length oflife ~ Shore up extrasensory margin oferror Anybody famous die today .....C/) o Blindfold every enemy and auction qffthe silks ::s Sometime all purposeful heft ebbs ..... Father futility and claim the lotion holds ::s () Require a verb where nouns as cushions were to keep Luck north spent 8 hours ..... C Refractive surgical least sum ofpremises to..... Polishing the creature comforts g Tucked into dowries lacking melody to selves Continue craft as continental region ofthe charts All exce1."pt .....OJ ..... Where none was niche-prone in the business c I only have 2 hams .....C/) Ofexacting confidence where host systems lost stamina routinely o Laugh in faces you have merely sketched ::s And claim somewhere in time to have exhausted all supply Joel Dailey CARLYLE HAIL, SWING BERTH STEPS FOR THE TIGHT Right mother Carlyle hated poetry, and fiction. Raul bought us a house in which His father: James Carlyle: stone mason, keep the house frae reif and wear he had such trouble conceiving that the skin on his ass with a thin black beard Poetry, of course. But fiction? was something to hide, but I knew it For fiction is a slow march, a long dragged foot, With chuk chuk chuk made me hate to hear A grotto built shard by shard, still brash malady its whistle, or watch it try That is, shakily. still the floweret pledge to knit blankets battering wardrobe in front of company, and even if Everyone is unclear about Carlyle's need for heroes. to airless heaving the third reason is pure power, That caste whose legacy is murder. Raul was scared of Elmer's, probably Murder bores me, quite frankly. because of his stepmother's jelly When will the human wreckage join me in right thinking. Full against rank having been mysterious never been so anonymous at the window, its mysterious Murder requires too much energy, if you ask me. and taste blood in everything presence at dawn or corn A booming voice, eyes in the back of the head. whose dicker drencht with painted toenails June 6th 1978 and Cuban heels added The Banging Chair Murder. The sharp spear shooting from the nape of the neck. large transparent body to this impression The White Robots with the sunlight of pronounced mysteriousness Came in her dreams. I'd rather sip wine, shooting through it seldom found in corn by itself They obeyed the tiny set Look at grey churning seas, alone, Of recursive algorythms, Undeterred, rather be bound and gagged, Written in tiny, careful Loose bits' itchy multiple Al Ackerman Script in black ink. Winding the dirt road to the house of fly-eaters. They would watch with that overwhelms events Ultraviolet phase arrays, What a mess. The slower children at The playground I: These humped syllogisms. Beyond the spray history as feather Swayed from side to side Carlyle the dunce, as though white dress When the toddlers The irritated bladder, would resurrect itself it was a muddle but w/a snail instead, Cried unnecessarily or The scone merchant, Argued over lIhat the turnabout spitting forks ofgrease Blowing his plastic trumpet The pale robots Before the time of scourge at an unemployed monkey with a lassa Considered At the base of the rearing horse. Jon Cone Trifling matters. who thinks man speaks kickline & fire pole pogrom - i took The Diary of Dreams to stop desire from the barb from my cheek, rolled my Was missing, as well as covering his mauth eyes & checked my brainstem for any The box of pictures consu1tatlon Of bare chested men, signs ofthe sauce, the thick gurgle Carefully cut from Spencer Selby spiked w/a glottal shadow that put Journals that define, the sway ofthe mayhem into marx. What the timeworn, on mighty have the fallen grief Pock-faced women call: to peddle etc. they have lief Our popular culture. and each such wandered-off forsaken ,~ lust went back each way and diddling ''',", i( .:: ....- wondered on and about the way each sings ...... ~ . ~ .~, ~t;t~ '''fJ~}" ~~H and is domiciled what the weather is like e IJ,. my spanish concubine - colon as construct r l",t '• ., . I up there and all sorts of other like questions .~_ ~', Babynous Cult \,.' .t}I.' phasal as the figure 8 understood properly as under ~ what they have to peddle is answers .,,,. .', ~ the over & the road's regaling. there is nothing as to where any was or is was to be .. • J • .' . beyond the veil except the idea ofthe veil b/4 its t was or any answers was not such a ~. ;)...... 'I'41'\ \ opening & we all go home. walls are for a sitting .... pooting potentate it comes from God f.l4o ,. .. ~ footling freebooters slyboots slickers . . until. take the spirit, the frightful burden ofsong, jeering juryriggers ., . i've lost already, but what i miss most are the words. t ~ '8.o . ~ what care if the orange juice then (f.) Jeffrey Little op4 perish favorably or not so juice there be if be not then Keiichi Nakamura 6 be always up to cracking C 0 'M Of l1) :J l..,. l..,. 'M "0 C 0 'M (/) Z l1) c co s.... +> c 0 'M (/) :J ....-l C) Q) (/) c 0 'M (/) :J ·13 C 'M C 0 'M (/) :J ....-l ....-l co C 0 'M (/) :J +> C 0 C) c 0 'M (/) Z C 'M C 0 'M (/) :J rl ....-l 0 C) c 0 'M (/) Z 0 s.... 0. C 0 'M (/) :J ....-l C) C 'M Malok C 0 'M Ross Priddle (/) :J ....-l C) C) diffusion infusion contusion allusion intrusion inclusion 0 c his cavernous mouth. 0 occlusion seclusion illusion transfusion profusion collusion 'M palate and tongue dryas dust. (/) :J yet all i could think, Just sleeping. ....-l ....-l 'M Richard William Pearce Photoresonance 2 ALTERNATE TRAFFIC LIGHTS

digress PILLOW SONG (after Ming Chiao) When the deputies surveyed the scene, they found shaggy these words scrawled into the rails: c'onnected Sets of universes I remember her lying across the couch, her head Among the flakes blooming like irises with noisy ideas, though she punctured Of dead skin Buddha From your unconventional remained painfully snent. She spoke with her body. It apocalypse Relationship with a lady clung to the shadows, her legs alone as exquisite and Barber - - - cataloguing will not restore full of graceful agony as the melancholy moans of an fallow Your parents' crumbling hopes. token afternoon murder. What happened to her mouth in One remembers the gingerbread boy. umbrella Half-baked, harebrained ~en that soft geometry? What kind of copulation could He us~d to run around i~ the fajry stories, the sDhouettes perform stabbing the sunset? It's the weird Knocking and dropping off bits of himself as he went. swinging and breathing ofthe stars in her ears that logical Crumb by crumb--his essence was scattered. funnier D?t by dot--like tiny balls of guano finally summoned her guardian and brought me to an HIS bygone traces still lead to the door open gate in the Law. For days I licked that angd's Sinatra Of Whoremaster Caldwell's establishment lips, like a starring man at his last cow's marrow, and existence That den of ill-fame and evil companionsh'ip imagine when I returned she'd disappeared. She left nothing Where so many have traded a clean name ' For overpriced beer wine drinks and nooky. bdUnd but a nasty impression that hung in the air How fragile a thing is a clean name-- singing dirges night and day. To her I bequeath my John Grey To say nothing of freedom from stomach upset third rib, left side. She can carve a bracdet from it, or That reminds me: where's my pillow? . Dreaming all night a chamber full of chalky bullets to erase the memory About eating marshmallows, of dissipate men. , woke up this morning To find my pillow missing.


PLAYING STRIPTEASE IN THE RETIREMENT HOME certainly when the venerable Gods cast 1:x>hs oflightning from mountaintops they never wo~e T-shirts with yellow stained armpits Catalogue zoning gorilla genteel web between phone one nor placed therr buttocks on display catalogue zoning gorilla genteel web between phone one p for want ofa proper beh or buckle ush shopping # care cart couch wreck terminal nonchalance unlike uncle beer gut asleep on the couch care/giver forward back legs wrapped around head debit zoo after lunch sa~ logs while womenfolk do dishes catalogue zoning gorilla genteel web between phone one underwear rising above blue jeans with each snore m lens muzzle print tired-download nerves service at end of exposing hairy mounds ofpink pimply flesh lonely day; sad country song sighs ofbirds in yard spring mate pale white buns easily mistaken for curdled tofu marinated in some polluted soy sauce ing gin log on no hash hish wish list shit return tour to top pot demarcating the limits ofa metaphysical abyss care/giver forward back legs wrapped around head debit zoo providing cosmological data that indicates a flaw price prick catastrophe shipping lane tariffrats tar riff raff in the inflationary universe theory freaked files & folder lies down reverse spin nipple sale. everything will tragically continue Sale nipple spin reverse down lies folder & files freaked to get bigger go faster move away price prick catastrophe shipping lane tariffrats tar riff raff until a one size fits all anal eclipse Keith Breese sighs ofbirds in yard spring maternity ward beigecondocough/ d~nds .up?n this ~omic galaxy shopping mall push # cart wreck nonchalance gin no wish shit tour therapy causmg SIgnificant slippage in the canal district care/giver forward back legs wrapped around head debit zoo upwind crabwise hindmost caudifonn gluteal backsweep lens print download service end lonely day; sad country song watermelon tumbling out ofa wheelbarrow sighs ofbirds in yard Spring maternity ward beige condo. full Moon spilling from the Big Dipper. Casey Bush Against the Years of Great Momentum and Loss THE SUSPICIOUS DESSERTION OF OUR UNDERWATER CITIES A song I want to sing that ends in breathsmoke Leaves me hanging like a cigarette but Why, yes, these aisles of softrock In any event I wander seeking to avoid emergencies Radio carpet. that seem to flake the more they Disperse into air, muddied by intrusion, Like compromise and couldn't fit a sunburst Why, yes, they DO seem to bend at Pattern in my mouth to go with those I've moved Apparent corners, in colors that And lost because untrampled grass exists Swallow one whole, as if piecemeal Between the artificial dimensions of improvisation Could seem any messier, as if Billy, manic and Forever laughing at 'The War Between The States," I drag myself down by my own blue cuffs Does not too choose to seem to murmur Why of course there is no other way now is there To himself at times, rehearsing his own A way to make sense between doorways Gray code for what's going on. Last night one And the lack of doorways in certain problematic poems Seems to watch a porno with metal tits, gyro It turns a key which in turn starts a car Firmly served in verso, absorbent (and, And if it is not an item for sale it must be a thing not far At least the Babylon Hawk seems to think) From laughing at the innocence of yesterday's milk And unforuneate, whereas when I choose to show Myself to her trembling all night with my feelings As the television whaling against the avatar of nights Cranked up to nil with their linings all exposed, Turning away the camouflage of dawny grays She almost balances those hazel eyes all curlicued Which combine to form the nucleus of a kind of leap Composited and soporific, centering finally in a mud Or smudging spin, or seems to, those hazel eyes all Procured by a squirrel thru the piss-ant of time Spelunked like one could almost smell one's fillings From one monkey-wrenching log of watery decay Singed singly and hot like all-out aeronautics. To leaky hallucinations of a blondie in heat Equally, one can pick up more than a few Melting hands.to the dogged bark out on the horizon Vices doing that. While getting up from The chair she hears a sax slit a horn -Seo;;;; Keeney Through her throat, could almost or Seem to heal the sun, numbing at these onerous Skeptical Fringes one used to sell in pitiful shards To the suspicious desertion of our under- Water cities, this is how we pay your Rent, asundering dapper globules and Black Solemnizing phenobarbitol, until one seems to Almost breathe easier as long one pictures Finger Conspirancies in the dark of her absence, Found One's past an almost melancholy and destructive Pointed Habitat arbitrary in limitations under glass Over Lewis LaCook Decoded BODY INSIDE



Thompson Harland Ristau Litany to rememberwhat it's like to feel pain Letter For The Susans

Ka bust jiggle bunch comrade pill no actions Statistician Lilt~ng Chump mesmerized Portugal Venus jobber jokes Congo Ins.lde mushroom puny Astoria kin been raps upsidedown Backwards Pomde~er Celtic portions ficative truth romance is June yet? Libelous Pony distance bulbs or busts another peddle pinched over Pinnacle POSTFLUX FLUXPOEM #1 Man~led and ~nniving Boston maintenance longer than that Ladders Torture My. frrend abortmg cabride jello three o'clock pasture botulism Pedestal B~'It-for-~peed ~ext yellow punches standing into lunch Malice already limlls Bey 0 n d old Gllmmerrng patio furniture bangs nada lateral ghosts Hungarian Everything Ladle western potlatch yUbber-do uber-alles chalk piston changes nothing Mummy worry getting MOR INC Raster pop-up hungery from where? Ochre Filch h~rangu~ obelisque Johnson chattered phone Lasting honestly Renga Ge~tatlOn penod numbers below natural cancer ticking musty Blasted hopelessly Ju JU cherub spectator inroads boisterous and beligerent Pourquoi So\ve motive Another time maybe, OK? Mustard Jumble empty-handed FABULOUS timeless letters Policies Postscript to the Letter for the Susans Gedicht Become Lta'gL Labors Punishment famous Faux talks wondered glory pistol quick lobs into Auburn mulches allows Lies all lies, knobs jobs and cobs shallow Carbon ongoing same normal isn't Gases Rustle field jabbers pockets ovaries laboratory ~&7~r Justified Chills absolute grass fences demands feline J., Rf.ED ALTEMUS Hanging Xerography pants leggings particle limber Turnstile FLUXUS Pitsfield Bells hatchet suture pounce on backs buds Masticate Milton voids collaborative bonkers justice klavier m\fll;~ Clubs x Birds aptitude inner oblong cheddar younger Pakistan MAINE Batch stupidity rejoinder mellow oud knOWing botch Shimmering Lumps ponders childrens bubbles Padua? Ports Ficus strangulensis Chunks Jumping forward puddle mUddy hooray shallot Reed Altemus Pardon me.

Reed Altemus a trick mched bowel sun borgasm satelexic poetriad gustlewix destitatoes lochnestle fraysiderate missing wounds stall bend strollunches obviation tarsitable gendulator funkatenses hobbisnickel lumps of perch stab tattlesnakes motilating sensunozzle pastube saffrealities ducktickle ~. ~ still rescue count stories . .: ,,~. '...... bendorising suchnitested fascineighbor pestlekneed subatomes wistfucks danger meant pounds l.io<'4'. ", ,..-- ·..cr. ..JI' :,ft. ~1 paranebulous askarounders matchinution handistribes opullentil until yellow sewer stoppage .,.,. Bln&~;e :entS 'lt1 suggestitution grognavel pillorestle finicrating farbilted knowlishers ~ salting a tool ostentitillate duomechanistic arbitrenchant dystraining codifacet publication o( Il$ krnd. • number sounding want ,a>. '.A:Il habitense loyalimit grasperiched protozenith writwelve synchronovice ....roarsiarkness jackson down grin suchuationist drivelinted quitalkers syringetti 'pactistle ruhnsingle' T ~ sun of:--reJ=u...... -- saturday foul stretch socks syllabalast sprallinjury relegators integroof singuloudest pitsatchel .--~ "..,,--. ~~~ clear next drillbit greyactor buxugle rerandish haliknuckles impisterache fragmudra r ~by some unsee). spenn sung once stack eduflexion sinistrader saxonebufous c'rowdocile amperently untryst and -storm~ , again much finger solitanny scrambulk orachnude salinumbing transmitic shallowater pounce staves toilet wrindexes sedentinder Insultating desecrucible westable drillining chewed drawings prefeared duxat~ol g~state~bers spill sane wall inverted Ficus strangulensis open under stilts gang Reed Altemus Reed Altemus Jf (High tittering laugh.) Using this metaphor to illustrate the commonly occurring conflicts between men and women whose combined intelligence barely wiggles on the "smarts" meter, I have developed another in a long line of invaluable tools for developing door main sick row tin ta fla ca. I have been conducting seminars in major cities for twenty years and have a private trap puddle cap. It has inspired my seven nCK'S WnCKS years of research to help develop and refine mud bowling mousy fan strewing The Column that turns aHack Into aWack eggs and souse bits. By learning in very practical and specific terms about rumbling hushed "lung" said vacuum master typing worm coiling ever faster, I The Inspirator suddenly began to realize that things went better when the husbands were out of town. Excerpts from THE ART OF EMPOWERING A MAN (from 6.28, 7.12) Much better. For example, somebody's wife just came in and asked me how sneeze SETTING knowing cud or ruddy glue spot drowsy in the pens was growing chewy tricks; Somewhere in Columbus, Ohio, near the edge of a kindergarden playground was it growing them till it drained the dull bucket droppings from crime apples there is a hollow tree that evidences the presence of an "expert" with a burning that waver heavy over backs of hogs? she wanted to know. I said, "You're message to deliver and a Mr. Microphone to deliver it with: absolutely right. Sit down here on my lap, let me give you a cheap feel." She then said, "You feel real good." This was the appreciation I needed in Just as men need to learn the art of listening to fulfill a woman's primary love order to be with snails mind hair. She then proceeded to cloud mighty ditches needs, women need to learn the art of empowering a man. before having exhausted sore wormy grocery coupons. After a few minutes of Let me repeat that. this she was ready to pool tummy guts turning warmly just above nuts where The secret of empowering a man is never to try to change or improve his nexo connections look rusted to yr arm scab crusty. I then offered to drain birds "itchy" wall coughing in the ditches. so she could rail mutter black depressant noun condition. Again she gave me When I ask a room filled with hundreds of women and men (ask them what?) the appreciation and acceptance I needed to feel like scrawl skin hole tus nap they all have had the same experience: the more a woman tries to change a face tocsin putz that's worn like a compensation hat in spite of feeling accused, man's "itchy" wall, the more the tub butt renewed raptor saves its lips for attacked, or blamed. chewy tricks out yr tripas boca. Women don't think much of flaming like gummy opening stare or both. This doesn't mean a woman has to squash her feelings. It's OK for her to Ironically, they both claim to know cud or ruddy glue spot drowsy in the pens, feel frustrated to the point of napkin napkin dropped into the toilet, it's even because they assume a man knows how much she appreciates hiney talking OK for her to fall into a gibbering homicidal rage, as long as she doesn't try to loud. I've mentioned this loud-talking hiney before. Whether it is talking loud change the man's "itchy" wall. Any attempt to change his "itchy" wall is about pilot trumpet glans or old Ham coin, it needs no more encouragement unsupportive and what's more it will soon get to rumbling like trucks on than a locust buzzing like yr eye popped up in yr "forehead". After a while it will shoulder skin you suck in cave crust confusion featuring cave bread master neck become automatic to strut around roadkill. and hiney talking loud. In response to these insights, men often say "Fair amount of game sardine "Use the cave bread," she yells. "The flavor greasy shoe doesn't work." flips in coffee, too!" Women often say "Find that bookcase cousin grinning!" She throws him the cave bread, which he flutters adolescent numb beneath These are but a few of the thousands of inspirational comments that people an eye incandescent as a flute crawling on the rug suit, and the eye have shared after learning they aren't allowed to relax even if hiney talking loud incandescent handles greased restore your lesion pane. Everyone rejoices and has past away behind greenbeans witnessing this same transformation in celebrates, but table smutty wisp colina doesn't understand dressed baloney. A thousands of individuals and couples just like you and the honey pail. possible reason for its lack of understanding is that with a clock it's often valid The following case illustrates this: only pecker parts. After listening to hiney talking loud on tape, both Pam and Chuck (patients In other words, the secret of empowering a man is inside warehouse slams of mine who play no part in any of this) were able to let go of their book sticky and frantic congregation slab yr plumbing. A woman needs to remember that phone row humping dishes of thicks. Needless to say, this was something I had she can still give approval even when fodder isolation sent gift and address list already anticipated, just as years ago under rocker with flannel cut dream you lift your errection I am afraid you may get sick. clinking like martini rocks I was able to anticipate johnny lipids was he nibbling at This doesn't mean that the woman has to pretend that everything is now your neck water? or is that a supper chicken rotting on your plate? wonderful because the man has crowded heaves like rabbits humping under Either way, I call it role reversal. Of course so many times the message I'm leaves. But she can simply notice that he has crowded heaves and say "Lumpsy hearing is "If this had been the case, drown and out yr isokaka crown let shadow name in the drains flesh blowing dance off rain off offal chance. Let's schedule fuzz continue waiting for you to modify overly dependent magic of dance special time tonight between eight and eight-fifteen to address parkinglot lists, empty legs dance. Then when you get a little loose, your failure won't seem so gruntbreath." ;63 surprising." For a man to excuse himself in this way and stop listening is much THERAPISTS WHO HAVE SEX WITH THEIR PATIENTS (from 3.1 S, 3.29) better than getting the bends from whatever intimacy a passage of the runs offers. One important dilemma of psychotherapy that virtually all of my professional Yet repeatedly I have heard people say that they have benefited more from colleagues continue to discuss with me is how to respond to their patients' hearing me stand inside this tree and talk about hiney talking loud than from sexual fantasies toward them and how to cope with their own sexual feelings toward their patients. When I was a beginning therapist, I tended to inhibit, years of therapy. The way hiney talking loud scores points is by suddenly deny, and repress erotic feelings toward my patients. And this was also how looming from the ceiling fixture to disturb your sleep on bench elastic on the one of the first psychtherapists in history dealt with the sexualized pleasure strap. Hiney talking loud never becomes impatient because it needs no transference-countertransference interaction. I'm talking of course about Dr. explanation to arrow out an exclamation. Hiney talking loud is the source of Squinty P. Hole. When Dr. hole noted that his patient, Alice N., lusted after him burbling phrases and lousy underpants and can make you wish you'd taken the and wanted him to father her baby, he stopped her treatment and abruptly time to listen to your feelings about the crowd inside. Watermelon! Cabbage! went off on a second honeymoon and had a baby with your shoes. Dr. Hole, like many current health professionals, did not recognize that his patient's erotic Fourth of July! desires were essentially a labio gustado de mi flutter hamster belly! He probably Hiney talking loud is probably the greatest conversationalist we will ever did not realize that he was either 1) turning his patient into an attractive but know, unless it was Willie Smith of Seattle. forbidden hamster mother figure, or 2) eating a flapping neck before the Al Ackerman roaches lip the patient's prior wipe. (I wonder which.) Inasmuch as we therapists are "less human than a crippled dry none's appetite," as the Horneyites like to say, let us begin by reporting fantasies and dreams. ACK'S HAC KS In the first dream, I made an appointment with a spore your nostrils splayed against the floor. Al Ackerman Hacks John M. Bennett's Poems In the second dream, I assumed I would put a sign in my waiting room, _indicating how I had idealized transference till it became looser than a morosis. I forget what I did in the third dream ... But therapists who have had sex CLEMLIKE (8.9, 8.16, 8.23) with their patients are frequently heard to mutter, "Ah icy shirt!" Furthermore, I felt that in my third dream I was probably very involved with topics like banging 'Twas a year ago and the moon was bright wrist and flustered legs because I have a problem with both. At first, I tried to (Oh, I remember so well, so well). reassure both my legs by saying, "I know you'll keep everything to yourself." I walked with my love in a sea of causeway knee, When they remained silent, I said, "I'm aware how much gossiping goes on in And the voice of my sweet was a cage thinner. our field. Therapists like to talk to their legs about their cases, particularly spicy And sudden the pelo held before your eye fellow; cases that have to do with blanco isogrumbly!" Then I told my wrist that I looked on the face of a dinner floating in the sink, inasmuch as I had just met ventana shirt shirt or fridge yr shirtless gazed upon I strained administration of the flag enema my shirt clammy shirt inscribed with shirty clue Baby, like, the tooth! my pocket Which in its turn would be poet laureate. shirt confused with my antishirt, a TV shirt spitting shirt buttons when ~ shirted breasts could not be sure that someday I might want to write a book on 'Twas but fantasy, it's true; but of the dive to the subject Baby. Or as yr teeth pound away so do the breeder what fills the Field smoke the hive, at today's ears shower nozzle: why I carried in my pocket shirt 0 breeder I carry in my pocket Slushee Cone slaps & Soiled Chin Towel grins. shirt chance of boiling ... and made of myself less of a little boy, more of a 'Twas but fantasy! for rose yr ideology beach rump than breathing methane mud shirt. Feet lisp? So much the better Like something from the grave for the bliss we feel during the honeymoon phase of therapy, and that yr cuff yr That juts out c1othes--it's strange, you know gape dark towel would not recognize "concussion" shirt even if it came up and --Face on the table, bend a fork, hoy es lunes THE CHEWED NOODLES was twisting in the heel, like at least two of the shirts cocked inside, which Unless it's Tues-- force them new rocks, Baby Baby Hell, in this dream. (Kabir meets JMB, from 6.21)

Inside these chewed noodles there are big buttons and meatloaf bitchy, and the maker of big buttons and meatloaf bitchy! ., . All seven clam isolations are inside, and hundreds of m~~l~ons of ~apl~ght slathered dinner fell off load face or grinner slugged w~th yr to~~c fats .. The bra machine that spilled mouse foam in yr name is there, furl~ng, furl~ng, you fool claustrophobe, and the one who drooled around the hole. And the oily booth cage dead attendent page that no one touches, and the source of all folded blonds.

If you want news breather on ice babble, I will give you nostril in yr hair: Friend, listen: Writing poetry is like blowing a soap bubble; what we got here is more like blowing a cannibal.

Randy Hoore THE LESSON (7.19, 7.26) BARKING IN THE SHOWER POEM (7.19) This rather overbearing hair across your stones knocked me for a loop. I want not to have much more of what I'm having I split in two: 1) so many hairs go ahead taste melting yellow snow That's why I pout clusters forms, "names" of spittle luster And they shout in your drain salt face, hunch the table, lunchy one! This pattern wind is where For we are scarlet pepper and you are a snot spattered clove foot You can't even floor with such gutter green fur plain Insertion! but 2) my other half shouted back, don't be a mooncalf, My groin-speak faster faster slake a leak thin mud dances Don't be a luddyduddy, let scarlet pepper under leaf thick scar Sinking "names" the disease worry sing mice lacked Nod and open! let regurgitation pick your face its fruits blink scarlet! Bring the clicking mouse in sleep heaped in closet Needless to say, neither part was quite all there-- So I can nest hatch while you Neither realized such a thumping pander must've blinked long ago Bleed toes in shoe you're reading To the music of the skeeter's song along the fence, and the moose? We just squeezed farting meal spokes awhile until, natch, barking He seems to come in for mention quite a lot these days, his sty leg In the shower becomes a generational thing Stair isolation certainly almost understandable and, sure enough, Venture to say a way of life! Any mouth breather under nation's oily maceration can boast We can bark in the shower longer than you might think and if Bloody clothes bloody rubber like a cloud with plumbing We follow our great dream of barking in the shower till Chuckles, Of the worst sort--(not our sort at all)-and this goes to show the wheel crushing demon foot, relaxes his hold on lumpy That bottoms gummy with impaction are the best ads of all Bolus kinda sumpy, as I'm sure we can, then red foam For sitting nude among twittering defecations behind the coliseum Blinking on the rim eyes capped with cloudy opals' II Or the library downtown for that matter. Meantime, a scattered lunge Whirl ho~ above the stoolish pout a shame the bankers Will show that wallets giggle with inflation and contusion, a ripping of air Know almost more about than you Will a.cliff "form" here and a cliff "form" there, everywhere I swall About why in yr shorts Ow it sway and forget that rancid driink--if you can. But you can't Breath's mother dirt hangs dankly (and fractals Fool Mother Nature even though your head's larmes Yell) uh where was I? Oh yes _ Reflect hazy view of insects and booms in the light If we follow our great dream of barking in the shower Will turn against you, turning your doll chest sticky warm Swarms a dot glove wadded in yr mouth For maximum turns around again oh the street This is the best definition I know Has become a trembling room above sewers and that's Of the web. This is falling like a spoon Why I believe I may have to dance toward cheese Dropped off a cliff. This is Rising in strings from your World-wide headless Doncha' speak the door flindered dim house of ogival Box of jerking steps. With hiney eyes and a few offal heaps to cap it off. The lesson? If closet suit collection which you call pod pee pools kinda smelt And paranoia is your lowly walked round eye, don't wait but right away Clamp blinkiness between yr teething hand, your big spaced-out face Like a ragged sunflower, your peeling hand on nuts reminding me of late THE BOY POTATO (from 9.6) Afternoon cafeteria love or the love between two runny porch rugs.

It was train the soup stands in rain when the sockless turning over rocks left the wave POCKET DAMMIT (from 8.2) demention door pork sockless turning over every night crumbs on bright, though nostril blooms Fragrant in the heat from your frequent pail share pocket dammit mo~ld pai~ful I don't know how hotter than a head floor coldcut fills wavers a spilled carrion foaming blood of the locksmith I saId a blotter air hand as bent stick a pocket dammit kinda what a wash plate rancid year speak i~ groan~ for skin the muscle-bug strip back and klutz-shape unpeeled with so many hairs with so many charlatanry tormented vasehned things that he stood, his tiny potato eyes with feet one soon forgets to exhale or even collapse that those who don't know a grey office from thus by gloriously therapeutic nihilism involving hillside pants onl~ a ma~ter con den sation would say sprouted ear and eater gone darting ever nearer head wore your rear there came Into being whistle whole head pendant lobe whirling an explosive structure prompted in part by inexplicable ba~ement nude show round spot round shape round streams with penny in part by reward individuals deemed worthy of empty talking reaped and wipe the front. I may not know much but I know nothing to do but wrap it in black plastic for all eternity yr to?th doubles enough about this Fondo the Boy Potato but hoy's still designed to eat up savings when grave rattles In creek to not let him remove my pants. Do you? dribbling down six-foot bone of the clock spandex steaming ~a~ticati~n t~ere exists affinity between Peyronie in pocket dammit crawling hid ImprovIsation which many believe Franz Liszt overflowed upon upon bending a fork.in .un­ consciousness a static brains' splashed parts held and poke the scar inSide your crackling heat, anatomical slum lord. HAVE YOU? ANOTHER THIGH LOG DOUBLE (from 9.6) DELMORE'S DIARY (8.9, 8.16) There is throbbing blighter (from 6.7,6.8) August 20 the blighter inside The old-new love of forward nails clicking all night returning, lip dribbles and Diana shorts that Coffeed up sang grease drop the phone. Several outburts-not sestina, cazone. Clever fools--but believe trip yr mule--yr flame cloud they're right: I MUST call my latest poem "Seth Not Only Speaks But Yells": filthy like milky queen sauce shakes from big face mac. Broke wind­ "sees" it strokes the hot The sausage lander cripples my legs ing dentition and flesh der smo on yr ho cloud Not to be outdone by bladder mounted blinks swallowed with your hand list dry yr slope before (that which blinks waters juicy little peach fur honk) spacing out, that around undermouth fakes Corn wall is a form of stink crazy heavy with the wet dark squirrel stood ching laked sp read alone. Most who stand like whole status as glue stretch hand The kingdom of lumber is each road through that, sock-stuffed yr fla- joins the sneaks we were when we were lashing lighttube-dom home looted-- fla trap 'n sluff it. Snuggle sneaking ants by fork between queasy if pants bled yr thigh log double Fusal fluke stunned-damp mice. Tremble and drain yr coat, the tub of flag dink of the floor. Dimly like fat It lives it lives Enema bell dimwits voting for an algae another thigh log and squeezing Seth wig to bray and clout the butts double stumbling around, spray dis secret ... over, shed flesh off yr storied lame yes, yes August 21 bug space ray"pa [In the following Delmore recalls his first encounter with T.S. E. 's chair.] pie or nickles vern glass stank, Fuzz's after wiping yr crest falsies. crush yr liver burns before its shape dissolves, not (I had descended corners burned lamp hands, bobbing for fecal master moth its shape dissolves not, before dozing off on your sidewalk. Pro fusion rouge, said the doctor.) release starts to run nc co spray I had to fog lap in [?] (a)Thoreauesque desire (b) flatulence rises inflated down my leg, uh uh dis secret till cat and flopped sideways party doll (c) wake. it stops moving I went awry beneath the bed, but my bladder continued conscious corn rolls o dink of the floor on plate "innocuous" to rubber blap steam form thudding under foot. or if it won't I had "anxiety feelings" over the fur thumper, donned mouldy tea shoes for hissing's left, stand up straight you might at least cago of Laurel and Hardy and then drinking through your pants (potty porta) I sure haint try washing tasted (I think) gin, tooth clouds, and, in a way, sop yr clank ("limb phobia," as I forgotten that wet dark squirrel that thing once in a while. blink corner moan light dancing thin mourner). I almost resisted steak haze exhalation until I lied about never spreading flies Al Ackerman and humming to your head, when the sense of waste and lids or at rise gleaming scar high like empty never got drinks. Two thumpers and a hanky brazo writhing put me to sleep at last, and I your eye fellow rufugee, heavy read eating path, sensitive enough to quiver on bread so better void smiling belly fragrance--with Chickie. Shirt Fix ne~2\ Fell out side your sticky shirt fixation conjured doves in constant depths and . /" (/iii ~ lc...> squares, I sat connected to all the.thlngs / against yr~ I couldn't float on, chewed the ~halr. " stung by \J~sp and spit the spikes flat hat graln fllckers ( . chimes I a check on the wall that turns it around . \ shorts we~ CD all those bubbles of signless arrows gralny \ at the sky a steam tree.swaying \ >. couldn't feel the A's sink or " ...... salty legs leaking through the melted tongues of all the candy licks or Ficus strangulensis finds thickly flapping wings stuff in John M. Bennett Stacey Allam & John M. Bennett ~ jJ Ficus strangulensis finds stuff in John M. Bennett I SAW THE MOON'S MEAT BREATHING WATER LIKE AN ISOTOPE John M. Bennett & Lewis LaCook

The moon, like us, is meat. Leaves swell beneath an expository Sun. Sometimes they talk so fast 'That all you see is blur, bubble of

Blood and walking breathes water's Sight gland, something in the trough Rolls like isolation isoghosting On the concrete's drip division

With visors on, something seeing us Walking in those crippled paths from trough To water. The moon, like us, was Unrolling milk, 0 sight engorged clouds,

Their slathered meat your pants fulfill (Blind fish in the white glass swell).

JAZZ RINGS LEAKING GRASS UP John M..Bennett and Lewis LaCook

Some nights you wanna sleep in mud, and Some nights churn the grass up. Some nights Folktales #3 .;- r (0, c: (. (. o,~ Connective tissue dissolves or is otherwise Diogenes is full of the slop bucket. Lost by the body, and you think of surgeries toes like a grinder, wheels to the knees. He'd forfiet his hearldry for ( pocket change, the last of . Lumpy, some nights leaking in the sheets 0'': the heavyweight gender racket. (. , :i The poUtlcan's whore turns on a Spit, The tissue gas luminescence freely lost at ~ (. his tongue a worm incessant r­ Last rings clanging in the springs you for thorns or acid bath particulars, dialogues, cemetary vandals deviSing 0 Floundered found her there, blunt lights (. control of the rib. (; __ .1,:, Who'd suck the crocidlle free of ~stion, Ii the Annointed of pearls, reaped wholly from electricity's fishnet laver (. (. methin" ( (. and bolt through random lamb (. ality, ancrltl~ Jazzed cull and mulish ordure, what you endure perh"lnPr~l to foster enigma? Geologic then, 0 To break with states that fritter you among, and sweeter, I gnaw your thigh (. (•• as asylum wherc the hives explode. A spastic lung from screeching bedtimed ~..:- -- (. r-r: ~~ ,(. ( (.(. Cl-( (<-(' (~< . ~. .f. }Ji ( Flavor-rite, cashed along the streets

(. 1', (. 0 '- 1"0 (. r. r; r o r. (" Your breath a rope, knotted through your speech Jake Berry & Malak


So the fattest fever churned In sloped special milk soured down or flavored chest, all the caps dimensions filled. In your spill I wept out all the bullets, kinda spee~ or allergies (never mentioned, slowly k~lled).

John M. Bennett & Stacey Allam Ficus strangulensis finds stuff in John M. Bennett Estos dialogos son un intento desesperado de demostrar como pueden in case of fire, break glass, review then instantly entenderse CON PALABRAS aquellos que desconocen LAS PALABRAS del the pretty shards and classify at lightspeed variations otro, ...por un simple ejercicio de VOLUNTAD de quererse COMUNICAR"//En as the song without end re-magnifies and posterns of flat realidad, esta es la esencia del Mail Art y por eso ROD y CESAR estan into the seeming wonder how you actualize no typos' moonie en el mismo barco. ADEMAS, ya 10 dijo DALI: "La unica diferencia que craft and sake and sweet chemise undone for all the night existe entre un loco y yo es que yo no estoy loco." to trill upon, to lift cake from the plate of prayer to hold your quiet pole-barn rafter'd loop benigno max il rapunto in transformation how you read my lips without a course in swiftness, gentling with the words B.B.b.b.b.bbbbback as though floating, waveless, absent depth awhile instrewn silences no matter, sliding harmlessly ahead mas que un subject me parece una carambola in flowing movers helding sympathy as dreams enfold after a little computer death. toward telling with an equally formed brevity astride seria conveniente que los ordenadores no se murieran, no fuera a deep deeper deepest feeling still as the intensity pasarles 10 mismo que a los humanos lankier reputes their own extension into perpetuity despues de la muerte del pequeno computador having spent no center unrecorded likens more the bride of the bergamo idiot repletion and sweet claim-free openness when and if ahora 10 veo de otra manera, 10 veo como si bergamo fuera idiota the rain tones gift the dust sky with a freshening song which emanates from within's center outward Oh prosper 0 you solitary whirling Dido yo brindo por la solidaridad con berlingo didot into infinite extensions as equally internal resonating 10 tinico que he podido entender and the unusual native drinks paces swept across time weighing just dispenser. what time weighs, in the lore of practicum and casting 10 entiendo como si un nativo bebiera desenfrenadamente de la spirit-sign broadcast heavenward ne slepe ente marn'n despensa-nevera 0 frigorifico. what's seen beyond mere resonance unto said panoply of gifts, of twists in logic, and pure panting maybe, en 10 de la solidaridad con Dido estoy de acuerdo just what the doctor 0-, and you may quote me as light, how's destiny in your hands sound against ribbon dancing in correct quadrails ya que bailar en un correcto the moon's rising tempo within color and sound cuadrilatero es mi pasion y en hacer un seguimiento correcto Imprisoned by the passion for the whose visuals amend virgules all of a sudden snown correctness of stepping to blister with the magi most intact impresionado por la pasi6n fue incapaz de detenerse en el stop whither goes this love-trophy? i pause before the emptiness tambien llamado stoping of my own sound as love's violet excess pounds my face and there are free lines, trained lines in the painting Impaled on the canine of bad blood I just made, and colors, there are worlds there if only ... e impolido por el canino (can) del malo de Blood intermittent, profunct, elongated space intersected light de baile dentro de un cuadrilatero tambien pattern and sign, loaf and noodle, the spore, inherency collapsing what we thought must be without When planetary intercourse is illicit cuando los planetas brillan and with that withering that will be resurrected mas que el sol Cuando los cursos intercursos son ilicitos me refiero a 10 de cuculus Thomas L. Taylor &Sheila E. Murphy But the brightness of planetary logic refines the sunlight ...pero el brillo del planeta fue la consecuencia 16gica del hijo no deseado

una abrasada at the embassy of friction eso es 10 que queria decir, Yaggis Birch Rods que una abrasada en 10 mismo que un achuchon 0 una fricci6n entre subvertz personas que se quieren Daniel A. Russell & John M. Bennett And Cesar is handing out hugs y Cesar pone sus manos fuera del tiesto Like the laural was going out of fashion con gusto de laurel In the begin~ing EGR-valve ointment siguiendo la moda sera impossible egg blisters Ox lid And the cuckoo was considering changing her habits de tal manera que causeway uk blasted intoxications of obligamos al cuco a cambiar de habitos camera ploy Yrameti Firpl broadcast oil slick wrist contusions (phooey Es por ello que no me gusta moverme en el terreno de 10 ilicito by nine o'clock dross. an earthly wind bore the smell of something illicit ya que el corazon guiado por el viento es ciertamente un acto ilicito en la sociedad actual the cowboy guide suggests illicit acts be performed Flaming book aisle ter lingua ilk and the cow does not object chewing where yr neck lace velvet eso ya 10 se, ....10 de la vaca que no es objeto del deseo ajeno syl alpha valley rift por nada senor porque tiene los cuernos torcidos y seal B. blood-warted (pick them) listen-O pipsqueak las damas ark joy. JESUS CHRIST she ignored the groping hand of the football manager interesada solamente en los entrenadores del futbol moderno donde prevalece las Thomas Lowe Taylor and Lewis LaCook tacticas por encirna del buen juego who thought this was a grand game aye! when the whole damn world is at an orange party. Houses shed and alternately reinvent ya que ignoro el handing los hughs Their colors, just so you, atop the es evidente que si ignoro los handing con mucha mas razon ignorare los hughs Holy ladder, can watch from a serif Distance. I'll wash the angels' barn, y aunque se algo del laurel y de cucos who sucked bush for his angina 10 que hace que la angina de pecho aumente de una manera exagerada Then sink willingly into hand and glove ignoro 10 de fashion aunque me imagino que se trata de una moda, Reminded of the distances themselves forma 0 Watering the material to stretch it though that trend, now considered formal y solo los que cogen el Out along the waving lines, lines tren puntualmente pueden considerarse personas formales thus beyond those who admitted they had slept with Decorum and her sister Already too taut with the opposite Grace no es el caso de las hermanas Grace que no saben usar Of turbulence to withstand our moods. correctamente los calzoncillos Decarum or even that they imagined the act porque enseguida se imaginas que The houses in my neighborhood se corneten actos irnpuros Water the ponds with their own reflections, don't behave like a Cossack he said filing down the rough edges with a Futured hours their own repletions might receipt tal y como freir una tortilla de dos huevos whilst frying his breakfast with deep sighs Declare the form of thought their own light volaba durante el desayuno mientras las avejas se curraban la miel XXVII. 5 Cesar Reglero Campos & Rod Summers Ape natePlus relief wast sore yoIIur plate condition nap recedes MOTOR through your dentition cusp flake SOREswallowed bright with dust ABANDONS ME wheeling up the LEAPS sidewalk kinda peeling flesh off yr arm mud fresh YOUR NOSE dander comb isolation SUCK friendly snore gland

REPAIRING SCARS clutter FUR FUR pelf the storied lame utter Sheila E. Murphy and Lewis LaCook ants role twitching HER TONE path for pants rolling in a hole SPUNKO your whole The painting alludes to the wall as faucet dripping vaseline INFLATES inside yr closet Often as it can. Your fix is allergic, saw vacuum LOOMS speech start to draw And I don't mean for my feelings to scum under INHERENT surface spit in rum Bother you while you sleep. What I fruit SPAM drink jumps the soma loop Pretend is feathered yes, apart from mist condensing WAPATO on your hand list you and your allergic fastenings weeded carved in your FENICULE fingers' thin larva from scars and planks and hills maya dimly smeared beneath SANDY the mayo and flames we haven't even thought to wear brights yr BRUSHED lips caulk flame lights the sandwich falls yr lap PAINTERLY uh Out to preventative surgery. Birds are Nature's method for making motion Greg Evason inner FLAGS piece about our Time Spinner Visible to those of us stranded in our clots of lint and JACK SPICER distant shots Wounds, pretending comfort. whirl around the PLUNGING wet dark squirrel flattened in the ARROWROOT shopping center scattered Bless the crate of keynote blamefree holdings cups and bags space HER PINK smoulders up That would trigger each forgiven lane of tune. hissing's left, stand alone, just pissing NAMO

John M. Bennett TOM TAYLOR Sheila E. Murphy & David Baratier TOOLED SLEEP mention your name in brackets some local page didn't dozeni The corporeal deglazed, who can blame for clippings that might be reframed as wings beefy like a veteran hall suggest optional extensions beyond the alpha~tic, iconic, ~d auditor hull carpet echoes boots laud your way into derivatives unzapped untnpled and unchumed syne in your ear transfusion blame a few to build on & paragraph rather than inspired conte spoon shovled beneath yr butter to moniker when free of time and thoroughly miskempt

o Corn Hell, prey on me! get bitchy misinterpretation timbre lower entellechy past the lag hampster listens-in on farmed right out of an interpretive few earthment ar the even light the shallow dive (three months to retrain the tree a logic, not jest about a serious subject whom I beat of furnaces, perhaps, or swords with testaments attached frog clearing low brain water "wreathes" fail to continue appropriating a male voice I am guilty ofjamming hete Ilmurmurs flesh camera discurvacious whose singing was that in the vestibule with the repetons latched shut gagging on the sore yr flight panned the unexpected unmanagable change uninflecte Co de on the sleep you tool few hormones would dare whisper a replaceme k eye s whirling to where dumps instantaneous technology entail manifold swept mound dilec teat infractions of yr pecker would amp Ie crisp bills trellis a camera'd unfettered for unfed breathmark

fec und ulant 0 ulular yr wack y wave. process of pitkin's libatious uncomplic~ted way of fev~ring do mor te-no es, la ten Aetre keys "out side". our midst as something unowned unchumed threaded III posse

characterist~c are you after a fair omen hairless one? deep ambiguitious amplex structures of printerologist ge capitulate (that their habit) in toned ways feathenng a box of colors na

rash aspir ing st air stashe downers technologies conversely communicado beaster sc rew louts loudly in the yard's foam brush various manes and braid them as though ~ w sewer reso nates a (i) ring enuous fresh immediate observations hang it all brownie %; z the n ever "mine" the Le aper's Lake 100 ping timbreful erect mean docents are canaries in part w through the cow in ater, boyl Nob ladder o::l consequently historiography becomes a mean thirst?f its 0,:"" mighty slice '~ might 'e m oldy pear 1 ritualed young domecile a painted figment ~ al~)figslde habl Es tim ate :z: g rap e vision age spar red oh mars he b finder p :z: ::::c: instantaneous undermined te hane tho c ull 0 roaming mod ulation honey yodels if you look at it just ri tow arm t ~ hat s leg 'as t (f)w c arne you suck in ag a in... ambred light loafered angel ypeworm sud E-< pedestalled amid the portab H lid en t he d P:::: :3: read box alt W trim-coifed goddess reration the P:::: John M. Bennett revised by Lewis LaCook thin three scally gas ms malt asp (f) rin sung on dir :s~ yare ading to mush(end line match) w corned beef quatrains good for cas toil et fa st E-< grain m ost in .--:l

franchise my latitude's wear and tea lumber a warrant's search (light loaf Ficus strangulensis Nom adder tumult fracas shopworn tomb allegro pat ~ lifetime service with lifelong servee indifferent shrifting to mudsw ripstchord's lustrous rupture tonsu Es teem t .•d~ he blander p follicle chaperone entwisted and ent o my younger boy toy that wants me hone the c all durigible dunking spelunking & spe to enface shrill scat stung song's wo to iN arm t he s lug 'is t modems to the point of subte destroyed~ . was that really marky's horse-like penis jettin apeworm sid fulcrum done pendulum ment facade: Beneath ' off simply polished shareware blemished pha led in the b ~ of smashed readbox ul illustrated field queen heel sply white lin:Ldir~ live with daphne near the orphee delt angels we have herd on semit ponderous as plump rye farce potstic serration te am scald an tor the first rin sing in der vagrance cropware silicon durago obsidian knife one bakery apprentice factors into one fri as we were parting we were praying as we were surmised from solipsistic boothwarm snicker bric a brac toil et fir st I d~stroyr green mist in narkettical fonning in cutteous argail jelly in the left pocket of his duffle coat trees... a kind pension fund, tropeatic topiaries pirrhana fortran cote d'az "mu danza" S. Gustav Hagglund present circumstances skewed binding Sheila E. Murphy & David Baratier brash fraught-with-concavity hasp hin soft shelled turtle crabs called sleepers render mindovermatter thighless jingle b Nam odder dessicated invulnerable immediately palpab es tee mt fracases a little plural in the rendering pie p he bien der p ShapEi tW\T'" t<'SSE'C hane t he c ill ~/a. ehSo10Ij(As "S'L.tc: cut and dry case industry fcod poured over a to war m t ~b~sno1)llUhe",Q.T ~ documents pored over sandstone nicking nea he s luge 'is t ~'LKeye"S ape warm sed fodder, -acement, charts of bees forE PtP\'1 and the mendicant forethink lad in the b re: ad box ul (eriE3 )S~p,~ ru~m~e~auJ¥i ~ ~c~or ~. o~ methinks tarred feather in-vitero cer ration te dry-agai~t y:fl'tthro~ ~i~eSidem h watch the piano unravel the pina am s cald,in ran sang in der XKt~S£S X f010~Z~~ ~nd cormorant is nothing more than a chapped wo tail est fur st (aY~~ placid chairful nutherance to b grain m est in ~'stasl4isMrEN""L'IJE sp sect trees... "i ~u neothelonius happenstance fissures of fondings FlnelneE'S bul~ts oodt~gnI~" casement dry-eyed trappist yo tao . ved ma dansa" a~it~th ~~t~ ,ANdOropS tlf6at1'r~eTcoH "rUlyt~s~werr ~ argyle notes of a native field guidess ~~mumb •. stumble tantamount to bread breath biosp tulJeS rnfa~no1'1" e: ~ ~ je~ 8igl;nornE g r? orangicular, -ifing, armatrading argonauts Num udder r-- re9-­ with fixture blued dyed in the wool ban sock S U$toom mt Mycenae ltalia inveterate enema he bland urp doe:t cave-in sweet sweet portico to ra h one the c all "pa v r" ta worm t eyE convey food emaciate convoy he s lag 'is t braid the locfa storm wear entropy w napewarm sid £:'fes Rro~troe ~throwAnAleolL~~E stalwar frugally my fictitious menenius agrippa lid on the b fondu broadcast frippery this wear an rie db ox al ColJ.apsf IWflawAH'J)I'. sur rat i ont re HAdelhsoLirn Pt to John M. Bennett & Thomas L. Taylor amarantos perversion inflexible devotion ams b aid in c.OMpaction Ifis oNI\t-l saints be dazed tilled willful shamr run sin gin der gland" anticS t oil at far st venture capitulate all water long phased in gre en must in catapult durango fortress tresses teaked dr trues... John M. Bennett "my din nan wAMO;t.ched; ACt-\6l> In pillow's thick flight i~~ ,-i~& ,1~1lf.'Q~j') .. ZOOM .k~- ~ ~,~~1.o~~~l~r l'~ ___, \ '; -_- T~Q.'1 ~,leaVing re~a AerJ)ol.rni , ~ II"~ .~tanks i_\l)oftQot~ I' , I -- --'l:', ! ~'-1 ..~~' ", LlcoQchondri~'~ ~spoke' ';tr~th" H oOde lle1)prad '" .--- was spinning t' - 5orri 1UflG1-L'7'1 =-~ ~~;u-t--f~':I~I. ~i -~. t· ""0 \\Q ,Ach£~ ~.! ~ -----, i .''.' I I i1- - 8urningFalWdp... ~oS ~ ~ ~ ~, 6 -'---'--, 'V .' l~ ~ I ----~------..,.: I- ---- I Is:-rM \ ----

FAntJde l>tf!\N'o( Ficus strangulensis finds stuff in John N. Bennett "fisftorJJetas (1Al'abLete5as" b .a s e I1L e n _t _ f a u c e 1 John M. Bennett ~~. leaks caustic tooth ~~~ TomBeau clocking namster face "my" (TUMBling sNORe, Fascination wriST ed toWard my flAKing hEad or tumblINg flOor fastened to my list or Lakey liPs benEATh your lap ping bREAD be To watch neaTH your) hips John M. Bennett 12.3.97 domed clouds

and pinhead suns timbRE "your" (timbRING Snore FAScinaTion wreST ed tOward your flUKing hEad OR TumbliNG FLOor festooned to your laST or LUCKy lipS BEN eath "my· lip PING tRUMPet be sliding GINing my) heps cross this Reed Altemus 4/15/00 dead cat's eyes TorimBAUD

Richard William Pearce ·your"(TAMe ing geAR fUSsy Notion bliSs Add tOward her flEXing Baader EAR tin beaRING flOUR fastEND to your LaST or sLINKy LeAPs BEneath ·your" limey Brood BY Nate my) hets

Reed Altemus 4/18/00


J. Michael Mollohan Ficus strangulensis finds stuff in John M. Bennett 5f REED ALTEMUS REWRITES JOHN M. BENNETT LXIV

D rain the h am you f laked pain Rob e II: birds the neigh bors e Ma chin ell: like a gate gouged the ticks your pro fusion rouge n umber loft de tail mast of slumber cac a down the d rap rips you de rision laked sp read and spe wed drain age jab the Con form ity ed yr ca ter pill ers "h airs t each the st inking I ashed chairs" errs be stride the clang or gum my f ur foot the st air up to #1-E down ham hocks the door smiler wave brightly f lag "hi ho..... sp rayed the forks the tine's shade c reaming rift yr pen nies style-less heavy it ching in con gestion's sunk chevy auto trepititionwhy. It chy skull fl utters ten drils read each road a cloaking bread hamsterly humpings eye less eating path chaw s low pie mud a book the even Stephen mud raft tr ance p linking through blood book a mud ing eniero nada sud sing cone dump wring yr cud sucks his photo gra ve flush age st raight to hell loaf a wool a venue clo aca boss dim med stu nned back boat anding next theca rn evE ry begin bridge too feds lab ile si mulation cr urn bled through yr fac ile ning exhalation. W hen the knees hatless f art ing book gag wh eezing take a look birds the neigh bors e where the En qu ivered fauce ts 0 pen wide brea the river roof inversed. Saw gland stems, m ask of air flood mist er crash c locks and mu zzles sniff yr socks ah clack ah, duck rivu less tibia to be a en tu buses tightly bound! OK. toil et vasser yr cock tail boil Blinds talle merde et noodles on turd reef set awh ile In sn uff, yr gar gle smile JMB 7.28.99 va ga agate at the emp ty buck et al ways fat RA4.20.00 brim bouncing cl amber storm nor thin like a gate actitud flatwear shining more than acritud Be aute II: mouldering bar felt JBM 7.28.99 John N. Bennett raft er hab Chet RA 4120100 it I blan ish k sun Ken Ra i111: genu f1ect

breeding the cello for the sardine you pee until led the bend fizzle di the r rhythm cat ching mouldering bar felt sauce teased other on pun y tops unt il be "quest-ce-c'esr I went so I's anchor bench retro grade crad led you my bro too d an bel lies callo (us sa la do us borders laun dry binds stung rayed genu ine pulsed( joypan sutra much gestalt of b urn ing al to across the corridor g end er gunshy total bitten b ridge a mean t sainted (cr ushers balls of me (at night) ah to wind ing Ficus strangulensis mucus-clothed! Yr Des in te grating lap be low can dleg outed wallshines bubble days at me poltergeist bastard yr rive lob eIJe blue minstral cupboard yr crenellating un dulating R key am mend men t shadows periferal telltale eye yr "eye" yr inept dome yr dap board "gongs" of matter yellow slits inchings applicable to crust (span d ex sweepings fold hot hints Wishful Thinking and at un der rounds opaque eyeholes some) days tan dem gills inside, yr veins tape r fetching listed com ta vu end: dust hat metal Corn shuckers bra multiple) wh at got ten for arc pet un ias wiping looks of missed elbow dips pistols 10 ta mute domunism "John-u-ism" fleet p ass in by cell to branch off their faces JMB 7.28.99 and fled RA4.20.00 JMB 7.28.99 RA 4120100 Reed Altemus Stacey Allam 1-" :3 Gtiero en mi barrio (j j j j con passi6n) as .,cT C ~ she et 1-" o a dink :3 brQ () -First Impressi6nes- df Ie o no r laddEred :3 i1-Iira! iMira! (""t" ad C ~ AhC Aquf, where, there, honey hunters, 1-" nape sky gritty sleep loss plate o geonationalists gestured dentro dazed fa streaked with nose your eye steak :3 rope ladder swinging. 3 finger grip sdf stake clumsy tune issued out nates 1-" .....,:3 descent. endless demorative cradle feet wrapped in kleenex red meat C fas ~ stove cooking white. Namche Bazar 1-" o rebuilt tom down y mas. dfasdf spir :3 al .,cT a tu r d on Q) -Una Moda- :3 tele ~ Sin Palabras. adfadfasdf fo no 2> ~ Sin Corbata . "Pice de gallo breath? sadfasdfasdf 1-" o stp Lgt stp Lgt. ....mile-ly step meatly forth froth out wreck :3 dfasdf wake your farm stair clam save 0. illegal farming, terrace climbers. 1-" eat the shower soup or feet ...., slash and bum the edge. igualdad de capitalismo c J. Michael Mollohan sat gland uttered blank your shat ~ y arrnas sin manos bemused chicano stick Mt. 1-" o Blue sweater silence blew. :nQck stp Qck Qck«« :3 mot to atempo curriandodo dodo bCX)U.l o hell () () con word I-' C -cena- "fin al" ~ spat tered o1-" lvfACHOismo so re :3 chest dirty~irty spear tribe boarder dirty door say sink swinging shut y los estan dentro. say pee Hyenas lick my leg y know no reprisals. [Peligroso to swing down] Peligrosoj iii La Curandera es en eM Nepal! Mira! Problemas mildly intoxicating! Gogbat! iGogbatl Paths one leg wide ~ filth swallowed roof John M. Bennett 3 tooth swagger. Sucio arrugas sucio. vale vale = •JOHN' de no habla el canci6n de Blancobian's diner fork. spoon. napkin, oyos, bolfgrafo, feet entagled. shit! Cuidado! CUIDAOO!!!!


west [ angle s gals trough POEM so lid your h ill st ale trench sp or f isle h and stop era c row d w all destroy body no voices no burning downer gl and st utter gone bush just leaves d np pinch str angle sp ring heat st ill numb er dr ink frozen in frozen t ray fend ers sh out p last er doghair tossed in the yard for birds gl or y so lid clime swat ch bother salt er prune st if f grow A kind of shirt it must belong to those

figments running Reed Altemus Ken Harris naked through the trees "Hose the railing was a blunt beef in. Peyronie bend a

~. fork. Angle worm sock. Nippy mister flaked upon the MY D~TE WITH JOHN M. BENNETT ::s () toilet and your rectal rectitude was. Itchy snore your by Suzy Crowbar f-' dangle urological. Mut please loop me please, Pleased C John ~. Bennett appeared fidgety, nervous, when he showed CJl ~. You. " up on my doorstep three hours early for our date. He o wore some sort of all-white painters outfit and cap ::s "Okay I'm flattered, really, but if you don't put that Ql covered completely with indecipherable squiggly words, f-' horrible gnarled thing back in your pants I'm gonna let even down to his white sneakers, and an eye-patch. He f-' C the wolf loose at it." picked at his scraggly beard and shakily offered some CJl ~. crumpled bunch of plant life that I assumed was supposed g John didn't take my rejection well. with unintelligible to be, or a: one time was, something like flowers. A few grunts and mutterings he began slapping me.about the head feet behind him his wife and three sons stood blankly. I .,cT and shoulders with his cap. After a few mlghty oaths I. peered clos2ly at his outfit for several seconds, trying ::sQl shoved him out the door where his waiting family took hlm to make out the lettering. It was the word~a repeated ....,CJl away, gazing back balefully in my direction. hundreds of times. \'(~ C CJl ~. All in all it was one of the best dates I could remember. o It wasn't his appearance that stunned me so much as I've ::s never had a. date show up on time, let alone early. More ~. often they don't show up at all. I've come to suspect f-' Suzy Crowbar f-' it's because I'm a 6'4" transsexual weightlifter who C C/l Bahasn't dictates what sort of frilly outfits my dates must wear. ~. o John clearly hadn't followed my orders, but it was ::s Public enclave then ago mentor again captain sinker, second tenet apparent that that would be a lost cause. I made him sit o down and wait five hours while I got ready. His family () () ago encore tighter rings minion sauce. waited in the car. After the first three hours his boys f-' C started singing, so I hurried up before the neighbors CJl ~. They are lazy hurry then during sang sunny seven, dilute smile all went after them. o ::s gentle. "So John, where are we going?" I asked, uncharacteristic­ CJl Cl> ally letting a date make a decision. () There than buttery ago hurriers they leer rumour more like cane f-' C sender at which way field young penny breathe much bucket hats CJl "Dimple monkey twice the pudding octopi the tango man." ~. o young mustard. ::s "I sense some ...confusion." '0., Ten then tentative enclave ringing on the roof highly, tribal "Very blender shoes, cellular. Scooter my daisy heads." o 2> tanner young stand-up keyring encode sub-hid captain than CJl modular echo what sunny day farmer lung blueberry hick mart. "You mean .•. ?" ~. o ::s "Diddly day." 0­ ~....,. a careless translation of Petjarhan Ratna, section I (written m We were going to stay in and watch tv. Not an uncommon 2> Indonesian) by Aoh K Hadimadja CJl date for a tranny. John brought a videotape of himself ~. reading poetry. Since I shot half of it and it was only o ::s 45 minutes, the evening didn't seem to promise much ~. adventure, but John surprised me. ::s...., c CJl "The reverse spittle tries to reseal a wrinkled sigh but ~. fades down to lubrication or radiant Wednesday's tumble o behind the wall. Gladly we find little cream dream ::s () stains and I see you constructed. And in the same con~ o f-' struction of holes and cream dream stains your hole f-' y C bleeds a speech which suggest come. I guess head to one CJl slow, in stairs dangle, okra. I guess geek relief nails ~. strip the sky. I guess whores from bell." g r"::s "What the--?" cT Tim Gaze-- ., C CJl "Your milked thought opens poured lap haunted by thought r" you might be arrested before you finish this. In face g anal bUlb a vat sister's milk of place each time falsies tight parking tainted in illusion that's white faced. ()g For your hole. A pole." cT C CJl "Look John, I appreciate the sweet talk. You obviously or" Hadam X know how to impress a girl .•. " ::s Stephen-Paul Martin plays a different game with words that become visual in a Generator 2 poem called "Without Margins." In it the phrase of its title is repeated in a stack down the two pages the poem takes up. Absolutely unchanging margins are the ironic result. reststop But the avenue formed is broken every seven lines by rather gnostic utterances in capital letters such as, "FADING INTO MULTIPLE EVAS -NS," and "VA S f"lTHRES··OLDS WARM WITH PENETRATION." Each of these upper-case lines' rhymes, or nearly rhymes, with all the others, 'and together they form a more or less grammatical (if multi-participled), sort pets never-completed sentence which describes a state of being .•• without margins. The wayward lines also enact such a state by ignoring the rigid margins provided by the columnized text. On the other hand, they ~e .a,s rigidly centered as that text. LeRoy Gorman Semantically, however, the ongoing near-sentence is certainly without margins, for it refuses to stick to any predictable course--it constantly evades any kind of "logical" closure. Take the line, "VA S n THRES OLDS WARM WITH PENETRATION," for instance. It immediately flows into the phrase, "without margins," the phrase, "without margins," the phrase, "without margins" ••• The next new words, "KEEPING YOUHSEL'"' OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE NATION," splice in a cliche in which the sense of touch has become an empty abstraction--as has "the nation" ••. But what about a nation "wi~~out margins without margins without margins ••• ?" There's a whole theory of political science there. Which has nothing obvious to do with "vanishing thresholds warm with penetration." Or does it? Having one's thresholds phi1osophic~y, or dom.esticall~, .or Bob Grumman sexually, "warm with penetration," might well keep one superior to the fmally triVial More kNotes from the Otherstream goings on of "the nation." continued from previous issue Such blissfully "irresponsible" travels with Martin's poem (and mine is only one of .ma~y ways through it that are possible) can proceed in a like manner from almost any pomt m the poem to almost anywhere a reader desires. Interpretation is defeated not by non-interpretability but, as in Sloan's cover, by HYPEIUnterpretability. And the freshness Elsewhere in this collection of burstnorm art Christopher Franke's "Variation on a Scale of of Martin's twists keep his text warm with penetration. 8 Letters" uses the letters in the word, "property," to form various smaller words. Then at the end of the piece's six stanzas, in large print, appears the text, "1 word/ world," 'Meanwhile the channel formed by the many repetitions of "without margins" acts as a which wonderfully sums up what has gone before. The resulting work opposes secondary sort of fu~nel which draws all else--"information," "evasions," "persuasion," "stations," interpretation in a slightly different way than the two works I've so far mentioned; it etc.--into the zone that channel is linearly, MARGINFULLY, plugging on toward (but never does it in a language poetry sort of way, which is to break syntax before a mind can get reaching). Thus is created a kind of metaphor for an all-absorbing mood which is like a up a head of interpretive steam--as in the following stanza: ''Property ~i/ property guitar 3tring: capable of occasionally vibrating into an interesting new state, but always tyre./ Property yeti/ property pyre." returning to a homeostasis. Overall, then, Martin's poem spea~s of the rel~ase from, .a~d return to, the bounded--of the fine balance between aimless straymg a~d rigid "In a culture whose already classical dilemma is the hypertrophy of the intellect at the home-boundedness that health is. And we see and feel as well as read about thlS state, expense of energy and sensual capability, interpretation is the revenge of the intellect and do not interpret farther from it than its overt isness. It would thus seem to me to be upon art," says Sontag in her essay. Well, Franke's poem is a kind of payback to the fully Sontaggian. lntellect not from art but from the ludic intelligence. Neither sensualities nor under-meanings are the primary importance here: the fun of playing a word game is. But A more immediately graphic poem from this collec~ion is. G. Huth's "Fo~nd &. Aleato~ic it is a word game that grows sensual and vast as we "ope propertYi/ property trope," as Poem Number 3: Exterior Wall." It is in effect a photograph in typography of the exteriOr two of the poem's lines have it, and become one with the translation of property into wall of some kind of industrial building. . consists mostly of the word, "PAINT," re~eated poetry. over and over line after line. But one small rectangular area of the poem COnslsts of repetitions of'the word, "brick," and a few partially revealed, large stencilled letters Karl Kempton has a similarly char~ing poem in the magazine called, "Choice of Division or which indicate that the building was at one time used for die-cutting. So: an archaeology Unity." It consists of just two lines, "a we"· and "awe." In .other words, as the title haikued into view by (probably) the removal of some boards or so.me.thing from a asserts (I think too directly), a choice is presented between, on the one hand, a group of nondescript wall. The piece would thus seem fairly completely what it is rather than individuals associating to the degree of we-ness but not any transcendentally further, and wha tit means, even to the point of using words visually as much as, or more than, on the other hand, the result--or, perhaps, the state--of final egolessness. Kempton's semantically. poem, like Franke's, turns us (infra-verbally) from words to the nuts and bolts of words. And as we mull over the two versions of "awe," we begin to watch more than understand That Huth's wall is constructed of verbal bricks and paint rather than purely graphic the torn version mystically heal (in the otherwhere between the poem's lines), and the shades of. grey, however, leads us in time into the same kind of "we" it contains become singular. If we are in the right mood, we will also FEEL the verbo-techno-hermeneutics as Franke's and Kempton's works. The typography slows our serene motion of the poem's letters--and hear the sound of the "a" and the sound of the eyes into genuine seeing, and in our see.in~ we become aware .of the way words, ~s "we" change as they fuse, too. discrete quanta, make up everything. Or IS lt about how everythmg turns into words m the hyperanalytical gaze of Man? Something about dies as engrave.d stamps. used for So: a minimalism which compels us to read the text beyond lexicality, to sensuality--even impressing designs, or for shaping copies of tool;3--for endlessly repeatl~g, that is--seems to the three-Ietteredly simple high that awe is. Here, for me, Sontag's call for the important to the "message" of the piece as well. The way DNA is said to work comes "luminousness of the thing in itself," is fully answered. But, 1 would add, the intellect is fuzzily into the background of my thoughts on it, too. Huth's piece,. in short, teases.us not by-passed since it must recognize the linguistic subtleties of the piece to permit that into a kind of hermeneutics, but it is a more direct and palpable kmd of hermeneutics luminousness fully to arise.' . than the kind Sontag inyeighs against. S-,.!JJ Bob GrulJ1filan rS :~. -- --..: Paul Silvia The Inspirator

TIME WELL SPENT (from 8.2)

Soho Press recently published a mystery novel by Jake Arnott titled The Long Firm. This bothered me quite a lot. "The Long Firm what?" I kept asking myself. It was several weeks before an Anglophile friend of mine clued me into the fact that a "long firm" is a particular type of scam perpetrated by British gangs. By then, of course, I had already come up with quite a long list of long firl}1 possibilities, including:

The long firm tool, the long firm finger, the long firm spore, the long firm fork, the long firm poke, the long firm hamster, the long firm nail, the long firm dropping, the long firm ham slice, the long firm gland, the long firm bird, the long firm sibling, the long firm bush, the long firm rear, the long firm skull, the long firm meat, the long firm flesh bell, the long firm gravel sandwich, the long firm columnar paradigm, the long firm ear wax extraction, the long firm vacuation kinda trained for gangrene neck approaches, the long firm hairs under breakfast faucet triggers, the long firm flapping nostril, the long firm lox ream, the long firm wet goal, the long firm flake joints, the long firm gas fake, the long firm socket eye, the long firm baloney glans, the long firm o-ring wash yr prey, the long firm red sewage slosh and peek, the long firm visage, the long firm udder knapsack dropped your hips shudder slow, the long firm nude, the long firm eater-thinking hillside. the long firm coldcut, the long firm defecation lost, the long firm things, the long firm legs linking active digestion flock with your tongue-severed nuts, the long firm armpit cuts rich with long firm lips, the long firm speed twitch ...

On and on, I went ... on and on ... and by the time my anglophile friend finally took me aside and explained the meaning of "the long firm" to me, it was too late. For by then, you see, I was hooked. I couldn't stop.

Have YOU any favorite "long firm" words or phrases? If so send them to: LONG FIRM OFFER C/O LOST AND FOUND TIMES 137 LELAND AVE COLUMBUS, OH 43214 No limit. Winning entries will receive a long firm prize. John Adams Al Ackerman ~...... --