Congressional Record—Senate S7343
December 3, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7343 last week in Dallas at the age of 81. the 100th anniversary of the Stockton EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Like most Americans and millions Gurdwara, the first Sikh temple in the COMMUNICATIONS around the world, I knew Larry United States. The following communications were Hagman as J.R. Ewing, the best loved In the 1890s, the first Sikh immi- laid before the Senate, together with villain in television history. But I was grants, mostly from Punjab in north- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- also fortunate to know Larry as a pas- western India, arrived at Angel Island uments, and were referred as indicated: sionate advocate and friend, and I will Immigration Station. These pioneering EC–8375. A communication from the Chief miss him. immigrants had crossed the vast Pa- J.R. was larger than life, but Larry Counsel, Federal Emergency Management cific and came to the shores of Cali- Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Hagman’s life was much more than his fornia in hopes of a better and freer transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of most famous character. He was a de- life. a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Elevation Deter- voted family man, a true friend, and an The San Joaquin Valley of Cali- minations’’ ((44 CFR Part 67) (Docket No. active citizen who worked with me to fornia, with its Mediterranean climate FEMA–2012–0003)) received in the Office of ensure that our families are protected and abundance of fertile soil and arable the President of the Senate on November 28, from pollution and toxins.
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