July 2018 The Tarago Times is a non-profit community service, published monthly by the Tarago Sporting Association Inc by a team of volunteers. It has a circulation of 525 copies distributed throughout Tarago, Lake Bathurst, Mayfield, Boro, Taylors Creek and the surrounding district. View online at

Thank you to the Veolia Mulwaree Trust! TSAI vice president and life member Roberth Howarth receives the $60,513 cheque for the Memorial Park from Woodlawn Operations Manager Henry Gundry at the presentation ceremony on 14th June 2018. photo by Gill Shepherd Veolia is a proud sponsor of The Tarago Times Report all incidence of odour to the Woodlawn Bioreactor Community Feedback Line: 1800 241 750 or the EPA Hotline on 131 555 Option 1

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 1 TADPAI 2018 Seniors Fest

Some of the scenes from this year’s Seniors Fest held on 15th June 2018 at the Tarago Hall. Top left: lots of goodies in the decorated Senior’s Goodie Bag. Top middle: The hand massages from Sarah Watkins were very well received. Top right: The CWA ladies are in the House! Pam Hawke and Julie Watzinger strut their stuff in the Hip Hop demo. Bottom: A packed hall enjoying the delicious lunch. Photos by Maggie Corby and Megan Alcock

THE TARAGO TIMES IS PRINTED BY Unit 13/1 Pirie St Fyshwick ACT, 2609 Ph 02 6280 0457 Print Sign Design [email protected]

Page 2 Tarago Times July 2018 SENIORS FEST 2018 Hammerstein and Julie Andrews! Once again the Tarago Progress Association treated us Keith Hunter organised a Bingo session, which proved oldies to a wonderful ‘Seniors’ Day’. The warm and cosy to be a challenge to the uninitiated but was loads of hall was a welcome contrast to the icy blast outside. fun with fabulous prizes. During the afternoon, Sarah After hot entrés and drinks we settled into Chair Yoga worked her way around the room giving very welcome with Maureen Gambale, who runs the regular Hatha Yoga hand massages. Thank you Sarah. classes at the hall. A team of TADPAI volunteers worked hard all day to Everyone received a bag of goodies which had been make sure we didn’t starve – from the savoury entrés decorated by the Tarago Primary school K-2 students and to the sumptuous lunch we were treated to a delicious a great job they did of it. selection of culinary delights, topped off with after- Our MC Rob Brown kept us on track with a full programme dinner mints and ‘Lucky Door’ prizes. of presentations from Heron Resources (about their ‘Thank You’ TADPAI for a wonderful Seniors’ Day. If you current mining developments), Tarago Show Society and missed it, make sure you look out for the next one! Tarago & District Mens Shed (by Keith Hunter), Tarago RFS (by Rob Brown), Goulburn Library (Big Read Bus), Maggie Corby Tony Hill (about sustainable farming) and Sarah Watkins (Wellness and Massage Therapy). A special highlight of the day was the presentation of the ‘Tarago Senior of the Year’ which was awarded to the late Nick van Zomeren, received by his wife Joy, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the community. Gill Shepherd was presented with a bouquet for her outstanding community work. The CWA entertained us with a selection of popular songs and a surprise reappearance dressed up as their Hip Hop group (tats and all)! Maryann Brooke and Gill Shepherd sang an entertaining duet, the Tarago Seniors version of My Favourite Things (with apologies to Rodgers and Above: Brian Hearne from Heron Resources presenting at Seniors Fest

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Tarago Times July 2018 Page 3 Woodlawn Eco- Precinct Update – June 2018

As discussed in previous updates, Veolia’s application via Transport for NSW to upgrade the crossing loop in Tarago to allow more efficient use of the siding has been approved. The $8.6 million project was announced this month by the NSW Roads and Freight Minister Melinda Pavey. This project will significantly improve access of our two trains to the siding, preventing the need to run a TARAGO third shuttle train from Goulburn. Veolia is not aware of when the works are to commence at Tarago. The project is an initiative of the NSW Government and will be project managed by John Holland CRN. PRE-SCHOOL Veolia has met with Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) this month regarding the truck access along the Ph. 4849 4427 /Tarago Road. A funding strategy has been developed as part of Veolia’s $2.5 million commitment [email protected] to council to upgrade the sections of concern. The upgrade works will be done by QPRC within their road maintenance schedules. This outcome is a great step forward to improving country road infrastructure.

During the last Community Liaison Committee meeting, I mentioned that Veolia is looking to carry out a fortnightly Open 5 days a week domestic waste collection service in the Tarago district. The exact geographical area serviced is still being Monday - Friday discussed with representatives of Goulburn Mulwaree Council. However in concept, Veolia proposes a fortnightly collection of general waste, with a bin supplied. Veolia Children 18 months - 6 years will be in a position to provide more information in the coming months. This initiative is about giving back to the Standard Rate - $25/day community we live and operate in, and to provide direct support to our neighbours.

Casual and Half days available Leachate Treatment Plant Construction of the Leachate Treatment plant is Subsidised rates on application progressing well, with three of the large tanks constructed. Hydrostatic pressure testing has been carried out to test the integrity of the new tanks. The largest tank is 1.8ML. The engineering team is still on track to commission the plant by the end of September this year.

Tarago Village Plan Along with an Early Childhood Teacher our The Plan has been finalised and Veolia has met with staff are Diploma & Cert III qualified Goulburn Mulwaree Council about the implementation phase. Veolia intends to hand over the plan to the community on 12th July at the Tarago Hall. At this hand We follow the curriculum over, the intention is to discuss the formation of a steering set out by the committee comprising of community representatives and council members. The steering committee will work on Early Years Learning the Plan’s implementation. Framework If you have any questions or comments regarding any of Preschools NSW these matters please contact me directly. Woodlawn Education for Life Bioreactor 24 Hour Feedback line – 1800 241 750

Henry Gundry Woodlawn Eco-Precinct Manager

Page 4 Tarago Times July 2018

Wildcare Queanbeyan Inc Media Release Squirreled away in care Wildcare has always believed squirrel gliders live in our area, but until last year we had no confirmed locations for these elusive creatures. Two sites were confirmed and so began an intensive study of these gliding mammals, should one come into care at any point. And two weeks ago one did! A 300gm female! To the casual observer squirrel gliders look like overgrown sugar gliders, having the same configuration, markings and colours. However, they are a distinctly different species, less territorially possessive and more sociable than your average sugar glider. Squirrel gliders have a narrower and more pointed face than do sugar gliders. The black stripe from their foreheads runs down their backs right to the rump while the sugar’s stripe ends before it reaches the rump. A good rule of thumb for identification is: any sugar glider over 130 gms is not a sugar, but a squirrel glider. Like the sugar glider, squirrels have a gliding membrane (patagium) joining wrist to ankle. They live in small tree hollows in woodland and dry sclerophyll forests away from the coast. Like sugars they eat insects, nectar, pollen, manna, honeydew, thrips, eucalypt sap and acacia gum but, on occasion, they have been known to kill and eat small birds and field mice. Bella, the squirrel glider, came into care as a result of one of the commonest perils for Australian animals - barbed wire. Caught by her tail, as she glided, she hung on that evil barb for at least forty eight hours before she was seen and rescued. In that time the lower half of her tail became necrotic so, to add to her trauma, Bella had to have that section of her tail amputated. She is making a rapid return to health in the hands of one of Wildcare’s experienced carers and has recovered her sense of adventure and fun, even to the point of escaping her hospital cage one night and exploring her surrounds before sleeping squirrelled away in her glider house. Eventually, since her amputation precludes a safe return to the wild, it is hoped she will join a breeding program to help ensure the survival of what is now officially a threatened species. What can we do to ensure that other squirrel gliders survive and multiply in our region? Removing the top wire of barbed fencing will help, albeit, this can be a ‘painful’ job (the remaining fence will still enclose stock). Glider- friendly species of natives can be planted and look after the old trees on our land, so that they continue developing nesting holes. Above all, keep cats indoors at night (they won’t complain one bit in our cold winters). Should you come across an injured or orphaned glider, wrap him warmly, enclose him in something secure (with air holes), and ring Wildcare on 6299 1966, 24/7. Jane Baker for Wildcare phone 6238 1717

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 5

Men’s Health: During the recent Men’s Health Week we were reminded that in Australia, like most countries, males have poorer health outcomes on average than females. The National Male Health Strategy (2020 - 2030) will kick off with an 18 month consultation period to understand the issues that surround men’s health and get a handle on exactly what needs to be done. This is a relevant announcement for all Shedders - and the Australian community in general. Health Check: Greetings to our members and the community. Grant: We have purchased the equipment partially funded Rural Adversity Mental Health Program: in Round 16 of the Federal Government National Shed If you’re concerned about your own or someone else’s Development Grant: a high quality planer/thicknesser, mental health, call the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 security camera system and essential first aid items. 011 511. You can also find self-help resources on the website: New Shed: The development application for our new Shed to be located behind the Village Hall has been The next committee meeting is at the Loaded Dog at approved. Two grant applications have been made. 7pm on Monday, 16th July. The Shed opens Wednesday One to Veolia Mulwaree Trust to fund Stage 1: concrete and Saturday 10am-3pm. We have a wide selection of slab, shed acquisition and erection, power connection books, games (table tennis, table soccer, etc) and WiFi. and reticulation. Advice on outcome is expected by Bring your project to the Shed and start work on it or just the publication of this issue of the Times. The second come along and say hello. Please contact me if you wish application was to NSW Community Building Partnerships to join. for water tanks and reticulation. We are hopeful of moving in to the new shed by year’s end. Lou Alaimo, Secretary for Committee phone:0428 32 8686 Heron Mine Tour: On the 20th June some members toured email: [email protected] the Heron Resources site at Woodlawn mine. Afterwards we lunched at the Shed with Heron staff and thanked them for their recent generous support. Trip to Historical Aircraft (HARS) Museum: The Queanbeyan Shed generously offered several bus seats on their 19 Jun trip to HARS Wollongong. Those that went had a great day communing with our fellow Toyota Land Cruiser Club Shed members. of Australia Spring Get Together: We intend to have an open day to get as many members as we can to the Shed. Current The TLCC is a Registered Training thinking is for a Sunday brunch in October with briefings Organisation that offers Nationally accredited on Shed issues and possibly a speaker. 4WD Driver Training and many other 4WD Facebook Presence: We hope to establish a Facebook related training courses. presence soon. We will advise members when this is up and running. • The TLCC also offers Community Project: The Shed has agreed to make a letter • 4WD Trips and Events box for use by community groups at the Tarago Town Hall, • Access to Club Land at Tarago and 18 Wallace St Tarago. The new Shed address will be 20-22 ‘Koolandilly’ on the Wollondilly River Wallace St. • Club Shops - Member’s Discounts Australian Rugby Choir: Unfortunately we have had to • Social Outings cancel to choir concert for this year because of a clash • Quality Bi-Monthly Magazine with the Toyota 4WD weekend. We now hope to have the Choir perform at the official opening of the new shed in • Most Makes of 4WD Welcome early Autumn 2019. And we still hope for the attendance of the current Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove, patron of the Australian Men’s Shed Association. Join Now Shed Security: We have been advised that a robbery recently took place at the Goulburn Men’s Shed. We ask 02 9990 2800 community members to keep an eye out for any unusual activity at our current location the Show Grounds. In e: [email protected] addition we are about to install security devices which will provide alerts.

Page 6 Tarago Times July 2018

TADPAI Membership TADPAI exists to promote the social and economic development of Tarago Village and District, and effectively now has a near new collective of office bearers. We are interested to hear from and encourage you to join TADPAI Tarago and District Progress Association if you have a similar interest to us in the social and economic development of Tarago Village and District. To Changes within TADPAI apply to join TADPAI complete and submit the Application TADPAI continues to transform following its Annual Form at General Meeting in April 2018; and at its June Meeting, EDi96rRx6SrIaYek6rJZGxXuHHz0l4V4YMe1i_mlS-D_4ZQ/ it was agreed that TADPAI should replace subcommittees viewform?usp=sf_link or contact Adrian directly, see with Coordinators, who can elicit anyone’s assistance and below for contact details. that the new Constitution be drafted to reflect this, and that an appropriate duty statement for each Coordinator Adrian Ellson position be developed. The new Coordinators are: TADPAI Secretary Tarago Village Beautification Project Coordinator: email: [email protected] Cid Riley phone: 0456 497 575 Tarago Hall Coordinator: Megan Alcock Anzac Day Sub Committee: Still to be confirmed CAPS Markets Coordinator Jenni Cole Seniors’ Fest Coordinator: Judy Alcock Tarago Park Upgrade The Goulburn Mulwaree Council included the Tarago Park Under 6 Playground Equipment in its application for grant funding from the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund. We are pleased to announce that our grant application has been approved. TADPAI has now commenced planning for the work to be completed. More on this in the August edition of the Tarago Times. Hello everyone Veolia and Heron CCC Meetings The last of the current Veolia and Heron CCC Meetings We’ve been a bit quiet these last few months and have was held on 23rd May 2018, and the outcome of each can missed a few days to get together. With school holidays be summed up as follows: coming up and our members both in the school system we • Heron Resources is on schedule to commence are looking forward to an outing at Sydney Horse Riding production late 2018 School in Centennial Park to meet Bonnie the Equine • Veolia’s Leachate Treatment Project to reduce Simulator during the school holidays in July. odour emissions should be operational by the end of Bonnie is a horse simulator who can be ridden just like September a real horse but can give the rider valuable feedback on • Veolia has lodged an application to extend the siding how they are riding via a feedback screen and a printed at the Tarago Railway Station report for you to take home. Our horses give us a lot • The May meetings were the last meetings of the of feedback on how we are riding them I know but not current committees, new committees now have to always in ways we can understand clearly. be established; this is a process managed by Veolia and Heron Resources respectively I am not sure if we will be able to ride Bonnie bitless but either way this will give us some interesting information Street Lighting and Footpath for Goulburn Street about the effects of a rider on a horse. TADPAI has approached Goulburn Mulwaree Council for additional street lighting and an extension of the There has been some movement overseas with more footpath along Goulburn Street, and is now awaiting shows allowing bitless competitors in horse events such as Council’s response. showing, jumping and horseback archery. A new petition has been created on to the FEI to allow UK Extension of the School Zone Dressage riders to compete bitless. You can help by going With the increase in traffic in and around Tarago, TADPAI to has again approached Goulburn Mulwaree Council for bridles-for-dressage and adding your signature to the list. an extension of the School Zone on Braidwood Road to include the Tarago Preschool and the Bus Stop, and is With winter well and truly on us now is the time to check now awaiting Council’s response. that your horse’s diet contains the right amount of fibre which is important for the health of their hindgut. A For the Calendar healthy hindgut allows the horse to control it’s body Goulburn Mulwaree Council has scheduled its Tarago temperature to combat the winter chillls. Outreach Meeting for 6.30 pm on 13th November 2018 in the Tarago Hall. This is the perfect opportunity to Happy horse time, Gill Shepherd & Cynthia Harris. interact with our Councillors and Council staff.

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 7

Tarago Police News

I begin this news letter to inform everyone there will be another NSW Firearms Amnesty from the 1st July 2018 until the 30 September 2018. The aim of the amnesty is to either register any unregistered firearms or have them removed from the community. For the period of the amnesty, members of the public in possession of unregistered firearms and firearm related articles will be able to surrender those items without fear of prosecution. Prohibited Weapons can also be surrendered during the maintenance amnesty. If you need any further information you can contact the NSW Firearms Registry or you can email me plus on [email protected]. Operation Chrome has been running in NSW for some time 24 hr emergency calls now. The idea is to increase patrols in the rural areas in particular the back roads. These patrols are being no call out fee conducted by the Local Police or Officers from Highway Patrol. Several weeks ago we had set up a RBT site in licensed gyprocker the middle of Bungonia. Yes, it’s not in Tarago but this is a stark reminder for everyone not to Drink and Drive. A Southern Highlands man thought it would be OK to bathroom & kitchen renovation have a few beers while working on his property and then travel home. You could imagine his surprise when he was stopped in the centre of Bungonia and subjected to a general handyman work & Road Side Breath Test. He produced a positive result, property maintenance was placed under arrest and driven into Goulburn where he underwent further testing and was later charged Drive including: with Mid-Range PCA. I’ve received a few reports lately about strange vehicles * small electrical seen in and around our area again. Locals on Cullulla * tiling Road located a number of gates had been opened while * plumbing they were away and it was obvious the unknown persons where having a look around, thankfully nothing was * gutters stolen. Another report of a white 4WD, possibly a Nissan * carpentry was parked on a private driveway off Mayfield Rd and when the owners approached them, they very quickly * door & lock installation drove off. This type of behaviour suggests they weren’t * kitchen cabinets lost but up to no good. * painting Remember you are our eyes and ears, if you see something suspicious regardless how minor please make a note of it no Job too small and let me or my colleagues at Goulburn know. I can be contacted at Tarago Police on Phone: 02 4849 4411 or call now for your no obligation Goulburn Police: 02 4824 0799. Also don’t forget there free quote will be a town meeting with Police from Goulburn and Tarago in the coming months. A time and place will be arranged. John harb Go the Blues...... and the Dragons. mobile 0416 214 170 Stay safe. Garry Handsaker home 4849 4586 licence no 94665c

Page 8 Tarago Times July 2018 HORTICULTURAL ADVICE & GARDENING TIPS Verner Compiled by Wanda Egan July ‘18 SHADLER Bindii – Now is the time to remove your Bindii from your lawns. Timing is the key- don’t let them set flower so Regimental number 3712 get in early. It can be done by hand, which I do as I see POB Braidwood it come up on my small lawn area. You could also use Other Names Adolf Werner a small amount of salt or ammonium sulphate sprinkled Religion Church of England on each plant. Or there are selective herbicides you can Memorial St John’s Lake Bathurst use and these will get rid of some other broadleaf weeds Occupation Station hand as well. They usually contain Dicamba or MCPA in them, Address Lake Bathurst, e.g., Bindii™, Kamba™ or Clover killer™. Marital status Single It’s time to cut back the tops of your Dahlia plants back Age at embarkation 18 to ground level. If your Dahlia bulbs are bulging out of Next of kin Mother, Mrs Mary Jane Shadler, the ground now is the time to dig up and divide and Somerton, Lake Bathurst, NSW replant back into the soil. They can rot if the frosts get to Enlistment date 14 December 1916 the bulbs so you may need to replant deeper in the soil. Rank on enlistment Private Digging your blubs up also allows you to add new compost Unit name 1st Pioneer Battalion, to your soil thus giving your plants an added boost in the 9th Reinforcement growing season. AWM Embarkation Roll number 14/13/4 Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New It’s almost time to prune your fruit trees and roses. South Wales, on board HMAT A68 Anchises on 24 January Remove any DEAD, DISEASED or DIAGONAL (crossing 1917 branches that touch) wood first. Cut out any inward Rank from Nominal Roll Private facing branches to create the shape of a vase. Then Unit from Nominal Roll 53rd Battalion reduce the height of the plant to the required height. Fate Returned to Australia 17 Dec 1918 For roses, don’t go below your knee. For fruit trees, I Family/military connections usually try and stay around the 5 to 6 foot or head-height Uncle: 1966 Pte Frank Bishop REYNOLDS, 55th Battalion, mark for ease of harvesting, netting and spraying. Always killed in action, 2 April 1917; Cousin: 1880 Pte Roy cutting just above an outward facing bud. Spray Roses BASSINGTHWAIGHTE, 55th Bn, returned to Australia, 22 and fruit trees with Lime Sulphur as per their winter July 1917.~ spray directions. Peach and Nectarine will need a spray Other details War service: Western Front for ‘leaf curl’ shortly, as the buds swell before ‘bud burst’ Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal and then once after but don’t spray both on one tree in Miscellaneous details Name stated to be Adolf Werner one year. Don’t cut back your Banksia roses now, wait till SHADLER after flowering in Jan or Feb. Start looking in nurseries Date of death 26 January 1979 now for roses and fruit trees. Put wood ash from your fire place onto your vege patches and turn the soil over. You can also spread it over your garden beds or around your fruit trees. I’ve been sifting my wood ash through a metal colander and keeping the fine dust for my Pear and Cherry slug control during the warmer months. Once I have a bucket full the wood ash will go onto the vege patch. Horticultural Advice & Garden Maintenance Service Rose and Fruit Tree Pruning WANDA EGAN 25 years experience Fully Insured 0403 335 389

[email protected]

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 9 CWA NEWS - Tarago Day rooms in the purple Event Folder. 10 July - Big READ Bus Branch of the Country 17 July - Cultural Day @ Goulburn CWA Women’s Association 23 July - Crochet Workshop, from 10am at the CWA rooms 25 July - International Day, Tarago Hall * 2018 STUDY TOPICS - 31 July - Big READ Bus Country: Republic of POLAND 8 August - Native Orchid talk (Peter Coyne - guest speaker) Fauna: OWLS after the monthly meeting with a shared lunch Flora: ORCHIDS (Orchidaceae) 29 September - Spring Market In Tarago Feral Foe: FERAL DEER 29&30 September & 1 October - Willowglen 4WD Challenge Foe (weed): ALLIGATOR WEED (Alternanthera We need your help for some of the above events marked Philoxeroides) thus *, please contact 4849 4681 or brookemaryann@ Primary Product: POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum), for further information. The CWA Tarago (Day) Branch held its June Meeting on Wednesday 13th, with 16 members attending. JULY “Happy Birthday” to Willy Sneyers - 12th, Clarice Beileiter - 20th, Donna Huggins - 25th, Vicki McMahon - A visit to the Cartier exhibition in on 31st of 26th. May proved to be a beautiful display of some of the most glorious jewellery from around the world. Worth a visit - Next Meeting, Wednesday 11 July 2018 at the CWA Rooms, closing 22nd July I believe. 10am. Jenni Cole Publicity Officer Another excellent day was had at Seniors Fest on Friday 15th June. A lot of CWA members attended and were part of the day. Some of the highlights were: • a gentle start with a session of yoga • Big READ Bus visit and info session • Bingo for all, capably called by Keith H. • Senior’s Fest Goodie Bags, decorated by K-2 class - thank you to them !! and thank you to the suppliers of all the great goodies inside • Sarah Watkins’ talk and hand massages • a Yummy Lunch with dessert as well • Heron Resources information talk • Men’s Shed and Showground update • Tony Hill’s Holistic Management talk The CWA evening branch were proud to support this years • mini-market, with a sample of some of the items seniors day, we hope you all had a wonderful day and we available at the Market in Tarago look forward to doing it all again next year. We would • Presentation to Joy for Nick’s Senior of the Year also like to congratulate the late Nick van Zomeren, for award. becoming our senior of the year. We know he would of The CWA singers entertained us with their songs & they been smiling down upon everyone, especially Joy while are now moving into the dance area with their Hip Hop. she accepted the award. Looked excellent ladies. A reminder that our Christmas in July, Brain Buster night A big Thank You to Judy Alcock & Pam Hawke for their will be held on Saturday 14th July, with a 6pm start. organisation and of course their helpers and to Jo Cormie Tables are filling fast. This is a chance to have a great for the flower decorations on the tables and around the night out, meet new people, raise a few dollars and who hall. knows... You may even learn something you did not know. The CWA Web page has been updated - check out Tarago. Tickets are $10 each or pre-book a table of 8 for only $70., under the Community dropdown. For more information contact Dee 0408437547 or Vicki 0427458727. BYO drinks and nibbles. Don’t forget we On 17 July, at the Goulburn CWA, there will be the annual have some great prizes up for grabs. (Lucky door prize, Cultural Day. winning table, silliest answer, best dressed esky). There will be a Crochet workshop held on Monday 23rd We have also started a Father’s Day raffle (that’s right it July, bring your own wool and lunch. Nicola from the will be here before we know it). Just like our Mother’s Queanbeyan CWA Branch is coming to visit and to show us Day raffle there will be a LOT of great ‘GOODIES’ for that how etc. Please contact Irene on 0413 606 967 to book special man in your life. Tickets will be available at the in. All welcome. Brain Buster night, or through any of the ladies. A couple of days later (25th July) we have International Remember ladies, you are all welcome to come along. Day at the Tarago Town Hall. Help will be required the Our next meeting will be 6pm Thursday 19th July. Why day before, setting up as well as on the day. not pop in and say hello.

EVENT DIARY Vicki Bowes Some of these events have Booking Sheets at the CWA

Page 10 Tarago Times July 2018

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Tarago Times July 2018 Page 11

their patches. The Scarlet Robins are adding colour as they flit through the deciduous trees and the Black Cockatoos have flown by and nipped the tops from the pines, just for fun, before continuing further into the valley. The Grey Shrike Thrush is back to spend hours entertaining itself on the side mirrors of the truck before eventually finding a mate and settling into parenthood under the vine. TLG’s next formal meeting – Saturday 4th August Members and supporters are invited to the Tarago Hall Lastly being woken at 3.30am to find a microbat flying at 9.30am for an ordinary meeting and morning tea – around in the bedroom is not fun but a reminder to check attendees are asked to bring a plate. Details of other wood brought in for fires and boots left outside. TLG activities including working bees are circulated to Heron Resources land rehabilitation people on the group’s email contact list. TLG is liaising with Heron Resources about how it might Serrated Tussock best rehabilitate/revegetate 78 hectares of its property District landholders are reminded that it is easier to see at Woodlawn. Details of developments will be provided and eliminate Serrated Tussock in winter as this serious later. weed stands out on the ground when surrounding grasses TLG welcomes enquiries from Tarago district landholders turn grey-brown due to frost. about any of our activities and future projects, or about Windbreaks how our Landcare group may assist individuals with Windbreaks of native trees and shrubs add value to improving their land or community property. Feel free rural land. There is much information available from to contact Tarago Landcare Group at the email address government agencies and private sector firms about [email protected] or TLG’s Secretary Rob the value of tree corridors as windbreaks to agricultural Gemmell on mobile 0400 304 142. production and to rural ecology. One organisation on the Chris Elford internet,, summarizes the advantages of trees to landholders in this sentence: ‘Trees arranged either as windbreaks, woodlots or scattered individually through paddocks can improve productivity by protecting stock, crops and pasture from extremes of weather and climate.’ Heron continues to hire local It is worth adding that in Australia particularly windbreaks Heron Resources is pleased to have recently welcomed also help protect precious soil, and reduce evaporation two local Goulburn residents to the company, further of water from the ground, water courses and dams. bolstering its on-the-ground team at its wholly owned Windbreaks of native plants also provide habitat for Woodlawn Project. The successful applicants have joined the Process Operations team, who are responsible for the plant’s operational processes and ore treatment performance. Heron’s Chief Operating Officer Andrew Lawry said the recent hires are in line with the Company’s long- term strategic initiative to provide more employment opportunities to the local community. “With operations on site at Woodlawn showing great insectivorous birds and bats that assist agriculture. progress, we continue to build a team equipped to handle every aspect of our operations as we work towards our Windbreaks are good for stock and pastures – image schedule to commence commissioning the processing courtesy of plant late in 2018. We are on track to deliver the first shipment of concentrate to the global metals market in Early Winter in Covan Creek Valley, Lake Bathurst – a the first quarter of 2019.” report by Vicki Coles With only 3mls of rain in May it is very dry here in what Heron has also recently signed the Woodlawn Project’s some locals refer to as Rain Shadow Valley. However, it electricity supply contract with a major electricity retailer only took a couple of frosts to make the colourful leaves to power the Woodlawn Mine following a competitive of the Liquidambars, Oaks, Maples and Manchurian Pears bid process. The contract will ensure electricity supply fall and the ‘wood roses’ to be released from the tops of throughout the commissioning phase and into production the barrel shaped seed cones of the Cedrus Deodars. We in early 2019, representing another achievement have been removing the white spotted red mushrooms milestone in the development of the project. called Amanita Muscaria to prevent them being eaten by passing wild life. The Choughs, Magpies and Rosellas are back defending

Page 12 Tarago Times July 2018

Are you looking for funding for your community group?

ARE YOU FROM ONE OF ARE YOU LOCATED IN ONE GRANT AND DONATION THE FOLLOWING? OF THESE LOCAL FUNDING > Sporting Groups GOVERNMENT AREAS? Since 2005, the Veolia Mulwaree > Rural Fire Brigades > Goulburn Mulwaree Trust has provided more than > Service Clubs > Upper Lachlan $10 million to support projects for the benefit of the local > Schools > Oberon community and for charitable > Preschools > Former Palerang purposes. Two funding rounds > Wingecarribee > Progress Associations are held each year. > Community Health Services > Wollondilly For more information > Shoalhaven > Churches please visit: > Charities > Any other non-for-profit organisation which complies with the Veolia Mulwaree Trust guidelines?


Phone: 02 4822 2786 Email: [email protected]

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 13

to break the ice in our birdbaths first thing on winter mornings to access the water! Should you need advice or help with injured or distressed wildlife, please ring the WIRES Rescue Number 1300 094737. Your call will be logged and directed to our branch electronically, so that we can respond accordingly. FEATHERS & SPINES! As always, our volunteers will be only too happy to assist. By Kay Muddiman – Media Officer Until next time, take care all – Kay First – the feathers! A beautiful Barn Owl (Tyto alba) came into care one evening early in May, after flying into a window in the Crestwood Estate at Goulburn and knocking himself unconscious. We get lots of daytime calls for birds that have injured themselves by flying into windows, but this evening call for a nocturnal bird was a complete surprise. He came around after a while and thankfully didn’t have any visible injuries. The next day he was taken for a vet examination, including checking his eyes - perfect eyesight is vital to these birds. He was given the ‘all clear’, so that night he was taken back out to Crestwood where he was released near the river. The accompanying pics were taken during his vet examination - unfortunately it was impossible to get a photo of his release, because as soon as the box was opened he took off, flying beautifully - obviously happy to be home. Second – the spines! Some weeks back we had a call for an echidna at that had somehow fallen into an ancient (fortunately long unused!) brick lined septic tank and was unable to get out. It responded to all efforts to get him out by ‘digging in’, making the task that much harder! It took the assistance of a young teenage boy to shimmy down into the tank and dig him out. Finally, after not a little effort, the echidna was retrieved. Other than being very thirsty and wanting a drink, he was thankfully uninjured, so was able to be released straight away. The caller (the occupier of the premises) was most distressed about the echidna’s plight, assuring us that she would be getting her husband to cover the tank to prevent any other creature from getting into the same predicament.

Another word on feathers! Top left: The Barn Owl being examined by vet At the time of writing this our bird co-ordinator reports Top right: Shows the bird’s beautiful heart shaped that she has two galahs in care that are underweight and face. debilitated, due to the dry weather and resulting lack Middle right: The ancient (and guilty) septic tank. of food. We are also unfortunately starting to get young Bottom: The Echidna refreshing after its ordeal. parrots in that are extremely underweight and weak for the same reason. If they survive and their weight improves, and to give them the best chance of survival, they will be kept in care over winter and released with Do you have an article that you can write for the the coming of warmer weather in spring. Tarago Times or comunity notice or a classified ad ? Finally – birdbaths! Due to the dry conditions and our current erratic weather The Tarago Times is interested in publishing articles of patterns, many of the water sources our wildlife rely interest, hobbies or adventures. on are disappearing, so please continue to keep your birdbaths and other water containers topped up. In fact, Please contact [email protected] they should be topped up year-round. Even in the cooler weather birds need water to groom their feathers daily, so don’t assume they’re only visiting birdbaths on hot summer days. At our place we’ve even had birds trying

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Tarago Times July 2018 Page 15

Sarah Watkin Tarago Sporting Wellness and Massage Therapy Association Inc Sport Bringing our Community Together Many thanks to Mark Quinlan for erecting the fence around 0401 843 736 our Lone Pine Tree to protect it in it’s vital growing years. [email protected] We will soon be erecting the sign showing the certificate of authenticity for the tree as a descendant of the lone pine tree at Anzac Cove. Introducing our new Massage Therapists Congratulations to TADPAI for the very successful Seniors Sarah is a holistic therapeutic massage therapist and her Fest that was held last month. Also congratulations to passion is healthy ageing. She works with individuals to local soccer player Rhys Flissinger who recently received assist with the impact on our bodies due to daily life and funding from Round 2 of the 2017/18 Ray Harvey Sports environmental challenges incorporating massage, energy Foundation. Rhys has been selected for the Australian flow and active listening/coaching to assist with balance Youth Futsal Team who will travel to compete in Spain in and overall wellness. She is passionate about helping people November this year. to age the best way they can. The power of touch, energy flow, essential oils and connectedness are all part of your On 14th June Vice President and Life Member Robert treatment. Sarah does a traveling clinic to Tarago every Howarth and myself attended the official cheque second Thursday and the first Saturday of the month. presentation by the Veolia Mulwaree Trust to receive the grant for the Memorial Park project. We are in the Michelle is an experienced therapist whose passion is process of arranging the soil turning ceremony and this women’s health and wellness. She brings to our clinic a will be announced on social media as soon as we have wealth of experience in natural therapies and works with confirmed the date. individuals who want to bring themselves back to centre. Michelle has a gentle heart and a gentle but consistent touch Stay warm and have a great month. and works from her heart. Michelle is a holistic therapist Gill Shepherd President who understands the environmental impacts around us and is passionate about ensuring your treatment is special. Chris is an experienced remedial therapist. He incorporates his varied skill set including deep tissue, Lomi Lomi, myofacial release and relaxation to assist clients to experience GLENDARLYN LODGE a varied treatment style. His passion is assisting those people Agistment & Riding Centre who are recovering from injury or surgery and incorporates stretching and gentle manipulation into his treatment plans. Lynda Howell His powerful techniques are firm and strong but sympathetic EA/NCAS Riding Instructor to what the clients body is telling him. His exceptional skill set and gentle manner will ensure his clients are comfortable Teaching beginner to advanced riders with treatment plans for whatever purpose. Full sized sand arena Stables—yards—wash bay available for CWA Rooms July August overnight stays for your horse Saturday 7th Saturday 4th Servicing Goulburn, Thursday 12th Thursday 9th ACT & surrounding areas Thursday 26th Thursday 23rd Will travel for more than 3 riders September October Must have your own horse

Saturday 1st Saturday 6th Many years experience with many types Thursday 6th Thursday 11th Thursday 20th Thursday 25th of rider and horse combinations

Bookings Essential Agistment Available Full board only with professional care given Therapists available at Bungendore Clinic 7 days a week by appointment including evenings. 97 Burrabinga Road Tarago 3/10 Gibralter Street, Bungendore Phone: 48494565—0427 074 579 Bookings Essential 0401 843 736

Page 16 Tarago Times July 2018

• Rural & Residential • Houses & Land • Acreage • Appraisals & advice • Rentals • Property Management

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Friendly, local professionals – Honesty and professionalism guaranteed Affiliated with all major real estate listing websites Available 7 days by appointment

Thinkin g about sell We’re ing? getting a lo a t of enquirie bout Tarago s properties. Cal l us for a free appraisal 4 Wallace Street, Tarago NSW 2580 Fax: (02) 4849 4382


Tarago Times July 2018 Page 17



 Large and Small bales of hay  Huge range of feed for you’re your horse, pony, sheep, cattle, alpaca, goats, pigs and many more  Chooks—feed for chicks to layer hens  Dog & Cat food - cans & kibble - kitty litter  Bird seeds, rabbit and guinea pig food  Feeders and waterers - 1000ltr water tanks  Wormers, herbal products—mineral blocks & veterinary products etc; with professional advice given for your steeds needs



Page 18 Tarago Times July 2018 TARAGO SHOP Braidwood Road, Tarago 4849 4421 Email: [email protected] Starcard, Motorpass, Motorcharge and Fleet cards accepted As well as Debit and Credit Cards including Amex Trading Hours Cold Drinks Newspapers Monday - Friday Chips Magazines 6am - 7pm Pies Postal Agency (6pm close in Winter) Hot Food Phone Recharge Supaswap Gas Fresh Bread Saturday Ice Grocery Items 7am - 6pm Quality Oil Confectionary Sunday & Public Holidays Auto Products Fresh Coffee 8am - 6pm GOULBURN PRODUCE AND RURAL SUPPLIES PHONE: (02) 4821 3655 Gilmour Station Pty Ltd T/A FAX: (02) 4822 2253 A.C.N 001792 632 [email protected] ABN 37 440 572 739 149-159 Sloane St,Goulburn, NSW 2580 Agronomy • Fertiliser Hardware • Roofing Stock Feeds • Fencing Your one stop Building • Timber Chemicals • Seed Rural, Building & Paint • Hand Tools Animal Health Hardware Store Power Tools Trading hours: Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm Sat: 8am - 4pm

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 19 LET ME HELP TUTORING

Local tutor for Students in Years 1 to 8

Based in Tarago servicing Tarago District and surrounding areas

Catchup or Extension Work

Qualified teacher with 30 plus years experience, including teaching and tutoring children with special needs.

Phone Sandra on 0400 92 92 76 or email [email protected]

Page 20 Tarago Times July 2018 From The Tarago Times Archives Mix to a stiff dough and then put heaped spoonfuls on top of the meat/vegetable mixture. Cover and cook July 2009 - Healthy by Choice for a further 20 mins to half an hour. 5. The dumplings should look like bread. Serve and your Health your decision stand back, and by the way, the gravy is the best bit. This is also a good one for the babies, if you remove Hi, Julie here. As I sit writing this on 16th May, the winds, the potatoes (they can sour if left too long. Puree the off the Southern Ocean have suddenly realized that it’s mix (without the dumplings) and it can be frozen in their turn to inflict weather on us. Of course, with the meal size portions and kept for up to 3 months. winds have come the requisite flu’s, colds, sore throats, and sniffles. So, what can we do? Julie Arbalis Honey and lemon, is always a good standby, but honey and apple cider vinegar will also act as a disinfectant for the throat. Either mix a teaspoonful of each together and Hilton just suck on a spoonful or pour in boiling water and make a hot toddy from it. There are those who will suggest adding a little something extra and this may enhance the Victor appeal for those who drink spirits, but funnily enough, there is very little evidence that this has any greater therapeutic effect than having the mixture straight! ROBERTS Liquorice or Echinacea lozenges will sooth even the stubbornest of sore throats, just suck on them as required, using the guidelines on the packet and a bit of common sense. With young children, be especially aware of what other ingredients are in any lozenge, as sometimes the additives can have their own adverse effects. My personal favourite is hot orange juice and honey. Use an orange concentrate, like you used to be able to get at the baby health clinics, blend in a spoonful of honey and then slowly add water, just off the boil. Be careful, this is hot. However, you can actually feel this one doing good. Cooled juice, made this way, is a very handy substitute for milk if baby is congested and is coughing up phlegm or mucus after drinking milk. It is not a long term substitute and remember to give baby clear water to rinse the mouth, but when they won’t accept anything else, this is one way of helping to keep fluids up. In previous columns I have written about the benefits of chicken soup as a cure all when one is under the weather. For my next best recipe how about an osso bucco and dumpling stew to warm every one up. This is a good “throw everything in and let it do its own thing”, so why not give it a try. Osso Bucco and Dumpling Stew Recipe 1. Take ox tail or neck rosettes, 1-2 for each person. In a heavy pan, put 4 tablespoons of oil and brown 2-3 onions roughly chopped; add garlic if you like and brown this too. 2. Add the meat and brown well; then add diced potatoes, carrots, leek, capsicum, corn, peas and ½ cup of pearl barley. Stir all of these in well so they get coated fully by the juices. Salt and pepper to taste and if desired add 1-2 oxo cubes. 3. When the mixture is hot, cover the contents with water, and allow it to come to the boil. Lower to a simmer and allow to continue cooking for an hour to hour and a half. Top up the liquid as required. Now, if desired, add some gravox mixed with a little milk. 4. Prepare a dumpling mix with two cups flour, a large spoon of mixed herbs, some savoury salt and water.

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 21

Local Land Local Land Services demonstrated the free Drought Feed Calculator app at its workshops. By using feed test Services and livestock information the app helps determine a South East maintenance ration. It is available from Apple iTunes or Google Play. Local livestock managers can contact the Feeding Livestock this winter Local Land Services at Braidwood on (02) 4842 2594 to Local Land Services has been supporting livestock discuss how to develop feeding plans and strategies for producers across the region by delivering a series of feeding livestock over coming months. “Feeding Livestock” workshops. These sessions aim to Welcome to Dr Louise Baskind provide producers with key information and tools from In July we will welcome Dr. Louise (Lou) Baskind to South the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) to enable East Local Land Services. Dr. Baskind will be stepping into them to develop winter feeding plans. the role of District Vet for Palerang while Dr. Kate Sawford Dry conditions in many areas across the state combined takes a few months to consult on the Mycoplasma bovis with the onset of winter have reduced feed availability outbreak in New Zealand. from pastures, prompting producers to look for supplementary feed. Producers should identify core animals to keep and feed and put together a ration that is suitable for the class of stock. For example, energy requirements will be increasing for pregnant cows and ewes. Hay is important to support animals during cold weather and producers should budget increased feed requirements for chill. Good quality hay has high metabolisable energy, and may be more cost-effective than some cheaper straws. However, in many situations hay alone may not be sufficient, and livestock managers will need to consider grain, grain by-products or other energy and/or protein concentrated feeds. Understanding the quality of grain and hay will be important in budgeting amounts required and how animals will perform. Producers should request a feed test, or can pay for testing through the DPI feed test lab. The body condition of animals should be assessed and feeding should be adjusted to maintain animals in optimal condition for their stage of production, particularly Lou grew up on a mixed enterprise farm in South Africa, moving towards calving and lambing. which included beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and cropping. She finished her high school education in A Commodity Vendor Declaration should be obtained Sydney and then completed a Bachelor of Veterinary when purchasing stock feed or hay, particularly if it is Science at Sydney University, graduating in 2009. Since an unusual feed, to manage food safety and chemical then she has worked in private clinical practice in Alice residue risks. During dry conditions animals should be Springs, the UK, Sydney, Bungendore, and Braidwood. watched to ensure they aren’t going to unsafe areas She has been visiting our region for over ten years and searching for food and water, such as farm stores, rubbish moved to Braidwood two years ago. dumps, roadsides or low dams where they can get stuck. Although her clinical focus to date has been companion During recent sessions Local Land Services district vet, animals, she has an affinity for the land and looks forward Kate Sawford, explained a range of animal health issues to serving our community in this new capacity. producers may face during dry years. Livestock should always be transitioned carefully between different feeds Risks of Low Dam Levels by offering small amounts of concentrate over the first This story was published earlier in the year, but as few days, with roughage to balance the diet. Magnesium, conditions have not improved it is worth having another salt and lime are important mineral sources when feeding read. grain and transitioning onto winter forage crops such as The extended dry period we are experiencing has thrown oats. Poor transitioning can cause a range of diseases and up many challenges to land managers, in particular those livestock deaths. with livestock. Besides the lack of feed available, low Local Land Services also provided supplementary feeding levels in farm dams pose a serious risk to livestock safety guidance for those who have some pasture available. and health. By their very nature, dams are built with Important information on supplementary feeding - mud. The clay used to line the inner walls of dams to including transitioning - is available in the Managing keep water in becomes a sticky trap for livestock after Drought guide on the DPI website ( repeated visits. continued on page 23 Page 22 Tarago Times July 2018 Local Land Services article continued from page 22 date so that the potential for spread of disease is As the dam level continues to drop, more mud is exposed minimised and soon livestock have to have all four legs in it to reach • talk to your neighbour to discuss any repairs to the water. boundary fences. The Dividing Fences Act 1991 can assist with these discussions As livestock congregate around a low dam, dominant • contact Local Land Services for supplementary individuals can force others to drink from increasingly feeding advice if you are concerned about your own unsafe edges. The increased activity in the muddy stock potentially straying in search of feed. layers, normally covered in water, creates a quagmire and potential death trap. A stuck animal tires quickly and If stock continue to stray or you are unable to have them can die before you notice it. removed by the owner, contact Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) to discuss options available to What can be done? impound animals under the Impounding Act 1993 (noting • Be proactive. Assess all dams on the property to that you may be able to have the animal/s delivered to determine which ones may be unsafe. the nearest convenient public pound at your own cost • If you don’t live on the property arrange someone to and seek recovery of those costs from the owners). You check your stock regularly. can also contact QPRC rangers if straying stock are found • If you are unable to regularly inspect risky dams on public roads. accessed by stock, set up alternate water or discontinue use of those paddocks. Media contact: Dave Michael, marketing and • In the long term consider a watering system that communications coordinator South East Local Land draws from more permanent water sources like Services, 0418 513 880. creeks, rivers or larger dams and pipe to troughs in danger paddocks. Such systems can also aid in the Cookery Corner control of other common diseases like liver fluke. • Talk to Local Land Services about your eligibility for funding through one of our natural resource Lamb Shank Soup management programs. Such programs may be able to support landholders with the purchase of fencing Warm up winter weeknights with this slow-cooker soup – materials and alternate water infrastructure. it’s packed with warming spices and tender lamb shanks, • Consider selling or agisting your stock if feed or water plus it’s low-calorie and gluten free! levels are critically low. INGREDIENTS • Seek expert advice if you are in doubt about any of 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil the points raised in this article. 2 large (700g) French-trimmed lamb shanks The Braidwood office of Local Land Services can be 1 large brown onion, finely chopped reached on 02 48422594. Or drop in at 42 Ryrie Street. 1 carrot, peeled, finely chopped Straying stock 2 celery sticks, finely chopped Dry conditions across the Palerang area will be forcing 2 garlic cloves, crushed livestock to look for new feed sources, and this may 2 teaspoons cumin seeds, crushed mean that they stray from their home property. If you 2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds find straying stock on your property, you should take 2 teaspoons sweet paprika reasonable steps to identify the stock. Talk to your 1 teaspoon ground coriander neighbours, as that may be all it takes to have the straying 400g can diced tomatoes stock removed. If you are able to identify the number of 400g can chickpeas, rinsed, drained their eartag, you can call Local Land Services to trace the 500ml (2 cups) chicken style liquid stock animal/s on the NLIS database (if the owners of the stock 500ml (2 cups) water have kept up-to-date with their NLIS transfers). 100g trimmed silver beet (about 1/2 bunch), chopped Natural yoghurt, to serve (optional) Prevention is always better than cure, so we encourage land managers to: METHOD • check the integrity of their boundary fences. It’s Step 1 Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan important to note that straying stock may pose over high heat. Cook lamb for 1-2 minutes each side or a biosecurity risk, as they have the potential to until browned. Transfer to a large (6L) slow cooker. spread weeds and diseases. All land managers have a Step 2 Heat remaining oil over medium heat. Cook onion, general biosecurity duty to manage biosecurity risks. carrot and celery, stirring, for 5 minutes or until soft. To find out more see the Straying Stock fact sheet Add garlic, cumin, mustard, paprika and coriander. Cook, at: stirring, for 1 minute. Transfer vegie mixture to slow file/0003/723180/Straying-Stock.pdf cooker. Stir in tomato, chickpeas, stock and water. Cover. • isolate the stray stock from your animals if possible Cook on low for 6 hours 30 minutes. • ensure all stock on your property have been Step 3 Transfer lamb to a bowl. Once cool enough to transferred on the NLIS Database so that we can handle, shred meat and discard bones. Return meat to easily trace them slow cooker. Add silver beet. Cover. Cook for a further 20 • ensure that all vaccinations and drenching is up to minutes. Season. Serve with yoghurt if using.

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 23

TARAGO BUSHFIRE BRIGADE for a while, see if you can make it to one of these sessions and take the opportunity to brush-up your skills. (est 1946) Chris Burns Secretary To report all fires DIAL 000 phone: 4849 4330 email: [email protected]

Did you remember to change the batteries in your smoke detector at the end of daylight CHURCH TIMES saving? If not, you really should put it on the “to do list”, with many of us having wood burners and electric blankets, it pays to be July Services sensible. Anglican (A), Catholic (C), Holy Communion (HC) Burning Sunday 8th, St Andrew’s, Tarago 9am, (A,HC) Permits are no longer required for burning, however, the normal obligations apply. If you need to burn, you need to Sunday 15th, St Josephs, Tarago 8am, (C, Mass) give your details and day(s) of burning to Yass Fire Com, Sunday 22nd St Matthias, Currawang 9am (A,HC) before 3 pm weekdays, 6226 3100. Please also notify the Brigade Captain 0412 410 353 (an SMS with the day and Information regarding Church Services contact: address would be really helpful) and your neighbours, seeing smoke can be very distressing. You need to have a Mulwaree Anglican Services 0417 468 304 or email reasonably cleared area, with water at hand. Please be [email protected] mindful of weather conditions and fire danger ratings. Tarago Catholic Service 4821 1022. You cannot burn during a total fire ban and you should not burn during windy conditions or periods of high fire Pictured left: danger. There are more details on the RFS web site, St Josephs, Tarago If you have neighbours or friends in the area, who do not get the “Times”, please pass this information on to them. Junior Member News Three Juniors have completed their Bushfire Fighting Course in preparation for moving into the adult section of the Brigade. Juniors also engage in community events and support work. You may soon see them demonstrating their newly acquired skills to the community. They train the last Sunday of the month at 9:00 am. If you have a member of your household who is 12 years of age or over, who is interested in joining the Junior Brigade please contact the coordinator, Julia Wynn, on 0428 594 210. Membership and Assistance If you feel that you can no longer be active in the brigade, for whatever reason. You can still belong to the brigade as an Associate Member. There are also other ways of assisting the brigade without actively firefighting. We have a few ancillary roles that we would love to share with you. The “Run with the Wind” fun run in October is one of our big fund raisers. Things like catering, shed maintenance and grounds maintenance are also on the list. If you are able to offer assistance, please contact me on the telephone number or via the email address given below.

Meeting The next General meeting of the Tarago brigade will be held at the “Loaded Dog”, Tuesday 17th July at 7:30 pm. Training The two training times are 9:00 am on the second Saturday and 11:00 am on the last Sunday of each month. Currently, Training Officer Jason, is also trying some evening training sessions.If you haven’t been to training

Page 24 Tarago Times July 2018 Walter George Horace REYNOLDS ROWE Regimental Number: 18928 POB: Goulburn Religion: Church of England Occupation: Bushman Memorial: St John’s Lake Bathurst Address: Inverlochy, Goulburn, NSW Marital Status: Single Age at Embarkation: 24 Next of Kin: Father, J A Rowe, Inverlochy, Goulburn, NSW Enlistment Date: 2nd December 1915 Rank on Enlistment: Shoeing Smith Unit Name: Field Artillery Brigade 7, Battery 27 AWM Embarkation Roll Number: 13/35/1 Embarkation Details: Unit embarked from Sydney, NSW, on board HMAT A8 Argyllshire on 11th May 1916 Rank from Nominal Roll: Corporal Unit from Nominal Roll: 7th Field Artillery Brigade Fate: Returned to Australia 22nd September 1919 Regimental Number: 6819 POB: Lake Bathurst, NSW Religion: Church of England Occupation: Fireman Address: Goulburn, New South Wales Marital status: Married Age at embarkation: 25 Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs Mary Reynolds, Grafton Street, Goulburn, New South Wales Enlistment Date: 26th April 1917 Date of Enlistment from Nominal Roll: 25th April 1917 Rank on Enlistment: Private Unit Name: 18th Battalion, 20th Reinforcement AWM Embarkation Roll Number: 23/35/4 Embarkation Details: Unit embarked from Sydney, NSW, on board HMAT A72 Beltana on 16th June 1917 Rank from Nominal Roll: Private Unit from Nominal Roll: 18th Battalion Fate: Returned to Australia 10th January 1918

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 25

Page 26 Tarago Times July 2018

Bell Tower Tours Saturday, 7 July 2018 Take an interactive tour and learn about the history of Exhibitions the bells at St Saviour’s Cathedral. The splendid bell- Buskout! - Youth Busking Festival tower, soaring windows and massive stone work are the Saturday, 1 September 2018 first impressions one has of St Saviour’s. Built around the The youth busking competition which has taken Goulburn old St Saviour’s Church from 1874 to 1884, St Saviour’s by storm. The main street of Goulburn will be filled Cathedral is one of the finest white sandstone cathedrals with music from our very talented young musicians. The in the Southern Hemisphere. Both the Cathedral and competition is open to all school-aged musicians and is Hall were designed by one of Australia’s most famous always well supported by the community through hosting architects, Edmund T. Blacket. The tower was built, buskers, donating prizes and as an audience for the and bells installed as per the original design in 1988 as buskers. Come on down and support our local businesses a bicentennial project. In 2006 the final three bells were and young musical talent. installed, giving Goulburn the only 12 bell and flat 6th Open to all musicians 5 to 18 years old. country peal in the Southern Hemisphere. Registration will be taken through August and the main Where: St Saviour’s Cathedral prize is a recording session at Rock Con studios plus lots Time: 10.30am & 2.30pm of other fun stuff to win. Admission: by donation Where: Auburn Street, Goulburn Contact Details: St Saviour’s Cathedral Time: 12pm - 2pm, winners concert 3pm 160 Bourke Street, Goulburn NSW 2580 Admission: Free for all to see Telephone: 0401 977 432 To enter – contact The Music Place, $20 per act. Contact Details: Goulburn Regional Conservatorium - The Wood Music Place, Auburn Street, Goulburn NSW 2580 Sunday, 8 July 2018 - Sunday, 29 July 2018 Telephone: 4821 8833; Email: [email protected] Each month Gallery on Track features a different Visit the website of Goulburn Regional Conservatorium exhibition. Some of these exhibitions feature members of for more information. the Gallery. This is so in the case of July as Peter Collins, Wood Work and Sculpting Artist, will be exhibiting 2017 Archibald Prize examples of his amazing woodworking skills with the Friday, 29 June 2018 - Sunday, 19 August 2018 official Opening at 2.00pm on Sunday 8th July. This Awarded to the best painting of a notable Australian, the exhibition will run through until Sunday 29th July. As Archibald Prize is a who’s who of Australian culture, from is always the case, the Gallery houses a wide range of politicians to celebrities and from sporting heroes to locally handcrafted items available for purchase. You are artists. Prestigious and controversial, the Archibald Prize welcome to browse 10am-4pm Wednesdays to Sundays. is Australia’s foremost portraiture prize. The Archibald Contact Details: Gallery on Track Prize awards $100,000 prize money for the winning 2 Blackshaw Road, Goulburn artist. In its 96th year, the Archibald Prize has been held Telephone: 48227889 annually since 1921. An open competition, the Archibald Prize is judged by the trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Entries to the Archibald Prize must be painted in the past year from at least one live sitting. Finalists are exhibited at the Art Gallery of New South Wales before embarking on a year-long regional tour. In the early years, all entries were hung. Contact Details: Goulburn Regional Art Gallery Cnr Church & Bourke Sts. Goulburn NSW 2580 Telephone: 4823 4494 Devonshire Tea At Riversdale Paint Pinot - Goulburn @The Astor Hotel Sunday, 15 July 2018 Tuesday, 3 July 2018 It’s on the third Sunday of every month! Riversdale Historic Every second Tuesday at the Astor Hotel. Looking for a Home offers its popular monthly event for visitors and fun night out and doing something different? Can you locals alike. Partake of its special refreshments including paint? Doesn’t matter!!! Come along, bring a friend and home baked scones in the unique character and grounds have fun, sip wine/bubbles, let your creative juices flow of an historic Goulburn icon. Indoor and outdoor seating. and paint your masterpiece. All proceeds going to the upkeep and restoration of this July - 3rd, 17th, 31st incredible property. August - 14th, 28th Devonshire Tea: $5 one scone & tea or coffee & $7 for two Cost: $65 (includes a drink and nibbles) scones & tea or coffee. Time: 6pm - 8.30pm House Open: 10am-3pm Contact Details: The Astor Hotel Entrance fee for house & garden: $8 adult, $5 concession, 93 Auburn Street, Goulburn children U10 free & National Trust Members free. Telephone: 0407 224 452 - Tina Contact Details: Riversdale Historic Home, Twynam Drive, Goulburn NSW 2580. Ph 4821 4741 or 0409 953 859.

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 27 Classifieds Community News

FOR SALE Heavy duty 3 piece Office Computer Corner. Very good Happy Birthday Clarice Beileiter, Vicki Bowes, Bernard condition $80 Ph. 0428 542816 Maas, Nick Mayo, Danita Evans, Vicki FOR SALE McMahon, Donna Huggins, Willi Sneyers VS Commodore Ute, automatic, 5 post aluminium bull- and Angela Chapman bar, $2,500 ono phone 4849 4594 for more information Deepest Sympathy LAWN MOWING Our thoughts are with Wayne and Heather Baynham and Do you need lawn mowing at your place in town. Call family for the loss of your Father/Grandfather/Pa Brian Aydan on 0472 650 836. Baynham who passed away peacefully on 9th June 2018.

Taylors Creek and Currawang Tarago Village Plan Meeting Rural Fire Brigade A meeting on 12th July 2018 at the Tarago Town Hall for the Tarago Village plan has been arranged by Veolia. Training is held the last Thursday of the month at the More details will be sent to those who have registered Taylors Creek fire shed from 7.00pm. for updates with Elton Consulting and will be posted on

Enquiries to Brigade Captain social media when they come to light. Please attend David Elward 4849 4240 and have your say about what happens to the plan from here.

Tarago Dates for the Big Read Bus July 2018 July 10th CWA Rooms, Braidwood Rd, Tarago 1.30pm - 3.00pm 31st CWA Rooms, Braidwood Rd, Tarago The Athletics Club Annual General 1.30pm - 3.00pm Meeting has been rescheduled to 22nd July 2018 at 4.00pm at the Hall, Ford Road, Windellama. Free refreshments provided by the Tarago CWA, all Agenda welcome to come for a cuppa, a read and a chat. 1. Attendance/Apologies 2. President’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Election of Office Bearers a. President b. Vice-President c. Secretary d. Treasurer e. Registrar f. Statistician g. Coaching Co-ordinator TARAGO & DISTRICT MEN’S SHED h. Catering Co-ordinator i. Fund raising Co-ordinator Open Wednesday and Saturday 10am to 3pm j. Public Officer (remains as Gill Shepherd Tarago Show Grounds, Braidwood Road 5. General Business For more info contact Lou Alaimo, Secretary Please join us for the meeting and social bbq afterwards, 0428 328 686 [email protected] all are welcome. Tarago AED (Defibrillator) Units are located at: Windellama Playgroup • Tarago Shop and Service Every Thursday during school term Centre 2 Braidwood Rd 9:30am - 11-30am • Tarago Hall 18 Wallace St. at Windellama Public School, Windellama Rd In case of emergency Dial Organised craft activities every second week 000 for an ambulance before accessing AED unit and following Tea & Coffee provided, please bring a plate. instructions.

Page 28 Tarago Times July 2018

HANDY AND HELPFUL HINTS Some more Helpful Hints: The Tarago Times Team would like to draw to your attention that the contents of this column is reproduced here as entertainment value and that the information given here is not a reflection of the views of the Tarago Times. It is recommended that you seek professional assistance if you have any questions on any of the information listed here before attempting any action. Source: world wide web search.

Brand-new board - If your light-coloured plastic or Deodorise the Bin - Sprinkle some baking soda in the wooden cutting board has some stubborn food stains on bottom of the bin to absorb odours. it, cut a lemon in half and use it to rub down the surface. Leave the board to sit for 20 minutes, then wash the Tips for making cut flowers last longer - Start with the lemon juice off. The food stains should be gone, leaving right kind of vase, don’t try to cram too many flowers you with a new-looking board. into a small vase. Make sure the flowers have room to open fully so you can see as much of them as possible. Simple degreaser - Got an unsightly grease stain on some Remove any low-hanging leaves. You don’t want any clothes? Simply rub some chalk over it to lift it right out. leaves to be sitting in the water, so be sure to prune them No more dusting - If you’ve got high cupboards with out- before putting your bouquet into your vase. Change the of-reach tops that are always getting dusty, place a layer water daily. Flowers don’t like to sit in the same water of baking paper on top and let it catch the dust instead. day after day. Trim the stems every few days. Keep the Every few months, carefully remove the paper and put a flowers away from direct heat and sunlight. A room that is fresh one in its place. too warm will lead to wilted flowers, so be sure to choose somewhere that stays cool if possible. If you really want Instant freshness - When replacing a roll of toilet paper, to stretch things, consider keeping the flowers in your place a few drops of your favourite essential oil across fridge when you’re not in the house. When flowers start one end of the roll. This should act as an instant air- to wilt, remove any that don’t look so good and transfer freshener every time you use a sheet. the bouquet to a smaller vase to freshen things up. If Microwave cleaner - Put water and vinegar in a bowl, and you’re left with just one or two late-opening blooms, you microwave for 10 minutes until the water evaporates. can float it in a decorative teacup full of water. The steam will soften any food remnants that may have splattered on the inside of the microwave, and you can wipe it all away with one easy stroke. Goulburn Mulwaree Council Wooden cabinet deep-clean - If you have wooden Your elected representatives are: cupboard doors that have seen better days, make a mixture of bicarb soda and vegetable oil. Use an old Bob Kirk - 0419 854 599 toothbrush to scrub any dirty crevices of the cupboard [email protected] door and make the wood look a little fresher. Cr Sam Rowlands - 0427 203 412 Homemade air-freshener - In a spray bottle, mix 1/8 [email protected] cup of your favourite-smelling fabric softener, two tablespoons of bicarb soda and hot water. Give the whole Cr Alfie Walker - 0419 805 217 thing a shake and you’re ready to go. [email protected] Remove odour from Fridge - Leave a small dish of baking Cr Margaret O’Neill - 0419 563 973 soda in your fridge, as this will absorb any bad odours [email protected] Cooking smells removed - Boil a cup of vinegar on the Cr Andrew Banfield - 0427 130 298 stove. It will smell strongly of vinegar for a while but [email protected] will remove the smell of things like cooked fish, curry, or burnt food. Cr Carol James - 0418 342 501 [email protected] Remove odours from the Car - Keep an unopened refill sachet of fabric softener in your car. The scent will Cr Denzil Sturgiss - 0419 683 548 permeate through the car without being overpowering [email protected] like some car air fresheners. Cr Peter Walker - 0418 215 184 Deodorise the Microwave - place a few slices of lemon [email protected] in a microwave safe bowl. Cover with water and then Cr Leah Ferrara - 0427 483 435 place on high for five minutes. Wipe the inside of the [email protected] microwave with a damp cloth.

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 29

The closing date for the next issue is Fun & Fitness the third Friday of the month The Tarago multi purpose courts for tennis, basketball, netball and futsal are available to the public free of charge Advertising Rates for Tarago Times to use any time. Any enquiries contact To place your ad contact the Tarago Times Team via the owners Goulburn email to [email protected] Mulwaree Council on 48234444. Contributions Please note that wheeled Articles: Your contributions are most welcome. equipment and black soled shoes Email your article to [email protected] are NOT permitted to be used on Please send all articles as a word attachment (.doc) and the courts. photos/images as a .jpg or .pdf attachment or contact Sue Maas on 0418 275 402. SOCIAL DARTS Delivery At the Loaded Dog every second To have the Times posted or emailed to you contact us Wednesday from 7.30pm. Turn up with a team on 4849 4221 or email to [email protected] or make up a team of 4 for a fun night out. Advertising - New Bank Details Advertisers: Please contact [email protected] or PATCHWORK & CRAFT 4849 4221 to discuss your advertising requirements. Every MONDAY starting 9.30am enquiries to Payment: All advertisements must be paid in advance. Irene Kirkwood on 0413 606 967. Cheques should be made payable to Tarago Sporting At CWA rooms, all are welcome, BYO lunch. Assoc. Inc. C/- 315 Cullulla Road, Tarago NSW 2580. Direct deposit to Bendigo Bank, BSB: 633-000, Account 158440966 Account Name: Tarago Sporting Association BUNGENDORE BRIDGE CLUB Incorporated Tarago Times. Email: taragotimes@gmail. BRIDGE - Wednesday evenings at the com No pre-payment - no ad. Bungendore Community Centre, Turallo Terrace, from 7pm till 10pm. For more Size Month 6 mths 11mths info contact Fred at: Black and White [email protected] ⅛ page (inside 6x9cm) $11 $66 $110 ¼ page (9cm x 13cm) $16 $96 $160 ½ page (13cm x 18.5cm) $26 $138 $259 HATHA YOGA CLASSES or (9 x 26.5cm vert.) With qualified instructor are held in Full Page (18.5 x 26.5cm) $47 $264 $469 the Tarago Hall each Thursday, 9.45 Pre-printed insert $35 for a 10.00am start. BYO yoga mat, cushion, blanket and a towel. Cost Colour is $15 plus a gold coin donation to ⅛ back page (6x9cm) $18 $108 $180 the Tarago Hall. Enquiries Vicki on ⅛ page (6x9cm) $15 $90 $150 4849 4282. ¼ page (9x13cm) $21 $136 $210 ½ page (13cm x 18.5cm) $40 $222 $399 CARDS AT CWA or (9 x 26.5cm vert.) Fourth Friday of each month we meet Full page (18.5x26.5) $65 $372 $649 to play Canasta at 10.00am at the CWA Special positioning attracts a 15% loading. rooms on Braidwood Road, Tarago. BYO lunch. CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE, limit 3 lines per entry We will accept ads for sale, swap, wanted, agistment, MEDITATION etc. Ads for professional services will only be accepted Suitable for beginners led by Qualified as a paid advertisement (see advertising charges above). Instructor at the Tarago Hall, Wednesdays at 6.30pm. Bring a blanket, COPYRIGHT: The Tarago Times is published and cushion, journal and pen, food/nibbles authorised by the Tarago Sporting Association Inc. to share. Cost is a gold coin donation to Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the Hall. For more information contact the Times, the editors take no responsibility for any Kristin on 4849 4672. inaccuracies, errors or omissions. The responsibility for advertisements complying with the Trade Practices BINGO Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting Come along on the 1st Wednesday such for publication. Original material appearing in this of every month at 11am for Bingo newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or @ The Loaded Dog. All proceeds to in whole for the benefit of the community provided that the Tarago and District Mens Shed. the source of the material is fully acknowledged.

Page 30 Tarago Times July 2018

The Loaded Dog Hotel

Tarago EST 1848

Hoteliers: Nicole & Mark Ryan 02 4849 4499 1 Wallace Street TARAGO NSW 2580 | 02 4849 4499 | [email protected] LIVE MUSIC @ THE DOG July 21st August 18th

Davidson Brothers Col Finley Social Darts Bingo @ The Dog State of Original 7:30pm every 11am on 1st Wednesday Game 3 Wednesday fortnight of each month. Wednesday 11th July come alone or Supporting bring a the Tarago team. Mens Shed The Dog Bistro is open 7 days for lunch and dinner Sunday to Wednesday 6pm - 8pm Thursdays (Nicole’s Fish’n’chips) 6pm - 8pm Friday and Saturday 6pm - 8:30pm Lunches 7 days 12noon - 2pm

Tarago Times July 2018 Page 31 Services Directory Tarago Times July 2018 All types of glazing

Free Double glazing Measure - Established 2004 - & Quote 0448 494 220 [email protected]

Shower Screens Frameless * Semi-Framed * Framed Mirrors Bevelled * Polished Splashbacks Goulburn & Surrounding Areas


OHNSON & ENDALL J Incorporating Mullens &S Steven J Lamond SOLICITORS - CONVEYANCERS For advice on all your legal requirements Morris Owen | Alison Howarth | Tim McGrath | Carl Henwood p: 02 4821 1588 f: 02 4821 9850 e: [email protected] 13 Monague Street Goulburn 2580

Lill’s Country Hair All Aspects of Hairdressing By Appointment Only 0437 928 181

Solar Power

 Off Grid Phone

 On Grid Martin:

 Hybrid 4849 4225 Licensed Electrical Contractors (241654C)

Page 32 Tarago Times July 2018