Parking Speed Its Own Mighty Sound and Sights Dis- Spring Morning in 1988

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Parking Speed Its Own Mighty Sound and Sights Dis- Spring Morning in 1988 was behind the wheel, I am complete- ly confident that anything about the day the sound barrier fell on that des- olate stretch of the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, is as good as technology yy can recreate it. How fast these past seven years have flown by. I still marvel at how the guy never shut-up while driving. When the car yy was moving, Green was always talk- ing, calm and cool as if he were a commercial airplane pilot giving you his cockpit spiel – his voice never wavered, even when he lost both yyFuel For Thought parachutes at 714MPH! Got to be the fighter pilot training in him. with “Landspeed Louise” Ann Noeth Also in the ‘Spirit of Speed’ gallery Trudy and Mickey Thompson as the is Richard Nobles’ jet ride Thrust 2 world will forever remember them . which set the World Land Speed before they were gunned down by vile yy Record at 633MPH in 1984, which has cowards in front of their home early one Parking Speed its own mighty sound and sights dis- Spring morning in 1988. play. Thrust 2 and team had tried to Coventry Transport Museum Throughout the gallery the muse- set the record on Bonneville, but con- where visitors can design their own Hurtling Fast Notice to Speed um staff worked closely not only with stant rain hampered runs and then futuristic transport and think about Freaks: you may now take a superson- Andy Green but Richard Noble and the salt surface was found to be too how their decisions will shape every- ic ride courtesy of the world’s fastest the ThrustSSC team, to create a slick for the car’s solid aluminum one’s future; Temporary gallery with man, Andy Green, ThrustSSC and the unique land speed record experience alloy wheels causing to handle about regular high profile exhibitions. Coventry Transport Museum in Eng- for visitors. Starting with an audiovi- as good as your car would on solid ice. land. Part of the new “Spirit of Speed” sual show telling the story of the Naturally, Noble believes “it is the Mickey Thompson Murder Trial Update gallery, the 763 MPH virtual ride sim- World Land Speed Record up to best display of a land speed record car Just when he thought his days in ulation is a sensory rush that gives ThrustSSC, visitors can watch video anywhere in the world.” He is mostly the “Garybar Hotel” were over, the you a taste of emerging physical forces interviews with key ThrustSSC team right. If he meant permanent display, Los Angeles County District Attor- while bursting through the sound bar- members explaining their roles and I’d agree. However, the four-month ney’s office decided case No. GA rier without nasty g-forces, but responsibilities. SPEED exhibit that recently closed at 052683 had Michael Frank Goodwin’s incorporates the air buffeting and During my last visit to England, I the Petersen Auto Museum in Los name on it. The former business part- steering corrections Green made while met up with the world’s fastest man at Angeles put the Coventry exhibit in ner of Mickey Thompson was charged drifting sideways at 700+ MPH. a quaint pub just outside London for a second place from a “Wow! Factor” with the murders of the auto racing Similar to Disneyland’s interactive little conversation and fine British ale. perspective as it was far more detailed icon and his wife, Trudy, in front of “Star Tours” attraction with three Green explained the supersonic ride and included nearly 20 LSR cars, bikes their Bradbury home in March 1988. exceptions, it is all very realistic and simulation is as close to the real thing and trucks. Goodwin, 59, was about to be set includes two supersonic booms! My as could be created with the biggest The Coventry Transport Museum free when the California District British-born husband, who witnessed problem being convincing the engi- re-launched itself following a massive Court of Appeal dismissed the Orange the SSC under power, also ride-tested neers to tone down the bumps, jerks multi-million dollar refurbishment. If County case on jurisdictional grounds the attraction and says you’ll get the and sudden moves to develop an you find yourself visiting across the on April 23, 2004, but threw the LA best ride sitting in the front row. accurate motion accompanied by pond, put this place on your trip list prosecutor’s a legal crumb stating that Then there is the wild steering actual visuals so that visitors can expe- where you’ll find the largest collection any new evidence not previously con- test rig for Thrust SSC that team rience that unique moment in history of British road transport in the world. sidered by the Los Angeles District mechanical engineer Glynne Bow- when ThrustSSC broke the sound bar- Coventry was the birthplace of Attorney “can – and should – be given shere created form a ratty and rusty rier. Britain’s cycle and car industries and to the Los Angeles District Attorney old Mini-Cooper to investigate the “They really had a hard time the museum extensive and highly for reconsideration…”, It took until fork lift style steering approach on the understanding that the ride wasn’t so interactive displays are designed to June 8th for the LA District Attorney’s twin rear wheels. When this thing harsh,” said Green, “I’ve put in many appeal to visitors of all ages and inter- office to get the paperwork sorted out drove on the streets it had to be a hys- hours working with museum staff to ests. and Goodwin could still face the terical sight. ensure that visitors have the best pos- The three other new galleries death penalty. You’ll also see many of the other sible time in the gallery.” Echoing include: Introductory Gallery explains Most in the racing community support vehicles, and the actual Pit Green sentiments, several other the area’s heritage and sheer size and know that Thompson, 59, and his 41- Station communication trailer where ThrustSSC team members have told scale of the Museum’s collection and a year-old wife were gunned down RAF Squadron Leader Jayne Milling- me that the exhibit does them proud. ‘walk through time’ gallery; Futures outside their home in the hillside San ton did as brilliant a job of keep Spending two months out on the Gallery interactively explores road Gabriel Valley community as they communications straight with hun- powdery playa with the teams, I came safety, the environment and the high were leaving for work early on March dreds of people as Green did driving. to admire just how dang precise Green tech developments of the future 16, 1988. Two men on bicycles were seen fleeing the area and as yet have not been identified. Goodwin, whose business relationship with Thompson went sour and dissolved into legal action, was a suspect. About five years ago, new witness- es led to Goodwin being jailed for the killings. Now, LA head Deputy District Attorney Patrick Dixon of the Major Crimes Division and Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson will prosecute the case. “This development is a mixed bag, explained son Danny Thompson, “It’s a good thing because Goodwin won’t get out, but it’s a bad thing because the process has to start all over again. It just pulls the scab off each time the process is delayed, there is no closure because it wont bring my Top: Andy Green, the World’s Fastest Man with ThrustSSC inching over 700mph at the Black Rock Desert in Nevada in 1997. Bottom: Thrust 2, the 633mph ride of Richard Noble that set the WLSR in 1984 at Black Rock. Page 14 September 2004 SPEED READING Offenhauser The Legendary Racing Engine And The Men Who Built It By Gordon Eliot White 200 pages/200 black & white and 25 color photographs Softbound $24.95 MBI Publishing Company ISBN: 0760319189 There is one thing I can tell you about author G. E. White. ., he loves his subject matter and it follows that if you love something, you are more apt to be very careful about what you do with it. White fell under the Offy In his younger, wonder days, Mickey Thompson and crew were all smiles on the salt. dad back.” spell at the tender age of 12, so you The car exceeded 400MPH, only the second one in history to do so (Britian’s John Recently joining his dad in the can imagine the tremendous amount Cobb was first) and the first American. Unfortunately, on the 406MPH run the drive- coveted 200MPH Club, Thompson, of research this fellow has been able shaft broke dashing Thompson’s hopes for a world record as repairs could not be now a resident of Colorado were he to accumulate to pen his tome about made within the slim 60 minute turn-around window. moved to raise his family in peace and the “the old growler.” quiet added, “Now I can think about White’s original hardcover Author White lives the dream as my dad without thinking about the received much acclaim and won the well as writes about it. Here he murder, some of those special “dad 1996 Thomas McKean Memorial and his offy-powered “Tassi messages” he gave me are just starting award given by the Antique Automo- Vatis” midget set a 156 MPH to become clear. I’ll be working in the bile Club of America. Don’t let the land speed record. shop and then something happens small number of color photos prevent that I didn’t expect and I’ll think to you from adding the book to your col- lection; much of the pictorial history myself, “Oh, that’s what he was trying occurred before color film was around! to tell me.” The black and white’s are all crisp, At the Bonneville Salt Flats in sharp and full of detail.
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