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Reagan Admits Lapses

Reagan Admits Lapses

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9% HrralJi clfig Mmxdmtn) A Cify ¥ Vtil^qs Cli^'

3O C 0m » •rtlr StKfrdiy, Mty ^9t^f

rmtitfm tM m m REAGAN ADMITS LAPSES Wounds from scandal not mortal, he says /FRCUf!V WASHINOtON

Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursday! Ininii0ranl9 ijM S Headof MCC may lace reeaivas a AlCM teato :-m 3 7 '^ 7 fetoty farewell ttw ahoh diaeaae. appheh Jack aatmon, associate__ , laie oean dean or t coniimiiiia eiRicaiNai. "#« haBete thk la neeetaary m m Oamon joked that VfAceut. who vIsItM Cma last bfydy til Olduldy Wlllldm ftrdgtiy In heeanae any peraan Infected ... it C I k u d o § ear,— apviiea aomed tiifiM m a d ^ A tja iAiA ne ddUMSiin^^ icarneo g tn ^ dwAsd mai ^^^ytosd^^ eouniry dsa to tfiB grid kfllBd whflii fitridirig ffv« dgdfrtd {■a joo aa a iv v a pi eaiueiii wfmldd from Pfif In hodtdffd. ffMt Jirtftft JiffljM a Mfotfatie^ Stirte umvanMy ttuMrrt "Do you know what it's tike to tfati every Pdftiind, Or«., rrldiy dHdf hd Wd§ ihnt Bjw grtduMi^ Friday, odfraraKdalaa Nar gul6§ dog, managMient meeting with tbe whack of a gong?" Oarw, (M f id ^ g tfia L ttT ^ H ig Hrtt§Sntou^) OanooM said. «m M a rt ffttfliM 1 ? ^ . to Award, parey Haa lad Jattm ihrough all M9U elaaaaaJof "I'm not sure what we're going to do after Bill i:aM mvW inM n BHa Beeratatf Otto ft; Bowm. iha fj3-iri i*(>«^ iN«

She is survived by a son. William S. Maonald of Mnslen; two frees suspect Frances (Atkinson) MacDonald, btmhers, William Atkinson of Clin- fl, cf Center Stiwri, died at her ten and Dr. Stevmrt AUrinson of home Friday . She was the widow nf Aftanta; amd two grandcMIdien, ^ 3 m urder WirnwHi A. MacDonaM. William AMbony MacDonald and 111 She was bom in Manchester Oct ReMher Anne MadDonaM, boMi of » , i m . and had been a lifelong Amrion. r NEW RAVEN (AP)-AMoodtestcaosed the State to reMriag she was r The taw m l wfll be Dsesday at II drop a mnrder charge on Friday against a man who at Prattratt and Whttney a .m. M tte WMldns fhneral Rome. was accueed in tihe July It, IMS stabbing death e t a Aircraft in Bast Railfard tor M 145 B. Center St. Bnrtal will be in woman in a city garage stairwell. years. BastCnmctary. "This sinRily cwdlrma what 1 have been saying ler She was a member of Center Calling hours are Monday from 5 three years, that they bad arrested an immoeM mnn,” Cengregatienal Cherrii and a to 4 and 7 to * p.m Hftmorial said Itegh F. Keefe, the defense ntiMwey for Anthony member of the Retirees Cl«h of donations may be made to tbe Grdino. Pratt and Whitney in East cbartiQ^ «t tbe wmor’a choice. New Havre pnHce arrested Gnlinn,9t, on July 2, WM — almost II yews alter MvestabMng. He was charged ind*enMHderolConc«tta”Penny” Serra, 21, whodled of a a i n ^ stab weaad to tbe chest wMIe on the ItHiJevel suirwen of tbe Temple Street Garage. Gohno,of New Havre, hsa been tree on a tlS t,ttt bond and is worktsg asanoH rompnay dispatcher. Reached at Beete’anlHce. CnMnodecBaedcommmt. ATNUNUMOURBrSCOST TWe presecUtw ia tbe case. Maty GalvM, saM sbe received ea Friday resMls at a test that typed GoKno's wood viimlows ond msylolwdi sIwbI

HARTFORD (AP) - Backers of the customer, OerOral Hudson Gss and Electric proposed Iroquois natural gas pipeline Oorp. in New York. NEW LOCATION! In addition, the consortium said it may be Rita Hayworth, Hollywood’s “Love Goddess,” holds "The Valentino annouced an alternate route for the pipeline Friday that wouM cut through less of possible to eliminate the need for a spur Prize" in Rome in 1978. Hayworth died Thursday night at the age of 68. Connecticut than previously proposed. pipelitte to the Hartford suburb of Farming- ton. Otllcials said exisUitg pipelines may ^ The pipeline has provoked protest from used to serve the central Oimnecticut area. Connecticut residents, who say that not only Iroquois also proposed that the federal ‘Love Goddess’ dies at 68 has the need for the gas not been demon­ Economic Regulatory Admiidstratfon and the PIZZA strated, but that the idpeline’s construction Federal Energy Regulatory Commission covM pose serious environmental threats. conduct hearings in Connecticut on the NEW YORK (AP) - Rita Hayworth, th« began training her a t age S and put her on the Gov. Willism A. O'Neill and other political pipeifne to gathw evidence on its need. red-haired dancer who became Hollywood’a stage with Mm ate. Cansino moved the family EXPRESS leaders are strongly opposed to the prulect. Officials also said that If the required "Love Goddess" of the ISMs, captivating to Los Angelos and opened a dance studio of Manchester A spokesman fw the governor said O'Neill perm its are obtained, tbe pipeline could be in audiences with sultry movie roles and a when she was S. would review the new proposal, but was still service by Nevember IMS. stormy personal life that included a marriage "I was barely 12 when my f a t^ closed the school and prepared a night-clw act for him waiting to be convinr^ that the gas was Under tbe new proposal, the pipeline would to a prince, has died. She was 6S. needed. enter Connecticut in Sherman and then go The actress, who suffered for years from and me,” she once recalled. "Our first 'Ihe pipeline, proposed by a consortium of south through New Milford, BrookiieM, Aliheimer’s disease, an incurable brain engagement was in Tijuana, Mexico. We did seven utility companies, would send natural Newtown, Monroe, Shelton, Iftratfoid and disorder sometimes described as premature four shows everyday, the first at noon, ibelast Miltord. after midnigbt.” gas from Canada through upstate New York, senility, d i^ llmrsday night at the home of Connecticut, across Lotm Island Sound to a EiimiiMtod under the new proposal are the her daughter. Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, She began woiking in movies a t IS, but life terminal in Suffolk County, on Long Island. towns of Salisbury, Kent Roxbury, Oxford, said Midielle Weinstein, spokeswoman for the as Rita Hayworth didn’t begin ontfl a few NOW The new proposal is M miles shorter through Sharon, Warren, Woodtery, Cornwall, Wa­ princess. years lamr when she was s^pied by Harry Connecticut and eliminates six towns that shington and Sottthbury. WelBStein refused to give further details Cohn, bead of CeInmHa Studios. were on the originally praposed route The U.S. Rep. Nancy L Jenson, R-dth District, immediately. "Harry Cohn made my Mack hair red and difference wouM be made upby going through bailed the move to re-work the project. A court had put Haywordi in her daughter’s gave me luy Irish mother’s maidea name,'' more of Dutchess County, New York. "It shows that the active opposition ol care in IWl as disease wibhed her of memory, aheaaid. OPEN In a Stotomeid issued by tbe tkree dtiaens and the Strang partnenhips that were speech, personality and ahWty to function. Calling on her fatber's training, she danced companies from Oownerilcut Involved in tbe forged to light this hattle, are dearly For several years in die WNe, she had been with Fred Astaire in .“You Were Never p re |^ efticials said the change was made hegiuMsg to bear fruit,'' the congressweman misdiagnosed as an alcoholic. Lovelier" «nd with Gene KeRy in "Cover powdble by tbe additien et a significant new said. Before her illness, Hayworth’s provocative Giri.” She co-starred with Frank Sinatra in Serving quality beauty burned itself imo movie legend. "Pal Joey” and with Cary Gram fa ‘ThRy Her picture was pasted on the first atom .(Vigels Rave Winga.” bomb. A photo of her kneeling on a bed in a Her private life aeon rivaled her on-screen PIZZAS, GRINDERS negligee was one of die most famous pin-up glamour roles. McKinney’s seat will be up for grabs Aug. 18 shots of World War n, surpassed only by Betty A marriage at age 17 te oilman Ed Jndson GraMe’s leggy swimsuit pose. ended early in IMS and that September she and S A U D S HARTFORD fAPI -G ov. William A. campaign. the GOP had an excellent chance ef The process will inctode nominating On screen, she played temptresses "Gilda,” married Welles, Hollywood's “boy geMns” O'Neill on Friday set Aeg. M as the date "With a level playisg fteM, with no retainiiic the seat. conventional ahout Jnrw M awl, if "Miss SatHe Tliompoon” and “Salome." director. for a gpedM etecdos to fill the pepelar iwcumbeot. 1 tMnk the Demo­ The governor said Ang. M was the necessary, a primary electinn on Jufy Offscreen, she wed Orson Welles, then Their union resulted in a daughter, Rrisecca congressional seat Ot ftepaMioan U.S. crats have an exceDent chance,'' said earhed date that etoctiow ceuW be hdd, 21. became a princess in a wide-brimmed straw Welles, and a movie, "The Lady From 1 ^ . Sbewari B. NdCinney, whe died DOmecratic ChatnnaNi Jehn F, Dreney under Stole law, for the state's 4th hat at her fairy-tale marriage to Aty Khan ina Shanghai,” in which they both starred and FAST FREE DELIVERY last week. ' ______J r. District seat Poliner, who earlier had urged the French village in IMS. Welles directed. McKinney, a BegnMicMi who repteo- He said he knew of at least seven 1 WefrCVe WK pCvfRt ohner soM he had heard the names ef Sbewnd B. McKinwney, '' the governor voters to get oot and vote durirm the Brooklyn on Oct. 17, lOM. Her father, Khan, the playboy aon of the miritual leaderof chaitwMn Beth ptedkbed a Ively ssM. vacatien season," PeUrter said. Ednaido, was a professloaal dancer who the lamaili Moslems. I n B f M bbuble murderer goes td chalK Mlaini cops’ confessslons Town rallloo.bohlnd’eon '3 JACKSON, Ga. (AP) - Joseph with his father, his brother, a cousin pose capital punfshment under all and his attorneys at the state circumstances, voted to spare PETROUA. Calif. (AP) - convictions, is alleged to have Mulligan, who was convicted of told authorities last year that he U.8. wanti to iafi Saudli planaa killing a witness to a murder he prison. Mulligan’s life. The 400 residents of this North­ MuOigan, 05, was sentenced toffe crack open PD drug ring ern California village are pre­ once heard Haywood and WASHINGTON — In a move certain to touch off committed for the Insurance mo­ Earlier Friday, the Supreme Court, by a 7-2 vote, turned down an for killing Marion Jones Miller In paring a hearty welcome home another man talking about the heated debate, the White House will notify Congress ney, was put to death Friday emergency request aimed at post­ Columbus on Easter morning in for Dan Maywood, good Samari­ murder of Richard Castro at a next week that it intends to sell a half-billion dollars' evening in Cleorgia's eledric chair. • MIAMI (AP) — CoiiltMioni by two Miami remote site near Carmel Valley. worth of F-IS fighter planes to Saudi AraMa, Reagan poning Mulligan’s execution and a 1074. A death sentence for the **In addition, two other of the seven tan, community stalwart and ottlcfr* have tinally cracked open a police administration and congressional sources said Friday. Mulligan died at 7:05 p.m. EDT, formal appeal challenging his slaying die same day of Army Capt. defendants are being sought as fugitives on ex-convict accused of a 1070 Authorities In Monterey rtni that allegedly killed four drug dealers Congress, which has the authority to veto the said John Siler, a spokesman for the conviction and death sentence. Patrick Doe, MuIHgan’a brother-in- the same charges An eighth former officer murder. County, acting on Wear's state­ Department of Corrections. and terroriaed others, stole their cocaine and Haywood, Petrolla’s 45-year- purchase, is likely to take a close look at the plan In Only Justices William J. Brennan law, was overturned by state' was accused of plotting with the defendants, ments. charged Haywood and Before he died. Mulligan visited and Thurgood Marshall, who op­ courts. plotted to murder two federal witnesses, old assistant fire chief, was light of reports that the Saudis secretly provided officials said Priday. and two current officers were relieved of duty fugitive Elton Winchester with freed Thursday from Monterey Castro's murder. financial help to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. The FBI and local law enforcement with pay County Jail on 145.000 bail, met Although the Saudis have denied It, some members agencies have been investigating the police Two of the ^current or former officers by villagers’ donations and Haywood, who was on parole of the congressional committees investigating the department for almost two years and say as implicated in the plots confessod. giving property pledges. He was or- and had 15 years of crime Iran-Contra affair have put Saudi contributions to the many as 15 officers may be directly involved derM to return next month to behind him, drifted into Petrolia Contras at I8I.S million in 1054 and 1005. In a ring linked to 115 million in drug investigators new information on the ring s operation, sources saitl face charges In the l7-year-old in 1075 and set about gaining the trafficking as well as the four deaths. trust of the isolated coastal Lonttrat fao«6 court martial "There have been significant developmenu “ We are now in overdrive. Metro-Dnoe killing. police homicide Sgt. Alan Singleton said of the Lloyd Wear, serving time In a community MO miles north of WASHINGTON - Sgt. Clayton J. Lonetree, the In the case and we believe it's the beginning of Florida prison tor narcotics San Francisco. an ongoing effort to root out corruption in law investigation. Marine embassy guard whose arrest last December enforcement," FBI spokesman Paul Miller Miami Police Chief Clarence Dickson has touched off a spjing scandal, must be court-martialed presided over the beleaguered departinent said Friday. „ ^ on espionage charges, a general ruled Friday. The first trial against seven alleged during this and other unrelated investiga- But Lt. Gen. Frank E. PeterOen Jr., the commanding members of the ring, all former officers, Uons. including probes of missing money used general of the Quantico, Va., Marine Base, also ruled ended in a mistrial In January. Within the past In drug stings and marijuana stolen from • Ml Mm Im i CMMrMUN > that charges alleging Lonetree allowed Soviet agents 10 days four of thoae seven havebeen arrested evidence lockers. • tturdy St Inbo ThMtiwu I Inside the U.8. Embassy In Mokow had to be dropped. The Investigations are finally coming to an Peterson ruled those specific allegations were based on new charges of allegedly plotting to kill the • S ItautMul Coign Avollibli' Congratulations! two star witneeses at their trial. authorfUes end. Dickson said Friday on evidence that “ consists principally of hearsay a • Ahnyg Fully Bmmiliod I which Is not admissible at trial." The general's decision was disclosed in a brief ATTENTION statement releasOd at the Pentagon Just four days after Lawyers want Lonetree's pre-trial hearings concluded. KIRBY OWNERS!! Petersen agreed in his ruling to reduce the number of charges against Lonetree. And he also ordered the WehSNMMIMiMMBVNRTt court-martial to proceed on a "non-capital” basis, Barbie forced We itpMr NMg Vm m m s GUTTERS? meaning the maximum penalty of death will not be sought. Purity Supreme MMUMmMNei MPANI to courtroom PMl R* Ptaih RL M Thm Cali Utl! Vn iw i^ T U.8. dItputM Sovicl summit dslm WASHINGTON — The State Department today said !•% dMMHi W ii ttls OORPM, Soviet leader Mikhail S. Goibaehev had not responded on the Grand LYON, France (API - Lawyers for alleged vIcUins to President Reagan's Invitation to hold a' summit of Klaus Barbie urged In vain Friday that he be brought ^ jc 3 B p iB iy meeting here this year. to court by force. HMt the Nasi who became known as Spokeswoman PMHs Oakley disagreed with a the "Butcher of Lyon" says he was ktdnapped.^m repMt in Btid, a mass-circulation West German Bolivia and refuses to attend his war crimes trial. newspaper, th-^i the Kremlin had Informed U.S. Opening of the new "We should not let the IniUaUve of whether or not officials that Gorbachev was willing to travel to the Barbie Is in the defendant’s box be left to Barbie," said United States for a two^lay visit. O arles Kormann, who represents the International "We have seen that report," she said. “ The president League against Radsm and Antl-Semitlam. ■k 643-2659 * and the general secretary agreed at their Geneva meeting in lOU that the general secretary would visit Under French law, a defendant may refuse to attend the United States for a summit. his trial but the presiding Judge can force him to be B 72 -2 14 0 “ The president’s Invitlatlon still stands. A 1007 HEARTLAND present. summit has not been agreed to.” Barbie, who earned his nickname as Lyon's (lestapo Secretary of State G e m e P. Shultadellvered a letter chief in 1MM5M, declared Wednesday that he would * Prae IMImtlM — tMM Plitwiefnt — PuNp faeiiretf * from Reagan renewing Um lavRatton while holding no longer attend court sessions. He claimed he was talks with Gorbachev last month In Moscow. kidnappdl In INS from Bolivia, where he lived for « in Manchester. more than M years, and brought to France Illegally. Rooktl earrlM Mertt cargo The Bolivian government says the expulsion was VANDENBERO AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - f a legal. ' \ Atlas rocket was launched Friday carrying a dassified Demands foKBarble’s appearance were voiced Just cargo wtilch space policy experts say probably is a before the presiding Judjpe, Andre Cerdinl. began duster of Navy ocean surveillance satellites. reading the evidence prepared by the nvestigating The Air Force said the launch took place at 0; 45 a.m. magtstrate and Barbie's responses to InterrogaUon. from Spao« Launch Complex 5 of the Western Space A defendant attending his own trial would be and Mlulle Center, but declined to Identify the cargo. questioned about the evidence In open court. "All I know is It'a a classified payload," Air Force VlcUms are allowed to participate in French criminal cases as civil partlee. About IM individuals Sgt. Virgil Short said. “ There’s probably a H percent chance that It’s a and organisaUons are represented at the Barbie trial White Cloud Navy electronic Intelligence utelUte by 4S lawyers. duster),” SI JohnI Pike,r space policy specialist for Among major queations to be decided is whether 5e private Federation o( AoMrican Sdentlsts In I Barbie was directly responsible for the Qesupo unit In J WMhlngton D.C. "... I'd heard that It was going to charge of rounding up Jews in Lyon for deportation to happen/’ Nasi death campe. Judge Oerdinl said Barbie "made a certain number of dMarations. but I must say these dedaraUona were RIott eonUnu* In South Korto not always the same." SEOUL, South Korea — Students hurled rocks and Several lawyers tor civil parties asked him to invoke firebombs at riot police Friday at dosens of Orlando Annulli the law requiring Barbie's presence, which has not unlveMtlM as violent protests against the government been used for years. Judicial otttcials said It was of Prseldent Chun Dowhwan continued for a fifth em ploy^ last at the treason trial of Pierre Laval, straight day. and Sons, Inc. premier of the collaborationist Vichy government in Dissident leaders, meanwhile, vowed to step up the w WoHd Wikf tt. protests this weekend to mark the anniversary Monday S "Ib is trial must be a trial of truth, the whole truth." of the ION supresslon by the armed forces of an Generol Contractor * Kormann staUxl. which he said indudet “ the truth of uprising in the southern city of Kwangju, In which confrontation, the exchange of looks, the truth of nearly MO people died by official count. Barbie confronted by his vicums " Pouce uaed armored cars, tear gas and baton "There is a truth that Is diHerent from a simple chargee to break up demonstrations at M unlverstUes reading of documents," he said. "There is an and coUegeo around the country. Columns of students emotional truth, a human truth, to see in that look it the singing revolutionary songs tried to march off S torturer manages to maintain his attitude of cnmpuBN aa waHlag not polwe units repeatedly drove cyviciini. ^ . them hack. other lawyers, including prosecutor Pierre Truche, qpgWdlWctatBarhhthmw...... BUSINESS ■*? M9rkel resfNHids HE# YOUR 0P> -> OWfiwm- P f i m e (Hw oil thus pmH wimE„ aHdr fhms f/lAf^KF r FU F^Of Big banks boost prime to ^/ % a9 ^AgAA^^M^ A^ #9^99RaR ^ .tA. j A 4 4 f s4mL JgA,^-.AA^ 8 4 AwHVr^p sf99f IrR' p 9 9 i sKf wBwBQf P A t e m m - dMiy pm y fMhwe of ew caue t4i& NCW YOKK (Af> - Major banta "ft tends to be follow the leader type The dollar’s dieprocfation also has Ob fnvC^MIBBfPcln BBHV fffiw raiMtf thoir prime lending rate by a thfiM.'' said flhiHp' Bfraverman, an iscifsd worries Oit the foreign appsflte £SS^«l&'Sa»SJSdi^A rV W9Rnl9 IvT 1^0 n91V Iff^lw9. (ItMiter percentage point frkfay to P/4 economist at Irving geenrKfes Inc. in for d.g. Treasury Bonds wtii wane, IB «vr9SWiRR« WlRWa IWYMp ASgl^ ^^^^A ^aa^AA a^aula AAa aaaA ^TR9 9^W niOi^l 99991 DI9 HOH *$6&‘ percent, the h i^ a t level ht IP montha New York. “Interest rates iMve moved luruing uvaivi m w mvoi on i m\mm on AUJIMU9IVWV OT^VriniVm. Ill IWr CwwfWnf pOvRRmr 9m 09Xr WIRV HR 10V919111991 99* and aecond time In two weeke they have up across the entm spectnmt. The rM the bomfo and mate retoms on them BdlHFl CIW nlSBVgvMlVIl* 90011999 9 9i^^^O« wNHI OXO^ORw increaaed the key interest rate. in the prime is part of that more attractive. wVpwWHHV* l09fV9l9 OT w90mn9 9»IC999WF 9 the move reflected a broader rise in phenomenon.” m wruwmm m interest rates nationwide that is poshing The Federal Reserve recen t epartment report prospect that the government wm have f M Hht rtMfftdl H taitM d M to sell billions of dollars in new bonds ouliiiivf If vinnwvvivwv vAdAa^^Ai^Wv r AAA^^^A dEdd'l^a AaftAAA^dAl loans. Other banks quickly matched that showed wholesale prices increased f g If fY f § m t i 9^lm Wm9KK99^^K^W VOI V CTFIIR9 99 nlfm SUI 9ll9Vy ^~4.t ^ Chase's move. at an annual rate of t.9 percent last soon to finance the burgeonhig federal VvaiiaalllHIl^ CvllVgW Vma giwOW BPS' fOeVnV W99lm 01 v wI9*iib1" #3w* The prime Is a benchmark used to set month, propelled higher by steep deficit. The additional oovikf m s l i m $rr on 111 11999019119919919. fUi’// , A /f create a glut in the market, causing a fwwm Cvinpwivw iWwVFVf di^ud ^v1999mAaSa ^99di^^a 99W9 P00099 099CTX ^^AAdd^W interest on a range of corporate and increases in prices for meats, auto- WDWr. CflOTOem* SCfS IROW Tf pfWfie Vva'vVlMVvfW CWFOTV. AUi^^U AtAdd. A^ ^A^iAasW M >y r,, consumer credit. In recent years, the mbiles and energy. further rise in interest rates to attract 9I^P w9 W vm ■mn — wfMF 19919 Of OI^RI buyers. rM«; niaijbr hasWs tend fo set sanifaa M*. tasfii Mdsa l^ral9ROV l^RI^^^d imOIOoih^^lAAd^d IflV^OAaO^^S dl^MfoAA MK5M m 4 M rate has taken on greater significance rates sand Change tfienv as the same rvffllTfmfoff wfwT n€T for consumers because it is used to set That news pushed bond prices wn I^DoOa^^Nw, 9l9iy 09199F99flZ90 ^ 9sl9iySl9»lnf sharply, with the Treasury’s bellwether The prime rate increase announced nme. May f$cnan^ is for Chase were a m ever whether the interest on variable rate credit cards, Aa!A^Ai.A^VA AdAdgAliA a .aAAw a *1- a - ---■.*- - c t o M i i f i i S home equity loans and other consumer SO-year bond falling nearly $20 for each Friday pushed the rate to its highest Manhtaflan 6aMi only 9191991 f BTflOnc ftifuj w9# 0V9T. 11,000 in face value. level since July IMS. 'AM IfMr MiM t m heM op the debt. riWIvvvY d^udlOlnf AbAAdt^Wi901*9I 99911^^AA f tp be poffed Cot y#fVNM9 OfMdlifig tramI^O^nt^ H9091iFiKWT 4n,If,B ,, A^Adl 99RI911099911iMlIAmaMMetx, dda gfc A ad d ^ n n i ^ r / s t rrrT/X Tm jT 999Mffyif C^yM8ft9fm#ir4C«. 4 M NI9niNi9tW 8^ H YERMOM - SMIMfoWS, th f Iar|M 8-vcli'Msme dry (H^^A dahdl^fod^^^a Aa^d 4 CWBWnvw ^vfVa WEs as w9^K'sdMdcCsmi Ifoter- M m Inflation coulct^et out of hand/ economist says Put A. Mt ratea and the abawdaiwwe ef ^vRlVa Wtm^ 99 wllff fl^RsIRBnnng vVor Wvfvmiiy sifllobte ^ a^aA dj^^^^AAdAe V# 9ml l^lROw JiGMf. 919119019 C999 iff file 11119110191 099 01 QM99 f999IV69r 99RF9ra97 WASHINGTON (AF) - With meat, house. "We have an inflation problem ment analysts. Wholesale prices last Energy prices went up after easing autos and energy leading the way, that is threatening to get out of hand.” year fell by 2.8 percent, with the overall W ocmm iFaCTmi999*vwiRr isvwniiTwDBVfivioivaB system (bat fasted the marifot's nr NW nM I0w9fil Dm 99011991 !Sf. .---jeetid sfigbtly in March. But the 2.1 percent ihy9fu yoo wBf mr fow y99fw 9f09r 41 91^99 99Ku.AAitO 199 ^^0110^9 9 lO f 19191991 wholesale prices rose at an annual rate Donald Strassheim, chief economist figures skewed by a collapse hi the CvVnVP^Vvv 99^9 v^VI^VlvRpiVIVals 91^99 a^b ^M^AAA ^^AMA AA^d ^tfAdid ^gAAA ^^Ug^^CA^UU# gi increase In April was smaller than 0199^^H999« 1^19 ^p99^I^^V ^*IW ^91919 0» iVv 109991 9^^l 9^019, 09^9 9I9*a. ■ OiKP9^VViBiHI^9 9919 W9999^H91. ______tuNl M InefoMMr In the of S.P percent in April, while industrial for Merrill Lynch, agreed that both the world oil market that cut crude prices in January’s S.O percent and February’s 4 pAgAm AA^g^^AA ^Fa^IaaaH EH^^aaa^^a aa4a production fell for the second consecu­ Labor Department’s report on whMe- half. 919MMnWllp 999Cf9IV fTwIlf 9V9y st VIIIUU99 mwtm. m. *f9Cn 99I9III09V 99 9991J 91 wiMf 1^909191 ^1^^99^^1^p 9 1919. percent leaps. f iBtitft dm MjmtmmMtM'BHtBi Bc a , Sfinr«s4 Cd.,iMdhawaigi8< tive month, the government said Fri­ saie prices and the Fedisral Reserve’s The April increase left the Bureau of 19VIU IbllVIVIWUHIIU nmm IWIf n9inW 991191 Bl ^^UAiA^A^ AaAEA dadSA^W ^Ag^udid ^ - ...... A 1^^ dWlA Agh^jf wHaa^^ma^ aa4a Eji 4^a M^AaaajA mIfl9n9^9r am ger^t C9 UI9dalfo n9W J^9III91|yir 9. tffdd^dMilnaauNUdAMdAM^AWIIRl|l9ffrilff9r 111199 QOWrWr fmBf 4 RWIj WOQIII 999 9 C09C9199O Uy In# 990CI91 01 1191119 199 01990991 1919 19 199 19191991 day, delivering what economists called new figures on industrial production Labor Statistics' Producer Price Index The Federal Reserve’s figures on ^mt^Am IkAmi SMhMl dtf. "don’t make very good reading." industrial production showed autos jwBTWf II9T9 1199 Ill9f^l9lf ul9 lit ___and East sfowtforwa hit «Mr u lU i ot grawth, ITR9199119199. the Fed ehurgM m foians fo a severe one-two punch to the economy. at 2M.0. That means goods costing glOhi "I’m tail huHfoh,” he said, "for III9III991 v9im . 0j, W9919 990 The 0.7 percent Jump in wholesale Meanwhile, some of the nation's 1007 would have cost fMIOIast month. It moving off u.B. assembly fines in April Hartford focations fordhspUfif IIIFI09 9 1199199 farther detfaetfag fram the \ ITUHI JiUI IIIW 08I 9CHOOI Of 01191 t.and market’s ahfliy ta mave upward, (h« past nwyc gene up wfOr rbfow rfmoM Wire rife flwi Gw Ftrd WM prices over March was the biggest largest banks raised their prime lending is 70 cents more than thMe goods would at a rate of 7.2 million a year, down from foterest rates." A A. 4^AAAAA^AA *■' dl dL one-month Jump since October iMS and rate Friday by a quarter percentaifo have cost in April lOOO. a March level of 7.P million units and a MtinOiBWU ffMIV IM8 nm€wwCma ifflM. Mats said. A Igmt^AA At^ A^ C R 9 9 KP IU U I9 9 9 1119 u19 9.9 991C9nl bmaoabyibfoS. "felt 9 fMfAAif4b*99i fowrtkgl dV /ttft 9 9 | lR 9 r W v19 901 09 IUVU9I rnfo. the 0.4 percent decline in industrial point to i GROTON - Farragat Martfafe Ca. Inc. of tho foot iho UMToyaf Ikpddatod Ma Can Ih4i profoiiionals hisip Oofiflid'td Gift C3«ftlfloif«t ( 0 UM if ifiy l Waltham. Mass.^. hae animeimeed the apentni af Hs assets on Dee. I. Gratan afflM. Currently, Farragut a p e r ^ In wHh yard work? MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Northwest Airlines plans to kM oOoniltfid looflflori, O onl WiHI the eufi, fifed Wednesday In D.S. buy as many as 388 CFM88-8 engines worth 81.18billion Cannectleot aut af afflcee foeated m gnuthhury and Distriet Court In New York, seeka N oihoaal. to power the A880 and A840 aircraft It has on order from East Hartford. compenaatlen of at least 878 mil­ Airbus Industrie, a Northwest spokesman said The martgage-hanhing campany afsa canducts lion, as well as ponKHIvo damages. Thursday. , business In f t ^ Hampshire, fUfode Island and The suit asks the eouri to set the Penns^aida and plans la expand threughaut the New The CFMSe-8 la manufactured Jointly by General Pill Ouf thi Ooupon b^i^< Mill or drop off fo fhi amount ot punHIvo damanges, tho Electric and SNECMA, a French aircraft manufactur­ England and rnld-Atlamlc regkm In IMI. attorney said. ing company, said Northwest spokesman Redmond ManohMfor Htrild Offloi it: 16 Brilnird PI, M inohiitir« Of, 00040 Tyler. Polycast accuses Dolroyal of 'Tyler said It was a "very elose dedslon" by lirm dlifribiflM ‘C 99 Codeh' providing "false and materially Northwest otilclals to go with the CPM8h-8 over misleading Information” about the I wint to boeomg a Maw Manebaatar Harald iubaorlbar (for a rnlnlmum of IS NORWALK - Industrial Safety Supply Cc. Inc. of Uniroyal division’s tinanclal sta­ engines made by a Pratt 4 Whitney-Rolls Royce West Martlard has been appetnted a dtstrlbutar for the consortium, but said he could not elaborate on why the woaks) and raealva my S9.00 book of MeOonaltFai OHt Oartifloatii. tus, earnings potential, and operat­ recently Introduced "CPH Coach" vMco prompter. ing condition. CFM80‘8 was chosen. Pratt 4 Whitney la based In East The prompter Is a three-pound hattery-oMrated Hartford, Conn. N am e______—_ product that Ai'vldes spoken Instructfons and proper Officials from Uniroyal could not Northwest and Airbus Industrie, a European aircraft timing In obstructed airway procedures, pulse check, be reached for comment on Friday manufacturing consortium, last year signed a 88.8 A d d re ss______ffloutn-to-mouth resuscitation and cardiopulmonary afternoon. A secretary at the billion agreement for the sale of as many as 100 Airbus resuscitation. company’s headguarters In Mld- tt V a Hmuh Jetliners to the Minneapolis-based airline. The aircraft P h o n e — ______dlebury said, "we've llguldated. will Join the Northwest fleet between lOOO and 1M8. m P§f PamKp “ tolMUlkm M if My last day Is (next) Friday” if Tyler said the engine order Includes spares, but said ___ upon su^^flpllon. OppoiHlon kdtpi firm out he could not say-how many would be Included In the 7 George Felleman, a Manhattan Initial order or when they would be delivered. The GEORGETOWN. Conn. — Cannnndale Corp.. a attorney for Polycast, said Friday airline expects eventually to buy all 888 engines manulacturer of high perlormance bicycles, Friday he would not discuss how the Included In Its option, he said. cited local opposition as It canceled plans to build new lawsuit would be handled because ts H 09 off f-94 lit MonehMlBr. Juti 8 mllsS trowi Hartford. Od0-8799 co^p^fflfo•l1eatn1b8ncTS In OrfstiC/!...... Uniroyal has been liquidated. ■fi, ■ ' iBaa^lkJmi GENUINE BAJIGAIN. a m / m p m t $ t au th o m zid tzaviee auioz.. QENUme PARTS A AUTHORIZED SERVICE OUIDE.. ance. High speeds andcornering too i.i'i nomuoNAL Queadononiflow THE MAZDA can eomribnie to rttpid irre wciff. ■ Oserloading. I.mit in the hoot, gear m a u A i n r c o n t k o iu o IlIrtmiAtoMMmaMMAtifImiiittot EXFEIOENa examination » 1-.. amjAA4i^Ma^ aI the rear, junk in the trunk. Hcavs items tnt tttUMimftiw ivWf IP i^pn imwiBfiSM KEEFltCOlNG llia l iicelim nlate in Ihe hack sneli as o iil- STHONGWfTM Chirf Causes of ire Wear hoard motors, tools or et|mpmenl. al-o ^ SHCgN AJfEC/r lend lo shorten lire fife. «s uctitm o M fpnm m §^ oHiaHaUhtttaci Caoitciial iH give you GENUINE MAZDA Have you taken a to ta l look at yoitr Uad driving habits. A major cause of In ihffsamc vein, im , inga boat or irasel tuptHt m U i^ uM f ipf ihm mmm mms. 1 0Sfc dM «t iw iw w w i a# < ( itt, lately? JHttee they Ve between yoiit ear a m iillilitde of probtems concerning your trailer can lake its loll. ' A m tiia m m HCft - Get vouf car o ft the ground art a lib can throw o ff alignment and wheel bal­ the owner's manual At , theb^t MatSeiNMtmMMCN- l^lgl and lake a close look. • fLAr»io nn¥m i* dmoAhhotii m W . 1^0 RInID• COITwWTV Attlomohile llres are designed to last fVnVCIQ lUIPUP !!■ DC . MifriioHiHoiMMHtaii'- M ^Sm many Ihonvands of miles Ihrongli just f wy pefimEf*. t-oTTW in soon. aboitt every conceivable toad eomlii ion.^ IfflCifCCIfOnC repair)air parantee sAWHf$.« turn- («i , ftu i It's not the road that's responsible for premature (ire wear. (MMr^ )M coRMM(«. OfttilM' Mafda 1‘jUk There arc five chief eaascs of early (ire MIm tbai Mn i-i04tt. failure: tkderhood Wear Mnt$ HOTMEW/ ,lniproncr inflailon.* Under-Inflated J19 eiATIM ft., HMMONUrtfl et. MS41M m(X)MECTICUr SanHea Haora; tires lemi to wear along the sides, vrlrile Manday Oiru Mday oser-inflaiioti will weUrutIreoni in a strip ff/W 01 WitlUKOW. JOt-sn Ct/Har Birati A.M. (e ftM F.M. down the middle. MtfneM0j^^^jinaerie eorreel (Ids Gemiine I IutxIj Parts. Tlies re ____ „ k t m ptti4 (Noma S) made with iKc same (lualip- and (gtalip' that's nijile suit I kanla sn O F MANCHKSTHR i f <0 aaa a topy of Ilia 643-5135 taat WIndior • 2aa-a4S3 problem, voii'll get improved liamlling as cate llial. mailc sont tlfind.i stmng SiiKsh'inif lilaltMa ftrflc a OsaraMlae. well Us heller life wear. Worn parts have and relialA'. So Ihes'll help sisir Kiir die nglu I ksKla |un.s. lead to be replaeetl, ol eoufse. before aceiifale Honda n ic \fXi liencr eitiboitw. lalx’l carcfnlh Ix-Sac using. HO OAKI.ANI) ST alignmeiiis can be Uecomplished. - depenaaide oiienainn and snVrbth ffEaPHum (OntVSFFH-DODOF HOW DOES biLLON DO IT Uneven wear peffbtmancc, • • . ^bii can parlake of Genuine Maintain (hi’lAialltj. Wheels Old of balaiiee. Tireslhnl don'l with Cienulni' H twki Parts wear evenly are obcii vlcllms of Ibis com- OHE OF THE OMpY OHRYSliElt WE FIX GARS roR KEEPS. mon eondiilun. usuully Ihe result of run­ WIFIN i P ^ _ ning Into curbs and going over bumps and 1 0 % o f f DEALERS IN GREATER HART­ NUDSi nollioles ai excessive speed. Wheels must all garla' with he perfeelly balanced or tires will wear aervlce... /MOWIAHTV aWOTMBWO Ineorreclly. eveniually developing a FORD WITH A PARTS DEPART­ OIL It iltamp dial sounds like lumps on the road Offer espItM surface. Worn shock absorhers w ill aecen- Mtv ia. I48> MENT OPEN SATORDAYB 0 A.M, riLTER CHANGE luale the damage created by tire and MUtfAp 301 Center St., Manchester 643-5136 wheel Imbalance. This ii ilsi be w e presen at nine *” ^iSSm «ou M ut toowM Lrmi ON VOUN of sej GET 15"A, OFF TtogeiyoiiVUkswageii guarantee ! . I iu tDm I V-.A:M«tul» eifMoutH. me. ! AI,I, I’AIITS &UBMU I S9 WINDSOR AVE. - VERNON ! Hlf>op^ sonilc6d prapetlii I (Ntsi w Pi Wm tiMil t ^ 1 I*UHCIlASEI> M l *55 AM ! Our Paris DsMtltnenl { ■ ■ ■ IK car repairs 2 1 Adams At .‘sircpi W ITH THIS AD!! A C U n A ! Isopsnsvery^turday j the only tool you need 9 a.m. to Noon i Muni'liesler BM Exit b2 of l-fU V isaphnie. 1 5 % O F F i-noo-r>i5 -i*A iM fo r life . A L L P A R T S ^SCII/ILLKn SAU:s fi Ih-.A.'i 1 ;A It'a our fraa Litallma Barvloa Quarantaa, and you won't I'/IKTS «l!»-;ttn« SFKVIU: (H:i-2MUI MANCHESIEn Parts 0i'|)urtnimit cSKK v k : i l hUi-;i.A20 “ " @ ^ 5 find a ballar rapair guarantae anywhara. Mara's how it U H i M f l i Cbl ui W KMUor mcMationca ot HTvte 871-6641 flpen Saturdays d to 1 ( v l. 'M h O f i works. Aa long as you own a Ford, Maroury, Lincoln or PARTS VMfi am OH oulhtNtiao teuM ^ 0^ ^ OIL CHANGE Ford light truck, it wa rapair it, wa guarantee the covered U SSSSSSSSSSSS'.J wiaaaioiM M M M aaaiaM .aiaiaiaiaii-iM OiM aiaaatM i ▼omon lOHdraHsabjrfaUoty- , lUllWMliilNU VtwHKj twaganipadal BBofcWailU repair for as long aa you own your vehicle, it the covered b^or I’ youhtHMO * Umnou dsatoN aiwtt ai siiiii i part aver talli or wears out, wa'It tlx or replace it tree. ioroHoldaraHatHir < Fraa parts. Free labor. It oovara thouaands ol repairs and wrvtmaovaM|WV^pum- ! laall aa long aa you own your vehicle — no matter where PUBLIC NOTICE buhoniKmiOrbydk*ig. »18« you bought your car or how old it la. So whether you drive a “golden oldla" or a newer modal, the next time It SPRINGTIME CRAFT FAIR MORE, naada repair, bring It to ua and gat the best repair guar­ antee anywhara — our traa Litallma Service Quarantaa. 14if l.llh AiitiutI Cr*n Filr «pmt»orFtl h\ Senior Girl Smut Troon 2. will hr KpUI IoiIbv. Mbv 16 at Centrr ('.ouptrepi- ouautvi Aak u i to aaa a eopy ol the Litallma Sarvlea Ouarantaa. (lonil rliurch. MiheluHilFr from 10 i.m. to .1 p.m TIif fair will he auldunrn nh ihr rhurrh lawn. In thr rvpnl of rain, it will In- Itelil ‘M ?r?^nnoU iL KEEP A GREAT THINQ GOING insiilr in Wnoiirurr Mill at the rhuruh. oimiiNi voutiWMMN M an a atavici TOYOTA Ovrr iO crantmrn froiD Connet-lirul tn il MiaMrhukettx will q u a l it y s e r v ic e fiartiritrite in thr Ttir with otafls such bb atiinetl fUss. countrv GENUINE TOYOTA PARTS DEPARTMENT HOUR8II FRONT END rFafU. jpwFlrv. bttk«li, wooiIh i Iovs. Hr. Opsn Monday thru Priday WE nx CARS FOR KEEPS. ALIGNMENT -'Ihr troulB will letl hoHirnudr bekrd gnoiU and rends k hehr I am to S pm thru lunch M|uil eiaWr. eamhtr. toadn. $ 1 4 2 0 lunch will hr avtilthle. T h rir it nn etimiesinn rhtegr. Vlall Our Naw wham ippHeiM*. Cheek the OIL FILTER Ball Barvloa preteuiee. neguier *ge.n. WKh ihU etttHMM. b|it»N l-M-lt. Padi Bicra... With thti Mupoh. tapUM M04r. BOO W. Cania* ll. Pai-lB Ito u M Servlet DcoL siN cel 500 W. ConiM St. Dally 1-5 P.M Route S3 1933 MatMhaitar Dally B-5P.M. OOTt M a n th M ia r S a t V l P.M. M9-265S Vernon POR^ “ ^ TOYOTA n r r ? i TOYOTA Tat. 545-4311 5 Tal» I 4 M 1 I I DILLPn lANCHfSl i FAmRANDBHMCE ______U mmEANoaemu | • ■ftfiUMHIIMlMMEti™ . .'-.V’T” ' . I 91B MAIN 8 t, (Across from Armofy), MANCHESTER. CT 643-214S UU LL'^'aattwtyfcfaa'y^'iiMiyii^NitAUitfirf^UUy yi/ak'tiayyii ipn«ivdioiffiiPiV«ffPwyp^ 1 I I I a \ t«ii* j -l-i-f I « k ...... o p m i ^ .«!<•»<»»> * t t ■ 9 t , * I The loss of Hart is the nation’s loss D.R. ha IPP^ and Gmy wan Over tie past hsw dhcaiiss w ^99f9 ^^f999 999009^969 9/0690 0099 ^0 90 Mw V ^w Pf^^WWPl^Mf d^d dt^A dmA^^U^^mdm wrOmm ad FnVe w9BmK j^^erw JRICBSfw IwtaW Bw99 Wa ww W^W wi m i Mb wMs, UM. hi ^frt999 tf99h ^nw99 9 9 9 t ^^9fi(9f^f9ti9 00999 0f90 990090k ^^9119969999 099,969 iVl^ra OPVKra^VMWf ^WIVIV Xtn CPR effort H fk. M Denver, t m . . 9i99hSl^» 9tttKtiff W Pip Ppp^CrliP nf CoPV iiwr 9/9006990 6999906ffk WwKfW M Wmm W VpWNNr WOW X 9 9 ErvWPOvrNfrO pTOOTIJOBIIJff Xd9f^^r P Or r Mr otA#X wm$ ^^g^r 9 9 ft/9 0 6009, 90/969 69 996 9 9 9 9 9 6 0 96990n6009990 60996999960 6f90t99f9-~- IfVu mwTmttflf&O 1UT X rBTj 1 Ad^m ABtm 9699699606969966/609099099 696669//09 ngovBP iw p p w owi pi oomt F W Wmm X ^ 9 C lW r IfWWf<*HRinvr avT V B v AA^dtsm,^ ^^^^d Bid ^^ddi ddd qiMRMl AtAmAd ■IKJ uIlQPi IPfTIDIP Plnf OmiWr* wpiiovo. oPot w9 m woP nvpi iot must remain Xv mOWmwKW fm j ▼ isn ■ im fim iW n Iff mwB w* nwXO WmFw la gOBW Nml IRCvnlpVB^ n K uF WvwWwmw WWwBXm. n W R a W m JW IIP vl^O^^^^Ps I v PX^mPRa TMcaam, the iA t f treaty, th e m . Star d^uAj^^^dd AdMk dd m d A t^^d ^^d^A A/AA^^^du^d^^M umi RtMi B i ^ m i d Iv T V (an^v iJg tnm t^ m tw IV InVIOPWi Of W p*T^PRWlWra ^99m9 ^Hi^f ^RPpVTR^J^BIf OO P^^wP JL/vfsaiTIlIVlIf VI m v inW f R$l Vilu wavfllVxv Cm X n^8w M B7 Been ”rh|hr’ M reJeethwihe mfstakea a d A d d kidT ^^yaUlL^m^R 8 itrm W v i ^Fnn ffn OTilW H> f n n v f u w jPFPOP s a n r e o w i o i trtB m v i p jwijpOTmo iw f cfPVVPCT M^pv nouuiioi high priority - aU a- a. a. AB/^duMdi^dd dR^k J m u d d J m d A W tj w ife E frB B O T a im I DOOi m i€ lf v a r j nB tn wnwttBvn pw w llvlp OIIIIUUmTVQ, DO to both the press and the CftBtw OT WOWTpOlP oINI ulP Wil 1 PPl W9 w 6 ii 9 b Ufa cngiigillg w ife, ls9r. W n O UOlllUIIOil flIOU OoU JU U m ilV Ill n f UW IKFw wBBBmBm IIOTVU. was Mvofved m the prenMOM of the COWDTfflOCi fnCrCPmi W Iflf jUDWIfB flrCO. IT 7B X fW XtwtfX \ i w r j tm 9 X 9 IW 9 1 tjy f do not feet reassured Mr the nation banquet. Rut Nke many other Americans. I am chnnenged the press to "fair'M m . and fnvi wp inrop foonv o woj to eniniiiafp The Manchester CPK Project is in a AAluuA Aikt^md ^ddkd BMore teavMg. i t&ti Q ttf that 1 n u u u io u 8 1 WUI iiw jiifliiim nr wmcir m fnflj DP iriw m pi uiprp w o t s t t t h 6/999 ^69 09t699l9/f i690f96f9ti69l 9f0t9 9 9 aJ a- a a a a A t^A.dcdA A A-Ai t AW k IdMm ^^^dA mdLAduA ^ A a AA ^^^^dd A^dk dddi^MA^MAd d ^ ^ ^ t d A M d A d m precarious position. Dr. .^oel Peich^ chairman ppiTCP Of imiiiiciPiPLP on niv pPTf oDOPi BltlT fKnWT fnP OFCnlfPCfO Of iHP VrETHaHi woofd seN (he presMeney (n (9T3 and was forced out of the race. U-AA.AAA d ^ ABtd/A of the town’s Emergency Medical ^rvices, wooTd Mte Mm (O' pfay a role m (hat Even if he was partMt to romantic flip rP^ToIVCP Of PPPTPv COIIvOqiWlTCPa Of fragPOj fflKf OllWT nifOJUUOIIIPIHB Ufol eiiO rC . K T B m u B n j , I MT6CT€o %s a t j 9 b n fB p T fy v fP nfO , OT OTfe rOpUrcCf have eost the natMn so dearly M hiood. said this week that U p r^ ct coordinator adventurism and m understandable A-A A .■ «.-. .A A A A . .>_Wa A ..A. W ^A^^mdikk^dA T n 9 n 9 9 9 T Of iFlj €XpBCl€0 CHIlipViffT. refuctance to U te tm ft. 1 Rnd (he asserted. fiOaOOrP OTMI flrCPTflalfOnSI olflTNflllO. Gloria Danger were to quit teaching, ’’the AI * nciwC - ^ HEVCT A i ^ r^gronCu Sidd A gf Ilfal UVLIBIUII. 0 l l f U V r y 9 ftn9X9W€n TmtCnntK OT IITS p O siu rO Of OOffTc Of m B C TiX tC B ItypOCTiTi- mdd jdkjd AuJ^ g^^ Gary served me weff — creadvefy and CsuaR 9 1 9mAuJd ttO Mmdd80ll‘*rlyll60lFO. ff 9X 9M 99 AtMdfrOl ddtmAIlfal pPrOOmn ITTP uru nOI TCv^alXITEP lUP program would be gone.” ■A a^ u a ^ . a - a A J u A ^ d Oden brfTffanffy. ye be not judged." and again. "Let he Hal lull or ITTd cvinslllUIIUIIl Iv IfnP O609//9 B96SXi90966lf mPP mwTB IMWOO* That is no way to run a program that has -‘■AUkiA^ Ad ^^A.^dL^^A dd mmA dd^^d^d m Richard Nixon defeafed me over- wno ffl fninoui sni casi ino n ra §io if c , llallOTRn IIIIPIPBI. IT WOT nOl CUIIIIWI flUIP PaP^^f T^P WalvPa P taught about SOO people a key life-saving W ficflliifigf/ fn ifW I all, DUTI WCTTl DvCK lO 9 T 9 IWO BtInfCal oOinOImfOllB llfm COIfrO to the h ^ Judgment that (m to the 960666669 660 f6906f6966990Si666696966t9 0969h —W A. AA A d dU. A A -k. A a A A d . A^ld A A ^ ^ technique over the past two years. Sooth Dakota and won re-etectfon(o(he to mind. lifC paT CnVOTsTOli OT flflRM TO TUP COnCraB. Unfortunately, a shortage of instructors, money and materials has taken its toll on the program, Danger told the Emergency Press should stop passing the muck Medical ftervices Council this week. •y Chuck RMAe t io n a li Reagan would led the Mpartlsan And the tVangeHat tea scandal lies presidential d ream . Fewer people are available to volunteer CHporiHg OTCifon. somewhere In between II suppose I If he had shaken a pretty woman’s their time because more and more are f’m n et sure wMch is In counterpoint, former Georgia State could huve used u leas colortul verh.j hand too long, the M iam i Herald would have unleashed Its Keystone Riddle working these 6 ay ^ . The manikins used to more unnerving — a Sen. Julian Bond and Wasihington, D.C.. ’fbc danger comes from a H a g n siei dim-wifted president Mayor Marion Barry would vigorously public inking all Of these seandals Rops with Romputers. teach cardlopulfHonary resuscitation have WITH a poor fiiPmory oTiu non their heads. together to evoke the impreaslon of a After a ll th ese y ea rs, ou r Jellersonian suffered the usual ravages of time, and the Insurer pays, no questions a cold heart or a qMek- Dike Ifa tt. Barry got eattght a tow press Jnggemuut run amok. ambivalence toward newspapers hasn ’t WlllPQ.A.ikA A., d TOTITIPrAdkd^dkdd pTPelCFPTrd d d d ijid d k I d ay s ag o trying to mess a r o ^ with a Rot thne eventually heals. disappeared. new tax laws have made private donations It anything, JoumaWstlc creUhtU ty WASHING­ $110,688 should not have been tisf candidate wHh poor < pretty model. In a lew dnya, (h e Iran-contra less attractive. has worsened h^ause buckrakers are TON - Try to paid. judgment and hoi pants. tike Hart. Bond was victimired by hearings wfH soar to a high threshold o l boredom and the nation will return to replacing muckrakers. The town, whose participation in the imagine an in­ In the soybean case, the private K’s like asking people (o take (he reckless reporting. And Atlanta Mayor Andrew Voong almost got la r r e i fn the soap-opera sanity. Put tlKthose newspapers that win program is unique in the area, has offered to surance com­ Insurance company “disagreed JeHersemsn test — s gevemtnent wiihoui newspapers or newspapers process. Congressional witnesses wtff repeat Fnlltrer Frires for cxpMing corruption, with our finding,” the GAO Increase its contribution to the program for pany that lets J a c k wi(hou( a govemmenf. ft’s scummy Journalism, but tor that President Reagan may have been discovering toxic waste, and which. In the year beginning July 1 by |1,M0 — from outsiders sell reported, “but offered no support "( should net hesitate to choose the Miami tie r a ld detectives, It’s ’’Golly guilty ol fflIsgoldiMI Intentions and the words ol Lincoln Steffens, "bring to its policies and or basis for disputing the Justice some oubllc enemy o r rescue a $3,000 to $4,000. But the Increase may not be A a d a r e o n la((er.'' Jefferson wrote. gee. Mom. tun. fun. Ion. And we get to rotten Judgment as well a s the victim of process its Oh yeah? appear on all of the television talk his ow n infamous, whacked-out popular heru from the machinery of the enough, Reich has indicated. claims, yet ob­ In thVgrape t / m f (he claims Let a lew m ore scandal-mongcring shows, too.” memory. law." are often the same newspapers While no one party can be blamed for the ligingly as­ adjuster ‘^^tpressed surprise exercises of Miami Hotel voyeurism 'fhat's one of the problems with what But the Iran-contra scandal Is no that abandon those mountafntops of glory to sink Into swamps of disdain. threats to the program, all Manchester sumes all the that we had found a large amount manure the political landscape and the ’fheodore Booseveft deplored as muck­ reprise of Watergste. of unreported production, (buti other side of Jefferson will blossom: raking journalism; absence o t Gary Hart, however, would have been Those are the contradictions of a free residents, officials and institutions will share risks and pays off claims with agreed with our finding.” An "f don’t take a single newspaper, and 1 distinctions. harassed by suspicions, and that’s why press. the responsibility — and the life-threatening no questions asked. Most people official of the reinsured company (eel myself infinitely better lo r it.... Exposing the Gary attatr ot the Mart Is he ended his campaign. (For starters, reporter Stewart Harris has seen he sure couldn't order "wild rice’’ at Chuek Stone’s syndieated eMwnn consequences — If the program is allowed to would say that’s a crasy way to the testimony. also had the decency to agree truth Itself Is suspect when it Is placed Feeptng Tom Journalism. Exposing the Beagsn-lran-contra dltmerj. th e self-fulfilling prophecy ol usually foeuses ou bow today’s issues run an insurance business — and with the GAO‘s finding, “ but said In that polluted vehicle.’’ slide Into extinction. One case uncovered by the GAO Democrat Gary Mart and Republican scandal Is public-service Journalism. the press did Irreversible damage to his affect Macks. Medical experts say It is crucial that they’d be right. Investigators Involved a soybean that the producer had purposely But this has been precisely the farmer who insured MO acres but under-reported production and heart-attack victims receive CPR pronlptly, effect of the government’s 19S0 only planted OM. He then claimed therefore the adjuster was not at and that kind of response can only be decision to save money by ‘‘pri­ reimbursement tor the 300 acres fault.” In other words, the crop Hart episode raised grave questions guaranteed by a well-trained population. vatising” the federal crop insu­ that didn’t produce — and col­ claims adjusters — suspicious rance program. Private insu­ lected more than $30,OM. about policyholders’ claims. Some RMS Council members suggested ■y WHtlam A. Rushai details are still coming to light. Next question, ff a presidential matter: Reporters and-other observers rance companies are selling the fn the circumstances. It would proha- candidate engages In adultery and a who can’t bring themselves to argue raising the pay for instructors in an effort to gUMMARI21NO the InvesUga- policies to farmers and process­ ‘‘In this case,” according to the Former Sen. Gary hly be best to suspend Judgment for the reporter discovers this, ought he to that adultery ought to bar a person from attract more. While that might help, the ing their claims, but the Federal GAO, "neither the reinsured tors’ findings, a GAO official told Mart's downfall over time being on what actually happened. report the fact? 'This obviously may the Oval Office may nevertheless^ program is obviously facing larger problems. Crop Insurance Corp., reinsures company’s sales agent nor the Congress that, based on samples charges of sn illicit But we must. Inevitably, proceed with depend on what the reporter himself consider that this episode, even l( Maintaining the viability of the Manchester the companies and reimburses toss adjuster verified the number from Just five states, 31 percent of affair with a much the discussion by assuming the worst. personally thinks of such conduct, ff he Innocent and certainly If not, reflects farmers who claim to have had of acres actually planted, as the 1964 and 1968 claims reviewed youngor woman raises Whst thm? Is sincerely opposed to adultery, he may very poorly Indeed on Gary Mart. For It CPR Project should be a high priority with the crop failures. required by FCIC procedures.” — or almost $3 million — “should several Important 'The first problem Is that the American feel little or no compunction about raises the gravest questions about his town, regardless of the money it may require. Not surprisingly, the program not have been paid." Issues. Let us try to people are divided on Just how had telling what he knowa, on the theory that Judgment, and Judgment Is surely one of After all. what is a more worthy investment Isn’t saving money. And It Isn’t H ERB’S ANO’IH E R whopper; The official complained that 98 consider them separately. adultery is. For many people, -it Is it sheds highly relevant tight on the the most Important of all qualtflcatlona ‘There is, first of all, the question of enough that it Is expressly forbidden by basic character of the candidate. for the presidency. than the health of the town’s biggest resource working as well as It did when the ’’This case,” the GAO told percent of the claims studied FCtC sold and administered the Congress, "Involves a producer were not adjusted In accordance whether there Is any truth to the story. the Seventh Commendment. On the But what if the reporter isn’t opposed Similarly, the voters, who are more other hand, a 19M survey 6f the opinions to adultery? (Does it matter, In such — its people? crop Insurance policies Itself. of wine grapes who was paid for a with federal regulations, and Hart has admitted that he and a lawyer, Bted about these things than of the media elite (for example) cases, that the reporter Is not running they are sometimes given credltlor, are claim of $110,688 based on re­ added this ominous observation; William Broadhurst, took an overnight cruise to BImlnl with Donna Bice and discovered that a majority of those tor president? Would he still be Justified likely to think less of Gary Hart In ported production of 18,810 boxes “For many claims, the tyjies of ‘THE RBAiON should have her friend Lynn Armandt abroad a questloBM could not even bring them­ In blowing the whistle on somebody who almost any case - either because they problems which resulted In over­ been predictable; The private of grapes and guaran tee produc­ private yacht, and that they subse­ selves to agree that adultery is wrong. Is?) Or what If the reporter opposes disapprove of adultery and consider the Insurance firms, which take no tion of 40.008 boxes of grapes. payments were so obvious that quently entertained the same (wo young In aqy case, a candidate tor the adultery hut does’t believe that the tact commission of It a relevant Index of risks and thus have no Incentive However, based on our review of they appeared to be intentional.” women over most of a weekend In presidency must, at ail coats, conceal that someone commits It Is relevant to character, or because Mart, as a to be careful, are not screening the available production records Fourteen cases were turned Washington while Mart’s wife, Lee, was such activity if he Is going to engage In that person’s qualifications to serve as front-running presidential candidate either the policy applications or and discussions with the pro­ over to the Agriculture Depart­ in Colorado. But Mart inslata that It. Plenty ot candidates (and presidents) prealdent? had no better aenae than to commit It or iHiutrl;ratrr Hrralfi the claims properly. This Is the ducer. we found that the actual ment’s Inspector general tor nothing Improper occurred, and Mrs. have done both, but that doesn’t affect Either ot these considerations might to act In ways that give rise to a PMtMisd In IN I conclusion of an unreleased Gen­ nductlon ... exceeded 41,000 further Investigation. Mart saya she iielleves him. The Miami the point. ‘The point Is that there are still well deter a conacientlous reporter from perfectly understandable Inference that eral Accounting Office report. A Kxes of grapes.” Footnote; The five states In­ „^erald. on the ether hand, drawa much quite enough Americans who disap­ raising the issue. But in one way or he did so. MNNTM. SMseanr... GAO auditor recently elaborated tn short, the grape grower lied cluded In the GAO sampling were darker concluiions from the known prove atrongly of adultery to make the another, as in the present case, it often DOUttUSA. NMNS coat of Ita dlscloaure politically prohibi­ does contrive to get raised. M on the findings before a House and the claims adjuster didn’t California, Louisiana, Missis­ events, and Its version of them varies WtlHun A. RnshwIir^MItber Ike M.IXANOW UHWLU.. tive for a prealdentlal candidate. But there Is another aspect ot the National Review. tn agriculture subcommittee; our bother to check the records. The sippi. Montana and Oklahoma. from Hart’s In certain respects. Further Cimffcli BvOctia Boafd ' Interfaith camp needs help

jj^^wtwroa «w a «a« youaear. RdMor's not#: This eulumn is Delrdre Boudrenu. Cindy SavrUe. PoNth Nallofitl CiHioNe prepared by the staff nf the IPIPM BUnilnTC. the foilearittg evente eru acheduled tMa week at St. HMMUeSeET ArM UUUWI HICK Of MACC Nows And to Mayer Barbara Weinberg. John the ReptM HMMi Netidnel Catholic Church: Chuiehea. wllO P yilllK N IK S PB OTr CTllBI WeCVCQ Sunday — * a.m.. mass; i#:is a.m., school of rsprsMVivptivR, MPncnvpvcr. p v^pr- yp.m. Christian living, kindergarden and primary. By N«nev Carr However, we urgently need a ing Community. Weekdays - • a.m., mass with the Rev. Manley M. MACC Dtraeier cooriftnatlon director to work M m M U iHnHt totUm.iH « Mew «wet Loncela, celebrant doaely wfth the teen-age counse­ TRANK YOU ALSO to those who CORICTVIICV. It’s only eight weeks until some go lors who will work closely with the have recently brought food te stack yeunpten. ages 8 to II. will he campers. a crafts coordinator and e the Rmergency Pantry; Second n m Siptttt Chuiftth piling on the hm andheadingfor the sporis coordinator, We also are Congregatienal ChurM, Bolton IlMMMMtf LllllMMff C f N ^ mi: 1:1? to United MethodiBt Church, St. I O.M. 04 W . W f i ’l i the following events ars scheduled for this week st MACC tnterfafth Dny Canq> at asUttg 86 teen-Mers-14 years and tW i r «;m.> ^ayBBus vO IfOOQ UTRn yOUnp pUOvlOt RMae witomaU, mBTtfPfTI VP Pm —A.»x IVIIHIUII. k-l k. -«■ ■ ^PlVf AV Huralrv core are- discussed. The 18:88 a.m. service is followed by a aaniue and jutilay blgb yautb giauM; 7 p.m., cbair coftae hour. has Offered to do cooMmor BirgR Bmerj^Wendi Oriffin. Steve MartTofd nwwepnpM eoHimniw ymctlca: niatt'a aatttliiay; wamau'a lUbla atudy. alAakARat jl______g,m.^iuMldv______maaaat« recriiftment. Cepelnnd. Christy tMimerman. mnvUfVQ ilks^TTffp TfnoinB*RIa Mi a M M cwnrip thuiaday — 4 p.m.i eaunrmatlau elaaa. livcommu we even have, for the first time, e Karen Olske. Amy Ontea, Btole hnmnii n humnniM nnd dwiyihg i.rn., ifturcn acn«^ < lutt-time nurse, tercea LaRelle. RoMnson, Mark nnrvin, Atme I neur, nuraafv eerei JfiH&a'na Center CengreoAWonsI Chureh It 18 h fMigiun. ^ y X n l a T ' hlBIIP D llvm iBII nPB BRrOOfl VO IWIIQIP R n r r ^ , Rrlc Neff, Dean John­ tbe following events are scheduled this week st tranaportatlon. son, kteMssa Carron. DovMRKhey, P8ihiip8 8hu ahuuM hhuw dm •outti prtM iitt *iH)ah* Center Congregstlonsl Church; vTmTFVI VTVTO vT ITTfP rrfvWlllVm HARtrORt) - bautb ConiyMatiaual Church Choir Sunday - 8 and 18 a.m., worship; 8 n.m„ breakfast; hufum MentlfyihO wfth it («n d . . . . M . - Wa^at.,w«^a taocWHMr. JIav. PraoM krukawilii, AM he ignomAt ut ButeAh du- ahd Orchaatra, eauduatad A Richard Donohue, will imp: t;w o.m.i tnursn isimwiril :av. oavio ■aranawiki, Ray. jaaaw I8a.m.,baptlstm; church scbool; nursery and tothRer b uraattt MaMalaaahn'a “Rlliah” at tha church, frt Main bp.m. i„ waranTa itrvlco, ouraarv. (m- xaily. Miar.“i^ . l iawaro o i ___ .j. IR^ireao. _____ care; 18:18 a.m.. conRrmation; luiB a.m., social Buddhism hBipt save Asia vl«e8. K CUr. g.-tt). the I St., Hartford, on Thuraday at 7:M p.m. Kenneth latojAav moiiM ju a ana a:» a m,; hour; Jubilee luacneon. Humnitt MtAMtfU fh MMlAg Holton, director ot Inatrumental and choral mualc at Sunday mqaaM ot itM, a, 1S;M a.m., Tueaday — 8:88 a.m., mothert’ group; 8:80 p.m.. BANDKOK, Thailand - Long Rfforts ronge imm indlvkluol pWSi Arte BW Ma^Jitr pn wIVTOOt teVjk9Q WPTt^W R.O. Smith Hl|h School In Storra, will ha the haHtone Pilgrim Choir. ago, the "Lord Buddha” forioade monks instructing villogers to plont the theeee P! iwHgidoe hum wi- aololat. A donation ot M la auggeated. c a i^ tr^ p o ^ jfl?**m - Wednesday — 8; 88 a.m., healing prayers; 7:80 p.m., monks to cut down trees, set rules trees to o regional organisation like tom.” Paul KuiitdecNnwd m die Chancel Choir. for preventing woter pollution and the BnddMst Perception of Notuie, ‘Preteen” te Numnn mmfmimt Thursday — 8:88 p.m., Center Ringers; 7:88 p.m.. urged followers to co-evist peoce- founded in 188i hy Thaia, Tibetans 14fHi II; "HumnAinm la n phhe- aephioM, fMigiean. end mom AtM inbllM plan a Im I Ro^lai^ao.Jljhay y .' j. ____ Bethel BlMe; (%urch Council; 8 to to p.m., CPR. fujw with all living mings. and an American to link Buddhism ta*"i.!a« « } ' Write ^rljn.aaator. latyrOayineaaotsa.m.; The advice didn’t seem particu- and conservation through educa­ peiAt ef view at eM an humnA SPRINayiBLD, Mo. - Leadfsraotthe Aaaemhlleaot Sw^iw^ ovatata at ?;», v: is end It a.m. lariy urgem when first given t,B80 tion programs. eivilizatieA naalF. Tha By-iawa Ood have called on Ita t.s mlHton memhera to laat and • t Mery*e ipleeopel Chureh years ago, hut it has taken on a The Buddhist stirring appears Of Tha AmarfoaA Mummpt Aa- pray thla Sunday, May 17, about recent eventa relnted to worldwide searches for a aeeteffeA aaaeri thm tha Atti- Involving tv preachera and othera. The following events are scheduled this week at St. modem relevancy. ■oar onq twv. nonoran naigam. lu •tlvRHon Army Mary’s l^iscopal diurch; Today, BuddMste in several "conservation etWC” that coaM be etea M lAeerperameA wera The church aald the eventa. In which Jim Bakker quit o.m.. wmblb itrvin ono cnurch Asian countries are beginning to added to the standard environmen­ amaAdad ia ts m ‘to raffaMihM hla tv ahow after admitting an adulteroua tryat and iriiool. (Mteinsi MBIIIUUIBI aatvattan army, aat Mom at., Mm- Sunday — 7;88 a.m., holy eucharist; 8;88 a.m., holy the- aaaeetetioA haa a legal ara- complainta agalnat him by tV nreacher Jimmy ctwatar. gia^ ana Mrt. oary Ataancl^ eucharist and conArmation. harness the old envlronmentol tal arsenal of laws, technology, laaar. *;» a.m., Sunday achaali tO:as Monday — 7:18 p.m., evening prayer; 7:80 p.m., messages to halt ravages of forests, funds and education. tua aa a 'raugieua ergaAim- swaggart, have cauaed "turmoil, dumay, miaunder- CaVMHHlt a.m., naimtat ntewna; t a.m., laiva- wildlife and water resources across "A new and powerful aniancehns tteA’.” lA Tereaae varaua W at- etanding and pain." ttan maattna. iaiw-y7i7). vestry. THelhf eeveneat cherrt, Mt Hock- Tuesday — B p.m.. Children’s and Cappella choirs; the continent. been forged between the forces of klAa tha ^upmmo Oeurt daei- Both Bakker and Swaggart belong to the denomina­ Thni social critic Sulak Sivaraks religion and the forces of conserva­ aten Hated sacuiar HumaAiam tion. feaecutlvea of Ita general council urged memhera UnltMlan UnNATMliBl 8:30 p.m., church school teachers’ meeting. W^nesday — 10 a.m., holy communion: 7; so p.m., says "a kind ot Buddhist revolt tion.” says Prince Philip, president aa a raiigieA. to pray in their homea and churchea “to unitedly aeek against the deterioration of na­ of the World Wildlife Fund. the Lord in fervent contrition and interceaaion.^' uattartan Univaraamt iiarta^-ujw, senior choir. tw w. varoan s i.T f a n ^ t a r . ^ v . Thursday — 4 p.m., Cherub Choir to Manor; 7 p.m., ture," has begun, still small in m m OF CHOisT oeneral Superintendent o. Raymond carlaon aald Diana Hamn, mmn^. io;M a.m., scope but with the potential to The Swiss-based WWF has ongo­ PI ▼waaTOTa VWWfV that in auch faatlng and prayer, the Holy Spirit will rvlea. H uii^ eara and vautk jall- Bible study. ■piVCOpM aua o«u^M , caftaa kaur altar Friday — I p.m., A.A. influence the religion’s M8 million ing projects to capItallK on reli­ "accompUah what carnal probing and human effort W. •earue’i ■wiceaat chorch, 11M larvica. fsas-ltnl faithful in a doten countries. gion’s power to sway attitudes. cannot." » Saturday — 7:SO p.m.,A.A. n A • AW »«ra*A% * * B-B A d g d r «> A’A B # « A B B A B d t d rdrBtW>BB <■ • I A • rg ra A «% P A I t • t v w r a A M r i 'v b > t > % w »»tr a > rw % w r \ % a .-a ^ w w m m m

W eddieae Abo8 t To w s Many make our week a hit

Editor's note; Thia column la Wedneeday — arts and crafts. Raiilallon dteeutstd prepared by the etett of tbe lt;M p.m.; bridge, lt;W p.m.; ROCKVILLE - Pacta about radlaUoa will ba Maneheeter Senior CItitene’ Senior C iti» Friendahtp Circle. 10 a.m.; pino­ discuaaad In a program apwaorad by the Unlveralty of Center. chle, 0;Na.m . Hartford's Odlatt ot SaglBtoriBg on June 1 at Thunday — orchcetra rehearaal. Rockville High School. The program la a alldc By Jtomnatta Cenrt • a.m.; Thursday program. 1 p.m. prcaantation and appropriate Mr chlldran aad adulte. Stnior Ctniar DIrtclar Brown's Flortst, Park Hill Joyce Fridisy — bingo, 10 a.m.; crib- Joan Pttigarald. an energy education specialist, Florist, tbe Medicine SMippe, Ato bage, 0 a.m.; exerciae with Cleo, 11 praanets the program in ciastrooma throughout Uw Our bearitelt congratulaUone are thur’s Drug Store, Lenox Phsr- a.m.; aetback, ll;N p .m . jf j state. extended to the new M r. and Mrs. macy, Westown Pharmacy and For tranaportation to and from For more information, call MSMIS. Senior Cittien Mr lit?. Mr. Larry P m Joe’s PlsSa. the aenior center, call for a ride at Lombardi and Mrs. VtcM Ronaraki, Thanks are in order to the least M hours in advance. i- tvro active senior center partici­ members of the Board of Directors RNAM gtto awiniB pants who hsva hriped tremend­ who called Celebrity Bingo; Bill 88d M M aa ArikonIwf VflV HEBRON - RHAM High Sckool'a metal technoloitt ously to make the center vrbat It Is Diana, Tom Ferguson, Geoffrey Students won M bonoro In a racaat competition wtm today, unaelHshly tfvliu Ume and Nnnb, Meve Cnesano, Steve Penny Monday — Cbeft choice. other OoBBocticut taduatrial arte atudaiite. energy to further tbe efforts of tbe and Peter DIRoea. Pbr the Card Tueaday — Macaroni and cheese, Top wiMteia Included; Jon Lovett, Peter Kauttman, center. Party, we thank Ed and Mary vegetable, roll, dessert, beverage. Michael Nickoti, Scott Farqfdwr, Chrit Queen, Bob People who mteaed last week's McKeever tor doing a euper Job. Wednesday — Sliced turkey Rally, Dan Burger, Dan Lessard. David Patro, and Bob activities really missed a treat. alongwttb Annabelle Dodge. Mar­ Mndwich, Juice, dessert, beverage. . Armotrong. J ob Lovatt'o arbor preao and Peter Almoet IM attended Super Bingo ion Flavell, Brtdey Rooney and Thursday — Meatloaf with V jta u ftm a n ’t drill press vice were aelected M r display at with town otRrials as callers; about Russ Nettleton, for helping in the gravy, potato, vegetable, dessert. the IM T Eaotern States ExpoalUon. IM attended Las Vegas Day, some kitchen. For Las Vegae Day we beveraH- to try their hand at gambling with thank Cleo and her Living D olli for Friday — Tuna salad undwich. OofvMTs O'Hara play money and some to listen to the tbe Can Can Dance, theSunshiners. soup, dessert, beverage. DarayKapWra Mra. Rdlplt Horawttx Mr*. Edgar Enrina Adoption support group moots wonderttti entertainment; N took a and Troy Whfta Evelyn Sinter. Agnce LaDuc, Joe trip on Wednesday, either to the Vallce, BIp CarriMno. Hop Opetti. MERIDEN — Concerned United BIrtkparanU, a Coachligbt Dinner Theatre or to the S c o r a t 0*HM «-QM ytt _ f Vm wwflC*iMvffHIWI support and advocacy group tor parents who have Sabby DiMarco, Al and tdaSupran- state CaHMI and Library; on ant. Sol Cohen and Bill Vainnte. Friday. May 0. setback; Art Ow^iaemeO'aiiieelsiBheSl.. Kl|lHI»4W NI® surronderod children to adoption. wtU meet May M at Thursday we played host to well Bouffard 110; Ednah Browne Itt; Maaiaan Ana Aim llM at tkaims Andrea KertMaan Bradlard. dangkter the First'CeagregaUonal Church, tt Colony St., Finally, thanks go to staff Mr « t Mr. Mia Mm. M m am Mrs. Aitkar KapMtas(M» Diiva, daatktw at Aaadtae P. at Mr. aad Mia. Brace Bradibid at over NS pe«>irie who saw tbe working with unity of spirit ami Ann Firestone IM; Bob Ahern IM; r O W « i St., and SliMtcy J« mmb Meridctt, at t p.m. crowning of Mr. and Mrs. Senior Grace Donnelly 110; Betty Jeaanis Kackmatadt St. Tamwiri tkaeraata- AnaHiai at Wetkarstk^ aad tka lata Odamkta, and BdRar Baariat, s m at For more laMrmaUon, call ttl-lW t. purpose in making these affairs m » ^ tk^ dmckisr. Datt^ iaiia Biia P. Andllai, aad Ralpk Reranits Mr end Mia. Albeit Eaerint at 14 DRten. We bad the pieaSure of the such a success. 117; Clara Hemingway 118; Dom N. M«akSl..«Hltrai

DEAR I don’t want sex. As a matter of AIDS awaranttt data offarad ABBY: The let­ fact, sex doesn't Interest me at all ter carriers of FARMINGTON — The American Red Crosa Is — even with my husband. Have you ■4? ^ the Postal Ser­ ever heard of anyone with this type otferinf a free class on AIDS at the Greater Hartford vice and the em­ Red Cross office on Farmington Avenue. Classes are Dear Abby of problem? I could sure use an ployees of the anwer. offered on Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., utilities, news­ June 9 from 7 to 9 p.m., and June 11 from 1 to S p.m. Abigail Van Buren NEEDS TO BE KISSED papers and IN FLORIDA Register in person at the Red Cross or call 679-2919. other delivery services must DEAR NEEDS: I have heard of regularly have Philosophy sociaty to maat women having a secret desire to access to the WETHERSFIELD - The American Philosophy kiss other men — but you appear to properties of the be obsessed by the desire. In order MAGAZINE Society presents Marion Davis, a Gestalt therapist, to community in order to perform recover damages resulting from discuss Gestalt therapy, on Wednesday at 7; 30 p.m. at to get this out of your , you need their duties. Thousands of persons dog attacks. someone (a professional) to get into the Masonic Temple on Main Street. nationwide have suffered pain and Abby, will you please help us by Tickets arp 94. For more infolramtion, call 243-2799. your head. Once you learn why you other consequences of being bitten asking dog owners to keep their have this overwhelming urge, your by dogs. Seven thousand were letter dogs confined in a fenced yard, tied chances for controlling it «rill be Crafts fair sat carriers last year alone. or chained, or keep them indoors greatly Increased. Good luck. In the Dog owners must accept that the during delivery hours? Thank you. meantime, why not try to teach SOUTH WINDSOR — The third annual outdoor attitude of “ My dog doesp’t bite” la F. KOVE, Su p e r v is o r your husband how to kiss more to crafts fair of the Ladles’ Guild of St. Francis of Assisi a fallacy. Some dogs do bite letter U.S.P.O., ROSEVILLE, MICH. your likihg? This could pay big Church will be Sept. 12 from 9; 30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the carriers and other delivery service dividends. church grounds. Registration is now being accepted. people. Owners need to realize that DEAR MR. KOVE: You bet I Call 829-9209 for more Information. Closing date is June dog ownership carries with it will. Where would I be without the DEAR ABBY: Your answer to 30 and all Items must be handmade. several responsibilities. Prevent­ U.S. Postal Service? "Karen Krumrey of Ellisville, ing their dogs from biting or Mo.” concerning the children who Ratiraas group maat attacking people who must enter DEAR ABBY: I’m 29 years old, shot the robin was all right as far as the property is one of them. married, with a 7-year-old child. it went, but It didn’t go far enough. BAST HARTFORD - The Pratt li Whitney Aricraft The U.S. Postal Service has been My problem? I have a strong urge It is illegal to kill a robin in all Club Retirees Broup will meet on Wednesday at 10a.m. taking a tougher stance by inter­ to kiss other men. Just kiss them states. This Is a songbird and an at the aricraft club on Clement Road. rupting mail delivery to homes passionately — that’s all. My insect-eating bird, and It is pro­ where a dog Is not properly husband doesn't kiss very well, so tected everywhere. So you should restrained. Additionally, the YWCA offars programs maybe that's the reason I have this also have advised Ms. Krumrey agency has been assign^ and overwhelming urge. I do know that that she should let the kids’ parents BAST HARTFORD - The YWCA is offering the joining its employees In actions to this is driving me crazy. know that they were not only cruel, following programs; but they were breaking the law as Lis Caron will conduct a makeup class on Thursday well. at 7 p.m. The cost is $8. You could also have suggested Sesame Swim begins in June. Classes are held in the Aspirin vs. Tyienoi that shooting pellet guns is illegal in mornings on Teusday and Thursdays at the Holiday almost ail cities — even here in Inn pool. DEAR DR. Louisiana where we are considered Communication skills will be discussed by Gretie OOTT: Why do "outlaws" by many. Charlot-Wright. The program will explore assertive­ so many televi­ Furthermore, pellet guns are not ness skills. sion ads say that toys — they are powerful enough to The YWCA's nursery school is accepting registration all doctors and kill many animals, not only small for the 1987-98 year. hospitals re­ Dr. Gott birds. And they can kill people as For more information and to register for any of the commend Ty­ Peter Gott, M.D. well. programs, call 289-6709. lenol? I had two JULIAN M. KURTZ. #//“ X-rays taken OPELOUSAS. LA. l / i weeks apart, Thoughte and after taking Tylenol tablets W m m k fy three days Health Tip You are the salt of the earth. I’ve always had prior, they showed up in my enormously In what they consider problems with that statement, probably because In our stomach. What good are they to be appropriate, cost-effective culture, we don't understand how salt Is supposed to doing? testing for healthy people in their 70s. There is really no standard. work. In our culture a fast food hamburger is salt; most DEAR READER: One of the canned hams are salt. Take popcorn at the movies. You should question your doctor problems with pills is that they about the variety of tests he expects When I buy that stuff I don’t taste popcorn, but salt. We sometimes do not dissolve after seem to think salt is a food, when it is not. Salt is a you to have. If your hypertension is being taken. This is true of most under good control, I doubt that you seasoning. So when I read, "You are the salt of the medicine, not Just Tylenol (aceta­ earth," I think of popcorn, canned hams and need a bevy of tests on every visit to minophen) . If you do not digest a your doctor. On the other hand, hamburgers, and I go yuk. certain medicine In pill form, try Ever make chicken soup from scratch? I do, every some medicine used for hyperten­ crushing it or using a liquid sion has side effects, such as once in a while. I put In the chicken bones, a large onion, by Roy D. Katz, R.Ph. preparation. potassium depletion, that should be some water, a little terragon, parsley, pepper, andjust I should add that not all doctors evaluated periodically. two teaspoons of salt. And when I d r ^ in the salt. It and hospitals recommend Tylenol. I tend to order a minimum of tests dissolves and gives its flavor to everything else in the INSECTICIDES There are other, equally effective for my patients whose conditions pot. It gives itself invisibly to everything around it; and brands of acetaminophen that, like are stable. However, many doctors Most Insecticides are poisonous to it seasons its little part of the world. Tylenol, cause less stomach upset seem to be overly cautious about humans as weli as to insects, only I think this is what Jesus had In mind when he said we than aspirin. In addition, lor some this issue, while still others seem to in lesser degree. Avoid the Inhala­ are salt. We are a seasoning that brings sest and life patients, aspirin is superior. In my be entranced by the marvels of tion of insect spray mists, and and vitality to the people In our little part of this world. I practice, for example. I’ve found laboratory science. A few appear to wear glovsa to avoid contact of Salt is not supposed to overpower people, or oppress that — for adults — as^rin is more powder or liquid insecticides with others with legalisms or apartheid, for that is when we need normal laboratory results at effective than acetaminophen In frequent intervals to feel the skin. Follow directions on the are ruining God’s creatures, poisoning them with salt. bringing down fever and relieving comfortable. label carefully. After using insec­ Everyone of us is part of a group of adults and minor aches and pains, such as ticides, soap and rinse the hands children, where the climate and demeanor of the group Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor occur with arthritis. Rather than "why?” If his answer doesn't and face thoroughly before eating changes when we are absent. Everyone of us is part of endorsing one product, most doc­ satisfy you, don’t have the test — or or smoking, and store insecticides associations where the group works with more care tors and hospitals prefer to individ­ find another doctor who will be out of reach of children. and regard for each other, because we are there, ualize, depending on the patient’s more reasonable about including compared to when we are absent. Our presence needs. you in the decision about what testa seasons the group invisibly. Just as salt seasons the are needed. soup, invisibly. It's an unexplainable mystery... one of DEAR DR. GOTT: I am female, those unseen realities. 70, and other than being on To give you more Information, I am sending you a free copy of my To each one of us God has entrusted into our care and medication for hypertension, I am Health Report, Choosing a Physi­ protection, a precious part of his world, to be present to in good health. However, every cHgifa Ctattn time I go to my doctor, he wants me cian; Make a Decision For Good those people and creatures as a seasoning, a preserver Health. Others who want a copy P * | l of the quality of their life. to have a variety of testa. Just what 348 Main Str««t tests are .really necessary at my should send 91 and your name and ManchMtar address to P.O. Box 91421, Cleve­ The Rev. Join Helllger, age? MNiys Miy li» Ifil land. OH 44101-3429. Be sure to 649-1025 SI. George’s Episcopal Church DEAR READER: Doctors vary mention the title. j ? ::! 1'i ^ L 5 L ^-• {i r i t i . ^ i 1 ^- ffitnffMtriMiMmfimtrtiiftiMiHiMt::) < | 99« 999>7 t t % * ’ S ' C o v 0 f ^ o r y Daimy DeVito: It canH: get » ill, M Between the Lines much better

ay find tMAhm His round and friendly face creases into a grin. Wearing a f you don't think that dark suit and sport shirt, he life imitartes art, removes his jacket and consider (he case of continues. T;- Danny DeVWo, who '1 didn’t ask her for her stars to (he comedy hW phone number until we were all “Tin Men," and his out on (he street and splitting up wife,I Rhea Perlman, of TV's to get subways and cabs. Bat f •"Cheers." Their story sounds got her number and two weeks like it's right out of "Guys and later I called her." Dolls," where poor Adelaide When it's pointed out that any celebrated her engagement to guy who waits two weeks to call Danny Devito, the star of "Tin Man," has established himself as Nathan Detroit for 14 years a lady usually waits at least lO before he finally married her. yetfs before he proposes, he one of Hollywood's top oharaoter actors. It didn't lake Danny and Rhea laughs and says shMpishty, ‘1 K 0 n H < ^ a r d B«tty Suokl«y quite that long — just 11 years don't know sHiy I waited so — which proves again (hat not kmg. But then we had a couple with fiery eyes, going crazy, soon as sve were-married and take part of the valudile studio only is patience a virtue, but of dirtes and I was living on 89lh you know. Imagine this! And then got pregnant, and imagine space and make it into a Q. Please tell me where Ken Howard is from, If he’s married, Q. What is Betty Buckley who played Abhy on ’’Eight Is street and she was living in Enough” doing now? Susan Tyrrell, SaMa Maria, CaKf. everything comes to her (or him) then we're going to have a drink die took on the producers’ faces! day-care center. And she takes why he quU ’’Dynasty” and whether he’ll he doing any new who waits. And waits. And Brooklyn, -and we got a friend’s after that." You know what I mean? They her children to work with her projects in the future, N.N,, Boston, Mats, A, Filming a movie in Paris with Harrison Ford, directed by (ruck and we movt^ her in. had to put up with Rhea with a Roman Polanski. She also recently finished a movie called “Wild wails. Another round of wicked several limes a week and hangs A. He’s from Manhasset, Long Island, a suburb of New York, "Thirty dollars in (he sock Brought her from Brooklyn." laughter. belly for most of her whole first out with them during her breaks. and is a Yale Drama School grad, which is one of the reasons, if Thing" that should be in release around the country about now, Did she ever tell him why she season that year.” has a new album out, and a role in CBS s miniseries " Roses Are drawer is not a good thing to get B « (hey loved the little guy “They even built a seems, that he quit “Dynasty." He loves theater specifically and married on," he explains. knew immediately that he was ' He laughs at the memory of mini-nursery for her, 25 feet for the Rich” which is scheduled to air next week. One prpj^l right away... which still doesn't intelligent projects over which he can have some control in “Rhea literally for her? the conflkrt between production she didn’t want to do, apparently, was an “Eight Enough" TV supported me for explain the I t-year tryout from her dressing room,” hr general, and “Dynasty" didn’t satisfy those requirements, tk many yCars In New York, “She said when svhen she was period. He keeps trying, and reproduction. And is sure brags, “a'ld gave us a rriovie-reunion; the movie is still planned, but with another By Josie also admits not being a good company man and partygoer in waifressing and dropping out in the audience th a t’t gotta “I really don't know why. (here is less conflict between refrigerator for the breast milk seriously social Hollywotxl; so he's currently in your vicinity actress. spaghetti on the Rockefellers meet this guy.' I don't know We never knew if we were motherhood and her growing she w.is bringing down to the instead, teaching a working at Harvard's Lxreb Drama Center. while I was running around what it was. I was playing a going to have to give up the career, citing ‘1ier boundless studio, and a crib and sofa so He likes TV movies, though — they’re clear-cut and during my out-of-work acting strange character, so I don't apartment, we always knew it spirit and so much energy and she could actually breast-feed self-contained. He hasn't ruled them out if a good one comes period, trying to direct, putting know what this says about Rhea. was right but we had to go love that it all glows through. I the baby. So it's all working along. Regarding marriage; Yes; he's married to columnist Ann Q. Please settle an argument between a few olddlmers. Who together Super 8 film and But we fell in krve right away through all the growing pains as don’t see Rhea just saying, ‘Oh out.” Q. Please glee me some were the leading players In the movie ’’Wings”? John Flaherty, Information on John Oavin. Landers' daughter, Margo. bt^gering all my-friends to be in and it was great and it's the best a couple. But we were together, boy, this is what I really wanted His career, of course, is Waterburf, Conn. it, ^ dressing them up, and thing that ever happened to we loved each other. We were in life.' So whether she's burning bright. ■ How old is he, what movies has A. The three leads were Clara Bow. Charles “Buddy" Rogers he made, where does he live going to the park and getting me." sudh free people, we had no dealing with a story line or her and Richard Arlen. "Wings," as you probably know, won the chased away from this building But 11 years, Danny. It really obligations — just each other. work as a actress, or the . and is he married? Mrs. L. first Best Picture Oscar, awarded in 1928. does sound like “Ouys and Maust, Elkhart, Ind. Q. Could you please give me some information on the rock because we didn't have a permit. So when we decided to gel children, the does it all." group Bon Jovi? K. Chiodo, Scranton, Pa.} Maritto, Union "Rhea and 1 were always In Dolls" — and your families married it was the absolute right She even got Paramount, A. He's 56 and in the course of the middle of a production, didn't meet during that whole lime for us,” where “Cheers” it filmed, to his career performed in such City,N.J. , ^ " time? “Well, Rhea and I were Namesake and leader Jon Bon Jovi (original name: Bonglovi, while I was looking for acting Mustn’t be too impulsive In disparate movies as “Psycho," A, O, Could you please tell me where actress Wendy Hughes is street people. I mean, she met which was simplified by the record label) is 25, from Sayreville. work to pay the bills.., we serious situations like this. That Back Street," “Spartacus" from and what she’s been in? I saw her in “Amerika” and was my mother and father, she came N.J. He started on the path to rock stardom 10 yea« ago when a wanted to make movies. That's was five years ago. He was The Art of a Frame and "Tampiy, Tell Me True” as very impressed: E.F., Baton Kouge, U . where my head was. I wanted to (kmn to Asbury Park and my lounge act guitarist moved into his neighborhood. He started establishing himself as Louie De well as the TV series A. She's from Melbourne, Australia (if you listened carefully to project my work on this big father loved her immediately. He Palma on “Taxi," and the lessons with him, and two years later pul together a band called went nuts over Rhea. 'This is "Seesaw." on Broadway, in the her character in “Amerika," you could hear traces of the accent) 60-foot screen." family urge began to take over. Atlantic City Expressway with Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan the one,' he said*. He loved her, TV movie-bio of Sophia Loren and has starred In a number of that country's most critically Early days, dues-paying days. He knew the magic moment was (then named Rashbaum). The band played the local bars; one he was like going wild over her. and in episodes of “Fantasy acclaimed movies, among them "Newsfront," “My First Wife," They're always tough to go at hand. night in Asbury Park, bar band fan Bruce^pfingsleen even sat in. I guess my father and I were a Island” and “The Love Boat." "My Brilliant Career," “Lonely Hearts" and “Careful, He through, but seem nostalgic and “It wasn't the thing where we By 1982, though, Bongiovi was back on his own, sweeping the lot alike. f u When he was appointed Might Hear You." She alto has an American film called “Happy sweet in retrospect, looking back always wanted kids. I never floor in his cousin's recoMing studio while working on songs to “And I'd go to Brooklyn, to ambassador to Mexico by his old New Yeur starring Peter Falk that was finished a while ago but from the success and security of thought it was in the cards, and t Ik. record. One called “Runaway" became a hit on local radio and Bensonhurst, to meet the Hollywood pal Ronald Reagan is. at this writing, unrelea.sed. their marriage and respective then we decided one day, we in 1981. he was starring in a brought him a recording contract. careers. The director in DeVito Perlmans and hang out there. said, 'll might be interesting to Obviously, he needed to put together a new band, so he revival of the musical lakes over as he replays their But the first time I met them try this out’ and 'Yeah, well, re-recruited Bryan (who by then had pul in two years of pre-med Can-Can." but, embarrassing first meetings on his own was when Rhea brought them let’s get... you know, will you diplomatically, he was also studies at Rutgers and been offered a place at Juilliard), bass built-in screen. down to see me off-Broadway in marry me?’ And ‘Yeah OK!’ " appearing in a series of rum player Alec John Such, drummer Tico Torres and guitarist Anything you'd Ilk* to know about prominent “I was doing an 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Just when you were beginning Sammy Sambora, all of whom had played in Jersey bands. Their commercials airing on Mexican pereonelltlee? Write to Joele, King Features off-Broadway plav in New York Nest.' “ He breaks into a gale to think he’d never ask? I V and in a horror movie called records didn't do too well at first, but their relentless touring, as called 'The Shrinking Bride' of laughter that shakes his whole Now they're the proud parents As a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, fine art ■Jennifer" recently released in opening act for various heavy metal bands, sparked sales of the Syndicate, 235 E, 45th 9t.. New York, N.Y. (was that title a portent?) and roly-polyness. of two daughters, Lucy, 4, and can be only as powerful as the artistry in its presentation. Mexican theaters He served as first two albums. “Bon Jovi" and “7800 Fahrenheit,' and got Rhea came to see her girlfriend “Can you jtlcture the Oracle, 2, and the beaming 10017, We’ve got a wide selection of ornate frames to exhibit ambassador, however, until his them on MTV The third album. “Slippery When Wet," pushed who was playing opposite me. I Perlmans, sitting in the seats, 4 1-year-old father points out resignation in May of last year. them over the top. was playing a demented stable right, waiting for my entrance, they were both boni in March. your paintings and portraits through. Currently, the reward for that album's success is a long, long He then returned to his home in boy culled Richie, then after the which was like, I came out of “That’s because of “Cheers,” i<’..rton«c. e x p o s u r e l.os Angeles and went into the tour They should be on the road through mid-summer at least. show we all went to hear (he door in the back of the because Rhea's hiatus is from broadcasting business. He's Alberta Hunter (the legendary theater, and ran like a wild man February to July and she didn't •rn IrrnlaH married to actress Constance blues singer) at the Cookery, and burst through different want to have the baby on the New Houre: Qoied Mon.; Tuee., Wed., 111 Cantfr Street "Towers. and — bam! It was magic doors, and finally lighted on a show. So the pressure was on. Fri. 9 5:30; Thun. 9-8; Set. 9-5 Mancheater 64B-SB39 lime!" chair. This little tiny Italian guy I’ll tell^ou! She got ‘Cheers’ as U - MAiKtmmn noiAiJi I / ■■ 0 , .'-r , r. ! ? / 1-1 'f « f > »« *V / t» ) i i ' ' .1 M ‘v n f 'jK' 't ■ - a ittnauy.ea^ : ito a m - m Sports-dating takes the pressure off WEEKEND TELEVISION Forgot the French restaurants — try a court instead 8 »hw ii|t, M ay 1 6 •F #OTf MIOTfWrl better when you do it together." Mark Sobezide, a real-estate LJite Bemwtt, Thn Kroet, a emrtfer and Mark, (wo reglotMf sales manager for an 6 : 0 0 A M ( K e tM t b M w broker, plays racquet^ll several S> tt.i. aawi ttapM ( I 9 F M A w M Ban Stutoa M ottaB (80 profeMlonals in (heir electrotiic cotnponetit eofn|Mtiy, times a week and prefers to play (CNfOtMwtkr* la(e 20s, me( a a fMr(y likes to play (eacheri “ I'm IR6M C^MiiOTi A nifln^Sflpoof ccwcn with women. Sohezide believes btMaiic uiM__ th a fMcfonsi■“— . --- or-.a lOMniri ILinrivT Itumam Iking and liked each other (he fitness boom has m a^ it y y-’u uncomfortable being taught,” he Ctmrkf iuuif IM tem i tM tim f iioti Jr. to tama a vMani M«n-agtr. Btara inaandy. A( (he close of &t§ COfhlNMo M tfliO in fn$ JaekM Earla Hatay and tmwdiv Van Pat- more acceptable for women to admits. His more suemtttful fMdfSIWy MMiM, ntHh (he evening Mark asked tan. play competitive sports such as athletic dates have involved gVr tf. MlKwPwt fVUWMmV fWTSfwS, IM A JIl AIDVIt; OMSga (Maw Tha Iona /enniferJ out to dinner a( an hiking and camping in (he hornan autMVM of art afonse war batUM a racquetball, and he has found exclusive French reslauranl. Bui group of robad rombiaa Chartton Haaton, women to be challenging sports Colorado Rockies. “It really ^ M to^ Caeh, Anthttny Zarba 1971. . Jennifer had no desire (o be partners, gets a rise out of them (women) tZ tva.) m impressed wilh a fancy meal. “ A woman's style of play is when you ask, ‘Can you make it ffMCJ OttoN yatii gitoweaia She wanted (o know what Mark to the top?' They're excited by 8:1BAMjMAJt)MOVfl: MMtiMaan different from a man's style," WtMa' met A pret»$Hentl UMt worluna |tJ9AJ Jlntfvty Owaggart was really like. So she proposed he says. “Women aren't trying the challenge." tor tti« govsmnNMrt MMM t (tiring itwft 7 : 3 0 A M ( S Vaung Untoarta they get together to piqy tennis, to kill the ball with every muscle •iy Oettlng a rise out of a woman I futurlttle luHim eMiltom m v iM Jom i, vTOTnwvwvnB Uidi HirnMon, ttobirt Vmiuhn. iSSa. an invitation Murk readily in (heir body. They're relying or positioning oneself as teacher NMMtfl. CD A«e Waaband Bpaatot; Horatto Al- accepted. gar UpdatadSranh and Paarlaat ICC) A more on skill than pure power." would not sit well with Lisa B:30AM(I}eMNNtwi etturagaoua bey butWNi a gtotip o t vtSam- Far from atypical, this Sobezak enjoys a tscquetball Murphy, an attorney for the dDmWMNM oua krdnappata to raieua a young chSd and r a ^ hu hirtily hantaga Part T ol Z |f1) scenario reflects a growing trend game with a good partner, man Department of Labor. “ I'm a LSPffSB| rWWa CD Stowt 0: In ttogUi among young adults who are feminist," she declares, “and I (CMN) MwwM fddtf or woman, but admits playing (SlSNioton choosing athletic activity as an don't take to roles." (UbA) NIgM NgM with a Woman can enhance his BBlliddVM too alternative to the Her athletic cup of tea Is 0 : 0 0 A M ( D Vowig ttu social life. He has gone on to B b b ie f M 1 dinner-and dancing pattern of date several of his female competing on an equal basis in (DlUwaUitv 8 ) Iva Vour Buatnaaa (COMtetMMaiioiM courtship. "Sponsdating” is the racquetball partnets. such sports as and B U a m t o n a a d pressureless way to break in a ^nnviiBn voiviwv ifiOTiiw nvpom Mark Ackerman teaches coed tennis. Even if John McEnroe is 8 ) PrttNsaaa Cabaftaro relationship; break a sweat, and OllMiaKMaNaw volleyball, and flag staring across the net, there'll be A. tC N N ] ig o rtt Ctoiw-ug if it ail clicks, well, romance is JiJ viiMV****v***** IDIb] Vou and tiia, aid football for the Learning Annex. no hero-worshipping from just a healthy heartbeat away. leNNiiMyaNMa (HB^ MOVIt: ;U g ^ (CCl A Mry He notes that sports togetherness Murphy. Not one to be pinned (Dm OomM Ouiti imMMtt Romantic motives are not tha alatnal atruggla ba- has its ancillary benefits, “l^ts down as either “looking” or (UbA) NigM nigtrt a and avS. Tom Cruise. M s necessary, of course. Coed having “ found" a partner Sara. Curry 1986 Baiad PO (In of people have gone on to enjoy 0 : 1 0 A M d ) Dm c v b Oeaitti sportspartnering is a good way Starao) interpersonal involvements," he through sportsdating, she is to enhance — or test — a 6:30AM CD CigMnM. 7-.30AM rrSAC) MOVIt: ‘Wtowr reports. Even so, the purpose of nonetheless a supporter. CD ttw Worta Towowaw PSght' A shy RAS rserun agraaS to marry platonic relationship, a marriage his sargaant's daughtar when people be- his classes is to “have fun, learn CD nagi ■amiy •nU Twaaty abnw ICC) or a business acquaintanceship. “ Dinner dates involve a lot of Suva the cMId she la carrying la his. but tha a sport (or get in shape).and ( D fa s a O t l girl puts tha baby up (or adoption flaaca Nor is competition a requisite. pretenses," she says. “On an Dinsdsta. Nicola Cowpar. 1984 Rated SW meet people,” in thai order. (]}) JiMla Mat Uw aiwayeati In addition to the competitive athletic date you can roll wilh dfe CtsaaMtae UgMaati Ottin mtonna- ■ •S ' 8 : 0 0 A M d ) 8aranstatn Saart ICC) and group sports the sportsdaling While there is ample evidence (he punches and everyone is lion on thi litM t wngteyrniM oggonuni- IIM in Ihl ConnMilcut WM CDDangattiMUM that men enjoy mixing it up with much more at ease." phenomenon embraces — the (BlImIgM/OiM CD 8 ) Tbo Wuaitoa (CCi women athletically, many of CD Htagante Horitena racquet sports, volleyball, Despite these testimonials by 181 Latat tag Acadamv (Si Slnrao) softball, touch football —r. there them are still anxious to preserve ■M- 9911 Chib too 9 9 Btonto Six ilO N IC NtUNIONI - Lee Mdfors and LInduy Wagner reprise llieir original rtdet some measure of control or die-hard sportsdaters, it's safe to 9fi) Tom A JOfty from (heir reapecflve hH series In “ The Return o l the 8ia-M llllon«D olbt M an and Ih# are a number of popular say that traditional dating is in 9 9 Obobm activities that dre best left athletic superiority — even if IValwfwJ rOfVtpn VOifWBpOliPWItS BlBRtoaytos ■Ionic W om an.“ II airt Sunday^ May 17, on N IC . no danger o f extinction. Both i B Sm w iw Stroat |CC) unscored — running, skiing, that means admitting to the IDIb) Canb tgUeii double standard. modes have their advantages. iBPMIBItotm version of Broadway's tousan sakita to aerobics, weight training and 7 : 0 0 A M (1} e n •UNybnWi: Haw to Rican community In Wastam SXaatachu- 8 Tony Braywi'a. tha flghtinq man of World Wat H laaturta “ If the woman is a better There is much to be learned — tat Mad wStma |CC|. |fl) B Wad Btwot Journal Itopert •atta. biking. B ll a t n l 8 Worid W hit t 1160 mm.| songs bylrvlhg Barkn and a tuppprikig and much courage Involved — CDiNigava C /V o yaao to Uw BoMem ot tha Bm cast o t Gl'i. Oaorga Mutphy, Joan Laaha. In the view of Dr. Robert all-around athlete, it's like Jt-r iBNodAltoal IDIB) Wind in tha Whtowa in (he traditional time-honored CD tUt-Naar Iwoha |DI8) Wolooma to Pooh Cotnat Ronald Raagtn. 1943 mixing oil and water," tC N N ) ttoytooak lEBPNlBoarttoaMiig: Ht-lto Karsch, a sports psychologist method; two new acquaintances I I t Stow Jataav baagto (HBOJIMeVII: -ThaWondarotUAH' A ■wp rforn xk-.-ine xvirgin iix.xix..T isisnoo. -.* — .--s_ tn)ipas BBTIwMBtoagM emphasizes Barry Peoples, a (DI8) Dumbo'a Cbeus cougar baitttng a bear, (MkfigLJnlO fJrOYlJig, and director of the National 99Mwton lU B A l Do H VoutaaM Bbaw 8 Buga tunny andTwaaty Bbuw |GC|. medical equipment salesman and Playing tannia or racquetball la a good way to tied to a table for hours, forced iiBFSijBporttCantor and rare animals from aiVOty .. COtitnIOIlt BTO Health and Fitness Center in (BSXOVII: -natometthaOtontMilto' hitnad m this documantaryiry 1974. RatadO. 8 p e l k :u i a : Eivtatotottr to make eye contact, desperately |U 8 A ) Oo tos Vour Dtaoma 1 0 :1 0 A M ICNNlBhoasbit Waah /Spk lAAjMAAa ^4 Washington, D .C., this new a superior snow skier. “ I think teat — or enhance — a platonic relatlonahip. A monitat ratumi to Jatnn and eraatai IM A R t INOVtC: ‘A Vtow to a RIM' tCCI iBf j wienmgiiin w w i wi nwivw trying to articulate their thoughts havoc unM tha worid It aavad. KlSro 10 :3 0 A M CD Taan Walt most women want to look up to Hon^. Shlho Susmurt. 160B. 8:30AM(Dwttdiito James Bond hunts a msniac attamptlrig to 8 ChamptonaMp WtaatRng (BO min.i athletic fraternization stems in tennis, prefers the man to be a in an intelligent manner, putting taka over the worid. Roger Stoore. Grace GD 8 Pound Pupptoa the man, and a disparity in skills the sport or skill level, both IB Worid VMM CD lady Lovaty Cocks and tha PUietodt lEBPN] rithln' Holt part from Title 9, which little better, “but not so he Jonas. Christopher Wamen 1988 Rated 8 WaB Straat Journal Naport won't work!” their don't-laugh-at-me trust in B latat tag Aaadamy (in Statm) CD B Caia Bowa Pamay |CC|. PO. (In Stereo) fT M C ] MOVIE: 'Lagamr A laky tala that attempted to legislate equality of sexes are more concerned about a ll wAx. —« »a— B B Ahrin A tha CMptmadta dtplett tha atamal sltuggla batwaan good To underscore his point. knocks my socks off. I like to each other, and laying their very 18 J IBIWt tlW ma^vv* IU8A) blot of tho Stott access to sports facilities on showing their partner their belter BIBBIvf* a B B a tm a n and avil. Tom Cruise. Mia Sara. Tim Curry Peoples describes a skiing be on an equal footing wilh a souls on the table beside the ® Araund tht Wbrtd (T9 M OVIIi Tha Saenrt W aapM' 9 : 1 0 A M tCNStt Hoatthyyaak 1986 Rmad PG college campuses. But the side than bruising egos or )Mmaa com blli Prototsot SSodarty who 8 C o n a n excursion in which his date man." shrimp cocktail and spinach hai kidnappad the mvantor of a naw 0 : 3 0 A M CD The Oat Akmg Qang IU8A) Jtmmv Houtton Outdam primary factor, according to playing superstar. Bruce 8 Adwn Bmith't Money WuthI turned out to be a nationally Twenty-six-year-old Anna salad. AO0WI ■nCf WWawma bombalght. BaaH Rathbona. Ntge) Bruce. 8 Cook at SXa Now 1 1 :3 0 A M CD Puttin'on tha Hita Bennett, a computer software Lkmal AtwM. 1942. IC N N ) Btyhi WHb llt a Rhmaab Karsch, is that “ men have ranked competitor. “ It was Qenschow, a legal word On the other hand, those who 99 Avatttotaa dat daguano PritMga a.-x—------|w|,,n,x,|„^,|,axx B RM t Ara Paepto Too (DIB] MOVIE: -Tha Baatat ot tlta Coat CDM uppatt analyst, is a good example of VBf miwfTieiKjnw1 wienipionBfiip tvtws- gained a healthy appreciation of awkward," he says. “ Each processor, would rather not deal 99ahtooTV tting (80 min.) B Andy QrlHIth Vahay' When a young boy becorrws lost In (T9 T N t Waah In Baaabrit Hlghflghts ol the sensitive sort, “ I don't want believe that the traditional, lha lorast. ha meals a mantoar ol a mbs women's physiological (CNN) Dartwaab 8 tala dal Taaoro Ma|or Caague action art thown. Host Mai person was trying to outdo the with the competition issue at all. to put pressure on someone I conversational date Is the only that has Hvad undtscovaredTor thousands ANm 8 Bay Brothar Tha Post Pop Space Rock capabilities." Feminism meets other. I was cocky and she “ I prefer not to play a game sure way of getting to know OunwnI Baara ICC) ol years. Qsry CoMns. Mary Ann Meblay. B B Punky Brayyatar don't know," he says. Be-Bop Gospel Tebernecle Chorus pet. Brad Savage I9BO fitness boom. knocked me down a peg.” wilh a man," she says. An avid someone should become more SXOVII; 'Tha Ptointman and tha forms splrllusls, |ati snd rock B Ttila Waah In MatorBparta “ If she feels insecure, it's Thli It the story ot the Pony Esprsss lESPN] Tom Mann Outdoors This new-found respect aw ICNN] Money Weak B AN-Naw Eveaha Despite this mishap. Peoples tennis player, she has been going to put more pressure on aware o f what can be learned C h a n n t i t and tha people who made It a succasslul IHBO] MOVIE: PoRargaltt II: The extends to the high seas. Sailing is a strong advocate of during the course o f a ventunt W ilam Elllolt. Gall Patrlch. Vere IDIB) Donald Duck Pratanta Other side’ Four years later sfter fleeing 8 Wah Straat Waah caught in the position in which her.'^Perhaps for this reason he Ralston 1B4B instructor Julie Stevens of the sportsdating. "I like the activity, “you feel you have to lose or sportm te. Veteran sportsdate WFSB Hatttotd. CT [E8PN ] Running and Racing from a horrible experience, the FreeHng le- [CN N] NCAA Pravtoyy BaaabaH 'BT prefers non-competitive sports WNVW Stow Voth. NV B BottomUna mily Is once egein pursued by the unrelent­ [M A R I IMOVIE: Tha Mahy Maguhaa' In Learning Annex in Los Angeles, [T M C ) MOVIE: ‘Potavar DarHng’ The ing force ol evil Jobeth Williams. Craig T the interaction," he says. “ A he'll smash his racquet. like sailing. “It's romantic participanti admit that, for the WTNH Statar ttavan. C t 99 SXaqutna del Ttampe marriege ol a scatterbrained wile and her this true story ol the 1B70's, a group ol says that, not long ago, the men won Now Vorit. NV Nelson. Heather O’Rourke 1986 Rated Irish coal miners used terrorist eclTvIllos to dinner date is too much like an “ I played with a guy once letting the wind do your work," most part, men like to stiut their 99 WoodwrighVa Shop long-suHerlng hupbsnd is ssved by the sr. PG 13 in her classes tended to boss WPIX Naw Vorit. NV rival ot a guardian ahgel. Lucille Ball. Deal make their employers Improve walking interview — everyone's trying who got teal tired, he was he muses. stuff on an athletic date, while WHCT Harttord. CT 99 BHvorHawkt Arnar. James Meson. 1986 (USA) Cove Your Skin conditions Richard Harris, Saan Connaty. around their female shipmates. WTXX Watortwry. CT [CNN] Big Story Samantha Eggar 1970 Rated PG too hard. A sportsdate is a letter sweating and panting... but he But like many men, Bennett women are content with a 5(KS0 (UBA) Raya to Buceats 1 1 : 0 0 A M CD Qalaxy High But no more. way to gauge temperament." athletic coexistence. WWIP BpringItoW, SSA IDI8] Qood SSomIng SSteksyl [USA] Babe Wlnktoman't Qood FltMng wouldn't quit! Some men have enjoys the role of being the WEDH HattfMd. CT 10:00AM CD Pwt W m o PtayhoUiO CD MOVIE: Tha Wild Country' In the Today, says Stevens, “the Naw iMdon. CT (E8PN1 Clwarlsading 1880 s. a fomlly of farmers moves from Music MacMna "It gives you a chance to See that complex. They care about friendly athletic mentor. “I think WTW8 CD WWP Wk«stllno Chalt»nge 12;00PM CD men expect their partners to And one last point to WVIT Harttotd, CT 9 : 0 0 A M CD SXuppat BaMts Pittsburgh to Wyomma and endures the CD WWF Suportlart ot W m thng how a man deals with frustration the outcome more than I do." it's important to impart some of W8BK Boaton. MA CD Qhostbuoten (CC| many hardships of the Western frontier A Icurn as much as they do." consider; If you're still attracted CDPopphis CD Black Bhaap Bguadion and to see how competitive he What they don't realize, she my skill knowledge," he says. WOQB BpringhaM. SSA CD tnsIdoTR (60 mm I Wonderful World of Disney presents Sailing is ideal as a coed activity to your sports partner wilh his or WXTV Pinaraon, NJ at CD 8 FHntotona Kids ICC) tion Steve Forrest. Jack Elam, Ronny Ho (T9 O.C.O.W. WriittUng (BO min.) is," seconds Andrea Brannock, says, “ is that women ate CO) Soul Twin ward 1971 because “they can do it on an “And I don't particularly care If her hair frizzed out, sweat WQBY Bpringhaid. SXA Sh CD VyMs Kids (S i 9D Talaphona Auetkm publicity director for the judging them on their personality she's a klutz, as long as she WTIC HarriM. CT «' (fl) CNN Nows CD Moppets equal basis with equal success." pouring ftom a flushed face, CNN Cabta Navn Nat. ICNNI ( B Bugs Bunny dO) Voysgow B MOVIE: Coda Name: M In jt One' A Colorado Tourism Board. as a whole. Men are harder on CD Wwttling^ special aoeni beiomes Inv ible at wW doesn't complain." He adds, “ I tongue hanging ftonr a panting DI8NEV DIanav Channal IMS) ( » 8 Bmutft dl) Notuw (CCI A fdmily of red foROg afe And, bccau.se of the teamwork “Sensitivity has a way of Bporta Natwork IHPN1 (13) T-Twop from the alter.effects of an < .tderweter ax- themselves than women are on don't know if this counts, but E8PN (B) Soaama SttM t (CCI followed through a yeor s activities (60 ^ sio n Ben Murphy. Katttenne Crawford, involved in sailing, says surfacing on a sportsdate." mouth and ey^ alls pinwheeling HBO Hama Box onica IHSOI mm ) (In Stereol (3D Pepsi Ducbpfn Challengi (BO mm ) them." getting together to wash a car is Cinamax ($9 Ask tha SSanagar Richard Dyssrt 1976 Stevens, “you learn to do it in pain, it must be tree love. Set CINEMAX IMAX) WWF Brannock, wjjp bikes and plays But in general, no matter what good athletic ftin too." TMC Movta Channal ITMCI 99 Capiton Csntelta Wwttling up that dinner date immediately.■ USA U8A Natwork II mat IT Droam Ooforrtotl ^his rfocumemaTv Underdog dD (SD Foofur •RDO'tf- C ^t- i1t'V<‘iup'*>»> • * (ht f'l.p '.c dt E ' **«orr de' Sabe (Id M O V If Thi* l« r^ e Arftkv Conllnuari fnacas Anwty Stawan'a 6kh canear with ' 4 • "j - 4 ' i M m r ’H'i • W oM imu u h n rUb. uQI WMHI Trappaf ^ ' iiMMSitM w W M km an.'ir'TW Nms- D A L L A A i Satmday, ContfanMl dWRN9 SeatV't M f C m r lit/Y . 0ABeNowalCO. NAE^Oarasena THEBAMLY ' O V T V 4 : f 0P M (CNM SjMrt* Olwa-iip m ’A tr m m m B [CNPfl CieieBra BaturBay cant Mcraenei. Shklay KNght. 1979. 1:SeAM [H B O ] MOVW; 'Partbat' • M OM t; I «ar OMcy' w « m*« 4 :1 6 P M t U $ l MOVIE; Thai SRaMaR Hotly naganto ICC] A raportor sontto reeaorch a ttory on • M V A awaahBueklIng 17th-«antury plr- r 4U ------nhv mM ic rwimr mv 6:30PM O ® IMaand Mm. C Mcmt Hioa CIHc and Dale aia raaeoat a baauiiM gM horn the th a hoalBi chib cron, fafls for a sexy earo- rngtooTlMC wantfNf9V fWfnio n v o inn IN OTN* Ml 19- ® 8 BtamwM ICG) Sfarman ancoun- ara. ISO mm.) (R) Koiiro Mongo, Kyoto En- fara a paraon from Raul Rorraafar'a paaf. fon EXACT TIME banker gait a saoond chanca at youth, (CW W lWawatMy Cfark. wKh homfying raauht. Rock Hudson. WW f s S tl& a d m . (BOmm.l M) ®CdyarSlafY (E8MI1 Speelseenw 8e «w * v 0 n MwMar ICC) Wtala mvoallgaflng a Oaar, John Randolph. 1966. 1 (C N N ) EM Btiwab ® Nawa (HSO] M OV« -Ufortar A UFO tm t» e 2: 0PM PAXIM OVM ; 'TRatibHaf •<. (M murdar, Oaa Ooa fofla m leva witfi tha vle- [CNN] Nawanight baMvaa aha hat twan choaah A load lha .w lM croaaiNg tha AMyna dwtng hM 8 MOVIE; 'Jowa' A man-aaling ahork fkn'a as-hi^and. (BO nun.) N) 0n Sfarool 2:30PM (N tm»M» m raeori-iaWdyg 1927 fdghi,. CRanas____ J Laid- La forrorizaa a Naw England hahkig viitga. young girts and hold thtm captive m their and Albart Ekrataln maal for a staamy night (EHSI MOVIE: Tho Buddy HeNy Btory' faithfu whan UFO’t arriva. Cmdy WMama. troM Aifra woodwd; Raya W m um im of di| I I I id N ■ f ■ n afI h fi fE dWhAMPsBMMW I M r a w i i Ne dN. JamaaiSfawan. 9 Mur- Q Roy Schakfer, Roban Show, Nchard Oray- 0 On to g a st Waff Trap (In Staraol dungeon John Carradkie. PauW Raymond, In Naw York. Thtreia Ruttall. Gary Butay. The Nfa ttory ot rock 'n' rofl plonoar Buddy Fred Ward. Harry Oaan Stanton. fSM. #RMUAaA» 40 - - •Hy^KafUNkm, *PaffKta HmVOEv H^Smlih.mIsO. fBS7. futa 1S7S 0 0 rOTPONAa^---OM omH AWx D'Arcy. 19B9. Tony CunW. 1SBB. Rated R. Holly, who skyrocketed to lam# In the Rated RO. Oacoudraaua. wmMy 19B0s before his umimely death at the age MOVM: iM ita r RBgbr A ahy 8 MOVIE: TlwMaanSaaaen'Aktemi 0 0 flamrtay NMM Uva Horn; Gerry 12 :3 6 A M [USA] Nighi RltgM [U S A ] Oanea Rarty IMA (60 min.) B Art M Run Shendling. (90 mki.) (In Stereo) of twenty-two Gary Busby. Don Stroud. RAR raemit agraat to marry Mf aargaani't raporfar is lha orSy pubtc cenfact WHh a 8 P iU C M A : 'l l SoMa OBeie' Jorga Maris RIchwine 1978. Rated PG. 1 2 : 0 6 P M [(M S) Tha Loraa by Or. I S MOVIE; 'Tha •lob' A man-aating oNi^inivr vrnvn pNofNN ONHOVO in0 CfiilO tno osychopothic tarlal ^ d a rar. Kun RuaaaH. 8 Raekig from Rlakiefleld 1 : 0 0 A M ® MOVIE: 'Pifondly Pke' Luka. OwnaBrocho. 1973 ' The parents of a Vietnam sokfler kHWd In [E8PN] Senior POA OoH; Unitad Hosfri Sauaa Or. Sautt' i m of tha Loraa. a crea­ rrMca of outer apace ttma fSfforiaaa a M earrybyg M DM, but lha gM putt the baby Marral Hammgway. Richard Jordan, 19BS. 8 IMOVIE; 'WMch Way la Up7‘ An or- ture who attempte to aava hla baknrad tmtil town. Stave MeOuaan, Anatd Cor- up for adoption. Raaca DinatMa. Mcoia 8 Roma An argurrlam ovar a turn cap- action try to find out whet realty happanod tils CWselc Second round coverage from 4UMA 8 MOVIE; 'InfMm 'aW oy' ANavyman enge picker accldametly becomes a union ' Trutfula" (oraat from the Onca-ler. a tatut, Earl Rowe. IBM . \AAamAdaMH fw 9 fs n . I B U M . i*«—»-■■« i N i v u ndarn n . mM arupla at lha achool; MHIIa facas lha to him. Carol Burnett. Ned Beatty. 1979 PhUedelphis |2 hrs.) |R) capturaa Japanete-hald iaianda M tha daya peaPbilify of flunking oul. (SO mm.) hero and Waves hW wife end famHy. fb- foraat-dattroylng creature who it attempt­ (S i Barney Millar IrAowing tha Poarl Harbor attack. John ePard Pryor, Lonetle McKee. Mar gar si Av­ ® MOVIE:'The Mbaele Wotkar'ThW W [TMC] MOVIE: Brewster's MWtons' 6:00PM ® Mission Inygoaailila the true atory of AnnW SuMven'i dedicated (CC) A minor Wegue bsssbsll pWyer must ing to create an ecological critit. (B) ThMi Old Houaa (CC). Woyna.Kirk Oouglaa, PalrielaNMI. 1BB6 ( H K n Cantphaay: Tha TrM of «w CM- ery 1977. ®MNaatBnB esgo 8ICCIA docudrams baaad on iron- eRons to h ^ HeWn Kefler emerge from a spend $30 miHion in 30 days In order to 1 2 : 3 0 P M (X MOVII: -Ror Rata-a 8 8 Ractt of Uhl fCCl Jo lokaa drasiic 8 MOVIE: 'Pofhy'e II: TIm Next Day' [C N N ] S^la WMi esd KtaMoh (B ) Ofla Mg RamBy Jan and Don remmace ooooo scripts from tha haaring of alghi omi- sightless snd soundWss world Anns Ban­ inherit an unbetWvably huge lornirw. Ri­ Saka' A woman borrowa money from a meaauraa 10 pravaffl iha deporfallon of on Vialnam War activltti who wara Irlad for High achool sludems, recruHsd to appear croft. Patty Duke 1982 chard Pryor, John Candy, Lonette McKee loan thark to tend her hutband toeollege. [H S O ] MOVIE; 'MagaHofoat' Super toi- iMUf M t iwat year as iw y oalabrate tfisir magal okan IR) (In Starao) In trie school play, wreak havoc wflh their dlare armed with wgh-tach tmapanry light fdiMi w N P o in g wntwfwtwWfy. rnciimg riott m Chicaga during tha 196B 8 Classified Eighteen Offers mfotma- 1985 Rated PG. (In Stereo) Barbara Streiaand. Michael Sarratki. Ea- oo o o o o 8 ThM OM Houaa IC O Riniahing Damocraile Convamion. Inekidaa knar- pranks. Den Monehsn. Wyatt Knight. KakI telle Paraont. 1974 lor truth, justlea and the Amarloan way. GV i M iin»taog <60 rron.) Humer. 1983. tion on lha Itteet employment opportunl- [U S A ] Night Flight Barry Bostwick, Rarala Khambetfs, IW louchaa to tha Rhoonia homa kickKW: fand- vfsws with actual parllcipsMa Abbia Hoff­ iWs In the Connactlcui area. ® What About Woman chael Back. IBSf. Rated ra. (CCJ Tha Ittaai raaaarch ACNM# tcapmg lha backyard pocri area: inalalla- man, Jorry Fkibm and Tom Haydan. Star­ [CNN] Bpbrte Tanight 3:06AM [M A X ] MOVIE: 'fticherd onfhaeauaaa and trasdmani of faiigua ara lion ol awmnga and sunarndea 8 MTV Video Countdown Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip' Pryor's [C N N ] Evana and Novak [TM C] MOVIE; '4S INa.' A eonviei la ring Polar Boyta, Robert Carradma and [ESPN] Sportioentar Saturday ONgmiTlVu. t simple (ekratapmae 8 MOVIE: 'Uaban' An mlarnatlontl EINott Gould 12 hra.) (In Slarao) [E8PN] IndWrwpefle BOO TIttm TrIale wit is presented in this concert filmed at [D IS ] Edlaon Twina relaassd from priaon for 4S hours to help a ansekar) 1 1 : 4 6 P M [MAX] MOVII: 'Pray Ear (90 mki.) (R) the Hollywood Palladium Richard Pryor rumplad police dafeotivs cafidi iwo aa- (B S abrt I Sfraol pnnolpaf: smuggler perforrrM a doubts cross when [U S A ] Alhad HItchoeak fhssanw [ES PN ] Bataball't Oraataat Hnt 6 Mr. OoMia he aitempta lo smuggle a mHUonatta from Oaalh' A lormer nln|a vows rsvanga on ■ [U S A ] MOVIE: 'OemonoM, Msseengar 1982. Rated R c a p ia klllert. Nick NoKa, EddM Murphy. 31 Cfiaapirlto lao mtn.j Sports Extra tha Amarlcan crooks who'va baen tarrorW- [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Brawatar't MNDont' A Jamaa Ramar. fS83. Rattd R. B Rumanian caIn behind the Iron cunaki Ray MAind, Claude 10:30PM ® of Death' An American coupW working e 3:30AM ® Wortd at War minor league player mutt tpend ® JaWa (MBd and Oorinpany to (Mtod Arab Rap. Rams, Maureen O'Hara. 19SB. 8 INN Nawa Ing his family and butkiata. Sho Koaugi, mlna In Mexico uncover t smaH,'300-year- $30 mmion In 30 days in order to MherH an 2:45PM ((MSI MOVIE: Mr. SalyMl- ttHUMi *4— ■ It "-Rioaaauar Tuaaaneal. Dmna Kal Beni. Jamaa Booth 198B. old silver casket holding e dlismbodied [CNN] This Week In Jafwn 8 8 MOVIE; OamaofOaaih'Bpaefaculaf 8 HeBywaed Ckwa-Up Schadulad: the Rated NR unbelievably huge fortune Richard Pryor. ara Oosm to CoBaga' Bahradara goat (a 1914a>y Jo on "Oattgrang 7 Oephor on "Tha Lew martial arts aaqusncaa IkgNIgM this flkn hand. Samamhe Eggsr, Stuart WhHman. 4:00AM [CNN] Larry King Weekend coHaga and tha fun bagma whan ha maata (ESPN) IndlatMoBa BOO Tima TfMt problamt lacing calabrHiat who worn to John Candy. Loneite McKee. 198S. Rated NO mM.J (Lhit) 8MI'' about an intarnatlonal drug ayndlcaw. wad privala Hvaa. Co-hoat; oetraaa Emma 1981. [HBO] MOVIE: 'Blua Lepodn' A ahip- PG a young obdaga gM. Cmon Webb, I t kitlan of aouthom 8 BMW 1 2 : 0 0 A M New HM Ttaeke TamjM. 1949. [U S A ] Chaek It Out! Broca Lae. Gig Young, Hugh O'BrMn. Somma. 0) 8 1:0 6 A M [DIB] MOVIE; Thraa UWa wrecked boy and girt come of age on a 1 : 0 0 P M CD MOVIE: -cataatrapha' f 1 Bound MiOlam 1979 ip iS I Leaat W o Anna of Auenlaa: Tha 8 MOVIE: 'KMor Beat' An agHig me- Wonli' Ths songwrRIng team of Bert Kal­ tropical Island. Brooke Shlelda. Christo­ This documentary chromclet natural and 3:00PM ( t ) MOVIE; 'Rung Rtt War- 6:30PM (B) What a Oountryt Taylot 20 Aroma 18 — daeolagna 8 Compular Imagoiv: VMon'a rd tho ConlMubig Story of Anna at Oraah Os- triarch terroritee a town wHh her atrange mar and Harry Ruby encountars aatbseks ph^ Atkins. 19W). Rated R. man-made diaattart that have occurred lordt' Two young man raunita aflar I t aata out to find out why Ad wasn't sdowsd tfSandMObbr. 14 ‘Tha O k*------Show MInri'e Eye A look tl tfie lueei oomputar blai A behmd-tha-scenes look at tha mak­ powar to control kMar boos. OlorW Swan­ and succass In ihsir work. Frad Attaira. world at War throughout hittory. William Conrad. 1977. yaart for a contast to dstarmAa wiioaf to rant a vaeam apartmant. f t BhVa Mary bath 18 Zore,M a h .M (eluafe graphics tachniquaa and lha mnovtlora ing ol tha asckJalva tnmwarias (aaluring m- son, Edward Alban, Kata Jackson. 1974. Red SkaHon. OtlibW Reynolds. I960. 4:30AM ® X ) MOVIE: Tn the Heat of the Mght- kung fu skMi ara tuparlor. 1990. ( B ® VMery Oarttan 24 Roopia of Bw puiM anaoH) who created them tarvWwa WHh coat and craw membora. [M A X ] MOVIE; ‘A View to a K9T (CC) 8 Panthouae (Bpenlah) (SO mw.) 1:1 0 A M [CNN] Travel OuMa Jamea Bond hunts a maniac attampting to Whan a wtallhy mduttrlallat it murdered in CD WMa World of Bporta Waafam (C N N ) NawamHar Bauirday 17 SlaBkrlsa8y chargad 8 MOVIE: 'Mtaakia In Aotlon' An [M P N ] 1BS0 Indy SOO |R) a email MitPttppi town, a Negro It ac­ S9 WipNa T^OTOai atom [CNN] Nawanight take over the world. Roger Moore, Grace Statat Enduranca Run (Taped), a 2 4 -h ^ , (U S A ) OouMa TrouMa Americen Army coloneL ctruggkng to con­ 1 : 1 6 A M 8 MOVIE: "Tha House of cused but turns out to be a Philadalphit KXhmHa lootraca from Squaw Vadsy to 2B Rraaaa 15 OosM gold rela [T M C ] MOVIE; ‘48 Hra.' A convict Is [iSPN] WiattNng Pear' Bated on 'The Five Pipe" by Arthur Jonsa, Christopher Walken 1986. Rated vince the world that MIA's era still Imprl- raWatao from prison (or 48 hours to halp a PQ. (tn Stereo) homiclda eapert. Sidney Poltiaf. Rod Auburn, CA: Praaknatt Btakaa pra-raca 6:00PM®® 8 Nawt 81 "BH,-EOandla" 88 Muttilat sonad m Vietnam, sccomptnlsa a Sarista [H S O ] MOVII: 'Band Of Tha Hand' Five Contn DoyW. The British supersWulh In- Steiger. Warren Octet. 1967. rumplad poNce daiaollva catch two st- raport (Liva) from Pknlleo Race Courta m ® What'a Happafdng Notwll Raj has a 82 NivMAIrNaa.UnH M laaaia. ag. mvesligellon commitlaa lo Ho Chi Mlnh tsan-aga criminals becoma unwilling vol- vsstlgstas the murders ol members ol a 4:35AM [DIB] MOVIE: 'Mr. Betved Baltimore. |90 mln.| (Liva) oapad kHkra. Mck NoHa, Eddw Murphy. imWmen’s chib. Basil Rsthbone. Nigel 9 ) MOVIE; ‘Kantae CHy Bombaf' A wHd lima at Dwayna's party. 84 WadMgbkd 87 Miaa Harpor on City CrMck Norris 1984 Jamaa Ramar>-1983. Ratad R untaers In an unconventional program da- ere Ooea to Coliege' Belvedere goes to roller-derby queen ditruptt the team whan 88 "Soerat — " ‘‘8kMkleka'' slgnad to undsrmlne Miami's drug trade. truce. 1946. college and the fun begins when he meets CD MOVIE; ‘A Man Crdlad Sledge' Altar ® Bosom Buddlaa [C N N ] PrPneNawa [U S A ] ANmd HHaheoeb Ptaienu she races after romance. Haquel Welch. a gang ataala a fortuns In gold, tha Isadar 87 Poaaaaa SSOomodlanBld- Stephen Lang, Michael Carmine, Lauren a young college girl Clifton Webb, Shirley Kevin McCarthy. Halana Ktlllanlotet ( H Rama An argument over a time cap­ OB. of Oonaufflor Affairs IH B O ] MOVIE: ‘PeHargeiat II: Tha Holly IBIS. Rated R. (In Stereo) 1:26AM [MAX] m o v ie : 'Star Ciyt- Temple. 1949 ^ wmt It all in a card gams and takas off with 88 80 Saaaagla Othor Blda' Four yaara latar after flasing 11:00PM ® ® 0 8 8 Nawa 1972 n. Jamaa Garner. Dennlt Weaver. Claude sule eropta at the school; Mlhls faces the 41 Raruidan Indian tal' Tho crow of an expodition to Mart in 88 BaMvaBiita from a horrible aaparlence. the Fraekna fa­ ® MOVII; ‘Hapaeateh ' A CIA agant un­ 2035 lo lerrorizod by o croaturo awakened [U S A ] Night FHght (31) MOVIE: 't^r. Ma)attyk' A farmer da­ Akini. 1971. possibility of flunking out. (60 mm.) 48 Oiana Oavti show 88 JannHar on ‘‘Ramay mily Is once again pursued by the unrewm- willingly raWgatod to a dash |ob Wads 1 2 : 3 0 A M ® soiid oom by tho powers of a mysterious crystal. C. 4:60AM [T M C ] MOVIE: Forever lles the mob by giving work to the needy. (H) Twilight Zona 8 Oraataat Amarloan Haro Tlav' Ing lorce ol evil. Jobelh WMiema, Cmg T. agancy offleWIt on an Intarnatlonal chase Jutton Cempbotl. Saye Bolt. 1986. Rated Charles Bronson. Al Cetllerl. Linda Crittal ® New OerMratlon Darting' The marriage of a scatterbrained (31 Soul Train 8 Small Wondar Vicki and Jamie gel SO Actor John — Neleon. Heather O'Rourke 1986 Rated when he wrHet his memoirs, exposing R. (In Stereo) wife and her long-suffering husband Is 1974 pen-time Jobs at an auto rapair shop. 88 Oaon of anohoroian: kiH. PG-13 several company secrets. Walter Metthau. [CNN] Event and Novak ( 8 Naw Vorfc Maatar Chaft 1 : 3 0 A M C2D Dancin' to the Htte saved by the arrival of a guardian angel (9) MOVIE: 'Maealira' A phyticlan'a 8 Riaking It All aooeldanst. [M A X ] MOVIE: The Olg' A group of OWnde Jackson, Nad Baatty. 1980 [TMCl MOVIE: 'Inilgniflcanea' Marilyn Lucille Ball. Desi Arnaz, James Mason daughter mysterlouily diaappeart when 33) XETU Alegris pars la Juvantud CD MTV Video Countdown 8 DacMHn'to tha Hfta r middle-aged |sn mualclena run Into as- ® Barmy HIN Monroe, Joe DlMagglo. Joa McCanhy. 1966 he It accused of the deaths of hit wife and (B) Bodywatch ICC) •orisd obetacIsB when they sccepl their 8 H'a a Living Jan and Richie's plans lor 8 MOVIE: 'BuHItl' A tough, modarn- sisier-ln-law. William Prince. Jim Backus. [CNN] Vour Monsy TV puzzle solution on page 32 firat prolesalonel edgegemsnt al a Cst- day police detecilve Is Involved In the mid­ Chrlatine White. 1B6B s romantic evening lun awry akllls resort Wayne Rogera, Clesvon Lll- [ESPN] Sanlor PGA QoH; Unltsd Hoapl- dle ol Malls dsiling end political Interven­ (8) (8 l Major League Baseball: Chicago 8 Embajadoras da la Mutlea Colom- tie. Andrew Duncan. 19II6( Rated NR. tion. Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn. tala Clottle Second round coverage from blana Cubs at Houston Attroa (3 hrt l (Live) Philadelphia (2 hra | (Llvel [U S A ] MOVIE; 'Night of the Lhdng Jacqueline BIsset. 1968 (H) Monaymakart ® Doctor Who Deed' An eaperlmeni sets off high-level 8 Ohoet Btorlee/CIrele of Poor Ask Dick Kleiner CD NBA Baakatboll Playoffs, Stereo) ® Left Qo Bowling (60 min J 3:30PM 8 Ona Big Ramlly Jan and Don remlnsce [ESPN] Sporleeantar Saturday radiation which activsiei lha dead, trane- Conference Final 12 hrs , 30 min.) (Live) [TM C ] Short Film ShoweaM (orming them Into monsters Dusns Jones. 8 Telee Prom the OathaMe An apart­ ebout the past year as thay celebrats their [IMAX] A Soul Beiilan: Jemet Brown b mant dweller questions her supposedly PELICUU: ‘U t Plarat' E. Rambal. (33) Mua)c Machine lire! wadding anniversary Russell Strelner. Cad Hardman 1968 Mauricio Gatces 1970 7:00PM ® Entortalnmant Thit Wtok Rriendt (In Stereo) happy marriage when a special radio ex­ By Dick Kleiner Dear S.C.: Nowhere. NBC has not (81 Wa'ra Cooking Now (60mini lltiStsreol 8 : 3 0 P M ® House Celle poses ths devastated private lives ol her dS Baerat City [C N N ] Nawawotch [U S A ] Riptide yet given permission to anyone to sell 33) RMno Solvala [D IS ] Boat of Otsla and Harriot ® M*A‘ B*H 8 8 Sweet Burrendet ICC) Georgia neighbors [C N N ] Nawaday 7:06PM rT M C ] MOVIE: ‘Brewatar'e tries lo juggle her personal and prolss- 8 Socrot Agent Dear Dick: We watch “Scarecrow Carson cassettes. And, since it was a (B) Innovotkin [U S A ] Alnwolt (60 min.) ® Whaal of Rottuna MIHIeni' (CC| A minor league baseball and Mrs. King" every week amkenjoy special show for a special time, it is [OlSj MOVIE; Thraa UMa Words' The slonal lives (In Staraol 8 Record Guide songwriting team ol Ben Kalmar and Harry [CNN] Reralsn Corrsapondanta ® C B B Nawt ® H'a a Living Amy seeks Dot's Palp player must spend 930 mllllan In 30 days it tremendously. So glad they are now unlikely it will be telecast again. Your 6:30PM when she breaks up with her boyirland. In order to inherit in unbelievably huge for 8 This Old Houaa ICC) 8 MOVIE; 'The Swarm' Millions of Aln- Ruby encountart talbsckt and tuccatt In 4:00PM m Puttin' on tha Hits (In ® Small Wondar Vioki and Jamie get married. Only problem is we heard only hope is through some private col­ their work -Fred Aatalre. Red Skelton. 8 Talat Rtom the Derkalde An apart­ tune Hichetd Pyror, John Cindy. Lorwtte 8 Wild America |CCI can klllsr bass bring desih and destruction Stereo) port-tlmo job6 at an auto rapair shop. McKee 1996 Rated RO |ln Sleteo) to North Amerlcs. Richard Widmerk, Mi­ that Kate Jackson no ionger wants to lector or wait until Johnny retires, be­ Dabble Reynolds I960. ment dweller queallons her supposedly 8:40PM [DIS] DTV (31I NNWA Boutham Professional Wrat- ® SItkal b Ebart b the Movlat The happy marrlega when e special radio as- chael Caine, Kalharine Roas 1979. do the program. Is this true? — Un­ cause then chances are I^BC will re­ [ESPN] Tennis: Easter Bowl Junior tiing 7:30PM® 9 to 9 Doralee makes plana Champlanthipa From Miami (60 min | movie erlllcs taka a look at some oftbeal poses the davaslatad private lives ot her lor her lllth wedding anniversary; Ruaa 9 : 0 0 P M ® 8 Ohara (CCI A one-time 8 Sneak Prevlewa Hoalt Jaffray Lyons signed, Racine, Wis. lease a bevy of Best-Of-Carson tapes. ITspedI (8 MOVIE: 'The LMt DInotaur' An ob­ films they consider their personal favor- neighbors naida to aatlla a sirlka in Caniral Amarica. friend ol Jetse’a gate out ol priaon looking and Michael Medved look at what'a new at a Dear Dick: We saw where John sessive hunter, who Is Ireppad In a lime Itas to settle an old score (60 min.I |R| lha movies. (In Staraol [U S A ] HoHywood Insider 8 Charlaa In Charge Overprolecllve par­ .®Jao|>atdyl Dear Unsigned: No. Kate, through Gibson (Gipson) had been in “One Life warp. Is the prey of a primitive tribe while ® Naw Qldgat Gall and DannI form an ents cast a cloud ovar Chariaa' data with ® MOVIE; ‘Seems Like OM TImee' A 8 H't e living Amy aaaka Dot's help her company. Shoot the Moon Produc- to Live." I watch this all the time and 1 : 3 0 P M IB) Modem Maturity he pursues a dinosaur Richard Boons. ■d-glrl band an attractive girl ® Mama'a Ramlly lola'a hearibroken lawyer Jeopardliaa her hutband'e career when tha breaks up with her boyfriend Joan Van Ark 1977 when her cal dies. by hsIpInH.oher as-huaband run from the tiona, owns 20 per cent of the show. So Kate JacksoB BUI Cotby don’t remember seeing him. Can you (B) CoNaetlWat 18 Tod Knight Show Monroa’s Ilia Is Mema’e Ramlly Iota's hsartbroken [C N N ] Plnnaele - 8 Chiriet In Charga Chariaa’ molhet police. Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. Chariaa there is a lot of money at stake, and tell me what part he played and [C N N ] Nawtmakar Saturday 8 8 Major League Bataball: Baltl- Inrsatened slier he gives an enlensiner a her cal dies. mora Orlolae at Callfomla Angalt (3 hrs.I harsh review takes the Powell childran lo a vlolem Grodln. 1990. [DIB] MOVIE: ‘Ttw Loot Hurrah' An ag­ she la wrapping up the fourth year of when? — Mrs. C.M.W., Jacksonville, [M A X ] MOVIE; 'Cimarron' A pioneering ILIve) ^ 8 Nawa movie that Weller has lotbldden the kids ing New England mayor is defeated In a 8 Motorwaak 8 8 QoMen Gltlt (CC) The houta- hard-fought and gueatlonabW campaign a five-year contract, so you can bet Texas. couple la daterminad to succaed in Okla­ Wlldematt Alive I d see 8 French Chat 8 matea attempi to patch up their netghbora' Spencer Tracy, Jeffrey Hunter. Diene Fos­ she'll be back next year, and happy to Dear Mrs. C.M.W.: The people on homa In 1889 QIann Ford. Mans Schell. 8 What'a Hoppanlng Nowll Raj has ■ 8 Chlce and tha Man Islterlng marriege. (In Staraol then let Coaby pick the ones he Ukes. Anna Baslar. I960 (In Staraol 8 Combatl wild time at Dwayne’s parly 8 Haa Haw (60 mln.| ter. 1968. be back, if the network picks it up' the show say that he hasn't bMn on Since those three are national brands, 8 MOVIE: 'Buttarflald •' A baautilul 8 Connaetleut Nawa Today 8 Boeom Buddlee 8 Uncommon Plaeet: TIm ArdiHso- [ESRN] NRL RNmt Rraeanta (R) again. I think the show has lost a lot of the show in their memory. At least, he [U S A ] Cover Story 8 Mama's Ramlly Nsoml asks Dr. Joyce turs ot Frank Lloyd Wright Thla docu­ tty at Uie better men’s fumlihlng model with few Illusions abouHite, tells In Brothers lor advice on sea. |R) 8 Ona Big Ramlly Brian la caught skip­ 8 Ae Bchoola Match WIta [U S A ] Night Flight Its punch, with Mrs. King becoming was never under contract. It’s possi­ 2 : 0 0 P M Ct) OoH Cdonial National Invl- love with a maitled man Elltsbeth Taylor. mentary axsmlnsi Frank Lloyd Wright's stores in Amarillo. You might find 8 ABC Nawa (CC). school. What a Counbyl Taylor sets out to contributions lo American architecture at Mrs. Scarecrow, and the ratings have ble he was a day player, they don’t railonal. Third Round, from Fon Wonh. Launinca Harvey. Eddie Fisher I960. out why All wasn't ailowsd to tent a 1 1 :30PM ® Magnum, B.l. some, tucked between the cowboy TX 190 min.) (Lhra) 8 Nottclaro UnMahm 8 Runaway WHh tha Rich and Rtmout well ae his personal Hla 160 min.I fallen off some, too. keep records ol all the dky playeni 33) BabttMhow Barbara Eden In Auattla; Gavlh MacLeod In vseem spirlmenl. ® Star Boareh The taeton flnelt (aetur- boots and the string ties, s Dear Dick: 8 MOVIE: 'JetabeT A Soulhem Pella who take 'bit parts. But he was cer- ( B MOVIE: 'BUant Running' A botanist (B) Joy of Painting 8 It's a Living Amy saoks Dot’s help the Cirlbbaan; air travel on the Concorde 8 Maude Ing the tdull aamlfinalltle from rounds 1 A friend of mine taped Johnny Car­ in spaca lands tpaclal gardant m tha when she breaks up with hat boyfriend who flouts convention loses the men the and 2. Competing are meW end lemeW vo- a Dear Dick: Can you find out where tainly noi regular. 8 Babado Olganta 8 What a Countryt loves Batta Davis. Gaorga Brant, Henry son's 26th anniversary show on his hopat ol ra-planimg lham on aanh whan it 33) MOVIE: 'Rtvanga ot tha Natda' Col­ [C N N ] PUmaMa cillets. musical groups, comedians, dan- BUI Coabv geta the iweaters he wears can again tutlaln plant Ida Bruca Dam. lage Iraahmen. tirsd ol being humlUatad by 8 B to B When Sharmen Irlea aell- 8 Throb Sandy. Blue end Meradllh sal Fonda 1938. cars and TV e^esmodels Hoet: Ed VCR. You can imagine how thrilled he [D IS ] My Rriond RHaka on hla snow? — K.M.R., Amarillo, Cktt Potts 1972 tha campus Jocks, form iHak own trstsm- detensa on a supposed mugger, she’s ar- out to audition for the Grind Ola Opry. [018] RtaMe Home Companton with M ^ihon. (60 min.) Texas. was when I accidentally erased It. Ac­ amta efc-s— w i^ — Hy. which avantuslly leads to a conhoma- rsstad tor assault. NW916 or UN ru n u n f [E S P N ] Bcholastle Bporta Amoihia [C N N ] Bporta Batutday Oaitlaen KaMot CD MOVIE: ‘Beiaaih’ A seriet of brutal Dear K.M.R.; The people In charge tually, he was very nice about It and tlon batwsan lha two groupa. Robert Cw- [C N N ] Craaanra baturday merders haunts the owner of ■ British cir­ On Sept, i 1,198$, the Dow Jones In­ B MOVIE: 'ChdtnpNnt: A Lova •kory' radina, Anthony Edwards. Bamla Caaay. [H S O ] MOVIE: 'Lagand' (CCJ A laky [TM C] MOVIE; 'Ugand' (CC) A fetry of costumes for "The Coaby Show” that’s why I would like to locate a tele that depicti the etemel etruggle be­ cus Joan Crawford. Ty Hsrdin. Judy Gee- dustrial Average had Its largest one- Two tdolaacanit work logaihar lowtid a 1984 tala that depicts lha atsmtl slniggla be­ [D IS ] MOVIt: ‘The Dtoam Cheewa' tell me they get sweaters from three copy of it on a VHS cassette. Where common goal-lha naPonal llgura tktiing tween good end evH. Tom Cmlae, Mie fiiroiaiI Gould. Justin Ddna 1884. Ralsd tween good end avU. Tom Cnilte. Mia son 1968. day fall fai In history, plunging M .$l (MAX) Dick Cavap Sere, Tim Curry. 1989. Rated RO. (In Sere, Tkp Pgrry.. 199^Reted PQ. manufacturtra Mlaaoni, Klaua van m ^ t I find one? — S.C, Port Mill, champlanthipa Joy Lapuc. .Jfmat VM- RQ. Centinus#... 0 MOVIE: ‘The Blood of Draeula’e points,. orI 4.61 p e r c ^ . S M *1 f ' * * < 9:10PM [C N N ] BhowMi Weak a doctor end hw wife kidnap der Akar and Alexander Julian — and ■ : ‘ ; • • ;t :! ' a « • K • r ; f » .1 ): 1 n 2 r % r s t TMt Thl9 W »k ^ TWICE IS NICE SHOP MANCHESTER HAS IT MANCHESTER HAS IT W — k % F M t u n : Feature: Jadt <1. Lappen R e d ty Somtona In Monchaatar, or o naorby town is oolno to list thalr proMinv with o Raoltor this wash. A rt you tha ona • TES eiwnai NMn St., MwiehMtw that's oolno to coll mot Your ^ ptw«« a8S-iiai ora«s-isw coll will DO opproclotod.

• Em MMOM Man, JmO A tine** ^ M Contor Stmot p r o m : oaa-1141 NMwylSMk Monchootor, C T 06040 aasnniwcowwacTiciirtiaoaiwawmaiRweaopwoMww 043-4263 l i ^ H "S e rv in f Mmnchetter For Over SO Vemr»" T il give yon the best repair The newest of shops at the Manchester .^iland the Haar again Cora. imaailaarHeanafoHamltfiatiimien.Moaionhair NiraiiteemCONNECTICUri caai4i4oiwn thalr aound M MRCN STMERT eel yw ewi>lh4e8weri,f*f»mii«e*|riilwra. W*e«wwH|i«tew*e4il» 4. . The Twice Is Nice Shop, W8fa0«rw|lw»*h«>.n»»|Mi».R«tlAw.ll Mam aaaalnimaHlwvwein team atauiWal TSL Stt-SM? «r aSS-SIM iM w Iw fli ywinwfi Manchester Mall, 811 Main St. I Own n an earner and eaenear el HEAR FJ.0. APARI e g m VERWOH. (E ^ IIIW . ^ Meeme Oegme In wedei Manchester, Conn. I her aieE etMiRea. (Cela^nE e eredeii^idhi ^leU^leuahdir corns " iteamt! ......

N o w o ^ •Stencilsa HaaHng OR O m o Mm TWICE IS NICE SHOP THE FLOOR STORE •Wreethso rBox tramesa n l MtamiNillor lUR a^pRRteli moss* Cnorgjf ConaorvaMon Sowlooo 358 Olcott Stneec. JlfwicAester ^rO^NSlOIIMNy 7VM9l9tf 79^9llfel9l49 I Phone.'046-5835 GENERAL OIL Open Mon.*S«t. WM 1 0 0 . lOrnn^SsM pm 568-3500 1 Mon^fl 10-8 818 Often n «. Thnrt. I l l 9 pm i MMICHESTERMAUciiiM«st ntunWO 6 4 7 -7 9 7 4 iMiRhar EWERQV CENTERS eo-openUNe

Even if you have nerve deafness youcan EVRiiyrMrMQ in glass HEARftUrraiSTAND -WE CANT HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT CntoM Mtehm Canter o v r 45 Kildben 4t hmtkroom RemoMtmg M NCHESTER T1A85 OVEHBNCK 1.1. WHIIE HASS CO.. K M l Ovr Mwwieeei Al: MEMORIAL COe |. Frw» Wewlee 1W» j OpaCaH Cemetery CALLS4S-5S07 IN OUR aam TEAR Mon.*Sat »>S:36 / Thura. TIN S PM " OOHMNV ” SiettSeULtT. MANCNESTtn HARRISON STREET FREE QUALITY MEMORIALS MANCHESTER HEARING isi * SAPETY» MIRRORS* SHOWER * OATHTUa POORS EHCCOSURES »>TORa_RhOHTt * ETC. 6 4 9 - 7 5 4 4 TESTS m a n s At Kel|>^ we offer you SPECMIMIMG IM CUSTOm EXHAUST WORK AUTOWASHETIE wlMt you want in AngwHe Nurwlng A Homw Care PoOtwHngAMNowCtotRWMMnaSvWofn t enrlcwG, Rwgiilry Inc. SeW-Swvk* High PiMOuro Bey end VwcwiM temporary employment: DON WIUIS GARAGiy INC sacctMima 6S Em i 0«M«r StTMi, Mendtwelw GT Oeinplowno&owdRIonttioSorHooAtoaitoto • FtexMewortc sctwMc en«BLauo»aaiMT-anAigaiiwicc-eintcwDnsBnycc (203) 647>lOSe • liwweAnt fonporny mtemmorc matched foyM rsM b lciidimn.-Mt.O:SO«80 64S-4SS1 M ANCHESTER. C T . 00040 RN’a, LPN’a, Companions. Homamalcars, San.«A0-M0 1(003) a«a>«80« »> E. OtnaerSt.. Manclwian r _____KUMW'______Two miliutts loter... ^4*3-2*7*l*1* Aatuhratpr Hrralii Hello Manchester Herald. I See how easy It is. Just o two IH a Rh e s MMI f Miy mW IMMndMMlMi would like to be part of the Has minute call gets you on this It Page that runs on Saturdays. HOME EN-reRTAINMENT CENTER area lor 100 yean Yes, I know It’s the best wav to, page. So coll today! reach new custonters. Thank IOmIm SIMB 16 Broinard Plaoo enwESTMiooliErME. cMX'ranoETMie Monchostor 20S-64S-2711 you very much. MIWOHCOTEn «H «IM 6*4*3-2*7»l*l. MANCHESTEH HERALD. ^ ~ ”

Wkiga va. Erlnwnton OBora Champlon- [TIMC] MOVIE: A sohlzo- y Gama (90 mki.) (Taped) thip game 7. K naoataary. (3 hra.) (L/ve) ^ [USA] LaoR a* IMP Now ‘ Ida. Kvafl BMak. Pabten Porta. ''V- wife's divorea and ralantteaaly knerfaraa [W O ] MOVM: ‘ftaaoH Btoom' (CC) 12:19A M CPNpwt/Bparto aiM ipBigipR'B j fiwflB ) -f.. Sunday, Continaad OOrtngtht 19S0'tkiLm Vagat a 13-year- wkh her love affak. Vaneaaa Rartarava. old girt sees her famky ki turmoil and It David Warner. Robert Stephens 1966. B IMOVK; 'MofiwM bp Maownf A lO P young man (alia ki lova with a Bavklty HIM aiW BEMWiilA awakanad to tha atomle aga. Jon Volght, [USA] HeBytswefl Inaldar m lavaral diflaram apadea are axplorad. Jobath WWama, Annabalh Gteh. 1986. houtowIN. Jotm Travofto. Lily TontM. ® Aa) ve el Batebel ^ m k i.) (R) CP B ABC fltewt (CC). Ratad PG 10:40PM [MS] Zona 1978, IStevB AiMthi [CNN] Manoy Waak B B NBC Newt [M AX] M OV»: ‘Mtht BhHr A nm- 11:00PM CP B B Nawa 1 2 : 3 0 A M CP BrflM GeM (In Starao) J (Lee N s lo n , I.) and B Barney Mfllar [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Joey' At aleohoHsm ® Notlelafo UrMtkm mannered supervisor runs a cal girt ring CP fllMeaian Impoatibto CP Bporta Pww and Coiw 6 :0 0 A M (B) imiflM 8:30AM OD CD twisw i ■ Jaim e Som m e ra (B) Floyd on Fteh from tha city morgue. Henry Winkler, Shel­ (P Tlia WoiM Tamariaw slowly itettreya hit as-rnualclan father, a [CNN] Inaida Bualnaea ® GanoBoom [CNN] Spam Itovtow 1 (U tid a a y Wagner) itan datfwraMr atruggtea to break kite [0(8] IMOVIE: 'Tka Lovo Bug' (CC) ley Long, McfiaaTKetton. 1M2. Rated R. CP The WorM Tomotiow INdody WpaAMahar rock n' roll. Nall Barry, -temas Quktn. Losing for a new owner, a Vdkswagan [DIS] Aiiltnate In Action A study of (H) 'ARo 'ARo Tha Communlat Raaistsncr [CNN] Btyta WRh Bm Ktonoeb liBuidte to battle raptitea and ihtk habitt. 8 :3 0 P M ( P B Traeoy UBnitei Show ism arcaijB sa s . 1985. RMad PG. (In Star^ wlfl) human quaktiat chooaet a former capturaa Col. Von Suohm and Capt. Gar IMOVIE: 'BBmnt BuBaP (CQ A iBimHcaloigBnixn- race driver snd hit gkffriand. Oatn Jonas, (ki Starao) (TM q •n M IMraM IM M m a i NaoMa and JpakN [HBO] IMOVIE: 'On Tho Edgo' A kmg- rinig; tha valuabte ptkitkig te ratumsd writ young boy and hit unote anampl to atop Qanw lix. If MCMsacy. (2hrft.t SOifiln.) (N I6m i, In “The lle- 2:00PM CPUMVIt: TI m OavTa Brt- MIchato Lee. Budrty Hackatt. 1969. Rated cRttanca runnar yearning to ragaki hte ata- CPPaeoOH tha forged copy. 81 Dayay A OaEaOi ' gada' A tpaelal unli oraaiad. to train for G. tha murdsroua path of a warawolf dwf te [USA] MOVIE: •OitnmeW. M tm im t lturn oroie tura and asH-fatpact trakia far an Mpa- B s c t v B Chwalflafl Elgfitotei Offers kiforms- terrorizing thak town. Gory (fciaay, Coray P El Mk heroic aetion ki ttklna Mont La Oafanaa kt ctely damandkig race. Bruoa Dam, J ^ •I DaMh' An Airadcan coupt* pNaWng » I B I Itkm-Dollar Hen Haty. oonaiets of a trakwd. tflteipknad M EEOVIE: 'One on On#' A baakat- B R*o • IMng Amy totka Oot't help tioo on the lalasi employmant oppomml. Hakn, Evaratt McGM. r dashes haad on with love white Marity, BM Btllay. 1986. Ratad PO-13. tint ki ths Connacticul arse. nUm in Mm Ico uncovpr a amal. SOOKPir- I mid the Bionic team of Cantdtna and a moflay craw of whan tha breaks up with her boyfriend. [USA] POM old sflver caakat hoking a diaambodled [CNNlCroaMba battling the coflage athtede attabkahmani. 7 :0 0 P M CP BO Mlmifaa (60 mki.) B Fraab FlaMa Wkkam sgaa rapidly IWoman/' alrtng American mitfHa. Wifltenv Hokten. (3lff Robby Bsnaon, Annatta O'Toote, Gak [USA] MfteiHd; OtPd or ABvo 1 2 :4 0 A M [HBO] MOVIB; hand Samantha Eggar. Stuart Whitman. [DM ] Good Mombig MMwyi Robartaon, Vkiee Edwards. 1958. CP ® 21 Jump Btepot Tha arpad mutt when Ht9t9r 99ti out to prove ttNrt you're 1981 I b UNDAY, N A Y 1 7 . Strickland 1977. Ratad PG. 9 : 0 0 f ^ OP IMOVIB; ‘Raoao Ara For •9 young ee you fed. Cfwleoa'A fIfiaan-yatr-oM boy oamkig of [E S P ^ JIniiiiy SW d OaW Cmwm Hon CP (MOVIE: 'BlaWdwadt' A man deal with a gun-totkig gang mambar (8lak age ki rural Tannassat findt hknsatf ac­ lo n llB C . [USA] Alkod HRohoook Hour Undarwoorfl who'a planning on taking Tha RMi' 9 Q Aa friandt and famfly ( 9 Weekend wRh Crook and Chase 5:30AM (X) c n n Naaw [HM>]Saabart marchaa through tha tranctias ki Prance (or galhte for dw hmoral of an Appateehten cused of a crime ha dUn'i oomMl and te " 20 years after WWI, unaware that tha war 4 : 1 5 P M CP Kkiar'a Komar ovar an kinar-clty Mgh aehool. (60 mki.) (ki B Nawamakare forced to stand trial at an aduR. Miraarac SDlNN Naam [TM C ] MOVIK: 't i ipwa Bmai Pia- Starao) coal mining mateteia, flasMtecka trace (ha ■check ustings hat entiad. Stan Laural, Okvar Hardy often troubltd Ma of hte young widow. Llaa ® PEUCULA; 'Ckdon' Arthur Kennedy, KMnek, Gary MoCteary, John ttia. 1MB. [CNN] Monay Waak Uma: MkiwTIialMNr (CQ MaSkdltaa 1938. 4 :3 0 P M CP Qraota of tho Oamo op B MOVIE: 'Spot Marfu tha X' (CC| n9MO Nn.Aatfk flown tha coop and R't up to Ma mends to IFOI EXACT TIME Hartman, Bruce Dam. 1987. Fart 1 of 2. Andrea Garcia. 6 :0 0 A M CD Wa MIntia IB (MOVIE: The Wg Blaap'lfliilip Mar­ B ) IMNor Laagua BaaabaW: Now York ThaRvat of two diMran ara turned upakto gat him. VoloSs ol: Jkn Hanaen, Carroll CP ® Mr. Praaldant Mtg (Cartki Glynn) ® Comwetfouf: Now 12:50AM [MAX] m o v M; 'Btanw m CP Hobart 8chuEar lowe dteeovara blackmail and murder Yankaot at SaoRta Marinara (2 hra.. 30 down whan a comrictad con man's dog Lovt' A divorced men triee ¥V*i hit ex- ^innay. 1988. RauM G. (ki Starao) whan ha becomaa kwolvad with a weahtiy mki.) (Lhis) tearfa them to whtra a large atath of mo­ warns Sam (Gaorga C. Scott) to tpitnd [CNN] Intids Buaktaaa (P Nawa 9: In Dapth mora time with tha family, fln Starao) wife beck from her currenf boyfriend- 8:45AM SSaaradNaan woman and her uncontroltelite altlar. Hufn- B MOVIE: 'Raekat Buatart' A tpadal nay la hkldan. A 'Oltnay Sunrlay Movte' (E S P ^ Sponteantar Sunday (60 mki.) George S e^. Sueen Anepeoh, Kde Krie- (H) Chriatophar Cloaaup r Bogart, Lauran Btcak. John RIdgaly. proaocutor it appoknad by tha awarri- presentation. Mba tha Dog, Barret Okvar. . CP B MOVIE:'BEIiwood'(CC)Arf am- 9 : 0 0 A M CP CBS Nawa tundw Mom- (B) Bguaro Ona TV [CNN] Nawadpy (HBO] MOVIE: 'Saaiat Admirer' (CQ A toffereon. 1973. Reted R. ^ Fraitk Qarria 0 . ‘ mant to and rackataaring kt tha Trucking 1986. (R) pfoyee m a pkitonkim ptent exposes the mg IB)J««oana [DIS] Anknal Wortd untafa working conditiont ki which aha lova tetter (alt Into tha wrong hands and 1 :0 0 A M CE) VHueteleiHeldn B B Pfo-Oame Show Association Gaorga Brant. Humplway Bo­ CP EnttetabtmoM Thte Week NO mki.) craatat havoc ki a suburban community. C. (S hiaight CP NtoCroary Raport [CN N ] Nowamakar Bunday [ESPN] BportaoanMr Sunday gart. Waltsr Abel. 1938. workt. Maryl Streep. Kurt Ruttek, Cher. CD Muek; CHy, U.8.A. B Maatifpalaa Tliaafra: DaoUt of tha (B) Happy Oaya 1983. Thomas Howal, Lori Laughkn, Fred Ward. ® Connoctlcut: Now CP Lovo Your aun [DIS] MOVIB: 'Pun and Panoy Prao' [TIWC] MOVIE: Iflflaa Ouya' Two goof- B MNor Laagua BaiabaW: Now Votk 1985. Rated H. (In Starao) CD Joe FranWfn MIckay Mouaa'a fractured varakm of CMi gongttora must rsttewn thamaalvat Heart A IB-yaar-old orphan gkl moves ki ( 9 Choftoa ki Ctiarga Ctiarloa' mother CP Now Jartoy Paopla [CIS] Donald Duoh Htaaanta CP I S Oral Robaits with her sTkp-brt>ltier ki London and masts Vankoea at Boatlla (Marinara (3 hra.) takes tha Powak chadran to a viotem [M AX] MOVIE; 'Pumpkig Iron H: Tfw QD Tilet From the DwfteMe An epert- "Jack and tha Baanttalk" and tha ttory of after they lota a bundia of thak boss' cash (H) Runaway With tha Rich and Famous 6:05 AM [HBO] m o v ie : 'Ona on Ona' (B) Inhumanokla a ckcua bear named Bongo are featured ki and uses his crarlit card to party Oarmy Edriis. her fkat leva (2 hrs) (B) Justin WMton'a Outdoor Cookkig movie that Waflar hot forbkldan tha kida Womon' (CQ An kiakte look at the bur- mem dweffor queetione her euppeeedly A baakatball atar daahoa haad on with Evans and Novak to tea. Barbara Edtn ki Austria: Qavki MacLeod ki gsonlng sport of womsn'a bodybukdkig. fBppY nwriege ^>en a epedel redk> ex­ ( 9 Kenneth Copeland thit Wand rrfkve action and anknatlon. Ed­ DaVko. Joe PItcopo. Dan Hadaya. 1986. B MNor Laagua teaoball: Bostoti Rad [CNN] lha ; ak travel on tha Concorde. love while baitling the collega athlatic eata- gar Bargan. Luarta Pattan. 1947. Rated R. tos at Mkinaaota Twbia (3 hra) Lori Bowan, Rachel MeUth. Carte Dunlap. p o ^ the devastated privete Hvee of her bUshmem R o ^ Benaoo, Annatte S Ha-Man B Maatara of the UnMoiaa 4 :4 5 P M CP MOVIE: 'Dadanco' An off- ( 9 Caraon't Annivartafy Special (2 hra.) 1985. Ratad NR. neighbore. [ESI*N] Behateatic Bporta Amorioa [USA] Wrattllng B MOVIE: Toby Tylar. or Ton Waoka duty teaman, tksd of aaakig paopla al- B B Our Haute (CQ A pcmilar boy O'Toole. Gail Stiickland. 1977. Rated PG. S (H) Saaama Suaat (CC). [USA] Koyt to Buoeoaa [USA] Do for Your Preema [■MAX] MOVIE: 'MyOdtarHuakond'A wRh a Clreua' After running away from - wayt backing down, daddaa to stand up kivitat Krit to a rock conoart. (60 mki.) (R) B B MOVtE: ‘Rttum of dia Sbi- 6:10AM [CNN] SImmmMi weak I S T alaphona Auction 1 2 :3 0 P M CP Joffotaorti home, a young orphan gets tha chance to to a New York gang. Jan-flkehaal Vkicant. (ki Starao) IMKon-OoBar Mian and tfw Bionle Franchwoman with two saperata families Woman' (CC) Steve Austin and Jtema 1 1 :0 5 P M [DIS] Flvo Mflo Croak An­ 1 :1 0 A M [CNN] HaaRliwaak I S King laonardo ki diflsrtnl ragiont ol tha country it hard CP MOVIE: 'Btrflia Force' A New York reakia hie draam ol becoming a ckcua par- Art Camay. Theresa Saktam. 1979 B Return to Iwo Jkno Ed McMahon nie's tatting cautas a confrontation be­ 6 :1 5 A M Qi) Daway 9i Goliath City poke# itotoctivo teams up with a Fed­ fSrmar. A "Wonderful Wortd of Olsnay ' Sommara ara raunitad to batite a rarflcol 1 :3 0 A M CP Gaorga R MEdrwl (4® The World Tomorrrjw praased to keep them lrt>m diacovtring 5 :0 0 P M CP Buck Rogara hoata thli drxumantary on Ilia fkat reunion group that Interida to uaa Stava'a bionic tween Jack and Con to determkia whe'a 6 :3 0 A M CPviata that the other asteia. Mksu-Miou. Roger eral agam snd a state nonpar to crack a prasantation. Kavki Corcoran. Henry Cal­ of Japanats and American veterans com­ tha bast coach driver. CP ABC Nawa (CC). [CNN] Daywatoh narcoHct ring. Richard Gera. CHft Gorman. vin. 1960. O Mtetkin Impotsibto ion aa a ploy ki Ha plana to taka ovar the (P Now Jaraay Hoopla Hankt. 19BS. ftetad PG-13. fllubbad) memorating the 40th anmvaraary of tha United States. Bated on tlia two TV tartes 1 1 :3 0 P M CP Magnum, P.I. (3D INN News [DIS] Waleoma to Pooh Comar Donald Blakaly 1975 ® El Mmdo dal Rea (90 min) (SI Hogan's Haroaa Wortd War II batite. (60 mki.) (H) Christian Sdanea Monitor Haporta 1 0 : 4 5 A M s Jawltb Ula which ran batwasn 1974 and 1978. Lea CPhIa WrRton [CNN] Nauramakte Sunday [ESPN] InsMa tha PGA Tour CP High School Bowl (H) Nature (CC) A family of red loses are (8 ) Frontlina (CCI The rastdents of a merl­ ® PEUCULA: 'El (ME Utete' Let paripe Majora, Lkidtay Wagner. Richard Ander­ ® Miiado EaMi Outiaaoh 1 1 :0 0 A M CP Haroat: fltada kt the (S) Honaymoanart (CC) [IMS] IMOVIE: 'The Ifivlalbto Boy' A [HBO] MOVIE: ‘Ooaart Bloom' (CQ (B) MOVIE: 'A NIgItt In Casablanca' Tha lokowsd thrrxi^ s yssr’s activitlas (60 in iilnesa halfway house era profited. (60 ctes y sktaaboras qua te toes vhrir a un son. 1987. (In Starao) super-computer goat baraerk and triaa to (Kl Ring Around the World During tha 19B0's m Las Vegas a 13-yeer- U.B.A. Mars Brolhara have a few sscapaitea tak­ min.) (In Sterso) mm.) (fl) prminclano qua dadda marchtr a la ckidad IP B Maatarptoea Thaolra: Lavs Bong B B Chrtatfan Qifldran't Fund control tha workL Richard Ever, Philip Ab­ !|il Consumer Discount Auction oW girl sees her lamay tn turmoil and ia CP MOVIE: Tanan'a Now York Advan- ing ovar a hotel. Tha Mrs Brothers. Lois [CNN] Waak kt Ravtew ® SportaWorld Scheduled: Veteran Su- an buses da trabajo paro tok) ancuantra (CC) (Tesplle thak marriage, PhMm and B B Bporta Machkw bot. Robby lha Robot. 1957. Ratad G. tuib' Bey la kidnappad and taken to the CoWer 1948 pAot an su ctmino. Hector Sturax. Rafael [CNN] Stvia With Elea Klsnach awakened to tha atomic aga. Jon VoMn. [HBO] (MOVIE: The Candktets' An peraiers Competition, from Miemi. Ft. (60 WMiam tt> eontinua to oorigwta narcaly [ESPN] Bporttoteitor Bunday: Thte Jobath WiMams. Annabalh Gish. IMS. U.S. aa a ckout attraction Johnny Wais- ( 9 Bybarvteton Walghf Cenbol min) (live) Indtn. against one another ki svaryihkig from B Country Rooord OuUa [OIS] Wiah Upon a Sttr Idaakatic young man rum (or the Sanata Waak In SpOrla (60 mki.) Rated PG. mular. Maureen O'SuMvan. Johnny Sha- 18) S Moot tho Prose tgskiat a conaatvative kicumbam. Hobart ® TMs Week In Baeeball Highitghta of (H) Austin CRy UntRa (ki Starao) academic hrttiora to ermtword puztfet. B Cbitotian Utoaiyto (Wagtekw mMC]MOVIE: "rhaManWhoCantato [M AX] MOVIE: 'Onoa BMan' (CQ A flald. 1S42. Radford. Makryn Dougtea. Peter Boyle Mt}or League action are shown. [DIS] MOVIE: 'Kkte (Mo Koto' Thte imiai- Conitance Cummingt and Maurice Dan- (B) Spiritual Ufa Crutada 2 :0 0 A M CP Nlglitwateh Okmar' A travelkig lectutar. forced to atay I8l Washington Waab kt Ratriaw ham portray the bkAaring coupto ki thak gorgeous vampka must have tha Wood of CP Thte Weak tn Cortnoetlcut 1972. Rated ra ® Star Saaroh The saaaon finals fastis* cal varaion of Shakanaara'a Tha Taming [CNN] Bporta TonlgM CP Chriatian Chfldren't Fund m his host's hotna due to an acddant. pro­ young mates to stay etamally young. of tha Shrew fkida tha start battkng at later ysars. (80 mki.) Part 2 of 2. ceeds to make kfa tllficult for avaryona. (PNowOldgol . (USA] MOVIE: The Boy kt tha Plaatle mg the e

',■ li-:^ M w cd i^ Sexuality m m m m rnm

W W l N M i p F V jS®5 Ii»iii1 ftJJJvM ®

9 A » S k i 8 : M A M ( D e m i r n t m i on iMwi nwwiwsefT Device may not aid low sperm oount ®<>w8w*e»widi (CNN|Seiliwe»6w (CMNQGm m Uw aSNa(An| fwwj WOT INSIWy rfOTWMw I Vf V J W W ^ W M W e v r W f * VO T O T tdlSIeCersy I^^BW/eaajB^Lf vOTWr rf^^nWIw S :0 0 A M (E c t S itomiifis iSiMe ^jSH tSMnwee THD is prescribed oniy for men with high testicuiar temp f tS Q A M (D t M M AwiMnw 1S j rRfMBlBIIOV MrtwiCO ® IN N M m m ®MaMWStA>SaSMl AA e M M ^ EsSs 0y Or. Anns NWrMfdt Bahawwa lAhfM^NMSda tED (WofYiMa acv^teh E ^ E H w i m I. (CNN)8Mw«Mr«dtor 4 :0 0 P M ® Ssieb MMbey tmAMtULttKtfmCtt Mf ftSTNIAMilM ® NVMW A Metweeltbe I wftoswAI aweealil»(»lwvw d i»MMa«qMnwMwM, ~ There are several other causeoiar a low S:4SAM O SMm n m m ®S*«meSderl. kM*. ffer doetor AMd C M f tarv« id M if A# I ahmaperme&tmt.Wanm^f&ar sperm count, and each ia treated 0 :0 0 A M Q D£M twi»w»>t hmw* A s k tH s e A M y ® S e * W y Jw w f t \ «— ■ - ■ ^ -i*. ------— ®S.I. Jbd ()Mr(«s(fM)«r game Ume ago I read about wsyw flv^v ww w^nvOT^AV wsm^w (CNMNosweii artk/kiahm fl0 Newy eed Iwendb kVptdlMnnfsdWleB (199). differently, A fertility xpecialist can ® ® A M n t m (CO. |S/r9/M%00nf KWOTRs IKM H W 9 ^ 9 f W (1) JHmnv M a M M Wfwre C2M wir f « ( m a t IsNeUBSi Is Che PaHap^ lelw . do. a ^9/ ^T^^rVfV conduct tefti and advixe you what to ff ® 4B0 VOTMw■ ^ —* - -A PVOPrWW mw M l^wTW 9 n 9 ^n n 9 ^n w 9 9 d ^99 ^iMyllMlAMy ® C N N N m w l(CC) m4nmAmninrMr«a thief Whereeeni get ddedenef ® SaWtySiee iwad an pvsMsitMt (s aav irfiv aeverity from one man to the yocrr spmn CMfM te (ow. Tfep M A a m A f W a i n a caneapt dE CaoMsoalMiSM saxt. If the curve M n e y ^ e s d gad e^ttAMMMB Aam M t « TH P fe pTwcTMiwd wtiy for dwwa 9* U^wzWJ' In te h ^ n ^ B MP often Is done on snoot patient in femMes, a n e b M o n F ^ XWkAirti A ^ ttara la so pahi widl aracNaw, 9 20 MMuMr Mtaftaol ' 9 ^ aiWIV FF^^vai 99 Pafloplan tubes— raaiiar than Bm Ip. 92boM lit2M ttufre le aBbasC at ad gtamsBC dUMAA^iiirtr oibiesrfM (oofmnofNy calied ® t f Club TOO a««aiafa9>'i CwK%eW9'r b^wF^HIT® € n CreBsf^mnB AW^AAOfli c«DMd by 0 Mgififr than normal chance that the condition wifi hi ^ pnat deende, tbe yeswt). If beOi f l » mMe and OMuemn t (MSunol |wfVWy 9V1^OTR^ tempergtarti hi the tmtMm. them — featiff under advseeee In tubnmgaflen •C 0 . (CM) bbekoy Mewa Club correci iiMrif wflmwc tnmttWm. female partnara have tba aswie (CMM) Deybwb There ere eeeertAeftlitremeee invaatigatim. teebnfqiMa proved to ba safe and orgnifam, both aheirtd be treated (CMS] MMMy Mmm* Club (fiMN]«MMSiif Mere eetereeatee ere untthelfie (&M} 0WlW«Cl«ti» ier e lew eperm eemt, ndeeeh improve without treatment. Tbara ara two Paflaplan tubea. demand ter the praoadarw grew vfgIfWf»9IMV99»vRfdlMgWmgMWMMAM ^ A ^vIMPnl (essMioyonim (USA) Jaebeet jB9€n r « w lOTiwpro I w wppBT ifml 9 :0 0 A M ( E U M Seal le treeted MIerentty. A farlOttv Tha fin t atop in treatment ia to enormon^ . Then e new coneam aboutd be used untfl nteetinf ® Sen foil M Teem ® |6 W Tertid Pweseeme. 4 : 3 0 1 ^ ® MTSendweeit of the trtarut to ona of the two 6:30AM GD9MWM dDSMSySoMb ipsefattsl etneenAuet mete and determine (he nature and extent appaaitad: an increnaing demand ifiowe tbet both poHlnere are free QD700Cliib 1 :3 0 P M ® SeM end tbeSieetiNi ®See»N*eCeeri (E9lieMiMa edflee fee whet tede. of tha pfagso. TMa invofvoa taata ovarlaa. gparm swtai tqrfheao to have tubal Hgatiena raveraad. oftbeorgenfem. ® M.A.S.K. KC). (El Vetted PMSieme ®SeedTMwe tiAas, hi which they maaC an egg ® bfaneieie A^e^w Ak^^wSk tvenitehlgliteetlealer by X-raya, dya isfeetion or Even tbo u g b o ^ a email When teottng reveala no Zv ROImMP WWWMfl A s Senedy MStSSee V^F WOTy FUflOTT d^rtMbA^WMiAdwww^y Art e ^ s sbortiy after ff fa raieaaed from CilliNMtolfe itfONsHt l«Bii|Pvs otmFV 99 999wmw90i left! uHraaeund. parcantaga at women eeeh bifectfoueorgairtcme, then H'e 9 N«-Man S Mm Mm at OM IMvirM i9h Ab^ 9a^aibA VMMt VMM AntfiMito ®SrtenAeiee 9 S -(-A w an ovary. Then the fertifized egg. reversaf. so many women have l9S '^vs MVOT^^V S* 9S^S^9 TM 9 is zmilaMa tmlrhy SpeciaHata advocate different uaMkely that a man wtn infect Me 9VoHMn, BrtiWOtroteiatbOuara# /89 ®MyfbiMSene 2 :0 0 P M ® Ai tbe MMd Tenw 9Nesenre Mtreee l»9 ^9MRflV VSIOTC ^v|> 9StSS,OeOSyrwMd pr«sertfttoM. Yearpkfek/Hmeen treatmanta. andaaehtypaof had tubniligettfene that ttetecal wife. rii? Cl MbiiaMfio Sa JtAMiy Swobaae (GMM MW Minay PMooMe (BSewwSieMeneee back down the tnbo and into die 9SisyaBey 99r9M dM^ysAI^^^MUnV91D*waFWrV write teHepre-hkwfdfitem, treatmenthaahadaomedogree number of ravamal laqueeta baa iVm 1 1 :3 0 A M (CMS) Verted Meswma ®9MteUM«ftiMe fZ^OMn|VWrej DOOWiVW — »-■ — IffRWTOT^ 7M N. Hreet, hUdOetewn, N Y OlvfM p fIM fV ff IJilplIilflf HI uM beoeme qnfta bfgb, Tba maiJarHy i0||9 ® Adieniwee el Sw Seleiy Sensete ® MMierNesare of eueeme. hpadaflalapfafor to (CMS] MoiioaraMa 9 9 aWf^V ■ra* W 9 WflOTVOT W 9fRRV 1 3 :0 0 P M ® ® ® 9 Neoe ISMS. wMtoftbautarua. of tbeaa raquaata follow ^«N )e a 9 i leva teey ® M.A.S.S. fCC). On Swree) begin with the tower-riak (C S f ^ NoOwi'a BuMMot Yodoy ■9 Suewiw Court therapy, wMch if canafdorad to ilOT CTffPBvl MVP MotmO otIIIB in marftaf itatna, tMwaffy a ® VOuoMMuIMm ® 9 ^ ^ ) M M t e 09AMrtberMMd aificane fiu fi was to develop a (USA] T M OM f GVIOTf lOMBlIWf ba praacriptioaf of PotaAw or fwwOfvP IvIMwPB DJ' fvllM^nPpP. (CNN) Deywileb ®taStiNei» 09 SO Seee^rtende cantracaptiva method Biat would Any woman wno la conetdering ! My 6:4SAM99waatiiar ®MVwCeeWnf New 9 :0 C 4 ^ ® Newe vHamia e taken orady. ioma (CMS) Vau and me, Sid BM w iw i rpopronnv . . AWAP^^mW J b X ff9999 rn^^Mdtmjiit^eeem ae^we^ed eea^^^ — — wg - be mere eaaiiy rerereed then the URMI If gmMB fnilM iPflOIMIj fflotber eaye that ff a wemnn le 7 :0 0 A M CD css Maminf Nonna (CNNlNewedey f f I9re WnV VIWIWV TCWvmTCiWTW nfpt/fl gOOO icrvOfiff more active during eex, sbe'll (USA] Oreai Seoea OeaMoi 9 S iS «W ty ®tieeeiPNe treatlenel tubal Hgatton. Tubal evaluate her life before having QD Nanriw 9SeeerNieMwd (USA) Leve Me, leoe Me NM wHh appNcationa Of dhnatfiy! haves girl. True? 9 :3 0 A M ( E looM M M soMMi ® NerlWiNwt imAltOH,MB1M§CII} f am ligation frequently raauita in tbe procedure, becauac the (I ) 9 OomI Moniilnt Amoalaa ICC). 9 SI,000,«OS CbMoe « l e UMme 2 : 3 0 f ^ ® deteene M and as)avad aaa irHh my wlto futfoxlM to tha thin or hdactiona ® HoyfielM ®2eebSia2wiN /91b ®Asae ol corf laone directly Info the much destruction to aacb tuba, so auccasa rata for reversal ®Me)«SMlnd| 9(BiSiMw'eNeee ITU 9M^VrlVW*N9 /X9 y A| imctf iSiiwMhaago, AMliatiiti my. DEAR READER) The man'a t-W noray wryo / iwnoy wvw iviyoiofin tl9 UVOTf^Vf 999T9OT ri p fiK IU O . that reconnection or repair microsurgery is atlll not good. If ® 20 Mbima WMbeut ®Seeenw8weei|CO. 9 fe m S Jerry fiania looka BfHmaf wlMn (ravoraal of tubal ligation) fa tbera.is tha alightaat chance that sperm (which carry the tfft TfOfisfowiSfS 9 AdyenteMe el Sw Stieiy SMsere 9SbnmeeBMefe The uae of radiation OE JbMvm Soossot (CNN) Senye (Me in LA. rataaad. during aractian H enrla ImposaiMa, even Wftb axtanaf vo a change In circumatancaa might sex-cbremoeoine meeengee) de­ (8) (8) Toctaf (In Storoo) (eSAN)AemMee ® JeyelMntlnt 9M *A’MH troatmanta for Payronio'a iffinov i0O|w* 9®Stewe0neTV toward my BMFr fl'a saHtsf microaurgkMf tacbniqoaa. trigger n deaf re to bear cbMran, termine tte eex of tha baby, 1 2 ;3 0 P M ® Teens end die SeeSaae ® OwrAvSbew diaasaa wsa a a r ia ^ cosfMafad iBmrtmmMjaOa^Mi t^RiU9M9 0^90 0Ib9 9 OuSlav DaSsbl 9 UiSe Neeee err tbe OMUe' wofM aM H if (Hfflesfl to ha va Unfartmataly, iba aiiicana n woman fbould Hsa some other 9JHdga (USA) Uere Club at ona thna, hut this pfaatka ia 9 Ho-Man S IWaatara el Sw UMvarao ® MCeefns aon, A sfologM in n ms os Fugadaflotyataaamtomaka. motbod of contraception or tnalat woman's rela la Ndi matter la 9 Mlotti Sesore 9 «M M IW y currently out of favor among ®MundeUSM 3dWv:00f^ ® OeMMsUsM 9Me(bent fVttaba, which f bavo (akon ravoraal any oaafar, nitbough on a tubal-ligation matbod that iifflited. Vaginal saeratlona may 9wAB^ 9n*s4^4IS ^^MOTO many aptwiafiata for two 9 SqiMM Ona YV (CHSJMMda rOOpiV V VOTvl without roautt. tbay do appear to ba fairly can often ba more succasafully tend to alow down or Inhibit 9MebTen0ylie ® 9 Senertd Neeemi reaaona; Tbaraampotantfat 9 M.A.S.K. ICC). «n Siarao) 10 :0 0 AM ® Hour Masoxlna akw ae^Mu (CMS) (ISSN) Verted SresrewM WhatcauaMtWar Ara thorn affactiva aa a contracaptiva reversed by microsurgery. either the boy-maasage sperm or 9il rw fw y WEEOfl ®Mawesn«e-S AAsniM haaarda and aurgaty fa mere (CNN] DoybMk ® I Lowi iMoy |4ArwWy I^V^vO^^^WSv any offoetiva mndlcatlonar What the girl-meaaage sperm, al­ A^eAA|M ITiyfXM% OTIlinE MBVWVWT^M - measure. There If also atitl a Those procaduraa that produce (IMS] Oeod IWeinbe Mleboyl ® 9 SeSy Joeoy Soehael (USAIleyeMeheeSael about a panda implant? difficult if it ia later daaniad to ha though this effect is thought to be jtSMqsertnsI^ ® Jeele endow Peeeyeete nacaaaary. naod for a long-term avatuatios tbe least damage to the Yalloplan (USA] Carteww ® My foweHle Merten 9:30PM ® ® 9 9 Newe to datarmina if they might tubee are thought to of for tbe small. 1 :0 0 P M ® VilueteteuMMi Tha low-riak treatmanta ara 7:30A M (]}cssNton*isNa«*a ®0ddeMola ® OeMeelUlle OEARMSAlMENt Your Increase tha riah of actoipfc greataet f ihelibood of rovenal /X9 * -*- ® 9ABMyCbSdren ganarady praaerfhad for from d ) Oefaodeia elSie EaMli UM non WOTOT^IDfl ® SenNrd end See urologlat muat a u ««c t that you p rm a n c y . ® 9 9 M e n le 9Meeien1 AL aucceee. Those currently include ( E Straloht TNh 9 Y O O O I* WA^ 9^ • ■MVWvIV 9 ^NWWy havo Povronln'a diiMaaa. ehwe aovaral montha to a yoar before 9 9 CMye el (Me Uyee » Iltooratfcally, if even a tiny tbe uae of a clip or ring ^nced on ® Tranafennoia lU/ IfOTnmiDVMI rrOfrOTimfnf 9®S-2-iee«Aeel|cei. Petebe le commonly preiicrlbod conaidaratlon of aurgicaf treat­ space waa not pfuggad, sperm 9 m e i u b SS bteTeeSenel IVesiemmtrts ® SrenebCbel ment. tbe tubea, or careful cauteriaa- 9 Solka Dot Door 9MNNSliiClnalnnaa for that condition. Poyronia'a could swim up the tuba, but the tion of only one small segment of 8«ncl quMtions to Or. 9 S*M el Sm Conbify 9AedySiMHb PWeeSieSS I USA] Sanee Party USA iaveral different aurgarlaa ara 9Seoeby Dm diacaao ia uauady first noticed fartif Isad egg — which ia larger oach tuba. RoiniNch in oaro of Tho 9 IS) CooMn Nonsmo eeM^ ■-.— during adulthood whan thn panis being uaad to ramova the plagua than the sperm— could ha 9UndaW «Mll » tllOT VOTIOT OTI wIE rwWmW and to alraightan the pania, KinNoy RAport, P.O. ® S2S.000 eyiamM (Uve) dovoiopa a curve whan eract. caught on tha way bach, Implant Peyronia'a dIaaaM was first depending on the loeation and tha Box 48, Bloomington, (USA) Omis SImw and begin to grow, cauaing a AstfogfBpli dascribadin iBTf, buttlwaBact aatant of tha proMam. Haaulta hifpctloiit pnieNik 1 0 :3 0 A M ® SooMebad aarioua threat to tha woman's Ind. 47402. Volumo of causa is atid not claar, Aa a vary from axcaflent to poor and life. ® t u f u tm Ceurl ra<|ulra a ahillad auigaon who la DEAII01I.IIENlgCHiIfa Solution going to make a change (or tha better raault, there ia notraatmantyat ipaak with your phyaieian or man gate proatata infections mRlI prohIbItR porsonal AMffrK ifwl CtflUlto •AACTTAMUi Msv, BS^sa. Bit To­ otipariancad in thaaa tachnlguaa. (IDTofiy WzfWitM today. BrnSae wtH soon rapleoa your that ia affactiva in ad caaaa. in family-planning clinic about continually, is thara a chance r«pllAs, butquMtionR TrOwnS QT OIPOOUrMPOTOTil. day, you should be rather tucky in snan- aome caaaa, Payronia'a diaaaaa hurgicady inaartad panda 9 9 deeele Cenaantfatkm f H o i x r eW mattara. Tomorrow your rabbH's which eontracc^lva method ia that ha could infoot his wife? CANeSN (As m 1 4 ^ IB) Oloea haa bean linhad to taldnf tha implanta can correct aome caaea best for you and your husband. of gonoral intorMt may IBI Seuora Ona TV (rianda wHt try to be hafpfut and eoopar- foot might not ba working so wall of Payrania'a diaaaaa and tha ghould ha uae condcffli? ^Birthday OAMNCMM (Baa. BB*dan, IS) Things beta-hlockar drugf p m ^ lo l and Vasectomy and tubal ligation are ba diaouaaad In futura ® Tha Now Cord Sbaifea iLlve) allva at thia tirna, but for (ha naxf few reaulta have bean reported aa (USA) Anythbif bx Menoy days H's baaf nol (o make rariuaett of shouM work out rather wall for you to­ propanoM, still the most affactiva methods DBAR READER) Thaeauaas lham (or anything matarlai. day M you rafy more upon yourealf than axcallant. Any aurglcal treat­ oolumna. 1 1 :0 0 A M .® bfiea le moM Sonday. May 1T< IStr Payronia'a diaaaaa waa once of permanent contmcaptlon, of proatata infections eontimia to (J O (ab. It ) Maltars ing so that a man clearly Is thou®t that moat of tbaaa era daatinad to taka unusual lurna to­ many man, aapaciady thoaa 40 dure. ® Pertridsa Tamlly volved In e Brooder range of Inlereefe that can help advanoa your ambHIoua undaratanda the poaaible out- infactiona ara caused by ® Sanfotd end Sen then you hove been In the peat. The eo- Intaraata. day. In sHuatlons where your ob|aoilve and older. In the past to yaara, tubal something other than aaxual la to ba helpful le othofa, you oould and comaa. Poataurgical cottnaaling ® PTL Chib olal contacts you'll make will be very VNMIO (AHf. tS-Sap(, M ) Uon'l let a The condition la characterlied ligation has changed from being peasimlatio companion diaauada you up being the raolplanl. also should ha avadabla if activity. Howavar, soma sexu­ 9 1 Ofoam ol Joannla helpful. by the formation, in adulthood, of TAUm is (Aprt SS-May M ) Peellhas of today from doing something your In- needed. a procedure performed only ally transmitted diaoasea (iT D ) 9 9 Whool of Fertina uncertainty could deprive you ol an op­ stlnota tall you oould be lucky. You n s o ts (Pab. aOMafeh M ) Don't be a fibroua plagua In tha penla, whan a woman's life would be may load to prostatitis, so the 9 Jhnmy SwiaMart portunity today that le e trma rleky. View won't know until you try. oonoarnad H you have to go eomaplaca Thia raauita In a curve (upward, threatened by childbearing (and presence of an gTD (such as 9 H a n yO the situation ob|aetlvoly, not emotional­ USNA (Sept. IS-Oal. ISl It you have to new today where there will ba lots of people you don't know. You'll fll in, downward, to tbe left or right) In requiring major abdominal gonorrhea) should bt ruled out 9 lama, iMtuna end Romonea ly. Ma|or ehangaa are ahead for Taurus negotiate a financial matter today, don't the pania when erect. There may surgery and a lengthy hoapital SCOTT In the eomlng year. Sand tor your Astro- be tha flrat to maka a propotal. Let tha tmoolh as silk. SmeoM IttM ltd by toata. (B) 3-2-1 ColrtaM ICC). be pain on erection and stay) to being a voluntary, If none of tbe more common ® tMeh Von Dyke > Qraph predictions today. Mall S.1 to As^ other guy do the aalling and you'll gat tro-Qraph, e/o this nawapaper, P.O. battarlarma. AMSS (Marsh ft-Aprll IS) Today, tem­ intercouraa may become difficult elective pnx», I back at home, comider doing sensuous shape of the Champagne, around the cities of see traced in ink the the Whole job while you travel. V''- small glass of sand I scooped up I bottle, to the bubbles that make Reims and Epemay. CHANMAGfK^Of^ Apath of a nuuaihon walk one hot Bring along a small mapler widi near fhe Sphinx. my mouth feel as if my fool’s ChamfMgne is far from a I cup water July day on the city streets, and your notebook. Write an entry in If you’re not up to such asleep. Truthfully, I’d love the health food, but nutritional / cup sugar. wH suddenly I'm sipping wine in the this joonul every day, using creative pursuits but still want to wonderful stuff even if it were content is not bad, considering 6 sugar c u ^ s shade of a sidewalk cafe. A some pages to sbqiie in keep all those treasures safe, put non-alcoholic because the it's an alcohrdic beverage. 6 lemons pamphleu and other items you magic map that can take me everything from one trip in a champagne experience is just Unlike hard liquor, there are '/j teaspoon bitters pick up along the way. Mflien back in time to a place box (if a shoe box is too snuill, plain fun. signiftcant quantities of vitamin I bottle champagne, chilled die trips ends, your memory \ thousands of miles away is much a gift box the size stores use for Sparkling wines have been B6, niacin, trod minerals, which too valuable to throw away. book will be complete. sweaters and shirts should hold pnxluced in many nations for is another reason I get such a Bring water to a boil in a Many of us ate incurably If you feel like exercising W centuries, but until 1700 the m ! everything, including the diary kick from this delightful saucepan and add sugar. Stir nostalgic, and pack rats among your artistic muscles, you can results were often unpredict^le, beverage. you kept while traveling) and until dissedved. Remove from us — I must a ^ i t I am one — decorate your walls with label it with the place you sometime gravely dramattc. Such an ideal party beverage, heat and allow to coo) until return from journeys loaded collages o f souvenirs in large visited and the date. You may hven though bottles were even though many people'diink comfortable to the touch. (fctwn with everything from picture frmnes. My fadier, who find some of what you saved available to vintners, their of it as wedding punch An matchbooks and p o ^ atd s to doesn’t have much patience for useful in planning a future trip. quality was temble and the inexpensive champagne is Meanwhile, rub the sugar cubes organizing things in frames, on the lemons to extract some of pamphlets from touriM In any case, store die trip resulting explosions very messy. perfect for this and most devotes one whole wall in the the potent lemon oil. Sqweze attractions and ticket stubs. cover both sides with transparent instead of using shells or dried boxe.. where you can easily find (Mien a French royal fete was champagne recipes. utility room to his collection. the lemons and pour the strained Pack rats can’t bear to dirow self-stkk covering. flowers to fill one of these clear them. The next time you read s i un-royally shattered by glass and juice into a mixing bowl. Add anything away, so finding a Since it’s right beside die back If you can’t resist picking up glass lamp bases, vrange some article about London in a travel champagne. CHAMFAGm FUNCH place to stow all this>nostalgia door, he’s reminded daily of mtachbooks or hotel soap, you of your trip souvenirs, such sb magazine sid feel nostalgic, just A Benedictine monk came to 3 ripe pineapples the sugar cubes and dissolve numy fun-filled trips. ■he rescue Dom Perignon. the can be a bit of a problem. There might do what a character in a small dolls dressed in native by digging out yom London box 4 ripe bananas them in the juke. CtdorfnI flat itenu, such as wine ccllarmaster of Hautvillers are several ways, however, to novel I read recently did with costumes, inside. you can go back to the Tower of 1 pound confectioners' sugar Add the cold champagne and postcards and brochure Abbey, was determined to make travel souvenirs useful mid his theatm tkk^ sh^: deposit Tables widi glass tops that lift London for another peek S the 2 cups fresh tenwn juice bitkrs, along with the sugar improve the safety of his readily available for brief illustrmions, cm be transformed the collection in a large glass up for filling a traylike aea crown jewels, smell the flowers 'h cup Curacao or Triple Sec syrup, to taste. Freeze this champagne-making neighbors. escapes from die problems of the into waduMe placematt « d bowl to grace a hallway table. undememh can accommodate a in d is English gstlen or relioi,'^ ‘/i cup Chambord mixture in an iae-cream maker, His tinkerings with better corks, day. desk blotters. Glue die Hems to Sevoal styles of lamps »id variety of mementos in a British style, in a friendly p u ^ 2 cups brandy according to the manufacturer’s thicker bottles and reduced A scrapbook of a trip poster board (cut to the desired tables now ays have been museum-like display. I’ve A trip remembered never f 2 cups light rum instructions. Serve in chilled ctlervescence were a tremendous Champagne makaa an Ideal party drink. containing a mix of photos and »ize) or a plain desk blotter and designed especially for displays. collected |dain old rocks from entb. ■ 4 bottles champagne, chilled glasses. , success. Serves 6. In IH42 the champagne story switches to Cincinnati, Ohio, Peel and slice frineapple and / large onion, minced Cooked cabbage should be Outlook where Nicholas Longworth had bananas. Place in a f o ^ 2 medium Cortland apples, soft but not mushy. You may 1.200 acres of Catawba grapes processor and using steel blade, peeled, cored and chopped have to add more water and HINTS and a flourishing winery. chop until pureed. Place crushed 2 cups champagne cham(>agne, as needed, while If you don't have an Despite the success of his sweet pineapple in large punch bowl 2 cups water cooking. To thkken sauce, stir ice-cream maker, pour into "Sparkling Catawba," and cover with confectioners' I tablespoon caraway seeds in flour mixed with a little water ke-cube trays and freeze in Confessions of a late-Uooming baker Longworth decided it was lime sugar and lemon juice. Allow to I tablespoon flour and simmer S minutes. refrigerator for 30 minutes. the Li .S. had a champagne of its stand for 2 hours. Add salt, pepper Remove and using a fork, stir own. remaining ingredients, stir and HINTS the frozen edges into center. •y Sylvia MMIoiiky so busy catching up on the gas oven with neither The reviews aie tremendous allow to sit for at least 6 hours. Shred the cabbage as if you You can substitute sauerkraut, Continue every 30 minutes until events of the past year, that not tem(teraturc guage nor timer V III, a gushing English reporter Add one bag (or more) of ice were making cole slaw. Melt but make sure it is thoroughly mixture is frozen like a thick have yet to find a scent My toll-house cookies looked lovely but until the smell of burnt meringue was, for the novice, a little like writing that Ltingworth's cubes or a block of k e to bowl butter in a casMole or Dutch rinsed flfst. slush. Before serving, pour into Russian roulette. Only the size domestic bubbly "transcends ths can compare with permeated the apartment did I and allow to chill for I hour. oven and saute onion and applet Chicken stock can be used in a mixing bowl and whisk lightly they were flexible. I had broiled them. . realize that I had incinerated my of the flame indicated the Champagne of France." We th s of freshly baked Before serving, add all of the until golden brown. Add the place of plain water. Six juniper for a uniform texture. dessert. ap|>roximate temperature. don't know how many ta.stings challah (white bread), champagne. cabbage and stir. Pour in water berries can be substituted for Try substituting oranges and Lemon pie was on my menu Before I developed accurate were needed to dravv such an cinnamon babka (yeast Serves 25. and champagne until the cabbage caraway seeds or used with orange juice for the lemons. camfxis where my husband and lemon pie we would have. judgment, there were numerous oveiwlielming conclusion, but cake) blended with the in the preparation of food. is half-covered. Add caraway them. To make this recipe somI a of fresh dill and (larsley Unfortunately, interest in the attended graduate school. And I Dorothy kept me company in the over- or under-baked creations. assume the journalist's research ' HINTS seeds and simmer over low heat I think '/* cup of instant potato non-alcoholic, use ginger ale simmering in chicken soup, consum|)tion of Mama's culinary did not even know where to put kitchen while I started over But we devised a solution for was adequate. For an exotic fruit flavor, for I hour. is a good alternate thickener. rather than champagne. ■ enhanced by a tts of delicately artistry did not diminish the coffee In the percolator. again; panuy dough, freshly turning failures into edibles. On French-born winemaker Paul crush a variety of fruits along spiced gefllte fish, proportionately. Before the end of the first week squeez^ lemon — no short cuts our budget waste was . Masson penned the next U.S. with the pineapple and bananas unquestionably the world's best. High school and college years in our own apartment, my for me. unthinkable. Cakes were sliced champagne success story when such as apples and pears. Fruits My sister and I returned from were a time for serious work and husband bought me a cookbook. On another occasion, when a and returned to the oven at a he brought some imported such as Strawberries can also be school each Friday to find these serious play: Extra-curricular Subtle! In one year I prepared bachelor friend was coming to very low temperature for a slow equipment to his California frozen. wondrous creations in a activities left little time for everything from page one to dinner, I decided to splurge and drying process which turned all employer in 1884. Six years The champagne flavor (and s ta lin g clean kitchen with its domestic ones. College yean page 603, and he gained 11 buy a steak. The wold "steak,” baked goods into zwieback-like later Masson went on his own, expense) can be halved by mirror-like waxed floor. And were spent away from home, pounds. I learned the hard way, covers a comestibles great for dunking. winning medals at numerous substituting two bottles of ginger Mama rarely seemed tired. and dormitory cuisine and My first effort at baking was multitude of cuts and a wide Over these many years I have international eompetitions ale. In pre-seitool days, when three-for-a-nickel doughnuts to make toll-house cookies. Easy range of tenderness. After our learned to cook and bake very includiilg the snooty Paris Simple cherry brandy can be Mama baked we were each from Woolwofth’s had dulled and popular, right? cockuil and hors d'oeuvres well, though unlike Mama, who l-xposition of 1900. substituted for the Chambord. WONG'S RESTAURANT given a small piece of dough to my pampered (Nilate. Seven-year-olds do it all the hour, I placed the thick slab of never owned a cookbook, 1 rely Masson quickly developed a I developed this unusual TAKE OUT SERVICE AND COCKTAILS roll out and fill with nuts, I planned to be a career time. Well, mine looked lovely meat under the broiler. When I on tried and true recipes as a notorious reputation from his combination after tasting the raisins, cinnamon and sugar. woman and to have hirelings to but were flexible. It was not tried to turn it over, my fork met start, then concoct variations lavish parties where a popular German classic, champagne ★ ★ ★ •CHEF W ONG* ★ ★ ★ Mama always had miniature assume all my domestic until I discussed my problem as much resistance as if I had which make the original singer once took a champagne sauerkraut The use of plain pans so that we could have our responsibilities. But fate dealt with a kindly neighbm that I attempted to spear a concrete unrecognizable. bath for all to see. The stubborn cabbage gives the dish a more Dinner Specials Weekly block. I was tmiling a round I often think wistfully of Masson was dealt a crippling own mini-desserts. We would me a low blow. Though learned that I had broiled them. mellow tone Truly elegant POST ROAD PLAZA steak. Mama’s specialties and regret blow in 1922 when Federal proudly, though undeservedly, surrounded by many scions of Later that year a college treatment for humble cabbage! 352 Hartford Tpkt. (Rte. 30), Varnon accept credit fct their the wealthy, I fell in love with a friend came for the weekend. I Cussing the butcher did that I paid so little attention to agents raided the winery, his Hours; Mon.-Thurt. l 1;Mam-l«;Mafn / Prl.-lot. 11;3Mm-11ain / tuiMtov ts-iapm production. poor one, the kind who worked was bound to show off my nothing to tenderize the meat. them, t know only a few. • “Medicinal Champagne" CHAMPAGNE CABBAGE By my teen years 1 knew I’d his v^y trough college and won newly acquired skills, and I We dined on tuna fish and salad. apparently violating the spirit of / head green cabbage, peeled 8 7 5 - 0 M 1 never be a houMwIfe; fellowships for advanced study. planned an Elaborate dinner with During that first year of Prohibition. and cored A CHEF WONG RESTAURANT homemaker was not a There I was at 22, married lentpn meringue pie for dessert. pre-calorie-counting days, a Most nations produce their 4 tablespoons unsalted butler designation in the lexicon of that and living in a $42-a-month 1 had just placed the pie in the homemade dessert was part of era. Therefore I had no interest furnished apartment near the ’ oven when she arrived. We were every dinner. Baking in the old < - H ^ j ?< ■ •»'«'• 1 a j .< j j ■» * •> Nepotism is aiive and weii c n ------F f l m c t e r By BobThemoa W EHE SERVING YOU BREAKFAST The Asseefafad Press notwrt DIMflttso LOS ANGELES - If John Huston can direct fiisdauipTter, Anjelica, In TOGETHER a movie and help her win an w a M — Academy Award, then why can't Tamar Simon Hoffs direct her and the Manchester Herald In m ovl« fliM ltrt r o d H U M f daughter, Susanna? Indeed she has, and while "The Oariens ef SIm w (R) Oirecfor Franets Coppciit* Allnightor" is obviously no "Priz* ! atiMaMa vtaw eH Ota Vtatnaat tUha ara aaaatad aa si's Honor," it proves that nepotism aroffttaittq. An aoantatad ataoy tor Amarteara is still alive and well in Hollywood. - r# 1 1 HAMVf UMAi. mvafvamanf in Viatnant, ''OarOana of Stona^ Ooaa "The AllMgtiter," by Aurora ’ l4ARW-f MSlAi 7 11 I M»«N1 sftoiv oonaidaraMa em » In fta eaating. Mid Individual Productions out of Universal Pic­ L ...... J aoanaa ravaal Coopafa'a fa cto ria l maatary. V e If a a tures, takas direct aim at the youth 111 rrrjT'ii'"^ .datvHdarlnfl and unaaBafyln j aaparlanaa ovarirfl. Tfia market. It concerns three (un­ niovla laefta narrativa ntonianluni. aaftlinqforarefiand loving students at a surfslde college corny dramatle affaeta, tiIndaloM about tha war and on graduation eve, rvrvtlCnfn mOOCFffWW. Molly, played by Susanna Hoffs, Tba aaltln« la Fort Myar. Va.. In tM t, tvfiara younp is frustrated after four years of no Army raerulta aarva In tfia oaramonlal Old O utfd imH significant romance and finally tftat prasidaa ovar Arlington Camatary. Training Ilia flnds It with rock singer Mickey naw meruM 8gt. daF Hatard. a pro-Army Leroi (Michael Ontkean), antl'Vlatnam combat vaiaran quiatly ivaU-playad by Tamar Simon Hoffs was expe­ rienced in the theater. She had Jamas C s m i (ralurning to Ilia aeraan aftar a flva^aar made two award-winning shorts, abaaneai, Ona of Hnard'a tralnaas, Jaekla Willow "Stony Island" and "The Haircut," (0.8. Swaanay). makaa a big Impraaslon on film. This the latter a Universal release. She idaallftic and callow raeruH can't wall to gat to "tha had also directed and produced fronf whara ha can fight tha rad warlntha)unglas. As V music videM for the Bangles, the AOpMie Jackie's mentor, Clatl tries to teach the boy a lesson he all-female hitmakers headed by will eventually, and tragically, lamn on hIs own; thd "In Susanna. this wM, thara la no front. Ifs not avan a war. There's "The project was developed by Rock star Susanna Hoffs, loft, has har first starring role In nothin' to win, and no way to win H." Aurora," Mrs. Hoffs said. "W e Just "The Allnighter,” produced and directed by her mother, "Gardena of Stone" uses the lather-son bond that wanted to do a youth-oriented Tamar Simon Hoffs, rights. The picture concerns three davsrtops batwaan C ld l and Jaclila to drive home Its movie with a backdrop of the beach, fun-loving coeds at a surfslde college on graduation eve. thesis th d VIdnam was a senseless w m which divided r va always liked the musical beach ganerdlons and famlllas. Rut tha script and D.B. movie; it's a classic American iwsanay's performance mdia Jaclila too bland a form. We felt theilm e had come to figure to ganarda much dramatic confitct. To contrast do another one, and three American tours. So 1 established themselves In the rock wHh (ha all-mala Army "family," both man ara given "Susanna, who spent a lot of time literally got off the plane from a world with their first two albums, making movies with me, was kind tour, came home from the airport, "All Over the Place" and "Differ­ love intarads; Cldl falls for a raportar and peace and all the actors were there ent lig h t," then hit the top of the I activist (Anidica Hudon), and Jackie woos tha of our consultant. She was the right age and had all the right Ideas about reading the script through. The charts with the single, "Walk Like enthusiastic Rachd (Mary Stuart Maderson). Female next day we started shooting," an Egyptian." characters have seldom figured d the center of what the main character should be. She had always read my scripts at ‘"The Allnighter" was (limed all She grew up with strong female Coppola's films, and the women here are no eneeptlon. home, and she would take the part over Southern California but role models in the music business, !< ' The movie feels Incomplda. Ifs worth noting thd of Molly. Pretty soon I began to see mostly at Malibu, where the Hoffs she said. Including singers Joni Coppola did bury a son during tha filming. Perhaps tha her in the part, but It wasn't at all live. Because of its small-campus Mitcheil, Dusty Springfield and director was emotionally unable to give his all during designed (or her." atmosphere, Whittier College Dionne Warwick. And her mother the rest of the shooting, editing and post-production "Mother asked me if I was doubled (or the movie's Pacifica was not concerned that the rock shaping process Certainly, someone should hsve Interested, and I was," Susanna College. Mrs. Hods co-wrote the world was fraught with noticed the dark, lugubrious cinematography as well recalled, "The problem was that I script and produced as well as temptations. as the overblown musical score, which keeps telling us was on tour with the Bangles. 1 went directed. " I have so much confidence in my what to feel and when to (eel It. Coppola's dad. to three times, and Japan, Susanna Hods and the Bangles daughter," Mrs. Holfs said. "She Carmine, wrote the score: another enample of a has a great way of focusing on her father-son bond In action. Oradei goals. People like that do not get distracted by the traps that are Forever, Lulu (8) Tha edabratad West German associated with rock'n’roll. To her. actress Hana Schygulla ("Marriage of Marla Braun") Theater Schedule It’s Just another form of art.” i I comas a cropper In this midaken Identity comedy that seems to take Its Inspiration from "Desperately 3, 3:43, 3:30, 7:J0, 7:30. — Incident at Seeking 8usan:"'BQr(hera's nothing Inspired about Channel 0 (X ) Sot mlclnleht. — The ' s H o w e m the IHm. It's com plddy, laughably Inapt — ona of tha Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) 8at year's worst boo-boos to data. Oradai w midnight. — Heavy Metal (R) Sot CWCMAS ______. . - JoodPoMwr midnight. (N) Sot and Sun 1;M,T:40,S:tS, V:2S.— E HARTFORD rif N «w horn# vidtot The Assault (PO ) lo t and Sun 1,4, S. VRRNON 1J t' eiae 1A I — Tin Men ( R) Sot ai^ Sun 3, |(A (•>' , A . 7. A ■ ‘ N i I !• A I » •>' 4:1377, f l l — fxtrense Prelydtce (R) I L'.' Al M t-NOON '-MOW ON. > Sacral Honor (PO) Vadron, $69.96. This 1964 Sot and Sun 3,7:10, f:3 i.— An American .... A;' •• A ' 'il.N A HOI ‘I A • Robert Altman film version of a monodrama by Donald Tall (O ) Sat and Sun 1:30,3:13. •» |.< A'. IL’ inAT ^ '.AtUL'MAv Freer and Arnold M. Stone Is a compelling curiosity WIST HARTFORD NMUR IW thd works vary wall op video. Philip Baker Hall stars as ■im 1 A 3— Tin seen (R ) Sot and Sun 3, g a iib e ib a dishonored, drunken and paranoid Richard Nixon Cinemas 1-t — Le tlw l- 4:13, 7, f:30. — Rxtreme Preludice (R) babbling Into a tape recorder In his wood-paneled Sot and Sun 3, 4:13, 7, V:30. BEB a m u - study In the latter hours of Wdargda. A "political WILLIMANTIC ^ U.A. The Cinemas — Hunter's Blood myth" about Nixon and his career that bears plenty of Nelslno Arltono ( P(L1I) Sot 1:1!S, 1:10, (R) Sat 1:36,3:13,3,7:30,7:36,11:30,Jun resamblancas to history, tha movie achlavcs moments $;IS,...... 7:45,...... t:SS, midnishti idnTshtilu Sun t ■ l;)0, 1:36, 3:13, 3, 7:30, 7:30. — The Oote 7i4f, V;M.T..„ — PraLectPraleet X (PO)(I .. Sat_ (PO-13) Sot 1:30, 3:13, 3, 7:43, 7:36, ' m s T of besotted, lunatic grandeur. araSci *** ^ — — 1. . . _____ 1>:40,lOiRVf itSI.m»99t 9ilVtS;IO, 7:10,.«!40, F.Af* T»Wr n :IS i Sun 11:36; Sun 1:36, 3:15, 3, ?:45, 7:30. — 13:40,3:33, 3:)0,7:30,0:40...... — Ishtar...... r(P) Ishtar (PO-13) Sot 1, 3, 5, 7;15,_7j1S, Down by Law (R) Kay, $79.96. Independent film dt 13136, 2!4S, S, 7:30, 10, 13:03; Sun 11:13; Sun 1,3,3,7:15,7:13. — P ro le rtX cn maker Jim Jarmusch's follow-up to his smart, deadpan (R) Sot 1,3,5,7:13,7:13,11:15; Sun 1,3,3, •7:13,7:13. — extreme Preludleejl R) Sot "Stranger than Paradise," this exquisitely shot Si ...... 1:30, 3:13, 3:13, 7:30, 7:43, 11:30; Sun m m black-and-white movie succumbs to self- 1:30, 3:13, 3:13, 7:30, , 7:43. — Rolslng , midnight; Sun Arliona (PO-13) Sot 1:M,■ ■ 3:18, 5:15, PIAIOON consciousness and torpor. John Lurla and Tom Walts . — Hof Pursuit 7:30, 7:30, 11:13; Sun 1:30, 3:13, 3:13, GET YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF THE MANCHESTER HERALD star as a pimp and an out-of-work dee|ay who meet, (P ? i3 ) io t 1, 3:63, 3:13,“ 7;15,■ 7:35,7^3. 7:30,7:30. along with an Italian tourist. In a New Orleans |all cell.* 11:33; Sun 1.3:05,4:18,7:15.7:35.-TI— Them m m Oats (M- i 4) So) 1 j o , 3: K, 3:30, 0, 10 V7INDSOR ON SATURDAY MORNINGS AT THE FOLLOWING McDONALD’S LOCATIONS: Having two |lve downbeats like Lurla and Walts In one iT-SO; Sun 13:30, 3:30;S:30, 0,10. Plosa — Tin Men (R l Sun 7:13, Sot UINALWIAFON ■ movie Is at least one too many. With his wacky timing, 7:30, 7:40. 46 West Center St. 1221 Tolland T ^ k . IbSBMBMATMAW-IIAS 1261 Burnside Ave. 89 Talcottville Rd. 30 Lafayette Square Robert BenIgnI supplies what energy there Is, as an UAThsilffl^ ^ — Tin ORtVB-INS _ Manchester, CT. Manchester, CT. East Hartford. CT. Italian who speaks In American cllchas. Oradet ww and Sbn1, sTit, 7:13,7:40. — Sems Kind Monslleld — ''Crocodile'' Dundee Vernon, CT. Rockville, CT. of WendsrtuI (PO-i3) Sot onersun 3, (PO-13) with WiseOuvt(PO)Sat-Sunot MVMLYHUS^R ■ 3:30, 8:40,7:40,7:40. — Police Academy dork. — The Aristocats (0) with Songot Film grading: www* excellent, we* good, *w (air, IV : CItlieni on Patrol (PO) SotondSun the South (O ) Sot-Sun ot dork. 3 * poor) mANK AND WNBST ®Sr EsS TSWW nUMNITE SrCSsrtStM. HAOAII TM HOHmM.1 fcrWklroWR* K ? s ; s-m / ^ N Y P t A c P B u t VM4.K UW5 AM f^YPTIAH af^crrep/WHAT ------y CALIPopNlA the LAST T IM ^ VWE ACROSS W HRdPiWi n n a n pran n n n n UAt^P«> THfiT^e t7BllM> :i.irau nna ::,r:ino ttnytoiMM HHon nnn rannn 5 T A P T e p nanuntiH nppnn tCon«Br H o n u n n H HWtr DHOon nnranninQ •a 5 ~ICb t1 WMIWII aoR nncin nmn ItMMMkit □nn ocon non mMah(n4 VWMl we PIP? t2tnn*4 naopaora annnn o n n Plan WW OWOS Mch CsesW DOWN annno nraaoana s c o n ranp nonra t h i r h a n t o m s v l m M k % *y Bsinr WHEN THE WIND (NIVIA vouHADraa^sr wSJ ItViMlM ronra rann n o n n ^TMW TtU «AfP«'‘ t \ ^ 1 M H » » ^ i O U W»SM^ I S R I S H i ; r It ThlM (tl«l.) RttrJ SEED BED OnED BEERAMeHEO ITWitarVIM CANTEU.'iCXl A MUCTBEMOmC WHO J ROTATOBSAND T H A T f e ItOtMIMl 23 AMntMWtt 43tyn»Mc R I Q H T ... W H A T H A L F 20 UneonMnwd. 4CNMW TO m u . C H E R R Y R E 2t74kMin(M4 Twpns H C W D tD THE TOWN IS •WeMy (4amb.fMK0 27H4n|«nN 44IMM F O R S U P P E R , ifc22 ■ Fwton^ > 3 Atu NW T O U E A T lN e r . rVwTIf ttrIniwlhM 2IEMMMMr W ___ «M7 OfDNfrVtJU^ 21 Hapoon vm ttwotn ttSNttMln K H O f i f 32Mm M 7lai AMa Imttwiwnt ARLO AND JAMS • by dhiMiif M m w m ICwipanr 30Stim‘ mMt 4TTrit«l 331> initbM (0 31 A4M 3t Prani 3t0nMy 34S4BR____ 4t Cdumm 37 Sm 80BtW|4«n8i4 41 ThMMr lOWixMl) pMMfaMCy n SMpppn / 42nwii( Itled^iiMni 44 VMM 21___ e«lpt 4tEnp4iti 29 usmrwmi 32 Stou Intton cf tfHppOtM* A U E V OOP

' O HtWE'E OCHA THAT SCRAMBLED WORD OAME by Henri AmoM end Bob Lee CEEEQOEH EW lA UAACMB SrJSnDstN Unscrambto tlMM four Jum Hw, ITNsrIhsydoOK B M a m NOaCEEWOEEAN one lelWrtoMch tquara, 10 form tour onHnaiy words. CIWME. O EDCEAN ... RELBY N O R IN 3-IMT A dangerous chance unless his partner held the DWENAX EQCB i n i CWC 13, O A R heart queen, so he led a low heart to WJSSt the second trick. Declarer won with *3i;r e s :* double CBEItRINE XOWMMQS S AJtS the seven-spot and led the queen of di­ ♦ Alt* By Jaaws JaceEy amonds, covered by West's king and CEEJCE.' — EAXA CAMKS dummy's ace Declarer now cashed WEST EAST out two more diamonds and the A -K of IC nl((< oi«s ♦ 0««S Two liearts was a Jacoby transler X IN a A . W A K It t 3 W« bid, first popularieed by tbe Jacobys spades South then played a club back PREVIOUS SOLUTION "OoO shouM not be Ktdgnd on SK74 E«32 some M years ago and now used by a to his king, played a club to dummy 's the bnam ol the worM ~ n w just oihe of hit rough ace and ruffed a club with his heart tketchut . ' — Van Gogh. WHAT A HAUP- ♦ 0 3 2 ♦ J » « 7 € mayorily of experts in tournament WORWMA 0(TC M - play. As many of you know, that iwo- queen. He now led a spade. West was asAfWRpg-ts SOUTH down to nothing but hearts, but he n n m PIAMR HOKFULLY ♦J«7«2 heait bid is artificial, requinng part­ ner to bid two spades, after wbicb the could not prevent dummy from scor­ « » T 5 . ♦ 07J CAST AW EASY ®%r CreekeA^eal^ respcmder clarifies the strength of his ing a trick with the J-9 That made two ♦ Oits overtricks for declarer in two hearts K m p voor TV pictur* LJEEPPO T H E V U . N E V E R CAPTAIN EA*V- ♦ K 3 haM. Because the transfer bid is arti­ than* urtlh truRURnt d co n - Now arrange the droled Mttere to doubled and redoubled. form me surpriee anewer. as sug­ ficial, an opponent might double it to Ing ot Hi* i cru n . Use q WANT u i : gested by me above cartoon. Vulnerabte: Easi-West direct the lead. That was the plight of Lesson: Be careful about doubling mIM Mob ufllti wQlRT or o Dealer: Noitli poor West today With A-K-lB-E-d of artificial bids for the lead Sometimes Wt of gawmoma In wolur. T Y Y Y K Y Y Y hearts, lie thought he was sale etyough the opponents have a surpnse waiting •r MR* l « Erv IhorRUBhlv. ADS Answwffsra; niBVoM Batt lOr you 2 W» to double, asking his partner to lead a If vow hovo on RRira (Answers Monday) INT P a n loiRVltlon wl no ono Dbl. H elM P a n P a n heart against an assumed spade con­ i; KAPOK SWASH TIMELY NIBBLE •A new book by /antes Jtacoby and bis wolcliot. why nol or- GET Veeterday’s P a n tract. That was a reasonable plan, un­ What did man* and papa buffalo say when •Jacdby lri*B*er til it buckfired. North's redouble end­ falber, the late Oswald/acoby. is now chOREO tor ooah with o meir youngefw left for aohool?— tv »ilM e at boofcstores. ft is "/acoby •our-ooot « d kn CtattltlodT I ■BYE, SON' (Neon) ing the bUMiiig. RESULTS Opening lead: W K Weal led the king of hearts. Whew he OR O ir d GawM R' ' pubHaAeid by Pharos • o -tn i. saw the dummy, he knew he had little Books It. r.o. am uw, ottma*. n. anna TmmUMm Tips Legend at the crossroads CLASSIFIED ADS 643-2711 Th« fellowtno arc BHIbMrd't hot record hita as they By Mark Fritz tlonal meltdown of rock, blues and appear In next week's Issue of Billboard magailne. The Asseclafsd Press Jazz made them gurus of progres­ nmicm Smimm fraaarfy...... u frrfarfaiftmarif...... a Sartn luaaitat ana sauiamanf.. Copyright 1987. BlllbMrd Pubileatlons Inc. Beprlnted sive rock. Miarf Araatyfy...... M iaaaaaaamarfacama Tar M Sauiamarif...... aAfSt: ffa4daya:4Vadi)MadriMd*arday. with pormlsston. DETROIT — Eric Clapton sita In Cream broke up In IMS, Clapton Lvtf/rvwnd...... MarfsasM...... V Caratfifry/Mmaflaiina jt iaaradfiariai Sauiamanf...... formed Blind Faith and then made awnMM...... WarrtM fa Say...... M xaiftfiaa/raaarifia...... U taaff and Marina Sauiamanf . a hotel suite high above downtown ZkrmtMittmMi...... Saafina/fidina...... tt Muficaiifamt...... U ar mard daya; M MMf m ffna t«r day. Detroit, sipptni Perrier and specu­ a solo album that produced the hit, AUtfIMM...... M NSfltBlS aiaariaa...... m camaraf and Snafa Sauiamanf WlmfffVVM W Hot tlnglM "After Midnight." After numerous aimmctoi...... Of ,, eiaafricai ...... N raft and laaaiidf ...... lating about the blues. xaarMfaratdfJAa glAAaS...... "sl Hfafiaa/fiurnaiaa...... M Miicaiianaauf far saia fMASUNM: Sar claaiiffad adyarfiaamanfa fa “ft's such an old platitude, but It's * other associations, he then created BmsfaYrnMt A •dveoftsm MM^wvfvvWtftB M v n r •.••••> "5 MUaaiianaaui Mryicat. ai raasaiat...... aa auafiiMM tuaaday m m tth lafurday, ffia l.lIVlth or Witiwut Vou" U9 (island) one ot the finest rock records ot the cafiAimifiidrftl far xarif. MryitM waafaa...... U Wwitsd fa Suy/trada daadiina it naan an ffia day vafard duMicaftah. g.“Looklng For a New Love” Jody Watley (MCA) true." he says. ‘Td like to meet M#t»w«i<#a...... 11 HafMf far aarif...... Sar aduarfladmanff fa tia auMWiad Manday, someone who knows how to play the era. SItiMtIsn WSfllM...... 1> tfara/Offtea ttaaa.... a.-The Lady In Bed" Chris De Burgh (AiMi "Layla and Other Assorted Love SuiImM OMivHunllln...... 1) Xaiarf freaarfy...... ::u MarchandlM flit daadiina it 1:3B a m. an Sriday. 4."You Keep Me Hangln* On" Kim Wilde (MCA) blues and live a happy life. An artist inttfudiati...... i< indaffrlaf Araaarfy...... ■2 Mellday/saotafiai...... ,, Autamativa has to put himself In the position ot Songs” was the only studio record enwIaytrNwrt Mrvlett...... If \ Oaraaaa anfl Sfarasa.... ' 'S Anflduif and Calla cf Ibitt fl Cart far salt ...... MAO voua AO. ciaitifiad adyarfitamanft art 8 “Died In Your Arms" Cutting Crew (Vlroln) real crisis to produce. I don't think cut by the group Derek and the saammafai waafad...... ■w ciaffilna...... 33 Trucat/Vanf far faia...... lanan by faiaafiana at a canyaniancd. tfia 8 “Heat of the Night" Br^n Adams (A8M) •" waafadfa Saaf...... -w rurhifura...... 34 CamMrirtraliari Manefittf ar ffaraid It raiaantiMd far aniy ana he means to do It. No one wants to Dominoes. But many consider the Rtwi Bstata TV/Sfaraa/Aaallaneti . 31 Mafareyelti/Maeadt inearraef intarflan andfban anfy far fha tita of r.“Blg Love” Fleetwood Mae (Warner Bros.) live on the edge.” 1970 record to be Clapton's master- Hamn far tala...... Maablatry and Taali 34 Aufa MrvlcM...... fna ariainaiwnai intarflan.l< errart anicn da nal 8. “Always" Atlantic Btarr (Warner Bros.) work, a selection ot tunes that candamlnlumt far saia...... SSfYlCM La«n and oardan 33 Aufat far Afnl/ Laai*...... ina yaiua af ffw advarfitamani «lll nal The edge has been a tamiliar taft/Land far Saia...... Cliliacart...... 11 oaad tfilnat la Sat , . 31 Mlicaiianaaut Aufamafiua ba carraefadraefad by an aMlIlanal intarfiaintarflan. 9. "La Isla Bonita" Madonna (Bire) place tor the enigmatic Clapton, the rippled with pain. invttfmfnf f>raaarfy ...... Claafilna sarykaa...... 13 Sual Olltcaal/Sirtytaad 3» Wanfad fa Buy/Trada 10. "Talk Dirty to Me", Poison (inigma) reverb guitar virtuoso who biased The title track was an apocalyp­ pop trails In the iMOa, tied his tic plaint of unrequited love, a song rock-idol Image In the '70s and now that grew from his affair with Patti Top LPt seeks to mesh man and myth with Boyd, then wife ot former Beatle 1. 'The Joshua Tree" US (Island) music In the 'Ms. and Clapton friend George Harri­ Noflen HILF WMiTSI NELMfMITEO I Milp WANTED ImiPWNiTtB I lilP WANTED 2. "8llppery When Wet" Bon Jovi (Mercury) — The day after otaeld-out show at son. It was a musical ttnith but a ■ *> personal low. It marked the begin­ At 0 condlllen preesOefit fo CARFENTBR. Molf/FO- Platinum (More than 1 million units sold.) Detroit's Joe Louis , Clapton hit olacsmsfit of onv odvtr- RN Nursing Supervisor. FULL tims, lOlf- JANITORIAL Molnto- FART Tims posiflons moio. Minimum 3 yi- 3. "Look What the Cat Dragged In" Poison (Bnigma) looked healthy and tit, beard neatly ning of Clapton’s addiction to tislne In fbs MancMifsr Ht- Now taking appllea- motlvoted, Indtpend- nonet. Lockor room. ovollobls. osnsrol trimmed, gate steady and pene­ ERIC CLAPTON heroin and a growing rejection ot rota, Adverflssr hsrsbv tlens for our Baylor ent person to be clorleol. Pisxibis — Platinum responsible for obtain­ rQ^f*9DDi • Fold hours. Cox Coblo, 646- 4. “Llcensed to III" BiMtla Boys (Def-Jam) - trating: He's more comtortable . >. nsvsr ssttlM down the guitar-hero Image. - osrsM fe profset, Inpimnlfv plan. 7pm-7dm,shift. day for an appolnt- now with his role as rock Icon. Clapton kicked heroin in 1974, ons heia Hormlsu fh# Work Saturday A Sun­ ing pdtiont Iniuronct fflodleol, Ilfo ond ro- S409. BED Bmplovtr. mont.S43-SSW. Platinum cftMfsr Htroia, ift omesst day at highor rot# of Informotlon and oov- tlrofflont bonoflts. Coll AAa. HospocloB and But at age 41, the stormy personal released "491 Ocean Boulevard,” a Mteid---— daaiMiasBi austo , In 0 fast pqeod Arbor Acros Form. Lo* 5. “Oraeeland” Paul BImon (Warner Bros.) — more laid-back LP that featured 222 *22? i!fflfa2r*uS; pay and hdvo vaur growing sorvico orgon- Ptadnum Ute that has always been the soul ot so I need to make some money tram ofia on ifasfiify, lott or wgokdayifrtt. ifintM- opodles offieo. gg^Souclor. S834M1, Izotlon with brondi of- his kaleldscopic career still produ­ the records. the reggae hit "I Shot the Sheriff” oxaonto,oxponto. inelualM oftor- ^gd» plfdM call DNS ftunleotion skills 8.“Whltesnake" Whitesnake (Gaffen) and married Boyd In 1979. novt'..ovt' Vffts./orjiin# -.. , . trsm Sand profossldnoilsm fleo locottd In Mon- DAIRY QUEEN ?."Tango In the N l^ f PMetwood Mac (Warner ces ample Inspiration. "My atUtude from the old days eiMmtrf * -•rsfsril- at ertsiftgid canudlts- i i e i iT 'AIFf/PicdpTfon. ehostor has full tlmo "My Ute Just geU more bitarre was, 'Sorry. It they're net selUng on "We've separated at the moment cot, InfrtnsMWfll of etnl Hofflo/Fonwoed nocOMdry. Data ontry 1st for growing B. Hart­ ogonlno for tralnoo In M4 Mwttwi Rtid Bros.) all the time," he said. "It doesn't merit then I don't care because I'm but we're atui very much In love,” morki, froM n sitt-SISLM-F, and iniurcmet bdck- ford eormwny. Must . our Mombor Strylet MiMhiitef CT S-Info the Fire" Bryan Adams (ABM) ever seem to settle down." gMng to go out on the rood and he saM. "The shame ot It all Is that vteWtiM oround htipful. Bx- hdyo good stoffterlal /Domostlc Trovol B.“8l(pi O' the Times" Prlnoa (Paisley Park) Clapton wrapped a U-dty tour on make my money that way.' Now, t everyoM looked on It as being the fondM hours, fiomo skills and frlondly ptr- oroo. •oslcioogrmmy S ^ rosumotOiEMrfs lonoilty. Contact Mrs. and caminunicdflon It locritlng (or prpfpr* 10.“.k>dy Watley" Jody Watley (MCA) - Gold (More April 17. His candid and controver­ have to reaUy bo cMSelettS about perfect romanee. We had to live up WORKER. Biiinglan Nwdieino and Ortho* rMilV, • woirarl to than 800,000 units sold.) sial authorised biography by Jour­ trying to make records tiiat wUI sell to this kind ot Illusion. The strain grtdr mull bi dwt to - ____ get so bad three or tour years ago ilee- pirtorm pdlnllng, » S T 'a T J f e worn dayi. lO-s, nalist Ray Coleman went on sale In and also preserve some ot my In •omt egrptfHrv and WfV.r'tlTKf; Manehoitor, Jllehara the United States last year. Integrity at the same time." that we both eracltod." _ JfS bv IM.__ variousdgK •n, 44S-78M, ox- MorMpy IhNHigh FrH Country tlfigltB Clapton became more eta guitar •oms minor pluifibing yoiyintnow onk-utod dgyrWotirlypdy

i i U m n c E HiSICRmif ,f33bMbey ^ w a ★ ★ ★ B i m •AWW ftSfSSS- __ _ ffm/ _ Jf PYW- FAPvWiM M MuHii ^IfC^ 4 Day« for the Price ef 3! WVmfSS'JSli '4tf4H/ rwueb YoWf Atofncwdiffr iBIf ^ MMBN fWfQVfOvOTflVVyM fvmrwwwm &BBB B&BBBLuuu^^ BBBBBBB. PUCE YOUR M> ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOUHE RU SET NMtDNMMf NRYM X <£T?S*3l!5 m m m BB FOR THE WEEN. JUST ASN FOR TRACEY OR RKNE M CUSSIFIED. MMf MfmMftt unSSi am m6 ON, WSRev N*r w e/MEtif ®tr s«M!F OMiFN Pu^M^iBrvNw WW 9 9 tm^ iwf. Minifii/ wPP M - « f 7 4 SWfBi2S* felWBBraT ~ e WWu ___ U M ia ___ wjjj« ourCN LdO* pf«ne^ AlAWCMtStCR. OWIN No o m . ______... _ AWn^. AvafMDW M Promlor Loreiffmnf fer. 130 Dreefisroef •fHiiiYj:9 reemCowetwi4 ijBMl i efHMfff tfrM. Bvtry- Croofo yoor Aio/* Drfvw. CtMrfbffWdbOd- mM0 0 fO¥kM ttfCM- wr#0?fT rfSfyHr WfTrT TTtTw rOvfFT ,M IPV Cff HFV w TV fttt f&ca1 i&0 , Sow Y room _ _ - _ vFffy HR SSory lAV M f*6 ttn0 t, frafnfAf/ Hi vaHM bof mokes H TmSttnBTtiSSi M ^ R y . AR C m m u . firfra Mrt* mrepfotte fn Ry- ' ... 9WW weceNew bpRiiif by ifone y work. j t f tf y_ Bwoed- Ofoino Bfonebord A RosseNo. TOI room pfo« fOMfOM Reofty, 447-0193.0 B m b r 44444444444444444 044-2412. "We Dooron- ^lllliaMjijM 9O0fw fwlffBcfr^*' VpvfFT ooMo umtmirtftnM- bium w m sr^. M i i r m e r ' i # Beil Eltite ort for eovoroO OoeK, StMwn wtm pride. All fee Our Nooses" .o im M H M ItlO tM M li stow* OF, eummsr teem oooorofo fotmOry oroo. SOtlTrt Windsor w ^SSBt. lokory of condoml- fc o l pr« B&JHMflHl e^^dMpn I cStkXiliiNe. oonoroM eftoO fwo eor nfom nvfnp, bof you 3133,900. 7 room spIR oforoeofot R O U T E 02, VE R N O N oorooo. Ofo *of wfm hove the prfvocy of o level locofed on o o ^ resMUrf m spadonfe •ooefoeotor yfotoo. col-dedoc In desfreo- m " ToSrnf/ucflnal sfn^ fomlly reswmce rfr rflfCPVFffKP w0f1i< Jv* ttame repolrs. you m m S m m m m i m m *40m EliBSIu TW* »* o*‘mtftf •##" and ft Is In fmmocolote ble oreo. Llvlnp room sepR Dumas. MRfy ^ fNMN^dfl- SIONer.ONsemSW. *2006 bouM >f yoo'ro (ooOfrio condlffon. 2 bedrooms, wRbwhlfo brick rofsed n ^ It, we do R. Free An r««tf Mfaf« 0M tHtf4 fn for lofi of room. Soofry beorm ffrepfoee. Eof- MtMMfes. insured. 443- 1>A bofbs, den, ffre- assSSs* erit 3 ‘. Idtttc stomstAaMmsw. 252*0406 TfSe fWVrTCTTeWTVf nWTOFO rl rmn tefofo. m - 4m .o pfoce. Portloffy fin- fn kRchensyHhMPiofn- f« fM MtrJfMMfM isbedbosemenf. Wimin ces ond custom co- __ r/nwMMauii oneorS t WMCof ^ M ^ WObsr.assetruwfW. *0 «y«MW AWw99 9 B 0 * * > S80her.ossnM4dr. *6406 rMffM) noMtf «• f«M/ e«(of / room U R UdH Minutes fo MoncbMfer I • f«»7 ey mBA. M CONTRACTOR syiwaMtfMMse SSeuMmOUirooe. *8488 f0Uolon, f« orwr MMMMmiTvi Conffmporory/-mof Country Club end Anon- ofnflnp. aa.^.a— dmjm a44 isiwai siofdiovskissw. *8788 ofMn. or on fnfonbo< InfoCon fo ebesfer Community nmnsTTC’es. For PIBpisOw wm ofo VmS Mem MAM 1604 offors oyor 3200 sofMiro r l ^ V r W M *11,488 nm o ony or roof ony oOyormo- lorpo fomlly room, sun 3134.900. Coll US fer on B iiiir-am ib OTvFfnnnTw wiewir rwm ^ornw CTj4wiN.. Only " monff w1 nfm H tn yfototfon of room, 4 bedrooms, 2 oppoinfment. Reoffy cbenondilkllmoster ------■...... rooms. Fixtures IneteRed, 4 i 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 M W II U m U K N I I V W ssonswMBiw. _ firoplocos olr eondf- World Benolt- bedroom. NiMly deco- 3 R O O M opofTment.TJo NRWLY Renovotld. PAINTINQ ^ 340Miou«s m 4«. *10,886 oppllonces. Centrally Close to f- , st and _IvTOv ■nV ileo oommerolil wlrlnp p B L I V I P I N O or Sundoy, . . B RIlfM r W T floftlop ond muefi /Rrecbetfe Assoclotes. roted mrouptiout. Sld- 34 1 W AAMW^U OfVovv YwrnwvWY, r SSOfMW.OSMksrWss. *8786 m done fO yeere expedenoe llCfl Tdrfll IIMirfld 9 94 aMmmMaa AMMiM Homoo—fro m lf (U ro- more. il39,000. U A R 444-7709.O Inp, full bosemenf well locoted. 3470 plus se- 2nd Roof suites ovaflp- AkAS^ —-a AM- yofB . curRy. No pets. 444-2424 ble. R ^ Includes utllf- W nPvy lllMle^W, yWW vW* Roeneed end tufty Insured. oofr). DOfffNH^ f(M RooHy.ti______A Double Heoderl ^pSril londscopod lot In Free eetlmeles. 872-9111 newer nefobborbood. weekdoys. tles. Peterman Dufid- 44444444444444444 orooorfy. NopOMte- B O L f 6 N. ^oINornio 4 4duplek In Moncbes- : . swMasft.r'"' - S S - ' •loM. eon 1- m w - ter. Newer yinyisfdinp. Excellent storter home /SraWCBHTiiTTiewl fnp Componv. 449-9404. 433 Spin. Loeofod on 3 -f In excellent condftfon. M f -4 4 9 1 64a«f396 4 4 1 ^ 1 0 4 • 4 7 JMS MOO. Ryf. OM.|Me for ocros, Includfnp okfro Mony Interior Im­ bedroom duplex. No 4444444444444 «444444d444444As4 «44J44444444444J currofH repo llif. bulldlnp lof, mis unlouo provements. Hondy lo­ D. W. Ptsh Reolty. 443- pets. 3723 plus utilities. ^Bvrr?8ffH?ToNrie^^ / U A N g H i i m iRomfl"iny homo consists of I cation, close to Moln mmS&miJSLmSLmmmm 2I9-237I. Evenlnps. OupiM. By oppolm- rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 Street. Excellent In­ lAir Hortford. l bed- @WIty StK 84423 monf. 4 room> i btd- boms, fomlly room and come producer. Ideol room. 34M plus utlll- reofflt oocb. iAeollont 2 cor poropo. Much Investment or owner 0 SWBT"* ties. 340-1034. ^xsTirrr'vTney^ (eeoftofl. 1300,000. romodollno bos boon cccupled property. 3 r 6 o a A oportment, Avolloble weekly June- Ownor. 04F-4I14. done. Very spoclousi 3141,300. Jackson A MANCM RTST MW stove, refriperater, Mptember. New 3 bed­ Not 0 ‘‘Drlvo-By". Jockson Real Bstoe. condition.fit Northflelihfleld heat, corpetlnp, neor room cantemporory W3rch3wdlS3 BISSP^ BE® Bi®®" M A N e H W T CT/i'fomny Must see. , . Cope, fully equipped, fn pood eonOfflon. 1113 900 447-I400.P______Green. 3 bedroom, 2 Porkode. No pets. near Edpartown and *REBP!f“?!“!“!!S?r** fnnRfTHToTloeSnJm ^■sar w ii*" "^100" vor- SKlJSERAToJre^R Nowor roof and sopor- Strono Real Bstoo. 447- A UNIQUE Arronpe- full bofbs ond 2 Vt Older persons pre­ ______TlgST^end Indud*,: 6 ifl. pawt* tl§4rlpa, WAS South Beach. 443-3337. the^robfem has been amt fa,dli*l. IMIMIM. A w f M UM «a. iM wlo, ofo ufIMftos. Excollenf 74M.O mentl A perfect In-law baths, dinine room. ferred. Available July IK'Sco r ^ ‘9410 cosh flow . 1203,900. Mouse. Sunday or teenopers apart­ Completely carpeted 1st. 3423. coll 443-4302 Evenlnps. NOW finished basement, CoVfeMtRV Lake. Rur- B m m ontli 'u. Oood condition, 61,000 Texet Cellected en Orond Llsta tata-tiaa a h a S PSkijt mouffi Suburban slo* High mllos, strong Noada work, boat oNar. mllta. B2200/bost otfar. tion uroBon. Ooed m n 91M4M L « *19,216 avarytblnB. Till, drive train. Notds Aak for MIko Caron. Tetel Celleellene n i4 t«.4 i M Licno Limmv CAMti LINCOLN - - - n^iM| Bm a B 6434616. SSHOtBBOMawai *9.996 crulat, alr,"Klllar ,9 * 9 -5 5 4 1 ______Total fmoe, inlertt end LItn Feae Tunta" atarao. 937B0 aemo body work. S900. rOHEk ikybowk. la st TumaO avar te Trtoiurar uo to 4/SSrf7 tat.14344 offsr, CaH afiar Bpm. SSOAnAUANfMaia *14996 6ftar. 643-4990 *m u m TOWN CAR ils: SSiANCMITUndO *11,416 firm. 449-9991 afisr BIOHTH UTILITIBB DISTRICT 9pm. avanlnpt. IRNRST n. MACHBLL. TAX O:OLLICTOR Lo«4ftf wM oflty 7JOO iNMt SloelMOMfrom ^radssiiiaH WB SaHOOWNMer. *4.666 64S-« WMM. tlv * llocfc 1979 custom built, now aSVOVAOBItPM *10869 migiiWiHiiMMWto % the flSuelary en or before Au- HW6A ATe turo and oddNanas BMb SSOTiTnwn—I *12>H2 autl \ t, IN I or be b o r ^ oe FuN pewvr •quiptiwnt only 40,000 mMo your Choico BIVB lIBB Uw BBBB1B ffiWfl Grand by lew arevlOaO. 1st ownor. jjiieoitBBt aSALLIANOtS*. *8,666 IfMCMBMlMOraioCMM H^M man. SM or boat wWtalew coatCtosaltlod S4MLIANT4*. *4796 Jehenne M. BruPer, ,*4Mm 44»«m. siuOAn % % AtUtlent Clark AbsoluMy eiwyOilng Ineludmg ‘BoM’ <6895 fsronbeounmimu % M 6 The flOuclorv It: •toroo, only 94,000 mHM MMsMa«W40r. *919B SSTOYOTA OBLNSA *3,M6 Jetoph D. Lonev 19M MIf ToFMMio ColMlb 912.4M SB OnmO Frill, Lo M. *7M6 SS DOOM asst*. *4.B6B II VIHapt Hill Drive Equlppod wWi tlM «rof1it Inotutfng SB OuBssa a Or. *7IM DIX Hint, NY ni4t lam MMS powor moon roof, only 91,000 mlloo B4 Marsuls (■rsob.) *8206 875-3311 Si OsMwn aOOOX *8896 NOTICB TO CRBOITOR9~ BB OMC Jimmy 40K *7886 BSTATBOP OUSTAV MICHBLITSCH, TMt WMk’t SfMial BB Uno. Town Car *11,600 Lete g^UUwdyeter. B4 Oran. MemulB LB *BBBB SmaHFiy Lynch Motors W i Sefl and Deiver 350 New 1M 4 ClM«r«l«t Crniar* U S B4Mas0a88A4 0r. *8190 The HenTymnom e . n ti- Automollo. Loidod, plus glaso T*T<^ Oerold. Judae, et the Court BBIamuMJIFAJ *8BM and Used Vehicles During the Month of M h - et Probate, Wttrtct et Men- B4 Maaan 8008X *7B0B ehoetor at a hearina held on Mev 11,19“ ■ ...... that ell *9899 BB MasOa B3A Lua. *BB0B dell mutt be oretentao te Over 500 Cars Are Tamed With menouclorvenerbefereAu- MORIARTY ouW I A I N I or be barred oe SpecMLoWgr g L d w P r iM bv lew orevMed. Jbboraw M. BruOer, BROTHERS AtlltlenI Clark SOI Cofildr tl. The fldudorv te: Morv MlcMinteh MMielMStBr, CT CAUANBAiRroR 14 St. John dhfoel 643^138 Monchetter, CT04040 p .e o v t O V O T ^ *8 ON SALEIj 9SS4I 2M JWaflM K , Mnchtsltr FindInB o cosn buvor for BILL PICONE! ItM Hama you'd llkotesoll NOTICB TO CRBDITORS Is oosy. Just lot our rood- JOHN JOHN euim Jiin|uiiE ors know wtMt you hovo 190S BUICK RE6 AL KMIBC, SR.. Lote of for solo witn on od In Monchotler, beeeeeed ______2 Door, Sliver______The Hen. Wllllom R. Pltt- Cloaolflod. 443-ini. Oeroia. Judoe. el the Court of Prebate, Oltirict et Mon- chotler ot e heorina hold on 1983 MAZDA RX7 MOV I, IN I ofdired Ihot all dpimt mutf be breeenled te Q 8 L , Q oM ______theRdudoryenerbefereAu- eutt 11. IN la rb> be i barred oe bv lew prevldo4 Jehonno M. Bruder, 1904 MAZDA *626’ Anlelant Clerk 4 Door, Gold______The Rdudorv It: Lemo M. Kmlec m HloMond UnMl 1984 MAZDA '020* Mendietler,'r.cTsa o N LOOK 2 Poor, Burgundy FOR PLACING AN AO In clot- TNR tlfled It 0 very eosv. 198S NISSAN STANZA timpid procen. Jutt dial 5 Door Htichtiacli, Blue 643-2711. Wt'll hdip you word your od for maxi­ 5 * 1 4 4 2 mum ratpontd. I 1985 CAMARO M yfi. Sport Coupe, Copper A pretty dreu for the litUe girl, with contrait bib, collar iNsniiiKNai and aleeve. Make it mono­ tone also. UMRIWIIFF No. 144S with Photo* Guide i» in Sizes 3,.to 8 TNENOntMM years. Size 4, IVt yards 46- inch; contrast, yard. SALE ENDS MAY 30th miHAHA Plaaaa Stota Slae. i(tAttlH(P4D! 3 3 % ^^*'^‘**PwitiM ■■•ra.. ^'*'*^ 19ja M•■“A ^ N m **?i BSt wP-*j*L*!d paitMt laS IMbbi iMb snUsdi Is SR TBW osr. ■stisiam r e r n J S H m m a SmiPTiwRSP&C”' Bask FASHION — Photo- I ^ li I GoMt PolMrat la oB stasi nwasst spadol Groce Cob 600 W. Center Stg Manchester 646-4321 i CiBn Ueo tor torasr dMa; ■aS a BONUS Coapoae! s.SStSAaaaoa* * * « a * • 4, 4.^.. - -lm - r

■iwtTH uTiuTiw wrrweT ■tadronlc SF KN Madleal Saaa 3 • S« 4 ». W a a ». 4 w A f MHwewoiwwv Hydremeewivelue I Oanarator» StationN iR f P U C A L Y IA I I ilH * 1. MW SMHan a t Imarauamanta SPORTS Raalaciimant af FIratiauta raal r W fliwnin «aWV^»M Wtlm B^T0TI*iW m wi tataa ■STIINATaO m VINUM Tam t CaHactoW* M.S mWt) s ^ r J U s T j a x g m rja i.w ias'a lw>a>awiw10S7 Budaat Coaltal Rund JULY I, MS01 [IL SA 1007 By Ed Schuviar Jr. It rained Friday, but the forecast was t141A«a FUBLIC WORKS OBFARTMBNT MSMOOa 0 10.17400 Tha Assocldlad Prase for mostly sunny weather Saturday, SALARIBS Chackbaak balanca • 7-MfSO with the temperature in the 70s. PROROSBD •UO*rr IKraNDITUM B FuWlc Warka Sual. 0M41S Racdalu Alysheba. who won the Derby by Adminlitratlen Sudani 1377.004 FuMIc warka Imolavaa 10.000 m o taxaa and oddmom «M.7|1M BALTIMORE - Jack Van Berg, Wfo Dapoftmant Budaat 400.410 F«1>nma Bmaiavaaa 11.000 Bocktaxaa A710.M trainer of Kentucky Derby winner three-quarters of a length over Bet AuMic warka Oaaartmant Sudaot Cmoraaner Ovarllma 1.000 4411.70 Twice. Is the 7-s early favorite. Bet 1.040 Intaraat an taxaa Alysheba. believes he has enough horse 01410.000 Woakand (in Coll Iniaraat an Bank Accaunta 44400.44 Twice is S-I. with Cryptoclearance, ' 0 obiow Ir a ar WaaaaM charaaa A404.I0 to win the Preakness Saturday at iawar cannacNan chareaa 10400.00 Pimlico. fourth in the Derby, next at 3-1. Avies ADMINIBTSATIOM SUDSST 10O-M00 OFBRATINO BXFBNSBS Unlan St. oaaaaamanta 7.703.04 But Van Berg is leaving nothing to Copy, thira in the Derby, is 19-1 Araaldant 0 )>!S CanKnaancv Fund 0 3.000 0411.33 Also entered were Gulch. No More Dtradara a • tSSO aa. 3400 Inauranca ' M.OOO AOI4.30 chance. Trooaurar 7.000 Aula Allawranca Olatraaaad pranarlv rd la l 0410.00 Katrina Owens. Miss Preakness of Flowers. Phantom Jet and Harriman. A017.11 Clark Suaallaa Mlac. A rafunda 1994, attended the annual Alibi Break­ Gulch finished sixth in the Derby, Tax Collactor ii^ a m a n l Raatacamant 1.00043100 while No More Flowers was 19th * -> ui'J Rata Makar 1400 fast Friday at the request of Van Berg Talaoliana Tranatara tram aovinaa M740A00 . • m - om ca Stall 1A000 because 1994 was the year he won the Harriman was scheduled to arrive at VaMda Ixaanaa 1404431.00 Pimlico about 10 a m. Saturday from C ladrldlv race with Gate Dancer. IW i H#ot Alysheba also is staying in stall IS in owner Bayard Sharp's farm at Middle- ORSRATINS SXRSNSSS Bulldina-Oraund Molntanaca ADMINISTRATION the bam housing Preakness horses town. Del. FamlanFund Salartaa ConMnaancv Sadal SaeurHu _____ ^ 4.M0 instead of stall 40. where the Derby " I don't think you've seen the best of Sandina • Inauranca Unamelavmant CanmanaoHan Oaarattaa axaanaaa him y e t. . knock on wood.” Van Berg Aula Aliaaranca l-SISS CoRltal axaartaaa winner traditionally stays at Pimlico. in t e r c e ^ Cheree said of Alysheba. who will be racing^or l• n N Anam rInB Sarulm Gate Dancer stayed in stall 19. CoH Batara You O lt Tranafara la aavtaia Van Berg also plans to wear the same the third time since underoing throat Stallanarv • Saaaltaa ^ ___ ^ surgery March 14 to correct a breathing lauliMnanI - Sarulea Caniroela UnIfarm Saruica 71li4044 brown suit Saturday that he wore on MRMr , ^ Ta laakana FUBLIC WORKS OBFT. Derby Day May t at Churchill Downs. problem. Sadal Sacarltv Rental Baulomant l £ Salarlaa ^'That's the only coat he's got.” Alysheba will be allowed to race on Data Rracaaalna (Tax Sllllnm) Fun^naSlaHan O a w ^ln a axaanaaa Lasix, a diuretic given to horses who Audll CoFital axaanaaa quipped trainer D. Wayne Lukas, who ■nalnaarina ■ will try and win the Preakness with bleed. No Preakness will race on Butasolidln. an antl-inflamatory medi­ CAFITAL BXFBNSBS Loofcinforthebigoiie after finishing out cation, which is legal in Kentucky, but j marj ancv Saumr Braaka FIR B D B F T . of the money in the Derby with the entry fwnffiw of Capote. War and On The Line. not in Maryland. No medication Is RuMIc Aanranaaa Qaar al taa axaanaaa allowed in New York, the site of the Advarltaina S400 ttSllm<dRvSw * CoaNol OKSonot "I thoui^t his race in the Arkansas Raatata hSjCSwtooereiaedne Derby, when he ran mcond to Demons Belmont Stakes June 9. Waman*a AwxINorv New Aaaarataa Fund Caattal axaanaaa OO/SO huOaal 7441149 Begone, was a big one,” Lukas said. In his first start after surgery. Ranalon Alysheba finished first, but was disqual­ {ta !?A 0^ Ddua W^uawMaur - * £ « » trainer felt, however, that Lookin- Sadlna Orluawov • Forklna Lai fortheMgone was not seasoned enough i f y and placed third In the iH -inile CARITALIMRROVBMSNTS to start in the l>A-mile Derby. The Blue Grass April 39 at Keeneland. Preakness is 1 3-19 miles. "If Ita runs the race he ran In the o n iN Imarauamanta BBANOTOTAL 04IB44i Rraoaaad Rlrakaaaa ■ Trunk U n a S i s 8 Demons Begone was the betting Derby, they will not beat him,” Van "tiV io o ______favorite in the Derby, but bled and did Berg said. “ Now. he might not run that way Saturday.” BIONTN UTIUT1BS ” *^^.y,*SS!!nB T*^ not finish. He is the third Derby winner TOTAL AOMIMSTATION SWOMT 0377400 Saulnaai t at Manchaalar Van Berg also said he was not u|»et by ANNUAL FIRB MARSNAL>S B »O B T iSaulnai in six years to miss the Preakness. The HRS DSRARTMSNT SUOOST MSM1M iSautaaa others who missed, because of decisions Alysheba's half-mile workout Thursday manhairtOtflOCOttflWI— UO in a slow 90 9-9 seconds, which was a SALARIIS by their owners, were Gato Del Sol, 1991, Bank ATrual result of an overcautious exercise rider. n ra C h la l 0 1400 SSSffissASiaffrtsia^ CBTChachtaaocd. and ^ n d a Buck, 199S. A F photo AaalatanI O ilo l Pleasant Colony, 1991, was the last " I still have tomorrow to put a little OaauIvCklara a»a»5s^s!ra«siS!«K *«^ winner of both the Derby and Prea­ tip In him ,” said Van Berg, who plans to Alysheba with exercise rider Joe Petalino aboard takes a gallop nra Marahall DeetanetaBtande (Saumr A Fire I breete the colt through the Pimlico Btaailna. Child Oov Cara Canlar and llauar aarmita wara kness. He then finished third in the around the Pimlico track In preparation for today's middle Jewel nralnaaoctar IM-mlle Belmont. The 11th and last stretch Saturday morning. JU could Caatalnata-SSN). Of horse racing's triple crown, the Preakness. Alysheba won the Triple Crown winner was Affirmed In have walked him up to the race.” UeutenanH (4401) The Preakness will be a hoiAOcoming Kentucky Derby two weeks ago. WfliVaV MWm^WaVata SJsaSfflsansaR^^ SmaSlaMh r^ IQih 1979. Daaarlinani SacraSarv Carry auar accaunta Alysheba will face eight other S-year- for Alysheba's Jockey, Chris McCarron, Fire Alarm Sueerlatandent been riding with an eight-ounce stain­ l i S i K B olds Saturday. If all start, the 111th who will be seeking his first Preakness races In 1979, and most of his winners in Aaaiatant Fira Alarm Suai. less steel plate and 11 screws in his left Fatal Syalam ss^sssa»saff-s=® BBTTY BADLOBKI. F^akness will be worth 9943,900, with victory in his fifth try. the 1970s were recorded at Maryland B t y g g ' g L r leg as a result of a five-horse spill last Dtaaotanara (4) TRBASURBR $411,100 to the winner. A B C will televise McCarron broke in as a Jockey in tracks. Oct. 17 at Santa Anita. He returned to 'o ilM from 4; 30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E D T , and post Maryland in 1974. when he rode a The California-based McCarron. who «1 0 BBFBBT FBOM FBBSIBaNT national record 949 winners. He won 499 hit the 4.000-victory plateau in 1099, has riding March II, 1997. OFSRATINSIXFINSS time is 9:33 p.m. Cantlneancv Fund 0 LOOO Inauranca 01400 IlMlM •••• ——-.-vr; » » < Ckial Aula • OIRca Sxaanaa v o r lw w® Su^laa NBA draft lottery to determine Robinson’s future I VfV^aVTfV I VaMda Maintananca Mmum mrauahaul Iha uaar. ___ tlo c lrld lv Haol RBSFBCTFULLY SUBMITTBO. IhaTaumtaanofM By The Assoclatad Prtss him from playing any games In the N B A for two years, Polynice of Virginia, who played In Italy last season; Sulldina Molnlananca - Raai ORANVILLB LINOARD utHaalholhayaorlaanovarl------iv a r lh a r j and that has some teams worried. 7-9 Chris Welp of Washington; 9-9 Armon Gilliam of Fanalan tamd FIRB MARSHAL -______NEW YORK — The team that takes Navy center "We may not want to be the No. 1 team this year,” Nevada-Las Vegas; 9-7 Reggie Williams of George­ David Robinson in next month's NBA draft may have San Antonio President AngeloDrossossaid. "There’s a town; 9-3 Kenny Smith of North Carolina; 9-9 Dallas R»a»iyaRwiBs Vbxrzsfassssxsshs-JssK to wait two years for its ship to come In. danger that he might not sign in a year, and you could Comegys of DePaul; 9-9 Dennis Hopson of Ohio State camlna vaar. and 9-9 Derrick McKey of Aiabama. TOO The Manchaatar Flrapaaartaianlramandadta 409 otarma Robinson Is considered the beet player available, but waste the pick.” DaaorimanI Duaa' |4^H la linarava Ita aarulmta WolarRanloir' ' •r tala llacd vaar. Thaaa umra m SHII Aid 'atataaMha his two-year commitment to Navy service may alter Joe Axelson, general manager of Sacramento, said IFunSa MU AMrma.111 the strategy of the team that gets the No. 1 pick In the team that geU the No. 1 pick will have a tough Although they are not in the lottery, the Seattle SuperSonics are very interested in the outcome 5 . .1 ao^mfl^WVaVVTa^m* Rm c m T ' ' Sunday’s draft lottery. decision to make. aa^WaWu^^ma "No one really knows what Robinson wants to do.” "If we get it, we’ll have to deal with it.” he said. “ If because of a trade they made with the New York lalMonainea Rof. laved BvIrle^Ram n R®® ®®N®®*aaum lloiSw said Elgin Baylor, executive vice president of the Los we get it. we’ll have in the neighborhood of a month to Knicks last year camaany 1 Thara era 14 aHIcara In (ha Oaaarlmanl. 19 Taum af Manchaalar. Angeles aippers. “ He’s In good bargaining position to find out what it means. All we know is that Robinson is a When the Knicks acquired Gerald Henderson from " i i K i U ilitr a and 09 aaoarataa drtuara. Seattle In November, they agreed to give the wait two years and do what he wants. If we get the No. I great player" Our aaaarataacandtlaaf lour aumpya.1ana alauaOad aiaA FfOn*lwOTT Mtafrval V f of SupeiSonics their 1999 first-round pick provided it CAFITALIMFMVSIMIITS truck and pick, we'll press him to answer those questions" New Jersey's general manager. Bob Weltman. said wasn’t one of the top three seiections. So if the Knicks lOOrairHaaa ...jFum ara- The Gippers are one of seven non-playoff teams that the team that wins the lottery has three options landuaaradad iFM andara* aant la a natural hy-aradud. draw the No. 4. 9. 6 or 7 pick Sunday, it will be turned will participate in the lottery, which will be televised "You can pick and sign Robinson, then wait two lytaharmaonea naurumlar I Mv aaraanal and daaaaal manka la lha ualara at lha Ota over to Seattle New Yoiit would thm end up with the irtdItarlhaliT anHdanca taaltauitaamata raaraaantiham. N live by C K . Hie other participanu are San Antonio. years." he said. "You can pick him and then trade his 19th pick in the first round . HaIr t f iVOamSSm i• # i M The TrajMiw OMHan » y^.caoy ^ ta Indoadan h am r. Phoenix, Sacramenlo, Cleveland, New York and New rights And you can pick someone else.” Faaca andhlaaotaotaaWalyau. 7-foot Robinson was the leading shot-blocker in This year's lottery will be slightly different than the ^ H a S ^ ^ ^ y o (Camatota) Jersey. two previous ones Under the new system, the team WVIa^N Oa #WTl^a The lottery will determine the order of selecUon for the country last season. He was also among the LmS!aii4 W?dMllSo0^ **” ^'^^^^"****** with the worst record in the league (the Gippers) will the first seven ^efcs In the June 13 draft. naUonal leaders in scoring and rebounding. BIBBS BMOdhUtllttloaBlolHd be sssured of getting one of the top tour picks. Robinson's military obligation will probably prevent Other top players in the draft include 9 -II Olden Sports la Brtef ScoiwiMiafd Sports ia Brief BcimbiNlfdl

ManeliMt«r InvItattofMl Mt today grtlth a ll Archmry champtonf announemd AmtrlstR LfN|W fsisNf BsM bafl MMEISoia «,R RMutaVH^nE R Tbc■M._ tixth^i^AW amraal------• Oraater laanntiaaf^rManeheatcr t«Mft*«#lpiPi«fImritatlonal The Connectient State Indoor JOAD Archery T«fM f, Rfi l« 1 9 Trac* and rield mast will be ataged today at Pete ChamptonaMpa were held laat weekend at HaR'a Arrow SANFRMI WIgren Track at MaiicheMer High School beginning at Indoor Archery Range in Mancheater with the following •M TM f a k r R M •;M a m. There will be 17 achoola partldpaUng, A E ad reaulta; , Inducing Mancheeter High and Eaet Catholic. There (rood Rex I Mike Mihalaa of Cheahire waa the overall JOAD InsI JonesJon« W 3? will be twedivleloiii, large and email, with teama wing Robertson winner with a total of 433. Teddy Malt of EftingtM and .1 i^ |fr for team tropWea. Mancheater and Eaat will be for tno winners By LEWIS WITHAM David Hanrahatt of Manclwsrter were aecond third, T . lUi nits, Includlni I oflds^rftbv ». Lswfi If n competing In the large divlelon. ifwtofldpon reapieetivefy, with acorea 4W and 403. Grace tflnokl^of i l l : Mork Conwllt. Take the seasons Ted Wil­ itheFormina- the Choate School waa the glHa' overell winner w«h a 1 il S^ISleSkrhMfOUr (OonSush liams played (or Boston (16, 19' iMl Ouf II and nod t^ee, Morlo C o z^lT, tbree,TM, (toRon fo excellent acoreefIMI, ^ « Bm I tattlMlI to ploy two today Nivisen two, John^MeAvov two and or 22); multiply by the 20-win " hPo In other categorlea; Matt and Adam Putnam were rniHRiviianu seasons of Dodgm Don Drysdale aecond and third In the young adult (18-17) age group. The Eaat Catholic High baaeball team (114) will play oeSfnaeninadflveMlsand^ (2, 4 or 6); and subtract the a doubleheader today agalnat two different achoola. two errors. _ ^ ^ . -----* ------"* ■•ivlelon. Craig Stondlnss; irond Rex 44, Monetie^ batting titles won by Stan Muslal ___ phd severi zwereaecond vmcrnneTi 8 S 8 U Eaat win face Northweat Catholic thia morning at 10 at ter Medleol iJipplv.H, Oentle Tourt (5, 7 or 9). cotci suraiys brood ttei:k were iOn f7 wuatu M oiiai^ Field and the Eapea will cOme back at ^.m . Cor Wash 2-1, Cummin#'s Insuronee |-2, fOVMSal J.C. Penney 1-3, Jones Londteooln#d4. reaoi 41, Reorl Scontlc Noovflj Mini to boat St. Joaeph of Trumbull, alao at Morlarty Field. PAYOFF: The answer equals 8iVer, (Sole W ___ lllimqntlc lIHSiW lysfl Trout MlloneaementMaemem.Ai Area, Fen- WIU! oryan ^OWISS si newrwp SWUira. y? vaBrnw VI the total World Series Innings .jt hiTi Pond, Mf. Tom Mancheater waa third in the c a ^ girla (up to 10 yeara pitched by Babe Buth. PfWS Summtr hoop roglotrotlofi tot old). & In Junior compound bow competition, Erik Durbaa of miHMUtMWf Mancheater Hec Department will hold aummer pm,,,ra"!rs«iwS'-'Si Mark Docelbs h(rf ^ •’•’•LriiSl! "'fflSW’**- Olaatonbury waa the overall boya’ champ with a total of league baaketball team reglatration on Tueeday and te - /. - 2 X 61 qMMBNV 433 with Juatin BuMinell of Eaat Hartford third. Marcl (1), Wedneaday, June S-8, from O-l p.m. at the Mahoney Rec WInniaer's, Kevin Mereditti hod' two M ean of Olaatonbury waa the girla’ overall winner. f u u 1 Center. Buahnell waa aecond In the young adult (agea IjLID _ IF N RM ••30 Team reglatration la on an In-peraon baala only. '^andlnas. ! Olbson Ovm 34,_____ Maneleties- m 1M7. NEW8PAPEB ENTERPHWt A88N Ota. .. ter Police Union 34, Oem Machlns.Machine 2-1, divlaion frith Keith Dunhem of South Wlmfior third. ‘t,7:0Sa.m. Completed roatelv and team entry feea are to be LM pm 1-1, Wfnnlfer's...... w.mnostlcsl-2. Oymnostles 1-1, Durbaa won the intermediate (agea 13-14) divialon with 7:08 p.m. k 5 i «w W* fH ♦ I Z I < preaented at thIa time. Boater forma can be picked upat Trash Away l-2<1-2, PM Constructionr 1-2, Butch Lampreeht of Eaat Hartford aecond In the Junior yn. the Mahoney Rec Center Monday through Friday. Mtonchester (Ml Heat 114. (agea 11-12) divialon. AndReedSlaterand Jav Vonteuof Mp.m. I liiii ,l:0S p.m. There la a non-refundable team reglatration fee of |48. Mancheater were flrat and Mcond In the cailet (up to 10 There are a limited number of opening. Allpartldpanta W nm n’t Rn __ SSpjn. T lf in 4. InSffM S Pickerel tishina It m r at Amos Lake yean old) divialon. w ork, 1:Bp.n muathaveavaledRecmemberahipcard.Mlnimumage Allied Printina deteated The Homw- and wyostup Lake. _____ „ ______), l:i* o.m. for aummer baaketball la 18 yeara of age. tead, *-1, at Charter Pleld. ClnW Pike fithinal* (air on (heConnecticut (Sneinnan at. it. Louis, 2: is p.m. CLBYELAI^ 3M LlWnpston hod three hits to lead AIMed RIyer o ^ d t ^ t o m L r t e j f ^ e three For further Information, contad Carl Silver at the Prlntfna, while Ai^e A ^ y hod two Club dinnmr tlokmts aYallablm Rec Department at (M7-S0I4. and Cindy Kenney doubled. Jeon Blose reports of flth In the U to M Inch ronae . at9fSS!iJfiMa,'7;'es p.m. f/ipN . i |in I were recelyed. ^ ^ EAST HARTFORD - TtcfR^ta for the Eaet Hartford 0 04 Ditched well. Per Homestead, Carol coach's (Torner H , conn^euHlanl Flthlna tor ponflth It fair to aeod and P ^ had two hits. ^ _ , and Trust 3-t, Mimdjetter ^oeerty W Improyino statewide. BullhwNM me Exploren Tap-Off Club "Hall of Fame" dinner on AmirtsM iN fM iHnSnii i'll] LOS, Pottrson toeond loading hlttor Stondlnas:...... Century ------* 21/Undsev MHcormler Real Hlahlend Pork l-l, Tleriw’s M. Aeadio olentlful at l i a n ^ Lake, w m aorden Wedneaday at the Marco Polo Reataurant at 7;30p.m. * ^ * i a r k 3 . Restaurant 0-2, MCC Vets 0-3. worms the standard belt. Calico boss DuneonM WEST HARTFORD - Junior Rrat baaeman/out* ■I.D.W. Pish tresulfsofceluml• ------iM aLake^ are atill available. L o im ft oin Pub 0-2, catfish ore prevldlna very UConii baaketball coach Jim Calhoun will be gueat ' T T r fielder Chiia Petersen was the second leading hitter 1 Insurance 0-3. A Cnrtril on the Connecticut- “ utRf Rjyer, wKme< white apeaker with awarde being preaented Paul Grogan, Dan NSW York hr. ml MNWCK ID with the University of Hartford baseball team this perch are else e aeod orosaect Mllwoukao 11 VS spring. Petersen, a Manchester High School graduate Monel je had M hits to 1 ^ It still yery a c ^ en the Pandlacia, Tony Donato, Fran Bugbee and Liza Tofonfo 36?0 Dusty Forr’s,!rsr«HSJttOerold Field. For c o W M Iyer...... but tlewlna enc the Benettleri. f attlmers li where he was an All-State performer at third base, Manchester Athletic demolished Cycle, nom hod three hits, Farrnlnoton.ilnoton. Scott Gray will be the maater of ceremoniea 17 batted .176 for the Hawks, who finished 11-27 overall. Army and Now, 12-3, at Keeney Field. steye' two and Dennis Seimonmen Report:Rec___ Throuah Monday 17 7VS TetoN » 1 3 S ,'Cf 2 Petersen had 32htU in lieat-bats with three homeraand Ken Medeen and Phil Stonemon hod merhlna,ilna, 14 AtlantiAtlantic salmon haye been For tlcketa, contact Ray McKenna at 823-2620. 11VS — .—. ug HP iia_j Btyoht ft ] two hits ter Manchester, while Wayne ‘■Vo"%o^‘*s,*SWl wilietthodtwohits, confirmed In the Connecticut Rlyer VOMfitteb 3 ( Sit^p 6 0 0 0 28 RBIs. Petersen alsomadeinroadsamongtheschoora Parker hod tour hits and Bob Tests hod Ron Roy hod two. Bob Roy hod two and system. Nine (Ith were trapped at the " T r Fd. isssr^ B H 8n Treylnapn career leaders and now stands at the topof the Hat in hits a home run tor Army and Navy. Mike Crockett hodtwo. Rainbow Dam Fishwoy ond tlye m UmpirM nttdtd for Rto it nu Holyoke on the malnstem of the g 1? IJ 87 412 4 (81) and doubles (17). Connecticut. The Manchester Rec Department needa baaeball Rg” II ta-V W In the pitching department. East Catholic High W ist lid s umpirea tor Ita youth baaeball league. Theee are paid —jramma product Mike Oarbeck posted a 2-3 record with a 8.06 poaitftina. Anyone intereated ahould contact Carl Silver tsota II b) !—SSf* Purdy Coro hod 17 hits and help on to Qaklotta H ^yj ooma Wlnnlns REI — Noh#. ERA. The sophomore left-hander walked 32 and struck deteat Thrltfy Packoge Store, 13-12, ot G o lf at the Rec Department at 047-3084. ftxos ButiTr (81 E-rDu.nean, Srioiela, Sax., DP— out 26 In 32 Innings. He pitched two shutouts In a row. Paaanl Field. Joe Karowtkl h ^ three dtlcoee . hlH, Terry Colyy, Ted Llnaord, Robin Lotai IttOr . IF N REE SO Olterondo, Doye White end Bd Kohe- Little League Stophonton out for tlx wtokt Dsb-elt. 4, ’«SV-Cltvslanil 3 wlet eoeh hod two hits lor Purdy. For Oilcaoe S, tiwm 0 SwmSSi s i-3 7 3 3 S S Kim Mlittko on all-ttar squad Thirtty, Steye Strotton hod lour hits, R inlsrt Roll S e irn M^psptp nnssoto 3, . Boston.. 1 H^tajr[oj|ti LJM 2 33 3 1 1 0 2 Mark St. jeon hod three, Tom Kibble, INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Jan Stephenaon, Injured In an auto accident this month, will miss alx weeks on the IF M E ER IS SO CHESHIRE — Kim MIzesko from Coventry High Steye Eotono, Dan Murphy and Ed MALVERN, Pa. (API — FIrst-round Rillonil Firm I AM AMIMIM School has been named as one of the members of the Stratton hod two hits. . . , LPGA tour bMause of broken ribs, Dr. Lewis Yocum Toi i4otSwmonW,14 1 S S 0 4 ValM^laTiS 7 Slondlnos; BA Club 24, Thritty 2-1, The Lawyers smashed theOllers, 1S4. Now YOl n) Connecticut AAU girls’ 16-year-old team Blue Ox 2-1, Purdy Coro. 2-1, E4 ward 347 Friday at Verplonck Field. Corev Wry sold Friday. Hulimonn pttthod te 1 battar In ttio TO). f $ M that will be going to Clovis, New Mexico. In early July to 1-1, Food tor Thouaht 1-2, North United A^yord, par-7D the c h e ^ Valley Oolt had lour bote hits for the Lawyers, Yocum, the LPOA’a medical director, re4valuated Umairas^omo, jyantt Flrzt, Btaml- represent the state of Connecticut in the 1987 National Methodist 1-1, Cox Coble 0-3. Dole Doualoit 33-31-44 while More Forslfino hod th m ond Stephenson at Ontinela Hospital Medical Center .-lltomta, 4:0S p.m. 0(^1 so^^.aa^'niftti.ceutlni. Junior Olympic girls’ basketball tumament. MUImiJarber 324S-47 Josen oeldbere and Jen Pentllle hod Thursday after the pain persisted. He discovered that .,.1(10^, 4:0S p.m. 3433-47 key hits. .Wovne Colombo was the fig in l winnina pitcher oolna the ^ stance. For she had suffered two broken riba. xmii Dory Player 3334-47 I MO lust barely bem Manchester mre Tommy Aaron the (tilers, Eric Btesnon hod o triple and IriifM R. RIntN 8 and Police, 3-7, at Poaonl Field. For Joe Jimenez Mott Welnicki hod sinales. Whtti Iw B. RinHrt 0 Tcicvisioii aiid Radio IMO, Dove Ookey hod Mwet hm»i Roh Partont, Crawford raeuparaUng 'M MIelese, Andy Lett and Rick Thibluer 3334-47 each hod Iwo hits.for ManchMier Fire 3444-70 INDIANAPOLIS ^ Drivers Johnny Parsons and Jim [|,T:S*p.m. oEeiiM ondand Police, Bob CtdeTl( and Jock Huehee Crawford were reported in good condition Friday, b J:H p.m alLk.M TODAY hod three hlH,hits, while Ray Shedd and I; 18 p.m. — Chiba at Aatroa, Chs. 22, 80 John C«Carlson' Hockey recuperating at Methodist Hospital from Injuries they ^'*"■1:38 pm. 2 p.m. — Golf; Colonial National Invitational, Stondlnas: Construction 34, r lembrtskl received In separate crashes at the IndlanapoHa Motor In.m. Ald?s pl?za 'l-irMudyllJeJirneMudytlle ■ ■■ft, Nlchoit feiuntat I Channel 3 Strone Real Estate 1-1, Keith Realty 1-1, illint RapmIwav Ntw YoH ,4 :irm . 3 p.m. — Golf; United Hoapitala Clasalc, ESPN Nossitt SdoHs 1-1, IMO 1-2, Manchester ^ w f o r d . the most aerioualy Injured driver among a*P I 3:80 p.m. — NBA Playoffs: Sonica at L4kera, Fire ana Police 0-3. NHL pliyufl pM urt those who have crashed during practice or qualllica- 9 Channel 3 ' tions tor the May 14 Indy BOO. apparently fought off an Vltp e* ** 3 1 4 p.m. — Orioles at Angela, Chs. 22,30. Rte 3443-71 CP!«FiMENCT. P . ^ Infection and fever and has continued to In^fove, Bowling 4:30 p.m. — Horse Racing: Preakness Stakes, Chs. 8, Mon^ester Pitta celt., IS hlH ^EWnyitah' A'betrerf la m e n to n wins doctors said, .... SImmM 1b 2 0 40 and defeated Teleohene Sedi .74, at He waa reported In "excellent apirits" by hospital Nike Field.- -Tony ny PowellI _____pitaier E iitirn Rw Im n s s u 8 p.m. — Motorsports: Indy 800 time trials, ESPN ter the wtnnefs. Art Newell. Den PhlktaelphleT^flSnlr5yi^ officials. M 7 7 6 7 p.m. — Giants at Mets, Sportschannel, WKHT a weed mid Kevin Morse hod three Basketball wins series 4-2 Parsons underwent surgery Thursday .several hours I ter Manchester Pitta. For after he crashed Into the Speedway’s flrst-tum wall I p.m. - Red Sox at Twins, NESN, WTIC Telephone Sedetv, Stuart Slblev hod STANLEY( lU 10 p.m. — Yankees at Mariners, WPOP two sinales and o heme run, while Bill r r during practice. Hill hod two sinales. Phltadelphtaj n. t:3S p.m. He suffered a broken left heel and broken right ankle SUNDAY Stondlnas: Brov's Jewelers 34, Man­ NRA Ptiyiffl At A R llim , May 28^ chester Pitta 34, Elks M , TelMAone Phlk ,7:3Sp.m. U: 30 p.m. - Golf: United Hospitals aassic, ESPN Sodety 1-1. Jim's Arco 1-1. Postal 1 p.m. — Bucks at Celtics, Game 7, it necessary, Express 1-2. ECAC 0-t Nelson Preloht- hl^7:3S p.m. Hotpodar autpendad, Itvitd 1-3 I 1 0 J ? 14) wovsb-l. kLS IF M RER BE SO Chamie) 3 Edmonton gtlWtadstaj^ ^ P.m. MONTREAL (AP) — One player waa suapended and 1:30 p.m. - Giants at MeU, Channel I, WKHT ^ s § I s ? NIki ^Itwoukse 121. Boston 111, FhllodsIphtawMSmenton, 7:3S p.m„ It 124,800 In fines levied aa the result ot a brawl between I p.m. — Red Sox at Twins, Chs. 22. 30, SI, WTIC the Montreal Canadlena and Philadelphia Flyers prior ? s s AMWitehr W.1-1 ft 3:30 p.m. — Golf: Colonial national Invttational, Everareen Lawns d IJHC Cen- oain m. S 0 0 S 4 I mii strucflon In a fertelt. Mllwoukee etto5tan!V pm to Game 8 ot the Wales Conference finals, the National ttcend halt; 2 buWatt In ttw Mh. Channel 3 Rknenton'yt^hSm NlS^ *7:38 p.m.. It Hockey League announced Friday. «_____ «-20,i Fbnlfvr 7 4 3 3 1 $ 3; 33 p.m. — Motorsports: The Winston (hip, Chs. 1,40 Philadelphia defenseman Ed Hoapodar. who Inatl- jgiijjr btlblLI32S, 132!., Ookl----- |3 » . 4:33 p.m. — Yankew at Mariners. Chs. 11,23, WPOP C lu r tir a k .1-27, Brewn't Phltodetptfe*SttiwSo^»:3S p.m.. It gated the brawl prior to Thursday night’a game, waa F___ o i l ....N o . .I J -27', 0 0 3 p.m. — Stanley (hip finals. Game 1 — Flyers at Hlohlond Pork Morkot detootM suspended tor the remainder of the playoffs. tittn'l 21-30. (Nlera, ESPN C O M 's Comer, 13^ ot PIttOerad Seattle at I 3:30 pjn. TZ Flyen aware Payton wants NFL franchisa SvDovtfOdlldIbsro promny D^gm pm y fir tiiE n v e betogaptoyer."^ u aWwW MWWWTW rWwWW season aiinuiigiiaEdWhiS Am *Ai itIM fnvdA. di. prooEssa a. P ^ o n abto empbastoed mat be moves otrickly, it coofd happen as few Ms Mggiest contrlbB«on wooid of the oners 'ifn MSW VOKK - NFL Cornmis- early as tsne. be tbe retafioiMfpiritb players. stoner Peto ftomne and Walter Payton satd K made mtle wn the tact mat Paytcn. who is cttdiy near tha and id a footbaA ofder ler «tt to beat tbem, we're fetog to Have to !TiF lot of owners wotdd love to see a Mack, made Ms pitch «f a tinm career as any great player who's get a good, iofM effert frwn ew eerg* w m i former great player own a when mere is a pnMv for more etct^ ^ a^ a pTayEo. Ad^..AAd.M 0t flW®HSCT»lCTi« ■ ■ - fvVFUIIU 1 9 frem^dse,^'' imfrOrffj EXECiRfvEfnves IIIm apona.a APpMMe The corrent adtna td an NPL That la wedaely what the Flyeri get, a m a a lU 1 §OI arWluj goWulaElingSDaDI Em^ met fast wetlirvetftwimibi wtmtbeEev. t great eerlwmaflee to goal iretn fton Heatan. to tbe meeUng/^ mM Payton, wbo JMie Jackson______of OperpAow iPflAff franddse to considered to be (SO between giWenfll^ and me mfflfen. their Wale* Cwilerence chartiplMiihto eletery % | | i nlflnai of the IMS French Open. Hextatl and Edmonton’s Grant Fahr In the McEnroe had to work hard before eliminating unseeded Swisa Claudio Mexxadri S-1, S-7 (7-S). S-S In 2 Birdies put Okamoto in eariy iead o 'S g ' reason that both of a* are In the finals Is hours. 10 minutes. oar goattending," Howe aald. "I think the b ^ LA The unseeded Mettadri rallied In the second set and '! By Tom COiidvon No. 8 on the course — and she rolled LPOA tour In earnings this year broke McEnroe's serve Immediately. But the sixth- th e Asioelttfed Press In a 20-foot hlrdle to go 2-uiider-par. with 8102.888. "I hit (he ball not so goaltender* In Oie leagae right now will be facing K4 good and 1 was sort of lucky." each other In the finals. seeded McEnroe broke back In the sixth game, then She capped her round of five hi rules held serve before dropping the second set In a MIDDLETOWN, N J. - Ayako and two bogeys hy tapping In a Turner had a share of tbe lead "Fahr was last oatatanding the last time we heading to her 18th hole but three faced him," In the finals. , . tie-breaker with a double-fault. okamoto of Japan rolled In birdie 3-foot birdie on her final hole. Saturday's other semifinal will be between Sweden's ills on her final two holes (or a "My putting was good," said nutted from 88 feet to (all a shot As for the Oilers, defenseman Kevin Lowe 15 7t behind the leader. thinks they are better prepared than theywereJn S 16 Joaklffl NyStrom, a third-round conuueror of defending runder-par 70 and took the first- Okamoto. who ranks No. 4 on the champion Ivan Lendl, and Martin Jalte of Argentine, round lead In the 1228.000 LPGA their IIM and IMS finals, even thoagh they won Chrysler-Plymouth Classic Friday. both. who eliminated unseeded Italian Paolo.Cane go. 7-6 (Men (7-8) 0-4. 'nte 86-year-otd Okamoto held a “1 think Detroit, with the defensive style they I PH one-shot lead over five players and play, was the best preparation we coaid have there were a doten women within had,’' he said. "We also had some toagh defensive I 11 two shots of (he leader after (he first games In the Winnipeg series.” tour around the par-78. e.OOO-yard i Added Edmonton center Wayne Oretiky; [AH Q n f In 89ml8 Navesink Country Club course. "If the game dictates that we'll have to play 1« 3t defensively, that's what we'll do. We've worked 17 36 BERLIN (API — West Germany’s Steffi Graf swept Sherri Turner, who posted a •j" *8 13 S into the semlftnals o( the IISO.OOO German Open career best In finishing third last hard to be patient defensively. There's no DSClMHt » 34 week in Virginia, headed the group SUNDAY qaestlon that we can play very good defense. As IrOMMWl .* women's tennis tournament with a 8-2. M victory over % French teen-ager Nathalie Tautlat Friday. at 2-under-nar 71. She was Joined r ve said before, you don't win Stanley Cape aniess kt StL there by Debbie Massey, Patty yoa're a good defensive team " The triumph moved Oraf within two matches of winning her sixth straight title of the year. Jordan. Cindy Ferro and rookie RED SOXvsTWINS 2PM THE FLYEM TOOK THE season series from Graf's semifinal opponent will be Italian Sandra Tammie Green. Cecchinl. who downed Louise Field of Austrlalla g2. Sally Little, the runner-up In the the Oilers, I-1. They won t-1 and S-t In games at the I Mon U S. women's Open last year, was Snectram and lost M to Edmonton at the 0-2. at l-under-par 72 along with Bonnie a Northlands Collseam In the final encoanter r ? ^ S ' Sen Third-seeded Claudia Kohde-KHsch of West Ger­ many and unseeded Patricia Tarablnl of Argentina Lauer. Lisa Young. Margaret between the two on Dec. H. 89. A. I "We haven't played them In a while bat they •to will meet in Saturday's other semifinal. Ward. Colleen Walker. Betsy Bar­ haven't changM.’^ said Edmonton assistant Mn Kohde-Kllsch ousted sixth-seeded Raffaella ReggI of rett and Jo Ann Washam. coach John Mackler. "If anyone's changed, weWe Italy 7-B. S-S. and Tarablnl defeated Australia's Nicole Okamoto. who has one victory ft - al tS and five top 10 finishes this year, Provis gl, gl. __ posted the best round despite A n^li the new players the oilers have added Despite losing her serve In the seventh game. Graf bt«eted through the (Irst set In 24 minutes, using her playing In some brief by heavy since they last p l a ^ the Flyers have been Kent 1 4.74 rainstorms that plagued the early Nllseon and ReIJo Roatoalalnen. Mackler felt the , t 4.7S booming forehand to overwhelm Taustat. s i Q 4.76 After taking the ftrat set by breaking Tauslat'i aerve starters. Oilers are playing more as a team than they did In 4 4 4.7* last year's playoffs, when they were eliminated In the eighth game. Grat was In control, dictating the The rain had stopped when 8 pace end hitting winners from all angles. Okamoto reached her ITth hole - by the Calgary Flames. • 14 indy 800 tlott , |! Fernandez stumblee, a rt niffde oprni u# * but Mete prevail, 8-3 IFmUI dtdf^yidMldMBfd

fWCniARAPMifl - guftfffyMi apaa^ are dawn. m>n t o r n itm - im tii «ntm- ddja 4daZd Sjade dduM SSjaM d4 DCTrj, U&n Ujmslfii mtm fHIWaiU aeiHr* VOCf^BrBIS 8 F 8 O P afvCI IB S TtvIQ iva IBS JBay ov aoir novficrefr, w i h i e ara Feilivnoez a^ranWV^wl^w M a nfVMw m U I I w^BcII IdWdftd alTlv M«fllMf « «NM IW! #M fer«Mf to flssl INMfiMtflitf (RF "o M«t« |MM 4rt iUlft ot the «Mh i m i l l B w f lR a i r I f ljir iT r n w r / I lf K I l a e i f i p 4SUi dfildNU dlkMAM (Lm m e e je d d ^ te e « ^ •« Oedgws i mTB S i m i y U U i V l t n j tflal ineTr fflw INH Dfr C I K n M g n f f e w t o t m aieie oeieaieo aaii r i aw iw u mu a MW e t W4^^^^A^^ 4 « l^aa d^A^hA k^wFCe car-dftvar cambbiatlMM up ta apaad (a All (be 88-car M. oifQa Au4 jiefci B^AwfCnOfea ^^A a ^W tfrerveaa^wa A afii a w WaAflA pvrr a of4 n m fcnimiidiM, #M» Mrt eeeet! FTwowtj 8a iiie MFeiriFeffi c*poe eneppeti 8 m m t i dfht drivara put care Iftta tba (antativ...wAaldlaat iiic rtMWtiwtf d d A aa4 AA e k d A .a Z A A. . M A WW wfSmf TcaTlffBI 1 9 SpfTIa lO Till B aeiiiila/ 4ifl^Vina em inaaj * . A AAAUb^lArfA A m^fa AiiReiee M/vuRe^B 9*w< Tbat'a (be moat «tnc« 1874, exctMHng to u t yeara when ______. . ratiefi w cenipieie a EapM etM ief Jay ffbba waM afa seceiroAAA^Aya wann^up pricn emi len iiieaarne A^A^yUA imeoAmejeje ^hdA-tAJA^ a ya ^gdA a a ^ a A^UA^Adi raM Mtarruptad afli ar batb af (be Arat (wa auallfyittg (ft tenet «i tumg hUk. inma§8 8nO eilvwfW le flite 8a fW 8w€n€G aaaalMia. Tba laat twa yeara. (beraware juat (brae apata Ma raaard at 44. fh n DaHia Mtebadtbe (a AA aft (be laat m e e m id . ttt. fleke Wettee. the teem'e aem- Dftal twa (MdiM (a gatn Ma (MrdMve. Cl ate pfTjffcian, ezafnineQ f ernanoez Parftftftda Valenraela, 4-1. waa tkthn- ffftd mM ttw M-ycftf-ftM (ftft-tfftftdcr fiMf ma^^8 hdM AldA ^Add^^AftMlA THE m U AL flCRNARIO la (bat tba Aald la Ailed and izefi Dj lira vwu wiioneM ami povr (be alawaat uuaAAara are butmied aut befare tbeyelaaa oOTierecv a pwepmie epfameo lei* anee. ttekhee t f Ma teem m tee. ffa gave op *<• Vft V ; Frecainfonarf ji-fayi wifre ecneauiea aJa ^AAmiA A^i4 Wtti^eaAAja ^^MMftMM44ddy4 M OiftAAMdiafla at 8 p.m. liTflMiday. Tbara may not ai^M^Akaji^u OsA ^wBaKB WTO l i r e ZP^ral^^eaV w^Osl^wTm^OI be |HtM$ of (bat (Ma year, aKbapMi (ba alawaat atarter rcT BSiEreay. d^AAA AAAAAA ft-j-A-ML. a -jA-— Am M«t ftfl (tft«« Otoflte fMM Mid Inf ee erreff. WCm.tWCvTwl eePHevT F8bCOO %e8n8T^ M - S r f*aduMa^eecy ta/4inCicieie^Odadt^Mla i^aDleci cbi4m44 dinawe j^>Crainne»iieeaftM^JMMi flftfff MftlMiwftfl. iniili(<4 h k eemid j Mawar (baft wbat oHcr Agurad to be thet Mft^ wMi a ab ^ end Mitth ifibaraaa. appvarance ir aa inafij’ aamee/ eameo Weheter aSehled. One a«( later. Tim tug fltet Mte at the eeeeoti. Mtite Wallacb M( a aaft Ibier (bat want ett ’ilw re Juat aiWH't tbat maiM e e n out tbera,” aald OMOfta Mfftfeftir. 1-4.

MILWAUKEE (AP) - Sidney Moncricftcorad 34 pointt and Paul Preasey and John Lucas led a late 3-0 surge PHday night as the Milwaukee Bucks beat the Boston CelUes ill- ill to send the NBA playoff series back to Boston for a seventh game on Sunday. Presseydrovethebasellnefora reverse layup with three minutes left to give the Bucks a 110-103 lead Bfter Kevin McHale’s free throw, capping a 14-4 run Jtoston run. tied the game with 3; 13 left. Larry Bird missed inside and Lucas twice drove tor baskets, giving the Bucksa 114-103 lead with 1:52 to go. Moncrief connected on a 3-pointer at the buster to wrap up the emotional victory that featured a second-quarter fight between Moncrief and Danny Ainge. SIkma had 17 points and Terry Cummings and Pressey 13 each for the Bucks. Dennis Johnson led the Celtics, who were playing without injured center Robert Parish, with 35 points. Bird and Ainge had 22 points each and McHaie 21. After trailing by 15 poinu in the first half, the Bucks opened a 103-03 lead with 3:27 left with a 17-2 run behind the play of Craig Hodges and Ricky Pierce. But Boston, which missed 12 of iU first 13 shots in the fourth quarter, rallied as Ainge and Johnson hit back-to-back 3-pointers, starting a 10-0 streak. McHale’s basket with 4; S3 leR tied the game at 104-104^nd Ainge hit another 3-pointer at the 4:02 mark as the Celtics regained the lead at 107-103. The Bucks, down 37-53 at the half, u s ^ six points from Pressey to pull within 71-74 with 3:54 to gointhe third quarter. But Fred Roberts, who had 13 points, got loose twice for baskets, spurring an 3-0 Celtic run, giving Boston an M-74advantage with 4; soremaininginthe quarter. The Celtics still led 31-35 in the final minute of the quarter, but the Bucks scored five points in the final nine seconds as Moncrief drove for a basket and Hodges turned a steal into a three-point play tomake it 31-33entering the Rnal period. Boston led 4342 with 13; 11 left in the second quarter when Ainn committed a hard foul on Moncrief 03 he wasdri'was driving to the basket. Moncrief then wrestled Ainge to the floor as both benchea emptied and two minutes of holding and ehovingeneeed. Onceorderwns restored, Moncrief made both free throws on AInge's toel and both players were esssssed n fighting feel. Cfmnty Tnehh Pat Mnouim (11) cronnnn Cl>an«y*a Tom Doerd (16) haapa an aya The Oeltles, behind tsro beskeu by Johnson, then thn plntn with hit tnam'e flrvt rtin m Hm on tha action In tha (laid. Ctninay won, went on nn l-l run to take their biggest lead at 1433. timt Inning of Fridaiy*t gsmto siggdnnt iSAt 6>1, to anap a thraa