*l$3l a m n tu t \ h m M 9% HrralJi clfig Mmxdmtn) A Cify ¥ Vtil^qs Cli^' 3O C 0m » •rtlr StKfrdiy, Mty ^9t^f rmtitfm tM m m REAGAN ADMITS LAPSES Wounds from scandal not mortal, he says /FRCUf!V WASHINOtON <AP) - f^Mhlent Report, Reagan spoke of comment! he fUagan, aaytflgHta'W afl/aaayto^ made ahortly after North waa fired laat a H«l« *horl of memory/' #aM frtday he H & t t m b t t . "When 1 aaid to M m ... that 1 atlll aaw ■ at km. him aa a national hero, that waa In tta ttm . reapotMe to the fact that he haa medala tfMragM of ^ a t aa raMom." for valor and valoroua deeda in the Vietnam W ar," Reagan aaid. fft a aaparatc eornmont, In an In other Iran-contra development!; InUmitnr raloaaMi trtdty, tkitgm, e Mall, former aecretary to North, wtM once called former tfdt Oliver teatified at the M.S. Courthouae for more Nortli a national liero, told magazine than two houra before a apedal grand reportere the remark had nothing to do wHh North'! role in the Iran-contra Jury Inveatigating the Iran-contra af­ fair. Mall, who haa told Inveatlgatoraahe affair. helped North deatroy document! laat Meanwhile, on Capftol Hill, a member November aa Attorney General Rdwin of the Senate Iran-contra committee Meeae 111 began Ma inveatigation of told reporter! that North'! former White Mouae Involvement in the affair, iecretary, faw n Mall, had taken docu­ declined to comment on the cloaed-door ment! from the White Mooee In her underwear — an allegation !he angrily proceedinga. e On Capitol Mill, Sen. Mowell Meflln, denied. a member of the Senate Iran-contra The once-aecret hoatage reacue pro­ inveatigative committee, auggeated gram haa been deacrib^ in congrea- Mall would teatify at hearinga later that alonal teatimony aa an operation uaing ahe had carried documenta out of the federal drug agent! to pay bribea and a white Mouae In her underwear. "She $i million ranaom to win the hoatagea' had atuffed documenta in her braaaiere releaae. But Reagan haa repeatedly denied he went agalnat ti.S. policy of and other clothea aa ahe left." aaid Meflln, 0 -Ala.' ‘1 tMnk that'a been in the refuaing to deal with terrorlata. On the Iran-contra affair in general, paoera, haan't it?" Reagan aaid Friday, “1 haven’t aeen Hall aaid through a apokeaman, "1 waa ahocked to hear what Sen. Meflln any evidence that I've been mortally wounded nor do the people aeem to be aaid about me amuggling documenta out unhapw about what we've been doing In mv bra. It la untrue; it ia outrageoua that he would aay that, and it ia certainly here.'^ [May. Me alao aaaerted that ‘T v e known • Taiwan aaid it aollcited |2 million what'a going on" about effort! to from buaineaamen to help the Nicara­ aupport the contra rebela in Nicaragua. guan contra rebela and maintain "good WHh But he aaid he did not know about the cooperation tiea" with the United reported diveraion to the contraa of M. money from the aecret aale of U.8. Statea. the announcement came after At photo Gaaton SIgur, aaaiatant aecretary of weapon! to Iran. Reagan anawered queationa in a atate for Aaian affaira, told the Iran- fawn Hall, the aecretary to former National Security aide Lt. Col. contra committee! on Thuraday he had meeting with out-of-town reportera. helped arrange aid from an an Aaian Oliver North, leaves U.8. Dlatrlot Court In Washington, D.C., In the aeparate magazine interview, country he did not name. with her attorney Friday after a reported appearance before a according to an account to be publlahed In neat week'a U.8. Newa li World Pleage turn to page I g'rand jury. Food Inspector issues warning 'Roaches fatter, rata bolder' ... page 2 -lAAOAClNB PULLOUT MCTION Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursday! Ininii0ranl9 ijM S Headof MCC may lace reeaivas a AlCM teato :-m 3 7 '^ 7 fetoty farewell ttw <WMW m t» hmkgNHUt nhu m numM midMt0 ft §y Oeofpe L&ynp w irtfM Meretd aeporier tMiiMtt4 t» ih eA W ivitiuturik»ti rw #c HmM Serrlee rnKowwiiMiah YBHNDN — to heat friends, cetleagaat and MtiMT mtSKte gtfMie Hancheater offtotote ten ft, kfanchester Cotnm m y liMb a tHtiOreimtit, H adapted, CoHege Presfdimt Wffftom B. Yincenf fs Inatehilye, awOd mx apftf ta ttnrtata or ovetwfelght. a toffer of bad jokes aiMf net fee brigtff. vMtoti, nor bo ta&6 to deny a I ve iwtct neara afiycfie ffoeaitofi nia imeingeiiCE. temporary vita to a foreign eHtien Mat a9^^f irw ffffa ®Tew gsv^swiowwcs it, aaro ragiore^v 7 teeUng treatment for AIM. ifeiMrtfy, eaecoffve direcfor of teglohal comiiwnwy tfonethekaa, the reeommenda- ifn ib e sts^ thn goet beyond prerloot govern­ „ jfromtheaeandaimtfatcomrttenlamndeata ‘WayflMid ittfitlmmanahowimk*mmoigfH ment propoealt on how to m AIM roaat of Vincent at IMCohnyteatnatiMPtldny, yea tMapkuoc tMt fcr?../' Mo «xM% tmmigratfen law that midifi iiinTH fne aciiow w m gfmi na leaoar io t Tne paai eltee wtdi a '^dkagetoia aereii ymra waa rvarifi^. d h t wnan ina jaaea aiiipipaa, e o ^0 o ta fhieate" at gtoonda for anavT iva people w w oco ▼iiitviii weii aiNi aarci iney denying permanent atatna. wOuro fiiiaa iifin. CoMMctiart Wcalbcr Agtopoealeoaikletedlnltm,hat ▼mcein, aa, la acnecanaci w Decoffia preaiueiii or aever put In tdaee, wonid have Docaa vOufity cofninuany conepe ni nawioii, rB., on b«Md Immlgrante with AIM Ixrt July I. dhf not Ineinde a deflnUlon at the Doring Ms tenure at MCC — tbe state’s largest dieeate. tvmwttuanf coTwfe wiTfi fiiNieina alia zaa laciifTy ftlMte Health geniee apeiiet- anci aiaifa A m U fiwniuaia “ dme ^ A Acoiiece M d tM J tM rerocaieoA fcdOi Is a ^ d d i dto j ^ aM Anewa^ ^ A m«t Jim Brown taki agency caifipua, ana me morale ot me aeiiooi waa lui iieu <1 iJ J l ir S f ii f S S ««««: todgy iHtii Mitw ^IMale now feel th ^ have no arcana,around, offlelMsomcima navehave said.eam. thaertBy Infeeaon wHh rid/tdgtMfie a uuiiipiuMoaJ^dAen^Adadi le4m wmmmaI offorJdi to where of all placet, m AIM vima aa a contagi^ reiBBiyivaimia, wny Ai^Mnei d^Jimehe Aleutian< lalandt/^ aald A ^ A A. ^ .A l a A a X A A d , .4 A, aA M>ahoh diaeaae. appheh Jack aatmon, associate__ , laie oean dean or t coniimiiiia eiRicaiNai. "#« haBete thk la neeetaary m m Oamon joked that VfAceut. who vIsItM Cma last bfydy til Olduldy Wlllldm ftrdgtiy In heeanae any peraan Infected ... it C I k u d o § ear,— apviiea aomed tiifiM m a d ^ A tja iAiA ne ddUMSiin^^ icarneo g tn ^ dwAsd mai ^^^ytosd^^ eouniry dsa to tfiB grid kfllBd whflii fitridirig ffv« dgdfrtd {■a joo aa a iv v a pi eaiueiii wfmldd from Pfif In hodtdffd. ffMt Jirtftft JiffljM a Mfotfatie^ Stirte umvanMy ttuMrrt "Do you know what it's tike to tfati every Pdftiind, Or«., rrldiy dHdf hd Wd§ ihnt Bjw grtduMi^ Friday, odfraraKdalaa Nar gul6§ dog, managMient meeting with tbe whack of a gong?" Oarw, (M f id ^ g tfia L ttT ^ H ig Hrtt§Sntou^) OanooM said. «m M a rt ffttfliM 1 ? ^ . to Award, parey Haa lad Jattm ihrough all M9U elaaaaaJof "I'm not sure what we're going to do after Bill i:aM mvW inM n BHa Beeratatf Otto ft; Bowm. iha fj3<itiwoya»a. Vlneent, but we're golM to try/sald tfcKIrito. “Bom even regard bfui as aiegandinhle own mind.'' Man killed after he takes five Pari of Ms success at MCC waa due to Ms peHtfcat v^m m cm < frtiafi m. r«w: naiare, McKIrdy aald. “He tealfses there are two sides CMHMdleM^^ to an Issue..and be always takes both of tbem.'' "rrMgr; ill«M «f|.ff.f|. U.S. food Inspector warns Jeckson Poley.r, director of employee________________ relatfoiM at FBI agents hostage In Oregon MCC. said tbaf during Ms two years on the Isbor negoHsting psnet. Vincetrt won a number of awank. the llla-tbraatotdttg aetloa or bow "Irrational" bobavlor, be aald. Theae included: worst pun made at the bargaining tba flganta koaw wbao to enter tba Matbawa aald tba gunman took taMe. loflgest joke, worst joke and (be most Ascure room. tho boatagoa loto a aguad room and b k U x panel: 'Eat at your own rlsIC main story. Tba agatrta each fired one abot, stayed In one coroor wboro bo could ytaCBm ww pfeMfReaWitnaftiimDer oim tti flunni Matbawa aald, ona with a abotgun obaarva all of tba captlvaa. and ona wHb a handgun. Paragoy, “He refused to negotiate,“ Ma- WAaillNOTON (AP) -Af«d«r«l agreed with the academy's coodu- (he roast, including Tbe Order el (be Bed Ogbt medsi SUM. .10 Lom( mm«. m m and p a i ^ Jaapeetor teatl- pouHn pro<^ carry a coiMumer frem s coltegetrip tbroigib tbe red tight district in the Btimley William Paragoy, 41, took who did not fire Ma gun, waa abow tbowi aald. "1 callotfto tba aouad aion that the govemment'a system wai^ni InM empbaaliitti tbe OM a g ^ hoatage at gunpolirt IS feat from tbo agoirta who Mllod area and managed to gat ona of tba ■ 40 OMhMflM_ Had ftUay tliat daapUa Agtiail- of visual and manual inapectlona combsi sotie of Amsterdam, Hetlana. .10-11 Oofnl«n. aiMNiioM iNiod to cook po^ry thoroughly, A poeter-sise photo of Vincetrt at bis desk was also otttalda tbe beaduuartora about •: M Mm.
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