Munir Jiwa, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and Anthropology Graduate Theological Union Founding Director 2400 Ridge Road Center for Islamic Studies Berkeley, CA 94709 Graduate Theological Union
[email protected] Faculty Member, Religious Diversity Haas Institute, UC Berkeley EDUCATION University of Toronto Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Religion, Jan 2005 – Dec 2006. MIT Postdoctoral Fellow, Aga Khan Program, Sept 2004-Jan 2005 Columbia University Anthropology, Ph.D. May 2004; M.Phil. Feb 2001 Dissertation: Aestheticizing Politics and Politicizing Aesthetics: Visual Artists and the Production and Representations of Muslim Identities in the United States. Harvard Divinity School M.T.S. World Religions, Honors, June 1996. Simon Fraser University B.A. in Communications, Honors First Class, October 1993. LANGUAGES Modern Standard Arabic, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu SELECTED PUBLICATIONS & PAPERS IN PROGRESS Politics of Exhibition: Artists and Muslim Identity in New York City after 9/11 (manuscript under review with Cornell University Press). “"Reflections on Islamic Studies in Interreligious Contexts" in Muslim World Journal, Wiley, April 2018. “Teaching Islamic Studies in Theological Schools and Seminaries” (AAR Nov 2015 panel presentation forthcoming AAR Spotlight on Theological Education) "Artistic Landscapes: Muslim Artists in America" (Oxford, 2013). "Mediating Islamic Norms," Religious Norms Project (E-book, UC Berkeley, 2013). "Muslims and the Art of Interfaith Post-9/11" (chapter Routledge, 2013) “Ghada Amer,