The London Gazette, Tth September 1981
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11390 THE LONDON GAZETTE, TTH SEPTEMBER 1981 WHITLEY, John, Taxi Driver, of 5 Highfield Street, THICKETT, Terence, unemployed, residing at 35 Ash Finedon, Northamptonshire, lately residing at and Man- Crescent, Kingshurst, Birmingham in the metropolitan ager of the Ribblesdale Arms Hotel, Gisburn, Lanca- county of West Midlands and lately carrying on business shire and formerly residing at 28s Landsdowne Road, from 8 Hams Road, Saltley, Birmingham aforesaid under Bedford, and carrying on business in partnership with the style of " Garden Fencing Services " as a FENCING others from ISA St. John's Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire CONTRACTOR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of as TAXI PROPRIETOR. Court—BEDFORD. No. of Matter—190 of 1975. Date of Order—25th February Matter—28 of 1975. Date of Order—18th February 1981. 1981. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. WANKLIN, Anthony William, residing at 28 Hurley Grove, CLULEY, Walter George, unemployed, residing at 50 Kingshurst, Birmingham in the metropolitan county of Anderson Road, Erdington, Birmingham 23, in the West Midlands, unemployed. Court—BIRMINGHAM. metropolitan county of West Midlands, formerly carry- No. of Matter—184 of 1975. Date of Order—llth Feb- ing on business at 136 Short Heath Road, Erdington, ruary 1981. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's dis- Birmingham aforesaid as " C. & C. Decorators of Erding- charge refused. ton " as a DECORATOR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—42 of 1976. Date of Order—25th March RHODES, Roger (described in the Receiving Order as R. 1981. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. Rhodes (male)), Mill Labourer, residing at Crosslands Farm Tochholes, Darwen, Lancashire formerly carrying on business therefrom as a LIVESTOCK FARMER. COLLEY, Stephen, unemployed, residing at 64 Woodfield Court—BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—18 of 1975. Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham in the metropolitan Date of Order—12th February 1981. Nature of Order county of West Midlands, lately residing at 10 Ashmore made—Discharge refused. Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham aforesaid, and for- merly residing at 4 Bloomfield Road, Moseley, Birming- SIMMONS, Anthony, of 44 Bellfield Road, Accrington, ham aforesaid and FERRIS, Ernest Paul, unemployed, Lancashire, unemployed, lately residing and carrying on (described in the Receiving Order as Paul Ferris) residing business at 1 and 3 Whalley Road, Clayton le Moors, at 133 College Road, Moseley, Birmingham aforesaid, Accrington, Lancashire as RETAIL CLOTHIERS. Court lately residing at 4 Bloomfield Road, Moseley, Birming- —BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—26 of 1975. Date of ham, aforesaid and formerly residing and carrying on Order—12th February 1981. Nature of Order made- business in the name, "Paul Ferris" as a PLUMBING Discharge refused. and HEATING INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR at 131 Nipsells Chase, Mayland in the county of Essex, lately carrying on business in partnership together at SAUNDERS, Dennis Charles, of 34 Riddings Lane, 882-884 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham Whalley, Lancashire, Carpenter and Joiner, lately carry- aforesaid under the style " Discount Heating Suppliers ing on business at 97 Queens Gardens, Fleet Estate, (Northfield)", as SUPPLIERS of CENTRAL HEAT- Dartford, Kent as a CARPENTER and JOINER. Court ING and PLUMBING MATERIALS. (Separate estate —BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—22 of 1975. Date of Stephen Colley). Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Mat- of Order—12th February 1981. Nature of Order made- ter—54 of 1976. Date of Order—8th April 1981. Nature Discharge refused. of Order made—Discharge refused. SMITH, Kenneth Martin, residing at Flat 3, Woodford House, Sleaford in the county of Lincoln, previously at COLLEY, Stephen, unemployed, residing at 64 Woodfjeld 16 Priory Road Park, Ruskington, Sleaford and lately Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, in the metropolitan carrying on business under the name or style of Eslaford county of West Midlands, lately residing at 10 Ashmore Flooring from Martins Court, West Bank, Sleaford and Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham aforesaid, and for- from The Store, Blankney, Sleaford aforesaid as a merly residing at 4 Bloomfield Road, Moseley, Birming- FLOORING COiNTRACTOR. Court—BOSTON. No. ham aforesaid and FERRIS, Ernest Paul, unemployed, of Matter—22 of 1975. Date of Order—5th February (described in the Receiving Order as Paul Ferris) residing 1981. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged at 133 College Road, Moseley, Birmingham aforesaid, subject to consent to judgment for £720 plus £1-50 costs lately residing at 4 Bloomfield Road, Moseley, Birming- payable by instalments of £30 per month. ham, aforesaid and formerly residing and carrying on business in the name, "Paul Ferris" as a PLUMBING and HEATING INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR at SMITH, Peter Stanley, of 41 The Meadway, Highcliffe, 131 Nipsells Chase, Mayland in the county of Essex, Christchurch, and WILLIAMS, Michael Alun, of 23 lately carrying on business in partnership together at Poole Lane, Kinson, Bournemouth both in Dorset, lately 882-884 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham trading in co-partnership therefrom as BUILDERS and aforesaid under the style " Discount Heating Suppliers DECORATORS (Separate Estate of Peter Stanley Smith). (Northfield)", as SUPPLIERS of CENTRAL HEATING Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—101 of 1975. and PLUMBING MATERIALS. (Separate estate of Date of Order—26th February 1981. Nature of Order Ernest Paul Ferris). Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Made—Bankrupt discharged. Matter—54 of 1976. Date of Order—8th April 1981. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. WESTWOOD, Geoffrey Hugh, of 12 Wortley Road, High- cliffe in the county of Dorset, unemployed. Court— BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—26 of 1975. Date PRIMMER, Peter Graham (described in the Receiving of Order—26th February 1981. Nature of Order Made- Order as P. G. Primmer, (male)) residing at 52 Goose- Bankrupt discharged. moor Lane, Erdington, Birmingham in the metropolitan county of West Midlands and carrying on business in SMITH, Peter Stanley, of 41 The Meadway, Highcliffe, partnership with another from 50 Station Road, Erding- Christchurch, and WILLIAMS, Michael Alun, of 23 ton, Birmingham in the aforesaid county under the style Poole Lane, Kinson, Bournemouth both in Dorset, lately "Pete's T.V. Services" as RADIO and TELEVISION trading in co-partnership therefrom as BUILDERS and ENGINEERS. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter DECORATORS (Separate Estate of Michael Alun —54 of 1975. Date of Order—25th February 1981. Williams). Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter— Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. 101 of 1975. Date of Order—26th February 1981. Nature of Order Made—Bankrupt discharged. ROBERTS, Raymond Leslie, unemployed, residing at 38 ABLETT, Richard David, SELF-EMPLOYED CATERER Hawkesworth, Glascote Heath, Tamworth in the county and FREELANCE COMMISSION AGENT, residing in of Stafford, previously carrying on business at 22 High- lodgings at 17 Raikeswood Drive, Skipton, previously bridge Road, Sutton Coldfield in the metropolitan county residing at 8 Raikes Avenue, Skipton- both in the county of West Midlands as a SELF-EMPLOYED AGENT for of North Yorkshire and lately carrying on business at a Home Improvements Company. Court—BIRMING- 3 High Street House, Skipton aforesaid under the style HAM. No. of Matter—168 of 1975. Date of Order— of "Bake N Take" and at 87 Moor Lane, Preston 4th February 1981. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's and 200 Colne Road, Burnley both in the county of discharge refused. Lancaster under the style of "The Bakehouse" as a.